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"_ITS V A Ir I. A . . . ..... -4: P P"TV-7 ATT"A J- LIT-1 A-".Aj Io::T wrcrTqr Raos-d .-Tjj. RITA, ST-P RaiTa q& ~VA .411 ..... . 1"A --l-N T.-Far., A P" VA610r, J*l __A-3 -.2 ..l.r.;ll --11--l-Al ..". - .31, glf- Irvoiltd Fl- -Ms-la USSOJPAP A. (P"72.3) Blb.~~. v .-v (T~r A -1 0-2 A 00 N.0 elj"-10 I'M TOOTSO, I's ej..I.Mm, -%I J. 6.31.2 I .. ........ _&.X"JVS _V.,i IJ-0 ..Is " 'I'd A'" ZIA'- -02 I (asim) lif.,l - &cc, 4" a-Itv P_1 q1 a. sjod&o 2-1&U -A-0 -A-.A.R" -1-A -ATA--~Jlb .980"am tu" BORMOV, N.A.; ORLINSKIT. D.V.; OSOVETS, S.M. Investigation of a powerful pulse discharge In conical chanbers. Zhur.eksp. I teor.fiz. 36 no.3:717-726 Mr '59. (MINA 12:5) (Blectric discharges) `3179 S "0')b160 '"0"? '00,', 0 1 b /044 " 'qOOb/BOiwt) A;'PI]OR: S , M TITLE b S l t T f P P Dynamic ta iza ion i a o la.3ma lni7 i, F:.4 r,~ n i!, Zhiirnal oksperimentall noy i teorat'('n--j('jy FIZ "o; , 59, No ~(8). DP T EXT. I r) an n- o- riu hr a rp nd y s iww mngnp t i c f ,. . I u a i.. r i r-, - -k r r.~ . ilg I j;t t~ - ~n ita!~I- kqu. ~ ibrium, Th- rou : 1 i brom f-ond ) tions J,,zici .o a r(,.'.itt on bots.-en the airtgnotic field strength on thf, ('qii t - i 7. orbit and the mean field strength WhICh Droduces the plasma rinp. Thos., conditions hold for displa-mont- -' tne pjaswi rina as i %n" lc- ~~- t-r- ,-! 1) 11 r, A,, oit r, t -~, y , nR rivi i wi % ) I noij ! r- Wingi r)R t nc, ;rjnp,# A.-j )Fj kn')mu, via iwi rings through which a current pnssei, fire, hosever imstav - w7ln to oistortions of shape. Thp author here ~nvvijtjgatns the prin .lit) I It 10,14 C' 3tahjljZjng ill riaimii r,ng arainst djStjj.-bljfjr.~~ Paa ing tc AI~ZlLlticns o1' ihave f( r 1r)-, t . _ "rigt he h- 0 iji-b m - n '11-~'Iqt% %r0 grpal aj c~omnaroo ,, t1,. -itliki., r. in.. Car,i '/ 5 83179 Dynamic Stabilization of a P"P;:7& Ring 3,/056/60/059,,002/0 It) /044 B006/13056 ring (the ring itself is ansumed to have tho radlish ft) . It to f ir:it -it, .14. that for 2nR/.k > I the simultaneoui satisfying of the stability in the horizontal and in tne vert,~Cal Is, as such, not possib1Q. The or the H-flold ia snown in a acnP.Matical drawing. In ordsor to ~,hanae In, field in the manner n3 characterized by a broken line, ani tnuv 1, nr,,.j, about stability. the author suggested a methcd which he "aytitim stabilization". The fioli shape is periodically changed nPar the stat, equilibrium it such a manner that the H-curve has the staj-y givez. by scl-id curvP during ha.f' a periol, while it has the shape Rtvqn by tn,- broken line diiring th,-) other hlAif, H may approximately lie roprestnion within tho region t~f the plasma ring by H = H [B- Here ' R is tho field nomponent which is constant with rpspp~t 1C Ersk-P and tiO. H donotes that of the spatially constant and time-variabif., field . ( 8117aR ) - the (imp I i tud 4% of t he rat e o f spat i al changt, t n t he variable field cosponent, R - the current coordinate, wid R 0 - the equilibrium radius of the orbit. Jeffreye(Ref. 3) and P L - Xqp ; t sa (114 t'. 4 found the same equilibrium condition& by em loying different metnods ThF?y result in the inequality 4~61)2 .o 2tTL ( L - I -ng t h o' I ho rard 2/3 83179 Dynamic Stabilization of a Plasma Ring S/056/bo/05~/Oc~'O")/14" B006/BO~6 tiendri I um, R - oa~,t I I at; on aa:p I i tudP of the point of suspenp,-r tc sarrant oonverg-,r)-- of tnc solut,rn of the nquaton :.f motion tn-~ oystom inv-il gql ,,I v N, t a u t rv, irt,/I, ~~, ' ic r-~qu jr-d rig an ada r,i nd i n . Tnu-i tr- t o vt,4 .,xi -491 )r, ,!i obtain&,4 1',,r !Ai, '-r,,,l o- t r~k, i.-i tnp th-rmni irn vtji(,i~v, F n ,j . ~I r!i t onar,it., I ht, Mlignt- ! i ie !I ~,ne nt)ta, Yiq 14 '>>-' , k, A curren t i r t Yie p i asma ri ng Thosi-, cond i t ionq aro J i i- 4s. ii, j a, iv a r, r fk,, ti I exampie , F; given. Th--ro are I f'-,Rurv ana - ro' 4 and Britisn. IUBMIMP DA(,eMv-3r 210, lq~q Car(i i/ I COVETS, S.M. Une of hirh-freliency eler.'rrnigno tic field3 for plasma car-fine:zer' and stabilizatif,.n. Atom. anorq. 15 no.4-283-292 0 16). It-.31c) ag )-2/EWG(m)/EVA(w)-2 pz-6/Po-4/P&b-lo/Pj-4 up(c) M/AT ACUMION NRt AF501 0500 UP/0o56/65/ok8/ook/io?1/1-07,6 -S1n1tXYnt To It AUTM Ame-ts-t-q- Mel t Dyneale stabilAzation of a plants pinch' SGUM: Zhurnal eksperimentallacy i teoreticbes k~ fiziup Ve 48) no* 41 1965 107-1-1076 TOPIC TAGSt plamak pinch# d1nmic stabilization, plasma stabillty, high fraque=7 plasm stabilization ABSTRACTs Experiments are described, In wMcb dynamic stabilization of a pinch carryiM currents up to 105 A has been observed in a hydrogen plasm. The experi- mental apparatus ie shown in Fig. 1 of the Enclosure and consists of a M&ft dia- -4--44- ftlh- -4- %U- -&4- -4--t44- - INnitlazlon Or TULC MIMAM U.