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ACCESSION NRt AT4043089 S/0000/64&/000/000/0461/0471 AUTHOR: Bogoyavlenskiy, A. F-(Dolctor of chemical sciences, Professor); TITLE-: Coup arative evaluation of the passivation methods for ongne- stun alloys SOURCEt Hezhvuzovskaya konferentaiya po anodnoy zashchite metallov iot korrozii. lat. Kazan, 1961. Anodnaya zashchita metallov (Anodic iprotection of metals); doklady* konferentaii. Moscow, Izd-vo Hashinostroyeniye. 1964, 461-471 JOPIC TAGSt magnesium alloy, MA6 alloy, costing ML5 alloy, ASTM AZ80 lalloy, alloy passivation, electrochemical passivation. chemical passi4 ,vation -ABSTRACT: The chemical and several electrochemical methods developed .in the Soviet Union for forming protective films on wrought magnesium MA6 alloy 11.5-2*5% Mn, 0.15-0.35% Cel and casting magnesium ML5 .alloy JASTM AZ80J have been evaluated. Alloy specimens with protec& tive films formed on them by various methods have been tested for ,corrosion in a 3% NCI solution, wear resistancegand elasticity. Re- 'Card 1/2 ACCESSION NRi AT4043089 ults of the comparative evaluation showed the absence of a single nIversal method capable of producing protective films with Identical : .optimum properties for various magnesium alloys. In general, protec- .tive films obtained by the electrochemical methods have better prop- ,erties than chemically produced films. Filling the films by immersing- them for 30 =in in a boiling 5% potassium chromate solution ppreciably ,improves the protective properties of the films, regardless f the method by which the films were obtained, Origo art, hass 4 figures and 4 tables. ASSOCIATIONi none .SUBMITTEDi 13Har64 ATD PRESSt 3092 ENCU 00 ~SUB CODEt HM$ 1E NO REF SOVI 010 OTHERj 001 Card 2 / 2 kc -cial 7-7 ~1-1 0 2 W)Q 3 CY 7 1 iC DL: O-C, /occ /a - c t,~j-l I na F.; rr a n:- .)o -i; 4-)7;kiv avi-i'.-;ioqn-rv irf-.t 11 it ~J' u Kazan Aviatio-n --irront densit v, tivI conri.:it ra*- . co-inosition anti strucLorn of anodir f ilrns on 0' ;A I A:1 333R. Ot,dfiln,11vo ohrht-hriv It.F'Idplichonkov khlriii. Zasiichltriyvo cho skivo i ok!~ Irinyvo kori-)~~ I 1,)v I iSS I I-OOVq I I I VA V Oh I AM i (I. W, r!,- rotective notallin ai-) oxW- coat i ri.-.R, corrorion of notals, an(i stj,:Io- i r. vilka, 'A'4c ~Isinr- thr, radioist-itone, witi-iors st,:d~o~'?thn lincor-iorat I n ~i (- pnodic fil-.n on as a 0 ~I!Is n- thr, As thn. tf-inpra~ure risos ahove 60 the ano r o- i-,,,ori)orated in thq fil-, +.nnris to d'art. of the ?Q~ ior's -'eCID-11i :,',ructarally incornoratr)(4 in thn film, and nart are held by a(lsor-,~'L`Ion ~or-", a7-.:~ '_-i tonioerati:rr) rises, thn quantit 'v oF a(,5nr!)q,i i(-)nsj docr,)ases- .ts ri-(,-, the rnlative. content of PCO- incroases, rnachInP, 3-L' of the aei~ht o" ~'-e filrri; this is attributed to chames in the structure of the film (increase in no- rosity, true s,irfaco, Otr.) causoH ~)v hirh currnnt densities. As the electroly-tcl con- Card 1/~ ACC NR: AT4,024')(,Q ,-:~~ntrat,on inrl'nan'35, no Uq il:: ntit.7 of i;C*~- ions (11P to ~-'. wt. .rw oi,~r,,-, to an incr,~a5,) in tneir ar~-or-,ecl rr--action. Cyri~. art. has.' an", table. 0,7111 SU3114 I%T-: 1 0, ~ I-, R~ i', F :00' Card 2,/2 SI;C],'UYJJEV, L~.A.; ".A. [deceasedi, T TI"TSI',;S, Vj~'.; j',.A. , ~ I i Determination of ti.e ent-,alpy of vanac:ium tribromide formation. Vest LGU 16 no.16:125-129 161. (M IRA 14 - P ) (Vanadium chloride) (Enthali-.y) KOGAN, L.M.; ORANSKAYA, M.S.; SUVORCV, N.N.; SK]MBIN, G.K.; TORGOVS I.V. Microbiological transformations of sleroide. Report No.l: Preparation of JO-pregnene-ll,/, , 20,V,21-troil-3-one by momw of actinomycetes. Izv. AN SSSR Otd.khim.nauk no.2:302- 303 F 162. (M1RA 15:2) 1. Institut khimii prirodnykh isoyedineniy AN SSSR i Institut milvdDlDlogii AN SSSR. (Pregnene) .,jActinomycetes) OR&N5KATA, N.A. Transformations of systems of flat-meridifin-fifild oquutiona and similar systems. Sbor.nauch.triid III no.8:5?