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e- ab# ransverS r'-,! tO=d t 0 -no. iLd-:, ca -the "dinuT "T*40M - ~ I ~. 7~ ll~ 'bxA is of.interest 1 bast, -32.16mulao-~:, Z7~ ---5- -OTHat Iff 004 ORloOV, Yu*Fo, Cand PhIs Matn Sci?--(diss) "Non-linear tneory O~etatron oscillations in tAw synchrotron vi th fixed focusing." Mes,19569 12 pp, with illustrations (M:Ln of Higher Education USSR. Yerevan State Univ) 125 conies M, 39-58, 106) - 6 - Category USSR/Nucleer Physics - Origin of charged and neutral particles c-6 through matter Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1957, No 591 Author Orlov, Yu..F. Title Energy Spectrum of Ionizing Particles of High Energies after PLssing Through a Thick Layer Orig Pub Zh. ekBperim. i teor. fiziki, 1956, 30, No 3, 613-614 Abstract A more accumte shape is obtained for the spectrum of paxticles, exper- iancing ionization losses of energy in a thick layer of substance. It is shown that if the initial energy is sufficiently high (L m E 2> where Li is the ionization logLritym and,,- the rest energy 01 the ionizing particle), the shape of the spectrum differs from Gaussian even near the encl of the range. With thisp the curve has the characteristic "tail" on the low-energy side and a steep decent in the high-energy side. The maximum of the spectrum is displaced away from the center of gravity towards the high-energy side. Cara 1/1 -AUTROR: ORLOVoyu.r. PA - 2o6a 712U: 12-clTa-Mon of Betatron oscillations by Synchrotron Momentum Oscillations in a Strong Focussing Oscillator. (Vozbuidenie b*tatroanych kolebanij sinchrotronnymi kol*banijami impullea v uskoritele a 4 eatkoj fokusirovkojv Russian) MIODICAL: Zhurnal Zkoporimentallnoi i Tooret.Fiziki, 1957, Vol 32, Nr 1, Pp 130-134 (U.S.S.R.) Received: 3 / 1957 Reviewed: 4 / 1957 ABSTRACT: The present paper Prove* the existence of resonances between the synchrotron oscillations of the momentum p and the bienniums of the amplitude near the resonance. The eguations of the motion and resonances: The simultaneous effect of the disturbances of the magnetic field and of the beta- tron frequencies by synchrotron momentum oscillations is examined. The simultaneous effect of the paramagnetic resonance is in- significant. As an example the radial oscillations are studied. The initial equation in therefore set up in the following form: d 2r 1 2 aR/8r 2 6H/ar . (_.L) 2 & H ) r + (--L) AP r 2 21 d9 Po 2x P0 p 21t PC denotes the radius of the 0 I/H Here I/P and Q a */CP Q C O O o 0 unperturbed closed orbit, 1 length of the periodic sector, Card 1/3 PA - 2068 jxcit&tion of Betatron Oscillations by Synchrotron Momentum Oscillations in a Strong Focussing oscillator. 0 - (2x/1)aj a - the coordinate taken along the unperturbed closed orbit. The small synchrotron momentum oscillations are described by the term A p/p. The gradient ON o/ar of the magnetic field has the period 2z. The general solution of the unperturbed equation ( A p/p - & H - 0) has the form r - aq A + &A to f(G) - f(9) exp(i Y 0), f(0) - f(0 + 2n). Here T denotes the FLOCIN function and Ir - the known betatron quasi- frequency. The solution aneatz for the equation written down at the beginning in explicitly given. The resulting equation can be solved in the usual way, if first the general solution of the equation for A R 'z 0 and then the solution of the complete equa- tion is found. With V w k/M - 1/2 M there are two resonances: the so-called external resonance (the usual resonance in case of disturbances of the magnetic field) and the paramagnetic re- sonanoe. In the case of V - k/M - 1/2 V only paramagnetic re- onance exists (resonance in the case of the disturbance of a radient). ; Card 2/3 PA - 2o6a Zxcitation of Betatron Oscillations by Synchrotron Momentum Oscillations