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OstrppAd Wl T11r pvt SAMARIN, A.N., otvotstvennyy rednktor-, TSYLr.V, L.H.. professor, doktor. redaktor; VOGNOBOYNINOV, V.G.. Uktor tekhnicheskikb neuk. red&ktor; P4THOUKHOV, N.Ta-, kondidat tokhnichookikh nauk, redaktor; CHMOV, li'dAtelletya-, KISBLEVA. A.A.. takhnichookiy redaktor CInventigation of blest furnace processes] Iseledovente domennogo proteemse. Moskva. 1957. 255 p. (HIaA 10:4) 1. Akndomlya neuk SUSH. Inatitut metallurgii. 2. Chlen-korrespondent Ali SSSR (fof Samarin) (Blast furnaces) SO V ; 10 - ~ - j ~ ~ T ran s I at I oil f I- omI f r at I I i vz I; r I, 1, 0 -1 't US S R A UT I IC) R F1 I'L E ifcat-e\~ nallu'u Proo ..'bes F'iril'l( 4, 6oniciirio% w( iii) ~'ERIGDIGAI, V b5 Domcwio~(- proi,, Moscov.. I i_'- 12o A P S FR A CT Ilai( )o~,tulith- I Kltavv% 11) hl" W, of heat c\( t I ii,t ( c..' (F) (It Z fixt c a bs t I-it ~ 1 1, It 1~, I)OITIted Wit thiit Ilk I cl- curve's tak~vn t.t, :ici -~i of a blast F at point,, froill its ')o~'Sc~-' A-, ~i ';lit )c This is attributa!)i, to that thC LOITIj)OII(!IItS Of Hit' di~f I ll)kitu thenisc~%c, it) a radial (Iirv( tion durmL thc of tilt- F. e% ol-, tnk~ ~ii s thco-. y w, HE I', I 11',it~t N c %iro, e0d"(' f:_011, tiorl that Ine ( is 1)01110L~v "0"n lhrok'i~!lollr tt.c , :,I . t1orl 0" tilt, bl"ist F Ttic HE L 11 C~ 1!-V S-Sh,11'Wd W Card cral portions of t!1(. ~hitr~~v coi~all: In areas ('11colintv rs ~):-a( 11( no O!'tl m-ok c'sSt., k~ Heat - exc hank!v pro( cS sc~! .r. a B~;.- st F 1, ci:~t I lit c 1.111vicil'i t vrg I) : I ~, t t) rout." nu kit I I c- r; f 1 r (t1f. li," fit 0 ( t I It ,xhl( h tile rv Is no ''Idl v '' h(" ll'Ilt The author ( ontclidj BI Kitavv\ 5 ~ri v that modern blast F s a rc ex( vb si% cI v tiigri, o%k iriL, to the pre ( (k, able amount of ''IdIC he Ignt ,a rid t ha t i I i s I he r v f or c rilo r c r a t I UT. aro blast F ' s ~%ith a sma'.1C :_ hVIg t) I A redu( t ion in I he o\ c r - all hei4~ito V does not eliminate the ' idle ' hvig!~t Ill or-der to preserve the voltime arid produtti%itN .%,'hcrk rcdu(. ii,g tiw ncip~il ot a blast F, it is 1111;), that tile lateral dimensions of the F be iric r-cased. a pro( edure pedient since it xill result in a redii(tion of talc deLirce of litilizatior. u1 I c and chemical ent, rgy of L:a ses arid \% i1 I lu%% c r tke smull ln~! efflk, It-!,( C a rd -1 /2 0 kA 4D 0.0 J, < . SIX,. Au IV;: UJI va 11 a I -2d - A a a 1i tum 1 1 ;V 25 19i OAS 33 amMUMA111 I - - illi I I- a.21 .A HIM A POW A""'* fall Eli 418:1\, , - -.~ 7 -,~ -, j ;. ., :,~ It , , bumd1dat tokhnichookikh nauk, KROITUK, L.Z., 17andidat takhnicheakikh nauk. Now investigation on the coke combustion process in the vicinity of blast furnace tuyerea. Stall 16 no.10:867-872 0 156. (MIRA 10:9) l.Institut metallurgil Akademii nauk SSSR. (Blast furnaces) AUTHORS: Bardin, I. P. Ostrouk TITLE: Processes trt~-,in, place dn 1,1,e dur inC s i ie 1 t i nu s i ri~, ox yLe n e n-- (Protsessy v 7nplec.~iilrakh (Io-o,nnoy i)"r,,Ii oboGashO.ennom kisloi,odo:.. PERIODICAL: Izve.,-I.iyi Nouk SSSR, Ct,l- 1, liaul,-9 19ckl 14o.2, p,,.. '3-14 (USSI?) t ABSTRACT: At the end of 1948 at the Novc)-Tul'sk were ri;~de tla.-It furn~,,ce,,; ii, enriched carried otit on a 1)1ast furnace, tlie , 1, are Eiven in the C-.etch, Fi 1. 1,h" f u r: with two set-~, of tuyeres, tl-.e one (4i. of the he~irt~.) com~isted of 12 tuyei-.-~-, (,f 1,0 The furnace w,,-!s eciuipped lloi- wnrl:in, pressure and provfded v~it~: lioleE~ !.Pe,-i 12"'. experimentril pil-rposes, at wiricur, of the bo~,!.ef~. DurinZ smoltill,- I,cj i rij the charCe cozi:iif-ted of a iiiiXtul-c'. 01, KI and Kireyev brown hematite and Donets c 1~(-.I for open he,,.rth I)i[7,, a different Card 1/5 povider.: -iture of tne Krivo,7 (ir,~ Processes ;--e s,me 1 t inC ur- i n .- G~:. into Of rid an un f ,, 1i o u- a 1, A t-; e f f eon furnace i.on-unifor:;.itie;-~ i'l t~ consideralle loEis of t1iroat ~uLA. Dur, i non-enr~cl.e 1. "'last, '100 to 800 ;,1 f 550-675 C .,;as fed into "-!,,e 'Llast operatin,- v.-iti, cy--yj~en enricl~ei blas, was maint~-ined in the E,,,,i:3e f0i iron (whereby the blast was heated to 450 -1500 C), for :-,raeltin,--. open-Y.ear~l: FiF,, t~:- r- 1, i inc reased C C"k-cloo at a 500 to 5(,0 C. Tl:e coke cluji-6e subsequently reduce(',. to 2.4 tori,,3. T h controlled b-i mean.- of ch,,in.-Ier, in tI,-, (-I, i;_ to Utilisation of po,.,.-dery orer, Ltnd '11cc, of il of smeltinG (1.07-1.14 tons of CcIt", F-)I f urnace vo lu~:,e pe 1, 24 )-oul,F, ) c,,:u,~o I -he n wo rk i n. t 1,, a i ~,- I I encructations over to o:-~,,Sen e~-~icl--ed blast is ac-o.,., 1 a- ar-,reciable increase in the smeltit, to Card 2/5 tons of coke per m3 of useful furnace volLk:;ie r,.i- .`4 1-.ourO; the blast furnace operation was Iii,:-hl,'/ 11011-ulklfor:.: ,171(1 j Procosc;em7 takin,, sla(Atill, unir~-' for-;-,~ion ol-sci-vo(I rf i*!.' o4, cqe~. ror. r;e I cl f ic. I r t of t- The 100 01, "00) of !,I ful na Me a m,; 0 f, "'i, I t o I r) t u- c I i n i :ue isc,! d ff i,e,'I f vo.. it it 1" 'Lo no i nt f e bO and H tal-el, '11611, "'~Iu vi vm.,; moa!~urc o "!I,: tile ri;iocoul'~ f in ki,ori istics of I-l.o of' till' - n 1 f are ii. Fil ont,erf,,-I Re f c t 12 il "1 11 C, .-1,- (13 F a ard V5 Pro c e.,).,-~ o n 1, a k' i r,, I I , i c,-: , :, ',: - ~, (): ,, ~ - I , ! ; - - sme I t inr- usin- ox- Ce.,-, LD lov; temperatures not exceedin,,- 1"f 60"C ; i i, these temr,)eratures were adequate for ol t--IIIA;-, I pig and slag ae wac confir:.ied by tho t F fro,.-i the peripheral re,.Jons. The t o:,,: e ro'L tir e. boahes were consideritbly lov.,ev durint, hearth pit-, durin, n.,eltiiij-, of cui;t li-oi, Ti the final chopter the influence iti dio(-uotui ol ii(, factors or the proceeseL! tahin,~ place in 1-1-.e the basis of t~,e here de.,~cribed ri:id eririie. the cc):iclusioi,.,, arc) arrivud tt. TI,,~ i,pito-, -L of tho procoscoc ti,!-in6 plaro ir, fto oik conoiderclAo t!;Aont on i;uch ff.,ctoi,o ij~, U o of inaterialc at the f arnace th r,oa t; I ', he flov. of Lhe chne, the de6ree of propar;.~*A,-r. f the size of x dation --one etc. Tho i,,-rl er.,-c -.r oxygen enriched blact on the procesFeci boshes manifesto itself in two differe,-I the reduction in the ti.