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Ostrogradsky's theorem in ... S/02 60/000/008/004/011 D210YD305 which means that P is a symmetrical diad. There are 4 references: 5 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc. ASSOCIATION; Kyyiva'kyy tekhnl)lohichnyy lnetytut kharchewoyi pro- %yelovosty (Ki-er Technological Institute of the Food I44mstry) PRESENTED: by A.Yu. Ishlinslkyy, Academician AS UkrSSR SUBMITTED: March 4, 1960 Card 5/5 OSIPOV, P.Ii. Clifford sad Kotellnikov biquatornions wid Bulor mtricoc. Trudy KTIPP no.l?:229-?50 I r) 7. (141ILk 1-1:1) 0jutornions) (Aarl2en) OSIPOV. P.N. [OsIpov. P.N.] On ths5 motor diads and tensors of Profeagor Mines. Dip.A~N URSH no.1:7-12 '60. (MMA 1,A: 6) 1. Kiyevakiy takhaologichaskiy Institut pishchevoy pronq-3blen- nosti. Predstavleno aimdemikom AN USSR, A.Tu.lshlinakim CO. IU. I shl Ins 1~7ij. (Vector analysis) OSIFOV, P.N. COsy-pov, P.N.1 Inertial motor dial. Dop.Al, UIRSR no.4:419-425 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Kiyevokiy tekKnologicheskiy institut pishchevoy, proo7ohlennosti. Predstavleno akademikom All USSR A.Yu.Ishlinakim [11J.lshlinskvm]. (Motion) OSIM F*N* 16sypov, T-~-] --- ~-, ~ " k Motor &~ad of infinitesimal transformations. Dop.AN LMU no.7:863- 868 160, (KM 13:8) 1. Kiyevskiy tekhnologicheskiy InstILtut pishchevoy promyohlennosti. Predstavleno akademikon AN USSR A.Tu. Ishlinskim 1O.O.Ishlinalkym]. (Z-ansforcations, Infinitesimal) OSIFOV, P4L-,(OsypoT, P.M.) ..... Stokes theorem and Greene's formulae In motor calc-ulus. Dop.AN URSH no.10:1334-1339 160. (KIRA 13:11) 1. Kiyevskiy tekhnlogicheekly Institut pishchevol pronVehlennosti. Predetavleno akademikom AN USSR A.Tu-Ishlinakin Clahlinalkyt, O.IU-1 (Hydrodynamics) AGMSION MR: AP4OD9735 S/0021/63/000/012/1587/1591 AUTHORt Osipov, P. M. (Wpovo P. NO THM Revolution at a body of variable mass I ISMRCE: AN UkrRSR. Dopovidi, no. 12, 1963, 1587-1591 TOPIC TAGS: variable-moss-body revolution, Ruler equation, generalized Euler equation, relative angular velocity, rotation dynamics. !ABSTRACT: A generalization is given of Ruler's equation In died form for a body !of variable mass under the assumption that the body revolves with an angular velocity of JT' the centre of inertia C moves relative to the configuration of the body with a velocity vc, and the axes of coordinates Cxyz rotate relative to the body with an angular velocity The revolution of a body of variable mass is considered for the case when the woments of external and reactive forces relative to the centre of inertia are equal to sera. As a result three equations are obtained. Assuming that in these equations I-Card 1/2 ACCESSION NRt AP4009735 the vector of the angular velocity "J is equal to sera and the moments of Inertia are constant, we obtain sular's equation for a body of constant mass. Orig. art. 111se 30 numbered equations. ASSOCIATIOMt noas sumiTTEM 12Dec62 DATE ACQ: 03P*b64 RNGLs 00 SUB COM FH,AP NO REP SOVt 003 OTHER: 001 Card 2/2 OSIPCYV, P.N. [Osypov, P.M.) Motor opemtions in curvilinear coordinateB. Dop. AN U~t:-R no.3:322-327 164. (MIRA 17:5/ 1. Prodstavleno akademikom A.Yu. Ishlinski-m [Ishlinfilk3ri, O.IU.I. i,: RG, N. A. Fro 1 i-f-11 n a K I -i pk-~, 1, P " r A.",.- R F 1. OSLPOV, Petr Oalipovich; SUDAKOVICII, D.I., inzhoner. nauchrWy radaktor; - ' "redalrtor tedatellstva; PULIKIM, Te.A.. takhni- chaskiy r;d-qk,tOr6 Cliew method of working frozen ground] Hovyi sposob retrabotki marzlykh gruntov. leningrad. Gos.lzd-vo lit-ry po stroit. I arkhIt., 1957. 25 P. (MMA 10:9) (Frozen ground) NXBOG IN, 1.Z., monter, VFLIKOD'7rY, V.P., olpL-trn-~ekhanik; KILYAT--'V, 1.!'. starshiy 91ektr-onek-han1k; LAZARLVICH, G.P.. elelctromek-hanik; OSIPOVP P.P.. efektromekhanik 0 luggestions of efficiency experts. Avtom.telm.i eviez' 'I no.B: 30-31 Ag '60. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Blektricheskays. teentralizatsiya stanteli Bezymyanka Kuybyshevskoy dorogi (for Nebogin). 2. VorothbyanakRya distantstyasignalizatait I evyazi Tupo-Zapednoy dorogi (for Volikodnyy). 3. Deminskaya distantsiya signaliviteii I evyazi Kuybyshevskoy dorogi (for Kilyayev) 4. Orskaya distantelya signalizatsil I evyazi Kuybvehevsko7 dorogi (for lazi,revich). 