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OSTROUKHOV,- I.V.; ILIIN, V.G. Roof caving at the No.1 K.Libkneht salt mine of the "Artems(110 Mining Administration. 3bor.nauch.trud.Ukr%,IISolI no.6il,1-21 ,62. (MIRA 170) OSTROUKHOV) I.V., gornyj in3h. Rupture of irregular and regular shape rock oWlea. SbwPnh=h. 1, trud.UkrNIISoll no.603-40 '62. 1- Cutting rock salt with the DKS-3H machine. Effect of the 9tressed state of the massif on the cutting process. Ibid.s4l-52 (MIRA Pi 3) OSTROUKHOV, J.V.; SIDOROV, 3.1. Prospects of using self-propelled equipment In malt mln,~i. ~;or. zhur. no.4:22-25 AP 64. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-isaledovatel'skiy institut solynnoy promyshlonnosti, g. Artemovsk. ZHEREBIN, B.N.; MISHIN, P.P.; XUDDYAROV, M.S.; SUKHENKO, S.I.; RASKIN, V.Z.; PSTROUKHOV, M.Ya.; RAKOV,'~'V.V. Experimental blast furnace smelting using coke from lar capacity coke ovens. Koks i khin. no.2:23-29 164. rwRA 17it) 1. Kuznetakiy metallurgicheakiy kombinat (for Raskin). 2. ChelyabinBkiy inatitut stali (for Ostroukhoy 3. Kuznetakiy filial Vostochnogo uglakhimicheskogo institute if-or Rakov). KHOLZAKOV, V.I.; BHA'rCJfFNK,, VJ.; W-IACUKMOV, LUKIN, GAVRILYUK, L.Ya. Effect of the shape of a blast furnace working area on the distribation of the gas flow. M3tallurg 8 no.8:6-9 Ag 163. (MIRA 11,:10) BRAWHENKO, V.P.,- KHOIZAKOV, V.I.; OSTROUKHOV, M.Ya. Reduction and slag formation processes in blast furnaces during the smelting of Bakal and Sokolovka Sarbay ores. Izv, vys, ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 7 no.2:34-41 164. (MIRA 170) 1. Chelyabinskly nakictino-issledovatel'8~.iy institut metaUurgil. GORDIKA, R.V.; OSTROUIJIUVAt D.I. Uue of medicinals (pyramidon) to reduce the degree of refiction to the pertussle-diphtheria-tetanius vaccine; author's itbiArlict. Zhur. milkrobiol. epid. I imun. 31 no. 4:13-5 Ap 160. (MIIIJ. 13:1r) 1. Iz Instituta epidemiolcgil i mikrobiologii imeni Gamlei ARN SSSR I Kruanodarokoy krayevoy sanitarno-opidomiolof,,ici~ookoy *Umtsii. (AMIMPURITI) (VAGuIlZLS) OSTW=OVA. T.N., kand.blol.nauk Structural and colloidal chaw-ve In blood plaems, folloving ner7ous system Injuries. Akt.vop.paral.krayl no.6:264-267 '58. (MIRA 13:1) (BLOOD PLASMA) (SHOOK) OSTRDUKHOVA. T.H.. Vand.biol.nauk Change in the iron content of the blood eerum in radiation sickmess. Akt.vop. pore 1. krovi no.6:7(~-74 19. (KIRA 13:1) 1. %diobiologichaskaya laboratorlys LeningTadskogo instituta pereli- vaniya krovi (za-v. laboratoriyey - starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik G.M. H=ay I yev ) . (RADIATION SICKNESS) (IRON IN THE EODT) (BU)OD) I. RT-3-162 (Now rntlicyl.,, of rjr--r-arirL,-_-, divLTyl, isoprone,, pipr!r~,flrjnrj airl Nmro sporjolr7 poluchanila di~iatla,, izoprcnn, pipirilana i (LImotilcritrcr,'... ZIFJ~UIIAL ~U,-) 4-t,( 'I): l9h7-1971, 1915. AZOS, S.; ARHFIYEV, A.; ARTAXONOV, I.: MINA, I.; B&MOVSKIT, V.; BLOZHKO,V.; BRAVIRM, A.; BYKHOVSKIY, Yu.; VINOGW-DOVA. H.; GAIANKINA, To.; GILIT IRSH. F.; GLOBA. T.; GRITTER, F.: GORDON. G.; GULIDIN. I.: GULTAT37A. To.; GUSHCHINA, I.; DAVTDOVSKATA, To.; DAKSKATA. G.; DWXACHBV, D.; TSVDOKIHOVA. A.; THIUNOY. V.; 7,ABILYSIIINSKIT. I.; UTDIMMG, B.; AZMOSHNIKOV, I.; ITKINA, S.; KARCMSKIT, V.-, KWSHIN. D.-, ElJVINOV, Ys.-, KUZNATSOVA. G.; klJRSRkKOV, I.; LU3011K, H.; LBYZIMOVICH, G.; LISOVSKIY, D.; LOSMOV, F.; KALWSKIT. Tu.; MASLYANITSKIT. I.; KAYANTS, A.; HIT-1-IM, L.-, HITROYANOV, S.; MIKILAYLOV. A.; KYAKINFNKOV. I.; NIKITINA, I.; NOVIN. R.1 OGNW, D.; OLIKHOV, N.; OSIPOVA. T., OSTRONOV. K.; PAKHCHOVA, G.; PWnM. S., PWSIN. I.; PUTOWA, N.; POPOV, V.; FMS. Tu.-, PROKOFIYXVA. Yo., PUCHKOV, S.-. R37KOVA, F.; RUMTkNTSlV,M.; SMUROT. I.; SCIBOLI. S.; SPIVAKOV, Ya.; STRIGIN, I., SPIRIDONOVA,V.; TIWO, Ta.; TITOV, S.; TROITSKIT, A.; TCLOKOMIIKOV. K.; TROFIXOVA, A.; PEDOROV. V.; CHIZHIKOV. D.; SHBYN, Ta.; YUKHTA.NOV, D. Roman lazarevich Veller; fin ob!tiiary. TSvet. mt. ~l no.5:78-79 yf 058. (MIRA l1:(-,) (Vsllor, R3nrL-- Lazare-xioh, OSTROUMOV, B.A. (Leningrad) The V.I. Lenin Radio Laboratory in Lizhniy Ecvgorod. eat. i tekh. no.11:105-107 161. (M, 'i I,: 11 (Gorkiy-Radio research) 3/075/63/018/ooi/oo4/oio E071/E452 AIITIIOIiS: Ostroumov, E.A..-Yolkov, I.I. ri,rl.E-. The use of cinnamic acid in analytical chemistry Communication 3- The separation of indium and gallium from manganese, nickel, cobalt and zinc PERIODICAL: Zhurnal analiticlinskoy khimii, v.18, no.1, 1963, 52-57 TEXT: A now method for qiiantitative precipitation of indium and gallium by cinnamic acid which permits their separation from manganese, nickel, cobalt and zinc was developed. Ammonium cinnamate quantitatively precipitates indium and gallium from weak acid solutions on heating, while manganese, nickel, cobalt and zinc remain in the solution. The precipitate formed,consisting of a mixture of two basic salts of gallium and indium, in easily filtered and washed. Sorption of manganese, nickel, cobalt and zinc (remaining in the solution) by the precipitate of basic malts is small, so that the separation can be done by a single precipitation. Siilphatem and nitrates do not interfere. The experimental procedure in described in detail. There are 2 figures and 4 tables. Card 1/2 S/075/63/018/001/004/oto The use of cinnamic acid ... E071/E452 ASSOCIATION: Institut okennologii AN SSSR, Moskva (Institute of Oceanology AS USSR. Moscow) SUBMITTED; May 16, 1962 Card 2/2 S/I 6~/62/000/005/D5V3-,71 D228/D307 UT 1: 0 7, 013troumov, Z. A. and Volkov, 1. 1. e7,ara-tion of iron, aliminu-n and ch.