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ORLINSKIY, I.S. Increasing mashing and no.7:36-47 (Brewing the production boiling the '59. indiintry-Equipment capacity of the apparatus for wnrt in breweries. Trudy VITIIPP (MIRA 13:5) and supplies) f /,,, / / , '/-I // . / ORLIDISKIY, ~Kyu.; mayor mod. sluzhby (Llvov) - Phlegmonoua Angina And its treAtment through tonsillectomy. v rnch. delo supplement '57:57-58 (MIRA 11:3) (THROAT--ABSCESS) ORLINSKIY, M.Yu.(LIvov) -- Acute suppur4tive middle otitLs following tympanoplasty. Zhur. ush., nos. i gorl. bol. 21 no.1:72-73 ja-F 161. (MIRA 3j":6) (FAR-DISWES) ORLITA, Alois Anzymatic hide depilation &nd its import&nce for managebb"'AOU-mater resources. Kozarstvi 13 no.10011-313 0 '63. 1. Vyzkumny ustav kozedelny, Gottwaldovp Otrakovica. 6~:- ORLITA, A. Microbial corrosion of organic materials. Kozarstvi 14 no. 3: 71 Mr 164. 1. Leather Researc~! Institute, Gottwaldov. ORIJTAV Alois I White ffpot3 an vegetable tanned leather. Kozarstv. ~4 no. 5.138,145 My '64. 1. Biological ",411(-)r8'.OrY, lnpt..tuto n," Lea*.r~vr, Gottvaldov. ORLITA, L. Mechanization of rrass and clover cultivation for seed. p.1,9. (Beseda Venkovske Rodiny, Vo2- 30, No. 2, Apr. l0r7, Praha, Czechoslovakia) SO: Monthly List of East Furopean Accessiors (EFAL) W. Vol. 6, No. 9, Sept. 19t7- rIncl. CRLCC 1, 1. I)ome experiences in experiments with InOrle13 Riber. p. 133. V TZUGYT KCGL DNENYEK. Hy)RAIJLIC PRCCEliDTNG-. . . - I kodasi Todomanyos Kutatc Intezpt). '~ud%Te-:1. lie Elb(- pertnining to regullition of t - - (KozlekedesuMrl Vlini-:!ter~um. v'17FP-zdal- g Vol R, no. 1, 1956. 3()URc~.': EEAL, Vnl 5, no. 7, July 19' . ORU)CI.,_ ~atvan; BMSONT, Denes Preparatians for the model test of the Nagynaros section of the Danube. Hidrologiai kozlony 35 no-4L?67--273 Ag'56. 1. Epitoipari es Kozlekedesi Muszaki Fgyetem Vizapi- teetani Tanszeke. Tansvek-vezetet Dr. Kosoryi Snil egyetemi twmr. 2. *Mdrologiai Kozl.onyl szerkeozto b1zottsagi Tagja (for Boasony). ORIfr-ZY, T.: D. Prelim-~nz~ry investig:iti-n fcr tne I.P--+. -r t:.e secti-T. -f p. 2(7. I KC-ZL4-!-,-Y. :~L. V(-1. 3(, no. %, Aug. PULi; eFt) SO: Monthly List of East EurcT-ear. Accessi-ns(~,.'-.A T ) IC, Vol. ~, nc. ~' , T. : e I :, r-7 . T - I - n-11 . re- Hathontleal Revieve vol. 15 11o. 3 Wrah 1954 krALIY*i& WOO, Coritantin P. lodwrthe do 11hittgrale genksle '"1011 equanno amilmusiles pomelles du second ordre, qui no sont pasWonXo-JWp6r1eweL Bull. Acad."Serbe Sci. (N.S.) Sp Cl. Sci. Math. Nat. Sci. Math. 1, 37-M (1952). s14 This is an almost literal translation of a paper in Serbian [Srpska Akad. Nauka. Posebna Izdanja 1,12. Prirodnja6ki i Matemati&i Spisi 41. Belgrade, 1948; these. Rev. 11, 181]. IV. Fdky (Princeton, N. J.). 'I LG, ~'7, rinw- -Vz--.;.f~;,-.-- gurpsin-wh ch tb lu I at OreWe I o Wthad (Mmrical CmpAtatim Wrthad) U"Un" as k NJ d" . - DA RW Sm. Math. ftys. SerWe film). Now- F7A= *LI pow 1'6v*atl= a a da radma d'=o dquUm. WgAripe. Le mdU" qW vs. Oft A 1e pro" do 4 en =0 anatre avyant dn; racines do l1quation dounde, on r4dulss xnbre des, Opdrations h f1betu". La trandormation do l1quation (I) P(S)-w*+4Ix*-'+ - - - +40.0 [1(*+2)21 multiplications entre les coefficients.1 (2) [fatj multiplication& avec le nombre 2, (3) [in) addi- tions on soustractions. La nifthode mW" Mallse la trandonnation en- question, pour n importe quel a, au moyen: (1) d'une -Sw seule multiplication entre les spectres, (2) d'une seule' 1,!~- multiplication avec le nombre 2, (3) au plus 3 additions, I 0u Soustractions. i off La'mfthode est bam6e mr-le Wocfte: Wi donsdej V& ISO et cwtW A toutes In ph= pWro, do cme mati Iavec 1e rydme unifmw A. ddW por be icktiorA sWvantes Ampq &+j log 2(n+ 1)]+ 1. a-max Iasi. 1A Si. au rythme =don= 26, de I' U& trandom6e, aux racines qui omt lea carrds des de I'dquation (1). ot ftg au produit des epwtres S. KwUh OR11N, M. V. Orlon., M. V. "Incuoation of cnicken eggs kept for equal perbods," Trudy Nauca, issled. in-ta ptitsevodstva, Vol. )LIX, 19L8, P. lb3-204 SO: U-2888, Letopis Znurn"lnykh Statey, No. 1, 1949 ORLADN, M. V. Orlon, M. V. "Project of a collective farming incuuator fbr 5,000 hatcaeries," Irudy Nauch.