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S/034/60/000/209/009/009 E032/3114 Conference on Problems In the Mathematical Theory of Motion of Artificial Celesti-al Bodies R,A. Lyakh and N.B. Yelenevskaya spoke on the new methods of expansion of the perturbation function, and H,S, Yarov-Yarovoy read a paper entlt.lek~ "Improving the convergence of series representing the mot-ion of AES'. A request was addressed to the Ministry of Higher and Specialised Education and the AS USSR to organise an A.11 UnIon conforonco on the dynamics and scientific uses of ASS, to take place in 1961. The conference also requested the Astrosovet of the AS USSR to set up a sparial c-ommi~zsion fGT ttie ccordination and planning of vark in c~elestlal machanic~. ASSOCIATION8 Moskva, GAISh (State A-,-t,Tonom1r!a]. MO 5 .:.c W) SUBMITTED- Januaiy. 960 Institute imeni P,K. Shternberg, Card15/5 30562 S/623/61/000/112/001/002 -3. 0 E032/En4 AUTHOR: Orlov _A-A. TITLE: Effect of the spheroidality of' a planet on the motion of its satellite SOURCE: Moscow. Universitet. Gosudarstvennyy astronomichesk--v institut. Soobshcheniya, no. 112, 1961, 3-32 TEXT: The present paper is a continuation of previous work by the present author (Ref.l-. 0 pochti periodicheskikh dvizheni- yakh materiallnoy tochki v pole tyagateniya aferoida. "On Almost Periodic Motions of a Mass Point in the Gravitational Field of a Spheroid", Trudy GAISh, 1954, Vol.24, PP.139-153). In the latter paper the a*.Athor derived formulas for the coordinates of a mass point in ~fte gravitational field of a spheroid- The analysis given izi Ref.1 was confined to the case in which first-order terms in the relative compression of the spheroid were taken into account. The present paper reports formulas which incorporate second-order terms also. Expansions in powers of the inclination and the eccentricity are not used, and these quantities are taken into account rigorously. The final formulas may be used in the Card 1/3 30562 Nffect of the apheroidality of a S/623/61/000/112/ool/002 E032/EIIJ& study of the notion of artificial earth satellites (orbits with arbitrary eccentricities and inclinations, arbitrary initial conditions of free flight of the satellite in cosmic space). The differential equations of perturbed motion are integrated using the method described by the present author in Ref,2 (0b integrirovanii differentsial,nykh uravneniy vozmushchennogo dvishoniya v pryamougollnykh koordinatakh po sposoby malogo parametra. "On the integration of the differential equations of perturbed notion in rectangular coordinates using the small- parameter method". Soobohcheniya GAISh, 1953, No.88-89, 39-531~ As in G.W. Hill's method, the true anomaly of the mass point -'s tAken as the independent variable although it is claimed that the present method has certain advantages over that of Hill. Thus, Hill's method leads to final expressions whith include six arbitrary constants (integration constants) and the constant of the integral (or quasi-integral) of energy, The latter constant is not independent and may be expressed in terms of the other constants. The present author does not use the energy quasx- integral and hence the final expressions for the coordinates do not explicitly involve this constant, The formulas can easily Card 2/3 q oo AUTHOR: Orlov, A. A. 5/188 ./62/000/003/010/012 B104/B112 TITLE: Transformation of series representing the coordinates of a material point in disturbed m6tion PERIODICAL; Moscow. Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya III. Fizika, astronomiya, no- 3, 1962, 62-89 TEXT: The integration of differential equations by means of a small paramet-~r leads to an infinite sequence of linear systems of diff,rential Ar- equations having to be solved. Such solutions correspond to the coefficients of the series representing the functioni wanted. Those coefficientb cannot be determined unambiguously since the integration involves constants. A system of differential equations of the n-th order dx,/dt a X i(xl' x2' ..., Xn# ta) (i . 1,2, .. ., n) is studied, wherein the x i are the functions wanted, Vie the time and a a small parameter.' The relations between the solutions corresponding to variously chosen constants of integration are established for the case in which, with Card 1/2 ORLOV. A. A. "Luni-solar perturbations of the motion of all artificial satellite." report submitted for 15th Intl Astronautical Cong, Warsaw, 7-12 Sep 64. State Astronomical Inst im P. K. Shternberg, Moscow State Univ PINE)GINY S. V. ; ORLOV, A. A.; GUDCHENKO, V. (Moscow) "Failures of a material -mder pulsatinw --onta-t loarlB." report sumitted for 2nd Conf, Dimensioning and Strength Ca-!--uiuti(,ns, 5-lo oct 196:1, CIRLOVg A,P,o kande tekhn. naulc beforrAtion of the *roam section of thin-vallad steel eyllnd-ars ditring longitudinal hard facing, Trudy LIVT no,8007-46 161,. (MIRA 18110) ORLOV, A.A. Secular and long-period disturbanaea in the motion of the satellite of a nonspherical planet. Biu.1. Inst. teor, aotron. 