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ORLOVSKIY, A.G.; AGFYKIN, G.I.-, RYABIN, M.O. Power supply for several hardining treatment apparatus from a single generator. Prom.energ. 17 no.2:11-12 F 162. (MIRA 150) (Electric power supply to apparatus) RUINY N.O.; ORLOVSKIT, A.G. Technology of electric induction heat treatment. Metalloved. j term. obr. not. no.6:27-30 Je 163. (KEPA 16: 6) Steel, Automobile-Heat treatment) nduction heating) R LIMSKOTS R.S. kand.tokhn.nauk (g,Dnepropetrovok); SNMLU#-Asfij'4- trovsk) aspl;;;t (g.Dnepropstrovsk) j FRISHMN, MA. . prof * (g.Dnepivipe Crossing frogs and traffic safety. ILP 161. (Railroado-Svitches) Pat, i put.khc)z. 5 uo.4z4ou (MIRA 14:7) FRISHMAN M.A., prof. (Dnepropetrovsk); SHATERKOV, V.I., dotsent IDnepropetrovsk); VOLOSHKO, Yu.D., dotsent (Dnepropetrovs1c); ORWVSKIY, A.N., inzh. (Dnepropetrovsk) Performance of switches laid on reinforced concrete slabs. Put' i put.khoz. 7 no.71ll-12 163. (MIRA 16:10) FRISHMAN, M.A., prof. (Dnepropetrovsk); LIPOVSKIY, R.S., dotsent; (Dnepropetrovsk);,2#WyP~IY j.,.I.N,.,_inzh. (Dnepropetrovsk) Obtuse-angled frogs with movable points. Put' I put. khoz. 7 no.10:8 163. (MIRA 161l2) FRISHMAN, M.A., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; LIPOVSKIY, R.S., kand. tokhri. nauk; ORIDVSKIY, A.N., Inzh. New design of obtuse angle frogs wIth a mobile point. Vest. TSNII MPS 22 no.7tlO-14 163& (MIRA 16t12) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy institut inzhenerov zheleznodorozhnogo twensporta. FRISWNp M.A., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; LIPOVSKIY, R.S., kand. tekhn. nauk; ORLOVSKIY, A.N., kand. tekhn. nauk New frogs for high-speed traffic. Vest. TSNIJ WS 25 no.1:3-6 166. (MIRA 19:2) 4 i, - k 0~ T" :6t' INA pli4 1PIPT ---ACCESSION- M'IAR3002,9 )0/005/DMS/DM 0 6.1 1 Lo~ -A -7, 9E v f6a prbc. WA, this - t n C~ J 47 9- 2~"a ji: t_ _4 WIj ibn:~ " i~ "' -,; , " t d 'TAGS t gra, :,tYM-~endf"O ransparen Bart~6#i:~-Gai7iburtse*,.iyp6~': -parane co- a hpd., uadr la q at ed, mplifying'. lid v'lf-:detarj4tdm- gravitation- ayu -are em .0 si eotions'_: or tbia i iem-bli P~'I&ch a:rs- reduoed to the following: -Of '.0 culaticn:points- aotions-cbrlhg ha eas of a' t i7icr ing mrk S tho,- dffe bUefj,2) idmp2ificeition of the tech- i Utih 64V. t6rr.~etjon~. jyj el 3ridilw up lo 200 -~200 - -------- AP" t G=b%ul Mev., ype lar IN ___J R _9" -4 . . . . . . . . . . Rl;~t__,:E. f, O;N 7 ORUVBIIY A Vo, professor; LYUM9 R.A., doktor tekhnicheskikh nunk; XhJWVSKIY, r=!L ~-~ 4 A ~-'. Ye.Ya., kandidat tekhnichenkikh nauk; WOBSON, 111mar, Inshener; AMPOV- UIT, T.K., luzhener; PWOV, G.Ye.. doktor tekhnichookikh miiuk; FTUHSTW- MIN. A.L. ln2hener; MWER. A.Ya.. professor (leningrad);TSMAVA, G.K., Inthener; MUYWIY, K-L, inzhener (g.Xotovsk. Tambovskoy obl.); BZWV, V.S.. Inshener (g.Ullyanovsk). Corrounondence conference of readers of *Mektrichestvo? Blektricliestvo no.R:gq-91 Ag '53- (KMA 6:8) 1. Kiyevskiv politekhnicheekly lnatit,.xt (for Orlovskly). 2. Zavod *Zlektro- silag (for 4-uter and tuzovskiy). 3. Botonkommnenergo (for Takobson). 4. Suratovskiy industriallnyv tekhnikum (for Antopoliskiy). 5. Tomskiy politekhnicheskly institut imeni lirova (for Aikhov). 6. Tikhvinskiy glinci- secutyy savod (for ?Sverava). (Blectric engineering-PL-riodickle) ORLCVS'r\Iy, A-V' LYULYAYEV. V.K.. Inshener; MOVSICSOV, N.S.. inshener; ORLOVSKIT, Jk.V.. professor; ROZMUMUYN. L.Ta.. inzhener. Itzpanding the field of application of an operative alternating current. XLek. at&. 24 no.10:44-49 0 '53. (KLRA 6:10) (Blectric currentii, Alternating) ORWTMYP.l- AL&Vo, professor; CHIZHNM, I.M., dotsent; MMIRDVSKIY, A.S., Immemere Use of marewy-arc-rectifler installations to generate wattlems powero Provivemorge 11 zoA16-21 Ap 156. (MA 9t?) 1.11yevskiy poll takhalchookiy institut. (Blectric curreat rectifiers) (Blectric substations) el'It'l-o' il ~~- A -/I - t-'- BYRONUVIKOVet a., doktor tokhn. nauk, Prof. (Moskva): BUCIIIDZI, S.R., knniLl tokha. nauk (Wallin); QRLOVSKIY. A.V., prof.; FOSSB. A.T., kand. tekha. nauk; AKMIROD, A.K.. itzh.-. GROYS, 79.8., insh.; ZVYATKOVSKIY, V-Z. ingh. Outlook for d.c. pmmr transmission in the Soviet Union. Ilektri. chestvo no.2:72-78 F 158. (KIRA 11:2) 1. Ghel~wbinskiy politekhnicheekly inatitut (for Orlovskiy). 