-,ie whic". tl.o :-!i,, remain in the furnace leads to feedin intL, tnol.eci zone inadequately prepared ore and, Ca-rd 4/5 reduction of the co-,ibustion zone (in t~(., -are o~ a Processes tc-tkinj. place Lr, bc)~~' ,f -1 1 smelting usin,-, e,-,ri,:he,i I concentratior, of 0 ~, exceeli;.L t,u iriten,-~if 1~f tho pe. ei-il f'i:)-.-:f an :-411 The pheno-,,--n,~ in bosrie,-~ I by the di-tril-it"on of tlie A F)ap of ~300 nl:i brou~jit til)ou% :, ai,J(! flow of' ot f the bo.,-,he!~ ~i~ 't (,f pi.- iron -,,,;ri !71a! v,,L s - 1(.Vel of t,~,e f t 1, (2 t t vili-11 Ilea], t,c~ of l'i 1"'il j,;*(,,1t1(,t!; -f, After reducin, the 6-ij-, to ~00 :n- u)i, Gase2 1-,ec !,, " I-, Iler. LlaseE, it t~,u ferrous ~o There arc C fl_uret- w--i 1 R,u:! SU12:1ITTED: October 10, 11?57. AVAILABLE: Library of Car(i 5/5 sov/133-58--10--3/31 AUTHORS: VaBil'chenko, IN.I., Kotov, V.I., Nikitin, A-IN% and Norlk) N.P., Engineero, and Ostroukhov, M.Ya., Candada,e of Technical Sciences. TITIE.- The Influence of Blast Temperature on the Dimensions of the Oxidising Zone in a Blast Furnace (Vliyaziiye tempera- tury dut,ya na razmery okislitel'noy zony v domenncy pechi) PERIODICAL: Stal', 1958,1.Nr 10, pp 869 - 8/4 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In view of the conflicting evidence on the influence of the blast temperature on the dimensions of tne combustion zone, the aut-hors carried out an investigation of the Mblem cn a blast furnace of the Novo-Lipet5kiy Works Figure 1) producing foundry iron (2.0-3.5% Si). The furnace output was about 1 000 tons/day, alag basi,.ity CaO/SiO, 11-05-1-10, blast volume 2 100 - 2 300 M3/min' 0 3 blast temperature 800 C, blast humidity 20 - 25 g/m and top pressure 0.8 atm. During the investigation, the furnace operction was not steady due to a large proportion of fines in the burden Dimensions of the combustion zone were measured by sampling gases along the tuy6re axis and Cardl/3 by d-i--et probing with the sampling tube. The experimental IV _I,e jrfl P _a! L 0), ae n a S Z F~_ :' 1- a P tf, are Tr So Z' 3 C e i a 1 f e a t e _f f :a t L v., e, e n an e.K-.;ept ions li v a-- e g e n Talie 3. A .,:ng i . n large Fpre-l~ 'Ile was o:)tained whli:h c,e:~essj*ated -lapkL:7,ate c,f tLe eperating conditions for -aseB wlier, e:kcaptionally _c~ng, and ,tx~eptlonally short combustt'r. were A. ;i-ry short _,ombustlon Ull lliFh content of z o n-3 i Ls, az L, e r i e.1 "', h e r ~_ 0 !-10 T ta.i z r, ~-quse,l ~)y an ac-cumulation of unp--epaT-el f_~x I CO-,) L,:, repared burden In SuCL za_-'e-~ ?~e --, xi d--. in~i ID ne i i-m2-ted ty this dense a.~ c umul a~ -.-, n, tn ex eT. t 3 - nE, y -_' o rig _,-,mtus-lion zone, out of prc)pc-t,,.-n I- t,ne- Kinct-_ energy -.f blast', coincided with per~.(,:ft-3 of an In- -f ,he gas stream, part, i -,I I EL-~. 1'v Witt, ar-A a :~-nsiderabie increase in the -en,ra.. pa:`, ~)." the furnace If the ey j_~ ria' y ~,L( Tt &T-A lcn~~ _-.mb~lstion zones a-re I ,h-:!n ',,n a alumter _~ t'-e dependen~7e of the e x,: lu d e I I E'_'ze of ,.,,ne I-,D '."le temperature can be Ca-rd2/3 lte te -. t E-~, T),t e-,agtri ~)i rh,~ ':,mbul;tl',,cil zr)ne as measured The In-f lue--i;e - f )n ~I t.'Ie OYItISILiZ Zone in a B 1, -3 r F by E, 1 1 111 m p r t'-Lr e P, L IBst rate.A 71 00 0 (1 -,L d 2 'L m 1 1; all, e ~00 XmIn it -C ,t The tI:,'-rent-!y with m 6,, ~ r bases (16.6 f- temperature cr. cf the tlast, xncreases tte- CrF-.- 1 Z lttermined by the position "ally uif has pract -,~- nc I n" 1 There are lc Ell, f a:,e Sc. v i e t En ASSO C T A T 1 OIN Z21 W 1 A'4 t u " e C. Card 3 /z A UMB.I.P.; OSTROMOV.M.Yk.; KHCDAK,L.Z.-, TSYLTV.L.M. - Effect of coke circulation on the combustion process in blast furnaces. Izv. AN SSSR Otd. tekh. nauk no.1:80-95 Ja '55. (Coke) (Blast furnaces) (KLIRA 8:8) ca bfth ptq"vmn. 1. 11. Pmlhi stisd :-Wit, Mod. N-fwA 3. 97"Mil-v To7i'l-it-m-oT flit! bmh Wrt jllt~r lilt filrnjto~ riliflij 1410 dwipt on Jim rlialge ill flit, filtoort, ll"'AOTI Rrul Pit it ditting flor il-mil throogti flit- jurttief. Vic ore "tKII, Ift the feed mty cAlew a litir-tollp. irill% t0)-1'1000 min. fMn the booth wrilts. 'f`bH fliipt cortsklit of rimgc iron, ronrily is"rtilliced ore, will llm4olty Iviciril 11111"fore. The It;i4 molin. differit necw,litilly. Disehiff mmiti I 17 "re C-4y east Imn the Vs vivit, Ir liWi W N. with CO.- 11 I'll f at the higloot the irrit.-I Imtkm *lift* "mit .1h, I tA it I . .1 Ism ion Involtwok h"vw rs"mrill- Mtesil'. (lie K,1'4 Mittalro CO' lit file p"wiskel"t of tile sit".1 Intermellkita.. Most a llw lellfm Ile Al"I NI-Iff dimcellil ill the O-AM-twlsn. zone iient the wNIN, notel nsily whe4i olverat- Ing at (Ile b1climt fctlljlq~ late re. alpt lst-tc ftntwt In flit- lu'W4 Oak thrriolpliont the wbole 2.m, rriflitri rif Me Itoriourr. Tile mn" tion of mulp froll mul live Nlqmlgr tron lit flit! Itinh dvtwstd -Ill thi-Imitt cowlifiti'll'~; (lif efooll. IT-41 (lilt ill 41.64"; (1 Wht*# (41i'MOtlit Iflo r.1"WrtIll pr1j. ellietWo. Mille P'll,"ilze Irmf (fts", V) I" rtImillontil Ill Irml pi-olt, (sit Ovel "wirmittri. Sletri tslwayt oosl-vivi 3-*M7t. PILAI rskllv~. Tilt! Ak. imiturtili timullmWe I-ve'lli'm or v;ljvvritA1,vi1 ot the varlvit,v o%Woi. Irrmi file bith-fribil. In ifit, 1116TT vmw. Allu'll footo,1111(hr- Hill toter4it"lUtle lilt Oll 1. AN111i lbldlor#0 41 MV-1111115M Nl.:1wll1lm'rr OSTROUKHOT, M.Ta.-. KEA AVTSIV, N.J. Slag formation occuring &s the charge descends. Trndy Leningrad. Folitekh. Inst. in. K.I. Kalinina 149, No.2, 219-56. (KbRA 6:3) (CA 47 no.210.1098 153) 0 K H 0 V, rtUlI16M 01 CA** 08 IhO BUrAb* (R-oks) L P. lodat, and L X I'Sylpv. -ugmg icvrtpmfti"" 'd jam Ift Ow 03+RO'-70qo1dV' USSR!Engineering -- Proces~ Metallurgy Card 1/1 Pub. 41-15/21 FD-2&9 Author Ostroukhov, M. Ya., Moscow Title The effect of coke circulation on the combustion process in a blast furnace Periodical Izv- AN SSSR, Otd. Tekh- Nauk 4, 143-144, Apr 1955 Abstract Presents a very brief description of the circulation of coke In a blast furnace. Graph, schematic. Institution Submitted March 3, 1955 ,:. ya. ; F r " ""', *:. 1. Fwrn!~c-s P:--,ce,-. of n1a, _ir~r *-I.,, settling _)" -,-'lt,-,, I...' ''I * I I I . . L, .. 11 . . ins',. No. 2, 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Jwl" - 1953, Uncl. --- , *.'.. . , -*..,I. - I - t ~ .- I I ;- . ~ I -1 1, ~ . I . . I . . I . . 