-issled in-ta ptitse-vodstva, Vol. IIX, 1946, p. 205-16 SO: U-2888, Letopis Zhurnal'rWkg Statey, No. 1, 1949 ORLON, M. V. Orlan, 9- X., ana Jelaev, Ya. v. "Planning of universal sectional M111, s~stev, at 33 thousand natcneries," Trudy haucn.-issled. in-La ptitsevodstva, Vol. XLU, 1548 p. 217-39 SO: U-28880 -Letopis Znumallnvkii Statey, No. 1, 19h9 A. c Lcz "Defenses againsL --:ie occurrence ol' kgaricus r, Lhe ~o:-eSLS of mountainous zoun,~rie-." p. 311. (Pt-LA,,A, lal. ~~, n(d. 2, :?ei,. -rahal Czechoslovakia.) S(-: Mon-~Iily Lls-L or z;asz. Suropean Acces-iun3, L.,;., iul. 2 Ilic. 7, July i - ~, ll' GOTH, Andre. dr.,; IMGYML. Lorant. dr.,; aRLMS, Xndre, c1r..; SAVILy, Caesar, dr. KOdOrn therapy Of Cushing's syndrome with special reference to subtotal adrenalectony. Orv. hetil. 96 no.29:807-810 17 JulY 55. 1. A III. ker. Tanacs Margit lorhaza Bel-(foorvos: Goth Nndre ., as ortostudomarqok kandidatusa) 9s Sebeszeti Osztalyanak (foorvos: Orlos Indre dr.) kozlemenye. (CUSHING STHMONE, surgery, &dronalectonW, subtotal) (ATIRIDIAT GJAND, surgery excis.. subtot&l. in Cushing synd.) I a 5 11 if 11 W Is 16 It Is 21 a 14 a 34 A ":a 11 0 11 1* M 0 0 1 4. m a , 1, , kil I'VI "emmello m M& Im (Relm" on the phytopotho. logical actiyity of the Ilemarch Inotituto in 1933.1-Frar. /am. Rtch. For. Amo m. Varsovir, Set. A. 11, 7 -19, 1 p1., 5 tasm mil. I French sumnary. 00 In thm r--lksrt the muthor gives brief notes on the distribution and m Poland in 193.1, j. of vanonx mApr thwa" of fonvt trrIm intonsit .00 . . the Uwe of LO)AUdem' 'm" Wan I R.A.M., in, illuamted by n1spe in r no so al- raimpmb Ir", 64)4), Trowdej p'"i (we preceding abstrwil. I ell a ; ammosus: ibid.. xiii, P. 7381, Armillaria MMM, and mejampowa pimi- 00 libid- it, p. 418) . In general, surveys in that year showed that the phytounitary cond ition of the F(Aish tomts 6 very unsatisfactory. of too l P a ie to 0 I L .11.1LIkIIGKAL LITIBAtOt CLASUFKATKN 2 i 'A saw o ap 110 0 0 0 9 0 0 * 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 .l 0 e 0 0 If 0 0 0 0 C)RIL.3, 1131'RYK. rjrzby jadalne i trujace; pr-Lktyczny podrecznik z ?~akre3u zbiorl i --r-erobu ,,rzy'~ow. War3zawa, LA3, 191j9, 216 T'. (Instytut Badawczy legnict,,n,. T cyi rf-c- zniki. Seria D., nr. ';) (Rdible and pol!ionous mushroomq; .,t practir.,ll on mushroom harve-3tiri.c, and .:)reparation. W I ,.~ I) :~ - !J, ~ 1 . '7 No. I I -C: Monthly Index of Fast Euro~)(-.,An Accession 11., 1 - . i - ORIA)S. H. *Zwalczante macznika Microsphaera alphitoides Griff. at Mnubl. w szkolkach debowych. Warszawa, Panstwows Wydawn. RoInicze, i Loans, 1951. 55P. (Waraaw. Inatylut Badawazy Leanietwa. Prace, nr. 67) (Fight arainst the powdery mildews (M-lorosphael:a alphitoide-a Griff and Maubl.) Prench and Russian aummaries. illus., bibl., tables) SO: East European Acceastona List, Vol 1, uo 8, 1954 OnLos, if. wBadania nad zwalczantem einizny drewna w PoIsce. Warszawa, Panstwowe Wyd-nwn. Rolnicze I Lesne, 1951 66p. Cearsav. Instytut Badavczy Lesnictwa. Prace, nr. 70) (Research on Drevention of the bluing of wood in "oland. Russian summary. illus., bibl., tables) SO: East European Accessions List. Vol 3, go 8, Aug 1954 ,RLOS, HERYY Prze-wodni;, dn rhore)b lrzo-,..~ 4 ,~Ydown. Rolr4-7.p A Leso-, lc~l. -1--( -. Alse-nen anrl :,--tr~farti-n of woo-I .);l ~:,)t in MLA-l I -'rewn,. , ( ,-,14 1 for -ie+ -m-3 n,-.t-, -)n of treo. 36; Yo7,nth'-y Lj5t of FIst (15"IAL) '-.C, (" 'I'D. 5:~, ;,:I,- 'L')5-. ~RWS, "O"RT'.. Atlas grzybow jadalnych i trujacych. Wyd. 2., poprawione i uzul"--17~ione. Opracoviali: tekst H. Orlos, tablice ba-me M. HehrirF.. ',,.arsza,,ra, lan~ftwowe Wydavm. Rolnicze i Lesne, 1953. 105, (2) r. (Atlas of edible and poi-oro~is mushrooms. 2ed ed. rev. and enl. illus.) MiD Not in DLC SO: 11-lonthly Index of East Luropean Accession (EEAI) L", Vol. 7, NO. 5, I-)5P -- ORLOS' HENRIK. Atlas grzybow jadabVch i trujacych. Wyd- 3. uzuP. Warszawa, Panstwowe Wydawn. Rolnicze i Lesne, 1955. 129 p. (Atlas of edible and poisonous mushrooms. 