-=ium fro,-., 7.nnC..-A- cobalt and zinc by meano of cinnamic 'd c'. a PE"KIODICAL: aleforat-4vnyy zhurnal, Geofi--ika, no. 5, 1962, 7, --b- stract 5V50 ('.r. In-ta okeanol. AN SSSR, 47, 1961, 150-156) A -,.ctho,,' h,--,s bt~o,.,, cevelo~)cd for t-,e 6u,,)Uration of 4 from man.,anese, nickel, cobalt and zinc by :..cans of cfzLna:,--ic acid. On heatint; ammoniam cinnamate iron, nLu-. and ,;xomium zrec,,--.)ita'.e quantitatively from a weakly ac'.d so- -ition, r,--*~~,kel, cobalt, and zinc relmain -" r. s ot ~~ c, An COM.-Josi-,-40r. Of com-pounds, formed by cinnamic acid wit", tr--va- jont fron, and triva--,~!-,-L. chromium under 'J.-ecipitation co.ndi-t,ions, has beer. determi-ed. Iron is deposited as a mixture of ~-~wo baz--'c S,17ts, and the preC4pitate has a va-riable composition. Aluninum and chromJIu= precipitate as basic salts of constant com- Card 1/2 3/046/62/006/002/008/016 B104/BI38 AUTHORs Ostroumov, G. A. TITLEt A spherical emitter, almost equivalent to a point-shaped explosion in air PERIODICALi Akusticheskiy zhurnal, v. 8, no. 2, 1962, 204 - 209 TEXTs Published solutions of nonlinear gas dynamics and numerical computa- tions are used to study the properties of an acoustic emitter which, at a suficient distance, will produce the same "weak" shock wave as a point explosion. In the initial stages theacoustic emitter expands according to the same power law (exponent 6/5) as the shock wave, although at a rate which is about, 13.5 per cent. that of a "strong" shock wave. The rate of volume expansion of the acoustic emitter gradually diminishes as its dimensions increase, becoming stabilized at a certain level. Hence the emitted wave has two phasesi a leading phase with positive, and a lagging phase with negative, acoustic velocities. The absence of phases in the initial stages of a shock wave with negative acoustic velocities, is attributed to unilateral displacement of substance in the region of strong shock vaves,due to thermal expansion of the central region round Card 1/2 OSTROUMN. G.A. Some characteristics of the propagatiou of solitary 4avea of moderate intensity. Akust.2bur. 8 no.3044-349 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. (Shock waves) 5/05 62/000/002/012/012 B117YBIOI AUTicis: A-Xllnikov, N. P., Ostrouzov, G. A., Shteynberg, A. A. TITLE; Method of stabilizing spark discharges in water PERIODICALs Leningrad. Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya fiziki i khimii, no. 2, 1962, 157 - 156 T-'-*XTs The delay of breakdown in water or salt solutions, which follows statistical laws, was investigated, as well as its avoidance applying an electrolyte solution. Shook waves were excited by capacitor discharge in water, and the delays of the breakdown was recorded with an oscillograph. Lxperiments in tap water (a - 6-1o-5 ohm- I.CM -1 ; spark gap I mm) showed delays of about 1 - 5,~~aec referred to the breakdown of air. Instead of using metal wire ("Exploding Wires". New York, 19c.19),rineing of the lower electrode with a concentrated electrolyte solution, flowing out from the tubular upper electrode is proposed. Experiments with saturated sodium chloride solution revealed no delayb in breakdown of the discharge space. Delays (shorter than those in fresh water) occurred in a 3.5% solution of sodium chloride solution in tap water without rinsing electrolyte. These Card 1/2 A055/A 10 1 -7. G. -ocess.'r-c o*' the resu-t3 of obz;ei-vations (a methoKlIca. rorar~j ~Oferat-`Vnyy znurna-, Astronom,'ya I Geodezly;,, nL_ 5G22' ('Uch. zap. ?errn3k. un-t'?, 1961, 19, no. Ce ~'g tne ar-'cle i3 a su7r.7-ary of c~,n m out t~,at t~,c theory uf errorG can be appI10,1 ~o :-e--L.~mnents of phy5lcal and chemical- quantities to which tile tev;-~ 1;aZu"Ct be applied in its usual sense (for instance, the atomic wei t of gh ." a! -o 2r,' -457) 0 . Sh. -;-racter'3 note: Complete translation] I ~. ", v ' I I I )" (" t C 1'."1i,,,; ~. SHAM~XOVSKIY. N.A., krind.tekhn.nauk; OSTRONOV, N.A.. inshener. Some problems in reverberatory furnace swelting of copper. TSvot.met. 27 no.5t4o-46 S-0 154. (MIRA 10:1()) 1. Giprotevetmet. (Copper-Notmllurgy) oo rc, 0 Jo rc OSTROFOLISKIY A I - ftganization of aver-all planning departments at planning institutes. Neft. khoz. 35 n0-5:51-52 Ky 157. (KUA 10:6) (Petroleum industry) 93-5-13/19 AUTHOR: Ostropollskiy, A. N. TITLE: How to Organize Departments of Over- ai.L Deel,4rdng In the Designing Institutes (K voprosu organizatsit otdelov kompleksnogo proyektirovanlya v proyektnykh Institutakh) PERIODICAL: Neftyanoye Khozyaystvo, 1957, Nr 5, pp. 117-~~-' (USSR) ABSTRACT: Brief reference Is made to articles written by Ye. N. Nasanov, 1. Ye. Mindlin and S. K. Lalabekov in the 1956 issues of Neftyanoye Khozyaystvo on the subject of organization of departments of over-all planning in the designing Institutes. On the basis of experience with an Ukrgiprogaz (Ukraixdan State Institute for the Design and Planning of Synthetic Liquid Puel and Gas Plants) department of over-all design, the following organizational structure is proposed. In the departments of over-all designing the chief engineer Is a specialist. This department should consist of various groups of specialized designers. Me institute should also have a technical - economic department of general estimates, a department of records, an engineering department, Card 1/3 93-5-13/19 How to Organize Departments of Over-all Designing (Cont. ) a department of engineering research, a plaxuiing department and sometimes a