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Orpnophosphorcus Compounds USSR UDG 632.95 MWWABTS, I. L. p BMOVSKAYAr E. G.t 31Aff4jYU. A., ZINOT-YEVA, L. 1. -A Method of Making Allql Pe.-flumvinylalkylphosphJxate-sm USSR Author's Certificate No 297644, filed 22 Doc 69# bliahed I Jim 7i (frm Wh-Mitdya; No I(I:E)t Jan 720 Abstriet No IX412r~ Trawlation: Compounds of the Senral fo=ula R(R'O)P(O)(W-CF, W (B Ile, Et; R, - FrI BU) are made by the reactionlof dialkyl chlorophosphonates with perfluoro-nagnesium iodide (II) in an organic solvent at -15 to 2000. A solution of Me (iso-PrO)POG1 in 10 =1 of absolute added Ath stirrAng, in a stram of_Np to a aolutiou of 11 obtalned frox 2.5 g J~g gand 24 g QF -CF1 at -15 to 2eL-: and ibe,xdxtu3:e is stirzed for an hour at -10 0; the telaperaturo is then raised to -5 Ce and the nixt=9 is deconpoped with a 10,16 H2SO4 solution. Th a reaction mixture is heated to 200C, The ather layer Is rouoved, the M.'tar distilling water layer Is extracted uith ether and dried over Ile f I fR - Flo H* yield 30P the solvent, tho result is 3.2 g 0 t~oiliAg Point 55013, d47 1,2669, D11.3952., An oimilar riethod is used f Synthesizing compoq4 I (H a FA# H1 - iso-Du)t yield _V-3%, boiling point oX :51_2 13t --~22 1.208?l n",D 1.3908, A. F. Pxokoflyaya. 1/1 u47- x USSR UDC 547.241.07 KNMANTS, I. L., BYKHOVSKAYA, E. G.,,U OV Yu. A., and FELYAKIN, V. A. "A Method of Making 1,1-Bis-(dialkylphosphino)-4-al!ea~-iols-1" Moscow, Otkrytiya, izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, No 1, Jan 71, Author's Certificate No 289098, division C, filed 24 Nov 60', published 8 Dec 70, p 78 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces: 1. A method of maki-ag 1,1-bis-(dialkylphosphino)-4-alkanols.l. As a distinguishing feature of -ylic acid halide the patentP dialkylphosphine is interacted with a 4-carbox ~in the presence of an organic base such as tfiethylamine In an organic solvent with subsequent isolation of.the goal product by conventional thods. 2 A modification of this.method'distinguished:by the fact that iffie process is carried out with boiling of the reaction mixture.. 1/2 024 UN C L A 5 S I F I E 0IPROCE$51145y DATE--16C)CT70 .~.TLTLE-OECOMPOSITION OF SUPERSATURATED SOLID SOLUTIONS IN GRANULATED ALUMINUM ALLOYS -U- AUTHOR-00-00BATKIN, V.I.v YELAGIN* V.I.j:FE00ROV* V.1iost SjWXA&.,AAJ"'N -.1COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR -AKAOE,411A NAUK SSSRt 11VESTIlAi METALLV MAR.-APR. 1970, P. 199-205 .5 OURC E OATE PUBLISHED------70 :_Z:SUBJECT AREAS--MATEkIALS '~_.JOPIC TAGS--CHEMICAL DECOMPOSITIONt SOLID SOLUTION# ALUMINUM ALLOY, f_,_7f--:..ZIRCONIUM ALLOY, CHROMIUM ALLOYI VANAOLUM ALLOYf TIT."ANIUM ALLOY,, ALLOY, MOLYBDENUM ALLOYt CHEMICAL STABILITY CONTROL MARKING--Nfj RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~-.,-PRDXY REEL/FRAME--1989/1395 STEP NO--UR/0370/70/000/000/0199/6205 CIRC ACCESSION NG--AP0107868 UNCLASSIFIED 212 024 UNCLASSi FiED PROCESSING UATE--i6OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0107868 4BSTk'ACT/EXTQACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. STUDY OF THE DECOMPOS I TION OF ANOMALOUSLY SUPERSATURATED SOLID SULUTIONS OF GRANULATE:Ll ALUi",INUM ALLOYS CONTAINING 14N, CRv ZR, TIP V1 AND MO. IT IS FOUND THAT MICROHARD-NESS AND ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY IN SUPERSATURATED ALUMINUM ALLOYS ARE SUBJECT ...TO.THE SA14E RULES AS DESCRIBED PREVIOUSLY BY BARICH ANO KOLESNICHENK0 14AXIMUM STRENGTHENING DUE TO THE AGING Of ALLjOYS ViETH CR AND LR S, HOWN TO JNCPEASE BY A FACTOR OF MORE T14AN TWO AS ~OMPAHEU vi'ITH ATED, ALLOYS, IT IS ALSO SHOWN THAT THE STAOILITY OF :SOLIO il'-*~:'--SOLUTIUNS INCREASES WITH INCREASING MELTING POINT OFr THE ALLOYI~NG ELtMENTS, ASSIFIED USSR uDc: 54-386+661-883-546.226-394532.785 D.L.1 and SKAIBICHEVSKWA, G.I. M0T0VJ1 "Isolation of Double Sulfates of Zirconium and Aluminum from Sulfate Tbiocyanate ~Solutionstt Moscow, Zhurnal Veorganicheakoy Xhimii, Vol 15, No 1, 1970, P,'p 65-68 Abstract: A study -was made of the formation double sulfates froin 1)ulfatra 30111- tions containing, along with the sulfate ions, other anions Torming t3alts -with zirconium, for example, tbio-cyanate. The method amounted todsothermal starding at 200'-, of an acidic solution of zirconium thiacyatiate containing ammionium sul- fate. Change with time in the content of zirconium and thiovyamti~ ion in the solution. -was determined. Zirconimn and were determined ly grwimetr-j as S03 ZZ-0-e and Ba SCL., and (ITE4)2D -- by disti-Ilation Of 11H3 folloired by titration with sulfuric acid, and the Wi-ion -- argeutometritally. CaDpouids not previously described in the literature vere fOund:.4(N4)2S04-Zr20(S04) I" 6Hpa and 2(NH4)2 S04- ZrGS04 2H20. .......... .. Ac c Nr Abstracting Service: 'Ref. Code AFM34103 CHFNIC&L ABST.: '7c rh"., C)C),7 741-18% Sui3m-ati~z-,rt of double Siluateu r 1lam sulf ate- thiocyinatle. siluticns. %Totov D 1, skava, Zh. Nmr~, Itj7i,T-' T-TFF (Russ c- drJuble salts 4 ( NHA'S()4,?,'r!0(9()4 WId 2(NH4),~.'~f)4.ZrOS~)4;2i-r:(-) formed when a 5-01n. COZI~41~: zrc~~ 14SCN, aud was kept at:7 211'. Kirietic. C'uilt;es W ppin. of the doubli--sulfate:, are given. Adiln, of lf-.~SOI to the soln. inhibits sepri. of I.he double s'alts. HI%A Tit REEL/FRAME 1/2 015 UNCLASSIFIED P14,11OCE~S[NG DATE-01-DEC70 TITLE--OSMOTIC COEFFICIENTS AND ACTIVITY COEFFICIENTS OF.LITHIUM BROMIDE, L.ITHIUM NITRATE, AND LITHIUM PERCHLORATE SOLUTION4. IN ACETONE AT -,AUTHOR--SKABICHEVSK[Yr P.Av COUNTRY-OF INFO--USSR :SOURCE!r-ZH. FIZ. KHIM. 1970t 44(5)t 1321-3 .,_~DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 -SUBJECT AREAS--tHEMISTRY "TOPIC TAGS-LITHIUM COMPOUND# BROMIOEP PERCHLORATEt NITRATE, OSMOSIS :.~~_-CONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED _:PROXY REEL/FRAME-3008/0884 STEP NO--UR/0076/70/i)tt4/00511321/1323 C,IRC ACCESSION NO--AP013T912 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 015 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0137912 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(Ul GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE ACTIVITY COEFF. OF ACETONE AND ACTIVITY COEFFS. (GAMMA SUB PLUS OR MINUS) AND OSMOTIC:COEFFS. OF LINO SUB3, LIBR, AND LICLO SUB4 WERE DETD, IN LINO SUB3 0s03-0.721, LIBR 0.266-1.478, OR LICLO SUB4 0.261-5.073~M SOLNS, IN ACET,ONE AT 200EGREES. POS. DEVIATIONS FROM THE RAOULT LAW WERE OBSD. IWALLZASES EXCEPT FOR LICLO SUB4 LARGER THAN 2.5 M. ION DIAMS* WERE CAL(D. FAOM THE GAMMA SUB PLUS OR MINUSIS, AS 4.21 2.0, OR 2*7 ANGSTROM FOR LtCLO sUB4, LINO SUB3, OR LIBR. THE GAMMA SUB PLUS OR MINUS OF LJCLO SUB4i PASSES THROUGH A MIN. AT M EQUALS 2. THF G4MMA PLUS OR~MINUS INCREAS IWTHE ORDER LINO SUB3 SMALLERTHAN LIBR SMALLER THAN LICiD SUB4. tw UNCLASSIFIE-D USSR UDC 536.46:533.6 PERVITSKAYA, E. A.1, SKABI&A. P., TARASYUK, V. A. "Approximation Methods for Studying Diffusion Combustion in a System of Turbulent Jets" V sb. Gorenive i vzryv (Combustion and Explosion -- Collection of Works), Moscow, "Nauka", 1972, pp 352-356 (from RZh4ifekhanika, No 3, I'lar 73, Abstract No 3B949) Translation: A system of Jets of hot components flowing from parallel channels (plane of circular) with thin wells and located in a certain order is discussed. The problem is reduced to the solution of heat conductivity e(Itiations for. rec- tangular profiles of all gasdynamic values given at thc,:Lnput to the combus- tion zone by introducing ordinary Mises variables and linearization. A simple relationship is established between the longitudinal pressure drop Ap and the coefficient of combustion completeness e AP/APJ where Ap. is the drop in the insufficient component under total combustion. Analysis of the measurements of the coefficient of completeness of combustion 1/2 USSR PERVITSKAYA, E. A., et al, Goreniye I vzr)nt, Moscow, "Nauka", 1972, pp 352-356 given by different authors made it possible to establish a fairly general relationship between this and the input parameters in the case of an axisym- metric flow: c = 1 - eC=2 , where x Is the longitudinal coordinate and a'is the coefficient determined by the geometry, the relation5hip of the densities, and the stochiometric coefficient. Autboi~s' abstract. 2/2 46 USSR UDC .533.601.172 TARASYUK, V. A. "Interaction of an Acoustic Disturbance with a Shock Wave" Trudy Leningradskogo Politekhnicheskogo:lnatituta, Aerotermodinamika (Works of the Leningrad Polytechnical Institute, Aerothermodynamics), No 313, 1970, pp 97-101 Translation: Expressions for the perturbations of the flow rate, momentum and energy on movement of a gasithrough a compression i5hock are written in the system of coordinates related to the compression shock It is demonstrated that on incidence of sound . waves from a superaonic region, the pressure perturbation is intensified on passage through the compres- sion shock, and the entropy perturbation generates a pressure wave. In cases where the vave incident 0% the compresm4on shock is propagated from a subsonic rigion, expressions are 4obtrhined -for the acoustic conductivity, the entropy component of the perturbation and the compression shock displacement velocity.-The acoustic conductivity is a 1/2 ,EA 0- r M H HIM R M M USSR i-t al. Trudy Leningradakogo PoUtekhnt--heskogo Instituta, Aerotermodinamika (Works of the Leningrad.Polytechnical Institute, Aerothermodynamics), No 313, 1970, pp 9?-101 real number which varies within highly restricted liu..its on variation of the Mach number beyond the compression shock. There'are 2,111ustrations and a 3-entry bibliography. 2/2 22 Acc. Hr.: APOU46776* Ref .Code: RN _-. rAcc.Nr.,--., USSR UDC 621.791.03.96 USS S MOSILMI, V. F. GAICKALYTIK, R. I., POPO MEDVEDEV, 'S A~ .2M0, YUj -A. %N; Upraimay. P, KORSIUTNOV,- V. A.: "High-Frequency Welding of Spiral-Seam Pipe.with-Butt Saimi Joining" Kiev, Avtomaticheskaya Svarka (Automatic Welding), No 1, 1970, 17p 63-65 (from Avtomaticheskaya Svarka, No 1, 1970, p 80) Translation: This article contains a study of the characteristic features of strip formation and upsetting during high-frequency welding of Spiral- seam pipe with butt seam joining.. New forming schenes and new designs of the mechanical units of tube welding m-ills are projosed. The peculiarl.- ties of welding pipe are investigated in the case of disturbance of the geometry of the initial tape. There-are 4111ustrations Bind a-6-entry bibliography. Reel/Frame USSR UDC 621.585.852.052.269.1.CO2.257 KAIRTSEV, YE.A., L.AC 0, YU.V. Drovement Of The Quality Of Electronoctical Systems By An increase Of The Pr6dision Of Control Of The Geometrical Dimensions Of Parto And Units Cf The ~C~iptical System" V sb. Tochno st' rad too lei, t ron. a 2 (Precision Of Redioelectronics AD aratus. Collection 2), toscow, 1971, pp 60-66 (from KhtElektrunika I P. primeneniye, No 1, Jan 72, Abstract No IA269) Translation: A device for control of the cathode-Todulator interval is des- cribed, in which the contact method is uved as well as a conversion of the movement of the measuring feeler [shchup] into a chanffe of, the frequency of the oscillations of two string selfoscillator!~. Dia Mcaouring pulsations of mizsible and do not. exceed 0.01-0.02) newton. forces prove to be entirely per. The error of meaeureTient of the cathode-modulator interval Jocs not exceed plus or minus 2 micrometer. The results of the measuremento are ivoucd by the device in numerical form, which makes it- pos!