2. Rauch- no-Iselidovate'llakly InstItut postoyannogo toka (for Poneg. Akeellrod. %rtsik, Grote-, Kvyatkovekly). (Blectric power distribution--Direct current) AUTHOR: Orlovskiy, A. V., Professor SOV/105-56-9-21/'Z' TITLE: Foundations of a Centralized Power System for the European Part of the USSR (Oanovy yedinoy energeticheskoy sistemy yevropeyskoy chasti SSSR) PERIODICKL: Elektrichestvo, 1958, Nr 9, pp 85 - 86 (USSR) AESTRACT: This article is a supplement to a paper by Y.I.Veyts, published in Elektrichestvo, 1957, Nr 1. The author points out that Veyteq in his paper as well as in the map scheme shown, only deals with the development Df electric powerv and with a centralized high-voltage grid, but not with the development of the power system as a whole as mentioned in the title. Under consideratior of today's trends, it would be appropkiate to starc investigations, and plan a centralized power syjtem for the USSR, which would be considered as a totality of ppver generating plants and transmissions, as, for instance power transmission lines, gas pipe lines, and fuel transports on rails and waterways. Here the question Card 1/2 is once more discussed whether it would be more Foundations of a Centralized Power System for the '14 European Part of the USSR advantageous to install power plants near the user, and to transport the fuel needed, or to transm"A electric power. It is pointed out that evert a rouf~h calculation will suffice show that the Justification of installing one main plant in the Donbas, as it is demanded by4#eyte, must be douttful. Card 2/2 ORLOVSKIY, A.V. (Kiyev)l HELINIKOV, N.A. (Moskva) Regulation of voltage in electric power systems and increase in the I quality of electric power. ElaktriaPstvo no.200-91 F 163. (MIRA 160) (Electric power distribution) TAKUSM, Georgiy Borisovichl profsp otv* red.1 VELIXOX W INO9 AoT.0 rod, [Technical and economic bases of developing electric powr production in the economic regions of the Ukrainian S.8,11.) Takhniko-skonomicheskie oanovy razvitiia elektroenergetiki skonomioh*skikh raianov Ukrainakq M. Kiev, Naukov& dumkap 1965. 251 p, (MIRA 18t5) ORLOVSKIYO B. Now types of industrial buildings. NTO 3 no.12:26-27 D 16a. (MIRA 15:1) (Industrial buildings) CRLOVSKIY, B.; KAZIA OV, A. Construction of foundations on permafrost soil. Stroitell 8 no.6:3-4 Je 162. (MMA 15:7) (Frozen ground) (Foundations) OIRIDVBXIYI, B. (hDskva) Building vithout sky-11", Okhr-truda i no.1s20 Ja 163. (Industrial hygiene) Bots.etrakh. 6 (MIRA 1.6 11) (Trade unions) CRLOVSKIT boy-, W;;;;;; 6 R ki & Z; ~'~ -,I., ~- ~ Multiplexing local communication lines. Avtom., tlem. I iiviazl no.3:31-34 Nr '57. (MM 10:4) 1. Nachal'nik otdela alu2hb7 sigmalizatsit J avyagi DonetskO7 dorogi. (Telephone) ., inzh.-arkh.; FINKINSHTLYN, LAVRETSKIY, L.N,, B.A~, inzh.; EZDIID', K.B., inzh.; UhTaDCUK, IA.Y-, in-ch., red. [One-story industurial building with no monitor and with-a flat roof and a large network of columns]Odnoetazhnoe bea- fona,.-noe prorWslilennce zdanie s p'jloskoi krovlei i krupnoraz- mernoi setkol kolonn; iz opyta tresta qlosstroi-5" Glavmos- 3troia. Moskva, Gosstroiizdat, 1961. 72 p. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Akaderdya stroitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR. Institut orga- nizatsii, inakhanizataii i tekhnicheskoy pomoshchi stroitellstvu. By-uro tekhnicheskoy informatsil. 2. Zamestitell upravlyayushchego trestom nMosstroY-5" (for Orlovskiy). 3. Starshiy prepodavatell Vsesoyuznogo zaochnogo politekhnicheskogo instituta (for Firikinshteyn), 4. Rukovoditell gruppy matodichookikh kabinetoy tresta lq~'osorgstroy" Glavnogo otdaleniya po zhilishchnomu i grazhdanskomu stroitel-stvu v R. Moakve (for Ezdrin). (Moscow-Factories--Desip and construction) -O"TAKITs-2mmummil 1111chg MWIN, A.B.. red.; LITONNTSKATA. L.G., ES~mthetic materials In the manufacture of consumers' coods] GintetIcheskie materiely v prolsvodetys tovarov shirokogo potrablenila. Leningrad, Lenizdat. 1959. 