&D%;&MwA6- -.T ~1_' opera's card 31 L 52955-65 A-C-CUSION IMI AP5010500 specified time interval for optim= stabilization$ The placement of the at-abll- iring rods inaide the chamber (Clog* to the pinch) reprpsents an atter4;4. to exttend th.e-range of dynamic stabilization to higher values of the current. By means of a k.high-speed framing camera and maguetic probes# it vas established that the insta, bilities inherent to a current-c&rrying pinch are inhibited if certain conditions ivIth reai3ect to lonct laerturbatIoniq a--n muLMO'led. quo-SP enn-AI+Annn WOV-P Fig. 1. Diagram of installation ENCLOSURE: 01 1) BORZUNOV, N.A.; KUZIMIMA, N.Ya.; ?EVYAZHSKIY, I.Kh.; _973%V1_31 PETROV, NJ.; POLYArOV, B.I.; POPOV, I.A.; rHODATAY-EV, K.V.; SIIIMWLJK, V.P. Studying a plasma on a trnvehng wfive setip. Dakl. AN SSSR I',- no.3t541-544 S 163. (MIRA 1-11-) 1. Predstnvlenn akademiko3 A.L.Mintsem. M(VETSKAY', TO,M. Treatment of n.~p3rt-eriD' --r ,rvi )ther dl.9(jr(!s3r.9 rf tt.t' -1,13rll~W- +.onus under -nditions o" the mountain illmato at ',,no A-ktash Sanatorium, ~,lor.trnd.-t I flzlot,".r. 1-7'-~2-81 162, r~UhA I-WLJA1 , Gyula; OPLSZLANY, Is tvan; WELLISCH, Peter Determining the rato of water application in furrow Irrigation. Vizugyi kozl no.2s2O5-229 '56. 1. Ontozesi es Rizstermasztesi KUt&to Tntezet Kulturtmchnik&~4 (:4ztalya. -X, . I. SAVARTSEV. A.. MITARTYA. A.; DOBARIN, B.; TEYLENTITEV. N., (solo Togorkino Olrtyabrlskogo rayona. Tatarskoy ASSR). OSDTKIN (g.Tyumenl): SHCHMA13DV (g.Tyumnn'); TIOUAMY (g.Tyumn'); VASILITW (g.Ty-inon'); R-rSHITNIX (Tyumen'). In radio clubs of tbo country. Rndio no.12:11-12 D 158. (MIRA 11:12) 1. Prodesdatoll onvots, Pwasanakngn radtokluba DobrovoTlaggo obshchastva sodaystviya armil. aviatsit I flotu (for Savartsev). 2. Nachallnik Kuybyebovskogo oblastnogo radinkluba Dorbovollnogo obahcbeetva soday- stvirs armit avtatatt t flotu (for Kantartya)- 3. Nachallnik radtokluba (for 0sotktn$. 4. Starshty Insh.radlokluba (Shchnrbakov). 5. Hachal'nik uchobnoy chasti (for Terdakry). 6.k. Chlany radlokluba (for Vasil 1yov. Reshotnik). (Radio clubs) SAVARTSBV, A.-. KANTARITA, A.; DOBARIN, B.; TEVIXNTITEV, N., (solo Yegorkino Okt.vabrlskogo rayona, Tatarskoy ASSR). OSOTKIN (g.Tyumen); SHCHMBAKDV (g.Tyumnn1)-, TEMAKDV (g.?yumn'): VASILITNV (g.Trinen'): R-r,SHE.TNIK (Tyumen' ), In radio clubs of the country. Redlo no.12:11-12 D 058. (MIRA 11112) 1. Predeadatel' anvnta Ryazanskngn radtokluba Dobrovollaoso obahchostva sodaystviya. armil. avintsit i flotu (for Savartsev). 2. Machnl'nik Kuybyshevskogpo oblastnogo radinklubs, Dorbovollnogo nbehchostva sodny- stviya armil avlatell I flotu (for Kantartya). 3. Nachallnik radlokluba (for Osntkln~. 4. Starshty inzh.radlokluba (Shcherbakov). 5. Nachal'nik uchobnoy cbmstl (for Yordakov). 64 Chlony radloklubr, (for Vasil 1yev, Resbetnik). (Radio clubs) OS0310wicz, - J. Iron wire for henters. P. 202 (Wiadomosci glektrotechrdczne) Vol. 17. no. 8, Aug.1957, Warszawa, Poland SO: F"INTHLY INLrX OF EAST EUROPEAN ACCESSIONS (EEAI) LC. VM - 7, IM. 1. JA11. 195P LICVZNMYEV. A.F.. itsh. (g.Khar'kov); OSOVITS, I.V., inzh. (g.Khar'kov); U IN. 0.2h.. inzh. (g.Khar'kvvY Trenchless laying of city gas pipelines. Strot. truboprov. 4 no.4: 23-26 Ap 159. (MIRA 12:7) (Gas, Natural--Pipelines) - _PSOYSTS, I.V., Insh.; EkLK111. O.Zh. fully mechanized flow lines for Insulating pipes* Mont.l. spets.rab.v stroi. 22 no.9:18-21 6 960. (MIU Uta) 1. Treat Ukrgorgazatroy. (Gas pipes) (Ingulatirkg mterials) I- OSOVETS, I.V..inzh.; LQNIN, O.Zh.,inzh. horizontal bortu mhchine for trenchless laying of pipes . Mont . i s,.ets. rab. vN et roi . 2 2 no, 12; 11- 15 j 1 6'). (MIRA 13:11) 1. Treat Ukrgorgazatray. (Pipelines) (boring machinery) L4 (5) AUTHORS: L(,venJeyt_-.,, A. F. , Oz;ovet a , I. V. In,,, TITLE: Method of Trenchlesa Gas Pip6lin0 1.Z1,YiLV in C.ition t I bestransheynoy prokladki-gorodskilih ~,azo~rcvodov) PFRIOD,LCALs Stroltellstvo trubuprovodov, 1~1)1, Ur 4, ~j ABSTRJ%CT i The Ukrgorgazstroy has devoloped t-.,.,o rvt~tud , f' 3rdert r" pipe layinj-~ without di-C;in_- of trenchec,_o. r np: and the other by drilling. After a 1,1t liuq br-fr, d_r n i the machino is pluced the piorcim, ia dvn4! li~ !,.- ,,. ( *,' mechanism operated b?h1ands ".1hic)) Jrivvs ~ !"h"I ~! , t'' I in horizontc~] direotion throuCh the noi I , t:i~- !-cvr,:* :r~ ing brought -bout by a scre-~, al,indel ailh r.tuh,c~t actuated hj --. hand lever. Thic :.--chine Chochol'nits.,.i.,, ij intended for jij,vo u1 tr I r~ it hao a cay~:city of ~ri/hr iii I re uiros n j :11oveMer." to and fro of th(! li~ver furtlii.-r int.-- c,i . '. ! Conr!-rli-.fed ~_-nd Fiece 3 mi-i e model, a 'lorizontal boring r._-chine ul.~n Chechellnits.'-iy, in Intended for 1;ipoo ul, to r00 it. Card 1/2 con3isto of a frame, a cutter, u carrtu_'L- %,iWi L-;OVL-IS, S.M. [Dynamic staicAliv-tion of a plaran filament' Dinar-icheskaia stabilizat.-Aia plazmennogo vitkr-. 