~ible to conduot automatic or semiautomatic grbding wit -h an output up to 5000 unite Der hour. M. M.V. 1/1 USSR UDC: None BASO-11 N. G., D~L',TSEV Z K I-1-kMIT,, ye. P. v 11., 2.L15':P_,1TOV, A. V., SAGITOV, 15";_ G.'.' and. A. H. "Chemicaa Iaser of 1-lixed D4 luoramin With Hydro6*en" 170 Mosco"'!, S'Dornil. soobchcheri.,a 110 fi-z'j': 11, November 1971, pp j-01 bstract : rL",his brief communica tion ~repwvts oscillations obtaLn'-:-~ A d from o -_ c --', ilat ory-ro It" ~A ory, tran.,jiticnu of HF riolccuie.,~ resu-1tinc. from the (.-,?I of 41.'F:)T1 ,dtli hydrogon, ,,p~-ci ly th, variationi, of t,'-Idri yi.oldod by the, Lnj,',;Avro a fw,.(!1A.c1n of tho uclnditivn'~q. The Of two 'If.-(crS , ~'n 03,C4 JEL"Or, WId 'II - -L~ -O'd IV I fic c 0 triml CL_Llchar~,o throu,--h 1,hc mixtnrc,. The ,xas quallu-z tube 85 c--a ~-,nd 1.7 cn in, dia!ii6tcr, Yd" -wi_ndnw,,~ set at the Brei.Lter an-1c. Dater_,,~Linations ;-,-Tevc aado. of the rc- lations.,_-' the rressures of the 11.2121-1 and ]I,,, in t-ho miz:-- ture, an.-,, a cuinic is plotto-~ of th.-, encr&y of thc p-o-Ize o'-;Cilia- tion in tl'(3 M1:_'r11L1:fc a~ a funcldon of tile ratio of th- -u-"O pres- Sur(---,,. Cul-;-ezi are also ploljt':c~d fca~ th.~! raiii f;Lct'-.(,,r in tha rLli:,~vure s a fulicu-ion of t- a 'iu~e. '"he auti,da-fl e_xrjy-css 'hcir thci-4s Lo L. V. Kulah-ov for his lielp ii,, plottuin.- th~~ pvlsa ".11cly.- sp~cc"'rlm. USSR UDC: 621-382.2 I U, - MZA4HD1,1NtG-V N4 S., and 3. V. S. V "Vitreous Formations in Si-T -"e Systems and Diode Switching Struc- tures with 'Memoryl on the Basis of Semiconductor Glass in the S.Ystem" Leningrad, Fizika i tekhnika polu-,)rovodnikov, V01. 4, No. 11, 1970, pp 2214-2215 'Abstract: This article d.,ricribes the synthesis ol~ several compounda with various contento ol' ailicoii and telluriwa and tht., study of the effect of tht~ history ol- the glass ort vitreous formations arld its switching characteristics. The purPose of this work was to ex- -ion region in the Si-Te nystem. and the plain the vitreous formal. effect of ilt;s glass content on switching characteristics. To identify the state of she vitreous formationj the,methods of dif- Lerential thermal analy_ais and x-ray phase analysis were used. The experiments showed that the vitreous formation region, when tem ered in liquid nitrogen, lies within 15-25 atomic-% Si and P. 1/2 M 1-1 TTI F1 MH USSR Explosives and Explosi Ong USSR BORISOV, A. A., S1KACffiC0VP G. I.P and CGURYA)EV, A. A., Institute of Chemical Physics, Acad. ~_c7_U50_,1T6d_c_o_w "Ignition of N20 + NO Mixtures at High Temperature" V,oSco,,, Kinetika i Kataliz, Vol 14, No 2, Mar-Apr 73, p~) 294-300 Abstract: Ignition delays t i. were determined for 11.0 + NO mixtures in temperature range 1050-2500 0K ;j;om. the reflected sl*lock vaves, in a static by- pass system. It has been shovn that addition of 110 loverg, ti.... Analytical expressions for the detennination of t, as a function of th~! constants of elementary stages and of the theiirophyAMAl parameters o~ the reaction were developed by solvin8 a system of kinetic equations together with the equation of heat balance under adiabatic conditiono amd within the constrains of the y of thermal explosion. From the comparison or tj. djt~,te:tmdnad in "f2o 'w"-h theoi- L, and without added 110, the reaction rate constant for the reaction N 20 + 110 Z;02 + H2 was found to be k 1014-44+0-2 e-CP W50+30M o 3 USSR 'EVSKr GARSEVANISHVILTI, V. R., KAZM~ f, V. G., KIR-KASDOV, R. R., MCHKOV, N.B., 'te of Nuclear Research Joint Institu "A Concept of the Relativistic Amplitude of Scattering at High Energies" Moscow, Teoreticheskaya i LUtematichoskaya Fizika, Vol 7, No 2, YaY 1971, pp 203-216 Abstract: A concept of the realativistic amplitude of saattering at high energies is presented An the framework of the ouasi-potential !to roach. The key point in the entire consideration is Fourier ana4sis of the three-parameter, rion-Abelian translation group e=-edded as a subgroup in the Lozentz group. The concept presented is a generalization of the eikorial approxixration iii quantum Mechanics. 29 bibliographic entries. Hoscow, Tooreticheskaya i Matematichaskaya Fizika, Vol. 5, No 1. 1970, PP 57-65 Abstract: The analytical properties of the relativistic scattvring amplitude are studied based on the transfer of momentum aP4 enorgy Jji a qtiasipotential approach. A comparison is made betwean the Ugunov-ravkhelidze equation and the Lippr-_~,n-Sw Igor equation, the former differing from the latter by a factor of k2 I + m A quasipotential equation is used in this papor to study the ana- lytical properties of the two-particle relativistic scatte-ring amplitude. A relativistic spectral presentation of the quasipotential wtis fov"i to be more convenient in *this 5tudy than the Yukawa potential. An integral i~arrosporlilag to the second Born approximation is used here and a formullt is given for ~rans- forming the integral for the solid angle into a spectral Dorm. In the quasi- potential approach a method has been formulated for constrvacting the local po- tential from the matrix elements of the scattering aaglitwLa, ant proof is given that the quasipotentials have a spectral form. This spectral presentation is valid only for certain fixed values and may be disrupted Lubder certain other con- ditions. The singularity found when a /, 0 does not permit proving a dispersion 1/Z USSR SaCdKOV, N. B., Teoreticheskaya i Matematicheskaya Fizlkab Vol. 5, No 1. 1970, PP 57-65 relationship for t in the region s < 0. But if there weriD no singularity at the spectral function P ,(s, T1,14 ), then only the left-hand 4-ranch out would remain, thus allowing interpretation in terms of intermediate states of the u-channel. An analogous singularity appears when s < O:also in the attempt to construct the relativistic scattering amplitude satisfying ths canditipp of tiro-particle unitarity in the s-channel. USSR < UDC 621.396.67,001.5 KREPIENETSKIY, S. D., RADTSIG, YU. YU., SKACHKOV, V. A., "Theory and Practice of Plane Curvilinear~Radiator Desiin" Moscow, Radiotekhnika i elektronika, No 101,`L970, pp 200-2070 Abstract: The authors assert that there is very little itaterial in the literature an the theory of design of such:antennas of the more complex form, primarily due to the mathematical difficulties involved. The need for shifting antennas along the curvilinear surfaces of aircraft gives impetus to the study of plane curvilinear radiators. Also, the development of the theory of this type of radiator is of interest since it is directly ccnnected with the theory of cylindrical antennas. This article considers the following three problems: the design of radiators for a given azimuthal or meridional component of the electric field in any vertical or horizontal plane; the design of radiators for the given electric field compotients in an arbitrary vertical or horizontal. plane, i.e., for a given directional diagrara vector; of radiators for.the given electric field com- ponents in several planes. Experimental and computed data, are compared. 14 USSR UDC 621.396.677 SKACHI~OV_, V. A. "Optimal Solutions of the Problem of Synthesizing a Curvilinear Antenna for Limiting the Norm of the Derivative of the Source Distribution Function" Tr. Kazan. aviats. ia-ta (Works of the Yazan' Aviation Institute), 1971, vyp. 137, pp 39-44 (from M-Radioteklinika, No 6, Jun 72, Abntract No 6B4) Translation: In solving the problem of synthesizing a eurvilinear antenna, the method of tile theory of quasisolutions is used. This method insures the best approximation on tile average to the given radiation pattern with restric- tion of the norm of the derivative of the source distributioa function, The possibility of solving, the reciprocal problem is noted: for a known accuracy of approximating the given radiation pattern find the di!;tribution function of the current with the minimum norm of the derivative of the source distri- bution function. An example of synthesizing a ring radJ4itor by the radiation pattern given in the plane of the antenna is presented.:~Xhere are 2 illustra- tions and a 14 entry bibliography. USSR uDc 615.23i:547.734 VAKFMIETTALP K. I., UPKIN, A. Ye., RY31111T[A., T. B., and SMCMKOIA, U. Kuybyshcv Polytechnical Institute imeni V.V. Kttybynh~V "Synthesis of Azomethine Bases of the 2,21-Bi.-Chiophene Series with Potential Biological Activity. Cobanulication U." ~bscow, Khimiko-Fai-im~'s,--rticlieskiy Zhurnal.,- No 3, 1973, pp 24-28 Abstract: Azon, ethine base., with nitro gratips in the bithiophene portion of the molecule vere synthesized to study t 'lie effects of the nitro groups on the antinicrobial activity of the raore corqilex 2,21 -bithiophezie derivatives ~ Ni-tration of with cupric nitrate in acetic anhydride resiilted in the fo-=Ltion of a rLLxUtre of 5-forryl-5-nitro- t'"I 5-foMYl-3'- nitro-2,2'-bitAiLophene diacatates, hjArolysis of which crIM? 5-fOr1nY.1-5'-nitro- 2,2'-bithiophene (.10 anl (II). Reaction of 1: anti 11 -with aroLmtic amines, a1zdnopheno).L3,, and aro-twLic acids resulted in the fonration of azorrethine bases, the structures of 'which we-I,L, confirmed by chemi- Cal analyses and IR spectra. Me most potent antibacterial activity was exhib- ited by the 3-carboxyphenYi (3'-210,) derivative which, at a coreentration o.L 250 Ug/ml of solid nedium was bacteriocidal for pathogenic -pnelmoaocci and straphylococci, and at a concentration of 400/,4g/ra *.-as ba4~+Iericidal for Shigella sonnei and Sh. flexneri. USSR PRUSSY P. Kh., Candidate of Sciences, MATSIYEVICH, N. M., M=CHERKOV M. S., and SKACHKGVA, Ye~ V. "The Interference Resolvometer 'LIR-11' UDC 7TI-537.6L L. V., I7ANGV, A. M., MODEL Leningrad, Optiko-Mlekhanicheskaya Pronvishlennost', No 9, seD- 72~ PP 30-34 Abstract: The technical. characteristics, operating principle, and design of the first industrial sarmle of a displayed autorntic device the laser inter-ererce resolvometer LIR-1, are described by reference to its optical schera and photo- graphs of the control desk and principal blocks. The resolvoireter was develored technical assigwent of the State Optical Institute by the K-ras- according to the nogorsk Mechanical Plant for the dctermir.ation of resolutioris of photof-,raphic materials in the 44,0--2960 rn-1 range. A laser of the LG-361k tY.-)-- ( ;C=6328 R) to used as light source. The LIR-1 is a two-beam, inter feramnter in which interference bands vith sinusoidal dietribution of brightness develop by inter- action of two flat uraves. It is designed for operation uncb*;~r lalioratory condi- tions. Visual or diffraction methods can be usedL for the eyaluation of eynioseO_ and processed resolvograns. 