138 P. (KraA 13:2) (Bynthatic products) (Russia-Manufactures) ORWVSKlf 9 Imartal I Il I icb; BORSHCHEVSKAYI p S. I. , rod. j LEVONEVSKA.YA, L. G. , lGoods vith a Leningrad trademptrk] Tavary s leningradskol fabrichnoi -markol. Leningrad, Lonizdatp 1961, 1%X (MIRA 14%9) (Ioningrad-Manufacture OKLOVSKIY, Emmanuil Illich; BORSHCHEVSKAYA, S.I., red. (Synthetic pro(juctr, in everyday life; synthetic mate- rials and goods manufactured from them) 31w.etika v bytu; sinteti-,heskie materialy i tovary iz nikh. Leningrad Lenizdat, 1964. 141 p. (MMA 18:6~ ,-ORLOVSKIY, E.S. Problems of the algorithm theory. Trudy Mat. inst. 52:140-171 '58. (MIRA 11:7) (Algorism) 61 A a a 05 0. 8 Is cou oil CL M: flo 41, ORLOVSKIY, E.S. Patent descriptions as sources of scientific and technological information. NTI no.6:6-9 163. (MMA 17t1) -01MOVSKIT, E.S. Chang*@ in the British patent classification and in the system of patent publication in Great BrItAin. NTI no.8i53-55 1&4. (MIRA 17,12) OR100vuly. Y.F. Hygiene of milking. Zhivotnovodetvo 20 no.3:76 Mr '58. (WERA 11:2) 1. Glavnyy vetyrach sovkhoza "Hanenburgskiy," Idpatakoy oblasti. (milking) ORLVIV~Kiy, USSR/Alectrlcity - Conductors Feb 53 "Presoure Joining of Aluminum Bus Bars," Engre L. 1. Adrianov,%~. M. Orlovskiy Elok Sta, No 2, pp 26-29 Describes "pressure welding" method for joining aluminum bus-bar sections, developed since 1950 by Planning-Exptl Bureaup "Sevzapelektromontazh" Trust. Bus-bar ends are lapped, clamped between special forms at high pressure, and fused to- gether at points of highest pressure. Use of various manual and hydraulic presser. is mentioned. 255T54 ORLOVSKIY, G. M., Cand Agr Sci -- (diss) "Mountain-forest soiLS of the * 41 basins of Nuda and Barguzin :Pivers of,,,BM ASSR and their afforestation properties." Bryanek, 1957. 19 pp (Inst of Forestry, Aead S-ni USSR), 150 copies (KL, 17-58, 110) -(Is- BORSHCHEYP V~B - YMINIa, L.B.- LAIUONOV,, M.G.- LITIW-.)KAfA, L.L.; 0110VOKil, G.14'. ~&Kkilfi, F.Z.; ABAH, I?kblij G.M. ~t AB-I automatic analyzer of biological structuros. Biofizika 6 70-747 161. (Mi aA I r,: I', 1. Institut biologicheslcoy fiziki ALN 68SH, Moskya. (BIOPHYSICS--k;qUIP,%ILK kND SUHLIL6) 'C' N( OSHAVS,4.11Y, YU.:.-, SHA, M-1. Study Of 1. Ins t i tut t,1 ri I K 7 UMNIR, L.B.; ORIDVSKIY, G.N. Some characteristics of the operation of a high frequency synOirotren system vith a large number of electrons accelerated in a c7cl6- Zhur. tekh. f12. 28 ne.11:2583-2586 N 158. OGRA 12:1) 07nchretron) jeotron: njectldn,*.4,_~ -6b: vie amber~*~-Bet -6n the"Van',de-Greaff exit and c_~.~_correo.. or, cone ist ing, of two 16 Opi, a ~oc on ricity.6fathe. -ad, Gam" it'.* eAricil Directly behind Te a 406C orat, fb io.-d'eIlector:i _o eo4 ':a A5 li~- I -ric,diflect6r Pfiiob can be used to'; Wh "' -_ - "d the b 'am pa f I - -o IL~*sec.'.-- en -svwiV)hb _ of f 0 soes _n i lit d" e a Ignme th ~izio'yita 'S 3-aphis&': nt" can be checked on two Th V,.Bp do V_eleclr6siatic borreotbr' and, tvio oapacitors uoreacen , 10.111At-iow and, a-n,gIP,f'the" team i :the-deflector of the S a e.- n mb of the strAig t sections:,of. the accelerator. Bac egn-,: v -,a ~b ' ep'arately adjusted~by'tianslation and rotation from ng be. vacuumi The radius -of * curvature. *of the it distroyi t -60 Th tage across each air orbit in".' n t i ef leci io' eye, Pm S. on e:vol --; - I-.-- . - . _. , p 6 pla3eq -bAn'-Ve~ contro I ed~ It I ti ate shova that an t,separ4ey., A,rouj -ee., .10 -3 -rda',_i 10 D: the rfldjnj~_ah red.: in the axial, As a ty OrA n d 11 o v. ang 9, pro uce .,an.-. nte sity lo as of 2C%. The -o e1supp y-* source s:.~ ar6' of the ord er of 00 1 - to 0. 06 a' a e g i, v c he.~kectifier f or, _hi T h e arec*_..~f b le IF age. gures ands 1 ta la 8/90SJ62/000/000/007/008 B163/D180 1UTHORS. Babkin, V. U., Bazin, G. If., Gag1n. To. X., Torsmin, L. V., 14etallnikov, Yu. N., Orl -0. ]1,. P*tukhov, V. A., Pisarev, V. Yo., dov, Y. G., Shorin. K. W. TITLE: Some starting-up and operating problem@ of the 680 Noy synchrotron SOURCE: Uskoritell slektronov na 680 Noy; abornik statey. Ed. by Z. D. Andr*yonko. Moscow, Govatomizdat. t962. 