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BMWMW,, 1.1o; CUOTSKIl 1*; KHAMM, A.I. 4-L, Effect of certaim preparati me frm plants of the Aralia famaily cm experimental radiation aLckmess. Med.rad, 5 no*2833-36 F 160. (14IRA 13,12) (GIMENG) (RADIATION SICSIM) OSKOTSKIT9 L.I.9 mayor meditsinskoy sluzhby Poseltdlities of usIng a B-ga-w-radiometer in medical ixwtitu- tions. Voen.--med. zhur. no. 6:37-39 Je 160, (MMk 13:7) (X RAV>-UFETT WMURES) OSKOTSKIY, L.I. Determination of the functional state of the thyroid gland in an endemic goiter region with the aid of radioactive Iodine. Probl. endok. i gorm. 6 no.600-95 160. (MIRA 14:2) (THYROID GLAND) (GOITER) USSR /' Pharmacoicgy, Tc;xlcology. Analeptics. V Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 18, 1958, 85119. Author : Brekhman, I. I., Khakham, A. I., 03kotsk~y, InBt :Not given. Title :The Course and Outcome of Radiation Sickneos In White Mice Following Prophylactic and Therapputic Use of a LiquId Extract of Ginseng, uv!(~ iLb: In the collection: Materialy k izych. zhen'shenya I limanika. No 3, Leningrad, 1958, 71-7T. Abstract: In experiments on mice, studies were made of the influence of a liquid extract of the root of the ginseng (G) on the course of radiation stekness. The mice were Irradiate with doses of X-ray and with garma-rays from Co9O. 0, in a dose of 0.1 ml of a 10% solution, was given subcutaneously to mice every other day. The animals were divided In- Card 1/2 AUTHOR: Oskotakiy, V. S. 81965 3/161/60/002/04/26/034 B002/BO63 TITLE: The Possibj~lty of Investigating the Density Distribution of khonon )hn a Noncubio Cryatal With the Aid of Incoherent Neutron Scattering PERIODICAL: Fitika tyerdogo tela, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 4, PP. 701-703 TEXT: It had been shown in Ref. I that the differential cross section of incoherent Inelastic neutron scattering from cubic crystals is proportional to the density distribution of phonons. For noncubio crystals, the differen- tial cross section depends on the phonon polarization which is not known. It is shown in the paper under review that it is possible to eliminate the phonon polarization from the differential cross section by examining composite samples. In this case, the sample is made up of twelve lamellas in the following manner: If the first lamella is oriented according 0to the Cartesian coordinates XYZ, the second lemells is rotated by 120 around theocdntral line of the coordinate trihedron, and the third lamella by 240 . The axes of the fourth, seventh, and tenth lamellas are rotated by V/ Card 1/2 S/1 81/61/003/ 24-1100 10 3 10 4 1 11 B I 02/'B201 AUTHORSt 0skotskiy, V. S. and Efron, A. L. TITLEt Theory of the crystal lattice with peripheral interatomic interactions PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 3, no. 2, 1961, 611-624 TEXTt This is an extensive theoretical work dealing with problems of the correspondence of the bicroscopic lattice theory and the elasticity theory. A most general expression is derived in harmonic approximation for the lattice energy density at a given field of displacement of the atoms from their position of equilibrium, describing peripheral inter- action. The method of the homogeneous static deformation is then applied to express the elastic constants at) fiinctions of the parameters of the microscopic theory, and a condition is derived for the elimination cf all components of the initial stress. It is shown that in the absence of initial stresses the elastic constants calculated by the --ethod of homo- geneous static deformation coincide with those calculated by the I'metnod Card 1/10 11014 3 S/181/61/C)03/ 002/'041/'C5C Theory of the crystal lattice ... B102/B201 of the,long wave" (Huang Kun) (in the presence of initial stresses the elastic constants cannot be calculated by the method of the long. wave). A relation is found between the parameters determining the energy density and the dynamic matrices. It is shown by the example of simple cubic lattices, that the condition of the absence of all components of initi-' stresses leads, if only the closest neighbors undergo interpction, VX restriction of tha form of dynamic matrices, that cannct be obtained fr'l)m Born's theory. The paper consists of seven chapters. The problem is first outlined briefly, the method of the long waves and the applicability of the harmonic approximation being discussed next. In the said approximation the lattice energy is give-n by U= kk- u- (k) "o (P) where denotes the component of the dynamic matrix, u,,( the kJ component of the displacement vector, 1 the number of the cell, k is the number of the atom in the cell. On a dislocation of the atoms from the Card 2/10 A4 3 S/181/61/003/002/041/050 Theory of the crystal lattice ... B102/B201 position of equilibrium 0 Q. v A kk' U. (kk,) I tV V k"k... kk' k.,-" kk"' U- (kk') UP(" (2) It Vk' .3 the general representation of the energy density in the region S~ is then transformed and I I :SQ Mji~ 1 11 IP v N Q. (kkl V, A;.j 71 U. (5) N Q,~ ( kk1 kk' kk' kk1 VV 1: Q. kk kk- Q'~ k k kk- kk" Card 3110 S/181/61/003//002/04?