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-ORW., M.Ye.,,_referent Fuel feeding to open-hearth furnaces through the main arch [from "Blast Awnace and Steel Planti, " no.9. 19591. Biul.TSIICHM no.9:53-54 160. (MM 15:4) (France-Open-hearth furnaces) (~' ORMP M.Yet, referent L- r= Steel pouring in an argon atmosphere rr OIron Age,* m.14 19591. Biul.'ISIICHM no.9:54 160. lr?:4j (Canada--Steel ingots) ORYLAN, M.Ye., referent Results of the first canpaig Of' Maerz-Boelens furnacE [from 1 7 1 a a "Revue de M4tallurgie,l no..8,9, 19,11. Biul. TSHOMM r,10! 54-55 *60. 'MIRA 15-4, (France-Open-hcarth furnaces) I Caw J.E.~ IP v r I l" ci A& 1 1 p 415S1., 9 S/: 37/6 2/0C-0/0CS/C 5'/C,6 AOO0S/A 10 1 AUTHOR: Orman, 14. TITU.: Corrosion in marine atmosphere of aluminum alloys PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no.'8, 11962, '2', abstract ~1825 ("Prace Inst. hutn.", :96., v. '3, no. 4, 225 - 227, Polish; sum- m-iries in Rus.,ilan and FngliGh) TEXT: The author studied corrosion of Al-Mn and Al-Mg alloys stabilized with Cr, Mi%, V and Ti in sea water and marine atmosphere during 8 years. Highest stability .'~i these media was offered by "11-3% Mg-alloy, stabilized wi--h Cr and V in amount 0.5". The A!-,',In alloys are riot suitable for use under marine condi- tions. Ye. Layne- [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 OEM S M. , Ar inz. Comparison of French standarda and those of I other countries for ,~sbtioally proceBsed aluminwi and Its alloys. Przogl toolm 84 p do*180 5 My 163. VECHER, N.A.; UKUKHIR, P.V.; PAWPIWVt M.I.; PASTUKIIOVt A.I.; Ts'XIIAMIY, M.I.; ARONOVICH, M.S.; POSYSATEV, A.A., inzh.; GARCHENKO, V.T.; ORMANp M.Ye. Review of D.A.Smoliarenkols book "Quality of carbon steel." Stall 23 no.9:800-804 3 163. OaRA 16:10) 1-11-i r 1,3 n, ri -,,, . i., i r ~ . i nenugP'n.-i f~,` .1 I-Lurl: !~ iA *~ ~pi'A- -I. ng nl,,~ :,z, ~,, , - . ~~ 11 '61.. PFIVP1.OVp M.Ye. All-Union conference on samikillt-d and capped vteel,, Ststl* 25 no-4:3Z7-328 Ap 965. NLRA IF: 11) !.ACC NR% Ai,-,6030417 Wonograph PO/ i i Oman, iarian "(Docent; Doctor In Engineering); Ormanowa, Zofia (Docentel n,gineerina) Techno lol of 6ag-nesium and its alloys (Tekhnologia magnezu I JeZo stopow 1~atowlce, Wyd-wo "Slask", 1965. 198 p. illus., biblio. Errata sliplinserted. 1-170 copies printed. TCPIC 7'AGS: nia.,nesium, magneslu;m alloy, metal melting, metal casting, p deformatign, metalljoining, corrosion protection PURPOSE-AND COVERAGE: nhis book is intended for enZineers and tech- nicians working In the nonferrous metal industry. It may also be useful to students of schools of higher technical education. The book deals with the metallurgy of magnesium and its alloys, and describes their casting, plaostic deformation, machining, and pro- tection against corrosion. It also outlines the use of magnesium and its all6y8 in various fields of industry. TABLE OF CONTENTS [abridged]: Introduction 5 COE" U zel Ch. 1. Nagoesium metallurgy 11 Ch. 2. Magriesium properties 24 Ch. 3. Magnesium alloys -- 34 Ch. 4. Melt".. ng of magnesium and Its alloys -- 50 Ch C ;Is ~ng of magnesium 67 Ch: Plaptic deformation 107 Ch inking -- 127 j Ch: MocY4ning -- 143 Ch. 9. Corrosion and corrosion prevent on -- 160 * Ch. 10. alloys -- 180 Use,of magnesium and its References -- 1~0 SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE:'3lMar65/ ORIG REF.- 023/ SOV REF: '007/1 oTH REF: . o86/ I L 137-58-6-13886 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, IMetallurgiya, 1958, Nr 6, p 382 (USSR) AUTHOR: Orman, R.Z. TITLE: Application of Photoelectric Methods to Spectroscopic Analysis (Primeneniye fotoelektricheskikh metodov spektral'nogo analiza) PERIODICAL: Tr. Nauchno-tekhn. o-va chernoy metallurgii, 1957, Nr 18, pp 79-82 ABSTRACT: A description of the application on the ''Dneprospetsstal' plant of an apparatus produced by the State optical institute which permits to determine by photoelectric methods an emis sion- spectrum analysis (ESA) of seven chemical elements in the metal and in the slag. The apparatus consists of an arc generator with electronic controls, a diffraction-spectrurn apparatus with a stand, a lighting system, exit slots and photo- electric cells located behind them, and a recording device. The mean photometric reproducibility of the apparatus is 0.5%. The sensitivity of the apparatus to minimal amounts of elements de- termined with the arc cycle of the generator at a current in- Card 1/2 tensity of 6 amp is (in %): Ni 0.04, Si 0.01, Mn 0,07, Cr 0.03, 137-58-6-13BBo Application of Photoelectric Methods to SpectroEcopic Analysis Mo 0.01, W 0.20, and V 0.01. Tile analysis for seven elements performed in duplicate by two technicians working in relays can be completed in seven minutes. The photoelectric apparatus DFS- 10 for ESA constructed after the type of the device used at the " Dnepros pets stal plant will be rnass- produced. S.S. 1, Metals-US,5R 2. G-hemical elements-Anaiysis 3. Spec Lr,-.q)h(JIU 4. Photoelectric cells-ADplications Card 2/2 KONDRATENKO, A. M.v ORMAN, S. I. Tobacco Manufacture and Trade length of vacation period and its use. Tabak 1.1 no. 2, 1952 Monthly liFt of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. 