64-74 TEXT: The momentary partial* orbit during the first rtvolutions is distorted due to a number of uncontrollable deviation* from the ideal magnetic field configuration. This must be corrected in order to capture a sufficient part of the injected electrons. Indicating deviate measuring deviation* help to find the initial conditions, e.g., the correct inj*otion angle "d timing for which the free oscillations about the equilibrium orbilf become minimal during the first revolutions. Similar atthods were used to correct for deviations of the median surface of the magnetic field fro% the geometrical symmetry plane. For these measurements Card 1/3 3/908/62/000/000/007/008 Soma otarting-up and operating B163/BIBO a chop or was used, consisting of an electric deflector immediately behind the 609 magnetic sector field in the injection line, by which short pulses of 1-2 Vaeo duration could be selected from the injected beam. The signalling devices were flags and grids coated with luminencen-t point, sometimes in connection with pholomultlyliers. In this way the orbit deviations ijould be reduced to 2-3 om in radial in 1-2 om in vertical direction. In the quesibetatran and the synchrotron acceleration ati,goo the envelope of all oscillating orbit# sat measured by movable van*#, three or four in each sector. In the first stage, about 15 Peso, tho accelerating field in disconnected but the mW*tic field is growing. When the momentary particle orbit has been reduced, at 0.2 to 0.3 mm Per revolution, from the inflector to the central chamber radius, the accelerating electric field is switched on. Under opt mal oonditiona, the capture ootffiotent is 2%, which corresponds to 2-5*101 electrons per cycle. To avoi4 undesirable resonance effects from the passing alsalron beam In the resonator during th* first stage the rosonator is detunetig and the second stage in performed at a smaller orbit radius. When the field is switched off at the and of the accelerating cycle, the magnetic field is still rising and the electrons hit the target, a tungsten wire I am Card 2/3 S/9oej62/000/000/007/038 Some starting-up and operating ... B163/3100 diam, inside the acceleration orbit. The int*~sity of the y radiation produced was measured in a thi ok~walled graphite Lonisation chamber. .1 total y energy per cycle of 2-10Y Rev could be achieved, ind the number of accelerated olootrons per cycle was of the order of 10 Thor* are 6 f Igurts. Card 3/3 IVANITSKIVY, G.R. (Moskva); ORWVSKIY, G.N. (Moskva) Direct input of information on microscopic objects into a computer. Aytom. i telem. 24 no.lOtl4l6-1421 0 163. (KMA 16.11) i. 1 T " N., K ~ ", , , , . . .1. !-V - V .I 'j ; 0; C , ~,Jl . . -- .- of' tJ.v, morpholoU of jr- -.r lorganitma by un Ing autowd~tll c, wia lyzer for microobjerts. blofizika 10 no.3:463-469 165. (M-11~A 18:11'. 1 1, nstitut biolopichpsk)y fizlki AN Mosxva. -')!j t,,rr 1 ~tf- 1, I Jan. 24, 191-)-. ~iug-is likewise liftitaffected bythe speed'- The coordination of 1---i 77 T~ 00 -.,* -.. -- - li~- '' ~ i -, " - _* -two -arlee 'Rimen a - ygr 4 ith _~the- sppe6d MdUd- dtilr6 _Y tly depcindent., cm':thO_-G_ . bi~,Ainically Impossi-w 1~ -to ~ftd-ft, different spe e~s with a,chanje.-in fewer- parameters.i. -"The authors ar S,- - Gurf ell -1,-] Y. ftful: to -.1 14.dWfand D ink P~atetuki iShapim, and M L, itiin for lheli~-inierest "in' this- work and for v&luable.,advice.t' Orig. ak, hav i6-lbkidheAb~ Azi liiistitiiti. 6fAi ~:b_rjb %-M4 f, S4 ORI.OVSYTY, G.N.; SHIK, M.L. Standard elements of cyclic movement. Biofizlka 10 nc.50i,77-854 '65. (KIRA 18?10) 1. Thatitut biolegicheakcry fiziki AN SSSR, Moskva. -~: v ! v - d 7 y , P , , . 1, 0.~: ; ; . . - IL ~. N 40- - L , , . . f ' 7 . I ~t 'I ~ - - . ' floo rf i I na , min c, ' f-g3 lurinF -tin, 'i I C 103'7--104'1 1 (. S ~ I I. rrs',;, '.u . t~l 0 1 og ~' - : % 1 %N' " - k L.,,- ~. I I. , -,I. * - . I ,,, p rl I :'C; 1'4, '- . ._L-.~46290-M W(l) SCTB __ DD ____ A%101 AP603112i SO(JRCE CODE: UR/0217/66/011/002/0364/0366 AUTHOR: Orlovskiy,_Sjp 7 Severin, F. V.; Shik, M. L. ORG: Institute of Biological Physics, AN SSSR. Moscow (Institut biologicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR) -5 TITLE: Effect of speed and load on-a dog's coordination of movements while running SOURCE: Biofizika, v. 11, no. 2, 1966, 364-366 TOPIC TAGS: synergy, dog, skeletal mechanics, EEG ABSTRACT: Previously two of the authors (G. N, Orlovskly and D1. L. Shi1c), together with Yu. I. Arshav"-Icty, Ya. H. Kota and I. Ii. Rodionov. Investigated the movements of dogs running on a treadmill and came to the conclusion that over a vilde range of rurmirq:,, speeds there is a one-to-one correspondence between running speed and the movements of all the limbs which corresponds to the "trot"-type gait. It was noted that the duration of the limb-support phaso Is much more highay dependent on runnlng speed than are duxation ai-id trajortory of limb transfer-, Umb transfer wnn therefo:,-e cabled a "staj-,da,-d11 rw-uilng elomont, 01-rvIously, a chanrgn in .,1nZ s-.ood " (-ads to a corr.