/'05C Theory of the crystal lattice ... B102/B201 is obtained; furthermore JU -1 2 Q OUP (D U (7) kk, 0$ kk1 kk') k rAe kk1 Vk k-k1 - Q..X_ W kk, k'k k'k- npm are obtained for the force acting upon the atom 1k, and it is shown that if 2 Q, (,-,:) - 0, the matriceu 1-11 ) coincide with Born's L, k, kk (kk dynamic matrices from formula (1). By Card 4/ 10 I IJ IS IC 3 2 Theory of the crystal lattice ... C ' i'3 2 V, kk kk' I k'7 li- fj,-~kk' Q. (, -"") ..,j" ) I , N Q., 1 11 1/, pR. M-d ( kk'W (kk') kk- rAe R. ('k-k,") R. R. k the conditions to be imrosed to the Q matrix are obtained kk kk kk- (16a) Card 5/10 QI? kk kk- R. kk 0, J/CC7/ Wei /6 I/ B201 Theory Of the OrYstftl le-ttice ... Pie, ,%;~ N F Q.. (I -," I --I. ) R, I - I-) - L kk kY 0. (166) kk ( - '~ ~~ (1) 1 - 11 ) R, _kk R, kkl k Kpo%le Toro, 113 CArAyKIT COOT110111C111111 I, II' I - 11 R kk- - - R. kk 0,x W kk" Vk~ rip" sct,s R. (2,. kk, kk- kk- kk kk kk kk" kk- kk kk k-k k-k Card 6/ 10 S/161/61/00,1/002/'04'/050 Theory of 4he crystal lattice B102/B201 The determination of the elastic mod~ili of the crystal is then dincusaed by the method of the homogeneous statio deformation, where the dialcention is expressed in the form U'N (k) k) R - (k) + here, the last tem is the displacement component of the oublattice as a whole, consisting of k atoms, 'r)u,/axa- the unsymmetrical deformation tensor. V R, u. (k) -4- kk kk kk kk- -R, (k) u. (k-jX kk X1 R, -4- u (k) u (kj (23) kk- Card 7/10 ~ C, " . " S/1 81/61/003/002/041/050 Theory of the crystal lattice B102/BO201 holds, from which, eventually, ucint, dv R~ q,.p tip (P) 0. (26) ..1 4- kk dxy kk and I.) I.) (k) F., (k k-') 1 (27) (k'k k Ik V Card 8/10 S/181/61/003/C02/C4'/C5C Theory of "he crystr,-', D1021D201 Q. ~ I) ,~ j.-. T I k,, -6. 1 -' 'V (-T, k I (k'k It k 7, (28) :7 is obtained. After a comparison of results obtained by the method of the static deformation and by the rethod ef long waves, the case of the central interaction is examined. Fare. one obtaino by v (Q) U. (1]') -4- kk kk' it, U, (45) Q., k-, kk, (kk, u., (kk, diu -2Q kk (46) J- kk kk' Card 9/10 S/101/61/003/002/041/0r,C Theory of the crystal latt-Ice ... B102/B201 k,k. V, k --/- k'. (47) npii Q.3 kk' kk' kk %Oiil e by the method of homogeneous static deformation the condition for the ab!3ence of initial streBoes readst Some -nimplo examples are given, and interaction by d, r-,A , (~ [- .1 the introduction of Q matricen 49 dincu!in,!d for special cases. B. Ya. Dloyzhes Is thanked for hin intero,91 and advice. There are 6 references: I Soviet-bloc and 4 non-Soviet-bloc. ASSOCIATIOlls Institut poluprovodnikov All SSSR Leningrad (Institute of Semiconductors of the AS USSR, Leningrad) SUBMITTED% July 4, 1960 Card 10/10 2966? S,,`G'/6--/0O3/04,0/O04/036 ()Iqqliqcq) B'02/B106 AUTHOR: 053KC-1skly-, V S TITLE: Wt-thcd of homogenecas ~4*,atic defcroat:on for oali~ulating the plezcele~tri,,, and^, tensore of an !on rye tal PERIODICAL: F.zlka 1.verdogo .e.1a. 3. 10. '961, 2918-2926 TEM Tht mf,~tcd c,f long wave& by Born anc Huang ~annct 'as applied to al: elastic propert-,ea ct ion crysta:q. 71.a uses the method of homogeneous atalic doforma%icn to study thi o1natic proportlee of pi*2o- electric materials. This mothcd conslate !L determining the ohangs In lattioe all"s pcton%iai when the cryDtall ',c, defc.-med and in finding the energy donsitj Qf icrn or, ttils pctenttul ..n thn d*ne.'ty of Coulomb energy of deformation The Icne are aeoumod t.- tq r1gd and C,:)ulomb-interacting as point scurce3 Tne macroscopic field ~ctenvia~ is s,oparated by Ewald's method, so *.nal it is not necessary to taxe Doundary ocnditions into account. The r.~7.-CcL~'.oxb part of %ta de!.-:ms:icn energy density i9 introduced it the same way as :n a prev:cia paper 'jTT, 11.1, 611, 19611'. Card 1/2 Method of homogenecus sta%lo 2~t~82 S/ , 81/t 1/00!/'010/004,/036 B102//B'08 The oalcuiaticr~A are indepenlen*. of tte Anare ( I' the crystal which is asoumed to posasmano py-rceleo%rio propertleg Tnq za1pi,,1a*.iona part:y are analogous to those in th6 bcck ty Born and Huang rhe reop*mt1vo results are oompared with saoh otn,3: The results were fcjrj t.- ag:ep with those obtained by the long-wavo methol if no Iniiial stronees dru Freteni. !!he author thanks A. L. 1fros f(.z disoueoions. There are 4 roferencest 2 Soviet and 2 non- Soviet. Thu twu references -.o Engliqr-ang-amge pubilaittions read as follows; K Hudng- Phil Vag 40 -111 '9491 M Born, X Huang. DInamicheekaya teo:Iya krietall:chook.Kt: reanstGx (Dynamical theory of orystal latticea), 1958 ASSOCIATION, Inatitut poluprovodnixc,v Ali SSSR Leningrad (Institu%is of Semioonduotore AS USSh. Ler-r,grad) SUBMITTYL Karcn 17, 196' S/056/62/043/006/049/067 B102/B186 AUTHORS: Zhurkov, 1. S., Oskotskiy, V. S. TITLE: Uicroscopic calculation of lattice d!,stortione by impurities PERIODICAL: Zhurnal akeperimentallnoy i teoret'icbeekoy fiziki, v. 43, no. 6(12), 1962, 2261-2262 TEXT: The distortions of a NaCl lattice caused by Ag Br Li+, K I and Rb* ions are calculated on the basis of the rigid ion model. The calculations are carried out in analogy to those of J. R. Hardy (Pive. Chem. Solids, 15, 39, 1960), assuming electrostati ic plus central interactions with 8a potential of the form Aexp(-rQ) with A - 2.26,10-9 erg and Q - 0.217,10 cm. The displacement I f the ions nearest to the impurity ion is calculated by Hardy's formula and with the values thus obtained the relative displacement to - I/r. is daterminedi ro is the dintance between the nearest neighbors in the NaCl lattice. The theoretical results are compared with experimental data obtained in nuclear paramagnetic resonance measurements (U. 1. Kornfelld, V. V. Lemanov, ZhETF, 43, 6, 2021, '1962) and calculations based on the elasticity theory. The values of n/F-09 Card 1/2 AUTHOR a Oskotsklyt VA -3, VITLBi quasi*lastio scatterir% of cold in a fluid PERIODICALt Fizika tverdogo tslag vo 5s no* 4, 19633, 1082 1085 TEXT3 Cola neutron scattering in analyzed an the basis of the quamicrystal: model ofa fluid when not only jumps of noleculve from one ovoillation center to another have to be -taken into account but also continuous diffu- sion of tbe.osaillation centers. The pBr3metere of the theory are deter- zined from experimental determination of the angular dependence of the vidth of the quasielastia neutron scatttring peA for water at room tempera- -5 2 -1 i ture. results are obtaineds D w 2.66-10 cm Sao 2 -16 2 1 a '0 sea; 1) s 06012,10 am I TA 0031 0 1 7-1 -1. 