3d ad. ad.) DA Not in DLC Poland SO: MONTHLY INDEX OF EAST EUROPEAN ACCESSIONS (EEAI) LC, VOL- 7, NO. 1, JAN, 1958 ORUL, H. ORLOS, H. New trends in forest phytophathology. p. 11. Vol. 29, no. 8, Aug. 1955 1AS POISKI AGRICULTURE Poland Sot East European Accession, Vol. 6, No. 5, MRY 1957 -ORIDSO H. Orlos, H. Difficulty in evaluating the danger -if injurious fungi to wood. p. 19. LAS POLSKI Vol. 29, no. 6, June 1956 Warszawa. Poland SO-. Monthly List of East European Accession, (KAL), LC, V-1. 5, No. 10 Oct. 56 --------- -- o L I -tit er L orit iell . : t I . ct I V it- Vc, el"I I k I or 2z OW-S, H. Researchet on combatinF the Arvd-Ilar-in mellea Vahl. by b1olopIchl mc-ant. P. 191- (Poemiki Nauk Lesaych, Wari-zawa,-73-r. 15, 1957.) SO: ~Ionthly List of Last i4ropean Accessions LC, Vol. 6, no. 7, JU.1y JqL7. Uncl. -BUDSI-14 ODMINSKI, Z. Methods of evaluating the ecologic function of fungi int,a forest environment. p.103 SYUL4X . (Wydzial Nauk Rolniczych i Lesnych Polskiej Akademii Nauk i Polskie Towaraystwo Leone) Warszawa, Poland (Journal on forestry issued by the Section of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences; and the Polish Society of Forestry; with English and Russian summaries. Includes supplements; Biuletyn Instytutu Badawczego Lesnictwa, bulletin of the Forest Research Institute; Diuletyn Instytutu Technologii own&, bulletin of the Institute of Wood Technology; Praeflad Dokumentacyjny M-ewnictwa, documentation of the Institute of Wood Technology; and Prezeglad Doicumentacyjny Lesnietwa, documentation of the Forest Research Institute. Mbnthly). Vol. 101, no. 3, Mar. 1997 Monthly List of East European Accessions Iradex (EHAI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 6, June 1959 Uncl. ORLOS, H. Most harmful epiphytes in Polish forests. P. 31 SYLWAN (Wydzial Nauk Rolniczych i Lesnych Polskiej Akademii hauk i ?oIskie Towarzystwo Lesne) Warszawa, P,)land. Vol. 103, no. 3, I%ar 1959 MC,nthly List of East Furopean Accessions (FY-Al)'1LC, Vol. 6, no. 9, Septerber 1959. Uncl. T, W-W, A #~~. ORLOS, Hbnryk; DOIUNIK, Tadeusz Notes on the biology of root Fame (Fozms annosus (Fr.)Cooke). Sy1wan 104 n0.1-1-13 Ja 160. ORLOS, Henryk _ PrelimirAry report on observations on symbiont fungi spore germination. Sylwan 104 no.1:90-93 Ja 160. 1. Zaklad Fitopatologii Lesnej, Instytut Badawcay Lesnictwa, Warszawa. KORENY' BOTH, Andras, dr.; 0"0S, Ildiko P. o.h. Primary fibrous papilloma of the pericardium. Orv. hetil. '105 no.48:2286-2287 29 N '64. 1. liodmezovarsurhelyi Varosi Tanacs Korhaza, Prosectura. r-RLOS)Z; DTLA-jo Mpasurinf~ stresses by the. comr,"rative !--vAlio.! oi' 7,-,7!T M51'!E. 'Pclsk~-, a jns~.:-t j', Pcl ~~chni~~i) P~,lanrd. V, 1. -1 , no. 3, 1 " '~ . ::onthly 1 ist of Zast, 1&.n-: ean ~cces,Aulis LIC, Vol.' j :-'0. 1 'an. ncl. ORLOS, Aigniew (Warazawa) Crack near the edge of an elastic semi-p2ane. Archiw inz lad 6 n0-1: 93-116 160. 36446 S/137/62/ooo/oo3/121/191 AO6O/A1O1 AUTHORS: Dylag, Z., OrloA, Z. TITLE: Effect of preliminary deformation upon the cyclic endurance of structural steel containing 0.18% C PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 3, 1962, 26, abstract 31156 ("Wytrzymalotb zmeczeniowa tworzyw I element6w metalowych". Warszawa, 1961, 1~4, Polish) TEXT: The effect of preliminary plastic tensile deformation upon the 5~ of steel with 0,18% C was investigated. The specimens had an annular notch. Under a preliminary deformation by 5% no increase in % was observed. After deforming by 10% the Uw was increased by 6%, Deformation by 15 and 20% caused an 8% increase in 6w. Thus, the preliminary uniform plastic deformation caused an increase in the 6~ of the steel, albeit not to the extent indicated by other authors. The discrepancy between the data of various authors is explained by the utilization of different specimens and methods of loading and bears a quantitative rather than a qualitative character. The lowering of % observed by some authors is explained by the effect of the surfaoe layer. [Abstracter's note. Complete trani;ilation] M. Shapiro Card 1/1 ORLOS,Zbi ow r.,inz. Stress condition analysis in the flat convex wedge. Biul infonn inst techn bud no.9:64-70 161 ORLOSI--Z. ArbitrW7 inclined crack intersecting the edge of an elastic mmiplane. Bal Ac Pol tech 10 no.9s525-530 62. 