department of over-all design of trunk pipelines. Complex requirements of modern technology call for concentration of specialists in one place and not for their dispersal in various specialized departments. Such reorganization can be made provided the designers are highly qualified and experienced men. The chief engineer participates actively only in tho department of over-all designing vhere his influence can be felt, whereas the present setup does away with personal responsibility for the course of designing. The department of the over-all designing has an organizational advantage since there is no longer a need for issuing assignments and for intra-departmental coordination. As a result, this department effects great economy In manpower and man hours. The basic designing decisions made by the department are a result of collective deliberations. Should the project be large, it may be handled by two departments of over-all designing, the chief engineer of one of them being appointed as the director of the project, the other chief being his assistant. The department of engineering research organizes Card 2/3 93-5-13,119 How to Organize Departments of Over-all De,31vnlng (Cc'rlt. ) the basic data and turns them over t-.~ tA-ie department of over- all design. The records department handles all worl< connected with the transmittal of letters, blueprints, revisions, etc. The planning department prepares all plans, graphs, estimates, and accounts. The above proposals are based on four years of experience of several organizations In the Ukraine. The exist- ing institutes of designing are hesitant to reorganize their organizational set-up for fear that it might reflect adversely on the work tempo and that they might be unable to fulfill their annual plans. This however, should not deter the designing institutes from reorganizing and every support should be given them in this endeavor. There are four Slavic references. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 - -I - , , , t '7 "' .. . '. . GOLOVICHIK, I.F.; OSTROPOLISKIT, A.N.; KRIVOKHIZHA. -Msh~~ .-WAdOVMAOw- Graphic md'1574" for designing and selecting prom. no.4:31-33 Ap '5?. (valves) M.T. regulating valves. C-az. (MLRA 10-5) 11*5 -A (60 I,peraAon of -rot-crive ievicqF-s -ro.i-,A short cir-i~ r,,^ con, -at :-a. Elek. Sta. :~O. 1, 1c, 2. 1 n- h. SOIN'Outh1j, List of ltusriall Ac. S~ii,-nsj M X,11-y Uf --01l- M-VII I'-- 3o GOMM, G.V. ; GOTMUG, B. M. : MOR02OV, V. M. : OSTROSHCHINKO, 0 -A. . . ~ , ~ I I --.6- We surements4of the effective cross section for the roaction Lit (n.t) He in the neutron enera ranpe of 9 to 700 Kev. DOkI. AN SSSR 111 no.4:791-794 D 156. 0U ak 10: 2) 1. Predstayleno akademikom A.P.Alskeandrovym. (Nuclear reactions) (Neutrons) omouloi, II.P. . -1- . . I Poisoning of ducks by b*lladonna seeds. YeterIMArlia 13 se.,?:6o S 156. (14LRA '~: 10) I.Stnrahly v-~tmrinjarnyy vrach Belog*rskey Mash inss-trah ormoy ottontsil n0.2, Krynakey oblosti. (Bolloidenna--Toxinslory) (Duck-9 --Diseases ) 1130-0- ~0/ 50 AUTHORS: Otrotjhcheako,_Y.A. Sviridov, V.A., Tolstov, K.D., and Sba ni-koV-,'K:I'. TITLE: Solid Hydroven Targets on the Surface of Photographic Emulsions (Tverdyye vodorodnyye misheni na pover,khnosti fotoemullaii) PERIODICAL: Pribory i Tekluiika Eksperinenta 1957, No.6, pp. 110 - lli (USSR). ABSTRACT: It is difficult to study interactions between elementary particles and protons and deuterons which are included in nuclear emulsions because their number is small compared with the total number of nucleons bound in the nuclei of the emulsion. This is still true even when the emulsion is specially loaded with deuterium and hydrogen. To remove this difficulty, it is convenient to have a target of solid hydrogen or deuterium deposited directly on the surface of the emulsion. In this method of preparation of targets the temperature of the emulsion cannot be greater than 12 to 15 K. Because of this, the temperature dependence of the sensitivity Of 8-10I-R emulsions was investigated (Ref.1). Already atl 20 K, the sensitivity of emulsion is down by a factor of 2 and therefore it is difficult to use this emulsion with L.ini- Cardl/2 mum ionisation particles. However, diffei-ent types of mobomms d 01" hr !WON 1). SAPM V 0 a. * PAN, Ors. ObIaL. #IV" by a 60** cj got an pnwomW. 00 a 00 3 00 w Iwo goo woo vs : l no* too "16tiWSKIA 411800101 Ct*M*IC4tMO #sea Ow"O&A- $06964 oil 6.0 aks Oi kt% goo 4 wa "+w ose 0 be go Rua avow 6o& IWO. ire* see :800 goo see Wes wee ;a ;a ;Ara AA61 a sofas 091M peas ***e-mass's Sao as** so 0 00 000 041 a off see few r3 C, AA Ila wilp-mili", .. Pon*.! -Mvww~ .06 Coe Coe 110 19;4-wv-- won A 9i oil S a WA IP 9 a I w 0 9A 9 3 1 9 AMR v !~: 6 S SI L A 01ML~" LSVIDATWO CL&UVKA"W a a so ape -00 .00 I one& snow&-SW N. A,ZmwA,(Ma A ~-Pjsmks Of J4MM 60.74MM C=Wlbol dox NwImb by tio 00S o"IMIL so &Y 0. k K 1. -90 00 see !K:* lose rs Wilt a 9 a 00 0 0 6 1w a 0 do 0 2 6 v elwwmlp~ WIDIF I 41 0 a [too 0 x5m 141 A 1#1 It 0, PM, I$. U L _)N I "M hum 4040pbtbyl- 00 same"&* 164ripa3pbWak mm. U. 1-unw, 00 8 AAmAk"mb. PIM" low, C OWN in 106/19 TIS 000- hailtm of 1; 0; 6; & am Zo dubt #a* 7 br. IW 41H. 147*~ 9e A. T. - : "Ov 00 r a L wool -0 "14.0 If 401 V IF-f-w--vv -,I ow 000000011;.. 0 osa eel so eel 00, !1 00 goo goo go* & a boo ..p a?- coptell PC r.= =~,M "WAMftFMM ink .3*- qf gamma'. (A.. 101%. A MON, IL T. goo- 10I u it av so all, OR a ult coo too I I I is is 6 Ar At v of a ds a *,Co OKI 04614% .010 10-1 10 11, TU ownbse of pe*9 by W eavOw colb of Sho _69 00 is d its. M. MttvRich. SpWawowumbs Ponavil .07j- --a-YAlaw Vexk. Tri bow '; it, (r*mps. 