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ITSSR UDC: 539.26: 536. 5. Of--',].. 7 UROTA, N. N., et al, Doklad Alcadeinii Rauk SSSR-, vol 204, lio 3, 1972, pp 583-585 Institute of Semiconductorb and ik,'olid State associated with the Physics at Minsk. 2/2 36 USSR UDC 621,315-592 N. Y'. Acaden -ademy of Sciences Bolf.)russl= SSE, and ician of the A, V.,Jnsttitute of Solid-State and Semiconductor Yhysiczt Acad- ozy of Sciences Belori=ian SSR "Magnetic Field Effect on Radiation of Indium Phosphidm p-n J=ctions" Mlnsk, Doklady Akadw U Nauk ISSR, Vol 16, No 3, Mar 72 f pp 205-' .07 Abstracts Tho, axticle dt-scrib", results of a Fstuiy of 'the effect of a longi- tudinal magnetic field on the spectral radiation dirtribution of InP diodcs obtminad by diffiision of vdac intx) an n-typo iraterial, 1ho dJode3 We.-C fabvi- tx-atioao cated by the au-th-orc, vho utw4 Indiuja phwspblde idth. Jx~urity concen 15 17,, ~nd 3.1.()113 c:--3 of n - 8,10 , 6,7-10 ~az tho initial, ltdiation emerging in the p-n imiction plane was studiocll on zn JIM.-I =Fnachronalwr vith of varjijig intkywity a glass prism. Wo types of radiation :(AV, , Av, ifere ollserved, readily distinguishablo:for d-lodus irlih a low impurity Concel- tratione The low-cnorC,7 bmd liv, in & phonoi. repetition of the rain t~utd A VL . The maxim= of the band with energies 1,,Vc 110d shifts towards, TJT, C' 5.419.26 ..'eiorussimq Acadeiriy cf Sciences, m-1 Aca~ an "Germanium Reaction Diffusion im Niobillso" Minsk, Doklady ~C.-,adc--;J Nau:,-, B2SR, vol. 15, Era. 10., 1971, pp 881- 884 Abstract: Asser'imr- t-hat the literature containcl, no rese,,.rcl, U C, the laws of diff tion oL r:ermanitva in niobiurm, au-hors uslon reac U T 'his subject. Present the results of theix, exDe.-i=ental -, 'ark o~n t. They diffused gerraani-um into niobiirm fron, the it-- s phase ',)y a method t d e s c r ib e d Lq an e oi- ar' ic e by t, he ~ a rme a t-, 0 r,- aimilar to Tl_ i, in the sw~c, jourw-,.1 (::1 1971), usin- p3ates r-easur:im- U and vires 0.3 ran iii un to 7 cm in len,.~,Ih o,~ e 1 ec'xor-bewn niobium. 2.111C niobi= specimians and jawe weve col- tacinated i n a doub'-_-, ~mbalanced qunrt_,, ampou"Lo ~'ArConl getter. isoti"'OrMIC (.11fumion imr, co-ducted at of -100 to 11000 C. 2,11 S _U, C-1) Of, 1000, Over _f~ i~eriold of r ~-o 200 _,i v the th i c'~r 2 zo, o~j~ --fv=d -'ayers was ,md roent-enograpIiJc,-__Iy. !""!f-!Surem~:nts o,,,zaa3ied, for -,17- If on For r_xi accur..qte t.:~Lt -6 ,, a o L o n a -f are givor- in a tw-_tble h e com-! 'ho the layers f ormed i:- tho dif7fusion the aut rs 1/2- U S S 5~ - SIROTA, et al, Doklad.,,, kkademii Naul: Vol. 15, !To. 10, 1971, P.1t) 851-884 the me~.-a" their investiz7ation;-_~ u-h 11-he, x-ray microanalyziar of firm. Cuz-ves are niotted for the change im Oli~"L`usian lCycrC t 11 J 'he -I r C Z,-3-C 0 - u goith of t-hose la time; they.indicate yers ii a I r -"-u" s. The aut' -iected: vJI-h `he Dns'-~`uto at --l I liors --re com of,Semicon-ductors a-n Solid State Physics, Belloru_-sian Z~tcade- 0 4~ 'Sciences. 85 USSIR UDC' 539.26 Fe'lorussian `cademyw: N. N., Acade-Jcir, "Germvnium Reaction Dil~-�:usion im 101iobim,111 TlLnsk, Dokllady L:ademii Nau~:- -E, -311, vol 15, -o 10t 1971, pp 881- 884 Abstract: Assertinrr tfIh!-:-.t t.,,-e 1iterattu--e contains no rosearc-~I into the 1, of dif-'usion reaction of the authors Dresent the result-- their experi-r-ental wor-k 0-1 -1-his Subject. They diffused Germianiiui -into niobiizi from th-- tr.-,-s .-phase 10y a me-thod similar to Uhat, dcscribed j-q an earlior article bv t2-e sa:n- au"-or- in the same Journal (L;, 1, 19,71), usinf? ppint~.,!s r:m- 20 arid wires 0.3 no in diameter uiy to 7 cm i-n len?~~;,th of electi-on-beal: niobiura. 'The niobium spocLipens and ;iLre Eermaniu:, 'po-v.-der -~7ere coll- tan, inated in a double, wibalancod. quoxtz ampaule getter. Isothermic r-'Ifffusion -~,naz corducte-c! -i:t -).s o- o-ver a -eriod o" 5 t,,,) 200 houx~~,, to 11000 the thic.:n2ss! of the ~ii-ffused layors con"I'Tol' and U- are rjj-von in a -15able . For on accur'l-to tect (",-f t-he C012-03i---ion, O-L' the layers forr-11,d in, thc, -J"o USSR kROT'A, 17. 1~. et al, Dolzladv Nai;L BSSR, %rol 15, I[o -310, 1971, p 881-884 their invest, i,-,at ions -~:Itli the 7-ray micl-oamaly~,.er o-- ~-he j f 4,* U ~-jj 0, ~ C :3 firm. Curves plotted for -U*,-e change :Ln d a r ith time; they.indicate the growth of those I ayers in j-'arabolic -for-- -h --I,e at Lall t-emreralk-,ures. 12he authors are comiected -,,:i'L, of Semiconductors and "J:olid 3tate -chysics, Eellorussian A-Lcade.,ily c-f 'Sciences. 85 UDC 538-318 ROTAx -HE EVI CH, V. Y 12. I and SHC NIBATSE S "Study of Ferromagnetic Resonance in Nickel-Magnesium-Chromium Ferrites" Minsk, Izvestiva Akademli Nauk BSSR, Sorlya Fiziko-Hateraticheskikh Nailk, No 5, 1971, pp 95-100 .Abstracts The article describes results of a study pf properties of ferrites, of the ternary system NiO-FeZO3-1"rO'FO203-Cr2o3'Fe2O3; In tbe resonance region in a wide temperature range on cylindric6l specinons of varyIng diareter. The study included variations in the resonance lineifidth and the value of the resonance field of the forrites a=rding to their composition and. temperature, a determination of values of the mininum:resonance lAneuidth and g-factors of ferrites of the single-phase region of the system, as irell as a study of the offect. of electromagnetic wave propagation in ferrite Opecimens on the reso- nance field value and linewidth. The SHP-properties of the frirrites were memured by the waveguide method on a frequency of 9370 Khz. A study vas also made of the,effect of the specimen diametpr on resonanpe linewidth and field 1/2 77-: SIROTA, N. H., and SHCHERBATSEVICH, V. YE., lovestiya Akademii Nauk ESSR Seriya Fiziko-Matemallicherkikh Nauk, No 5, 1971, pp 95-100 value. It is sho-,m that the location of the ascending branch of the resonance -curves does not depend on the diameter of the ferrite spe.cimen but is deter- mined by its composition. 2/2 75 USSR TJDC 539.21:536.42 -?Ov~ ll N. I.I. anL~ a j.G Orderin%g Processes in Films Similar in Composit _q 4i3Fe It 0 V sb. Yx ia-'I,-Fillizatsiva j, fa,-:.. Drevrashcheniva (Cryst alliza t ion and uk- -a i t ej' Phase Transf orma~ions-co-,le,~;tion of works) ,a hn 7~7 1971, pp 146-151 (from RZh-Fisika,. ;Io. 9, 1971, Abstract G . 91`3 5 0 Translation: The ordering process in ferronLa&rnetic films simil ar in Co,"~poSjtiC~j to ~jlj_T,`e was studied. The in7.rf_,-IiC;F~t4LC)n was vi.~;cle by faeasuring thu electrIcal re,_~ istivity o,-..' t-he- f ilns directly in ncaliiia. For tj'i(,- sa2ze of~ the course o-T isotherL.Ac an 1- similar curves or nicl-el fi--ils. of thc .'Tere -,31otted results obtained pernit the assertion that xegrions of the 'I'3pe are formed and grow-along with the ai-nealing processes j)ound com. o fdefects in permalloy f ilms. Author's abstract 77--7- 2. 2 UDC 621.3 L LI S='TA - mamma on on 0iii-con Carbiae r-n JurIctions e-atron I,radiati %,Bffect of N a '0 -Ill 'I, p 100 Lu~: BSSR, 110. j-j Mrpdemiii Tuns'-, '' 'rj1".P*-vjtS. CL ic" 4. ior e . I.Gns of Abstract: I-,lh;s briz~f Of aluict -ion bY reactor neutrons ~:Iincd bY in irradiau Tjje junctio,jr, 1,r(2re ob`C . C4-i-7ity. ~, cv--t'lls 1,Tith electranic" condu )n ~Ljje ori-C,inal Silo , ."" CU - Lza nr(.1 borc 'L, LIL I- - on by t, ia, all fusion 0 to 5is.Li-Vi ty of 1.10 ~On~c) reaactor 0- ull-C U dono - 11 the Jo--2 Uj.e of 60k) C, trons w's 4-0,1*t)nrat k, 1~ I. ~ of Sciences, :2-t a L, i - The J,-atensitY 0" 1, C-dm xua f, -he L3-ter. ,~ se J,hp effect of 11 I-jeLitrons cut out by C- . . c. 2 10 n current 4,10 eutrons/c- Stic:3 V-11 e and lijg it charact: on the volt-amner d 'es are DjOt,6 for the was Studied. +,,e ~,~Ojt-~i-m,~.ere -ec+ior 2 C11 an 1 -1 the -;~02.-ard and reverse on t I.- ic,,n L "he efifect o- o r recomr) EU d I or ii, (a c, e in -;j - vulct C.~L c 0*~ tile *on teristi !.d -i-Y rO CoLi L jo)n I intensi of the Cl' -.T.Ore "a 0 1: t USSR SIROTA, IT. 11. , et al, Izvestiya Akedemii PP 109-lill It is noted that the volt-am,nere cmaracterist-ics ChmiCed riarhc~dly after irradiation by fast neutrons: of a dGsage Ereatler t-han 1-101"' neutrons/cm , and that the spectral.and ijitegral characterintics of the electro-lurlinescence chow a monotonic drop in the ir- tensity with increasing neutron dosages. . The ~.authors are m1eilwkers of the Institute of 2jolid State and Sem-icomuctor Physics, lc2rde-r-,Y of Sciences, DS43MR. 2/2 62 USSR UDO 557-311-33t546.28 SIROTA, N.N., KORSMNOV, F.P., WMES, L.YU. nInvestigation Of Radiation Effects On Semiconductor QryBtfl1s And P-N Junctions" V ab. Radiatsion. fiz. nemet. kristalloy (Radiations Physioa Of Nonmetal Grystals--Collection Of Works), Minsk, Nauka JL tekhn.- 1970, pp 6-17 (from RZh--Elektronike i Xeye'primeneniye , No I,- January 1.971, Abstract No 1B123) Translation: The effect is studied of neutron irradiation an single crystals of Si and the p-n junctions prepared on their base. The radiation defects are deter- mined which play a dominant role in the change of the electrical properties in Si in the process of irradiation by feet neutrons. It ivalso ahown that an increase of resistance of the base of the p-n junctions during the time of irradiation leads to attenuation of modulation of its conductivity and to a 6ocrease of the fonard current. The overall dapendencoe mentioned make it posailble~to clarify the process 2 of change of the volt-ampere characturistico of tho 1) a Junction. It is establish- that irradiation leads to a decresse.of the contact potential differences and the displacement of the p-n junction to the mide of the high-resistance base. 10 ill. 24 ref. Author's abstract. USSR UDC 621. x82.2 KORSF.UNOV, F.P., 1;OSOL&FG.V, "Effect Of Electron irradiation On P-N Junctions In Silicon" V eb. Radialsion. fiz. ncmat. Rristalloy ~(Ptadiation Fky[~ica C,- -Xeta'lic Non T Crystala-Collection Gf Works), RiTnak, 'N,aukix i tekhn.," 1970, pp 1:/;:6-!41 (111-CM RZh--Elektroni'Ke i ye'Ve pri=eneniye, I-To 2,'Fabruary 1971, Abzt -ract No 2BI31) Translation: -Ihe irroverbible changoo of tho voltamperitj chartictorLstica of p-n junctiono in Si on exposure to irradiation by aluctrono with onergier, of 10-25 Mov are investigated. it is established that at low Injection 1--vole the foniard voltage drop after irrad.40tidn is decreased, wniuh is explained by the reduction of concentration and lifetLma of the majcrity char,~e carriorB in the p- and n-ragions. At high injection levels, au a reijult of un increase .0.' resiatence of the base during irradiation, its effect on the form of the char- With an increaea of tha temperature, equal acteristica becomes noticeable. t%#3 elfc C i changes of the forward drop begin ivkth larte flux donoj,ly. t Veneas of the actloa of irradiation by electrone on the foniard. charaiAeriatica gruas ack ch racterietice with an increase of the energy of tho olectrons, while the b, a hang ., 6 ill 6 rof - Y-Vi remain practically without C ga 1/1 1=1a USSR UDG 537.226:1536.42:54-165 SIROTA, N. N., Academician, and CHOBOT, H. A., Institute of Solids and Semi- emy of Sciences Belorussian SSR "Curie Temperatures of Solid Solutions in the Ternary System Lead Zirconate- Lead Titanate-Lead Metaniobate" Minsk, Doklady Akademli Nauk BSSR, Vol 15, No 2, 1971, pp, 113-115 Abstract: The Curie temperatures of solid solutions in the system PbZr03- PbT103_PbTiO3_PbO.5NbO3 were determined and the charai,~teris tics of the de- pendence of the constant Curie temt)eratures on concentration were found. The Curie temperatures were determined by the position of the maxima on the curve for the dependence of the dielectric permeability as a function of temperature. Specimens in the form of disks of 10-15:mm diameter and 1-2 mm thick were pre- pared. The surface of the disks was coated with a layer of silver paste, which was then brazed at 600*C. The dielectric perme,-ibility measurements were taken at a frequency of 5 kHz in the temperature range from room tem- perature to 700'C. In contrast1to solid solutions with a perovskite structure and a potassium-tungsten bronze structure, solid solutions of the system in- vestigated with the pyrochlorite structure have lou, Curie temperatures, 1/2 USSR SIROTA, N. N, and GHOBOT, M. A., Doklady Akademii Nauk BSSR, Vol 15, No.2, within the limits from 23K (in the binary system PbZr -03-Pb 265 Nb03 with a 50 mole % PbZr03 content) to 46*K (in the binary system PbT, 3_Pb 0.5 NbQi with a 50 mole % PbT103 content). Curie temperatures~decrease practically in direct proportion with increase in PbZrO content It-was found that the highest Curie temperatures are exhibitej by solid, solutions in the boundary of the binary system PbT~03-pb 0.5Nb 03 with an approximate 10 mole % PbT103 content. 