14. BAIRDIN, I.P.; OSTROMMOV, M.Ya. (Mnakvn). Processes In the boshes of a blast furnace during smeltlqg operated with oxygen enriched hlai;t. Izv. All SSSR. Otd. takh. muk ro.2:7-14 7 158. (HUM 1113) (Blast furnaces) *006090000 I , T-- to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - " . AA Is 9v U a w I A 1. f-& 'k. I I -k, Af -00 cawpwlicm asd 611 of ptawy blest tumars F A.-I 11. X,, 7: sup Z V4,011f,lultv, Me: 3- thow 1,,tmni tn the Iumpi 4 core In" t.. ih, &,Iwn .~f t1t,, &.1,1n. 1helf tivIrlips AtImIld% in the %inirting aiii-vi %hich %tiir% 1,,- 1,xvibealapsienirlt,A S(moirig,%pt. vitir-nAwtrcl 0 IN I he %(I, CAO %1 4 " .%~I. tit All'i I It. 41, 1- ~ tit ,I 11 1- -bl-I 1,% 1 hl, on a Irtr1mv diawArm S4nltrli1h! 00 , N&A, t. , .00 00 160 00 J) =9 0 es :. of 00 9*0 00 . 00 AP 0 C It, *ITA%Lk4tAK&L Liff9 fliff CLASUP(CATICO .1141. D 92 4~0 At At At A. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,0 0 * 0 0 0 0 p 00 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 o 0 0 o 0 o 00 00 .00 0 0 00 -00 .00 .00 ~00 .00 ;00 ~o 0 .00 00 '401 00 viscosity of primary b1sat tumace Wegis of dio Mapfla. 00 Qrsk Works KI %, Ou bf ~1 1 9, N'. 10 11. of I X. %"-kl. ,T4 09 AkUlit 6-32 OW C&O 10-51% wall 4ria tprtwmn 00 04 IVW*. ^662. Cif 16110. Fto (is bl"O devfrowil Itir 00 a viwouty The piltmary %lags fiwnird III th, ,pj~ I ...... . .. it, maxisiloriesk I.Lam (umd". "e .,Vy 11""I &I C."ki 00 t.11111'. 1-1 the finot "Sao. tWcollw til,mi 01 IfIr f7ril S-1 %1110 hifill bees fedlltfij, style %rwfy wimimi% *1 1 Ohl of 00 00 00 00 4 1. it .1 r, u a 69000000000000099#9 000#96000600006000009 Oa., : : N a ooooo*Oo,.Oooooooo*o ~ 0 a 0 so 00 000 0 0 0000 0 go 0 4 4 o I W 0 0 of a a 1, , 11 'It a 0 ID 6 L I. I'LA, 6-1-A 00 00. 0 go p worblus diagrams lot the &We of the blast furaue M. I - LkAroukhav. Saw Afff 10. 00.0 No 3. N) 5(193'. . .r~. ItRI, I9j9A'_NW;2. if (' .1 33 'CO)W - The . %ling up of an indtiqdoul working dia- grain .4 the T..f"MI '"ing lils~ in the thaft of the 1.11 lhe cwnpn (4 the got JC(h anit Magi lufftil". (a -late CO + LOO, th, 1"m and Ow ga, plewile river the ef" Wrim"lof the 'hall i. im 'Wilitfini (.W the regulation'tt The op-Atk", of the N,110,~ In .1.,Ivttlg the pfocvs~s taking plam in the Shalt 'It as tt~.qary to t^erw the Vemtion f4 the lurn~., be lowering of the charrit. the n. of the ofe mill 't, and to feiri-i" the arnt of ga- z M erA the gas Wissure %I C. Sloorr j =00 1.00 IS qV too T11A fm 0 so goo 0900 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 'A I isA 0 g Sl ; . " *. ; ,0 o g 0 o 0 60 0 q 0 0 0 0 0 0 VA a a 4 A " A A 4 A 1) ' h o " I I p j I a) 11 b , a 1 0 , "I " 41 - - - - - - - A. 0 a - a a I I v ? t # e t . 1 o a , . 1 . , ' 6, for die aboll Of tbt 00 r b" tomato OAA"hnv. S'.M 'Vel 10, No~ 3. N) .,(I jkj~,, &%It JOSO. 1. 2101,2; cf C A &NAP - The -11ti"S Up tg an inijiMual orwhing dis- 32 -00 go Or . 'MM j the martmeig skins pis" in the %haft M the - 0 h6vt tut"c*. tj data em the civnpri. k-j the g3% (C(h and 00 1 CO + CO.I. the temp and the ffA* pfe..urp Ovry the ulatkm nt I b -00 nc ' e "C ~cxoi wction M the shaft IN ifflPorciint (be oricratim a# the furnat* in glutlying the pnxv~q -00 takitic 94am in the WS4,11 it ip "C'""ry t" Oh-rve the perali'm of the furnace. the long ins of the hatgr. the &MD. Of the ore mill., e,,.. and to eeCi.t,r the anit f-J im- bed the wag p-agurp M C. M,.- zoo 00 oo 00 a! Z ZOO 6021 coo goo 200 so 00 Z-00 ~~o 0 so S ,-00 u if - t - 1 g 0 L i a 0* 0 0 04 61 a a 1 . i 't 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n t ;l '160 ~9001~ a MA rl ;l, 1, 0 4 AM 6-0 _4 L-A A-lk -it 00 air 01 Dow Colo la mw 1047. vol, 1. p),. 6" 1040. Va 62. jurb,, It, ,ut with two kJ. 4-ok- -ilh tof ST. -W 29 42"'.. %%*fit, Ow "%viat"Al 13 'Al,,lwim fm., sh,, lmwjw"tl~ .111U. Ow jo~ WOA whw IlAft oil k- I-- -'k.. 71". Girt orwk-l th. for"jim to work ha"Lrr wA thr rl~rjp- to, A, All, 10% s I. A 7- )'A- '."04 1# c- tot "'io; -F- "--I 3 u a AV ID &w Itokwit 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 No* 03.30)9 -I.-------.- ., flaill 4w Sv Ali 11 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 It 1 It F v it V 0 Its Is b If to HA: Dion Arfalf " 0 A L 8 JL-L A~A..-A-L k 0 it f it A I I 'i a; t blAA twmmes M V, Stdl 7. GMAX)l 1947) -- Tests *etc,l o,~6;llls 7 lirmls of coke of vAryins pormitY 31-37 and 3VA21; %%Itb the dtgswr coke, The oWiluml umse tl tended fArthi (r.dully) and the temp. ithto tbi, I~ l ess den-w olir Thi* I., i was bijbrr thin wills The cauves the lumwe to wmlg hard anil Ow 11.,fw 10 N1. llowh 0 a re -00 -00 -00 lee -00 '100 -00 vo Le 0 Q0 0 v 0 400 too boo q to 0 a % L "T4lLLklFr.K$L kiTINA101 CLASSWKSIK6 I t t:o 0 .4111 49 11 - - too 6 1w a a I Of I a I 0 1, a* 1, a of 43 it ff At p fit 0 to 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 & 0 0 ; 0 0 0 0 0 (. 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -* 9 at 0 to -A ~o 0 0 0 C 0 0 0 0 St 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 & 0 0 0 0) 0 0 0 0 0 OSTAOUMT Kark Takoylevich; SHGHIKDRIS. V.K., redaktor; SUAK. Te.G.. V. ~ ~--TAhd 61ii-skii ~ ?4dakt or (forcing of blest furnace smelting) Forstrovante domennot plavki. Koskva. Goe.asuchno-tekhnAzd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i toyetnot astallurgii. 1956. 220 p. (MLRA 9:7) (Blast furnace*) OSTROUKHOV,S.. Innener N., ~. - ~ I I Pay more attentlon to the dismantlIne sho~)a of nutomobile rppAir plants. Avt.transp.33 no.9:7 S'55- (R]"W 8: 12) (Automobiles-Rapniring) AUTHORS: Potashnikov, Nag irnyak, F. i., Bagina, L.I. TITLE: FlotEfional Properties of Heavy Pyridine Bases ioraWe svoystva tyazhelykh piridinovykh osnovaniY) PERIODICAL: Tsvetrive Metally, 1958, No.1, pp. le~ - 23 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors ~;ive tle results of tLeir investiE t-,iiAs on the influence of tk.e different components of heavy pyridine bases on their flot~,tional properties. Their claim that rotl,inv on this subject has ap eared in literiture is comi e:)t~-,l )ii i:-, an editorial no ~e , draj.-in, ti.eir rit 1,ertiori t, , t Lr- ri :- i't~, f the Gintsvetmet n i,,, ~, t i i, rk I -'j I o'-,, . T: 0, materialt; stil(liel I,, , v bases separated froi U.,- nar:tl.alprie acid al-sorptIjy~. of coal tar an,l tahul%te tl.eir fractional wA co.,i'e:it.~ )I' dffe:, r1: co]L pron-unced d~ff--rces aio evi~ey,t. T ~. ey t: r, ,,j df-cr~, P labor,atory-scale ex.