'rests of a series of high-resolution -photofilris yielded a value of tho res-ol-zing ability which can Ice characterized as P. > 2700 m-1, because all frequency groups up to -the limiting, were reproduced. Values of R for hi-h-resolution films are presented. Four illustr., one table, 0 twelve biblio. refs. USSR UDC 621.791.75-669.721.5 MAKAROV., V. I., and SKAGHKOV, Yu. N. S~varka Magniyevykh Splavov (Welding of Magnesium Alloys), Moscmi, Izdatel'stvo "Mashinostroyeniye," 1972, 121 pp Translation of Introduction: Magnesium alloys have been used in industry for the last 30-40 years. The aviation industry is the main user of these alloys because they can compete in many instances.with aluminum alloys. Magnesium alloys possess high chemical stability with respect to many aggressive media, can carry high impact loads because of their low elasticity modulus, and they can be easily machined. This in addition to their good mechanical properties makes these alloys a desirable light structural material. In comparison with aluminum alloys, magnesium alloys are more stable in aqueous carbonate solutions, an6 are not affected by gasoline, kerosene, benzene, toluene, phenol, rubber, oil, and greases that contain neither acids nor water. However, magnesium alloys are less corrosive-resistant than alumLnum, allov5 when subjected to mineral acids and their salts (with the! exce,,, tion of fluorides), organic aciu-S, aqueous 'and alcohol solutions of certain organic 1/5 USSR MAKAROV, V. I., and SKACHKOV, Yu. N., Svarka Magniyevykh- Splavov, Moscow, Izdatel'stvo "Mashinostroyeniye," 1972, 121 pp halogens (chloromethyl, chloroethyl), and methyl alcohol. Magnesium alloys are unsuitable for application in fresh water and sea woter, as well as in s water vapors. Special corrosion-protective coatings (surface oxide film and paint-varnish coatings), make it possible to extend the life and area of application of these alloys. Magnesium alloys are used for manufacturing items designed to function under various environments. The aviation, automobile, and electrical industries are the largest users of these alloys. They are also used for the building of cranes because of their light weight and ease in handling. However, the application of magnesium. alloys as structural materials would have been impossible without the development of machinin- methods and welding technology. With increased production of magnesium and its alloys, the ap- plication of welding in a protective atmosphere has foundwider use for joining light metals and alloys. Contact welding such as spot, scam, and flash welding is also used quite frequently. 2/5 9^ USSR MAKAROV, V. I., and SKACIIKOV, Yu. N., Svarka Magniyevykh Splavov, Moscol,~, Izdatel'stvo "Mashinostroyeniye," 1972, 121 pp As a rule, the contact welding of structural parts made of stamped sheet metal stock of small thickness (up to 4 mm) presents no difficulties. H(xvever, in order to protect the inside surfaces of lap joints from cor- rosion, spot welding should be carried out with the use of special cementing material. Blanks of different profiles or rods made of-magnesium alloys can be Joined successfully by contact welding. Gas welding (acetylene- oxygen) and plasma weldiDg can also be used. for the welding or- magnesium alloys. Nevertheless the weldability of magneeium allcys has been studied insuf- ficiently compared with aluminum alloys, For many yeara much atLention was paid to the production of high-strength. alloys with good structural properties. As a result, the alloying technology aimed at the production of, serviceable alloys did not consider the welding requirements. Therefore, only a small part of industrial magnesium alloys were deemed suitable for welding. The metallurgy and technology of welding, as well as properties of welds roduced by deformed magnesium, alloys that are used for the production of 5 USSR MYKAROV, V. I., and MkC.TKOV, Yu. N., Svarka Magniyevykh Splayov, Moscaq, Izdatel'stvo "Mashinostroyeniye," 1972, 121 pp structural parts have been studied insufficiently, Th-'s book considers problens of the weldability of magnesium~alloys during fusion welding -n protective gases. This method is most widely used for welding structural parts made of light metals. Translation of Table of Contents: Page Introduction 3 Chapter 1. Properties of Magnesium and Its Alloys 5 Properties of Magnesium 5 Interaction of Magnesium With Other Elements 6 Main Characteristics of Deformed Magnesium Alloys 16 Chapter 2. Weldability of Magnesium Alloys 25 Basic Welding Difficulties 25 Metallurgical Characteristics of Welding 28 Mechanical Properties of Welds 51 4/5 94 USSR XkKAROV, V. I., and SKACRKOV, Yu, N., Svarka Magniyevylh Splavov, Moscow, Jzdatel'stvo, "Mashinostroyeniye," 1972, 123- pp Page Chapter 3. Arc Welding of Magnesium Alloys in an Atmosphere of Protective Gases 59 Welding Equipment 60 Industrial Welding Material 64 Preparation of Items to be Welded 68 Welding With an Infusible Electrode 71 'Welding With a Fusible Electrode 78 Effect of Various Technological Factors on the Strength of Welded Joints 89 Sensitivity of Welds to Stress Concentr ators 100 Weld Stresses 101 Main Defects of Welds Controlling the Quality of Welds 113 Correction of Defects 115 Chapter 4. Organization of the Working Area and Safety Tochniques During Argon Are Welding 116 References 120 5/5 MISSR 293 Ux 669. M, V. V., NMETO, K. A.1 PAVLOV, Yu. A., SAVITNOV, T. M. j 1,_K.., Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys, Institu-t-e-o'~'L-dlgh TenT-nratures of the" Academy of SciencesUSSE "Study of the Process of Producing Niobium Carbide By Tlixough Diffusion Satura- tion of Graphite" Ontzhonikidze, Tsvetnaya Metallurgiya,, No 2,, 1973, pp 117-120 Abstract: The process of producing niobium and carbide by through diffusion saturation of graplaite wa3 ~analyzed, proceedin,!!~- from the derived e-x-Dre~7-,sion for 'lie tirac -r roauired 'to realize a through saturation of the U-rain C=R2/6-0-D , where R=ini4-ial the ~Train. D=coefficient o' reactive dif `usion radius of 4 .1. - I - I 2n d ~=Acj/ac? t P-nd AC1=hoz-noF~eneity r~-~.nge of the -phase zand.4CV --difference of solubilities in tlic groviing pha-se and the N -' saturation of a --raphite gra- satur -1e brain. The duration ol nule was found to be le--s than the 'through saturation time of 1/2 I VISSR GAL' V. V., et al., Tsvetnaya R'etallurgiya, No 2y 1973., pp 117-120 a metal granule of the same si2e. Experimental results of nio'bium carbide ion by diffusion saturation of graphite r --led product granules in a pseudo-lique-P-L layer by their interaction with NbC are reported. The temperature dependence 15 T (duration of the e,,-,Terinent 1 hr) of the magnitude of the reaction surface S, referred to a singld granulle, is discussed by the S/T diagram. The through diffusion saturation of graphite, granules (0.6-0.8 am,), Vnen usinc PG-50 porous graphitle and niobium pentachloride, can be realized at te=,era- turas > 2400o and IV10 hrs aging. Two figures, one table, two formulas, five bibliographic references. 2/2 42 UDC: 539-1-07-55:6;P1.565 USSR ~,BIGANT, A. Ya., BVIASHEK, V. E., RUDIK, M. P. , "A Cryosiat Housing for Semiconductor Detectors:of Radioactive Mnission" Moscow, Otkry-tiya, Izobreteniya, ProWshlennyye Obraztsy, Tovanyye Znaki, No 26, 1970, Soviet Patent No 278907, Class 21, filed 31.jul 67, P M Abstract: This Author's Certificate introduces a c.-yostat housing for semiconductor detectors of radioactive emission. As a distinguishing feature! of the patent, thermal coupling with the ambient ut=sphere is reduced by making the -unit in the form of an evacuated glass tube with metal vessels fastened to "the ead by mvans of' glass-to-metal seals. A metal bulb io utLackied to ona of these yessalti -with a wwuum-tip)it neal, and a mc-tal refrigerator tube with radioacti,~ra eml,uliion detector attached is fastened to the other vessel. The radiation emission detector is fastened to the metal bulb by means of a spring conta, ct, and a tiorption pump is enclosed in the abov e-mentioned refrigerator tuber 67 USSR UDC 669.15 19h-621-785~7.001-5 VARLI, K. V., GOIRCHPOVA, E. N.,, LANSKAYA, K. A. RIW-014, A. M,, and SKAKOV, Yu. A. Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys "Structural and Phase Changes in Ferrite Steel During Heat Treatment" Moscow, Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnylth Zavede#y Chernaya Ketallurgiya, No 9, 19703 pp 117-121 Abstract: A study wa3 made of structural and phase ch,-mge3 in FA'-503 ferrite steel containing 8,~,~, 1-1 during heat treatment, ~he tests were conaucted 1 ) after CS forging um-th 960-840 C end tempe_-~itvxe, with oubsequent water and furnace cool- ing; and 2) after haxdening at 1200(JO, irith sibseq7aent water coolLng. The temp- erature intcrval of ilhe Fe W1 phase precipit-tion d rel tted changes in hardness, a an r Lattice period of solid soLicn, ,nd clectric resiftance weze determ.-.inod. Iii- -tres of th~~ crostrxct-L LI L after forging, hardoning, and temAnring =dor varioii-, conditions are prosented, cmd results are givcn of metallog'n'tyhic 'Waly'-i-s of the steel after hardenini- at 12W 0C. Vu, lattico period. of a solid solution of forged rampir--o at certain t mperat~ircs ia autallar than that of hw,dencd samples, o f, la to the p _Jpt.~ , precipitation of Fcl)W , hise particles during forgtng. Tho varia- tion of particle aizo and lattict! pQriodfj of tho Fo 14 phaac vt1h tampering tem- perature vie detamdne(l. USSR UDO 543-52:546.21 3 FICETI T il,"O C-. ml. 'Y9 GORZENK.O. SHBEVCHE: Z-A-DVO R~N I A* Stl BUIGAYEVA Z E'V A, P d XLYUCHAL "G-mma-,A ct ivat ion An~~Iysis of Ca2.,-Oon in Urani-wn- --ind Tlhorium" Mloscow, Atomneaya Encrgiya, Vol 34, 110 1, JM 73, pp 531-54 Abstract: In detcrmminin,~.~ carbon in fissionablo elc-iicnts L-:und~~- mate- ri,-l-- on their base, a hif~-Iier sensitivity th--,xi by convontiona,! methods results 'the crarboxi is burned out 'in the o:-,ygen. flux Lrom thl-I sann)le-- -Drelimi-narily _-I'rr,I,-.Ii--Rtcd -Ath In this case C11, devc1opinr- in the C n) reaction, i'; --clecti- vijy extractcd 1'rom the ~tcl'-Iive matri.--: and the :=-onn-L oJ-' collected 0' 02 is f'r-om t-hre radiolactive 6ec:,,,q, off the crlrbon if:o- tope by a nor-citive nuclear cIe-tI;-cctbj-, Thr, prO 0 0:1' ~~ccu-,117.3.ation zvnc! derf-'r of CI-LO, raoleculast a-xtractod froij, TT, Tht -and C 14 0 irn--diated by I n ',,tun-Gsten-converter by " 30-M" on 11 uron bnrW-O, is demons trated. The activation si:)ectriua in a.-,caTite in Cieten-Anin,~,- cai,boxi in urL-niun carbide iS shovm. Under the ,iolected .-,,Ctivation conditiono (electron enew-Y 30 Mov, current ir--nadiation 20 min.), t-he -,ens*ti-v-it-Y- in detenn-inin- c~n~borr, in uro-niuM szlci thorivn is 1.3 10- g. T~vo :Ci,7,-,.res, four biblio,:-~,,.raphic :vc-feroncef]:. 30 Nuclear Science and Technology USSR UPC 620-197-5-539-17 A. P., MRIKOVI 0. H., ZI~MSKIYI V. F., and V. S. "Using the Nuclear Reaction O~8 (p, g)jq15 to Study 0,,ddation of Metals" Moscow, Atomnaya Energiya, Vol 30, No 5., YhY 71, PP 456-458 Abstract- In recent times data on nuclear reactions have been employed to study the processes taking place in the surface layers.during, oxidation of metals and alloys. Registering the reaction products of the =terial irrad-t- ated by charged particles makes it possible to deterrdw the wEount of the test elemeat uithout ruining the vample and at the nawAime localizing it by depth. One of the methods suggested in this article involves registering and analyzing the energy spectrum of alpha-partiftl from tlv~ reac 016 (P,()()',,"5 by bombarding a sample containing the isotope ~3 with kbeam,of monoen~rgetic protons. Me excitation function of the reaction 018(p, 0()1115 was measured experimentally in the range of proton energies of 500-730 keV, Ueing the pro- cedures discussed in the article, the authors find the d1striblation profile of oxygen in oxidized samples of zirconium. They also examime the possibility of making similar investiptions using the narrow resonance of the reaction 1/2 Jr USSR SKMMI N. A., et al.,, Atornaya Fnergiya., Vol 30, No 5, vay 71, pp 456-458 o18 (p, OC)Nl5 vhen 629 keV. They also mention the possibility of using this resonance to study the thick surface layers of metals. All the investiga- tions are supported by illustrations in.the.form of graphs. The methods employed made it -possible to invest~lgmte the interaction of oxygen with various solids, especially with the majority of~metals and alloys used in the design of reactors. This article contains 4 figures, 2 equations, and a bibliography of 5 titles. ~03 5 UNCLAS S I f: ~t,- C DATE--131l,,)V70 T ITLE--6ETEVMlNAT ION OF THE JXY,,.';E!4 CONTFN-1 PURE. BERYLt itfM BY PR'_~TON ACTIVATICN -U- ._.