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USSR SIVACHEV, K. A., et al., Teploenergetika, No 6, Jun 73, pp 8-12 the chosen variant of boiler-turbine grouping and the flow sheet of the topping plant are shown. The main results of 60 operating periods in the years 1967-1971 of SKR-100 topping plantiand of its individual blocks are discussed. Two figures, two tables. a./4-6 - 'Liz OZ4 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSMG DATt--L3N()V70 TITLE--DYNA-41C CHARACTERISTICS OF PULSED DC VOLTAGE STAalLIZERS -xlTii PULSE -U- .-WIDTH REGULATION A,,THOk- (0 2) -ALEKSAt40'_-'.(J'V i F. IIS I VAKOV? UNTRY,~OF INFO--USSR SOURCE-"ELEKTR ICHESTV0 (ELECTRICITY)i 1910v NO 1-P, ~pp' 60-65 TE-PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBjECT APEAS--EL ECTRONICS AND ELECTRICAL :ENGR. ,j UPI C TAiGS-- VOLTAGE STA3[LlLjR? PULSE vlfjTli MODULAT I ON NO PESTRICTIONS CLASS--UNCLASSIFIE0 :PROXY REC-L/FRAME--3004/0253 STEP '-10--(Jit/0105/70/OeJO/00110060/0065 C-IR-C ACCESS 10-N NU--IAP0130991 UNCLASSIF160 2/2 0 2 it lit..JCL AS ST F f ED PROCESSING DATE-13NOV70 .--C:IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0130991 AB.STRACT/EXTiZACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT, I IS SHOWN THAT THE PULSED VOLTAGE REGULATOR OF THE STABILIZER CAN, BE.REPRESEWED APPROX1,141TELY AS A Cf, INTINOUS LINEAR STABILIZER ELEMENT, WHILE THE FAST t~ESPONSE PULSE WI-LITH tMODULATORy DEPEIN461ING ON'THE OPF-PATING REGIMEY' CAN BE REPRE-SLINTED AS A LINEAR INERTIAL ELEMENT OR AS A RELAY ELEMENT 141TH PURE RANot),li ''DELAY. THE EQUATION OF ST43ILSYZER DYNAMICS FOR SMALL iNCREMENTS OF IHE INPUT VOLTAGE IS PRESE-NTED ANO THE FACTORS WHICH INI-.,PEASI-- THE STABILIZATION FACTOR IN THF STEADY STATE REGIME ARE IOISCLOSED. T~iE '%I C, EF T ~11 OPEr"ATING REGIME OF THE ST~a[LIZER WITH STEP FUNCTION CHA :-INPUT VJLTAGE IS EXAMINE0. EXPRESS11,1111S 'ARE TpITTEN Fop THz MAXIMAL DYNAMIC INSTABILITY (FOR CN'E TIME COMIMUTATION OF T~IF4' LOAU OR PART OF THE LOA0) A'10 FOI~ TtiF DYNAMIC PULSATION OF TfiE. OUTPUT VULTAG". (FOR PERIODIC 0 A, D C T A T 1 -0 NTHE BASIC TFEO;~,ETICAL A S S U M. P T 10 Awi RELATIONS ARE CONFIRMED EXPERIME~;TALLY. UNCLASSIFIED USSR uDc: 621.315.3 CHUNIN, D. A., BOBYLEVA, T. M., SR?IMVA, M. F., SIVAKOVO P. M. "Investigation of the Stability and Heat Resistance of Microwires" Elektron. tekhni-ka. Nauchno-tekhn. sb. Raaioko=onenly (Electronic Tec'mology. Scientific and Technical Collection. Radio ConTanents), 1970, -wyp. 1, pp, 66-76 (from-RM-Radiotekhnika, No 5, May 71,, Abstract No W417) Iranslation: The paper outlines the results of investigations of the sta- bility of electricall properties of microwires during aging under natural conditions and under high-teriperature conditions. Empirical relationships are given for the change in parameters, A graphic-analytice.1 method is pre- sen ted for predicting storage life. Resume. Awl Bill 11MI! t USSR UDC 624.139.68 SIVANBAYEV, A. V. -Vid-Thawin- of Permafrost ooils Underneath a High-Temperature Heat Source" Moscow, osnovaniya, Fundamenty i Mekhanika Cruntov, No 1, 1971, pp 28-29 Abstract: The article deals with determinatiou of the thawing depth of permafrost-soils tinder the action of bigb,temperatures. The solution of the differential equations describing this process is given. Results of experimental research, on the basis of l6boraLory facilities, on determina- tion of the moisture field and the temperature field in:soil under a high- temperature heat source, are presented. 9 bibliographic entries. lillic L AS s I F I E 0Pilti3CMING DATE-04DEC70 __--aiABLE OSTEOSYNTHESIS OF THE LIPPER HALF OF THE F~HUR -U- AUTHOR-(02)-SIVASHt K.Mot SHEREPO, K.M.~.,, 'COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR TRAVMATOL PROT 31(21.* 64-67. ILLUS. 1970 ~~DATIE PUBLISHED ------- 70 AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TAGS--BONE FRACTUREt MEDICAL PATIENT.~.. ON-T ROL MAPKING--f-10 RESTRICTIONS C~jkFNT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED _ PR.OV FICH E NO----FO70/605015/r-05 STE jk!~-,. .ACC E S S I ON NO--AP0140639 UNCLASSIFIE0 PROCESSIN6 0ATE---0-'0EC,`C; -:~~'212 013 UNCLASSIFIED CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0140639 ,:-ABSTRACTIEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. CLINICAL EXPEk' I EiNICES IN THE -TREATMENT OF 70 PATIENTS WITH FRACTUPES of: THE DIA-PHYSIsloF THE FEAuil' --INVOLVING THE USE OFTHE CORKSCREW PIN DESIGNFD BY K. M. SI VASH, THE If. T* - 5-1 HAVE. SHOWN THAT TH IS METHQ0 ALLOWS. THF I NOUCT [ON STABLE AISTEOSYNTHESIS OF THE PROXIMAL SEGMENT OF THE CIAPHYS IS AN~ f~. -EARLY RESTORATION OF THE FUNCTION ;JF ALL.THE EXTREMII'AL JOINTS. IT C[)"TRACTlJRf-..S ~PReVENTS THE DEVELOP14ENT OF LESSENEG M013ELITY AlNo jol,.,A;T WALK AN-10 RFf'f)Vf.:8Y AND,, INSURES THE EARLIER RESTOPATION OF THE ABILIT'i r't OF.'. THE: SUPPORTI VE FUNCT [ON' OF THE L IMB OF THE A T I EN I", AC I'L. I T Y: CENTo INST, TRAUMATUL. ORTHOPE I KJSCfflir USSR. -0.t MAN. HEALM SSi C43 UNCLASSIFIED UAT~--Zowvc TjTLE--CCl'URFLNf-E OF A DETONATION IN A NGNUNIFOR.MLY HEATED (AS -U- 'AUTHijR-(C4)-ZELG0VlCHj YA.b., L16POVICF? V.B. PlAKfiV I LADZE G"A.0 'SIVASHINSfAY, r'-ZSCUR E- PVTF , I'TEKHNICHESKOL FlZIKIt c ZFURNAL PRIKLJ~DNOL MEKHAN[Ki MAR '-AP R . 1970, P. 7t-84 ~.'~DATE- PUbL ISEEC ------- 70 --'SLBJECT APE-45--PHYSICS, ORDNANCE L THEF -FFECT Tr I C. T A G SG TON A T I ON SHOC.e, WAVE, CHEMICA REACTICN., -M~L L MAkYlAG--PJ0 RESTRICTIONS LASS--UNICLA~ S IF IED -OCCUMENT c ~PR6XY ktk-ldf kt-HE-3005/14,02 STEP NC- -,VR/ ()fl- 01/ 70/000/ G~A') /00 16/ Q(~ 84 -~0-3'5-4 r r-'D 212 043 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING 0A TE-- 20jNOV7 0 tIRC ACCESSION NG-AP0131_35-~ ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-W) GP-0- A55TRACT. NUMERICAL SOLUTION OF THE PROBLEM -NCF -~EATEO SAS E .FjF THE -GCCURK1 OF A DETONATION IN A NONUNIFORMLY I CAPA -OF ChE.,qICAL kEACTION. IT IS SHOwN THAT TH?,EE DIFFERENT REACTION REGIMES _~..ARE PCSSIBLE IN THIS CASE. IF THE TEMPERATURE oisru,3UTION GIV~N AT THE INITIAL 1-;:l~'-MENT IS SUCH THAT THE. GAS JS HEATEP, ALMOST UNIFORMLY, rfiE REACTIGN LCCURS IN A THEAMAL EXPLOSION REG:ItIF. IN THE CA!,E OF A V~ERY -s-rEEP INITLAL FEIMPERATUkE PROFILE A SHOCK WAVE WHICH SEPARATES FROM THE REACTIGN WAVE ARISES. FINALLY, THERE is AI TEMPERATUR~f. bissrmEUTION SUGH -THAT JhE ShCCK WAVE WHICH FGRIMS ~IS CAPABLE: OF CAUSING A RE-ACTION, AND A SWITCHOVER. TO A STEADY DETONATION REGIME OCCURS. 12 016 UNCL ASS IF I ED. PRIkESSING DATE--30OCT70 .TITLE--GLAZES CGNTAINING LITTLE OR NO BORON IN THE PRODUCTION OF 'EAR THENWARE -U- ,~~-A-UTfiOR-(04)-stvitjAG-y,A-, M.G.., KOVALENK01 YIJ.G.t BARSHCHEVSKAYA, A.F., RENK0i'Aolo SIDO COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR :SUURCE-STEKLC KERAM. 1970, 27(3)v 40-2 DATE PUBLISHED--70 ,SUBJECT AREAS-MATERIALS TGPI.C TAGS--CERAMIC COATING, CHEMICAL COMPOSITION, THERMAL STA61LITY, PXIDE MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS -..OCCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED .'PROXY REEL/FRAME--2000/1589 STEP ND---UR/0072/701(~27/003/0040/0042 -ciRc AccESSICIN NO--AP0125211 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--300CYTO -CIRC ACCESSICN NO--AP01-252111 --ASS T P ACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. T!r-l UGLAZES OF THE COMPN. SID SUB2 2'.251, 2.67; AL SUB2 0 SU53 0.233, 0.25; CAD 0.304, 0.329; FE SUB2 0 SUB3 C.005# 04005; 6 SUB2 0 SU83 Or 0.185P NA SU82 0 0.206* 0.246* K SU82 0 0.044, 0.049; MGO 0.116, 0.100; SRO 0.1670.174; AND ZNU 0.163, 0.098 MOLE J-wERE USED FOk GALZI14G OF EARTHENWARE WITH Y-12PERCENT OPEN PURGS I-T Y. ThE FIRING iv.AS CARRIED OUT IN TUNNEL FURNACES &T .1140-1200DEGREES DURING 16-18 HR. AFTER FIRING, THE LOW 8'GLAZE SliciliS LEVEL SPREADING AND G60D POLISH. THE GLAZE IS THERMALLY STABLE. ITS COEFF. OF THERMAL EXPANSION IS I-SIGHTLY CHANGED: IT KS 7.0 TIMES 10 PRIME NEGATIVE6 IN THE INTERVAL 20-400BEGREES,t AND 7.54 TIMES 10 PRIME NEGATIVE6 AT 20-600DEGREES WHILE THAT OF AN INOUSTRIAL SAMPLE WAS 7.15 TIVIES 10 PKIME NEGATIVE6s AND 6.25 TIMES 10 PRIME NEGATIVE6-0EGREE. THE OF LOW B GLAZES IS COMPARABLE WITH THAT OF INDUSTRIAL ONES. AT 1140BEGREES IT IS CHARACTERTZE0 BY THE MIRROR SPREADING AND BY GLOSS. THESE PROPERTIES ARE PRESERVED EVEt PETROGRAPHICALLY9 N AT 1230DEGREESo GRAINS AND GLAZE IS PURE GLASSY PHASE 141THOUT REMAINING 1. GASEOUS. blUBBLES. ITS THICKNESS VARiES 100-30 MU. THE. POS~IBILITV. TO OLCRLASEL-TtiE 8 SUB2 0 SU63 CONTENT FROM 9.5.TU 4.7PERC:ENT IN Tl-fC- GLAZES ::--WAS VERIFIED BY PRODUCTION GLAZED EARTHENWARE* ;FACILITY: UKR. :,"NAUCH ISSLED. INST. STEKLO. FARFOPU FAYANS. PROM., USSR --rl J, 12 flk [I Ci:SSr N' f)ATE--O:l CT70 J lTLE---*-ChANI SM Or- THE RF ACT I UN OF 7 RICHMIWACE TrjN IT lo LE. w I T ~i SULFU,' I c ACID MUNLHYDRATE -U- _AUTl1JR-W3)-M1CFUF\'lNj A.A., SIVE,'YKlJVj YE:,A., ZILEIE~~.MA% YE.-4. -UNTKY LjF IJ%,F0--U':)SR OPG. 1970, 03) b2b PUfLlSViE1)-----70 SU3JECT A,~EAS-CHEMISTRY XUPIC TAGS--CHEMICAL REACTION RATEt CHLORINATED ORGANIC CtImPOUND, ACETONITKILE, SULFURTC ACID, AMINE9 SULFUR OXIDF CV-; T R r. MARKfNG--N,-) RESTRICTIUNS OUCIY~[NT CLASS--UNGLA55JFJlD ~.-.PRL'!YY T~DUFRAME-1992/15~47 STEP C P C NO-AP0112541 Ur- Z !-.A S S I F I F D -2-12 012 UMCLASSIFIE()~ PAqCESSING DATE--O?')CT70 .-~~.'CIRC ACCESS19N NO--AP0112541 43STRACl./t--XTqACT--fU) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE REACTION 01: CL SUA3 C(:N v;ITH H SUR2 SO SU84 GAVE SMALLER THAN CR EQUAL Tfl ffOPERCEN'r CL 5U33 CCONH SU192 I ) AND SO SUB3 HEATING I IN A 3 FOLD EXCESS OF CL SUB3 CCN GAVE (CL SU83 ccoNell SU52-so SUB2 (IT). THIS COMPO. IS NnT FORMED eJHEN I IS HEATEU WITH SO SUB 2 ALONG; HOWEVER, UNDER CERTAIN CONDITfils (p. BAUMGARTfNt ET AL., 1931) 1 REACTS WITH~SO SUB2 TO GIVE.CL SU'3 CCTI-SO 'A !S PROPOSED FOR THE FORMATION OF 11. 