1e ORMANp S. I. 2. ussR (6oo) 4. Paper rndustry 7. Some remarks on the quality of paper material. Tabak 13 no. 5, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessio-ns, Library of Congress, janu= -1953. Unclassified. FEDDROVSKIY, A.14, prof.; NESTERI-O'K0, G.B., dotsent, KATKOVA, M.Ya., vrach; OPI-1Z, Ya.M., vrach; SHELYOMIKO, A.A., vrach Use of bicillin in the treetment of syphilis. Vest.derm.i ven. no.9:61-62 161. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Iz kliniki kozhnykh i venericheskikh bolezney Dnepropetrovsl:ogo meditsinakogo institute, i oblastnogo kozlmc-vanerologichoskogo dispansera. (SYPHILIS) (BICILLIV) S/081/62/000/010/059/005 B168/BI80 AUTHORSs Ormant Zofia, Wolna, J6zefa TITLEt The problem of fluorine in aluminum metallurgy PERIODICALi Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 10, 1962, 409, abstract 1OK157 (Rudy i metale nioiel., v. 6, no. 8, 1961, 345 - 349) TLXTs The F 2balance in the process of Al 203electrolysis is examined. Consumption of the salts employed (Na3AlF 6' AlF51 N4~t.F 2' M8F2) is due to electrolytic decomposition, volatility, chemicalIggetions with moisture, mechavical carryover by gases and by carbon dross during bath treatment. The principal F2losses are due to escaping anode gases. Possibilities of total recovery of F2from the gases are limited owing to the inadequacy of the equipment. 19 references. ~Abstraoterls notes Complete translation-I Card I/I ORWagUAv doo. dr inz.;-MIKLASZEWSKA, Stella,, &U inz.; KOLARSKI, Zbigniew, I%---- in2. Testing sintered materials for the production of alumina. Rudy i metale 8 no.1:28-33 Ja 163. ORMAN, Zofia, doc. dr inz.; KOIARSKI, Zbigniew, inz.; SOSIN, nzlmlerz., mgr Ashes from Turoszow brown coal as raw material for the Production of alumina. Rudy i vetale 9 no. 1: 13-18 Ja 164. ommozyxp Jan Certain considerationa on Burgical aneetboaia in patlenta with bronehial astbma. Polski przegl. chir. 32 no.1111077-1079 '60. 1. Z II Oddzialu Chirurgicznego Szpitala in. dr Mielockiego w Cborzvwis Ordynatorl dr A. Paprotny. (ASTMA surg) (ANESTHESIA) -A-C-C NR, AP02735o SOURCZ CODER: BU/001.1/6-5/018/012/lC)9~/UO2~-.-. AMOR: Bonchov. To: (~~Sa~e ~S ; Zlatareva, A.; Mtrikov, ;1'.; Todorov, P.;--- I I-lanoushov, B. ORG: Department of Atomic Physics, Sofia University TITM: Study of noniron a.-yzmwtric two-lens beta spoctromitl.,Or with corrective coils SOURCE: Bulgarska akadomiya na nauldto. Doklady, v. 18, no. 12, 1965, 1099-1102 TOPIC TAGS: radiation spectrometer, optic resolution, chromatic aborration, light aborration, optic lens ABSTRACT: A neir t-ro-lons ironloss beta spoctromiter has been constructed at tho Departm.nt of Atomic Physics of Sofia Univorsity. By means of several correction coils the instrument attained a satisfactory intensity with a good resolving power (1.9,1,). The article gives a brief description of the device and presents its charac- teri,stics. The improved resolving poirer is attained by 1) an increase in the inlet angle; 2) a docreaso in spherical aberration; and 3) an increase in the coofficiont of chromatic aberration. Ilmdmam energy is 4#o 1-1oV. This paper was presontod by Academician H. Hristov on 1 September 1965. Origo. art. has: 5 figures and 2 tables. f0irig. art. in Eng..j f.1-MRS: 36,46ff 0 SUB CODS: 20 / SUM4 DATEt 015op65 / SOV RCF: 003 / OTH REFi 007 i,; - I . I L3 - i, I ~ "j, , , . A, . - , ! I ,--- 1, t . I . I - I . I .. . I .~ I . Jk BOEV,, K.j TCHACAWV, E. [Chakarov, E.Ij NATSCHEV, Tach, [Nachev, Ch.); OM"MCHIEV,..S. [Ormmdzhiev, S.1; MITHANI, L. Cytological analy2er with a dual discriminaXor. Doklady BAN 17 no.l.lslO63-1066 164. 1. Physiological Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Submitted March 26, 1964. MI TRAN I rT"., S. [0 andzhigm- S BOFV, K.; MHAKATIOF, E. jCi,akarov, E. ,t 1; NATTMV, Tsch. rNachev, Ch.]; YCYL'-t(V, W. rYclarov, V.] Thp diqrrlmina'~or, a cytoplanimeter. Doklady BAN 17 no.8:'773--"6 '64. DoklFidy BAN 17 no.8:773-"76 164. 1. L-.-~hrstiihl fur Atcmphysik an der UniverSitFit SOfia, Radio- biologische Abteilung 1-)eim Ministerium fur Gesundheitgwesen, Pitp3iolo,,ischos Iristitut der Bulifarischen Akndmip der lliqsens(,h,!'t,en, ENCLOSURE AP%MI06A Card Electrcni~~ devir--e fc,-. r~;--criidnp-tive masuir3mnt of sunspt areas. Astron. zt%.r. 4;-' 165- (MIRA 3-848) '10 Tnotil.itt B.-Igemimy Alrade-,nil nrAxtk i Soflyskly 3i ta t , Lziohes)-y falkvllt,et, AAgarskayu Narodn-aya ll;%spublika. ORLWO, -,Aloj z, inz. Iodine elimination from the oxidized solution of potassium iodide by plant saps. Prum potravin 13 no.4:214-2115 Ap 162. 1. Vyzkumny ustav tabakoveho priemyslu, Bab. ORMANDY, I.; KADLEC. Js New stratigraphic horizons of the Hrusav strata in the southern part of the Ostrava-Karvina Basin. p.1454 Prague. Ustredni ustav geologicky. VESTNIK. Prague., Czechoslovakia, Vol. 33, no. 6 1958 Monthly List of r-ast European Accessions (ETEAI), LC, Vol. 8, no. 11, Now. 1959 Uncl. C.~..- F. "Renair sho,~~.q for electric locornoties ii tr.- eiectrific~ticn of !,Le Lnl,-~,:ir,~*;-.,~ ra i1roads. 11 S:Dfiia, Bidr~irizj., '101. 11. ',*0. 1, --',~5Q Monthly list of E;6T LL, Uol. ~i, -I, ', ",, ORMANDMITO. S. (Ormandzluev, :~~!; VY11DANOV, B. ~,Viirbanav, B.1 Modifica-tion of t'-,F of aggregate cuiricidenci,3 ir n--.ear spectroscopy, bi d,:,nbh-r.t-I -at4,. Doklady BAN I"' nc.4v377-380 'E".. 