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OSIPYAN, I.L. Calcu),ating columnar oquipment for wind and spiBmic load. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; neft' J gaz 7 no.9:103-105 '64. (MIRA 17:12) 1. Azerbaydthanskiy institut neftl I khimii Im. M. Azizbokova. .. --Lml L.~ OS1PYAH. I.L. Concerning temperature stresses in the lined -ovpr appara-us used in petrochemical production. Izv. vyn. ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz 7 no.11:105-106 164. (MIRA 18ill) 1. Azerbaydzhanskly institut nefti I khimli im. M. Azizbekova. WIFYAN, I.L. '--r aprnra-.iin hy hp !-" ,i _i. Mhs~,. ' nr,~t.obor. no.11:44-0 I (,/.. (P:Ii-A 1,-jtl) 051PIAN. 1.N. (9%- UBcvvo Velikovskays. Krasnodarskiy kray) Several arithmetic curiosities. Kat.v shkole no.3:55-56 My-Je 156. (K6" 9:8) (Arithmetic--Curios& and miscellany) SLi;SAItk.Vp V.V.; 061py.,iip Kh.0. Clinical and X-ray diaponin of div,~rttcula of the duodor!um. Urav. Turk. 5 no.5:16-19 S-0 161. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Iz kafodry rentgenoloji i radiolofii (i,3pol)nyayujhchly obMnnosti zav. V.V.Slesarov) Turlcnnenskogo gosudarstvonnop meditsinBkogo instituta imeni I.V. Stalina i rentgenov,,kogo otdeloniya Ashkhabadskoy gorodskoy kliniclieskoy bollnitsy 11o.1 (glavn vrach - G.V.Bondar'). 'LAAMGjiAPJJY) UODENU~L-DIS-ASLS) DUODE1;U," 7D KAZIMV, G.A.; OSIPYAN, Kh.O. Malignant mezethellom of the pleura. Zdray.Turk. 6 no.2:34-116 Mr-Ap 162. (MI" 15t1l) 1. Iz Wedry gospitallnoy terapil (zav. - dotsent G.K.Khodzha- kuliyev) Turkmenskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta i I gorodskoy klinicheekoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach - G.V.Bondarl). (PLEURA-GANCER) KAYRITELOV, G.Y,.,- OSIPWI, Kh.O. Calle of adamntinoma of the lover jaw. Zdrav. Turk. 4 no.4:38 Ji- Ag 160. 1 . (MIRA 13:9) 1. Is kafedry gospitallnoy khirargii (sav. - prof. I.F. Berezin) Tur~menskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo institute im. I.V..Stalina i rentgenovskogo otdeleniya gorodakoy klinicheakoy bollnitay No.1 (glav. vrach - G.V. Bondar') (JAWS-TUMOR$) F c' 0 r Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 1953, Uncl. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, llibrary of Congress, 1953, Uncl. OSIPYAN. L.L. k---, - --l- Mntertals on the study of the genus Gercospora In the Armenian S.S.R. liv. AN Aria. 33R. Hiol. i sellkhoz. nau)ri 10 r10.9.35-46 3 157. (MLRA 10ill) 1. Xafedra morfologil I slatemt1ki rafltenly Teraynnskogo goaudnrstvan- nogo univeratteta. (Arwnia-Pungi, Phytopathogenic) M TPYATI , L. L. - f4aot.,~r T; I n I Sr I (('I no) -- "Pp mo I t,,r t,,.-,Mhri I rrml,rr~(,rin , ~ '~ - Amenlan SS-~.". Ynr--vnn, I", Tm (Niln --.Ich-r F~Iur Ynm,.rnn -)*n'- ", ?00 COPI-8 1"0 L , I -Y '), ~ OSIPTAN,-L.L. Btnlnp_y nf enne h7mhetl funpi In thn Arnnnisin S.S.R. Izy. Ali j,rn. SSR. Binl. I sollkhmr.nAuki 11 no.8:97-100 tg Isfi. OfTRA 11-10) 1. RinIngirhoakty fahilitet Tnrovnnskogo gosudarstykinnof.,o uni- v4ratteta. (Armonta--Nnrl, Phytopathoo-nnic) OSIPTAN. L.L. Ropresentatives of the genus Havularle, in the Amentan. S.S.A. Hauch.trudy Irev.un. 64:111-124 '58. (MIRA 11:12) 1. Kafedra botaniki Terevanskogo goeudaretvennogo universiteta. (Armenia--Fungi, "opathogenic) OSMAN, L.L. k~zlgi C) f t h ta , 7- It! 1- I-,~~rTjTj rjsT, rci I ns In tht~ rcg I m,3 of thf~ 3,r~rir, Ntvin 'in tl,,, fan-inlwn S.S.R. Tzv. AN km. 5,9R 11,)l. ricniki It r'' . a 01~1-,iq A: 1-3 (m I R;, 17 : I ) 1. KLf, 1:--, b - ui~ivc~r,,,lt-t.,. I I ,.- . I . I . --- Lj TASIAKH01YAN, M.G. OS IPYA& L New species of fungi In the mycoflora of the Armenian S.S.R. found in regions of the Sevan basin. Report No. 1. Izv.AN Arn.SSR.Biol.nauki 15 no.1101-57 N 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Kafedra botaniki biologicheskogo fakullteta Yr3revanskogo gosudarstvennogo univerniteta. (BEVAN IAKE REGION-FUNGI) QSIMUI-,Lipa_~~vonovna; AVAKYAII, S.V., red. lzd-va; OVASAFYAN, A.A., tekbn. rad.- [Parasitic ?Wphal fungi of the Armenian S.S.R.)Parazitnye gifa.11- rVe griby Armianskoi SSR. Erevan, Izd-vo Erevansko 0 gos. Univ. 1962. 206 p. ~MIWA 1 1, 112) (Armenin-Fungij, Plorto pathogenic) ~ OSIPYAN I- 1--, 1 - - -- Materials qn the fwigus flora of exposedbDUM soila of Lake Sevan. Izv. All Am. SSR. Biol. nauki 14 no.7*.99-96 -Tl 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Kafedra botaniki Biologialleskogo fakuliteta Yerevanakogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. (SEVAN LkKE REGION-FUNGI, PHYTOPATHOGENIC) OSIPYAN, L.L. 4 Recent data on the distribution of hyphomycetes in Ar.enia. ?~auch. trudy Hrov. un. 69 Ser. biol nauk no. 8:51-60 pt. 1 159. (MIRA 14-4) 1. Kafodra botaniki Yorevanskogo gosudaretvonnogo univorsiteta. (ABYENIA-HYPHOMYCETES) QSIPW. T.L.; KnIN-MMAII, B.11.. profesoor, zuveft-imlichiy. Neurinoma of the orbit. Veat.oft. 12 no-3:30-11 K-Je '5). 6:9 ) 1. Kufadru plasnykh bolezney Terovunnkot,-21 meditainukago institiau. (kee-Nmorn ) "Application of Aerosols of Hexachlorane Pots In the Open Air for U* Control of Vectors of Transmittable Diseases," by Lt Col Med Serv V. T. Osipyan, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Voyenno-Meditsinskly Zburnal, No 9, Sep 56, pp 60-63 This article reports results of testG conducted to determine the ef- fectiveness of aerosols produced by burning of hexachlorane pots against such vectors of transmittable diseases as fleas, ticks, and flies. A special thermal mixture consisting of hexachlorane (46 percent), anth- racene (13 percent), thiourea (one percent), ammonium chloride (11 per- cent), calcium chlorate (25 percent), and zinc dust (4 percent) was pre- pared to produce the aerosols. The thermal mixture was placed in special pots 11 centimeters high and 17 centimeters In diameter. The pots, when 14ghted, burned for about 15-18 minutes, producing a thick smoke of aero- 661s. The aerosols rose to a height,pf 0.5-1.5 meters, were carried by the wind through the air, and then settled on the ground. The tests established that 'the aerosol method of application of hexachlorane was 100 percent effective apinst fleas, ticks, and flies. (U) USPAUSKIY, N.D.,, dotsent; OSIPTAN, V.T.,, polkovnik oeditainskoy Gluzhby Simultaneous use of disinfections and insecticides. Voer.-med.zhur. no.8:65-68 Ag '57* Ou" lo,12) (A Ur I SXM IGS, simultannous application with Insecticides (Run)) (I USECT IC IDES, simultaneous application with antiseptics (Rum)) OSIPLMI, V.T.; KAZI[DAJI, V.B.; DUNAYEVA, I.D. Butadione, an effective agent for the control of body lice. Zhur. mikrobiol. epid. i i=un. 31 no.7:18-22 Jl 160. (MIRA 13t9) 1. Iz Voyenno-meditainskoy ordena Lenina akademii im.Kirovn. (PYWOLIDINEDION-E) (LICE) KRYLOVP V.N. , polkovnik moditainskoy sluzhby, dotsent; WSIFYAN, V.T... polkovmik moditsirwkoy sluzhby,;-VESEUV, Y.P., podpolkovnik meditsinakoy sluzhby, kand.r;ed.nauk; GOLIDIII, R.B., mayor meditsinakoy slu2hby, Method for studying the seeding of surfaces of variOU3 objects vith bacteria. Voen.