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Cord 2/2 %~-u AWN!V AN t-IT'. L 20972-66 .T(t) IJP(c) J D/41 ACCESSION M: AM17A uWo3B.1/65/OD7/OD7/22"/2268 AIM014 -Vnpolin. A. A.; OsMUOVI 3. 0.; Rud% YU. V6 TITLE: -Dizaad-like semiconductors in the vitreous state SOUME: IPIZI~Vtverdogo telap v- 7P no- 7P 196% 2266-2268 121 70PIC TAN : electric conductivity, temperature dependence, activation energy, forbidden zone width, glass productp semiconductor ABSTRACT: In view of the fact that an early investigation (DAN SSSR v. 160,, 633, shown unexpecteM7 that some ternary semiconductors components of the A B type (CdGeA92 and CdGeP2) are produced In the vitreous state,, the author6. Imestigated further the glassy structure Of CW'rA82J7 In the crystalline state this comipound Is highly homogeneous and has the structure of c The halcopyrite. radial distribution of the electron density was calculated from x-ray structure Measurements and compared with that for the atoms In the crystal within the first wA second amt1mation spbereso The results show that the abort-Tv4s orde the gUss Is sW2sr to that In the crystal structure. 2be vitreous UGOAD has he p-lype conductivity with an electric resistivity 10-e oWlearkat roa empera.. I 7 ra t Volike pre. ously Imsstigated semiconductor Qmzes~Fibia substance does 20t bm & 2WIM of Iftrimic einductTY-My In -the 00--670X Interva. In the Cam L 20972-66 ACCEMICK IM: AP5017348 W--2DDX range ~ the conductivity remains practically constants, but above 200K it Increases exponentially. 7he widtb of the forbidden band is approximately the saw as for the crystalline woplej, -0.6 air at 295K. It In concluded that *My Impurity conductivity obtains In the samples up to 67OKj, and that the activation eneW of the Impurity level In ftO.55 ev. "7h9 authors tbank T. N. Kwytym and G, 1. Stevanw, for deterainis* ths widtb of the forbidden band." OrIge &A. b&2: 2 figurso &W I foriolas ASSOCIAMONs Iftiko-toUnlebeiskly Inatitut Is, As Fe lofto AN SWIl Lenixgrad (ftateotedaleal Mutitute AN NOR) MMU=: 037063 JWL: OD BUD CM21 68 ows W6 07M: ODI Vav-,olln, A. A.; Tr('t'Y~Ikov, D. N. ORG: i1hysirctnchnical lrntituto ill. A. F. loffo, Acadirmy of Sciuncr-" toklinichoskiy institut Akacliumii naulk -'~SIJR) TITLE: Soma asnocts of tho chomistry a,' tyt)e AIIJVCV 2 diarnondliko co-7nound.,. SUORCS: Ad 355R. Izvostiya. Noorganichuskiyo matorialy, v. 3, no. 2, 19")), 200-266 TOPN TAGS: Semiconductor crystal, zinc connound, cadmium connound, bcrylliu~rl co-1- pound, PhosDhido, arsenide, nitride, gorrianii= comnound, tin connnound, silicon comuound A13STRACV: Difficulties in the synthesis of certain sorai conduct i tie co-,nounds of tyne AIIBIVCV2 and the variety and sDecial features of their DroDorties led to t~e follo-..-Ing directions of research in this area: study of the synthesis and crystal 1i zat, i on of the con,pounds in general and in metallic solutions in oarticular, elucidation of the stabi- lity criteria for multicomoonent comnounds, conditions ( f Uhase trans f om-t ions, study of the iridth of the region of honogenoity, and behavior of imDurities in conolex seni- conducting nhasos. The following compounds wore thus itivestigated: ZnSiP2, Zn'OP2, CdSiP2, AnSiAS21 CdGeP2, ZnGoAs2, ZnSnAS2, CdGoAs2 and CdSnAG2- It is shown that they can ba divided into three grOUDS: (1) comDounds with a very narrow region of homogenei- ty (CdSnAS2, ZnSnAs ZnSii'L42)., When thoy are synthesized with certain comoononts in excess over the st1hiomotric amounts, the excess comuonents form a saDaratO Dhase, Card 1/2 ___UDC3 537.31.33 ACC NR- AP?006519 and a careful determination of the unit call tarameters 6."s not show any chan7e., of tho call constants; nor is there any change in conductivity type. (2) Cc7,no,jnL "n which the size and shaoe of the unit cell change moderately with changing conoosit~on (CdGe Asti) CdGeP2). In'CdGeAs-: crystals the conductivity typo changes with the com..Dosi- tion. ConDounds caDable 4 dissolving a relatively large amount (-20 mole ~) of a group PI element (ZnGeAS2, nSiP_) this being associated with a structural ZnGeP2,. Z' ~2 9 transiiion. It is concludedjj~at AIIBIVC 2 CoMnounds can find the same QDDIiCations as semiconductors of tyDes A BV and AIV. Orig. art. has: 5 figures and tables. 5UB CODES 07,20/ SUBM DATES 27Jan66/ ORIG REFS 012/ OTH REFS 005 -Co.rd---2/2 -- osmt;()V p I.S. Distribution and ,f 11,u s-ate f~,rm-q in Azerbaijan. Uch. zap.AGU.Ser.gcol.-geo,-.riauk no.15-81-94 161,. (MIRA 16:9) CzM';":C)V, 1. 5. OG~'.AIOV, 1. SI. - "Location rmd llevoloprv~rit of tho -")ovkho-e! ol' ', ' I Massif of the Azrr:al,ja-) :, :-.," "in ~ '- '&jc;,tl ,n r:,, i , Azl- I-ir-l- ;7~;--) ' ---, - ~ '! -- I S. N. F:ir,)v, ~,-alc~, 1?5 mf~ ",)r Uip. :w-,j,me of ~Mldi I,or. of Cleo, ra"! i -al I SO: Knizhilaya I,etopis I '~' . ?f , 111T)e , Moscu-'i hill M-OVCll, M. I. - MLI,F.114' , A. F . ; ZUYKOV , G.G, ; KC)ESHUIA)v A, A. I., N Ai ; IWL) A F. , 1; . Y a.; l,.U.,VTIJV A, Z. I., rc-(j. (Imp-oving tho Fropertles of cenents and coricre.(I.,i by LhF~ addition of synthetic productz~ Crum petroleum chemistry, a Contribution tu the Vroblems of usinp cf-emical resources in constructicn, Utuctishei,ie svoistv t.,~ernEutcv i rictenw: ,iobavkaml jinteti-.Iie:3kIkh pro(niklov neftekhImil, k vopru- L;vn khirnizatoii :;Iroitollstwt. (ity' P..I.Diii7ertivich I dr. It p. ini.tic-rierii(,--!4ii-,.Itei'riyy OSHAHOV. 0.. redaktor (Dictionaz7 of go raphical tormpi Chograftle terainlert lugett. Bak)p, 1957. 63 P.otln Azerboijant.] (MLHA 10:9) 1. Akademlya nouk Aterbaidthenskoy SSR. Baku. Tominologichaskly komitet. (MLRA 10:9) (Russian Is uage-Dictionaries--Aserboijant) (Goography-Nictionaries) AT Y1,1011) Y'--i A"'. 3:-.AN( V, S, A. 'I MO 3 'n r 1,! -n c-,~ r '. a ~- r. n'll. '.he17 I(Ito.1-mnalion by tn4o- I dt r! ri t cA zv . A'l z SISP 3e r . f i z . -.