~_:,.ALThOR-(04)-ZADVQRNYY, A.S.* GORENKOt A.F., SKAKUN?, N.A.v KLYUCHAREVf A-P. --]_r,,-ccUNT~Y OF INFC-USSR ~~_-4,-,S0URCE-ZH. ANAL. KHIM. 1970, 25(2), 346-50 DATE PUBLISHED _,,~,SUBJECT AREAS--NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNOtOGY: CHEMISTRY TAGS-PPOTGN BOMBARDMENT* QUANTITATIVE ANALY-SU), OXYGEN, BERYLL[UM, ISOTOPE CGITROL' 14ARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS 0OCUli ENT CLA S S--UNCLA S S I F IE D _PRGXY~ REEL/FRAME--1994/1379 STEP NU---!-UR/0075/'70j'025/0i)2/0346/()350 CIRC ACCESSION NO-00115698 UNC L AS 1 f I E 0 U35 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--13NOV70 CIRC AtCESSIC.14 NO--AP0115698 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(Ul GP-0- AGSTRACT. JqE REIACTIGN P.R[,'-(EI8 O(PtNIPRIME18 F WAS USED WITH PROTONS OBTAINED FR3M A LUNEAR ACCELERATOR AND HAVING AN ENERGY OF 9.5 MEV. THE IRRADIATED SAMPLES OF IN[~(JSTMAL BE AND PRUIFIED BE, IN AN AR ATM. WERE ANALYZED BY, GAMMA SPECTROAETRY. THE 0 CONTENT WAS CENT IN TECH. ANDIPURE, 'HE AND O.ZPER' BE# RESP. -1 ERROR IS PLUS OR MINUS.- 12PERCENT, AND THE Sr--NSITIVtTY 10 PRIME NEUJIVE,2. PERCENT. UNCLASSIFIED MUNI t t 023 UNCLASSIFIED PROCE,SSING I)ATe--04oeC7o TITLE--ON THE-POSSIBILITY OF ESTABLISHING THE STOTCHIOMrTRIC RAYIOS BY THE RADIOACTIVATION METHOD -U- -AU; THOR- (03)-Z AI)VORN I, A.S., GORENKOI A:.F.T~.SKAIKUN' ~'JN. A. OF INFO--USSR SOURCE ZH.:ANAL. KHIM.; 25: 867-9(MAY i-9701 ~DATE PUBLISHED ---- MAY 70 .SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY, MATERIALS, NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND 'TECHNOLOGY TAGS--STOICHIOMETRIC COMPOSITIONt RADIOACT[VITi, CHEMICAL CARBON, OXYGEN, SYNTHETIC MATERIAL/MLAVSAN SYNTHETIC COMPOSITION, MATERIAL OL MARKfNG--NO RESTRICTIONS N TR CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED REEL/FRAME--3008/1328 STEP NG--UR/0075/70/025/0-0~l/()fl67/0~~~'69 ~CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0138338 VINCLASS IF [ED 212 0 Z'3 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-040EC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0138338 ABSTRACTIEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A COiAPARISON WAS MADE OF THE CONTENT OF CARBON AND OXYGEN ATOMS PER UNIT OF VOLUEM OF SUBSTANCES SIMILAR IN THEIR STRUCTURE. AT T14E SAME AMOUNTOF HYDROGEN NO DEVIATION FROM STOICHIOMETRY FOR LAVSAN "(C SIJ815 H SU(3,12 n SU36) SUBN) AND ITS ANALOG MAILAR WAS OBSERVEU* AT A PROTON FLUX OF 0.02 MU A THE SENSITIVITY FOR CARBON AND OXYGEN IS RESPECTIVELY 10 PRIME INEGATIVE3 AND 10 PRIME NEGATIVE2PERCFNT (WEIGHT). THE STATISTICAL MEASUREMENT ERROR FACILITY: IS NOT HIGHER THA PLUS OR MINUS 5PERCENT PHYSICAL-TECHNICAL INST., KHARKOV. UNCLASSI r- IE -7-77-7 USSR UDC 632,357.32.014.481.1 SKAKUN, N. P., and DROGOVOZ, S. M., Chair of Pharmacology Ternopol Medical "Effect of Whole-Body X-ray Irradiation an the Synthesin of Bile Acids in Fomale Albino Rats (Chromatographic Study)" Moscow, Byulleten' Eksperimentalinoy Biologil i Meditsiny, Val 70, No 9, Sep 70, pp 40-41 Abstract: It was established experimentally that an iMlbitAon of all steps in the synthesis of bile acids in the Uver occurs during a~.-ute radiation sickness. Female albino rats we4hing 130-160 g were used. Secretion of Ule in mg/min -per 100 gbody weight was determined, as woll as the content of cholates. The form&tion of primary bile acids from cholesterol and the oonversion of desoxy- cholic acid into cholic aciduere particularly InVaired Conjugation of free bile acids into tauracholic and glycocholic. aciAs was ais 0~ imp6iod, OxPecially during the later stages of rsdiAtion sickness. In thew.sitager, the concentra- tion of cholic acid in bile risen. there is ~& dacroase of ~.j%uro*holic said, and glycocholic acid disappears completely from the bile. 24 I ~Ter'.'Code: --Wt 62~9 Acc. Nr: A10037016- PRI'emy SOURCE: Fiziologichesk*111~1?. urnal..85SR, 1970, Vol 56, sz. Nr 2, PP 173 -::.2 7 EFFECT OF BILE ACIDS RIWATION INITF,.NSITY AND CHOLATE FORMATION ,,,Skakun, N. ~rogovoz, S. M.; Bezkorovztynaya, N. M. From tho Department of Plvarinicology, ]NIedical IrLstitmte, Ternopol', Comparative studie., of blil-~ acid preparation effect (dellydroc-holic, cholic and g'y- cholic) on the biliation intensity anki cholate formatiou haNT hQ('11 euriCd out in 66 male white rats. Delipirorholic ;v,,id ha~ the most marked cholem!ic j:fl' 'xtt. natural bile acids being considerafily less activo in (his respect. The ictivity of cholie. and glycholic acids in eqtfimolerular doses is nearly similar. . Natural bile, acids arv morv active in their cholate forniation eff(Tt. Even in sciall doses Lhey favour a sharp rice in the concentration and quantily of cholatei. This is mainly due tn the effect of the twirit, cholic, uiil and in a lesser to the. gr1yeholic and (k,zo'- xycholic acids. In contrast to iiatural bile acids the deby(Irricholic one cauies a slight decrease in cholate concentration in the hile,'howev.erdue 6) tLe I'ligh. level of the chbleretic reaction there is a general increase in the ( uantity-of cholate8. Dehydrocholic acid stimu- I lates the cholate fw!mation on accoun. t of 3to synthesis and eXcretion of tauric cholic acid and to a lesser dekree of the dezoxy- and glyc-folic acids. /FRAME 19y,4952 UNCLASSI FlED ~~kOCESSING DAtE-27NOV70 TITLE--DOUBLE IRON FREE TOROlDbL BETA SPECTROMETERIFOR~T)iE INVESTIGATION OF SHORT LIVED ACTIVITIES -U- AUTHOR-(05)-RAKIVNENKOt YU.N.t ROMANIYj I.Ael KLYUCHAREVo AtPov SKAKUNt YE A YATSENKO, G.l. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR -SOURCE--UKR. FIZ. ZH* (RUSS. ED*) 1970,~ 15( 4) 5781-1~82 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS TOPIC TAG^4--BETA SPECTR04ETER, PARTICLE ACCELERATION, CESIUM ISOTOPE CONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICT.IONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ,PROXY REEL/FRAME--3008/0588 STEP NO--UR/0135/70,"C)151,904/0578/0582 tk*,~*~CESS ION NQ--AP0137673 li N C L A S S. I F I E FJ -,W,w 2/Z 012 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-27NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0137673 ~'~ABSITRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- 48STRACT. A BETA SPECTROMErER IS OKSu.ISED FOR US E IN sruoyING SHORT LIVED ACTIVITIES WHICH %RP- FORMED FROM THE INTERACTION OF ACCELERATED PARTICLES,WITH VARIOU$ TARGETS. EACH LENS OF THE SPECTROMETER CONTAINS 100 COILS PREPD. Fm~m A nor-ILED CU TUBE, THE SHAPE OF THEIR OPERATING SEGMENTS HEING DESIGNED 50 THAT 2-MEV E CAN BE FOCUSSED. THE APP. CAN MEASURE DOUBLE AND TRIPLE COINCIDENCES. THE TARGET IS CHANGED BY MEANS OF A VACUUM VALVE WITHIOUT DESTROYING THE VACUUM IN THE APP. THE APP, WAS TESTED BY USING 10-ffff PRIME137 CS SOURCES, FOR THESE SOURCES THE APRAMETERS Of THE"APP. WERE DETO. rO BE AS FOLLOWS: TRANSMISSION OF I LENS 16PERCENT OF-4.P1, RESoLN. 1.0PERCENT* FACILITY: FIZ.-TEKH. INST.v ~HARKOV, USSR. UNCLASSIFIED 028: UNCL'ASSi FIED ~:::'PkOtE~t ING 'OAT E--16 SEP70 IN EPIDEMTC~ I CAL UISINFECTION OF SOME OBJECTS -U- %ATE)CONJUNCTIVITIS ~'..AUtH.Q.R-(03)-AN0ZH5L0Vv VoO.t BELYAYEV, A,L*,~SKALA,.L.E.. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSk "-SQURCE--VESTMIK OFTAL.140LOG11, 1970, NR It PP 40-42 -b-DATE,,PU3L TSHED ------- 70 -,"SUBSECT fAkEAS-810LOGICAL AND MEnICAL SCIENCES ~TOPTC TAi-;S--;-YE 015,F"!~51E, Af)~-N~-VJIRUS, INFECTIOUS DISFAC;,.-, ~~,cc%f,ROL 7~ARKING--00 --zSTRJCTl(lNS D-OCT P4 F "-T C L 4,4~ SJ' c L5 s I F I E!, P W~ XY R L F P, AM f - - 13 f) 0 8 2 1 S T F-' P N, U R 0 3 1.) 71010 1 CIA(: Aff E-SSIO-N AP,-;04903 7 L A S11 1! 't-D) UINCL ASS IF It D PP. 0CF&S, IN G L-),qTE---1 8 SEP7'cl :~ICIRLC ACCESSION N,3--AP0049037 XTRACT--(U) GP-0-- INVESTIGATIONS LIP THE -ABSTRACT/E ABSTRACT. EXPERIMENTAL -:TYPE 8 ADENOVIRUS RESISTANCE SHCWED THAT IN A TITPE CF'lo PRIME9.5 TSD SU350.THE VIRUS WAS FULLY INACTIVATED 1-J'ITH 0.5 AND IPERCEENT PHENOL ::_.-,SQLUTIO,NS IN 50 AND 15 MINUTES RESPECTIVELY# :WHILE A 5PERCENT PHENOL SOLUTION ELIMINATED ITS INFECTUOUSNESS IN THE FIRST MINUTE. IT IS A WELL K'401WN FACT THAT INFECTED 14EDICAL INSTRUMENTS ANC DEVICES PLAY AN IRPORTANT PART IN THE KOPAGATION OF THE CAUSATIVE AGENT OF EPIDEMIC IN MEDICAL IN THIS~ CON?ir.I 'KERATOCONJUNCTIVITIS INSTITUTI-ONS. CT ON -SPECIAL CONDITIONS INVOLVING THE USE OF CHLORAMINEv PHENOLY HyDrOGEN PE-P.17 IIAV~ 3FC7, tXIJ)E P13 PGLYV!NYLvPYR:~0Lj0Ot4Ei IODINE ALCOHCL SOL TIO' 43 _,RKE.) OUT. USSR UDC 576. Z. IL'YASHENIKO, B. N., LIKEACHEVA, N. A., and SKVORTSOVA, Ye. K., L . Z All Union Institute of Disinfection and Sterilization "A Study of the Ifutagenic Action of Halide Containing Disinfertant" Moscow, Zhurnal Mikrobiologii, Epidemiologii i Immunobiologii, No 11, 1971, p 146 Abstract: Four iodine compounds and four chlorine compounds were tested on ausing 86-99% inactivation of the microbes. bacteria and phages in concentrations c The frequencies of mutation observed in E. coli were: 6xlO-6 by iodopiron, WO-6 by iodonate, U10-6 by iodolan, and 6x1076 by an aqueow; iodine sol.11t[on. Chlorine compounds yielded similar results on E. coli: 1.lxlej-7 mutations were observed after application of chlorsuccinamide,.5xlo-6 after KDKhTsK, 3.lxlo-6 after sulfochlorantine, and 3.4xlo-6 after chloramine. The frequency with which the bacteriophages reverted to wild type ranged.from 5xlO-6to 7xlO-tl. Since 1. - to the frequency of spontaneous mutations in E. coli K12 (reversion from thr thr+) is 7.6xlo-6, it is concluded that,the strongly inactivating iodine and chlorine compounds exert no mutagenic effect on, the bacteria and bacteriophages investigated. USSR uDc 632.954. SyA=1(AYA. L. I. Kirovograd Experimental Station "Tesidual rffect of Herbicides on the Weediness of Plantings,.Hazvest and quality of Grain of Winter Wheat!' Moscow, Khlmiya v Sel'skom Khozyaystve# Vol 10, 110 9(107-). 1972, PP 53-55 Abstracti The exDeriment was conducted to determine if the horbicides used to Aestroy weeds in mixed corn and soy beariplatings Inhibited the growth of the subsequ6nt crop in the rotation$ winter 'wheat. After studying the effects of herbicides, including prometryn and linuron,:on thlo hax-vest of silage from corn and soy beans, the heavy loam soil wasplanteti with winter wbeat type Bezostaya 1, 5 million seed gralns,per hectare, Early in the spring the crop was treated with anvaonium nitrate p at a rate of I centner per bectare, By winter tire thero were no monocotyledonous wiL-ads on the plantingsl the most bicotyledonous weeds were on tho control plantings. By harvest time monocotyledonous weeds predominatedp while the qmantity of dicotyledonous weeds on the plantings tromted. with prometryn u,nd linuron was half that on the control platings. Analysis of the grairifor vitreousnese elasticity and other qualities Indicated1hat residue from the herbicides had practical effect on the winter wheat. Yield was also not adversely effected, 1/1 33 :-XSSR WO 546.261 RpMR9 V. S.0 NIXITIN, V. P.j and SDIMSKAYA, N. A. State Instit-u-te of AVVIled Cheaistry, Mectrical Properties of Ron-Stoichionstric Titanium Carbide" MY, Forashkovaya Metallurgiya, No 6, Aug ?3, pp 34-37 Abstract a Electrical conductivity# Hall effect* and thermal oxf of titaniun carbide in the region of tis homogeneity-at low texperaturesmere studied. Saxples were produced by direct synthesis of powder titanium with a purity of 99.