-med. zhur. no.4;45-46 Al, 161. (I-all--% 15:6) (BACTERIOIDGY--TECIUIIQUE) lon-L, I.S., prof.; OSIPYAN, V.T. -,- B-propiolactone, a nev disinfectant. Voen.-med. shur. no.6:52-5.3 Je 161. (1-af-I 14: F) (DISINFLCTION AND DISITiFECTUIT) (LACTOMEZ) ORMANS V. T.; GRkBMSM, B. S.; KAZHDAN, V. B.; DUNAMA, I. D. Method of laboratory selection of repellent preparations and evaluation of their activity In relation to fleas. Mod. paraz. I pamz. bol. no.61734-737 161. (MIRA 15:6) 1. 1z Voyenno-meditsinskay ordena lanina akadenii imeni S. M. Eirova. (IW~MT BAITS AND REPM4MM) (FLUS) .O8Ip_x")-V.TL!_po1kovnik meditsinskoy sluzhby,; KAZIWAII,i, V.b. , mayor maditsinskoy sluzhby, Use of aerosols of DOT Car control of rat fleas in liv in areas. Voen.-med. zhur. no.S: 9-55 Ag 161. Ou'A 15:2) (DDT ( M ECTMDE)) (FUAS,--UT",UNATION) OSIPYAN, V.T.; STZPJU~OV, M.K.; GRABOVSKIYJI B.S.; SIIIW40V,K.K.; KANDAII, . V.B.; MASLIY, L.K.; DUTIAYEVA, I.D. Umparative effectiveness of hexamethylenebenzamide and acetyl- tetrahydroquinollne an protective agents against flews in humans. Fled. paraz. i pRraz. tKl. 32 nf~).5%551-553 S-0163 (MIRA 16t12) 1. Tz Voyenno-neditoinalkoy i-rdenn U,,nina akadem4i imeni S.M. Kirova. SINITSKIT, A.A., prof.; OSIPYAN, V.T., kand. mod. nauk Book review. Zhur. m1kroblol., epid. I i--un. 41 no.10:155-156 164. (MIRA 180) 03113YAN, V."'., karil. I,oktin. nii~jk Reviews . /~n I r . :!Jk !- - ri ,I., e~ I fj . i IT-n-;rl . 4 1 n,,. - ' : 152- 1 ~ -. ~ r. I ,, T I q I C, ) Revievs and bibliography. Zhur.mikrobiol., epid. i immun. 42 no.10:146-11.8 0 165. ("JRA 18: 11) OSIFfO, Yu. A.; KUSHNIR, 1. P. "A study of the influen.:c, of :a mon or, the me~-hani a-L I ~roperti;i--, ami J .~' . -- - structure of iron whiskers." paper submitted for Intl 'onf on Fra,-tUrC, Sendal, Japan, Ij-D) Sel, t Inst. Solid State Physi--s and -ent. Inst. Ferrous 14etall.irgy. UM/Physics lkrtensita tramformatione cam 1/1 Pub. 22 - 16151 Authors s Lyubov, B. Ta.., and Osi n Yu. A- Title I On t~e kinetics of isothermal rartensite transformation near absolute zero Periodical i Dok. AN SSSM 10115) 853-356, Apr. 21)'1955 Abstract i Experiments with rartensite transforrations are described. The experiments -were conducted to determine that the phase transformations of nartensite at temperatures near.abaoluto zero do not depend cn the temperature., but to thz speed of such trans f ornation and that it is a function of the enerq of atordic fluctuations. Seven references: I British., 2 USA and I., USSR (1935-1953). Table, graT)h, Institution : Central Scientific 2-esearch institute of Ferrous 1etals, Ins.1tute of MetaUoeralphy and Physics of 4*:etals I Presented by : Acade--IclRn 0. V, Kurclyx.-4v, Ja?--,al-f !1 1955 126-3-5/34 AUTHORS: Il'ina, V.A., KriLsi:bya, V.K. Kurdyumov, G.V., ~sip'ytin,YuA. and Stelletskaya, T. 1. TITLE: Study of the dependence of tue bond forces on tne of crystals in met.cis uw soiid :;oiUtioas. (ILUcilenlye z6visimosti ail BV)Fclzi ot losto riniya kriotnllov v metallakh i tverdyidi rastvorn ~. PF,RIQDICAL: "Fizi4a Uetellov i Met-c.11ovede;iiye" (Pnysics of and Idetalluru), 1957, Vol.rv, 140.5, P-,~-417-41;-L 0-3-j-R-) A&3TRACT: Numerous studies revealed Labt ttle interbLA,1C bOnd fOrCes in e metallic cry3tei latcice cen be in-fltionced by alloyint_. Depending on the rictui-e of tue blloyjn6 eleuc%G,the bond forces can be increaqed ur aecreasea. Earlier wur.~ of The authors (3) ~ud of Iveronova, V.I. ana Katsne~'son, A.A.(4) nave shown that the concenluratiun of tiie rillo:,rinL cui-inonei-it is also of great importonce, tne tieut treotfneiit 31,nstic deformation wc-o Gloo fwand to influence the civrecteristic temperature of the -,3oli~l sol-ation In recent years a considerable ariount of riol,M- Lmns b,-!etl pubilohed inside and outside Lfte Soviet Union in whicti i!-ioLTIr- lies ere Card 1/ reported in the cacinGes of certein prupert;ie3 -A,3 ii of heat treatment bnd deformrtion of' numerous 3olio scluti-ns. On the basig of experimentul dcta of vcrious -ut-iu-s it can 126-3-5/34 Study of tne dependence if iae twnd forces on trif, iLrite of crystals in metclo rnd solJd solutions. (Cont.) be considered as an estijblisieL !'.,Ic~ tlirtt cer~,,,Ln )ro,)er.iC's of the solid solu-.-ion c~a be treatment and deforia,&tioL-i '.vi'~no~it riy c!ionce the chemical composition of t~-,u investik-,zi-,eki )ri%s~'; t1ii:3 phenomenon (Cht~n6e in tht- civracteristic Lumper%.ures, electrical re3istance ariolialie3, cllionCe of the 1~-ttlce period etc.) v.,&9 detected only in soLi(I solutiono blit not in pure metals. Anvlysis of results of otaer autaors permits the a3SUMPtiUn t~IL~ UIC Lj,-IOM-'~liCS in t;hc prope rti es observed by variou3 cuthors con be nttribu,~e(-i o a 6eneral cause and are the result of tne saLie Drocess t~:-iau ~lbce inside very s=ll volu~aes of tne crj.3tcl )f the solid solution. The most likely ass'-uapLlon i.3 tnat tLe observed anomz~lies in t-e properties ;-re ~iue to cru~.iEes in -he distribution of tne atoLas in the 1,ttice oi i,iie solici solution and on UiuL numerous au..,Lors z-;re in i~,Tee;ient but, on the ottier nazid, v~irious &uthora aisaj,'-ree on the character of the redistribution of t!i,.~ inide trie solid and on tae wture of this phenomenun; noviever, tliere Card 2/ 5 is no direct confiri,,&tion of this assumption rn,i the pro~Ie;a requires further study. In tne here described worl, Lhe 126-3-5PPI Study of the dependence of the bund forces on the s-~ate of crystals in metals aaa solid solutions. (Co,at.) in.fluence was investigated of differin6 treatments on the interatomic interaction in crystals of solid solutions bad of some high melting point metals and tne influence was studied of the plastic deformation and aeat trertment on the bond forces. The investigations viere effected by X-ray methods and by measuriniS the resonence frequen,_,y of tne lon~,itudinal elastic oscillations (determinauion of the modulus of elasticity). The inves~igatiuas were carried out on iron alloyed vitn chromiuu, mkiuganese, '3, Ni, Ti and also on pure Cr, W and Ta. For melting Lae metals a 5u "::c, capacity high trequency furnace was used and zne material was cast into 25 icg intSots. The inEots were subjec-~ea to diffusion annealinE; at 1200 C and tAen forged into a square of 40 x 40 mm cross section and into rods of 1.) mm, dia. Forging was begun at 1000 to 1100 C and,after forginb,the material was cold rolled with 6 total reduction of 62-5~c, the specimens for determining the modulus of elasticity were cut from the rolled strip in the direction of rollinb and were '&C)u mm long and lo iwi dia. The cneiaicti analyses Card 3/ 5 of eight of the investigated melts are 6iven in Table I,p.41`~. The results are described in some detail whicn were obtained 1P6-3-5/34 Study of the dependence of tne bond forces on Che staze of crystals in metals a:.d solid soluti-~ns. (C,Dnz.) for the characteristic temperature of tnc solid 6il,-itions, 2e-Cr, Fe-l-.Ln, Fe-13, Fe-Ti and for trie bond forces in tite pure metals Cr, IN, I'a and alsofor tae Younb moduius if iron and the alloys Fe-b-i, Fe-VJ, Fe-Gr, after vE~i-i,,us types of heat treatuent. 