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U7 L26984-65 IJPtc) JD/GG CESSION NR: AP5093438 9/0181/65/007/001/0210/0216~ A C AUTHORSt Nakhodkin, N. G.', Ostroukhov, A. A..; Romanovskiy, V. A._.?/- ;~TITLE: Inelastic scattering of electrons in thin films 13 SOURCE:' Fizik,a-tverdogo tela, v. 7, i.,io. 1, 1965, 210-216 iTOPIC TAGS: inelastic~scattering, electron scattering, thin film, reflection coefficient, transparency coefficient ABSTRACT: In view of the fact that ths theory of elastic scattering developed in earlier papers by the authors (FTT v. 4,1514, 19.62 and- v.-5s 41, '1963).Yields results'that are somewhat too high for the iflux density ofthe unscattered electrons and for the coefficient of inelastic reflection in the case, of heavy substances, the authors bave modified in the present paper the approximate theory for large- angle scattering of electrons, taking-a more consistent account of the conditions of the fast-electron emission. An integral transport, Card L 269-34-65 ACCESSION NR: AP5003438 .equation is derived with an account of the conditions of motion and is solved for the case of normally and obliquely incident beams. The thickness dependence of the transparency coefficient is calcu- lated for normal incidence. The connection between the total range and the extrapolated range is extvnined and it is noted that the ex- trapolated range coincides,with the electron scattering length. The dependence of the coefficient of reflection on the atomic number of the target is calculated and found to agree with the experimental data for both small and large atomic numbers. Orig. art. has: 5 figures and 18 formulas. ASSOCIATIONt Kiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. Shevchenko (Kiev State University) T. G. SUBNITTEDt 13Jul64 ENCLt 00 SUB CODE: KPj SS MR REP SOV: 005 OTHER: 009 Cctd 2/2 L 2 /EZOt m)-2~ PZ-6/Pl: L_ AT 'WA( jum=61-03 AP501M3 tra/aft/65/m/oo4/1256/12,~P AUTH(~T jIN-khodkill's 110 as I pstroukboyp A. -k.; ~or=oyskiyj Vo A, r"on inelAstic reflecrtion of electrcma TI=j -Efrect of atomic screening facto, amin i Mika trerdogo telAj V.- 7, 120. 4P 19651 1256.1M It-orC UGS: Bereening Pactor, inelastic reflection,, electrom reflectionp electron energy distribution ABSTRACT: This to a continuation of e*.rMer vork: by the authors (M 'r. 4, 15-14, 1962 and -Yi, 59 411 1963)p In vhich an approximate, theory van developed for the ca-k- culation of the lnelaOio reflection and transparency coeffi,-.ient emd for the ctl- culation of the el3ergy distribution of imelastior-13,Y scattered electrons. The re- sults of this theory disagree vith erperizment at lane angles of incidence of the i/2 -------------- IIL 52776-65 ACM0105 Us AP5010753 ing does-not change essentially the previous results for the angular dependenef! of the elastic*reflection coefficientp ana the discrepanoy at large angles stin re.. mrAW. Even if further calculations shov that the effective crons section at immu scattering angles auxt be modified,, the influence of the atoxic form factor on Vait "A -- ---"A -8 -" .2 -L %L- I --- ( , ~i T ,I Ir, ; i (", , A . it . ; " ; . ', ~l 7 ( -, I , K I t .1 ,"4.(" ;,j,j,rox.'z~-rite ar-al-, -'e expression for the run of ;;art'.ces re'a-de-- according to aet,~els law. RAdiotekh. I elektron. 17, rc.3;'l.-l-~.-,', 11 M. 16r. ( ~-ilhA I I . Fom,(,ar9t.vennv univnrsl te t Im. 7 .6. Shev v L . Y I)SSR/Wcrobloloa. - Gencral M11crobiolot.-J. F-1 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 3, 1958, 9777 Author Bekker, Z,E,, Ostroukhov, A.A., Smirnova, A,D., Koshe-eva, N.A., Fadeeva, Inst Title Growth Manifestations in Submerged Cultures of Pen"nillium Chrysogenum Thom. Orig Pub Antibiotiki, 1956, 1, No 3, 4o-47 Abstract Mycelial cells of P. chrysogenum Q 176 in a submereed cui- ture on a Stoun and Farrel medium iij a 1000 liter appara- tus with mixing at 200 rpm and aeraAon of 1 voliune of air per volume of medium per minute, undergo very characteris- tic transformation during cultivation, which my be provi- sionally represented in the form of 6 growth phases. The I phase: germination of conidia (begins in 13-24 hours from the time conidia are Inoculated in the nutrient me- dium). ConidLa evell and form one or several Growth tubes. Card 1/4 USSR/Microbiology - General RLcrobiolo&7. F-1 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., WO 3, 1958, 9777 II-phase: Expansion of hyphae (begins in 36-48 hours from the time of conidia inoculation in the nutrient me- dium). Still no activity is manifested in the culture liquid. III phase: Accumulation of reserve substances (observed after 48-56 hours from the time of conidia inoculation or after 24-36 hours from the time of myceliun transplanta- tion from the inoculatihg apparatus to the fermentation apparatus). Large numbers of fatty inclusions appear. Activity of the culture liquid is very low. IV phase: Disappearance of fatty substances and the be- ginning of vacuolization (observed after 36-48 hours from the time of transplanting inoculated mycelium into the fer- mentation apparatus). Activity of the culture liquid is notably increased. V Mase: Formation of large central vacuoles (observed in 48-72 hours from the time of transplanting the inoculated card 2/4 ___ .1 . RITYn, Z.Ye.,;, OSTROUKHOV, A.A.,. SHIPJIOVA. A.D..; KOSHICLNVA. N.A.,; FADSTVA. N.r. ` - Growth phenomena of submerged cultures of Penicillium chryeogen-am Thom. Antibiotiki, MoBkva 9 nc.2:40-47 ~kr-Apr 56 (MLRA 9:3) 1. Voosoluznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskly institut antiblotikov. (MICIUIUM chrysogenum Thom, growth phases of submerged aerated cultures) E31M, Z.B., BLREZINA, Te.K. VETS, R.A., MIWVANOVA, S.W.,-MTROUXHOV, _A--.A. RODIONOVSXAYA, E.I.. TRAIRTURMO. D.M.. ViORILOV. A.S., CHATKMXATA,3.X., Velutinin, An Antibiotic from. the mold fungua Appergillus relutinus. [with awmary in Engliah]. Anti',,iottki 3 no-4-'104-105 JI-Ag 158 (MIRA 11:10) 1. Vaesoyuznyv nnuchno-icp1edovstel'skiy inatitut nnti'llottkov. (ANTIBIOTICS) OSTROUKHOV, A.A.; ABXZOVA, L.F. Method of preparing of herixirium of mold fungi. Lab. delo 7 no.6: 44-45 Je 161. (ML'A 14:7) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut antiblotikov, Moskva. (FUNIIII) OET-Mo~,-Ic"q,v A.A.; o..U. Rapid method of selecting active variants of penicillin pro, ducer with the aid of r19 indicators. Antibiotiki 8 33-35 J063. (MM 16-.6) 1. Vsesoyuzny-y nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut antibiotikov. (FE-ICILLIL) (OXIDATIOE-REMMOV WCTIOF) U7-3P / Pharmcology and Toxicology. Yodicinal Plante - V Abe Jour : Ref. Zhur - Biologiya, No 17, 1958, No. Bo648 Author : Ostroukhov. A. F. imt : 17o-t given Title : Pharzacognostic and Ptrxmcological Investigations of Sophara Japonica Orig Pub : Tr. Krymak. mod. In-ta, 1957, 17, 194-197 Abstract : The bas1c active substance froz Sophora japonica (I) is rutin. Its greatest quantity is found in the fluvors, significantly less In the loaves, and comparatively little in the fruit. Tinctures of the different parts of I showed practically no toxic effects on frogs, mice or cats. The slightest amount of the tincture Is used to Incronao the tonus of tho CM, to excite roaptration and to ingignifi- cantly decrease blood proaouro, while large dooos am used to cause som depression of the reflox activity. The Card 112 U53B / Pharmacolow V-q .y and Toxicology. tWdicinal Plants. Abs Jour : Ref. Zhur - Biologiya, No 17, 1958, No. B0648 presence of rutin and ascorbic acid in I provides the poasibilo explanation of the wide use of its tincture In folk medicine with great success. Card 2/2 24 BDCBMTSXAU, I.T.; OIMT, A.L.; OSIMUIMY. A.I., reda"or; SINTAVSKATA. TS.I., rodaktor; ANMITZV, rodaktor. (Vork practice in operating the BZS-2 type drilling machine in the KrIv*y Reg Basin] Opyt skepluatataii burevege stanks, tipa, BBS-2 v Kriveroshokox basesise. KharIkov, Goo.nauchns-takhm.isd-ve lit,-ry ps chernei I toyetsei estallurgli, 1955. 28 p. Mu 9:6) (Xrivoy Reg) Ll SHOSTAK, A.G.;OSTROMOV, A.I. ", - - ., I Results of progressive mine operations in the Krivoy Rog Basin. Gor. zhur. no.3:29-33 Mr 157. (KLRA 10:4) 1. ?1achallnik tekhnicheekogo otdela tresta Djershinskruda (for Shoetak). 2. Nachallnik tekhnicheskogo otdola tresta Ieninruda (for Ostroukhov). I (Krivoy Rog--Iron mines and mining) 05921 1)(2) AUTHOR: C'stroukhov, r TITLE: A I!,,-,h-..,ualit,-,- 711F Uni, FERIODICAL: Radio, 1959, Nr 7. pp 50 (USSR) ABSTRACT- The author describes a V11F/FT-,1 receiver unit which was developed at IRPA imeni A.S. Popov for use in modern radio 1".1.11FM radios. The circuit diaC-ram of tl,,e V11F/FM1 unit is shown in Figure 1. One of the most important features is the comparatively low sir-nal radiation from the heterodyne frequency. The r-f am- piifier consists of one (,jil4P, while the converter is buill with one 6FlF tube. The unit works on fre- quencies of 64.5-73 Mc~ IF signal attenuation is more than 60(1b., ImaGe attenuation at 73 Mc is 4F- The actual sensitivity of a receiver with such an unit wiil chanj-,e from 0.8 to 1.5 microvolts. Thore 5 circuit diaf-,rams, ? diaFrrams and I taMe. -ire Card 1/1 f,r OSTROUX11. ii.p. --Cinlied--t-O-Matess In infertious colds and laryngotracheitte In chickens. Veterinariia 33 ne.9:42 S 156. (MLRA 9:10) l.Starshi;- veterizarayy vrach Bologerskey Hash Inset rekt orney Stanteli no.2 Krymakey oblasti. (Poultry-Diseases) (Tomatoes) 31081,A'621000,,100141'0 1 7 B149/B1W ATITHORS Ortrolmov, F. A.. Vo I kov, I. I. TITLEi ~p:ir-iti -n of i rcr,, alur)l num, rind chrori uo' f r~)~r ni ckQ I, cob a It, rin J (7 a i th c I rinami c it(, i,I F ~Ep I r,~ 1 C 1', 1. P,- f,ir~i t I vnvy zhurnal . K h I m ii ~i , t) n . 4 4D510 ~"r. Ir-tft okenw)l . AN S9SP, v. 7 1 TEXT: 71 h c.m t h r) (I c) f r it t I r, i- Fo A 1 a n d C r f rc~ m N: r Ni + h a r p d o n t h c~ p r e c, 11, 1 t fi 1, in () f F e A I ~M..J Cr I with ottmami" 'j j 'j whi ch thciy f r) rm i m,~n lub I e qal t,3 vrl-A I v Mn2 Ni 24 , CO 2+ and '.'r. P+ I rolublf~ compl-x ror.;,3,1rAs. The 'mort .r. j, 1 t, t cp rv r, I p I t qt I o r,, (i f Fr, Cr o,!curn at j,R 0 Copror, I pi ta t I on of (I i val er, 1 4? 1 ,, fr. ~-' I I f" vent-d* VY t.~iq ridditi,~r. of r,:-~7oni,im h1orile. 7() " (SO Ir. I () r t h o be analyzed c-ontaintriF al-out 0.1 of 1,t~o or,1quioxid')S, 10 are adde,l, "',en a comientr-itod nolution of N11 01-11 Is widod tint! I !,hf. anct -;, (~ e, c1, i of turbidity, which Jr clp:irerl *Jtkj drops of ECI Card I :~f iron, i r. J' - P 14 'J"D I f~ 1 1 n I i 111 t oi -a I t h vi'l t I. t 0 P a tl~i ho'i i (' d t 1, c 1, 1 1~, 1 !111 1 o 1 r#v ;t vakor. I )v-~J-o w or-, I " - o r 1 - r- i n ;i i,,i I f t n I' II I Tit' X t t (-' T- I~fi houro , w i t h o c: 1 !11 -) T-, a I I t i r-ri nj-. T Lu 1) r(~ c- i it a t. c 1 3 f i I I r o t w i th "0 - 1") ml porti on!i of tho f o I I o-Ni nj-, vo lu ti ons Ic I oll I I in hot water, nixed with 20 ml of VI golution of I and diluted with water to 100 ml, and finally with hot ~,~ solution of I i i in dried and calcined. This method is suitable for the analyai3 of' mar I no ferromanganeso concretiono. bstracter's notes Complote trianolation Card 2/2 86i:RUKOV j).L., OSIROUKtM, PA - 2 1; ru On Phosphorus Ors-Ur-lb-utf7o-n in the sediments of the Okhotsk lje4. (0 raspredelenil fonfora v oiadkakn Okhotskogo moraya 4.usslan) rt,RIODICAL Doklady tkadtmil Nauk at6R, 1957, Vol 113, Nr 1, pp 142-145, Received qlq'~7 Reviewed 7/1957 ABSTRACT Inorder to explain some question* concorning the origin of phompliorito-i It 15 necessar; to know the rules governing phosphorus distribution iri tr.e sediments of recent seas. In contrast to other seas the Pacific na.-3 scarcely been Investig4ted in respect. Considerable quantities of material of moil sedimeots was investigated which had been coliected ty tiie siAip "Vityaz" In the North Western Pacific. The close connectior. of the Oknotsk Sea with the Pacific, the penetration of phospnorus-rier, abyssai-w~ters from this ocean, the high productivity of its plankton, the variety of getlogical structure and of the petrographic composition of tne surrounding continent, a*ellAs the existence of upper-teriary phospi, on #akhalin render this investigation important. 15o .3ta- tIon3on the ground were investigated with respect to surface-samrles, (2-5 cm) and a chart (illustration 1) was made. This chart shows tnat there are two teritories witb a relatively high pl.osphoru3-content. 