2/2 --34. USSR UDC 535.33 621.382.2 SIROTA, N. N. LUKOMSKIY, A. 1. "Recombination Radiation of Al=inum Aptimonide pn Junctions" Minsk, Zhurnal Prikladnoy Spe~fttroskopii, No. 5, May 71, pr, 937-938 Abstract: The spectrum cf recombination radiation of pn -iunctions prepared -11.7rom aluminum antimonide single crystals is discuGsed. Graphs of the current-valtage characteristics and the spectrum of the recombinatIon radLa7cion of alurninum ar,-t:i- monide diodes are given. The spectrum of recombination r,-,idiation of the dilodes was made at current densities of the order of 30 a/cm2 and at a temDerature of 770K. The radiation spectrum of the diodes shows that tim! MaXi[PlIm 0i- the radlaTic-r, intensity corresponds to a photon energy of 1.28 ev, which is considerably less than the width of the forbidden zone of aluminum antimonide. Y.T is pointed out that F..Kaver in 1958 noted the presence of a photoconductivity peak I naluminum anti- monide at 1.27 ev and considered this to Impurity effect. Crystals and S6mi6onductors' UM UDC 09-23 A N N. Academician of the AcadeW of Scionces ~elorus_-ian SSR, and S.. n I ute of Solid State and Semiconductor Fbysics, Academy of Scie'ces Belorussian SSIR OStudy of the Process of Silicon Reaction Diffusion Into Niobium" Hinsk, Doklady Akademii Nauk BSSR, Vol 15, Ho 1, Jan 71, pp 14-17 Abstract: The authors made a systematic stuAy of the isothermal diffusion of silicon (of semiconductor purity) into niobium. (99.7 percent pure) at 800-1100 c at 1000 C intervals for different lengths of time (5-200 hours). It was found as a result of metallograpble and ~ X-ray diffract-ion analysis tbat an NbSi2 layer forms after diffusion annealing at 8000 0, two layers -- outer 0 C NbS12 and Inner Nb 5S13 -- form at 900-2-100 The r6lativo thWmess of the Nb Si layer with respect to the thickness of the entire layer increases with a temperature increase, which is also noticeable in the ratio,of line inten- 1/2 -S_vvilzim;m~ 'b sities of the indicated phases. Two layers (Nb 5Si3 and 1%3Si) are fo=od at diffusion annealinL- temneratures of 1200-1220* C. 'L"he a-apearance of these 'b phases is in-accordance with the B -$i. phase diagram. Diffusion coefficients, Preexponential factors,and activation energies are calculated for the reac- tion diffusion of silicon into niobium intbe above-indicated temperature range i 2/2 32 Crystals and Se,i~icbnductors' USSR UDC 539.23 SIRCTA, N. N., Academ~cian of the Academy of Sciences ~,oloru6sian SSR, and SOKOIDV S N., Institute of Solid State,and Semiconductor Physics, Academy. OStudy of the Process of Silicon Reaction.Diffusion Into Nliobium" Minsk, Doklady Akademii Nauk BSSR, Vol 15, No 1, Jail 71, pp 14-17 Abstract: The authors made a systeiratic study of the isothemal diffusion of silicon (of semiconductor puxity) into niobium (99.7 parcent. pure) at 800-21GO C at . 1000 C intervals for different lengths of time (50200 hours). It was found as a result of metallographic and X-ray diffraction analysis that an NbSi2 layer forms after diffusion annealing at-8000 C, two layers -- outer NbSi2 and inner h1D Si3 -- form at 900-1200o C. The relative thickness of the 1 5 q ft S1 layer with respect to the thickness of the entire layer increases with 5 3 a temperature increase, which is also noticeable in the ratio of line inten- 1/2 USSR -SIR(YU, N. N., and SOKOWV, S. N., Doklady Akademii Nauk BSSSR, Vol 15, No 1, Jan:71, PP 14-17 sities of the indicated phases. Two layers (Mb S and h1b SO are formed at 5 '3 3 diffusion annealing texImeratures of 1200-12200 G. The apprvArance of these phases is in accordance with the fib-Si phase diagram. Difftsion coefficients, preexponential factors,and activation energies are calculated for the reac- tion diffusion of silicon into nioblum in the above-indicated temperature range. 2/2 I I. Mm Acc Nr Abstracting SekVice.: Co4e: Ref AT0048607 CHEMICAL ABST.S-71~,~~- 0 _-2 S 10318ft Modulus of elasticity of iran-xickel-cobah~ alloys TvAa. S.; - M k A ti uu! V. (Inst., Fil. Tv&d. Tel prov.. min .-U,9SR). W.Akad. Naitk 4 19701; 14(1)0: 10142 (Tuss).' the 0,4SUcity of tern . Fe-N.1- alloys were studied.. th -The- isolines of Yotwj*s m is. colt a system are'presented by means of ihe- . bs concu iangle indicating the relation 6f Young's modulus EP and'i shear. elasticity modulus 0. .'The' anal. of the 6oncn rektio of these 2~ n values is used to det. ithinin. E and G values and, e ranges %V also, to det. the characteristic of tb6z elasticity mr*dWus in the entire ternary.system. Two ranges with max. R; d G An -found, one at Fe and, Nj -15: it. *%, v~hj~b ap- proaches the binary system Fe-Co an4 ~e 20nd one *Rh likag- onal structure in the.range, of, Co 80-l00 and: FC'0-10 [4. which is near the binary'system. Ni-CO., The ranges of win. G --y region in -colicn. of and E values are in the heterogenous a 00-40 at. % Ni and 30-80 Fe- _~The min. range ot the E anckG values corresponds to binary Fe-Ni and Wi-do ~Y`Iltemsf to.the n-da. Curie temps.,and also. to,,the heterogenotis. -Y--a transition range. J. PoDioek 1YRAME 19960334, USSR 1JDC: 1,one GOVOR, G. A. and SIROTA, N. 11. "Investigating the Magnetic TxanBition in Manganese Arsenide Under Light Pulses" Moscow, Pis'ma v Zhurnal Eks-perimentallnoy i 71boreticheskoy Fiziki, val 16, No 3, 1972, 137-140 Abstract: This letter describes exp~eriments -rerformed to invest-i- gate the change in the magnetism of-manganese arsenide subjected to 3.5-msec r-ul-ses ceper-ated by an IFLI-500 laraD with an energy of about 500 joules. The coil of an electromagnet was wouad directly around a core abutting the specimen, which ,as a plate measuring 20X10Y.1 mm. Also viot.-rd on the same core is an output winding wired to the input terminals oT an oscilloL.-raph,. The shape of the light pulse and the corresponding pulse appearing on the os- cillograph screen are shoiwn and compared, and a curve for the change in specimen maZnetization under illumination as a func- tion of the temperature is plotted. A sketch of the experinmental tus is rez~-roduced. apparat The authors cire associated with the T stitute ol? 3 _1olJd Sta-e and Semiconductor Physics, Belorussian Academy of Sciences. GOSTISHCBEIr, V~ I., :and DROZD, A. A. W~l "Investigating the Thermal Conductivity of Aluminum at Low Tem- peratures and in Strong Magnetic Fields" Moscow, Pis1ma v Zhur-nal Eks-perimentallnoy i Teoreticheakoy Fiziki, vol 16, No 4, 1972, pp 242-245 Abstract: -:Experimental work designed to study the thermal conduc- tivity of an aluminum monocrysta~, cut f"rom an ingot, i,,,ith an eleeLl trical resistance of 1.2 1.0-- ohms-cm, is described in this letter. The crystal is at a low temperature in the range o.-;L7' 6 to 570 K and is placed in a transverse magnetic field with intensi- tiee of UD to 50 kilooersteds. Yleasurements de-21e m-ade by the sta- tionary heat flcw method, with the difference in temperature a-long the specimen generated by two electric heaters i_-,ttachod to its terminals, and the magnetic field was produced by an electroma,-net with superconductive 1.,~indings. Curves nre plot'~.-Ied for the therm-al conductivity as a function of the temperature ai,,d the r_-agnetic field intensity. The authors, affiliated iiith the lniDtitutc off Solid State and Semiconductor Physics of the Beloruosian Academy of Sciences, find that the transverse mae~natic field h--s a pro- found effect on the thermal conductivity of hiGh-puri-y aluminum. 88 USSR UDC: 6'1.391.19 ZAYEZDNYY, A. M., PLOTKIN, Ye. I., RABOTKIN, 0. N., V. Yu., SI 0. L. "A Speech Recognition Device" Moscow, Otkrytiya, Izobreteniya, Fromyshlennyye Obraztsy, Tovarnyye Znaki, No 18, 1970, Author's Certificate No 271921, Filed 17 liar 69, p 117 Abstract: This Author's Certificate introduces a speach recognition device which contains an analyzer, a declsion unit, and a loj),ical processing vnit. :As a distinguiBliing feature of. the patent, the ri--,liability of speech pattern recognition is improved by adding a phase coordinate shapia~; circuit and a cted in suries. Tile inpL ts of boundary hypersurface simultation unit conne Ahe phase coordinate shaping circuit are connected to the iripluts and outputs of the analyzer, while the outputs of the boundary hypersurface simulation unit are connected to the inputs of thedecision unit. :j USSR UDO 537-521 ~TA j - ~V~DRIS' Yit. ~R "Ca+ thode Unite For High-Voltage Shunting Rectifier USSR Author Is Certificate No 262277, filed 26 Jan 68, published 2 June 70 (from RZh--Elektronika-i yeye primenen&e, No 1, January 1971, Abetract No IA117P) Translation% The design is proposed for a rectifier (BORT14,141 which asourea an increase of its short-duration load capacity. This is achieved by implementation of a cathode unit with a catch, the length.of which does not exceed half of the cathode diameter. Oroation of the vapor regime necessary to aeoure short-duration flow of largo direct (uninterrupted) currents In attaineid with the help of an evaporator of the mercury trickle which is emitLed by thocathod.9 apot. In con- trast to ordinary rectifiers which are used as ahunting rectiftere in multibridge converter circuits, the boiler (KOTe.IQ of the proposed rectifier has a small con- deneation surface and a general Ogeometry," The letter elizinatee the neceesity for installation of special hoode [30HT] in the boiler. )&M. V1 VIC MIDY OF SCIMT INDICY-S OF 7U, HIMM 4T;-1M13 41il.11-1 V- Y-11, 51;PJMT D TO UNDFINATRA FOR NAN'T HM-4.3 rArt%cle by S. 0. Founyy, -f 5. S. -,~:ri:ta- I univor'lt-yj 'Jkxalni&n, Vol Id. lalvmtort.-I ~~f with A Innide pr~-nnurs. aq~l%nK that Of t:)* warroundins: Inviro-o'nt j~ 01' tb" moat prominlrig mcth,~A~ for the studv of ocedn3. An or,,tlNe the unlermatnr dwelling depends an the ability, of oqu&rtauta to j-srfom e.=t phyalCal and oClentiflo Lanka directly in t3t# water for Iong tier jnto.-~A.*' Uttle In known &I-out the santnl tkativity of nqumu~u-.3 Sn an und~t- water onvirormont. In fact, only InItial IM"rts vc,~ aaAe to ev.k1ji-xte un# activity or mon at r,--t oc,-.An depthn jtt7. A PIA%tlw" Carrel.t-'.