1.',oskva, In-t atormoi enorgli, 1959. 10 p. (MI4A 16: 12) (Plaarnz (Ionized gases)) OSMTS, S.M. Some statistical lave governing the writing of letters. Dokl.AN SSSR 145 no.4:735-736 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Predatayleno akademikon L.A.Artsimovichem. (Writing) (Topology) SHATOV, V.A., kandidat medItsinskikh nauk; GUNHYAN, Ts.L.; GSOVRTS, TS.O.; TRITSKNVICH. A.B. 1xperie=e In treating chronic gonorrhea in women by intracutansouB Injection of a mixture of novocalne. penicillin, gonovaccine and methylene blue. Vost.ven. I derm. 30 no.4:33-37 Jl-Ag 156. (MLRA 9:10) 1. Is ukrainskogo asuchno-iseledovatellskogo koshno-venerologichealcogo Instituta (dir. - prof. A.H.Krichevskiy) (CONORHM. ther. pracatne. penicillin. gonovaccine & mothylene blue) (PINICILLIN. ther. use gonorrhea. procaine penicillin with gonovaccine & methylene blue) (WiHTLENN BWE. ther. use gonorrhea. with procaine penicillin & gonovaccine) OSOVETSKAYA, TSilya Molejeyevna; G01JROV, Kadyr Khasanovlch; DETEZOF, prof., zaal. doyatell naukl Uzbekskoy SSB; TRETITAKOVA,N., red.; AGWOV, K., tekhn. red. (Oactipational therapy and the cardiovascular system in mental illnespe with a chronic course)Trudoterapiis I serdechno- soaudistaia sistema pri psikhicheskikh zabolevanii&kh a khro- nicheakim techeniem. Tashkent, Medgiz UzSSR, 1962. 108 p. (MIRA 16:3) (OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY) (MENTAL ILLNESS) (CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM) /lh- ~~ VE POLAND/ MicrobioloFy. Ueneral FlicrobioloFy F-1 Abs Jour t Itef amr - Hiol., No 2, No 50811) Autli or Pakida, 0sovetskiy, '!rys-,1M,1Mt In~3t Not g iven T i tle Isolation and Purificatiun of Hyaltironidase of Hemolytir- gtrepto~occus *:roup C. Orig Pub i Med. doswiad. i mikrobloi., 9, Nr, 2, IP9--19L Abstra~t Of 30 strains of henolytic strepto,~occ! Groups A,, B, 7, and D, the most ,ictJve one 13 a 3triin of Croup C which forms hyaluronidase wit.h an act~vitv of 1GO-120 units per ml of mediun cont.-jininj- extract of hew-t muscle, partly TurIfied of protein. liver extract, pep~.nne, j~lucoqe, and mineral salt.go ,,ard IP, OSOVETSKIYP N.A.; OBNOBOVA, A.D. TIZ emulsifying agent. Imkokras.mat. I ikb prim. no Is82 160. iMIRA 101.) (Emulsifying agents) BODNU, M.D.;_~~OVE Possibility of using bit=en as a solution fcr the production of black lacquers. Lakokras.mat.i ikh prim. no.1:71-72 163. (miRA 16:2) 1. Tashkentskiy lakakrasochny7 zavod. (Paint materials) (Bituminous materials) BOD.NYA It N.D.; RhM,'[,VSKAYA, G.M.; OSOVETSTly - M.A.; OBNOSOVA, A.D.; 3ALKOVA, 14.14. Replacing hydrolysis alcohol with synthetic alcohol in the production of spirit varnishes for furniture. lakokras. mat. i ikh prim. no.3:65-66 161. (MIRA 14:6) (Varnish and varnishing) 7ABRODSK I Y , ',. ; KA, , '.'. ~~. ; ("SOVIK , Development of tne'Iogy fcr t%e 'f Yer-O*~ f-~Ojf: on a mixture of molass(-s sti-lage and ~,,ydrclvzate,-3. Tmay I'krN!ISI' no.9:72-81 1 ~;4. I-: __q~OVIK A N. _ -. -- I- ~. *.- - I Productlon of yeast foods. Form. I spirt. prom. 30 nods 37-38 '64. (KTRA 180) 090711, B.A.. Inabonsr; ZLIY=, M.P.. kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk. Use of slag and &sb*a of an electric power plant In modern buil- ding. Mek.sta. 25 to.8:30-32 Ag 154. (XI-11, 7:9) (Building materials) GRCEOZOPATILI. S.B., inzhener; D5QVIX,,AA-. Inshener; ILINZON. W.F.. kandidat tekhnichookikh mauk: POM. L.N.. irandidet tekhnicheakikh nauk. Producing porous aggregates for lightweight concretes. Gor.lrh02. Nook. 30 no.4:21-24 Ap 156. KU 9: 9) (Lightweight concrete) SLOBODYARIL. Igut Takovlovich (Slobodianyk, IJAJ, kand.takhn.rwuk-. PAMOV. Igor' Alaksondrovich [Pashkov, 1.0j, kand.takhn.neuk; CHUPRUNMO. Takaterins Vesillyerns (CIripruneako. IX.Y.J. kand. tekhn.nauk; CHEMSOV. Nikolay Antonovich [Chorkasov. N.A.], kand. tekhn.nauk; LTSINA, Nina Borisovne, insh.; RUBIROVICH, Isfirl Abramovne, insh.; FALICHII. Fetr Larpovich, Inah.; LITYINMO. Kelanlys Wtriyevna, insh.; BYARICHBVSKIT, Lyubomir Vladimirovich [Svorychavalkyl, L.T.). inzh.; OSOVSKAYA, 1. [Geovalks. I.]. red.; ZXIMMOVA. To. (Zolenkova, 12.j, (Loeal binding materials based on new raw materials of the UkraineJ Kistsevi vliazhuchi as novil syrovynA Ukrainy. Za zahallaoiu red. I.IA.Slobodianyka. Kyiv. Derth.vyd-vo lit-ry z tnidivnytetva i arkhit.UBM, 1960. 115 P. (KIRA 13:10) (Ukraine-Binding materials) KORNIWVICH, Yurly Tevgenlyevich; MOVMATA, I., red.; VOLOSHCHINKO, Z., red.; ZILMOVA, Ye.,, ---- (Testing the strength of mortars prochnostl raetvorov I betonov. i arkhlt. USM, 1960. 233 P. (Kortar-Testing) and concretes] lesledovaniie Kiev. Gos.isd-vo lit-ry po strolt. (NDIA 13:12) (Concrete--Temting) KONLIRATITHY. Sergey Fedorovich; SADOTNIKOVA, Tat'yena Akimovna-. OSOTWLAYA. I.. red.; NMCHENIO, I., (Protecting wood against decaying fungi and beetles] Zashchita drevesiny ot gnionlie I rosrushonlie shukazi. Kiev. Goo.izd-vo lit-ry po, strolt. I arkhtt.VSSR, 1959, 197 p. [-Tables for visual determinntion of defects in wood] -Yablitey d1in vituallnogo oprodeleniia porokov drevesiny. 