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USSR uDc- 621-315-592 KRAVCHENKO, A. F., MOROZOV, B. V.,_ and SKOK E M., Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Novosibirsk "Reluctance of Semiconductor Films" Leningrad, Fizika i tekhaika Poluprovndnikov, No 8, 1972, PP 1520- 1527 Abstract: Since the reluctance of semiconductor films offers a convenient and real method of studying the structl:ural and kinetic characteristics of the films, the authors undertake theoretical and experiment investigation of their reluctance to weak and atrong magnetic fields transverse to epitaxial semiconductor layers. The heterogeneous distribution of the local film pa-rameters over their thickness is approximated by a step function, anci.the.behavior of the reluctance anisotropy is analyzed. A table sliowing the results of the latter analysis is given., The experimental. work was done on GaAs specimens grovrn on a semi-insulating substrate. To study the anisotropy of the transverse magnetic rellactance, angu Pr diagra-s for various specimens were Plotted at temperatures of 77 and 3000 X in constant magnetic fields up to 30 kOe. Comparative curves for the theoretical and experimental results are plotted. IA 101 Z/2 018 UNCL ASS IF I ED ORnCESSINS ..CIRC ACCESSTIN NO--AP0052338 ',A6STQACTlEXTQACT--w--(U) GP-O- ABSTRACT. A REVIEW 0 F. NFW.DATA AND CO*,!CEPTS -CONCERNINS THE MECHANISM OF THE SY4APTIC TRANSMISSION IN THE AUTON)MIC ir GANGLIA WAS MADE. THE FOLLOWING PROCESSES ARE D.ES, EXCITATION PREGANGLIONIC TERMINALS,* LIBERA.TION OF EXCITATORY SY144DTIG TR4NSMITTER FROM'PREGANGLInNIC TERMINALS; THE ACTION OF THE TAANSMITTER ON THE POSTSYNAPTIC MEMBRANE: THE LONG LATENCY SYNAPTIC PROCESSES IN THE GANGLIA; THE MECHANISM OF SRIKE GENERATION IN THE~'GANICLION NEURONS. THESE' STEPS OF THE SYNAPTIC,TRANS4ISSION ARECOMPARED WITH THOSE IN SYNAPS-ES AND~JHE liTHEP sp~ECIFICITY OF GANGLIONIC S~VNAPSES IS- DISCUSSED. UNCLASS.IF. Acc. Nr: AP0054298 Ref. Code: ZIR 0 6 (o 0 PRIMARY SOURCE: Neyrofiziologiya, 1970, Vol 2,, Nr2.-,, ppAJ6-~AY PATHWAYS OF THE CAT SUPERIOR CERVICAL GANGLION K.J.-Is"and A. Ya. lvanov The A.- A. B4ogrrncletz Inslitute of Physiotogy Academy of &ienres, Summary Pathways in the cat Superior cervical sympathetic ganglion weve studied by the recor- ding~of action potent;ais of ganglionic nerves evoked by the stimulation of other nerves of thc r7angl ft . ion. Intracellular recording was also useij, Stimulation of the cervical sympafl?cfic rerve evoked action potcriliais in all other ganglionic nerves; transmission in opposite direction was absent. Stimulation of cervical sympath-etic nerve evoked ortiadromic responses in gang- [ion neurons stimillatioa of internal carotid nerve evoked antidromic responses in these riourons. Many nturons vesponded to single orthodromic stimulation by several EPSPs with different Conclusion was rnade that all fibres of servical sympathetic nerve terminate in the ganglion synaptically. and that preganglionic fibres with large differences in thre- shold and conduction velocities may converge on Ahe same neuron, REELIFFAM 1-9831436 USSR UDC: 612-813-08 BKOK I., SAVCHUX, V. S., and REMIZOV, I. I?., Laboratory of iit'etative Ganglion Physiology (Headed by V. 1. Skok) , A. A. Bogomollts Institute of Physiology "Analyzer of the Electrical Activity in the Fibers of an Intact Nerve Leningrad, Fiziologicheakiv zhurnal SSSPL im, 1. M. Senhenova, No 10, vol 58, 1972, pp 1638-3-641 Abstract: The description is given of an instrument for analyzing the natural pulses of nerve fibers which avoids the deficiencies of earlier instruments designed for this purpose'd Construction of the instrument is such as to permit selection of the pulse2 Of par- titular fibers out of all the pulses Of the nervo. A block dia- gram of the instrument together with a discussion of its operation in given, and the article is illustrated with a photograph of its external vied,. The front-panel devices and their functions are ezplained. Operation of the analyzer was checked by investigaling the pulses from the erratic nerve of a cat synchronous with its respiration. A curve giving the results of that investigation is reproduced. UNCLASS IF I ED*. '~R()C5,SSING nATF-18SEP70 tITLE--F,-l8PY PE-'OT ETALCN AS A DE:VIC,E FOR GASOYNA-XITC STUDIES -U-. ,AUTHOR--SKOKOV, I.V. T OW4 T RY OF 11-IFfl--USSP P~~IKLADNOI SPEKTRGSKO-Pli, VOL. 12 JAN. 1970, 177-1-~4 P UB LS HED ------- 70 T AREAS-PHYSICS 6p I CT, S - - G A SAYNAMICSp GAS FL-Wi SUPERSONIC FL,:~-~f FLOvi '.)[-~"!SITY ~~ESTRICTIONS C t A 5 S-- WiCL A -S S I F I PRD X Yfi -A r- R A 107 9 16 0 7 STED "~O--AP0047q29 UNCLASSIFIED 'e12 '0 3 5 UNICLASSI FiEnt PAOCF~SING 0ATE-13SEP70 .ICIRC ACC~iSSIONI ABSTRACT/EXTRACT -(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. DISCUSSION OF THE APPLIC,~TION OF A FABRY PEROT ETALON IN STUDYING THE PARAMETERS OF OASEOUS 'AE1314, THOSE OF LOWDENISITY SUPERSONIC GAS FLOWS PAST BODIES, IN PARTKULAR. BODIES OF VARIOUS.CONFIGURATICINS WE~E POSITIONED INSIDE A 14ABKY PEROT ETALON IN AN EXPERIMENTAL SETUP, AND A SUPERSOI-41C GAS FLOW WAS EJECTED FROM A NOZZLE INTO THE IHTE-?Si~ACE BETWEEN THE MIRRORS OF THE ETALON AND PAST THE BOTD-1 ES A LIGHT BEAM FROIM A MONOCHROMATIC SOURCE WAS USED FOR OBTAINING INTERFEREt Dip, I IN 4TIAL PATTER14S G EXPER.IMENTS. THE PARMAETERS OF A GAI~' _--FLOW PAST A SPHFqE AT A PRESSURE OF ABOUT 0.05 TORR ARE OBTAINED BY THIS E ' ALS" OFTFRMINED A! E THS FLCV4 DENISITY FI'FLij IN F~~DNT PF A ECHN'f "(UE. T FOR INTERFE'ROGRAM PROCESSING A-;~V OUTLINES. 01 SK A!"40 ASPHEE. PPOCEDURES NOON= USSR UDC 539.4 BELYAYEV, V. I., ZINKEVICH, V. I., KOV.ALEVSKIY, V. N., S "Behavior of Certaiji Met~al Materials Under J~mamic Temlon" V Sb. Vysoko5korostn. deformatsiya (High-Speed Deformation -- Co"ection of Works), Moscow, all, 1971, pp 54-56 t;Eom RZh-Mekhanika, Ila 3, Mar 72, Abstract No M460) 7~?anslation: ReSults Of teStS for Strain of cylindr-ical, samples of diann-ter 6 mm made of ADI and EL6 aluminum alloyn, lFhl8N9T stainless _tteel, OT4 titanium allby, structural ptecla are presented. and 40Yh, 40KhNMA and 2OKhNZA allo~,ed The strain tests were conducted in the velocity range frkim 10-~ to 650 m/rnc. The velocity range in which the highest plasticity propei'l-tips and also th~- vOlOcity range with a zero value of the plasticity characteristics were deter- Inilled. Authors abstract. 62 MA 19 73 0 UDC 54". 1 - SOME PP-CnLEMS*QF THC CHEMISTRY OF SYNTHETIC DRUGS [Article by Cand1dates of Chemical Sciplices A, P. cow. V-,-tr. tkl dfPU N -RU,,;tj:.jn, iD~ pp i2 The synthesis 0 f bioloqically active r.~it-ztznces for the nef-ds of medicine i* ono jof the most important and cmiplex areas of fin--~, organic synthents, one closely ind dirtIctly conne-cted with the pharmaceutical industry. The paramoont nation;_,- eco- nomic importance of work in that area is determined by the fact that az a re.5ult, of It tht- public health service ou44ht, to b~ provi-led with drugs V2r the preve,ntlon and treatmentvf varlous diseases. In the last 40 years the chemlstry of drugs hnn made a gigantic step forward: numerotas preparations with new types of effeci have entered medical practice, drugs used rucce:~sfu)ly for the treatment,of d1z;eaaes not, amenable to medicinal therapy -ind previously,, , theoretical concepts have been proposedand dt~~ velopod on the general principIrr. of effect of drugs and the paths of directed ocarch for such rubst_ances. It 1r. Lhought that more than 95% of all, the work done in the entire histo:7y of mrdicine on the crration of new drugs war, Y~,,ne in that period. The introduction of Aminazin Chlorpromazine) into medical practice (.1952) and following that many other psychotropic pre- parations -- neuroleptics, tranquillizers and antidepressant ~ -- cpan4~d k1p * iicw 4.,.ra in many other aroan of theoretical and al practic. medicine. For example, th#- combined application of a highly active nourcileptic and an analgesic causer a state of neuroleptoanaagesla during which surgical operations can be er- f rmcd without narcosis; The obtaining of highly active anJ- gesicn, local anesthetics and means of narcosis led to the emer- gence of a new and Important area of practical medicine -- anes- thesiology. Numerousz effective nourotropic preparations have USSR uDc 615.2l6.5-.547-581-2/-03~.po.f,)7 KHAR[WICH, D. A., SKOLDINOV, A. P.,, and IBADOVA., D. W., Laboratory of the Pharmacology of the Nervous syi~tex--znd laboratory of OrFanic Synthesis, Institute of Pharmacology, Academy of Medical Sciences,,USSR3 Chair of Phar- macology of the Therapeutic and Sanitary Hygiene Faculties of the First Moscow Medical Institute imeni.I. 14. Sechenov, 140scow The Myoparalytic Activity of Mono-quaternary Ammonium Derivatives of Benzoic Acid Esters" Moscow, Parmakolo-iya i Toksikologiya., Vol 36, No 1, Jan/Feb 73, PP 44-48 Abstract: Animal experiments showed that mono-quaternary ammonii)Ta derivatives of beftoic acid esters of the type PhCOO(Cl~p)nNiv5e I had, a pronounced curari- d Yn = 4. The activity was form activity. The optimum effect vas produce enhanced by introducing suitable substituents Into the phanyl ring. The substituenta that produced the optirnim effect in thjG rer.1ject vere Sa21!16a,,, and 11C~ in the para-position. Introduction of MeO or Cl into the xinf~ produced the activity. 