-n t^Vllohad hotoo-n mirtuA r1tyLlnem on EW end urk1kr-ttor ".Iaslil~ Li',7. aro Ilterntur" data Indicating that the abilitT to "t-fars -rk -mi-Alta.1 work ookrut d"174I.K.0 ith ivc~-tn't umt-r 4-vth '.t tnbI1nh6d..durjnK th. Sam," 11 izl4rimentm that "%ion rorrdm.~Aon, pr.4 -frectiv.neatt dotorlora'. umiur untor &7. lack of a uniforo CAI bmaln, the multlfacaLrd appr~tch to tA^ I)rablvas maul envlrm%r"LAl -r- lation ofthe It Impa-We to atthltoh the functional st-it. of thr hje-r nervous activity or oquAmuts. Purlhermors* a short #j2%damAt*r fat-ty of nauts Can n-t be *jttrsp-1fttiaL for ouch longer tias Intorva.14. The six of thin work wno to study acmee lzttilcato.-z of the hla~vr rm.- voun activity of' "uamutm mulbiect6d to an underwater *nviz-vans.nt far nary hour.. Two typon or expmrinfints wore Carried out& with 10 4jlvorm IS-21 YGArS Old pOrfOroing podlodIcAlly a definite k" of PhrslCal work w:%Illo .n- dor water for 3-6 h aural an4 with &q"rmuts subjt*clad to r*lAl.jY# "*Lee for 26 (1 aquanaut) end for )8 hours (2 a,%u&nnut&). 1e, O-.4e'r to USSR UDC 632.95 REVLL'SKIY, I. A., IOONSON, V. A., IL'MOYA, K. A., Y_4RAVAYEVA, V. G., LOOG, E.' P., SIROTA, T. S. "Stensitivity of Kam-- Photometric Detector for Phosphorus -Containing Pesticides as a Function of the Experimental Parameters" Tr. 2-go-Vs,~s. qoveshch. Do iqsled. ostitkov pestitsidov rrofilakt. zr_-:~1-vaz- neniva ini produ.,~cov niciniva, kormov i vncs'LL. sradv (Ucrks of the Second All- Union Conference on the Investigation of Pesticide Residues and Preventive Contamination of Food Products, Feeds and Environment) , Tallin, 1971, pp 108-111 (from VNI-Khimivaf No 12, Jun ~2, Abstract No 12N,422) Translation: In studying the dependence of the sensitivity or the two-channel Iflane-photemetric detector to phonphartia--contaluing peiiLicidcn,, on the experi- wntal parai.-.~)tera, a solution of triathyl Phosphate (1) in alcohol is used. The optimal 0 flow rate (20-40 cmj/rain), 14 and H fl6v rates were lound iron 2 2 2 the point of view of sensitivity of th~ wo-channel fliame photometric detector. For an amount of I oa the order of 10- grams, the signal of the phosphorus channel exceeds the signal of the sulfur channel approx~.:-.ateijl 400 foid. W im 'BW1121 i iimIRWAV;W11 - ,, A USSR UDC: S39.4 FOLIFOROV, V. M. "Combined Use of MID Devices in the Production of Mercury" Riga, Magnitnaya Giftodinwiika, No 1, 1972, pp 140-146, Abstract: Results are studied from inves ti gat ions and c-,T-eriliiental design work on the creation and introduction of a combination of devices for automatic production of high grade mercury bised on the principle~t, of magnetic hydro- dynamics. A comercial technological plan and equipment are described for purification of mercury and certain data are presented on its operation under plant conditions. USSR F. V.j, D,-,TTRT!EV, B., ALEZ i I; iS. 1 D 7 11 7, A. I. and FILE-ly V. "Hydrodr,mmic of 0' Cavities" V sb. Vour. Ol o1- (Problems of 1"dc"ainin- of collecj-ion 'o-? worlks) 'I'LLa, 'DAa- Polytechnic 2-2-12) (fre- 1011-RairA Vo 1 10 Jaa 701 Abstract No I F,2-85) Tra z -e3atal da-la tho r--d Llacro- I azislation: An analy-is of experirt actions of am clectrolyrze flov in the electrochemical o-f s-=cd ccv--;- ties are jov-e=.Led by a single mechanian.~ a quaL."I'ative conoid,2--~t-ion of :ae problems of surface clcazmess and pmcisioa in macialnin 7, is us--:ng the same rathematical fuact-ioac. Bibliography: 5 entriu3- A.~ D. Dwiydov USSR UDC: 5344 SIROTINA, Ye. F., PIROGOV, B. N., SIROTIN, G. F. ----------- __ "Excitation and Reception of Ultrasonic Surface Waves by Multiple-Element -onverters on Higher Spatial Haxmonicsil. Leningrad, Tr. Leningr. in-t aviats. priborostr. Works. Leningrad Insti- tute of Aiiation Instrument Building),, ~1972, vyp. 76, pp 71-77 (from RZh- -Fizika, No 5, May 73, abstract No 5Zh6O6 [r&=6]) Tran lation- A comparative description is given of rethods of excitation and reception.of ultrasonic surface waves. Most effective are multielement converters of the two-phase type; however, making such converters for a hip.- frequency band involver. considerable difficulties. This paper deals Witb the feasibility of using higher spatial harmonics. Results are given frm experimental and theoretical studies on the operation of nPaltiple-element converters on space harmonics. The experimental results agree satisfactcrily with theox7 in the 10-70 M1Lz PreTiency ra ge. 1/1 USSR UDC: 534-8 FIROGOV, B. N., SIROTIN, G. F.-.-SMIRNOV, Yu. G., KAVERINA,'G. M. "Excitation, Reception,and Propegation of Ultrasonic Surface Waves in Lithium Niobate Plates" Leningrad, Tr. Leningr. in-t aviats. priborostr. (Works. Leningrad Insti- tute of Aviation Instrument Building), 1972, VYP. 76, pp 44-49 (from RZh- -Fizika, NO 5, Ma;Y 73, abstract No 5Zh6l2 frds=6]) Mranslation: The paper gives the results of experimental studies of exci- tation and reception of ultrasonic surface waves in Y-cut lithium niobate plates on space harmonies of multielement converters. During propagation of the surface wave, a reflection was observed under the Multielement con- verter due to electrical and mechanical loading of the free surface. An investigation was made of the coefficient of reflection as a function of the number of electrodes and their geometry. The propagation- of surface waves over the free and metallized surface of X, 1, Y.,,t,5,and Z-cut lithium. niobatewas examined. Experimental velocity diagrams are conpared with theoretical diagrams published by Campbell and Jones. USSR UDC: 621.374-55:666-593.5 MVEMA, G. M. SIROTINA, YE. F.,, PIR03OV, B. N., arxi SIROTIN, G. F. "Using Piezo-ceramic Materials for Ultrasonic Delay Lines Based on Surface Waves" Tr. Leningr. in-t aviats. nriborostr. (Works of t1he 14ningrad Institute of Aviation In:itrwnent Building), Leningrad, 1972, VYP.76, pp 66-70 (fro. h- 52.111etrolopiya i Izineritellnaya Tekhnika, No 5., 19730 Abstract No 5-32-4(~~T Translation. The authors study experimentaUy the aceitation, reception, and propagation of ultrasonic surface waves in plezocercumi6 materials. It is shown that the attenuation of surface waves in the 1-10 Me frequency range for the Btudied types of piezoeeramics primarilyc1q)ands on the granularity of the strac- ture. Dispersion and nondispersion type delay line models are made on a pie- zoeerwaic saindg,,uide from barium titanate and calcium with anadmixture of co- balt. The firequency-amplilmde and dispersion charactei^-istics are given. Original article: three illustrationeo four bibliographic entries., and one table. 112 039 UNCL ASS IF I ED PROCESSING DATE-30CICT70 ~JITLE-THEORY OF THE IVEAL ELASTOPLASTICITY OF CRYSTALS -U- --AUTHOR--SIRCTIN, YU.I. :.:,,C-OUNTRY OF IINFO--USSR '~SOURCE-IZV. AKAD. NAUK SSSR# MEKH. TVERD. TELA 1970, tl)v 39--47 --DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ~.SUBJECT AREAS-PHYSICS TGPIC. TAGS-ELAs-ricITY THEORYs PLASTIC FLOWi THERMAL STRESS, SHEAR STRESS, TENSORt VECTCR FUNCTIONo CRYSTAL DEFORMATION CCNTREL YAP.KIhG-N0 RE-STRICTIGNS CLASS--UNCLASSIFfE0 PROXY REEL/FRAME--2000/1211 STEP NO--UR/0484170/000/001/003910047 7CIRC ACCESSICN NO---AP0I2lt865 LASS- I F-l'E0 DATE--"OOCT70 -2/2 039 UNCLASSIFIE0. J CIRC ACCESSICN NC--AP0124865 ~ABSTRACT/EXYRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. FLUIDITY FUNCTIONS '.~Ei-,E DFRIVED ON RALIZED THEORY OF ELASTIC PLASTIC INIEDIA WITH A THE BASIS OF THE GENEI SINGULAR YIELD SURFACL MITER, 1953). STRESS 040,0EFORMAFLON TEMSORS AND bYADICS OF THE SYSTE-A ARE EXAMD. AS VECTORS, AND THE ELASTICITY coNsTs. AS VECTORS, IN 6 D114ENSIONAL SPACE. THE $ASE IN THE 7 "T( R W I L L RM TRANSFo DLMENSIGNAL S':PACE IS SELCTC-0 SUCH THAT THE UNIT VE1. ) s N ..INTC-- PHYS. IRRECUCIBLE REPRESENTAT IONS OF ROTATIOWIL Alm CRYSTALLCGRAPIIIC GROUPS. IN THIS SPACE THE FLUIDITY SURFACE WAS CONSTRUCTED; IT WAS P IECEti I SE L INEAR AND IN GENERAL WAS NONCENTRCSYMMETRIC, THE ASSO(,D. LAW OF PLASTIC FLOW WAS OBTAINED AS W 0 THE I-ELL AS ITS TRANSFORMATICN5 TO ACCOUNT FOR THERMAL srRi-SSES AN TEMP'. DEPENDENCE C-F THE CRIT. SHEAR STRESSES. 112 006 UNCLASSIFIED :PROCESSING DATE--040EC70 TITLE--COMPARTSON OF PHOSPHORITES OF VARIOUS ORIGINS DURING THE FERTILIZATION OF PLANTS DIFFERI.NG INIHE ABILITY TO U.SE HARD TO AUTHOR-(02)-SIROTIN, YU.P.0 MARTYNOVA# T,A, 1 00^ 14 COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ~-SOURCE-DOKL. VSES. AKAD. SELISKOKHOL. NAUK 1970P 42)p 17-19 OATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 _._:,SUaJECT AREAS--AGRICULTURE TOPIC TAGS--CEREAL CROP, PHOSPHORUS FERTILIZERv PARTICLE SIZE MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ~:,DGCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO ~p ROXY FICHE NO ---- F070/605009/009 STEP NO--(JR 32 7 5 t70 1000 f 0 02 /00 I't/00 19 CIRC ACCESSION PIG--AT0140083 UN C LA SS I F I q 0 ROCESSING DATE--040EC70 2/2 006 UNCL ASS IF ED .CtRC ACCESSION NO--AT0140083 ABSTRACT[EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. DUR INC, GROWTH YESTS WITH HILLETt OATSt AND BUCKWHEAT (PLANTS WITH LOWi-AV*l AND HjGH AHLITY TO ASSIMILATE P FROM THE SOIL) THE EFFECTIVENESS OF,11 SAMPLES OF PHOSPHORITE -MEAL OF VARIOUS ORIGINS WERE INVEESTIGATED~. THE SAMPLES I SUB UIFFEREO MAINLY IN CHEM. COMPN.q. ESP.: LEVELSOF R 2 0 SU83, CAO, F, CO~SUBZ, AND INSOL. RESIDUE* WHILE THE: PARTICLE $IZE WAS THE SAmE. THE FERTILIZING EFFECTIVENESS DEPENDED MAINLY ON THE PROPERTIES OF THE 'FACILITY,; GORIK. SELISKOKHOZ. iNsr., INITIAL PHOSPHORITE* GORKIt USSR. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDO 5~7.~ii.33z~46.28126 S TINA. N. A 'Electrical Properties, Technology, And Use Of Silicon Carbidep V ob. Elaktroniks i yeye primenaniya Mactronice And Its Applications--- Collection Of Works), Moscow, Izd-vo VINITI, 1971, pp 5-68, Abstract: The paper considers the electrical propartlaa of Sic (general characteiistics, semiconductor properties and para'maters, electrical properties of thin films, electrical properties of P-a junctions in Sic and point-contacts metal-sic, luminescence properties), practioal applications of SiC in elect- ronic devi"s (over-all survey of SiG applications, use of polycrystalline Si(;, use of monocrystalline SiO), SiG technology and devices based on it (over-all eurvey of methods used, preparation of industrial SiG jearborundum], preparation of SiG monocrystals by crystallization from gaseous phase, preparation of Sio monocrystals and films with the aid af gascoua reactiollsp preparation of SiC filma by the method of crystallization from solutions, use of industrial Mono- crystals of Sir, for production of semiconductor dovice6owthodo of producing p-n junctions and production of devicea based on SiG). 123 fig. 1 tab. 129 ref. LI_ .... . . ~,jjll MI. 4- USSR UDC: 534-8 SIROTINA, Ye. F., PIROGOV, B. N., SIROTIN, G. F. "Excitation and Reception of Ultrasonic Surface Waves by Multiple-Element Converters on Higher Spatial Harmonies" Leningrad, Tr. Leningr. in-t aviats. priborostr. Works. Leningrad Insti- tute of Aviation Instrument Building) 1972, vYP. 76, pp 71-77 (from RZh- ~Fizika, No 5, MaY 73, abstract No 5Zh6O6 fr4sum6l) Translation: A comparative description is given of methods of excitation and reception,of ultrasonic surface waves. Most effective are multielerrent converters of the two-phase ty-pe; however, making such converters for a high- frequency band iwrolves considerable difficulties. 