~ erimr -,ts 2.,~ t,'.e of tie bases -n -f : r.Lf -'c usine 45 g -~f ! ase t,),,i -f t,.e co- er )re treated ;)t t;.c~ Sred-neurak' L~s (Sredn,-1lial.s' sk 1.11o i` K111va alro! i t e 1 f the experimen' !,einj- car, ied j,il. n 'Li,v 1,il ,-- the direct i4c) n I' A. L. Sat radyan. Tl,,cs(-, sl-owe,] I,` - , I L; C~~rd 112 Flotational -,f !-;i,iy Eoses - 12 __ , - / __ '_ promisinf- viere t.,.e tases of the rrain naphtholent- fr,,~cti,_,ri purified by distil.ation and ~he Pmoval of their I 1~ cor7,-on- ents (boilinj: av;ay up to 200 C) and of the main fractions 1,urified by distillation. Finally, tle cribe full-scale tests at the Sredneural'sk Worrzs with. ',.-~,vy pyridine bases from the Ni--hne-TaLiil'sk By-product Uol~in~- Works (Nizhne-Ta~-,il'ski.,l k.,,).~Bokhimicheskiy Znvod). TI-e properties of th~ ba8es are tabulated (TaLie 3) an,J the fjot,, --,) n results are compared with tLose obtained usintT, "Bel 1e skl~improm" pine oil. CopTer Starv,7 abay and copper-zinc liovyy Siftrty were used and comparative tests cresol viere also out with the latter. It ap:ears that -,ine -)~l rind rrrso'L be replqced for the fluthtion of sulpLide-copler and cop-er- zinc, respectively, 1,,i a cl.eaper foamint~ agent, distil'11~6 dine bases from tle aLsorptior,. fraction of coal Uir. There are 5 ta,,Ies, I R,is_,;ian and I Polish r,-f-rF,:xo. ASSOCIATION: VUKhIN and U i- ~i Im, e k I . n no L r AVAILABIE: Library )" u.:.. res.~ ual-d 212 FMASHNINOT, N.M.; RiGIRNW. F.I.; DSTROUXHOY. S.W.; MGM. L.1. Tlotation propertI92 of heavy pyrldine bases. TSvet.met, 31 no.1:16-23 J& '58. (MIRA 11-2) l.Vostochuyy uglakhtnicheakiy institut (for Potathnikov). 2.uralme- khawbr (for ftgirnyak, Ostroukhov, Bagina). (7lotation) (Pyridine) OSTROUKHOV, . - --I How we repair cables of sirnaling, central crntrcl, and tlock systems. Avtom., telem. i sviaz' no.9:2Q-10 S f57. (VIRA 11:4) 1.Starshly inzhener Samtredskoy distantaii signalizatsii i evyRzi Zakavskazakoy dorogi. (Electric cables--Maintenance and repair) rTHDR- None given. 130-3-17/22 TLE: Operators discuss a scientist's book. (ProizvodatvennikI obsuzhdayut knigu uchenogo). ~RIODICAL: "Metallurg" (Metallurgist), 1957, 110.3, p.33. (U.S.S.R.). ISTRACT: This is a resume' of a discussion held at Magnitogorsk of a recent book by B. Ya. Ostroukhov ("Intensification of Blast-Furnace Smelt i~g_lr,~~lur~gizdat, 1956). Furnace operators, workers and personnel from the mining-metallurgical Institute participated i.n the discussion. The tone of the discussion was highly critical, the author being attacked for using coke-burning rate as the criterion of rate of working, for saying that blast is humidified to compensate for increased blast heatirg, for failing to deal with maky important aspects of the process (e.g. thermal condit- ions in the hearth, methods of detecting the start of channellii4L, etc.), and for stating that a wide bosh is essential for efficient working. Among other criticisms made Were lack of modern data o-q raw materials preparation, the treatment of high top-preasure anti hiunidified blast operation as special methods and a general Card 1/1 excess of detail which obscured the author's ideas. Regret was expressed that the book contains no data or information originat- ing after 1952-1953. 'AILABLE. K I J I i cl c; I I I 'ILI 17 (6, 3) SOV/i6-6o-4-39/4-7 AUTHOR- Gordina, R.V. and Ostroukhova, D.I. TITLE- The Use of Medicinal Substances (Pyramidon) to Reduce the Reactogenicity of Pertussis-Diphtheria-Tetanus Vaccine. Author's Summary. PERIODICAL: 6 Zhurnal m1krobiclogil, epidemic1c.gil I irmunobiologit, 1960, 1Jr 4, PP 135 (USSR) ABSTRACT! A study was made of the r~-actcgenlclty of pertursis-(Iiphtheria-tet.antir, vaccine prepared all ths- Instlt,,jt opHe-niclogil I m1kroblologit Imeni Gamalel AP2; SSSR (Instltut~-- of EpIdemiolegy and Microbioloa Iment Ga- 6010 maleya of the AM.N. USSR). Tho varcine prc-Juced a general reaction 1.71 67.5% of the children 1r=.in1zP-d with It. The children develope:j a fever, beca.,ne 1rr!tsAL1o-, slopt bac-Illy ar.J went off their food. I n an attempt to reduce thes^ erfects, a sp-:,onful of 2% pyramidon solijtl~-n was given orally twlc~- with an Interval or 3 hours, commencing 2 - 1, hours after va~clnation. Pyrn-nidon groatly reduced the febrilp robsk-lon Card 112 hyperomia In the v,,~-Inat-,J rlildron. SOV/16-60-4-39/47 The Use of Medicinal Substances (Pyramidon) tc, Reduce the Reactogen1city of Pertussis- Diphtheria--Letanus Vaccine. Author's Summary. v ASSOCIATION: Institut epidemiolcgli I mikroblolcgli Imeni Gamalel AM?J SSS.R (Insti- tute of Epidemiology and Microbiology Imeni Gamaleya of the AMN , JSSRT-- SUBMIWED- April lo, 1959 Card 212 SHRABSHTWN. R.A.; GSTROUKHOVA Chemical composition and caloric value of broths made wt ;h boces. VoP.Pit. 15 no.4:51 Jl-Ag 156. ~?MRA 9:9) 1. 1z Vinnitskoy oblastnoy sanitarno-epidemiologichaskoy titantaii. (HRAT MRACT) VOlkSTNTMi, A.V.-, GRECHUSHKINA. A.G.; BAUWOVSKAYA, A.P.; MMIICIMRYAKDVA. Z.P. Swiplnnnntmry methods of lnborntory dingnosis of bpvcillAry dygentpry. Zliur.mikrobiol.enid. i immun. 29 nn.2:()2-l5 F 159. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Is laborAtorii c:orozhnoy HAnitnrno-epidarniologicheskoy stontaii Tompkoy zheleznoy dorogi. (DYSENTERY, BACILLARY, dingnosis. laborntory supnlementnry methods (Run) CSTROUKHOVA, S. A. Cand Agr Sci - (dissJ "Agro-biological characteristics ()f the Turkmenskaya apple and relationships with its cultivntion." Tashkentt 1961. 26 pp; (Ministry of Agriculture Uzbek S)SR, Samarknnd Agr Inst imeni V. V. Kuybyshev); 250 copies; price not given; (KL, ?-61 sup,252) O=b!V W V"da V.- A- Osts6ekbors. Jtrfww. Zkw. Xhim."Did. I st&bUky ol pep4m,=gIm b vu jus&ei; In the Imm d tbe concentsaW mututj of the Macon d the suwawb of pip pvpuvd by Uw A. S~ - a coatawas prodom d pew ydfolysh a tium I (eitstim or ma albusim) J is I tus Ural in n at lemp. W296 ow- ZIIta=-terar=oRth%,30Imt )a 4-6 mmtb%o*slrj a den-turrd. This U due lo, dw presmot In a, XMI. d pnxiucu of "ab T'Vftoe -0STROUKHOVA, Z.A. Preservation of the properties of vine yeasts by means of lyophilic drying. Mikrobiologiia 30 no.2:341-345 Mr-Ap 161. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Saratovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni N.G.Chernyshev- skogo. (YEAST) (BIOLOGICAL PRODUCTS-DRYING) V c, !;,:r -ir T2V f no 12 v n ny a n I v #*. r s I t l3 ti r. - ri et !via Y f1d i n,! n I y r, v r t4 y,,y Submitted :'December 2. a3,TtOU?-ENk,O, p.P.; ROSSIHIN, V.S.; TSIRMA, I.L. Spectroscor;jc gtudy of the mechaniam of C2 production In vw,lcjus typeB of dlBchai#w- in a carbon dinxide at.mospherf,. Zhur, prIkI. spekto 3 no. 2:109-113 Ag 165. ('.11RA 18:12) 1. Outmitted Dec. 13, 1964. L 16112wS5 EWT(1)/E',iG(k)/EWT(m)/EPA(up)-2/EP.F(c)/E?F(n)-;~-/IEPA(,.r)-2/T/i:',,rp(t) 4WA/B'dP(b) Pab-10/Pr-4/Pu-4 E8D(t)/RkEM(i)/E5D(gs)/A 5,01AC~VA'D(c)- trn(b)/ F .1JP(0 JDIAT ACCESSION NR: AP4044169 S/0185164/009/006/0810/0875 AUTHOR: Ostroumenko, P. P. Rosalkhin, V. S. TITLE: On! the me.--hanissrn of excitation of the co2j!2 spertruin In a hollow cathoLb 7 SOURCE: Ukr6yins1ky*y fizy*chnyly zhurnal, v. 9, rio. 8, 1964, 870-875 TOPIC TAGS, excitation mechanism, spactrographic copper determination, hollow cathode discharge- discharge temperature A13STRACT: The authors studied spectroscopically the discharge in a hollow .,copper cathode in various gases. pressures, and currents. The effect of small additionq--of-Ar-, 02, -C02, --CC14,- - H2 -and- air- to, helium PjNh1ch was the rntiin dis- charge carrier, on the intensity of spectral lines was -irivestil- ~ated. At was esta- blished that by the choice of the gas carrier, and of the nature and the amount of addWons, the sensitivity of copper determination in the hollow cathode Can be considerably increased. The excitation temperature as a function of current and gas pressure was determined by the method of the relative intmsitics of Card 1/ 2 , Cord 2/2 1 I WON ?J-66: JD ------------ AP5025310 SOURCE CODE: UR/0051/65/019/004/t653/0665 AUTJIOR:- 0otrmaeBka, P. P.., Ross*Wn, V. S. ORG: none 3LITLE: Measurement of relative values of oscillator strengths in the spectrum of the copper atom by the "linear absorption!' method SOURCE: Optlka I spektroskoplys, v. 19, no. 4, 1965, 653-655 TOPIC TAGS: oscillator strength, copper, spectral line, resonance line ABSTR.ACT-. Relative values of oscillator strengths of thesm,40m were measured by the 1111neRr absorpt1W1 method for nine lines In five multiplete located In the 2160 - 328D A range with a common lower level 30049 2S1/2. If the Doppler effvA mW the Lorentz coUlsion effect simultaneously participate In the broadening of a spectral line, the absorption coefficient at the center of the line Is expresBed by the formula 2 /N-2 A#~ OTTA-111 r a where AV Is the Lorentz hnff-width; a 1D to the Doppler bait-width, e is the electronic charge; xn~s the mass of the electron; c is the velocity of light in a vacuum; N Is the 1/2 UDC: 539.184:546. 50 ---1--311603-66 -- - ACC NR., AP5025310 number of abBmbing atoms, and f Is the oscillator strength of the line. Knowing the 0 experimentally measured value of absorption AL , from the resulting curve of the dependence of An on kol and a one can find values of k0l, then represent graphically the dependence of these values of k.1 on N1. According to equation (1), this Is a straight line- a Is found by selection so that the relationAlp between k I and NI remains linear. The reIRtive values of oscillator strengths for the resonance lines of copper agree with results obtalned by the book method and by the total absorption method. Orig. art. bm: 1 table and 3 formulas. SUB CODE: 20 SUBM DATE: 13Mar65 OJUG REF: 007 OTH REP: 007 Z;2/2 Ila Jill I, 03 Jill c ow c t, c r Z 7' C, 0:. -!; 1.-,,! 11 1: ) , I-. I-I-.1,,- 1 li. - , - V, , A. T3 1, n 1 ~7,' I ).- 1,7, . -, OSTROLMOV, A.B., aspirant Dynamics of protein fractions, lipo- and glycoproteins in the blood serum in various forms of acute appendicitis. Kaz. mad. zhur. no.3:45-47 1-br-Je 163. (~aRA 16:9) 1. Kafedra gospitallnoy khirurgii no.2 (zav. - prof. N.P. 14Bdvedev) 4azanskogo moditsinskogo instituta. (AM- IMICITIS) (BLOOD PROTEINS) USISR/Nuclear Physics - Convection Card 1/1 : Pub. 153 - 13/24 Author : Ostroumov, A. G. Title : Electrothermal convection in air Periodical : Zhur. tekh. fiz., 24, 1055-1061, Jun 1954 Abstract : Studies the problem of the superposition of the two phenomena: gravi- tational-thermal convection (already well studied by the author in 11052) and electrothermal convection (magneto-thcrmal convection -,;as studied by D. I. Ageykin, "Chemical relays and meters based on use of magnetic properties of substances, author's abstract of dissertation, Institute of Automatics and Telemechanics, Acad. Sci. USSR, Moscow, 1950)- Considers the motion of a nonumiformly heated gas in a nonuni- form electrostatic field. Establishes that the electrostatic field strength necessary for causing electro-thermal convection is much greater for sma.11 heat outputs than for large ones. Concludes that the transi- tion from gravitational-thermal to electrothermal conviction at snall heat outputs occurs suddenly, jtunp-like. Ac)mowledges that the work was co?rpleted in 1952 at Mlotov State University under the direction of Prov. 1. G. Shaposhnikov. Submitted December 28, 1953 G USSR/Atcw-,c and Mclecular Physics - Heat, D-4 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Fizlka, No 12, 1956, 34408 Author: Ostr~umov.. A. G. , Os'r.~,xncv, G. A. nstltutfcn: No:ne Title: Or the Pr,,)blem of The-mcelectric Convection Orfglnal PeriDdtcal: Zh. tx!klm. fiziki, 1956, 26, No 3, 636-639 Abstrikct: A Plati-DUM wire 12.8 cm long 0.05 or 0.1 MM in diameter is connected into the circuit of a thermc-anemcaeter bridge, making it possible to measure its average temperature, and is 1,-cated hc,riZODtally at the distance 13.5 mm above a disc 12 cm ir, diameter. The disc is charged from a rectifying circuit to a voltage of 61000 relative to the wire, at positive and negative polarities alternately. The current flo-jing between the wire and the d.4Bc is measured with a galvanometer. The wire is located In a penumbral optical installation (grating method), making it possible to phf7tograph the thermal processes near the wire. The resulting photographn are Bhovn. It turns out that at small applied voltages a rising streamer of hot air moves upwurd awav from. th,,~ wire. At high voltages the streamer becomes distorted, and is so to speak drawn into the strcng field between the wire and the electrode; a conduction I of 2 - 1 - ~;SSR/ A*,)mi-- ar,,i Molecular Physics - Heat, D-4 Abs~ Joarrai: Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 12, 1956, 34408 Author: -'j3tr?umcv, A. -;., Ostrounov, G. A. Inatituticn: None Title: On the Problem of Thermoelectric Convection Origirall Feriodical: Zb. tek.1-m. fiziki, 1956) 26, No 3, 636-639 Abstract: cLLrrent is oinultaneously observed flowing in the air between the wire and the electrode. Under certain conditions the wire starts rotating. Based rn the otservations made. it is deduced that the phenomenon is due not to -onvectlDn, but to cor,:;Pa discharge. Bibliography, 5 references. 