~cpondlno ohan6o In tho lo!vl on t:-.,~ L LvDtOr SYGte',;1: ti-10 gr(~ator the c"pecti, the gro.-iter 'LE; ti-,(" whllc'li the animod must (:evelop. liowever, such a Onc,-'U-0-011i, correspondence does not always exist under actual conditionn. 57" . U*4' -Cor.d.1/3 q ACC NR: ;~_-Osont aa7tlclo doscribez; t1io movol-onts ,).r a do-, cr C~Ondltlons the po-.;c~r to ',)o Ccvelopod bry the nn~_.-..i'__1.-. Col" tho nU-,n.1n;--, f;-, ba Made to 1,1a!7y Gott_'-4~- ways. '.:Ith plcloipn~ placr)d or, ti,,o prIncl-rC the bc1t ofL the t ;.I*,; ~olnz; angles, t;-,e ca-,Izal ~;-.n alone C~.anr,os in the angles of the loints were recorded on an encephalograph. The oxporlmcn~,or could independently vary o:-11y the speed of the olootrio moto*---drivcn bolt, but aloo tho =--lo o.'* inclination of the belt. A leash tied to the dog's collar nado it possible to pull the animal back. Tractive force was measured by a dynamometer. The authors state that the results obtained forced them to rovioo some of their previous conclusions. Tho animal's movements are determined not only by running opeod, but also by the magnitude of supplementary load. In eases of significant change In load and running speed there Is*a change in the amplitudes and voloolti *es of joint movements during the limb-transfer phase, especially marked In the region of low low and runnIng-apeed values. Thus, Card 2/3 L h62YO-66 ACC NR- AP6031122 the transfer phase is not a standard running element in the literal sense although a number of its elements vary slightly over the whole investigated range of velocities and loads. The effect of running speed and load on movements Is not the same. Speed af- fects a greater number of values characterizing the movements of the limbs than does load. Supplementary load changes only values which are affected by speed, with an Increase In both speed and load resulting In an Increase in the amplitudes and velooltlos of joint movements. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. [JPRS: 36o9321 SUB CODE: 06 / SUBM DATE: 19Nov65 / ORIG REF: OD2 Card -~'/3 CRALMM, q. 5. Weld ing Automatization of welding at the "L'vcvs---i I mapsh" plant; J-Ic ' -' r~c- -, ' - - 1, 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, I.'ay - 19-A, U'cl. 2 ORWVSKII G.S. Simple mechanization. Mamhinostroitell no.2.-10-.11 F 163. (MIhA 16:3) (Lvov6-rMachinery lrouotry) MIANSKIY, I.A. 0 otudent -------- Handmade talmlar furnace heated electrically. Khim. v shkole 15 noo2,50-51 Mr-Ap 160. (M:E PA 14: 5) 1. Podagogichookiy inotitut imeal Gortsensi Leningrad. (Furnaces) ORWVSXIY, I.A., student Demonstrating the industrial way of manufacturing acetate fibers. Khim. v shkole 16 no.6:59-62 N-D 161. MUU 14-: 11) 1. Pedagogichoskiy iwtitut imeni A.I. Gertsenap Leningrad.. (Rayon) 6ANOl A.A. [Holkog A.A.], kend.sellskokhosenauk; Voyno. ]).I. [Voitka, D.I.], kandesellskokhosensuk; NWE=L-LA* [Arlonsklo Z.Aelp kand. sellskokhos.mankl RM18,.-T.A,, kandsellskokhosonmaki WW', K. [Burys. U.]. red.; 18MMS, 0. [SalsolWts, ILI& EPreadIng work with livestock breeds of greatest interest In the agrlcultunl plawlag of Vldtq Russia] Plaulannale rabota a planavymi parodand sellskshaspedarchal shMly Delormaket SM. Kinsk. Dziersh.vyd-va I=. Red,mallelmhaspedarchal lit-ry, ig6o. ige p. (KMA 7,40) Obits, Russia-Stock and stoaktreading) ORLOVSKIT, I. _ Organization of scientific work on the study of hidden potentialities for growth in labor productivity. Btul. nauch.inform.trud i zar.plata no.1:16-18 '59. (MIRA 1214) (Labor productivity) ZINGIR. Z.; ORWVSKIr, I. (Orel); HKTOV, N.; FIDOTCM . N.; ORT IN.I., mj~kmv. - T. Bach enterprise should have a primu7 organization of the scientific technological society. NTO 2 no.4:60 Ap 160. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Predsedatell &WbyehevBkogo oblastnogo pravlenlya nauchno- tekhnicbeskogo obsbehastva gorodskogo khozyaystva i avtotransporta (for Zinger). 