'Mis paper deals vith the feasibility of using higher spatial harmonics. r-1esults are given fron experimental and theoretical studies on the operation of roAtiple-elcment converters on space harmonics. The experimental results agree satisfactorily with theory in the 10-70 141Z frequency;range. 27 ffWMI ig M-F. USSR UDC 621-374-55:666-593.3 KAVERINA~, G. 11.~ SIROTINAI YE. F.., PIROGOV, B. N., and $LROTRI,, G. F. "Using Piezoeeramic. Haterials for Ultrasonic Delay Lines Based on Surface Waves1l Tr. Leningr. in-t aviats. nriborostr. (Works of the Leningrad Institute of Aviation lnstrwment Building), Leningrad, 1972, vyp.76, pp, 66-70 (from RZh- fetrolo .32X -Siya i lzmeritelInava Tekhnika., No 5j 1973, Abstract No 5.32-4~j7 Translation: The authors study experimentaUy the excitation, reception, and propagation of ultrasonic muTace waves in.piezoeeramic materials. It is shmim that the attenuation of surface waves in the 1-10 Me frequency for the studied types of piezoeeramics primarily dq~enda on the granularity of the struc- ture. Dispersion and nondispersion type delay line raodoli aro jMde on a pia- zoeeramic soundguide f rom barium titanate and calcium vith anedzu.-Aure of co- balt. 'Me frequency-amplitude and dispersion characterit3tics are given. Original article: three illustrations, four bibliographic entries, and one table. Mu MW '77 7-, Acc, Xr: AP0052301 Ref. Codb:K 89 PRmay SOURCE: Fizioloeichn* hurmal, 1970, Vol 16, Xr2. PP MOUNTAINS AD RED BLOOD (some Results of Studying P Blood In the Mountafi" Heights) N-S.IrAt I n I n Department o Po- and_ffner4xic States te A. A. 80 rotneletz, f Hy _4 (I Institute of Phud2loga. Academii0ol Scie*nces. Ukrainian SSR, Kiev liwesi'.' ~6FT_ Beginning from Jourdanet [25], the t~a_tio~s red blood in the heights attract the attention of research workers. INs main statementj that the organism in the heights is as if in the state of arternia, Was confirmed by numerous authors. First investigators, when ascending the heights rt~lted a great increase in the quantity of ery- throcytes and hemoglobin. Our investigationk showed that hemopoiesis in the mountains f might be intensified by different stirnulatorsk~hy liver preparations in particular. Since 1959, hemoglobin has been. inveftated in'the heights by means of electro- phoresis. An increase in the hemoglobin motfility, the growth o[ the fractions A2 and Aj, as well as of hemoglobin F were establishe4. RE$L/,FRe%.X-E Jug$208o.~ USSR UDC 612.2881.612.273.2 Institute of Physiology imeni A. A. logomolets, Academy of 36-1-drices UkSSR, Kiev -Regulation of Respiration and Physiological Adaptation to Hypoxia" Leningrad, Fiziologicheskiy Zhurnal SSSRt No 12, 1971, PP 1,7W-1,792 Abstracti Life arose under anaerobic conditions as a vesult of the accumula- tion of oxygen in the earth's atmosphere. The change -to respiration was apparently caused by intensification of the enerM, demand associated with movements nade to obtain food. (Eyternal respiration is 20 tizies more efficient than glycolysis). As organisms and their adaptation to hypoxda bacamir, more complex, regulation of the xespiratory function becaine more jxv-:ci3e and com- plete. The earliest type- of adaptation to hypoxia rjeemi~ to cave been a decrease in the energy demand. This i(as folloited fi=t by passive adaptation through a lowering of metabolism and theny by active adaptation through intensifica- tion of external respiration achieved by increased frequency of respiratory mvements. The further evolution of life was attended by increasing sensiti- vity to a deficiency of oxygenp eBpecially in man in wh(in the regulation of respiration is most highly developed. Repeated expoGuz-v to hypoxic: conditions led to the development of various interrelated for2a of physiological adaptation (hemoglobin# gluthathione), 1/2 015 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-30OCTV TITLE--MECHANISM OF POLYURETHANE SYNTHESIS IN THE PRESENCE OF VIBUTYLTIN DILAURATE -U- 'AUTHOR-1041-LIPATOVA# T.Eot 8AKALOv L*Apw SIRCTINSKAYAt A-L-r LOPATINA& CCUNTRY OF INFO-USSR .'._:~SOURCE-VYSOK0M0L. SCEDINst SER. A 1970y 12141v 91t--f'6- DATE PUBLISHED-70 SUBJECT AREAS-MATERIALSo CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS-PCLYURETHANE RESINP POLYCONDENSATJONv~URGANOTIN COMPOUND, GLYCOL# ISOCYANATE* COMPLEX COMPOUND# ORGANIC SYNTHESIS CCNTRGL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED --2000/0676 --UR/0459/70/OL2/004/0911/0916 PROXY REEL/FRAME STEP NO CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0124348 UNC LNSS IF. I E 0 mrwa ~wau ~owgv' 2/2 015 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT7, CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0124348 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(Ul GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE POLYCONDENSATION OF OCN(CH SUBZJISUB6 NCO WITH HO(CH SUB2 CH SUB2 OISU82 H 114 THE PRESENCE OF BU SUB 2 SN OILAURATE (1) PROCEEDS AT A CONST. RATE LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO 70PERCENT CCNVERSIONY I.E., IT IS INDEPENDE14T OF 'rHE MONOMER CUNCN. NO SIDE PRODUCTS ARE PRODUCED AND POLYURETHANES EITHER HAVE NO EFFECT OR RETARD THE REACTION. THE REACTION RATE INCREASfS WITH I CONCN. A -REACTION MEChANISM IS PROPOSED INVOLVINGTHE, FOR.41ATION OF A GLYCOL .011-SOCYANATE I COMPLEX. ~:FA CILITY.' INST.:'KHIM. VYSOKOMOL. buEDIN.9 KIEVv USSR. ~ ; - . .- _"~ -:41 3 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--11SEP70 z 02 T-TTLE--ELECTROCHEM I CAL SEISMIC P.EtEIVER U- '~_AUTHOR-NOVITSKIYt M.A., SIROTINSKtYv YU%V. C DUN T R YOF'INFO--USSR OURC E-140 SCOW t PRIRODAv NO. ly 1970, P118 -DATE PUBLISHFD ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--EAR-IH SCIENCES AND OCEANOGRAPHY ~-~TOPIC TAGS--S0LrONv ELECTROlLYTE, CAPILLARYt CATHODEP ANODE, EARTHQUAK=1 VIBRATIGNi ELECTROCHEMICAL EFFECT, SETSMOLOGIC INSTRUMENT -.-CONTROL MARKING--Nr) RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED REEL/FRAME--1987/1435 STEP NO--UR/0026/70/030/001/0118/1119 CIRC ACCESSIGN.N0--AP0104744 TFIE 2/2 023 UNCLASSIF180 PPOCESSING DATE--IISE;)70 CIRC- ACCESSION NO- AP0104744 --ABSTRACT/EXTR ACT--kU) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE INSTITUTE OF ELr-CTRO-CHEXiISTRY OF THE USSR ACADLlMY OF SCIENCES, IN CONJUNCT104 143TH THE INSTITUTE OF THE PHYSICS OF THE EARTHt HAS DEVELOPED A MINIATURE ELECTROCHEMICAL SEISMIC. RECEIVER (BASED ON THE -SOLION PRINCIPLE) WHICH: HAS HIGH SENSITIVITY IN THE INFRALOW FREQUENCItS. THE RECEIVER IS A SMALL He)LLOW CYLINDER DIVIDED IN TWO BY A WALL HAVING A CAPILLARY BETWFEN THE TWO 'HALVES. TKE..,ENDS GF THE RECEIVER ARE:FITTED WITH.~ELASTIC 1*4EMBRANES TO SEAL AN ELECTROLYTE WITHIN ~HE CYLINDER. THERE ARE TWD PLATINUM EL-EC-FRODES-~MOUt4TEI)--ON-THE.INNER WALLS OF THE CAPILLARY. THE ELECTROLYTE IS AN AQUEOUS SOLUTION OF IODINE~AND POTASSIU4 IODIDE. THE UNIT IS POWERED BY A 0.5-VOLT D.C. SOURCE, WHEN A SEISMIC EVENT OSCILLATES T'.lE FLEXIBLE MEMBRANES# THE ELECTROLYTE MOVES IN THE CAPILLARY AND AFFECTS THE~ PARAMETERS IN THE ANODE AND CATHODE:. THE RESULTANT CUR-RENT FLUCTUATIONS REPRESENT THF OUTPUT SIGNAL FROM THE~RFCFfVFR. OTSTANT EARTHQUAKES IN THE TIEN SHAN AREA HAVE-BEEN RECORDED (lSlNG THIS RECEIVER, AND THE REC9RDS WERE IDENTICAL TO THOSE ~FROM~A CCNVENTIONAL o,,.-.St:lSMIC RECORDER. ONE STATED ADVANTAGE OF THIS UN-IT IS ITS ABILITY TO REGISTER VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL VIBRATION COMPONENTS WITHOUT THE NEED FOR READJUSTMENT. Ref. Code: 9(e The Institute of Electrochemist_U, In collaboration- with the Insti- tute of Physics of the Earth, has developed a miniaturizedielectrochemical (Summary: fl-Electrochemical Seismic Detector," by ~1,y and yu ~u,-V. Sirotins'e-iy; Moscow, Priroda. No. 1, 1970, P. 118) ith a high response in the range of suboonic frequencies. It is~designed to react to randcm. tremors in.a wide ratiga of low frequen- 'This seismic detector Is an inertial Instrument with a Iluid zeismic cies. mass which employs an electrochemical mathodlor convertiiij, the relative pial. The., oscillations of the fluid and housing into an electric Oij1put fiijz -Wrical body of detector is designed in the following way. A hallow cyl~:. fluoroplastic is divided by a partition arranged perpea4ifcula'V to the -axis of rotation into ",o char-bar8 to whose en4 wallu ari,, attached elastic meTbranes of a chemically stable rubber. The parti!--ion bas a Vhrough opening ;connecting both chamberi and within it, parallel to tbe plane of ..the partition, there are turo electrodes made of a platinim grJ-d. The internal cavity of the housing is filled with an elect:-.o;,) te. an, aqueoull Soluticn of iodine and potassium iodine. Vrhen a d--c valtuge of about 0.5 V is applied across the electrodes of the seismic detact.-Oz xa electric Reel/Frame kP0045868 current appears ir, the circuit: at the, cathode are reduced to negatively charged iodide ions and a rev4,.rae pr,:)CE2SF_Q Occurs at the plate. Since the surface of the cathode and the iodinti! concentration "'I~r thai:i the surface of the plate and thie concantTant-Ica cf fodide are sna. J. - ions, the main resistance :a rho electric current iii; ext::rtad by processes transpiring aear the cathode. Before the V61taze !:: aPn._74_e"- the iod-ine conceatration at the surfapae of' the catblode and in %Sle e -"ectrolyze volume s the Pazc- !Ito alectric current lead,.~ te) an frr r, 1), 11- fusion Of fr'~r4 the volume. '~--'he_ fla,.~ otf to Lhe ca,_hoda, caused by the oscillation of the seissmic detector housing, favars tna movement o~ -iodine to t:ne cathode and thereby exerts an ei'fect an the current responsible for its oscillations. These cvrrent cscillations are ,the ellectric output: signal cf the detector when seis=ic -phernomena are registere-1. Fl~eld tests hw.~a shinni that during the :rezistry 0.: d'stan'r earthquakes in the Ncrthera Tiea Shan the records of the outpuz s4nal of the electrochemical seismic detector are identica] #_--o the records of scan- dard seisaic detectors. The miniature size oi: the nae seis-rAic deteczor is an, important advantage when registering seismic phenamena in deep bore- holes. The same instrument can be used for Inveatigating both the verti- cal and horizontal components of oscillations. 19780874 USSR UDC 669.2415.018.44(088.8) PANASYMK, 1. 0., BRUSILOVSKIY, B. S., VILKOV) V. I.) VC11PIONI'll, G. !-%, YEGOnov, YE. YE., YELKIN, 1. S., 1,LI"MV, L. YA., K0VPOVA, Y.-:,:':-;3~-,-)---i,'O~,..I'S-L'~'A~-i'z',,,-YE. 'I. LYUBINSKAY.A., N. A., IHILENINN, YE. G. , NIMAYLOV, I. A., 1.M%1AYEV, YE. I., SOLDATCHENK0, V. A. SPILITSIN, 111. 1. SIHAPIRO, S. M. "Nickel-Chromium Base Alloy" USSR Author's Certificate No 276418, Filed 2 Jun 69, Published 16 Oct 70 (from RZh-M'etallurgiva. No 4, AT)r 71, Abstract No 41766P) Translation: The heat-resistant alloy has the follow-inp composition (in IC 0.03-0.1, Cr 30-40, !..1 3-5.5, :1o 2-4, Ti 0.5-1.5, Al 0.5-1.5, ~Nb 0.5-1.5, Ce 0.01-0.3, B 0.003-0.003, 'Ni, the rest. 