-.a 7-,n i nn .2c)- I-OL PA r, r s, te ATAK),'(`,)DlA"-,",:V, A. ~-'A 7/i,LLAYU, 3h. Y.; -',~,LV, -'ent of ti- t:.,,) r--tary -obility of croool tcluidnc. Jlicr. SOV/1~4759-6-10/15 AU2TIOR: Osmanov, S.D., Candidate of Technical ociences,Junior Instructor TITLE: qpn of Transient Processes in the Amplidyne Control System of a Blooming Mill PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchobnykh zavodeniy, Elektromoklinnika, 1959, Nr 6, pp be - 92 (USSR) ABSTRACT. It is not possible to formulate general accurate mathematical formulae for the analysis of transient processes in ampli- dyne control systems of blooming raills because they give a very cumbersome system of non-11near differential equations of high order, which are very difficult to solve. However, it is possible to make a fairly good analysis of the system as a whole and to demonstrate the influence of parameters of individual components on the transient processes. The procedure given in this article may be uscd to calculate and analyse these transient processes. The article examines the circuit given in Figure I that is used to control the generator excitation of a large reversing drive of a rolling mill at a large steel xforlzs- Although stabilising feedback transformers are used to avoi,J Card 1/5 SOY/111-19-6-10/15 A-., InvcstiLation of Tranbiclit Processes ill the 1_11p idyne Control ,ifstci.i of a Bloo:.iinc 11-lill over-re3ulation, oscillatory effects remain because of the main feedback and long time-constant of the field windinr. Geiierator-voltage variations are reduced by ;Acans of stabilising transformers. The schematic dingram of the starting and reversing systeri is (riven in Figure 2. When the main generator is started the amplidyne is acted upon by the magnetisinz, forces of three of its field windings. In formulating the differential equations there is no need to maRe use of the mutual inductanco between these windings, and the derivation is simpler if the initial equation is based upon the resultant magnetic flux. The problem then is to obtain the final equation in a general form so that it can be used for various conditions, such as starting, reversal or rotnrdation, by substituting the appropriate initial and final conditions and constant coefficients corres- ponding to the regime considered. The general differential equation of the system is then formulated, the various coiziponents being considered in turn until finally Eq (8) Card 2/5 S(YV/144-59-6-10/15 An Investigation of Transient Processes in the Amplidyne Control System of a Blooming Mill is obtained. This equation may be used to investigate the various transient processes. The process of starting is considered first. Wini the amplidyne is operating on the saturated part of its characteristic, the time constants of its field windings and of the short-circuited loop may be neglected. Witil these simplifying assumptions and appropriate initial conditions, Eq (8) assumes the form of Eq (9), which has a solution of the form of Eq (10). Numerical calculations based on the known properties of the installation considered show that this equation has one real and two complex roots. Eq (11) is then derived for the e.ra.f. of the main generator during the process of starting. This equation and analogous equations for the e.m.f. of the exciter and the amplidyne were used to calculate the starting process, yielding the curves given in Figure 3. These equations and curves relate only to the field-forcing stage of starting. After field-forcing Card3/5 is cut off, the e.m.f. of the main generator during starting SOV/1'14-59-6-10/15 An InvestiFotion of' Transient Procossoa in the Amplidyne Control Sy5tei;i of a Blooming Mill is given by Eq (12), the solution of which is of the forn of Eq (13). Eq (12) was found to have one real and four coi-i~plex roots. Eqs (13) and (14) were used to calculate traitsients during starting, and the curve obtained iii this way is plotted in Figuro 4. It will be soen from Figure 4 that if a stabilising transformer is used the transiont process of starting takes place satisfactorily and the e.ri.f. of the main generator alters almost linearly. It will also be seen from Figure It that, although the transformer somewhat retards the increase in c.m-f. of the main generator in the initial sta~F;cs of starting, which is undesirable, it alters the transient process after field-forcing is cut off so that undesirable oscillatory effects are almost removed. An experimental rig was set up to confirm the main conclusions of the theoretical investigation. Oscillograms 5 and 6 display the transient processes of starting and reversing in the presonco of a stabili5ing transformer and clearly show its influonce on the nature An Investigation of Transient Processes in iR1e'W12Ry-n1;18'bn12"-.1 p System of a Blooi-aing Mill of the transient processes. For example, it will be seen from the oscillograms that#r in this case, starting and reversal take place more favourably and without the undesirable oscillations that occur in the absence of a stabilising transformer. If the oscillograms are compared with the corresponding curves of the transient processes derived in the theoretical part of the article, it will be seen that agreement is generally good. This confirms the correctness of the procedure used to calculate the transient processes. There are 6 figures and 4 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra elektroprivoda, elektr1cheskikh mashIn i elektrifikatsii promyshlennykh predpriyat�y, Azerbaydzhanskiy institut nefti i khimii (Chair of Electric Drives, Machines and Electrification of Industrial Undertakings, Azerbaydzhan Institute of Oil and Chemistry) SUBMITTED: April 15, 1959 Card 5/5 SA7AWV. G.M.: O%W;0V? S.D. Jaectric equipment of cranes used in the construction of of'shore platforms. Aserb. neft. khos. 39 no.10:42-45 0 160. (MIRA 13:11) (Zlectric cranes) (Oil well drilling, Submarine) CSMAIM. Sabir Dzzi-LA;~l cgly, kand. tekhn. nwik, assistent Investigntlon of transient proceases In the blooming d7namo- electric r :A.-ol system. Izv. vyR. ~Ichet). zav. ; alektromekh. 