5U62 UH. ACYCLIC MECHANIS.. USSR UDC 531.352.396 CRCBOV, V. A., and Theory of the Vibration-Rotation Movements of a Free Solid) Carrying Elastic Elezents'l- Kiev, PrMadnaya nekhanUta, Vol 8, No 2, Feb 72, pp )-8 Abstracti The Intierrelated rotatory movements of a ;solid and the flexural oscillations of elastic rods, connected with it, arn dealt with. Asymptotic nethods are used for solving the problen. An analysis is w,--do o.41' the non- resonance regime of motion of the system, and of tho casia whera ono of the f=quencioa of the cLastic onolllatiorm3 Is equal to the fxilquency of free precession. Condildow stic crilcill4tions of tho are found$ at which the ela olastic olaments attached to tho carrying solid nay bo usiod for cluenehing nutAtion. The proposed zethod for aolving the problomt ujjlxi,- the asymptotic nothod of N". M. Krylovp N. NT. Bogoly-ubovj, and Yu. At Hitxopollsid.y is very Promising from the point of view of taking Into account ,nixious kinds of s=LU corservative and nonconaervative diGturbazces acting umn a froo system. Two figures, 4 references. USSR UDC: 621-375.4 SIVERS, M. A., SPIRIDENKOV, E. M., SERGEYEV, A. Ya. "A Wide-Band Transistorized Power Amplifier" Kiev, Izvestiya TLJZov, Radioelektronika, Vol 15, No 1, Jan 72, pp 99-102 Abstract: The authors examine the operation of a vide-~Ihand t~,ansistorized tran former power a=.lifier free of the nonlinear distortions ca-zised by the scattering inductance of the load transformer. These ncl~ntlinear distor- tions are completely eliminated by ensuring current floir contnuously through the transistors. In order to keep the efficienc-y of the ampli- fier high, operating conditions are chosen in such a wa..y that each tran- sistor operates in the saturation region during half thq period of high frequency oscillations, and in a mode corresponding, to the active region of the current-voltage curve of the device during the cther hetlf. Co=,on- -emitter and common-base versions of such a circuit are gj.veri, The pro- posed circuit ensures an efficiency equivalent to that a'f a pcwer wq)li- fier for class B oneration. An experimental check of tht! computational procedure showed excellent agreement. The conclussions of the research arc- applicable to vacuum-tube anplifiers as well. Two figurxmi, bibliography of two titles. A F h"ll 11 11 1 A Ili 1A.Ar 11111110, USSR UDC 621-373,421.1(088,8) ARTYM, A. D. , ALEKSANYMI, A. A., SIVLRS,,M. A., Leningrad Polytechnical Institute :imeni Kalinin A Generator of Harmonic Oscillations" 14 ill, - USSR Author's- Certificate No 258393, Filed 26 Feb 68, Published r 10 (frorl RZh-Radi6tekhnika, No 10, Oct 70, Abstract No 1OD375) Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a generator, of ~arvianic ascilla- tiolis with AM dephasing. The oscillator is based on con'trollca dioi(ij ard contains ce a DC voltage supply source, charging and discharging chokes, commutis4tors, a z-(!so:,ian tank system, and a source of controlling voltagc.- (phase or time modulator). To 2x- tend the modulation range while simultaneously asnuring high linearity of the Mollu- lation characteristic, the charge- discharge chokes are equipp,~.d with auxiliary rf?- cuperation windings, each of which is connected through an isolating diode to the esupply source of the oscillator. V. P. M11 HIM-111 USSR VDC 621.375.82 SHEMSHURA, V. Ye. , and YUGAS, B. S. "Determination of Density of Excited States in Three-Level. Medium With Allowance for Multiple Light Scattering" Opredeleniye plotnosti vozbuzhdennykh sostoXaniv v trekhuToynevoy srede s uchetom mrogakratnogo rasseyaniya sveta (cf. English above. Editorial Board Pf,Zh. prikl. spektroskopii (Journal of Applied Spectrostopy)), Minsk, 1972, 11 pp, ill., bibliography with six titles (No 4204-72 Dep) (from RZh-Fizika, No 8, Aug 72, Abstract No 8D994 Dep from authors' abstract) Transla tion; The authors consider the interaction of hi,,eh-power monochro- matic radiation with a three-level medium with equidistantly spaced energy levels. The medium is represented in the form of a one-dimensional array of scattering centers. With allcriance for multiple light scattering in the medium, expressions are obtained which define the densities of scattering centers in states with energies Ej, E2, and E3. Stimulated enission is taken into account in the solution. The problem is-considered,under steady-state conditions. The density values of scattering centers make possible calcula- tion of light conditions at any point in the medium. The results obtained are illustrated graphically. USSR UDC 669.245.018.44 ADLER, YU. P., D0LZWrXIY, YU. M., MOLOSTOVAl 1. 1., and SIMAY&L-I14--l-'s Institute for Improving the Qualiflcatlons~of the Ministry of the Chemical lidustry USSR, All-Union Institute of Aviation Materials "Statiatiml Study of the Mechanical Properties in the A1-Zn-1t::Cu System Using Projected-Experiment Methods" Ordzhonikidze, IVUZ, Tsvetnaya Metallurgiya, No 5v 1973, Pp 133439 Abstracts The study related the mechanical properties of the Al-Zn-l,',g-Cu system to the composition of the molt, containing the following ireight % of metalss Zn, 7.5 and 8.5; 11g, 2.5 and 3.51 Cu, 1*5 and 2.3 and Zr, 0.13%. This resulted in 8 alloys for the first stage. The alloys prep_:~red during the second stage had the following compoaitionst Zn, 8.0 and 9.5%1 1-1g, 1.5 and '%l Fe, 2.5%; Cu, 1.0 and 2.0%; Zrp 0 and 0,10; Cop 0 and. 0,2%1 H4, 0. and 0., 0.1 and 0.2%. The mechanical properties rteas=d were thdi strength In k aad the relative extension at the ruptura point (,d', in %). Sets of equations of the fo= d Or (~r-B a A + BXt + 0Xo . . . h%11 were set up and the coefficients A - H analyzed in matrix fort. The X n Is the concentration USSR ADIZR# YU. F., et al.# Tavetnaya, Metallurglyat No 5, 1973, PP 133-139 of component H. The additions of Zn, 14h, Co resulted in an increase In the strength. The decrease of M9 from 3.5 to 2#5 increased the r6lative extension from 8.3 to It.%. 27 - Nucieax Sc'I.Cnce:~~ahd! te~fino*10'~J- U SS R UZC: DIBOBES, I. K., ~-,DYAZEV V. A., A. A. IYO"-i JEV, Yu. 1., 5 V :V-U. V.) MIRTIECK:Y Y-E. 1'1. '13.Ziel-fUT, A. V., and SZU'1017 V. P. TE "Radiation Safety Standards 1"Oscow, Atomnaya encrL. a (:mm-69)" Vol - 28, No 6, Junn 70., -9:) 11-63-14`7 b . 0 u Abstract: In Aur,-,.ust 1969 tiic I'.:inist.-y of Heall"Ja of the USSR 2hf-'J",- diation Safety Standards (Nic, -6,o) de-ve-lo-wed by the National C(*i!-.-~!-LSo-_on on aadi,-~tion A. -1 ' doloi Protection. Recommandatio= ol the International Commisson ol' ;":-!d - -icr.1 Protec- the new standards. Tnese ct~t 'lic 'basic tion served as the basiG for mdasible levels for ioYlIzin.l, radiation a1on- witil the a 4' o - active isotopes into an ojlfraniz;,-~. Unis inclu-des: three cate~~orDtz or Catiu,,Ory A 1.ncludin~; service nersonrel, CateGory :, includin" moccific Jx-divl(luuis in the non - ulation who live in a.-eas Vaere the -aermissible radiation doi,(.~-.s have -t)ccn exceeded ancI where radiation conditions are checked, and C,-,'%e,!,;ory C wri'dicl, inclii-les the entire population i-rith res-oect to estuirmtin.Z a Ccret-f-call:y sif-- -' "cc-nit ra,;ia- tion are !,,-all 6ory for the catel7prl:.dfl~s dlosa;yl. Tile new stanf; -f-MtS Of ,-L11 rilliSt'!^iCS and usincil, applyinlr, L storint,,, Gnd buryin;,-, radioractive stfost-Amces and ioniluT, radia"I'l'on A shor' sumrau ,i,.rcu of the scien-Uf1c basia i4iich cezvcd az -~hc- foi, Uw? is new standards. The new standards are .Lif-ferentiatea fro---, tae old. Wules are I k/2 019 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING 0ATE--30GCT70 f'-'-tITLE-CLINICAL TRIALS bl-~ CHLORACIZIN IN zscHEmic CAkDIA,L DISEASE -U-. AUTHUR-(05)-LEVINAv TS.A., ROMANOVSKAYA, A.I., DMITRIYEVA, I.T,,' KQakY4"aKOv A.V.t SIVO N.A. Z4 ~qKO JUA CCUNTRY Of~ INFO-USSR SOURCE--VRACHEBNCYE DEL01 1970, NR 49 PP 69-42. DATE PUfiL ISHED----70 SUBJECT AREAS-BIQLGGICAL AND MEDICALSCIENCES TOPIC TAGS-HEART 0717SEASE, ATHEROSCLEROSIS2,' ARTERY, DkUG TESTING CONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME-3002/1685 STEP NO--UR/Ozk75/70/000/004/0069/301"2 CIRC ACCESSICN NO-AP0129055 UNCLASSIFIED 212 019 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSICtl NO-AP012-9055 A8SfRACI/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. CHLORACIZIN WAS EPIPLaYEED IN' 70 AS -HIS PATIENTS WITH GliRCNIC CORONARY INSUFFICIENCY AND IT WA P-GUND THAI i DRUG IS ONE OF THE METHODS OF CHOICE IN, THE TREATMENT UP ISCHE."ll C I C DISEASE, DUE TO ATHEROSCLEROSIS OF THE CORONARY ART:ERIES. ~FAC I LITY: ODESSKOGU MEDITSINSKOGO INSTITUTA* UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC 621.762.4 TBUIONOV, C. F., PYRYALOV, L. A., SIVOV,,A. V. "Application of Surface-Active Substances When Obtaining Porous Rolled Prod- ucts" Tr. Cor'kov. politelchn. in-ta (Works of Gor'k1y Polytechnic Institute), Vol 26, No 15, 1970, pp 14-17 (from RZh--~-Ietallurgiva, No 4, Apr 71, Abstract No 4G450) Translation: On introducing surface-active substances, for example, Machine oi-I and glycerine, into Fe, Cu, Ni., nichrome, stainless steel,.and other powders, it becomes possible to roll a bimetallic strip from the powders differing sharply with respect to its properties whereas Mixtures of differ- ent powders without surface-active substances give strips with very hijfn bend after rolling with a difference in friction coefficients of these powders of more than 10-13%. The article contains 4 tables and a 4-entry bibliography. USSR UDC: 681-3-006:51 ~I VKOV. A. V. "An Interpreter for Processing Symbolic information on the 111insk-22, Computer" V sb. Elektronno-vychisl. teklin. 1 progrimmir. (Computer Tecbnolo&r and Programming-collection of vorks), vyp. 3, Moscov, "Statistika", 1970, PP 50-56 (from RZh-Kibenietika, No 7, Jul 71, Abstract No T;734) Translation: This paper considers an attempt to extend computer possi- bilities by introducing supplementary instructions which are performed in the same manner as the conventional machine conmiands., An interpreter is developed for this purpose. Author's abstract. USSR UDC: 621.762.3.001 SIVOV, A. V. "Calculation Procedure for Determining the,Frictional.force of Powders Against the Slide Cates of the Charging Machine Wher, Rolling Bilnetalsol Tr. Gor'kov, politekhn in-ta (Works of Gor'kiy Polytechnic Institute), Vol 2ri, No 15, 1970, pp 12-13 (from R71i-Metallurgiva, Ho 4, Apr 71, Abstract No 4G392) Translation: Beginning with the conditions of taking the powders by the rolls, 0 an expression has been derived for determining the frictional force against the slide gate: L < P Cos aff + f ) - 2P sin a,where P is the force tot 1 2 compreasing the nowder, f and f are the coefficients of external friction 1 2 f or each powder, a is the angle of contact. For the majority of metal powders with small angles of contact (a z 5.') an entraining force ol~' -1 ton acts on the slide gate. Pesticides USSR UDC 632.95 "Government Control of the Utilization of Toxic Chemicals" Moscow, Zashchita Rasteniy, No 9, 1970, pp 9-10 Abstract: A survey was made of practices in connection with the wide utiliza- tion of various pesticides. In spite of the recommendations published and formation of special committees, many regions failed to follow the recommen- dations. In particular the food products were not monitored for contamination, had no special storage facilities for chemically treated grain, many had some L no storage place designated specifically for toxic