2. Predoedatell soveta pervichnoy organizateii Nauchno-tekhnichaskogo obohchestvn X6zhayakogo lesoproml~hoza, Hoskovskaya oblast' (for Matov)- 3- Zamestitell predeedfikelys, Mentrallnogo, pravieniya Nauchrio-tekhaicheskogo obabchowtva inaebino- strottellnoy promrshlemm sti (for Fedotenkc). (Technical societies) CRICTSKIT. I.; RYIKIM, A.; SERGYMA, G. - , -- Calculating the correspondence between the '-~i labor productivity and average wag". Inform.s trad I .3 no.4s25-21 rat* of growth Alulonsuch. 660. (MIDA 13t8) (Woos and labor productivity) ORWTSKIT, I.: SNRGNMA. G.; ErEKINK, A. SelectivAg a labor productivity index in calculating the relationship between the Increase of labor productivity and average wages. Biul.nouch.informs trud I sar late 3 DD-7:3-6 160. (MINA 13:Z (Moscow-Wages and labor productivity) ORIA)VgjL,j2In Aleksandrovich,- SERGEMA, Galina Petrovna; BUDARINA,V., red.; DtWICMMKO, red.; NOGINA, V., tekhn. red. [Correlation between labor productivity and wages in the U.S.S.R. industr7l Sootaoshenie rosta proizvoditellnosti truda i zarabotnoi platy v pronyshlermosti SM. Moskva., Izd-vo sotsiallno-okon. lit-ry, 1961. 3.42 p. (Wages and labor productivity) (MIRA 14:9) KAPUSTIN, Ye.Lp kand. okonom. nauk; ORIDVSKIYI_I.A.1 SIIKURKO, S.I.; BUDARINA, V., red.; K.DISANOVI-,-I-.-,-~ehiy red.; CHEPELEVA, 0., toklm. red. [Vages and their improvement in U.S.S.R. industry) Zarabotnaia plats. v promyahlennosti SSSR i ee sovershenstvoyanie. Pod red. E.I.Kapustina. Moskva, ltd-vb sotsiallno-okon. lit-ry, 1961, 201 p. (NIRA 15:3) 1. Moscov. Nauchno-iseledovatellskiy inBtitut truda. (wage pkvment systems) ORLOVSKIY, I, Ways to improve wage planning in L.S.S.R. industry. Biul. nauch. inform.: trud i zar. plats. 5 no.6:24-30 162. (MIRk 15-6) (Wages) 'PHLOVSKlY, IA.Iya Aleksandrovicb; TOLYFINA, 0.14., red. [Wage pl;:rmlng in industry] Tlanlrovanie zarabotnoi pla- ty v promysidennosti. Moskva, Ekonomika, 1964. 188 p. (MIRA 17:6) tYS"VM -' A-. T..; CR- Y.- a-." I Harrows Degree of soil crumbling with spike-tboth harrows. Pochvovedenie, no. ~, 1952. 2 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, November 1941 Uncl. ORMSKIY, I.P. (Orel) Pressure tests for asbestos-cement pipes. Yod. I san. tekh. no.10: 40-410 160, (MIRA 13: 11) (Pipe, Asbestos-coment-Testing) ORLOVSKIY,J,I~.4 KRUPKIb, P.I.; FOL'SKIY, M.N.; FOMIN, F.F.; - - -~HJLKIROV, F.Kh.; P'YAVChENKO, N.T., prof., doktor biol. nauk, otv. red. (Soil erosion in the area of the Minusinsk Lowland and Itq control; advice to agricultural workers) Erozila pochv v raionakh Minusinskoi vpadiny i bor'ba 9 neiu; sovaq rabot- nikam sel'skogo khozialetva. Krasnoiarsk, AN SSSR, ID--t lesa i dre~esiny, 1963. 69 p. (MIRA 18-3) aRLOVSKIT, 11rill Prokoflyevich. ZJLIASKATA, N.I. 'AT - ery col.lective form can be like this] OTakim moshet statt 11~-, kmsbdyl kolkhos*. Rostov-na-Do=. 1956. 11 p. (MIRA lljlO) (Collective fares) 4ULIMPL-Kirill Prokoffyovich, deputat Verkhovnogo Sovets SSSR. Garoy SOV'etskogo Soiuza; MKITIM. Ye.D., rodador; PIMBSYPKIIU, Z.D. , takhnichoskly redaktor; SOKOUNA, N.H., tokhnlchoskly rodaktur [Ivory collective fare can be like this one] Takim moshot stat' kazhdyi kolkhos. 1&d. 2-os, Ispr. I dop. Nosims. Goo. izd-vo solkhoz. lit-ry, 1956. 109 P. (NLBA 9:11) r 1. Predsodatell kolkhoms "ItadevetO (for Orlovskly) (Collective farms) OWVSKIY X4rj11 gro of 1j"h; RUITINA, Ye.D., redaktor; PMSYPKINA, I.D., ----t-e-Wnicheskiy- YWffa-Trt6r-.Y-3UXUWYA, M.N., takhnicheakiy redaktor. [Nvery collective fare can be like this one] Takim moxhot @tat' kazhdyl kolkhos. Hook-ra, Gos.izd-vo sellkhoz.lit-ry, 1957. Ill P. (MIRA 10:11) (Collective farms) ORLOVSKIY, K., geroy Sotsialistichookoge Trod&, geroy Sovetakego soyuza. Recent developmentSom the "Rasevat' Collective farm. Ikuka i pared. op. v sellkhos. 9 no.2:15-18 F 159. (KIRA 12:3) l.Aredowlatell kolkhoza 'Hasevet.0 11rovskDgo rayona, Mogilevsko7 oblasti. (Collective farm) Geroy Sovetskogo Boyusa, Geroy Sotsialisticheakogo Truda, deputat Verkhowogo Soveta SSSR; NIKITERO, Aleksey Afanaelyevich; ZAVERMINVA, L.V., red.; FONOMAREVA, A.A., tekhn.rods [Economic efficiency of the 1pecialization of the collective farm production; from the ploatice of the "RasevetO Collective Farm] Zkonomicheskala effektivnost' spetaializataii kolkhosnogo proisvodetva; is opyta kolkhosa "Raseve% * Moskva, Ekonoxisdat, 1963. 