in a Strong Focussing Oscillator. The Passage through the resonances in linear approximation: Only the passage through the first resonances n a 2,3,4-5 is essential. For the maximum increase of r after passage through the resonance a formula is given. For vertical oscillations similar formulae as those derived here are applicable. The effect of non-linearity intho case of passage through resonance can be taken into account by a sPetitution mentioned here. When passing through the resonance a contains a constant, an oscillation, and a slowly increasing term. The significance of these terms is explained here in short. In conclusion the safety condition, which it in not difficult to satisfy, is ob- tained. ABSOCIATION: Not given PMMIN?ZD BY: BUNITM: AVAILASM. Library of Congress Card 313 A, AUTHOR s ORLOV,YU.F. PA - 2678 TITLE s _1ro_n_-1Tn_*&r Theory of Betatron Oscillations in a Strong Focussing Synchrotron. (Russian). PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Ekspe is. i Tooret. Fiziki, 1957, Vol 32, Hr 2, pp 316 - 322 (U.S.S.R.) Received, 5 / 1957 Revieweds 6 / 1957 ABSTRACTs The present paper develops a now method for the investigation of betatron resonances. First the equation of the betatron oscilla- tions round a certain plane course in a strong focussing synchrotron are explicitly written down. The first resonagge apiproximations One of the main tasks of the theoryie the determination of the limits of the so-called security range within theme limits. In this security range the amplitude must not exceed a prescribed value. The most attention is re- quired by those values,;r \7awhich are on the limit of the security range, i.e. rather close to the exact resonance values. (Herel denotes the frequency of oscillations in the horizontal directisn, V the frequency of oscillations in the certical di- rection). Thl resonance harmonics can be sorted out from the per- turbationa and the harmonica of first approximation not belonging to the resonance@ can be omitted. Such an operation mostly gives good approximation. The method can be considerably improved in the Card 112 following manners by a suitable selection of the corresponding Non-Linear Theory of Betatron Oscillations F.& - 2678 in a Strong Focussing Synchrotron. variables the resonance equations can be met up in the form of Hamiltonian equations. In practically all important cases the square A2and A 2 of the amplitudes and certain phase displacement& T (P r 2 r~ z can be used as variables. The Hpmiltonian does not depend upon the angular variable 0. Parametric resonances On the left and on the lower limit of the security range the influence of all resonances, except the parametri ones, can be neglected. The corresponding equations are set up. The influence of the non-rooonanoe-dependent harmonics can be in- vestigated by means of the so-called perturbation theory of reson&ne*.The effects of second order cause corrections in the coeffici;nts of resonance equations of first order. Higher approximations are practically of no importance. ASSOCIATION: Not given PRESENTED BYP SUBMITTEDs AVAILABLEt Library of Congress. Card 2/2 ;OVI 12 0- 5-- 5- ---)/ -112 AUTHM3:Orlov. Ya. F. and Tarasov, Ye. K. TIM&: ExcitatiDn of' Oscillati~,,,-~s in an Electron Cyclic Acceler%~-,r uy ~Quantu:i Fluctuaui:ms of Radiati-)n (Vo-zbuzhde-niye &oleb- aniy v elextronnom tsilUicheskom us~=itele kvantovy..ii fluktuatsiya:.ii izlucheniya) PERIODIJAL: Pribory i te~Lliniica eksperimenta, 1953, Nr 5, P~- 17-.