7ne compounds in cpaestion produced a short-lived depolarizir~, effect. Proserine generally did not,reduce the action of these compounds, but in many cases enhanced it. Replacement with- N11 of the 0 atorm in the CO gro))T) reduced the myoparalytic activity. Replacer,4nt with an atlarantyl radical of 24, USSR KWIEVICHI D. A., et al... Farmakologiya,i Taksikologlja, Vol 36, ~,,o l, Jan/r'eb 73, pp 44-48 one of the Me groups at the quaterpary N changed the mchanintri .,)f action to one of the non-depolari zing ty-Fe and also- reduced -the myoparmlytic activity. The adamantyl derivatives reduced or prevent-ed entirely -the stirTubating, effect of acetylcholine and carbacholine on the muscle. In experiments on cats prose- ri-ne acted antagonist of these derWatives. 2/2 USSR ucc 615.o.6-5:547.6-eq-2 AIENDARUXI A. P., SKOLDTNOVY A. P., KHAPEEVICHY D. A.., and CHERNYKH, N. A., Research 6tf-U~td-of Pharmacology, Academy of Ibdlcal Sciences US,5R., Scientific Moscow "Studies in the Cyclobutanedicarboxylic Acid Series. VII. Synthesis and Curareform Activity of Bioquaternary Salts of Alkamine.HBter,B of p"PI-Substi- tuted O(a-Truxillic Acids" Moscow, Xhimiko-Parmatsevticheskiy Zhurnal, Vol 6, No 9, Sep 72, PP 5-9 Abstract: The article describes the synthesis and testfmg (in the form of dimethiodides) of analogs of atatruxonium containing in the phanyl nuclei sub- stituents differing in their electronic natum, viz. p,-I)I-dinitro, p,pl-dimathoxy and p,p'-dihydroxy groups. PhaTracological tents of the recultant compounds showed that they all possess pronounced curarefonit activity. The most effective curareform agent is anatru;vonium. Replacement by the nitro, ruethoxy or (lioxy group reduces the myoparalytic activity. Pharmacology and Toxicology USSR TJDC 541.69+54-7.689+547.235+ 612-814+~15-785-3 KHARKEVICH, D. A.; SKO V A,.P,.* Institute of Pharmacology, Academy of Medical ciences tr .and First kloscow Pledical Institute imeni I. M. Sechenov "The Effect of Lipo-ohilic, 111adicals in the Molecule of Curariform Substances on Their Mechanism of Action" Noscow, Doklady Akaderaii Nauk SSSR, Vol 198, NO 4, 1971, PP 985-988 Abstract: The possibility of altering the meahanism of action BY muscle reinx-ants and other cholinergic compounds by.using the lipoz)hilic ada-riantyl radical to screen the quaternary nitro. ,"en atoms was studied. '-Ohe following, groups of compounds were tested: (a) Monoquaternary ammonium deri%~-ativeo af'cirmamic acid, (b) decamethonivra and suceinyleholizie anqlogs, and (c) acetylcholine and tetr*me1Ub-ylammonii= analogs. All the cornpotmd3 displayed a similar behavior, i.e., ~sTjbstljtutjc~n of the adaman-tyl radical for the N-mothyl grouri converted them.from do,polarizing (cholinomimet-ic) to nondepolari.-ing, loholinolytic) itgonts. This change is attributed to enlarging of the radicals sa,reening the nitrogen atoms. . . ................. lv, n] ad. oc! (.1 1, no ti CA 1,C t S,Z . ..... Al t, l_' 4 i 7 IISSR UDC 615.12+616 H) EARKOV, N. K., Candidate of Medical Sciences, IUYEVSKIY, G. S Candidate of Medical Sciences and SKOLDINOV. A. P., Candidate of Chemical Sciences "Psychopharmacollgical Substances" Moscow, Zhurnal VsesoyuznGgo lChimicheskogo Obshchestva imeni D. 1. Mendeleyeva, Vol 15, No 2, 1970, pp;156-164 Abstract: ',MO recommends that the group of psyclioph.-a-miacological substances include only those products which eftect the psychic functions and the experinece of life. The group includes innumer- able neuropsychiatiric drugs. Neuroleptics, acting on the auto- nomic nervous system, defres the autonomic functions in schizo- phrenia and maniacal states by disturbing the ex-traph,yramidal system, they may induce lack of musct;la.r coordination. I)erivatives of phenothiazine, thioxanthene, reserpine and benzoijuinaline are re- presentative of this group. Tranquilizers, the anti-awxiety drugs, incLude anticonvulsants, barbiturates, meprofan,~some phenothia- zines, and hundreds of allied products. AntidepressaRtfi, used in manic-depressive reactions include hydrazine at)d some inhibitors. 1/2 USSR BARKOV, N. K., et al., Zhurnal Vsesoyuznogo Khbldch,~kovro Obshchestva, imeni D. I. Mendeleyeva, Vol 51, No 2, 1970, pp 1156-164 Psychostimulants such as coffee, theophylline and stimulate body and mind, but the ephedrine and amphetamine analques act on the CNS as psychic'stimulants. Psychotomimetics are without therapeutic value. But with all these drugs, side effect, allergic reactions and many untoward paradoxical syndromes are likely to occur. 2/2 UNCL AS S ii E PROC' USING D4TE--Z7NOVT0 TITLE--PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGICAL AGENTS -U- 'AUTHOR-(03)-BARKOV, N.K., RAYEVSKIY, K.S.t SKOLDINOVr 4*Pv ~__,:COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--ZH. VSES. KHIM. QBSHCHEST, 1970, 15(2)s 156-64 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SC'IENCE.S ~_~'TDPIC TAGS--TRANQUIL,IZERt HALLUCINOGEN, PHARMACOLOGY CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIE0 STEP NO--'UR/0063/70/015/00210156/t)164 --PR0XY.REEL/FRAKF--3009/0146 CIRC ACCESSION "40--APO 1390 L I UNCLASSIFIED 1/2 007 UNCLA.3 SI F I E 0r'b_'-ES!_,r%iG DATE--30OCT70 TITLE-LUMPLEX SALTS OF ALLYL ALPHA CHLGAO ETHERS WITH ANICIMONY PENTACHLORIDE -U- AUTHQR-(03)-POP0VAj R.YA., PROTOPOPOVAi T.V.i SKOLDINOV, A.P. .---CUNTRY OF INfC-USSR -SOURCE-ZH. ORG. XHIM. 1970, 6(4), 879-80 ATE PUBL ISHED--70 ~U_BJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY JOPIC TAGS-ETHERv ORGANIC COMPLEX COMPOUNDr ORGANIC SALT Ci~LORINATE`0 ~"_URGANIC COMPOUND* ORGANOANTIMONY COMPOUND# 'CHLORIDE '-C C N T R G LMARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS :DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED *.ROX,Y REEL/FRAME--2000/2176 STEP t4O--UR/0,366/701'006/00-',/(1879/CaPG -CIRC.ACCESSION NO-AP0125756 UNCLASSIFLED ---------- 212 007 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING ~;ATE--300CT70 .rI9C ACCESSION NO--AP0125756 "ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTPACT. THE REACTION~OF SBCL SU185 IN THE .,~-.COLD WITH CLCHZCRCHCLUR MiliEl GAVE INSOL. SALTS: PRIMEI) PRIME POSITIVE SBCL SUB6 PRiME NEGATIVE (1) (R AND R PRIMEI GIVEN): Hs ME; ME,,~ ET; AND E7, Er. THE ACTION OF ETONA CN I (R ECUALS P.E) GAVE CLCH:CMECH,(OET) SUB2. ETLIH DECOMPD. I (R 117'EQUALS IMEJ TO A MIXT. OF (ETO) SU82 CHCHM.ECHfOr.-T) SUB2 slJND ETOCH:CMECtio. UNCLASSIFIED Acc. N Abstractin rV Ref. dode: ~~5344e cHimicAL g S'r-' ice: ABSt. 110720d Sytthe.-Is of the hemlaldehyde of sucrinic acid and ~V rus functional derivatives from 2-acetoxyfurart, T Farmakol., x - brotopopova. T. V.; Skoldl-ow A P~ (Inst 054tfu 9 74 Pyrolysis of 2,5-diacetoxy-2,Swdi~jdrofqan~ gave 2-pxetoxyfuran which, without isolation', was converted 1~6 j-ac~Ioxy-a.kde- hydrobutyrolactone (1). Cataiy~tic hydrogenatipit'bf I gave -y- Acetoxybutyrolactone (11),, whichrwas hydrolyzed undermild conditions to OCHCHCH2COSH (M)~ Under more vigorous conditioas instead of M its trim& trioxane (IV)] was~obtained. Pyrolysis of IV gage HI.: At- coholysis of II in the presence OVITCI iaie (EtO~CHCHttH, COzEt(V). Alk.hydroly'sisofVkav*e()3tO)tCHCHiCH2COsH, which was pyrolyzcd to-t--ethoxybutyrolacton~. The residue of I distn. contained a, small amt. bis(2-oxotetrahydrofuryl) ether, formed by the dehydration of the III isonier -y-bydn)xybut4ro- 12ctone. Cpjk J POO REEL/FRAME 19830461 Acc. Nir. Abstracting Service, Ref. Code AP60414504,00 CHEMICALABST. r ~9722u N-Alko-v(carbony!-51vativea of a:tninals and c-a- 1~ V I V~ araines. Stavrovsk Prot )~o N, a ava, A. A. (-Irg. Khi);. 