1. Presented by W.Novacki. DYLAG, Zdaialavy up inspi ORLOS, Zbigniewp dr inwe Certain methods of statistical elaboration of fatieue test remats. Nonstrukcje budow inazyn no.20/21:3-.46 162. DYLAG, Zdzislaws, mgr inzo; ~~ L Zbip~!!~.. dr inz, Patigue testing installations. Konstrukcje budav inzyn no.2~,!21: 47-88 962. DYLAG, Zdzimlaw, mgr.,Inz; OIUA)S, Zbigniew, dr.,inz. Material fatigue hypotheses. Przegl mech 22 ro.4:118-119 '62. 1. Wytwornia Artykulow Techniezrvch, Warszawa ORLOSJ, Z.; DYIAG, Z. (Warazava) Photc#lastic studies on the stresses produced by thormal lcAds. Rospr inj,PAJN 11 no.21335-349 163. ORLOS, ZbIgmiaw , oi-tal-n oroc'oms :)f roqearc~ 7n -311d,ia~ stresmes, D,-oaw inzyn '63, ORLOV , A. lncii.Icating progressive methods of work. Prof.-tekh. obr. 21 no. 4: 28 Ap 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Direktor uchebnogo kombinata tresta "Bashneftel,romstory". ORLOV, A. Application of electronic computers in calculating radiation disturbances in metals. Atom. energ. 11 no.1:84-87 JI 161. (MIRA 14:7) (Electronic analog computers) (Metals-Testing) )6432ftliam 14 i bomli :1h 4c t. a- on- In stil the a !"the chm OL. f POT 0 A K "d Im I~w to At w o' 'V*g.ra ~y itanowo, id,pniw pin 'j, M45 volth H--;r Pf vith brumine OWZ' ,*bit 314*W -"n' cis bw aWw.' ila~tllodwiu.. w + alw"21 - WADI. 4 in: 0: bfl,~ SHILYAYEV, P.N., kand.tekhn.naul'; ORLOV, A.A., inzh. Experimental study of t?--e stress condition of steam boiler furnecer bas^d on &tudIPL of t+e boilp-r of the- Bteamer "Borodino". I'riidy LIIVT no.2(:310-312 15S). (MIRA 14:()) 1 (Boilprs, Marine) IIEVLEV, P.M. ; 0!!~-O~, _A.A. Reconditioning by built-up welding of cylinder sleeves for i-nternal combustion engines. Avtom.evar. 15 no.4:82-84 Ap 162. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Leningradskiy institut vodnogo transports. (Gas and oil engines-Maintenance and rep&ir) ORIDV. A.I., in2hener. Ifficient design of machinery used in making two-layer plmne-spiral transduoers of wire resistance. Priborostroente no.9:21-22 S 157. (Kim 10: 10) (Transducers) OPIOV, Andrey Alekoeyevich; YAKOVL&V, Valeriy Vladimirovich; - LAB&PI,'V.K., red.; LARIONOV, G.Ye., tekhn. red. [Simple transistor testers] Prosteishie izmeritelInye pribory dlia proverki trailzistorov. Moskva, GoDenergo- izdat, 1963. 15 P. (Massovaia radiobiblioteka, no.477) (PIRA 16:11) (Transistors-Testing) ORLOV, A. A., Cand Tech Sci -- (diss) "Research into behavior of roof rocks in the application of beams of cbnstant resistance on the gently sloping layers of the Donbass." Leningrad, 1960. 17 pp; (Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialist Education RSFSR, Leningrad Mining Inst im G. V. Plekhanov); 200 copies; price not given; printed on duplicat- ing machine; list of works of author at end of text (10 entries); (KLI 1?-60, 157) KUZNITSOV, S.T., Imnd.tekhn.nauk; GLUSHIMIR, F.P., insh.; ORLOV, A.A., inzh. Comparative laboratory tests of metal supports hFiving an increasing and constant resistance. Ugoll Ukr. 4 no-3:26-29 Mr '60. (MIRA 13-6) (Mine timberinr--Testing) ORWV, A.A., inzh.; ZHUXIDV, A.A., inzh. Light OKU-OIA screw posts used for caving. Ugoll Ukr. 4 no.10:42 o l6o. (MIRA 13:10) (Mine timbering) MOV. A-L . gorn.inzh. Lamination of roof rocks during stoping. Ugoll 35 no-504-47 Vq l6o. (KIRA 13:7) (Rock pro-iure) (Stopink(Mining)) SADYEOVJI N.M., inzh.; ORLOV, A.A., inzh. ....... Performance of GG hydraulic oupporto during 6udden roof subsidence. Ugoll Ukr. 5 no.9:25-26 S 161. (RIRA 14:9) (Mine timbering-Hydraulic equipwnt) (Subsidences (Earth movemnts) GLUSHIK M I F.P., inzh.; ORLOV, A.A., inzh. Spontaneous yielding of friction propo in mines and wayB to control it, Ugoll 37 no.9%21-23 S 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy markshaVerskiy inatitut. (Mine timbering) - OFLOIJ P A.A-.-L-kand.tekhn.n,.iuk; ZHULN.? A.A., inzh. Study of tha performance of' the K14-9 steel suppDrt unit for thin flat seams. [Trudy] VNIMI no-45-246-253 16-1. (MIRA 16-4) (Mine ti*ering-Fquipment and supplies) VAVIWV, Vyacheslav Viktoroviclh - ORWV U Anatoliy Alekonndr-ovich ;0 + - : Mhoftll , BARANCVSKIY, F. I. , ot .