'Me alloy has increased beat re- sistance and also the followins, mechanical and physi cal- ch curt cal vropertics at 1,100-: a 8 kg/win 2, 2 6 65Z. a 1 kghrm , coefficient of stress-rupture linear expansion 15-10 -6 deg -1,increase in weight af term 1.00 hours of heating at 1,200* in the air 0.6 g/1 It is Corrosion-resistant in a moist atmosphere under trcpical conditions, in sea trater, and in the pror,'!ucts of combustion of highly sulfurous fuel. a PROCESSING DATE-- if~ 031 UNCLAS FIE 04DEC70 TITLE-_ABSORPTION AND DISTRIBUTION OF CESIUM L37 IN CALVES OF DIFFERENT AGES -U- -S IROTKIN SHILOV, V.P. KOKNEYEV,'INI.A. [~CGUNTRY OF INFO--USSR 1970t 10(2)t 309 AT E PUBLISHEO ------- 70 ..SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES -.,TOPIC TAGS--CC-SlUM ISQTOPF, OA(RY GAM.Fv RADIOACTEVE (',ONTAMINACION, ._~~MUSCLF TISSUEt BONEt SKIN, LIVE.Ro KIDNEYi LUNGv HEA141, 15LOW) PLA,ill"U. sip SPLEEN .-CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS .,DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED -~PROXY FICHE NO ---- FD70/605004/811 SrEP ~CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0139606 jN i I---- X, mmlm 031 UNCLASSIFIED PROCE.1 S YING D A T E 06~ 0 F C (I .CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0139606 AWSTRAMEXTRACT-W) GP-0- ABSTRACT. DISTRIBUTU.01 OF ll.~i tll ""S ~J!i, ITS RESORPTION FROM THE GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT HA%~ flEtilj S'11.1-,1111-t~l ILN I CALVES OF DIFFERENT AGES FOLL01WING SllN,GLE PER-ORAL UR f ADMINISTRATION. PESORPTI11M OERENDED ON CALF 'GE M0 ltk 3, J, MONTHS OLO CALVES IT WAS 31-9315 571 5-32 AND 53-9PERCU'llf -1, 'g, ~( I !I:- I,) S' UUT Oi:' THE RF,SL)R[3EO AMt. OF PRIME-137 7, 27-13), AA S ~APPLIED, RESP. FOUND IN MUSCLES p 0. 7T-3.7 161 THE SKELE'ro:4, 0. 74-2 -36 N rkE L r'il- K 1*14-2.72 IN THE SKUN, 0.18-1.73 IN THE KW"4EYS' 01'"'-2-1-38 -n;L- 0.24-1.66 TIN THE HGARTr 0.70-1.56 IN THE BLOOD, 04,U-0,-1-9 [N 6LODD PLASMAv AND 0.09-0.28PERCENT IN THE SPLEEN.. MAX. C(UNCN. UF- PRA',AE137 CSt ADMINISTEReD PERGRALLY, IN VARIOUS PARTS OF THE SKi~LETWI Or: CALVE-5 3, 9, 14, AND 26 MONTHS OLD DIFFERED FROM THE~ MIN. CONUI.i. BY A 'FACTOk OF 8.7, 4.3t AND 4.5# RESP.t 0,10 AFTER I.V.~ AUMI Ni I STRAT I ON i BY A FACTOR OF -7,0t 4*01 3*3, AND 2*51 RESP. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC 669.71.48 BRUSAKOV, YV. I., SIROTKIN, N. N., RZ11AVIII, S. A., AW)EYEV, M. P., ALVOYNDICH M. KR., KVCHEREINKO, A. SIP ce ping Metal-Containing Slags in the Production.of Silicon Aluminate 110(oYT 0 Tr. Vses. n.-i. i pro ektn. in-ta ajyMin.., marn. i et (Works o the All-Union Scientific Research and Planni'rg and Design Institute of Aluminum, Magnesium and Electrode Industry), 1970,'No 711, pp 177-183 (from M-1-11etallurEiva, 'No 4, Apr 71, Abstract 'No 4G197) Translation: Test results with respect to ore recovery processing of metal slags formed when obtaining and Jefining aluminum alloys with silicon are discussed. The technical possibility and expediency of.recovery of crushed slags in the indicated alloy production process are cozfirmed. The specific consumption indexes of the alloys in large 120 and 16,500 kilowatt-ampere laboratory and industrial furnaces are presented. The extraction of alloy from the slags exceeded the content of metal phase in them. This indicates additional extraction of metal from the carbides and oxides contained in the slags in the amount of up to 552.' in a large laboratory flirnace and 271X in an industrial furnaces. There are 5 tables. USSR BALOSHIN, 0. K., BIAGORCDOVt A. 11-s BOLONKIM, B. V., Yl~W11,1IRSIqlL-Y. Y., GWINI YU. P., GRIGORYEV, V. K., GRISIUN, A. P.# YEROFEIIEV, 1. A., XOROL'KCV, Is YA*j Lb-"114 V. 11-t I-aLURt V. V.# ITIKOLAYEVSKIYI 'rz. S., FETRMaNt V, 111.t PLIGIN, YU. S., ?0NO-1'AREV, L. A.f SIRgalij S. H., SOKOLOVSKIr, V. V., TARASOV, YE. K., TMMMOV, G. D., TRCSTINA# K. A.,~ TURCRANOVICH., L. K. I and SHKURENRO, 'YU. P., Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics GKI AR (State Committee for the Use of Atomic Knerey) $07be k-p--'1h-kon Charge Exchange Reaction at a Pulse of 39-tay/sec" Koscowg Yadernaya Mika, Vol 18, No 31 Sep 73, pp 54;2-544 Abstract: The authors present the measurement results fron studying the charge exchange reaction of K--riesona on. protons K0n) ai. a pulse of Gev/rloc# The study was carried out using the ITEF 6-m tragnetic track pectrometer. The working volume of the ragnetic field of the spectrometer vas 1-0 X 1-5 x 6 m . Twelve optical spark chambers were located inside the magnet, with each chamber having eight spaxl( gaps (10 iqn, each). The chamber elcatrodes consisted of two layers of aluminum foil 14 microns thick. The photographs wera taken through a sp--cW slit in the rz~,net yokt4 A rairror sya~tem made it possible to o;tain thr" sterooprojections of all of the chan1"'-,r3 USSR BaWHIN 0. No et al. Yadernaya Fizika, Vol 18g No 3j, Sep 73, pp 542-544 with one caterao The reaction was studied on the negative Wticle bean of the IFVE accelerator. The K -mesons were distinguished by a differential Carenkov counter. -The bean was focused on a liquid hy#rogen target 40 cm long which was set approximately three asters from the first;chazW~r of tho spoctrcme- ter. ApproximatelY 5*107K--mesons were passed through the equipment arA 1020 yhotographs taken. Pairs of uniformly charged tracks wexe measured on the pbotographs. The measurement results were then processed on the Fazdan-3 com- puter. Only 270 intersecting tracks were found, A graph is given for the differential cross section of the reaction'* The results show that the cross section value of 7.k+ls2 microbarne obtained by the autboxs in. comparison to data obtained for lower energiee elsewhere shows the logarithmic dependence of the charge exchange cross section on the pulse, equal to -1.5810-05- The authors thank X. G. Boreskov, A. 14. lap~duzo S. T. SWthorukavt and K,, A. Ter-Hartirosyan for their presentation of the computatiorml results as the dependence of the differential ~crross section~onpulse transZer (do/dt)o This dependence is compared with predictions of the Rogge pole Madele 82 - U44 UNC L AS 5 1 9ROCESS ING DATE--) I SFP7-0 TITLE--EFFECT OF DICHROMATES O-M THE PROPERTIES OF LATEX FfLMS OF COPOLYMERS HAVING CARBOXYL ANO METHYCOL FUNCTIONAL GROUPS -U- ,,AUTHOR--DUGlNOVSKIY, M.Z., KOSYREVAP M.0-i SIROTKIOlt V.I. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR MATER. IKH PRIMEN. 1970%, (1) 21-31 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 -SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS _10PIC TAGS--METHACRYLIC ACT,,), COPOLYMER I IATION, CORR) SIP_,N INHI1111(11~, Ntr,:T,%L 0 'COATING, PROTECTIVE COATING, POTASSIUkl~qCHROMATE, WAI 'E- I -`iY S I CAL CHEMISTRY PROPERTY# METHYL METHACRYLAre/(U)MOL3 LATZ `X F[L'4, (U)l-l,0L5 LATEX FILM CONTROL MARKING--NO RFSTRICTfONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ,.~:PRO,XY'REEL/FRAME--1989/0553 STEP '40--UR/0303/70/000/001/0029/1031 ,:CIPC ACCESSION NO--AR0107158 UNCLASSIFIED Z/2 044 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATS-11SEP70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0107158 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(,U) GP-0- ABSTRACT THE PHYSICOMEC14. PROPEPTIES OF (RU ACRYLA-ft (1) ME ACRYLATE ill) METHACRYLIC ACI'o COPCILYM'FR) ANO MOL-3 (1019METHYLOLMETHACRYLAMIDE COPOLYMER) LATEX FILMS 40D[z[FD WITH (NH SUB4) SUB2 CR SUB2 0 SUB7v K SUB,2 CR SUB2 O,SU37, AND GUANIDIN~ DICHROMATE (111).WERE STUDIED AT 20DEGREES. THE FILMS WEPE P:~EPD. ON GLASS PLATES AT 20DEGREES, SET ASIDE FOR 7 DAYSY~ANDJHEN SUBJECTED TO HEAT TREATMENT AT 80-190DEFGPEESFOR 30 MIN. DICHROMATES, ESP. 111, HAO A WATERPROOFING EFFECT ON MBM-5 FILMS.&ND M.ARKEDL-Y INCREASED THEIR ELAS-TIC MODULUS ~AT-DEFORMATJONS OF 50 AND.20OPERCENT. ~ THE PQ1r1SENCE,OF MAX. ON THE H SUB2 0 ABSORPTION CURVES.ANID CONSIDERABLE WASHING OUT OF DICHROMATES FROM MIL-3 FILMS SUGGESTED THAT CHROMATES SCARCELY REACTED WITH CH SUB2 OH GROUPS OF THE HEAT TREATED POLYMER. Ill 144S THE 140ST REACTIVE 4GENTi PRESUMABLY DUE TO ITS'GOOD COMPATIBILITY WITH THE POLYMER. 111.MODIFIED MBM-5 ANDIMOL 3-LATEX FILM5 CAN HE USED AS METAL PRIMERS AND CORROSION INHISITORS4 X-4. JU.LMZir. EPITAXIAL LAYERS OF SILICON BY 'ME '.AS KS=ROt Mt= IN nd CLOW DISCUMCE MODE jArtiqle by Q~. M. dortsov, N-t41,4! A-n j""llementok scu4y VA* ~de of the poeftibl, %tty of sam diethAM 41- joyl"4 ot UpjtZXISl 107arlt of UILIC04 Under gl0KF di.SchArge 40"dtCIOM b4tw*46 the eLtctrode,tontainIng the alloying admixturct. 1110 v4ciaxtau In alloying level by ad~ixturw groups V and III was I~ V64tigoted for tran*%I*sIon of 112 At and mtxtur*v of tiiv xzxes throusth. the dlm- charge chather. to otdar to discover thrmech aat~w ofthe Fom&ttoo,of t1w-allrylox sdxturew. the too energies of it onj At 4xid-the. threshold energlea of depoal- tion of of A&-S*-&n4 US 6 alloym were caltulAted. Tht "Izulditofts Ind-Icate., the 'dtf(tre"t mchanisia of formstIon *1 &IIoTUw *U- tates.-on , grinordsason of N2 &md Ar thromO cbs dUchar" cbsubot, 4*d emplain 7:' the obo*rved experimental charecterimUcs auqVins. veu UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING OATE--27NOV7C TITLE--NIJCLEAR MAGNETIC RESCINANCE SPECTRA OF AREN~;CYCLOPENTAO I EINYL IRON COMPOUNDS -U- AUTHOR-(05)-NESMEYANOV, LESHCHEVAv I F. t USTYNYUK YU.A.p SIROTKIINAt E.I.i-BOLESOVAt I.No COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR _~,:_:SOURCE-J ORGANOMETAL. CHEM. 1970t 220), 689-96 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 -SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRYt NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY TOPIC 'TAGS--NMR SPECTRUMt IRON COMPOUND, CYCLIC GROOP, UJIMPLEX COMPOUND, ORGANIC PHOSPHATE, FLUORINE ISOTOPEi ELECTRON ACCEPTOR CONTROL 4ARKING--Nri RESTRICTIONS DOCLIMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIF[ED PROXY REEL/FRAME--2000/2130 STEP NU--NE/0000/70/022/003/O689ftl696 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0125714 UNCLASSIFItED 020 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING L)ATE--27NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0125714 ABSTRACT/EXT.RACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT* PMR SPECTRA OF ARENECYCLOPENTADIENYLIRON COMPOS, (XPHFEC SUR5 11 SUB5) PRIME POSITIVE PF SUB6 PRIME NEGATIVE, (RHGtXC SU86 H ISY314 MEFEC SLJB5 H SU35) PRI'mE POSITIVE PF SUB6 PRIME NEGATIVE, (C SIJB4 H SUB6 FEC SUB5 H SW34 X) PRIME POSITIVE PF SUB6 PRIME NEGATIVE CONTG. VARIOUS SUBSTITUENTS X HAVE BEEN 'STUDIED. PMR CHE,.,i. SHIFTS HAVE BEEN CORRELATE0,141TH THE SETS OF THE HAMMETT-TAFT SIGMA PARAMETERS* THE RESULTS ARE (CMWAREO WITH THo)SE OBTAINED FOR THE NON COORDINArED ARENES OR WITH EARLIER DATA. HEXAFLUOROPHOSPHATES OF RHO OR M,FL(JORODIP14ENYLCII'CLOPEt~TADIENYL IRON HAVE BEEN PREPD. AND THEIR PRIME19 F NMR SPECTRA ARE USED TO DET. SIGMA SUBI AND SIGMA SUBR PRIMEO OF THE PH R~IMG IN (C SUB5 H SUB5 FEC SU86 H SUB6) PRIME POSITIVE PF SUB6 PRIME NEGATIVE WHICH,0IFFERS FROM THE UNCOORDINATED PH IN THAT IT IS A STRONG ELECTRON.ACCEPTOR. FACILITY: INST. OqG.