5. Vereshchaginakaya distantsiya signalizataii i evyazi Sverdlovskoy dorogi (for OSiDOV). (Railroads--Electric equipment) Pai I roAds-Signa I Ing ) 5 Al"THOR T L PERIODICAL: ABSTRACT. lie. u s eA I i ril, U, l.: nt~:, A rn- i z ed c r no c Le:. r nes vcd ml t :I., Aftel Card '~/i Q"Lity CmtrW Lo the ol ThIn Vj a~,d - D4 1-4 KORCUUNOV, Nikolay Grigorlyevich, prof.; KOHAWV, Yul-3~yMikhaylovich, dots., kand. tekhn. nauk; KOCHEGAAOV, Uzil$y Grigorlyevich, dote, kmnd. tekhn. nauk; -OSIPOV,- Petr legorbwleh, _dote. , kand. tekhn. nauk; ROOS, L.V., dots., kand. takhn. nauk, rettenzent; RAKHMANOV , S.I., dots., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; TAWLITSEV, N.D., at. prepod., retoenzent; NESTERENKO, V.G., dots., ratmnzent; PA RFENOV, G. M. , dots. , mtawwent; PLESKO, Ye. P. , red. led-va; ILIIN, B.A., red.; SHIBKOVA, R.Te., tekhn. red. (Technology of lumbering and lumber tran"rtation)Tekhnologiis lesozzagotovok I transport lea&. (By]N.G.Korchunov I dr. Moskva, Goalesbumizdat, 1962. 501 p. (MIRA 160) (Lumbering) (Lumber--Transportation) SOV 124-58-1-70" Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mckhanika, 058, Nr I. p 8h (USSR) AUT140R: Osipo%,, P. Ye. TITLE: Contributior to the Determination of the Wind- and Wave-induced Drift of a Raft (K voprosu upredeleniya velichiny dreyfa plota ot vetra i volny) PERIODICAL: Tr. Vses. zaochn. lesotekhn. in-ta, 1956, Nr Z, pp I ;-Z-f ABSTRACT: In an attempt to determine the drift of a raft during its entrv into the safety zone of a raft harbor on a lake the author (onsiders tht- static problem instead of the dynamic one He assumes that 1) the raft is a long solid body. _') the force-, a( t,ng on the rat I I ic in a single plane, i) the motion of the tugboat is uniform. -4) the driftiriv tuion takes place with respect to the tu8boat towing huc4, ~,) 1ht. tug- boat maintains a pres( ribed course and the towing hawser is a ri,,id. weightless body, and t)) the raft is a right parallelepipt-ci Fh v author divides the time period of the entry of the raft ititt, thc afc~', zone into a number of time intur,,als and sets tip the e(jilations of 1~.t equilibrIL1111 for the follci,,vinR for(es: a) the tUgbOilt (o%king IL,r,t, Card I b) the hydrocivriarni( resistan( e, ( ) the hydrodynamiL dritt SOV i-14 Contributiontothe Dctern-iinal,orof th, Wind iind resistance duc to%Aind and %ka%c prcssurc. d) the vind pres,,ure, and c) the pressure on the raft. The resistan(e and \-vind-pressure for(e,, are taken t(, he proportional to the square of the respe( tive -,clot itics. It is assunied that the drift of a raft consurnes a portion designated by the coeffit ient (it, of the \%a%(- energy. An equation E'. c1 0 Ro %dr T is written %-.,here E", (i,_, is the tutal wave energy along the front of the entire floating body, (1, is the cocffi( ictil of the wave-energy transfer to the floating body, and R o "dr T is the work done b\ the force of resistance caused by the drifting motion of the raft uker one .ka%e period T. After extended reasonings the author determines the energy for trochoidal waves; this could ha\e been accomplished much more readil\ bv asiri~ the well-known formulas ( ref. Kothm, N Ye ~ Kibel. I A . Roze N V Teoreticheskava gidromekhanika (17heorcti(al H,drnme(hani, ,~ Pa r t ! I ' z, p 4581 . For eaf h tinic inte r% at the author detery-ni iv,, li,v drift cto( kt~ arA O.f turning angle. The resalt, of a laboratory defe rmination of tht- wnt a are adduced. The author expres,v, thu opirlior that this rouFli riicth~,d 1(,r Th, solution of the problem appears to be ~litti( ientlv at i uratc f~,r pra( 11~ it raft operating purposes. A K Nik,t,r. Card 2 I. K--.-n,; i an t i 7 ,, ', :, I.'; A".` - z. -ns* en. na,ik :7c- I I, no z. nauk, r-t! r, it r,, I , k tin . rin u kt v I, i 7n~l !;o r-9 ;I s t a t ~i n., 1 . MMI, P. E. 2. U37-R (60C) 4. Waveg, Calmin,,, o" 7. 3tilcu-1FAtIng a floatin~r qz.eIt(-r--)crt. :tech. trF,n3,). I - , Nr . .' , 19, . 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, - A,rii 1953. Unclassified. OSIPOV, P.N. L081pov, P.M.] Reducing a double curvilinnar integral to FA double plarip integ7&11 Lwith summary in Angllshj. Jor. A1q nSR no.5:493-IM 158. (miRA 11:6) I.Kiivalkly tokchnoloirichniy InRtitut kharchovol promislovosti. Prodstavleno almdenikom Ali USSR A.Yu. lehlinaklin. k In tegrals ) A U TH ~-, R S: PC TLE !O-t'L, lllt~ It :")ilblo I III(- " 1, T r it eral , prvr~der;i I dvoym),qr, eri II(-,Vr, r' Y' Q U K :1 nom~ poverk~InDqtnomu 10 D I A : opov,,d I AKaAeMl I rIaUK ',"Kral ns kol liSh 1 N r 49 " !1! - I:', k ABSTRAC-- Double -.r.e i~.tewrals occur in, the theory af Sm ! n deterMl n; the mutual . n J a ~- t an o e o f c -)se,i 1. 