16 pintos. (MIRA 13:4) (Wood preservation) DOL'aff, Tevgrsf Tevgpenlyevich; GORIXNKO. Boris Ser~-,eyevich; OSOVSK4Y ,4*zsred.; NENCIMMO, 7., 'At-W-Aft--a [Axonomatric projoctionj Aksonomtricheakie proaktali. Kiev. Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit. i arkhit. USSR. 1959. 187 p. (MIRA 12:121) (Axonor.wtric projection) STRYANOV. Boris Vladimirovich: DANILKINA, I., red.; OSOVSKAYA, I., red.; ZUJMOVA. Te., - - (Booklet for master workers on making precast reinforced concrete) Famiatka mnatera po abornomi thelesobetonu. Kiev. Gos.isd-vo lit-ry po stroit. I arkhtt.USM, 1959. 200 P. (MIRA 12:9) (Precast concrete) KHUTORYANSKIY, Mikhail Semenovich, kand.tekhn.nauk; OSOVSKAYA. I.Y.. red.; ZZISNKOVA. Ye.Ye., - - [1conomizing materials in construction] Skonomila moterialoy v stroitelletva. Kiev, Gos.ixd-vo lit-ry po stroit. i arkt-dt. USSR, 1959. 233 P. (MIRA 12:8) (Building materials) "V AY A ''I A I' I KOY,SKAYA M.S. (Korns I k at M.:). ] , kand. to k~n. navik; OSOVSKAYA, I V. ~Osovslka, I.V.1; rH1M1ChT,,NX0, A.G. (Khimichenko, A.11'7; SHKOLINIK, A.Ya. [Shkollnyk, H.IA.] Possibility of using slibstitlites for Prosyannya knolin ir, the multicomponent oomposition for porcelnin. Loh. prom. no.1:65-67 Ja-Mr 165. (MIRA 18:4) RYBALKO. A.T.: K&PUSTrANSX&TA. T.G.-. OSOTSIIT. A.I. Operational experience with coal centrifUgirg machines at the lonsomolets Central Coal Preparation Plant. loks I khIm. n0-5:14-16 160. (NIRL 13:7) 1. Nentrallnaya obogatitelInVa fabrika lomoomolets. (Stalino (Stolino Province)--Coal preparation) L f%'141-66 LoiT (d )lEfi F 1, (k )/E Q) (h)/Erl I- (I DC ACC N% AP6021402 SOURCE CODE: UR/%)103/66/ODO/O-D6/02-04/0-2-24 AUTHOR: Maslov, Ye. P. (Moscow, Voronezh); Osovskly, L. M. (Moscow, Voronezh) ORG: none TITLE: Self-adaptive control systems with a model SOURCE: AvtomaWm I telemekhanika, no. 6, 1966, 204-224 TOPIC TAGS: self adaptive control, servomechanism system, stochastic process, automatic control theory ABSTRACT: In this paper the authors discuss the basic problems encountered in the theory of self-adaptive control systems which Incorporate a model for simulation. Also analyzed are various problems in the analysis and synthcBis of these systems. A review is presented of 144 Soviet. U. S., British, German, French, Japanese and other works. Among the problems discussed are: the selection of the model structure, criteria to be used In the comparison of the actual object with the model, deterministic methods for the analysis and synthesis of sys- tem having a linear plant (including the method of induced artificial perturbation of the model parameters), deterministic methods for nonlinear system analysis and synthesis, and statisti- cal methods of model-lnoluBlvo system analysis and synthesis. The suthorn wish to express UDCt 62-606.1 S103/63/024/602/066/ .020 ovokiv J.1 TITLE: Linear pt1bg. Is witb ph .3 istic PERIODICAL: v ~4* nD 182. TEXT: -"' .. ~. l , ' b u:l tbw*o , - 11.C - I V i m lmm al - p an ~ ~44 hit m me U v Z: line,gr.i adaptin twip.l. m6t;14641 to, iis o4wel.)6~444ptic ' . . , " . - * '~d - I 1.~ . ..-. usin 'the *' . g U vq:~, --I. ~- Z,- 'y ilhere, N,--..tbe.iimbor of.fttlo'-*44#0 fok the 1)ditm tim ~of the llo t e -bD detlermine uldojlo ~ Amy. be rtal is possibl - Card 1/2 Linear self -adapt-Ing models 8/10.3 63/624/OD2/DD6/020 object and the model pairmetere-from amall mognitudes of.discropan- cies.betweeU their phase characteristics. Thip'J6.6U64n to be possi- ble ii~ the 'ease wbere the.*nutierator of the transfer fwwtion of tte object is.not equal to unity. - Conclusions 6r a seco6d_o:i-d*Y- 'oelf- adapting systems 1) The eut6con lotion vwthodz-iin~It 00"ible,, in Principle, to obtain the values of mismatob betwc '!on the'pbwo'charac- ttristics of bo h the object aud model simultaneously at, hoo,pdintv, t . With an accuracy adequate for -design requirements. 