1; was found taut the cut~rbcter- istic tempereture of tae pure metals Fe, Mo, W arid Ta does not chan6e after heLt treatment and deforiu-,tion of these metals. In chromium an increase was observed in the characteristic temperature after heL-Unb deformed uoecimens to 600 C; after neatinC deformeu chromium ct 8UL) C its characteristic temperature did not ctiaaEe; it was founc t:aat zhe effect of chr-nf;es in the cnr-racteristic temperature as a function of the heatinE temperature is reversible. There is a bond force durint nent treatment i)na deforii,,tition of t1le solid solutions Fe-Cr, Fe-W cnd Fe-h1n: thL chbracteristic temperature increases on heatinGwit1iin a ~Jven teiaperature range and decreases as n re.3ult of pl&atic deformz,tiun anci hardening (Fe-Cr, Fe-hin). It was establistied ti&t tnere is full correspondence between the direction of' th(2 chtinf-,-e in Card 4/5 tue characteristic temperature ana the Y,)uriE rrodulu~, resultine, from heat treatment and v;,:)rkinC of the solid solutions 126-3-~,/34 Study of the dependence of tli,~ bonct for(,.e.,3 on the ottite of crystals in metals and sclid solutions. (Cint.) Fe-Cr, Fe-VI and Fe-Mn. It is assumeu %nat trie revebled phenomenon of a change in tae bond forces durin6 heat treatment and wor,cinG of various solid solutions is due to a redistribution of trie iitoms in the crystLl lattice and that an increase in the bond forces corresoonds to ,in increbse if tne degree of the near order. There are 10 fib-ures, ~3 tr.bles ~~rid referencen, l' Df aiich are Slevic. GUBKITTED: December 4, I-)5,j. ASSUCIATIUN: Central Ferruus 11.~IetiillurLj Scientific Reseurcti 11-1~3tltute. (Tsentral'n y 14&uchno-IssleUOvDtC1,sz1y Inotitut Cneriljy Card 5/5 MetallurgiM AVAILABLE: Library of Congmse Osirly.-Vii, Yu. A., "A otudy '-)f t",(: Pc,:,t. r, phys. an-d vati.. V., t 3t; arr, I jr t r-.u f1w art i,_, '*p I., t4A -iL prps"w rovu, tit it' ~nv-s t- Z-A lee,,,mA body, Inot -A FbTLIoal 40teli.lurgy. 1! -1 tho a..)! Fsr-uw F*'t4iliurgy In ili~o-,Pr LT, "r I J-1 vltt. phAss u, a.'oye, .,r.. ilff-tal,ii-, ;r:p!>*&~4e* mt-,*t-*t*d with tIA ale, ~f ottv- qu4atime SOV 1~3-07-4-3/7 Thread-shaped Crystals With a Strength That Is Near Tbeoretical Stren,-,th has hithorto boon achieved. Part T of the paper -iven letalls (with numorous figures) concerning the formation,oriontation. and shape of the whiskers; breeding by the ropenoration of metals from their salts, and breeding by means of condensation from vapors, and other methods are docribed, as also the Tro- Juction of nonmetallic whiskers; a number of photographo shows the shape and growth of copper- and tin-whiskers con- siderably enlarged (up to 9000 times). Part II contains a very vivid description of the growth of such crystal, as well as data concerning a large number of papers, which are given in a table covering two pages. Part III deals with experiments and results concerning the mechanical properties of the whiskers: among other things, experimental data on the deformation of whiskers are compared with those of ordinary cryatn1s; the tearing of these whiskers with as well as viithout 1,revicus plastic deformation is inveatirated and described in dia.7rao~ The creeping of metallic whiskers is described (also t),u oree;- ing resistance of whiskers in considerably (,reater than thnt of ordim ry crystals of the same material). Finally, the influence exercised by temperature and by the limenaiono of Card 2/3 whiskers on their strength is described an also the influence SOV/53-67-4-3,,7 Thread-shaped Crystals With a Strength That Is Near Theoretical Stren':'th exercised by surfa-e properties upon strength. Also the recovering of whiskers is demonstrated on the basis of fig- ures 31 and 32 (altogether 10 photographs). Finally, other properties of rhiskers are discussed in short (part IV). There are 33 firures, 5 tables, and 31 references, (, of which are Soviet. C ard 3/3 la(l),la(6) AUTHORS: Kurdyumov, G. V., Academician, SOV/20-124-1-21'60 Kritskava, V. K., Latayko, P. A., Osiplyan, Yu. A. TITLE: On the Variation of the Forces of Interatomic Bond in a Single-phase 3olid, Solution Nickol-aluminum (0b izmenenlyakh ail mezhnto-nnoy svvazi v odnofaznom tverdom rastvore nikell- alyuminiy) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 124, Tir 1, pp 76-78 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Short reference is first made to earlier papers dealing with this subject. The castings of the nickel-aluminum alloy (8.3 atomic `4 Al) were annealed for 100 hours at 1,150'. 2The forging of the casting up toa cross section of 40 x 25 mm began at 1,0000 and was completed at a temperature of - 400-5000. Towards the end of the forging process the casting had already assumed a dark color. The forged work- pieces were then cold-drawn and from them samples of 100 mm length and 10 mm diameter were produced. On these samples, Young's modulus was determined by measurement of the resonance frequencies in the case of longitudinal oacillntions Card 1/3 of the rod at room temperature. The results obtained by those On the Variation of the Forces of Interatomic Bond SOV/20-124-1-21160 in a Single-phase Solid .5olution Nickel-aluminum measurements are shown by a diagram for various initial alloy states. In the cold deformed and in the hardened state Young,3 modulus of the alloy is higher by 6 43 than in the case of an annealed alloy. In order to convey the alloy from a state with a high modulus (state P,) into one of a low modulus (stnte A) it is necessary to heat it up to tomporitur- es of more than 600-7000, after which it in gradually cooled down. With heating up to 700-1,0000, Young's modulus gradually decreases. For the purpose of conveying the alloy from state A into state B it is sufficient to heat up to 3000 with sub- sequent cooling in water. Already after heating up to 10CO the modulus is noticeably increased. The state A does not change if cooling takes place slowly after heatinp, to ~000 or higher temperatures. These data make it possible to draw the conclusion that state 13 in a hardened alloy In not produced by undercooling of a steady state at high temperatur- ea down to room temperature, but rather by such a transforma- tion which occurs in the alloy only in