-66 '58. (MIRA 13:4) (Differential equations. Purtial) (Fbnctions of cdmplex variables) - ! 11 * i, ., , vil.F. ; : , . ., . ... I ~ 1. . .. ~ , - . :"~ (;f 1, , , , , - . " : ~- del., : :-. ~. - V ~ -, -.-! r, : , , --,~ ' - 17- -, 'ti r t)( 17~ :' ,' ' .. ! - - , - .- - t, : . . ! . 1 0 . : -, , . -e . . .. . , r I.. OR ANSK 1; Y A, 0. M, ; 'W,17 '! jlX M I JK I Y , Ya. E . Analysis of the cniorination products of ethylene ca-rbonate by I'mrrared spectr,-.scopy. 7,hur, prikl. khim. 38 nc.7j1626-1629 Jl 164'. (KITRA l8t7) GRANSX&yk. V.P. Course of Sonne's dysentery in children. Pediatrits 39 no..1:49-50 S-0 156. (MLRA 10:1) 1. 1z dizeneriynogo otdelmniya Detskoy klinichookoy bollnitay imeni prof. N.Y. Filatova i kefedry propedevtiki detskikh boletney 11 Moskovskogo goBudaretvennogo meditsinskogo instituts. (DYSINTERY, BACIUARY, in infant and child. (Rue)) GINGOLID. A.I., ORANSKAYA. V.P. Renal r1r-ketB In a 7-year-old girl [with summary In Ing:Iah]. Pediatriia 36 no.9:48-51 D'58 (MLLA U:11) 1. Iz detskoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy imeai 19.7. Yllatova (glavmyy vrach R.I. Kalugina) I kafedry propedevtiki detBkikh bolezney (zav. - prof. V.A. Vlasov) 11 Moskovskogo meeltsinskogo instituta imeni N.I. Prigova. (RICKETS, RENAL, cmie roportE in '.7 yenr old girl (Ibu))) SOVI 112-57 -6 -1289 3 Translation from. Referativnyy 2hUrnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 6, p 178 (USSR) AUTHOR: Oranskiy, A. M. TITLE: Differentiating Circuits (Differentairuyushchiye tsepi) PERIODICAL: Tr. Ryazansk. radiotekhn. in-ta, 1956, Vol 1, pp 164-174 ABSTRACT: The operation of passive differentiating circuits is analyzed. It is pointed out that the differentiation error depends on the form of the exciting function; the error increases with increase of the time constant T of the differentiating circuit and decreases with increase of observation time. For a linear input signal, the differentiation becomes sufficiently accurate with t 3~4T. A table is presented for quantitative estimation of the differentiation error and for selection of optimum parameters of differentiating circuits. Negative -feedback DC amplifiers are normally used to reduce the differentia- tion error. However, such amplifiers have a considerable drift and their parameters depend on individual tubes. A new circuit is suggested which is free of the principal errors of conventional differentiating circuits. The new Card 1/2 L 06298-67 EWTU) aD rACC NR, AT6015377 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0266/0279 AUTHOR: Karpov, R. G.; Oranskiy, A. M.; Fomichev, V. A. ORG: none TITLE: Electronic systems for the approximate differentiation of u1se repetition rate modulated signals SOURCE: AN BSSR, Institut tekhnicheskov kibernetiki. Vychislitellnaya tekhnika (Com- puter engineering). Minsk, Nauka i tekhnika, 1965, 266-279 TOPIC TAGS: digital computer, computer technology, computer input unit, digital dif- ferential analyzer, differentiating circuit, differentiation ABSTRACT: The authors describe a system designed to perform approximate differentia- tion an continuous or quantized pulse trains, the pulse repetition rate being, modulat- ed to represent a controlled process. In the current differentiation schemes, the pulse train is first converted into a varying dc voltage and then differentiated