'mi jot. mi. Impro I'apawsr, (Usl* IV) 30. 2XI-409r), Mesa. Zew, ~ 1019, 1,.T.' 13 .-Tho Vis"maine dyts. Neutral Red, )&mi?% Green and safranim. wh" forat emp4s. with Prol"Aylic rMtrawfi, #law owy IlOr moth" C*j)1 in parathrved wA f"non src6sna of the gasirk onwan .40 00 mrsobeam. T1b* nurki of all c*lh are faintly stainad at writ as If,# marms plugs of the votbrHans. which *bow * 0 0 rkil" In the eirtopliwas Cd the motb" MIS 8 twtwmk is Otained, keying light intermediate a!,: SPIW". The Cytoplam of Oil other crils. far the C11041 The avervit)o granules. which coo 00 we visible in the Irmh mairrial but air dr%troyrd by C*411 '00 oary fiximS. can bt driecteJ a, petmuKgen, if rare I% taken 00 to rwewvv them by carctul fixias with Renaud vAn After staining with safranbst, the secretion 13 to be seen in 040. the mother cells in the forin tAl intensely red. rmind Craft ules These fewits. obtained in studipt on the gastric $00 mucous obernbram of It* dog and rabImt. am direct his. _*0 tolusical evidenv of the formation of pepsin in the mother Mis ney tbrrrture confimi the results of 1,inck"triien. Long. lioller and Ohl" (cf. C. A. 28, 67310). '00 16f G~ Moore 04 it L.7111.1LA11 CiASUPKATION *0 I I ts"s, T_ _6 a '4-8; 9 di a ;-j 11 a P COM Indian plan Itasion 1 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ole 00 Ve ,of 00 eqnj wql ja timl ^q~w, 'JI %lfA 06) P UMWMW004J 94 1111113JOJ 119 AlVA ja'K) )a OlUtWas tjM* ll*Atujoj -4 .(~- .(Ml < I'm l'u'a - < Im P-mi I- I lk-) 10 - 1- k- 4- 4 - - + + l 4 )) .) i k): (X)r 1 w a R Vq r + 'now + A + 9(,kw *-elm + 9 mr, I. too 00. ON "I l(vwOmmd ONKW" VWW pr 00- Ala osmtxm am" am 000 .40vqwu 00 410 40 00 00 60 ell , w a is a b 6a 6 a O " IA . fit to-let 9 4 17 (W"f a" d Kim-,nski rnw. w - I li~ 11. ANA f4' IOL -Tbe t"W'i 1 90 .4 1tw mwlwm twt vCIO. arA M), 4tallm, 14., In alw. finrol -if h powd plift I P"vv 0 % Ul- -n I b, I ~1. S Oir -Mrs C4 11w lattisil "fit We- 1"VT-q18.1.A 7b, . , ' L Gf-f w-farl of Ow rvwtwm is ( (^ 2k 11. ~ LVI, . of -c(A -& .41 + 4)1,0. C06 samefts The &"Wpo. Xf IS - CJ% + COP SPA =4 so N + NO, M,., (1 "'dwe" Wh ISHII t1w OWWWOO of C(N 6,A A C(V, n'1 off Immssm in real tPaptiow of ov.,ut Poll OVA, s 101", C& dl"PWO" C11111147t woo balfwl i" ?w reartirst astirs also &I tb- bilb"i t,mp rn,l,tm-j I I At ibe h*b- temps So. is bxng.1 &I.., into elf"M to" S J'p to the rratet"M -m- to take Place ON ch. smino I'd cbr ITSWI, at Itrttl's it pfbawy p"gj, to thP Es"IMS phaw 00 I'dword A Ack~ann a r Poo coo zoo a** 6*0 see Poll 0 u* A IS WL a L T we 0 u of 00 is z- r �6 0 0 1 1 4 a 0 1 of 6. WWI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 000900 go* 0 0:0 0 go 00 ***fee go 0 0 0 Categrry: Serb-Cmitin r Crzigresses. Meetings ~ nferencej . Abs Jour: RQferat Zh - -BA' 1 . , "Ir, 6, 25 1.11arch, 057, 21367 Author Stankcvich, A. 05trolic.-, I Inst n~:)t givei, Title European CLi1fcmnct2 Pr, ',Ie:r, - f PrAuctirir, .;II Luxembourg - Orig, Pub: Zashtita bila, 1956, 33, Abstract: The confem,.ice was !ic.l] from jCF.Lernber 6 t, 10, 1955; 350 I)ejPle were pres(ant; IJJ secticiis pamIcipntQd: cn tUXiCr.11),- ,Y, T,"~ItL~'p~',nrjj-jjCVUt C,111 Pj', dU(Itjnjj, tUjjrjjj,,JOC.Y, standard izat i~ n -f in fungi--Me inves- tigat'cm, section cin bi, me%ry, and ~Ahuro wan .r,,uoed by Prr.feor-r Tr--k-haut'3 rt:p,-rt rivcot! (;nt 1~ 'I f frlctc,).s plant cancer and 11 r.UrL3 irL -,! f r ;-- -iZ.'Int I i,g thun, Ca rd 1/1 -22- OSTROMENTSHY, N.M. Baku conference on the exchange of experience In detailed geological mapping and prospecting. SOT. M01. 3 no.10:161-164 0160. (MIRA 13: 10) L Voesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy inatitut minerallncW:o syrlya. (Prospecting) ~s -,.;( I, r, Is Mr,!Il . -, " . : -5r, ' ( -* ' :~4- ~ -- ","i- '~rl:7r~f ' - r , ' --,, r-- " r C---, ~ frunt- ny-O b-~;im mn,, (,' tlhln-,rull-~ 11 - , ~ ~l (Mooc(T., inn' (,f ~~,-inllr',,v~l Fro,-'rir-I , I- --Y.(- , - - --7, -- I t I I I OSTRQPOLISXAYA, Ye.A., ) (Leningrrd, u1. S.Perovskny, d.14. kv.16); BELYAWMA, T.S.. Perforated gAstric ulcer in newborn. Vest. khir. R0 no.2:102-104 F 158. (MIRA 11:3) 1. 12 LenlW, ndskoy detakoy bol'nitsy im. Pnetern (gl. vrnch-A.H. Aksenovm, znv. khIr.otd.-I.Ya.Podoprigora) (PEPTIC UIMM, In inf. & child verf. in newborn (Run) EffFANT,NFVBORN, die. neDtic ulcer Derf. (Rue) YZALKOV. Yu.; OSTROMOUKHOV, M. Method of calculating technically based standards for unit-operation processes. Sots. trud 5 no.6:74-78 J-8 960. (MIRA 13:11) (Wes and dyeing--Production standards) ii 17b-66 WW ACC -N& 028050 SOURCE COM UR/0046/63/011/OD4/0458/0462 M A AWTHOM MAMM", Vj? ORO: Mate UqlQrjA (TMWnV%ds)dY SM STORWY Waveroltet); j"H Of MalbemIggg, AIR 3M, 000w (MatemallebeWdy 1=11td AN BBW4 ,#/V, 55- 1 TITLE: More on cavitation gatolp I gOURCE-. AkusticbeeMy zhurnal, v. 11, no. 4, 1965. 