1) A continental shoal in the nothem part of tne sea and 2) the Kam- chatka- and Kuril Isles shoal. In tne former region the coastal zone nam less phosphorus (o,o7-o,040/0) than the middle parts of t?-.e snoal card 112 (o,12-o,150/o). In the latter region the highest ptiosphoras-content Ls FA - 2?Z1 On Phosphous D1,9tribution in the bediments of the Oihotsk aea. f(,und in the sand of the shore (o,o9-o.1350/o) avid It t)ecorjes ie,,Rq nearer the sea. In East of 5akhalin the pho3phcrus-ccnterit increa-9-s arain, not on ,ne shore itself, (o,o2-o,oi4o/o) Uut .9ornew:-at moret;- %:,- Last in the DeMigin depression (o,o6-o,o7O/o). tiu=ary. Fhonpt~-r,.i limtribution in the sediments of the Okhotska be& in on Lne wx,.,Ie governed by the name rules that Jtxakhov, N.-".,found to exi,-it T i number of other waters. The phospncru5-compound5 come intc the 5ea as nolid p~.ase with denudation- and abrasion product," of and partly perhaps with products of volcanic activity. (1 111.,13 citations from published works). A;jSOCIATIOTI Oceanographic" In5titute of the Academy of 6clence of tie (Institut okeanologil Akademli Nauk tliaa) FRE'bLN"rZD BY ziTRAKhGVj, '-ember of the Academy. bUBL'ITTED 12.11-1956. AVAILABLE Library of Congress. Card 212 OS iPOU?11()V, 1. A. "Hydrodynamic explanations of the electrical r)rop(,rt4c-r of',, fluids." Report presented at t fie I st. All-tlnl,-n Coaf fzr(,nce on Heat- and "ar,: - Y' chan - , Ydnsk, MISR, 5-9 June 1961 L%i4w OSTRDMIHOV 0 D.; YAROBSCE, B.S., redaktor; VORONIN. K.P.. tekhnichaskly re or. [Kanual on safety techniques In gas welding and cuttino ftmlMlm po tekhaike basopasnosti dlia gazoevarshchika I gazoreschika. iv voprosakh I otvetakh) Moskva, Goa. energ. Isd-vo, 1953. 30 p. (Weld ing-Saf at y measures) (KLRA 7:8 ZILIBEROV, I.S., gor-iyy inzh.; ZITSER, I.S., gornyy inzh.; OSTROUKHOV P I. L-) Oomyy inzb. Using precast reinforced-concrete supports in the "Grushevskii" Mine of the Nikopoll Manganese Trust. Gor. zhur. no.10:48- 50 0 161. WIRA 15:2) 1, Grushovskiy rudnik treats Nikopoll-Karganets (for Zillberov). 2. Nauckno-iseledovatellskiy gornorudnyy in" titut, Krivoy Rog (for Zitser). 3. Treat Nikopoll-Marganetq (for Ontroukhav). Nikopoll Region(Denpropetrovsk Province)-41ine timbering) (Precast concrete construction) OST9DUYFOV, I.I.. gornyy inzh.; DEMCHENEO, V.V., gornyy inzh. UsinF new types of equipment to develop strip -nineF for , 1, Gor. zhur. no.11:22-25 11 '61. (Fllit^ . ': -, ~ 1. Trest Nikopol'-Marganets, P. Mari-anets. (Nikopol' reFion (D-ii-propetrovsk Frovince)--YanFanese min,-F arid mining-Equipment arxi supplies) I j. .1 L111VIKUY.0 A.r'., Corny:; Irizli.; W.'hLJjF_q6V I.L., gc)r*-y inah.; 6i.WiAlisi-" i golmyy iLIZI-1. Pjactice and prusj*cts fir over-a.1i triechazilzed minIng of rawanes- Gor. zhur rio.14 i,1-4t; Al, It _). ki-Ill'A ~t ", Oiint;aneae mines axLi mining-Equipment and supplies) - --1 -1 . . I 1~ : ; . , . .1 . I . I I . I . . I d ) .-- .-d , - . . . . . I OsTRMMOV, V. Ttgoslavia (430) Tvchnology Automatic voltage regulating for alternating current. p. 17, Nova Proizvodnja, Vol. 2, no. 1, February 1951. Zast European Accessions List, library of Congress, Vol. 2. no. 3. Karch 1953. UNCLASSIFIED. 111. !,. rf irr- - - ~ - -' - - ' ~ Sta 4 ~ ~ -- - -, ., -- . 9. ~Lon~~l List of Russian Accesslons, Libritry of Congress, Jl~- t- - " q -, ~' ~Jzn c 1 . . I . . I . - I , i I . t . . . t . . O.ST,ROUrE07,-;-Y.; TVLI~117T, Ye.1% Analyzing the -,f the planetary tool of the PKG-3 ctimbine. Sbor. nauc,,. trud. UMIIIISoll no.7sO-77 164 WnA 1811) OSTROUMIU7, L. YiA. PA 1; ~'T I =M/AqM~1M6 Jun 2947 7100ts "Review of 'Constructlon, Squipseat and Operation of Present-Daq Dose-Furnme Plants I by Prof V. A. Bor*- kin,* L. Ya. Ostroakbov, lAnIngmd Pol7teeh lust, I p "Stall" No 6 Collection of articles, by various authors, dealing with constractim, equipment, and operation of Me- ent-W done-furnaos plants In USM. Reviewer states that although vorthwbiles book vould have bew Im- proved had ScrokIn limited bloself to discussing sub- ject material he bad Intended to discuss. '38T35 STISHZNKO,A.I.; ZMJBAVM,S.P.; TARAM,P.M.; rORTASHOY.N.V.; ZHUKOV,N.N.; HILTY.P.L.; KkDYRVATEV,R.A.; PAS7USHNIN,P.M.; SHOSTAK.A.G.; OSTRO- UIHOY,A.-I.; POLOSSNIT.H.I.; OSTROMOV.1.1.; WGDVSIIT,5.1.; M"" IMMV I.; KHCIROSM.O.V.; IRRATtV.Sh.l.; MKOVAD. *Dust control In the mines of Krivoy Rog Basin." V.V.Nedin. Re- viewed by A.I.Steshenko and others. Gor.zhur. no.9:61-62 S 155. MU 8: 8) (KrIvoy Rog--Mine dusts) (Nedlnj.T.) STISHINIO.A.I.; ZMMVLTV.S.P.; TARO,P.I.; KUDR'IASHOV,K.V.; ZHUKUV,N.B.; BZLTT,P.L.; UDYRVAYNV,R.A.; PASTUSHKIS.P.M.; SHOBTAK.A.G.; OSTRO- UZH(N,A.I.; POIAINSKIT,N.I.; WGMSKIT,S.I.; Sz- MMO,P.I.; KHaROSHEV,O.V .; hIRATV,Sh.T:: "MIOV,O.D. "Dust control in the mines of Krivoy Rog basin.* V.Y.Wedin. Re- viewed by A.I.Steshanko and others. Gor.zhur. no.9:61-62 5 155. (KLRA 8:8) (KrIvoy Rog--Kine dusts) (Wedin,V.V.) I hi, i r. i~:. ".1 104, Q I . I =-- -, - - - -I 't. %.-.7 eurW out an a fumom of ?W mO waAing vvioulm pradwing fbawbry Imrs. Tbe wOmd t*n*UW a( samp4~pg Seem in at va6Aw dtitanaft ffmu OW Clyrra lu-mau =Z116=10. It was rfWsb1lOtOt4 t1mt ou il!ttm-king th* ammat of m0imare by 10 -n VIM* tal thuqa foahf~ tongth of fka eomb=tim somp takes placv. tho C-061moil4im of hmt for W dommptuition cf " mckfure slidod ia not ttd by 4n a riat,i irwrpvto* in tho Min te4vi*rs- 71W bWW?fi&IjrLfiutjuv of in tkw MOM. (%41"I tl is not or the oxidizing ?Aw. Thia dmmkxe in t1w tenl1wraturp 51 ftr'MVW~*niQd 11Y A f4XTVA~O in 1110 bf thf~ FA* Le, ifa 4 I. - ~ "I"", i. - ", p/.1/~ (-I BARDIN. I.P.; TSYLSV. L.M.; OSTROUXHOV. X.Ya.; KIIODAK. L.Z. . , Combustion of coke in blast-furnace tuyeres. Trudy Inst. met. no.2: 3-8 '57. (MMA 10:11) (Combustion) (Blast furnaces) (Coke) A AUTHOR: Ostroukhov, M.Ya. TITIZ- Increasing the Intensity of Blast Furnace Brielting (0 povyshenii intensivnosti domennoy plavki) PERIODICAL- Netallurg , 1557.. No. '8, PP, 7 - .10.'