10 no.I: 6-26 165, (MIRA 18: U) 1, Submitted February 29p 1964., ACC NRI AR6019255 SOURCE CODE: UR/01214/(,6/000/riC,2//%C,0-1,/A(jO3 -AUTHOR: Orlov, A. A. :'TITLE; Lunar-solar perturbations in the motion of artificial satellites SOURCE: Ref. zh. Mekhan, Abs. 2A28 :REF SOURCE: [15 Internats. kongress po astronavtike, Varshava, sent., 19643--Ne opubl. 'TOPIC TAGS: satellite motion, partial differential equation I ;TRANSLATION: An approximation theory for space motions in the three-body problem of Ithe satellite type is proposed. This theory is valid when the following assumpzions !are made: a) the distance between the planet P0 and the satellite P, is significantly iless than the distance from each to the sun P2; b) the bodies P0, P1 , P2 are material points; c) the sun P2 completes a circular motion near the center of mass of tln~c sys- tem (P0,Pj ); d) planetary attraction is the main force determining the mo-zion of z'~-.e i satellite, and the attraction of the sun is regarded as a perturbation force; e) t .ne Irelation m = n2/n, of the average motion of the sun n2 to the average motion ol" the :satellite nj around the planet is a small quantity. In this work the initial Sys-terr, of differential equations is reduced by Zeipel's method (Zeipel, N., Ark. 14at-, Astr. och i,Aje., 1916, 2, No. 1, 1-58) to a simpler system which was solved in quadratures. in ~Ch,e,,solution, the parallax terms were cmitted in the expansion of the perturbation ACC NRt AR6019255 function. of these account a 'first-order The terminal formulas is as term of third quantities !SUB CODE: 7i~ Card formulas are follows: the order with rvspect relative to m. expressed in elliptical functions. 7he accuracy secular perturbations are defined taking into to m, and the periodic terns by considering N. N. Golub'. ACC NRs AP.6020752 S3URCE CODES UR/0269/66/000/OO3/0W9/0W9 AUTILORj Orlov,, A. A. TITLEs APPrOXIMixte analYtical representation of space motions in a " problem SOMWEs Rafe she Astronomiya, Abse 3.51-89 RU SOURCEs Byul. In-ts teor. astron. AN SSSR, v. 10, no. 5, 1965, 360-378 TOPIC TAGSs orbit calculation, differential equation, orbit inclination, circular or- bit, satellite motion ABSTRAOTt Solutions were obtained for the differential equations that are basic in the Hill theory of the lbon, for the case where the orbital :inclination of t~e satol- lite to the plane of motion of the perturbing body in arbitrary (except i - CP and i - 12.0o), Approximate formulas were derived for representing the space motion of the matellite without expanding excentricity and inclination by powers. Tho Lelaunay- Zeipel mothod was used. The perturbing body described the circular orbit around the mass center of the planet-satellite system. The parallactic members were omitted during expansion of the perturbation function. The ratio m = n2 ,/-n.., of the moan motion of the perturbing body n2 to the constant part of the mean motion of the isatellita n, was taken as the series ex;mnsion parameter. The periodic members were obtained with an accuracy of the order of a values and the secular members were calculated with &a a I I ACC NR, AP6020752 f- ;1. -- . - - ~ - - m - r, I . I -i - n t. ~ f - 'ne P-7,--~sion In Novos- '-sk ProvInce, 7r~l~~y Ing'. Sib. o'd. AN 164. (MIRA ORUV, A. F., -)enior Sci~~niific **(-.rlt-r of CnIlil. , "~Illl I , . " It Dis-,ertat,on- " I r.,,!- s t - '! ' n + ~ - 4:,r I-eft ~ I - .~E 1 11 - ~ ; -... . . - :: - ., - , - f r- r:-- - - : ~~- t ~: ' ~z and -; - I J.' -* - ~ ~ -' I . 7. '.'%' : : : . , .1 ~-.- i -- . 3C: V,~-cl:ern~-aya ll-slcv- , F,! , '. -z.'i ~-ci ,' I SOICLOV, B.H.; ORWV, A.F.; PCHOMMA. A.S. %creasing in the washing away of fibers and the purification of waste water. Bum. prom. 33 no.9:15-17 S 158. (MIRA 11:10) I.Pervyy Kaliningradekly tsellyulozho-bumazhnyy kombinitt. (Sewage-Purification) (Woodpulp industry-Bquipment and supplies) ORLOV. A.F. Rumination reflex in stimulation of the udder, Iris iol. shur. 1#0 no-109-44 J&-F 154. (MLRA ?:2) 1. Eafedra fiziologii shivotnykh Moskovskogo pushno-mekhovogo Instituts. (Conditioned response) (Rumination) 11 a~-013-6'j Eirr(d)/F~-IT(m)/EliP(w)/E~-IP(v)/EWP(t)/ETI/F.~4P(k)/E~4P(h)/EWP(l) .. IJP(c) ACC INPt AlIoO27797 JD/Ml SOURCE CODE: UR/0126/66/022/00VOI37/0138 AUTHOR. Orlov. A. F.; FedoLov, S. G. 0R.G-. "Lituto of Metallurgy im. A. A. Baykov (Institut rnotallurgii) TITLE: Temperature dependence of the moduli of elasticity and shear of Ni-Cu alloys SOURCE: Fizika metallov i metallovederdye, v. 22, no. 1, 1966, 137-138 TOPIC TAGS: nickel base alloy, copper, Young modulus, shear modulus, temperature dependence tVBSTM~CT: Despite the large number of studies devoted to the physical properties of Ni-Cu alloys, the paucin of variation in the moduli of elasticity and shear of these alloys as a function of temperature and concentration has so far been inadequately investigated. To fill this gap, the autliors investigated the temperature course of these moduli for pure Ni as wou as for six Ni-Cu alloys containing 0.3, 7.1, 11.7, 35.8, 64.6, and 78.0% Cu. The measure- ments were performed by means of an "Elastomat" dovicet4rough the excitation of trans- verse, longitudinal and torsional vibrations in annealed cylindrical specimens at from 0 to 800'C. Findings; Ile moduli of elasticity E and shear G monotonically decrease with increas- _qard 1/3 UDC: 539.292:539.3:536 r) > ri t- 04 n CD 0 CD z 'D P > 00 7 CD I ON Cq A p E rz) CS CD 7 t3 E~ 0 200 4100 500 600 OC V ID gr 0 CD C%3 2' P P 0 r - 17 CD 6 0 200 ,00 600 4600 OC two. Fig. 1. Temperature dependence of modulus of shear (a) and modulus of elasticity S CD (b) of Ni-Cu alloys: I - pure Ni; 2 - Ni + 0.3~70 Cu; 3 - Ni + 7/'0' Cu- c I CD 4 - Ni + 12% Cu; 5 - Ni + 36% Cu; 6 - Ni + 65% Cu; 7 - Ni + 78% Cu L ACC NR. A1160-17797 bellow -100'C in Ni-Cu system alloys conutww,-, up to -30% Cu. For alloys WiLb a hig,11 Cu Con- ten', Uie ek-uitg-c in nioduli with temperature is morc pronounced. 