458-462 10 fly, S"~- ), qq, 5-9,- TOPIC TAG& cavitation, 113W flaw gas Jlvw, abock ways p_M abock wave ADMACM. One of the main MUMS for the Cavitation - jaintegration of the surfaces of solids In contact Yd1h a moving fluid Is the bursUng of the gas babbles whibb &dhore to the boundary of separation. As a result of Mls pbenomenon tbere Is an explosion whieb In microscopic in dimenslon but hup In Intensity on the boundary between the solid surface and the fluid. In this case the pressures and forces whicla cause disintegration are so high that the solids behaw basically as nulds. This paper InvestigateB the processes whieb accompany the propagation of a stroftg shook wave In t" contiguous fluld asmispaces. U to assumed that the source of the abock wave lip an exploslon at apolaten the surface of separation of &b9 1VM medla. Anexam- ple In presented of an approximate calodation of the diaWbution of enwW between the media with adiabaUo Indexes $ - 4, 9 - 5, and 1 - 7. An lovestigallon in also made, Ilk the frame- work of Abe model used In ft promt shady, of Me klaaemallos of zWxwpaent deformations of the substance of a solld wall. ftig. arL haac- 2 ngure, 12 10rvzW,, and 3 tables. UDL%. SM. 29/02. MS e 1 -7784-66 ACC ?A AP"28060 I I I =3 CODIs GPq NZ / WBMDATIL- MMAY54 / OM RXX 012 0 1 aw ..:p XCROLEVA, S.N.; OSTROLTMOV, G.A. Application of electroosmosis for the Imbibition of soils arb grounds. Koll. zhur. 27 no.5:7(15-714 S-0 165. MIRA 18:in"~, 1. Leningradskiy universitet, kafedra radiofiziki. I-y Y, ~~'I ri-rot k ~-i r-,rm. Ve ,- t. k ~. I r. 9 3 'D If)/.. z ~:if-17Y det3koy k!A!-urF,'i s artoted7yey (7v-'. - ,o me i ~ '_.i : n: G.A.Bznlrov) ri -f,ecl,:ur I (r,4t,r - iotsent. 3/273/63/000/ODVOWOIO AO52/A126 AIMIONSt Kidvan. Zdenik, Cadek, Otto. Kratochvil. KLxImIllan. KlIment, Vla- dimir, Svitek, Jlh, Jonutko. Joe2f, Ostrouchov, MikuliE TITIZi Internal combustion engine with supercharged turbocharger PFAIODICALe Referativnyy zhurnal. otdol'nyy vypuak, 39. DvIgatell vnutronnego agoraniya, no. 2. 1963. 11 - 12, abstract 2-39-T7 F (Coach. pat.. el. 46f. 5/03, 46f. 8/02. no. 98178, .1anuary 15, 1961) TFX i To better utillse the energy of exhaust Saoso It Is proposed to oup- p,ly them In two streams 4 and 7 (see Pig.) to the guldinS apparatus of the Sas 16, the blades of which have such a form In each of two sections 5 am that the circumferential components of gas velocities are equal. . In a 4-cycle ong", 2 exhaust valves 13 wO 14 are mountedl the valve 14 opens later than the valve 13. A variant of an engine with an outlet slide valve Instead of two Y&lveo Is described as well as a variant of a 2-oycle er#&Uw with two channels connected to the outlet ports. There ore 2 figures. Card 1/2 . ... I . .. 3/273/63/OW/OOR/002/010 Internal combustion engine with supercharged .... A052VA126 Figurt (Abstracter's notes Complete translation) A. Zhukov Card Z/2 OSTROUKHOV, I.V,,- lnzh~ Study of the cuttinp of rzw~-. 5--ilt with a disk cutter. Nauch. 5oot. Inst, gor., dela it - 78-8,8 '(0. (KIRA 15:1) (Rock sa] t) (Mintnp machiner~y--Testlnpy) WIELGOSZ, Z.; OSTROUCH, S. Technological progress In the Tomaazow Synthetic Fibers Works. Przen chen 41 no.7t4O6-407 JI '62. OSTROTJOHOV, 11. "Main problems encountered in the operation of four-stroke oil engines and turbo- blowere for higher pressures." Czechoslovak Heavy Industry. Prague, Czechoslovakia. No. 2, 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (FFAI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 6, Jun 5q, Uncles AMAMM. V.A.; BARSIOT. 1.M.; BIRTMOV. I.5.; P0'RDDIiA# L.Ta.; BRMZR, N.M.; GOMMIX, B.Ye.; GUKnDV, M.N.; ZOUAYA. N.M.; IODM, A.I.; KAYDA10TA. 0.N.; KAFMIN, Ts.I.; LXBXWA, N.A.; LIEWTTSIT, V.A.; LTBRU, T.P.; HARM, A.B.; NIMYLOT, N.N.; WISTITIT. I.T.; W3CHATIT. N.V.; NIKOL1311Y. A.T.; OSTROMOT, K.Ya.; PIEMOVSKIT, O.N.; PM#BOTAMNOT. N.M.; POP67, U'Ov .; PWOLOV. N.A.; FOXATAYXV. Tu.N.; EIMDERD~ A.M.; RTABOVv V.S.; SWOV, B.F.; SPZMSXAU. 79.A.; TAKOTXF. K.F.; TRIFONOVA. G.K.; TROYINOVA, V.I.; RH AZMV, G.1h.; 5RAM- IOTA. G.P.; GBIRnING. Z.G.; EYISLIKAN, B.I.; XIXLUTU, N.A., red.; KMIN. Tu.A.,, (U.S.S.R. an It Is; a popular illustrated handbook] SSSR kak on eat'; populiarnyi illiustrirovannyi spravochnik. HoBIrva, Goe.iad-vo polit. lit-ry. 1959. 462 p. (MIRA 12:2) (Russia) c 137-58-5-931~6 Translation from Rc(erativnyy zhurna I kletallurg,yj. 1958 N r (Uss R AUTHORS O-tronoN. M.Kh.. Soltanov, V N I 11-LE A Va( uuni Method Of Couhnj~ Zint Elc( trolylu Va~uunmN N p() 'tlb oklilatlidemy,i t,,inko%ogo vivOrolifa ) PERIODICAL Byul. m-! mlorm. M-,ij i~veln. inciallurpii SSSP, 19 S 7 N r 3. pp -1 1 - 2 -, ZT1 ABS-rRACT The akithors point oul t h C A d TI ' a Jl C ', Of V3 U I I I I) ( DO I I t10 ciektrolyle as (ompared \k h eX I 4;t TUC t hOd F h v L a It u I at 1 oll of a ( ent r a I ized vo uum oo I lrlk! ~N- t(-11. tc)r ;t Z11 vI c( t ro IN tv a re Ti. G s Ca rd I I (Director of the Bogotov Vete-Inary Section), summumv, 92MO Ve I* and MBIMV), So So (Veterinary Nedical ,ssistants and VOZHITELIJ. V. M. (Veterinary Doctor, Belogorsk District, Crimeim Oblastli. )Abstracted by NOSKOV, A. I.) "Experimental prophylaxis for herpes tonturans", 1960.... Veterinariya, vol. 39.. no. 3, March 1962 pp. 2T j/ I 37/62100VOC)Vr~':', 3~': ": A006/A 10 1 i, U.-I i 0 RO ;C -. 