(USSR) ABSTRACT: Maintaining that the maiL factors preventing the acceler- ation of smelting in blast furnaces are aerodynamical, the author discusses these and also considers operating factors on the basis of experience at various Soviet plants. He shows (Fis-1) that there is a cer5ain intensity of smelting (tons of coke,consumed per day per m of furnace volume) which gives a coke-rate minimum, the value of the intensity depending on the type of burden and being 0.8- 0.9 for the unpreparei burdens at "Zaporozhstall" and Azovetall" works and 1.0 tons/m day for the well-prepared burdens at Magnitogorsk. He distinguishes three regions of the intensity vs. coke-rate relationship (Fig-2): below the optimal, near the optimal and above the optimal smelting intensity. The same figure shows how the make of a furnace actually decreases when the intensity is raised beyond a certain value. He considers Aactors influencing reductions of coke rate and increases in smelting intensity including the role of coke in maintaining charge permeability, high-top-pressure operation, Cardl/2 blast humidification and oxygenation, layer charging, burden SOVI 180-59-1-7429 AUTHORS: Ostroukhov, M.Ya., Rudneva, A,V. and Tsylev, L,M. (Moscow) TITLE: The State of Slag-Forming Materials in the Blast Furnace Oxidizing Zone (0 sostoyanii shlakoobrazuyushchikh materialov v okislitellnoy zone domennoy pechi) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademit nauk SSSR, Otdelenlye tokhnicheskikh nauk, Metallurglya I toplivo, 1959, Nr 11 PP 37-43 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors point out that most of the comparatively few Investigations (Refs 1-6) in which samples of' liquids were taken from the blast-furnace hearth relate to furnaces working without raceways In front of the tuyeres. They describe their own investigation which had the aim of studying the behaviour of slag-forming materials under the conditions of present operation, characterised by raceways with their associated strongly oxidizing zones. The work was carried out at the imeni Dzerzhinskogo 'Dzerzhinskiy) works with the part-icipation of A.A. Krivosheyer and I.G. Polovelienko of the Central Works Laboratoiy. The furnace on whic:h the trials were rarried out had a hearth diameter of 8,2 m and sixteen 1.80 mm diameter tuyeres. Card 1/4 The butden consisted of 30% raw Krivoy-flog ore (grades 25 and 34) and 70% fluxed sintor of two basicitles (0.2-15 and 30V/18C-59-1-7 "29 The State of Slag-Forming FlaterIals In the Bl~tst-Furnace Oxidizing Zone 0~5-0.519, the first cont-alning some manganese, The blast temperature and V01UM0 Were 450-.600"C and 3000--3300 m3/mln, respecti-;ely.. Pig-ir-on containing 0,4-..0,'% Si, l..7--2.5% Yin, 0.01-0,05% S 0,06-0~1% P was smelted with a Slag basicity (GaO - 51021 of 1.15 - 1.25. At times furnace working was uneven. Gas and material samples were taken at 200 mm intervals along a hearth radius with a 60 mm diametar watar ccoied tube. The materials solidi- fying in the tube were drilled out, separated from pig- iron nodiles and tne portions cofresponding to given sampling points weiij mixed. Larger (50-100 g) samples were subjected to eompleta (Aiemical analysis, smaller ones were analysed ,L"oT- metallic 1.ron, FeO and Fe203, The results of gas sampling are iven In Fig 1,. which shows composition against distance (mj from nose of tuyere: the oxygen content falls t~ ~% at a distance of 1450 mm, C02 disappears at 1600 mm and the 02 , N ratio falls over the first 800 mm and then rises, The -fon-oxide r.ontent of the slag-forming materials and Vie iron content of the oxides are shown in Card 2/4 Fig 2 as f,2netlons of distance. A high CaO : S102 ratio was found In t)-io oxidizing zone., Indicating tiat ~.oxe ash SOYI 180-59- 1-7,,"29 The State of Slag-Forming Materials in the Blast Furnace Oxidizing Zone does not participate in Slag formation there. The manganese content of Iron samples taken from the oxidizing zone is below that of the pig iron (Fig 3 shows manganese content against distance from the nose of the tuyeres). A detailed petrological examination of samples (Figs 4-9) Indicated that part of the slag-forming materials are in the solid or plastic states in the oxidizing zone, consisting of sintered particles of iron oxide, lime and reoxidized iron sponge as well as droplets of iron and slag frozen by the blast. Sintering processes in the oxidizing zone lead to the formation of high-calcium silicates and cal,~tum ferrites; recrystallisation of materials occurs in the plastic state directly at contact surfaces, but in the interval 1000-1300 mm from the Card 3/4 tuyeres melting o,~curs, A minor part of the materials entering the oxidizing zone in tho solid or plastic; states SOV/180-51,,- i -,III The State of Slag-Forming Matarials in the Blast-Furnace Oxidizing Zone is riot affected appre- Lably. There are 9 figures 3 tables which ate Soviet 3 Getman and SUBMITTED: June 6, 1958 rand 9 referonces, 4 of 2 English. Card L~/Lf OSTRDUIMY. Impaired perform=e of large blast furnace hearths. Metallurg 5 n0-9:7-8 S 160. (MIRA 1318) 1. Chelyabinskiy rAsuchno-iseledovatellskiy IrAtItut metallurgii. (Blast furmcos) 4 OSTRCUKHOV. H.Ta.; KHOLZAKOV, V.I.: POPOV, Tu.A. Large capacity blast furnace operations. Metallurg 5 no. 12.-4-9 D 160. (HIRA 13:11) 1. Chelyabinekly metallurgichookly savod i Hauchno-teeledovatellakly institut matemattki. (Blast furnaces) TSrIXY, Leonid Mikhaylovich; OSMUKHOT, Mark Takovlevich; KHODAK. Leonid Zalmanovich; ZIN(M, S.L.. red.itd-ve; AT?OPOTICH, N.I.,, [Process of coke co"Iyustion in blast furnaces] Protsess goreniia kokes v domennol pechi. Moskva, Gos.1sd-vo lit-ry po chernol I tavatnoi metallurgil. 1960. 98 p. (MIRA 13:5) (Blast furnace s-Com1mm ti on) (Coke) OSTROUKHOT, Kark Takovlevichl ~Uuo. A.F., red. I TABLONUATA, L. V. , red.izd-ve; KARAM. A.I., [Sevins of coke In blest furnaces) Zkonomila koksa v domennoi plavke. Koekva. Goo.mauchno-tekhm.isd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tevetnoi metallurgii, 1960. 142 p. (MIRA 13:6) (coke) (Blest furnaces) KOFMINP 1A.,- CSTROUXHOV, Mae Effect of the character of gae flow on the rate of Iron oxide reduction. Report No*2. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.j chern.met. 5 no.4t29-36 162. MPA 1535) 1. Chelyabinakiy nauchno-isaledovateliskiy institut metallurgii. (Iron-14etallurgy) (Gas flov) KOFTRINP I. A.; BYALYY, L. A.; OSTROUKHOV M. Ya.; VMMZENSKIY, V. A.; KUDRYAVTSEV, A. V.1 hrmstigating the gas dynamics of the blast furnace process vith use of helium. Izv. vys. ucheb. savel cbern. met. 5 no.12: 29-40 162. (MIRA 16:1) 1. Cbelvabinakiy nauchno-Isaledovatellskiy institut astallurgii i Orako-KMIllovskiy notallurgicheakiy kombinat, (Blast furnaoes-Modele) (Gas cVraalco) KOPYIL1140 I.A.; q4'~tWUMOV, -LYa.; bYALYY, L.A.; MNESENSKY, V.A.; PLASTININ, B.G.; Prinirr-gli uchaatiye: KUDRYAVT.),~V, A.V.; CHIRKOV, G.G.; &RADCH:-1iK(,, V.i,. I Investigation of &as dynaimce in the blast furnace process using helium. 1zv. AN SSift.0td.tekh. rnwk. Mat. i topl. no. 5t22-28 &-0 162. (MIRA 15:10) (Blast furnaces) (Gas dynamics) 037ROLIHOV, M.Ya. Blast furnace coke combustion processes. Stall 22 no.7;~99-603 n 62. (RI IV~ -L 5: 7) 1. Chalyabinskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut motallurgii. - (Blast furnacco-Combustion) BIAIM, L.A.; KOPYRIN, I.A.; WTiLUUhhUVP Effect of varioun factore on a blaut furnace ozidati,-n zvne. Izv, vyse uchobe zave; cherne met* 6 no*4:27-33 163. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Chelyabinskiy nauchno-issiodovatellskiy inBtitut metaliurt:ii. (Blast furnaces) KHOLIMUV, V.I.; B"ItHi~NKO, V-1-p- OSTROUKII(Ti M.Ya.- LUKIN, P.G.; NEKIFEDOV, S.F.; POM, Yu.A.; GAV'IIJLIUJ', 1. - ~!j InvestiCating the processes iii the ctack and hearth of a blaBt furnace during smeltine with einter of Bakal and Sokolovk&-Sarbay ores. itall 23 no.4:297-300 AP 163. (MIRA 16s4) 1. Ghslyabinskiy nauchno-issledovatellsVly inatitut mel~allurgii i Chelyabinakiy met&llurgicheskiy zavod. (Blast furnaces) OSTROUREOV..Vark. YOqvlavi-~h. priz-AmFda uchastiye ZHILO,, N.L.p . - - - f-wrin. rlau~~ I-WICHIN"'KFI, V.G.J. kfind" teklin. nauk, clots., retsenzer;t; SHARCHIN, V.D.p red. [.S,Iag formation pro:~Pss in the b1ast furnace] Protsess shlakoobrazovaniia v dorennoi pevhi. 1,1.oskvap Metallurg- iziatp IY') 222 p. (~Uu 18: 8) 0. VYATKIN, N.'r.; s.p.; 1,()I,oV, yu.A.; GAVRILYUK, L.Ya.; FONTALIN, V.N.; V-YA-IFIN) G.P.; M.Ya. Experience of five years of a 1,719m3 capacity furnace. Stall 24 no.11:9U,-968 N '04. (MIRA 18: 1) BABARYKIN, N.N.; GALATIONOV, A.L.; SAGAYDAK, I.I.; SHPARBFR, L.Ys.; ISVERLING, A.L.; YAKOBSON, A.P.; BDRTS, Yu.M.; ZHIM, N.L.; KOPYRIN, I.A.; OSTROUMOV, M.Ya. Experimental smelting with a reduced slag output. Stall 24 no.12:1069-1075 D 164. (KR-A 19:2) 1. Magnitorskiy metallurgicheakly kombinat I Chelyabinakly nauchno-isaledovatellekly Inatitut metallurgil. ZWEIIIR, Foltel' Kuslievich, kard. tek-hn. nauk; IjOZOVSKIY, Leonid Davidovich, inzh. Prini--.ali uchastiye: GLADCV"KAYA, L~ T.K., inzh.; ".OSTINA, T.~'.., inzh.; FJOICIOIKO, A.A., inzh., laureat Leninskoy premil, retsenzent; O.STROIJKEOV 1"Ya', kand. tokhn. nauk, red.; 'ATT, [Slag pumJcel Shlpkcvaia penza. Chel'Aabinsk, lUzhnc-- Urallskoe knizlutc,n izA-vo, 196.4. 103 p. (MILIA 16-7) KOPYRIN, I.A.; USTROUKBOV, M.Ya.; STEFANOVICH, M.A.; 13011'I'L, Yu.M.; -~AGAYDAK, I.I.; S-Iii~ARBM, L.Ya.; VULKOV, Yu.P. Ifeat balance of smelting with a lora slag yield for the blast furnace. Izv.vyfi.uchoh.zuv.; chern. met. 8 no.411.5-52 16~. (MIRA 1. Chelyahinskiy nauchno-is.,31edovatel'skly institut metallurgii, Magnitogorskiy metallurgichetikly kombinat i Magnitogor"kiy gornomet,911urgicheskiy institut. VOI.KoV. I l.F"-,'IIKOV. N M. , V I y Eli., V. I.. M.Y a., RYAPTSFV. 1. v I'll P.'TivNKO F. ~ . I . V. " T., ya. I a F-ac car;bc,ty blas' forna,ir-. Metrallurg 10 no. 1 4..8 Ta '6;. (MIRA 1,814) CHEFONATIN, A.N.; OSTROUKROV, M.Ya.; GI WTI I FARB, R.A.; VOLKOV, Yu.P.; BABARYKIN, N.N.; SHPARBER, L.Ya.; GALATONOV, A.L. Vastering of IVK (?.'Agnitogorsk Metallurgical Combinni blart operations with the uve of natural gap. Mqtallurg 10 no.8-1,--13 A.F., '65. ( ?.,-, pi, i P- - 8 , 1. Chelyabinskiy nauclino-issledovatellakiy Institut metallurgil I' Magnitogorskiy metallurgicheskiy kombinnt. STARSHINOV, B,,N.; GSMOUKI]OV, M.Ya.; KOCHINEV, Ye.V.; Prinimah uchastlyet TARASOV, D.A.1 SOROXA, P.F.; KARACHENTSEV, M.D.; W ORIN, V.T.; KORM, V-K.; POPGV, Tu.A.; DOIXATOV, V.A.; AYUKOV, A.S. Blowing-in of large blast furnaces. Sbor.trud. UNIIM no.11:27-32 165. (MIRA 18i11) STARSHINOV, B.N. ; S:- :-SALMI' V. ,. ; SFN I KC , (,. Ye. ; GLI Y,',,', , 1 .'v'. ; B!'Bl Y, f2lOF,U7HTY) Frinimali uchastiye: oSTT~omnvp Ya. ; 17, N. I . ; PLISKITf 'I'S ~'IY, S. T. ; IT IS~ YTV, Yl,, , -,. ;'~AVRPNT I T-7, TAUSOV, F.P. -, 7AGRIZA v A.Y. ; KAI-,Zlr~`v , , D. It , FRFYDIN, L.M.; 11'KIN, P.G.; POPOV, Yu.A.; 1,113111N, P.i,.; M.D.; DOLVLATOV, V.A.; AYVFOV, A.S.; PAl),r;-p V,!:.-, -SYTY, Y11.1'. SOWIPKIY, Yu.,,.; FONARIVA, N.V.; SAFTNO, , V.I.; S-CILYA', V.V.; Rlkl:~Ildi, Ye.Y,?. Resi.lts of the "' rpt yeur of operRtlon of larrc -ajl~i- t furnaces. Sbor. tr,A. 'T7,11M, nc).'] AGASHIN, A.A.; BABARYMN, N.N.; VOLKOV, Yu.P.; GALAIDN( V, A.L.; KRYUKI'Vp F,A,LIKC)V, K.V.; OSTROUKIR~V, M.Ys.; PISIIVANOV, V.L.; CliFT-TYATIN, A.N.; YUSHIN, F.A. Experimental ops-rntion of blast furnac#-s on rqzut and nqtural gas. Stall 25 no.5:393-400 Itr 165. (M1RA 18:6) 1. Magnitogorskiy metnllurgicheskiy kombinat; Vst%myu,-nyy nwichno- isslo-dovatel'skiy institut mt-tallurgicheskoy tf-plotF-khniki i Chplyabinskiy nnuchno-issledovnteliskiy institut MPtAllurgii. VVVVW V 9 0 9 *No a I . 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 It 0 0 41 0 0 0 a ~4-'L 009. loo 1. 00 0081 W=kL M. (~a: (16tal, 19W. No. 4. pp. 1~44). Jbi - 6~ Russian). 714 of the 1180-cu. m. blamt-twmam ws the -00 Maptutogursk Works orw Uhm pariods during vb" the furram H thrm different typra of map wm cipteminmi 11(ZI MPPW Imm, all sim" during flo Oaw 300 = pwivds ammmlad to 2W, 2921 and 2877 ml. W kit, of pig imn 000~ *Ce 0 nopprOrWy. the v66 conrumpWrA durins ibm thrm jorlods '00 wen rmpKi"y 079D, OW and 0-920 k ks. 44 pig Um. 00- and 0* nominO daily oulpab wm 14354, firv Wid 14W) tono, rgoo whil" outputs wit"I amp wvm 1344-9, 1203-3 mA J3M-# tow goo rrapoctive4y, rqpv" for tho viarlom bret kwo &a weN a& for v4WAuWpU- of Oft MW otbW raw mal"als "A FOt Ompodtiona of Aloo &W. imn wW fumme pa wr Sivon. and the rmullil s" vanpu"I a*& with tbom for spr" otbar furnaces. goo goo WOO A AMM&NOS 6& LITIN41WRI C&OUPIC61" moo 24" W-iftv .4 O-v Got Mill ONC41" M AV ID W ; a, ; MRI %some 0*10foll J Al 54 00 .04, 0 0 ooooo*eo**OOO 00 0 00 *0 00000:10000000000000 -06 144 - 0:41 p 4, 0 Me V 13 a ibis t 10, fig tz Is A I 004 .