1970, B 1",1 (r --TNC- reaction of RCH(OEt),j (1) with 1/3 equiv. RIO-C.,;H2 in the prmnee of acid, catalysts, the main reaction proilucts are RCF1- (OEt),XHC02R1 (H) and only,small arntt. of RC-K(N--F1C02R')--, (M) are form e~d. When I equiv. I reacts with 2 lequivs. RIOtC- is Et) at 1~50-200/150-200 izim,gives W-MCUKHMEt (IV (R2 is H, Me, E't): 11without H~on the a C rftes~RCH-XCO~'-Rt are,quilibrated to 1411 mixEs. The. reiction of IV with ~M%,C- Xfl~ gives 111. Convendy, he~iit%9111 gi-es IV.", The rcilaction of V with RtOll in the pre5ence.of weak acids gives a mixt. of I and III. CPJR j REEL/FPAME 13 702" USSR UDC 615-217-32:547-M- 4-015-11 EHAPUKEVICH, D. A., P., and IRAD017A, D. 'IN., Iaboratory of Nervous System Ph&rracoloeV, and the Laboratory of Organic Synthesis, Instit.1te of Phanmeology, , AcadeTr of 1~1e-dical Sciences USSR, and the Department of Pharmacology, Faculties of Medicine and Public Health, Ist Moscow Medical InstitAe _imeni I. M. Sechenova, Moscow "The Effects of Adamantyl Radicals on the Mechanism of Cholinergic Action of Mono-Quaternary A=onium Compounds" Ibscow, Farmakologiya i Toksikologiya, V01 36, 110 2, 1973, pp 201-205 Abstract: It has been demonstrated that, adaxmntyl radical nay alter the properties of curariform. drugs, when substituted on the quaternainj nitroGen aton. Present studies were performed to tez-*U- the univerpality of this phenom- enon by preparation of 1--adamantyl analogs of tetram;cthyl ammonium, choline, and acetylcholine., and testing them biologically. The studies were conducted on pigeons and chicks that had been intravenoutly injected irith the appropriate compound and the nature of resultant.paralysis was r;oted, on the rectus abdominis muscles of frogs to deternine contractility, and on cats under anesthes'-a (intravenous chloralose, 60 mg/kg, and urethane, 1100 mg./kg) to determine transi.-iii3sion across tiae myoneural junction of irq?ixlso3s from the s ic nerve to the gastrocuemius imtscle. The substituted compounds were 2 'USSR KMMVICH., D. A., et al., Parmkologiya iToksikologiya, Vol 36, No 2, 19731 pp, 201-205 found to induce flaccid rather than spaAic paralysis in the chicks and pigeons, did not cause contraction of the rectus abdominis muscles, or fascicullation of the gastrocnemius. Sinilar results were obtained udifth 1-adampantyl esters tic, benzoic, and einnwrtic acids. The data were taken to indicate that. of acek. introduction of 1-adarantyl not only changes the respective compounds from de-polarizing to nondepolarizing compounds, but also thrcugh its lipophilic property effects the attachment of the compounds on the sXbsynaptic membrane and subsequent hydrophobic interaction with the choline receptoTs. 2/2 013 wicLASSI PIED. PROCESSING DATE-- I 3iN'JV70 TITLE--CATALYTIC ACTIVITY 01~- 9LATINUM PlE.T.ALS AND i~EACTIVITY OF ~'()KFACE- CARBOMYLS -U- 'AUTH0k-(G42)-KAVTARADZE, N.N.v SKOLOVA,'N.Pe COUNTRY OF IMF0--USSP SIOURCE,--ZHUR. FIZ. KHIM. JA. 1 G 70, 44 (1), 171-176 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY -.~,TOPIC, TAGS--METAL CATALYSTi CATALYST ACTIVITYt PLAT I NUM HYDROGEN, CARBON MOINGXIOEt ETHYLENE 'UNTROL 'MARK I ING-W RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNGLASSIFIED y---PROXY REEL/FRAME--2000/0246 STEP iNG--tJR/0076/70/1)441~~)OI/0171/0176 CIRC ACCESSION NO-00124008, -iZ 013 -2 UNCLASSIFIED PKOCESSING 0ATL---13N,)V70 CIRC ACCESSION N-0--AP01240018 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-M) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE RELATION, BETWEEN THE ADSO~-,?T`10t., CHAIkAMEd. EST ICS OF PT G,kGUP iriEfALS WITH kESPECT TO 191 COt C SU62 H SIJ;.34, ANJ SIMILAR GASESt-ANL) THE CATALYTIC ACTIVITY IN I%C'LATION MEkIZATION, HYURG'~ ENATION, Wir) 0E1-,'YDRGG-,NjATI0N wERE TO Pki)CESSES 13F ISO; STU D'I ED. CATALYTIC ACTIVITY ~WAS WILY EVIDENT WHII!, CHEMISORPTEON OF THE GASES TOOK PLACE UN T11F SURFACE OF THE. METAL;* THE CATALYTIC ACTIVITY -N CAPACITY OF THr- METALS: WERE Z) AND CHEMISORPTIGi IRECTLY RELATED TO THEIR POSITIONS TIN THE PERIODIC TABLE. U NCLA t SSIFIED USSR UDC;621.791.052:669.14.018.8:620.17 GURDZINSKIY, B. V., STEPAINOV, G. A., YATSKOV, A. P., F~~OL'TSOVV. I. Influence of Pore Penetration on Strength of Welded Joints of Khl8NIOT Steel at Cryogenic Temperatures" Moscow, Svarochnove Proizvodstvo, No 12,,Dec 73, pp 31-33 'Abstract: Failure of welding heat to penetrate the depth of a seam produces a stress concentrator on the cold side of the seam which can be very effective. Specimens of Khl8NIOT sheet steeji:ifere tested at -196' C to determine the influence of stress concentration on the properties of this metal at this temperature.. The reduced ductility of the welded seam at this temperature significantly increases the in- fluence of penetration failures on the strength of a seam. Strength drops by 10-15%. Local failures serve as centers of formation and development of fatigue cracks. 6o USSR UDC 911.3.616.~9.-036.21(571.61) SKOLUBOVICH G. V. "Unresolved Problems in Medical Geography of Human Diseases with Natural Foci in Amurskaya Oblast Zap. Amur. Obl. muzeya kraeved. (Reports of the Amurskaya Oblast Museum of Regional Studies, 6, No 1, 1970, pp 119-126 (from M-36. Meditsinskava Geografiya, No 1, Jan 71, Abstract No 1.36.81 by Tu. Du~rovskiy) Translation: By 1967, eleven diseases with natural foci were identified in Amurskaya Oblast. Hemorrhagic fever witha renal syndrome has long been known, although its official registration was only begutt in 1956. In eleven years there have been 588 patients (from 26-112 yearly) in 15 rayons and 3 cities. There- are three types of natural foci -- steppe and forest type; they axe chiefly located on the Zeysko-Burainskaya plain -- in the valley of the Amur and-its middle and upper reaches, -and the valleys of its tributaries. The first goal in the study of this disease is to establ the north and West boundaries of it3 distribution. In eleven years, 353 people were ill with leptospirosis. The population centers for these patients have, been tabulated. A total of 12 leptospirosis serotypes have boen determined. 1/2 USSR SKOLUBOVICH, G. V., Zap. Amur. Obl. muzeya.kraeved. (Reports of the Amurskaya Oblast Museum of Regional Studies. 6, No 1j 1970, pp 119-126 (from Rzh-36. Meditsinskaya Geografiya, No 1, Jan 71, Abstract No 1.36.61) Iliere are two types of foci: natural and anthropurgic. Foci of tick-borne encephalitis have been recorded in nIne rayons of the taiga. Tickborne scrub fever has been recorded for three cities in nine ra3,ons. Q fever was first registered in 1965; Q fever patients and paLients with antibodies were recorded in Belogorsk, Blagoveshchensk, and Raychikhinsk. Erysipelas is known in Blagoveshchensk (human patients) and in the surrounding area (diseased rodents). Listeriosis is currently known only as a 6sease in pigs. Toxoplasmosis is apparently widely distributed in the oblast. Ornithosis, salmonellosis, and scarlet-fever1ike disease have been known to occur in the area. Tularemia has not yet been observed~ but its exis- tence is quite probable. 2/2 USSR UDC 616.64.-002.151-07-035.7 FrIURNOV. V. A., and SKOLUBOVICH, G. V., Blagoveshcbenskiy Medical Institute "Errors in the Diagnosis of Hemorrhagic Fever With a Renal Syndrome" Moscow, Zhurnal Mikrobiologii, Epidemiologii i Immunologii, No 9, Sep 70, ~pp 99-102 Abstract: A study was carried out to detorntine the Inaidence of and causes for errors in the diagnosis of hemorrhagic fever with a renal --yirlrome, as well as ways to eliminate these errors. A total of 25Z case histories of patients suf- fering from this disease were analyzed. Various infectious,~somatic, surgic!al, and,neuropsychic diseases were incorrectly diagnosed in theso cases, The number of.diagnostic errors was particularly high (67.6~) wh-,,ri the paLients were first examined in polyclinics. The number of drronoQU3 dropped to :~!A~'. when the Initial oxaPLLnation was conducted in regional ond d1strict hoapitalo. Both objective and subjective cau3ms were noted for the orronvous dlagnoiizos (3Z.2~ and 67.d~ rospectivaly). To eliminate orroneoua liagnoses, it is sug-, gestod that the clinical picture be studied more axhaustAvely, that laboratory diagnosis and epidemiological studies of the disease be Oarri~d out, that. movern diagnostic methods be studied at conforenoes and seminar~j an4 that appropriate instruction3 be prepared and distributed to,medical pars6nnel. USSR GLAZUNOVA, N. T., SKOHAKHA, N. D. UDC 539.3.01 "On the Plane Problem for a Wedge and a Rectangle. (Concerning the Question of the Sen-Venan Principle)" Tr. Novocherkas. politekhn. in-ta (Works of Novocherkassk Polytechnical Insti- tute) 1972, No. 253, pp 97-105 (from RZh-Mekhanika, No 3, Mar 73, Abstract No 3V;3) Translation: A solution is proposed for wedge-shaped and trapezoidal plates bearing a longitudinal self-balancing load on one of the edges. The solution Is used to evaluate the applicability of the Sen-Venan principle for a wedge- shaped region. It is shown that stresses iz the wedge-shaped region are dampened extremely rapidly and consequently the Sen-Venan principle for triangu- lar regions remains in force. 