1. ?-,(jditavlcii,, --hl.-korr. F..)7.hak,~,jym. ILIY'FV, l.; N'TK")LOV, N.; OMINDYl_YFV-, S., PAPADOPnOV, Zh. Circult for producing .(egative cFipacitance. ?rib. i tek?;. ek2p. --)- no.ltc'l~,-211 Ja-F '65. ~'~URA .?;" 1. Fizicheskiy fakulltet So,iyskogo universitet, Bolgariya. ;QN -N ID 0824-M ACCESSION Mi _'AFt'5W0686 ENCLOSURE t M q~ camera L4 ni r Fig. 3.0 Block diagram of the instrument: a- camera; limear amplifiers; bl, _c d- monitor-, e- discrim- - jfi%~ 3111475 /6- AUTFCR'~: Anikin, bind TITL--: Purific~iTior of metf-,,-, 7, P..IRIODICAL. Akademiya nauk SSSR LoKlady, v 'J'', nr TEXT: 14, was tried to work out an andistrig! of Monomers of low melting, poirt With the illd 0! 'Onr' melt:np-, ''N7 7. Out W2th Meth Were carried V I me t h)i c ry I it t v (WWA ;m Voured into a tin tank .3 cm x Z- cm cm ) t 1 1 1 'A."I ~ I'ri I The tank was cooled with fluid nitrogen For melting do-Ar- a flit of Constartan wire, 0 5 0 7 mim in diameter, was 'ased -N 1.1 t- hWaF by an alternating current of 6 - 9 u Zone m.-Iting wan, gressive motion of the spiral whict, immersed into the width I of the melting zone was ',D mm TI.e sp-Iral passed throupr. within 10 - 20 minutes; this correspondti to it velocit.'~, of CM/ /sec' The value of the distribution coeffic-iont k - ' 001 ~I'liq sol q impurit 'y concentrations in the solid or liquid pl.ase Card 1/ 4 urification of methyl i s the d e t erminnnt f a,-- t(, r o f t he --, f f Pc t no experimentally determined in ordered rry3tall 1- z a1 (7) v i t following equation% -/Co ~ k( I _E )k- or, Part; C impurity concentration in ' he T o r t concentration) The value 0. 11~ was foi~rd ~.-r K thus purific ation Jk s attai ned wLen k e 1. u L~ --;v-.W r, 1 thermodynamic equililbrium conditlor.;; 'K ani k equation k k /[kc k, c x p f 8,,'!) cm/sec; D diffusion coefficirm-ri, layer of the fliid 37~ *he roundary te.-,%ve~r. I- i L,i a i. Since the values of 8 3nd 1) f or M14A were n,, k n,,-.% :.e sec/cm from Ref. 1 (V D Ffann , 70 nnaya n'avka lation of k according -, ~ju~.ti.on The initial MVA hal a P,,~rity -f zone me 1 ti ng, t he impur i ty co -,ten i wa:~ ea,; 4~ 1., puri ty, D 2, T,.~~ 3 -~ f f e 7ard 2/4 2,~/ 6 4 z, Purification of methyl. ~ .; 0 ", , I B - -_ (1/k)dC (X) = Ec (x+l)-C (x)jdx (4) (n ~ number of n n-1 n impurity concentrattan in the point x after n passages of zone; of sample) from Refs, 6 and 7 (see below) was used for value of C/C0 after five passages. The value 0 09 was four.6, w!_.i, close to the value obtained experimentally The highoz-,, purification for MINA (n-.>-) was calculated from the equation kx F (5) (A,B constants given by the relations k ~ Bl/(exp(Bl)-i A = C0BL/(exp(PL)-1) respectively (I length of zonp)) It i,as t-n f--r., that C/C 0(max) = 10- The purity of MIMA was determ, ned crycs_-c.- i There are 8 references; 2 Soviet and 6 non-Soviet The tI.ree. references to English-language publications read as follr.w.:~: R E. F. G. Herington, C~em, and Ind., no, 16, 504 (1956); K "R e Am, Inst. of mining and metall. Engineers, 200, 1055 Trans. Am, Inst. of mining and metall. Engineers, 197, '5~; ASS~~CIATIDN: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet '.'r. !~ V _- :,,, ~. n' v: (Moscow State University imeni M V LomienD.~_-,- r1ard 3/4 1 '~ /3,-1 -, /~ ~,' ~ 4 -, I , ~ , ,- 1~ Purification of methyl B106,,'-,-- PRESENTED: July 26, 1961, by V A Y-,rpin, Acade,,j~i~in S U Rjyj TTT:--.;: luly ~'I I -,,~ 1 I I I Card 4/4 OMMTS V.- TRONOVA, V.A.; TOPCHIYWA, K.V. 1 2 SinPlified method for the determination of mono-,di-, and trio'hylaminea in a six-component mixture obtained in the ca 'Z:~ytic dewdnation of aliphatic aminea ovor dohydrating oxide catalysts. Zhur.anal.khim. 17 no-9:1109-1113 D 162. (MIRA 16:2) 1. M.V. Loinonosov Moscow State University. (Amines) ACC NR, Ai~-,60304~7 Monograph PO/ i Onnan,, "'arian ;(Docent; Doctor in Engineering); Orm-anowa, Zofia (Docent; Doctor in E ineerin-,) Technolo6~ of naZnesium and its alloys (11'elchnologia maL;nezu I JeZ;o stopow 1\aLow1ce, Ulyd-vio "Slask", 1965. 198 p. illus., biblio. Errata sliplinserted. 1170 copies printed. TCPIC TAGS: ma-nesium maGnesium alloy, metal melting, metal casting, plastic deformatign, metalljoining, corrosion protection I PURPOSE-AND COVERAGE: ",'his book Is intended for en-ineers and tech- nicians workin., in the nonferrous metal industry. It may also be useful to students of schools of higher technical education. The book deals with the metallurgy of magnesium and its alloys, and describes their casting, plastic deformation, machining, and pro- tect-ion against corrosion. It also outlines the use of magnesium and its alloys in various fields of industry. TABLE OF CONTENTS [abridged]: Introduction " 5 Card Al-16030477 Ch. 1. Magriesium metallurgy 11 Ch. 2. Magnesium properties 24 Ch. 3. Magnesium alloys -- 34 Ch. 4. Meltiing of magnesium a nd its alloys 50 Ch Cast~ng of magnesium 67 Ch: Plastic deformation 107 Ch inking -- 127 o J Ch: acaning -- 143 M Ch. 9. Corr Psion and corrosio n prevention -- 16o Ch. 10. Use,of magnesium and its'alloys -- 180 References -- 1~0 SUB CODE: 13/ OTH REF: 086/ SUBM DATE:"31mar65/ ORIG REP: 023/ SOV REP: '007/1 Cord and SMAMYEVA, Z.11. 