- .- - --, ., ,. .- 00 WWkL W. Ogja*jvy, IMI&I, JUX.No. JO-11. pp. It -17). (In Russian). The authcw dewiibra his inyvaligatimim of the vuemeatly of the itlax from th" Miptitagortilt b6al-furnme,". lit imirf t c avoid redurtion, sampka of mat*snereer-braAng stag were met bral(A above 14M'C. i phute eratibits. Iron-bronng alav had to ker h l t lik i Ii i i W i ew see n w ie t I * temprzature was m W tr* in krm crun "00 to 14M, C. Syntheliv itimp fallinx within a triangle on the Wilim- off Sluminet-limp ternary diagram bourolod by the tin" vonnroins the -00 affirs 41100, alumina anil limp 30". jettinta tier" slumlW together .00 -0",, of maxiwiesia. with Ow effect on dwir viaeitaily of ailifitiom of 3 000 :0 #M of magnrm6 with 4-10% of mangantme; oskip, &net of 601* of , s' Zxi 30"' of Irtrents oxitir. In 8811111jon with 7- lo!,., I11% u 000 armlimalW4 to eutewflo wpm stuebril. 13 no 16t& 0 awn) for the vijmvwlko at different temloratur" anel the tem, twra of Fximar~ myviAllization air given in tabular = ~ of roWmal. k)w,*,4 the W,,.ity of the sibea. form. 1 alumins:11imp al&p,ywflruUAj those oonWrAing ap)errriable amounts 1 4,00 of alumina. At the &WM time additkWA of magnTesia narrowrel the mrsta3lisation ternfrraturp ranp. Additiom of ferrous oxi4le l i i f h i b l d h i 466 .8 scina in owen e v ty o t e a ap conta n a t ng magnres* panicu 00 larly V hen Preteens in lirp antteunts. suph as 3006. Adifitiorts of inniegareons oxid" hatt a eimilar effret, whirb won further incrrapril wee when this oxide and ferrous oxielp earro seldmi together. Monwoffhr jog troullee oblainrid for the Ornwr alaga orp inernlearvel with thew tJ a lwrvkxw inveougalorte imollbki tho" of MrUbffen. In (,onrjuaion, "0o by A# Sulbor lux) by Other inv;'Migators on th" diflimllies of merenuinp WR viorc Wtv of Omp am dealt with. 0* 468461 .1. doe, dot 4W 4W. M , - er- 's n A Sop%#* 4611,111FOOst - a: o 9 11AIRE co I Z 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 00 0/ ~- 44 a ; 16 1 t- A -1- 1 4- ix a ps t A, "WOO ! , 1#4 3. Mist 1,11 3% -00 (fit Itilmilatly Thr allwhiltr joirroi-tita tal"llar 11.1t.1 tilt. . -Its'", 1041 ItIvItilvig intot tit t-4114411'. *%III) fit., I'mrM fill'Ifillo . mill 00 . Ow 41' f , oftk*r% .%.tPjkj. .1111-A 'Alth Imilisto tit flit. 4'Ix -00 . "ie its, ust'n, (A file 6111malfix AI Itilitia, 1111w, Ilinglo-la mut tropm. -13tv (if oilit,sitt. 4.1 I.ItAottsunk. NNIIIIIII, A. 111, it It" tit t hr 111^119 AIW4M All"'"tod that tilt, firM Amig 14-rolit'l 11 v Im , t is r .1,11filefil' Ow 0! 14,111, this Allch V11144-to.. %.4 tiont rotr4liv ill thr worrvolitifulitig M . I arr Iwlt Im-tvwArily the tillat ItIA-1 IlIvIts, firtiv., Ow trollY tillol 4414. 'A hirli eventually ifitirmlit C-111110mitwil Ir"Ill tilt, alvlwAr sissy have ok r fir-1 11,11114 phrint. Thr 41111wr see w IMetl Ill .11flo-rent rwit.. .,I tI- I,jij.j Ijjrj,;,_ Idlooo mid .~Owr~ ill Io It4m. Kim), j -00 so: *0 Will v 00 too t, it ..... U 1 11 10 11 it W oeoo***Ooooo;ooeooo 00 694e046 goo owe 0'":: ;;;eeq6 flit 00 We s e0-; 04'. X 36 V a 31 a to Ill d2 a 0 Aix- 71 -S Twopwatwo cd WannAm d Mob" d hbwy WAO-Fwun -00 AJW ?A, V. 4)ArtpAhl)v-. tumiat, 11137, %A. 12, got No. 4. Alw.. 11p. 031M.-The elownwartl movempoll #if ishigs in I Mawfurriss" 60 lipirmin"I not only low thr reloolive wiftlially to( % atoo by Ilivii vaiwity is) for") plobulow &oil tVFw% of OIAX bw see reatillis of a 41vtosilwd inwrooligation let which the 10MIsr"110" 01 -00 Able), a numb" of walls. indsoplinp alkabsor and alkshow-varth 004 o-IsLorialres, form droplets *pros doolorminni lit orvirr lit test %br effivolvIv *00 go '0 #of the VIII)II-60MIal OIN43YA91)P 111100141 111OW TM)tkM ATIN I'lonlIWAMS see with dolta i"wed lot, 4ithrr ioprils" w Ish the Irmlorr a** alum of droplef-faimation of affirajahmAnx, boor, wifiva little Ivrric sea oxiAr. awl mixturve ativell so a nuonlorr of Ivinvot. 0 v 0 furnootv sk%~m I)mjw am fornsoil in the first ternary "voirm to woo 00 a mentionrol of MY 4. kV a mixture 440 voirsillonition splornzionstilw lo that of this I=" 4'. cutri4jr. IMI Irlixturrol, uAll A 4-4.1111"IP1111"I 4,41110 vroolinsatingi to that orthor louvoot rutertir (11,40, 4'.) florin !1860 'Collre ortIv above 100" C,. bent* alaps of this otionloosition van IT, 14:00 41")v firtach"khripsoolviv frons the love to$- chalwinx their voinplosili4sol itowl attaining a thoid istale. Thr athlilhoot l'f A% of Illaww"in ow ,if a oniall i1volvility of trrrie oitollit, the trovilm-raloor fit ih 114wiliatkoll. -Adual Plap inviviipAIA Isrholvi4l kee o Sw myou". Whes"aloollilift little, "Voti.~&L It Moves "anova woo S too 0 so a,; ow 0 So Pis 41 1 +.doks 0 eoseOe'4oooqq;ooo;#"M:00* 00: so 10 : G 0 0 0 g 0 q _.0 0006 ote's see so 0:64110:: 0 0000000 *goes A AA L b t-1 A~ A a k .~i. 0j tr,,,jk, 1"i" VA. Iii :)on. '. -r.. 00 06 411.),,). lezits wnr- rekrrAwl it *i'l~ toi-i kin,!t, 00 coke ar v,tryin,, ~ r,)3 i ty ;! I-: 'f %Jl --12.. n r 00 0 coke thip oxidntion zone extended farther .00 : 0 tvipork%tittra within 0.9 zone w%m i,,ftn with tlm Inn ~69 domas coke. This f -nt CAUS011A thm r,)rtvsrm to iu,rk,i '00 W 00 10 00 ' . * AM 1 0 - 0 0 . . f .3 As . - - A 0 40 0 0 0 0 09 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 : i 0 * 0 go 0,000 & 0 0 0 is a - .6 AAL"_9 0 0 I, is A ) Ll 6) w 00 Al . ** a I 06 ';~ , L? 00. 0 : 0 0 M Y : . A 0 111111. 1, Ol f'l%AU%W% 11111kirlon,o. 00 r I)-,, r%Alluocl"li '4 00 1,%' U14' of dtlmst- vAr 00 4 h-arth vm%,A Tabulau.. Iota 00 00 :0 s 00 000 zoo so* -zo 0 Oo - D 0 %00 4v 10 0 -6 a a A i doe q 111 0000 * 0 0 0 44 00 0 so*** 0 0 * 0 0 * 0 90 00 0 0 Is 0000 0 4b 006 0 0 77~ , Lyz Ile 847- 09 PAWRI &t, g rmAz Am" Otraft" T& SM *Mdsk 14*, (GW 09041, M4MRT;-1vwp--yql. 16* wpmgr-lm Chem. Abscr. , 1957, Vol I ~vraft;;-0-f a -4 op(nlM 4nd vni luttia Packing In the ttal a bocuMn -7% or the t~L 'vg oin atock sexples of camen in the Ocubustion artA wre obtaino(L Commis ton o A I U#00-PUCG, to is oavity -mde by the blest -in the Charas and-s )d b 4 ly 4 cocroa lvgr of -494 j0C)!QDD m thi4k. . mursomplo hi [A vo thiAl arWod thut y it olmoci that coke werinatnis cavlty:n-m--above-1#61rouu",Odby"~Nl-))ASt Iii J. lest -blast 0 rig 0 c tm plams, ln~ V* 4orlzonul, the 41rls co%q,to'iho it Imi. tv tb~) tho t loft ot tile mr1ro punt alma Ow Oavity vull retumIng It to - q0 lit the YCtiCal, ThiCh rX6000921Y &?08 not atom! Woo the 91" coke Is j*d# to rotate In the plena of,.Cho tuyers. DistributloinIF90flifloc!'