8 ref. Authors' abstract. 84 Iowa NEwdomm MEMO. M~~ lf2~;~. .013 kNCLASSI FIED: PRACE~SSLT;, UAFE---I3',iGV70 TITLE--S';')Lff) eHASE i~EACTI&",'S 1-11 HllLiMilull OXIDE H:i-.',~]C OXI~)E AND PRASELIDY.-ItUM OXIDE FERRIC 0XI10"IE SYSTEMS -U- AUTWIR-103)-&N-1~;A, t,,V., VASII_YrVAj L.I.t SKOVIOROIKHOVA A I CCUt--lTRY OF INF-G-USS~Z SOURC E-4H. N EOq G. KH I M1970 f 1515)1,13947:7 ~DATE PUBLISHEO--------70 i~SOBJECT AREA S-CHE.M 1 S TRY TOPIC TAGS--SOLIO -STATEY CHEX I CAL EACTION, FERRIC OXIDE, METAL OXIDE, HULMIUM CUMPOLINJI PRASEODYMIUM COMPOUND LUNTROL RESTRICTIONS 'DOCUIIIENT CLA55--UNCLAS~IFIED -PROXY RELL/FRAME-3006/1403 STEP ~CIRC ACCF5SIOT1 Nr;--AP01_3~071 p I .2/2 OL3 U 4 ASSf F CEO IC L- PRCCESSING UATE-13NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0135077 -ABST-RACT/EXTRACT-M GP-0- A5STRACT. PRFFO SU53 A IN 0HO F s U F3 3 ( I HAVING. tlEfl'l0VS,-KlTF ST'RUCTUREt FORiA IN FNE TITLE SYSTEM$ AT 1:1 N!U'LE RATIO OF T.HEI.;-% CONPONENT'S AND AT 800- 1200DF-TREES. THE lir; SWQ 0 SUa3 SYSTEM FORMS GARNET , HJ 51)83 FE SUB5 -G SUB 121 ( I I ) tAT THL 3:5 COmPONENT RATIO. FORMATION OF I PkECEDES TH FlJi MA Tf C'N' Cl F11. F,XCILITY: R BELGRUS S . GOS UN I V .I M. LEE IN 1 N Am I Nsj~,' USSR. WIN, L A UDC: 621; .131. b.' :,+1539.21.084-492.3 SKOMOROVSKIY, Ya. Z., AYNBINDER, A. B. "Longitud4 -Nth Rr c al nal Displacements of Undergoui 'id PiPelinez 1~ to Phyt_ Nonlinearity of the Shear Resistence of the Ground" Tr. VNII ro str-vu maEistralln. truboprovodov Oelorks of the All-Union Sci- entific Research Institute on Construction of Main Piyelines) , 1971, ;yp. 25, pp 47-6o (from Ra.41ekhanika, No 9, Sep 72, Abstract No,917526) Translation: The authors conS4 J.der displacement of the ~lnd of an uvderEroLind pipellne which cn,,!rges onto the surfacie of the earth and is loaded by a longitudinal force foi a two cases of soil she r resistance as a function of displacement: for loose soil -- vith a nonlinearly eli-;.otic section and constant re-sistance in the plastic stag(,_~; for coher,~Ilt 'toil:z - wit1i 1_in analogoua pvtttcrn, but vith an MdUtional uectl()n Of 1,(1'11L);%rt1t1o11 whn-l the-', limiting resistance i~i reached. In sol.v.Lng the differr.-fn(Jal. cqllatiori~; of displacements, two sections are considered length-vise of the tube: a sec- tion nearest t*-,e end vith constant soil she,-Lr resistance, and a followinp section with elastic resistance. ComputatIonal formultm ilre~dtrivt.~d for determining the displacement of the end of the pivelline for 'cloth cases. 1/2 USSR SKOVIOROVSKIY, Ya. Z. , AMENDER, A. B. , Tr. V14IT ro --ti-vu mrlffistral In. truboLrovr,do-r, 1971, .,yp. 25, PP 47-60 It is noted that the proposed solution -with regaxd to nonlinearity of sioil shear resistance gives a more precise reflection of the actual conditions of operation of underground pipelines as compared vitb existing methods. Bibliography of 9 titles. V. M. Shamin. 212 52 USSR uDc: 621-396.66 ZBOPOVSKIY, A. A., A., Members of the Scientif ic and Tech- nical Society of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Communications imeni A. S. Popov "Interference lr=unity of Communications Lines With Radio and Op- tical AGC Systems" Moscorw, Radiotekhni-ka, Vol 27, No 8, Aug 72, Pp 7-12 Abstract: The authors analyze the interference immunity of optical communi- cations lines with different automatic gain control syste=z designed to eliminate mu-Itiplicative interference. USSR UDC 621.373.826 ZBOROVSKIY, A. A., SKOMOROVSKIY, YU. A. "Nonlinear Distortions when Filtering the Radiation of Semiconductor Lasers by Optical Filters" V sb. Poluprovodn. pribory v tekhn. elektrosvvazi (Semiconductor Devices in ElectrocommunicaLiuns Engineering--colldction of works), vyp. 9, Moscow, Svyaz', 1972, pp 9-12 (from RZh-Radioteklinika, No 5,.Kay 724, Abstract No 5D205) Translation; A study was made of the nonlinear distorLions occurring on filter- ing the radiation of a semiconductor laser by means of optical interference filters. The magnitude of the nonlinear discortions is determined as a func- tion of the filter parameters and also the cbaracteristics of the semiconduc- tor laser and the signals modulating~the radiation. There are 2 illustrations and a 3-entry bibliography. l/l 47 - USSR UDC 621.373.826 ZBOROVSKIY, A. A., SKOMOROVSKIY, YU. A. "Reception of Binary Optical Sig als of Semiconductor Lasers under Turbulent n Atmospheric Conditions" V sb. Poluprovodn. priborv v tekhn. elektrosvyazi (Semiconductor Devices in Electroca-mmunications Pnginearing-collection of works), vyp. 9, Moscow, Svyaz', 1972, pp 4-8 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 5, May 72, Abstract No 5DI98) Translation: A study is made of the noiseproufness of the reception of optical binary signals in OLS with semiconductor lasers under turbulent atmospheric conditions with automatic regulation of the threshold level. The total error probability at the exit from the threshold device is defined as a function of the parameters of the fluctuating medium,and the background level. Results are presented from an experimental study of the nDiseproofness of the re- ception of the optical binary signals in the OLS with a se-wiconductor laser for two reception schemes: with a:constant.,,and with a follow threshold. There are 2 illustrations and a 4-entry bibliography. 1/1 1/2 022 U14CLASSIFIED PAOCESSENG DATE--04DEC70 Ti'LTLE--SELENOCYANATOBISMUI'HATES 0F.SOME:METALS -U-, :,-AUTH0R-(03)-ZHUMABAYEVo A.ZH.p TSINTSADZEt G.V., SKOPENKn, V,V, COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ,,..,'SOURCE--UKR. KAIM. ZH. 1970, 36(4)t 32 9-32 ...... ATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY ::TOPIC TAGS--COMPLEX COMPOUNDv SELENIUM COMPOUND, CYANATE, BISMUTH 'CQMPOUNDr IR SPECTRUM* X RAY DIFFRACTI:ONi CYANIDC-:~i CON T ROL MARKING~--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED STEP NO--UR/0073/70/036/002/0329/0332 CIRC ACCESSION -NO--APO!379 -2 5- -2/2 022 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--040EC70 1.~CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0137925 'ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. ADON, COMPOS. WERE PREPO. AND THEIR IR SPECTRA AND X PAY DIFFRACTION. DIAGRAMS OBTAINED. THE SPECTRAL EVIDENCE INDICATE THAT MG SUB3 (BI(SECN) SUB61 SUB2 9L AND LI SUB2 BI(SECN) SUB5 3L- WHERE L EQUALS DIOXANEa CPMT.4091 BRIDGING SECN GROUPS (ABSORPTION AT 2130 C14 PRIME NEGATIVEll. AND THAT THE SECN PRIME NEGATIVE IS BOUND TO THE 81 VIA THE SE ATOM IN Ll SUB3(B1($ECN)1SUB6) 3RE SUB2 Cat NA SU83(CI(SECN) SUB6), CA SUB3(BIfSECN) SUB6YSUB2 10L,, SR SU83(81(SECN) SUB6) SUB2 8L, BA SUB3(BI,(SECN) SU86) SUB2 5L# MN SU83(BI(SECl N) SUB6) SUB2 10L# AND KBA(BI(SECNI SUB,6) 2-AlE SUB2 CO. FAICILITY: KIEV. GOS. UNIV..IM. SHEVCHENKO, KIEV :USSR* - ------- ------ - PROCESSING DATE-20NOVIF0 006 UNCL ASS I F I EV TITLE-SELENOCYANATE COMPLEXES OF ZINC ANO CADMIum -U-.'. AUTHOR-(03)-SKUPENKOt V.V., ALASANIYAt R.M.i GLUSHCHENK0, ~L.,V* CCUNTRY OF INFO-USSR SOURCE--UKR. KHIM. ZH. 1970, -6(21, L29-33 361 -DATE PUbL 15fiEC--70 :,~SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY :-JOPIC TAGS-ZINC CCMPL[Xt CADMIUM COMPLEXt CYANATE, SELENIUM COMPOUND, CHEMICAL STABILITY, ACETCNITRILEs SOLVENT ACTION C43NTRG'L h 14 k K I %G- - INC k E S, TR I C T I ~DN S -P -PROXY REEL/fRAME-2000/21Z3 S 11 NO N 01,5707 --(;IRC ACCE~_SICN S~' -SSING DArE--20NOV7C UNCL ASS IF I EO PROU 212 C a CIRC ACCEsSICNj NG--AP0125707 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-lUl GP-0- ABSTRACT. ZN 5EL ENO C YANA.'I')::s DECOMP. IN GATIVE lq, M EQUALS 1-3, CAN BE 'EXISTANCE Of- ZiN JSECMSUB% PRIPIE2 PRIME NE -STS. UEMICNSTRATEC. THE FDLW~dNG POTENTICMEYPOCALLY DETD.~ STALI-ILITY CON :REPCRTEC ISGLVENT ANC ONSTS. FORN EQUALS L-41 RESP., GIVEP41: AS THE INCREASE.0 STA13ILIrY OF THESE (,GMPLEXES IN SHOWN GN t~,ICROFICHE. MECN CVER Tl-,AT IN HCCNME SU82 IS, ATTRIBUTED TO rH-E S,TRr-,Pi(;ER ASSOCN. Of- RETAL CATIONS WITH THE LATTER SOLVENT. FACILITY: K I EY. CGS . ..UNIV.