7lic concentraLion dependence of t~ic n-Loduli E and G at a constant temperature can be approximated by straight-line curves which indicates that the dependence of E and G on alloy composition (for alloys of the Ni-CU system) is linear regardlest, of the concentration. Orig. art. has; 2 figures, 2 formulas, SUB CODE: 11. 20/ SUBM DATE: 02Nov65/ ORIG REF. 002/ OTH REF: 003 3/3 no t Card AZIMOV, G.I.; LAPIIM, M.N.; PCHELINA. V.A.; CRLOV. A.F.; BRIDGINA, O.P.; DUDZTSX&YA, O.A. Problem of cilk secretion. Rlu]. ekep. biol. i mod. 40 no.12:10-14 1) '55. (ML'RA 90) 1. Iz kafedry fle-iologii zhivotnykh (zav.-zasluzhennyy dayatell nauki prof. G.I. Azimov) Hoskovskogo puBhno-makhovogo inatituta (dir.-Prof. V.S. Yershov) (LACTATIOR, pbysiology, radioactivity of milk from both udders, of blood & of urine after admin. of radlophosphorus labeled milk into one udder in goat.) (PHOSPHCRUS, radioactive, labeled milk, radioactivity of wilk from both udder, of blood & urine after admin.) (URIKE, radiophosphorus, after admin. of labeled milk into udder in goat) (BLOOD, radiophosphor-us, after admin. of labfiled milk into udder in goat) AZIMOV, G.I.; ORWV, A.F.I_; EELUGINA, O.P. Reaboarption in the mammary gland. Zhur. ob.biol.23 no.3:237-238 MY-Je 162. (MIRA 15:6) 1. All-Union Correspondence Institute of Agriculture. (W01ARY GlANDS) (ABSORPTIOIN (PIIYSIOLCGY)) 1. 6=Vp A* Ce 2. USSR (600) 4,. Education - Moscow 7, Public education in Moscow. Gor. khoz. Moak. 23 no. 9: 1949. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Avdi 1953, Uncl. ORWY, A.G. ......... ......... . ..... 1- Training teachers to carry out the technical education program in the school. Politekh. obuch. no.lor6o-68 o 157. (NLRA 10.-9) 1. Machallnik Glavnogo upravlonlya vysshikh I arednikj pedagogiche- skikh uchabnvkh savedeniy Hinisterstva proaveshchaniya RSYM. (Teachers, Training of) (Technical education) SOV/3-58-12-3,1"43 AUTHOR: Orlov, A.G., Head of the Main Administration TIM The Level of Requirements of the New School System (Na urcven, trebovaniy novoy shkoly) PERIODICAL: Vestnik vysshey shkoly, 1958, Nr 12, PP 21-25 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The theses of the TsK IWSS and the USSR Coumcil of Ministers pro- vide that the higher school be brought close to reality and pro- duction. There will be two types of schools: 1) an 8-year poly-technical school, obligatory for all pupils between 7 and 1~) years of age; 2) a secondary school to prepare students for a definite profession. The new school will also require teachers to instruct pupils mainly in subjects leading to a definite pro- fession. Such teachers should be trained by technical and agri- cultural vuzes, while instructors on subjects of general education should be trained by pedagogical institutbe and universities. The basic task of pedagogical vuzes, however, will be the training of qualified, highly educated teachers for public school - the 8-year school. From this point of viev the curricula of pedagogi- cal institutes are at present being revised. The article 3ontains Card 1/2 some of the amendments to the curricula as planned by the author. The Level of Requirements of the New School System SOV/3-58-12-3/43 He states that the training of teachers for elementary school wi-1-1 be something nev to the pedagogical institutes. Specia.1 faculties,- and in some cases even specialized institutes, wrill b-- established for this purpose. The author further deals with the question of selecting students for the pedagogical institutes. Re- ferring to the practical pedagogical training, he states that under the present system, students do not acquire the necessar-y skill. To eliminate the deficiencies, it is intended to double the time for pedagogical practice. On the question of ensuring a rise in qtk&1.f:UAt2WM for those who are already working in the f ield of economy, mature and education, the author supports the suggestion 6f combining pedagogical vuzes with the institutes of advanced training of teachers. In cozolusion, he makes some remarks on research work being conducted in pedagogical institutes, mainly by the chairs of pedagogics. ASSOCIATION: Glavnoye upravlerLiye vyssbikh i srednikh uchebnykh zavedeniy Ministerstva prosveshcheniya RSFSR (Main Administration of Higher and Secondary Educational Institutions of the RSFSR Ministry of Education) Card 2/2 ORLOV, A. G. , T, ~ I lkparimental observations on substances absorbed from alginic acid. Khtrurgiia, no.9:77-80 S '55. (M1RA 