-% which contained (in %)1 0-068 No 0-055 0, 0-065 Sit 0.18 Fe. 0, 11 Nit and Oe55 Cat ai)d acetylene carbon black with a purity of 99-995%, a vacuum of 10-5-10-0 ma Hg at 18000C, Samples for study were made by extrusion of the synthesized powders undor a preaBure of about two tons/am amd sintering in a vacuum of 10"5 ma Hg, -atIZ2000C. It iias found that the titaniux carbide samples with the composition TIC -TiO have a o.91 :0.46 xotallic conductivity of the n-tM with a str.on$,degeneratidn of current an-riers., With increased concentration of carbon vacancies~,:a decrease of the MU Coefficient and therval omf coz be observed which cktanges cign at tM lower boundary of the TiCX region of honogoneity. The electrical Maistance of -TiCX Is slightly decreased with an increase In. the nunber of IIWSR XMSMR, V. S. et al., Foroshkovaya HatallurgiYat No 8# Aug 73, PP 54-57 carbon vacancies which was associated with the increased concentration. The H&U coefficient increases slightly with temperatureo and electrical resis- tance and thermal emf grow linearly in absolute magnitude as the theory of metals requires, An axes-ption to thin exists for compositions close- to the boun&u7 of the region of homogeneity for which thermal: eaf changes sign with texperature and deviates sonewhat from the linear temperature rela- tionship. The - change in sign for the ~ thermal oaf in Tic with composition and texperature is explained by assuming a shift In the conductivity strip ta the side of the smallest energies relative to the Feimi level for a -Urge Increase in the concentration of carbon vacancies. Thive figures# tableg -eleven bibliographic references, N 0 2/2 29 $'Estimate of the Accuracy of Frequency Methods,(Linear and Logarith- mic) Used in the Selection of Equipment for ACS" inform. Metody -. Sistemakh Upr. Izmereniy i Kontrolya. T. I (Infor- mation Methods in Systems for the Control of Measurments and Testing, Volume I -- Collection of Works], Vladivostok ' 1972, pp 488-498 (Trans- lated from R6ferativnyy Zhurnal Kibernetika', No 9, 1973, Abstract No .9V258) Translation: In calculating distribution function W(t) of time of wait- ing for a call for the beginning of servicing in a single-line queueing system, frequency methods are used. It is calculate inte- grals such as 00 x argK (ix) X, dx, replacing the function argK(jx) with a piecewise-linear function. The accuracy with which the function argK(jx) must be apI)roximated in order for the error in calculation of the integral to be within a fixed limit is determined. It. LlInser Veterinary'Mediciine USSR UDC 61.9:576.858.4 JZYUMOV, V. L., and MISH~HA.Nlll, V. A., SIMDj1OVA, E. G., L All Union Scientific Research Foot-and-Mouth Disease Institute "Ontogenesis of Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus (An Electron Microscope Study)" Moscow, Veterinariya, No 9, 1971, pp 28-31 Abstract: The development of foot-and-mouth disease (PI[D) virus in the epi- dermal layer of guinea pigs' paws was studied.~ A suspension of type A22 virus adapted to these animals, in a dilution of 1:10 and a dose of 0.2 ml, was in- jected into the plantar surface of the paws, and material for study was ex tracted 6, 12, 17, 20, 24, 48, and 72 hours after infection. Fxtracts were fixed in a 1% solution of buffered glutaraldehyde,'and then fixed in a 1% solution of osmic acid buffered with veronai acetate. The samples were washed with the original buffer, dehydrated in acetonel a-ad polym-erimed at 60'C in 24-48 hr. Slices obtained on an ultramicrotome were contrasted with a satu- rated solution of uranyl acetate and lead salts by the Reinolds method and examined under an electron microscope. Guinea pig epidermis was treated and in the same manner infected with the sm - virus.. A strain inactivated by heating was used as the control. The investigations established that formation 1/2 USSR SIMONOVA, E. C., et al., Veterinariya, No 9, 1971, pp 28-31 of the focus of infection begins on the 12th day after injection of virus in the cisternae of the endoplasmic reticulum in the horny layer of epidermis. La.the.course of its development, the virus destroys the membranes of the endoplasmatir- reticulum, gradually extending the area of the infection. Electron microscope study of the ultrathin sections of the epidermis re- lveale4.the presence of full and empty particles of FIO virus 20-24 hours ''after infection. 212 -s 04TE-0 2nC T7 10 Pq -s I %, r, 112 028 UNCLASSIFIED ou ',:-T,ITLE--CiN THE ANTIPHAGE SUBSTANCE ISOLATED FROM ACTI-140AYCES GLOBISPaRUS HOR-1(04)-KURAl`-'4jj 14.9 KUIMUVA, T.F,, S Zur" -4*Gov KRASILNIKOV, N.A., AWN _NTRY 0F.,INf0--USSR 1970, VOL 39, NR 1, PP 120-124 _6A-TE: PUllLll SHED-----70 UBJ.ECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES ~_'jpPIC:..jAGS-PHAGE, ACTINOMYCES, ION EXCHANGEt CHROMATOGRAPHY, ANTIOXIDANT "."'i-ADOITIVE1, PROTEIN, DNAt RNA I't ON TROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS .00CUMENT CLASIS-UNCLASSIFIED 'PROXY REELIFRAME-1990/1441 STEP NO--UR/0220/70/0314/00110120/0124 CIRC- ACCESSION NO-AP0109501 -:i~~_UINC L _"~-S_S I F LE-':D--- -2./2 OZ8 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING OATE--020CT70 ClRC,ACCFS,SION NU--AP0109501 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. FURTHER PURIFICATION 44S CARRIED THE RAW PREPARATION WITH ANTIPHAGE ~ACTIVITY ISOLATED FRO-'4 THE CULTURAL BROTH OF ACTINOMYCES GLOBISPORUS 81 VAR. A. THE PROCEDURE CONSISTED IN A STEPWISE FRACTIONATION WITH,AMMONIUM SULPHATE AND [ON EXCHANGE COLUMN CHROMATOGRAPHY ON DEAE-SEPHADEX A-50 WITH THE FOLLOWING RECYCLING CHROMATOGRAPHY ACCORDING TO OUR SHEME. ALL STAGES OF PURIFICATION WERE CARRIED OUT AT 4-6DEGREES WITH AN ADDITION OF 0.0002 ,:---',B-,~BETK-MERC-APTOETHANOL INTO BUFFER SOLUTIONS AND $EPHAPEX C3LU4NS AS A STABILIZER..0ft ANTIOXIDANT. . T14E HIGHLY ACTIVE ANTIPHAGE SUBSTANCEY FROM THIS. STRAIN, WAS SFIOWN TO BE, ;~OF PROTEIN: NATURE WITH SPECIFICALUY NEUTRALIZED WITH DNA PREPARATIONS OF VARIOUS BASE Pb S fT LO NBUT NOT WITH RNAo. Ullv~ L USSR UDC 621.355.8+621.762 UBO F., Novocherkassk YEREYSILkYA, G. P., DUNAYEVA, T. I., and SKALOZ Polytechnic Institute "Preparation and Study of Silver Powder with a Zirconium Additive, for Use as Material for the Positive Electrode of a Chemical Source of Electricity" Leningrad, Zhurnal Prikladnoy Khimii, Vol XLIV, No 6, Jun 1971, pp 1272-1276 Abstract: The electrochemical properties and the utilization factor Ku, of the positive electrode of a primary chemical current source, depend not so much upon the choice of material (silver oxide, silver chloride,~powdered silver) as upon structural features of the initial active mass, such as porosity, particle size, specific surface, and the lil~e. The effect of various amounts of zirconium oxide additive on performance (Ku), discharge density, and other factors, was studied. It was concluded that 0.6% zir- conium.additive in silver powder alters the properties of the latter, in- creasing the actual surface of the electrodet as wellas i" capacity when used in primary devices. It also tends to stabilize the structure of the electrode during cycling. NMI I lilt 027 UNCLASSIFIEO PROCESSING OATE--27NOV70 T:ITL&-,-M ECHAN ISM OF THE ELECTRODEPOSITION OF 'A SILVER TUINIGSTE114 ALLOY FROM -Arl ~~APAON I UM SULFATE ELECTR3LYTE -U- -,ALFTIHOR-(OZ i-KUI)RYAVTS EVA, I.D., SKALOZUBQV.t Mq-F* -GUN RY.OF INFO--USSR :~OURCE-"ZASHCH. METAL. 1970t 6(1)1 64-7 D AT EPUBL IS14ED ------- 70 ~S.UBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRYt MATERIALS :TOPM TAGS--ELECTRODFPCISITIO,'4# SILVER ALLOY, TUNGS'1-011 ALLOY9 AOSURPTIOiNt _.'.~-ELECTROLYTE, AMMONIUM SULFATE CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED P.AOXY REEL/FRAME--3001/2097 STEP PIO--UR/0365/70/00~;/OOIIC)004/0067 NQ-APO;~?7470 22 OZ7 UNCLASSI FIEO PROCESSING OATE--27M"JV70 --CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0127470 GP-0- ABSTRACT. IN THE ELECTRODEPOSITION (IF THE ALLOY, THE CURRENT EFFICIENCY FXC'-.F-I)S I00PEkCENT IF 11-HE ASsUmPTION IS MADE THAT ONLY AG IS DEPOSITED. T.1-1 I SEXCES-S V4CPEASES WITH At! INCREASE IN W. FURTHERmnRE, THE MICROHAROIJESS OF THE DEPOS[T t!"CREASES ilTH THE WCONTENT AND REACHES A MAX. AT SIMiLAR TO 0.8 WT, PERCENT W. AT A CONST, CO.MCN* OF AG THERE IS A SFMILOGARITHMIC RELATION BE11WEE-i"I THE W CONTENT IN THE ELECTROLYTE AND lili THE ALLOY. ALSO, !l"I THE PRESENCE F "i THE POLARILATIONA ARE HIGHER BY 40-300 mv THAN IN THE 'ELECTROOE"OSITIwi OF AG ALONE. INCLUSION OF W 1.4-1 THE (,ATHOD,FC DEPO~IT IS P051SIBLE BY SEVERAL ROUTES, ONE OF THESE IN THE REDN.~OF WO SU84 PRIME-2NEGATIVE ON JHE CATHODE WHICH IMOST LIKELY PROCEEDS ACCOR01i"IG TO: . IWO SUBI) PR[ME2NEGATIVE PLUS 4H SJB2 0 PLUS 6E YIELDS W PLUS aOl-i PRIME ANOTHER 'WAY IS THE POSS16LF DIRECT ADSORPTION OF WO SU34 PRIME2-NEGATIVE Boll THE SURFACE OF AG. RESULTS OF CHEM. ANAL. FAVOR TH';: P04MBILITY OF THE- REACTION WO SUB4 PRIMEMEGATIVE:PLUS 8AG PRIME POSIITIV~~ PLUS 6E ~---YfELGS 2 PLUS 4AG, SU82 0. FACILITY1 NOVOCHERKASSK4 POLITEKHM. lNST.v NOVOCHERKASSKi USSR. I iqr I rl'.:II i~ I- VD0 632.95 USSR ME la MY I.I. N. AOIREYEVA, YE. I. PRONCH MMO, T. S. I, SHORATOVA, G. N. t KURGANOVA, L. B. YU=VA, A.. G. , OV4 V. 1. anv_ HVIIKOVA, R. G. "Conce--ming Liquid Organomercury Seed Disinfectants" -y rast. (Oh!,mical. Agents for Plitn' Frotectkor V sb. Khim. sredstva v..tLshchilt m Collection 01 Orks)# VYP 1, Moccow, 1970o PP 150-155 (Fran, X'h-FhiRiYa, No 11 Jun ?29 Abstx-act No IiH427) m the rcsults of hothou:m ancl wnall-plot fiold. tauts of Trapslationt Pro, L. non-Soviet and experiment~-_l Soviet samples of liquid orez- rior4,wrcuy_-y ftrScidf-s, aa well. as with considemtion to non-Soviet re;2ilarch and practical itse in Such fungicidus, the authors conclude that- liquid px-r-axationo dr-~;iwrve attelition. ILS Promising foms for uso as seed disinfootmtti in Boviot aji;x-jevjtjjre. USSR UIr. 632-95 q P ANDREYEVA, YE. I., IIEVIIIKOV, N. N., PRO,'TCI-L,,IrXO, T. a., S1 I G XATVEYEVAI. U. 11. ~ MISHMER, M. R. BSZUGLYY,i S. I'M N.~IIIATI -V -L 11 Thenothiumm Seed DisWectant" V sb. Xhim. Sredstva, zashcbity rast. (Chemical Agents for P14int Protection collection of works), vvp 1, Hoscowp 1970, PP 135-145 (FZh-IQIj-'TIiyA!, 11, Jun 720 Abstract No 1111429) ~Translationt The combination disinfectant phenothluram (40% to-trimicthyl- -thiumm disulfide, 10,'j copper trichloraphonoxide, and 2-CG -(-bexachlorocyclo- hexane; heptachlor or some otizur orgarachlorino insectiolde iiialy balsubst-Ituted for the 1-,I;t componeint) has 'LvFjn tasted and Is 2:iDco=fjrded ftx tre.,i.tlng cotton seeds (10-12 kg/ton) and the seerI5 of legur.,za gxaln cropii (3-4 Phenothiuram may, alzo be uned to tzoat seed corn# trea crop:abc~tdaf and the planting matorial for flowera, shruba and trees.1 Phonothlurwa i.3 norteratoly toxic and is recomm-nied as a sub.