~,.IM. SFEVCI-.'ENKO, KIEV, USSR. U4 L L _uil 010 UNCLASSIFIED PR6CESSING DATE--30OCT70 SELENOGYANATES -U- ~:AUTHOP-102)-SKOPENKOP V.V., IVANOVA# YE*lo < ~~_~COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR. URCE -UKR* KKIM* ZH. 1970t 36(,I)r 16-19 ~_:QATE -PUBLISHED ------- 70 AREAS--CHEMISTRY 'JOPIC TAGS--SELENIUM COMPOUNU, URANIUM COMPOUND "-CCNTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED :PROXY REEL/FRAME--1996/1995 STEP NO--URfOOT3/70/036/001/0016/0019 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0118954 _ONCLA:q~'IFIFD oto -ESSING DATE--30OCT70 UNCLAWFIED* PROG CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0118954 :~ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE FOLLOWING COMPLEXES HAVE BEEN ISOLATED FROM MEOH OR ME SUB2 GO SOLN.,- UO SUB2 L SUB2 (NCSE) SUB2, L EQUALS DIANTIPYRYLMET.LiANF 2,21,BIPYRII)INE, AND 1,100HENANTHROLINE; UO SUB2 A SUB3 (NCSE) SUB2, A EQUALS ME SUB2 SOt ANTIPYRINEY ANU PYRAKIDONE. IN EACH SERIES ASYM..VIBRATION OF THE,:UG SU62 PRIME2 Ty: KIEV. GOS. POSITI.VE-.ION INCREASED IN THE ORDER GIVEN, FAC ILI -I.Mo SHEVCHENKOt KIEVt:USSR* UNIVO USSR UDC: 546-791. 06: r,47.491.5 SKOPIE-IMO V.V., and 1VAI10VA, Y"E.L, Kiev State Univeri~ity iineni T. 0. Siflevchenko, cl cialized Ediication bkiainian SSE ev, ~fnis Higher and Secondnarj Spe" "Some Uranyl Selenocyanates" Kiev, Ukrainskiy Khimicheskiy Zhurnal, 'Vol 36, No 1, Jan 70, pp 16-19 Abstract.--- The authors synt-1,.e sized novel salts UO~,L,.)('NICSe)2 and U02A-(INCSe)2, where L= 2,2'-dipyridyl, 1,10-phenaEtinroline, dianti- PyryY-nietharle, and A= antipyrine. pyramidone, dimethylsulfoxide. 'L'*he ed by mixing methanol or acetone solutions of compounds were obtain L uranylselenocyanat-es and respective complexing a-gents in a rat i ;D o 'L 1;2 and 1:3. The complexes were found to bind with uranlurr, through k. ta. The 1R fre- the oxygen atom, as evidenced by the IR spectral daLI t- -he ordert d-ant4gyryl- quency for the bond a,5(UO~ ) increases in LI _L _L methane < dipyridyl 4 pnenanthroline,, and dimethylsulfoxide , anti- Pilrine e, pyramidone; the authors claim that the bond strength, of ranium-organic ligand behaves analogously. u 112 024 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 TITLE--EVALUATICN Jf- THL FUNCTIONAL STATE OF THEALUNEYS 5Y ISOTOPE mENOG&APHY IN PATItNTS WITH 0IAbETIC_:GLJmEkULOSCLERUSIS -U- AUTHOR--SKUPICHENKOt N.Fo _':'~CGUNTRY OF INFO-USSR OLLO, 1970, NR 5, PP 68-76 -,.DATE PUBLISHED---70 AREAS--BIOLCGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES QN-v DIAGNOSTIC METHODS, MEUICAL NUCLEAR JOPIC TAGS-KIDNEY FUNCTI APPLICATIGNt ISUTOPEt DIABETES MELLITUS ':._:~CCNtROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS OCCI JMENT CLASS-VNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL!F.RAME--3002/1740 STEP NO--t)9/0475/7r.)/0001005/OU6B/Ot)76 ~C.IRC ACCESSICIN NO-AP01291013 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 ~024 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0129108 A6STRACT/EXTPACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. INVESTIGATLON OF RENOGRAPHIC DATA E r_- D A C E, I-AIN IN 40-PATI.ENTS -nITH DIABETIC GLU.MERULOSCLEROSIS AEV AL' R SEQUENCE OF RENOGRAM CHANGES IN THIS,RENAL PAMUI,GGY. EARLY STAGES UF GLUMEAULOSCLEROSIS SH04 A MUDERATE PAGLONGATION GF THE PERIOD OF HALF ELIMINATION OF THE ISOTOPE FULLUOED LATER 8Y PROLONGATION AND FLATOrENING OF ThE SECRETORY SEGMENT, THE LATEST'EVENT BEING A DECREASE OF THE CULAR SEGMENT OF THE AS' RENUGRAM4 AT LATE STAGES OF DIABETIC V GLOMERULOSCLERiSIS THE BLOOD CLEARANCE 15 SIGNIFICANTLY REDUCED. THE SECkETORY AND EXCRi~TORY SEGMENTS OF THE RENOGRAA CHANG-E. DEPENDING ON THE DEGREE OF INVOLVEMENT OF THE TUBULAR REGION OF THE- NEPHRUNE AND THE MORE STABLE VASCULAR SEGMENT REJUCES QNLY IN SCLEROSISA.IF THE MAJORITY OF RENAL GLOMERULI. FACILITY: KAYEVSKOO.0 MEDITSINSKUGO, INSTITUTA. USSR UDC 621..43.011:533;621.5:533 REUTOVICH, L. N., SHATS, V. M., ARIWANOVA, V. T., SKOF1b1,"-j,. "Hydrodynamics of Submerged Combustion Equipment (Gas Distribution)IN Tr. Leningr. n.-i. i Provelct. in-ti osnovii prom--~;ti (14orks of the Leningrad Scientific Research and Design Institute of the Basic Chemical Industry), 1972, No. 6, pp 127-132 (from RZh4lekhanika, No 3, Mar 73, Abstract No 3B423) Translation: Results of studies of the degree of uniformity of the distribution of gas flow in a liquid as a function of the.gas rate, the area of the useful cross section of the. gas distribution device, and the depth of its immersion in the-liquid are presented. Authors' abstract. USSR UDC: 7.41.~79 SKOPTSOV, A P "The Variational Problem of Extraction of a Spacecraft with a Solar Sail from the Sphere of Attraction of the Earth" Probl. Mekh. Upravlyayemogo Dvizheniya [Problems of the Mechanics of Controlled Notion -- Collection of Works], No 1, Perm', 1972, pp 216-234 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Rake t ostroyeniye, No 7, Moscow, Abstract No 7.41.79). Translation: The problems is studied of the optimal velocity of a spacecraft which utilize-, a "solar sail" as its engine. Tlie final purpos'e- of this control is to impart parabolic velocity to. the vehicle. It is assumed that at the initial monient in time the apparatus is in a circular or-bit around tile Earth. The motion occurs in the plane of the ecliptic. The gri)vltat-ional field of the Earth is assumed central. The stream of light rays fi-0111 tile SLin is con- sidered parallel and homogeneous, and the shadow of thc*Earth is considereJ. The light pressure is considered independent of changes in the mutual distance between the sun and the solar sail as the sail moves in orbit around the Earth. Suppose f is the force acting on the sail as a result of light pressure, 0 is the angle between the direction of the light rays and force f. We assume 1/3 USSR SKOPTSOT, A. P. , Probl. Mckh. Upravlyayemogo Dvisheniya, No 1, Perm.', 1972, pp 216-234. f = P cos 0, P const (1). It is shown in this work that rL110 (1) is tile be-st, rule to assure rapid operation and that the sail design defined can be produced by ~1). We note that for a sail consisting of-a f;at, mirror reflecting area, a similar rule for force f would be [2]: f P cos 0 (2). The problem is solved numerically. The computational method used is an iterational process, in which the solution to the problem of optillal control. is sought both in the space of controls and in the space of phase coordinates. One diStillgUiSliing feature of the method is the small volume of information recorded in the reading process (41-he program with all working registers occupled soille 1000 words of machine memorv). The initial approximation USed in the iterational process was the solution of the problem of accoleratioll. of a spicecraft. with a control yielding;-.the maximum possible incruasc of mocha.,iical ciiergy for each Point of the tphase spaco. These colitrols and tile Corre!i))(Jildi'llf" t.1-:1jec- tory will be called locally optimal. The I)rablem of 10~.-;)Ily oj)timill cc)nLi~ol is also studied in this work. Thc numerical solution's vroduccd encompass thc S to 44 thotisand hm, area of values of radii of initial circular orbits of 1~ "Llic corresponding trajectories in all cases are expanding spi.rak., in which tile perigee distance changes slightly, except for the last revoluri.onj for which in 2/3 -iftni,i i binihil-w li~ mRd.r6im6l kh"ilihilkil.-I 1.1 USSR SKOPTO-011, A. P., Probl. Mckh. Upravlyayemogo Ovisherdya, No 1, Perin', 1972, pp 216-234. some trajectories there is a sharp decrease of pei,igce), white the apogee increases monotonically from revolution to revolution. Based on the calcula- tions produced, it is noted that consideration of the shadow of the Earth and the method of mathematical modeling of the -Aadow have significant influence on the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the results. 