chemicals. A large number of the places surveyed had no regulations published on safeguarding of these -id many utilized toxic materials, no special clothing, washing facilities.a untrairved personnel for application of the agents. Most of the~deficiencies were corrected immediately after discove7..:. UbSR UDC 557:226:5371:311;331;538 SJU2Lw"., PYNIKO, V. G., ANTIPIN, 1. P., MYAGKOV,, V. G. "Influence of Voltages on Domain Structure of Monocrystalline Films of Ni, Fes and Coll Fizika, khimiya. i khim. tekbnol., (Physics, Chemistry. and ChO-mical Technology -- Collection of Works], Krasnoyarsk, 1969-,'pp 40-43, (Translated from RefeTativnyy 21urnal Fizika, No 10, 1970, Abstract No 10 Ye,1180 by.the authors). Translation: The effect of voltages applied to a monocrystalline film by compression of the film together with a substrate (LIF crystal) on the domain Structure was observed. The behavior of the structure confirmed that the magnetostriction constants. X of nickel and X. of iron are 100 110 less than zero. It isestablished that X of s-Co it g-reat6r than zero. 100 h '6P LMR LMC 1.791-772t001' 5Mo.29,1+669.14 SIVOV,,)M,_.1j., and D'YACIM-LIKO, V. V., Candidates of Technical Sciencest r1xO_,s_c-o-w Aviation Technological Institute "Effect of the Electron-Beam Thermal Welding Cycle on Sean Foxnation ani Properties of Niobium (VR-2AE) and Steel. (_KR8N1OT) Well Joints" Moscow, Svarchnoye Proizvodstvoy No 4, Apr 73, pp 11-13 Abstracta In modeling the process of welding by iReams of applyinE a drop of melted steel on the surface of solid niobium, it vras established f hat for f orna- tion of strong chemical bonds at the solid-liquid interVace luoundaly without development of an Intormetallide substrate it As requixod that iho nio-blum. heating temperature in the zone of contract mrith the molter, stec-11 be in the limits0of noo-16o0oC fo= not more than zeyor,~a seconde of contact. In electron-beam welding, a f-:Lmilar aycle can be obtained In the case when the niobiun heating source is the edee of the molten steel, In e1jectron-bean welding it is necessar .1 to place the steel so am, to javvent' its (Ureact action on the riiobiuz surface. From w,~ld teats it was founcL thmt howtin- niobil-im with a thickness of 0.3-0.5 Pm up to 16001 0 w)d with a tbicknens of 0.5-1.0 Mn UP to 150000 does rot came the formation of an inten tietallide substraLr.-, A satisfactory etrongth ol the weld jointm can b-, achlov ~d if s strate is absent or the avom,8o thicknesa of a di8continuo= suhotrate doca rot USSR BIVOV, YE. U., and D'YACHEVIKOl V. V. lSvarochnoye Proizvodstyov No 4, APr 73, Pp il-13 exceed 2.0 microns. The types of joints ani optinum iroldiing process were determined which provide ueld seamr. of a given shape ar4i satIsfactory pro- pexties. The boundar y angle of a iretting for the crystallizing, sea-m is the criterion for evaluating the weld joint quality, azd a, siLtisl'actory strength of the Joint occurs for wetting mg1es ot 45-70 . Six ~iguiesj two tables, three bibliographic references. Rip; d7 USSR ux 669.o46.5 ANSH3LES, I. I., aDOSEYEV, V. V., OYSK, G. N., YEGOROV, A. V. SOROKET, S. P., TYURIIT, Ye. I., DA1,11LIN!, V. I., S-ZLrVANOV, V. M., ZYRYOTI, Yu. Ye., and BA.UAYEV, B. Ya. "Use of Electromagnetic Stirring in Vaeuu;a Melting of Steel in a Ladle" Moscow, V sb. "Sovremzann~-je probler~; kachestva stali" (MISiS), (Collection of Works. Modern Problems of Steel Quality) \Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys), Izd-vo "Metall=iya," No 61~ 1970.1 pp 222-227 Translation of tl-tract: Brief tecInical clirtrocteristics are given of the electromaSnetic stllirrin~ of steel ia a ladle. Data are preseated on the effect of electromagretic metal stirring on the uniform. distribution of added deoxidizers and alloying elem-_,nts, and also on the.sig:niflcant increase in the duration o,.F' vacuun smelting. A new1production technology for the ShXh15 steel is pro-sented in which co.mplete deoxidation and alloying is con- ducted in the ),%dle at t1-a end of vacu= smelting. The w.--Csted method is theoretically subsTant--ted. The results of the first experinental zrelts are presented- 3 tables. USSR UDC 621.165 DEYCH, 1-1. Yel., FILIPPOY, G. A., SALTMOV, G. A., UXTIMN, YL,. A., and SIVOB A. "Investigation of Phase Transitions in Eddy Currents of Supersaturated Steam" Mosco;z, Energetilka i Transport, No 2, 1972, pp .160-166 Abstract:. In the article are presonted the results of an experimental investi- gation of the condensation of water vapor in a vortex v;--ke bohind a stre--m f1ming 1ength,,-!i!;c about a flat plate at M.,< 1. Special at~,cntion ums devoted to the structure of the vortex N-inke- and to the particle -size of the liquid phaase in the wzlk(-,. Thc! dispersion fleld of the liquid phase in Lhe wake bcdiind the edge wis mcaEured. The stream was photograplicd in order to obtain, the %rake structure r~.ore exactly. A theoretical justification of the p-ossibility of steam condensation in eddy currents is given on the basis of the consideration of a single eddy. 5 figures. 9 references:. 32 - . ............ USSR UDC 621.396,61:621.396.2 SIVOMO,_Ye. 1. "Calculating a 111fatching Device 'Made of Ferrovarim-neters for an Automatic Short- Wave Transmitter" Materialy nauchno-tekh. konferentsii. Leningr. elaktrotekhn. in-t svyazi. yyp. 3 (Materials of the Scientific and Technical Confereace. Leningrad Flectrotechnical Communications Institute, VyP. 3), Lening;,ad, 1970, pp 130-134 (from M-Radiotekhnika, No 8, Aug 70, Abstract No 8 D291) Translation: The calculational relations permitting determi~nation of the law of variation of inductance of ferrovariometemwith respect, to frequency band with a given value of the travelling wave coefficient are presented. An example of calculating the matching device for a URU is presented., ~,There are two illus- -trations and a I-entry bibliography. USSR UDC 621.79.Q27 1 -110 M '0V, P N. GMEXYMK, V. S. and , _NF_ KO, V. M., AZILAMA, M., V.'YUG SIVOKON . V.- "The Possibil-ity of Purificaticn cjLr Chemically Active Metals by Zone Mclttiii-" 110110krist.311v i- Ref~! 'Idn Metallov [sill-le Cr;.,:::":als of refrz~C7_arv and Rare Metals o-[ Nauka Pross., 197.1, pp 5-12 Transiaticn: is dc!qcr_i'i)ctd for 7nno catl~o~Jc~ raq f)f Sealed wi~Lh m e s r 1 - -c c.;, -he I-] -I r L*' I., L' s Dita av. p of r;?!d'~Ijal cj'r Changes aF, I -n s 'D tile sorr't' 0a rnns u t'hat tha us~- of tiw- F-4F, _uu- 01~1 ;as t~; c rk '~n is vz Ot 'I.L P 1. ir -1' 1- t-' a-s Da:n r-e -o".. ot V"Cum. )c 's L, r f i C'-.; o 1, C 0 1 IT I !::! 'Lll a f 7~ to-s-I.-IO-1 vactit-ra, 0 5 Taliles 6 c ref orunces. 027 UWCLASSII~TED~ PROkESSr'NG: DATE--30OCT70 ,MLE--~ENERGY OF THE FIRST STOKES C014PONENTS IN THE STIMULATED RAMAN _._.,_7~SPECTRA OF SOME LIQUIDS -U- N.D.y GERASINt A.P.v SIVDLOBOV*,V.V.v SVERDLOV* L-M. '~C-OUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ,~sOURCE-ZH. PRIKL. SPEKTROSK* 1970# 1212) v~,'270-3 '.',OATE. PUBL ISHED----70 4SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY, PHYSICS ~-..TOPIC TAGS--RAMAN SPECTRUM, PULSE EXC [TATIONp BENZENE, CYCLOHEXANE, ~.;~-ACETYL ENE HYDROCARBON t EXC I TATI ON ENERGY: -,!CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS 4-POCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED REEL/f~RAME-1995/1237 STEP tit)--UR/0368170/G,12/002/0270/0273 R CACCESSION NO--AV0tl6699 UNCLASSIFIED . ........ Ila IIII I -70 2/2- 027 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING OATE--30OCT$ '..-CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0116699 'ABSTR AC T/EX TRACT-- (U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE EFFECTS OF THE ENERGY OF 'r,-HE EXCITING PULSE AND CELL WIDTH ON THE ENERGY OF THE FIRST STOKES 'COMPONENTS OF THE ST[MULATED RAMAN SPECTRA OF BENZ~:NE (1) i992CM PRLME NEGATIVEI), CYCLOHEXANE (11) (2846 CM PRIME NEGATIVI AND PHERYLACETYLENE 1111) 11002 AND 2102 CM PPIME NEGATIVEI) WERE EXAMID. THE DATA SH014 THAT, AT LOW VALUES-OF THE ENERGY OF EXCITLNG LIGHTj THE ENERGY OF THE FIRST STOKES. CC14PONENTS INCREASES MONIATONICALLY. THE RAMAN SPECTRA THRESHOLD DETD. FROM EXPTL. DATA WAS 11 EQUALS 1.5 FOR ill AND 2.5 FOR 11 RELATIVE TO 1. AN INCREASE OF CELL IIIIDTIA.CAUSED A DECREASE OF THE STIMULATED RAMAN SPECTRA THRESHOLD. THE ENERGY OF THE FIRST STOKES COMPONENTS INCREASED MONOTONICALLY 41TH THE ENERGY PULSE -INCREASE FOR CELLS OF 10, 20, 40t AND 30 M14 WIDTH. FGq CELLS OF 350 14M WIDTH THIS INCREASE CEASED AT HIGHER ENERGLES OF EXCITATION. IN THIS CASE (WITH 350 MM CELL) THE ENERGY OF THE SECOND STUKES COMPONENT INCREASED SIGNIFICANTLY REACHING A HIGHERNALUE:THAN' FOR THE FIkST ONE# UNCLASSIFIED USSR MC 576,851.49 (,.;higaJla).083.3 ,_Ye, P., Military Medical Academy imeni S. M, Kirov "A Medium for Isolating S. sonnei From Conjugation ~Lixtures With E. coli or Other Shigella Species" Moscow, Laboratornoye Delo, No 9, 1971, pp 550-552 Abstract: Shigella sonnei has greater resistance to benzylpenicillin than other Sbigella species ane many E. coli strains. This difference is most evident on Endo's medium. Since the resistance to benzy1ienicillin ex- hibited by the great majority of S. sonnei strains is not transmissible, Endo's medium with penicillin can be used to isolate episo= rccumbinants of S. sonnei from conjagation mixtures with E. coli or other Shigella. strains. The optimum concentration of the antibiotic that does, not: affect the reproduction of S. shigella while completely suppressing the. growth of E. coli and other Shigellae is 120 units per ml of Endo't; medium. af ~ Wtllm Acc. Nr: AP0044184" Ref. Code: UR 0016 pRj~=y SOURCE; Zhurnal Mikrosogiig Epid'emiologft, i immmobiologii, 1970* Nr 21 ppg(O-y/ EPIDEMIOLOGICAL STUDY OF EPISOMIC RESISTANCE OF SONNE DYSENTERY BACILLI TO ANTIBIOTICS -bor e outbreak of dysentery, cau- The author studied the strains isolated during a food 11 sed by Sonne bacilli with episomic resistance. to levomycetin 1150 rnicrograin; per ml) and tetracycline (100 micrograms per ml).Ten persons were infected wi I h acute dysentery a nd 25 pro- ved to be Shigella carriers.The index of manifestation of the infection was 0.2. There proved to be an intensive process of transmission of an episomic R-factar from Sh. 50nnei to E. coli in the intestine of patients and carriers, Treatment with levoniycetin, resistance to which was controlled in the causative agent by R-factor, proved to be of low efficacy (repeated iso- lation of Shigellae from 17 persons), and promoted, even, in czsa~,s with, positive therapeutic results, selection of E. coli with R-factor. All the strains of Sh. sonnei (31 primary and 17 re- peated) retained the