2 no. 6: A~,-W ( MIRA 12: 11 ) l.Kafedr,,i iloi:troprivoda, alnktrictiosklkh mnahin I. elek-trifik-ataii promyPhl,imi.vkh predpri~-atly Azerbaylthanskopo inatituta nAfti I lrllimil. (Autonntic control) LIS ~Cyv' :!. ri., kGrad Dissertation: "An Analytical InvestiCation of Transition Processes and the Analysis of'* the Stability in the Control Sy8tem of a Blooming Kill." Cand Tech Sci, Moscow Order of Lenin Power Engineering Inst imeni V. F.. Molotov, 18 Jun 54. (Vecherny-ay'. "Skva, Moscow, 9 Jun 54) SO: SUM 318, 23 Dec 1954 I OSMANOV, S.O. -, 1 11- Nnw nematode. In finhao of Anu Drirya Delta. Dokl. Uz. SSR no.1:04.5 '57. WIRA 11:5) l.Vnr&k&lp&ksk,iy inatitut ekonomiki I k-iLlItury. Predstavlano akad. AN UzSSR T.Z. Zakhidovym. (Amu Dar7a Delta--Nematoda) (Parasites--Fishes) OS)LANOV. S.O. Parasite fauna and jarasitary diseases of fishes In the Aral Sea. Uzb. biol. shur. no.2:71-78 '58. (MIRA 11:1C) l.KaralmlpFLkskiy nauchno-teeledovAtellskiy inatitut. (Aral Sea-Parasites-Fishes) os?~Wv. 0-90 . Ilev species of monogenetic tramtodes parasitic in fishes of the Am Darya River. Uxb.biol.zhur. no.5:35-37 '58. (Mtn 12: 1) 1. lara-Kalpakskiy komplekanyy nauchno-lasledovatellskly inotitut An U23SR. (Amu Darya--Trematoda) (Parasites--Fishes) OSMANOV, S.O. Parasite fauna and parnsitir diseateee of fiahen in the Artill S". Triidy Nov.Ikbt.kom. no.9:IW--197 '5 9. (14ilu, 11-5) 1. Kara-Kalpnkokly kwuplekenyy nauchno-loolodovatelinkiy inutitut ,,11 Usbekskoy SSII. (Aral Sea--Parasites) (Parasites--Fleheu) Os I 1A 1"R,s ~T-uy f'". -ica- "Cn the Arn-I ir. thp Amu-lpiryxi dV,~r iFil! *hl~ Ar-It I 'P Fi Tenth (;on'prt,nce or, Qc b r 1 1 11 i I i .~clcncc3, U_3~'A, ~k),,cow-lt;~ nj:rAid, '159. 7ri e Y_q ra - a 1 k 'jo 7,1 1 ? x Gc I - i, t i " i c totp, Uzbek _-~,,Sti cl t fjjy o f mionocrys ta ne n - Se a nc , is re c z Ag P rOPe r c A. Aknuncov, G. B. Aodulayev, l. G. AksianOv. (tiot presented)-! Electro-pnysical properties of nonocrysta:;inc TISe. G. A. Akhundov, B. ADdulayev~ a, D, Guseynov, N. Kh. Aliyeva. -St ;4zlon 04 tile properties of c Crnzn:L~,_j E,;: jurjea. L 3. ;wdw:jycv' V. B. Y.3. N. Nosirov. z u c'cs 0.7 anc S~~o pr':~P_rz. a 'Cs 0. ~j7,: :rd C. A. ;,Knundov, G. B. Aodulayev, N. A. Gosanova, F. I. ismzilov. (:rvestigation of SO.-Ic p.,)ysical properties Of the mcnacrys:a)l:r:.e C-'7-POundS CuSbS2 and CuSbSC2- C. S. Abdulayev, R. Nan,-, ;a. N. Ncs.'rov, T. G. Csma.-,ov. at the 31rd '.'~itior_l :c_-Lfercnc,- on Sonicanductr-r l,"-21 S--)t 19'3 L 34699-65 E4 T (I )/FWT(M)/EKG (M)/T/EWF (t)/E4 P(b)/E'#A(-r.) PZ-6/Pi-4 IJP(c) RDVV AMUSION NN AP5005162 JDIAT 8/0233/64/000AM/0069/0072 XPMORt Nina# R, Kh,.j--NasiroYp_Ys. N.;_0smanovA.T. G. i T I=- Thermoelectric pEqnties of the system ge~~49e 'Isvestlya, Bariya fizlko-catematichesklkh i tekhnichaskikh ANAzarbSOR. nauk, no. 5,, 19641 69-72 TOPIC TAM thermoelectric property, telluride compoundo tbermocoupe, thermal t-emf,, thermal conductivity 10 ABKTO=t Interest in the possible- use of alloys of this type for the construction of thermocouples is due to the fact that a continuous series of solidl solutions can be made up ofthe components. The authors derive an equation for tho thermal emf as a functioki of the temperature and discuss the discrepancy between the theoret- ical and exper4mental results. It is shown that in the case of a two-band model the thermal out can be expressed as a billnear function of the ratio of the -cnrrier concentrations. Plots of the electric conductivity, the lattice temperature con- fty%A +%^ #*jk"4#WV- r-nnea&n+rjLt4nn &M unhill+v ngrskina+ tho rewmnn4tinn nt L ~4899-65 ACCUSION MRs APM162 rom-tesperstaire are. also presented. The results shov that with increasing con- centration of,the tin telluride in the solutioup the electric ConftatiVity and the carrier-c-oncentration increasep and the mobility decreases. The derindence of th-S lattice tbenal conductivity hos aminimuw at- a -ccrQment rati -lill Ahus con- fiming the presence of-a, continuous series of so34d solutions the system of the two components. It is shown that a emposition with W~ SnTe awl 20% CuSbTe2 yields the most effective materialp probably due to the fact that the ratio of the effective smas to the electron mass is maxim= for this composition. Orig. I art. has: 3 tipmes MA 12 formulas ASWIMIONt None ENCLt amarm, 00 00 SUBCODS: TDp Ss M MW W71 001 OMMS OU Card 2/2 ACCESSION VR: AP4041385 6/0048/64/028/006/1096/1099 AMORt Abdullayev,G.D.; Ndn1,R.Kh.; Nnn1rov,YaaN,; Osmnnov,T.G. TITLE: Investigation of some physical properties of copper antimony sulfide and copper antimony solenide single crystals Z11'0rt, Third Conference on Semiconductor Compounds hold in Kishinev 16 to 21 Sep 19G33 SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestlyn. Gorlya fizicheskaya, v.28, no.6, 1964, 1096-1099 TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor, semiconductor proporty, copper compound, antimony com- pound, sulfur compound, selenide compound, single crystal study ABSTRACT: CuSbS2 and CuSbS02 were nynthesized, gingle crystals were grown, nome physical properties of the f=terinls were measured, and the results are presented graphically. The reagents were spectroscopically pure sulfur, electrolytic copper, 99.999% selenium, and "grado Su-000" antimony. Synthesis.wns by melting In v9cuo with mechanical vibration. The molt wag cooled slowly to 16000K and hold at that temperature for 8 to 10 hours. The ingots were homogenized by remelting at 1200OX, Single crystalm were produced by mono refining in an argon atmosphere with the usu of an auxiliary heater. Eighteen to twenty posses wore made at 12 mmAour. X-ray Card 1/~ ACCESSION NR: AP4041385 diffraction studies showed the resulting specimens to be single crystals with somn- what distorted structure due, possibly, to the anisotropy of the thermal expansion coefficient. Ilie electric conductivity, thermal conductivity, thermal efxf and 11all coefficient were measured over various temperature ranges between 60 and 7000K. It was possible to measure the Hall coefficient of the oulfide only at room tempera- ture because of the low mobility of the current carriers. The electric conductivity of both compounds increnned with Increasing temperature over the complete range In- vestigated. 