9:2) 1. Is kafedy obahchefthimit (sav. prof. A.1. Tedrinskly) i obahchey khirurgii (sav. prof. G.A. Orlov) Arkhangellskogo neditainskogo instltuta. (AIZINATBS absorbable, exper. observations) USSR / Human and Animal MorrhLology. MorvOU3 SyFtOM. S-2 Periph-jral Nervous System. Abs jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 1.1, 1958, 64B12. Author ; Orlov, A, G. Inst :-Archangel Medi-ca-1 Institute. TiT,le Structure of the Sciatic Nerve at the Point of its Anatomical Division. Orig Pub: Sb. tr. Arkhang. mad. in-t, 1956, vyp. 13, 114-116. Abstract: A study was made of the sciatic narve of mam3ls at the point of its division into the fibular and the tibial nerves. The transition of small groups of fibers from one fasciolo to anothor Was discovorod, as wcll as the break-up of largn fibir fascicles into smaller ones. In several exam-plos a recurrent passage of fibors was Boan when in- dividual fibers made a sharp turn and contiiiuod Card 1/2 ill ~),, A.kl- '~nZhl r - b,. ton r f d , , e -,I pj . Y N -. I t ~ - ~ ~ - 1. * " t - - - il -~!. - - t , li: ~) *n ~, ~, V, .A ". 4,1 * , 1! - L:- : A - - , . . . 'I ~': T ( --,' -,, - - - -1 L.-. - - v 1 f~ - I Irl ! .-~ . ~: - - - " - ~ -~ I ~,, - : , I t 1~ , . * 1. : ). - ~ I - I- ORLOV, A.G., rrh. Prr di2ponal Ln thr-. F~enaral ,bler.-..g of ~wa,er c,;:,p]~ 54,1 vewage scheme of the n-mbLnPd utllimtlon and protection of the water resources of t~,e Sov,el. Urlion. 7,Dd. i san. tekh. n,,.~-.-17-19 Ja 164 (141 FLA aF:I) ORLOV9 A,G, - -- Veins of the right lung. Khirurgiia 35 no.8.-83-86 A '59. fl/,IP,A 13-12) (PUU-IONARY VEINS) ORLaV. A.G. (Leningrad, ul. L.Tolstogo., d.7. kv.88) Vascular and bronchial topography of the right lung. Grud. k1dr. 4 no.6:55-59 H-D'62. (14IRA 16:10) 1. 1z kafedry operativnoy khirurgii i topograficheakoy ana- tomli (zav. - prof. H.A.Sreseli) I loningradakogo meditsin- skogo instituta imni akademika I.F.Favlova. (LUNGS.-BLOOD SUPPLY) (BRONCHI) ORLOV, A.G. Bronchi and the bronchopulmonary segments of the ri ht lung. Xhirurgiia no.9:84-90 162. MRA 15:10) lz kafedry operativnoy khirargii i topografichookoy anatomii I z-av. M.A.Sreseli) I Leningradskogo meditainskogo instituta imeni I.P.Pavlova. (LUNGS) (BRONCHI) ORLOV, Atiato;y GecIL3~gi ~OVU~h KELM, Bakir Talibovichl TYUMMA# SeTep ljnb,, red.; ft=p D,P*p red* Isd-va; EgIDGMWA# IeAep tekbn, red* [Spectrochadcal, analysis of ablorinev broulmi amd- iWim in slowntai7 tellurium] OpektrokbWobselcoo oprodelmie Wora, broma i ioda v elemotarnm tellure. Loningradp 1962a 10 p. (Leningradeldi Dom mauchno-tekhnicheskoi propagam4. Obom perodovym op7tom. Serlias Nontroll kRobeetva produktolip 00.1) (KULA 15 t 3) (Halogens) (Tellurium) (Spectroobudotry) --v hW71 S/181/62/004/012/019/052 B104/B102 AUTHORS. Golikova, 0. A., Moyzhes, B. Ya., and TITLE: The mobility of holes in germanium as a function of their concentration and temperature PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 4, no. 12, 1962, 3482-5491 TEXT: A previous work (0. A. Galikova et al'.r;~I)FTT9 3P 109 1961) in which the carrier mobility of gallium-doped p-type germanium was determined between 77 and 4500K is here continued. Ge specimens having gallium concentrations of up to 7-1020 cm-3 were used for determining the electrical conductivity and the Hall effect between 450 and 10000K, at which temperatures a noticeable electron concentration already arises. In- calculating the carrier mobility, the collisions between carriers for a nondegenerate electron gas and the scattering from both acoustic and optical vibrations were taken into account. This permitted of comparing theory with experiment at higher temperatures also. The measurements were made in an arEon atmosphere using platinum probes and Pt-PtRb thermocouples. It was possible to det9rmine the temperature dependence of the Hall effect at Card 1 /' 1' 5 3 /0/0 /0 22 16-' !,) , // ~ / 1,61 10e 3/181/62/004/012/019/052 The mobility of holes in germanium ... B104/BIO2 magnetic field stren&ths up to 10 koe. Results; At temperatures below 3000Y, the experimental and theoretical results agree fairly well if the scattering from optical and acoustic vibrations, from ionized and neutral impurities and the scattering of holes from holes is taken into account. At higher temperatures the theory differs considerably from experiment, which is explained by the fact that the mobility in scattering from lattice vibrations decreases more rapidly than is predicted by theory; ulattice"" T-3 instead of T_ 2.3. This strong decxease cannot be explained by the fact that the carrier energy approaches the spin-orbital splitting in germanium (,6 . 0.29 ev). Spectral analyses showed that with n4 5-10 19 cm-3 at nitrogen temperature the Hall concentration equals that of the gallium atoms; in the case of stronger alloying, the concentration determined from Hall coefficient is too high. There are 9 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR, Leningrad (Institute of Semiconductors AS USSR, Leningrad) SUBMITTEDI July 6, 1962 Card 2/2 I a -AMSIAM Ac 4 1: Oi'.Ib* 7 1p r ?rI912 190 ~ia MU o6 T,~ i id,.di 19 2);i~~-----'~--10~- Ahi~ ji 0~~` oars edsp, t ad, an tefis of, a pample on 8 t curr gap t~ 01, .