by conventional means. This method introduces errors and delays. The authors propose a new system which can perform the differentiating operations directly on the basis of the digital data. A pulse train having a repetition frequency representing the first derivative of the original pulse train is expressed as dFj (t) F(1) ~ k - dt Lq.ud 1_44 L 0,6298-67 ACC NR, AT601i377 where F(t) is the repetition frequency of the pulse train related to the first deriva~ ,tive of the original. pulse train Fi(t), k is the dimensional coefficient. This expres- :sion can be also written as F(I) ~- hin -- FY 4-A 1)---F,-(I) 1%1-0 A t ror a pulse train, the condition At - 0 has no physical meaning, hence an approximate differentiation can be used for At-A-t, where AY is a small value, satisfying A-r 4c T X is the variation period of PI(t). Under these conditions F~(I+AO-F.(1) 'T F (I)p - HM k A~ k ~F- . At At dt jThis mathematical operation can be carried out using the system shown in figure 1. 11n this system, the differentiation amounts to the generation of a pulse train F(t) jequal to the difference of the pulse train FIM and a new analogous pulse train FI(t) ,Aelayed by a finito time interval M with respect to FIM. The pulse train to be dif- iferentiated is fed into block I and block 3. Block one generates a fixed delay A-r. L 06298-67 ACC NRt AT6015377 f'70 Fig. 1. 7 It can be in the form of a delay line for pulse trains having high repetition rates, or in the form of a magnetic drum, in which the delay is introduced by the use of two read heads displaced with respect to each other. The latter arrangement has the ad- vantage of providing for variable adjustable delay. The output pulses of block 1 are shaped in block 2 and fed into block three, where coinciding pulses from both pulse trains are eliminated using a differential anticoincidence circuit. nom here the two pulse trains minus coincidence pulses are introduced into block 14 which, in cc-.ijunction with blocks 5 and 6, has the task of generating a pulse train FIHO - FI(t) if FI(t) > FI(t). No output occurs if FIM > Fi(t), or FIM = Fi(t). Anticoincidence techniques are used to perform this operation. Block 7 is cathode fol- lower output stage. The authors describe and analyze two practical circuits based or, the proposed approximate differentiation method. The first is suitable for continuuus pulse trains in which the instantaneous pulse repetition frequency is proportional to the current state of the monitored process; the second is designed to operate an quan- Co,d 3/4 L 7 ACC NR, AT6015377 tized pulse trains in whicb the pulses occur in "parcels" at distinct intervals. Drig. art. has: 5 figures. SUB CODE: 09,12/ SUBM DATE: 15Dec65 C rd 4/4 , I , - : I --, ...A , 1- ! ~~...X. , , :~ : . I . ~ T . , . ,~ Ft . , ; , I , - - . :7.1- * * . I . : " c - ~ .r. r.e - 1, :*~ , , . . . : , "~. " . , I , - , - ',cl6c . ~ ' r. . i:kp ' 8(6) SOV/ 112 -59 -2-275b Translation from. Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 2, p 68 (USSR) AUTHOR. Oranskiy, 1. N. TITLE: M_ec~rical Part of the Hydroelectric Generating Stations on Trrigation Canals (Elektricheskaya chast' GES na irrigatsionnykh traktakh' PERIODICAL: V sb. : Novoye v proyektr. elektr. chasti gidroelektrost. M.