8 figures, 2 tables, 4 biblio. refs. 3/3 Corrosion iISSR uDc 62o-193.01 SKORCHELLETTI, V. V. "Meoretical Principles of the Corrosion of Metals" Teoreticheskiye Csnovy Korrozii Metallov, Leningrad, Khimiya Press, 1973, 264 pages. Translation of Foreword: A large army of corrosion specialists, working in research institutes and at plants in our country is involved in the protection of metals from corrosion. In the overwhelming majority of cases, corrosion engineers successfully solve the tasks set before them. However, frequently technicians and corrosion engineers who are fully familiar withsthe specific problems of protection in their own area of technology are aot fully informied on the general problems of the theory of corrosion, combining various aspects of protection and creating a general foundation for the science of corrosion. Also, the number of corrosion specialists is clearly insufficient to serve the various requirements of industry. This is a result of the fact that many administrators have not yet recognized the pressing need for qualified corrosion specialists . iii i7idu:5tr,-. The undorestimati on of the significance of a system3tic strugglo ;against corros.i(m damagv results In great material losses to the national economy. 1/8 USSR SKORCHELLETTI, V. V., Teoreticheskiye Osnovy Korrozii Metallov, Leningrad, Khimiya Press, 1973, 264 pages, The universities graduate comparatively few specialists on corrosion-.- In most cases, workers in this area come from those that have been gradu- ated in various physical and chemical specialties (chemistry, electro- chemistry, metal science, etc.). They must all accumulate the necessary knowledge on the job. Depending on conditions, they arc, able to familiarize themselves with a comparatively narrow portion of the science of corrosion, that absolutely necessa for the performance of their work. Their lack of deep knowledge in the area of the general problems of the theory of corrosion, of course, cannot help being reflected in the results of their daily.activity.- Also, the lack of a general theoretical basis makes it difficult for them to read the journal literature, which is fi-equently i:&,-ufficiently used. The present book is designed to increase the general theoretical kncwledge in the area of corrosion. Familiarization with the book should also facilitate use of the journal literature. Furtheruore, it may help beginning corrosion engineers.who have not been specially educated in the university, and serve as a teaching aid for students -- future corrosion engineers. If the performance of even a small portion of these important tasks can be facilitated by means of this book, the author will feel that 2/8 Aii USSR SKORCHELLETTI, V. V., Teoreticheskiye Osnovy Korrozii Nietallov, Leningrad, Khimiya Press, 1973, 264 pages. his purpose has been achieved. The book is constructed so as to fill, in as much as possible, the most frequently encountered gaps in the training of.both young and experienced corrosior engineers, with exitensive work experience. The author expresses his great gratitude to the workers of the Depart- ment of the Theoretical Principles of Metallurgy of Lenintrad Order of Lenin Polytechnical institute Jxeni I,_ I. Nalinin for their help in the worK.- The Department Chief, Professor I. I. Naryshkin, Readers L. N. Lozhkin, A. I. Bukhbinder and A. M. Borshchevskiy, L. P. Baturova. The author is particularly greatful to his editors, Doctor of.7'ecfmical Sci- ences B. V. Strokan and Doctor of Chemical Sciences A. M. Sukhotin for discussing a number of problems and for their valuable adyice. The Author TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword 3 5 ntroduction 1. Thermodynamic instability of Metals in the Free State 5 2. Significance of the Term "Corrosion" 6 SKORCHELLETTI, V. V., Teoreticheskiye Osnovy Korrozii Metallov, Lening rad, Wimiya Press, 1973, 264 pages. Chemical and Electrochemical Oxidation.of ~Ietals 7 4. A Brief Reviev of Yethods of Protection frowCorrosion 7 5. Expenditures Related to the Corrosion of Metals 10 Types of Corrosion Damage 13 Methods of Expression of,the Rate of Corrosion 14 Bibliography Chapter I. Structure of the Metal Surface 19 Macroscopic Properties of the Surface. 19 2. Crystal Boundaries 25 3. Crystallographic Characteristics of the Surface of Metals 28 4. Equilibrium Fom of a Crystal 5. Energy of Various Spaces 35 6. Influence of the Growth Rate or Dissolution Rate on Crystalline Boundaries 39 7. Behavior of Solid Angles on the Surface of a Crystal 42 8. Relief of the Surface Arising Upon Interaction with. the Sur- rounding Medium 44 9. Electrochemical Properties of Various Spaces 49 ~'Bibliography 55 4/18 ---- ------ 112 OL3 UNCLASSIFTEO Pk0'i!',L-SS1'NG' 0ATE--27NQV_!0 OF C0,MPLEXES OF rHOR[UP1 ANO URANfUM lit W1,TH Ok-AR6OXYLIC AC.1D ANWINS -U- AUTH0R-(04)-MERKU5HEVAj S.A.t KU40KI V.Nmt SKORIKs N..A., SEREBRENNIK011, OF INFO--USSR _-,A::OU4TRY 'SOURCE-RAM KHIMIYA1970, 12(1), 175-8 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 AREAS--CHEMISTRY TAGS--COMPLEX COMPOUND, THORIUM COMPOUND, URAN[UM CGNPOUNOt DICARBOXYLIC AC101 ADIPATE, SUMNATE, STABILITY CONSTANT. CONTROL RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLAS'--U1NC1,ASS1FjED J PROXY REEL/FRAME--3006/1493 STEP CIRC ACCCc.S_,W,`! Nil--AP013515/4 IFILD- S PROCESSING DAtE--27NOV70 212' 013 U(INC L A, 5 1 F I ED CIRC- ACCESSION NO--AP0135154 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. SOLY. DATA WERE U SEO TO CALC. THE STABILITY CONSTS. BETA SUBI AND BETA SU62.0F COMPLEXES OF riiF MA PRthIE2POSITIVE AND MA SU32- TYPES, RFSP., WHERE M Sr-ANDS FOR TF-TRAV4LENT TH 6P, U AND A IS -4 DICARBOXYLIC ACID ANION, FOR TH SUCCINAFE, TH -.GLUTARATE, TH ADIPATE, TH AZELAATE, U SUCCINATE,,U GLLJTARATC-? U U;)lPAFEj AND U AZELAATE comPLEXES, THE VALUEs oF LOG 13FTA SU191 (AT 251)EGREE.S) i~ .'WERE, 8.375, 8.765, 8.422, 9.604, 9.781t 8.'.,812t 9.280,: AND 9.0781 PESP., AND TKE.VALUES OF LOG (BETA,SU82-BETA SUKU WERE-8.434, 8b;Z83j 6.616, --8:.473, Bo818, 7.2011 5.867, AND 0.908~ RESP.: 'UNC t. AS 5 1 F I F 0 -0 14' UNCLASSURIED PROCGE~SING' OATE--lISEPT0 -'T-ITLE--'CALCULATtON OF THE FORMATION OF.PROTONATED COMPLE-XES DURING THE _~~t--CALCULATION OF EQUILIBRIUM CONSTANTS -U- t~AUTHOR-_KUMOK# V.No,.SKORIK, N-A. ~XOUNTRY OF' INFO--USSR NEORG. KHIM. 1970, 15(2) 291-3 ~`DATE PUBL IS HE[)------70 _SU BJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TAGS--COMPLEX COMPOUND, POTENTIOMETRIC TITRATIONt CALCIUM COMPOUND, ?,.__MANGANESE COMPOUND* LEAD COMPOUNDe LANTHANUM COMPOUND, EQUILIBRIUM -'.CONSTANT KING--NO RESTRICTTONS CLASS--UNCLASSIFIeD PROXY REEL/FRAME--1987/0310 STEP NJO--UR/0078/701015/()02/0291/0293 CIRC ACCESSION NO--A90103q65 UNCLASSIFIED ------------- -,212 014 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-11SEP70 ~CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0103965 -.A. BSTRACT/EXTRACT--( ) GP-0- ABSTRACT. AMETHOD IS DESCRIBED FOP THE CALCN. OF EQUIL. ~ONST. OF MA AND MA91 COMPLEXES (M EQUALS METAL, A EQUALS LIGAND)~-AT EVERY POINT OF THE POTENTIOMETRIC TITRN. CURVE. THC VALIDITY OF THE METHOD IS CHFCKED ON LA'PRIME3 POSITIVE CA PRTME2 .,.PnSITIVE, MN PRIME2 POSITIVE, AMD PS PRIME2 POSITIVE TARTRATr--S (T4P) AND ~ON LA PRIME3,Pr)SITIVEt EDTA.COMPLEX* SOLY. PRODUCT (SP) .OF LA SU32 TAR -:~-SU83 TIKES~ 9H SUB2 0 IN 0.1M lHt NA)tLO:.SUB4 WAS DETD* AT 25DEGREES AND T*TS VALUE IS-GIVEN AS MINUS I.OG.SP EQUALS-20*77. 4 D- S. RIICIJ V t' , I: I (:pi,) m ,!-i rl UIL !Ian Tho coy 01 oil 7 0 It Stabl-LI Jd pnjons' I ~17o P~p 1; c -o for bo-icy - Vr'j -12, fO d It"2- ~CL --t; C;lj C1.1 Car 0 0 '1: b O-L 1 I yn 61 - of 0. thol:) ,..,0- 'MU a V. ca 3- cMbf, pv d t - 0. 11 ", - ~ 110.01,44LL-1 I t a- 3alts 1- - -1 -1 u., t,- ,.I m dr'. f 0' V"~Ln ' r d /) " ~; d- 2 - o tile -70 the T- OJ. GO .1p 6 1 OL v .1 -. (I r '7'ia- - 10, 5 .11 11 , D- Qj-, ' tjor a- I al i. a IL atant-, PI Of f orr. Ohl 4-r-1; b )r r r 11 .1 21it-T cc I t by d.,-3 P1. luo -OUICL so 10 If7, as w ngO^y a Sivon ra 1/2 NJ OMPIM VIM ft 1J;j"*qII I lot] q., USSR MMKUSHEVA, S. A., et al. , Ra diokhiiaiZLa, Vol 12, i-ia 970, P p 175-178 0 /j--,72/--73/0-_7172:: 'e-ear.. considerea enual Raz -6 r- elei--~3i-jtls di-aplay a strong dec-rea~~e in the stdSility! o'L,corap1,,,,-,-,co o--:' (f.-L- L) carboxylic acids aa co-4.ared. with O:xalic acid, T h as. i ~--L,:) r o Z in stability is oose----ved Ln tho case to-' throi-uxi cmad. w-an-;um ;'V) w Ith the exception of azelates. in all cases. !,excQt t lates) log /o, is greater for 111r't t~ian for thor;Lun, 2/2 USSR uDc: 621.396.6-i8i.hB LITVAKOVSKIY, B, A., SKORIK, N. N. "Origin of the Mask ikrri-nt When Thin Films are Depos~ted in Vacuum" Elektron. prom-st'. Nauch.