R-factor type during the outbreak. Thus, stability of R-factor type of Shigella can hp used for esiahlishment,of eroldernic connettians. USSR . uDc 622.013.7:61,n.ol4.428 Odessa Agricultural PAYTEMIBEIru-BIANK, V. R. and S Fla v.. Sl,~ M q4 , Institute "Effect of Ultrasound and Superhigh-Frequ ency Electromagnetic Field in the 3 cm Range on Oxidative Phosphorylation in Liver and Kidney Mitochondria" Kiev, FiziologicIrdy &hurnal, No 6, 1972, pp, M-81k Abstract: Ultrasound at an intensity of 0.1 VIAM12 applit~.d to the abdomen of rats had no significant effect on oxidative phosphorylation in liver and kidney mitrochandria after I or 10 exposures. Sonication. at 0-3 irlerfl? int-en- sified oxidative phosphorylation after a single exposure,i but oxidation becar,-ie completely dissociated from phosphorylation after 10 eq~ooures. A sin,~le exposure to an electro-,a,,~uetic field in the 3 cm range at~ lntcnt~'tios of 25, 50, and lOO),(w1cr4-' decreased the efficiency of phosphorylation in the nitochond- ria, i4tereas the paraweters of phosphorylation ratuimed tr., nornp-l after 10 exposures. This suggests that ultracound ha3 cumulativv offecta vhile a low- intensity electroma6metic field permits adaptation. USSR UDC: 537-533.3 KORSHUNOVA, Ye. N., SIVOV A N "Limits of Applicability of an Asymptotic Description of a Thin Lens" Moscow, Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, Vol IT, No 4, Ai)r 72, PP 86~-866 Abstract: In the quasioptical approximation, a dielectric lens is treated as a phase corrector, i. e. the amplitude and phase of the field passing through the lens are assumed to be equal in the cross section to the amp.1-1- tude and phase of a plane vave at the output. of an infinite equivalent di- electric plate. Strictly speaking, this approximation iu true only for ka)~- 1, alb ~, 1 (a and b are the longitudinal and transver-oc- dimensions o f, the lens, k=21T/X). The authors determine the limits of lipplicability of the approximation by rigorously analyzing the problem of diffraction of a plane wave by a dielectric cylinder of elliptical cross zection. For this purpose, use is made of a system of two one-dimensional Fredholm's integral equations of second kind which constitute the essence of the t-vo- diviens ion- P-1 problem of diffraction by a dielectric body. The analysic relates to the case of E-polarization, i. e. the ca-se where the electric vectcr is parallel to the generatrices of the cylinder. The results show that eien for rather 1/2 1.12 USSR-- KORSIRMOVA, Ye. K., SIVOV, A. N., RadiatekhrAka i Elektronika, Vol 17, No 4-1 J4,Pr- 72, pp 863-866 -aptotic description modest values of ka and a/b (of the order of 5) the as) of the lens gives an error in phase and amplitude calcmIations at the output of the order of 10%. The results of thezpaper were presented to the Fifth All-Union Symposium on Wave Diffraction and Propagation.(June 1970). The wathors thank B. Z. Katsenelenbaum for interest in the work. 2/2 US~SR UDC 6~1.791.001.5:669.14+669.291:541.124/128 Su. SIVOV, Ye. N., and KARTASHKIN, B. A., Candidates of Engineering Sciences, Ms COW' 'efte of Aviation Technology "Interaction of Molten Steel With Solid Niobium and th~, Formation of the Intermetallic Layers" Moscow, Svaro--hnoye Proizvodstvo, No 1, Jan 73, pp 6-8 Abs,tract: Tests were conducted into the reaction processes occurring when steel and niobium are welded. Welding was done using am electron-beam unit at a vacuum of 5 x 10-5 mm Hg with the beam focused on the Mobium base (VN-2AE niobiutn allov), 0.5 mm thick, and a weighed portion of Khl8Nl0T steel (approximately 0.4 g). It was established that the basic processes, involved in welding steel with niobium is,the wetting oi the niobium witi, the molten steel and the dissolving and subsequent diffucion of niobium into the steel. Temperature and length of contact of the miolten metal with the solid metal are the determining factors of these processes. It was shown that the fo-r:-.qtion of intermetallic layers leads to a significant lowering of the mechanIcal properties of,niobiumc+steel joints. For a layer thickness of 2-3 microns the weld.joint strength is reduc-ed from 55 to 37 kgf/mm2. The established principles make it possible,to evaluate the 1/2 USSR SIVOV, Ye. N., and KARTASHKIN, B. A., 8varochnoye Proizvodutvo, No 1, Jan 73, pp 6-8 probability of intermetallic laver formation both during welding and during performance of the weld seam at high temperatlires. A.method of calculating internetallic layer thickness has been developed in relation to the process temperature and time of solid and liquid phase contact. Seven figures, I table, 5 bibliographic references, 2/2 54 Luminescence, USSR UDC 541.127-.541.14+541.515 VOL'KENSHTEYN, F. F., ~MKIN, Yu. A., VO and STYROV, V. V., Institute of Physical Chemistry, Academy of Sciences USSR, and Tomsk Polytechnic Institute "Theory of Radical-Recombination Luminescence. 3. Kinetics of Radical- Recombination Luminescence" Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Khimiclieskaya, No 8, Aug 71, pp 1664-1672 Abstract: The kinetics of the build-up of radical-recombination luminescence (RRL) were first studied by V. A. SOKOLOV and A. N. GORB21'. The present article is a continuation of these studies4 Experiments were performed on a vacuum device with a mercury diffusion pump, permitting a vacuum of 10-5 torr. RRL was excited by atomic hydrogen obtained by means of a high-frequency dis- charge., Kinetic curves were plotted in the,300-550*1', range at various hyero- Sen pressures. Powdered phosphors were applied from an alcohol suspension to glass substrates. It was found that the character of the kinetic isotherms differs for a very clean surface and one that is insufficiently clear. The kinetic curve rises in the former case, falls in the latter case due to the fact that the surface holds residues of pre-chemisorbed bydrogen in the USSR VOL'KENSHTEYN, F. F., et al., Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Khimi- cheskaya, No 8, Aug 71, pp 1664-1672 charged state, the hydrogen being gradually removed from the surface as a result of the recombination reaction. After RRL halts, the content of the charged form of chemisorption on the surface first rises, then begins to decline as a result of desorption. The initial ascending branch of the curve is due to the fact that the system approaches steady-state electronic equilibrium in the absence of recombinations. In the case where the dis- charge is interrupted, then is on again after a certain pause, the "memory effect" is observed. The character of the M kineticii here depends on the length of the pause, due to the fact that,the quantity of chemisorbed hydro- gen remaining on the surface after the pause varies according to the pause length. The authors thank V. A. SOKOLOV for discussing the results of the work and for his guidance in the experimental portion. 2/2 USSR UDC 615.847.8+615.837.3 .015.4 SIVORINOVSKIYt G. A., Central Institute of Health Resort Therapy and Physiotherapy, Moscow "Mechanism of the Biological Activity of Ultrasonic and Very High Frequency Electromagnetic Fields in the Three-Centimeter Range" Moscow, Voprosy Kurortologii Fizioterapii i Lechebnoy Fizicheakoy Kul'tury, No 3, 1973, pp 222-227 Abstract: 'White rats were subjected to the following either .1 or 10 times per day; 880 kilohertz ultrasonic fields with intensities of 0.1, 0.3, or 1.6 volts/CM2 or an electromagnetic field with intensitiwo of 25, 50, or 100 microvolts/CM2. Both the temDerature and blood sugar concentration of the rats increased after the treatment by variable amounts related to experi- mental conditions. The temperature before treatment gradually increased from about 36 to 38* over the 10-day experiment; however, the sugar level before and after treatment showed an overall decline. After 10 days the rats were killed and their nitochandria separated in order to study the effect of the fields on oxidative phosphorylation (OP). Lhe 0.1 volt/cm2 treatment did not alter the OP of the mitochondria. The once-a-day 0.3 volt/cm2 treatment stimulated and the ten-per-day treatmeat suppressed the 1/2 USSR SIVORMOVSKIY, G. A., Voprosy Kurortologii Fizioterapii i Lechebnoy Fizi- cheskoy Kul'tury, No 3, 1973, pp 222-227 OP. Once-a-day treatment of al 1 three electromagnetic,:field intensities suppressed the OP somewhat; but the OP was normal-for the tea-per-day treatment. 2/2 - 73 -1/2 038 0311 UNCLASSIFIEd PROCESSING I)ATE--IISEPTO LYMLRS T ITt F"`;~_OOLYMER SPREPARED FROM BlSt4tCARBOXYPHEik4OXY-MET~)iYLitmETHYL)PHOSPH11rI ITXID -jo U~ ~AUTHOR-13 . V, 0 ISO ,.AUTHbR--13ORISOV, G.# SIVRIEV, KHR., TSVE.TkOV, E.N., KABACHN[Kt M.I. OF INFO--USSR ~SOUR.CE-VYSOKOMOL. SOEDIN.,SER. A 1970, 12(3) 620-5 _JOAT Ew: PUBL ISHED------ TO w_,SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRYf MATERIALS TOPIC. TAGS--POLYMER, ESTERIFICATION, ORGANIC PHOSPHORUS COMPOUNW), CARBc'XYL ~-,RADICALr BENZENE DERIVATIVE, POLYESTER RESINt PHTHALATE,-THERMAL ..,..:STABILITY, AD)JESION, METAL TO NONMETAL BONDING c 0*4 T R 0 LMARKIN,G--NO RESTRICTIONS Dfj*CtJMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED _PRnXY RF5L/FRA4F--l9A9/0242 STEP '4r)--U,4/0459/7,1/012/0,')3/0620/0~),25 CACCESSION NO--AP0106898 C I P UNC-LASSIFIED PROCESSING 0ATE--IISc_.':70 212 038 UNCLASSIFIE0 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0106898 GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE TRANS-ESTERIFICATION OF (4-~llco :-SU'32 CC SUB6 H~SUt34 OICH SU12) SU82 P(3)ME (1) 'WITHIHOROz-f (R IS ICH SU.,1-2) SU92t CH SUB2 CHMEi (CH SUB2) SUB4# (CH SUB2) SUB5~ (CH SU1.12) S1096, OR ..'(CH SUB2 CH SUBZ) SUB2 0) IN THE PRESENCE OF (ACO) SU32 Z14 AS T4F CATALYST GAVE 87-90PERCENT POLYESTERS 1-111 SIMILARLY THE TRANSESTERIFICATION OF ItDlvME TEREPHYHALA~E MIXT. WITH~HOROH GAVE A --MIXT. OF III CORRESPONDING POLYTEREOHTHALATES J111)f ANO COPOLYME:!S. THE SOLY.- OF 1.1 ANO III IN CHCL SU83 oir-FERS CONS I 01:'P fk-9 LY, EN,~BLI;IJG SEPN. -TURRlDIMETR-IC--Tr'rR.,q_ OF THE HdMOPOLYESI`ERS'~COPOLYMER MIXTS.,, USING TETRACHLOROETHANE AS THE SOLVENT AND.ME07H AS THE PRECIPITANT, DEMONSTRATED THE EXISTENCE OF THE COPOLYMER. THE COPOLYMER M.P. WIT" THE !NCREASE CONTENT. THE THERMAL STABILITY OF IT IS -.:SUPERIOR TO THAT OF 111; AT 300DEGREFS IN THE 41R 11 L05~1:: 4-52PERCE14T WT. IN 3 HR. TT ARE SEMI TRANSPARENT; THFIR MELTS CAN OF DRAWN INTO FIRERS AND FORMED INTO FILMS. THE COPOLYMERS CONTG. LARGER THAN I UNITS LOSE 4-5PEOCENT 'WT. AT ~300DEGPEES IN THE AIR DoizING 3 HR. T~WTR AQHESION TO STEEL INCREASES TO 84 KG-CM PRIME? WITH A-KREASING.1-UNIT CONTENT. UNCLASSIFtEO 4/3 015 UNCLASSIFIED' PROCESSING -,T-IITLE-SYNTHESES BASED ON TETRA?4ETHYLOLPHOSPHONIUM CHLORIDE. TRANSFORMATIONS OF TRIS(CHLOROMETHYL)PHOSpHINE AND AUTHOR--(05)-TSVETHKOVj YE.N., BORISOV#-G* SI.VRIYEVt_A_H.t DATE--18S-EP70 SOME MALEYANNAYA, u ~-',SQSJECT AREAS--CHEMtSTRY !