'Ihe activation energy In the sulfide was 0.25 eV below 5000K and 0.75 eV above this temperature. In the selonide the activation energy wag 0.16 eV below 350oX and 0.43 eV above 400oK. The slope of the resistivity-temperature curve for the aelenide wag very small between 350 and 4000K. The increase of activation ener- gy at Uie higher temperatures was not observed in the polycrystalline Viaterials. The tharmal emf of both compounds decreased monotonically with increasing tempera- ture. The thermal conductivity of both materials decreased with increasing tempera- ture at low temperatures and Increanod with increasing temperature at high tem- peratures. The minimum occurred at 273OX for 0io sulfide and 300o'K for tho 9olonidu The behavior at low temperatures Is ascribed to Cu-Sb ordering, and that tit high temparaturoa to energy transport by olootron-holo pairs. 71i0 compowid With tile low- er molecular weight had the greater thermal conduotivity, in accord with the views Card 213 ACCESSION KR: AP4041385 of L.S.Stil'bnns, D.A.Yefimova and L.M.Stavitakaya (Fiz.tverdogo tola,1,1325,1959). The mobility of the current carriers In the aelenide was proportional to T-3/2 at the lower temperatures and to T-5/2 at the higher. Orig.Qrt.has: 9 figures and I table. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTEM 00 ENCL! 00 BUD COD31 55, IC NH REY SOVI 008 MER'. 003 Card 3/3 EWT,M)IEWp(W)IETClEwG(=)ITIIMP(b)IEWP(t) IJPW RDW/JD L 4581-M % UPj0233/65/0DD/002/0D?9/0Oft AccEssim W1 APM179 AUTWR: W&MA, R. Xh.; Wftsiwyv~o YA- N.; 0amanov, T. 00 Tim: xwmjrtigatjo~~of the therxV& Properties ;7t;;;b4 system CuSbTeg-SnTle SOME: Alf AzerbSBR. Izveetiya. Seri" f121kc,-tekbn1Cb98Wrb I gatematichesk1kh mauk,p DO* 2., 1965j. 79-82 'TOPIC TAGS: coNer alley,, tin containing alloy,, telluride., thermal conpuctionp thermal pWw_-Fy_-*_j _V Ili AmenAm M29 authors investigated the dependence of the thermal and electric pro- Vertles - of the system (CuSbT*2 ]I-- [SnTe 11_y. on the composition (Y) . for values of op 0.2p 094p 0*6p 0*8p wid .0* ftyressions based an the Wiedemmui-Franz lav wm used to calrulato the reduced chemical potential p*p the lattlee and electronic eampments of the therml conductivityp and the thermal resistance of the solid solation for the imst1gated empositiono of the system. The "mats Obow that the tbermal conductIvIty of the lattice has a minix= at 0.4 < r < 0.6. 7be re- sults inkitate that the system CuSbTft-SnTe can form a continuous series of solid solutimse Crige -art* ban: I figurej, 8 formulas, and 2 tables. ABBOMTIMI MW Card 2/2 L h58l-(6 m: APQ=3.79 SUMMED: OD IML: 00 SUB CMEs SB# TD m mw sov:- 0o4 07=s OID Cwd 212 ACC N91-AP602621.1 SOURCE CODE: tWo249/66/02~/002/0011/001.3 AUDIO: Abdullayev, G. B. Unalrov, Ya. N.; Ouffanavp T. 0. ORG: Institute of 1bysics (Institut fizlkl) TITI.": Influcnce of pirtial r-,i Ir., nrnt of tin by 51, Ge, and Fb on the electric and therrval propertier. of SnTe SOURCE: AN AzerbSSII. Doklaiiy, v. "I", no. 2, 1066, 1-1- 13 TOPIC TAG.'j : t I T1 CCMI)O111111, tellurl(Iv, rviniconthirtor cart-Irr, t)'icrinoolectric power, temperature del,endence, Impurity center, carrier density, rolid flolution 1AB3'MXCT: lbe Trurpone of the study wan to determine the effect of Impurities on the anomalous behavior observed In the concentration nnd temperature dependences of tile thermil emf (m) of SnTe. 7be invest Irgat Ions were carried out on single-phase and homogeneous samples of composition (SnTe]3L-x-[SiTe]x, (SnTel.,-X-(GcTcjx, and (SnTejl,--xl -(PbTe]x with x - 0.02 - 0.08. Measurements of the dependence of the thermal emf on I the composition at room temperature show that for all three substitutions a MrLxirmim is! observed at x - 0.02. With increasing x, the thermal emf first decrearen and then I rises again until it reaches at x > 0.1 a value corresponding to the Golid solution of~ the corresponding cystem. A simil7ar behavior in observed in the dependence of tile carrier density (n) on the composition at room temperature, which exhibitn a minimum at x - 0.02. 7he higher the atomic weight of the oubatituting elementp the lower the carrier density, which decreasea from 2.1 x 1021 ce3 to 6 x 1019 ces when the tin Is -Card 112 T i -, i , r i - -I f ACC NR: A I ~)-'U replaced with lead. An anomalous extremum Is observed also at x - 0.02 In the depen- dence of the thermal conductivity of the lhttice on the composition at room tempera- ture. lbe results tire attributed by the authorn to n simultaneous filling of the vacancies due to the tin as the tin in replaced by the other substances, and to the formation of a solid solution of the type A1'VBVI - AIVBVI,, which occurs simultaneously as a result of partial substitution of the tin. At values x < 0.02, the predominant i < 0.10 the predominant process is that of filling of the vacancies, while at 0.02 < process is formation of the solid solution, which leads to Wn 17ncrease in the con- centration of the effects. 7he maxima on the dependence of the lattice thermal con- ductivity on the composition are due to healing of the defects. Slight differemes occurring when lead is used as the substituting substance are attributed to the lame mass and the ionic radius of the latter. Orig. art. hass 3 figutres. 