-L. Gosenergoizdat, 1957, pp 95-102 ABSTRACT: An. opinion is offered, con-firmed by operating experience (Uzbekenerg-)',, that extended 6- 35-kv switchgear at mediLm -power hvdru- electric stations should be provided for supplying local loads. The operating experience of a number of hydroelectric generating stations of the Uzbekenergo showed that means should be provided for supplying electric energy to the adjacent area. Schemes of the hydroelectric stations and alterations introduced in the schemes in the course of operation are offered; the conditions that called for the alterations in connection with new Z5- and 6-kv lines and new generatirg Card 1./2 SOV/112 ~9 2 2', Electrical Part of the Hydroelectric Generating Stations on Irrigation Canals units are described. Load expansior in the rewly developed areas co,frn,.~ The -ecessity of providing an energv-distributirg system around the gert-rat- i~ stations .The Uzbe~erergo schemes of hydroelectric stat,ors have th s peculiarity 6 kv _'eeclers to the electrically -hvited headwater rack transformers, ti) headwater installation mechanisms, reside-t ~l settle ments, and agr.,cultural consumers about the irrigation canals The latter factor proves the recessity of a 6-kv switchgear. The c,,rc',,.s (.)rF- of the i !:cle point out that a deta,,ed lorg-range plar. of development and at,lomat'W~ rIA' -.t be compiled to permit selecting tKe correct electrical -conriectior scheme and automation and telernechar.~cal systems A special 35,(, kv trarsforme- f supply,Irg tl~e 6-kv joads is recommended, as well as a d--,,..ble sc)-ien-,f ic~r medium -power !~.ydroelectric stations S.S. L. Card 2 / 2 ORANSEIYY I.N.J. kand.tek-hn.nauk; KMAiDOV, A.Kh., kand.takhn.nauk Goncerning the economy of* thermal electric pader plantB 1) operating on natural gas. i~lek- sta. 31 nc,.9:Pl " 16C.(M:i-j- 14-,(- (Steam power plants) (Gas, Natural' ZUUI"OVP V.P., doktro tekhn.nauk (,LLma-Ata~; HUZU'VITINUV, A.L., prof. (IkningraO, CRAASIUY, I.B., Iand.tekhn.nauk (Tashkent); TROITSK-'Y, A.V., inzik. ~Tashkent) Methodology for determining Lhe economic efllicienr~ of hydroelectric power stations. E:lektrichestvo no.3191-93 Mr 163. 11,;4) (Hydroelectric power stations) GRANSEY ,N,. . 7 - ~ - ~ I - . . - . . . 4 - T. , . - - !, - . . r ORANS11r, I-Ye.. st.le3rtenant med.sluzhby Iffect of noteorologicAl fpctors on acute cAtarha of the upper respirAtory trnf-t Aboprd 8?~iD. no.12:77 D'57 OURA 11:5) (CATARRH) ORAKSKIY, I.Ye.; SMUN011, N.Y. Technic of rapid ballistroc,rdiographic registration. 3iu-,. eksl--. biol. i med. 47 n0-3:123-124 Mr '59. (MIRA 12: 7 ) 1. Iz Sverdlovskogo nauchrio-iseledovntellskogo instituta kl=ort:logii i fizioterapii (dir. - kcandidat mad. nauk N.V. Orlov, nauclinyy r-ukovoditell doktor med. nauk D. G. Shefer). Predstavlena deystvitelinym chlEMOM AMN SSSR V. V. Pnrinvm. (BALLISTOCARDIOGRAPHT, rapid regiRtration (%.B)) ORLNSKIY, I.Ye. influence of hydrogen sulfide bathe on the hemodynamics of hypertension patients as shown by ballistocardlograpbic data. Vrach.delo no.7:121-122 JI 160. (mrRA 13:7) 1. Sverdlovskiv naucbno-iseledovateliskiy Institut karortologil i fizioterapil. (HTDROGIN MUIDN) (HYPARTINSION) O','~INSKIY, I.Ye. Cmparative evaluation of fum:tion tests in the d-~agnosis of coronary sclerosis in Pat-'eDtB wIth hypertension according to baUistoourdiographic data. Terap. arkh. 32 no. 2:")1-65 F 160. (1-11IRA 14: 1) (HYPERTENSION) (GORON,JtY HEART DIS-EA3E) (BALLISTOGARDIOGIUVHY) OROSKIY I.Ye (Sverdlovsk) Ballistocardiography In hypertenBion. 38 no.12:39-412 D 160. (14IW. It, &2-) 1. 1z Sverdlovskogo nauchno-iseledavatellskogo instituta kurorto- logii i fizioterapii Wir. - IR.V. Orlovp nauchnyy rukavoditell - S.I. Serov). ( MERTENSION) (BALLISTOCARDIOGRAPHY) SUKHANOVp A.A.; ORAIISKII, I.Ye.; SMIRNOVp N.Fe; BOG(RIOLOVA, Ye.)