0 DOIC 46(Dio-D v,7 - 1.6 3) is the total diff6sion coefficient, D (DI) 0 0 0 Is -the coafficitnt of continuous (junp-like) diflusion. D('r 0+'t 1 1)0 r0 3) (.11) is the mean time a particle is :In the oscillatory (jump-over) t % or o t t t c,-; rv e s o C 7 o r) c ,;Celt ter 1'. u r, c o r. r. Acassim im: AP4o34qo4 S/0181/64/OD6/005/1294/1302 AUTHDRr Oskotakiyj V.-S. TITLE: On the negative coefficient of thermal wcpansion in gerwdun SOURCEs. Fizika tverdogo tela, VP 6, no. ~, 1964, 1294-3J02 TOPIC TAGS: negative thermal expunsion, vibration spectrum,, Debye region, Einstein region., Gruneisen constant, elastic oscillation, neutron diffraction,, isothermal compressibility, Brillouin rone, Planck constant,, Boltimn constant ABSrR= s The dependence of the coefficient of ther".1 eVansion of geirmanium on temperature was theoretically derived in this Wo k From data obtained on neutron diffraction a model was developed for the =ation spectrum, consiating of two parts: the Debye region (at the beeinning of the speotrua),, srA the Einstein region (at the and). The longitudinal o3cillation was also considered to be In two parts., The Gruneizen constants for the elastic part of the longitu- dinal wA transverse mDdeB were determined from exparlment&I data on the relation between the elastic constants and presmire. The Gruneimen constants for the Einstein region of transverse oscillations and for the other part of the lmotu- Card 113 ACCESSION NRs Ap4o349oh dinal mDde were obtained by a comparison of the theoretical and experimental dependences of the coefficient of thermial expansion (0) on temperatures at which did not yet become negative. According to the theory, 0 reaches a minimm, at lower tomperaturea, and subsequently at about I~K again be omes zero, It again roaches a maximum and then decreases, tending to zero as T3. For low tomperaturee., an expression was derived for P containing two undetermLined parameters. These were evaluated by corq)aring the theoretical values and the stperimental values obtained for P at 100K and for To, the temporature at which 0 become tem. For this purpose the results of S. I. Novikova (r-rT 2! 43 ig6o) and of R. D. Mccaamon and G. K. White (Phya. Rev. Lett. 10, 234, 19631 Vero ~aed. The final form of the expression for P for lcrw.~qmperatures was 201% 2 P == -+-% ') T3 whore A is the isotherpal compressibilityp Gruneisen constant, wA v the velocity of sound, The subscripts -C and I stand for transverse arA longitudinal oscillations respectively, The value of the paranater 71 3 A.Ord 2/3 ACUSSION NR: AP4034904 as T tended to zero was found to be 0. 43, wid was in agreement with the value !obtained by W. B. Daniels (PIVs. dov. Lott., 6, 3, 1962). An expreaeion was alao derived for A at large temperatures, and the value of P for germanium was -6 computed to be 1.4.5 x 10 per der;reo. The difference between this value and tho formerly obtained ones was caunc;d by the fact that the theory did not take into account the optical mode which becomes significant at high torrporat So. T T expression obtained for the contribution from this mode was PCFT -,VV where &3 is the density of crystals.' Assuming that the difference between the theoretical and experimental values came from the optic4 modes POPT had to be about 3.6 x 10-6 per degree. The corresponding value for rOPT was calculated to be equal to 0.3. Orig. art. has: 26 forrwla3, 2 figures,, and 2 tables, AWW1ATIONs Institut poluprovodrdkov, Ali SSSR, Leningrad (Xrjtituto of S~mi-- conductores AN &%M) SUMMED i 070ct,63 DATE ACQt 20May64 EWL 1 00 NP SUB COM NO RU SOVi 009 OTHERs 007 Card 3/3 -1 9610-66 EXT(1)/EWT(M)/EPF(n) 11PWZ;'AR(bVZZAW ACC Me _AP5025378. SOURCE COM _' UR/0181/65/0077/001100 3007 Vq P Vq_ Y q 01 V q ? 57 t~' q V, .7,11- AUTHM Hirlin. Do 1,1 0skotskiyL.V. S.1 74 -q~l, smirnov 1. "A. TAkk V. V.; Zhui*ov 1. S. Vq, ORGj Institute of Semiconductors AN SSSR1 Leningrad- flustitut polvproyoftDov, AN e SSSR) TITM Possibilities for quasi-localizable vibrations In infrared absorption and thermal -conductivity in XCl-H crystals SOURCEI risika tyerdogo tola,, v. 7% no. 10, 1965, 3003-3007 ;7 # , V ri 1 5" 5-- 211 'TOPIC TAGS: potassivm chloride, abao!Mti*n spectrum, 21 absoxptian, tbermal conduc- tion. phown interaction ABSTRACT: The authors study the sidebands Im the absorption spectrum on a localiz- able vibration as a function of temperature In potassium chloride elystals with a hydrogen Ion impurity. A hypothesis Is proposed that these bands are duo to corbined absorption on localizable and quasi-localizable vibrations. These quasi-localizable vibrations are assumed to be caused by attenuation -of force constants uben the hydro- gen ion replaces the chlorine ion. The curve for thermal conductivity as a fw;~t_ion of temperature in the 90-3000K range also shows the affect of quaBi-locallzablt vi- brations'. The additional thermal resistance caused by hydrogen-ImPurlty Ions is Card 1/2 - VIY 7- HIRWN, D.N OSKOMKIY, V.S.; FI-SHINA, I.I.; SMIRNOV, I.A.; TIKHONOV. V,'~ ., ZII~R'Kov- I S. 0 Possible appearance of quasi-local vibrations in the Infrfir('d absorption and heat conductivity in KCI-Ii crystali). Fiz. tvor. tela 7 no.10:3003-3007 0 165. (MMA Igill) 1. Institut pn1uprovodnikov AN SSSP, Leningrad. IL2'114cE)AUl UU JIGOJUL JQ ) 0 U C aLl ,D U J J j., C G 'o. IT 3 U" A'!