2) The self-adap- tation of the model parametbra, e~cpressed as significant terms of the operator polynomial, Is mtonbmaus within a wide range of initial discrcpancies between the model and object parawt a 3) The accu- racy mvi tbo.speed of delf-adaptation of the model%a;avA'ters is lim- ited by themplittde of the variable component applied to the inte- grating unit. There &-b 4 figures'* SURMITMED: July 16, 1962 Caryl 2/2 CGCVSRIY, L.M. (Moskva) Self-adjusttng model, Izv. AN S&SR. Otd. tekh. anulr-. Tekh. kib. no.l-.13G 138 Ja-F ?63. OURA 16.7) (Autam"tic control) (I&Jectrumchallical jum1cgics) S/103,/63/024/003/008/015 D405/D301 AUTHOR: Osovskiy, L.M. Oloscow) TITLE: On a class of nonlinear adaptive modelsvith phase- and amplitude characteristics adaptation PERIODICAL: Avtomatika I telemekhanika, v. 24, no. 3, 1963, 369-382 =T: A class of nonlinear objects (plants) is considered which permits representing the parameters -t&ic)- -o not depend on fhe statical -characteristics of the object in vv;rmd of the phase- --frequency eharacteristics (PhVCh) of the second harmanic and the other partmeters, (vhich depend on the statical. characteristics) - in terms of the amplitude-frequency characteri sties (11,'Ch) of the f irst and second harmonic. The "PCh of the secorA harmonic is do- fined as the dependence (on the frequency of the first harmonic) of the difference between the initial phases of tbo second harmonic. sig- rials at the object output and.the corresponding first harmonic at the object input. The AFCh of the second harmonic is defined as the -1. C ard 1/3 3/103,/63/024/003/008/013 D405/D301 dependence (wi thenfrequency of the'"Zirst hnrmonic) of the ratio of barmonic signal amplitude at the object outplit to the the second -t the object input. square of the first harmonic signal mplitude - The introduction of the second harmonic I?h7Ch and JT-Gh ennbles one to extend the method of designing linear adaptive models with phase Cfiaracteriatic adaptation to the class (important in prnctice) of nonlinear objects. The problem amounts to aseertnining. the posBibil-, ity of uniquely determining the raismatch of the corresponding p.-wa- ~.-meters of obj--tt and model from the mismatch o.-f the second ha=anic PhPOh.(known at a sufficienruumber of points). The condition f-ot this is found to be the non-siugularity of the natri:.; ]An]. + n 2 of a system of linear equations. Further, the operation of a non- Ainetx adaptiva model is described. The results of the .0.1mulation, by such a model are sumed up as follows4 The correlativa methods (tested by mcans o~' the model) enable o~e- in principle to obtuin two points the values of the mismatch of the sec- ond harmonic phase-characteristics of the nonlinear object mid of the model with an accuracy which is auf2icient in practice; -he JJea to the mism--t-ch of the amplitude clisracterittics. The I,. awe app Card 2/3 10 3/103/63/024/003/ID08,f 1 15 On a class of nonlinear D405/D301, controlled parameters of the model converge to the corresponding parameters of the object over a wide range of initial misnatch bc- tween parameters. The accuracy and speed of response in t-he model are limited by the amplitude of. the variable,component which passes through the integrator from the multiplier loop (cauDing undesirable model-parameter fluctuations). A theorem is proved on the non-sing,- ularity of the matrix JAnl + n2 There are 7 figures. SUBMTTED: August 2. 1963 Card 3/3 2 i " (V EVSK M I I, V . F. f t cril I 0~, I rVY 1;,~l I tr. r i , , I ~ J~ , yo i, . 14 . p t (,Ti I JU , I ry~, !T.ti " !" - r F'r e,,,q r, t, ' ng I e f c -~ ~, - _ f-, , , n!~. : -1 . ~- , t, , : -~', ~ . kj, r -,, . - 7 ~- . , ; ' If 9 . , I - , OSDVSKIY,- V.N., uchitals Using stlidents' knowledge Of Physics and mathenatics in grade seven and e1rht of chemistry lessons. Khim- v shkole 17 no.2~ 43-45 Fr-Ap 162. WIRA 15 - 3) 1. Srednyaya shkola No.14 , g.Bardichev. (Chemistry--Study and teaching) '.. ~ 11 ;4 - ~ f , : 1, , p, . , () L K 7 " ve , I I ! i") I, I '. , ", - '- , r r, , I'ti, . -IL - -cat I, r., in .hp -~ - , . ; ~ I ~, li c . I r 0' --- ' - o !,,- . .'I n o . I.-) , 2 9-3 1 b '(,4. f , , . OSOVSKIYP Yu. Efficient form of propaganda. Voen. Man. 39 no.12.:27 D 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. flachallni-k shkoly graZildlLnokoy oborony, Sjuts~, BSM. KOVALEVSKAYA, I.L.; EPSHTEYII-LITVAK, R.V., DMITRIYEVA-RAVIKOVICF, Ye.M.; KURINOSOVA, N.A.; SFCH7-GLOVA, Ye.S.; FERDINAND, Ya.Y-; hICEIK, S.R.; YAKIMINOVSKIY, L.F.; P-TROVA, S.S.; GOLUBOVA, Ye.Ye.; GONCHAROVA, Z.I.; SAPMANEYEV, A.P.; SIZINTSEVA, V.P.; Prinimali uchastiye: MEDYUKHA, G.A.; OSOKINA, L.A.; RACHEOVSKAYA, Yu.K.; QSgVTSEVA, 0.1.; DEDUSEIIKOV A. I.; KOVALEVA, P.S.; KARASTIEVTCTT, V.,P.-; - CHEBOTARVICTI, II.D.; CHIGIRI, T.R.; SKULISKAYA, S.D.; KEOlIE7ZHIYEV, B.A.; DEMJNA, A.S.; ZUSIMX;, R.T.; YESAKOV, P.I.; SYSOYEVA, Z.A.; ZINOVIYEVA, I.S.; FALICHEVSKAYA, A.A.; DENISOVA, B.D.; TIMOFELEVA, R.G.; SYRKA~;OVA, A.V.; LYAMMAN , S. G. Reactivity and immnological and apidemiological effectiveness of alcoholic typhoid and rmiratyphoid fever vaccines in school children. Zhur. mikrohiol., epid. i i=un. ~3 no.7:72-77 Jl 162. (MIRA 17: 1) 1. Iz Moskovskogo, Rostovskogop Omnkopo in,,titijtov epidemio- lo,?ii i nikrobiologii, Stavropollskogo inrztituta vaktgin t eyvorotok i Ministerrtva zdravookhraneniya RSFSH. 2. Rostovskiy institut epidemiologii I mikrobiologil (for Kovaleva). 3. Stavropollskiy inrtitut vaktoin i ayvorotok (for Sysoveva). 4. Kuybjshevskiy inrtitut epidemiologli i mikrobiolopii (for Zinov'Yeva). 