1 n I, T - the potent , t furx t 1 oil of' the current ar''I t ~Ie f C r', a I 7~ 0: oil, arl (,,P~ t r i C " I r c 111 t I I. a mn~-? f I v 11 Y n e f t a I r, I- I a f orm,l a 1,~r r,~ 1u c i I,, g a i Fral if a s,~alar flir, lion , f t wo c, 9 e d c ', r sur!*fl~ 7~-rra: of tw? n t i Y. it c, i I; i r ! aces t,- in I -d Y c1. rc u i t s s i o v I? , t jr c a 'I !us '-,1,e ail t rior I - r v p f3mula tt.a -Aia-i -a * c u fr r e 1', c i r, 6 a ~, -u: I i n t c (,,ra FA '',e, t-~r f~n,- on f tw~- se'l r( -,I 1 9 u,, le ir,legra~' of t -iv c - (, n t i rLu ~'i s ,I u r fa - 0 s t v e ii I I owl rie rp a t i i:,: y r- l s ,I f- prc tne f ol J" Card 1,2 _n ReducinF a -c~;r,p .Ine :r~!.eKral a e n p r e a - r e f e r ? ri A -I AT' -N i:1 t7, -he 9x I I r. s t -it shc he v 'jy pr My q!. 7, - f I ~ I I c a P, t i t 11 t e Fsud I rl 1 1 y NiESENTED By !.'em t er r~ A.; K r fl A ~ w s n i r, 4 k i Y 5 '~ BY 7 -*. E L -I - " p ; , NO 7 E u .' 5 '. Ft." ' l't fl I; i~ J 3 9 1 fAF n -AMe S I TI(I I v 1 a Ft tior,s jo~ir,,rqz tnis art icle havf, t,c-or i -,AT, 5 I p r8 1) '. I ntegrFi I i ons-- T hoory 'ard 2, 2 GM-11NALMS, I.Gel R,G. Oboomtion of an ovacmtod pulmonary ochinoooccun cavorn dotoctad bly =,--= of c=hvnchoCmphy. A2orb. md. zhur. 42 iw.9t64-0 8 165. Olipj, 18:11) Ar-,. S,' Cc A. P Ci, H. 1 . , " e -, %, a ) " 1) , , : 0 " T , '.' ~ Re i 7-e I w or I uf - ~ : : !" , , 7: P., . '-tl .. F~ * 'r. "" )", D 1", . .1, ., . a -A : ~-, : - ) bP -4( .. kp ]"(,4. ESIDV, N.S.; BIRYUKOV, I.V.; VFMLYUDOV. N.N.; GORBUNOVA, M.N.; TESIPOVA, M.M.; IL'ICHEV, A.I.; IGNATIYIKVA, N.Ya.; KOVACHEVICH, P.M.; LYTKIN. A.M.: U)SKUTOV, V.G. :WZY-UKOV. A.5.: M IROSHN ICHF%KO, N. Ya. : UEFFDOV. A. Tn. OSIPOV. K.V.; OSIPOV P.M PRTROV N.G.; PETRACHKOV, M.I.; PINEVICH, K.M.: -- POPOV B.N.; POTAP6V, P.V.: MMIN, F.Ye.; PUKHOV, A.F.; CgUSOVITINA. Ye.l.; ANGELISKIY, N., [The Kuznetsk Basin in the nixth five-yenr planj Kuzbnes v shentoi pintilatke. (Kemerovo] Kemprovskop knizhnoe lzd-vo, 1956. 12S (MIRA 10: 1,,) (Kuznetsk Bnsin) OSIFOV P P , inzhoner. Modernizing automtic turret lathes used in mchining bi-metallic bushings. Hashinostroltall no.8:30-31 Ag '57. (MI2A 10:8) 1. Imningradskly Ordena Lenina metallicheskiy zavod. (IiLthes--Attachments) (Blectroplating) OSEPOV, P.P., lnzh. Modernizing the mounting of a tachometer generator. MashlnoEtr,!--' no.6:19 Je '59. (KIRA 12:Q) (Mlectric generators) OSIPOV,,Petr Yegorovich, kand. tekhn. na-ak; YAKOVLF.11, G.D., kand. - -.F nauk, dots. st. nauchn. sutr., retsenzent; DMITRIYEV, Yu.Ya., dots., kami. te'!chn. nauk, retsenzent; FOGORELOV, V.I., red. filydraulics and hydrnulic machinoryl Gidravlika I gidray- liclieskie rashirry. Izd.2., perer. i dop. Noskva, Lesnaia proL7shlentiost', 1965. 362 p. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Kafedra vodnogo transporta loss Voesoyuznogo zaocimogo lesotekhnichoskogo institute (for Yakovlev). 006 ON 40 *wow -*w 0 = a IL 71 MEW. ,j Q Irul lI Co. Asm. v Drops 0 aewe~m see :00 go Goo i fee ~v 0 61"ask's LZ "-an* RX 9 IF v v v v . . . ' 9 e - - ! : ~ a lfp T 0 w I a L a I 1 IT 7- 4 , - 6" POL"sM , 00 " OxAAw"fI* SiWWWft* dye. **a - MO. 19M. I. No. ". ** 01 ; off c%vdkf=W- When a 8 dye b dried it tD&Ypm Pot" apatramum Of VA i&t h im ox mx; mm &by t" of dol"naftin 8 wb;A d i l h 00 t x rjr o " u dre is unfroolwwAy, 00 000 00 IL S4t4LkUftJCAL Lt?l$Alk*S CLASWKAI" iL L v t 1 4- r- f-'T I 40*61 --1- It I -;099900094:10" 00000 ;Tom a 0 0 00 goo AM a I a 0 9 If 9 S.- 0 0 06 00000000000 a of u is to a 1) 0 Imp "1 a a I I 011 IUD A CIL A a" 4 10 01 .0 Of b. o. 10 10 .0 Is, a A A ., 00 00 1 6s sbw. it. our. ' W I' cl r ' & N M v M 19 s f A - O , RAM). ( 14060 & ladbakif 1& 414 De n P O OwtbW i-liti 0 %t% b t d 1 = 00 ntl ( s o - y mmm t KNO, and Wn no IWIK1.1 y = V 0 0 a -1 cmlral Of drics. iirat conimmurally tbr dyt am The Abel. but the Durtbut is ns (3-4 days) 0 tbcMure arid Ow 43nt. 4 dy* by swam of its N 00 a rldslil A IZ SrhWls's tahlon. there we 2 fuenubw lot 9 ) 4 , hWb. fts.. V and V writh 8 amiruu ul Xf is siml a." 1q, few 00 I he 3 Content of the div Used hT I I wa- chmi lo the Wnwr Y*lar, ond he tkir"fore 0 o&v4sd t1w 1-t foemuls. "n"W" to 10 M% N. I'M aml of dye m The Atwi to t1mrsvion givm by 1111AM PPIK in shicb.4 to The N wnte-al .1 1 it Of dreJ falww 0 A PArtweAt-CA)uwas 00 041 0 00 060 00 000 moo too I t & too 0 - v Ir a a* '. 