the case of rapid cooling within the temperature interval of from ~000 and Card 2/3 room temperature. If the alloy is heated in state A up to On the Variation of the Forces of Interatomic Bond SOV120-124-1-21,161) in a Single-phase Solid Solution Nickel-aluminum 3000, no essential changes occur in It either during horitinir or during ntring. A chnnFe occurs only durtni, rapid cooling. From the data discussed it further follows that the state 1, which is produced by the rapid cooling of the alloy at a 0 temperature below 300 ,is a metastable state, which, in the case of a sufficiently high temperature, i.e. in the case of Plifficient atomic mobility, may go over into the stable Ptate A. At present, the nature of the alloys with high Younp's modulus and the nature of tho transition A + B is not yet known. The Debye X-ray pictures showed no difference between the crystal structures of the alloy in the states A and B. However, an oseential difference was observed with respect to the microstructure of the alloy. Similar results were obtained also for a solid solution Ni - Cu (10.8 atom 4 Cu). There -ire 3 figures and 8 references, 5 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: September 26, 1958 Card 3/3 ~ I 661,53 AUTHORSt Kritskaya, V. K., Kurdyumov, 7.~ Academician, Osiplyan, Yu. A.- TITIXx On the Nature of the Variations of Young's Modulus in the Thermal Treatment of Single-phAae Alloys on the Basis of Nickel PIMIODICAL: Doklady Akademil nauk 33JR, 1959, Vol 129, Nr 3, PP 550-552 (Uss"R) ABSTRACTs The present paper investigateD the dependence of the elastic modulus on thermal treatment carried out on samples of purA nickel (electrolytic nickel twice remelted in a vacuum) and on some solid solutions on a nickel basis (Ni + 10% Cu, Ni + 10~- Co, Ni + 3.9~ Me). All these alloys were aingle-phased during the entire interval of the heat treatment. Both in the case of nickel and in all alloys investidated, the variations of the elastic modulus depend on the manner in which they are cooled down from high temperaturCA. The dependence of the elastic modulus an the temperature of thermal treatment is shown in a diagram. For nickel and for all solid solutions this dependence is qualitatively the samej it is similar to the dependence for the alloy Ni-kl. The differences bet-een the values of the elastic modulus in the state A (with a low value of the elantic modulus) and the state B card 1/3 (witha hi~;h value of the elastic modulun) fluctuate between 9% for 66453 On the Nature of the Variations of Young's Modulus in SOV/20-129-3-21/70 the Thermal Treatment of Single-phase Alloys on the Basis of Nickel nickel and 12% for the alloy Ni - Co. A microstruoturo with many lines of slide is characteristic of the state B. A vertical displacement alond the individual slide lines could be observed in the interference microscope. In the states A and B the investigated alloys have not only different values of the elastic modulus at room temparature but also a different temperature dependence of the elastic modulus. For the annealed samples (state A) the temperature dependence of the elastic modulus has an anomalous character within the temperature interval of from room temperature to Curie point and is represented by means of a curve with a minim-am. Uter quenching from a temperature that is higher than that of the total transition A -P B, this anomaly of the elastic modulus vantshes, and in the state B it decreases in a .ionotonic manner irith increasing temperature In the case of all alloys. After quenching and annealing, the difference between the values of the elastic modulus of nickel and its solid alloys is not determined by the difference in the strength of the binding forces, but by the Card 2/3 influence exerted by the structure upon the mechanostric 7 tio Y,~. A. 721 KL :41 All- -4-4. .41 :11111J 13 I --A lurl 27 25M S102 61/139/005/0'0/~2- OLI I L, LI B I 04YB201 AUTHORSt YoIctilcv, B. V,, and Osiplyan, Y11. A. TITLEt Anomaly of the zcdulus of elasticity and domain structure of nickel PERIODICALt Akademiva nauk SSSR. Dcklady, v. 139, no. 5, 1961, 1,)~5- 1097 TEXTo G. V. Kurdyumov et al, (DAN, 124, 76 (1959)1 DAN, 122, 556 (1959') had earlier studied the effect of a heat treatment upon the temperature dependence of the modulus of elasticity of nickel and one-phase nickel alloys. The remarkable growth of the modulus of elasticity of nickel and its alloys was found to be accompanied by the appearance of slip bands on puiished surfaces of the test specimens. This circumstance pointed to the relationship between this anomaiy and the effect of lattice defects, aplearing in the hardening proce6s, upon the magnetostrictive cart of' elastic deformation. An inhibition of the boundaries of ferromugnetic domains by *the defects is therefore expected to lead to a diminition of the contribution of magnet:,strictive deformations to the genera. Jefc:-ma- Card 1/4 2 7 25,~ Anomaly of tne -,f e.aiti:Ity B ' 04YB201 tion, whereby the of elasticity is caused to grow. The aut~.or8 examined the change of the magretic state of a crystal after harder-ng by directl,y observing its magnotic structure A nickel single-crysta. was bred in a furnace by crystaI:Izi,tion; ole-,trc'ytic nickel was used for the purpose. In parallel to the (111) plane, disk-shaped samples were cut out of the single crystal. The sample surfaces wore polished, the samples were then annealed, and subsequently again polished eiectrciytic- aili. with less than 0.02," being removed in the process. The magnetic structure was observed Aith the aid of a suspension. A relief ther. appeared on the polished surfaces after 50QOC hardening. Two systems of slip bands enclosing a reci~rcc;~! angle of 570 could be established. Bands with a 6reatur da~ositior, of the sw3pended substance enclosed many ttmosaic" domains which are typical of a nickel crystal in the stressed state and which ware also observed by other author on mechanically polished nickel samples. If an outer magnetic field is applied, the bands with a greater deposition oppose a strong resistance to a shift of their boundaries. I', is said tc be evident that these processes take place a1sc if no magnetic field, but an external elastic stress is aFllied. These bands with a greater deposition are nc ordinary domain boundaries, but Card 2/4 27258 SIC'2 6' /1 .1 )/C),- An oma I j o f the mrd,,; u a o I e. a bt. I c I ty B' 04 X32 01 disturbances of the crysta, lattice. These isturbunces o', '~,e crystal lattice ir. the sl'i~ bands lead t,~ the formation of magne.'