70 p. (MIR& l6s6) 1. Predes4atell kolkhoza "Rasovet*(for Orlovskiy). 2. Glavnyy agronom, askretarl partiynogo komiteta kolkhoss "PAssvot* (for Nikitenko). (Collective farms-Management) ORLDIISKIY. L.V. (Mosk-,. a, A- .71, Pc imoqkcvnoy, - 1,3, A ~ ~ - Review of the scientific pom-i-r iiteratur-q t r. ar. -. . - , -. .., no. 10 ~ 1~ 1 7 163. V ;,. k 1. 1z Instituta sanItarnago pr-5veat;-rRnlya ' - rek* ~r Y, , ORLOVSKIVI, L.V. (Moskva) Methodology of antialcoholiam propaganda. Trudy Gos. nauch.- issle inst. psikh, 38&418--423 163 (MIRA 16:11) Onmrsftly' I.. WO/kMICIne - Camer Oct he Medicine - Hygiene and Sanitation "Banitation Iducation and the Ylght Wnst Cancer*, L. Orlorskly, 4 pp *Felldsher I Akusherka" No 10 PA 26/L /`T76 Advocates conozate anticancer propaganda, In- eluding films and lectures, and active work by DO Cross and other groups. ORLOVSKlY, L. V. "Sanitary Instruction as a F!,ctor in the Prophyl-xis and Et,rly Dl-inosls of Cancer." Sub 20 14ar 51, Centrnl Inst for the AdvanceJ Training of Physicieuns. Dissertations presented for science and engineering degrees In Moscow during 1951* SC: Sum. No. 480, 9 May 55. OXWTSKIT. L.Y. (Moscow) Good experience with sanitation and preventive woft at a rural foldshor station. Folld I &knob. no.4t4l-43 Ap 134. (MM 7t4) (Medicine. Rural) ORLOTU1Y, L.V. (Moskva) Good work of a rural midwife. Feltd. I akush. no.11:35-36 9 t54. (MLItA 7 r 12) (MIDWIVIS In Russia. rural area) MWVBIIT. L.V. (Moskva) ------------- WmmwwW Cancer prevention campaign. Mod.mestre. no.2:3-6 IF 155. (MM 8#5) (ZKIUSM, prevention and control, in ARSHIA. advertimment) ORWVSKrT. L.V., kandidat maditsinakikh nauk Basic principles of cancer control. no.?:85-88 ii 155. (MIJIA 8:10) 1. Iz TSentrallnogo nauchno-tooledovatellskogo instituta ganitarno,do proeveshchenlya (dir. Te. G. Karmanova. zam. direktora po nmachno-v chasti-prof. L.S.Dogolopova) Minister- stva sdravookhranonlyA 53SR (NIOPLAS4S. Prev. and control in Hassia) EXCERPTA KEDI,A Sec 16 Vol 7/3 Cancer Far 59 moo. Special features of prophylactic propagand.1 with respect to malig. nant taingurs of the lun-, (Russian text) ( )Ri.,)% sKq L. V. \I,Kco%v, Floltl Ille Immik: Natichitava knriferrithiya p, pro6lrme rala IlZri7TT~5-fl, -ranwuva 1,)57 coda. (Irnw- grad) 19,57 121 23) Relatively little attentlitti i% given to carciomna of the boig io dir field if livalth eduration. E.vvo in Impolar Ivrttirrs and paoildilets -pit ranurr, fir-splivlaxis ofcaticer of Ilic long is mentioned vrry rarrl~ . Tliv popolation (partictilarly dir older atir grouly%) shmild Itt- infortned about tile role if clirooir disordvrs of rrspiralorv organs and Ilie (Irvelopinvitt of canver (if 11ir how; Ilir itnI)qirlative of thorly tri-atinvot tir respiratory disordrra %botild I w stressed. Sioce patirlit% sonietonci rcrose biog sto-grry believing it to bc incffertive, it is e%scntial tit ar(litaint the popolation witli nitAcm successes and pm-grem io I-ing surgery. The popolation should al3o he acquainted / 6 o 0 with the hygienic clursilom assxx-latcfl with prophylaxis fifcaticer of the lung: of the 11.1rin of smoking, the inquirtanrc of iiasal hrrathing, of prrvewive measure% against air peAlielino in industry. Thr harinfid effect of aii pollution should be mentioned factfully so a% not to create the impTCSSiOll ill pCOPIC'% ininds that they are inevitably threatened With Cill'6110111a of the lung. It should be stressed that people must take individual measures aimed at preventing various respirator), diseases (in the basis of which cancer may sometinici develop (for example, the use of respirators when working in heavily polluted atmosphere). Hygienic propaganda should be carried out among persons of all ages, including schoolchildren. Dukelskaya - Moscow MWVSYrf, L.V. Publ5cizing eqrly * reatment for trrnrr prtipntF!. Ye4d.-,P-trp 17 -.r,. 11: 34-35 17158 (miR.A 11:11) 1. Iz Inntituta nanitarnoro prooveshcheniyao Moskva. (OFCOLOGT) MMOTITIKIY. Ivan Mikhaylowich,(PLOWSIXY, LPT.. red.; KALINICH", T&A., tekhn,red. [Prevention of pulmonary cancer) Profilaktike rake legkikh. Moskva. Gos.lsd-vo med.lit-ry Medgiz, 1960. 