5. Saratovakaya gorodskaya sanitarno-opidemiolo- gicheskaya rtantriya (for Lyantsman). - - M-Numbommu~ C ~, 0 ~-7.9JE v , - - I -j ri ,I . k71 - DUKHANOV, A.Ya.; OSOVTSEVA, P.J. Penicillin therapy of gonorrhea in girls. Pediatriia no.1:82 Ja-F 154. (KLRA 7:3) 1. Is urologicheakogo otdolentya 2-y Laningradskoy gorodskoy detakoy bol'nitay. (Penicillin) (Gonorrhea) PAMA. R. - jt,~~~~ST ND NTT, I . Development and purification of hyalurcaidass produced by a group C Hemolytic Streptecoccus. Mod. doew. m1krob. 9 no.2: IRQ-194 1957. 1. Z Zakledu Mikrohinlogli t Ifigiony A.M. w Waresawis. (HYA,LURDUIDASM, prop. develop. A purification of hysluranidass produced by group C honwlytic Streptoc. (Pol)) (STRVTIOGOCCUS hyalurnnidase produced by group C hemolytic Streptoc.. develop. & purification (Pol)) 03016RECKI P Henryk Studies on staphylococcal devoxyrl'bonuclease. 111. Interrelations between staphylococcal synthesis of deaoxyribonuclease, coagulase nd phomphataso. Mod. doaw. mikrob. 14 no.3:193-lW 162. 1. Z Zakladu Rikrobiologii i fligieny AM w Warszavie. (STAP4YLOCOGZ,US metab) (DIMMUBOITUCLEASF inotab) (PHOSPHATASES motab) (ENZYMES motab) OSg.4IECKI, _H~IiRYK - I Mikrobiologia lekarska dia liceow farmaceutyc7mych. Warszawa, Poland, Panstwowy Zaklad W~,dawn. Lekarskich, 191,R, 170 p. Month1v list of East FAiropean Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8, No. 8, Al;just 1Q''9. Uncla. Os o Y jk- Olt a jsvAlm of the theory of "A4uwp.*- t( 3 91-Iou (v)-vil, (RuFsiall, Kazak sullmlart.)-- In m-Irlection with tIve on tile Nstence .fz 1- a simple. grotip of odd colulmsitc ordcc, the author Finds thercare no wch groopilvixii tliv ovdt:rhas cm(- of itn' 1.11fre forms! At"T Oqlys. NO R. A. Goo,-J' -go Paik,, Md). Val 13 t Rath elmrjtical Re0ewst KUCZEWSKA Kazimiera; OSOWSYA, -Bogna :ase of tuberculosis of t1he hbart muscle. Gruzl-ioa 29 n~.12--IC43-IC,,S A D '61. 1. Z III Kliniki Chorob Wbvnetrznych AM w Warszawie Kierownik; prof~ dr red. E. K~dejszko I z Sanatorium Przeciwgruzliczego im. L. War7nskiego w Otwock-u Dyrektor* Jr med, P. Zodrcyw. (TUBERCULOSIS CARDIOVASCUW case reports) OSPANOV, Sholgumbay [Good wool clips] Ze vysokii rBstrig sheruti. Alma-Ata, Kazakhakoe goo. izd-vo. 1955. 11 P. (MLRA 10:3 ) (Dzhambul Province--Sheep) 8h294 S11 38/60/00() loor, A051/A029 AUTHORS3 .11usinov, M.D., Pozin, A.A., Oapovat, R.I., 111in, 11.5 TITLE: On the Relationship Between the Filling of aCK6(SKB)-Bas,,d Rubber Mixture and ito Elastic-Viscous Characterlatic-0 PERIODICA,L: Kauchuk I Rezina, 1960, 110. 5, pp. 21 - 23 TEXTs Carb n black and the softener have the Createst effect on 'he elaotic-viscouslzharacteristics of a rubber mixture due to the higher specific gravity in the volumetric or weight content of the mixture. it was shown (Refs. 1 and 2) that an Increase in the degree of filling of t.'-,e rubber mixture with carbon black 4ecreasos the plastic properties of the mixture, and an increase in the Bof tener content leads to an increase in these properties. The changes of each characteristic at different det7rees of filling with carbon black and softeners are observed. The behavior of the mixtures in deformations can be predicted based on the data of the changes. The laboratory method for the observations is described (Ref The total deformation obtained in the testing can be divided into elastic and viscous components, from which the elastic or the visroug propr?rt I c' Card 1/3 8h294 S/138/60/000/005/006/012 A051/AO29 On the Relationship Between the Filling of a CK[3(SKB) -Based Rubber Mixture and Its Elastic-Viscous Characteristics can be determined (Ref. 5). Figure I is the graphical outline of the ex- periment. The formulae which were used for the computations are given (Formulae 1 - 7). A highly-filled commercial mixture with a SKB-60 base was chosen as the object of the investigation. As a result of the experi- mental data obtained several conclusions were drawnt with an increase in the carbon black dosage the characteristic indices increase and with an increase in the softener dosage they decrease. The intensity of the change of the various characteristics varies with an increase in the degree of filling In -the mixtures. The plastic viscosityq 2 and the standard of in- stantaneous elasticity G2 change most significantly. Both are associated with the intermolecular interaction . The characteristics of the laeging elastic deformation change only slightly in this case. Since the lagging elastic deformation is determined mostly by the elastic properties of the rubber molecule and the individual links and an increase in the degree of filling does not change the rubber substan6e itself, the value of the characteristic of the lagging elaotic deformation changes with It. This fact can be utilized in developing a now method of high-speed control of Card 2/3 OSUW=-GKL,_H.; DOEZANSKI, W.T. Test in agar madium for production of deoxyribonuclease by Staphylococci. Bul Ac Pol biol 11 no.2:85-86 163. 