. OW4AMWZA'In the ecobustlon zoy%o to -Ivcn IS dIdVWRS AhWirg It 01 1fUnCtInn ot tho,411tancs ft% the W*16 They 49 nct amee v4UI ~hv cowentl 30~fti` - bew 0 most xamrMorts on-whiah the latter Arf) made dl belm tt~ ~2*vel or tho. tuyim, rrA miximi tooparouire Is I out 1(01 It" bat,"hm the itram- of cozon and J;hd CoPe MAI or' orli,141OUKLOV, Vark yukovIevi-hi I'l 1-17; EV , Ivan Georgiyevich; ;ICAGIT:, I Vladimiz liru)fc-yevich; E~iYZTGVA, ?,:,L., red. izd-,va; ~-:AL N.T., ttnkhn. r-d. [Ldfo 01' blaqt-fljrTlIICC- cl.tirging equipment during operlition Lil iAgl, CI!O;surel 31117111,-'. 2,"S~'J)T,Y).h apparatov dorenmild pecl,(~ I I,i-i j'at,, '~(- -, (i; vlenlem. gliza. Sverdlovsk, lurgizdat, 7/, F . 15: ') O~Iarit fu:-rI!if-t r-- &juillrient and supplion) ,()SnOMOT, N.Ta. (Chelyabimak), KH AX. L.Z. (MoilkwO Amlygis of the coke combustion process In blast furawen by fur- Dacq on comtItution diagram. Isvo AN SSSR. Otd. t4kh. DvA* Mot- t topl. no-6:5-13 N - D 160. (KIRA 13:12) (Blast furmces-Cowbustion) OSTR0LUMW-*;-K-.'n.~--(W9kva); RUDNEVA, A.V.(Ao0-va); TSYMV. L.A.(Aoskva) Condition of slap forning, materials in the oxidizing zone of a blast furnace. 12v.AIISSn.Otd.tnV-h.rmuk Hat.1 topl. no.:.:37-43 Ja-F 159. (AIR, 12: 6) (Blast furnaces) (Slap) SOV/1 37-58-9-18524 Translation from: Referati,.ri~v zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr9 p48'USSR) AUTHOR: Oitroukho,,, M. Ya, TITLET- On the Di-~integration of Coke in a Blast Furnace 1,0 razrushen.i k ok si corrierinoV pechi) PERIODICAL- V -ib. - 1~,slecl. domennogo protses,,a, Moscow AN SSSR 1~457, pp 176-19; ABSTRACT: The rnesh size of coke (C) and its capacity for breaking do~vn into fines in the blast furnace determine the work of the 1.1,e~ to a considerable degree. The best apparatus for t-he determ.nation of the durabi! i,~ of C is the blast furnace itself. To inxest'gllc the beha, ;or ot C tri he bl,,st furnace, test samples of C weighi-g 250 - 400 kg were drawn through the tuyere Or through the tuvere heat exchanger, After cleansing it from slag, lirne and pig :,nr- sponge iron: the samples of C were subjected to s~ reen To determine its strength C was subjected to tests in the Rul)i, barrel mill by the method of successive applicat-on o1 ( rush rig forces. For comparison, C from the disc screen was itib ' iec-ed to the same in,estigations. Besides, in order to e~aluat, the Card I /Z disintegration of C on the way from the disc screen tc the :arge SOV/1 !17-58 11 185-1.1 On the Disintegration of Coke in a Bldst Furnace bell, test samples of C were taken from the large bell during a prolonged shut down of the blast furnace. The data thus obtained indicate that the inain mass of tuyere C consists of 60 - 40 and 40 - Z5 mm fractions, while the C from the screen consists mainly of > 60 mm fractions. To reproduce the fractional composition of tuyere C from the initial C (from the screen) a small number of revolutions (from 35 to 120) of the Rubin barrel mill are needed. Likewise a considerable disintegration of C occurs on its way from the screen to the large bell. The analysis of the disintegration cur%es of test samples of C i-~di( ales that the barrel-mill tests cannot reproduce fully the process of the breakdown of C which occurs in the blast furnace. No considerable disintegration of C is obser%ed from the action of high temperatures in the lower sections of the blast furnace; the screen si7e of C has practically no relation to the time (from one to ten days) spent in the heart and the boshes of the blast furna(e To obtain high production ind,cators for the bldst furnace it IS neCC55al-N thal the C should be suff I( iently lumpy and homogeneous in screen size and structure. 1. B.'ast f,jrra,-,es-- -Uperation ~-oke--DeccTposition F Card 2/2 MAN 13 Z. goo a j;iJ cat All 11 IN. B.N.. inahener; MINZIN. V.W.. inthener; VIOLINS13Y. I.D.. inzhomer; OBSIMOV. Y.M.. In2hener; SUCHIOV. I.A., Inshener; G=WXHOV, M.Ta., kandidat tskhticheskikh nau Iffect of certain factors on the extent of the oxidation tons. Stall 16 to.5:391-396 My '56. (KuLk 9: 8) 1. Kusnetskiy metallurgicheskiy koubinat t Institut astallurgii AN SSSR. (Blast furnaces) ARUTTUPUV, N.B., inzh., red.; VOSKOBOYNIKOV, V.G., doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; GOTLIB, A.D., prof., daktor tekhn.nauk, red.; GUSOVSKIY, A.A., inzh., red.; KRASAVTSEV, N.I., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; NEKRASOV, Z.1.,-akadeaik, red.; OSTROUKHOV, M.Ya., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; POKHVISNEV, A.N., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk, red.; RAMM, A.N., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; TSTLEV, L.M., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; POZDNYAKOV, G.L., red. Izd-va; ISLENTIYEVA, P.G., tekhn. red. [Blast furnace process according to w3t recent developments; on the 100th. anniversary of Academician M.A.Pavlov's birth] Doziennyl protseSB po noveishin issledovaniiam; k 100-letilu so dnia rozhdeniia akad. F.A.Pavlova. MosWva, Metallurgizdat, 1963. 