2 of 2 - 2 - PHASE I BOOK EXFWITATION 675 Ostraamov, Andrey Georgiyevich, Engineer Plyezoelektriki (Piezoelectric Stibstancea) [2d ed., rev. and eal.] Leningrad, LeningradBkiy Dom nauchno-tekhnicheakay propagandy, 1957. 30 P. (Series: Obsbehestvo po rasprostraneniyu politicheskikh i nauchnykh znaniy RSFSR. Poluprovodniki, vyp. 16) Sponsoring Agencies: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut poluprovodnikov, and Leningradskiy Dom neuchno-tekhnicheakay propagandy. Tech. Ed.: Freger, D. P.; Editorial Board: Ioffe,, A. F.j, Academician (Ed. I-') Chief); Sominskiy, M. S., Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (ABst. Ed. in Chief); Maslakovets, Yu. P., Doctor of Physical and Mathematim~ Sciences; Smolenskiy, G. A., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences; Shalyt, S. S., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences; Regell, A. R., Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences; Subashiyev, V. K., Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sclances; Shagurin, K.A., Engineer; Achkinadze, Sh. D., Engineer. Card 1/2 Piezoelectric Substances 6T5 PURPOSE: This brochure Is addressed to engineers and technicians vorkIng vlt,'. semiconductor devices and materials. COVERAGE: This monograph is the 16th of a series entitled "Poluprovodnilti" (Semiconductors). A list of the 18 titles constituting the c-iries iL; gIv,-n at the end of each brochure. For translation of these titles, see abstra-t Nr. 6T4. The author briefly revieve the history and developomt, of' piezoelectricity. The purpose of the present brochure is to provide FA V(-.r-,, short description of the mechanism of the piezoelectric effem, methodn ol fabricating come piezoelectric materials, and to discuss the practical applications of these materials. There are 11 Soviet sources (Includ-ing translations). No personalities are mentioned. TABIR OF COMEM. Introdaction Ch. 1. Crystal structure characteristics of piezoelectric substances ch. n. Properties of certain piezoelectric substances Ch. Ill. Applications of piezoelectric 3ubstances in technology Bibliography AVAnMLS: Library of Congress JP/eag Curd 2/2 10/8/56 M93 S11 8 61 /CC)3/CC )IC2 74" 3, /1-0/ / 5- 3 7) Bi 011XI 02 AUTHORS. Ye f imova , B A - , Kc renlrl I t Y it , N- v I k , v 7 Cs t rcumnov , 7 1 T L E Ar. i s o t r c' i y j a I v an o cn, a Cn e t i c F r n, pe r t i e s c.~ f t e T P PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdocc- tela, v. ~, ric TEXT. The galvanomaCnetic effects uf p-ty,,e bismuth tel 1uriJ( )iave tf-n studied between 4-2)COK This material is 6ell suited for the f t h e r-,. c, c c u ; I e s . V~e results were analyzed usinG the model suC,~ested t~' R Drattle et al R e f s -4 1", see hel,,w The sintl e --rys ta. s --v, r- t C1 c kI, ral I sk 1, y ' s meti and that - ~ Shmel v and 3 r vi n -; o d r v 7 Ayrapptyants ~FTT, 11, A, , 1 6 Two tyi,es of sarzjjles have t oe:~ ~; s t! I th i rd - o rdf- r ax i a of one s a:.. I e coincided w! U, I t9 lcn#~i tudinal ~Ixs ar.] third-order axis of the cther was vertical to its longitudina' qx,.s T electrical conJuctivity (I i" the Hall coefficient , , and the rel~j-tar,-~ j ijk were measured by a d- c ensation method in a constant ~ijkl 1 e 1 d The te.-.i,erature of the sairqles was measured witl. Card '/4 21093 3/1 b 61 10C, 3/C Anisotropy of Calvanomu6netic DI 04YBI 02 the rmocoupl es Their gensti-ity at heliurr, temierature was at room temperature 40 ~,v/OK. measurements and results are discuss~~d i:-. detail. The galvanomagnetic properties of p-type Bi 2Te 3 indicatE that t~.e model su66ested by Drabble et al for the isoenergetic surfaces ;s c~rru- ~etween 4 and 2)OOK. In the rane:e where only- one scattering meclanism -f the carriers predominates (scattering from acoustic phonons or impurt,.es .he tensor of the relaxation time can te written as i; a, T1. e -.)ef f i cients a, , are functions of temperature . For the whole temi eral-,,r- interval it can be assumed Thai -1, .3 lk~C The anomaly of the Hal. efl~- s ra,.;sed by the cLan6e of a ij whe7, the scattering of the carriers I.-.. ac, st ~h:,nons chanCes over to scattering by impurities . The teir,~erature ences of t!-,e carrier rrcbillty 40 . w),ich 'nave been determined fr~jri "isotropic" electrical conductive ty and the "isotrj~ic" mat,-1,.et.-, c V T- conductivit~- are in aCreement. At rz)or, temierature u P temperatures the sici)e of the straiCht line ln uo . f~log Tj' de-reas~s c~,,nsiderahly The cl~ant;es of thq anisotroiy parameters w 1 = M II , /,-, I I and w . r",2 T33/3'22 are exp I a., ned hy th e t ransi t i or, of s - a t t e r, ne; Card 1/4 ,"',093 S/' 6 6 1 /"CZ Ani actropy of gal vanomat;net' c Bi 04/31 C2 ~,ncns to 3catterin6 f rom iml ur t t 1 eu ,7~,e tcmperuturv dep-riden-E, ,f t!,~ ~ara,:~eters --onfirms that the ~.odel ;a valid 'Or all Ic;:,9rU- tures . An estimati.Or, Lf tKe anisctrc~y of the relaxation t.:,,e f - a-.a*tering from impur' ties shc-eis that t is not very large T~-E, fa-t exT,Iained by thp ]a--k of anisotropy in the tI,er~:,c-emf f~~r mixed ii-a. The galvanomagnetic coefficients of p-ty~,c B,~ 2Te 3 :an be calcula,ed using em~,.rical parameters and equations published ly I Ya . Ko rent n FTT , I 1 3083, 1?6C -w -, var 4 ant s of the ene rgy s; ec t rum ar~~ determined t!.erelr~.m. The test results obtained are not suff-,~~ient decide :s the c-rrect variant -he aith.-rs thank A. ', Swm -;I L, S StIll'bans, and S S. Shal,,,t for interest and advice. Ti,c-r,? a- 'C fit,-ures, 2 tables, and 22 references: 8 Soviet and 14 The five mo9t im,,crtan* re*- erer.:~e,~ t~ --E'n,-Iish-lant:uaCe itii-at-ns as R DrabEe et al Re' F ro c P 9 S ~ c PC, f r- Re f 3 ~, r, 72 36~ -pe s e ~z Sl- e r u r Ca.