'SUB CODE: 29/ GUBM DATE: iqriov65/ OT11 REF: 003 Card- _2/2 #Ajo_ ACC NR' AI'602&391 SOURCE CODE: W624�1-6616iV6&31601-VOO1q AU7,iOR:-AbdullAycv, G. D.; Nesirov,- Ya. N.; Onmanov, T. G. ORG Inatitute of IIWG ica (Institut f1zik1)-'- TITLE: Investigation of electrophysical properties of certain solid solutions in SnTc-Sn(S],S5) 7stems I r( SOURCE~/,IAN A~erbSSR. Doklady, v. 22, no- 3, 1966, 17-19 TOPIC TAGS: tin compound, telluride, thermoelectric power, Hall effect, thermal con- duction, solid solution, carrier density, crystal lattice defect ABS-1M,CT: 7he authors report an investigation of the thermoelectric properties of tin telluride when small amounts of tellurium are replaced with Gurfur and selenium. "The tests ecn5isted of measurement of the thermoelectric power, the Hall emf, and the thermal conductivity at room temperature as a function of the composition of the 'solid solutions. The compositions used were (SnTe)j-x - (SnS]x and (SnTcll-x - [Sroel, Vith the values of x ranging from 0.02 to 0.08. A plot of the thermoelectric power against the composition of the solid solutions shows that when tellurium is replaced with sulfur and selenium, a maximum is observed in the region x - 0.04. At the came time, the carrier density decreases first rapidly and then slowly, from 2.1 x 1021 Cmw3 for the SnTe to ID21 cnr3 in the case when sulfur is used, and to 1.2 x 1020 cur3 when tellurium is used. Ath anomalous behavior of the thermoelectric power remains the same at all t=perattwese A ==Amuz of thermal conductivity Is observed at x - 0.04. Card V2 L-A7575--67 ACC NRI AF6028891 It is proposed that partial substitution of sulfur and selenium for the tellurium re- sults simultaneously in two processes: healing of the lattice defects, which leads to a sharp decrease in the carrier density and in the thermal resistance of the lat- tice, wA fonnation of a solid solution,, which increases the mviber of defects UP- herent in solid solutions of these systows. Orig. art. bass figures. SUB CODE: 2D/ um uns 19nov65/ OM RVI 003 ACC NR. AP6033369 SOURCE CODE: UR/0249/66/022/004/0026/0028 AMOR: Abdullayev, G. B.; Hasirov, Ya. M.; OBmanav, T. G. ORG: Institute Of Physics (Inotitut fiziki) TITLE: Thermoelectric properties of certain nolid solutions of SnTe-Cu(AG, Sb, Bi)Te 2 SOURCE: AN AzerbSSR. Doklady, v. 22, no. 4, 1966, 26-28 TOPIC TAGSt thermooleatric property, oolid solution, tin oompound, telluride ABSTRACT: Tile authors study the behnvior of SnTe in solid solutions of (SnTel I-X_ (CuSbTe 2 1xand (SnTel 1-x- [CuBiTe21x at x=0.01-0.10. The ratio between the components is based on molecular percent. These same systems can be considered as BnTe-Cu 2T c-AS Z~ (Sb 29 Bi 2)Te2 solid solutions. All of the specimens used in the study were homogeneous and single-phase. The results show that two processes can take place in forming a system of multiple solid colutiono using SnTe as a base with a small amount of the second component, specifically Cu(As, Sb, Di)Te 2: 1. atoms or groups of atoms reduce defect concentration from lead in SnTe which is explained by the reduction in current 2 'I ACC NRi AP6033369 !carrier concentration and a certain increase in the thermoelectromotive force; 2. defects appear during solid solution formation and are related to solid solution type. This produces an increase in current carrier concentration and a reduction L the thermal conductivity of the lattice when the second process predominates. Orig cart. has: 3 figures. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATEt lqNov65/ OqII REF-, 002 nev, 2 MUSTkFAZADE, M.A.; GASANOV, F.G.; OSMANOV, Yu.K. Using mathemqtlcal programming to determine the maximum possible withdmial of oil. Dokl. AN Azprb. 65h 19 no.6: 25-29 '63. (MIRA 1'7:7, 1. Vychislitel'nyy tsentr AN AzSSF. Prc-datavleno akademikon AN AzS,';R S.M. Kuliyevyu. OSMANOV, Z.N. Reconimended methods for teaching some problems of rotary moticn. Trudy API 12:57-70 160. (MIRA 16:6) (Plechanics-Study and teaching) OSYu..NOV, Z.O.; GTITLIP.&~TjOV, I.I. Using a power relay fnr cnntrnllin#~ ttn operation [in Ayerbaijant witY mummitry in Russian]. AzFtrb. nn.7-4~-46 J1 IS1. (Electric rolays) nf deep wellp noft. I:hn2. 37 (MIRA 11:9) 094ANOVA, F.Sh. ast)irant W;;;~characteristics of leFives of the amt',A- and rach Aa of corn (Zen rviyfl L.) efir. Unh. 7ap. Kah.-Nijk. Kotl- un. no.12:63-75 '6;~. (MIRA Po6) 1. Kafedra botaniki Kutwtrdino-Balkarskofc) goslidarstvennoro universiteta. (Corn(Malze)) (Inflorescence) q�WOVA,-F.Sh.- IT Dynamics of starch and hemiov4ulose accumulation in the corricop in the course of Its develoyAWnt. Botl zhur. 47 no.10:1510-1517 o 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1 1. Botanichoskiy institut 4-meni. V.L. Komarova AN SSSR, Leningrad. (Corncobs) (Starch) (Homicellulose) 03MANOVA, F.Sh. -,___._I_j~ atomical atiidy of the ear of the VIR-25 double-cross corn in the course of its development. Bot. zhur. 50 no.6014-819 Je 165. (~UIA 18:7) 1. Kabardino-Balkarskiy gosuderstvennyy universitet, Nallchik. OSMANOVA. G.I. - .., ... -. Petrography of Apsheron sediment* in the northeastern part of the Kura Lowland. Azerb. neft. khoz. 38 no.9:9-12 S '59. (MRA 13:2) (Kilra Lowlard--Petrology) OSMANOVA, G.I. Reservoir properties of rocks in the lower division of the preducinE formation in the Apsheron Peninsula. Trudy AzITII DII no,4:157-172 156. M HA 14: 4) .(Apsheron Peninsula-Oil sAnds) OSMAIJOVA. G.I. IwMSajMM^t%w . Petrographic characteriatice of the profile of the lover part of the Apsheron Archipelago pay formation. Izv.AI? Azerb.SSR no.5:59--61 Mr r57. (WLRA 10:8) (Bak-u Archipelago-Petrology) OSMNOVA, K.I. Characteristic types of rocks from the lover Producing formntion of the Apsheron Archipelago (in Aserbaijani with eu ry in Russian]. Axerb. neft. khoz. 37 no.2:10-13 F 158. (MIRA 11:6) (Apsheron Archipelago--Rocks, Sedimentary) COMANOVA, L. 'I * . ~ Spiracanthun schrenki&nus as it do?.Anhrit plant of Dala. Vest. All Kazakh. SSR 1'~ no.'-i!99-10.-, S '01 . (11,11A 11 -'J) CSWOVA, L.T. Biology and ecology of the aaltwort Salsola laricifolia 7~urcz. ex Litw. Izv.AN pochv. n0.1;71-76 062. (MM 150) (Uzakhataik~twort) OSPAI,T)VA ~.T.- Brachypollum meadows of the northern Tien Shan. TrniCy Innt. bot.All razakh.SSI? 7:58-77 159. 041RA 13:5) (Tien Shan-Pasturne and MAndows) OSH&NOVA, Z.G.. kandidat filologichookikh nauk. In the A.M. Gor'kii Institute of World Literature (readings fron Oriental literature). Vest.AN SSSR 26 no.5:8) My '56. (VJA& 9:8) (Oriental literature) I I - O.cNANSU. S. Cost reduction In the light of technical documentatloh. P. 7 (Budowrdctwo Frzzemyslowe) Vol.4, no. 6, June, 1955, Warszawa, Poland SD: 'K)YfHLY INDEX OF EAST KUROPW ACCESSIONS (E~-Al) LC. WL. 7, NO. 1. JAN. 195F OSPARIN, F. Gj DOTSF21KO, T. K. Farasites - Birds Ornithodendrium imanensis Oschmqrln et Dozenko 1950, a new rnrasite of domestic and wild birds. Trudy G-11m. lab. no. 5, 1951 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, September - iq5f,2Unc,,. 