-'0 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The effect of considerable gro%vth of oscillatiorls in an electron accelerator was discovered and studied by the authors of Ref.1, and was further investigated in and 3. In Ref.2 this effect was discussed, taking accoant the damping of phase and radial oscillati)ris. It was e~tab- lishLed in Ref.2 that in a usaal accelerator with ~.tron~-7 focussin-, raaial osciiiati-)Ts are -overned by iotic,- for.r,,ala: 0 C, r^,*eXP 12 ~PY/E.dt) wnere P is the (1 0 Y avcra,,ed ov,,r ~Iie frequ,-~nciej of the qaanta, and E i.:-; tte;y o.L'* the p:i 1.- tt ePhase are di.,;L)o(7 v..-ith jard 1/3 a .10cre-aert eoaal to 2 PY/E In the ;,)resent Excitation of Osciliati,)z:s -Ln wi Electron. J,~clic quanta:a Fluctuations of Radiation Srowth of radial oscillatiDns is ex:)ressed fai~cti---)n of a certain general p~,,rameter which dependL3 i ~)n "ie cou7rlin- betwee7i radial and Dhase oscillatiolis. T~,o Q. dependence of this .-arameter on the structure of t'ie system was discussed in some detail in a previous paper -by the I)resent authors (Soviet Physics, 1':258, Vol 34 Z7), ".r 4-49(65") (ir-, Enrjish)). General formulae are nDw obtained .Lor rms am-plitudes of phase and radial oscillations vi' ~-Iich _,netic field along .ake into account t.-~e variation of the mai- the orbit, wl-lich i.s -,),-)ssible in an accelerator with stron.- focussing. The coupling between the dzamping factors for i)11,713e Mid radial oscillations is taker. into account. The ~Iard 213 SOV/120-58-5-2/32 Excitation of Oscillations in an Electron Cyclic Accelerator by QuaritiLm Fluctuatiors of Radiati-in fluctuatiDns of radiation are considered classically, assun- ing that the energy of the electrons is muer- larger than the U energy of the quanta emitted by them. There are 2 fi,-ures and 3 Soviet references. SUBMITTED: October 15, 1957. Card 3/3 SOV/120-58-6-2/32 AUTHORS:Orlov, Yu. F. and Tarasov, Ye. K. TITILE; 11-~~~~stability at Large Gradient in an Electron Accelerator with Strong Focussing (Vozniknoveniye neustoy- chivosti pri bol'shom gradiyente v elektronnom uskorite'Ae s zhestkoy fokusirovkoy) PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, 1958, Nr 6, PP 15-18 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the presence of a large gradient ( n of the order of a few hundreds) in an electron accelerator, betatron or phase oscillations may become unstable, The effect is the result of radiation and resonance irregularities in the magnetic field when they occur simultaneously, 1) The effect of resonance irreEularities of the field u_por- the-X!-- of phase oscillations,, The effects considered- in this section occur as a result of a strong dependence of radiation on the position of the electron orbit in an accelerator with strong focussing. If the orbit is displaced from the equilibrium Position then the magnetic field along the orbit varies by an amount given by: ~ allz r, -4 H (Ii-z) z (1) 6HZ r Card 1/4 ( r )s SOV/120-58-6-2/32 Appearance of Instability at Large Gradient in an Electron Ac-~e-er- ator with Strong Focussing as compared with the field on an undisturbed orbit, The radiated power also varies and is given by: 4 P a 2 e.- E2 Y 3m4 (1*7 z r p (1 + 2 1 8Hs 1 ~2 2 YS 2 + z a ) 2) The effect of the linear term in Eq.(2) upon the damping of 0 the oscillations has been discussed in many papers. -in pax- ticular, in Refs,1 and 2, The non-linear terms have always Card 2/4 -A, SOV/120-58-6-2/32 Appearance of Instability at Large Gradient in an Electron Acceler- ator with Strong Focussing been neglected. However, in the presence of-irregularities in the magnetic field along the equilibrium orbit which may be duc to, for example, innaccurate lining up of the magnets, the non-linear terms in Eq.(2) may play an important or even decisive role, As is well-known, when field irregularities are present, resonances occur which have a marked effect upon the form and the amplitude of the periodic orbit of an electron. It is shown that instability will occur when,. k + i