12 p. (MIRA 14:3) (LUNGS-MICIR) ORLOVSjmgjjA?Xjq.p Icamdo gied, nauk; SONDIDVp 1.8.9 red6l UDSON9 I.Tasp ZOXM, reas '1114sterials for prop*&Wa apiust &Uok*2imlN].Pbcrnlk materialov po protiwalkogollaoi yrapagande. Sout. Noskyaq 19W. 349 p. (NW 34:9) 1, Moscow. TSentrallrWy institut sanitarnogo promabeheniyao (Alcoholism) AVIDISOV,, Sergey Sergeyevich,, doktor ued.aauk; (RWVSKUo LawAd Talgriazovich, TROITSIVj, Do-lop i4do; U300, I.Ya., teARredo (A pmwW remedy; blood tranefusion] MogushchOet'76=00 teelebwe oredistvo; perelivanie, krovis Moskva., In-t saxitarnogo proev.N-4a zdravookhramexiia SSM 1961, 28 p~ (BWM-TRANSIPUSION5 (KEU 15 14) ORLOVSXIY, L.V. Health education publicity with special reference to regional characteristics of cancer spreading and precancerous diseases* Vop.ock. 7 no.2:86-91 161. (MIRA 3-4:5) (CANCER) (HEMTH EMCATICIN) CHMIN, A.V.; SVYATUKHINA, O.V.; ORLOVSKIY, L.V. Result of field studies on regional characteristics of the distri- bution. of meLUgnant tumors in the U.S.S.R.; some aspects of expeditions of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the U.S.S.R. Vest. ANN SSSR 16 no.1:4D-49 161. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Institut onkologii AMN SSSR, Irwtitut eksperimentallnoy i- klinicheskoy onkologii AHN SSSR i TSentrallnyy institut sanitarnogo prosveshcheniyh. (GANGER) ORIANSKIYP L.V.,, (Moskva) Regional characteristics of the occurrence of cancer and health education. Sov.zdrav. 20 no.2:16-20 161. WUM 14:5) (CANCER) (HEUTH EDUGATION) ZHADkN, V.Z.; ORLOVSKIY, M.A. Methods of laboratory impection of the airtightness of food-fillod cans. Kona.i ov.prom. 17 no.2:22-24 F 162. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Odesskiy tokhnologicheskiy institut piohahevoy i kholodil'=W judgOhlennostie (Food,, Canned-Containers) (Laboratory tooting) A 011IMSKlyp MIBI Urly Devonian polyzoans from souther Fergana. Paleont. zhur. uo.105-1M' '161. (IQRA 14:8) 1. "Isakoys goologichookoye, upraylonlye. jArgandi-polysoap Fossil) ORIDVSKIT, M.B. Polyzoana from ter-rigenous deposits in Si2urian and Devonian boundary layers of southern Fergana. Im AN Kir. SSR ' Ser. eat. i tekh. nauk 3 no.4tI39-141 162. (MMA 1.4 s.12) (Pergana-Poly2oa, Fossil) ORLOVSKIY.,_ M.Bt* POYARKOV, B.V. New data on the stratigraphy of Tournai sediments in southern Fergana. Izv.AN Kir. SSR. Ser. eat. i tekh.nauk 4 no.7: no.70-18 162. (MITR18A 16:3) (Fergana--Geology, Stratigraphic) ORLOVSKIyp M.B4; POYARKOV, B.V. Bryozoa from Famennian sediments in the Chatkal-Waryn zone of the Tien Shan. Iav.AN Kir. SSR. Ser. eat. i takh.nauk /. no.7t85-90 062. (MIRA 16:3) (Tien Shan--Polysoa,, Fossil) ORLOVSKIY, M.B. N&w sPecies of early Devonian P017zoans from southern Ffirgana. Palsont. shur. no.2:32--38 164. (MIRA 17:7) 1. Upravleniye geologii j okhrany nedr pri Sovete Ministrov Kirgizskoy SSR. OF,IfJVSKIY, B. ind ol 7.e n *..g ; 1. c- trar, :4Arge gei. of Alay Range, :.,,at. Tlan'-Shania nc.,:-" Stratigraphir position c.F omerater, of th.C- A PAnge, and the Ilyachin and Xountallns lbid.:7t-SF ORLDVSKIY., M.B.; POYARKOV, B.V. Paleogeography of oouthern Fergana in the Early Devonian. Sov. geol. 8 no.3:110-113 165. (WRA 18:5) 1. Gooudarstvennyy proizvodotvennyy geologicheBkiy komitet KIrgSSR. v is 0 a 0 089ci 00C 00 00 00 & 006 000 000 00 w 00 P v x it a a 9 0 0 0 0 a 6) 0 6 _L_A__A_l_J_a -,A-A A-11 R 2_-_A~ _L_ tot- .-P of- 0 T-00 ._90 -00 -00 %'Gab. zopilu rookPo"i Prow 31-2, 22i-37(1932).--lrbr V,06WIV Sftwjj*w-thc brows hoo a neg. efiect The MMVSI "i a no- cd kav" koft tD &- crts" ykM in the beet ftob. V. R. SAIROW zgoo it #ab faWrop'll 'ND12 to 00 so co fee ISO* tole too 0" M IN M, a v 9 tt-impose 31 0 0 0' 0, 0 0 9 0 0 0 :10 0 0 0 6 0 0 000000000000001000::100 * 4O040*:0M0:00:::: ORLO'JSKIYp N. I. 20868* O?lovskiy, N. 1. Selekteiva sakharnoy avekly USSSR. Sbornik nauch. Raobt fVseBopuz. nauch. -issled. in-T sakhar. svekly). Kiyev-Kharkov, 19h8, a. 31-0. SO: LETOPIS ZHURNAL STAM - Vol. 28, Moskva, 1949. i. ORWVXIY~ W. I. 2. USM (600) 4. Agriculture 7. Principles of biology of the sugar beet. Kiev, Gosizdat Sel'skokhozia- stvannoi lit-ry Ukrainskoi SSR, 1952, 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January 1953. Unclassified.