1. Department of 1,11crobiology and Hygiene, School of Medicine, Warsaw. Presented by E. Mkiaaszok. PAKITIA, Roavin; OSOWIECKI, Henryk; MDZFIYWSKA, banuta -.- ~.. - A simple technique for isolation of mut-ants of Eacherichia colt B resistant to ultraviolet radiation. Acta microbiol. Pol. 13 no.2:113-118 164. . . Fr -m 'he Department of Mi crobiology and Hygiene, Medical 3chool, Warsww. DOBRZANISFI, W.T.; OSMIECKI,14; PIATKOWSKA, A. Antibacterial activity in vitro of nitrofuramme PoLfa. Pol. tyg. lek. 19 no.25055-4958 15 Je'64 1. Z Zakladu Mikrobiologii I Higieny Akademii I-ledycznej w Warszawie; kierownik., prof. dr. R.Pakula. 030,WIECKI, llenryk;- PAKULA, i-',oman Studies on st#pbyloccoccal desoxyrtbonucleic acid. IV. Purification and properti03 of staphylococcal desoxyriborruclease. Med. dtxv. mikrobiol. 15 no.1:1-LI 163. 1. Z Zakladu Mikrobiologli i fligiony AM w Warozawie Kierownik: prof. dr R. PaWa. (DESOXYRIB011RUCLEASE) (STAFIffLOCOCCUS) (CHEMIS%Y) OSOWIECKI, Henryk; PAVIA, Roman Studies on staph7lococcal doeoxyribonualeane. 1. Measurement of the activity of Btaphyloooccal doaoxyribonuclease by the vincoalmetric method. Died. dow. mikrob. 14 no.3tl73-183 162. 1. Z Zakladu Hikrobiologii i Higieny AM w Warazawie. (DF.SOXYRIBONUCLFASE chem) (STAIPHYLOCOCCUS chem) - Os-OVIECK1, Henryk; PAKULA, Rcman Studies on staphylococcal desoxyribonuclease. II. Enviromental factcr!l in the production of deeoxyribonuclease by Staphylococci. Med. dosw. mikrob. 14 no.3:185-191 162. 1. Z Zakladu Mikrobiologii i Higieny AM w Warazawie. (STAPHYLOCOCCUS metab) (DESOXYRIBONUCLEASE metab) 10 r n I jI ... ... ts ,3 -Qye' I t 6 09 C, I tj zi zi l o 1 13 V o iy GL, UGY C,50-1'shl, F. St.,in l,r I --rt n.:,r- f r r f i c I-il-, "ont bly Li rt r Fant ' in-ocan !~!il -,n C o1. .'~nrll USTINOV, A.M.; KAREV, N.A.1 OSPANOV, G.7h. Practice in using skip shaftq for mim ventilation. Nauch. trudy KNIUI no.16s168-179 164. (MIRA 180) OSPANOV-,.Kh-X-; ROZHDES77ENSKAY.A, Z.B.; SONGINA, O.A. Polarographic study of unithiol on a dropping mercury electrode. Zhur.anal.khim. 18 no.4s43D-434 Ap 163. (MRA l6s6) 1. S.M.Kirov Kazakh State University, Alma-Ata. (Propanesulfonic acid) (Polarography) (Electrodes, Dropping mercury) SONGINA, O.A.; OSPANOV, Kh.K.; FOMDE~'i'I'VENSKAYA, Z.B. Polarographic study of the Plectrolytic oxidation of undthio. on a platinum electrode. Zhur. anal. khim. 19 no.2tl68-173 164. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Kazakhskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Kirova, Alma-Ata. SONGINAP O.A.; OSPANOV, Kh-M. ; R07,11PE17VENSKAYA, Z.B. Polarogra ph I c exam' ra- 'on c' I (,n a P ]At in um electrode. Vect. AN Kazakb. SSR 20 n~.900-35 S 16-- (V,:?A r:1c) 0.1-k.,: UAll'o,") Kl..K.,- ROVIDEST'll"NSKAYA, Z.B. 7"... - 1:.; - -- ,. ~, I ! ': ~: t Fil " ! ~.. ,!' gol d 1,-j fl", Ii", 1 *, t,! r, I r,-i 1 , ~ t , - , . I '! ~ . ~. f, r - . (. . -, ~, ,, I I'l. Om I -")., . , c , " '!~~ 1 L~l 1. ! y -, ~ -~ u,i ani I v,-n-,iyy un ive ra i t e t 'Lmon i K 11 , -,, . SONGINAP O.A.j_.~SP~YqV,_ U.K. I POZJJJ)YSTVFINS)~.4YA, Z.13. Amperometric titration of univalent and divalent m8rcury wIth a solution of unithiol. Zhur. anal. khIm. 20 no.1 5,4-58,A465. (MIRA 180) 1. Ka2akhakiy gosudarstvennyy univernitet Imen! Kirova, Alma-Ata. DEW14*lil!;K3p V.:I. [decca:-ed]; Remd-ts of testing vcze trves and ahmbs in tht southern &i1khash region. Trudy Kazakh.SSR 1'7.:-'.!-28 161. (KIRA 17: 1) KAZAKOVA, L. , student; FEIPMER, L. , student; OSPANOVA, H. , student Dyr=ics of the blood pressure of pregnEmt women ac!:ordirr, to data from the Simipalatinsk Materaity Home during 1954 to ~i Trudy Semipal. med. inst. 2:193-201 '59. (141RA 15:/.) 1. Rafcdra gospitallnoy terapii (zav.kfifedrov - doktor med.nauk, prof. ft.Ya.Spivak) i kafedra akushorstva i ginckologii (zav.ka-fedroy A.A.Kozbagarav) SomipajatinBkogo Cocudarstvennogo maditsinskogo instituta. (BLOOD PTUIMUM) (Pid~GNANICY) OSP"'Cr'A ~ ' A---' C,ultlv-.t~on of sweet c,r),,rpr -)n the 3ol~m(,tz soill,-- of Tsclinorr:~d 1'rovince. '.7V. AN Kazn~h. 5er. hicl. miuk -~ no.,,: !;-[) '6~. SOBOLI, S.I.; NELENI, I.M.; SPIRIDONOVA, V.I.; BERLIN, Z.L; GORTACHKIIII V.I.; TARAUNOV, B.M.; SHKURSKIY, V.D.; Prinimall uchsotlye: F.RZYMAIN, A.K., Inzh.; MUK, B.M., lnzh.; CHEDOTKEVICH, G.V., Inzh ; O"'PIN, V.G., Inzh.; ALSKSANDROVA, N.N., labomnt; SALTYKOV, I.B.: i~boi;dn_f,;__TMMVA, Ye.I., laborantka; TEPLYAKOV, Yu.M., laborant; GAVRILENXO, A.P., slesarl; KURGUZOV, A.S., elaktrik; GAVRILOV, I.T., elektrik Pilot-plant testing of the State Institute of Nonferrous ~btala flow sheet for the autoclave retreatment of copper- molybdenum intermediate