1 V 3 t --h I.,v,, ij. Ya., K~pyrin, I. A., Vyw,11-1..' '2 ~~ raL ".1c hURT Fi 1i)c)v, Yu . PN I ko 1 ' s k i y , M. ALa p. 1,.y:. V - -i! st -, v, I ., C1 a~. A. Ye., Pimenov, L. -)xidized n1chel oro~; "n melting of PERIODIMIL : Ile f crat 1 vn~- I .1 il-tal lurglya, no. 1962, 28, abstrart J,19- ("".b. nau(-hn,,-te1e--:,Ln. tr. 11. -1 . l.n-t metallurgill Cholyab. s V nc - 3, 164 - :7()) a,;-irz 5 Months experimental mp'ltinZ of ~1-orr sinter an,i ;,,)arse fraction) on riatte wa.:; rarrie(l out In a 6'.4-m' blast fiii-naro. I-i-Z zt-atementzworc, ma(ie: Cr,j,.p c(,nsunption Is by about -)0 - 25% less thai, In !:Ieltinz in a shaft furnace operating Gn compressed air on account of blast and fuller ut"lization of the heat in the furnace; the Slop Content C'IT, 1-nised up tr) 49%. The temperature of exliaust ganes is 40 - 600C. The dofirlen(~1(--i of a blast funiace are: the necessity of using only well lumped charges; 0 - 5'-~, fraction must be screened off before chargirg into the furnace; the hear-~h LntI Card 1/2 3/1 -,,.perimentaI b1azt-furnace me.tlrg... I A 00611, 11 the 130";1" of tho furriacc, shc,u'd bt, operated on conipr#~ssed air, ~-)ee 1961, 10,203), 3G193. A. Tseydier LAbotracter's note: Complete translation] Card ;:/,' VYATKIN, G.P.; MILO, N.L.; COTRCU_!qIGV, M.Ya. -- Viscoaity of high-r-agnoslum iron slap. (Sbor. tmd.) no-026-.V 161. (HIM 15: 11 (SIAP) (VisccaiwAry) 0STAOqMNUIg,)hjg,_j PANCHENKOp S.I.; Prinimali uchasti : FRISHBERG, V.D.; FETROV, V,K,j RESHETKOp A.1 VTATKINt G.P.1 XTCHEROO V.P.; FOFANDVp A.A.1 MILYAIEV, M.N.1 1111VAUN, Y.Te.; MTAYIII, Y.A.1 FWHKLSH, I.I.; LAZAFEV, B.L. Experimental blest furnace smelting using coke from wet preparation coals. [Sbor. trud.] Nauch.-isel.inst.met. no*4:63-70 161. (MM 15111) 1. Vostochnyy ug1ekhInIcheekiy institut (for Ostroukhoy, Fanchenko, Frishberg,, Petrov,, Reshetko). 2. Nauchno-ioaledovatel'skiy Inatitut metallurgii (for Vyatkin, Bratchemko). 3. NiMme-Tagliskiy metanurgicheakiy kombinat (for Privalov, Hustafinp Pushkash, La2arev). (Blast furnacee-Testing) (Coke-Testing) VUTRIV, G.? OSTROUKHOV'M Ya - Prinimali uchaStiy6i KHOLZAKOV, V.I.; KDP';fiL-PiTi-IKAZ TkaHC Ov iAH]1MH-h- H.T.; FILIPP , Yu.P.; NIKOLI'SKIY, M.A.; CHISTYAKOV, A.Yo.; FDENOV, L.I. Investigating the process of blast furnace smelting for the production of nickel matte. [Sbor. trud.] Nauch.-iBeLinst.met. n0-4:71-81 161. (MIRA 15:11) (Nickel-Metallurgy) (Blast furnaces) VYATKIN, G.P.; ZHILO, N.L.; OSTROUKHOV, M.Ya. Viscosity of high-magnesium blast furnace slags vith 10 to 20% ferrous oxide, Isy. vpj. ucheb. maim; chern wt, 5 no.10:25-30 162* (MIRA 1541) 1. Nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut metallurgii. (Slag--Testing) (Viecosimetry) POPOV, Yuriy Afrikanovich; OSTROUKHOV F~ 1_~~ kiind.tokhn. nauk,, red.; SVET, Ye.B., re .; . 10', V.I., tekhn. red. [Making high-silicon cast Iron) V,,plavka vy-.okokre,-,nistykh chugunov. Pod red.1-1.1A.0stroukhova. Cheliabinsk, Cho- liabinskoe knizhnoo izd-vo, 1961. 106 p. WMA 15:7) 1. Chelyabinskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod (for Popov). (Cast iron-14otallurgy) OSTROUKHOV, H.Ya.; TARASHCHUX, N.T.; FILIPPOV,, lu.P.; MOLUKOV, V.I. BlAst furnace szelting of oxidivW nickel orea for the productllcn of matte. TSvet-met. 34 no.9t82-83 S 161. (MIJU 14 1 1 () (Nickel- f*tallurgy) OSTROTAHOV, H.Ya. Dimnsions of the !,.earth, the mr-ber and Wameters of tu:--rea. Metallurg 7 n-).5-12-13 My 162. ~' 5 -- " ~ 1. Chelyabinskiy nauclmo-issledovatellskiy institut met~-'urgil. (Blast furnaces-Design and construction) KOPYRIN, I.A.; OSTROUKHOV, m.ya. Effect of the characteristics of gas flow on the reduction rate of iron oxides. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 4 no.8:24-30 '61. (MRA 14:9) 1. Chelyabinskly nauchno-issledovatel'skly institut metallurgii. (Iron.-Yietallurgy) (Gas flow) 1:.,o/(,:-,/oo0/001/()5 1/06 1 ACT110itS h r es t , ya Ili, I r1 i') ov I k o v an d 0.~ t r 011111o", , A T ITLP A c rvo.,; t a t lor t h s t kidy o f- t h e an i ~.()t ropy of 1 110 g'1 I valloillet r I C I)ropvrt i es o I c r v t a L PER 100 1 i.~A L: Pr 11) o rv i - t ek lin 1 ka ek s n r i in it t a , n o ') It - I ") -) T i k I I I t 11 o 1- ~-, (I es C r 1 1) e a C r I i C i I ~ 1 1, 0 ., I II IC, tO ITIV('-';t I (~at V thO 111 LsOt I-OPV of' ga Lvatiouint ric proport I c-.~ of- in the t. omperat tire range 11.~, - wo Oi,,-. 31, Fe The Oevice i F, shown in the fiS-ure. "It(, npocivien undor investi,,,-,ation 1 1 placed in a cylindrical thick-waLlrd coppor container %,!I I C:l c a rr i es t hr e e c ons tan t a n wi r o It eil t ers a Ild it t it eruwc ou 1) 1 0 it (. I-.],I i n 11 Ca t C r3 j -i LIS Cd t o mit i n t it i n t h t, av erag e t vm:~ crit t ii r o I tne Coppor container. 'rll(- 01 t1,7() j-,(Ij%ter~-i .1re (,I each other and are used to control the vertical temp(~-rature gradi ent. Th e c o pp cr c on I a 1 n er and t 11 v h c rin e t i c sc r (- en It a 1, rig.idly attached to the cap 5 by imeans of two coa;~.Ial thin- walled Gernan-silver tubes forming a single hernietically-sealed Card 11-q )o/ crvostat . . . . o k 11)10 -.'~ a 1 1(' dCoIlL . I1 11 v r1 11 11 oa t -t r.i n st (-I- L) (l L w eo nt1~k C 011 t. I1 11 OrIIldtI I eC()() I I n) IIIdk I1 '1111di1vII 'ju I ~ j:' 1, d e wa r0 1 ~-; r egu I a t c,1 L) a (I just 1 ng t ;I epu r-.1 1) 1 n'~, s p e ed i ii t 11 f, s pa c c b c t w c en t 11 cc o p-p (- r c o n t a i ii e ra n dtile screen.In or,lerL ensure good thermal contact hetween the specimen and 1) cl i I (III I'A tile cryostat is filled with gaseous 11(l throu-11 aI ell i~ %"k I V v. 7;,e remaining comporlents Lri the fijc~ure zirc, as lollows .1 tube; 0 - current leads; 1) - t~pecimeri-raisin.,,~ r, N.- I c e; vaCuUr 10 - lAilson se.11; Ii - gra(luated circip used to measurr, tiie angle of rotation of Tho specimen about tile vertical 1'-' - textolite specilnen i)'Ase; I -) - spoc Imell Contact hlocl~~ III - lover used to rot,-Ae tiir ~,i'j cc i r;i on 15 'Jild 10 - Vt7lcll'1111 s Ca I S ;17 - el ectrical coni.actS; lo Sjj)jljl for liquid nitrogen wiiic:i is usod to precool tile dewar priol-t o introd%Action of tho liquid holium. Tile device line the followAt I 'Ll! ,advantages : I ) t. emperature c an be det ermined t o wi thin C). 