6SZH'A-R-IN, P. G. Several peculiarities of tremtodoe parasitizing the cloaca of birds. Windomosci T)arazyt., Waroz. 4 no.1:27-32 1958. 1. Z Dalekovachodniej FiIii Akndemii Nauk SSSR w Wladywostoku. (MMAT0133 IN73CTIOM cloaca of birds. morphol. adaptations of Parasites (Pol)) (CLOACA. die. trematode infect. in birds, morphol. adaptations of parasites (Pol)) (Bmm. die. cloaca trematode infect., mDrphol. adaptations of parasites O!,MAT[-.JJ1, F.K. I- I v mc-kh IF nc.0- : - -m-,actlono. est. K-,.gk. un. Ser. 1: Vat.f 1 45-54 -'1-[ 'h 3. (MIRA 1".2) 1. Kafedra vyi3!ihey geometrii i topologii Moakovskof:o unlvertiitetii. , I . % . . . . I - ., . : . 0 . . . I , . . . . r I . . I I , . - - - 0 1 1 4 r I v - i , , . I . . . ". , , ,, , ~ 1) - , .. I . I I I , , , 1 .. 1( f .. I p 4 TAXIOWSKI, J., ir. r.,z.; Zbignicw, mcr. inz.;_P~I-t.DA, mgr- in% .; ULA!~A,T, Wladjulww, mf-r. liriz.; CTI-VI'""' Josef placlaw, prof. J--. Inz.; DiSCU3SiO,I con,,~~rnin6 T. Turnowal'-In pap,r or. "Mothod c): inv,-!stIgatinG th: d~,Croo of danger causod by ojoctijmi of coul and squealcro aj voll a3 tile bohavior of gar) around widorjrou:i wor',~Inrp. Przorl 1-orn V, no-'~-233-236 !1Y '6-3. 1 . Kofaln 41 a :)ojw i,, ~,c z,i I ir, own n3t.;t uL i (for Cyb,.Lls&i) "'. J~. 113yno.hronous follow-ur row,~r trammis3ion, Vestnik Slektro-pram, No. 9, 191*6. 0311IF11N. "Erq-'. Ve Uss~ On: Scientists ',:Yo P-rtYe-pd '..-; 1ho, FieA of SCURCE: P: 7ekhnika ~olovczhi, Aur ', 1 -.6, ".,ogcow. Abr~rxcted in !:I-.',-- "Tr-,-qlr.~ :r-'an-j" Pei-ort No. 10744, on file in Librqry f Cont~ress, Ar Infor-ation Division. CSI-IIIII:1 K. U ~~'R Ont Behavior of ,,!r Durro,, Bli.-?-,tg SO I RM. F: Technolory for Youth, Aup-3r-It 1..6, Absccw. ALwrbc-!ed In I ~ ~ " r- Irland" Rei.ort No. 11336, on fil- in Library of Conpress, Air Inforwition Livision. USSR/Zngineering - Construction, Squlyment Feb 5~2 "Use of Walking Excavators in Construction of Canals," N. A. Osmer, Engr Laureate of Stalin Prize, L. D. Bogoelovskiy, Engr "Gidrotekh Stroi" No 2, Pp 7-10 Discusses advantages of walking excavators and desciftes construction and gives specifications of 2 Soviet-made dragline excavators: ESh - 4/40 and ESh - 14/65 with buckets 4 and 14 cu m in vol and boo= length of 40 and 65 m, resp. A Ll~ON-IYNV. V.L.; BAUH, V.A.; BAURGAWIRI, H.K.; BMIR'"'IN, V.D.; BIRYUKOV, I.K.; BIRYLMOV, S.M.; BLG:HIN, S.I.; BOROVOT, G.A.: BULAV. 14.Z.; BURAKOV, N*A.; VERTSATZAR, B.A.; TOW, G.M.; VORHAN, B.A.; VOSUCHINIV, A.P.; GAIAKTIONOV, V.D., kand. tekhn. Tun, ; GIMIN, Te.M.; GILIDMIAT, Ya.D., lcatd. tekhn. nauk; GINZBUEG. NX: GLIBOY, P.S.; GODIS. E.G.; GOOMACHW, V.N.; GRZHIB. B.V.; GFAVWV, L.P., )mnd. a.-kh. nauk; GROMSKAYA. I.Ta.; DANILOV, A.G.; DMITRIYEV, I.G.; DMITRIYMO, Yu.D.; DCBRMOTOV. D.D.; DUBININ, L.G.; DUNMOV, N.D.; ZHOLIK, A.P.; ZMAVICH, D.K.; ZIRLM, Yej.; ZINASXOV, S.V.; ZUBRIK, K.M.1 KAWOV, IJ.; kNWW, S.N.; KOLWAYNV, N.M.; KOYARIVSKIT, V.T.: KOSIWO, V.P.; KaWISTOV. D.V.; KOSTROV, I.N.; KOTLYARSKIY, D.M.; KRITSKIT. M.N.; KMINICSOV, A.Th.; LWARIKOV, N.I.; I&kWV. V.G.; L112WHEY. V.?.; LOGUNOV, P.I.; MATSIMICH. K.F.; MELINICHM0. K. I.; I IGH, I.R.; HIKHAYLOV, A.V., kand. tekhn. nauk; MUSIY57A, R.W.; NATANSON. L.V.. NIXITIN. H.V.: MRS. 1.S.: OGULINIX. G.R.; OSIPOV, A.D.; OSXJ ARYSHKIN. U,-JLA.v, P17ROV. V.I.: P G.A.. prof.; P'YANKOVA, To.V.; RAPOPORT. Ta.D.; RUZZOV, N.P.; ROZANOV, M.P.. kand. biol. nauk; HOCIUMV, A.G.; ZIBINCILIK, A.M.; RYBMWSKIT, V.S.; SkWHIKOV, A.V.; SSHMSOV. V.A.; SIDMO. P.M.; SINYAVSKAYA, V.T.-. SITILROVA, M.N.; SOSNOVIKOV, K.S.: STAVITSKIT, Te.A.; STOLYAROV, B.P. [deceased]; SUDZILOVSKIT. A.O.; SYRTSOVA, To.D., kand. tekhn. nauk; FILUMIT. V.P.; 1HALTUR121, A.D.; TSIMMSKIY, P.M.; CHMMASOV, M.I.; CEMMSHW. A.A.; CHUSOVITIN. B.A.; SHESTOPAL, A.O.; SHAWAR, P.A.; SHISHKO, G.A.; SHCHMMIRL. I.N.; EMBLI, F.F.; TAKOBSON, A.G.; TAKUBOV, P.A., AILVIANGELISKIY, (Continued on next oard) ANDONIYIU, V.L.... (Coll"I il..~u d) C4--tI. 2. Ye.A., re'.',senzant, ni-~..; AKITUTIN, ;_N., 'Iru. S. , rot a on ztivt, r3c.. P-4JUL,~,!X7, , V.- I., re I. rr,,: EAT21W, PID., retoonzent, rod.; BOTUDIIJ, P.7., h-inc.. naak, reiwvzont, aed. ; VALUTWIY, 1. ouiumit , rw~ . GRIG(WIXT, V.M., ;mnd. GUBIN, H.P., rotaen:;out, ri-d.; GUBAY-W. imnd. tokiia. aaak, ra'vP-m-,on-~, r.3e.; Kia"XICII, B.F., red.; KRIT,'XI7. S.N., doil,,;" tt)~;f_n. viuk, V.V., 1-utsen-ont, Uir.111. WSKIN. Z.D., reteencen' I -:ed.; HASUIR0301', t.hh., m"Sism., D. 14., roe.; M.Y., do,-:~j_- ~u:Lk, r-)*~-.-i(-.i::ont, red.; OBREZKOV, S.G., *-,-,-`:covs-i.:.,-.; PRM%SiIJCII. P.Y., retpo,i:!enz, red.; POLLIKOV. L.M.. rotoo~v:;-zi);, -_d.; RIJIAYAIITSNV, A.M., _01!-Io-,:%o-.-I., red.; HYABCHIKOV, Yo.i., - zent. red.; TAKAIIAYNV. P.P., TIOUNOVEST'lY. S.11., prof., dolhcor takJin. TUD29L', R.P., -etaf-n- tent, md.: FOOROV, IO.M., rotofiriz,4ot, v)d.; SIDOTAKOV, M.N.. retsonzent, rbe.; MIM&KOV. H.L. rwl.; ZIIUK. S.Ta. (deceased], uladamik-, e1w.-N-Y red.: YJ.'-SO, IG.A., ian-d. toklit). -qtW,, red.; FILIMONOV, N.A.. red.; VOLUT!, .S., -oet'.; GRISHIN, M.M., red.: ZHURIN, V.D., prof.. dole;or ;oldin. zv_W~, KOSTIROV, I.N., 7od.; LMLACIW. V.P., red.; MOULDEV, V.M., lamil.. tokiin. iuiuk, red.; HDOIAYIA)V, A.V., kand. tuldir.. awik, rnd.; 12STRUI, G.D., reek.; RAZIN, N.V., red.; SOBOLEV, V.P., md.; F-ARINGER, B.P., FILRYGOYiM. ou norm C-L?d) ANDON'YNV, V.L.... (continued) Card 3. Te.F., red.; TSTPIAKOV, V.D. Edecoamed], red.; KORaLINOV, P.N., tekhn. red.; GEWIN, Te.M.. tekhn. red.; KACHIROVSKIT, N.Y., te~dia. red. (Volga-Don; technical account of the construction of the V.I. Lenin Volga-Dom Navigation Ganal, the TSimlyansk Itydroelectric Genter, and Irrigation eyetenal Volgo-Don; takhnicheakii otchet o etroitel'- stye Volgo-Donskogo sudokhodnogo kamla imont V.I. lenina. TSim- 11anskogo gidrouzla I orositellnyldi sooru7henii, 1949-1952; v plati tomakh. Moskva, Goo. energ. izd-vo. Vol.l. [General structural descriptions] Ubshchee opisanie sooruzhenii. Glav. red. S.IA. Llink. Red. toma N.M. Grishin. 