- rVa.- ; OnAL'InA, 0. 119., LeAnn. red. MAKSIMVA, V.V., takhn. red. [KM-9 Pnd KV-9 coal-mining units] Ugledoby-vaiushchie kom- pleksy IT-9 i KM-9D. Moskva. Gosgortekhizdat, 1%3. 111p, (141 RA 16:9) (Coal mining machinery) I A N TS U PC V . *- V , ', () P, 1 ~k'~'- . ", ~ - --VI - . - . - .1 ral Fr, 1-" ~ - - 15, .."I -p tj I r~ 4 .", , " , ~ mania. Ne ' '- . i ~,a 7 , p r'.)Tr. - . ~ y : RA. " -1 1 1 lit- 7 rg. --C-F, Z I.-I4.Lov, .;..A ~ , - -Ir ,,,in i i- 7t %C I " - - K 7, -- c : L , r , ~' , " *' , *. ' . - r,r -h3 51 'a- - -: - ~ : ( - 1 - "', ~)- ;- "- - : -i~, - : - '- "'-' - . A .i " - - ; 12-'Y'' , ': . T r,, b! . I-,r, 7. , r ~ . c - ' ~ Z .1 . . .7 . .1 A.A.; FRCSNY'KC)V, A-V- -'L)DA!YY, AffSUI-CIVI .V.; BO" Prospec'~s fc-- '7.7~a the outer zone of the CarTyit:.'~%n pledmont fault. Ne'.,.egaz. geol. i reofiz. no.3:37-38 165- ;o.3t, "Llvov-,ief-"~(.-gazra,-v(-dkjit'. ORIBVY A.A., kFind. lokhn. niluk; J~IA~t " , ". ' . , I nzh. Di st-uss ! ne F r- - -pzrs -. f 7-- , k , r-s R:~ rf~ . ':;7.- 1, ' 4! ') -, . " : '14 - -, '. Ar '(.5. .7:t 1. ll,~ht-nyy nt-krot.Ftrl ll;ontr,il'rv,!y kr)mi:-,,ill po (I It V I on I y It ( fc) r C.- I ov ) . GR I N'KO, ~N.K. ; OKOV, A, A., kanci. tfikhn. nauk ; S. YK.(')V N.M., kanc- tekhn. AD nnijk ~ run pects for Lhe use of ny(,riii 1, ically powered support.9 In f!L9 t seams of the 'LuganskLgoll" Combine. Ugol 1 40 no.U:4(,--43 D '65. 1. Gl-qvnT (fo- y inzi.. komb~.iiata ;-i,gnq.-ikugc)l? 2. V sea oyu 7 ii,,,y nn ileb no - ~ ss I ed ov8 te I I -ik:,.v inni, 1(13 hOydersk i y institut (for Orlo-ly 3adykov'', 1 117-06-66. E34T(1)//q,4P(n)/T OW ACC NR: AR6021905 SOURCE CODE- UR/0313/66/000/003/'0022/0022 AUTHOR: Orlov, A. A. TITLE: Lunar-solar disturbances in the motion of artificial earth satellites SOURCE: Ref. zh. Iss] kosrn prostr) Abs. 3.62. 200 REF SOURCE: 15 Internats. kongress po astronavtike, Varshava -Seri 1,1)64 TOPIC TAGS: three body prnhlern, three bod motion problem, arLific~ol t-arlh satellite motion, artificial satellite motion disturbance N, - ABSTRACT: A three.--body Pr-oblem is inve-st'gjited: th.-it of a pl.-inot. '~te' and the Sun. These bodies are viewed as niat(~rial points. It is assurwd Iiia, "he Sun moves along a circle near the center of a planet -satellite s'vsti~rn r.1' ni-jFses, and that the relationship m = n2/n ri,presewing the ratio of the of the Sun n2to the mean motion of t~', s;.,tellite nIaround the plancl, i,its k -si-nall value. An analvsis is made of the moi-ion of a sateiiite,characterize eccentricity e and inclination i of its orbit in relation to the plane of tht Su:ils motion. Zeipel's method is used to reduce the initial system of differential Card 1/2 ACC NR: AR6021905 equations for the satellite's inotion to a Binjp',er syBt(-rn, which W th(-rj !ir)lvf.rj by squaring. Final formulas, which represent the solution, are expressed b 'v elliptical functions. Periodic terms are determined inclusive up to the first power m, and the secular - up to the third. Perturbation function expansion terms, which are a function of the ratio of the large half axis of the satellite's orbit to the large half axis of the orbit of the disturbing body, are ignored. The author considers that the effect of these terms on secular disturbances in elements of the satellite's orbit is not large, since these disturbances are a function of only the second and higher powers of the indicated relationship. R. Yerernenko. [Translation of abstract] [SP] SUB CODE: 12, 20, 22/ C.,.d 2 / 2 ORLOV, A.A. Calculating tm""tdft -tields 4 the hard fwlng of cylindrical parts. AvMm. *Or, Ww.llsl-~O X 163. (?URA 17:1) 1. Leningrddskiy imstitut vodnogo transport&. "~i~ di MOUIDUJIL MC, ~-77777M~ NUN ~VM i'R44;X-1 A 1. ,-, I (L . ORMY, A. A. ~,QVJ Nti~1(0 I jtll~, 89patial Periodic Solutions in the LIvIted Problem of Three Points. 0 Sub 26 Jun 47. Moscow Order of Ianin State U Imeni M. V. Lomonosev Dissertations presented for degrees in science and engineering in Moscow in 194? SO: &= No. 457. 