-,UIut* fQr ort-,anomorcury dAitiltifeotants. WIN] ;W01 I I MIMITIDIVI" "13 M121 F1 M V11141 q;NjwA1a1M CIE USSR un 632-95 yd='Ne, N. K., AOREYEVA, YE. I., MEWYMOVi It. NO I PROXCHOMO, T. S., SHUMEMOVA, G. N. , YURKOVA G 0%CIRL qtill' It 1API4 -a HOVI KOTAR G. and C)BUKHOIA,V I "Phenylmercury and Hexylzorcury" -r -,nts for PRint, Protection, -- Vsb. Mim. sredstva zashchity =st. (M. dcal4c, collection of Works), vup 1, Loscow 1970, PP 14-,5-150 (f=n nh--Khimiya, Vo 11, Jun 72, Abstract No IIN426) Translationi Seed disinfectant dusts, hexylneirc-iirT (1r, 18-22-Q hexachlorobonrene, wid up to 20;." '~ -hexachdorocyclohavaiie) 4Lnd phei-kyl--tarcury (1% EtHgC1 and 18-22% hexac' inloroben zone). -- area of ficially 8ui- orloof in the Soviet Union for use aeainat the same plant disear-ea Pus those: coatrolled by granosan. About half the EtHgC1 expended when grauasan Is uzod is expanded when 'phany1marcury and hexylmercury are used. ;Phenylrzercury ~-an bu used, against fusarium milt and helminthosporiusis, The new diainfqlatantn sholl pr0aise as agents for controlling dimrf wheat infections and utheat hernel smut. The most promising signal dyes for the dioinfocted gmin az j o -n th dLrrire CMathylene blue, acid Uue-blaclk and- direct red 2C. USSR LW er2l., uY.I. a" _14" 1~'& "Effect C' fTechnolopicul FuctorB In The Prodoction Cf Metulcert~mic Units C'n The Formution Of Small Leake In Them Slektron. tekhnika. Nauchnc-tekhn. ob. Elektron. SVah (Elect-ron-Ac Technology. Scientific-Technical Collection. 11,'-crowave Elec. tro a). 1970, No 8, 55- 1C 1 (from R7h--Elektronika i y9ya primeneniye, No 12, Decembor 1970, Abstract 'i'llo 12A110) Translations The paper considers the effect of manuficturinkr :uethode on tihe formation 3f small leaks in metalcerimic units produced by solderinF metj~ods with the aid of active metals, thermocompreveion weldine, Lind eolderini, oP metullized cfjr~.-rrica by 'hard solders. The investigations show thut with ocaegatrons tind ion-corption pumps it is possible by an increase of the partial pressure of argon in the storage process to fix arzall leaks in syetems with metalceramic units. Metblce~-txic inits produced with the use of titanium have different rates of le8kare as a function of the solder- ing temnerature. with the use of PSP72 solder, the soldering temperature :must be 850,8800 0, and the exposure time F/, min. Departure from the optimum soldering temperature and exposure time leads to the appearance of sM811:holeB in the MStfJl- ceramic units. In metalcerumic unite produced by,soldering metallized ceramico in 1/2 U.11-1!il I,;!;, D -.-SYALISYAYA, V.P., a&,,A~.,Slektron. tekhnika. Nauchno-tekho. v4. Elaktron. SVCh, 1970, No 8, vp ~5-101 advance, the expoo,,,re time muet, amount to < 2min. An increase of 'Ne time lead to an incratise of "he leakage rate of products during their storage sn~ warmupe. g - L Change of the temperature, exposure time, a-nd pressure durir weld- ing within the limits 1COO--IC500 C, 10--.110 min, and kg,'mm~, respectively;, do not affect the quality or matelcerumic units. Metalceramic unite.produced in an optimum regime of soldering or welding, with stroage during the course of a year band periodic warmups, do not have slow, leaks within the,limite~of rosponse of the method, 6 111- 7 ref. G.B. 2/2 pal BEEN== 020, UNCLASS I FIED PROCE~SING: 0ATE--02OCT70 --REGIONAL ARTERIAL PRESSURE:IN ARTERIAL OBSTRUCTION OF THE LOWER LE T -REMITIES -U---~ tiT AUTHOR-(03)-SILINSH9 I.A., S.KAROSL, URINUAv B.A. P 'UPCOUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ~..SOURCE-VESTNIK KHIRURGII IMENI 1. 1. GREKOVAj 1970p VOL 1041 NR 4, P 94~r 9 7 ISHED ------- 70 ~-~I)Att PURL ECT,AREAS--B.10LOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TUPIC.TAGS--ARTERY, BLOOD PRESSURE, 3LOOD CIRCULATION, DtAGNJSTIC METHODS DCCU,'~.EiNT CLASS--UNCLASSi FIE-1) PK9XY.R1-EL/FRAMF--198811Z45 STEP NO--Uk/0589/70/1%)4/C)04/130'34/00t]7 CIRC ACCESS1131 NO--AP0106026 UNC L ASS IF f LED DATE--02OCf7O 20 UNCL ASS IF I ED PROCE --ClRC ACCESSION NO-AP0106026 e.ABSTRACT/EXTRACF-~7-(Ul GP-0- AGSiRACT. MAXIMUM ARTERIAL PRESSURE (MAP) IN THE LEGv THAT COULD BE DETERMINED USING 4 VOLUMOMETRIC PRINCIPLE OF RECORDING*-- IS A VALUABLE-DIAGNOSTIC INDEX OF THE REGj'JNAL.4L0JD CIRCULATION, lN..ARrERfAL OBSTRUCTION (3F*-THE 'c-xtREt4IrY. MAP IN THE CuRAL ~-,'~,PORTION OF THE,-,AFFECTED EXTRE14ITY IS CONSIDERABLY REDUCEDt THE DIFFER NCE BETWEEN BRACHIAL AND CRURAL E MAPs AS A RULE, EXCEEDING 15-20 MMHG (.ON THE AVERAGE 55.1).. CRURAL MAP IN THE AFFEC.TED EXTREMITIES IS MARKEDLY AND SOMEWHAT CONTINUOUSLY REDUCED DURING THEI~.REACTIVE HYPEREMIAt W.HEftEAS 17 SHOWS GREATER INCREASE. THAN IN SOUNI) P.ERSONS IN CHANGING THE POSITION FROM HORIZONTAL.TO VERTICAL. UNCLASSIFIED !F11 9MMMER USSR uBc 619-615-92-636-22/-28 GOLOSIIITSKIY, A. K. Frofesso--r, SHCHERBAITI, N. F., Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, North Caucasus Zonal Scientific Research Veterinary Institute,- W:0GM. V. I., Chief Veterinary Physician, and FaIPOVICH, IT.:P., Director of the Veterinary Laboratory, Chertkovskiy Rayon, Rostovskaya Oblast ItOn the Toxicology of Chlorophos" MOSCOW., Veterinariya, No 4, 1973) p 102 Abstract: Studies were conducted on 26 bulls in an artificial inserdna;tion propw following intoxication with chlorophos. On that day the barn had first been disinfected A-rith 3'p~ sodlwm hydrcxide, and in the afternoon the b-als were treated with 3~p chlorophos solution. Due to falling te-nr7peraturc the barn Ii chlorophos vapors. The bulls developed was closed and soon became filled wit the following symptoms: decreased heart rate, salivation, skeletal murcle trezor, incoordination., depressed body temperature, rdspiratar( difficulties, conrulsions, and refused feed, 10 of the bulls died. Autops ies dise-losed,cyanosis o--:' the mucous membranes, congestion of liver, spleen,~ and especially of the lungs; gall bladders were enlarged in most of the anirxds, and epicardial and endocardial hemorrhages were present. On diagnosis treatment with atropine fate and intravenous glucose and caffeine was instituted, Blood Ic-irels of 1/2 55 USSR A"N V.- D. Estimate in the 'Method of Penalties for Problems of Convex Programming" Mat. Metody v Nekotor. Zadachakh Optimalln. Planir. Vyp 3 [' Niathematical Methods in Certain Problems of Optimal Planning, No 3 -- Collection of Works], Sverdlovsk, 1971, pp 19-31 (Translated from.Referativnyy Zhurnal, Kibernetika, Xo 2, 1972, Abstract No 2 V554 from the Introduction). Translation: The relationship between optimal solutions and optimal values (x) nm F 'k, 1"'), d is studied, whero M and C are convex sets of XC-.41rjC an .~C'c a certain space E, wheTe M is fixed by a system of conve- inequalities; func- tional F (x, K) selected in some-manner.(K is a vector parameter) reflects the measure of the penalty for disruption of limitations defining set M. Particular attention is g1ven to establishment of estimates relating the op- timal values of the two probleas. USSR UDC 576-658 YCALIMILk, NO., GINEVSKAYA, V. A., and AGOL, V. I., J~joscow University imeni N. V. Lornionosov and I nn t it of Po o yolitis d tute 11 an Virus Encephalitides, L13SR AcadeV. of Medical Science 2;6 S, scow "Synthesis of Virus-Specific Proteins in Cells Infected with En4~ephalo- nyocaxditis Virus" Hoscows Doklady Akademil 11auk SSSRj Vol 196, No 3, Jan 71, pp 71.1-?16 Abstracti Protein synthesis was studied in colls of ascitos carcinora Krebs-IT, infected idth encephalonyocarditis vinm. The calls uere ir-fected with C14-labled virus and tnen sifojected to electrophoresis, Comparison studies involving incubation of infect -ad and.noninfected cells Wave con- i. d %ated. Two virus-specific peptides fox-med in the IrXectaA cell, corLospond in electrophoratic. mobility to structural proteins isolated. from mature virus, No evidence of the low-molecular-weight, minor poptide entering into the conposition of the virus particle iniz. detected in an exti-act of the in- fected cells. The data fourd confirmed the IVVothcsis tWit. a high-piolecular- weight.1pepet-ide (or pepti(les) is the primary preduct of the tmnslation of MA, This high-molecular-weight peptide subsequently z;vlitfl, up into func- tionally active proteins, In later Stages of eim particlo forra-tion it iz 1/2 27 ISSR L SKARIATs L V. I et al. Doklady Akadeali Hauk S,9SR Vol 19P' s 110 3 1 Jan 71 PP 7*-716 possible that the peptides are split into even smaller fra4pents. It is -7 1/3 015 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING* l)ATE--lISF_P70 _TTTLE-USE~ OF SPACE PHOTOGRAPHS IN GEOLOGYr ]SPACE PHOTOGRAPHS IN THE SERVICE OF GEOLOGY--U- THO R-SKARYATINY AU V.D. --USSR ,COUNTRY OF iNFO "~,ioURCE--MOSCOWt PRIROOAv NO 3, 1970* PP 71-74 ,_.BATE -PUBLISHED ------- 70 :SUBJECT AREAS--E4RTH SCIENCES AND OCEANOGRAPHY, METHODS A14 EQzjl ~A-7 D P F.4T TOPIC TAGS--GEOLOGY,,SPACEBORNE EARTH PHOTOGRAPHY ONTPOL MAPKING--NO PESTRICTFONS :-or'CUMENT CLASS--U'4CLASSIFTED :PROXY lz.EFL/FRA,'-lE--lqq0/0001 STFP rjRC ACCESSION N(I--AP0109401 zzzzzzzzzzIz 015 U-NCLASSIFIED CA RC ACCESSION NO-AP0108401 PRCCESSING DATE--11SED70 -ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(,U) GP-0- ARSTRACT. PHOTOGRAPHS OF rHE EAPTH T KE, FROM SPACE VEHIC OES HAVE IMPORTANT ADVANTAGE THAT THePE IS A CONSIDERABLE GENFRALIZATIO!,l OF RELIEF. FRFE OF DETAILS, GFOLLOCISTS Cl STUDY PHENOMENA OF A PLANET4,~Y -SCALE. ANALYSIS CIF SPACE P'f0Tf)GqA:)j._js IS VERY HELPFUL IN STUDYING CRUSTAL srRUcTURE BOTH w4 THE CONTINENTS AND OVER AREAS OF SHALLOW WATER ON THE CONTINENTAL SHELF. IT IS A HIGHLY USEFUL METHOD IN DETERMINING THE NATURE OF. SEDIMENTATION IN THE OELTAS "OF MAJOR RIVFRS -AND LAKES- A'~O MAPPING SED.ImENTARY AND IGx4FOUS Ric)CKS IN INAcCE'SSIBLF RE~IONS.'