1h ; 2 it is possible to measure tne angle between the current in A given crNstallograr)hic direction and the mutuall-," perpendicular directions of the magnetic field and the temperature gradient; Card 2/4 C I" V OS t 1) t i cd 6 ;~/ C" i i tile specimens can be va.-iily and rapidly r(-I)I;ic(-(l withwit d emount 1 nr t lie a p-)arat us ,it it d '0 t t Ie Ilia gn it k I do -I ri (I 's 1 1; 11 o It lit, Vertical temperature gradient at. tile ,31)cclm(-Il can be adjuste(I. 7herc is 1 figure. AS 3 OC I AT I OIN: Instittit poluprovodnikov ,:, -)b6R S U B,, " I T7 I:D June 17, 1961 Card YEFD',OVA, B.A.; KORENBLIT, I.Ya.; NOVIKOV, V.I.; OS"IMUMOV., A.G. Anisotropy of the galvanomagnetic properties of p-Bi T03- Fiz. tvcr. tela 3 no.9:2746-2760 5 161. (Gdi 14:0) 1. Institut poluprovodnikov All SSSR, Leningrad. (Bismuth telluride-Magnetic properties) I OSTROUIMOV I A.G. Wintering of sme birds in Xvichatka. Diul MOIP. Otd. biol. Q no.6tl5l-153 N.-D 161. (!U:!l 14:12) (KAMCHATKA,--BIRM) OSTROMV, B.A. (Leningrad) Meeting dedicated to the memori of M.F.Rcr-snova tekh. no.12:242 '62. (Romanova, Marila Fedurovna),~St.i (MIRA 15-1.) OSTROLNOV. N.9 general-leytenant aviataii On voluntax7 basis. Av,,I koam. 45 no.1048-80 162, (MIRA 15:10) (Technical education) (Russia-Air rorce) W-1110MOVIV. OSTRDUI,',OW, V. Heat protection by heat resistance of electric motors with alternating current. Vol. 6, No. 1, April., 1955 NOVA PR)IZV0DNJA SO: Mbnthly List 4F-ast European Accessions (EEAL), LC, Vol. 5 No,3 01TROM101, V. Use of stmIc onirvy for reekeeful vurroses- p. 200 NOVA PROTZVODNJA. Ljubljana. Vol. 6, no. 3, Aug. 1955 SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL), LC, Vol. 5, no. 2, February 1956 DAROVSKIKII, V.F.; MAYAROV, M.M.; OSTRCUYC'V, V.I. - - Obeervation of the decay of a E$ nucleua Dokl. All SSSR 141 no.3:593-594 11 161. in a nuclear emLlaicn. (MIJIU- 14, 11) 1. Radiyevyy institut in. V.G. Khlopina AV SSSR. Predstavieno akademikom B.P. Konstantinovym. (Particle track photography) OSTRO'uT.0',', 1. "MarkA-d atoms" in technology. Tr. from the Russian. p. 208. NOVA FROIZVODNJA. Ljubljana. Vol. 6, no. 3, Aug. 1955 SOURCEs East European Accesslons List (EEAL), Vol. 5, no. 2, February 1956, bC 0S7ROUHOV, V. F,lectro".chanic&I treatment of met&ls. Tr. fron the ausaians p. 211 N07A PROIZVODNJA. LjubljeLna. Vol. 6, no. 3, Aug. 1955 SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL), LC, Vol. 5, no. 2 February 1956 OSTROUROV, V. Fluorography of antTals. Tr. from the Russian. p. 212 NOVA PROIZVODNJA. Ljubljana. vol. 6, no. 3, Aug. 1955 SOMM East European Accessions List (FUL), LC, Vol. 5, no. 2, Feb. 1956 vlc ru i ne -T-,n Urravoi -.Fk na v no Far. T, ll? , m Ll hrriry of ~ nm,( r' OSTM "07, V, Punpa for concrete p. 71. NOVA IT-,OIZONLJA (Urrnva za narrede~ v proizon~:iniftfl Ljut,ljjana, Vol. 7, no. 1, Mar. 1956 S UPCE: ZaFt EiircTe Ancession Listr (EEAL), I Library of Congress, Vol. ~, no. 11, Nov. 1956 OSTROUKWV, A.A.; TOWIVICH. O.F. (Tomasevych, O.F.] Absorption of light by F'-centers In Ionic crystals with a cuboidal lattice [with summary In English]. Ukr.fiz.zhur. 3 no.4:449-454 ji-Ag 158. (MIRA 11:12) 1. Kiyevskiy gosudaretvannyy universitet. (Crystal lattices) (Color) (Absorption of light) 69269 S/181/61/003/-JO1/'D-,1/042 B102/B212 AUTHOR: Ostroukhov, A. A. TITLE: Theory of unsteady thermionic emission of a semiconductor cathode PERICDICALt Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 3, no. 1, 1961, ~-14 TEXTt The present paper follows two previous studies (Refs. 1, 2) whict. lealt with the theoretical investigation of problems of the-mionic emission from semiconductor cathodes. The author has mainly investigated the equa- tions of motion and the current-time characteriotice which are valid for volume and surface concentrations. Here, he presents the soluticil. of non- linear equPtions for the case where the relaxation time Tr is much si:.aller than the volume recombination time To (A - Tr/To-( 1), and also the effective time of change of the surface charge. In this case, called thellvclume cct-r", (ml) and hole (m,) concentratiun on the surface levels Tina tl-.e electron conductior-electron concentration n, promptly follow changc-s of tl.p field and of the hole concentration n2 at the volume donors. In RLf. 7 tl.c, time Card 114 89269 Theory of unsteady thermionic ... B102/B212 dependence of the thermal current A(T) has been determined in a Ija8i- steady approximation by a numerical integration of a syutf)m of eq~_Iations, taking concrete values for their parameters; A(IC) is now calculatod fron, a complete system of equations for a problem with one integro-differential equation for ni, which is 3olved approximately by the method of least squares. Also, the effect exerted by adsorption and desorption cf atoms the surface of semiconductors during a currvnt pulse upon the am-unt f the surface charge and the current is studied. The autl.~rs confine ther.- selves to a special case where the lifetime of r~toms in the ausorbed st,,_te is much shorter than the time nececsary for tne displacement of r.