116eroloric,- 1 '-e3' ir,~- -^0- -0',""7 1 a is ent~ " ly 7nT. at.,! ir,, Voprc;sy to !,scp1azinoza re-) or t thu-ses of _. c0 n f erprice ('11 toy w3 M sz~wyl I I, i4osco"l, 3-5 ~prl 1 r).r7,- im . b . 'r . ~arjale.- EL -c:L'I :..C-,i c i 'o it, !.o ~4 ow In ORMUTA -- - Localized myositis ossificans. Zdrav. KazaU. 21 no.10:66-68 161. (I'll ztA .15 -- 2 ) 1. Iz kafedry det3koy khirurgii (zav. - dotsent Y.D.Clierkasova) Kazakhskogo maditsinskogo instituta. (MUSC1.&S.-.DISEAShS) MAY 2 T. The electric eye. (To be contd.) P - 140. Production of Hungarian television sets starts. P. 142. RADIOTECHNIKA. (Magyar Onkentes Honvedeimi Szovetseg) Budapest. Vol. 6, no. 6, June 1956. SURCES: EEAL - W Oct. 1956. Vol. 5 No. 10 ORm Y, J. ORMAY, J. Electric eye. P. 156. Bridge condensem. P. 158. Vol. 6. No. 7, July 1956. RADIOTECHNIKA TECHNOLOGY Budapest., Hungary So: East European Accession$ Vol. 6, No. 2, Feb. 1957 ORMAY. Lasslo. dr. Vaccination reactions to dysentery adsorbate vaccine. Orv. het1l. 98 no.7-8:163-166 24 Fab 57. 1. A Magyar Napbadeereg Igesseegogyl Szolgalatanak koslamenye. (MENTERT, BACILTJM, immunol. adsorbate vaccines, vacc. reactions (Hun)) (VACCINES AND VACCINATION dysentery, bacillary, vacc. reactions to adsorbate vaccines (Hun)) suzmaw~ Vol 5/12 public Health Dee 59 Fir.FlIPTA tEDIC.A -See. 17 3823. STUDY OF FOCI OF HAEMORRIIAGIC NEP)IROSO-NEPIIRITIS IN HUNGARY- Hatmorrhalifis nephroso-nephritio g6ckulat4sa MogyarorazAgon - Or m L A redi M. P., NI k odd m us a 1. and Loson c ty G. - NtPEGNAMA 1959, 4011 (18-24) Tables I In Hungary 110 cases of haemorrhagic nephroso-nephritis have sofarbeen observed sopecial.1y among persons in wooded districts. In theme rorests, 505 rodents with 7705 parksitas living on them were collected. The composition of the fauna like that of the infective regions in the For East, shows the sc-called 'oecological substitu- tionI onomenon. In order to demonstrate infection by way of the rodents, a sero- logic test was also used. The Investigations suggest that Apodemus nevicows and Clathrionomys glareolue are the rodents which constitute the reservoir of pathological agents. Thrombiculis spreads the infection among the rodents, and LAkelapaldre are suspected of establishing the transmission to man. It may be assumed that direct or indirect contact of man with the rodents in an an yet unknown manner may be a factor in the transmiaston of the disease. The best protection is radical destruction of the rodents. MKODWSZ, Istvan, dr.; CSABA, Karoly, dr.;-ORMAY, Lnszlo, dr. A case of botulism dULgnosed by laboratory methods. Orv.hetil. 101 no-52:1856-1858 25 D'60. 1. OrBzagoo Blelmezes- er, Taplalkozastudomanyi Inteset es Orazagos Nosegesseeguai Intezet. (BOMLISM diag) ,; OFMY L. UJHUYI v K. A simple and practical method for the purification of dJphtheria toxoid. Acta. microb. hung. 8 no.1;21-33 161. 1. State Institute of Hygienev Budapoet. (TOXIN3 AND ANTITOXINS) (DIPHTHERIA imunol.) OMAYP L.; UJHELYI, K. Titration of dipbtheria toxin, antitoxin and toxoid in tissue culture. Acta microb. hung. 8 no-4-*~396 161. 1. State Institute of Hygtem, Budapest. (CORYNEBACTERIUM DIPHTHERIAE immmol) (TOXINS AND ANTITOXINS phamacol) (TISSUE CUMURES pharmacol) KAAOLY, Ujhelyi; OAAAY, Laszlo A simple practical method for purifying diphtheria anatoxins. Kiserletes orvustud. 13 no.2:188-10,7.14y 161. 1. Orszagos Kozegeazesegugyi Intezet Budapest. (DIPHTHZAIA immunol.) (TOXINS AND ANTITOMIS) L 42287 ')6 ACM1. 7~6031672 SOURCE CODE: RU/0007/65/016/002/OlD8/0113 AUTHOR: Ormazu, L. (Engineer); PqqrLai~es~uj~. (Engineer); kgkatep gi eeer En r~) ORG: none 4~ TITLE: Contributions to the calculation of the economic efficiency of water njections outside and inside the contour during the final period of oilfield operation SOURCE: Petrol si gaze, v. 16, no. 2, 1965, 108-113 ~ TOPIC TAGS: petroleum engineering, petroleum industry ABSTRACT: The authors give two nomographe based on _Q, . _ n a equations for the 1, Qj quick graphic determination of the relative cost price coefficient of water injections inside and outside the contours during the final period of oilfield operation. Orig. art. has: 10 figures, 21 formulas and 2 tables. [Based on authors' Eng. .abst.] [JPRS1 SUB CODE: 11, 05 / 5UaM DATE: none / ORIG REF: 001 / SOV REF - 001 J, -~' 7-` ORMAZU, L., Ing,; BODNARESCU, D , ing.; BODNARESCU, H., Ing. Contributiu,is to the calculus of the economic eff1ciency of water injections outside and inside the contour during the final oil field operating period, Petrol si gaza 16 no,2:108-113 F 165~ ORKELI, H. Ya., Cland INed Sci -- (diss) "Blood formation "v,-M 40 various stagres of to disturbance of blood circulation." Teshkent,1957. 14 pp (Tash-kent 8tate Pied Inst). 