-Ibb -..*Dbi tijob.: vf~ OnTles concentikions- irom sa*lidth x~61AA ~.-Obtidne*d~-,":'"-b-~16is3~y-16]i~-:Eii"lil~- Pr4, -07, ...... . t.- allb t 'a likiffjil4i"~], m;,Ge: y t bi 6d boy el IL ban, w -40- t rultd alkni"- es or SSR;~.l 17r , T( id con dU6 -IRCU--:-'l 06 009 W MARKCVI Konstantin Konst&ntinovIch; BARDIN, Vladimir Igorevich; CHLOV, Alek"ndr Ivanovich; BORSHCHEVSKIY, C.A., red.; PETIUVA, K.A., red.; LAZAREVAP L.V., tekhn. red. (ftelcogeographical description of the coast line of easterm Antarctic]Fiziko-geogmfichookaia kharaktoriatika beregovot polosy Vostochnoi Antarktidy. Pod red. C.A.Borshchavskogo. Mo- skva, Izd-vo Mosk. univ.,1962. 147 p. (MIRA 16;1) (Antarctic regions-Phisical geography) ~ . ~ I, .' . V ',I - "V# .M. , red. (I. r. In f i - :.: r !i; W ,:r-~ I '~J ,, a ria a hina po I o I. Mo skvr; , I zd-vo "'! 'nw.-. i ~, . "~Qf 1 .4~6 p. (Novoe v zhizn.-lp natike, tel~h- -,,, ~:. . T;-!,,htjka, no.17) (MIRA 18-8) CFLLOV p A. I o Shelf glacier named after the MDscow Univeraity in Antarctica. Vest.Mook.un.Ser.5: Geog. 17 no,3:53-56 It-Je 162. (MIR& 15t8) 1. Kafedra obahchego zemlevedeniya Moskovskogo universiteta. (Sarbina Coast-Glaciers) PASMCOV, V.Ye.; PARFENOV, A.P.; SOIDVIV-V, V.A.; IORLOV I A. I, Selection of the optimum magnitude of the pressure area in IISh-32 and NSh-46 gear pumps. Trakt. i sellkhozmash, 32 no.6zl4-15 Je 162. (MMA 15:6) 1, Moskovskiy zavod gidroagregatorv. (Tractors-Equipment and supp2ies) ORLOT, A.I. (Gorikly) - se Treatment of acute Inflamations of jaws and face by brief Lovocain penicillin block. Stamatologiia 35 no.2:31-33 Mr-Ap '56. (KLIA 9:7) (INPIAMATICN) (MICILLIN) (NOVOCAINS) ORWY. A.I., inthener. r~----Butlding main cable lines. Vest.sylaxt 17 no.10:38-39 0 '57. (MIRA 10:11) 1. Kinisterstvo svyazi USSR. (Ilectric cables) ALEKSETYZV, Konstantin Alekseyevich; ORWV, Alcksandr Ivanovich; SAVANCHUK, Vladimir Aleksan-Cro-Ir a ~Iv - 0~ PISARENKO, M.G., red.; [Pysarenko, M.H.), red.; STARODUB, T.O., tekba. red. [Manual for rural telecommunication workers) Posibnyk sill- skoho zvliazkivtsia. Vyd. 2., perer. ta dop. Kyiv, Derzh- tekhvydav URSR, 1962. 438 p. (MIRA 16:4) (Telecommunication-Handbooks, manuals, etc.) (Electric engineering-Handbooks, manuals, etc.) GUREVICH.D.A., kandidAt tekhnicheskikh nauk; ORIOV,A.I., inzhener- mekhanik Proportioning loose material in continuous manufacturing nrocesses. KhiM.Drom. no.9:269-269 s,47. (MMA 8:12) 1. Giproanilkyaska (Weighing-macnines) LEBEDEV, P.T.; USOVICH, A.T.; CHEPUROV, k..P., prof.; KALICHENKO, M.M., aspirant; MATUSEVICH, V.F., doktor veLerin. nauk; STENIKO, A.S., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; LAKHRY"IXINA, A,No, aspirant; GRISHCHENKO, N.F.i ORLOV A I eterinarnyy v-rach (Arkhangell- v ' ,;kaya oba.). PR(IS!"M~, ~&-'P!~,Vnd, biolog. nauk; KOVYNDIKOV., M.S., kand, veterin. nauK; AR.IFDZHANOV, K.A., kand. veteria. nauk Veterinary ex~vr-imenl-q. Vet.,3rinar'lla i-~ nci.4:101-111 Ap 164. (MIRA 17:8) 1. Sibirskiy nauchn(~-lssledcvatells~ay veterinarnyy institut (for Lebedev, Usovich '). '. PGltavskiy i3ellrkokhozyav.9t:vennyy institut (for Chepurov, Ka-,'--henko). 3. Ukrainskiy nauchuo.- issledovatellsku ins','.~ut zemledellya (for Matusevich, Stenlko, Lakhmyt-kina). 4. Cherni~ovskaya oblat3waya veterinamaya labora- toriya (for Grishchenko)~ 5. Ukrainskly nauchno-issledovatell- skiy institul bksperimenta-.1ray veter,"narii (for Prostyakov, Fortustinyy, Kt-vy-nd!lcv!, 6. Uzbekskl;y nauchno-Issledovatellskiy veter:Lnarnyy lnst."',ut (for Arifdzhanov',). OR=, A. L . inzh, Improved welding equipuzzit for vinyl plastics. Khim. mash. no.6-44-45 N-D 161. (MIRA 15-2) (Electric welding-Equipment and supplies) (Vinyl polymers) TITLEa PZRIODICAL~ LBSTRACT# Card 1/-7 Card card 3/7 gov/99-59-10-7/1, Extra_IMUrsltIq:.a Lon of the 40i.ntifiC Council of the "1101M at h.Pokht-Lral" SO'khOz Gidrotekbnik. 1 welicratetya. 199q, ~' lo. VIIII R The Extra-mur-I 309010n Or the t7chs-n a"st vM*sOTuZ- cogo nauchno-Inaledovatol-akogo inn ti tut.,gidrct.k!-,mi- ki I seliorstoll imenI k.!? I(ostyako'. ( Sjentifit, Council of the All-UnI 0`1 48*,rch 7"tit.t. foroly- draulic vngineorlng and !.' lior^tIOM Intni A.n.7 vtYs- kov) was hold from 15-17 vuly 10~9 At t~e *F'kht - Area. go.kbox (razakh FSM) and .. d-oted to VI: in- traduction and f~thwr eq,"lopment of Pprinkling and other mothol:.of,:,,ch:,.Ilz*d,::t:~!~tg,:m cotton-gr Ing 4strictT ior ...n d by r,pres.At.- Itives of 76 research, ;I~xing. construction And ~Pa- rating organizations v~ o=ected with the water econ,ty of the gzakh, Uzbek. T~Icm.n, 'adzhIk, 11irgic. xa-r- bWthan. Georgian, Armetnian. .oldsviftm ~d Trkraimian republics and also by representatives Of cottor. sov- kh sea ZA krolkhoz.. in th, lolodlaya fp- r$gjL-. The Session heard t-~. following papers- Director of V311CILVe Corresponding "enter of t~;..VASr'h'TTT., Toarig-rokiv on "T'he Introd-ti.. of r, i g. t I Cctton-g"-Inz~i t~ie nirector of Vie *rakh- I.M. lo'khor T.". Tulikov on *T" Qveults ~nd Prospects of Uning'Sprinkl!ng lnulp=ent on the -Plak:h- t._.rftj,0 Sovkhd2Nj Senior kizronomist of t" *PsXh-a- area* bovkhor AV; Psrsdivev or. -The Yet.7o.f .... u AV 4- . -i aqll.mtt,e .7.pakhtA- L;., 3 'kl~o= I Irrigating Cotton with -;rinklors'; 7~jjdte'of kgrl- aulturva an lance a :f.Z,_*j7aZ - of t6to rl~TG 1- n gThe Scientific and Practical ~-lts of ~tuiiar ~f Cotton ~priakllngl; Candidate of -ngine-1-g lct.n- 9 the rIIII IA C..d Alfalzolcoa of i4n Qinesrirg Iclences T_W'!