18 Apr 55 U-ICV, A. A. X'ecnanic--, C--1,!stial Spatial periodic solutions in a cf' trrTt 1-, 21 w 1950- 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, A,,r-*l - 195Z, Uncl. 4 ORWV, A.A. PbriodIc orbits of great Inclination In a restricted problem of three points. Part 2: Almost circular periodic orbits of an arbitrary Incli- nation In a once-regularized restricted circular problem of three points of Fatout. Trudy GAISH 21:23-26 052. (NLRA 7:6) (Problem of three bodies) I . , - 1 ~"-' , . - . 7 - - - ". (~ -t - :~r', + ~. . " ... - i i,n 7. -1"m ~ f"', ~ , ~'*' ,1 - h - ; !. - - ..-- I- .. , , * : r .:' - - I I I I- . 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions. Library of Congress, June -1953. Unclassified. I 1. Ofttovp A. 2. UIIA ~600 4. Lat-itude ariation 7. Latitude sei-vice of the U. S.S. R. Asti-on. tsir. no. 132, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1953. Unclassified. OMT, A.A. ~-137aralc~-c"ircular periodic motions of a particle of matter under the gravitational attraction of a spheroid. Soob.GAISH no.88/89:3-38 'j3- (KI-RA 7:5) (Orbito) ipi -Mo , ~jb~ftj -wick fh~k;4,^Ih rim Attw C C . . moo omq~-, . ... - 04 -ld 4 ~U TrUdy"' Goi~ Astf; I t~'24 t--ps_ _itiyiaijta" otint1iii4nei- gep a#Oq~ 0m", men -I ej: J[ "'Aso yn m;~ m OW, j~61i6dt'F ckiting Ifit ift ornogel* --tr. Mtlen t- -50 Df M t 4-.- Ll 6 it IL T- --i W1917 S/ 18 8/60/0-u~--~'j'3,D -3 "XX B 00' 4 /B 0 -, 4 AUTHOR: Orlov, A. A. TITLE: An Approximated Repr sentaticn of the Potential of the Gravitational Attraction Df Two Bodies PERIODICAL: Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta, Seriya ', fzika, a a tronom I Y a 6-?--'6 TEXT: The aim of the present investigation is the series expansion c-f the gravitational potential between two bodies of arbitrary shape Alth respect to homogeneous spherical function:3 Up to the fourth -o%er. First. the gravitational potential V of a body with respect to an external point is investigated, and the following relation is written down; V(X' Y, Z) - fm ~ )td -r/ [( X (Y wh-3re f donoten P the gravitational constant, X, Y. Z are t-;e coordinates of t~;e point are the doordinates of an arbitrary point of the body P, % is the le'nsi y at this point, dT - J1 d7 d~ is the element of volume of P After Card 1/2 8037 An Approximated Represen tat i on of the ?ot ent ia IS/ 188/160/000/00 C, I I/XX of the Gravitational Attraction of Twc Bodies B004/BO64 the introduction of the greatest 2 inear diinensi,-n ' cf P, the p-~tent:a: is expanded in a series in the spherical coordinates R, 0,1P of Q U~ to the fourth power of I/R~ For the gravitatic~nal potential U of the mutual attraction of tvio bodies P -and P , the follc%ing relation is writter, 10%n. U = f f f %m'(dTdT and the ser2es expansior, is carried out up tc P, P the fourth power of 1/r and I //r The auth,:.r mentions papers of M, 3 Yarov-Yarovoy. There are 2 Seviet references, ASSOCIATION: Kafedra nebasnoy mekhaniki i grak,;metri, (Chair of Celestial Mechanics and Grav:metry) SUBMITTED: December 14, '959 Card 212 224-1i S/044/61/000/001/007/013 6 C111/C222 AUTHORt orlov'-Lk.- TITLEs On the calculation of terms being of second order with respect to the contraction of the earth, in the ooordlinates of artificial satellites PERIODICALs Referativi" zhurnal, Matematika, no-1, 1961, 49, abstract 1B 210. (Byza.In-ta teor.astron. AN BSSR, 1960, 7, no.7, 549-551) TEXT & The author considers the motion of an artificial satellite in the gravitational field of the earth which in understood as a body of revolution being symmetric to its equatorial plane. The power function of the written in the form U . n - ( .1 - 1 2 4( 3. r LI +q - _ !.