( T 0,~ T, L V :n c cu u oul a., uu 0. 0u I c j 11 4 :-,u ).z ~ Ll r-, 01: a '~o 2 a', 3": t Di )I mid Tylpl I )f-", r: JjU and spri e 3~,- -tl ,,lit j,Cr,, irenients oC rinc raised ii. vesj(21:1 :,nJO1, the r~)v(`1 the exl)erlmezl~ i's Jescril,cd) It 1. 13 JL'tC I'l, I i!,Od t t~)e I-)est -,f t"Ic, pine an(l ce ~31 ooto t1,1 uL, I ,~it T: i eab-ence j: dircct orn p c e -1 11 D 11 1117 t nc;t-!cczj'j1:7 depressed 1:1~o Jc,vc'.D-)u,ert )I' the ro-A --Ysten, in the spri ce Crently ~,ea'.cncd thc -i--)w'l- -)f t*ie r,-),)ts ii,, t:)(-' pine . I i- ',-,en-,-~, v,~mdlrf~ d, t~,e vej-ct-~ t L Ve P( I I - 0j le-ldo to tine 1~)rs )f t!-;o pine uhDot,7 and L'u nio~ lca6c to In distl,iot wea,:ening of t;ie opi, ce. ;n6ei~ ti)e condit!-~nu -)f siror,,L: L, -haclinj- i~C.C;)I'Dpy) the 3:io3ts are otlo'-ated ond beexle 1c. t- (J'SeaL;eZ Ct:'.,'. r,,"-,.2 ,. ~)"O vc?r,, ee Cnn-).j,y QIIJ in .1c, re - ", . '-'Lo'-)Cy ~.nd / i ~-~tl. I .'t -,Cf :10 ( , - ll-~,l it" E ' .,c" ', -.ttor -): -'( )V, - eve". *. , .(- r~l ISO ln~~,,c -rucr-(,~7 -- . . .,.I. 14 C!" Ine I --, V '-/~ / I/ Ab FCUJID/Cbenical Technology. Chenical Froducts and Their Application. Ceramics. Glass. Binders. Ccnerete. ,'.ba Jourz Ref Zhur-Khim., No 13; 1958, 44148. Author Lecznar Franciszek, Oskroba Stefan. Inst ----------- Title Conpact Concrete as a Material for the Construction of Storage Containers for Petroleum and Gasoline. PriG Pub: Nafta (Polska), 1957, 13, No 7-8, 197-2o4. Abstract: Concrete and mortars inperr-eable to petroleur., and gasoline can be prepared from Polish portlnnd ce- r,ient of grade "350" with a water/cerRnt ratio not exceeding 0.20-0.25. Mortars are made with basalt flour (1:1), and concrote -- with basalt, limestone, and in part with porphyry ageregate, 2-12 nn pnrticle size. The primry prerequisite of imperueability of Card 1/2 29 OSLEJSEK, Jiri,, inz. Pipe laying without trench excavaticri. Vb,&I hosp 14 no.7s 269-271 164 1. Chair of Sanitary Enginnering, Higher SLI,ocl. of Tlt,~Jm(,Icqy, Brm o. OSLFJSEK, Oldrich, ina. Notea on cooling the sma'.1or any-nchronoija aquirrel-cage r:otore. El tech obzor 52 no.2%71-70 F '63. L 33605-66 SCT-B DD ACC NRt AFOW52 SOURCE CODE: CZ/0032/65/015/008/0502/0588 AUTHOR: Vasultn. M. (Doctor or medicine; Brno)_qs:Leja2X, 0. jEngineer; ChndidAte of sciences; Brno) ORG: none TITLE: Heat exchanger for deep hyW~~ SOURCE: Strojirenstvi, v- 15, no. 8, 1965, 582-588 TOPIC TAGS: heat exchanger, blood, surgery, hypothermia ABSTRACT: The article describes a new type of heat exchanger developed for cooling blood during operations carried out in a state of deep hypothermy. The exchanger is outstanding for its small size and high efficiency and is easy to clean and sterilize,* Hydraulic and thermal propertioo of the exchanger are discussed in detail. This paper was presented by Engineer J. Schneller. Orig. art. has: 11 figures, 10 formulas and 2 tables. [Based on authors' Eng. abst.) [JPRS1 SUB CODE: 13, 06 / SUBIM DATE: none ORIG REF: 003 / 0711 REF: 017 Cord 1/1 UDG: 5.3.6-,210536,148 S?BJSKAL,J.; DOZDECI;OVA,IL; OSIZJSKOVA,M. Presence of atypical lymphocytes In clinically h"Ithy childrm and In sane infections during childhood. CeqV-,. pediat. 19 nn.2: 157-160 F'64- 1. Infeksni oddeleni fakultni dets~p nemocnicp v %,me; ved-uc!: doc.dr. Vl.Kluska. 41~ AU- Mi AP6011063 CZ/(Zl-7765/054/0:1/0-5-277-05-37 SOURCE CODE AUTHOR: Oslejeek,? Oldrich (Engineer; Candidate of sciences) ORG: none TITIE: Analysis of the cooling-of enclosed induction motors SWRCE: Elektrotechnicky obzorp v. 54,, no. 11, 1965# 527-537 TOPIC TAGS: electric motor, heat resistance, hydraulic resistance ABSTRACT: Ilrototypon of enclosed induction motors with .an outer diameter of the stator winding of 500 Ywn and an output or 200 kw (2p = 4) and 100 1cw (2p = 8) wore subjected to venf:i- lating and thermal tests. Suitablo hydraulic and thermal reisis- tnnco* were obtained for the machines artor mutual adjustnionl. of' the calculated and measured values. 11io influences or changos, in t1iormal resistances and losses upon the rise in temporature .of the winding was examinedp and tho Qxpedlency of modificatJ,ons in the further development of tho macliinos judged according 1,o those changes. Origo art. has: 10 figures, 5 fomulas, and 5 tables. ;kJPRS] SUB CODE: W,, 20 SUBM DAM 15Jun65 ORIG HEN 017 / OTH REF1 005 SOV REF: 001 UDC: 621.313-333-017-72 STEJSKAL, J.; OBLEJSKOVA, M.; GREGOROVA, Y. Liver disorde-a In Influenza In rhildhoW. Scr. med. fac. mod. Brunensis 36 no.3tl39.-145 16). 1. Infekani oddelani Fakultni detalm nemocnice v Brne, Cerna pole Vedouci doc. 14UDr. V. Kluskm Blochamicke oddeleni Fakultni detske nemOcnice v Brne, Gerna pole Vedouci MUDr. 0. Teysch). (INFLUENZA) (AMINOTRANSFERASES) (ALANINE AMINarwisnuss) (ASPARTATIE AMINDMANSFEWF) OBLIKOVSXATA, U.S. Innovators of farm mechanization . Kau)m I pered. op. v sel'khoz. 7 no.10:5-9 0 '57. (NUA lOrll) (Agricultural machinery) OSLIKOVSKAYA, Yelena Sargeyevna; KRAVCHMO, Z.1., red.; SHIRNOVA, Ye.A.. [Methods of Promoting sciontific achievements and advanced practicenj Hatodika propagandy nauchnyk:h doetishenil I peredovogo opyta. Izd.2., perer. Konkva, Gos.isd-vo sel'IEholl. lit-ry, 1958. 230 P. (MIRA 12:7) (Agricultural extension work) OBLIZOVSKAYA, Ye.S., knndidat ekonovicheakikh nai*. Kass drive of leading workers for high gralt yUlds. Naulm I pered.op.v sellkhot. 