'A 411041111% 0446 few 0 o 1 4 's 0 Oil 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 6 i 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 & 0 4 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - - w w w I 70 SO 00000000o00000 Sa 0 1 w sip jovisip 110 JOSPOO wo **to ' =Jp'V A -U-1.ju a 0 0 1) U I) , a -'Ll -ilk I JIL-. I - IMA %~A It -0 1 0 A 1-1,000 plom 00, -91111 00 -00 P-ow d Towltm 1 1. Nov 6 9. 3 4K HM). ( boom & tdomllve 1140W4 4) *nrr-I a c%amige In the Mnwetim al 5 Nock rroullinji frogs mAAI%%n undti the hillItivins vtotifilions: lliimmItlv~ in wet", ito-armv-1 -,I Ow. I~ so thr-,gh if. -111 fol 6 1,w his. 166-111 thr P11441 JVV "fib lil'i NGO -491 - Itwo 0-11, 111,.'] &--1 :1-13V it% 11,411-i'miriali-4 MI. 4IT as ItW anit ta"Ah 0: to t.vvw. but 'ill"I of elm Stemp, switarahl with ClIc6q., I'm- Ill.-lait'd S 00 b.J to Nei,14 ftilm Sivilp a "t-ollial .411 offer I mWith lk~ .411 -00 iNwlUb?w4 VII ll#tk It Whirls ImIral"ll to 12 N_ 41 the CFO of 3 "'rith. This had al rrady bms obtereviril by PerywIllf, wbo dataniui,bed 3 tWs in the phrisnantoors 00, M ppm al the dye whra osidistim of No oWh& and ptilyndfid" talirs plum 12 see 00 t midwatko of the S dye itwU wM panible conversion of the sulfide groups into oullonic :~=qe groups; J3) axMmts-m of the 3 In the chkirW willn with forrvisto'" of ll.SO. 0 ~ 000 tests camilm 11"vetW9 P clushms and in wMn show that whe" a S d" is dir" it z 0 0 00 tmkrgnrs one oway to asidatim. but akot- a putW drotructim. hrotv any milsodol 4 dris 8 dye* whith Irtiukrai 'tryins the dwr "lls it, T-1111. A 11 V 690 00 so** x6e '0o 00 go* ~l 61111-I&S, 80?&LtWllt&L 1,1114611111111 CLASWK&TWo 011141 so. 104.14. we* --T- W7 I--* V1 - - 1 9 he - a a Is I a Is I a a 0 9 Ar so a 0 is 0 Is 0 0 0 0 A It 6 1. a a 0 10 ; 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 61 0 00 .0 &,Do 0' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 6 0 iroo 0 0o a 0 0 0 0 0 0 Is a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OSIPOVV 3,, Ltar3hi-.- r.;-i.,-:)ny-i .,afety mcasLroo ~r. coal oi. shipa of tho .erchunt riarir.e. ;'or. t ~l ;.c,, 1. llai,.eyevskiy ruiuclino-issledovt,teilskiy inititut ,.v bezoluis- nosti r:,'.)6t v j-,ornoy promyshlemosti (for Oslpov 2. titell i.orrarldirt, otryada protivopozliarnoy ckixany ~Iiernolnorrkago parokhodstva (for letrakov). sYdps---O'-'i.foty measures) -oal-Tran:iportation) KLIPIKOV, B., inzhener# OSIFOV, S., inzhener. Apparatus for the calculation of Yettlation systems. Mast.url. 6 no.1115 Ja '57. (MLRA 10: 4) (King ventilation) 0 , Category : USSR,GenerLL1 Problem.. - FTol-lem.~ o" Tr-aching Abs Jour : Re:' Zhur - Fizika, No 1, ~ ,- , No -7, Author : Eha-mamedov, T I OJULOV, S. Title : On '.he Method- of ~~iy,lcal-Kxperlmen! Per."cr-marw~-- In IMiddle "Whool Orig ?ub : Azerb. mel-tebi, 1 r-,6, No ~ -5.1 Abstract : No ab,;I-ract Card : I'l OS11POV, S. Masters of tranaporting conveyers. Y-ast.ugl. 3 no.llt7-8 N'14. (Mine haulage) (KLRA F:3) -_q~~JJOV sovetAsogo Soy-uza; UDALITSOV,O.A,, j red. ; AJ!, , tekhn. red. [!~e.-o4c deed of the non of the ~~altic pntrol boatel Podvig ka- !er~ !~'jv-ba-Itii*sev. Leningrad, Ob-vo po rasprostraneniiu pc,~ it. i rauch. zzianil )(SFSR, 1961. 75 p. (mRA .15:3) (World War, 11/31-1945-11Pval operatimn) OST)'OV# S. A. "Yethods of Teaching the Pundamentals of kerodynw-dcs in a Physics Course in a Secondary School." Cand %d Sol, Azzerbaydzhan Stnto PO(in- Lmgical Inst, Bak;, 1954. (MY16, Nov 54) Sarvey of Scientific and Technicn.1 Dissertntions Nfended at USSR 11igher Educational Institutions (11) SO: Sum. No. 52-1, 2 Jun 55 OBIFOV. 5.I.; MIRONOV. X.A.; KALININ. V.K..inzhener. radaktor; YUDZON, "., tek-hnicheskiy redaktor [Safety manual for eloctric locomotive brigades] Famiatka po takhnike bezopasnosti elektrovoznym brigadam. Moskva, Goo. transp. zhel-dor. izd-vo, 1953. 