`T4"~'Ave_T of I's ~7' t:kv dov),d valInays stactily -bek ~iprjrkll- I tton On -4::rience ?rom the T-tr;duction of Sprinkling in the Uzbek "11?-; Candidate of Agricultural -clencos f the "I!V:!- and Tof t.~. kAya - ::F~ ~ '2 iltgewh.'o so 0 stantaly'. MkIP11- -1 Experimental qtatjon7t~!_ on 'otton-wat*rIng ~outjnos vI;b rinklere*; Candidate of kgricultural Sciences Rahrkzhansk"s of 11. V~TTII" an IT" Co.--- of in !~ , :.,!h qprink. the Water-salt cycle o ling"I , nal- date Of kgriculturol ~cle=cen_j f t-e "I,- 4iYhonp;Tb* Fconomic Cotton.* wit 9 inklerx~; ?nginevr of t,# TwIlGir on -The -zp*ri.nt. of ^rg.njrj-g llanned ter UtiIIzation in ~prlrkling cotton ~vtr large A.r*aaeg Candidate of Rngim-rt-g "cie-c- r.'. el't_ a a ~? .. poryan f th V-.71:1 On -- l`,p-rI-c. of-A.tra Sprinkling "achinoo On t~* -ftkh'R-A-ral"qovkho%-j land idat. of rtglreerirg 'clorces :,~glZrc ~f the V?fTTGiw On -QT~:jng ' Areas 71th Long- Trained of t~, on Th* Irrtga:4oz of ~Ottcn RnS ether cult-al crop. -It?.- a -8%47 1-g'~.t.I I-t-n lip..". 'n he r-.j OR W , A.I., Inshener. Worthy initiative of Ukrainian commaleatione workers is hoult construction. Test. mvl&zl 17 48,3:26-27 Mr 157. (MM 10:41 1. Nisleteretvo D"azi Ukralaskey M. (Ukral as--am~ tag) AISTOV, N.N., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk; VAS1LIYEV, B.D., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk; IVANOV, V.F., prof., doktor Tekhn. nauk; SAYJ1OVSKIY, K.V., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk; WMIN, N.A., prof.; dots., kand. tekhn. nauk; SHIFRIN, S.M., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk; Prinimald uchastiye: AKIMOVA, L.D., kand. tekhn. nauk, dots.; SPIRIDOOVA, O.M... kand. tekhn. nauk, dots.; MAKUKHIN, V.L., nauchnyy red.; STkiOVGYTOV, I.F., inzh., red. izd-va; FULIKBiA, Ye.A.J. tekhn. red. [The history of building practices] Istoriia stroitellnoi tekh- niki. [By] N.N.Alstov i dr. Pod obshchei red. V.F.Ivanova. Le- ningrad, Gosstroiizdat, 1962. 560 p. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii stroitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Vasillyev, Sakhnovskiy). (Building) CRLOV, A. I. (Vet-~ "On the diagnostic significance an.` *,he LethtA sf ex-a~,Arlatir)~. f,-r microfilariasis of the b1cod of horses." SO: Vet. 24 (3) 1-,47, P. 113 Ertseve Station, N,wrthern Railroad --M-LWIAJ-. Bacterioscopic eimmination method in para tuberculous enteritis of cattle. Veterinariia 38 no.l:78-80 Ja 161. OURA 15 .4 " 1. Zaveduyushchiy vetbaklaboratoriyey st. Yertsevo, Arkhangellskoy oblaBti. (Johne's disease) (Veterizuiry bacteriology) Mr. w mm- Ab dy day?. NJ WA . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 - j Q 2 - 34,D8 T ran slat ic-n f rom- Rte ri,:% nyv n . Me i r p iv Nr p USSR) AUTHOR: Orlo% A I TITLE The Copper Ni(.Pt--' Ctrripwinci (Medn,_ nt~ff e vv~ ~--idki) PERIODICAL- Tr-l!-,.,, ~, g,_ gc.rni rn. in ' 1. Nr 7 pp 't- 0 ABSTRACT- ln,-t tiK--*wr - were . ~rried ou~ in urder if rie,,mine the effect of Sh rio A: ~- r, -he remo- -Ji ci Ni i,i YhP prr~(e!- of the fire,:p of Ct; E-.peimenf-~ ~re given for -,me;t ing3 -h.c~-. m( t , ear,v the c :)nd tion- nere-- -,ary fc 7- the r P.,j d -- ~egr i-_.on , i 'he C-i N,, :cmpcund. . The frf~e Ni content, . we !he N; ccnlenl 'Jeci ii) in the -cr-rp(und. W;~:3 determind n -he tc..cAir, g m-nrur. Ater di --( \Ing -. sample of the CL. ir 50 per e", HNO, th, uridt-'O'kea Compound w:i-. f;,'-.ered LU', dri-d .!,-,d ~ e,ghed.F ~h e t, fe d ~,- r.h N i , C 0 n d K i, C 0 t 1 0 0 0 ' , r d c h e (I ~ ut a f ,- e r -- h; ( h th e N iLe n1 in the c ornpij-in(:! ~k a __ de e rmirccl. The to~~,, N- cnnferit ri Cu vas fo-.ind by Lida,ng the -m-j-1 cl the, frep NI ~,nci ~-t 'he N. 1.i~cl up in the ccrr-pound. Card I I G_ S_ 1. Copper rackel c ompourids 2. Nickel reduction-iffect..9 ORLOV, A.I.; KOFfLOV, G.A. r. y Effect of preliminary aulfatizing rowiting on the re-ovjr of copper from oxidized and mixed copper ores. Trudy IPI no.18:48-55 163. (MIRA 17:6) ORLOV) A.,I.; KOFYLOV, G.A.; MAVNIKOVA, L.B. EnDirged I y tf,.Btif:f, )t t~,u '-;1 -1 : j mixed low-grade ores. Truly liA lo, (MILA _. - - ~ I AZHIKMV, M,.Kh.-, MURSA I TMOV , Kt..1.j ORLOV. A.T.; POYARKOV. V.E. lir-mi,-;Iiate problems and poi3&,I.bJ 114 ties of Increasing the economic efficiency of geological works. Sov. geol. 8 no.8il26-138 Ag 165. (MIRA 18:10) 1. Kazakhskiy nauchnc-Isaledovatellskly institut mineral'nogo syrsya, r( iu,~ i t. i~l based on ia%F, frt.m Kazakhrtw.. j. AN .aza, Ser.gac2. 2 S-.(' 165. il y 0 Vl , ;, - T The Comittee on Stalin Prizes (of the COi=1l of Ministers EZO) Iu W-.