. -THIS -ARTICLE CONCENTRATE'S ON THE USF. OF SPACE ~PHOTOGRAPHS FOR STUDYING PLANETARY ZONES OF FOAGIMENTATION OF THP CRUST (PLANETARY FissURING, CREATING ITS BLOCK STRUCTURE), S-,RucruREs 1,491CH HAVE BEEN CALLED LINEAMENTS* MOST OF THE NEW GEOLOGICAL riwop;wm WH.ICH HAS BFEN OBTAINED APPLIES TO THF DETI-CT10N OF EARLIER UpmNOWN MAJOR 01SLOCATIONS. TIIFS5 DISLOCAYTONS CONST11-UTE A ZONE Or 7FISSURING NnT EXPRESSED IN THE FOR4 OF A SINGLE TECTONIC FAULT BUT INSTFAD HAVING A CONSIOERARLE WIDTH, SOMETIMES MANY KILOMETERS '/!ID=-. THEY CANNOT BE DETFCTEO BY AFRIAL PHOTOGRAPHY BECAUSE AT THESE SCAL~:S FREQUENTLY' GOVEI~N THE THEY ARE DIFFUSE. THESF MAJOR DISLOCATIONS, DISTRIBUTION OF MINERAL DEPOSITS. FOR EXAMPLEt THE STUDY nF SPACc PHOTOGRAPHS BY FINNISH GEOLOGISTS LED TO THE DISCOVERY~OF r--AQLTER I UM UNKNOWN DISLOCATIONS 44D THEN THE r NDING-jF PICH OEPOS[TS OF CHRO' MANGANESE AND IRON. THERE IS A DEFINITE PATTERN UN THE OISTRIBUTUIN OF THE NETWORK OF LINEAMENTS RELATIVE TO THE EARTH'S AXIS Oc ROTATION. JZZZ U :3/3 015 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSINI-1 DATC---IIS~P70 CtRC. ACCE.SSION NO--AP0108401 ,.'ABSTRA"CT/EXT,RACT--PHOTOGRAPHS PRINTED DIRECTLY FROM FILM EXPOSED IN SP.AC.t: FAR SURPASS TELEVISION PHOTOGRAPHS IN RESOLUTION, ALTH-:)UGli THE LATTER HAVE PROVEN USEFUL IN semE CASES. IN A001TICN, THE BF~T 0HOTeGRAPHS ARE THOSE OF THE NEAR VERTI-CAL TYPE.' PARTICULARLY GOOD PHOTOGRAPHS WEQz: -,03TAINED FROM THE APOLLO AND GEMINI SHIPS. THESE PH 'OTCGRAPHS, TAKEN AT ALTITUDES OF 200 KM# ARE MUCH SUPERIOR TOJV10SE TAKEN~AT 600 KM RY METEOROLOGICAL SATELLITES. SPACE PHOTOGRAPHS' HAVE BEEN USED IN CO.NSTRUCTING MAPS OF PLANETAPY FISSURING FOR 0IFFEPSkt ;FrIoNS (IF THE 'A EXTEN01,19GY EARTH. THE ARTICLE 15 ACCrIMC)ANIED BY SUC14 A -MAP FOR THE ARE E FROM THE NILE TO THE BRAHMAPUTRA* FROM THE LOWER cnuRSr- OF THE VOLG~% T3 THE S044,1-1 PENINSULA. THE BEST DEVELOPED FISSURES HAlli! A Alij STRIKE AND ARE LIPJE4R; THEY ARE INTERPRETED FROM CHANGES IN PHQT'%,1GFZ4PHfC T!,-J*N-;:. LINEAMENTS ON THE EARTH AND M?3N HAVE COMMON CHARACTE(,',TSTICS- C-114 ~nTti N F A BODIES LI, AMENTS OF NW AND NE STRIKE PREDOMINATE' ("N"COTH. RODIFS LINEAMENTS ARE BETTER FX1311FSSF.1) IN MOUNTAINOUS REGIONS THAIll 1% L914LANDS,l .Zzzzzzzzzzzz UNCLASSIFIED P 74 M, 1h, .... ..... .1 ..... USSR "One Method of Solution of Matrix Inequalities of a Special Type" Uch. Zap. GorIkov. Un-t [Scientific Works of Gar'kiy University], 1972, No.146, pp 60-66 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Kij)ernetika, No 6, 1973, Abstract No 6VS01). Translation: This article discusses the determination of vector XOY satisfy- Ing the inequalities (I A)X > P, X > 0 and subset X. < X for any other solution X of system (1). JPRS 57333 25 October 1972 MIMELECTRONICS Excerpts from Russ Jan- language book edited by F. V~ ?41kroelakLronika No S, 1972, Sovetsjoye Radio Publish~L'_Ila AOUSC, Moscow, UDC 62 .382:621.396.6.-Irll.s. CONTE14TS Annotation ................................................ ...... obituary of Fedor Viktarovich Lukin ...............I ............... Foreword ......................................................... Abstracts ......... ...... ........... .............. LU a cuits. an inportant role is played by the choice uf a const-ant current scurce. The article analyzes the dependence of insiahility of the logic differential of the Lntegrated circuits for the cur- rent switches on chango in the destabilizinr. factors (stirr.1y voltagav temperature, and tochnclo7ical scatter in the compon- anz par-mme-cors) by using different modifications of the con- stant current source. Recommendations are given for the optimal selection of the constant current source. The article cont.ins 4 !iFu~ts, 1 table, and 5 graphic rO Ferr_nza"' UDC D:Lstr~bution Lf. be-ormations in %he Surface Re- pion o" Thermally O_tldlzed Cillcon. Valiyov, K,A 11 razlov. B ~r~kln._A A., Malav, A.G. , and 1~1 th '-Car- liy F.V. Lu~ln, Vlo 5, p 282, Sovets%oy. House. 1972. 1 .he article %heoratticnlly analyzes the distribution or- elastic deformatiors In tho surface.region of vhtrrally oxi- dized silicon.. The authors examine the cane 7f a dense oxids, ;FLLrt an & se-ticonducter and the case of trr=~Inatian of ite, donsenesn. The va~'%i*.cbTained ag noref-icai com rceo with the th putati'an. The amthors discuss the.results of experinents the localization of the deformations in the our- face layer of silicon at the sites of termination of densenens of the oxide. They show the influence of thermoelautic deferz- ations on the chemical 4%c-.LvLty and..volt-Faraday characteris- ties of the MD? atructures. The articla contains 3 fieures and 11 bibliographic ro!ar*nc*o. UPC i2l.363.42t546.48.22/23 Investigation of the Lonfitudinal Operating Mode of CdS-CdSe Film Fhot ores Is Krolevots, K.H., '-o- mashko V-A, a n i No 5, p 206, Sove-skoye tro Kadio Publishing house. 1972. The article describes a manufacturing method and the paranistars of the CdS-CdSe photoresistors. operating in a longitudinal mode. The authors, men-tion their high specific sensitivity (0.5-1 A/V-Lu) and the weak dependence of the .14- Par~AT*ters an temperature of ti,,, ,urrounding atmosphere. Th-, gIve a comparison of the pAranoxer,a of the duV_ ing operation in lonRitudinal n4 icrannvers*0 moda_ The article contains 11 figures ^n,'. 6 bibliorraphic refersnces. UDC t,21.383.)II + 6211.396.6-161.UI6 Analyti.s of Several Characteristics of the Operation of a Resonance High-rre,,uency Amplifier Made Accordiny to a Circuit S;ith a Common Emitter. Aksanov, A.I.. XorobeM!kov,_F_Y_, '~~h,tr u r'= a n d r - -Z . %- --,' I i-Co ~ I I a c t 1 o n .4 1 'k r' - . d~tc Id by r . v . L n , N a 5 3 10 , 5 c, I.' a z e ., 0 Y a %, t-Nr r ,4 1, i a h 'i, n g k i o u * e 1972. The article citoo an of thr a=apatip-t, of a resonance amplifier, areratinr in a linoe, -site authors that with a ccnftant time ircuit or the emitter c. equal to rarav the; magnitudo of the capacitance of zha blockins condenror ir found to tt~ the least. They also established Tbat, for tolitempcrary case-free high- frequency dynara_-c capacizanter on the frequency characteris- tics of the cascade can be ignored. The article contains Z figures., 2 irablesi and 6 bib-~ liographic references. IN, D - 11,734 CSOs 0702173-S USSR UDC 911-3:616.gBi.455(470-5) KONDRASMCIN, G. A., Z=.J.".4w KALYAZINA, 1. M., IMYDRASMNA, K. I., FUGACEEVp Yu. At, TEMASHEV) M# P*, UMMOV, A. D., GRIGHIN, A. V., PROSM, V. G., and EREMEMCO, A. T. nfiatural Focal Activity of Tularemia in the Valley of the Central and Lover Ural Riverl V ob. Probl. osobo orasn. infektsiy (Problems of Especially Dangerous Infections collection of Works), Baxatoy;, No 4(14), 1970, PP 72-93 (f7 M-Yeditsinskaya GeoErafin, No 3, 71, Abstract 110 3-36.125) by B. Dobrokhotov Translation: A detailed analysis of zonal differences in the 4otructure of teWrary fauna coMplexes of MW=ls and their associated parasitocenoseo in the valley of the Ural River is presented. The characteristic boreal forms in the northem-latitude areas of the river are gradually changed to deserT. forms toward the South. The relationship of subsequent changes of t1lese com- plexes from the north to the south v1th the epidemiological an(I epizootiolog- ical parameters of each zonal section of the natural focut; of tularemia are emphasized. Development of natural foci of tularemia in the mntral and lover valley of the Ural River is related to characteristics of,the fluctuation In 1/2- USSR KONDRASHKIN, G. A., et al., M-Yeditainskaya Geograftya, No 3, Var 71, Abstract No 3-36.225. the level of the Caspian Sea. Tables of the changes to species composition and population of mammals, Ixodes, Gamasidae, and fleas, distributed over the various regions of the Ural floodplain (northern and southern part of the valley of the central Urals, Mapayevsk, YAln*,, and Yhk~ambets flood plain of the lower Ural River) am given.. 2/2 33 USSR UDC 517.94 SKATETSKIY V. !'On a Certain Reducible Sys tem" Vesta. Belorussk. un-ta (Herald of the BelorussianUniversity), 1969, Seriya (Seriesj 1. No 3, pp 3-5 (from R?.h-Matematik No 4,'Apr 70,~Abstr6ct No 4B297, Author's Abstract) Translation: Necessary and sufficient conditions were obtained for a system of -linear homogeneous equations X, X(U + U 2 2)' where U and U are constant quadratic matrices'. of arbitrary order and and calar Lnctions, whereby it has at least;one nonzero 3,olution in a finite 3special form. Semiconductors and Trapsistors 621.396,~69:621.319.4088.8~ USSR UDC: SKATKOV, 1. B. "An Oxide-Semi conductor Ca-oacitorl' USSR Author's Certificate No 270074, filed 15 Jul 68, published 13 Aug 70 (from RM-Radiotekhnika, No 1, Jan 71, Abstract No lV297 P) Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces an oxide-5emiconductor capacitor of the feed-tbrough type vhich contains a current-conducting WIre of diode m~,tall vhieh acts as the anode of the ca-oacitor and is covered with a dielectric such as an oxide film. As a distin ishing feature of the gul patent, the effectiveness of interference increased.and the frequency ranize is extended by Ts-king the current-carrying irire in the form of a heUx with a shielding washer which is also made of dJ.9de metal placed at one end of the helix. gm, Igr 411". ~1-4044 USSR UDC 632-95 BABIN, Ye. P.J, SKAVRISKIYA Ya. P., ANDRUKHOV, ff. A..F SEELOVA, L. IV. VIVOSBERK01 N. A., and MMVSKIY, V. P. ."Chlorination of Diphenyl Ether and Its Derivatives" Min. tekhnologiya. Nauch.-proizv. sb. (Chemical Technology. Science- Production Collection), NO 3 (69), 1973~ pp 48-49 (from m-Khimiya, No 22, 25 Noy 73., AbBtract No 22N571 by D. Z. Loevin)~ Translation: Sulfides of metals with variable valence or mixtures of Sb and 2S5 a:i e Ph, 12 are used as a catalyBt to chlorin&te, Ph2O and (Mec6r'1020'~ Ex "P1 0 and 0.3% Sb,2S5 are loaded into a reactor and C:~ is supplied at 70-80; for'l~ hours at the irate of 30 9/hour. TatrachlorodipRanyloxyide is obtttined, boiling Point 155-7)/5- Heptachlorodi-Dhenyloxide, FeS, 1"11-3 are obtained in a similar fashion (the substance, catalyst, and boiling point in OC are given); octachloro-4, 41 -ditolyl ether, reS., 192 -4 (ethyl alcohol); w ) w) %..; pj, w I -hexachloro - ditolyloxide, FC1 5., - ; W., V:jf W., WI. W',,,,,Jl-hexachloro-2,2'-dichl-oroditolyI ether, Sb2S51 300 (decomposition); t-~ichlom-4,41-dicarbcxydirwhenyloxid~~~ - 1 259-61; pent.~-,chloro-4,4'-dicarboxriiplier.yl.oxiO~e, D, + IL)130)41 1W-3; octacliloro-4, 41-clicarboxydiphenyloyide, H, 268t70- ':These chlor "Soq + 12, o derivatives are Lwed as synergistic additives in herbicides, insecticides, and nemtocides. Ux 632.95' S N --"VIi-5K1Y#. YA. P., BABIN, YE. F., SEIZI~YE'V, U. V., and 211.01AYE .1Y, '11 thod of Preparing Acid C' lorides of Chlorinated Benzoic Acids" USSi~ Authors' Certificate Do 255250, filed 21 Sep 68, publishcd 11 o I 70 (Drom RZh-iiihimiya, i~o 20 (U), 25 Oct 70, Abstract No 20 1%613i' bY T- As BELYAYEVA) 0 Translation. 43-5 9 PhCCC1 are chlorinated at a temperati).re of 11~'-l 15 in C1, gas (30 g/hr) f or 3 hr in the jxresance of 0.1-10;'2 F65 as c~qtalyst. A mixture is obtained containing eight acid c1dorides of d:i-, tri- and tatrachlorobanzolo acids, which are used in the prodkiction of horbicides. USSR UDC 575.111:575.24:576.851.48 KONDRAT'YEV, Yu. S. and ONSKAYA A. G. Institute of Epideniology and Microbiology imeni N. F Camale 111fedical Sciences USSR, Moscow "The Effect of 5-Bromouracil on the Sensitivity of Hcr+ an4 Hcr- Bacteria to the Lethal and Mutagenic Effect of.Ultraviolet Light" Moscow, Genetika, No 9, 1971, pp 149-154 Abstract: The incorporation of 5-bromouracil into the DNA of Escherichia coli KMBL 49,and its derivative Hcr mutant E. coli nfBL 100 dar5, bacterial strains with equal thymine requirement, increased their sensitivity to lethal ultraviolet irradiation to the same extent. This suggests that the action of the thymine analog is not associated with the inhibition of dark repair, at least the first stage, which is defective in Her mutants. 5- Bromouracil intensified the mutagenic effect~of,UV irradiation on both direct mutations and reversions. As in the case of the lethal effect, the sensitizing effect of 5-bromouracil on the mutagenic effect of UIT'irradiation was independent of the Hcr phenotype. 4 USSR UDC .575-24/3?