~. Capillary mercury-alkaline transducer with air-dampimg for tj:,e registration of accleration b&Uistocradiograms. Biul. ekap. i biol. med. 50 no. 8:116-118 Ag 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Iz terapevticheskogo otdeleniya (zav. V.1. Korolev) i otdleeniya eksperimentallnoy kurortologii (zav. S.I. Serov Sverdlovskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo institute kurortologii i fizioterapii (dir. N.V. Orlov). Predstavlena deystv. chlenom AMR &%R V.V. Parinym. (BALLISTOCARDIOGFLkPHY-F,QUIPMFN-T AND SUPPLIES) - ORANSKIY)- 1. ye. Ballistocardiography as a method for testing the adequacy c" balrj#~C)- therapeutic action. Vop. kur., fizioter. i lech.fiz. kLLI't.. ~7 no.i: 20-26 162. (MIFA 15:5) 1. Iz Svez-61ovskogo J-nstltuta kurortologii i fiziotorapii ~.lir. - N.V.Orlov). (HYDROTHERAPY) (BALLISTOCk-LIOGUPHY) ORANSKIYP 1. Ye. Accelerometric precordial balliBtocardiogran (kinetocardi,:)Fr-ar-/ in normal subjects. (Possibility of determining the phase s ,tnic-- ture of cardiac contractions), Terap. arkh. no.9:65-70 161, (MIRA 15:2) 1. 1z Sverdlovskogo nauchno-isslodavatellskogo inptituta 'Lvarorto- logii i fizioterapii, (BALLISTOCARDIOGRAPHY) (HEART BEAT) OIW.'SKIYJI 1. Ye. Accelerom -t.2~tric 'ballistocard'o.-rain (r-Lnetocamliorran) in hypertension. TerRp. arl-h. 34 nr.12:27-32 D162. (MMI 16:(,) 1. Iz Sverdl-,--)vs,.Of7o r,n!",C:I-,-)-i-33ledovatellskoco inqt4tut~t !-..- rurtologii I fizilloterapii kar-med. nauk N'.V.Orlov, rai.,cluiyy rukovod itel I - '',.mquk S. I.Serov) (EvILLISIMARDTOCRAPHY) (F-TERTEYSIOY) K Y Y e N 3 c sikh. tcit, 1. funk I s,, n y 1 h~T. K i ."verc iovakw, ;ld 0 vft 1,01 1S, Y~ G A i rt~ k t or j~' i- kit r, G. me t s 4 ns k gc r t ~ t ',a . s CRANSKIY. L.; TAKRT(NIGH. G. - Productlon of rnnIllIn at the oulfite-sacehol plant In Therold (CanadA). Gidralls.losekhim.prom.9 no.6:29 '56. (KLRA 9:10) (Thor*ld. CaniLda-4ftnilin) (IRANSKIY, M. 1. Elektrichestvo v sel'skokhoziaistvennom proizvodstve (Electricity in agricaltural production). Leningrad, 1953. 40 P. (Vaesoiuz. o-vo po rasprostraneniiu Polit. i nauch. znariii. Leningr. otdnie) SO: Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Vol. 7, No. 6, Sep. 1954 x. P.Or' kl~- 7 v-!r, i- r r-. o, 0 OR&NSKIY,M-I., kandidRt teldinicheskikh nauk; STRRUOVSKIY,S.A., inzhener Method of calculating the capacity of smAll hydroelectric power stations. Nauch.trudy VASKE no 1:19?-?n7 '511. (MLRA 8.11) 1. Leningradskiy filiRl Vsesovuznogo InstitutR elektrifikstsli sel'skogo khozyaystva (Rydroelectric Dower stations) SOV/1 12-59-2- 3117/ Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 2, p 1215 (USSR) AUTHOR- Oranskiy. M 1. TITLE- Theoretical Calculation of Parameters of a Hotbed Electrically Heated by the "Screened -Element" Method (Teoreticheskiv raschet parametrov parnika pri elektroobogreve po sposobu ''ekranirovannyy element'') PERIODICAL: Tr. nauchno-tekhn. soveshchaniya po vopr primenenlya elektrich energii v s.-kh. L. 1956, pp 41-63 ABSTRAGT~ A theory for determining the pararnute-rs of a heating element (a barb wire imbedded in a snad layer under the cultured layer) is set forth; the calculated parameters are, capacitance, conductance, resistance. and inductance of the heating element per I meter of length. The specular image method is used. It is proved that capacitance and inductanre can be neglected in the calculations. Bibliography- 5 items. L G.P Card 111 -. gill, , #/.~ DIIYJIV. B.A.; ORANSKIT, K-I- New w-thod for heating hotbeds electrically. Biul. nauch.-telch. inform. po elek. sallkhos. no.1:22-24 '56. (XLRA 10:9) (Hotbeds) (Ilectric heating) 8 (4) 30111-17-:1- -~ Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektroteklinika. 