.':, the strength of --hich ~an be estimated frLm the magnitude c,,- resid-a' stresses. With reference to a paper by Ch. Kitte! (Rev. Mod. 54" (1949)) the 0111"ective Termeability of a i~~rromagnetic 8ub8tance ir, the disturbed region i a d 1 scuised , The e!fective ani8otropy constant of deformed nicke, i8 regarded as being esseritial,y determ ned by the magnetic energy. In this case, ar. amount of 3~ - 5C kg/mm is obtained for the residua. jtrea3. There are 4 figureu and 7 referencesi . 5cviet and 4 non-Soviet. The two moot impurtant referencea tc, English-!Unt~uag*,, publication~i read as fc..^w,:t S. Siege- et al., Phys. Rev., (1936)t W. E~more, Phys. iev_ ~A, 30'j ASSOCIATI01;t Institu' mieta-uvedeniyu i fiziei. metui.ov '18vritrii,'r,Lt:u riL,ucl,.zic-isi-edo,iate,'skuec inst.tuta chernjy metali'ur6li i.m. 1. P. Bardina (Ir-qtitute of Metal Szierice and PrVsics oi Meta.6 of the Central Scientific Research Institute of Siderurey imeni 1 P. Bardin) C ard 3/4 U... 113 Oniplyan, 717LE: IuenchinC T 3 D Akademiya ~' I A 3,'020/62/14 5/302/01211022 D 104/B 102 (u. A., and Uaikov, Y. P. lefects in a solid nickel-aluminum solution nnuF Doklad y, v. 14 , no. 2, 1 )62, ~ 1 22 _: : ~' i s K s15 to 23 7.7, in diameter were male of cold-rollej 1, 1 ck 0 1 - alum.-inun foils of 30;A thickneog and annealed in vacuo at IOOG'C for e hr. 3ub3equently, they aere heate,J again in vacuo up to 400 0C and quenchei in oil. '~he iiameter of 'lie (Iijkv was reduced to about 1000 A by electro- lytic polishing. The foils were examined under tin - -100 (9E?.',B-10O) electron microscope at an acceleratinp voltage of 75 kv, and a beam diameter of leso than 10~i. Prionatic dislocation loops were detectel, zhich are taken as an indirect indication of the relatively high energy of packine defects. From a detailed analysis of the specific featuren of the structure observed it is concluded that the dis.ocation loos produced by rapid cooling act as sources of dislocations. The resultinG dislocations move along the clide planes. Some of them appear on the surface shile others act on the gliding system, interact with other Card 1/3 'J20/62/143/002/012/022 .;uenchinr Jefects in a solij ... B104/M02 dislocations, and fori.-. st.,&ble diolocation t-ridci or barriero of the tv'.,C Of C000ilO Ai!31OCation.9. Thin mechanism cauce3 conoidernblo fie.1do of elas'tic stresses in the ~7 11 i J tl planes, which impe-le th-2 mover.-.ent of loman boundaries Jurinj matmetization or i-,hen applyinE external elastic stresses, lead to the occurrence of the -E effect, and change tne magnetic properties. L. M. 'Jtevo-iy 1:3 thanked for valuable couLmonto. There are 3 fiCureo and 12 references: 7 3oviet ani 5 non-3oviet. The four muit recent references to Enrlish-lanruaje publications read as follows: F. Hirsch, J. inst. "et., 9-,, 406 (1)59); R. E. Smallman, Y. H. Nestmacott, G. A. Coiley, J. Inct. '.'et., 36, 127 (1959 - lj6(,'); G. Thomas, ?hil. 1213 (1)59) ; C. ". Fourie, H. "'i'siorf, J. Appl. Py ., =.9 .. I 1 9 LL, no. 12, 2219 (1)60). ,i. ju ')~"-IATION: Institut metallovedeniya i fiziki metallov TsentrallrD[-,o nauchno-isaledovatellskoCo inotituta chernoy metallurC-,ii im- I. -'. BarJina (Institute of Science and Physics of IYetals of the Central Scientific Reocarcl. Institute of Ferrous "etallurgy imeni 1. P. Bardin) Card 2/3 5/020/62/l,'3/'002,,'012/022 ,'4uancning defects in a sollid ... D104/B102 P RE N -1' -7, D :October 2 ~) , 1561 , by G. V. Kurdyumov, Acadc mic inn 3 " " "D :, * 1 -, -, E :) :October 2G, 1)61 A Card 3/3 S/ 1y62/000/007/002/010 D207 11301 AUITIfORS: Illinat V.A.t Kritskaya, V.X.p Candidate of Physico-Nathe- matical Scienceep Kurdyumovp G.V., Member of the Academy of Scienceep USSRp and Osiplyant Yu*A* TITLE: On the nature of changes of Young's modulus and the charac- teristic temperature due to heat treatment of nickel-based solid solutions SOURCE: Dnepropetrovsk. Inetitut metallovedeniya i fitiki metallcv. Problemy metallovedenlya I fiziki metialovt no. 7, Moscow, 1962, 34 - 63 TEXT: Mechanical and other properties of nickel and its alloys were investigated as a function of their heat treatment and in relation to their microstructure, Apart from nickel, the following nickel al- loys were studied;.1) With 2.9 % Alt 2)9 5.7 % Alt 3) 11.5 % Cu, fl 10.2 % Cot 5) 8 % Cop 6) 10.3 % Pep 7) 14.5 '% Mot 8) 5.6 % Mo, 9 20 % Or. All these alloys contained also small amounts of Ct Si, Mn, P and S. They were prepared in a high-frequency furnace# oubjec- Card 1/3 3/717//62/000/ ~ ~07/002/nl, On the nature of chances of YounF'a ... D207/1)301 i-uage publications reac as follows: A. Taylor, arid K. Hinton, J. I n. - . 1,:k tale, 81 , 4, 169. 1952-3; F. Nordheim and N. Grant, J. Innt.Yxt;i', ,' 82, 1), 440, 1953-4; S. Siegel and S. Quimby, Phyti.Rev., 49, 665, '., - Card 3/3 L 1260744 -EW(j)/EWG(k)/BDS/EEC(b)-2 AFFTC/ASD/ESD-3 'Pi-4/1 .Pz.4 ,ACOnsrow im, AMM5 310030163100010051MID319 fAUTHORt Kurdyumoy. G 7 (Academician)j Opiplym, Tu, L(Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences TITM Some aims and goals 14-A the Btudy.of'.sclid-state physics 71 33 - SOURCE: AN SSM. Vestnikj, no. 3 1963,p 7-19 TOPIC TAGSs ' electronic structore., crystal formation, magnetic pbenabenon,, bigh 1pressure ABSTRAM The Acadew of ScIances Is underts3dnq extensive rborganizations of the institutes concerned vith solid.-state physics. These are to deal with the extra-. l ordinary increase In the scope of this science, particularly In -tbe fields of microwave spectroscopy, quantum microwave electronics) maqnetie and ntructural neutron diffraction analysisj, semiconductors., low-temperature phyaivn,, spectroacopy.7 wid the phanomonoloTical reebanics of stremiTth. mid asticity. Soviet science Musti- make an Increased effort to study the followings 1~the electronic structure of solid stateaj emphasizing the energy structure of the elaotronio spectrum in solid istatesj 2) the influence of inclusions and defects in the crystal structure on q solid-atate propertien 3) orystal formation) wbere the study., aided by cbemistry ,Card 4CCESSION WRj AP3001615 0 land mineralogy, falls into two main groups o (a)-tbeoretical and "rinental, studies of the genesis and lprowt)~ of natural telep -and (b~-their Byntbetio productionj crys 14) the physics of magnstle phenom*naof importance in pophysics and still poorly wideratood; 5) solid-state phyBics at bigh -pressures, and 16) the physics or strength, concerned, among other things' with the affect produca4 by Mgb-anergy ,radiation on oolid-3tate structures and their properties. The P~residlum of thei ;Academy of 3ciances, SSSR, strongly supports these endeavors and solicits the help of the various chemical Institutes. It has long 16sen evident that the Academy ,~needs a special design office aM an experimental station to produce special equip-' the study of solid-state pbysics. The lack of specialista am tecbniclans iin this field. is drawn to -the attention of all concerhad. 