1957. 319 p. Vol.2. [Organization of con- struction. Specializod operation3 in hydraulic engino(tring] Orrx- nizatelia stro1tcl'ntvn. !~)etniallnye p1drotakhnicheekle raboty. ~Contlnued on no:,t card) AM'NOYNV, V.L.... (contimed) Gard 4. Glav. red. S.IA. Zhuk. Rod. toma I.N. Kostrov. 1958. 319 P. (KMA 11:9) 1. Baseia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Knisteratvo clek-trostantaii. karo toldinicheekogo otcheta o strottelletvo Volgo-Dona. 2. Chlen-kor- respondent Almdemii nauk SSSR (for Akhutin). 3. Dey9tvitell"y chlen Akademil stroitel'stva I arkhItektury SSSR (for Grishin, Razin). (Volga Don (knal-Hydraulic engineering) O3m3H,-!!.A., Inzhener.;BACIEBLIS. AX., inshener. I_ Precast and prestressed reinforced concrete in the structures of the Northern Donets-Donets BaRin Canal. Oldr. stroi. 26 no.2: 14-20 7 057. (MIRA 10:4) (Northern Donetow-Donets Basin Canal-Reinforced concrete construction) -7 '~n n- 7. ven ot* viar-tor chu+,c!j :(:"21,1-%t' O'l, I CrO-f'- tile T-i6l'-'ioll o( T.~'t I., I !-1'oj-~cf , MAh. :7troi 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 1953. Unclassified. -0SIrr-Rp N. A., 7.. D. Exv,,vi,ting Machint-ry Use of wplkihg excavators in canal building. Gldr. stroi., 21 no. 2 '54. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library Of Congress, July 1 q 'A' ~2 -inc I . US-l,T,!,-,U, Proii. r- of ,,*, aii:% - L e n in I z,,::-, a ti I'LL 1:1 ae, 1 ra. C) r !) o J 1' 9 "On tlo J~ ~i~Ls~3 im; act on ..e"icine.ll Ch,ii r o-f ~CP Q~)-Oj', 1;0 i "Co::,:noll rtnelltal al~ a e o Li c 0-,,, s o 09MERA, - -M. - - (~zeciioslovai.ia Slovak Institute of Pre::,edicine, Chair o1 Marxis::.- Leninism -- ~bratislava (Glovensk.%- Cistav pre dor.kol'ovai,ie lekArov, katedry marxlzfitu-, leniniz-nu -- br,~itislava); Director: r,',. OSMEtA, Bratislava, Lek&rsky Obzor, No 1, 1963, Pp 3-9 "Healtn Service ii. nelation to the Ideolo,-ical base anu Superstr-,Acture." ABDULIN, A. j ALEKSEYFV, I., BANTU, (). j BOBROV, :- , KZHANOV, B. I E)CTKO, V, , BO-NDLRFV, X., P-,CPZOV, V - ; VEj3KTlCVSX -T, N. , GU-1APFV'V GUSHCFiFV, S.; VFBAWV, V., L:rS, R, CM:n,,:Tr4, A., Z-;:U-A~F! A ZELIDOVICH, Ta., ZUBKOV, B , 1RININ, A.j IORDANSKIT, A,, KITAYGORODSKIT, P.; KI,TUYFVi Ye., KLYACHKO, V.; MOVALEVSKIT, V KNOFAE) To.$ KONSTANTINOVSKIY, M., I-ADIN, V.; LITVIN.-SEDOY, M., MALFVANCHIK, B., MANICHFV, r,., PUNUFV, Yu., V-;L-NIKC)V; :., KJSLIN) Ye.~ NATARIUS Ya.; NFY~AKF, A., N'KO~~YFV, G., NOVC~TYSK:T, A. 01-ISHANSKIT, N., WIMIN, S.; POLOPNYY, F., RAKTIMANOV N ' iRFP:N.. I ,' RESHFTOV, Yu., MUMMY, Yxi., SVORFIV, R~ 1 MROV V, SO KI) 1,, S W. I Y 61HINYAl". SPITSTN, V., TFRFEROV, V., TFF'1DV, KI(/LWFO%F',;FIY, A., v SHAROLII I-I 3111BANOV, A., 3fl;HNFV, V.; SHUTCN, 14., SHCHTJY,,N. r.. ELISHANSK:Y; I., TTMIYFV, A., IVANCV, N.j LIVANOV. A.. FFF'CMNY,- DANIN; L., red. rLEurekal -,vrika. ~Ocs)c-vnl 10010d,-~Iq gVer-I'le, 1 ~~4. 2,78 P. (M-,RA ~l -.,, CITMININ, A.A.; CHIHKOV, V.P. Jiine~ti-),-. trrin2lst,)r R-C on-i'lator witl, ri ,,r47rjt, n,i,,ikl.)',r ,' ,- i circ-jitv . lzm. tekh. nr..11:4-44 N 16 ~ . Q,',IRA OS l A. A. De 1*2 r. f, !'req ~ ie:. c *,, (I r ~ " '-- bv - - h - - rne t.i o 6 o f -, r ti,. , : , ~ i. , I I I)u-rA-, Coii,-,lden-e. . 7T.%. ',e kh - 110 . 1 C :I R-." -~ I br . I-': L ) 25(5) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION :;Ovl'-~628 Kellbert, Yakov Markovich, Mdkhail Mikbaylovich Osminin, and Gavrill VaBillyevich Senatov Noralrovanlye slosarno-aborochnykh rabot (SettIng Up Standards for Machininr and Asaembling Operations) Leningrad, Sudpromigiz, 1958. 361 p. 2,600 copies printed. General Ed.: S. G. Boborykin; Scientific Ed.t S. G. Boborykin; Ed.: N. S. Zheltoukhov; Tech. Ed.: L. 1. Levochkina. PURPOSE: This book is intended for standard eetterep production engineers, and machine and assembly shop foremen and may be of use to employees of standard- studying bureaus. COVERAGE- The book discusses the techniques of setting time standards for bench and bench and assembly operations and revieve individual and consolidated time standards employed in lot manufacture. Examples of calculating individual and consolidated time standards for bench and assembly operations are included together vith tables for job acceptance standards. No personalities are men- tioned. There e-re six references, all Soviet. Card 113 Setting Up Standards f(-,r MaAinlng (Crnt.) SM11 2 62 8 11. TIme standards f,)r prelimtnary processing and f1nR1 for organizational sind technionl servicing of a work plfice, f-,r rest and naturnl needs '181 IV. Bases for Calculating Time Standard Tables 182 12. Basic empirical formulas 184' Appendixes -~l Bibliography 361- AVAILABLE: Library of Congress (TT205.K44) Card 31'3 lsb KILIBIM, TakoT Markovich; OSHININ4 NjUxall KikWlovich; SEBATOV, Gavrill V88111yevich; BOBORTKIN, S.G., nauchnyy red.; ZMTOMOVA, B.S., red.; LIVOCHKINA. L.I., [Setting up standards for machiniM and assembling operations] Worairovanie alsearno-aborochnykti rabot. Pod obahchel red. S.G. Boborykica. Leningrad, Go*. noiuznoe izd-vo sudoetroit. proayshl.. 1958. 