85 P. [Microfilm] (HLRA 9:9) (Electric locomotives--Safet.7 measureo) ZAKHARCHENKO, D.D,doteent, kandidat takhnichaskikh neuk: ISAYEV, I.P., doteent, kmadidat tekhuicheskikh nauk; KALININ, V.K..inzhoner; KUSTITANOY, M.Ye,dotaent, kandidat teiffinicheakikh asuk; LAKSHTOVSKIT. I.A..doteent. Irandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; KkMARDT. X.G.,professor. dok-tor tekhnichookilrb nauk, KOK', V.B.. professor, doktor tekhnichaskikh nauk-, MIROHOV. K.A.,inshener; M11HATIOV, N.M.,dotsent, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; IUKHODKIN, M.D., doteent, lmndidet takhnicheskikh neuk; OZEMBLOVSKIY. Ch.S.. Inshener; OS40,10 64-inzhener; B014ASHKOV, S.G..inzhener; SOKOLOV, L.S..Inshener; FAMISMY. G.V.,kandidat tekhnicheeklkh aeuk; SHATSILLO. A.A.,inzhener: SHLTAWO. P.N.,doteant. kandidat tekhnichaskikh asuk; BOVB. Te.G..kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk, reteenzent; FEICSOVSKIT, L.M.,inshener, reteenzent; AISKSBTBV, A. To., professor, doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk. reteentent; BATAIA)V, N.M.,inthener, reteenzent; VINURG. B.h..inzhener. reteenzent, GRACHBVA. L.0., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk. reteenzent, TRVDOXIMOV, A.M., Inshener, rateenzent: LALININ, B.S.,inshener, retsenzent; TRAKHTMAN. L.M.,kendidat takhnichaskikh nauk,retsenment; PYLUNKOV, A.P..Inthener. retsenzent; GOIRSHUIR, B.Ye.,kandi"t tekhnichookikh nauk, retsenzent; ILIIN, I.P..inzhener. reteenseLt; HAKHODKIN, M.D.,doteent. kandidat takhnichookikh aaak. retmenzent; TISHCHENKO, A.I..otvetBtvannyy radaktor, BHNBSHHVIGH. I.], kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk, redaktor; ZOROXHOVICH. A.Ye.,doteent kandidat tekhatchaskikh nauk, redaktor; UITSINKO, Te.G..inthener, redaktor; ROGOUIN. A.P..inzhaner. rodaktor, SIDOROV, N.L. Inshener. redaktor; V11111LA, O.P.,tekhnicheekiy redaktor (Continued on next card) ZAKHARCIMNKO. D.D.---(continued) Gard 2. [Technical manual for railroad workers] Tekhnicheakii apravochnik zheleznodorozhnika. Red. kollegiia R.G. Granovskii i dr. Hosirvo. Goa. transp. zhel-dor. izd-vo. Vol. g.riglectric railroad rolline stock) Blaktropodvizhnot sostav zheleznykh dorog. Otv. red. tome A.I. Tishchanko. 1957. 652 p. (MLELA 10:4) 1. Chlen-korrespondant Akadamii nauk SSSR. (for Alekseyev) (Electric railroada-Rolling stock) TIRRSHOV. 1.N., k4ndid at t a khnichpikikh n&lA-. Ob IPOV. S. 1. . rednirtcr, .D31tOVA. Te.U., tekhrilaheskiy redaktor~.~~- ~, Determini V the danger of electrolytic corrosion of burted ~ablem.l ~)vrsdelpnie o-Dn~nosti elairtrokorroati Dodzemnukh knbalei R-.Wrvq, Gos.tranao.zhei-dor.lid-vo. 1957. 92 v. (Moscow, Vmesoiuznyt nou,~hno-issIpdovi4tollskii inRtitut zheIeznodorozhnoto transporta. T'ru4Y. r, .111). (IALRA 10-7) (IN-Inctrolytic comision) OSIPOV , ~ a rgev I v -An or tch; MIN ONOV ~ ~,ors I in ~ I r A rid rovich: SHIRYAYRV. A. P. . inxti . . red . , S . , . , , - - .1 . -_ . -~- , L . ' - Ni. . t,,.k)din. rpd. I , I ,,- I , I ~ , f . I n, ~ r i - t , ., - i - I - 1 - 1, ~- , ' - k i - i -- 0, n a It , I t I nir I . M n H " 't . I , . t I hit t1 1i . 11, fl I A,, I . ' ! i . 1 11, 11 - t m I h A I ( I I .' ) ~ F , - - t r I - , , 1 1 r qdfi ) OSIPOV, S.I., inzhener Some notes on Comrnde Usikov's article. BlekA tepl.tiags, no.10:?O 0 '57. (MIRA 10:11) (Ilectric locomotives) OSIPOV, Sergey Ivanovicb, inzh.: mmn,,iov, Konstantin Aleksandrnyleb, inzh.: RDMADIIIA. Irina V1ndimiroyma, vrach: TAKDVLEV, D.V.. inzh.. red.: BoAROVA. Tm.N.. tookVin.rmd. [Safmty Rnpinnering manual fo- nlectric railroad crewel Pamiatka po tokhnike boanpasnosti lnknt:.-)tivnvm brigndam nlaktrnprdvIzhnn~-,o sntqtnvn. MoRkyn, ~.ns. transp. rhol-dor. Izd-vo, 191,8. 119 p. (MIR& 11:12) (F-loctriv ratIrnndm--Snfoty mansurns) B011THICIIUK, N.Yti., in2h.; A.M.. kiind.tojklm.nmik; IJY.;TlflTiKIY. Kh.Ta.. inzh.; DUBIZOVSKlY, Z.M., Inzh.; KATKOV, B.S., inzh.; 0-ISKOVSKAYA, S.H., inzh.;,"Ir jtWh.: PKRTSOVSKIY. M.L.. inzh.; TLIKOV, V.A.. inzh.-, TIXBRIK, B.U.. kand.te~,hn.naiik; WT-7-11N. T.A.. kiond.fiziko--t-,iiito),i.niiiik, KIIITTIOV. P.A., tokhn.roid. (sloctric locor-intivos oi)fir)itl!w on n1torrinting mirront with igrziltrons) 41elctr,-vozy porerymnogo tokii n i;m1tronnni. Pod ob- Bhchoi rod. V.A.161-ovfi. Mosk-vii, -~oq.trii.-iap.zlitil-(Ior.izd-vo, 1959. 