1ASSOCIATIONj none SUBMITTEDi 00 DATE AM WunO, INCLs 00 'SUB CODS3 00- NO RV SOV3 001 CTM3 000 .Cc.rd 2/2 EW(m)/rO(w)JEW,(,d)/T/riP~t)/rdP(~)/EW I PW MJW/JD .62 AUUIMIUD Ion: 10-5011206 UR 4A 008/0,01/0112 AUTHORt ~Osiptyan, YU, A& TITLE: 9 mechanical properties of Production and 'T of h 00PPOT and Iron whi skerl M SOURCI~- Dne*, o~otrovsk. Institut metallovedeniya i fiziki iwtallov. pr Problemy metallovedeniya, i fiziki motallovi, no. 8o 1964t 101-111 TOPIC TAGS: -metal mechaniogl propertye metal whiskorp copper# ironp crystal EowthA_crystal growth rate I, ABSTRACT: 'dh .skera-with a tot al impuritycontent not exceeding lo-4% were produced by the halide reduction method. Experimental equipment consisted of a tubular furnace., a.cooled qua-rtz tubap connecting pipes for-feoding and withdrawing hydrogen and argonp thormoooupleap hnd mnnnmntayin. Tron orvatala were troduced in two steDa - cc, -to 20.8 M/800. 60 min "rom 40 to p and axial growth-rato from 2.78 .Meehanival properties of the whiskers were tooted with a special 'inioromachine which is described. For an iron Vaiskor 4 microns in Aiameter# after elastic deformation of 1% rupture took place at a :etrass slightly above 200 kg/=2. The modulus of olastioit7 was about 20SOOO I%/i;m Data are prosoiitod on the strength of iron and copl)or ~,Ohlskoro a6 a funotion of the dlamoti)r of tho transverse section, At very small diameters (on the ordor of I micron) the strength of "ftA 4~n^" w'nj*jrArn nbtnIneA exnnrImAntnIIv fht~n nnA T.rinn Urn,/m-O r Ort-0 - bAL Card m - and I t&b3LO.-- Sard 3/3- L 3~~U_& I RW'T(1z T FWP(W)/F'W(t)ATL__ JD_ AR6016224 1190-dE-CODE':--ViVO058/65/000/OLVmli4/m44 ACC NRj 6 1 6 AUTHOR: Osip'yans Yu. A. 77TLE: Production Of copper and iron filamentary crystals and investigation of their mechanic&l properties I I SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 1-1E339 REF S(XMCE: Sb. tr. ln~-t metalloved. i fiz. metallov Tsentr. n.-i. in-ta chernoy- meta,11urRg, 'VYP- TWIC TAGBt riber crystals Iran, copper whisker, metal whisker, tensile test, crystal growing 1~1 ABSTRACT: A procedure for obtaining Cu and Fe whiskers is described. A specit'! in- stallation was developed, which maked-it possible to combine the process of obtaining q dry halide and the process of growing the whisker by reducing the halide in a b1drogen stream. This makes it possible to obtain whiskers of good quality with not rpre than 10-4% of impurities. To investigate the mechanical propertier of the 'hir skers, a microscopic tension machine was developed, with a solenoid rcrvinj~ a5 a w goading device and with a capacitive pickup for the strain. Tension dia(rram., of *hiskers of Fe and Cu are plotted. Maximum whisker strength war, IOW krlrm? for Fe and 450 kdw? for Cu. A strong dependence of the strength of the whisker on the cross section diameter is observed. It Is concl--lid that the features of the mechan- ical properties of whiskers obtained in this investigation (unusua_Lly high strenc7th, Card 1/2 L 33244-66 ACC NRi -i,~16224 statistical character of the dependence of the Gtrer4,rth of the whisker on the dim-en- sions) point to a strong influence of the structure of the whisker on the phycical properties. E. NadgorrWy. (Translation of abstract) SUB CODE: 20 APMARIO I.L.; CSIPIYAN, YU.A. Properties of solid solutions As a criteria. for the struct,,L-el c~.snges in then. Probl. zetn1loved. I fiz. met. nn.8055-372 064. (MIRA 18:7) KUSHNIRP I.P.; M]KhATLOVI~., L.K.; OSIPIYAll Yu.A Effect cf :,,irbon on the dinlor~ation struc*-ure of iron microcrys!,a-n. Kristalloj--%fiia 10 no.1:87-91 Ja-F 165. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Instlt,it. metallofiziki T'Sentralinogo riauchno-issledovatel'skogo in.qtitiit,x ",?AkI tv.!r-dopo tola All S.',SR. OsInAl;, 'N. A..; 1. 1 . "A otudy of th,~ infllj~-n -,-, rif' rri th- I --fi, I rr,1,,:rt. i(-L ~ I ~., ~-, -!* `-, utructure of' Irull report submitted for Intl ,orif on Fru,-turc, Sendai, Jaj~an, IZ-i,' So-I , 11111j~.v IN"'A IIILA Solid AILtO PhYL;iC.; & CO-11t 111:1t MICLIL - , I L 22082-66 E'*1 n) T 'z-4P ( t13P"c) JI) ACC Ms AP6012941 SOURCE CODE; UR/0070/65/010/001/0087/0091 4 ALMHORS Kushnir, 1. P.; Mikhaylovaj L. K.; Oniplyan, 1u. A. ORO: Institute of the Physics of Metals T9NIICV1 (Ingtitut metallofiziki ToNIIChM); Institute of Solid State ~iniia_Ufd fiziki tvordogo tela AN SSSR) TITIE., Effect of carbon on the dislocation struc~H~~ iron crocrystals SOURCE: Kristallografiya, v. 10, no. 1, 1965, 87-91 6 TOPIC TAGS: plastic deformation, crystal, crystal lattice dislocation, carbon, iron, crystal growing, hardness, etched crystal ABSTRACT: ThIs paper makes use of selective etching to investigate the change In the dislocation rosettes in iron microcrystals renulting from carburization. The dato mny be explained in terms of the effect that carbon has on transverse ,clip of the dislocations in c(-Fe. For a rosette to be formed, diclocationa must be produced at the point where a local load is neting, after which they ,mve and ultiply: i.e., all the elementary processes occur that take place dur- !ing plastic deformation. Thus, an analysis of the way the dislocations are ~arranged in a rosette gives at least a qualitative explanation of a number of :features of the development of plastic deformation aiA strengthening of crystals., In iron, electron microscope studies show that a large tendency of the dislocations toward transverse clip in a characteristic feature of plastic de- ,,formation. This is due to the fact that In the body-centered crystal lattice. Card 113 UDC t_~_4L. 1~ L f A-CC NRI AP6012941 bf K-Fe there to a large number of possible clip planect while the dislo- !cotIons themselves ore narrow and easily move from one 411p plane to the other. fObservations show that Intersection and Interaction between the dislocations :result In the formation of very nonuniform structures, which act as a barrier to the motion of other dislocations but may be active sources of dislocations'. Iron microcryetals were grown from the gaseous phase by reducing iron , Carbon woo introduced Into the micro- ,chloride with hydrogen at 730--7500 C. ~,crystalt; either by keeping the samples in a stream of R2 containing heptane .,vapor for 40 minutes at 550--6MO C or in Co at 8000 C. The methoft gave --0.007 and 0.02$ carbon respectively. Microhardness testing equipment was used for local loading of the microcrystals. The dislocation structures of the deformed .1mlerocrystals were observed by etching with a mixture of alcohol solutions of jpicric and nitric acid at room temperature. After local loading, the aterocrystals show definite dislocation rosettes, 4.