~ f ie!" ar science and Inventions amxn=es that the folloving scientific vorkpi, papilikr "It-n- tific books, and textbooks have been submitted for coMetition for Stalin Prizes for the yews 1952 and 1953. (swetskaya fti ~~ wmm, mo. 22-4o, 2o reb 3 Apr 1954) Fr= 6d, k~rlov, SO'. W-30604, 7 JUIY 1954 RMINOV, G.A., professor. doktor tekbmichoskikh nauk; QRWV. A-1.. dotsent, kandidat tekhnicheskikb nauk; STAROVUOV, T~- zhener, rsuchnyX redaktor; 3KIMOVA, A.F., redaktor; 3HOL'YA- KOVA, N.V., tokhnicheakly redaktor. [Heating and ventilation] Otoplenie i rentillatsila. Pt. 1. (Heating] Otoplenio. Izd. 2-o. perer. Kooky&, Goo. lad-vo lit-ry po stroitallstvu i arkhitekture. 1954. 301$ p. [Microfilm] (MIRA 8:2) (Heating) , I'l ~~ i I , L FILIDN".L.V.; GjLOV.A.I.;FILIPPCYV.A.V-; CHARM.S.S.; BRIK.F.G. ---WwwwmpA" Clay bricks for facings. Rate. i isobr.predl. v strol. no.108: 28-91 '55. (NLRA 8:10) (Bricks) QWv__A_;&.m_amd _.j&ano Ach, dotsent, kand.tekhn.nauk; DROZDOV, V.F. M&& y dotsent, retsenzent: TURKUS, V.A., dotsent, nauchnyy red.; NIIMYAGI, D.K., red.izdatelletva: GOSEVA, S.S., te) STZPANOVA, B.S., [Heating and ventilntion] TeploanAbzhenie t ventiliAtsita. Izd.2-oe, perer. Roakva, Gc)a.izd-vo lit-rY DO atroitA arkhtt., 1957. 299 P. (MIRA 10:12) (Heating) (Ventilation) OW, A. 1. Changes In the heat emission of the 'Moskva-1328 radiator when Installod under various coverings . Vod.lssan.tekh. no.6:31-33 Je 157. (NIZA 10:7) (Radiators) PWVl__A.I.; �HCHNGLOV, V.P., dotsent, kand.tokhn.nauk, reteenzent; iol�!F~Tmov' V.A., inzh., retsen2ent; YXGIAZAROV, A.G., kand. tekhn.nauk, nBuchnvy red.; SKIRNOVA, A.P., red.izd-va; RUZANOT. P.Ye., [Hosting and ventilationj Otoplenie i ventiliataiia. Koekva, Goo.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit.materialam. Pt.l. [Heating] Otopleale. 1960. 223 P. (KIRA 13:9) (Heating) ORLOVP A.K. For a comprehensive utilization of the track a uipment. Put' i put. khoz. 7 no.6:16 163. ?MIRA 16:7) 1. Pamoshchnik n~~chp.]':- -1. * . Ii Po kadram, Tashkent. (RaiIroads-)Iviint,on-,nce and repair) ORLOV, A.K.; PISKUNOV, I.N, Regularities of tne -process of subli-m-tion ~f ~ '-7-M pyrite concentration dros5. Zap. LZI 42 no.3;102-.,--Q '~" SubAlAwtion of me -als from py-Ite noncen rat'-on drcq-s. lbid.ilIO-120 (,)4:R4 ILIIN,I K.V.;.gKGV._jj.; SINYAGIN:, Yu.A. Achievements of a collective. Plit' i put. khoz. 9 no.2-8-9 '65. ,,MIRA 18j7, 1. Zamestitell nachallnika Tashkentskoy distantsit SredneaziaLskoy dorog! ffor Illin). 2. Pomoshchirik Vachallnika Tashkentskoy distantsil Sredneazlat- skoy dorogi p1 kadram (for Orlov). 3. Nachallnik uchastka puti, stantsiya Tashkent, Sredneaziatskay dorog-l (for Sinyagin). ORLOV, A. M.; CZ71MIOV, A. A. Theory of the Fxmat,"on -- ll-':n, -% ml~!ta Ph~ sick chini. 2) 1-, ~ ~ ' ORLOVO A.M.; BMBAT, V.F.; FMERG, M.B. Reduction of selenium from selenium-bearing god& solutions bry hydrogen under pressure. TSvet. met. 36 no.3:81-83 Mr 163. (WRA 16:5) (Seleniua-Metallurgy) OMOV, A.M. Installing a marble facing offset from the wall. Moskva. Goo. izd-vo lit-ry po strottel, stvu l.arkhitokture, 1951. 58 p. (52-37887) 211201-07 CHLCV I A. M. Comp. CbIltsovka Structi~res With Nf.ti;rrl Tatl-s, Diagrs. (Ak~.c--miya ArkhitektorE: lom 14) Sos N/5 748.4 .07 LdLniy Y~-stastvennym Kamr.,!m. ( 1,.clij 6t(nz) Moskvb, 1952. 223 F. Illus., Arkhitktury SSSR. Spravochnik ORLOV, A. M. Orlov, A. M.1 - "Investigation of the Effect on Its Preservation or Methods of Laying Marble Facing." Cand Tech Sci, Sci Res Inst of Construction Engineering, Acad- of Archi- tecture USSR, 29 Jan 54. (Vechernyaya Moskva, 20 Jan 54) SO: SUM 168, 22 JulY 1954 ORIOV, Aleksandr Mikhaylovich kandidat tekhnIcheskikb nauk; PMMOV. G.I.. ---- --- I- - c-nyy re ktor; TYAPKIN, B.G.. redaktor ltdatellstva; PSCHXDVSXAYA, T.T., tekhnicheskiy redDktor; GUUVA. S.S., tekhni- cheskiy redaktor [The procerising of natural decorative stone] Obrabotka prirodnogo dekorativ-aogo kamnia. Moak-va, Goo. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit. i arkhitekture, 1956. 157 P. (MLRA 10:2) (Stonscutting) BERG, P.A.;_ORWV,_ A.M.; MINOR. A.K. Improved methods fortrans-orting bricks piled "treelike' on extended trays. Sugglated by Jr.A.Barg, A.M.Orlaw. A.K. Minor. Rats.i isobr.Predl.v stroi. no.12:48-51 159. (MIRR 13:5) 1. Po matorialam trasta Tagilstray Svardlarskogo aavnarkhoza. Nizhniy-Tagil, Sverdlov oy oblasti. (Bricks--Trqiisportation) t 40# ,- ORLOV,__A,&,-kand.tekhn.nauk Factory methods of finishing slabs. Stroi. mat. 7 no.~;:H-Z-' 5 ,61. (MIRA L ~: I -~ , (Precast concrete) (iini,-,hes and ORLOV, A.M.,, kand. tekhn. nauk; KHMELEVSKIY, V.A., arkhitektor Mechanization of the processes of finishing panels in the factory. Mokh. stroi. 18 no.12:8-9 D 061. (MIRA 16:7) (Finishes and finishing) (Conerv to slabs) ORLOV A N Doc concrete finish. Qw. khos. Moak. 36 no.10:24-25 0 1 ~~ti" (MIRA 15:12) 1. Vvesoyuznyy nauchno-issladovatellskiy inatitut noTykh stroymaterialov Akademii stroitellstva i arkhitaktury SSSR. (Concrete) DOBRYAKOVA, Lyudmila Ivanovna, kand. tekhn. nauk; YEVDC,KIMC:V, Aleksey AlekBandrovich, inzh.j LOPCIVOK, Lev Isayevich, kand. arkhitektury; ?.1IL4)VZGR1_V, Aleksey Kon8tantinovich, arkh.; (LRILY.. Aleksandr Vikhayi Jch, knnd. tekhn. nauki py KHMELEVSKIT, V1adN1TKr4WsF!_ndrovich, arkh.; GI,EZARCVA, I.L., red.j BOROVNEV, N.K., telchn, red,, [Industrial finishing of buildlngsl IndustrialInaia ot- delka zdanii. Moskva, Gosstro:LIzdilt, 1963. 