286 p. WIA 12:10) (Eloctric I-j-)notivs3s) OSIFOV, S.I., in7h. Replies to readers' questions. r1ekA tepl.tiftea 3 no.12:43 D 159. (MIRA 13:4) (Railroad engineering) OSIPOV, S.I., Itilb. ChS2 alertri- panaoWor loc-omotivo. Slok.l topl.tiagis ~ no.11:16-40 14 '59. (KIJkA 1313) (Hlnctric Incomntivoo) 051POV, S.G. In a section of commniat labor. Put' i put.lrho7,. 4 no.l: f~-9 Ja '60. (14111A 1):5) 1. Starahiy Aorochriyy muntor mekhaniziroviAzinogo Anlotira, atantsly-a Orel Il. (Orel District-Railroada) OSIPOV. S.I.. inzh.; KHATSIMLEVICII. M.N.. inzh. Replies to roadAra' questions. tepl.tialn, i~ Ja 160. (141 RA,1): 4) 1,- . 1 - a~ (Railroada-Maintenance and repair) YZYTXYP, I.P., inseh. ; OSIPOV, S.I., in.Vi. Electric circuits sad equipment of the GhSl electric locomotive. Blek.i tepl.tiaga 4 no.4:33-39 '60. (MIRA I);,,) (Electric locomotives) GSIPOV, S.I.. iazh. Use of regenerative braking ovec a wide range of speeds. Ilek. I tepi. tiaga 4 no. 12:)5-37 D 160. (MIRA 14: 1) (Railroads--Brakes) WIWI POV . Sortmy IV I, 11..' 1"11; M I RON (IV . K-,,Ittin I I ii A loka,-wlrov I oh I A OW, I I INA. 11-1111. V InA 1!~It rovain ; '%IIxI'WV . N. 1.. 111011. . roil. . MCIV91.1VA, N.A.. to Idin. rtid. (Manuel on safety measures for the locomotive crews of electric tralnej Famiatka po tekhnike b;2opasnostl lokomotivnym brigFidam elektropodvizhnogo sostave. Izd.2., parer. Moskva. Vees.izda- tellsko-poligr.ob"odinanle X-va putal zoobahchenlia. 1960. 135 P. (MIRA 13:10) (Electric locomotives--Safety measures) OSIIIOV, 6.1. , ilizil. tt.,~ r,~jyer.erat~cn LTLkinE w4*~. a ~: 1* of the tmctiori ent-ines without broak-;'r,.,:- ti.t, brax: g - . * ,:ircuit. Trudy MliT no-135:78-92 '6d. 15:,L (-7lectric locanctives-Brakes) Salzillov, Gennadiy AlckBoyevich, inzh.; YEROIR, Ycvgeniy redorovich, inzh.; KOZLOV, Vitaliy Ivanovich, mashinist; PIKITIN, Geniy flikolayevich, inzh.; EFIL014, S.S., inzh., retsenzent; YAKOVLFV, D.V., inzh., red.; OSIFOV,-.5.I.,.inzh., red.; VOACTNIKOVA, L.F.j tekhn. roll. [Detecting and eliminating defects in the electric circuits of a.c. electric locomotives) Obnaruzhenie i ustrawnie neis- prnvnostei v elektrichaskikh tsepiakh elektrovozov peremennogo toka [By] G.A.Somenov i dr. Mosk-va, Veen. izdaUllcko-poligr. ob"edinenie F-va putei soobshcheniia, 1961. 127 p. (MIRA 15:3) (Electric loconotives-Maintenance and repair) CSIPCV, S.K. What is "horse hair"7 Blol. v ahkole no.4:89 JI.-Ag '~l. (MIRA 14-.?) 1. Pakovskiy peda opicheakiy inatitut. Norms, lnteatinal and parasitic) OSIFOV.0 Sergey Ivanovich; Konstantin Aloksandrovich; ijOV , C.G. I kf.rd. teTli., . nnu,:, re -son nent; I B.K., ljizi.. retsenzent; .:11)(, 01* 1. , inzh.., md. Milli'Cl. A p 1; A. telchn. red. ndwi-,ontalo , f (~Iectric traction] 0,nnovy nInktricht- 1,ol lLjafl. 2. peror. lzd. 1.o:lkv~i, 7rnnnzholdari,,-.dat, 1"62. 33.1 " v, L,; T.- I YEVTEYEV, Ivan Petrovich; -051YOV, Sergey Ivanovich; MST07CYTOV, 1-fikhail Petrovich; FUSPNOV, S.Ye., inzb., retserzent; ZUBMISM, S.M., inzh., red.; USENKO, L.A., tek~m. red. [7he ChSl und ChS3 electric passenger locorotive s I Pass n- zhirskie clektrovozy ChSl i Ch.93. Foskvn, Transzheldoriz- datV 1962. 158 p. (MRA 15:11) (Electric loconotives) XjHC!iA,,U%A, G.D., t-,:,Ichr.. red I I~he ,Charricl,nrir, I ic~ of tr-tction ~-,Y,-,-mr ; loctil or "Eloctric Tr-,ction of Train.-," for ,,,tu,-ient,, of trio V am VI courso spociiilizinC7 in "7he Electrification of Klisraktoristi'KA tir~govogo rez,:A: zi; lekt-iin po tirtsiplinf, "Eloktriche:;kaia tiagti ponzdov" ilia studentov It i VI , - sov rpet!,lia. -ui "Elo;ArilU: t.iiii, zli-lo.,no oro~~Iinogo tranrporta. " Vsc~i.zaocl.n~i in-t ir--henorov zhrl- jor. ',rnn:;;ortfi, 1"u". 46 1. 11': 12) lkrd:ICIY~ , D.A. ; CCLfjVA11'M A. 01 , S. S. -, KURASCV, S. 1. GSIFOV s I - i-11"*' I, inzr.., rea.; VA 1: L "f E".'A , N. 1, Io. V:-J1 11131. al. -:ol-izdl1t9 lq(3. '~s ~. (P. ~aA 10 1 (Electric locomotiven) (Kloctric cu.-rent revtifierc) GARNICHEV, D.A.; GGLOVAI;OV, V.A.; IMYLOV, S.S.; KURASOV, S.I.; OSIFOV, S. 7. ; PRIVAU', , ; -.kLjo.,;0';, !;. 1, . , , retsenze-nt; "ILU"CV, N.I., inzh., red.; VALILI'M-A, IN.N.9 tekhn. red. I I () t-, i ~ 10 ()1- 0 ', i', f, w I t h !--er, i c onduc tor re c i L f ic r o I E le k- troioz s F;olu,, ro-.