~the rays or which always extend along definite crystallograpble directions) which ..are the traces of the Intersection of the slip planes at the eurface of the Witb carbon present It Is possible to obs ro ett a on both the cubic and e VC)) 0 -,the {13A faces of the nicrocrystals. On the 1111 Zeal the rays of the rosette, are predominstel 10 the -(III) directions (slip planes (110) , (1121 , and 123 ). CW t~e' ODIrfaces, not alwaysp but very often,, the rays of the rose t xtend along the directionsp corresponding to the slip-planes [2111 and 1;3,1 ) making It necessary. 0 elizinste the [110J plane tram th-e number of -~L Ible slip plones it 2/j F A-CC NR, AP6012941 D Impurities added to a material, by depositing on the dislocation lines, Moy fix the lines and prevent them from moving, thus strengthening the material. But by being adsorbed at dislocations, Impurities may have a considerable effect on such microscopic characteristics of the dislocations as their width, tendency .toward transverse allp, etc.j and thus substantially ebange the distribution# the nature of the motion, and the interaction between dislocations during plastic .deformation. In any particular case, depeending on the conditions for plastic -deformation and the-atate of the material. an impurity may exert either a strengthen-11 Ori 1~56 ing or a weakening effect on thei-crystal. g. drt Ai 5 figures. [JPRS) SUB CODE: 20, 11 / suBm DATL: 14ju164 ORIG REF- 008 GTH RV: 006 C kand. i;~vd. rauk.; ~ S I i YA!:'.1; X-ray diagnosi.,j of anebic I ivur absreoscis. '.'c~ro 121-1,2 1. Iz obiastnogo otde:a zdrnvooknrnr,,Pt,,,-.,,.,i khtrurf, - C.G. Babayev' i rtntgeno!o~-ic-h(!s'Ko,-o otdc~ lol,,1,7-~ (zav. - Kh.-. C~slpyants, nanclimll rukovodite)l - -c,,- i r. .. i i.rof :-y klinicheskoy bo:lnitsy Ashkhabada. PLFSHKOVA, S.A.; BEIU~NTSVEYG, Yu.Y.; OSIPYAIM, L.P.; IUVER, M.M.; STEFANOVIM, G.P. (Sverdlovsk). Care of patients suffering from diseases with a protracted course. Zdrav. Ros. Feder. 7 no.9tl6-18 S 163. (MIRA 16:10) 4 'n:: i: i --a (MI FLA B. Akay e (gi a) Chc~ 0,51;~,cq I 6tj, i I I .~ i OSISP N.. PROKOFIYEV, P. Bcoogenous constant magnetic field of /9 -spectoograpb. Vestle letv ak no.9t85-92 160. (Kul 10;9) (Magnetic fields) (Spectrum analysis) S/798/61i'000/000/012/012 AUTHORM baltsdli.p U.X.,, RlItLE4140 Prokoflyavp P.T. TITLV: A beta- xpectrograph with a permanent magnet. SOIIRGE; Radioaktivnyya IzIucheniya I metody ikh Issledovaniya. Inst.. fiz. AN LatvSSR. Riga, Izd-vo AN LatvSSR, 1961, 135-141. TEXT: This paper describes the construction of a P-spectrometer with a per- manenx magnet for the measurement of conversion electrons, that is, for the study of the spectra of the internal-conversion electrons of -y-rays. which affords one of the most practicable methods for the accurate determination of the quantum charac- terlstlcB of the excitation levels of atomic nuclei by means of a spectrometer equipped with a transverse magnetic field. The yoke of the magnet is rectangular (h 145 cm, w 60 cm, 1 59 cm). The polar tips are lOOx6O crnz, each consisting of 2 plates 7.0 cm thick. The magnets are arranged between the polar tips and the -yoke. The yoke and the tips are made of C-T-3 (5t-3) steel, the magnets of AlNiCo- 5. The air gap between the polar tips was chosen at a minimal 10 cm. To achieve geometric and "magnetic" parallelism, two St-2 steel plates lODx6Dxl.9 cm3 were introduced,. one ef -which Is preBmed flushagainst the polar tips whIle the other leaves a narrow air gap of 0.6 cm between itself and the tip to allow for shimming Card 113 A beta- spectrograph with a permanent magnet. S/798/61/000/000/012/012 In the adjustment of the magnetic field. A magnetic field strength of 80 to 300 cc is needed for -the investigation of 0.06- to 3.5-rnev conversion electrons. To achieve thatfield strength, 50 magnets, each 6.51 cm long, were set up alongside each polar tip. Two magnetizing coils, with a total of 1,000 windings, were employed in the Instrument., Upon completion of the assemblage and magnetization. the mag- netic field strength JMFS) in the gap must be inaensitive to impactai, vibration, ex- ternal magnetic fields, and temperature variations. "Stabilization" was achieved by applying a 'weak,pulsating field of opposite polarity and by placing the magnet into a +50C -thermostat. The permissible fluctua:.11ons of the MFS were) limited by the required resolution of the instrument (10-3 to 10-4) In the investigation of the con- version electrons in the K-shell and the Lr-su,_,~shells. It was therefore measured by the most accurate nuclear- resonance method, in which the measurement of the fieldwas reduced to a measurement of the frequency of a HF generator. Accuracy and sign-al-to-nolse-ratio requirements dictated the size of the sensor (filler volume :0.11 cm3). A 200-pe field was measured with a nuclear magnetometer (block scheme shown) with an accuracy,of 0.02%. Uniformity of the magnetic field was achieved by rnagnetic--polarlty reyerBal inonunifornilty reduced to *0.15%) and by shimming with 0. 2 - 0. 5 -xnm shim strips which raised the edges relative to the center (non- uniformity reduced to A0.05-0.08% over a 90.n5D-cx;2 area). Parameters ofthe measuring chamber: The 2!adlus of the trajectories of the electrons had a maximum Card 213 A. beta- spectro,graph with a permanent magneta B/798161/000/000/012/012 value vi 45 amt a mintmQa- of 11 Qm, The maximum angular width of the bearn in the plane of the magnetic Aeld (Mr) * - 0.007 rado In a plans perpendicular thereto + - 0.029 red. The source holder consisted of an acti-vatedwire or band held by a brass support and placed in a readily Insertable and removable cup with a slotted diaphragm (alit 2 mm wide) -to limit the electron- captur e angle. The source itself was an Al or Au foil, 0.5 x 0.03 mm2 r-nd 0.5 x 0.05 mrnz I Car rying the radioactive preparation. 'The length of the source was 20 rnm, the distance from the source to the diaphragm - 34 nun. Details of the photographic plate holder are described. 'Verification of the accuracy of the Instrunient was obtained by a record of the con- version- electron spectrum of C2137, wherein the intensity. of the lines was deter- mined from the JR-50) photoemulsionv and also by counting e blackening of the P-50 the electron tracks on the emulsion. The ratios found, X.L.M= J5.0* 0.3): 1.0. :(0.24* 0.06), agreed well with the data of LA.Amtonova (AkadanoSSSRO lzv*.v Ger. fiz., v. 20, no. 8, 1956, 896; ZhTFv v. 30, no. 3, 1956, 571). There are 5 figures and 5 references J3 Russian-language Soviet papers, 2 English- language Papers: Slutis, X.,P Arkly Or Pyalk, v. 6, no. 5, 19530 4 15j MladjenovA., M. 3.p Institute of Nuclear Sciences "Boris Rldrich. " Bull., Y. 6, 1956, 51). ASSOCIAT1024*0 None given. Card 3/3 STFAZDINA, Pauline, kand. ekon. nauk; AVEKSE, R., otv. za vypusk; Qq~ (translator); SVEIDE, V.ftranalator]; AKLS, J. [translator); VOLFS, L., tekhn. red. (Development of public dining facilities in Soviet Latvia] Sabledriskas edinasanns attiatiba Padomju Latvija. Riga, "Padomju Lstvijas kooperators" 1960. 