200 copies (x1, 12,-58 Mal 102) -95- USSR/Humnn and Animal Phyainlogy. Mood. .r'lbs Jour: Ref Zhur-Ficl., '4'- 8, 1959, 36274. Author Ormeli, N.Y Inst Ti'Lle The Cnnditinn nf Marrow Hemopoiesis in Circulation Disturbances . Orig Pub: Med. zh. Uzbekistana, 1957, No 5,46-50. Abstract: Bone unrrow cytological studies were made in recurrent rhoujuatic carditia, (22 pntients) and atheronclerrtic efirdin-sclerosis (20 patients). In the first stage and in the rajority of patients in the second stage of the diRease the normal sequence of rzturaticn rf the cellu- lar elements of the bone marrow (M) is preserved. The index of maturaticn of the erythr,)blasts 0.8-0-91, the marrow index of neutrophiles 0.67-0.8, cnr-,ophiles 0.4- Card 1/3 Ti'DOM/liuman aild kniral rhyliiO109Y. blccd- T Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., NO 8, 1958, 36274. -1.0 and the ratio of leucocytes to erythocytes L/E 2.8-1-3.8-1 With the progress of circulation distur- bances in the 2nd and 3"d stages in almost all the patients a shift of the L/E ratio in favor of the ery- throblast elements was noted, In the nonrheumatic patient this ratio is smaller 2-1:1 than in relapses of rheu tic carditiB (1.8:1). Erythropoiesis prc- ceeded normally. In the leucoblast series a disturb- ance in the maturation order of the cellular elements was noted, which pointed to its irritation, In non- khe=atiim-beart,;dBAmb~ge,~andratheroselerotic cardio6cle- rosin the marrow index of the neutrophiles was 1.5, eostmophileal-6. In patients with recurrent rheinna- tic carclitis with heart darage the neutrophile index was 1.4, eosinophile 2.0. In almost all the patients Card 2/3 24 Card 3/3 I T =W$ - - Pronounced oosinophilia in trichostrogyloeis. Ykd.paraz. i paraz. bol. 27 no.1:111 Ja-F '58. (MIRA 11:4) 1. 1z Tashkentakogo gosaderetvonnogo aeditainskogo inst'tuta. (NNYATODA) (LMJKOGTTES) ORMELI, Mae Effect of circulatory disorders on the hematic system. Terap. arkh. 32 no. 6:32-38 Je 160. (~MU 14:1) (C.ARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM-DISEASFZ) ORIELI, N.Y&.. Aaute erythromyelosis. Med. zhur. Uzb. no.12:66-68 D 161. (~MLA 15:2) 1. Iz kafedry propedev-tiki bolezney sanitarnogo i pediatrichesk-ogo fakulltatov (zav. - Prof. E.I.Atakhanov) Tavhkentskogo gosudarstveancgo meditsinskogo instituta. (BIMD--DISEASIZ) OR)MJ N ., assistent; SHAMSUTDINOVA, R. X., aspirant _====4 LIU Therapeutic use of oxaphenamide. Mled. zhur. Uzb. no.6:47-4c) Je 162. (MIRA 15--7) 1. Iz kliniki propedevtiki vnutrennikh bolezney sanitarnogo pedintrichaskogo fakulltatov (zav. - prof. E. I. Atakhanov) Tashkentakogo gosudarstvannogo meditainskogo instituta. (SALICYLAMIDE) USSR/Zooparasitology - Hc:lmiiths ii, r-Iun. Ab3 J~,-Lu- E-I ','J.ur - Biol., L-)'/8, 95321 Author N.Ya. Inst Title Ciso of Eosiii~)phllia Ori g Pub !~Icd. parc.zitol. i parazitur,i. 1,cilemi., 1958, 27, 11-~ 1, Ill. Abstract N.; abztract. Card 1/1 ORNMI, Inre Meteoropathological investigation in intergrowthe following ophthalmological operations. Idojaras 64 no.4:2-14-223 JI-Ag 160. (MU 10:2) (Ophthalmology,) (Weather) LUDVIG, Iren: ORMTI linre keteoropathological investigations in connection with hemorrhages In the anterior chamber after cataract surgery. Stemeaset 97 no.3:149-156 S 160. 1. A budapeBtl Urvostudomanyi Rgyetem II. am Szemklinikajanak (Igazgato: Nonay Tibor egyeteml tanar. as orvostudomanyok kandidatusa) as am Ore2agos Houma es FurdouMd Interstnek (Igazpato: Farkas Karoly. am oryostudomanvok doktora ) kozlemenye. (CATARACT EXTRACTION compl) (WRATHER) ORKWI., Imrs; HEAR, Alfredp dr. Ow. Diviaion of 2-bdical Meteorology of the hVngarian Meteorological Society, Idojaras 66 no*6:383-384 " 162-m, 1. Magyar Metwologial Tareasag e1noke; "Idojaras" szorkeinto bizottsagi taQa (for Hille). ORMNYI Imre dr . , "2 irhlc~nyc I'I I - --. -. , 1 ~ Effect of sola..- actly~ -.,- :,7- C--ga--Ll=. Tenz ku~i - no.l2s551-553 D 163. MENYI, Imro Biameteorological research -n Po"land, -'-,Icj aras bP :, -: ~; ~ " - 382 N-D 164~ OlmTcri , ". I Measurement of vibrations in shell models by means of elpotropco,~stic P. 29~,, (In-vnipda I Budowni-two. Vol. 1b, no. 9, Auj, 1057, Wlr.9z,,,,,,,,, Pr,lln(A.) ( !-, - A I )T , Monthlv Index of Rnst ~)uro?--ean Ace,-ssi,.)n!: T- .,C. Vol. 7, no. ;, February 1958 h4hg,) P/031/62/007/003/012/013 D201/D308 '1JTHC', Ornic':i, ~~ndrzcj ~~p ar,,.tus for tho phase plane and phasc space ana:-y- cis of automatic control systcma tiUCDIG,~.L: .~rcldwum Automatyki. i Telemechanild, v. 7, no. 3-4, 693-700,tqLy st'lart cics-cription of an analog whica allows a quick .111alysis OfF alltomatic Control oystems from thc 1--nOw1C("-c Of their transiciii: response. The device is a special type ccu- putcr whic~li o-)crz,-,c!-. on the -)rinci! J --rcrtiatinL; twice tl-.c p1c of difrc given flinction and rC-)ro(Uc1ng tll(' trz,jector"'. It col-.Sistzz; o:-- -% dmi;)le CLifferc:~t.'.rtor, a function gcner~Ltor and a C:~L- for the observzItio",T of phasrln:,~jactortc's- --Thc-ii-c-thod of detcrminimy thc! y values of the coefficients of the differential equation consists in su'istituti,ag into it the phase trajectories, which results in an algebraic equation for the above coefficients. The function gencra- tor consists of a CRT and a photoforiner. The device was used to Card 1/2 L'10 3 1/6 2/00 7/00 3/01.2/01,3 .