-tekhn. sb. (The Electronics Industry. Scientific and Technical Collection), IM, No 1, pp 77-78 (from.Hh-Radiotekhnika, No 8, Aug 72, Abstract No 8V288) Translation: The causes of development of a mask imprint on a heated substrate when thin films are deposited on the substrate in vacuum are analyzed. Resum4. USSR MC,621.376.2(088.8) SIMMKI YE. T. t SHERMAREVICH, V. G. and BUMINA I L. A. A - &"i Modulator With Single Sideban& Suppression" MSR Author's Certificate No 282463, filed 2 Jun 69t punlished 18 Dee 70 (from M-Radiotekhnika, No 6, Jun 71, k6tract No 6D312 P) Translationi A channel modulator with single sideband suppwassion Is pro- posed. The device contains a 3-DB pover div1dert:writching d-iodes which are connedted to the output arms of the divider, and an adder. The width of - the passband Is increased by making the .3-DB adder in the form of a directional coupler, Y. P. 14o - us S it iTSI"A' ........ Chemis z ry iz'.en cromolecu~;~S G-o, L 0Surf~cta of 6--lasS 7iber bv "Grafting Of Thermal Shock I%fatl"C;G` Leningrad, Zhurnal '~Lp 70, describes re!:u'z:S 0' on th-.~ Abstract: The artic-li Of glass in b-,;- C-e chenf~a_' Shack mot'L-16d, 1.42., by S.1arpl", 3 C'r ;'.'rom cooling specimeau o' ;-LE-.1--.: --free A! 550 to 25' in a ccluc;n& soluu4_c- o~_ '_711L: 1-_-CLrop"~C'bizi~tion f the -Iass ane. ~__`ass 0 11_er is alla CO Cher.LCaL the organosilico~ polymioi- onto Line. o-f gla-;S. lly~:roi-,I~obic ilm obtaired -in tIUs way on t~i?z -Iass ju r C i _idIaL4vk2 degradation up to 430* and endews t1he ~;Iass fiber uitl-i hi,,ji. die'LLcLr~_c prui*(_f- ties. 1/2 Oil UNCLASSIFItD PkOCESSING DATE--30OCT70 ~TITLE-EFFECT OF THE DEGREE OF DISPERSION AND CQMPoSjrj()m OF 51LICEDUS FILLERS GF RUBBER ON FILLER REINFORCING ACTION "~'.AUTHOR--(04)-KUKHARSKAYAs E.V.t CHIGAREVA, G.G., SKORIK, '(U-j-, r'jLEVA. K.G. LCCUNTRY OF INF0--LSSR "_-._'_'SOURCE-KAUCHQ REZINA 1970, 29(31t 21-3 4.1"..~DATE PUBLISHED-70 AREAS-MATERIALS Jum TAGS-r-ILLERi SYNTHETIC RUBBER, SILICA, ALKALINE EAitrH mr:TAL, STYRENE/tU)SKMS30RP SYNTHETIC RUBBERv (UIAEROSIL SILICEOUS FILLER? LUJULTRASIL VN3 SILICEOUS FILLER* (WHISILSILICEOUS FILLER9 (U)8$50 SILICEOUS FILLER* (UJLEGLEX25 SILICEOUS_~FILLER .'.'CCNTRGL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS -:11CCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIEO 1:PAOXY REEL/FRAME-2000/0838 STEP NG--t)RIO13a/70/1)29/002/0021/0023 1,CIRC ACCESSICN NO-AP0124505 UNCLA55 JF(E0 Oil UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0124505 ~ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A RUBBER MIXT.v CUNTG. SKMS-30RP AS ITS MAIN COMPONENT, WAS FILLED WITH SEVERAL!SILICE005 FILLERSV E. G., -AEROSIL 300* ULTRASIL VN-3v HI-SILi SILOXIOEv 855-50 (1], ZWLEX-25 (1119 -LEOLEX-23 (III) p AND THE MIXT. WAS EXAMD. MICROSCUO LCALLY. NO _CORR ELAT I_CN WAS OBTAINED BETWEEN THE DEGREE OF DISPERSHON OF A FILLER -.,"AND.-, ITS REINFORCING EFFECT. THE REINmRCING EFFECT OF: THE -FILLERS WAS INVERSELY.~PROPORTJONAL TO THE CONTENT OF ALK. AND.ALK..EARTR CAT IOuS; ".Ifiu I I J, -CTIVE FILLERSQ S It ANDII-WERE THE LEAST EFFC FACILITY: KHIMr SILIKATOT IM. GREBENSHCHIKOVAv ;LENINGRAOt USSR% UNCLASSIFIE0 Nuclear Sciences and Technald~~Y USSR UDC .621.039.573 SAKHAROV, YE. S CHIMIMLIN, I. P., SKORIKOV..-A~.-: %X 1140VA R*: I., and KARNAUKHOV, V. V. ."Radiation Loop of the IRT Reactor at Tomsk, PolyLcchni Cal Institute!' Moscow, Atomnaya Energiya, Vol 29, No 1, Jul 70,~ pp 43-45 Abstract: A description is given of the charactiristic features and technical specilFication-s of the radiation loop 01'f t 11, e I , ZT reactor at Tomsk Folytechrtical Institute and ulu,,. res"Ats of efforts made to optimize its operating condittion~, a8 a function of the position of the r,.ictivity genlirator layr-rt; wit'll respecL to each otKer and the rfenerator as a whole witiv re6ypect to thi, core. The effect of the loop on the-criticality of,the reacotr is also estimated. It has been established that increasin,,'~,, t~.%c. ;~ar-ama-carricr 3/sec does not increase ttic-,, pows~,r of --he flow rate above 4 can I- L~ irradiator since the parameters,~,V, aridLy decreane sharply. Graphs are presented showing the results of in opti- Mizing the Operating conditions of the loop. "Icama, the figure is obvious that there is an optimium d;_staa%'.,e between the 1 -77 T.7 USSR SAKHAROV, YE. S., et al., Atomnaya Energiya, Vol 29, No I , Jul 70, pp 43-45 ty generator layers. 11owever, the dopendencia a, "ie activil- L Li enerator with irradiator power on the position of the activity r L L respect to the core has a monotonic nature. A difl_fere-rce between singte-layer and multiple-layer generators is noted. In the posi- tion of the single-layer activity generator with resprct to the core there is a clear optimum coinciding with the. bump -Dne. of the thermal neutron flux in the reflector. For the rvaLtiple layer generator the power of the irradiator increase,:; montoni- cally on approaching the core. The nature of the incre-ace ill -t the spatial distribution of the the power curve coincide6 vritt total neutron flu% in the reactor. This means t1kat not. only thenrial neutrons, but alAo more ri,,,Yid ncutranG ~,4iich docellerate in the interstitial la7er oE water k)etwocn the participate in activntioll- "N'wa? .CaOre C0111plote litilLration ol, eutrons lealking out of- the Core !9~ achiaVerl ip. 1-h~, n n addition, more layer generators. 1 the-y-carrIer nucle!i In I sorption 'Of neuuron."; aL.~o o!' ti lie layck-s and decre~u-,`-k-, O-ia o,- US S R SAKFATROV, YE. S., et al., Atomnaya Cnergiya, Vol 29, 1, Jul 70, pp 43-45 the neutron flux in adjacent layerscC- moderating material. The participation of neutrons of all ener-ler, in ac---J'va- tion was confirmed by an experiment in which the adjacent row of fuel assemblies was replaced by graphite and the 4ictivity geperator was shifted away from the core. As a resl"'Lt' the activity of the loop dropped by 10 percent. Tl*i,,*! -raoh of the e3:perimental results also shows that the decreaLze in the re- activity margin of the reactor even with the gen~:.-rator at the closest point to the core does not exceed 0.25: percanz, antl in the presence of graphite fuel elemejit5 it is st"J.1 le~;s (0.17 percent). These data do not differ in practice. '4.rota those obtained on other devices. Application of a movabl(!- irradiator permitted significant expansion of the experimcatal, possibilities of the loop since it pemitted entrance itito the op4-.rating chamber fter shutting down them Loop even UE the a nzost immediately aL tu alloy residues had not been bloevin out. In adOini.on, the pre- aence of the irradiator pei-mitted riot only Leedi-ng p~imples to the source but also the source to the samples., 3/4 USSR SAKMAROV, YE. S., et al. ,Atomnaya Energiya, Val 29, No 1, Jul 70, pp 43-45 It is concluded that the experience in operat-ing the radiation loop cinfirms the reliability and simplicity of servicing such devices. The capacity of the loop should be increased in the future by increasing the number of layers in the generator and also by using a more efficient'V-carrier pure indium. 4/4 -A gas USSR UDC 620.193+539.24 SEMN, YE. G., SKORIKOV, Yr. A., BAIASHOV, D. V., DOR.01T,YEV, B. YU., J'AL'NIT- SKAYAS L. A., 11~vo ytechnic Institute "Oxidation Resistance of Fe-Ni-Al-Co-Based Alloys in the Air at 1280" Moscow, Zashchita Metallov, Vol 8, No 6, 1972, pp 718-719 Abstract: A study was made of the oxida tion resistance of alloys based on Fe- Ni-.U-Co used in the production of permanent magnets in the air at 1280' as a function of the content of the technological additives Co, Ti, Nb,and S. The oxidation products were investigated by -x-ray, electron diffraction and r,.2tallo- graphic methods using the LIRS-50M and the BEL-1-1 devicei; and the THE-1-7 nicro- scope. The oxidation of the alloys takes place nonunifornly. The outer 11yer of the scale is formed of coarse rerular crystals alongated Perpendicular to the surface. %lie !on-(,er the experivnent and the.higher the temperatuxe, the lar,.er ,,rains are the crystals. The in5id-- layer of thel.scale is formw1e, of small ecuant f- and is bond~ed ti(-htly to the metal. The scale becomes thicker when the S-Deci- irens are held u'P to 3 hours at 32800. le he The convosition of the sea' s is presented. The oxilation law of t, alloys with tiT.-.e is parabolic in the first 10 minutes and,zhen linear) Vnich is C t d ith continuous destruction of the oxide Mir. naus, alloyin[7 the 12,.nnec e vi 2 USSR SEMIN, YE. G., et al., Zashchita Ifetallo.v, Val 8, No 6, 1972, pp 718-719 Pe-Ni-Al-Co alloys with technological additives has little effect on their corrosion resistance; therefore their thdrmomagnatic treatment: must be carried out in the presence of a protective atmosphere or protective coatings. 2/2 1 IP USSR UDC 576.858:616.9w.43 Y.'OV, 1. A., and 1. 