7 no.7:35-38 JI 157. (NLRA 10:8) (Grain) OSLIKOVSkAU. B.S.. kandidat okonomichaskikh nauk. , ihe training of specialists should meet present requirewnts. lauka I pered.oD.v eel'khon.7 no.l:~-6 Ja '57. (KE-RA 10:2) (igriculture-Study and teaching) 1 1. 1 , , , , ,I I : ~ ~11 7 ~ -i . -.1. I , L I. . I . . , -, : ?.,-, I * ~l 'I, I , . ? OS7RENXO, V.Y., kand.tekhn.nauk; 13013RAEOV, L.D., Inzh.; Prinimali uchatitlyv: ROZENFELID, N.B.; OSLAMENFO I S.; TSEI(ETELl, P.A.; KINUD, I.b.; YUPER-STEYN, Ye.A'-,-MiwF.-,-~V-A'. Organizinf, the rolling of large-diameter thin-walled p1pos on the heavy-duty automatic unit at the Za~avkazskiy Metallurgical Plant. Hiul.nauch-tekh.inform.VNITI no.4/5:17-23 '~8. (MmA 1~--1) (Tiflis--Pipp mills) J. - "'. 2. USSR ( 6DO) It. Arriculture - Study anL Teacliinj, 7. Raisin[-, -~iz-Iifica'-icns for a,-ricultur-l si:ccialists. Sov. ar-ron., 1~,, ~*o. i-1, 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, - F2br--am- -1953. Unclassified. 1. OSTJFO7SVAYA, F. 2. TIFSR (6m) 4. Arriclilturl, - tlkra4ne 7. 7~amphlets on pro,-rf--:-r7ivc nractioc In arrirvl'ure, Fotc. sell "i nc,. I , 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, A F11 IL 1953. Unclassified. 1 . CSL IKOV " I., Yi~. 2. U .31311 ( 6 0 0 ) 4. Ukra ine - -Agr, c ul t uz-a 7- fampl.l a ts on pro,.-ra3 a I va prtict I co I n rit ri cul Lliro, J) otd. J01 1 i'4, 1 1 0 :;0- 4, 19!)3- y v . , . , , 9. Monthl List of Russiqn Accessions. l,ilrqr (,f Corigr-ss, '~,p r 11 1 ': - .. OSLIKOVSKATA. Te., krand.ekon.nauk- Groat shortcomiW in the "Agriculture" Pavilion of the Exhi- bition of Achievewnts of the Soviet National Xconomy. Maim i pnrod.op.v nel't-hns. 9 no-9:5)-56 S 159. (14IRA 130) (14oecow--Ae,ricultural nxhibitinns) KOIDOBSKIY, A.G.; MEDVEDEV, S.I.; PISKOPPELI, F.G.; YAKOBSON, M.G.trinimali uc)uwtiyes BERHINj.B.j_OS1JXOVSWA, Te.S - PEREKISWVA, A.M.; LITVIN, V.H.; PARYJIWENKO-,-Y-9-.T.; STWIN, AA; SWIRO, T.I.j =U- MILIN, S.G., akad., glav. red.; AIEKSOKO, G.V., red.; Al"ISIMOV, N.I., red.; VOLODkH5K1Y, L.M., r4.; GERSHBERG, S.R., redaktor; red.; MROV, A.I., red.; POSVYANSKIY, S.S., red.1 BAZAAuVA, U.v., kmAd, skonom. nauk, starshiy nauchWy red.; KISELOMAN, S.M., stamhiy nauchrqy red.; LIVANSYJ-YA, F.V., kand. ekonom. nauk, starshiy nauchrWy red.; GlAGOLEV, V.S., nlauchrWy red.1 EEDBAYEV, V.I., nauchnyy red.; TUMANOVA, N.L., nauchnyy red.3 TOVMASYAN, M.E., red.; DIAGODARSYAYA, Te.V.j m1adshiy red.; SHUSTROVA, V.M., raadshiy red.j M;TSELISKMA, Ch.A., tekhn. rect. (The econor-ic life of the U.S.S.R.; chronicle of events and factso 1917-1959) Ekonordchoskaia zhiznl SM; khronika sobyt1i i faktov 1917-1959. Glav. red. S.G.Strumilin. Chleny red. kol-legii: Aloksenko i dr. Moskva, Gos. nauchn.izd-vo Pgovetskaia enteiklopediia," 1961. 779 p. (MIRA 14:10) 1. TSentrallnaya nauch4ya sellskokhozyeystvennaya biblioteka Vse- soyuznoy akademii sell skokhozyaystvenrWkh nauk im. lenina (for Litvin, Parkhomenko, STOTIR, Shapiro). (aussia-Economic conditions) VADIKOYM[AYA. Lyudmila Mikhaylovna: DONSKAYA, Galins Kupriyanoyna; .W=OTo 5X&U2,Xp*&,p kand.ekon.nank. nauchnyy red.; SEMOVA, V.A.. red.; SUSIMO.~ A.G.. red.; KHOVAIISKIT, I.P.. takhn.rad. [Agriculture) Sel'skoe khoziaistvo. Moskva. (Bibliotaka samo- obrasovaniia) Vol.l. [The economics And organization of socialist agriculture in the U.S.S.R.; a bibliography] Bkonomika I orgenizateiin soteiRlistichookogo 9el'skogo kholinistva v SSSR; rokomendatellnyl ukazatell literntury. NanchnAia red. B.S. 09li- kovskoi. 1957. 102 p. (MIRI 12:4) (Bibliography-Agriculture) L ~ I J \ , ~' - ,,,I I .. OSLIKOVSKATA, Ye.S. ... - Those who nreDmred the wAy for tne .pswirip, In datr7 husbandry. NAukA I pered.oD.v ~~Ilkho%. 7 no.Q ?-4 S '57, (XZRA 10-10) (Dnirying) Survey cf artf- c I - z r,, ,7 C.-, c,7ys r r list yr, 3. C3Ii'~:C)V--J-.,I Is "i in ~c % -r a,:rcn. nc. 7, Monthl List of Russi,in Acr--~sslcns LIP--iry f ~()ngi-ss j-i 031.IKGV3K.'.YA. Y-r . .;. Sto6- ar"Stockbreedin~ Zootechni (- I knowledgf- f nr 1, 11 f F..T-r worker3. S-AS. 7hiV. 14 np. 1, ll)',d- 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congross, June 19 51 ~ 'J'nc 1 . P/ 000/60/ Wd/ 002/ &" A222/AO26 AUTHOR. Oslihaki, Zbigniew Tl=-. On Motion Alternation at a Certain Non-Linear Damping_L V1, PERIODICAL: Rozprawy Inlynierskie, 1960, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 167-175 TEXT- The author is concerned with the Invtotigation of the motion des,,ribed by the equation i + R ri) + Cj 2% = 0 0.1) where W 2 . const and P(lk ) Is a non-linear function of speed. For damping characteristics satisfying the condition R ( 6C ),~ - 0 In a certain f inite or infinite interval (-V, V). He establishes some of the oscillatory characteria- ties of the motion. Making use of (Ref. 1,2) and supplementing them with his own considerations, he finds that the oscillatory nature of the motion depends only on the coefficient of the first power of the power expansion of the func- tion R(,t, ). The notion of the critical line Is introduced. The oscillatory chara,,,ter of the motion la determined by the mutual position of the critical line and the damping characteristic R(JC ). It Is &19o shown that In the non- alternating case a motion Is possible for which the deflection has at most Ont. Card 1/2 OSLCBF:ANU, M., Ing.; ALEX ANDRF~SCU, I., Ing. Cultivation of grapevines on terrac-s. St st Teh Nc 14 no.12:16-17 D162. 1. IA~periment Station, bobrulti. OSWE&XU, M., ing.; AIX=ID';=-CU, 1., ing. Cultivation of grapevines on terraces, an important meana of making hillside soils x-nduable. St si Teh aic 14 no.12t 16-17 D162. 