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Approved For Rp4ease.2001/08/22 : CIA-RDP86B00985Ftl0300170034-5 ' LEE Effl` it NFAC #4285/78 4 October 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence THROUGH : Director, Natorn al Intelligence t C r en Deputy Direc of FROM . Associate Coordinator for Academic Relations and External Analytical Supp SUBJECT . Meeting with University Presidents 1. Action Requested: Signature on the attached letters to three university presidents inviting them to the Agency for a day of discussions and briefings on 26 October. 2. Back round: The letter is similar to that sent to the for other university presidents. The following names were approved the March get-together, but no invitation was ever sent: Theodore Hesburgh University of Notre Dame Frederick Davison University of Georgia Dallin H. Oaks Brigham Young University (See attachment for bio sketches) 3. Mr. Bowie has suggested that we increase the size of our group. He feels that the time and effort expended would be better justified if "eight but at least six" were to attend. Ithseems or unlikely that we will be able to expand our group above five for this get-together. There is not sufficient time to compose a new list of college presidents, run a preliminary security check, send new invitations, and expect the invitees to be able to make the 26 October meeting. Approved For Release 2001/08/22 : CIA-RDP86B00985R000300170034-5 Approved F i"FlI TPQM1 1T TIMM, O OVMi 170034-5 NFAC R#4285/78 SUBJECT: Meeting with University Presidents 4. Four university presidents have already accepted our invitation for 26 October. They are: Wesley Posvar University of Pittsburgh Josiah Bunting Hampden-Sydney College William Edward Lavery Virginia Polytechnic Institute H. Edwin Young University of Wisconsin Theodore Friend, Swarthmore, is a possible. He is trying to rearrange his schedule and will get back to us later this week. The four who have accepted are highly articulate and energetic and at least two you already know. I believe a full day's program with them would be a great success. 5. The tentative program is similar to those previously run. The only major difference is in the time. We are starting one hour later because most of our guests will be arriving in the area the morning of 26 October. 6. Actions Recommended: a. That you sign the letters to the three university presidents. b. That you indicate your concurrence with the arrangements proposed for handling the third university presidents visit. STATINTL ApproRd1 /98/TPO00300170034-5 Approved FAQ 9 1 W" 19114W4409664 I IY70034-5 NFAC #4285/78 SUBJECT: Meeting with University Presidents %'s% Stansfield Turner Director of Central Intelligence Director of Central Intelligence S UT 1978 Approve -,c/ 1 ~OQ 9 0170034-5 a-NI& 161 I i"10 Approved For Release Y001/08/22 : CIA-RDP86B00985R000300c70034-5 Tr1ESBURCH, THEODORE MARTIN, clergyman, univ. pres.; b. Syracuse, N.Y., May 25. 1 1)17; s. Theodore Bernard and Anne Marie (Murphy) H.: student U. Notre Dame. 1934-37: Ph.B.. Gregorian U., 1939: postgrad. Holy Cross Coll., Washington, 1940-43; S.T.D., Cath. U. Am.. 1945 hon. degrees Bradley U.. LcMoyne Coil.. U_ R.L. Cath. U. of Santiago (Chile), Dartmouth, Villanova U., St. Benedict's Coll., Columbia, Princeton, Ind. U.. Brandeis U., Gonzaga U., U. Cal. at Los Angeles, Temple U., Northwestern U., U. Ill., Fordharn U., Manchester Coll., Atlanta U., Wabash Coll., Valparaiso U.. Providence Coil., U. So. Cal., Mich. State U.. St. Louis U., Cath. U. Ain.. Loyola U. at Chgo., Anderson Coll., State U. N:Y. at Albany, Utah State U., Lehigh U., Yale, Lafayette Coll., King's Coll_,Stonchill Coll.. Alma Coil.. Syracuse U., Maryinount Coll.. Hobart and William Smith Coll., Hebrew Union Coll., Cin., Harvard. Entered Order of Congregation of Holy Cross, 1934; ordained priest Roman Catholic Ch., U. Notre Daine. 1943; chaplain Nat. Trig. Sch. for Boys, Washington. 1943-44; vets. chaplain U. Notre Dame, 1945-47, asst. prof. religion, head dept., 1948-49. exec. v.p., 1949-52, pres.. 1952 -. Former dir. Woodrow Wilson Nat. Fellowship Corp.; mcm. Civil Rights Commn.. 1957-72: mem. of Carnegie Cominn. on Future of Higher Edn.: chmn. U.S. Coimmn. on Civil Rights. 1969-72; mem. Cominn. on an All-Volunteer Armed Force. 1970. Bd. dirs. Am. Council Edn.. Freedoms Found. Valley Forge, Adiai Stevenson Inst. internat. Affairs: trustee 'Rockefeller Found., Carnegie Found. for Advancement Teaching, Woodrow Wilson Nat. Fellowship Found., Inst. Internat. Edn., Nutrition Found., United Negro Coll. Fund.. others. Recipient U.S. Navy's Distinguished Pub. Service award, 1959: Presdl. Medal of Freedom. 