1957. Nr 5. pp 125-126 (USSR) AUTHOR. Oranskiy, M. I., Deyev, B. A TITLE: Experimental Investigation of Electric Hotbed Heating (Eksperirr.ental'noye issledovaniye elektricheskogo obogreva parnikoO PERIODICAL: Nauch. tr Vses. n-i. in-t elektrifik s. kh . 1956. Vol Z, pp 206-229 ABSTRACT: Results are reported of an investigation of electrically heating by electrode and busbar methods, and also by a new method known as the '.shielded element'' method. The disadvantages of the first two methods of t0t~ soil heating are noted: the need for special stepdown transformers. the considerable weight of the wires leading from the transformers to hotbeds need for a great quantity of roof iron (electrode rnethod) or band iron (b,-5'.a7 r-nethod). Besides, with the electrode method, the electrodes are short -livt-d Card 1/3 Experimental Investigation of Electric Hotbed Heating (1-2 years); their capacity depends on the temperature and moisture contrnt the soil and on a number of other factors; with voltage on, the hotbeds (-;Annol be worked; the heat-storing capacity of the hotbed is low. The busbar heating method has an advantage over the electrode method in that it does not depert or soil conditions. In addition, the heating element can be covered with a heal - resisting varnish for protection against corrosion In the ' shielded element method, a galvanized -steel heating wire of Z 5-3-mm diameter (see figure) is laid along the hotbed, within an interlayer of sand above the heat -insulating layer, and is fixed to wooden planks laid across the hotbed For safetv purposes, a special shielding system (''a screen') is provided, which is connected to the transformer neutral. The screen consists of a fundamental ground circuit made from steel wire 3-4 mm diameter laid on wooden frarrivs along the hotbed perimeter, and of a number of transverse 2-mm diameter wires connected to the fundamental circuit every 15-20 cm Electric connecti0t, Card 2 / 3 Experimental Investigation of Electric Hotbed Heating 0 diagrams of heating elements and the protective screen, the curves of c Ur rer t voltage and power distribution along the longitudinal wires of the heating elements at 220 and 380 v are presented, as well as the estimated distances between the longitudinal wires and the potential distribution on the soil s~irfac under various working conditions at 220 and 380 v The electric hotbed heat;rg using the ''shielded element'' method shows good results at 220/127 .,, it requires less capital investment and is safe for men and animals I V L Card 3/3 8 (4) Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektroteklinika 1957 Nr p lZt, AUTHOR: Oranskiy. M. I TITLE: On the Theory of Electric Hotbed Heating Using the ''Shielded Eirmerl Method (K teorii elektricheskogo obogreva parnikov po sposobu "ekranirovannyy element'') PERIODICAL: Nauch tr Vses n -i. in-t elektrifik s kh . 1956. Vol 2 Pp 230-252 ABSTRACT: Electric phenomena taking place in a hotbed heated by the shielder'. element" method are examined Formulae are offered for cur-.-ent voltagc and power present at various points of the heatir,.g element and in the soil depending on the hotbed construction, on the supply scheme. and on other factors. An original circuit for two-wattmeter powei measurements is suggested Results of the experimental check of the above formulae are presented, as well as the procedure of the system design and the parameters of four practically feasible schemes Card I i I I.B I UUMBUT, N.I., kandidat tokhnicheskikh nauk; MOROV, P.A. lectrically heated hotbed In a school garden. Bet.v shkole no.1:74-76 J&-F '56. (MLRA 9:5) 1. Leningradskiy filial Voesoyusnogo nauchno-iseledovatel'skogo instituta slaktrifikatsti sel'skogo khoayayotva (for Oranskiy); 2. Uchitel' biologii Tolvachevskoy are"ey shkoly Luzhakogo rayona Laningradskoy oblasti (for Fedorov) (School gELrdens) (Hotbeds) _QULU1L_Y4k4ai1jpjpk:(ovichi STRELKOVSKIY, Sergey Aleksandrovich-, FAYNBERG, Ye.F.. red.; MOLCDTSOVA, B.G., [Operating of low-pressure rurn! hydroelectric power stations ,I Rezhimy raboty nizkonaDornykh sel'sk-ikh GES. Mosirva, Gos.izd-vo sellkhoz.lit-ry, 1957. 