1. Statiunea experimertala Dobruja. OSLCB=t'U, IA.; F. Grar,ovine variet4ec loor red wines in the Mmrfatlar Vinc~ard. Comunicarile AR 13 no.8:733-742 Ag'63. 1. Go-wice-re prezertata de academiciar Gh. Cons tar tinesm. OSWN. A.B.. Inshener. (g.Zlatoust) #~ On measuring ground resistance&. Ilektichestve no.2:56-58 F '57. (MUA 10: 3) (Ilectric =rents-Cyrounding) DSIDN, A.B., Insh. '%%.w'w~CS1OIculatIrg several types of complex ground electrodes. IleIrtriohe- stvo no.408-61 Ap 158. (MIRA 1115) (Zlectric current-Grounding) ---- OS.LIOH, A.B. Method of nean potentials. Hauch.dokl.vya.9hkoly; onerg w.?:79-82 159. (MIRA 13:1; 1. Rnkomnn4ovann kafedroy TVN Hoskovokogo energotichenkogo Instituta. (Blectric conductors) 8(2) SOV/lo5-59-7-21/30 AUTHORi Uslon, A. B., t;ngineer TITLEs Calculation of Rectangular Grounding Circuits (Raschet pry- amougolInykh zazemlyayushchikh konturov) PERIUDICAL: Elektrichestvo, 1959, Nr 7, pp 79 - 81 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A rather exact and simple method of calculating earthing-re- sistances of rectangular grounding circuits with internal grid wiring and without vertical elements is given. Such grounding circuits have been calculated by E. T. B. Gross and R. S. Hollitch (Hof 2) on an electronic computer. The method employed by these authors does not make it possible to carry out cal- culations of an arbitrary ground circuit without having to Boive a large number of linear equations. Formula (12) is de- duced for the resistance of the ground circuit (Fig 5). Table 2 shows the results obtained by means of the described ;:i(thod as well as those obtained by Gross and Hollitch. In io,3t cases the results obtained here for the same grounding circuits are about 5A higher than those obtained by the two Awericans. As, when calculating grounding, an accuracy of 10~ is con- Card 112 sidered to be sufficient, the results may be considered to Calculation of Rectangular Grounding Circuits SOV/lo)-~)-7-21/30 be satisfactory. The method described permits the calculation of earthing ground circuits of any configuration and to obtain the results as formulas for any values of t(lendth of t~lv elepient) and d(diameter of its cross section), without havirR to use electronic computers. There are 4 figures, 2 ti It , and 3 references, 2 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTEDs August 4, 10,58 Card 212 'h U, HOIL I Cilon ::n,,ir;ecr L;cveral Tyi~e3 of Conplex Ground Electrodes %'IdCV sloi~hnykh zazezziliteley) 1'7'T .I I C _J1 C", L: t'1C':triC'-Cjtvo , 1)56 , Nr 4 , pp. 58 - 61 (USSR) A'!.; 2iLACi In tht- c-.1ci.1,ktion oil complex *round electrode i-~stall:,,i(-no uc,rily ':.e fuctorc of utili~:.ation are used. In many caocz. '-,).;cver, a c_-1ci_1_tijn can be carried out accordinu to -1rc oin~le for~iulac u3in,3 the3e factors, Such a calc_la- tion ii 5',oan ',here for a ,round electrode installation c,;r- 3ijtin- of n eie~,.cnts. The problem consists in the det,:rr,--'n-- tion of t..c ~,roper ank] mutual (reciprocal) potential fr-cto.-3 I an4 the ciirrcit di.;Lribution between the Ground electrode elemento. '."~.c prol,cr factore are usually easentially (:reater than the reci,,rucal crLs. ','herefore the latter need ro* ")e exactly'. In linear -round electrode instal'aticn.: t~~e 'atitudin.i' dime.isions of which are small compared tz lor-Iti;dinal -icacurcnunts t:ie Froper and reciprocal factc;,-3 c,~.-. 1cit e"L3.41- be calcuL,.tcd b~- the nethod of the near. ;U- Card 1/', '-c!.tialn (It'f 1). "ij t',,~ -iethod of calculation 1-iven here CLlculi*in_ j~vtral of Ccnplex Ground Electrodes tlie :round electrode resistances can be calculated for fullowin 7round electrode installationes fournenbered star ri-I't \(,'orm~d )v two horizontal beams) threcnem~,,2r(_,~ .3t..r, :3,.r, iquare , rectan le. "~ierc -r- f i.,~~ren, 1 tj1e 4 Saviet references. SUBIMI2TEDs i, j) ri 1 1 "1 "7 AV A I LAJ L_41)rdr~- of Con-rva.. Electrodes-Theoretical analyais Card 212 OSLO), A.B., inzh. (Perm') Design of deep groundinw rods for electric power transmissi)n Itne towers, Elektric~.estvo no.12:5Q-63 D 161. (KRA 14- 1, , (Electric 11nes-Overhead) (Electric currents-Groundinr) A. 1~. . 1,1...,,, ~ "(, . . " - . a , , " I , ~ r ~, :- i -j -, " I , ~!, . , ", ~ h ~- - , r,., r~ ~, ~ K r r. I Ln ~ I "., 9 d I ~ V : : (~ ,! , ~k - - ~ - ~ '. . - _ , , I . - . , "I !i ~: '--~ .1 . , 'I . - ~ ~ "~ 7, 'ti I r / (MaA , - . ~ ()SLOS, I . ~~, The artals of Dnepropetrovak uttlize progreasive experience. ProFs.koop. no.11:47-io A 155. (MLRA 9: 5) 1. Predsedatel' pravlentya Dnepropetrovskogo oblmetallopromoo)-uza. (I)nepropetrovsk--Hetalwork) a Pq 0 1 P U 0 )p A 11 lit 11 bo 0 b 11wp 6 a -L _j L R- A A L It P It I I-q I AA Cc a U~l 1 4 s I 00 00 -00 solop"Od muruswe and tratippriss of 00 ba?"Mis'd Ollow G Kind) utlww &#"I % 04"1 1 1'.4 00 Phy, (t S Sk ) 0. IWI 111piol 111.191 It. *00. ."d %M-inj of a-row firtro c0 41tvIq ititiq to 11 1 140~ id arr"deld 00 bimprill with Otw k. "Vit, III III, 1'- 11 lin'tc-al ... 0. 8,1~ .4 4tw .4"1 .411 Itillo. I, I he 4h-M,118, I. t, 1.1.- .1,01 It 6. XW ''VUI,kSl 111A11,111114 10 **J "W*Kqhwt",4pn~-.'nj.I 40 ... .. ...... 00 and a dr4wr- pho- -nig ... ~. h kIt'. n J k h~ %Ad An d-, a-, -h- it. -,-p -.1 x of j 00 - 00 00 1 a s 6L a wfT 4-'GK.k "Tt"I'Ail cialswicAftc. 010 14) t of a et 'I a api *4 0 ~12 0 1 -a 8. a Alm 0a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : : 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o1: 0 0,41111 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 * 0 0 OSMENYO, V.Ya.; Yt.'F-,!-.