106 p. (MIRA 16:il) (Buildings--Finishing) ACC NRi AP6031648 SOURCE- CODE,:-UR/oo2o/66/170/ool/0096/0098 AUTHOR: Lin'kova, M. G.; Orlov, A. M.; KnuriLvante, 1. L. (Academician) ORG: Institute of Organi7metallic Compoundsp Acadeny of Sciences, SSSR (Institut blementoorganichookikh sayedinenly Akademil nauk MR) TITLES Now reaction of 0-proplottdolacton93 SOURCES AN SSSR. Ddkladyq v. 1700 no. iv 19669 96-98 TOPIC TAGS1 laotons, organic oAfur compound ABSTRAM It vas fowA that A.-propiothiolitatones are readily cleaved by chlorine to yield chlorides of the oorrosponding chlorovulf*Mrlproplonto acids. The fo.1lowing re-; actiou were carried outz R R C!:. C CHI--Cis I A COG -------- sc"s4l X11co :~ R R. R " R' ~ H (111) R - CHI" R, - CI CHI. R'- Ck (IV) kdli= reacts vith 0n) to form anilide (V)s C1CH*CH"lCH4W C1CHqCHs5CHsCHC0NHCHj, M Card 1/2 M)CI -ACC NR% AM316W 2p29-Dichloro-3i,3*-ditkdoditeabutYric wid (VI) was prepared as followal CHs Gt]6 CH, aISCH/COCI U- JSCH/COG] - (--SCHZCADOH Hoo I \d* I : i (VI) In liquid amonial, (VI) readily exchanges a cUorine atca for an udno group ta form GO&I'dimetWaystims (VII) 1 CM6 GH& --Scm/COOH). "S' \C, HH, In =W ossesp this method say be the simpleart In preparing cwatim hmologs SUB cows 07/ Sm am$ 0~/ am =I OCI/ on WS 007 CFJAVI A.F. Foreign bodies in the gaotrointentinal tract of children from dataof a district hospital. Pediatriia. no.7t7840 162. (MIPJ, 15:12 ) 1. Iz khirurgicheakogo otdeleniya (zav. A.F. Rudnav) i detskogo otdoleniya (zav. L.P. Yerokina) lrohinokoy bollnitay Krasnoyarskogo kraya. (ALDWTARY CAVAJ,-FOREIGN BODIFS) " Ii r -) ~~ - ~ 4 ~ CKMj, A. N. Newee. DDT and ------ inmeticifts In control of insect posts. GIs. saidt,l, Modm No. lOg Oct. 50. p. 52-4 012-1 20m, 3,9 March 1951 ORLOV~ A. USSR/chemistry - Insecticides May 51 "Hexachlorane as Fly-Killer," A. N. Orlov, Sani- tarv-Epidemiol Sta, Pokhvistnevsk Rayon, Kuybyshev Oblast "Gig i San" No 5, pp 44-47 Hexachlorane is universal poison for many para- sites. Rooms can be treated by 5% admixt of it to whitewash. It quickly destroys parasites and facilitates the lowering and complete elimination of typhus, intestinal infections and other in- fectious diseases. J1C 186T19 ; ~- Tf)',' ., $ A.N., Ar?.h. (Yuyl~,,Frlev i-~nr, -,!' Ew' t.rhes snd gjT- Fiek. sta. '1'; no."","i-74 Mr If i.. L'.' :I , ORLOV, A. N. Perforated gastric and duodenal ulcers in crilldren. Vest. Khir. 91 no.10:101 0 163. (1,11 RA 17: 7) 1. Iz khirurvichusko o otdeleniya (zav. - M.Ye. Ponomareva), C, detskogo otdaleniya ~zav. - N.Ye. Kollzdorf) Zaozernovskoy mezhrayonnoy bollnitsy (glavn3ry vrach - V.K. Korenev) Krasnoyar- skogo kraya. Adres avtora: KrasnoyarBkiy kray, gorod Zaozernyy, poselok Irsha, Zaozernovokaya mezh-rayonnaya bollnitsa. 0..: 1 1 1 . .. . , , , , ; ; " , - , , , . . I e.,: " . : . . ... - , . - I I : . , . . 4 1 ~. I . . . . '. . . I ., -,. . f. .. A' , ., ~ j . , , :. . f . . ,5 , . ,, , . ORLOVP it. N. "Theropy of Themal Lur s th, Us(- of :-i'ibiotics," froin '..,e Theses of the Reports of theicien,tilliclesuion of the Mi I itary mcdi ~ a j iwadl,m. im. 3. M. Kirov, Tezisy Drklodoj I~suclr:~oy 3cssi, 2(; Oct-2 !;c)v L-eningrod. .1 OHLOV, A.H., podpolkovnik maditsinskoy sluzhby Possibility of surgery for neglected hurne. Voeu.-med.zhar. no.8: 8-10 Ag 157. (KIRA 10:12) (BURNS, Burg)ry, (RUB)) ORLOV, A.N., podpolkov-nik med. slushby Distribution of penicillin in the burIL ratient. Voen.-cwd. zhur. no-1:74-77 Ja 159. (iapA 12:3) (BUMIS, ther. penicillin, blood concentration after various methods of admin. (Rue)) (PENICILLIN, ther. use burns. blood concentration after various methode of adain. (Ras)) ORWV -___AP_,.,,, (Leningrad K-9, prosp.Xarla Marksa, d.7, kv.11) Surgical treatment of deep burns in al"ren. Ortop., travm.i protez. 23 no.Ils47-50 N 162. (MIM 16-4) 1. In khirugichoskoy klinW (nachallnik - prof. T.Ta.Arlyev) Voyenno-eediolnekoy ordena lienina akadowli imeni S.M.Kirova. (BMW AND SGALDS) (CHILDREN-ZURGERY) OTU.OV, A. N. Somr- z;robler:.-z .-' anc -)xyger, .-hp.-aFy fri - , -- ~t~ , Aku. h. i g--'n. .. :114--' 2 8 N-D 163. ', !6! :?,A 1 -1 : '-, , 1. 17, Rinekolci-hpsk-jro otd,~Ienlya (zav. fe.Ya.*hr----hk!,ia) I kh~rur- gi~-heskouo OL:Ie 'Prilya (17tiv, - A.,F'., *tx- . In' *-,4y Kf--ts noyarskogo kr4ya. ORLOV, A.N.,- kand. med. nauk Case of perforated duodenal ulcer with profuse gastric hemor- rhage following burns. Pediatriia 42 no.8s86-87 Ag"63 (MIRA 1714) 1. Iz Voyenno-imeditainskoy ordena Lenina akademil imeni Kirova. ,)RT, V) VV7 Y"I T. -nor. r,.v k V. ~~-ORLOVP A.N., aspirant External respiratory function ija Lhyrotoxicosis patientB before surgery and in the early postoperittive period. Vent. khir. 93 no.8:18-23 Ag 164. ~\ (MIRA 18:7) 1. In gospitallnoy khirilrg4heakoy kliniki (say. - prof. N.V. Roso"kiy) Krasnoyarskogo m4ditsinakogo instituta. ORLOV., A.N.,, dotsent; PO.~IN, L.B. --., ...- Characteristics of blood transfusion in patients witli burns. Probl. gemat. i perel. krovi 9 no.90G-32 S '64. 18:7) 1. Khirurgicheskaya klinika (R'achallnik - Prof. T.Ya.Arlyev) Voyenno-meditsinskoy ordena Len--',ia akademii imeni S.M.Kirova, Leningrad.