220 p. (MIRA 10:12) (Hydroelectric Dower stntions) SEGAL I , Apollon Moisayevich; tiWjf, , G. 5. , doktor tekhn. nauk , prof.; ORANSKIT, M.I., kand. tekhn. nauk, dots., retsenzent; SMIAREVICH, D.I., kand. tekhn. naux, -o-.s., retsenzent; VCL'PE, L., red. [Electromagnetic fieli, Theoretical principles of elec*r'ca-- eng~neeringj Elektromagnlltnoe pole, TOE. Leningrad, Sev~-:-Q- Zapadnyi zaochnyi politekhn. in-t, 1964. 71 p. (MI;iA I P: 1i) YEVSEYEV.. X.Ye.- LAFAGIN. K,A.~ MERK1141. G.B.r MOROZOVA, I.A.; y FIARA246JIKOVA, V.I.! KA7ARNOVSKjY, D.M., GUIL1N. G.Ye.- dots., retsenzent; FIEES, G.Ya.., i -s... reteenzent; VOLIPE, L., red. [Al-erm-ting -urrent. theory~. manual on the solution of problems in The:--reti.ail prlnci~les of electrical engdneer4ng) Teoriia peremennykh tokov; posoble k re-- sheiiiiii zaaa-n r,o ieorelicheskim osnovam elektrc,- tekhril.k.'. r?y', Y..E,Ev9ec-v i dr. Leningrad, Severo- ZapadnyA za -hryi polltekhn. in-t. Pt.2. 1964. 337 p. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Kafedra "Teoreti~heskiye osnovy elektrotekhniki" Leningradskog-. e-lektrotekhnicheskogo instituta s-vyazi Im. Bon,h-Bruyevi,h (fl-,r Golldin, Pines). ZIS311-66 _LWT(l)/ZPA(V)_2_ __ - ___ _- __ - - - . - - - --I 24577 SOURCE CC] :ACC NR: AP50 )Et, UR/0292/65/000/009/001810019 .. . I AUTHOR; Berger. A. Ya?jProf.); Vodyako, I. X ~&gr-); Fedorov, V. F. 'Fomenko, Yu., A. AEngr. a of technic~sci~ences) I. C ORG: none TIMt Induction motors with protective enclosures isOUACE: Elektrotekbnika, no. 9, 1965, 18-19 )tor f :TOPIC TAGS: induction ABSTRACT: The induction motors whose stator winding and somet 5 0 the tor. ime als to are i6rotected against corrosive medium by a nonmagnetic-material enclosure are iconsidered. Simple formulas based on an equivalent circuit are offered which allow 'for the variation of motor characteristics due to the presence of the enclosure. Three induction motors (A51-4, A52-4, and A-42-2) equipped with M109T stainless- ~steel enclosures of different thicknesses and lengths were tested at 50 cps; also one of the motors was tested with a copper enclosure. Th636 Conclusions are reported: The lopses in the "cial-encloaure, motors are higher and their specific power is lower than those of conventional motors; (2) Protective mclosures having Card. UIDC: 621.313.333.2 i L d VC w L 33115-66 ACC NRi AP602408) 301TRCI-; CODF: UR/6144/64/000/002/0235/02y, AITM Zav'y~:L(~v, A. :,.; rntlmn, A. A.; HolOinnov, V. D.; You-skov V. P.; Ar.ranovskiy, K. Tit.; Burgor, A. Yn.; Groyer, Iiiiier, Too V.1 Platman, K. I.; AbryufA~_ V. Ms r5- yevneyov,_11. Yn.; _IW9u .I _1r -Mr-Un-, orinollrdkov, Yn. m_.; A~ilo_v-KarnaiIW.6V','H. N.1 ?_yn ORG: none TITIZi 0. B.-Bron (oil hit; 70th blrtJ-~Iqj) SOURCr"t IVJI. I-I'laktromIdianika, no. 2, 1966. 235-236) TOPTC TAn'>: nloctric on(-,inaoring por5onnol, cJrcuit breaker ATUIRM7 - 0!-,ip Borisovich Pron was bo-n in 1890 in Klintsi. In 1920, hn r-rndim+-i from th,, p;iyoics-rlath faculty of DarIkov Tec)mojoF.,icnI lnfftttutn. Ile hocam a pro- fossor in 19)0. 