~)paratus for thc -.)cu,.sc Aane D"01/D306 detcrT.1inc the -1ri t, -ic _c non-line, of tI -ransient rcsponse cGua- L L tion of the ampLid,I,Ac typc i'01.,a 31j, driving a sc~,axate-e:xitation motor. The olitainct. (2-if:-erc-atial equation saicisfactorily described the system's perf'"ormance. There are 3 figures. % 0 z-OCIATION: i .'Ladenia Gbrniczo Hutnicza (jicademy of Mining and Foundry) ~;ard 2/2 Ap ACCESSION NRI AP4039689 S/0181/64/006/006/1900/11)02 AUTHORs Yunovich, A. 9.1 Yeliseyev, P. C.; Nakhodnova, 1. A.; Osadchayao L. A.; Stuchebnikov, V. H. TITLEs Radiative recombination In'Zn-diffused GaAs p-n junctions SOURCE: Fixika tve'rdogo tales v. 6, nos 6, 1964, 1900-1902 .TOPIC TAGSe recombination radiation, radiative recombination, electrol'uni.neacencep p n junction, GaAs laser, Cake diode, semi- ican4uctor Laverg laser, junction laser, Injection laser 1ABSTRACT: Recombination radLetion frora Be-doped GaAs p-n junctions .1was Investigated with a view toward possible loser application of Be- doped GaAs in ection diodes. The GaAs with a.carrier concentratiots ibetween 5*1014 and 1018 cm-3 was dAffused Be in vacuum-at -19-510C, The junction was about 3,10-3 Cm2. In one of the diodes the 1-jiii~i*tLon was 30 v deep, Two parallel plane6 were cleaved perpendic- to the junction. The. recombination radiation spectra were by Injecting carriern with current pulses up to 100 imp. '!,.~YThe~qpulse duration vas,1*2 usec end the repetition rate was 50 cps. Card 1 / 3 r ACCESSION 'lint AP4039689 iThe recombination spectra at 77K show that the inteAsity of emission iis very similar to that~ of Zn-doped GaAs diodes. The maximum occurs I ;at-1.47 ev. The line vidth at half maxipmus and at a current density of 2.8-103 amp/cn2 was,0.014'ev. Some narrowing and,nonlinear incicase ,of intensity were oUser; hil;b currept densities. Analysis of Icurrent-Voltage characteristics and recombination spectra shows that 'Be in an acceptor impurity.- The naximun,solubility of Be in GaAs was. found to be greater than 1918 cm-3. Radiative recombination in Bet- -doped GaAs has a higher degree of probability than In GaAs doped with Zn. Assuming that radiative recombination In Zn-doped GaAs is due to transitions between the conduction band and the acceptor levels, the energy ljovel formed by Be is'close to that of Zu in GaAs. The nairrov- 'Ing of the line was believed to be caused by stimulated emission, which fact would Indicate thepossibility of obtaining laser action Lia degenerate GaAs doped with Be, Orig. art. hass 2 figures. ASSOCIATIONt Moskovskly gosudarstvanny* universitot Is, M. V. Lononosova (Moscow State University) icvr~ 2/ 3 :'ACCESSION NRI AP4039689- :iSUBMITTEDs 20Jan63 SUB CODEs SS Card 3 3 ATD PRESS a 3059 ENCL: -00 NO REP SOVs 002 OTHERi 006 ACCESSION NRe AP4039693 6/0181/64/006/006/1908/1910 AUTHORt Yunovich, A. E.; Yellseyev, P- G.; B.1; Osadchaya, Le A*; Stuchebaikov, V. M. .TITLEs Structure of coherent radiation spectra from GaAs p-n junctions SOURCEs Fizika tverdogo te'le, v. 6, no..6, 1964, 1908-1916 iTOPIC TAGSs GaAs laser, a emiconductor laser. laser, junction laser, ~Injectlon laser, coherent emission, coherent emission spectrum ;ABSTRACTs The structure of recombination radiation emitted bT VaAs jp-n junction lasers operating at 77K was investigated, The diodes ware I~fabricated by diffusion of zinc into GaAs wafers. The carrier concen- "tration of GaAs was about 71,017 cc-3. The carriers were Injected by applying current pulses of 8 to 100 amp. The duration of the pulses and the ropetit4on rate ware 1.2 psec and 50 cps, respectively, For different diodea the threshold current density varied between i 2,6*103 &ad 11e103 aup/CU3. One to throe-lines# about 2 *1 or less wide. appea,red near the main enission-psiak at the threshold current. Corf 1/3 iACCESSION'NRi AP40396 .93 :'As the current density,was Increased, the number of,peakd (all of which appeared in a longwave.part of the spectrum 7-,35 A wide) increased to 10-15, and the maip peak was shifted into this spectral region. Some overlapping of neighboring lines w*1 observe#., The line width at half maximum varied from less than I A to4.2.5 A. The separation .;between the majority of the adjacent peaks was 3.5 tO.7'x. Th '!intensity of the main peak was highest gor diodes w,ith phe smaoile'st inumber of maxima and the least shifting,, -In such ditodea the series resistance determined from the current-voitage characteristic.s was slightly lower than Mi other diodes. Such lasers were also'cbaracter- ized by a sudden increase of current at a voltage of about 1.47, and by a thinner p-n transition region. The structure of the emission spectra was explained on the basis of an earlier paper (P. P. Sorokin, P.-D. Axe, J. R. Lankard. J. Appl. Phys., 34, 2553, 1963),in which ;Jt__was shown that spectral components of continuously emitting GaAs las-0 -r3 correspond to different cavtty modes. It was calculated that the:-'diode temperature increased by 5-15K during the duration of the I 'Ise This was in agreement with the experimentally observed tem-- P~u !perature variation. Orig. art. haso 2 figures. 2 / 3 ACUSSION NRI AP4039693 ASSOCIATIONI Hookovskiy gosudaretvenny*y unimersitat In* Me Ve Lomonosova (Moscow State UnIversity) SUBMITTEDs 03F*b64 ATD PRESS' 3059. INCLi 00 SUB CODE$ 68 No REP Bove 001 OTHEIt 008 3/3 -------------- --- YUNOVICH, A.Z.; YELISEYEV, P.G.; NAKHODNOVA. I.A.; ORMONLA.B.; OSADCHAYA, L.A. STUCHEBNIKOV, V.m. Radintivo recombination in p - n-junctiono in GaAo pro,lucorl by beryllium diffusion. Fiz. tvor. tola 6 no.6:1'X)0-1902 Je 164. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy aniversitet imand Lomonosova. YUNOUCII, A.E.; Yl.'LIS"-.Yl.,v p, C, , ORIMUNT. A.B,~, OSADL;IIAYA. L.A.; STUCHEtiNiKOV, V. 14. Stru', I j 7~- - :' 1, ~ u,, -51 t or. spe - ra :* r i-. , .1~ ., ;n - *. -, I.., . Fiz. tver. r ~14-1,~-1~410 Je I J.. ~. I at . . '' .. Mosk-,,skl~' jrl-, i,rlll, *,(-.1 m"n~ NRs AP6037055 SOURCE CODE: 5~/0056/6r/051/00/1292/13D AUVOR: Yunovich, A. E.; Orsont, A. B. OHG: ~bscov State University (thskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet) TITLE: On tunnel radiative recombination in p-n transitions SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallncy i teoreticheshoy fiziki, v. 51. no. 5, 1966" 1292-1305 TOPIC TAGS: pn transition, radiative recombination, recombination radiation, tunnel effect ABSMCT: 7he mechanism of interband radiative reccmbination in a strong electric field of a p-n transition was investigated for the case when the 6lectrons and holes-- penetrate the potential barrier as the result of the tunnel effect. Luminescent di9des made of GaAs, InP, and GaSb semiconductors vere used for the investigation. Fo3r these specimens the maximum of the valence band and the minirmirn of the conduction band are in the center of the Brillouin zone and the optical interband transitions pr4ceed with the conservation of quasimomentum. The concentration of carriers in the initial semiconductors was (I to 2) X 1014) cm-3. The thickness of the apace-charge laypr in selected diodes van 300 to 6DO 1. The characteristic;aree of the p-n junc- tion was 3 x 10-3 CE2. 7he radiation intensity I as a function of quant"m energy'A4:1 and applied voltage U vat chleulated for a uniform field and sinple pavabolic bands.' ACC me 9ccupation probability of states in a semiconductor which has degenerated on both sides of the p-n junction was considered. An experimental investigation was made of the emission band I(hd) associated with the tunnel effect for p-n transitions in GaAs, W--,, and InP. The position of the emission band peak (ho) varied with voltage in & manner which had been predicted by the theory. The discrepancy between the experimental data and the calculations Is attributed to the participation of the "tails" of the state density and local centers in tunnel recombination; the excess current in tunnel diodes is attributed to a similar cause. The authoe thanks V. L. Bouch-Bruyevich, V. S. Vavilov, and L. V. Keldysh for discussing the results and for their advice; E. A: Poltorstskiy and V. M. Stuchebnikov for the GaAs diodes; A. R. Silin' for the GaSb diodes; and P. G. Yeliseyev and I. Ismailm for the W diodes. Orig. art. has: 1T fornulas and 5'figures. ODDS: 20/ SUBM DAM 2TNsO6/OFaG MW: Olh/ OTH MW: OIT/ ATD PEMBBS 5107 ACC NR, AP6036992 SOURCE CODE: UR/0181/66/008/,)11/3383/3386' AU7HOR: Yeliseyev, P. G.; Ismailovp I.; Ormont, A. B.. Yunovich,.A. Z. ORG: Moscow State University im. M. V. Lomonosov (14oskov-kiy go-Ldarstvennyy univer- sitet), NJt,%'CS 1,A!AAft.Z %M ,?.N T TITLE: Spontaneous radiative recombination in In? p-n junctions at 'Low currents SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 11, 1966, 3383-3386 TOPIC TAGS: indi= compound, phosphide, pn junction,, radiative recombination, er-is- ;-sion spectrum, volt ampere characteristic, tunnel effect, line shift, temperature Aependence p .~I...,AESMACT: ",he authors investigated the emission spectra and the volt-ampere char- acteristics of diffusion P-n junctions in InP at 9.'77, and 300K, at current densi- 'Vies up to .102 a/CM2. Data are presented on -.he emission of strongly doped 1nP P-n junctions at a weak injection level, and the presence of several emission bands as demonstrated, including one which is undoubtedly connected with the "diagonal" tun- I nelLng of electrons through the p-n junction, similar to that occurring in GaAs diodes. The samples were made from large-block polycrystals of InP., doped with tellurium, and the p-n junctions were produced by diffusion of zinc at 750C. Two groups of samples were prepared, with slightly different volt-ampere characteristics-- The emission spectra exhibited three bands, connected with the different transitlons ~ which are tentatively identified. The widths of the emission lines are estimated and: ILCord 1/2 ACC NRs AP603 992 "he temperature dependence of the line shift is given. One of the bands it corzected with "diagonal" tunneling occurring at small forward bias on the junction (from 0.9 to 1.3 volts at 77K). With increasing voltage (1-35 - 1.4o.), a strong emission band appears with quantum energy much smaller than the width of the forbidden band, which predcminates at high excitation levels and depends little on the current. In addi- tion at 1.2 - 1.4 v a weak band appears, due to radiative transitions to a deep level, with a quantum energy near 1.0 ev. All these processes are similar to those de- !.Scribed in the literature for GaAs diodes. The authors thank A. Ya. Nashel'skiy and,' S. V. Yakobson for supplying the InP crystals. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and I table. SUB CODEE: 20/ sum DATE: i9may66/ ORIG REF: 003/ OTH REP: 005 2/2 0 0 0 0 000 04 4 to it v U All 916 1) AIt - L-A A Rat, of 94stim cd swowilium Itisd Cjb*j JUVIS13 It SQUIPSAUS AdUUMIL It 1; 00 00 9 CAJ omwwj~ J. Phys. C". (U. S. !i R.) 3. IM -The rAtf (if -All of his in -00 S(),-- Ci- c(ii-.1heiiistill-Ing 0* f .00 Mon-1 vq,W it. that W III N 110 In CI - .411. thr Air," 'll'inirfrow is ZtI, K. co. lie, his 1b, #,Al., All 004b~ as W141 hbi* 1110 Inven OONM, N W(12 N&W. IPA J.-V .00 Ow Novr- N.11M 1111104"1 IAA* It- '4 hit I- "Lw I" ajhrt~ul IAAv,p 4.00 olisir falb-'r thall -41 01-4 14111 "1 MAII-AW14 t"N"" '. 1."'l1 00 '00 00 .4 0 00 0A, 0 : 00 ;00 -41110 bliv. 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P R WIWI .00 , , . cbem -Tb, Are oil, too : 00 ,siow *I,.. to imak ti u 0 AV so is! a a IN 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 000 ~O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Off se e 0 oil el" 00 00 S! A-A-A--- I, a It Id J) )4 A P 6 k I I AjkxU cbMals. B. F. Ortwat smi B. A~ Petrov. Russ. 35j1k1,MW.31 19M. 'AlkirtmObb Ott PCVN- bY btSt- ins alkan ferfacTwod" at ferTkyawd" to CO(W. 00 8 -T Ail I j If 0 V to it Itol Wif 449 n I Ift 0 0 so 0009 0 0 0 0 0 9000 ~4440:00000000&000 0,600 ,~l o- (W 0 1 IN 5 Al 0 -00 -00 -00 -09 -zoo zoo goo -00 goo zoo Not -of uf 0 00 IL $!g, Awb. Ike copkaj- Vito PASICISUb AND "00801186 161PIP see IUJ"ALI 19M dimawim CUMO iftelwom Of ekvtrm wmnsewnto it JDDMPVM& cm,lbob,dability. Numer" mm- PDUnds wo d6vomw& H. J. E. 0 a At 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AD A 0 f see moo u0 0 woo 0 -M#AL $Sawa of I Irlms 0 93 a 3 1 _00*00000000*009 0 0 0 A 0-00#000*0*00, Is 410 0 11 Irv site #I U61 "cze A, Alop!p"Ollo. - ..'' PIRMS"t Ake iac- IM Mwl,,A~~-W: ChiEL-Ujwll MA ap-M, " W t h as 04 A., ISK low_ -, , ' sirmturb ab dw umi .dpburkVdr)w - - m ; "ki Vib" &MW (00%- *&Us of 01 Ind my * I , th. ~~w ou*") u aftfow. .. R. Go man `40a I "talk compums coo 0. J. W. "I . 'v0 L 11 $"ago ago Or 091 a op all; 10 0 V 0 104, 81141 ,,J, a, *0 Us 0000.00000000000*0*06 f *00,0*0 ID a**** 990 0 4100 0 rise WOO o- 1 -000" 9-6 1- a 1, 0, 0 a V I w 0 o d) a 3 0 q RX, *0000000000000000:o 0 0 0, & 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 '*"IA !00A sop o: 0 09 of 00 So 004 *00 foosseelpy-w- f i "S *0 -00 '06 -00 .00 -00 V0300Y Is dw Inva- zoo twol roe 2 coo , T. 0. roe Al 61TALLVIOMAI LITINATIM CLASSIPICAIMP 0 AV IND 101i j j j$ a j '00 0 - ~- ; i. ': s 0000*00*00000 : oj ; as* " ei as- RIIAJJII am V.. 4%, s a a at v - - :0:::;O,o:oooo*ee AL00996*960009069 WOO li 0,0 0:94,W 0 60 0 0 1* 0 . I F r . , I L L L-1-M a 11 Mite Prowaliva of awiank punim by lbWAW .e0 of It A . , -11 m(F Iv em 7 04 go l r n 51 F ICN). nalied with O S0 63 tww It T 1 . 0 . . . s . e $a a drmmPn"s to KCN at M-Owe mod to K at -00 0 : At "001 1 DW AM 4 mm, The rrovske X4 0 40 Vc 46 Ove = MIXI. AM with an *qwd wt. of PC tuming, or i 00 w re to pr"ro)t disla. of YCX. Very pwt K dissils imit. It tech- KCN (%MON. NSCN in uard, NI&A W), J, ob. 0 Ifkv*t*f j 40 l 4,00 s .4 0 o m r 00 o 0 go - - - T -9 - 1 1 -6 1 5. T~_ I- v I -irA*l 1 I 0 fW a W modl An I I 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 a : : 0 0 0 0 Lp 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0-0 0 0 0-0 0 0 0 00,41 0 Ill 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 * * 0 0 0 A *Sol aslS oeopoeoo*o*oo;io Masson.& VIL _%~OWWAM Ink"Ibme A" =-' -1 - __ ~L timm P_ - MAE =n& 07ho"I Soma"" law am cc ~jba Okuwtedbute OvIlorm, of valenq Obebane study of th6 o f 00 -Ammt~ (ti. A., Vol, C. IL H. 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At, i~.-- A 5 S~ 5, Sm (0 4L A fintinary invessiZatim ii retwded in - (III w f" ll l i - 0! co airs err s t hwh NISC I &Dd twa y I'mminatt'd with a fir-air Inil. as 111'. 1 rA.4u.1cof -liovilv, i-tit It trucirtf vigawmmly. tint. took- und. Iwins firmnitiawil It C A_ Zoe ~FO If A 6 1 L A LIT[OATAII CLW1r1CATW% t3e 0 is t u a AV 00 1 IF for 1. '1 a it it to Is e 0 Ole 0 so 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 is 0 off, 0 0 0 OA 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ole & a 0 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 00000090*0000 o4 06 it it I IAJ r I L -A 1 of Of rituvidtat im. it (c, A, 12, lzm r"os %itil K(Ill d * cm1pi. of I h, tC, F 14 1~, Lrom, could be found. Thr 191tvil, &krs I to 1! 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S. -_Qp_*qnT., (Acts Phypimehirsi 00 *0 1037. 4, 115-131); ef thip v4, 06).-- 00 T%t, qu%nWm thwarte"r of thr valenry elertrow, of tht. Coe" stats vina Ile *We fartor st" uwd w it 00 4 lb"is ftw tht Cu"ifiralim of OMI&IL amnumlato. OID Ilia NH, ion is not considered to have tho foran of it 0o., tr4ragmW pyramid. F L. U. 00 _i 00 99, *0 -00 -0 00 0--j s _ so f 09 a - ;00 of j . I** 0 3a . 6 0 o : 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 [O - 410 ale a* 40 44 -** RwAn bwm CWWOO, It. 01100111- 4, No. 30. 42ORP), I4r4j.--CgjudjnS &M 4rilling test% witalic cm agate anti J&.1wr with a flywly rryst. " cwbW pf"VrA that it vall f1jamm"I ymmdrp and smem SiC -M. C. M. 0011104110 =00 a INSTULMSKAt 14TORATURS CLAWKSTMON 9-r- v 000:411 0*:,*"O,;:Ooooooo,*,Ootoooooovoctooooooooo 000. 0 a, 190; 0000000 00 000010 0 a 0 0 * 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0