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USSR UDC 553-951 ALIYEV, Yu. M.,,-$,T P., Physics Institute imeri P. N. Le-bedev, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow "Parametric Action on a Plasma by High-Power Emission Close to E'lectron Cyclotron Frequencies" Leningrad, Zhurnal Teklinicheskoy Fiziki-, Vol 42, No 11, NO' 72, pp 2249-22,54 Ab,,tract: Ta%irg p ,eneral principles or the theory of 1-.arrmwtric in a plaim as a basic, the authors present 'theoretical- reslilts which shOW a new possibility for anomalously strong action of erndtqsion on a plasma. it is found that paxa-metric resonance arises in a magnetically- active Plasma under conditi,orisinwliictitheovertonesof the external entission frequency are close to electron cyclotron harmonics. Firtission field Otrength threshold values are found at which the plasma begins to be parametrically unstable. The maximum values of increr-ents in small perturbations are calculated. 34 USSR SILIN, V.-P., Physics Institute imeni P. N. Lebedev, -Acaderr~y of Sciences of THE_U~`SR JTnS1 "Concerning Relaxation Processes in a Parametrically Uable Plasma" Moscow, Zhurral Eksperimental'noy i Tooretichesko-y Fi-.-4ki, voi 63, No 5(11), Nov 72, pp 1686-:L6,07 Abstract: A theory of relaxation of varticle distributiors is developed fcr aplasma in the strong electric field of a hip gh-freqiienwy In qdrig wave mide-, conditions of developmont of ptjrrzietric iwA;ability ro:i,ativ(l -',,o the Imil.dup of potential perturbations. It is shown that the niini~tr of' Ion7, with enc_,ru,~r (mi/mj" times tile oscillation energy of tile electrona; in Ui,~ fie-ld of th(- pumping wave can be increased. A relation is establisLed between the in- creasing ion energy and the energy density of field pertur1oations u-nder con- ditions of a rising fluctuation field. It is found that high-enerry har- monies develop in the electron velocity distribution in which "he enerr~j scatter of electrons is determined by the plasma fluz-t,,;ation ere.-Cy densitY reduced to a single electron. Causes axe established for ants,)tropy of particle velocity distribution which shows up in of te:~-,reratur~,Z and in possilvie regions of resonance relaxation, USSR S=; P et al; Nlovosl~,iirsk, Zhurnal Prikladnoy, IfekharAki i Tekhnicheskoy er-December, 1970; pp, 414 fflzlja; ovem The study, was conducted over a wide range of frequencies of an eyternal electrical field w. > ve; (v, is the frequency of eloictron-ion collisions, the e=ression for which is obtained in the paper). In the low-frequency region WO < ~eh the drift velocity of cleatrons,along a magnetic field does not have a frequency w, but the frequency of the electron-ion coMsiona; this leads to another expression for the conductivity along the magnetic field. Finally, it is shown that the time of a collision Nwirrlr47, duo to C(Tttl(nb interaction., obtained by Silin W CherryYy in the aboveitaited reference', remains valid for the case in which an external high-frqKluency electrical field is imposed on the plasma, -- - ----- -- -- USSR STLTN V. P.; TMONCHUX V. T. (Moscow) am- HA Relaxation Theory for the Temperature of an glactron-lon Plasma Occurring in High-Frequency Electrical and Constafit.Magnetic Fields" Novosibirsk, Zhurnal Prikladnoy 14akhaniki i TekhhichoBkpy Fisiki; November- December, 1970; pp 41-8 ABSTRACT: The authors deteinined the effective electron-ion collision fre- quency leading to the equalization of temperatures inplasmar, occurring, in constant magnetic and weak, high-frequency electrical fields under conditions in which the gyroscopic radius of the eleratrons in fDuzId to be less than the Debye shielding radius. The corresponding valuesof the relaxation time for a wide range of ratios of the electron and ion temperatarea amd a wide range of vallaes of the magnetic and electrical I'lelds, as well as the frequenc7 of the external electrical field, were detemined, 1/2 USSR SnJN, V. F., et al, Novosibirsk, Zhurnal Prikladnoy Mekhaniki i Tekhnichoskoy Fiziki, November-December, 1970..pp 41-~8 Equalization of the electron and ion tevmerature5 of a plasma in a strong, constant magnetic.field when the Debye:shilelding radims is found to be greater than the Moscople radius of the particles was studied by V. P. Silin and G. P. Chernyy ("Relaxation of Electron and Ion Temperatures~of a Plasma Occurring in a Strong Magnetic Field".. ZhETF., 1962, Vol, 10, No. 5; "A Theory for the Relax- ation of Electron and Ion Te=eratures of a Plasma Occurring in a Strong Mag- netic Field".. Zh, Tekh. Piz... 1969., Vol& 39, No. 5). A kinetic equation with an integral of the collisions determining the effect of a magnetic field on the motion of the colliding particles M P. Silin 90netic Equation for Rtpid- ly Changing Processeslt,, ZhETF, 1960., Vol* 38, No. 1) provided the basis of these works. This paper concerns the problem of determining the effect of a high-frequency electrical field on the relaxation time of, the temperatt~re of a magnetized plasma. As Silin et al showed in their paper "Par.