-d !/4 An .s * ro,~~ Df t;a1van,~ma, i ASSOC' ;t"' 10". 2"U93 D' C4/Bl 02 SSS.R Ler.~ ncr al' S e nd s a d AS 7 SSIR L E:) A; 333U 2~0 0 Y3/ i, ~ITFR F 1, V Find -~ztrou-v. 1, KavF,nornhFne-c T-Di,,7,tip~z 7~-, TP Fiz* P% tv-rdogc~ telm, v 4 r. o t, F-YT. fr-A~tle and 71 o1 fe r~rivp t ed a s I x I Ipriol'i model to hape of the condi.,c tior, -ind vrilprce bands of f~l Te Thr. resu I t~i of n c- rresent invei4'iFAtion qupport this model: The iinIsot-oly of Ple2tricn. ~onduc t I v i ty 0-, . U'; , mi,Rsur--I at '- ftnd I)c)(',OV ,r almos t the same a~l ~,A requ! tint- from 1, o ngi * ud i n s I ma pr, e t I c resistance r, no n,,; P. r. I Ii h I nr. I yi f t h,) a x f r v I u t I o n o f T h p I no,-nerFo t I oll i pnoidn coincidr,!i vil t t, a nymmotry !ixln ~) Thc ntronj: A f, I - ~ n (1,) r- s, the gnIvinomngnetic copfficlento on magnetic field strenfth. suF,7ests that i r. n - ty Te Te I ec t re n m -) b,, I i t y I s mu - h ~7re R t er t hnn ho I e mo t I I I t y r in ru' rot Ovith t~,p lf-otrni i,, .a rd 33 3!.14 n i s - t r c i v o f t i- a r, - 7, :-, rr, c in the r,%r~-- t iie An.,,.' -, ~l c) f r - v o 1u t i onf r P c o n q ti n r F~ r I --r t- r e c u t a r Ft I I a r. J T r rid L I ~i r tJ~p t !I T r mL rr, e er7 (-)f t h- en~ rKy ra o n j 14 r.1 VA . p r. F, w w rp s I r. r r An Ir. r, I m . t ma -i ri I n o y arid tho the 7(, 1 ft x a t, r, m Ir. 10 rl r, f, 0, ra rr, r An4 !l. - T %- 1, ~ C, I TI r ~T! 7 o- n F - oi c 1 7, 9 - 7. r, s z no a 7, 1 L o t r r, r irr. - r. r1 A i I n iiT. P~ r C, In 1 .1 M rc- n triin -i n p r iIT. u r Y a tt r,.I tro r r!i r m n em r, -ar c~ m P I r, ,i c r nr 1 7 f ),-1 7- (? r. c e s r i-u Pi i n e 4 1 a f7 r 'A r -it q r -4 ir '33144 it r ns I i i t il,rovoAni Kov AN r, I n Kr,i n c r, d 'j c t o rr T ~ n I n Pr ,,trd KRFXIYANM, V.J~ NOVJT~OV, V.I.; OSTROUMOV, A.G. Cryostat for investlFating the anisotropy of plvanomaFnetic properties of crystals. Prib. i tekh.eksp. 7 no.W94-195 J&-F ,62. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR. (Crystals-Magnotic pcroperties)(Cryostat) 6 LW (1)IUA (a)- 2/ WT(z) /EFC (t) ITIFAIP (0/ LVP (b) IEWA (c) Pt.?/Pl-4 ~M APS016122 WdW/At/029/006/0929/093~,' AUTHOR: "I.A.; Kizhayev,S.A.; Myllnikova,I.Ye.; Tutov.A.G.- Cs-11i --troumovp -A.G# TITM: Antiferroolectric and ferroelectric phase transitions in PbCo W 0 Teport, 4th All-M-15H MMMhee on Ferroelectricity 01a L.1t3 Li _the hold 9 ov-on SOME: AN SSSR- Izvestiya. Ser.,fizicheskaya, v*29,no.6,1965, 929-932 TOPIC TAGS: ferroelectric material,, antiferroelectric material, anti- ferromagnetic material, perovskite structure, lead compound, cobalt Compound, tungsten compound, sinele crystal ABSTRACT: The authors have grown single cgstBls Of PWOO 5W94~03 bi cooling a solution In PbO from 1200 to 800 at the rate ok 5 Q hour.: X-rav diffractinn mannuramAnta with nowAarn nf thA qinaln t-rvqtn1Q DAD- - I(V NRs APS016122 and the sy=etry is rhombohedral at 26I)C and cubic at 500C. Me di- electric constant was found to have a maxtmum at 320C. This maximma exhibited'sUght temperature hysteresis and was shifted towaid lo~ier tei6peratures by application 9f an electric. field. The dielectric con- t - -Ant curve had a knee at 68"'K and the loss tangent was maxiu= at S 680K~ With-tbin (*0 micron) plates, double hysteresis oo s uere ob- To%; A.Go &I* KvmdhaV,-a 1,ri-e whitefish Core!-, rtm cardirclla )ranchmtllx~o I lo-ope f,ocigo roo 2%U5 164 ('11:'A 1911) OSTROUKYV, A.D. Hair seals fIn4 a way to the sea. Priroda 49 no.5tl2.2 Ps 160. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Tikhookeanskly nauchno-Issledovatel'okly lustitut rybnrq-,o kbosyaystys i oksamografti, Petropavlovsk-Kanchatakiy. (Sukhalln-Saalp (Animals) ) OSTROUMOV, Ali Use of aerial visual observations in estimating the diatribution of some ani-als in Kamehatkag Biul, MOIP, Otd. biol. 66 no-3:25- 31 MY-Je 161. (MIPA 14:6) (WEHATKA-JZRONAUTICS IN WILDLIFE CENSUS) OSTROUMOV, A.G. Do thei-mid sprin,~s affect the te._-.i~eratura of t~je Main strria:- r,." t.~ Kamchatka Tdvar? Vop. coot,,-. Kwnch. no.ls7-715 163. k-:I_-,) OSTPOMMV, A.G. Spf-ed r f Q., fj J j-., *, nf merrannern, . 7np. . Fancr . r- , . ) : 11" 1 (VI ','j,1) TITOV, T.D., gornyy inzhoner; TARAN, P.N., gernyy In2hener: ZYPALBV, G.S.. Cornyy Inzhener; Gornyy Irizhener, AL'TSHULER, N.A., gornyy idtherier; BORZINXO. F.T.. gnrnyy inzhener. *Underground mining of ore and placer deposits* by R.P. Kaplunov and other. Reviewed by V.D. Titov and others. 64 N '56. (MLRA 10:1) (Mining engineering--Study and teaching) (K&p1unov,--ftJF'-.-) Art t-lit-Ar-t,71 1,7 j'. een: itizing t,3rap. 9 prof. 19F. AkzT,-,f*) Ka fe d,-a t,#, me di La I m k r g I n:, Ul Kr s'-t ja r g,.,. 'L t? . ", Vr I ya ( W- 'r. e Fi 0 rali" ZI "'S Sh. L) ~qss.R,, -1 - ",6i, - * g 4 -- 4 -S 4 0 g 9 31111AWAN all Lill bob SPY1044.6ju v are ILI 44 a, " no Do T al IS ANQ0101 I I ' 48 a .00 00 sloobtaste to tot, m "nurp by m"'1 Ms steirle A.. t%j--UAuwmw"w Slid %I I I'l, %., --i tiel 4. N,, 111. 41 4 Pki.- I 1!- /1-11 1930. If tl-h "n 00 " 0 t. TI tic": IN 1.% m. - ' -00 L 11 1.1 11 I, a Av! 11 41, 1 MIS it ( , It 1, 1 : 00 " . 511; , , 00 and "MS" st-1. im th, oil, ItArld ?III IN I. IV, t h 00 , wl,.. m d (In offit-I 41ou"It -W, &rot -tv"t. -11~ r.".(Aw 1,. 00 p wAt,-f RnIf it) Aq N&C1 Niln 1hr CU 0-i'1 "34 1114- , 0 Ired-11.2A.4 ":MA"I'll. 71yrr walet The ~ ,h I-A w 111" 1,. tw %jiffir"Ilt1v r-soant m 110 but not to %t C. -00 i I0 I., lot 4--TI 4 Ilk it,- 0 0 ; I"* 00 a 0 0 0,9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ej* # 0 0 8-0 6-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ', A. ' . ". -~ I pf'-I , 1 1!-(-. , 1 ~) , ~ ~, ~ , I .,. , " " 1. C -". 1". , ;, . , . , , ., . I - , ., , . , -1 r or ! '."j ! 1 !-a t . r ~ . " . I I , /~ -- i .., - , I MASLOV; V.Ye. kand. tek!ir, . n4n.,~. 5Y 1), '.rzh. ~71~r A M. lnz!~. S tudy of du3t 7ur-,vn,.n n r,(- if a shaft operat,!rig -n I-IgnItfi. Teploenorgetika 11 no. 11 t 34--'~q N '64. (~CjtA 1'~. 121) 1. Voi3tochny-y fl,'al V3esayuzn,,)io teT,Iotplkhnlchesko?,o IngtItuta, Chslyabirs~, '. Kr6snoyarOKdLya 71'Ts-ll, OSTROMOVO. ,,.redaktor V.- - "' [Poultry house for 400 geese; frame walls (brick columns with log or adobe fillers)) Gusistnik as 400 golov; steny karkasnye (kii- pichnye stolby a tapolneniam iz breven ilt samana). Proekt no-15- 20. Hoak-va, 1956. 