(V, VJI..; GL'YKC,, :J.; TYR, V.R.; N.A.; 'v:LlYAY3, O.S.; U%CjI'TINA, F.V. Pile production from new heat-resiotant ferr!tic-martensitic steels. Stall 23 no. 3:21~F-263 Mr 164. (MIPJ% 17:r) 1. Ukrainskly nauchno-iEsledovatel'skiy trubny-y institut, Pe-vourall5klv novotrubnyy zavod I N4kopollskiy yuzhnotrubnyy zavod. 0 ACCESSION NR: AP4019481 S/0133/64/000/003/0258/0263 AUTHOR: Ostrenko, V. Ya.; Yufarov. V. M.; Geyko, 1. K.; Ty*r. V. P.; Oa-lon,-N.--A.; Chererinskaya. R. I.; Vil'yams. 0. S.; Lagutina, R% V. TITLEt Manufacture of tubes from now ferritic martensitic heat resistant stools SOURCE: Stall, no. 3, 1964, 258-263 TOPIC TAGS: heat resistant steel. steel tube. ferritic martensitic steel, tube rolling ABSTRACT: The authors report on techniques developed in recant year I s by the Ukrainskiy n.-i. trubny*y institut (Ukrainian Tube Research Institute) in cooperation with tube factories in Pervoural'sk and Nikopol for hot rolling and heat treatingof tubes made from 9 new types of steel. all of which contain 10-14% Cr and additions of V, Mo. Nb, and W. The AC temperature was in the range of 810-830C; ferrite grain growth was noted above 1100C; piercing temperatures varied from 1090 to 1200C. Ductility at high temperatures was found to depend on the content of free ferrite, and piercing of tube billets presented no Cord I / 2 ACCESSION NRt AP4019481 difficulties at a content of 50%. At 15-20% ferrite hot tears. ,-eveeks. and laps were formed. AnnealinR of hot-rolled and reduced tubes av-"0-780C imparts a structure of granular pearlite and the mechani- cal properties needed for further cold reduction. Metal consumption for almost all steels, including nachining, proved no hiRher than those for similar pipes of stainless steels in current production ,,practice. "Engineers N. S. Kirvalidze. R. A. Prudkova, N. N. Pil'nikova, L..S. Rakhnovetskiy, 1. S. Pechennikova, and otherstook part in the- work." Orig. art. has: 8 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Ukrainskiy n.-i. trubny*y institut (Ukrainian Tube Resaarch Institute); Pervoural'skiy novotrubny*y aavod (Pervourallak New Tube Plmt); Nikopol'skiy yuzhnotrubny*y savod Odkopoll - Southern Tube Pl=t) SUBMITTEDe 00 ATD PRESS: 3045 ENCLt 00 SUB CODEs K4,IE NO REP SOV: 010 OTHER: 000 Card 2 / 2 PLYATShOVSEIY, O.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; Prinimall uchastlye: OSLON N.i,.: NODEV, E.O.; DEVYATISII.'NYY, V.I.; SLLTINSEIYH, KUKARSFUH, V.I.: RAXHN,)VETShIY. L.Y.t DUYEV, V.N. New technolovical processes used in rol'ing 102-170 mm. diameter pipe of stainless steel lKhl8N9T. Biul.nauch.-tekh.infjrm.VNIT1 no.475-24-30 15B. (MIFtA I,,..I) (Pipe mills) OSIDD, H.L., inzhener; GLWBEM. A.Z., inzhaner; CHDMINSKAYA, R.I., inzhener Effect of the length of @kelp heating time on the quality of pipe. Stall 15 no.6:537-540 Je 155. (MMA 8:8) 1. Pervourallekiy Novotrubnyy savod. (Rolling (Met&lvork)) (Pipe, Steel) PLATSKOVSKIY. 0.A.. kand. takhn. nauk: OSLOW, N.L.. kand. takhn. nauk; NOM. X.0., lnzh. Rolling medium-diameter pipme of stainless steel with high deformation ratios. Obr. met. davl. no.5:129-142 159. (MIRA 13:3) l.VseBor=ny7 nauchno-iseledovatellskiy trubnyy Inatitut (for Plyate- kovskly). 2.11ovotrubnyy savod (for Onlon. Nodev) (Rolling (Metalwork)) (Steel. Stainl~98) OnLo L. Jill 1h a'-- 1-1;1 11 oilsIfill I -k f - :1 Iva4 1 STASEVICH). P.K.; M.A, ; J~~JkN., P.L.; CIDERINSKAYA, R.I.; KOYDIAN, L.V,; 1-10SKAL-1ilk, V.I. Drawing unannealed ckrbon steel tubes withaut mAndrela. Stall 21 no.8:725-72? Ag '(al. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Pervoural'skty novotrubnyy zavod. (D~-p drawing (Metalwork)) (Pipe, Steel) n n a o 9, r a c,,3 je -,i. 1. I~ermskly pcl'. %ekll ni 9k 'y LIPU'HlN ,N . N , ; FIRY W;V..~ , - , 1~- , . "' 't, ,.. I E I f e c -. o f --~. f, - a ~ 0 7: r. -~ *-, -. g - 7 -.,- o~ ? ?-. ~~ s e re f~ r-j f, , : F, - - - - f hardened 6'~ s*.ge- Mq*-al ove-- I *.e7-m. st-. ne'.. 73.- 0 "2 5-P Ag '64. (M:pt~ 1 1. PermskIly pol:'.ekhr,'chpsik.Iy 'na'.'tut, N.L. (Perm'); SWJBIN, V.N. (Form'); LIPCHIN, N.N. (Perm$); WLO~. i . 7- -,-. - XHUDEN#KIKH, V.P Mi Effect of vanadium on the phase recryst&llization cA' slleel. lzv, AN SSSR. Yet. noJiUO-145 MY-Jo 165. (MIRA 180) OSIMT, I.A. Pullout platform for mine elevater~. Rate. I Itebr. predl.v @trot. no.ll9t23-24 155. Oam C) 17 ) (Elevators) IVANOV, A.G., inah,j OSLOPOV, 0.1., inah.1 RUTENBrRG, B.G.1 GRACHEV, Yu.B., Insh. Orindin- and burvdwg ' lignite from the Arayak deposit. Elek. ata. 36 no.21l6-18 k' Ito. IWRA 18a4) L1786c_63- EWT(M)/BDS AYM/ASD ACCESSION NR: AIP3003687 AbMOR: AkkeAan,A.?, XochotkovV.1.; Chchanov,V.N. Oslopovski",G.V. iiuvorov,V.A.; Shiol tsA.R. TITIX: Liletimo of tho first excited stato of 48 = Z170port of the T, ar Spectroscopy- hold In iov frora 25 Jimunry to 2 Feb- Annual Corderenco on Nuole. T~Iary i91)V SOURCS: AN SSSA lz,~. Sexlya lizicheBkaya, v.27, no.7, 1963, 1365 ,.resonance scattering, Mossbauer effect Ti4 T:)PIC'?AGS.* lifeting level AaSTRACT. Tho lifetime of the 990 keV e state of T1*18 has been doternAned by the method of Coulomb excitation as 9..7 x 10-12 sec and 4.2 X 10-12 sec, respectively, by G.M.Te=ar wW N.P.Heydenburg (Phys.Rov.,104, 967, 1930) 'and D.Andreyev and oth- ers (Nuc.Phys.,19, 400, 1960) and by the nothod of resonance scattering by V.Knapp (Proc.Phys.Soc.,A70, 194, 1957) who obt2iiiod T = 4.2 x 10-12 see. But Knapp did not take into account tho possible influenco of molecular bonds, although the don- sity of his source vas such that this '_nfluenco could bo significant. ' Bence The authors carried out rosonananco absorption oxperimontz ai:-Acd at dotormining tho lifetino of Vae 9.90 MY state of Ti'18- The source was TIS produced by deuteron 'd V2 S9 17860-63 A=SICN XR: AP3003667 bombardment in the internal bean- of the Sverdlovsk Polytechnic Institute c yclotron of natural Ti tmd then copvorted t0 VC13. The 4009C reaction temperature employed prevented chlor'ination of the SC46, uhich vins n1so present in the target. 