-o,-.,nlkovyr,-i vypriiimiteliami. Mo.,;kva, T rans zht, 1 io, , ~,ii pi 1 , . (, P 1, NIRA 17- 1) QSIFOVP 5.1. (Foskva) FactorIzatIon of a polynomial over the ope-rator 8.1 Zhur. vych.mat.1 mat.fiz. 3 no.D191-194 Ja-F 163. MIRA 16)2) (Polynomiale) (Operators (Mathematics)) (ki I V( )V, :I, I. F ktkn'l . t C, 6 1 m .I ~n I I h Wficlent utilization of regenerative braking. Zhel. dor. tranape 45 no*6:33~-35 Je 163. (MIRA 16:7) (Electric rallroada-ftmkes) ( . .., xc~ ~~ , 11 ~ . 1. . - - . .. I . - : ~- - I - - . . . :, -1 , I -1.1, . - . 1. . . .1. . I OSIPOV, S.I. t - w~ q_, , ~ ,- -:- Materials on bottom fauna of waters of the PhLrgab Basin. Trudy Nurg.gidrobiol.ata. no.3:152-159 '55. (KLRA 9:8) (Nurgab Valley-Fresh-vater fauna) OBIPOV 3 K Benthos of Tedzhan Reaervoir. Trudy Awg.gldrobiol.sta. no.4:134- 137 158. 'O'llitA 15:8) (Tedzhan Reservoir-Benthoo) OSIPOV, S.X. 11 1. 1 Nutri t I on of carp (03-pri nus carpi o L. ) In the Thi rd Hindu Kus ~, Ress~rvoir in relation to bottom food sources. Irv.AN Nrk.SSR. no.4:85-86 '55. 'KLRA Q: 5) 1. Inatitut biolor,11 AN 'Nirkmenskoy SSR (M,ir#-rtb p 1vor- -ra"-) OSIPCYV s.i:. Inle n-' suspenlpd ni-li-,~ntA In *~,,p for-vation of hot*cr fEl in Inqf3rt rnuervoirn. Z--l.zh,ir. -, ~ S `~ Q . OAIRA 11-1) I mititut, 1. Ps~:nvclkly f-omjdarptvnivi.~~- (Rurt;alh Valley-Fre-ih-writor fauna) (It-morvoir t3f~dimentattcn) I'll LIPKOVICH, S.M., dotsent; 061POV, 6.N.. gorrTy inzhener. Otto oryinations in a rombinod twin entry miniri(-. syntern. 1;~,01' J2 no.3:21-26 Mr 1)7. (MIAA 10:~) I.Donetak-jy industrial'nyy inatitut. (mine rases) Osim, S.M. Dermoid cyst of the left ovary perf oratir.C, a of t2~- antericT Abdomlrtnl wnll. A)nish. i On. -11, no.5:117 S-0 '58 (KIAA 11:10) 1 . 1 ".. U I I f-, t $.I ~- I wo ko; o ,I :, I - it IN,, A k1k ty rw 1~ oy i-~ky onno), '~,, P it I I uy Sumakoy ot)IF~stl (Plnvnyy vi-Fich S.M. Osii-)v). (OVARIF.S--TLR40RS) (VT'IMAI. ~(F'Tmu) N OBIPOV.S.N. Problem of determinti4p, the best depth for ~-,oraholes In Y,!rttcal shAft sinkinip. Urnl' 30 no.5:24-20 Ffy (PILRA Q!~) 1. Student Donatskogo industriallnogo inatituta imant N.S. KhniRh,~hmva. (Shaft sinking) (BortrW) OSIPCV. S.11., pornyy inzh. ---- mmOvN3ftM---. mininp opt hod a. Part 15. 14~-ol ' 13 no. 1: 11-13 Ja 1 q. (MIRA 11 :2 ) (Coal minne PLnd mInI-Z--S,,IfO!ty I*aq'Iros) (mine gasem) OSIPOVI, S. N., CAND TECH St'll fiLlIBERATION OF METHANE --th "i'm SLOPED t#-~ IN 100b+0" STEEPLY I STRATA OFADoNsAs BY A COMBINED SYSTEM or uv-cl --- low (TWIN *I,- )." LENIhQRAOV 1960, (ml; OF HJOHER AND SEC SPEC ED RSFSR, LinifJORAD ORDER OF LENIN AND ORDER OF LAsoR RED BANNER KIIN INST IM G. V. PLE- KHANOV). (KL9 2-619 211). -166- OSIPOVV S.B. Methane release within the boundaries of the extraction sections of Rutchenkovc Complex mines. Trudy M"III 10:101-119 160. (MIBA 15:10) (Domts Basin-aine gases) k 1 1% V , -,:.. ;irl, ~ " t . : ~ . I ~ LUJ F-.E f:~ '.., '. - " - , ":-I "! 4 , I . I , , , ~--- ,.. i *- , I I ... ~ ~ *, . , :. .- ., ,,I- . - , _ '. - I .. I . I . , . ~'- K. t~.v ! v ! ": 1, , 'I, ~ 1 :~. . . , , ". " . -, I ~ j . Y t . - I ~ V ;' : * 1. - . I . . . . . OSIPOV, S.N. , :gornyy inzh. Effect of the length of the longwall and of tile time needed for its roining on the methane content of a section mined with the combina- tion system. Ugoll Ukr. 5 no.5:4-5 MY 161. (NIII 1435) 1. Makeyevskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut. (mine gases) - OSIPOVP S.N., kand.tekhn.nsu~ Plethane emission during mining. Ugoll Ukr. ,62. no-5:17-19 Pq (AURA 15:11) (Donato Basin--Mine gases) OSINIV, S.N. 14--tIaLm un~~uVu frum adjacorit lay(~rij Into tbo wurklr4~ij (if n 1hp:r being ruxed by a combination oystem of working flat layers witi. twin drifts. Vop. bozop. v Ugoll. jlialLh. 13:47-71 162. OM-~;, 16:5) (Done~t,i Bajin-Mlinine (-,~ no gaoeo) Calm, 6.1i. fitiallita Of ~;tk4d7iw, :aAllant" fiacape ~,I vorkcin?~ wlt-~ long pil-laro acro3a tho pitch In th--, Dowto Baqiri. Vop. bezop. t],.) " v ugall. sha~.h. 13-.711--.84 1 . (MIAA i6-5) (Lowts bas~n--4.tirllnr, ( gasen) LIPKOVICH, S. M., dotsent, kand, tekhn, nauk; OSIPOV, S. N., kand tekhn. nauk Most advantaReous distribution of depression losses in mine workings. Ugoll 18 no-4:r,1-52 Ap '61. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Donetskiy politekhnichoskiy institut (for Lipkorich). 2. TSentral'naya nauchno-issledovatellskaya laboratoriyra TsVGS (for Osipov). (Mine ventilation) OSIT-OV, Serf-ey !.'