119 defended his doctor's thesis In 191W. During the second ,rorlrl war, hn vizvt in the navy. After donobilization in 1950, Enrinoer Colonel Bron imnt to wnrk too -; i ~ng at the I oningrail Tndustrial Correspondence School. fie became thn helvi of t1in Cimir of Thoorolfea_I_Ptis_~s of Electrical Technolo67L~71_958- lie It, CIOE;-l,', associatod srith scientific am) dovelopmnt work, and has cooperated closely in Uiin area with the Lenina ad "Cle),trosilall plant Binco 1946. Me work has boon in tho areas of SPark-davVIN and high-power cliiiiit breakers. lie has published over 140 scientific works and 19 inventions* -5-M-37 SO COM 1 05. 09 / SUBM DAN z Card 1/1 . ., I I fi:~ I e. ". . : 1. ~F, ~ i ~ ~ ; ~-,K ~ 1, , - - I - '. 1, . I . .. - . -;h * . , - . I 1~ ORANSKIT. N., in2h.; KURBATOV. A., inzh.; KOSTRIKIN. Ya., inzh. Collective farm work-shopo for current repairs. &Lulca i pored. OP. v sellkhoz. 8 no.5:11-12 NY '58. (MIRA 1115) (Agricultural machinery-Maintenance and repair) CRANSKIY, 11.. inzh.; GAL'KEVICH, L., inzh. Tractors on livestock rarm. Nau)m I pered. op v 5 no.(,: ")?- rQ Ju ")q. (MIRA 1?-i) (Tractors) ORLMIY, N.I. Artificial drying oil, colcothar, and magnolite. Soob.Frim. otd.VKHO no.3:201-207 '57. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Khabarov8kiy Inatitut inzhenerov zheloznodorozhmgo transporta. (Drying oils) (Iron oxide) (Magnolite) ORANSKIY,, N.I. Ghemi-z~&: raw :-, - . - frce rhabdopissite~ Sbor. na,-ce.. rab, DIIN.:S n . " 1, 1 I. (MIRA l6ill) ORANSKIY, N.I., kand.telkt.n.naak Roofing materials made )l 1,~nite and ahnfeltia wastes. 3,,r-,' ma,- 9 no.9:22 S 163. (MIRA 16:10) ORANSKIY, N. I. 'waterproof rubber-j,habdopissite plastics. Sbor. nauch. rab. DVNIIS no.3:182-190 162. (MIRA 1 -1 -1" . - ','- - '. r - ' -,- + ' ~- '," ~ - - - - I - .~ I . 'Ir I . , I.- - -".I-.- Htityl, ". , .. , 11 .. '. . . I . I ;, , , -, , - I tis " . -, T . , . I I . . -1 (zh~ prila, 1 C TV L CRAMMIG OP COAL. b~tvl. in~c6w.- &Burp A vo, ~"64; f rol r, -77 LT 4 , W y= he Lod ro; -A- 1=to of pul,vor$zod p- o 1 IM: ~074 " at M to 60 -rov/ml n.. -Tho-vinte-1 tutoclavo, imVo2vi lk 43 . al~ 2COO tent, of. croching 14 givQn is-a function-- ex ad re vilthdron ilia . 'a tr exporlmont; (tmz 20 min to 110 h) a duration of lhe f ' th a a 6 or,~Anr to cooi. n 40000 after 30 mlN. 35.6% at DhO- coal nd -an tar we ocked, rMoreas vaien 00al-And tar-In'tho-posta voro or t re. 6 % ' U4 - Iddhtl cal: Ond I t-10no AD at-03y under- t 04 we 18%).-aw - -centa dr gee of di An the: -- - - eraukrv.c d Incron'-ses p 6-16-t i i d - t the taFleo 'rz naroqse t and ecroases, n j n , d f ~~7 7 _7 7-7777777 T. Lei -z~jl ThemAl evaddla-d *W. it- RAW, IM., 29, I.OW-IM; 1. A.. C: -z Abstr. IOS7. 1; 4A Rechanitm of Orocezs is discussed and data Are, -a abowing relatiouMp between coinPosidda- of mixture and give - d solvent terap. and tjM&___ThreG MIAPIO (L A An sk M of IAPOV . coil - rednoul, U and M humic) WtMWDtlQ ixPerimentilly, The -1 infil, dism DUtoc Vvivith Agitation. d Wn CrOPW 10 0 and mixed to v, paste, ratio of coal to mAventbeir k- ti n f 1l l f t D h cm c t A es was sa s ac a rea samp ury. - g o cvp cracking of 1. n and Mwas 62,45, and 31% ropectivoly, and regeneration o - - 7 A 900 f* 0-4250 4 r 80 i i l -, r in. mt cycie, t- temp. ,. st on so vent u $ 80~ 00 di h ti l l f 0 r aim. t s e l ate yie rom 1 was 2" nin., prvmure.1 d 4 --- 001 Th WO r e forme containkl 0% and from IL 3 /6 fractions With J hydrocarbons. < l?S* and 22-0,~ unsatuntri b.e. ~ .11. An effort was made to inaesse yield of liquid 1.1 Sakhalin czAl by combined . thermal. crackiAg and - temi-cokIng, - ' __ Analysks of two coals:atv ~. glym -The Wvent-extractim method .% was similar to timt already described, . Liquid iueLyW&could be increased by 50% by use of The cbrubified method ; yield 0 MOWV~ -4 times and m1fin 2-~-3 pa- Inel jb~p.