0V, V. S., LEBIEDEV, A. 1., 15 % SYORIN. 1. Ye. (Deceased), AiIL All Union Institute of Exoerimental Veter-biary Science 61C par-son of --e immunogenic Properties of Foot-and-ziouth Msease lixus ~y-pes 0 and,A22 Xultiplying the Tongue Epithelium from Healttq Animals ;Lnd 01.nii-tals all Recovered from .-Ood and -.'outh i4seas ';auk na Lenina Akademii 5aj1skokhozyayztvennyKh Mloscow, Doklady Vsesoyuzroy Orde amenal. V. 1. Lenina, No 2, 1970, pp 36-38 Abstract": Experiments on guinea pigs and cattle showed that vacc-ine. proparc- fro4 the A22 virus gro-m in apithelial tissue from aninials 12 morLhs az%er rocovary from foot-and-mouth disease (caused by homologous virus) isiao. ~-ndlztinguishablo in activity from vaccine prepared from virus that multiplied in wpitLelium for h ea ithy animals. It was also fou-nd possible to use e~q)lants o;' tongue opitzaliur, from imraune animals to culture the haterologous type (0) Of Virus, regardle'ss of the length of tire ellapsing since -aco,yory. 112 ozo UNCLASSI FIED TITLE--THE ORIGIN OF PRFGANGLIONIC NERVE FIBERS CERVIC4L SYMPATHETIC GANGLION OF THE~;CAT -U- AUTHOR--SKORITSKAYA, V.M, ~COUNTRY OF fNFO--USSR ~._SGURCE-ARKH ANAT GISTOL EMBRIOL 58(3)-.1 ~o80-83. DATE PUBLISHED ----- -70 _~~_~SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEOICAL SGUENCES ~JOPIC TAGS-CATt GANLIONt NERVE DEGENERATION1 PROCESSING ENTERING THE ILLUS. 1910 DATE--040EC70 CRANIAL SYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM, _AOXY- FICHE NO--.--FD70/605008/E04 STEP NO--UR/9076/'70/1)58/003/0080/0083 CIRC. ACCESSION NO--AP01 3j995 UNCLASSIPIE0 .2/2 020 UNCLASSIFIED, PROCESSING DATE--040EC70 ACCESSION NO--AP0139995 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-W) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE INTERNAL CAROTID NERVE IN THE CAT WAS TRANSECTED. AFTER TREATMENT BY BIELSCHOWSKI GRD~S AND CAMPOS ~,METHODS DEGENERATED PREGANGLIONIC FIBERSWERE REVEALED, PROBABLY LEADING FROM MEDULLA OBLONGATA TO CELLS OF THE CR.ANIAL SYMPATHETIC GANGLIONs ~-THE CRANIAL SYMPATHETIC GANGLION CONTAI PIS. NEURONS WITH FAR REACHING AND ~-BRANCH ING 'PROCESSES v APPARENTLY DOGIEL TYPE; It CELLS. FACILITY: DEP HUM. ANAT., CHELYABINSK MED. INST.j ~CHELYXBINSK, USSR. U I cA- CJ 51 F- I E D - - uz'_ ~007 UNCLASSIFt 0 PKI)CESStNG DATE--13NOV70 PROCUCTION OF ERGOTOL "i. YA. AUTHUR-(03)-BfJZHKOi N.G.l SKORK-W t L*V.t TROPP, Z CUNT RY OF INFO-USSR -SOURCE-KHR. FARM. ZH. 1970, 4(1)t 52, AWE PUBL lSliED-----70 _;-S U6 i E C TAREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIVNCES JOPIC TAGS--ALKALOID, PROCESSED PLANT PRODUCT CONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS 1) GC UH EIN TCLASS-UNCLASS I F [ED PROXY REEL/FKAME--1990/0996 STEP ~40---UIZ/04~00/7()/004/001/0052/0052 CIRL ACCESSIC-N NO-AP01091.53 I-INC LASSI F'I F 1) 212 007 U-NCLASS IF LED ~,PROCESSING DATE--13NOV70 CIRC ACCESSIGN NO--AP0109153 'ABSTRACI/EXTRACT-CU) GP-0- ABSTRACT. ERGOT ALKP%LC!IDS WERE rXTD. WfTH DELO. HCl (PH 1.7-1.9) AT IOOEGREES,~ ADSORBED ON K[V-,,N9ELGUMZ OR S!LICA COP4TG,- A13SORPTIVE IN THE PRESCt Ario 'ELUTED BY CHCl N'CE OF 10PERCENT NACI, SUG3 OR CH SUB2 Cl SU.32 MIXED KITH A: IOPERCENT Al-(:. i,CLP4. COt4TG, A BASE. THE NEXT ELUATIC-i'l OF THE ALKALnrws;WAS,41TH ClAct SIJ133 Af.%US r. 5U36 H SUb6 P.I.VAPIOUS RAT[CS AND THE ELUATE CRIED. Al--rER S, ti LL - OF THE PoT RESIDUE IN ACETONE, I WAS PPTD. BY AEON. OF AN, ALC. SOLfi. OF 11 SUB3 PQ ~SU,34. THE MOTHER LIQUOR 0TFIR SEP.N.~ OF THE PHOPHATES wAS %,r-LITRALIZED BY ADOM. L;F Pi'll SU-,~3 TO PH, 7.0, CAUSING THE PPTN., OF A00M.. PHOSPHATES ;~H I CH WERE AOCED Vj THE 3ASIC PPNOIDUC~T, TIfF Torm. YI~Lf) ti S u ti L) F 3 P) SUa4 ERGL-T ALKALOID SALTS WAS NOT SMALLER THAN 8PPERCENT. THIS METHOD YIFLf*U ERGOT(3Lt THE TOTAL ALKALOID CCINTENT.BMg,; 93PERCENJ, TfiE C0:416M10 BASES HAVING (ALPHA) 20 OVER 0 MINUS 1.30 TO leI)DEGREES (C 0.5, Nif, 'LASSTFIf-0 U SIR UsSR. UDC:621.762.,1.04 ,,gnd NOTYCH, A. A., Zaporozhye Mchine ZHIVOV, L. I., SKORNYAKOVO YU,.N.,. Building Ins titdM'Wa'T-V.""YA. Chu~-ar* 'IStudy of the Process of Hot Extrusion of Sintered Materials" Kiev, Poroshkovaya Metallurgiya, No 2, Feb 74, pp, 23-28 Abstract: The fact that not only dimensions but also volume change when porous.sintered materials are deformed makes the nature of shape change and force mode somewhat different in comparison to the deforma- tion of monolithic metals and alloys. This article studies the process of even deformation of a porous cylindrical briquette cenpacted in a container. The theory of plastic flow is used to analyte the process .of compacting of the porous materlal. As a, second phase, of the process, of hot extrusion, the ejection of the compacted material through the extrusion aperture is studied. The study establishes the relationship between the degree of deformation during extrusion and the residual porosity of the extruded piece, 25 M 1 /2- G 3o w'CL4SS IF ID RROCESSINS !)4TE--0?`JCT70 TILTALE-R--l'ESSING OP CUPPIER BCIRL~N NITRWE-TUBES -U- L#I.t SKjjrNYAKJV, YU.N., PAVLQVr V.A~ ,"G,IJUNTRY OF INFO-USSR ~:.,~5OURF-'r~--1"01-~CiSHKOVAYA mET., JAN. 1970, (1) 92-97 DIA T CPUbL ISHEO - ----- 70 -.,'SUBJECT AREAS-MATERIALS, MECH., IND.t CIVIL AND MARME EkjGR TAGS-F-01RION NITRIDE, COPPER, CERMET, REFRACTORY COMPOUND, PR3CESSINGs CER4MIC PRESSING, DEFORMATION RATE, COPPER TUBE --M''C ON T P 0 LMARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS ~"-DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSI~:IED ~RR-OXY PEEL/FPAMF---1990/1297 STEP CIRC ACCESSUN NQ--AP0109371 UNCLASSIFIED 036 UNCLASS IF I ED PROCFSSI~,,G DATE--020-l'_T70 CIRC ACCESS I ON, N )--APO 109371 .,A6STRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- FA3STRACT. THE GENERAL PR IN,' .1 PL ES U-,' DER L Yl NG THE H PRESSING OF 10T HOL LOW TUOULAR ELECTRODES FROA GU-i'll f';RlETS A~E DISCUSSED. SPECIAL ATTFNTIt",N IS REQUIRED IN IZEL47ION TJ 3irrifzATI-,% OF THE PKESSING PARAMETERS (4PPLIED STRESSi RATE OF IDE _FOR~CITION, FTC. ~T HE APPLIED PRESSURE IS PARTLY GOVERNED BY THE OESIRED 4ALL THICKNESS 3F THE.TUBE; TYPICAL CA-SES INVOLVE TUBES OF DtA. LC-20 AND-WALL THICK.-NESSES 1-8 l4h. SUBJECT TO PROPER CONDITIONS THE CU COMPONENT DF THE TU_3ULAi '..~:~.ELECTRUDES IS PROTECTED FROM ELECTRICAL~DAMAGE (IN PARK DISCHARGES) BY ~.'_---THE REFRACTORY BN COMPONENT. G. A. C09 UN(; LASS. If IED:,' PROICESS[Nu DATE-20NOV70 FEki~G' JL -U- !'T I TLE--STU0 I NG MA N 0 L) P.F., SKURNYAKOVA-i II.S. CC UIN T R YLF LiFG--L55R -_SOURCE PR I RGPJA NO 51, 19 70 P P 63 AT E PHIL ISFEE ------- 70 NO 0CEfkN0GKAPIiY, M I:C H. INIO.t CIVLL ANO ~SUBJEC T AkLAS--EARTt- SCIE.NCES At -;~~mAR INE ~ENGGK MINERAL N00ULC-/((j)VITYAZ .-IC -fAGS -OCEAN BUTTOM SAMWLINGt CLAYI OL E A N C 0 K A P H I CSH I P -CUITROL vIARKING-NO RESTRICrIGNS DOCUIMEN r Ct. /1 S S-UNICLAS S I F I ti) ~~'PAOXY 7 .1 21.3 c ONK, L A S 5 1 F I I- D P 110 C, E 0' T E ?o N, R C-ACC F S S It, N' tNU-- AP 0 13 6 A-,i S T R A r- T I t-x T it A C T-- U ) G P- A !3,,:' , F R A C T F I G IJ R F- I I N Tt-. i: I li X-1 I 1(,TM GF M)MAES Cl,~ ri-iE w- P C I C THE D IS FRIE li THL 0 C E AN I T -S F C'14 S E A S u F 1 N G I V I A L F I iN D 5 , A t, E A S U F F S P E A 1) T i I f: 'i t fo-i L U L F S tJ 'U LL Y C-C C Ll~ 11 E I-,, C E AN G R C- G I C S 'F 11161-1 C-j'NCt*NTR#'l'UQ'NS. L I E Cli TF-.L' VIcIRY S~Ui-',FACU 'cif BOTTOPli DEPOSI TS, PR I.I.-IRILY Cltv I i) C L Y'3 7 FR-' W:ATLY L,,,, G N E T 1 11, E S RAOIOLA~ IANi LE, CC1MFJL,'j;t;ATlitl-,\T, dF THE N(JOULL'S lS FREQ'IJENTLY ~N10CLF1 ANL~ 'I*li!-- -'E,7 1-'F- SHA F E Cj F I 1-L f A(')b~iENTS St- 'V 1 6 As T~,Eii,, . ". ;., - -, Sul 6- S T T L. r i c 6y cRL i-iAf EkIAL. VlkFi,'-,lLl--Y A-Te CQNF!G;lj:m-,ATlCi% CAi; -?,E f-;jUN-;. THE AVERAGE SIZE T 1~1' ~~:U~jIJLES IS F;,,,A'l T 0 7 IL i~, 1 1'. 1 E T E S:J;'i L I I L S T H z~ Y l! C A S LJ R E. F OM I Dt 1) N 1) i R C Ni 1 G i T 0 :,6 1 E R 1 T S ASISUM f FiA, T I N101- D LEI Of t A N fj 0 U L i: S C [;-I A k f L Y f Eli T s 0 L,-, i:ts;~ I- -r s T L) F F !i.!! i: C I A N ~) T J F S -,j I- S I T I 6N P t.; C I- A~l D' VGL C. "N 1 C L J 6ASAL11C C; ~Pi 1~ 1 i r iiil,s r~-J,J LY `11 NERA L I ti- 1, U t, L ES T A ~3 L I S! j L 0 THAT i~i~ AAL CUv-lPL1:TL I I K -LTH L Al,ZL VE~ Y 'Di,'.AL ,i[,4 6 ANI I C I N L P,\ R f ! C L E S S A A L L F E ND UF FISH ALSL SE.,~.VE AS NULLLI. TbErh UP Tij Ll CH 1 N Lf--i~GTFI 4,.N'.) 8 Cil I E ~ C ', UCL I NCOQU-S -,-, I TH NWAC I I' AT THE ~,,kSE UFTE-14 R V E L F C;'.E il T CU M P u- 5 1 7 1 f,,,i ARE FUUNL, i:iIFFERENT PA!