-JOH-C-TAGS-CHEMICAL SYNTHESIS, ORGANIC PHOSPHORUS COMPOUND, CHLORINATED :.-~':'~ORGANIC~ COMPOUNDr THIOL ,'~CPVTROL 4ARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS ~-:DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIE0 PROXY REEL/FRAME--1985/13'9T STEP -'C NO--AP0101489 UNCLASSIFIED NO--UP,10079170/040/002/0285/0291 2/3 015 UNCLASSIFtEID PROCES;SING DATE--18SEP70 ,-CIRC ACCESSION NG--AP0101489 ,ALSSTRACTIEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. AOOW. OS 350 G (HOCH SUB2) SUB4 PCL TO 1680 G PCL SU85 IN' 2 1. CCL SU84 AT REFLUX AND HEATING 4 HR GAVE 97PERCENT (CLCH SU82)SUB4 PCL My Mt M TO 90EGR.EES. 1 (200 G) TREATED WITH 60.7 G NAOH IN 300 ML H SUB2 0 AT 10 rO 15DEGREES IN 400 ML H SU82 0 TO 400 ML CHCL SU83 UNTIL ALK. ',TO PHENOLPHTHALEINi GAVE 81.5PERCENT (CLCH SU82) SUB3 P (11), 8 SUB2 56 TO '~,'DEGREES, D PRIME20 11.4204t N'PRIME20 0 1.55309 WHICH ON STANDING DEPOSITED A FLAKY -COLORLESS SOLID, OF UNDETD. COMPN.; DURING EVAPN. OF THE SOLVENT FROM It THE TEMP, MUST BE HELD UNDER 90DEGREES AS EXPLOSIONS. OCCURED AT 100DEGREES OR HIGHER. 11 AND 24PERCENT~NAOH AT 10 TO 20DEGREES THEN AT REFLUX 3 HR UNTIL HOMOGENEOUS GAVE MEP(Ol(CH SUB2 CL) SU82 (111)1 8 SUB7 149 TO 500EGREESr. M.- 4S TO 50 DEGREESv I I I ALSQ.- FOR-MED AFT-ER S I A MAR HEATING OF 11 WITH 14 SUB2 0 ALOhE. HEATED WITH NA04C AC014 6 HR AT 200DEGREES III GAVE THE DIACETATEt B SU85 163 TO 4DEGREESt 1.23269 lo4670*.ALSO PREPD* FROM It AND ACOH ACONA 10 HR AT 150DEGREES. HEATING Al WITH ET~H 'ETSNA 9 HR AT 130DEGREES IN ET SU8Z 0 IN AN jiuTOCLAVE GAVE 84PERCE?IT (ETSCH SU82) SUS3 Ps 8 SUB2 137 TO 8DEGREESt IsO749v 1.5665. M'EP(O) -(CH.SUBZ CL)SUR2 (IV) AND ET SUB2 Nk IN 15 HR;AT 125DEGREES GAVE 49PERCENT M.rP(OI(CH SU82 NET SU32) SU82, 8 SU02-TIMES SU85 118 TO 190EGREES, 0.9391, 1e4681& UNCLASSIFIED --S/3 015 UNCLASSIFIED DATE--18SEPTO Qt-~,C-ACCESSION NO--AP0101489 '-'Aj&4--4tT/ EXTRACT- HEAT ING 3 G IV AND 10 GPH SUB3P IN ME SUB2 NCHO 12 HR AT: 150 TO 60DEGREES GAVE ON ADON, OF ME SUB2 CO 67 -5PERCENT (PH SUB3 PCH PRIME NEGATIVEs Me SUB2)SUB2.P(O)ME PRIME POSHIVE PRIME PoSITIVE2 CL 1.37 G NA 300 TO 1.5DEGREES. IV (4G) IN MEP14 AND A REACT10N PRODUCT OF AND 10 ML MEOCH SUB2 CH SUB2 OH IN MEPH'GAVE IN 6 HR REFLUXING 53,5PERCENT MEP(D)(CH SUB2 OCH SUB2 CH SUB2 OME) SUB2 8 SUB5 1~5 TO 1-1117t lo4625. SIMILARLY WAS:PREPD& 52P-ERCENT MEP (0) (CH SUB2 OCH SUBZ CH SU82 OBU) SUB29 B SUR5 1210 To 11,51)E-GREESt 1.00821 .1.4547. PHONA SIMILARLY GAVE 83PERCENT MEP(OHCH SUB2 OPHI SUB2? Me 96 --TO-7 DEGREES-, SIMILARLY WAS PREPD. 80PERCENT P TOM AN 'ALOGo, Me 122 TO .-:4DEGREES; 79PERCENT P*NITROPHFNYL ANALOG9 Me 169 TO "70DEGREES; M ANALOG, Me 90 TO 1DEGREES; P CAR80 METHr)XPHE14YL ANALOG, 14. ~--133 TO 5DEGREES; P CARBONYPHFNYL ANALOG9 Me 295:TO 6~DEGREES; M ISOA4ERj 142 TO 3 DEGREES. UNCLASSIFIED Jill 7777 USSR UDC 5 416- 18- 1611 .too TSVFTKOV, YE N. ,BORISOV, G., 5,jXR1zv KH. I~L~LEI,J i., Institute of "I!, -ids, Or6anoelemental Coiripou. Sciences bSSR, and ins"titute of Organic Chemistrytt Bulgarian cadezrny of Sciences, Sofia de 4 3 o ir, en s f o r - "Syntheses Based on Tetramethylolphospbonium. Ghlo~4 mations of Tri(chloromethyl)phosphi-ne' and h ne Oxide" i p Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Xhimii, Vol 1.~O, Jjo 2, Feb 70, 02er,-291 C -a-, 0 r0 me r, Abstract: The article describes some reactio, phosphine and a number of transforrx-Ltions of phosphine oxade. Reaction5 of ahd with sodium acetate in 4acial aceti.c acid are ac.--,ompan-~'J~d, by a pseudoallyl rearrangement and yield oxide and niethyldi(-ceto.-cymethyl)phospliirte oxide~,rezpecz~ively- Tri- (chloromethyl)phosphine reacts with sodium ethylmercaptide in the pres to ence of an excess of ethyl mereaptan'without a rearrangeLler;.t 1/2 Uri -mmm, Mr- -Lwn~wnm H&HOWROMI, "t-r- USSR TSIETKOV r-, N., et al. aurnal Obslichey Khimii, Voi 40, No 2, Feb 70, pp 2b-491 give tri(ethylmercap'~iomeDhyl)phosphine- Subsi~itij-.iori reactions virere staged involving the displacement o---' chlorine atpi-,s i~i methy1di(eIndo- romethyl)phosphine oxide by dialkylamino, alkoxy, ary1hydro)W and other groups. 2/2 USSR UDC. 541.64.678.67.;~:86 BORISOV, G. TSVETKOV, YE. N., of Organic Chemistry of the Bulgarian Acadeny~of Scicnl~es, of organo Elemental Compounds, Moscow, Academy of Sciences U-SSR hi. "Synthesis of Polymers from Di-(4-carboxyphenoxymetliy!IIT.~ctilj,lplio,-;,.:iI ne Moscow, Vysokomolekulyarnyye Sayedineniya, Val X11, No, 3, j4;ij.- 70, p:) 620-625 n d - (4 --car b6),yp'-u1n 1 Abstract: Polyesters were synthesized fron ?i methylphosphine oxide and the -following (glycols: ethylene glycoi., propylene glycol-1,2, n-butylene glycol-1,4, pentane-thylene glycol, carries nut in thc pres_~nce glycol and diethylene glycol. Ester exchange via-, of zinc.ace-tate as a catalyst in an excess of glycol in a pu:rified nitrogen atmosphere. The reaction took place as follaws 0 ncillocof -0CH2_P_G)1~,o --- "'door;n~' It OROCIO 1/2 USSR BORISOV, G., et al, Vysokomolekulyarnyye Sayedinen531a, Val X11, NO 3, Mar, 70, pp 620-625 The resultant polyesters in the fused state are semj` zxan!-~ z vi -i . Lis Pa nan -e n substances. After reprecipitation, the compcunds ari:! or %ollowish Powders. Fibers may be drawri from the melts, and the excellent- films. They are soluble in chloroform, and nitrobenzene. It was found that -the melting point of thc C) I C r decreased with an increase in the number of zm2thylene grc-,,,p:z iil t'17c- jlycol. The polyesters are fairly heat resistant, losing frow 4 ti:; 2(",'; of -ciaeir total weight when heated to 3000 C for 3 hrs. It was also fc)urd that tho thermal stability of the polyester decreas,2s ;vith an incr.-tat.;c 41a th(~ number of methylene groups in the glycol. The poly(;-~-,,ter products ac~"IcZ well to glass and metal surfaces and will not burn whzen removed -froi-i an open flame. 2/2 I CI 7 - ---------- - --- USSR UDC 632.954:635.132 and KUZIIETSOVk, Ye. A. Simferopol University SjV "The ConditIon of Plastid Pigments in Carrot Leaves in Connection With the Application of the Herbicide Solan" Moscow, Agrokhimiya, No 2, 1973, pp 134-137 Abstract: Field experiments were conducted in the Crimean piedmont in 1970- 1971 with 70% soil moisture. Solan (3-c~.loro-2-methyl-p-valerotoluidide) was sprayed on sprouts in dosages of 3.0~and 6.0 kg./ha. Pigment content were,determined spectrophotometrically, chlorophyllase,activity by the method of Sud'ina, and the photochemical activity of the chloroplast homo- genates by the differeace in reconstituted chlorophyll in light and in darkness in a period of 5 minutes. The tests.were repeated four times over 2 years. Results indicated that solan led to reduction of green pigmentat.Lon in the carrot leaves and reduction of carotinoid in.the leaves and also an increase of carotinoid in the root crop. ;One reason for the reduction of green pigmentation may be an increase in the hydrolytic current of chloro- phyllase. The greater the dosage of herbi,cide the lesser was the photo- chemical activity of chloroplasts. 'L/Z 019 UNCLASSIFfIED PRQCE~SING DATE--04DEC70 ~TITLE--SEGMENTARY SENSORY DISORUERS IN CERVICAL OSTEUCHONDROSIS -U- AUTHOR-SIVUKHAt T*Aw ,.:COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR .,SQURCE--SOV MED 33(2): 112-1141. 1970o ~Q AT EPUBLISHED ------- 70 S-UBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES .:'TOPIC TAGS--SENSORY PHYSIOLOGY, BONE DISEASE# MUSCULAlk ATAOPHY CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS -'00C UMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO i,PROXY:.REEL/FRAME--3007/0316 STEP NG--UR/0399170/0,331002/0112/0114 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP01358A'l UNC L AS S I F I:E'Dl~ ~.2/2 019 UNCLASSI FJED~ PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 2/2 -CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0135811 Cl RC AC ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. SEGMENTAL DISSOCIATED SENSORY T. DISTURBANCES IN THE BODY, UNILATERAL OR' BELATERALt WERE REGISTERED IN 27 OF Ill PATIENTS EXAMINED FOR CERVICAL OSTEOCHOND-ROSf.S. A LOWERED SURFACE SENSITIVITY WAS NOTED LARGELY IN THE SEGMENTS D SUBI-D SU153-1~p ALSO IN 0 SU81-D SUG5-6. IN MOST PATIENTS SENSORY L)[SUROERS WERE' SEEN TO OCCUR AGAINST THE BACKGROUND OFITENDON AND PERIOSTEAL REiLEXES IN ALL LIMBSt WITH MUSCLE ATROPHY OF THE OPIPER EXTRI:A11TIES ALSO APPARE"o, IN SOME CASES. SEGMENTAL SENSORY DISTURBANCES IN DICITEOCHRONDRUSIS MAY BE ATTRITUTED TO VASCULAR DISORDERS. OWING TO COMPRES~40N OF THE INFERIOR CERVICAL RADICULAR ARTERYt THE Pos 'rERfOR HORN OR SPINAL THALAMIC PATHWAYS WITHIN THE ZONE OF THEIR CROSSING ~BEGE)14,[- THE TARGETS FOR LESION. UNCLASSIFIED 1k, WiMiffli PRE USSR uDc: 621-528:621,59 GORIH, V. P., SHO.-ISKIY, K. P., LEONOV, V. V., ZAMOOV, V. S., YTJPRIY/JTOV, V. I., RODIOTIOV, A.. a., BARANOV, V. S., SHTRAKFU40, A. Ya. "A Cold Trap" rnyy Moscow, Gtkrytiya, Izobreteniya, Pronrjshlennrje Obrazltsy, Irova. e Znaki, NO-10, Apr 72, Author's Certificate No 332253, Division F, filed 9 Jan 69, published 14 Mar 72, Pp 136-13T Translation: This Author's Certificate introdtces a cold trap for vacuum pumps. Vie device contains a thermally insulated housing with fittings for connectin& it to the exhausting vacuum purrip and to the space being evacuated. Located in the housing axe aptically opaque cryogenic panels cooled by a liquid coolant such as nitrogen.: As a distine-vishing Y'eature af -the patent, the effectiveness of the trap is imroved by makIng the cooled pan-els in the fo= of P_ vertical annul- ar louvred screen vith cool- ing tubes on the faces E,..nd collectors for the upper and lviier shields located in the cavft.Ies of the louvred screen. 7he screen and shields taken to,-e4;hv_?