-21576/852. LMODED, Lo YA., and SKAVRQ~Nq G., Institute oz' Epidemiology and RicrobioloMr imeni hfl~.Gama~leya USSR Academy Medical Sciences, Mosrow "Hutagenesis Induced in Escherichia Coli WP, by Continuous,and Fractionated Irradiation With Ultraviolet Light" Moscow, Genetika, Vol ?9 1-10 51 19711 PP 138-141 Abstracti The frequency of UV-induced mutations in the tryptophan locus of Escherichia coli was studied on 1-night-old broth cultunm- of strain WP 2 The number of mutations induced by fractionated Irradiation itith ttlt=~iolet light is considerably smaller than that induce& by continuoiis irraxUation of the same dose. However, fractionated and continuous irradlation, which Produce the same percent of destruc-tion of Itacteria, also produce the same mutaGenic effect. Under corAitions which px-event DNA synthesisp eycit);I.on repair is accompanied by a smiall ntuiber of errom or no exrorst leadint, 3 to the fornation -induced prototrophic revertants. of UV 1A UDC 575-1113576.851.5 SWRO13KAYA, A. G., and KIRYUSHRIl-A, A. A., Institute of 11,11-pideniolo.-- and e 11. F. Gamaleya, Academy of Eedical Sciences WSR, Noscow "Repair of UV-Damaged DITA by Conpetent and Non-Competent Cells of Bacillus subtilis" Moscow, Genotika# Vol 7, No 7# Jul 71P-pp 102.108 Abstract: The activity of the system of dark restoration (HCR systezi) in cells that were in a competent state with respect to trans-fo=ation was studied in experinents with Bac. subtilis. A competeMu poi)ulation of -8ac. subrtilis cells iras obtained according to C. Anagnostopoulos and J. Spizizen (J. Bacteriol., 81, 741, 1961). TransforrUng DLA was obtained fron a daek culture of the prototroph Bac. subtilis strain 16" 14 ieceived from Samenhoff (USA), Extraction of DIV'A was carried out by the Sanenboff method. The re- pair capacity of the cells was not lowered by the state of competency. D1"A that entered competent calls showed an increasod UV son3itivity du:cing -",-he fkcstl 1-3 r1n. This was not due to a loss of repalr capacity b~y the reCeDient, but to the non-repairable (presumably single-strz;md) state of thil trunsform'" ing D11A. The mayAnum level of resistance of.transfornant*~to the action of UV rays was reached after 30 min of contact with the transforming DliA. how- 1/2 USSR SKAVRONSKAYA, A. G., et al., Genetika, Vol 7, No 7, Jul 71, PP 102-IOU ever, even at this stage transforr-ants were more sensitive to rI light than the general population of competent, recepients. The greater sensitivity of transformants tras due to 1) inactivation of transformed cellst 2) inactivation of fragments of transforming DhA before their integration kith the Eenome of therecepient; 3) excision during dark. restoration of sections of bacterial chromosomes that contained integrated fragments of the donor MA. 2/2 - 25 Gerietias USSR UDC 575;24 K0,11DRATtYEV, Yu. S. and SKAVRONSKAYA, A. G., Institute of Epidemiology and - I---- Microbiology imeni N. F. Gam-al: emy of Medical Sciences USSR a cid "The Effect of 5-Bromouracil Susstitution on the Ultraviolet Sensitivity of Escherichia coli Strains With Normal and Decreased Oapacity for Dark Repair" Mo scow, Genetika, No 4, 1971, PP IZ3-128 Abstract: The effect of 5-brozouracil (5-BU) on the sensiLivity of micro- organisms to ultraviolet light was studied in the E. coli strains B/r Her-,- thy try and B1r Her thy try. The incorporation of 5-BU inLo DIII ard thymine starvation was found to incroase the senzitivJty of both strains to UV light. The effect was independent of the activity of the hcr gene. Thu her strain was much more depends-it on thymine. Gro,,m on a medium without thymine or a low concentration of the substance, the cells eventually died. The dearee of sensitivity to the lethal action of UV light was also a function of the dilr- ference in the thymime requirements of the two strains. Addition of 5- bromodesoxyuridine to the =edli= did not influence bacterial grwith, but it tanded to diminish the inhibitory effect of'thymine depri.~ration. 1/1 :77T7, 7-7-7,71 USSR UN 575.zlf SaVWN and, &MRNOV, G. B., institute o' f Epidemiolvgy and Hicrobio-Logy Academy of Medical Sciences~ Wsi, Hoscow B by IlFhenotypic Suppression of Ultraviolet Sensitivity of Eschuric~',iia c,.L Streptomycin" Moscow, Genetika, Vol 6. No 7, jul 70, PP 111-119 Abstract; Trvatment of ultravialet-irradiated Escherichia 6 .n~'Lls With :i-uu- 1?acteriostatic concentrations of decreased th--iri ViLy to Uq while inqr,)asing that or tho B/r-lika fraction or tI,_4 E. ca."J. S-Ldlar treatment dscreascA tho UY venuiLivity pf L,*. co:Li 5/r. , Tho qCf(,,Ct Of L40 a:-iLi- -Is attributed not to inlLibition of prot pyn 'iI.A)I14- %Q paijnatyplf~ biotic Dan, t ~514ppres--Lctn of the file gone. The hlgh~Vv uO43it-Wity or to result from an insufficiency of the anz~ma polynualoot-bie lifpsu.: L USSR UDC 621. SOBOL' V. 11. M'DES, N. L. , Candidates of Technical Sciences, POCREBINTYA.K, V. V. and Engineers "Strong Supercharging of the 10D.100 Engine by Gas Turbiric-ii Comp).-essor" q Leningrad, Enerzomashimostro, -nive, 'Nu 7, July 72, zp 1 -13 prescntcd of modification.~ and to a Abstract: An za, i, gas turbine COMIrressor 'E~',--34, ji-itendcid to increase its officienc%, in a forecd regime up to the valuci of pressure rise ratio 2,1. The t1moretical re- suits were subs tantiated bv tests conductc-d on modified si:---ial. TK-34 turb-o- compressors. They sho-,i that a. reduction is obtained in si-lecific effective fuel consunDtion. UNCLASSIHED t, PROCESSING cilLE-PREPARATION OF BASE CASTINGS FROM,LOW ALLOY CAST IRON AUTH0R-(05)_5XAZHENNlKj V.A.v BELYAKOV, B-P-, MIRQ,SHNIGHENKO, -..BABYACFE KO~,~.. COUNTRY OF INFO-USSR `--LITEINOE PROIZVOO. 1970, (1).- 40 SOURCE ZATE PUBL ISHED-----70 UBJECT AREAS-MATERIALS TACS--CAST IRON, TITANIUM CUNTAINJiNG.ALLOY, CUPPFR -.NICKEL CONTAINING ALLOY, CHROMIUM CONTAINING ALLOY, "CON TROL MARKIING-NO RESTRICTIONS ~:~:,-~_OOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED DATE---090CT70 -U- A.I., CaNTAINJ G ALLOY HPL/t-RAME1-1995/1381 STEP ,-C:RC ACCESSION NO--AP0116836 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 012 UINCL ASS I FfV0 PROCES$ING 0ATE-09OCT70 ~:,C.IkC ACCbSSION NU--APOLL6836 ABSTRACT/EXTRM-W) GP-0-- ABSTRACT. THE I M P P, OV EI c- 'N TUF H4RDi-,,'r:SS, STRUCTURE , AND OURABILITY Of CASTINGS FOR DENTAL EQUIPMENT WA,5 ACHIEVED THROUGH THE ADDN. OF NATURALLY ALL0YED'CR-.NI AND TI-CU CAST IRONS TO THE PRODUCTICN FOUNDPY CAST IRON. THE OPTIMAL Amrs. WE RE CP-NI 10-12 AND TI-CU CAST IRONS 7-8PERCEN.T WITH RESULTING CHEM. COMPN4i OF THE FOUNDRY CAST IRON: C 3.0-3.35, S! 1.4-1.7t iiN.O.7-0.91 CR 0.2-0.35, CU 0.2-0.35, NI 0.1-0.26. TI 0.1-0.15, P SMALLER THAN OR EQUAL TO 0.3, AND 5 SMALLER THAN Ok EQUAL TO 0.1Z WT. PERC TE SIL STRE GTH 26 KG- M PRIK. v HARDN S 187- 0 THE MICROSTRUC URE CONSISTED OF ONLY PEARLITE 4~__ ''-WITH INCLUSIONS OF GRAPHITE HAVING LENGTH OF 220 MU. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC 669.017.12 LEVI, L. I., BALAB&NKIN, V. Ye., POPOVA, N. Yu and VW" V - Ye., Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys, Scientific Rese*' 'T"rfectric'l arch Institute a Engineering "On the Problem of Improving Nickel-Calcium Alloys" Ordzhonikidze, Tsvetnaya Metallurgiya, No 1972, pp 109-111 Abstract: The deoxidation of nickel and nickel-calcium alloys by blowing the surface of the liquid bath with hydrogen and continucrusly evacuating gas from the furnace chamber was investigated on brands NP-2 and NO nickel. It was found that 8-12 1/min hydrogen blowing.for 20 min guarantees sufficiently complete deoxidation of nickel (0.003-0.001% 02), regardless of initial oxygen concentration. With puring temperatures of 1530' ~111nd bigher, the ingots showed large grains; with a temperature of 1480* equiaxial small- sized grains predominated. The typical.stiucture of the produced NIKA ain alloy is discussed by reference to its microstructure, Tliese alloys cont, than existing alloys. Trwro illustrations, nine bibliographic references. ? "T" v u Qua .4-1 Liqu c Sag lot: t Oz 1:1 -f fec 10, Cd --as bc,~.n Ct. ,a CU laver o-r tj KhN Z3, 3 U an d order LO e 70;3,1 -c-u-- ace a-ld -,jpc- into tfl;-~ D Jingo- The deDull 04 E: C Of 7 -.1 Lh L~ t xtre of: t,,,.e I a 1, -:~ --- t e. , me ne, 0" - I I , " -,!-) :.-. 1. 1 Ons u r CQnS,,,rvpt:iojj ron, co c;- slag T',- OpLIZ1,11 U- q tL f -e irect-I'l is d I -'IF MCI I I I111 p 511$ kul ]PRI""Elfil 632-95 'S UDC UL S R V. I. v OLODY-,:)',.'T- 0 H;, S. D. Y2 I. GOLYSIUN, 11. 14. F-0 y 'P LI'l, 'USL G. 1. , FF-ZCHF2N.1[0, T. S. , U34-YJ _OVI 1-1. G. 1..DT4-la Tv V. 1. ZKIEAt T. P. E, A., iud SKAO V sb. Ph'.-. s Ist*a- za-shchi- rast. (C*-%Acz%l T'lant R~_ltcctants collodicn y of worlm), vi-P 1, 11"Oscow, 1/070, pp 116-11201 (frcm Mh-nlmlya, Eo 13' 10 Jul 72, Belwy~va) Abstra 01 kV T. A. Translationt The preyeration (Brccl corml C.-rf'cll 01) (1) is beling 2 2 and. a iu*optic r rioiir-c~taa ic tiiat-_, tested or, a fu.- 4 L. C) rials. I is as effective as in thz) ccnitrul of, mol-cm f id lt. 1 in a t -to ]XIcill i* conccnt'ration of 0.6 r-rccrit ftl~ cou-'-Vallm , n ar. 0.6 Pawcont con- cent-cation. with r~-su,--ct to hib:,,xr.LLtlnr- forns of th3 cauSaltive ae,&wt of apple scab and brown spot. 1 i* act' In the control of cotton root rot raid at a col-miu-iPtion X-d-ic Of 400-100 k.-Aa-F USSR ui)c 616-45-001./.3-092.9-056.?i6-07if6i6.432+616.4f-053 -B., Endocrinology Laboratory, Institute of Hwtan Morphology, AcadeAy.of Medical Sciences USSR, Moscow "Reae,.ion of the Hypophysio-Adrenal System of Rat Fetuses to Stress" Moscow, Problemy Endokrinologil, Vol 1?, No 31 19711 pp 60 63 Abstracti In a study concerning the prenatal development (if neuro-endocritle coordinating mechani-sms, 22-day old mt fetuses were given in utero subcutaneou., injections of adrenaline (10 m1crogi-cm) t insulin (40 milliunit.-:,), ACT11i (40 milliunits), or 0.1 ml of the solvent. One hour later, the' aniwals. were decapitated, and the concentration of ascorbic acid In the adremtl glands of the fetuses was determined. Exogenous, ACTH caused a 39A% reduction in the ascorbic acid concentration in all cases; adrenalla caused aii. 18,&% reduction 16 of Gs- Since in 83% of cases; and insulin caused a 14.2% reduction in A ca P ascorbic acid concentration in the adrenal glands decreases when the aniount of AM circulating In the blood Increases, the conclusion is ma4e that the hypophysio-adrenal system is functioning in 22-day old rat embryos.. 1/1 Le L ~-o '. . -1 - z: 777-- USSR UDC: 51 SKERUS, S. L., YACHYAUSKAS, I. P alition Differential Game for Three Players" A Co Lit. mat. sb. (Lithuanian Mathematics Collection) 1971, 1-1, No 4, pp 887-898 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 4, AP1, 72,Abstract ITO TY-432) Translation: A coalition differential game of three persofts is reduced a coordination game in which the values of the characteristic function are computed as gains in certain situations of coalition- less differential games. The existence of a~unique Neumann-Y-orgenstern solution coincident vith the C-kernel is proted for this cooperative game. Authors' abstract. 20 USSR UDC 577.4 SXHI TLADZE R L -The Design of Probabilistic Transformers in a 'Diagonal' Vector Code" V sb, Iszled, !!ekotor. your. mat. kibernet. (Studies of Some Questions of Mathematical Cybe:~netics--collectlon of works), Tbilisi, Tbilisi University, pp St - 86 (abstract in Georgian) (from RZh Matematika, No 11,,Nov 73, abstract No 11 V534) Translation: Let there be a set of Independent random variables with two equi- probable values, 0 and 1. The problem studied is that of finding, a system of Boolean functions of these variables such that the values of the functions in the system vill form a random binarj vector with a given distribution law. A method of solving this problem is suggested, leading to*a fairly simple system of Monotonic, nonrepeating functions.