325 p. (MIRA 16:8) 1. AN Ukr.SSR (for Nekraaov). (Blast furnaces) (Pavloyt Mikhail Aleksandrovich, 1863-1958) 1 3 ", - 1 9 5 H - 2 - .1 1 () i Translation from Referativnyy zhurrial. Metallurgiya 1958, Nr 2 p 27 1USSR, AUTHORS Bardin, I.P.. Tsylev L.M.. Ostroukhov. M.Ya . Khodak L.Z-. TITLE On the Process of Coke Combustion at the Tuyeres of -a Blast Fiir nace (0 protsesse goreniya koksa u furm doniennoy pechl) PERIODICAL Tr In-ta rnetallurgii AN SSSR. 1957. Nr 2. pp 3-8 ABSTRACT In 195-1-55, in different regions of the Soviet Union. a stk16 was made on six blast furnaces having effective volumes of 33( - - 1386 m 3 Gas samples were taken aloiq, the axis arid above arid below tha axis of a tuyere The diagrarn depicting tile change III gas composition in tile combustion zone differed markedly frorri the ,.classical diagram ' From the path of the isorithmic lines for C02' CO arid 0 in a vertical plane it was possible to establish,. the direction of tile blast and the pattern of circulation of tile coke particles . These experiments led to the conclusion t iat cornhustioi~ of the coke does not occur in tile bed layer but inside the blast III addition, the focal combustion zone was found to be distributed along a spherical surface nearly at the boundary of the combustion zone The length of the oxidation zone was determined basical1v bv the kinetic criergy of tile blast and did riot depend appreciably oil Ca rd I /I other factors G C i-~ 1. Cok-e-Combustion 2. Blast furnaces-.Opplications 137-19~7 12-?.k33~ Translation from: Referativnyy zhurna), NletallurgLya, 1957, Nr p -0 tT:SSR) AUTHORS: Gol'n-ishtok. Ya. M., Ostroukhov, M. Ya. - - ----------- _- TITLE: The Effect of the Physical Properties of Coke on the Distribution of Gases and on the Dimensions of the Oxidizing Zone!; in ~ Mast Furnace (Viiyantye fizicheskikh svoystv koksa na ra,;prvd(-1vti,vv gazov i razmery okislitel'nykh zon %, domennoy pe(hi) PERIODICAL: Tr. Leningr. politekhn. in-ta, 1955, Nr 179, pp H5-104 ABSTRACT: BibliographiL entry 1. 'oke-Fh3,sicP1 propcrt,ies--.ffocts 2. 'ins-Distribulion- ,,pplic; tions 3. Fum,~ccs-Dxidizing zones- Det, enniz i, tion 4. Bibliogmphy Card 1/1 -os7RDIMHOY, N.Ya. - I ~ Incre sing the output of blast furnace smIting. Metallurg 2 no.8: 7-10 Ag 157. (KLRA 100) 1. Institut metallurgii AN SSSR. (Blast furnaces) OSTROUKHOV. K.Ya.. kandidat tokhnicheskikh nauk. OM ... ~ ~ , Ways of saving coke in blast-fnrnace emeltinp. Metallurg no.2:5-6 7 '56. (MLRA 9:9) I.Ingtitut w4tallurgii AN SSSR. (Blast furnaces) OSTRDIIMDV. N.Ta.. kandidat tekhmichookikh mauk; KHODAN, L.Z.; 1ABBOV. V.V. 11 "m Cimenatographic study of tho process of coke burning. Priroda 45 me-7: 78-81 JI 156. (KIRA 9: 9) I.Inatitut metallurgil Imeal A.A.Baykova Uzademli nauk SSSR, Moskva (for Khodak).2.Laberaterlyu nauchno-prikladney fetegrafil kinsmatografii Akademll nauk SSSR, Moskva (for Labodev). (Coke) (Combiistion) (Cinsmute;7aphy-Sclantific applicutions) T R K 14,C as Bud jjvwv B mom L P. Suft RW U rRmasol" JV& M& I I'F USSIP Nmk snum AM, pt Abdo". mi AMU Gi MAW" W 10f th* pw~ lad =4 min=: I Osmarfwj, F.- Y.) 2ARDIN) I. P., ZYLIYE", L. 1'. and KHODAK, L. S. "Neun Auffassunren uber den 'lcrt,,rennur4,r,,pr-oz(!sc des Kokes an den des iiochofens,t' I;ei-,e iluttet '.o6- 4, 1956 Metallurrical Inst., AS 7~35P. macc. catrOUMOV, M. Ia. Ifity. Axar. lbuk MSR. OtduL TW-h- )im* Pun, Set.), gr. 1955, 143, J44) Savploa et OCS*%lation S,-, Ojn=tOCrrph PJOUZT3 10XVn VTN~-,h the ;~6, w ma.1 01- everl=nts bay* shcon L%at ow',vation I.-Acs place not Ina Ilzed bed but In a suspeaclon of plecal vf c-Okc circu3ztl;,g In spharlc:L2 PaTM. AUTHOR: Ostroukhov, M.Ya, (Moscow) SOV/24- 561-6 - I/ TITLE: Influon~e of the Kinet!,:~s of the Process of Coke on the Dimenstons of tho Oxidation Zone In tr.e Furnace (Vliyanlye ktuettki protsessa gorenly'a razmery ok1slitellnoy ?c!-,y v daxonennoy pec~~I,' PERIODICALt Izvestiva akademil nauk SSSR otdolenlye tekhn.1,-.nesrAif' nauk, l9rJ8, Nr 6, pi) 3-6 QJSSRi ABSTRACT: Up to relati7ely recently, the rhange in the dimen-sil-jn- of the combustion zone in a blast furnace was attrIbuted to the change ir. the speed of the combustion proca,,3 of coke, I.e. to tte affe:.t of chemical kinetic fac.tcrs, namely, the tempeTatUTe, the speed and pressuTe of 1he blast 11h9 size, porosity and the reaction ability of the fuel ?Refs 1-4). Taereby, It was assumed that com*bu3tion takes lace in a coke layer of low mobility. It was found fRef 5) that there is a circulation of Df and this affe:~ts the me,-;hanical factors and the fo:ma*)- of the oxidation Zones. The influence of the circula'O-or_, zone depends on the kinetic energy of the blast., On tiir, Card 1/3 basis of a-a-ilable experimental results the aathu:' the influen(~,q of the ielations between mec.hantc-a~ SOV/24- 5e, - 6. -k/ ~-- Influence of the Kinet' J (A the Jlroc~osq of Combustion of the Dimensions of the Oxtdfttl~,n Zone in the Blast Purnitce and,s of' q-iemle:a., klnetl~,s on the dtmansfn:i~ combustion zone Tr, ttie fixat part, the k1nel I r ; comL-Ustloll of ::iko 'n U,.e oxygen zone, and In th* part the ktratl~:s : f ox!(iat~ori of the coke In the zli tion zcn4, sr& It is c..,cnr!luded that 'ne oxidation zone In a blast furnace can be sub-divideri n~.--, two stri-2itly differine zontst the oxygen zone and tnt reduction zone, The f1rst r.,oincides with the zone of the vt-.k-- ante 4-he itrigth of this zone 'LF by the klDeti~, ona,-6y (,f the blast, since analysis k,,f ttie conditions Df the p:,-gress of the reacLion 02 + indicates that th.A.E. rea, tion takes place in the zone. Tue -1~mensi.,~~r &I A .s t~f the reduction ZODe wbere ',h4~ coke layer As Fublacted t) the reaction C + CO- -: ,(-0 depend on t~etl(%s factors (speed of f!"tral'.( of the gases, tempei-atare, etc). The decrease Jln '-ne width of the r~-d-1-3'L.Jon 7,~ne which occurs simult-a~,,ec,-~sly Card 2/3 with un ln,-~base In the ienath of the oxidation a-~s the blal-t quantity tnc*~,eases, Indicates that the SOV/21+--58-6-1/3 5 Influence of the Kinetics of the Process of Combustion of Goke c:, the Dimensions of the Oxidation Zone in the Blast Furnace reaction C + C02 = 2C0 takes place in the intermediatf, zone. The absolute dimensions of the reduction zone a - small and change little In the case of change In chemica- kinetics factorsq and therefore the effect of this on the length of the oxidation zone as a whole can be disregar- ded. Experimental results of various authors, including the author of this paper, Indicate that the length of the oxidation zone of a blast furnace does not decrease and in some instances even increases in the (base of temperature increases. There are 2 figures and 11 references (9 Soviet, 1 English and 1 German) SUBMITTED: HaY 30, 1957 Card 3/3 0 Will'