* fwn:j a cl_nc~od rjonhern~tic chwzber vhi&, acc):=odates a Cis- aN, V. P. et al., USSR Author's Certificite No 332253 ributor pipe coaxial with the annular screen and passing through the upper shield. Me lower end of the distributor pipe is closed off', and holes are made in the side wall which have a diameter ircreasing dowwrard along the flow of the gas-vapor mixture. The flow. channels te"ween the louvres in the vertical, screen increase in cross sectional area toward the periphery, and the upper and lower shields are made with a greater hydraulic drag than the vertical screen. USSR UDC 542.48 PODBEREZHNYY, V. L., ROZEN, A. M., ajLd_�jYA=Q,_k,.._S. OlDesalination. of Sea Water by Means of a Hydrophobic Htat Carrier" Moscow, Vodosnabzheniye i Sanitarnaya Tekhnika, No 6, 1971, pp 8-13 Abstract: The essence of the desalination process based on hydrophobic beat carriers, in contrast to common distillation equipment, is that metallic heat conductors are replaced by the surface of a movable heat carrier im- miscible with water. This makes it possible to carry otit all.heat exchange processes in direct contact of two phases, water-heat 6arrier and vapor- heat carrier, simplifying the apparatus, iowering the maintenance problems. In this study laboratory eyperiments have been utilized tQ stlaw a feasibility of using simple components for water desalination: triple liquid exchanger, a condenser for mixing and an evaporation chamber. It h" been shown that such a system works, and for the conditions studied showtd~ goo&indicators. The need has been pointed out for developing equipment and finding conditions for industrial applicaticn- of this process. Computers: 'Applications Prograftdng USSR uDo 63i.142.01 Institute of Cybernetics, Academy of Sciences &tonlan SSR "A Method of Forming Vector-Tine Switching Functions Y~rom Mcroprograms" Tallin, Izvestiya Akadejr.,11.1 Nauk rztonskoy SSR, Vol 22, No 1, 1973, pp 22-30 Abstraett The article considers the formation of vector-time switching func- tions (previously studied by -the author).from microprograms. If the micro- program or system of microprograms is represented in the form considered by V. M. GLUSHKOV, the following procedure is required to obtain vector-time switching functions: 1) select the element structure (potential, potential-pulose, pulse,or iogic delay element structure); 2) select the type of information+coding; 3) form Boolean analogs of the excitation and odtput functions for the flip-flops of each register digit,disregard-ing the time relation between sig- nals; 1/3 USSR SMI.Oh', A., Izvestiya Almdemii Nauk Estxanskoy SSR, Voj' 22, No 1, 1973v pp 22- 30 4) note the type of signals in the resultant expressions (for example, use an asterlsk (*) to denote a pulse signal, no asteri,~jk for a potential sig- 5) use a timing chaxt to arrange the time coordinates for the existence of signals; 6) form expressions for the digit flip-flops; 7~ determine what signals can be obtained fxom outs'de as the input signals of a given logic cixcuit; 8) delay a signal es necessary~ wi+.h due regard for the type of signal: 9) form a vector-time switching function Afor the control part of the automaton that realizes a &Iven system of microoperationz; 2/3 2.9 USSR SIYMON, A., Izvestiya AloAenll Nauk Estonskoy SSR, Vol 22,,No 1, 1973, pp-22- 30 10) from the operating conditions of a circuit, determine the maximum permissible time for the appearance of a signal at the 6~ -th output of a given logic circuit. A detailed descwiption is given of some of the steps of this algorithm. The methad is suitable for a system of nonsimultancous nicroprograms. 3/3 1/1 m Foundry USSR UBC 669.185~1 nTIHIPOROV, B. V., SMOKIlly, V, V., GuLtYEV, 0. F.":OPLOV tir S SAPRO.-OV, Yu. YA. , ;r'OLESIIIK' V. YLT. V., RUDNITS.KIY, YA. N., FAYERSHTIM, L. D., MIGAN, Z. institute of Form= Metallurgy in Dnepro'potrovsk and Krivoy Rog Motallizrglcal Plant W4 t'h ~5-111on'Gonvortol.,' WIVh: Irxroatia(I "Operatl-rig Exporiarco I Zwing R&to" Moscow, Stall, No 3, Mar 70, -o 215-2le. Abstract: Netallurgizts o~' the Instituto of Ver:r-o%i3 in Dnopropetrovsk and X~rivoy Rog Metallurgical Plant havo developed a tochniqu6 for smelting in. 55 -'-on oonver'~orz -wit'- doubled from 2.8-3 to 5~6 cu'm/' the oWon food rate almos., ~-e. A now-typo tuy~ro is used, tho naaaof.whlch ha3 per minul two rows of concontrically arranged nozzlos with indapondont oxygen food to each row. The Increased blowing rater slag formation, The yield of acceptablo product and -11ho dogroa of improvement in slag for=tion are detarininad by tho atiii=- tural charaotoristies of tho nos6a. '.'lose 11o. 5 wwj ~Cound I.,ci bo 1/2 USSR NIMPOROV, B. V., at al., Stall, 116 3, Mar 70, pp 215-216 the most effective of all thono testod. 11ho use o-f a tuyera with nose No- 5 reduces the blowingtime by 40-parcent and i,-,- creases converter productivity ly 20.5 Percent.- Stools F St. 53P, X St. 33P, 35GS, K St. 5 Ps, K~St 3Pz, X St,On, 081m, 10kp, K2, K3, KExp-, K31chr, T, and Sv-;aL were obtaincid'wh" out th any decrease in the yield of aocoptablo product, dotorioz-ation of metal quality, or dooreaso in refractory lining -,esiotanco. In newly designed shops provision slj, z~ado f6r a gaz circuit capacity and oxygen feed oyaten sufficientTor tho operation of converters 1ki-Ith a blowi~s rate ot 5-6 :u m/(t.' RUIVICTION OF TMEE SPENT ON aCtIVING POLYCLINIC Q-11Z kArticle by I rdrr!-15~-' 'yfl,.ova Medical and SnnLtjoey Unter oZ Soyetzkov- Runaian. No 9, 1972, oub-it t, 4 5hprill 19221 1,1 Tn the. du-,:re~ of che Central rotcmittee of the CPSU "C-n fxirtber ~i=proycrent itt urg4nizine. socialist CoLvetitions." att=ti-= 1.6 &-Ivan to the fact thet Lhvra is tstill much to do in tha noninduotrial area to improve the quality ant! Fitnndardo of care. This applies in 1~11,meaauz* to tha ,;cratlon of public heAlth aCencies and institutions, since =.-,=4y the effectiveneas of disease , prevention and trratmont but ala* Ibo tl=a spent k-y blue and vhitecollar warlkerr to tereive modleal cAr-e 4epv=4 the Itta. of ritr2nir4tion cf their attivLty, while the pfty&.Ologlcal at=r-pbare prev4illngin polycLizlit and outpatient centers dettrsinez t!.* emotional b4ckgrouad against which-the visitor villcr~tzmunlcate ~dth the =adical worker or doctor.- All this to particularly important to cit' les with a large Industrial potential, vhare cost of the adult populatiao is at. -work during the day. We can-distinguish two variants of location of polyclAnIt institu- tions, the urban polyclinic w%ith is located in the center of r toyca =kd tnkea care of all Its population #s well n9 industrial workers. IA the same ralDn; polyclinic (rat-RcAl and vanitary c"ntar) located &tar or on tLe pr=tsiei of an entorptlee ~+iich tAkou care primarily or txclunively ce the ecployeec of t4ts and neighboring vnterprLseo. OF courAe, industrial workers do not h4ve the ~amc opportunity to vialt hoth typetA of polyclinic Inaticuticna and make U~e of them; tht Mforences ure rrl;~to-l primarily to the time required. B.F. Zimovskly and G.A. MalynhavA inditate that * aiSnifirant nurmber (302) Of PAt19Dt* Spend An 6VPrhgC Or Meru thra Ono hQVr wniting to be soun by a doctor in a vwnrcip4l polyclinic, if wDr~oro vl2it a municipal polyclinic only after work, I-e. in the oveninv, this roann that they spend part of their leisurp t1ma t~,tte# and this cr*otao diffloultiam# a9paclally whan the visits are ralAt*4 to dis- ~'Vcnosry care, i.e. when the visitors feel wall. If the polyclinic Is clos* to their job, the situation is different: the closer it In the acre Indi- Iduala can go there during wvrk time. 41-11fS 6-7-4157 - 20 4"7 Ocr-/L LTD C. :531.715-2 531-717-53 BOGREUS, G. N. , St UKIS, Z. E. , GOO-31,MG, Y-u. L. , KOD)- DYAZM,-YY, A. P. , VYICIRIST, N. S MINAKOV, IN. A. "A Device for Measurinro the Thickness of 1-form-affnetic Coatirgs on the inside of Pipes" M4scow, Ltfkn:~,~i-a, izelo-reteniya, Prq -- Z -1-e No 329373, Didsiom filed 25 Mar 75, No 7, Mlar 72, AuthjPs Cer.ificr,., published 9 Feb 72, p 151 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a deilic-I ft)r the thick-ress of nonmyagnetic eo-atings oil the inside of, pil-'Or'. 7111V device contains a Li-derometer uldt, a. tubular bar, n mvablc rou-I,, a spring, and L h~~ad. with a pt~)rmanellt mt!Met ecirowleted to the muv,~,Ijle ro(I. The microsaetf~r unit i~ fw7ftf-med to t1le all(Ilof 41he tkjj)jjjw1 bar 11hich is or tbe outside Of 'Lhe jdp(~ to be incpecled, and the rnovatlc rod i!3 coaxial vit', the tubulvr bar aii(j j.~, coopjcd to the micrarmter imit. 7r,,,e h--ad with perim- nent ma,~910; is fastenecl to the end of the tubular bar on the inaidc of thtu pipe to be inspected. As a distinguirhing feature of thc~ tntent,, the device is designed for improved accuracy in measuring the thidnes.- of coal'-,ints on 1,12 WOR SIZONENKO, G. A. et P-1. , USSR Author's Cettificate No 3-29373 the inside of long pipes, and especially those of erors; rection. Tr- side the neasure,--ent head I-s a moduaar meche-nj-m, made up of two 'rollcrs wound with a flexible thread fztst~lned by one end to tile and connected by the other end to the force-measureneiit spring. Also ir,- eluded in the device is a microcontact indicator of the :qosition of th'-, magnet fastened to one of itz; ends. 2/2 UNCLASSIFIED 'PROCESSING BATE--230CT70 iifLE--SOLVENT EXTRACTION OF COPPERM) ANO NICKELM) AS THEIR CHELATE COMPOUNDS WITH ltPHENYLv39M,F-THYLt4rBENZOYLt5vPYi~AZOLONE -IJ- AUTHOR-(02)-ZOLOTOV, YU.A.j SIZONENKO,. R. T. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--Zli. ANAL. KHIM* 1970v 25(1)p 54-8 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ,~,..SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY T 0 P I CTAGS--SOLVENT EXTRACTION, COPPER, COMPLEX COMPOUND, NICKEL ".-.CONTROL t4ARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS .---DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED .-.PROXY REEL/FRAME--1996/1899 STEP iNU--UR/0075/70/025/001/0054/0058 -'.,:CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0118861 UNCLASS I F (ED UNCLASSIFIED ~PRQCESSING DATE--230CT70 CIRC ACCESSIOwN ~'-10--AV,0118861 ADSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE EXTN. I.) FCU AND NI CJMPLEXES WITH 1,PHENYLv3#METtiYLt4vBENLOYLj5tPYRAZOLO[qE (1) WAS STUDIED. OPTIMUM ABSORPTIONS ARE OBTAINED FOR COMPLEXES WHERE THE M:1 RATIO IS 1:2 (M EQUALS CU A1,110 NI)i THUS THE CHELATES.ARE EXTD. AS MI SUB2. THE EXTN. COSTS. OF THE COMPLEXES IN ISAMYL ACL. AND THE 2 PHASE STABILITY CCNSISTS. WERE DETD. UNCLASSII;-IED USSR Lfl)C 533.951.8 PYATAK, A. I., SIZOMENKO, V. L., and STEPMOV, K. N. "Nonpotential Instabilities of Plasmas With Transverse Current, Part I" Leningrad, Zhurnal Tekbnicheskoy Fiziki, No 3, 1973, pp 475-482 Abstract: Plasmas with a current flowing at right angles to the external magnetic field are unstable with respect to the oscillation of high-frequency, small-scale instabilities with frequency and increments of build-up higher than the ion cyclotron frequency. This~paper discusses the excitation of short-wave, nonpotential oscillations in such a plasma. It is assumed that the frequencies and increments of build-up of the oscillations are hi~~Iler than the ion cyclotron frequency and are much lower than the electron cyclo- tron frequency, while the transverse wavelength is ansumed much shorter thaa the Larmor ion radius. The effect of the magnetic field on the ions during the development of the instabilities can then be neglected. The further assumption is made that the transverse wavelength is -aqch lass than the characteristic dimensions of the nonuniformity of density and the magnetic field, which condition permits a local approximation of the problem. Hydro- dynamic and hot-ion instabilities in the plasma are also investigated. The authors express their gratitude to A. B.