~.,evj particles (e.g., donors) in the cathode vulame over a di_:t;~nce ci *L,p L,-3-'r of the st,ielding length 1,41K. This assumption mpkes calculation .r. the "volume case" possible without making any concrete assumptions atD_t the nature of surface and volume impurity atoms. First, the volt-amp4rt- characteristic of the cathode is determined for the "volume ctisell it the start and end of a long anode-voltage pulse. The volt-amp6re cl,linc- teristics of the cathode are dinerammatica.Iy shown for V -0 rInd IC -, OD. A family of lines with different inclinations is obtained for difforent values of p (~tdenotes the equilibrium ionization of volume donors,). From Card 214 89269 S/18 61/~)C3/)-1/--,1/042 Theory of unsteady thermionic ... B102XB212 ~ the distance between these lines it is concluded that under otherwise equal conditions the maximum current will be obtained if no surface levels exist, and the minimum current in the volume case will occur if the change of concentration and current during a pulse is due to a Blow change in time of the hole concentration at the volume donors. The largest current oscillations appear in the quusi~-steady case. The followin6 section deals with a variational estimate of he duration of the current decrease, i.e., a complete solution of the systom of equations in Ref. 1. The following eouatior has been found for X(T)i 00 + E P(z -Vz I[N -N,(1,T]d~, where %(x is a V. 9 0 2 1 1 2(t'T) dimensionless lengthl 11 1 - 1',/not no being the equilibrium concentraticn ~)f conduction electrons for x - oo, z i . MOKI f the dimensionless *21ectron ,i-1) and hole concentration (1-2), respectively, for the surface levelo with concentrations of3o and X , respectively. Po- V-&./no; the reduced 1 2 2 field y V.0 is a known function of A and given in Ref. 2. The last part Card 314 89269 Theory of unsteady thermionic ... B102,/B212 of the paper deals with the effect of a0sorption and d#-.9orption of inipurt ty atoms of the cathode surface on the decreace of the current pulse. As In section 2, three different instants are considered, which are related tc processes on the working cathode. The first instant is related to the motion lof heavy particlesi the second, to the lifetime of the impurity \X atoms on the semiconductor surfacel and the third, to purely electronic transitions (recombination effects etc.). With the help of some restric- tions and simplifications, several relations are obtained. It is found that the adsorption and desorption of impurities on the surface increase the effect of a current decrease in the pulse. The author thanks K. B. Tolpygo for suggestions and interest, and I. M. Dykman for comments. There are 1 figure and 2 Soviet-bloc references. ASSOCIATION: Kiyevokly go3udarstvennyy univeraltet (Kiyev Stuto Ui,ivernity). SUBMITTED: March 1, 1960 pool Card 414 SAO 9 AV,61/006/012/014/020 1)24t?71)305 Ir/ 11-e0 ~ / 3 3)j AUT11uR: 08trouknovp A.A. TITLE6. Influence of thermo-emiosion current on the tempera- ture conditions of a semiconductor cathode PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i elektronIKat ve 6, riot 12, 1961, 2063 - 2072 TBAT's The author investigated theoretically 'the influence of cooling and warming of the cathode surface by emitted current for pulsed emission characteristics. Although an approximate theory by S.V. k1titsyzi existat new experimental facts occurrea on the dietri- bution and resistance of uxide surlace for large currents and on the coefficient of its thermal conductivity. Therefore, the author works out a more exact theory which can be compared with experi- ment. For the case of quasi-stationary currents, when neat Is coti- servedp tho following equation nulds: b F. (2) Card 1/ j% Influence of thermo-eraist3ion where 0 1A439 b/109/ 61/ U06/012/0.i4/u2O D246/1)305 P - surface density, c - specific neat, Y u - coellicient of ricat conduction; T - Thomson coefficient, or - specilic electric conduc- tivity. un the noundary of the semi-conductor Layer and the subLra- te, (x = a), temperature, T. - can ne taken as c,)nstant. It 1.9 assu- Lued aloo Lhat un the bounaary betwoen t.he inyer and tile Vacklul', (x - V) so tho boundary condition can bo written 'OT k. , h 1 T_ (7) where A,, 311 IX, h, .'IIV 11 4 rp / IIt r i, Y~" V., 1 eX - electron work-function, To - temperature of the iayer in the 0 absence of current, r - effective coefficient of reflection, (Y0 Stefan-Boltzman constr.nt. Oie initial. temperature distribution has Card 216 30439 S/109/61/006/012/Ul4/020 Influence of thermo-emission ... D24b/D305 the form: T(xg t)it=o = To(x) = To + -1 x (9) 0 V, Thus (2) can be solved, using the boundary conditions T(X, t) lx=d ~ Td = const. k4) (7) and (9). The soiution has a stationary and a non-stationary part. For small currents, the cooling effects predominate. un our- face x = Op for Bufficientiy iong anode voitage pulses, the maxi- mum cooling is at lmin;'~6 10 /2 where k 0 10 n (19) d 0 1 and (X - n 0 Ar'. (20) 2X. where A = d/x To (4W n xTo/e 1). For small pulse lengths, I.e. 0 0 0 Card 3/0 30439 tj/iOq'6l/Ou6/0l2/Ul4/020 Influence of thermo-emlaoion D2467DA5 Z7 = OL ~ t (21) d using operational methods, the author derives a complicated expres- eion for T(x, t). Then k T,~,t (28) where k T,' I I'd TI. k27 X0 The depth of minimum kr. k2g) -;(t By'. AT,,, == 7' (0, t...) 7-00 n Oki. fti,4 The dependence of temperature on time is shom in Fig. 1. Curve (i) for 0 1 12t curve (2) for 1 12 :,*- I I , curve (3 ) for I -- I 0 0 0 0 After discussing the possible mechanism, responsibie for this be- Card 4/0 30109 3/.1 09/61/006/u1 21014/ U20 Iniluence of Lheri,,io-emisoion D246/D305 naviort the author compares his results with experimental evidence for the case of large potentials U.. Taking data for the parametem from literature, the author derives values of 1, twin and Z, 'r f or various cases. Although there Is an appreciable uncertainty about datat especially 'W.0 the author concludes that cooling of the ca- thode for t