~ Z + 2(-rE )2 2 2 z. )+( Ar 8 4 r2 8 r4 r where f -- gravitational constant, U -- earth mass, q2wq4" --par&aeters describing the form and the structure of the earth, a -- equatorial radius, and x,y,z -- the coordinates of the satellite. The motion being carried Card 1/2 On the calculation of terms.., 2 2L, Ij S/044/61/000/001/007/013 C111/C222 out according to the laws of Kepler and determined by the power function with q2 ' q4 ' 0 'a called the tmdisturbed initial motion of the satellite. The disturbed motion in defined by series ordered in terma of powers of the above mentioned parameters, where q 2 'a & R&gni tude of first order and q4 is a magnitude of fourth order with respect to the construction of the earth. In the present paper the author only gives a mthod which permits the determination of the perturbations of second order. Detailed formulae are not given in the paper. [Abstracter's notes Complete tr&nslation.'3 Card 2/2 S S AUTHOR: TITLE: PERIODICAL: 32 374 S/124/61/000/012/004/038 D237/D304 Orlov, A. A., On the existence of mass in the gravity critical case periodic motion of point- field of a spheroid in a Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, no. 12, 1961, 10, abstract 12A72 (Byu)., In-ta teor. astron, AN SSSR, 1960, 7, no. 10, 805-810) TEXT. The article complements the author's work (Soobshch Gos, astron. in-ta im. Pz K. Shternberga, 1953, 88-89, 3-38) In which he proved the existence and found periodic solutions up to 2nd order approximations, ref, oblateness of the spheroid, for any angle of inclination of a non-perturbed circular orbit to 0the equatorial plane of the spheroid, except for the value of 63 26~ or 1160 341 (sin 2 1 = 4/5). The latter case (called critical by the author) was not investigated as for that value Poincar6,*s Card 112 , _'. It, S112 61/000/012/004/038 On the existence of D237YD304 jacobian becomes zero,. This case is considered in the present work, The independent variable t in the system of differential equations of motion of the point-mass is transformed into the latitude argument u, and the author seeks a solution of the -Lat- ter series in powers of magnitude characterizing the oblateness of the spheroid up to the 3rd order terms. /_Abstracter's note, Complete translation, 7 Card 212 S/033/60/037/005/015/024 E032/E514 AUTHOR: Orlov A. A. TITLE: On a Generalization of the Roche Model PERIODICALi Astronomicheskiy zhurnal. 1960, Vol 37, No~5-Pj) 902-907 TEXT: 4 A generalized Rcche model is applied to the case of a double -sta ,the point nuclei of the usual Roche model being sub- tituted by polytropic gas nuclei of finite dimensions. Calculations or the cases m = I and m = 0.5, where m is the ratio of the mass(! ; for different values of the parameters of the nuclei, showed that the difference between the surfaces of contacting double stars obtained on this generalized model and those obtained on the usual Roche model is very small, Thus, the above generalization does not lead to essential differences from the usual Roche model,. Acknowledgments are expressed to Professor D. Ya, Matynov for valuable advice. There are I figure, I table and 6 English references. ASSOCIATION: Astronomicheskiy institut imeni P K. Shternberga (Astronomical Institute imeni P. K. Shternberg) SUBMITTED: December 15, 1959 Card 1/1 AUIEGR: Orlov, A. A. S/035/62/000/004/003/056 AOOI/AIOI TITLE: On formulae representing near-circular motions of a mater'_&I n(-:.nt in the gravitational field of a spheroid PERTODICAL. Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya i Geodeziya, no. 4, 1962, 12, abstract 4A1`7 ("Soobshch. Gos. astron. in-ta im. P. K. Sht(~rnberga", 1960, no. 108, 22) The author finds the causes for differences between some formulae derived by him for near-circular motions in a spheroid's field (RZ17,Astr, 1953, V. no. 3, 1139) and analogous Brower's formulae (RaAstr, 1958, no. 10, 7822). One of the main causes is the different form of expanding the force function of a spheroid's gravitational field into a series in powers of I/r. Moreover, the appearance of formulae describing a motion depends on the form of presentation of some integration constants in the equations of motion. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] B. G. Card !/I S/034/60/000/209/009/009 E032/E.114 AUTHOR; Orlov A-A~ 77171s' TITLE- Conference on Problems in the Mathematical Theory of Motion .