--ELEM. COMPO.i PQS,COWt USSR*. UNCLASSIFIEO USSR UD 0 615.832.97/.98 tlROTKINA, M. GOVDINA, B. r, GUTKIN, V. S., KOMAROV, 3. A., I., MIKHALOYTS, S. N., and RUDKYA, P. G., All Union Scientific Research Institute of.Surgical Appa;~atuslfind Instruments, Ministry of Health USSR 41Status of and Prospects for Developement of Cryosurgery" Moscow, Eksperimental'naya Xhirurgiya i Anesteziologiya, No 1970, pp 3-10 Abstract: The development oE cryosurgery during the past 20 years has been purely empirical. A variety of cooling agents, degrees of cooling, times of exposure, cycles of freezing and complexity of apparatus have been used for the same purposes. Thus, while the re- sults have been encouraging in a number of specialties (dermatology, opthalmology, gynecology, urology, and some others), many questions reamin. Whatis needed now is a thorough study of the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the organs to be treated and the 'effects of exposure to cold, as Well As a scientific determination of the optimum parameiters of cryosurgialcal instruments and the most efficient way of using them. As a model for such studies, Vie authors describe 1/2 i I ~ ;~ i , , i F~ i ~ I I I - . I . I :~ . ! :I ~ Acc. Nr: AP0040312 Ref. Code: VRe-01 PRDiARY SOURCE: Eksperimentaliftaya Xhirurgiya i Anesteziologiya~ 1970, Nr pp .3 -1e) ON THE STATE AND- PERSPECTIVgS~ IN DEVELOP,~IENT OF CRYOSURGERY KV~Q.; GoVdina.-B, Q.; Gutlkin, V.-S.-V KOMar.oy. B. A., Kondrat'yeva, N. !.; Mikhalo ts, S. N.; - ----- ly. Rudnya, P. G. The trends of development and practical evaluation of cryo5urgical methods of treatment in the lanst two decades are presented- Their u5c beirig ~,j pure empiric nature it has been decided to use canine paiare tonsilq as a s!jjjat;je I-jn for scientific opti- rnization of demands applied to cryosurgical apparztuFes und rationalization of their applicaflon. The dynamics of generil and local changes aiti~r forsik~ctonly in the fluid I-litrogen- (-1960(f) as a cold source have be~~r studied bv climc2l, ha*emathclogical and pat~omorphological investigations. By loweririV the tempe:ature in the tissue I under tonsil to-7'C a subsequent expressed destrucflve -f-ect can be anticipated. Complete disappear,?nce of the tonsil tissue was observed in 51.8 per cent of cases, partial destruction-in 3.5.1 per cenL The authors believe that with an intensive bioloaical search for comnlex evaluation of the method a sirbpie cryogen technique for a number of surgical fields ir, be equipped with must be develoodd. REEL/FRAM 19741743 USSR UDC 621.396.677.71 GOROBETSI -11 -OV, A. 1. N. N. , LYASHCHENKG, V. A. SIROVID, "Experimental Study of the Field Distrib tion in Slot Viveguicle Radiators" u Antenna-fidern. i izmerit..ustroystva sverklivysok. chastot -- V sb. (Superhigh Frequency Antenna Feeder and Measuring Devices - Collection of Works), iaiar'- kov. Mhar'kov University, 1971, pp 14-22 (from RM-Radi6teklinika, No 10, Oct 71, Abstract No 10B29) Translation: The distribution of the tangential component of the electric vec- tor on the surface of a slot is determined from the condition of continuity of the tangential component of the magnatic vector on transition through the 'slot. A method of direct measurement of the electric field distribution in slot radiators is described. The field is measured by means of a disturbing body which moves along the slot. Here, the amplitude of the reflected wave varies proportionally to the field distribution in the sloc, The block diagram of the measuring device and the results of an experimertal study of the field distri- bution along longitudinal slots in the wide wall of a rectangular ija:%regu-ide are presented. It is demonstrated that the distribution along the nonresoance slots differs from sinusoidal by no more than 10%. The field diatribution along the-dumbbell-shaped slots has a table shape. There are 6 illustrations and a 4-entry bibliography. Ace. Nr: R. if . Code., U/ PRIMARY SOURCE: Fiz-'Ologichniy Miurnal, 19 70 Vol 16, Nrill PP FURTHER DEVELOPMENT OF. STUDY ON THE TYPES OF HIGHER NERVOUS ACTIVITY V. 0. Tros'hlkhfn',znd V. V. Slrotsk,-Y Department of_Physiologg of H~Lher Aferv as Institute oj Physiology, Academy of sciences, Ukrain-am SSR, Kiev Summary of sGivilig the problem A- number of suppositions is expressed ~as to the waY.1, on the types of higher nervous activity. On the basis of new data obtained by the research warkers ol the depirlinent a conclusion is drawn that the weak typ of nervous activity fim'slies its,iormation in onto- genj before sexual maturity and the-sirong crne at the age~of seiwal maturity; (by 4 years of postnatal life and probably later). Intensity of excifative process is one of the 10 - REEL/ MAI 198206~81 A leading (determining) properties of the nervous sy tern -Iv-pe. It means that with the change In the level of Drain excitability~ in dogs. and rats qualitatively new reactions are observed which correspond to a new. level of excitation. 'On ihe basis of studying different components of a conditioned reflex, a conclusion is -drawn that starting (specific) components, cf the conditioned reflex are the most demonstrative indicators of - the typological properties of the animal higher nervous activity. A respiratory component may be referred to the universal indicators of the typo- logical properties. USSR UDC 612-82-o89:615-837-3 TYbRU~,, S. I., BR=OVSKAYA., F. A.., ININ) Yu. S., D. I., SIRU=. 1.I. G., and GAVRELOVY L. R., Institute of Higher Nervous Aci~-_Tvity and Nie~! ~physT_1_or_1o-gy, Academy of Sciences USSR,' Central Design Bureau, Aci~demy of Medical Sciences USSR, and Acoustic Institute, Academy of Sciences USSR Use of Focused Ultrasound for Local Destruction of Brain Structures Through Intact SiaaV' Moscow, Byulleten' Eksperimental'noy Biologii i Meditsiny-., No 5, 1973,, pp 120-121 Abstract: Using a focusing emitter to create an ultrasonic field, the authors irradiated -portions Cf rabbit brains 16 to 20 rm frorn the surface in the re.--Tion of the h,,,pothalamus and mesencephalon without prelirdnary trephination. A single sonication produced a lesion 0.2. to 1 mm in diameter and I to 3 rm in length. No pathological changes were noted on the way to- the target area in vhich histolou-ical examination of frontal sections revealed a focus of coagu- lation necrosis. 7T USSR urc 615-371:576-851-451-001-51%)~'7+57)" SALT)MOV, R. A., ~Dipo.-djAYA, V. P., and SIROTYLM L. V., State control Institute of Medical Biological Preparations irmfTi~ vlc=ow "Experience Gained During 25 Years of Investigating -the Stability of the Properties of Vaccinal Tularemia Strains!' Moscow., Zhurnal Mkrobiologii Epidemiologii i Immunobiologii, No 12, 1972, pp 64-70 Abstract: Stability of in=nogenicity and apathogenicity vas investigated in Gayakiyls vaccinal strains Ho 15 and Ondatra-4. since 1914-3 aml in Faybich- Saltykov-Tarnarinals vaccinal strains No 10, 33, and 53'since 1944-1947- 1,111ile the loss of pathogenicity proved to be permanent, strain Ond~itra-4 did not retain its full irlmunogenicity for long mid was pronounced unsuitable for live vaccine in 1946~ Since that time, efforts were concentrated on developing. methods of stabilizing high irmnxtiogenicity in vaccinal strains. Freeze-drying according to Faybich-T-amarova's method yielded a dry stock which was convenient for storage but which lost its immogenicity to a high degree by 1950. rLbere- fore, the strains were cultivated in guinea pig ovaries which have a hi-r-rh hyaluronidase concentration, and in 1953i after 3.0 past~t4jes, they regained their previous high ir-amnogenicity and after freeze -da-ying. After vaccination of volunteers proved their avirulence, the strains were ratified for 'J,7j USSR SALTYKOV, R. A., et al., Zhurnal Wkrobiologii Epidamiolo-rdi i Immunobiologii, No 22, i~q2, pp 64-70 serial manufacture of dry live tularemia vaccine. Albino mice are most suitable for testing the pathogenicity and guinea pigs for testing the imm.,nogenicity of vaccinal strains. Currently,, Gayskiy's NIIEG strain No 15 yields the most immunologically potent tularentia vaccine. USSR 1JDC 612.85 GANTRILOV, L. R., GERSHUNil, G. V., WaTSKIY., 0. B., TSIRUL'- i ow NIKOV, Ye. M., and TSUKEPIHAN, V. A., Laboratory of the,.Physivloggy of Hearing, Institute of Physiology ineni I. P. Pavlov, USSR Acade-my of Sciences, Labore- tory of the Physiology of the Sensory Organs, Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry.imeni I. M. Sechenov, Laboratory of General Physiology of Reception, Institute of Physiology imeni 1. P. Pavlov, and Laboratory of Ultrasonic Cavitation, Acoustics Institute, USSR Academy of Sr-iences "Study of the Skin Sensitivity by Means of Focused Ultrasound" Leningrad, Fiziolog-icheskiy Zlitirnal SSSR imeni 1. M. Sechiltiov, Vol 58, NO 9, 1972, pp 1,366-1,371 Abstract: A study was made of the effect of focused ul.trasound on the t3kin of a human hand. The sensitivity of the skin of the palra qurface of the fingers, wrist and lower third of the forearm was investigaced W five people (2 men and 3 women) , The serisiti'vity thresholds were determined with a gradual increase and decrease in the sti-midus. As a rule, the thresholds were higher with an increase in stimulus. The intensity for, which no less~ thart 507. positive re- sponses occurred to 8-10 stimulations was taken as the. threah(*.)1d. Stinrulation of the skin by identical stimuli with an intensity of 30-500 watts/=2 usually 1/2 USSR GAVRILOV, L. R., et al., Fiziologicheskiy Zhurnal SSSR imeni 1. M. Sechenov, Vol 58, No 9, 1972, pp 1,366-1,371 aroused a tactile sensation, the nature of which depended on the stimulated section. When the focal point went deeper into the tissue, the tactile thresholds gradually increased and, finally, the sensation gradually went away altogether (and then in certain cases reappeared ori the opposite side). The effect of sound streams on the occurrence of tactile sensations was tested leading to tickling sensations and sensations of heat and cold. Pain occurred at intensities of 1,400-1,600 watts/=2 lasting 100 milliseconds and more. The mechanism of the effect of the focused ultrasound and it,, value in the study of the receptor structures are discussed. All the basic types of feelings in the skin can be isolated bylthe applicatibn of ultrasound. 2/2 PAOCESSrNG DATC-18SEP70 1030 UNCLASSIFIED 112 TITLF---THE IMPORTANCE OF THERMOMETRY IN STOMATOLOGY:-U- AUTHOR-tOZ)-CHEPULISt S.P.9 SIRVIDENEP YE-. A. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR &Jilt, ~:,..sOuRCE--STOMATOLOGIYAj 1970t VOL 49v NR.2r PP 22-25-: '.:-':DATE PUBL [SHED - ----- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS-ORAL DISEASE, DENTAL CARIES# BODY TEMPERATURE,, TUMOR, X RAY RADIATION BIOLOGIC EFFECT CONTROL MAkKING--PIO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1985/1846 STEP NO--UR/0511/TO/049,fOO2/0022/0025 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0101891 UNCLASSLr -lEf) UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--ISSEP70, :212: ~030- EIRVACCESSION NO--APoloirgi SUMMARY. WITH THE AID OF -411-12 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT, PROPOSED MONITORS THE AUTHORS MEASURED THE TEMPERATURE IN DIFFERENT AREAS OF THE MAXILLOFACIAL REGION IN HEALTHY PEkSONS AND IN PATHOLCGY. IN NONCOMPLICATED AND COPPLICATED DENTAL CARIES THE TEMPERATURE IN DIFFERENT AREAS OF THE CARIOUS CAVITY AND ADJACENT HEALTHY TEETH tl'AS DIVERSE. THE TEMPERATURE OF THE SKIN AND ORAL MUCOUS MEMBRANE it! THE CENTER OF MALIGNANT TUMOR WAS HIGHGR THAN IN THE SYMMETRICAL AREA. FROPI THE NEOPLASTIC CENTER TO THE PERIPHERAL REGION THE TEMPERATURE DECLINES. X RAY.IRRADIATION OF MALIGNANT TUMORS CAUSES AN INCREASED TEMPERATURE OF~THE SKIN AND ORAL MUCOUS MEMBRANE WITHIN T14E IRRADIATED FIELD, WHEREBY IN ACTINORMYCOSISy THE TEMPERATURE DROPSo Zj Pq 5 5 3 3 9 140 zusa-- rh UDCt 616."1.8-056.76 O-SEALOGICAL STUDIES RELATFD TO SCHIZOPHPZNIA 't' T.M: Siry.- (Artic" byl.l. Shnkhmatc;va%.Pavlova,-LaA~oa.-V-.