15 p.. 7 plans. (MMA 10:3) 1. Russia (1923.- U.S.S.R.) Mintateretvo gorodskogo I sel'skogn stroitalletwa. (Poultry houses and equipment) OSTROUNOV, A.5., redektor (Calf house for 136 head on a dairy form of 200 cows; brick walls. roof of precast reinfimed concrete. Plan no.4-75] TelistrAk na 136 golov pri molochnot ferme no 200 korov; steny kirpichnyo, pokrytio is abornogo shalesobstons. Proekt no.4-75. Nonkva, 1956. 26 p.. 8 plans. (KLRA 10 t i ) 1. Bunvis (19?3- U.S.S.R.) Ninisteretvo gorodakogo I nollskogo stroitalletva. (Dairy btarne) 73DOROV, B.I., arkhItektor; 13SOT, H.N., Inshener-konstruktor; OSTROUNOT, A.H.. redaktor [Poultry house for 1,000 ducks (frame wall@); brick columns with fillings of logo and adobe, Nodal no.15-28] Utietnik no 1000 golqv (stero, korksanys); kirplahuys stalby n sopolnentem Is breven III smana. Proekt No. 15-28. Moskva, 1956. 15 P. 7 fold. 1. (MIRA 9:12) : . Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Nintateretvo gorodskogo I sel'skogo stroitalletys. (Poultry houses arid equipment) BIWILI, Z.B.. gl&YW inzhener proyekto; TANUTROVA, Ta.F., arkhttaktor; OBTROUNOT, A.N., redaktor LShelter for move arA for hog fattening forms; wooden frame walls. with siding of split logs or ordinary boards] lager' dlia evinet matochnol I otkormochnol ovinofermy; steny karkasnye derevionnye. stolki a obshivkot gorbyliaml ill doskami. Proakt No-5-65. Hosirva. 1955. 36 p., 16 fold.l. (KLRA 9:12) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Minioterstvo gorodskogo i sal.'skogo a tro I te 11 at vs. (Swine houses and equipment) SHIN71LI. Z.B., inshener; TANUTROVA. Ye.F.. arkhitek-tor; OBTROtTMOV. A.N.. redaktor Pummer shelter for 100 head of cattle; frame walls: wooden supports with filling of clay or adobe or with ordinary board siding] lager' dlis krupnogo rogatogo skota na 100 korov-. steny karkasnyo, derevian- aye stoilti a sapolnentem gltnoplanem ill semenom ill a obahivkot doskami. Proekt No.4-72. Moskva. 1955. 62 p. 20 fold. 1. (MIRA 9:12) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Hinieteretvo gorodskogo i sallskogo stroltell stva. (Barns) FBDOROV, B.I., arkhitektor-, ARXHANGELISKIT. P.Te.. inzhener-konstruktor: GIAGOIAV. L.S., inshener-toplotakhnik: KUDRYAVTSBVA. Te.Y., inthener- elektrik; OSTB"OV, A.N.. redaktor [Poultry house for 5.000 chick@; model no.15-26) Teypliatnik na 5000 golov. Proek'b No-15-26. Hooky&. 1956. 31 P. (MLRA 9:12) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Hinieterstvo gorodskoro I sel'skogro a troitell a tva, (poultry houses and equipment) OBTROUHOV, A.N. Came of co=unicating pleural cavities. Probl.tub. no.1:70 Ja-F 155. 8:4) (MLRA 1. Iz tuberkuleznopo otdolonlya (nach A.Ta.Mikhaylov) Novocherkas- skoy mlielesnodoroshnoy hollnitsy (mch. N.VJDmbaysv) (FLVU. diseases. communication between pleural cavities in artif. pneuixothorax) (PMHOTORAX. ARTIFICIAL, complications. interpleural communication) 0 -, -1 :-, CI * J6. C " , A . :" . , % . -' . j'; ' ', A.L , , ( ',! 0 t a I I , r , - 10 , N 0 . 4 , 4 4 , 1 1! 4 0 ) SOLOVIMA, G.I.; AlBORMA, V.I.; OSTROUMV, A-F-; KOMA.N, T.S. Preparation of a water-aoluble green aulfur dye and the er*~ine dyeing of viscose staple fibers. Khim.volok no-4:45-47 162. 15:8) (MA 1. VoesoyuzW wmchno-isoledavatellskiy institut iskusstvennogo volokna (for Solov'yeva, Mayboroda). 2. Butyrskiy khimicheskiy 2avod (for Ostroumov, YaMan). (Dyes and dyeing--Rayon) brig,141 ttqvn dye "Zh.*' A. ll~ (Women,,v and 1. 1xvila USSR IC4,9'-U, dye Tat S tr"Imcat f5 Orrkd mt in th-7 preirtme of an amicrutur an is usttl m an w w,. C4 im- mlcr~tnr up tn 747~, Zn(OIJ),, lw.--d on t-4wj)el!2!~ to r.;;WB3 RD active". OBTRWXGV, A.V. Introduction of conplete autonation of telegrsiz)h corwunif!ation. Vest.evl&si 16 no.4:17-18 Ap 156. (NUU 9:9) l.Nachallnik Rostovskoge teentrallnogo tolegrftfa. (Telf-graph) OSTROUMOV, A.V. Use of straight connections In the telegraph office of RoFitov- on-Don. Vest. sviazi 23 no.6:21-22 Je 163. (MIRA 16t8) 1. Nachallnik Rostovokogo-na-Donu telegrafa. OSTROUMOV, A.V., lnzh. Daterminir4l the necessary repair of tractors and agricLlt-,,r&l machinery. Mekh. i elek. aots. ardllkhoz. 19 no.6:36-38 'U. (MIRA lj,: 12), (Tructors-Raintem-nce and repair) (J,gricultural machinory-Maintenance and repair) ZATONEXIT, A.B.; TAYMOPOLIBUT. G.W.: LARIOU.NXO. N.A.; OSMUMOV, A.T.; 2"HARITAITS. T.W.: TAXOTUT. G.P. -, LOBANOT. T.F.; KBELULOT. A.I. Maximum satisfaction of the needs of the population is the most in- porLant duty of communication workers. Yest.sylasi 14 no.2:23-25 7 '54. WaA 7-5) 1. fachal'alk otdola pochtovoy ovyasl (for Zatenakiy). 2. Nachallnik otdola vnutrirayow)sy avyasl (for Tarnopol' ki ). 3. Zamstitel' nachal'- nika telefonno-telegrafnogo otdola (LarionXIol. 4. Nachal;nik telografe, (for Ostroumov). 5. Nachallnik pechtanta (for Zakharlyants . 6. Nachall- nik meshdugorodnoy telefonnoy stentelt (for Takovlev). 7. Glavnyy Inzhener oblastnogo upravlonlys evyazi (for Lobanov). 8. Zamsetitell nachal'niks oblastnogo upravlenlya evyasi (Iluznetsov). 9. Nachallulk oblastnogo apray- lenlya svyfizI (for Herkulov). (Telecoamnication) OSTROUEOV, B. "T-) t"e of Sti-);, SPOt' !n t,.p Chulskptys S'ep-.,e," I 1. Ped)10,;.~-, '0- 3, 191-7. LC.I;YFV, 0. V. anI OS7RCINOV, B. , "The inventor of "Krista.I.In' (r-iiic, crystal),' Ridio, Nc- 5, Pi~ibl. c,' tne m: .. - Ccirmunication, 1952. OSTROMOVO B. 23116 Pt,7yaboniye kralifikatsti inzheerno-tokhnichookikh kadrov - nanushchnaya saftcha lenirigradekoy proo7shlonnosti. PropagaMa i agitstoiya, 1949, No. 13, C. 17-23. SO: LETOPIS' NO. 31, 1949 Lu I -- OWROMOV. B.A.. SIOWIN. N.A.. red.; RATVMV,I, A.Te., (Measurement of high vactniml lzmersaiia vysokogo va)nium;j. Moskva. Goe.izd-vo standartov 'Standartgiz.4 1959. 20 p. (Serlia obzornykh monografil po lumoritellnoi tekhnike. no.19). (MIRA 13:12) (Vacinim-Measu roman 0 os'!Por ov f ~ . - . Nlzl-eroro~skaip r~:d olaLcrf-t Liia I t~ raLcty Ck t I n) r I nkol : ut sl ' ./ RE-11, 10~orof~,ry sli,)rt wriveq-/. (Vcrtnl~ 110. o ~r-,r(-*A'r ; ~ .'I- t , ' G n r , ~' a 7-,,. 1 t - r, ~7 e Et r ct . I I'l, i- 1:1(',: QC3.13 -0: c,vi,t 7raw;voriqtetion PrA :omw-,lcatioc-s, A LiLlliovrepi.. , Ll-.rer-,I l" - L - , Feference Departrent, W,-.3hinrtc,~, lInclacsifled.