-.f Artificial Celestial Bodies PERIODICALg Astronom1c:he5kiy tsirkulyar, 1960, No.209, pp.44-46 TEXT: The con'-7-Ter,:,? took place on December 22-25, 1959, at the State Astrcn_-m_,-_-a! I,istitute imeni P.K. Shternberg. One hundred persons attended The previous (and first) conference took place in May 1959 at the Institute of Theoretical Astronomy AS USSR in Leningrad, The conference was opened by the Director of the State Astronomical Institute Professor D,Ya, Martynov, and G.N. Duboshin, I D, Zhong-D1c,-!1-;h reported on his work on the theory of motion of artific ia-L eaTth sateliltes and the determination of the earth's gravitational field parameters from artificial earth sF'ellit.e obseTjations. He has deduced the r;ompression of the globe and its polar asymmetry. Ye-A. Grebennikov read a paper on the computation of secular and periodic, perturbations in the motion -of artificial earth satellites due to atmospherie~ resistanc.a, Card l/ 5 S/03t-/60/000/209/009/009 E03 2/E1 14 Conference on Problems in the Mathematical Theory of Motion of Artificiai Celestial Bodie; Fo,reign theoretical work on the motion of AES was reviewed by A, A. Orlo-v. G.M. Bazhenov spoke on the determinatlon of AES orbits based on three observations, and Y-u,V. Batrikn% reported on the processing of observations of the third AES at the Institute of Theoretical Astronomy AS USSR. G,P Taratynova described a two-cycle method of calculation of AES orbits for large time intervals. D.K. Kulikov discussed the application of the quadrature method of Cowell to the integration of equations of motion with an automatic interval selection. G.N. Duboshin reported on the integration of differential equations for the rotational motion of AES having dynami,,~al symmetry and whose ellipsoid of inertia is not very different from a sphere. V,,T,. KonduraTl read a paper on the translational- rotational motion of a spheroidal satellite. V,V, Beletskiy c.onsidered the motion of an AES about its centre of mass in the presence of gravitational and aerodynamic perturbations. Card 215 S/034/60/000/209/009/009 E032/Ell4 Conference on Problems in the Mathemati~:al Theory of Motion of Artificial Celestial Bodies L.N. Sretenskly was concerned w4th the motion of a point in the attractive field of a pulsating spheroid including the perturbing effect of periodic osnillations of the liquid covering the nucleus of a planet or elasti,~ oscillations of the nucleus itself. A.A. Orlov read a papGr on the periodid motion of a mass point In the gravitational field of a spneroid in the critical case (inclination of orbit to equator ~~ 630 301). Ye.P. Aksenov reported on a study of periodic, motions of a mass point in the gravitational field of a rotating body. AN. YegorovadIscussed he ', f,~,rmulae for the perturbation of AES due to the attractLon by the sun and the compression of the earth. M.M. Pospergelis gave an account of his calculations of the trajectory of a rocket fired in the d-tre-Ition of the moon with a subsequent entry of the rocket Into a selenocentric orbit. M.S. Yarov-Yarovoy gave a paper on his analytical relation between the coordinates o~ a rocket and time, which includes factors due to non-sphericity of the earth, the resistanoe of the atmosphere Card 3/ 51 S/034/60/000/209/009/009 E032/E114 Conference on Problems in the Mathemati~:!al Theory of Motion of Artificlal Celestial Bodie~ and SOIAT and lunaT PeTtUTbationF. Ye,P. Aksenov and V.G.. Demin discussed the existence of periodir. selenocentric orbits taking into account the non-sphericity of the moon and perturbations due to the earth. Ye.A. Grebennikov used the Hill method to derive first approximation formulae for the motion of AES. Other papers read at the conference included: N.G. Magnaradze "On the motion of artificial satellites with variable massesh, V.A, Brumberg, "Direct-hit trajectories In the limited problem of three bodies'~ V,,G, Demin, "Periodic orbits of the moon"; and Ye.P. Aksenov, "The effect of triaxiality of the earth on the motion of AES". In the final session on December 25 general theoretical problems In celestial mechanics were discussed. B.M. Shigolev described a method of finding approximate solutions of certain problems in celestial meohanics based on the averaging of the right-hand sides of the differential equations of motion. Cai d V 5