.'x,-a,!yevlch; A.".. olLv. red. (Methane libernti,~n aurlirij-, the --crkinz of flat ses::-z Metanovydelenie Vri razryibotke I-ologikh ugcl'rWkl,- ~,~'n- stov. 1-'.uskva, I;edra, l9u.. 254 !-- . (YIRA ie:2) J'MIIINOV, I.K.; OS11,0111 :~.N. Polyethy.,~n- cathr-t,-rs for p-olon;c-(l '7 Klin. kh.r. 10_1-7~-T' 165. (M!;A IR:., 1. Laboratoriya patofiziologil (rukovoditell - starsHy nwichnvy sotrudilik LI.A. Selomev) I annstezinlopichoskoyo otdclonly-, (rukovo(4.itel' - sl.arshiy nfiijchnyy sutrudrilk I.N. Yershovil) Naxichno-lsslpdnvatel'skoVo !nstltuta skorov pomrqtlc~i imf,r-,J Yu.Yu. I zhanelldzp. tl OSIPOV, S.N. [Osypov, S.M.); PYASFTSKIY, B.P. [Piast-tBlkyi, B.P.) Liberation of mF-thane from the exposed sarface of a coal seaz having a variable gaB perw~hbillity in ti=e and fjr.s&(-e. P; UF0)R no.8:1053-105~ 1 ~,5. 0IIII(A IP:P 1. TSentral'nava naiic,,.no-issledovate','.-k-ava lahorRtoriya - rudnogo dela. 17 AUTHORS: sysuy'-., Lieutenant -'-ol orvr-l of the Medical Cni-pE, ~-,pnv, TITLE: Some Problems of Protect'nE Divers From n3-1i-an* ture Losres (11'ekotoryye vDprosy zashchity vo-,Jo' luchistykh teplopoterl')' PERIODMA.L: Voyer~no-me,Jitsinskiy zhurnal , 1 P ABSTRACT: -.based r,n tl-*rLr ~-XL -ests and, tli,-)--;e ofV Ma I y s~i , jLj Le t ave t , 6 1 onim, *,.'.ar -, ollpa (194',)j and Professor Kondratlyev, the that. I., '.j.e temperature losses durinC, on the tomperature difference of the skin r~,rface B1.11-1 the surface of the diving suit and mostly rps,,ill- ~,cm radiation; ~') the usual diving underwear Is permeal-le for human radiation in intensive temperat,~i,e 3) the qluminum-coated outer coats tuid uvoi,,,i:1'c -71,1'Vr, Card 112 LIFKOVICII, S.M.. doteent; OSIFOV, S.V., gornyy inzh. Detercining the Optim= storing advance -ate in worV-irE 7-aseo.IP sea=s Ugoll Ukr. 4 no.10:24-26 160. WmA 1~:I-J) (mine pases) (Stoping (Mining)) moves* aloes wave **wow Ot 01 10 0 a pi A 6 -L- jai A-Al a 4 a J--?-I... 1 -1 1- Ak a CL 0 P~ 1) .1, ..r Illor C-Pt-0 1111K14641 w 14"66, 0, .., 1. , OS I PL) V, -A : 00 if (3 00 A 0 oft 00 WW V Joe 6 09 urema Piver. N M 16911 ~v (Bull. 8w. nit. H-ou, 00 a &r&AC300V MA S. Ill 014h Vic Aim. (r) 0 04 L -A. IJ&j 0 049 off w -v-7--% -T--i F-V V--T-r IV 1r to 0 0 0 80 00 :"o 6110o01 100000000000060000 -00 -00 1*00 0 or coo c0 0 see too w 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, NIKRAnOV, Alekenndr Tevgenlyevich-, MOSKVIV. K.K., red.: KHAIN, V.Ye., red.; _red.: NUXHIN, S.S., red.lmd-va; ATERKIYEVA, T.A., (Principles of structural geolofq and geological napping) Cenovy strakturnoi geologil i goologicheakogo knrtiroyaniin. 14oBkva, Goe.nauchno-tekhm.lad-vo lit-ry po geol. i okhrane nedr. 1958. 375 P. (NM 12:4) (Geology, Structural) (Geoloa--Kaps) ',e 0 S V f 1v , '1' . "i. Wine arid 7,1w, -I~iri, Trnmi jcilk.Fi t ton of wi f, In !.tink nutomol-ilvq. Viii. 35SH 12 no. ~' 195'. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Libt,,iry cf Congress , _ Tllnn _ ___ , )~,J, OSIPOV. V.; ROGOV. VI.. redaktor (When the jungles were empty; sketches of Vietnam] fcgds opustall dshungli; vletnamskis ocherki. Moskva, 12d-vo Oftyastlia,' 1956. 110 P. (MLRA 9:11) (Vietnam--Description and travel) L Sl ~- ()%', ': Sily-riar, ~iarrvncis. ',,o s c ow , ~, ~- --e i ~- 7, Lam,,,xiver, !~)-i: ' '. s.,-, ~~ rl,- Ho. se, 'L Qk- f. . ,~, ; . i 11,1:,. ".ranslnte~, frt 7' *,,,e k~r,.,-.ral 1, 4 an : "I. i, ,, alrvuy. OSIPOV. V. People(a Bulgaria. Sov.voia 38 no.l7t28-29 S '56. (KLRA 10-1) (Bulgaria-Atconomic conditions) (,~;J7CIV, V. On s Rj, I I.. r, n.; crt ; c,-, 3C"A Cl,: N . 1 r,ivda , Osr-W, J117-- r --r- in Libror-; of C, nl-re:,,3, Al" In' or!:,.% I ion D.1vi sion, RF-, or, No. PIVDVAROV, A.; OSIPOV, V. BlackBmith and innovator. Hashinostroitel" m.11:3 N '62. (MIRA 15: U) (LoIniWad-Machinery industry) OSIPOVP V.9- knigoved In a booksto-e. Horwi with uooks. Library of locksmith Sergei Antonov. Nauka I zhizn, 30 no.3:67-69 Mr 163. (PaU 164:5) (Libraries, ?rivate) CLIMPOV, V. 1 SSR Cn: FU~ i: , ri~n.-. or' , -r ! ! * - Seli!,,at N: Inivda (3.1 ';iu i.' ~ A-1, w. rn,-1-d in "Tr, ~xr .; -1,1,0 f, : ~ -- .:, Ubrai-, of Coni-r-ss, Aii ~,t i- Divi.,;ion, Rel ort N,- ',.U C,i. GSIPOV,V. Imorove the quality of routing shipments. Zhol.dor.trnneD. no.B: 13-21 Ag,47. (KLRA 8:12) 1. Ooroy noto it%l lot lonookopo tnidn diraktor-ImIkovillk dvith"Illylk (Rnilronds-Making up trains)