-Mikhaylovskiy for his critique and advice. 66 USSR UDC 533.951.8 PYATAK, A. I., SIZONEY01, V. L., and STEPANOV, K. N. "Nonpotential Instabilities of Plasmas With Transverse'Current, Par-%: 2" Leningrad, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoy Fiziki, No 3, 1973, pp 483- 488 Abstract: This article is the second part of a paper beguai in the same issue of,the same journal named above (pp 475-482). This second part is concerned With short-wave, nonpotential instabilities iD a plasma with a transverse current and considers the excitation of nonpotential oscillations in a non- isothermal plasma with hot electrons and cold ions as well as similar siLua- tions in an isothermal plasma. It is shown that if the electron temperature Is much higher than the ion temperature, long-wave electromagnetic oscilla- tions with a phase velocity of the order of the electron thermal velocity along the magnetic field may be generated in addition to short-wave ionic- sonic oscillations. The instabilities in a plasma whose electron temperature substantially exceeds the ion temperature are investigated, as well as those in a plasma of equal electron and ion temperatures. The authors note that the unstable oscillations excited by resonance particles-'also are important factors in heating the plasma electrons and ions. USSR STERANOV., K. N.; SIZO147SN'K02 V. L. (Physicotechnical Institute of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences'.. Khartkov) "Instability of aPlasma with a Current in a Dfggnetic Field" Kiev.,, Ukrain-qldy Fizicheskiy Zhurnal; March, 1971; PP Ual-45 A.MTRILCT* The article deal."> with the excitation of short-dave, ionic cyclotron plasma oscillations with a wavelength which is consideralbly less than the Larmor radius of ions ej by electrons drifting under the eloctrical Aeld effect along the magnetic field writh a velocity less than the electron bee. velocity. It is shown 'that the frequerzy of such oscillations, which is within the range n &)!a < 0) k>Ti) plasyna in a strong magnotic field (uj lie Wpa) vinich are caused by electron scattering by "boats" of ion-suand turbulent pul- sations. The level of turbulent noises Ls evaluated fi~om the condition thal stabilization of ion-sound instability stta-U -Yhen resonance elactron.9 rco.pon- siblo for the build-up of oscillationz are knocked aut:.-under. the effect of os- 'llatir o oucillation:peri d. of tho wave. In c i n from roconance in phase with th this case the electron valmity u in tho external fiqild Fj is ehown to be Oqual to U 0 VTe 1/2 Pi 45 USSR STEPANOV, K. N.t et al., Ukrainskiy Fizichelvkiy Zhurnal, Mar 71, pp 429-437 itdent of E. It a3z o -Where vTe (Te/me)- i.e., ne is practically irutepe foll I aus that tho plasm a reAss--,i,~Ity- is nearly pro-dorbiwial to B. This ratio is in good quantitative agreement with the results of erperinents on the "Toko- mak" T-14-3. Data on the rates of eloctron and ion heating of thq plasma are evaluated, and it is shavn that the iow heat up considerably fastar than~the electrons. USSR UDC 778-35:7710;022.5 "Seleetion of Optimum Exposure and Its Automatic Control in Aerial Photography" Moscow, Zhurnal Nauchnoy i Prilcladnoy Fotografii L Kinamato- afii. No 6, Nov 70, PP 401-405 Abstract: The article deals with an approach to light-sensitivity Z-riteria from the point of view of selection of the eic.-posuro which nakes it possible to obtain the maximum quaraXity of fine details on an aerial photograph. In view of the fact that the brightness range of the optical inage may be much greater than the resolvometric range of the photographic system sootors whose bri&htness differs sharply from the average levallinoluding clouds) should not be taken into acco-qnt when.sel*cting, the opti- mum exposure. Brief consideration is givon to xothods:of con- ~trolling exposure, with an eval-"tion:oT their errors, including programmed and automatic methods -- on the basis of intloegral brightness, on the basis of minUmm brightness, the integral 112 USSR Zhurnal Nauchn y i Prikladnoy Potografti i 0 Kinemat o 6-,'Nov-Dec 70, PP 401-405 method with selection of the brightness vidso signal on the basis of its level, and the integr4l method wij;ji salactlon of the brightness video signal on tho',basis of tho lev,91 of the brightness coefficient. The last-mentioned method 6f controlling exposure is new, and in the most.precise one. figures, bibliographic entries. USSR UDC 533.6.011.5 PRMOD K.0 Ve D., and SIZOV, A. ME., Volgograd, Leningrad "On Approximate Calculation of Flow Parameters at Interaction of 'Supersonic Jets" Mosco~,I, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk, USSR, Mlekhpzil~a Zhidkosti i Gaza, Wo 1, Jan-Feb 73, PP 168-170 Abstract: A study was made of an approxim,.,Ac raothod of calcula- I_M_ A air j et outf io-.-i-* np froz tion of the Darme4*ers of a co-ano .,- g I a four nozzles aith interaction 01"' individual jetz on tiie initial ol.-i into i, f"looded. c.-jace gas-dynamic section. Considered in- an 0 1 V fc at subcritical flow conditions witli associato~l inter.4 -rence shocir wave. A calculation sche-ma is presented fcr the coer:,-ficient of losses in tota' pre3oure as the C~aas -moves thro-Ugh s-Piricl: de- veloping by interaction of jeto. The distribution olf Ij-he !,each nl,;.v.- t ja cjali_~ated. ber on the ax,41.,3 of co:nround Ja 0." , d~.ta chows a of exrorimentna arid on rA7 form-alas, three bibliographic USSR UDC 669.782.053.2 SHURSHAKOV, A. N., DERGUNOVAI V. S.P MEYERSON, G. A., SIZOV, B. A. "Study of the Effect of Boron Additives on the Carburization of Silicon" Tugoplavk. karbidy - V sb. (Refractory Carbides - collection of works), Kiev, Naukova Dumka Press, 1970, pp 77-82 (from RZh-Hetallurgiya, No 4, Apr 71, Abstract No 4G219) Translation: The effect of boron additives.on the carburination rate of molten Si and the growth of the carbide layer formed at the graphite-melt interface is investigated. On.introducing boron additives in the amount of -n 14%,.the thickness of the carbide layer at.the,graphite elt interface in creases, and the C content in'the melt increases simultaneously. There are illustrations, 1 table,and a 9-entry bibliography:, 3 Moscow, Rybnaye Khozyaystvo, No 3, Mar 71, PP 22-25 Abstract: Since sonic devices are not very useful for locating crabs at the bottom of the sea, the feasibility of detecting the presence of crabs by recording ocean sounds was investigated. The study was performed off the west coast of Kamchatka. Ocean sounds vare recorded by mtans of hydrophones lovered into water in areas known to be inhabited by schools of crabs, while similar sound records were taken from an aquarium kept ouboard a ship and acords mirealed filled with crabs caught in the same area. Analysis of the re that crabs produce specific high-frequency.noisesivbich tend to form brief explosion,vaves" as a result of many crabs Joining In brief choir-type vocalizations, Due to the specific pattern and an intensity 8-20 decibels above the ocean background noise, the method-appears to be useful for practi- cal application. 1/1 Nr. - Abstractirug ServiCe: ;IPOW4:19Z- CFallci"T-. AB & kmular PoLtrimeter sureinePts of' WOV for Mea Oebjenr 'HI UFO tion in nu.1ear ;eactions. Af. .; Schirmer L V.: Aqf6ur. ho,', Gustav; sizovi Micl. R ',-Tn.TIrUW7-AfeMTd-s S~-DFUb~a, U~~J-U)F. IYUC4 Ref. 77(2), 293-9 (Eng). The method of the annular polarhtket& f~)r measuring the N polarization in nuclear rtiactions is desaibcd, and its'advantages agair, s-t the u5ua.1 Idt-right asym metry meth"'(1 are sh6vn. The calens. of the geometrical; factor anti the a;v. "y=-xg power were carried out by usinj -the Monte-64o method. For example, the polarizatipn of p from -the readtlj5n 12C (4le, po)"IN (g, s -) at e); -,i ~ 2.87 MeV, waq rn ea~ured , aj it function of the scatteritig angle by usingIlle Clastic ficattiINI111,r I2C(P,PPC as an analyzer. RCND, REEL/F&NME .19710845 Cbde UNCLAS ~PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 020 SI FIED 1IT-LE--DOSE DISTRIBUTIONS IN ECCENTRIC;R.OTATION G,AMMA IR.R.AOIATION -U- ,~,_A,IUTH0R-(0(t)-BELOVv S.A., KAVESHNIKOVAr.sovat :SIz RATNER, T.G. ~X:OUNTRY OF"INFO--USSR ACE--MEoirSINSKAYA ~ADIOLOGIYAr 19709 VOL: iNR 51 PP 86-93 TE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ~SUBJECT AREAS--81OLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES P. p t cTAGS--GAMMA IRRADIATION, RADIOTHERAPYt RADIATION DOSAGE ,..-,CONTROL MARKtNG--NO RESTRICTIUNS' DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REELIFRAME--1998/0370 STEP NU--UR/0241/70/0151005/0096/iJO93 rIRLC ACCESSION' NO-AP0121058 . UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 020 UNCLASS IF I ED PROCESSlNG DATE-230CT7C :CIRC ACCESSION Nfj---AP0121058 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE AkTICLE CONT A INS AA MErHOD OF CALcULATION OF DOSE FIELDS IN ECCENTRIC ROTATION GAIMA IRRNOIATION ON ROTATION GAMMA APPARATUS WITH A 75 CM RADIUS OF ROTATI'3N 1,N A HOMOGENC)US -''C-YLINDIZICAL PHANTOM 30 CM IN DIAMETER. THE REGULARITIES OF ALTERATION OF THE MAXIMAL DOSE REGION DEPENDING UPON THE ANGLE OF ~-RGTATIONt WIDTH OF STATIC FJELD AND 'ECCENTRICITY. FACILITY: LABORATORIYA MOSKOVSKOY,~GURODSKOY BCILINIFSY N92 AND INSTITUTA~ SHCHEY GENErIK EKTOR ISTOCHNIKOV IZLUCHENIYA I DOZ114ETRII 0 t3 I -AN SSSR. UNCLASSIFIEO 1J 1" 0 -2 5 UNCLASSI FLED PROCESSTNG OAT?~-27NOIV 0 1ITLE--ATTACHMENT OF ELECTRONS AND DISSOCIATLON OF MOLECULES UNDER ~":~--,ELECTRONEGATIVE GAS GLOW DISCHARGE CONDITIONS.,I. ROLE!CF DISSOCIATIVE ~~#YTAOR 1031, MAKSIMOVt A.I., SIZOV,:V.0., TA.R4YSHKINAr Lf.'L- -ion COUNTRY,OF INr-0--USSR Q'_.,SOURCE-_KHIM. VYS. ENERG. 