55 P. (MIRA 16:4) (Latvia--Restaurants, lunchrooms, etc.) (IS is w ".1. f I,)- (KLI I;, v r f Kitt . 1: lift N4 Cc tip.. I P. F r- '91 3 t: P P j j i i EF 0('1j, 'j A-) V Y11. Y'.1. Cand Tech Sci - (diss) "Improvement of the inlices of static ind dynamic conditions of the perforaance of automated electric drive. Kaunas, 1961. 16 np; with diagrnuis; (.Ante CommItLef, of Hif-h(-r and Secondary SpecinliLt Education of the Council of Mfiii!,Aers Lithuanian SSR, Knunas Pol technic Inst); 180 copies; price riot given; (KL, 10-61 sun, 21?~ OSISI Yan Yanovich [Osis, Janis], starshly prepodavatell Use of transistor e.m.f. Hall transducers in an automatica!4 controlled electric drive system. Izy.vys.ucheb.zav.; elektro- makh. 5 no.9:10D9-1013 162. (MIRA 1631) 1. Kafedra elektrifikataii prozWshlennosti I transporta Rizhokogo politekhnicheekogo Inatituta. (E W trio driving) (Transducers) ,s/ 1 ()()/6 l/ooo/oo9/o43/o5.,, E !1)4/E 155 AUTdoll: Osis, Ya.Ya. TITLE. Allowing for th P a. m. f . o f r emani)nt magno I , -?,T) - n equations of an o I e~* :- i~ dr tvP a yst ~sm a r i m-,inu reducing It PE1410DICALt Referativnvy zhurnal, Elekt-oteklintka ~ t!ne-g- ka, no.9, 1961, 8, abstra,,t 9K '72. fZ*-nA-n. -ak9'-.P ca-- po I it ehn. 2.rist Ucli. zap. W. zh9k pc I -t pkl-.n fl 3 ~ 1460 97- 10t ) TEXT. In analysing the statist!.al ~hara:terist' -t ~-f automat ic d. c . e ler ', r i.:a I dr iv e sys tem, the e . m. f. o! -rilar- magnet i 9m o f the mach ine -,% a 1 lowed for by 1 inea- is ing 11 hys tereq is loop or by r e pr es ent L ng I t as e, numb 9.- a f sn sections. *rhe e.m.f. of remanent magnatism ct' mahine-4 5 - 10% of the rated voltage and a,t-c-d4-ng1v thE! prcblpm -utting out remanent magnetism is :onsideral. Melhods (' the remanent magnetism e.m.f. of d ... machines arp des-r- artc their chara,;teristics briefly dis-usAed. Th-z methal c~ SuperImpceing an alternating mngn-t*-- field on th- d-.:-t!~ Ii Card 1/2 Allowing for the e.m. f. ," :-err..anint is considered in de-ail. P- a z t i.- a I re: :inmendat ion a a -f. mal:, abc~ut the applicat ion cf !h i!i na-1 hod t o (in timp! Avne ani * ( .~ machine type 11H (PIN). R-3ul~s of Pxper--mPri'a' 'ri.-!~!A t ~ ~za I r are gi-.rf%n. 10 figA-P,,4 literatur- CAb a* ra - cr 1 -4 no -- e Ml- I;- It' .1 -a A19 III t - On. Card 2/2 SITCHUHIN, V. ; OSIS., Z. ; MUKHEL, I. , red. ; GIUNT,V. (Grants, V. 1, tekhn. red. (The seven-year plan of Latvia in operation] Semiletka ~at- vii v delstvii. Riga, Latvilskoe Fos. izd-yo, 1963. 73 p. (MIRA 16:8) (Latyin--EconGmic polioy) -OSITIIISEAYA,-T.D. [Osyt*S'ka, T.D.1; PERVAKOV, V.A. (Pervakov, V.0.1; MOTMICH, V.G. [Yhotkew ych, V.P. ) Defects of the crystal lattice due to the quenching of silver heated in air. Ukr. fiz. zhur. 8 no.8:921-924 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. KharIkovskiy rosudarstvennyy universitet Im. Gortkogo. c L --TAISK I'Y , B. .,. 9 , , 7-- " .." * , - , -. - - .. , .- .1 . - - d . - '. '-. "', 7- ~ * , ; of lef --,. .- - - - 1 1". . I ~.~ * % " , . N . IT . i " ~ F I I ~ I ; ~11 i 1 -1 ~! , y . . 1: 1- V . . - I . ,'AK3 1 -11 L ' , . -~, !; ... ~ 1. -, '. " - , , , '. t- , , " - I . -, , . . . . n I 11,2 ri --au :: -.-, , -, . Combinatlan mhtrID4 of IIE~i vA Ili P. P. 8.,wl)giQ 'Llbi L. 2. 11 11=; (L. Ya. Karp7w I .;d Yp-.ra~nb Rhyi,A-m- Im- Dokl4dy AW, N.ui S-S~S.R. and 0. hvet testm live TAti;,us pm-s~vcd trillions jvt-"n the in- lcw~ty of Raman lines and )be iretinenry of Sk riciliqg , .%Lch Iks I ---o wl. *Dd J* Where pis the rx6tirif Irmumey zno w, is 1).e vibm6owk] Irrqurncy cif 1he -n quf,6t,,.). 7hr )I% II'mi (W cm.-J) 13.307 (t), '4,' -of V,3" 22;OLIq(I). ' el).14k). a, , (1). Ivrrr U%ml a3 the I - cium)OP Irenamwsm and djvn". vrx. vonjPcvundI saeb as XL?ld benrnnitrile The ipitmsiovi w"emeasured wills ?Vp~cj in list inlru,ily 4,)f ght 14;2-ctn. -I c)r)ebrxanr fine, 'Wbkll 'rjvtd 03 an intttnal T-landard. IntrasitY cmffs. were compitH Irma K%.. - fl(o - w.)~. Tbtso coeffs. vwy mnsArnally. as rvMrnred by the JoPoving reprewnta. - diisobutylent (w. 1650 em.-I), X,.w t), 3-0W'. Actlone (~. 3720 Xw LEW; be-1-tyPe (4&- - 27W CM-9, O.Wir), MXe). 1.5(k). n,fqq). Conjurated and un. vonjugged mufti;,)c lwmds Sire rise to thept-itm varlabu luXo.,. Other rrWknq=t briefly dismissed. R.D.X OSITYAWSKAYA, L.Z.; SIHONOVA, I.I. Quantitative spectrum analysis of organophosphorus insecticides containing thionic and thiolic bonds. (Trudy) NIUIF no.171i 20-26 161. (MIRA 15-7) (Spectrum analysis) (Insecticides) (Phosphorus organic compounds) OSITYANST AYA, _ L. Z. Development of i spectrometric methcd for analyzing *.he phosphcrus orgnnic and chlorine orgnnic insecticides and fungicides. (Trudy] NIUIF no.164:31 159. (MIRA 15:5) (Insecticides) (Fungicides) S/;04/62/002/002/004/007 1060/1242 iAUTI1ORS: Delonc, 1.0., Onityanskaya, LA., and Petrov, Al.A. TITL73: Redistribution of alkyl radicals,in some benzene and naphthalenc, horaologs PBRIODICAL: Nnftikhimiya, v.2, no.2, 1962. 189-192 T3XT: Thio paper reports on the redistribution of radicals of paeudocunitnet racuityltne, durene, 1,4-dimethyl-2-octylbenzene, CU10 2.6-dimcthylnaphthulene- Uperiments were toonducted,in the liquid $phase autoclave at 250-30000. In-the presence of aluminosili- catos the rcaction 2A,*B+C takes place at 3000 with the formation o~ Ahe nearest lower, and neare3t higher homologs. for hydrocarbons of ',the tYPe CgH12,'the equilibrium compositions obtained we're close to Ithose computed. When radicals of differf!nt masses (lp4-dimethylootyl- I;Card 1/2 1 MROZDVAI- O.Ye.; ZEMKOVA, Z.K.; OSITYANSKAYA, L.Z.; KISLINSKIY, A.N.; PETROVV AI.A. Part 2t Catalytic dehydroiaomrization of alkyloyclopentanes. HaftekhWin 2 no.5t676-680 S-0 162. (MIRA 16W 1. Institut geologii i razrabotki goryuchikh iskopayemykh. (Cyclopentane) (Dehydrogenation) MMIE) I.D.; 0,';J'iY;JiSUYA, L.Z~; i'..MOV, AI.A. Reactions o.' radical redistribution in some alkyl-Tabstituted of bonzene and naphthalone. Illolftekhimiia 2 no.2-189-,192 Mir-Ap IG- 1. Inatitut genlogii i razrabotki goryucliM iskopayeroyl-Ji Ali ',~Sll. (E-enzene) (' nphtlialene) (Madicals (Chomistry)) SHORTG IN, P. P. ; 05 ITTAIMUTA, L. Z. 7requency dervendence of Raman spectra. DDki. Ali SSSR 98 no.l: 51-54 3 154. (HUIA 7:12 ) 1. Naucbno-tooledovatellakly fisiko-khimicheskiy Institut im. L.T&.Kkrpova. Prodstavleno akademikom G.S. Landebergom. (Raum 'effect) IlLirw inf.cmn' '.y Li arian o"pec ra A* Navin, Short Chen Sci, Order o~ !'xd 3=-.or 6ci ~1#:, P",-ricoch-:--cal Inot, (',,:L, '."o 12, .'.ar So: L~-,.im. Jo 670, 29 Sept :5 - -urvc.,- r~f Scioi,,tific md Toch-ical Dofc-ndeCl at U~;J)7:,' ',Ii.-,Iicr Zduca,,.'~-nal liistiLutlolis (1~)