361 p. (MIRA 12:2) (Machine-shop practice) (Time study) ABDUr,kl.,'IY:-,Al P A. A. ; VI ZAKEOL) MAY El', U. N. ; OLNIND) V.A. ; Kk,. ITIN , EX., kand. el-on. nauk, otv. red. [Gross nations.1 product and nati--nal inccne of the '~zb-3k S.S.R.]ObshchostvorjWl p--odukt i nataintallnyi doklaod Uzz- bekskoi SSR. Tashkent, lzd-vo Akad. nauk UzSSR, 196C. 176 y,. (MIRA 15-12) Wzbokistan-'Oroin national ~.,oduct) (Uzbekistan-Income) S' t 11SM/Mysical Chemistry - Solutions. Theory of Acids and Bases Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - 10iftitya., No 2, 1957) 3926 Author : Vargaftik N.B.,, OsIninin Yu.P. Title : Thermal Conducti-v y 0 -jquZ-ous Solutions of Salts) Acids anti Alkalies Orig Pub : TetloencrCctika, 1956, No 7, 11-16 B-11 Abstract : By the nethod of heated filament,daterninations were made of therml conOwtivity of solutions of H SO IINO I(Cl, 2 ~) P 0;P NaCl, KC1, BaCl 21 Z"S04, Na2S04 and KOJI, at 00 er a wide range of concentrations. The results obtained sa- tisfy the equation: X ~ A wherein X is thernapC01,1(luctivity coafficiento C -- hc-.t capacity,J) -- aelicit-11 1.1 -- Mlecular weighi, an(I the indices A and W deaote, respectively, aqueous solu- tions and pure water. Tables surzurizing the values of Card 1/2 - 178 - AZD"'.11r. 987-1 n HEAT CAPACITY OF LIQUID ALKALI METALS (USSR) -081minin )b. P, Inzhener Apr 1963, rno-fizicheWdyzhurnal, no. 4 75-77. '7he table showsheat capacit-ies of Rb and Cs;A 50 to WO'C calculated by the thermo- -dynamic si militude inethcd -.-~-orn th eir he-ot capa-cities at malting point and a dirrien- sionless heat capacity versus temp -7 crature I nclion de A U termined previously for K and Na. Mie d ata are recommended fo r de.3ign purposes. The study was made at !he s -.dence Institute o Power Engi ering in Moscow,, qr~R. ,. P% T T cc - T 1D Rb CS :E C 50 383 249 450 351 1a0 376. 244 500 351 22 -2 2 150 Y, 0 240 550 '352 , 200 236 6 00 353 232 , 250 360 234 . 650 356 234 1300 357 232 700 237 350 354 231 750 240 400 352 229 6w 370 1 244 Card 1/2 OSIMININ, TU.Pt-- W.Mmwwwwww~ - Experimental investigation of thermal conductivity of aqueous solutions of electrolytes. Vest.Mosk.un.Ser.mat.,makh., astron., fiz..khim. 12 no.2:117-125 '57. (MIRA 10:12) l.L.fedra molokulyarnoy fiziki Moskovskogo universiteta. (Electrolytes) (Thermal analysis) Cntorory ~ Abe Jour :Pof Zhur Fi?.i';a, No 3,7,7, lJc ','.24 r I;p r rs 't i i r. 11", y ". *, . TPlo Thorrnrl kquoout- if -Pltr. 4cll~-v and Alkslit-F,. Orif Tub s 7orlooncrietilKn., :.c, 7, !:-P. Abstract No abrtrict Card '/I f j Al Ai ------- 7 DUtri atom C-Autions or ,It viz. t '-r-i z on., I novc] app (I%t dmribed aftik et W e A 4S 2""i) f Va d i k JIM b t i r . . ., *r e le rg . , s. t y Lbermal Conti. of cleic-trolylts is con-Odered, Heat is sup. pFied by a "thread" of very pum I-Ig (in a capWaTy tube with vm1l th"riess of only a few trj-3 of zmikTons), Abiell S11011F the temit. coeff, Pf thermal. cond. (Qr watetand tolutt,,t; anj Ow twductivitics at 30' fcq JXJ. MXJ" a"d ZnSL-4, '111d for 11NOs. WSO. and KOII uArm at var'"mft 10tooo'. All cutvcq lwye comniHion pointafrom anduli. Borastein T;ibcjlcn inarkffa pi 5uow 11te 'modlelt pc~fc).1mj7;cc 44 "KlhLO. 8cvt:rj1 addo). g"plib ore tkv-jttd to chvckmg s,-N't-r,0 VJ4. tlAid.' lbe lolinula '-f A2. 5737.41 i~ ittotmimiulvd f,yr u,,e witlt t k,trt4y1". V, It. tchtilk AID P - 48oo Subject USSR/Engineering Card 1/2 Pub. 110-a - 3/17 Authors Vargaf t1 k, N. B. , Dr. Tech. 3c 1. , and Yu. P. Ot3'm1n1n, Kand. Phya.-Math. Scl. Title Thermal conductivity of water solutions of salts, acids and alkalies. Periodical Teploenergetika, 7, 11-16, Jl 1956 Abstract The authors present the results of experimental research of various solutions for a wide range of concentrations. Detailed Investigations of the thermal conductivity of electrolytes at different concentrations and temperatures are described, as well as the experimental equipment and the methods of measurement. The use of the same equations for liquids and electrolytes is discussed. Tables, diagrams, 12 references (9 Russian). VARGAFTIK. N.D., doktor tekhnichaskikh npmk; OPHININ. Tu.P., kAndidpit fl2llro-matenpitlcheskikh nftuk. Therwtl conductivity of nqueous solutions of snItR, nolds, nnd n1kniles. TeploonorgatikA ) no.7:11-16 JI '56. (HLRA 9:9) I.Vaesoyuznyy teplotf-khnicheakly inatitut iment Dzershinskogo i Monkovskiy posudarstvennyy univp~rsitat imnni LononosovA. (Hant-Conduction) (Solution (Chemistry)) 03,11,114111, yu. 1)., "Experinental Study of Heat (onductivity of Aqueous Solutions of (Dissertation for the Derro-~ )f i-andidatn of Pin,nical and Nathrnatical -rirn,-0 M,oscow Order of Lenin State. 11 iment !,. V. ~,omonosov, :,oscow, ', .1 ~~ Xar -~6 SO: M-103', I * , 0 . li :~ , Y., E . , , , HRMTSOV. V.P. , LHDRV. H.P. ; SHILOV. V. 1. , 0SHINKIN, A.A. -, LUPXTKo, V.m. . KOPTTAYKVA. H.V. InveatiMtting the quality of carbon steels t%ade from pip, irons containing boron. 1zv.S1b.otd.A1J S3SH no.11:4'9-58. (MIRA 12:2) 1. Ural'skiy filial KN zissil. (Steel) Use of Vacuum in Metallur (cont. 533 Moscow, lzd-v6 ~dl ~~SSR, 1958, Trans. of a Ccnf. cn Use of Vacuum in Ferrous Petallur 1(5~:_ Osminkjn.,_A.A_. (Address) ('9. ... ~.'j !~~ A brief account is given of reserarch conducted at the Urallskiy institut,chernykh metallov (Urals Institute of Pena a Metals) and at the Serov Metallurgical Plant on the vacuum treatment of open-hearth and induction-furnace steel in the ladle adter tapping. Shevtsov, M.A. (Address) 79 Sheyteov states that before 1954 only two experimental high-vacuum electric furnaces, with certain imperfections, were in operation in the USSR. He takes exception to Smnarin's statement that Soviet vacuum furnaces are of inferior design, pointing out that industrial furnaces of this type were not in production at all because of the lack of demand for then. A number of such furnaces, however, were manufactured "last year" (apparently 1955). Production of pumps and other equipment lags. Shevtsov gives suggestions for improving vacuum equipment. Il. VACUW TREAT7,1ENT OF MOITEV STEEL AIM FERROALLM IN THE LADLE AND IN THE INGOT MOLD Novik, L&M, Vacu= Treatment of Molten Steel in the Ladle and Teeming In a Protective Atmosphere 81 The article is divided into the following sections: Design of vacuum Installations; Vacuum pumps; Vacuum treatment of Bessemer steel in the I-Ale and in the ingot mold at the Yenakiyevo Metal- Card 8/16 1. RADRY'-.'V, S. I.. OSIVINKB, K.N., Fngs. 2. Tr-coR (600) 4. Lifting and Carrying 7. Floor trucks for transportation within a ghOD. Mekh trud rab. No. 12 JQ5;% 9. Monthl List of Russirin Acc~?sslcin.-; , Lit,r-try f , -- Apr!! . j . .. I . .,Uri I I *-Pie wo smilty 41. aftid --upolon of a jse~" . rb"), . V" to Of LhO ADOY, da,,?nd.