1970v 443)t 278-9 PUBLISHED ------- 70 AREAS--CHEMISTRY, PHYSICS TOP I CTAGS--GLOW.0I_SCHARGFt ELECTRONEGATIVITYt ELECTRON CAPTUREp ETHANOLY C4RBON TETRACHLORIDE? CHLORINE CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME-3008/0875 STEP NO--UR/0456/7010041003/0278/OZ79 PJO--APOL37903 'UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 025 UNCLASSI FLED PROCESSING OAT E--27NOV7 C C-IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0137903 ~ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE POTENTIAL GRADIENT AND THE c RADIAL, DISTRIBUTION OF fNTEGRNL INTENSITIES Or RAOIATION IN THE PO- COLUIMN IN THE GLOW DISCHARGE OF ETUH, H SU82 0, CCL SUB4, AND CL WE~E J0. AT P EQUALS 5 TIMES 10 PRIME NEGATIVE2 MINUS 5 TORR AND DISCHARGE :..JCURRENTS OF-0.25-20 S OM YINRD 10-26 MM IN DIAM. AT 9 EQUALS 0.5-3 'TO'R4~1: EkPTL. FIELDS AGREED WITH CALCO. VALUES BASED 014 THE ASSUMPTION OF 'ATTACHMENT OF ELECTRONS TO MOLS, JHE RADIAL.DISTRIBU'r[ON OF INTENSITIES DIFFERED~ FROM~ THE D IFFUS ION THEORY, ~fAND T)RE, DIFFERENC'E INCREASED WIT11 :THE,.'CROSS- SECTION OF CAPTURE. OF ELECTROP4 !BY~ 140LS. FACILITY: INST. KHIM. FIZ., CHERNOGOLOVKA, VSSRi UNCLASSIFIED fj~~' J. _W USSR UDC 621.378.325 VAMYUKOV, M. P., Doctor of Sciences, Deceased, KRYZHANOVSKIY, V. I., -SEREBRYAKOV, V_ A., SLZOV, V.,&., STARIKOV, A-D. 'Wiltichannel Neodym-ium Glass Laser System with Picosecond Radiaticn. Pulse Length!' Optiko Mekhanicheskaya Promyshlennost', No 12, 1972, pp 311-32. Abstract: A powerful three-channel laser system made with neodimium glass with,picosecond pulse le-igtA and an angular.divergence near the diffraction limit is described. The output radiation energy of the device reaches 1,000 j with a pulse power of 10,14 W. US- UDC 621.375.82 M. P., ISAYENKO, V. I., PASHININ, P. P., SEREDRYAKOV, V. A. SIZOV V. N., STARIKOV, A. D. 11rormation of Powerful Pulses With a Steep Leading Front in a Laser System With Passive Nonlinear Elements" V sb. Kvant. eleRtronika (Q.,a-antum Electronics Collectlon of Works), No. 1, Moscow, 1971, pp 35-41 (from RZh-FIzika, No 7, Jul 71, Abstract No 7D1147) Wanslation: The change in the length of light pulses in passage through an -;!-Iu- minating medium. of varyIng transpwrency was investigated. A norninonatonic shorten- ing of the lenoth of" the trailing pulse was observed under a change in the dens~~--y 0 the light load. There tras established a dependence of t1nQ region of maximum ccn- traction of the litght pulse on the magnitude wf' the light Rod ror various cGncen- trations of the Illizriiii-ating solutions. There was also establi--hed an ano-malous change in the process of Hlurnination of a metallized fiLm under its illumination by powerful light radiation. it is proposed that the effec-s obsaarved be used tbe.formation of sb rt pt.J ses with a steep leading front. .4 neoJymi,-1,7: glass laser so length of 5-7 nseas a steepness of the'lea-iiLncr front of 0- 11 system vrith -a p,-,1 and a radiation power of 20 Gw was developed. 10 ref. Aut-hors abstract 8 USSR uix: 62l.373:530.Ih5:.'6 VVIYUKOV, 11. P., ISAYFIIKO, V. !., PPOHININ, P. P. ,SEREBRYAKOV, V. It. SIZOV, V. X., STARIKOV, A. D. ~"Shaping of Higxh-Power Pulses With a Steep Leading Edge in aLaser System With Passive Nonlinzar Elements" V sb. Kvant. elektron-ika (Quantun Electronics-collection of woeks), 11o 1, MOSCOW, 1971, pp 35-41 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 5, May 71, Abstract No 5D177) Translation: An investigation is made of the change in duration of light d a of diff rent transparencies. pulses during passage through illuxiinated me I , e notonic reduction in rulsa duration after passage throujh the medilma A nonmo ~e in the density of the light, load. A re- is observed when there is a chang lationshiD is estlablished between the region of inaxizuxl cora-ziriction of rhe light pulse and the magnitijde of the light load for differeant concentrations of transilluminated media. 'Ln anomaly is found in the curve for the Drocess of trans illumination of a metallized film when it is exposed to intense light flux. Recon-mendations are or, usirg the observed effeets for shap-n;~!- short pulses -with a steep leading edGe, leadirg to developiit!nt of a I~ser systein based on neodjrCJ-ujn glass irith a pulse length of 5-7 ncec with a rise time of approximately 1 nsec and emission power of 20 CU. Five. -il-lustratic'ns, bibliography of tea titles. Recume'. Usst VDC: 061.6:91 SIZOV V. P., Candidate of Technical Sciences, T,%IIIC14TP "Upgrading the Role of Structural Materials Testing Laboratoried' Moscow, Beton i Zhelezobeton, No 5., May 73., PP 34-35 Abstract: The author points out the lamentable'state of struotural materials testing-laboratories by pointing out that they are not in a position to maintain existing state utandards, are ill-equippedt do not have adequately trained staffs, and rate low on the pay scale. He suggests that their duties and obligations be defined and that they be headed by chief construction engineers. They must be out An position to maintain state standards. This can be done by naking certain that -the US& State Committee on Construction assigns manufacture-'j,s for the equipment necessary to maintain the prescribed state standards. ;hile the manufacture of this equipment, should be entrusted solely to the plants of the KinIstry of Instrument w6i 'B.uildinjr,,Aut=ation and Control. The repair I on an of,,~this laboratory. ui' nt7 should be entrusted to the Association "Etalon~' of the State Standards e q pme clowittee of the USSI. UDC 621,317.6(088.8) USSR KOVALENKO, N. V., ROSLYAKOV, N. M.~ SIZOV, V. P.,,TARASENKO, 0. M., KONEV, L. N. Device for Measuring the Phase Characteristics.of Antennas", USSR Author's Certificate No 272401, Filed 12 Dec 68, Published 22 Sep 70 (f rom RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 4, Apr 71, Abstract No 4A314P) Translation: A device is proposed for measuring the phase characteristics of as. It is based on using the modulation of the reflected field and antann comprises a generator, a receiver, a low frequency reference signal mplifier, two transmitting antennas, the investigated receiving antenna and an auxiliary receiving ~ antenna. In order to improve the measurement accuracy, N odulators are included In the wave guide channels of the investigated and auxiliary antennas, and a mixer is connected to the tinier outputs. W)": R "A Devico for riOasurinrr the ?hase Characteristics of Antennas" *,!Osco 0" ---0 1 o 19, w Olkrytiya, izobreteniya, Promyshlerair ye Obra z t sy,- T 'a ki 1970, Author's Certificate No 272401, filod IZ Dec 68, p 50 Abstract: This author's certificate introduces a device for neasiirLr'I,7 the piiase Characteristics ol antennas. The device is based on uzing t~'.e m-Diidiation o~f a reflected field, and consists of an oscillator, a receiver,.an amp-lif-Jer for the the reference signal, two transnittinv- antemnas, the receiv`ng low frequency.of io n enna a t to be studied, and an auxiliary r~-cejving aatenna. As a distinguisting ecting jr-modulators feature,of the patent, measurement precision is improved by conr, In the waveguide channels of the antenna to:be studied and the auxiliary antenna, ted to the timer outputs. and a mixer is connecu USSR UDC 537-591-15 VM.10Y, S. N., YI-PC?JROV, T. A., YIEFD,,'OV, If. N., KOLOSOV,, V,, A., YORYAMIT, V. D., KBASIL-NIKOV, D. D., MIMI, A. I., KULAKOVSIUM, V. P. , 'msimov' S. V-'q IMS=-ROVA, N. M., ITT-KOL'SKIY, S. I., ORLOV, V. A. ISUPTSOV, I.YE., SIZCY-X.-Y~. 1WRISTIANSEIT G. B., and SHAMSUTDINOVA,T. K. Preliminarl Results of Recording Extensive Showers on a RecordinE; Array in Yakutsk~' Y"cow, lzvestiya Akaderaii Nauk SISSR, Seriya Fizicheskaya, Vol 35, No 10, Oct 71, pp 20~k-2101 Abstract: Experiments are described in which attempts were rn.,ade at determin- ing-the energy spectrum, composition, and anisotropy of c6smie rays vrithin the range of energy i017 to 1016'ev. It is desired to extencl the ran'se to.cover 1019 ev and above. Of a particid-ar interest are the following proble.-.1s: the rays origiEat'e within the Gala:vy or in,netaCzalactic :--gions, wha-,is the direction fron which they arrive, and how Cerenkov radiaTion Proaucea C!, uz2A -within the atrnoszhere. , 111he tQst equipment. consists of 1-~ them is distrib a cen--Lral recording points distrilwitea ovc-r an area Of 3 k3z - trol point. Thta out~~-at specTram, wag neasured over a parioi Of 29-5 hours. 82 showers vere noted durinS that period, vith the axes falliDg within the 1/3 ----------- array area. The orientation of the axis was found by the "triangulation" method' comparing the time of arrival of the showers at different recording J - points. An analytic expressioa is given in the paper for the integral output spectrum of extensive showers at sea level for the interval of It between 2 x 10 and 2 x loP. The intensity, determinf,-d with this formJ_a, appears to be 2 to 3 times as great as recorded elsewhere. Distribution of Cerenkov light Vith re&ipect to the shower axis was determined by observations conducted on alearj moonless nights. It was found to be similar to that of the'pri=ary gamm quanta, but it decayed with the distance frozi the axis more slowly than the amount of charged particles (1-1-2 -5 as against R-3*3 for charged rarticles) Examination of the energy spectrum of prlyrarf partioles lead to the con- elusion that the electromagnetic componentis responsible. for 80% Of it. Depandence of pri miry energy on the output if was established, and on the basis of this relation the integral ~Spectm% was corTuted. The coefficient connect- ing these -two magnitudes was found to be, tvice a8 bigh as the, one previously accepted elsewhere. 2.13 6i;SR VERNOV$ S. N., et al., Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Serlya Fizicheskaya, V61 35, No 10, Oct 71, pp 2096-2101 In the final analysi , variation of Cerenkov light at the primary -oar- ig ticle ene ev and the output (intensity) of 1.5 x 1o7 p- TgY of 3.6 x 10 ar- ticles at sea level is given, as well as the expected di~tribmtion of the nuclear components of primary rays. 3/3 UDIO 621.)18. 1~ USSR SIZO11, YE..k. , V. 'm. ItUltrafine Tapes Of Soft 1,11agnetic Alloysif V sb. Vses. siz-,poz. po Ferro ~anit. materialam, 1969 S:-alporAum On ~y . Ferromagnetic Mx-,teri3ls, 15-69-0 ol lect ion Of 'dorks), Llvov, Pvov uni,~ornity, 1971, P 107 (from RZh:E1e1Arote1,hnika i enerr.,Aika, %xo 6, June 1972, Abotract No 6B28) Translation: The industrial technolca was developed in the USSR for the -rc,- duction of tapes rrom soft magnotic alloys 1-1,35 micrcn thick and (tinier 1~:'Ooru- tory conditions) 0.1.7*, m-ticron thick. The Mgneiic Dropertia-, of tl-o tPpe bre close to the rron-=rties of evaporated lilm-s. In ca,-.3p!ar5--;on wAh 'Jlms, the ti;u- L rre chorac'erized by a hiah unifor:uity of cri-npogition, moro atruattira, -,nl trio pa&uibility of vuryirip~ tho ,.,tructurei Tiir~ nhyric-A, prot-art.1-7 of 0.'(--5 micron thick Lupo are studied.: ThA~j of th(; Cz, the thicknese and teiii,aruture is conaidered. 2 ref. )46