- chenk. INI.L. Shdnderova inctitute of Psychiatry, USSR Academy o? Vpsrnik Akade-ll 4editsingkikh NaLk SSSR. kus3ian. No 5, Kay 1911, P~: 4.5-5D] Faxtenciee 'investigations of recent -years, have confirmed Oe,p revIo, IF known fact that there In definite accumulation of pathology in the f.."M of schizophrenics. The studies of Rosenthal. rety, Wender, Heston, and others* based an representative materials revealed that "disorders im the ochizophtenic npectruti' (Rosenthal) Are encountered more.ofteT%,.with stztl%- ticRI, reliability, in the hlood reiativaij of di ptoband as compared to the t-mal population. H~aver, practice ii**~ shown that discrete ferma of pay- chases and different tyVes of borderline #totes, as wall as marlked persona- lity ano~lias may be detected, described, and classified only if t" phvs1ci makes a complatm examination a! the fimily, ' 7harefore. a mottculous clinical description of che prohands and their ia=adlato relatives should be the basis of a genealollical study Lihich is the first stage of genetic analysis. The present study is based on cbsory.,Ations made in the senetic group .notitute. of Paychintry, USSR AM jAcademy of Medical Sciences] in 1~ 6 5 of the I .I 1969, The ganealagicmV method was used to study 270 families zf patients with different fovns (continuous. a-poradit processual. and PRTI.Odic) Of schizophrenia. We did not stake the tradittonal. division of probands Into Kraepelt types 8, n's I ace such division is based on static syndromAl evaluxtion, in which the leading myndrct at the time the ptitient Is examined to used as the base This does not take Into consideration the course of the disafid-e as a. whole. Studies pursued at the Institute of Psychiatry, USSR A.HS, for a number of years revealed that such a basic para~ator no course is the closest to the biological essence of the process. The classification of achizophCOnIA According to type of course, which has been adopted at rite Institute of Fsychiatry~ USSR A1151 to quite consistent jtb the division. of tndogenoua psychoses established in psychiatry (Table 1). USSR UDC 612-013-7-o6:Sj2-766 Tnstilmte of I'llorlua-L and Pathological of t-ho Axndemv of f-'-dicall Sciences USSR., Moscow "Characteristics of -the Eneror Metabolism in Rats SubJected to Load and to Hypodynainic Conditions" Ybecow, Byulleten' Eksperimenta-Inoy Biologdi i Meditniny, V,-)- 74, NO 10, .972, pp 22-25 Abstmc-'k-1; a7~,Is to 1*11,,rric,~! IDSMA (troar.N.111) at o conswlrl~--~l lusr, at comPared with tontrol actual conmurption of by control, t-pen ni~l, an:l -,atr was, 22.6, :L8.8,. 6.4 ru -111,~ ,u ,. --b-ri r~zi--Ictively. The concent-, ation of ATT ir, mscles of Lal.,ic! Of rats was 34-3, 45-0, 31.21 of pho!'- phats 3,03, 27', 23.6-4, Mi., r,'1; of inorganic 21,,-,), 31-9 O-L creatinc 549, 40('j, 38,,-) me,; of C;Iycogun in riuscle!3 497, 0, lu-16 of c~l.% u W, cogen in liver 2403, 3730, 2926 yn,~- L, - iactic acid 56.6, -- 4., -121-7 of 7-7, 9-05, 7-2, 0--:' 1,a,,~lat1-l/PYruvaLe 7-,';,-0,I rempacuil"'ely. i, co... .1-:2 -1. 1,., r, &-cremse of' t- -T,-`Mat~l in in0l;cat--s i, -a-L Lh parison with -untro-, C in thle treadmill ratG tl,i! (,lycoly-tic or,-)dLt (-,J on. low t tion 0, Or~-,Zlltli.C -)11013-1'1~1011,1:i ZOMI U2 52 USSR SIRYK, L. A., Buylletz!n' Dksperimentall nay Biologii i Yeditr3iiky, Vol 711, NO 10; 1972j, pp 22-25 (compared with control) is attributerl to an intensive consim.-Aion of thase components for the -production of the creatine phosphatc" Allich 2atio of !--C- tate/pynnrate in hypodyn-amic rats indicates thL-t both the respiratolIj aIICL g),veolytic phosphorylat-Lon takes place at art aLmast equal level. The above readings were taken at rest in the case of the -treadmill rats. 2/2 Acc. Nr: 0004GIG5-4 -Ref. Code'. PRDWRY SOURCE: Teoret-cheskaya Matematicheskaya Fizika, 1970, Vol 2, Nr pp THE GLAUBF.R-TYPE REPRES F-WATION FOF', TIM AMPLITUDE Or THE SCATTFRING OF 111GII-E-NERGY Dlf',AC IPMICLES ON MOOTH POTI.:NTIALS K- L,_jb-,i k The Glauber-tvp~ reprft~enrmlkjr, ii for ffa! mll till it 12,10 lf (ke !5pin 1j2 partick'l. (in ~Tllooth i)otentiaL ill the rot?i(la of Ili nt I Its. The con.,ideratiiin i5 forrit"! out ill the I I I i 1111 S jr, I1111(i ako-xv:dt till! aid r)f Dir;ie Pqwiti,irt. Rr RZ, M /F-RA3,12 m USSR KUIESHOV, S. P.,-Y1ATVEY-EV, V. A., SISAKTAN, A:.,N.; arid SMOITDYREV, K. A. "Operator Method for Solving Quasi-Potential Equations, and the Concept of Rectilinear Paths at High.Energiesll~ Moscow, Teoretich-eskayA i Matematicheskaya Fizika, No 3, 1973t -pp 325-331 Abstract: An operator method is proposed for finding approximate solutions for quasi-potential equations. The formula for the lat- ter is given. It is noted that this method is sufficiently gene- ral and can be a--.)lied to other equations in quantum field theory. The approximate solution thus obtained can be used for finding the asymptotic behavior of dispersion amplitudes in the limit of high energies and fixed impulse transfer;~it can also~~be uzed for de- veloping a regular procedure for finding corrections for the chief asymptotlic term. The final section of the article indicates the co=_-ction between the operator method and functional integration methods in quantum field theory. It is stressed that, at high energies, the method is the realization of the rectilinc-ar Dath concept and can be applied to the investiCation of various elastic and inelastic dispersion processes. The authors express their 1/2 USSR SHOV, S. P., et al, Teoreticheskaya i-matematicheska.Va Fizika, No 3, 1973, pp 325-331 gratitude to N. N. Dogolyubov, M. K. Polivanov, and A. N. Tavkhe- lidze for their advice and.comments, 2/2 105 - -016 UNCLASSI IrED* MtOCESSING DATE--30OCTIO TITLE--ACCOUNT OF RADIATIUN CORRECTIONS FUR THE EIKONAL SCATTERING 4MPLITUDE IN QUANTUM FIELU THEORY MODEL -U- ,,~AUTHUR-(04)-BARBASHOVt B.M.r KULESHOV# S.P., MATVEYEV, V.A., SISAKYAmp 'TUPIC TAGS-QUANTUM FIELD THEORYt SCATTERING AMPLITUDZp APPROXIMATION METHOD, ERROR CORRECTION MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS 116CUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED ..PkOXY REEL/FRAME-3001/2180 STEP ND--UR/0000/70/~DDO/ODO/000710007 CIRC ACCESSION NU--AT0127544 UNCLASSIFIED --"own FAR, --------- UNCLASSIFIED PR~OCESSING DATE--30OCT70 2/2 016 CIRC ACCESSION NU--AT0127544 ..,AbSTRACTIEXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE EIKONAL REPRESENTATION FUR THE SCATTERING AMPLITUDE TAKING INTO ACCOUNT THE RADIATION COKRECTIGNS IS OBTAINED BY MEANS OF THE FUNCTIONAL INTEGRATION METHOD. IN THE APPRUXIMATICN USED THE SUMMATION OF THE RADIATION CORRECTIONS LEADS TO THE APPEARANCE IN THE EXPRESSION FOR THE SCATTERING AMPLITUDE OF THE MULTIPLICATIVE FACTOR DEPENDING ONLY ON.THE MOMENIVA TRANSFER. FACILITY: JOINT INST. FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH, DU8NA (USSR). UNCLASSIFIED I M _91M, 1/2 ol 6 UNC LA S S I F I E MOCESSING DATE-20NOV70 TITLk-EIKLKAL APPRCXIVATICIN IN QUANTUM FIELD THEGIRY --U-: Ab TH Uk-t04)-bAR8AShGV, b.M., KULESHOVt S-P-, MAI'VEYEVe V.A., SISAKYAN, A 1% CUN;TRY LF INFG-USSR -TECOCTICI-ESKAYA I MATEMATICfiESKAYA FIZIKAr SGURCE 1,970, :VOL 3# NR 3# PP -342-352 _.OATE, PUBLISHEID---70 S,UdJECT AREAS--PHYSICS __TUPIC TAGS-QLAN'TUM FIELD THEGRYt QUANTUM MECHANICS-i. SCATTE.RING AMPUTUDEV FUNMONAL EQUATIGN CCl%TRCL tIARKING--NU RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFfEU PROXY REEL/FRAME--2000/1315 STE PNO---(JR/06if6/7Ooft')O3j'OiD3/0342/0352 CIRC ACCESSICN NU-AP012~,966 'UN C L ASS If I :o: --20NOV70 212 018 UNCLASSIFIED PRIXESSING DATE ,-.CfRC ACCESSIC.14 NO-AP012496b 'H E ABSTR ACT PE XTRACT--- (U IG P - 0' ABSTR'CT. THE f~ S"IP f -OT I C BE '!AV I OR 13F -lERGIES ANG FIXED M.Gj'll~::NTUR TRAN F5 IS N 5 E IR SCATTER ING AMPLITUCE AT HIGH E~ IN . 4 0 INVESIIGATEO 1114 THE (FORMULA SHOWN CN 14 1 CRGF ICHI; 8Y ~ EANS F FUNCTICNAL INTEGRATION METH-GO IN QUANTUM HELL) THEORY. NYKH FACILITY: Cb'YEDINENNYY INSTITUT. FACILITY: YAOE.K ISSLEDOVANLY. liNC 7 016 UNCLASSIFlEa, TITLE-QUANTITATIVE DETERMINATION OF ANTIODDIES COMPLEMENT. FIXATION REACTION -U- _..'--AUTHOR-(02)-SISENKOv V.I., YEGIZAROVA, I.G. -,-COUNTRY 0 FIINFO--US5R 13)v 167-70 ,;..-SOURCE-LAB. DELO 1970, 13AT EPUbLISHED-70 1~`SUBJECT AREAS-BIGLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES ~'_TOPIC TAGS-ANTIBODY, COMPLEMkNT FIXATION TEST, ANALYSIS PROCESSING UATE--30OCT70 IN IMMUNE SERUM THROUGH A IMMUNE SERUMv QUANTITATIVE ~~;CGNTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS -.1 ~,-:DQCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED REELIFRAME--3001/1789 STEP NO--UR/9099170/000/003/0167/0170 :-:CIRC ACCESSICN NO--AP0127203 016 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 -CIRC ACCESSICN NO-AP0127203 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-lUl GP-0- ABSTRACT. PUSSIBILITIES OF QUANT. DETN. OF CONCNS. OF ANTIBODIES IN IMMUNE SERUM BY THE REACTION OF COMPLEMENT - FIXATION UERE INVESTIGATED. TWO ANTIGEN ANTIBODY SERUMS WERE USED: (1) ,BOVINE SERUM ALBUMIN RABBIT ANTISCRUMI* 12) HORSE SERUM ALBUMIN RASBII -~ANMERUM. THE PROCEDURES ARE DESCRIEEDo THE METHOD IS SATISFACTORY IN -GENERAL9, BUT FOR EVERY SYSTEM OPTIMUM EXPTL, CONDITIONS MUST BE 2. VERIFIED, FACILITY: INST.'EKSP. ME0.v LENINGRAD,, USSR, lillic I-S. I f t E G it 1~ op in tl~ In INN "M UNCLASSIFJ~c rTLE-CU.AN.TtJATIYE OETERMINATICN CF *QjECDIES,IN'THE 2,~-,RRECIFITAJ-flf-h IN, GEL -U- k .- . :1 -U-YHOR~ YEGIAZAACVAt I.G.1,SISENKCt V.I. mhTFY [F INFC--USSR SGURCE-BYULLETEN' EKSPERIMENTAL'NGY EICLCGII I 6~T-E%ptetj St4c ------- 70 PROCESSING DATE--17JUL76 REACT[ON OF MEOlTSfNY, 1970, VOL 69, $L-0JECT AREAS-BICLEGICAL AND YEDICAL SCIENCES. repuJAGS-ANTIBOCY, CEL, ANTIGENt CHEMICAL FRECIPITWON 13 IROXY REELIFRAME-lS82/0464 STEP NC--UR/C219/70/069JO0210116/0120 r-jR.C ACCESSICh NC--APOC51977 UNC L A S 5 f-F 1 Er- Acc. Nr-. Ref.~Codd: 04 AP0051977-" 9 PRILMAM SOURCE: Byulleten' Eksperimental'noy B~Qlogii i Meditsiny, 1970, Vol6V Nr.~ p p QUANTITATIVE DETERMINATION OF ANTIBODIES IN T-FIE REACTION OF PRECIPITATION IN GEL 1. G.Y~Ariazarova_l~ 1. S(Senko Institute of-FNperimental Medijnj . &adpm~ Leningrad It is established that in t1he reaction of precipitation in rjel there is a direct re- lationship between, the concentration of alitibodies and t1w I intigeris concentration, aT which the precipitation band vanishes (o%-er the range of antibody excess). 'rhis de- pendence allows the determination oi the ~nncentration of antibodies in immune sera. 112 010 UNCLASSIFIEU PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 TITLE--RECOVERY OF SULFURIC ACID BY HIGH TEMPERATURE DECOMPOSITION OF :-: ~ SPENT ACID -U- I AUTHi3R-(051-!!jjAZ.~.F.r LAKIZA, S.M., MANAYEV, A.Kfi.o KOLBASINt A.YA., LANGEI S.A. top -.::.C.OUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ~..~S-OURCE-NEFTEPERERABr NEFTEKH114. (MOSC04) 1970t (I)t 113-5 .,::.DATE PUBLISHED------70 _:,SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRYi MECH.r IND.t CIV.IL AND MARINE ENGR TAGS--SULFURIC ACIDt THERMAL DECOMPOSITION, WASTE TREATMENT C ONT R OL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS. DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED 'PROXY REEL/FRAMF--1996/1819 STEP NO--L,'Rf'()318/70/.000/001/0023/0025 CIRC ACCESSION NCI--AP0118783 ---- ------- 212 010 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0118763 ABSTRACTIEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT, SPENT H SUBZ SO SUB4 FROM DITOLYLMETHANE MANUP. AND ALKYLATION WAS DECOMPI). IN A FURNACE AT 1200DEGREES, WHERE H SUBZ S WAS 13URNT., THE TEMP. [N THE FURNACE WAS CONTRULLED BY ENIDOTHERMIC DFCUkIPN. OF,THE ACT09 THE LATTER REING FEO IN 0ETO* AMTS. THE METHOD 14AS RECOMMENDED FOR THE PRODUCTION OF H SU82 SO SUB4 BY DRY CATALYSIS. THE DECOMP.N. CONDITIONS ARF TABULArED AND A FLOW SHEET IS PRESENTED FACILITY: SALAVAT. NKHK; SALAVANT, USSR. F I r- D lJN C LS, 1/2 012 UNCLASSIFIED PROCE55ING DATE--30OCT70 TITLE-DETERMINATIGN OF THE INTRINSIC VISCUSITY OF POLYETHYLENE SOLUTIONS -..AUTHOR-105)-RYALANTSEV, V.I., KONDRATYEV, A.A., SISIN, A.F., NASYROVA, '--Z.M. v. BOGATYKHt K.F* CCUNTRY OF INFO--USSR -SOURCE-VYSOKGMGL. SOEDIN., SER. A 19701 12(41t 9 5 _DATE PUBLISHED----70 ~~-.'.SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRYr MATERIALS _.~-TOPIC TAGS- INTRINSIC VISCOSITY, POLYETHYLENE. LGNTROL MARKING-NG RESTRICTIONS D'W"CUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--200010663 SlUP CIRC ACCESSICN NO-AP0124335 1-UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 012 NCLASSIFTED Pi~OCE55TNG OAT-E-300CM CIRC ACCESSIGN NG--AP0124335 -.ABSTRACTIEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. Ill 17HE 0.4-2.3 0l.--G RANGE THE REDUCED VISCOSITY (N-C) OF POLYETHYLENE (ly SQL.*45- IN P EXLENE CHANGES LINERALY WITH I CCNCN. (C); THE HUGGINS CONSTS WAS'0.6;?. FACILITY:. UFIM. NEFT. INST.j, UFA,, USSR. UNCLASSIFIEO -- ----- - USSR Q;D UDC 539.1.074.3 BORISOV, A. A., BUGORSKIY, A. P., BUSHNIN, Yu.,A.,_PERFV' CHI. A. A~~, DUNAYTSEV, A. F., ZHIL'CIIENKOV, V. D., MATULENKO, Yu. A., 1,1ESUCHANIN, A. P., MIKIIAYLOV, Yu. V., NURUSHEV, S. B., SEN'KO, V. A., SMIRNOV, V. V., SHIRIOV, N, V. V., SOL V'fEV, L. F., and SOLOVYANOV, V. L., institute Ye. V., SISKI1 0 of High-Energy Physics, S'erpukhov "A Hodoscopic Installation for Investigation of the Elastic Scattering of High-Energy Particles" Moscow, Pribory-i Tekbnika Eksperimenta, No 3,1,lay/Jun 73, pp 49-53 Abstract: A description is given of a hodoseopic installation, developed at the elastic scat- the Institute of fligh-Lnergy Physics, for investigation oA tering of high-energy particles within the pulse range of.30-60 gigaelectron volts/sec. The range of dispersion angles covered by the installation is -7 0-29 millirads with an angular resolution of + 0.17 millirad. %lie total solid angle is 39 microsteres. The pulse is atermined to within + 0.22%. The resolving time is 35 nanosec. The dead time is 50 microsec. The pulse pass band of the spectrometer is 8%. The statistics-setup is up to 106 per hour. The installation is electrically coupled to a "Minsk-22" computer, which stores and processes the information during the experiment. The 112- `USSR -SMSCYV, A. A., et al., Pribory i Tekhnika Eksperimenta, No 3, May/Jun 73, W_49~53 obtained results are immediately printed the form*6f tables and graphs, and also appear on the -oscillograph screen. 'I'lonitaring equipment bas been developed, which keeps track of proper operation of the hodoscopes. Ihe first results have been obtained on the,-scattering of r -mesons on ~uuclei at a pulse of 50 gigaelectron voltsls6c and of protons within the initial-pulse range of 30-60 gigaelectron volrs/sec. 3 figures. 2 tables. 3 references. .:2/2 153 a 112 013 UIN C 'LASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 POLARIMErER ~OR MEASUREMENTS 'IF NUCLECIN POLARIZATIUN IN NUCLEAR REACTI04S -U- ,,_AUTH0R-(05)-0EP.LEKj H., KRIVOFIUSTOV* M.t SCHIRMER9 G-v SISOVt I*rlsf .~ASFOUR, F. -COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR '.SOURCE-NUCL. INSTRUM. METHODS; 77: 292-9(1970) DATE' PUBL [SHED ------- 70 :-,SUBJECT -_AREAS-7-~PHY.S.IC S -,-TL Nj POLAR METER, M013TE 'PIC TAGS--NEUTRON POLARIZATIONt PROTON P.OLAR14ATIG.. ~CARLQ METHOD, ELASTIC SCATTERINGt,ANGULAR,DISTR.IBUT~ONs. NUCLEON ,._.t(WTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCU. --UNCLA S S I F IED 4ENT CLASS ~..,_PRCXY REEL/FRAME-1983/1816 STLP NQ-,-NE/0000/70/377/000/029240299 4CCESSION NG--AP0054650 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED PROCESS114G DATE--160CT70 CIRC ACCESSII)N NO-AP0054650 ~A,BSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE AETHOD OF THE ANNULAR POLARLMETEP FOR 14EASURING THE NUCLEON POLARIZATION IN NUCLEAR REACTIO 'NS IS DESCRIBED IN DETAIL AIND ITS ADVANTAGES AGAINST THE USUAL LEFT RIGHT ASYMMETRY METHOD ARE SHOW, Tr N HE CALCULATIONS OF rHE GEOMETRICAL FACTOR ANO THE AVERAGED ANALYZING POWER WERE CA.RRIED OUT USING THE MONTE CARLO METHOD. FOR, AN EXA14PLE THE POLARIIATION OF PROTONS. FROM THE REACTION PRIME12 C(PRIME3 HEt P SUBO) PRIME14 N(G*S,l AT E(PRIi'.'lE3:H'r_) EQUALS 2.87 MEV.WAS MEASURED AS A FUNCTION OF THE SCATTERING ANGLE USING THE ELASTIC ~..:~~S.CATTERING PRIME12 C(PtP) PRIMEIZ C AS AWANALYZER. FAC[Liry: ..;.'~J-.'JOINT fNST, FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH, DUBNA*t USSR. "'i Nil 14 4-1-111th- _611- ... . ........ WHICH I 0m Vfll-9%. rERFECTION OF TIM STRUCTURE AND MEMANICAL STUNCTU Of SUZCLE C!tT:;- TALS OF 'nil; A"BV' TYrr CROWN FROM A HILT ~61t) =W-- THL VArOR MIASE -Iia , V -Atrvehchanko, O,,A.-r~dOr*Mk0, V_K_tu~okl, (Article by 1,,A, Zay.., 0 KhAr*kcv~ hOVoA1VT-=k, -M It' 'Protses#~M P-tfi I Sint. .1 0 -A Fvlupr~ -Plepl, vadniko;4kh Rristallrv i JUM ll',I-,r 101 he x1tiglu CJS An4i dsft-crv"41~ r-WA rrc=: melt un,ierjnert gA* c and "n mtv-u lure of wurtsi te =4 Znsr. ;4. - -, t h$" the 4% r.t- turd. qcwttml4m~. Tt,* 1k.".1loytd StOele 0" of ".q 6~ Cho strutture of spholerits but they contain - lar&~ nurmer of loverfoctlens Connected Vit-12 the Statistical disordering And error* in the urtr-,Ositl~~n of Cho Gtomic lov- era . The type of crystal or US singlo crfstals &town froz the vamar phase is dateredn*d by the sy"thevis con,litions &.4. above Ali. by the 94-peroturn. The etching pictures of diffar*nt rl&noo of Zn% single et-stale scoda from a melt And from tbe vapor phase are tmT#r*d. A ntudv was U440 of the alktostrengtb Chownt tv rig tics Of Single A1,11", trysta.l., As X-fuattion of the Crystal structure, Cho dtgree. cf. Ice perfaction'sod the attica, raramatcors, It won 44ftonatriced that Alloying single ZnS crystal& with d~jjot mixtures Calinsinum) stabilizes. the vurtsito atructurs, and allowtug with accoptor aidluxtutes (Copper) a the sphalari,%x atructure, For Alloyed wIngla crvotalmi a atudy was oado of the anivattavy of the sicraharinass, con- 1: Mkd A . UndIVOTO drawn Tagardint the a" of Plastic now, taused br the Ladentor 'it the saLarohardnowa motor, XI-15. STUDY OV THE CAYSTAIIAZAMM COnItIMS OF ZINC jArtlels by y- 1. ..;1- Al .7"i -yn1iWvA, Voronezh 5loFE-Uni4.iotty,. Novosibinok. ITt SIF Toes- Ponta i 3intess Poluproy"nikvvy 011":L: Pro I! kh Xtistallov I plenk. J4.fte 7~ v 1631 A Vwd. woo of C"otalliviation of alphoophide in x t~rnnd; X*~rmiis"iu roinj..,t640-100) *C under the, pressum of a mlltile Coe- vonvnt-vhaxj4ovrum - atmiepherlis. Under the selected "tisal condl- t1nns, bl~glw ervatalm of the black v4voln,n of ZnP, t. 30 am, set lx=At3- and (6-13) m in dlamwter were obtained hy, czTpt*ljjrx,jotl from the awl to. In the JtA. phnose, platev of the tetragmal (red) version, of o~tn? waro than I" m 2 In oren and (D.3-2) nav thick and also In4ividwol, minItle crystals of the bl4ck version of. ZnP were obtained- X-ray -strnetural. and. illesical- analyses doonotrAto4 ths-- the- ssAgle crys. tole of ZnP2 of the black:,verslort obtal",J br,crjsj&IlIzqtjcm trew a apit 1(1) and-In the $aal pilau 0.. W-dufor somorwhe respect to Comm"It.1tam and .stluctuM Ih*-CrY-et*lm of the first typo beloolt to the amomoclWe *yogamy described earlier. Thu Crystals (2) have rhoebic symometrr which ce"re, &~ a Tdoolt of insignificant roarxengem"t of th* monaclinle wtructuv*~Cgoaod by veristion thm, 6"IC41 Cowpomition. 166 USSR UDC: 632.9S SYPIN, G. S., SISTER, Yu. D., KOZLOVA, I. V. "Polarographic Methods of Analysis of Pesticides" Probl. analit. khimii (Problems of Analytic Chemistry Collection of Works], Vol 2, Moscow, Nauka Press, 1972, pp 145-155 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Khimiya, No 24(11), 1972, Abstract No 24NS74, by T. A. Belyayeva) cation strated action Translation: A review of literature data on the use of classical (differen- tial and indirect) polarography, oscillating and alternating current polarog- raphy in the analysis of pesticides. The advantages of the use of oscillating polarography over classical polarography for the determination of Tesidues of various pesticides are demonstrated. A summarytable is pi,esented on the appli- of pola-rography analysis of 70 pesticides. The possibility is demon- of using polarographic methods for the study of the mechanism Of and metabolism of pesticides. USSR UX 5/43.8:632.951 LYAL2NOV, Yu. S. (Editor-in-Chief), Academician of Academy of Sciences Yoldavian SSR) VAYWRAUB F. P., 1f1ZGZHA11T11A, G. F., Candidates of Agricultural Sciences, SISTER, NU. D., Candidate of Chemical Sciences.(Editors) Retody Analiza PesT-M-M- lysis Methods of Pesticides), Moacoi,;, Izdatellstvo Nauka, 17T2 Translation: Annotation: This book includes articles presented at the All- Union Conference on Analysis Mlethods of Pesticides in Preparations, Food Products, L Soil, and I-later. Many analytical problems of pesticides in coimmercial pradActs are consid- ered,, includixV; the determination of their concentration in different 6c.14jects. The latter is of payticular Lnportance foi, the enviromiant and food products from the point of view of the sanitary and hygiene enZ;ine6rin~g. Different analysis methods of' pesticides are siiggestud, inzl-,zding gas and thin-layer chromatography, spectrophotornetry, and -polarography. The book is intended for researchers, personnel of i_Zid-astrial laboratories, and sa. nitary-epidemiological stations. Foreword: An intensive development of agriculture recuires a r-axinal decrease of losses caused by insects, diseases, and veeds.. In order to -eet these requirerAnts, chemical protection of plants is needed. USSR LYALIKOVP YU. S., et al., Yetody Analiza Pestitsidov, Izdatel I stuvo Navka, 1972 However, a wide application of pesticides and herbicides causes many unwanted aftereffects. Some compounds, chiefly the chlorine-containin-r, or--anic compounds (DDT, HCCH [he.-mchlorocyclohexanel, heptachlor, and others) are pre- served for a long time in plants in a crop. They are also carnoble of accurula- -- , bealth. Other ting in organisms of mnn and animals in quEntities dangerous 10- compounds (derivatives of carbamic, thio- and dithiophosphoric ZLCids) are highly toxic durin.,T their application and they are capable of penctratinr, the plant and animal organisms and migrate in plants. I Thorough studies must be conducted before wide application of effective compounds. Research scientists of rdnistrie;3 of a,-ricul~ure, health, and C, chemical industry are working on problems to find neir low-toxic and selective compounds, to catablish acceptable residue'doses of pesticides in different products of animl and plant origin, and to investigate their behavior in the biological materials. Solution of the majority of there problems, requires the U130 Of hi[~Ily sen- sitive and specific analytical methods. A development of these methods is co=licated by the presence of hi- amounts of the coextractive s-Astances together with, the micro-q:.Iantities of active substances in sa~~wples subjected to analysis. 111his requires the use of thenewest analytical instruments. 2/8