1964: Gold medal Nat. Inst. Social Sets., 1969. Cardinal Gibbons medal Cath. U. Ani., 1969; Bcliarmine medal 13eilarinine-Urstiline. Coll., 1970; Me'ikicjohn award A.A.U.P.. 1970: Charles Evans Ilughes award Nat. Conf. Christians and Jews, 1970; Merit award Nat. Cath. Ednl. Assn., 1971; Pres.' Cabinet award U. Detroit, 1971: Ain. Liberties medallion Ant. Jewish Corn., 1971; Liberty Bell award Ind. State Bar Assn., 1971: others. Fellow Ain. Acad. Arts and Scis.; rnern. Internat Fedn Cath i U F d . . . n vs.. ree oms Found. (dir.. morn. exec. corn.). Nutrition Found.. Co~mmn. on Humanities, inst. Internat. Edn. (pres., dir.). Cath. Theol. Soc. Author: Theology of Catholic Action. 1945; God and the World of Man. 1950: Patterns for Educational Growth. 1958; Thoughts for Our Times. 1962: More Thoughts for Our Times. 1965: Still More Thought:, fur Our Times, 1966: Thoughts IV. 1968: Thoughts V. 1969; The Humane Imperative: A Challenge for the Year 2000. 1974_ Home: Corby Hall Notre Dame I N 46556 B--2 Approved For Release 2001/08/22 : CIA-RDP86B00985R000300170034-5 Approved For Release 2001/08/22 : CIA-RDP86B00985R000300170034-5 DAVISON, FREDERICK CORBET, univ. pres.; b. Atlanta, Sept. 3. 1929; s. Frederick Collins and Gladys (Carslcy) D.; D.V.M., OF Ga., 1952; Ph.D., Ia. State U., 1963; m. Dianne Castle, Sept. 3, 1952; children.-Frederick Corbet, William Castle, Anne Harper. Individual practice vet. medicine, Marietta. Ga., 1952-58; research asst. la.. State U., 1958-60, asst. prof., 1960-63, asso. Inst. Atomic Research. 1960-63; asst. dir. dept. sci. activities Am. Vet. Med. Assn:, 1963-64.- dean U. Ga. Sch. Vet. Medicine, Athens, 1964-66, vice chancellor univ. system, 1966-67, pres. univ., 1967-. Dir. Clarke Fed. Savs.. &. Loan Assn. Mem. Inst. Animal Resources, Nat. Acad. Sci.-NRC. 1965-- Mem. N.E. Ga. commn. Boy Scouts Am., now pres. Area 5 Trustee Rabun Gap-Nacoochee Sch., Presbyn. Coll.. Clinton, S.C. Mem. Am., Ga. vet. med. assns., Council Biol. and Therapeutic Agts., Sigma Xi, Phi Kappa Phi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Omega Tau Sigma,. Alpha Zeta, Phi Zeta, Gamma Sigma Delta. Rotarian. Contbr_ articles to profl. jours.. Home: 570 Prince Av Athens GA 30601 .- Approved For Release 2001/08/22,: CIA-RDP83B00985R000300170034-5 Approved For Release 2001/08/22 : CIA-RDP86B00985R000300170034-5 OAKS, DALLIN HARRIS, univ. pres., lawyer: b. Provo. Utah, Aug. 1932; s. Lloyd E. and Stella ( Harris) 0.: B.A. high honors. Brigham Young U., 1954; J.D. curn laude, U. Chgo.. 1957; in. June Dixon, June 24, 1952; children---Sharmon, Cheri Lyn. Lloyd D., Dallin D.. ruAnn, Jenny June. Admitted to Ill. bar. 1957. Utah bar, 1971; law (!K. to Supreme Ct. Chief justice Earl Warren. 1957-58; with firm Kirkland, Ellis. Hodson. Chatl'etz & Master-.. Chgo.. 1958-61: rneni. , faculty U. Chgo. Law Sch.. 1961-71. also. dean anc' acting dean. 1962. prof.. 1964-71. nicm. vis. corn., 1971-74; pres. Brigham Young U.. Provo. Utah. 1971 asst. states atty. Cook County, Ill.. summer 0164. Mem. adv. council %Voodrow Wilson Internat. Center for Scholars 1973 ; mem. adv. corn. Nat. Inst. Law Enforcement and Ci irninal Justice. 1974 . Fellow Am. Bar Found. (exec. dir. 1970-71); mem.Ain. Bar Assn. (morn. corn. to survey legal needs 1971 ?--), Ain. : ssn. Presidents Ind. Coils. and l.lnivs. (sec., dir. 1971-), Order Coif. tlern. Ch. of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (regional rep. Council of 12: past 1st counselor Chgo. South Stake). Author: (with G.G. Bogert) Cases on Trusts, 1967; (with W. Lehman) A Criminal Justice System and The Indigent, 1968; The Criminal Justice Act in the Federal District Courts, 1969; (with M. Hill) Carthage Conspiracy, 1975. Editor: The Wall Between Church and State, 1963. Home: President's House Brigham Young U Provo UT 84602 ,,,,Approved. For Release 2001/08/22.: CIA-RDPB?0985R000300170034-5 UNCLASSIFIIED ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET SUBJECT: (Optional) Meeting with University Presidents FROM: Associate Coordinator EXTENSION NO. NFAC #4285/78 or Academic elations and External Analytical Support, NFAC 7848 DATE 4 October 1978 TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) DATE OFFICER'S COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom RECEIVED FORWARDED INITIALS to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) 1. STATINTL 2. D/NFAC 4. s. DDCI CT 197 Y1 1 6. 7. DC 1' 8. FA -. I9. OCT 19 8 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. FORM 3-62 EDITIONS FI L Q USE ONLY UNCLASSIFIED _