11oasure- rents on Tho double scintillation spectrometer set-up with Ti and Fe scatterers yielded a valued of 0.072 1 0.022 for tho attenuation factor R. Calculations based on this value Field (9.47 t 2.89) x 10-5 ell for the level wldth and, finally, '~,T = (4.92 * 1.52) x 10-12 see for the lifetime of the 2+ state. Orig. art. has: ASSOCIATION: none ENCL: 00 JBMIT7w;. 00. DATE ACQ: ~MuC63 SUB CME: M NO PXF SOV: 002 OTHER: 003 Cctrd 2/2 RUDKEV1CHp N.Ya.; OSWPOVSKIY_,_A.P. Nature of Paleogene displacements in the Poluy River basin in the lower ObI Valley. Trudy SNIIGGIM no.14il5-20 161. (MIRA 15:8) (Poluy Valley (Tyumen' Province)--Geology, Structural) OSLOPOVSKIT. A.P. Hot mineral waters in the Crimea. Sov.geol. 2 no.1:147-1" Ja '59. (MM 12:4) 1. Irymnaftegaitmzveoika. (Crimea-Mineral waters) OSLOPOVSKIT. A.?. Bev level of artesian fresh vaters In the Crime&. Priroda 46 no.1!113 Mr '57. (MLRA 10:3) 1. Kryxneftepnrrasvod)r#t (Foodoslya) (Crimma-Artesian we-119) L 41fD'Y1--t6 (j :~wT " Z) "T' IJF(c) U-2/jL~y-WB ACC NRI AF&2_28-7-0- SOURCE CODES AUTHORS Oslqpovsk~jy B. A.; Pugachey, Tu. B.1 Medvedeva, T. 1. ORGo none TITIEt Testir g of 2~~-and-varnish coatings for pratootion of equipment fron gorrg-.." iiion SOUFk'E Ilakokrasochnyye materialy i ikh primanoniye, no. 2, 1966, 44--46 TOPIC TAGS$ paint, varnish, protective coating, sea water corrosion ABSTRACTS The feasibility of using paint-and-varrdsh protective coatings In units where water is boiled at reduced pressure at 45-50C was studied by testing a series of paint-and-varydah coati 'systems in a vacuum boiler containing sea water. At the pressure in the evaporator 40 mm Hg), sea water boned at 456C. A large number of paint-and-varnish materials were tested by being doposited on St. 3 steel specimens which were placed in sea water In the evaporator, and kept there for 2700 hr (some of them for 300 hr in boniTWwater). The highest resiptance was exhibited by coatings based o '11i M7 Hairitj-'hot- and cold-cured epoxy/ oatinga deposited on a zinc epoxy protective pr a_nT also coatings consisting of a mixture of epoxy resins and Kuzbass varnish or coal pitch. Orig. art. hass 2 figures and 2 tables. ISUB CODES 11/ SUEM DATEI none/ ORIG REFS Oil 667.6-57.27 I... mop PA38/49718 UBM/Xlectrjclty mr 49 zlectriefty - Tralnlrg OThe Training of Electrical &Sinaere in the Klev Polytechnical Institute,* Prof A. D. X Bterenko, Dr Tech Sol, Prof A. P. Oelovekly, I PP "Slaktrichestvo" No Kier Folytech Inst, oldmat technical VMZ of Ukrainian SM, was fcun?,d 50 years ago. During 30.years of Soviet re~lme, 10,500 nrec!allste ,vore trained. . At prez-at mro tMa %~00 loWents attend clmseo~s. Ther& " tu fuultl"j Lima 32 spec1olties m-s tauot. Wm. 38AMB (V,IA)VSKIIV N. 0 novoi sisteme sortirovki oochtovoi korrecpondentsii. Con the new system of mail sortin&Z. (vestnik'sviazi. Pochta, 1946, no. 11-12, p. 13). DLGs HF,7.VIJ4 SOs SOVIET TP414SPORTATION AND COMNICATMIS, A BIPLIOGRAF-fly, Library of Ccngress Reference 5epartment, Washington, 1952, Unclassified. ACCESSION MAt AR4036028 S/0299/64/000/006/005/6005 R*FeretIvnV*V zhurnal. 81ologlys, Abs. 6G26 .AVINDAR: 031povs, 0. P.1 Ashur, N. 1. TITLES Photostablilty end 14nctlon ofthe photosynthetic apparatus of plants ;CITED SOURCE: Sb. Frobl. ekol. I fiziel. lesn. rest. L.. 1963. 33-45 ITOPIC TASSt photosynthesis, plant physiology. photostability, chlorophyll, chloro- iplast, carotenold 48STRACT: In this work, an attempt Is made to determine the connection between the iphotestability of chlorophyll and the photosynthetic ability of leaves, as well as 'the role of caroteaolds In the photostability of chlorophyll; 15-16 day-old leaves I ,of corn, beans and cucumbers were used. Winescence curves of photosynthetic In- Jensity were determined with the use of C by the method of Zelenskly, while the photostablIlty of chlorophyll was determined from the gradual fading after Illumine- 4 1on of a suspension of Isolated chloroplasts with red light (600-700 ff"). collol- !dal suspensions of chlorophyll had considerably more photostabillty then molecular -ones* Therefore, aggregation of molecules serves to protect chlorophyll against I Card 1/2 031,TiLKOV, A. (Pr","ial-id). '~~ ?i re tr:, I - I -i nr! t I or . ~'nzh . dr~ I e) 'I nn . I ~ " r, ' ' 1, " . ~ !4'..Til, 1. 1 , ' ?4, np ext 1 1:, t I ~- ~ '. ( avintoii, voyennyy letchik pervogo klassa; BEUOVCHENNO, A., ln2honer-podpolkovnik, kand. tekhn. nauk; DATMOGRAYO V., podpolkovnikl GAXHO A., Inahaner-podpolkovnik Cb ground target. Av. i kom. 45 no.6:45-49 162. (MIRA 1~:10) (Bombing, Aerial) OSYMMIN. B.P. (g. Voroshilovgraei). Apparatus for the subject "llectromagnetic oscillutions." Iriz. v stkole 13 no.3:65-67 )Lv-je '53. (KI.RA 6:6) (Oacillatorn, Blectric OSMACHKIN, B.P., inzh. Using, gaima dofectoicopy for checking the condition o~ ccnve ,-,-~ r belts. Ugoll TJkr. 7 nc,.11:46 N 161. (MIRA r-i., osliAcull;p li.p.; 11 lir lnf~,;.qt r 1 n F r 'Pl~ I.:z v Lup,ann k c-, t o T, ny "i La 7 1 q 03L :3 t a ,-~ - K'. - , i , " , :! OSMACHK 111, B. i - , ' I i - - Ku i I :.j~ 1.11- -P~C4. i . k ~, 3 j , 1) ~ , c 7 ~ I j -, "', - " . , _71: I ," f reo.-~ !(,.w',n8 ', t !,,., . , ~;, - - . .7,11 ~ 11 . ~ . 1.) " ~ :) I , 'i .~ I A , )