products. Sbor. nauch. trud. Gin- tovetmeta no.19:319-339 162. (KERA 16:7) (Nonferrous metals-Metallur-gy) (Leaching) 1. OSPISHCa-V. A. I. 2. USSR (600) 4. Motor Trucks 7. Oar answer to comrade P.M.Ort. Sakh.prom. 26 Eo.10,1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, -1953. Unclassified. TSTFK INA, M. S. ; OSP I Production of extramtrong sulfite pulp. Bum.prom. 35 no-10:8-10 0 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Veasoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut toellyulogno- bit zhnoy proiWahlennosti. (Woodpulp) Translation from. Referativnyy zhurna-1 Khlmiya, fir 10, P 322 AUTHOR. Ospodov, G.D. TITLE: The Experience of the Artemovsk Ceramic Pipe Plan* on th,:- Fvirnin, In Tunnel. Furnaces - -- ---- --- - 1 PERIODICAL: Tr. Soveshchaniya po inten.,Aflk. raboty pecl-&y 11-1 keramiki, 1956. Moscow, Gosotroylzdat, pp 96-()7 ABSTRACT; The article has not been reviewed. Card 1/1 CGPOVATV B.L. Curremt, riethods for the treatment of risceral actinccycosis. 38 no.6sU-18 A 160. (MIFLA 13t12) (ACTITOMYO)SIS) OSPOVAT, -B. L. -- In memory of Professor P.D. Solovov. Khirurgiia 37 no.2sl45-11+6 F 161, (HM 14-1) (SOLOVOV, PM EHITMVICHp d.194,0) OSMAT Be L. Sdwtor,ra sam&3harAls o ratsimtAlInm prIMMU pwdtd-1.%A pri owlivkh 2**1*Vw&i;&kh. L,-.-DrMan e=i&wati ", On rMoul sdWn~stmtlou Qf psa0alin In mppumtive dLos"Rh; KhtroMilmi, M*" noo 6 ima A p& 2D-4& Ig Of Us &=(;ical Uliao (DireclAr-~* A. D. Oobkin)p Central lm-itituti for the Advanced TralniW of ftsicimao USSR/Nedicine - Antibiotics Jon 51 "Treatment of Visceral Actinomycosis by Adminis- tration of Penicillin Combined With Injections of Erythrocytic Mass," B. L. Ospovat, Moscow, 3d Chair of Clinical Surg Cen Inst for Advanced Tng of Physicians. "Klin Med" Vol XXIX, No I., pp 49-54 Obtained good results by applying this type of treatment in cases of visceral and generalized actinomycosis. 186T73 . OPMAT,-BariA-L-'VO-1dc4j- DEKHTYARI , Ye.G., red.; MIFUNOVA, A.M., tekhn. red. [ACtinOMYCOSis of the lungs) Aktinomikoz legkikh. Wskva, Medgist 1%3. 265 p. (MIRA 16:6) (ACTINC19YCOSIS) (LUNGS- -D ISY:4SES) Therapy of suppurative wounds. Had. sestra, goo"& no. 12:8-13 Dee 1952. (GIML 23:3) 1. Order of Lenin Clinical Hospital Imeni S. P. Botkin. OSPOTAT, B.L. [subdiaphragmatic abscess; clinical aspects. diagnosis, therapy) Poddlafragmallayi abotsess-, klialka, diaguostiks, lechomie. Hooky&. Hedgis. 1956. lD6 p. (MLRA 9:6) (DIAPHWM--ABSCSSS) SURINCNA, S+; OSPOVATS BiLe. Psychotic conditions 80 a symptom Of Rcuts pancreatitia. sav,med, 25 no.2sl33-136 F 161. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Is paikho-apmaticheekogo otdoloniya (zav. O.Ya.TartakavBkiy) bollnitay imoni S.P.Botkina (glavnyy vrach - prof. A.N.Shabanov). (PANCRFAS-DISUSES) (PSYCHOSES) NUSI11OV. N.D.; ]POZIN, A.A.; O.SPOVAT, R.I.; WIN, N.S. Relation betvaen the filling of a rubber sixture, based on butsdiene- styrene rubber, and its viscoplAstic characteristics. Kauch.1 rez. 19 no.5:21-21 W 160. (MIRA 11:7) 1. Fauchno-leeledovntel'skiy institut re2inovykh t latakenykb Isdally I Moskovskly imetitut tonkoy khtmicheskoy tokhnologit in. N.V.Lomonosova. (Rubber, Q~mthetic) (Pillers) A " I I . .) OSPOVAT, R.M.; HWOZ, R.I. Botkin's di6eaise In -)regnant women. Sov.mad. 21 Supplazent:24 '57. (MIRA 11:2) 1. Iz okusherska-ginekologichookoy kliniki i kliniki propedevtiki vnutrennikh bo162ney Khobarovskooo meditaint,kogo instituta. (WATITI.S. II.Yz:CTIOUS) (PREGlinliCY, COMPLICATION6 OV) Distr: 4E3c/4E3d *MCI 14 As *xtmm*IY 2 I. ".11h I., ctur coi armn around 6ija wl a ast-f a centnid modcratlir rqk)n conols' Ing 01 a I'MYY-wKttf cen" mma, a bot-walty layty, WMI then a thtn=v4wuuvn bi Is ceztmI rcom will bavv a therml eux of th a C0,41411 vate of 1000 kw-11- restior. 714% b substantially Imsibit of a 391 bigber tUm appears to be poslibil, in an autbtfnw aw-bl". H. H. Hyme-.Ov W,L-~LKA-R, M. An extremely nigh ther-aal flux reactor (iti 14) In kn&1_19h p. 77 I-JUBWANA, INSTITUT "JO-'zF STc.F;dN." R6FORTS Ljubljana, Yugosl~via Vol. 4, Oct. 1959 Monthly Ust of East European Accessions, (E&AJ) W, Vol. 8. no. 6, June 1959 Uncl. ze lv~, "Fir KAZIITIERCZAK, Knzirevrz, Inz., RUKA:~Z, Andr7fj, inz.; OSROL)FK, Tadeusz, inz. Some properties of tne lIgnum vitae. Flucl okretowe VFirsnwa -4 no,6t206-208, 209 Je 164. 1. GdRrisk Shipyard. OS)W)WSKI, W.:SKARZYNSKI. B. A simplified method of electrophoresis for clinical application. Pnlskl tygod. lek. ? no. 5-6:120-124 4 Fab 1952. (CLML 22:4) 1. Of tho Institute of Medical Chemistry of Krakow Medical Acad- eme GSSM~I-M' N. "The Yledicinal Plants of the Ukraine used in Folk Medicine for the Treatzcn*~ of Wounds, (in Russian), KharIkov, 1941, 79 pp., manuscript. Ti. Wild Mediclual Plantn In 'Qw- IJ'Irriltjl! unl!ll I)y thf, Offl(Ard fllAd by F,,Il, (in Ulxttinian, ) 1939P Vol - 11 489 pp., nonoCraph.