-Aetric Resonance in a Plasma Occurring in a Magnetic Field" (ZWFS 1966.. Vol. 50p ]Trj. 44 in a magnotized plasma a variation of the increasing osciUations in a s~,rong, high-frequency electrical field is possible; therefore, electrical fielAli in Tvldch the &-ift velocity of the particles becomes greater thantheIr themal velocity are not conaidered in this paper. USSR IELEOUSKIY, V. fL, and SILIN, T. P., Phys4fr-sl rns~t:Ltate-_ imeni- P. N. Lebedev, Academy of Scienc--s USSR "Self-Focusing of a Te=r Field!" Rmcm, Pis'ma v Zhurnal. Eksperlmeatal'~M- t Teareticlw_skoy Fiziki, Vol'la, No 3, 5 Feb 71, pp 167-1-70 Abstract: Self-focused or self-channelimg, fiel&- di� t-ributions were first -dis- - -&:pls;9ma. that there may exist- cussed in 1958 by Volkor, who shcmed irr. studying, magnetic field distributions localized- 4-nispace, due--to:-the nonlinear action of the field on the medium. The ncalinear: solution- of-- thin_ ~ field equations f Volkov were for the case of a scalar field. ~In this article ft is shown that self-focused field distributions also exists for-TM-Waves- when there are two components of the electrical field (the, Such distributiors were found to differ qualitatively fr= the. scalar fleld--. cmse;. . The presence of a ww] I parameter k, in the fte-U equatims~ reduzesi tbe-, maximum value of. the w-U-Eoca ed Hela by rZ, as ccnpared. wit1r, the.salutlon' of scalar field _theary--~ In the case of a spatially pexi(adta salurAan, theregia=. of the transverae. RaM alternate w-fth regions im which a. long trIcal field vector then ratatea.: USSR SILIN, V. P., and YELEONSKIY, V. M. (Lebedev Physics Institute, USSR Academy "Nonlinear Theory of Penetration of a Conductor by p-Polarized Waves Moscow, Zhurnal Eksperimental'noy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, Ilay 1971, pp 1927- 1937 Abstract: Solutions are obtained for the internal and external electrc- dynamics problems which arise on analysis of the reflection-of6' obliquely incident p-polarized waves (waves with the electrical vector in the plane of incidence) from a medium with nonlinear dielectric permeability. It is shown that in the absence of an energy flux into a nonaissipative medium, reflection of p-polarized waves may occur not only under conditions of electromagnetic fields' vanishing within the medium but also under conditions of periodic fluxless field distributions. For almost normal wave incidence the medium becomes stratified into regions in which the electromagnetic field is transverse and, at the Sam time, regions in which a longitudinal field exists. The condition. of nonlinear respect to longitudinal waves is satisfied in~the latter regions, and spatial USSR STLIN, V.-P., and YELEONSKTY, V. M., Zhurnal Ek-sperimental'noy i Teoreti- May 1971, pp 1927-1937 transformation of transverse and longitudinal electrGmagnetic fields occurs iu.them. 1/2 037 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 TITLE--SPATIAL DISPERSION EFFECTS IN THE OPTICS OF METALS -U- AUTHOR-(02)-SILINt V.P., FETISOV, E.P. .0100~ COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ',.-SOURCE-PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDIP 19701 VOL 39s NR 19,PP 49-60 PUBLISHED ------ 70 -,SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS TO,PIC:TAGS--KINETIC EwUATION, PLASMA WAVEr METAL SUAFACe PROPEkTY, LIGwr -RTY, LIGHT DISPERSION -RADIATION EFFECT, SURFACE ENERGY, ASYMPTOTIC PROPr,. MARKING--,',10 RESTRICTIONS. ..:.00CUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED .-PROXY REEL/FRAME--1992/0083 STEP NO--GE/0030170/i)3,)/001/001-1*91.-JL)60 ~CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0111277 UNCLA"IFIE-0 -ESSING CATE-30OCT70 212 037 UNCL ASS IF I ED PkOC ~-~.C I RC ACCESSION NO--AP011127f' ABSTRACTIEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE 081.100E INICIO-ENCE OF I% LIGHT WAVE ON A PLANE RulUiNDARY IS CONSIDERED USING THE METHOD O~:- KINLTIC EQUATION. THE MAIN ATTENTION IS PAYED TO T14C STUDY Olfr: THE IN LU E OF ENC LONGITUDINAL PLASMA WAVE EXCITATfC."I IN METALS ON SURFACE E-NERGY LL:--,Sf:S OF LIGHT WAVES AND ON VOLU,',iE LOSSES IN THE Cj%SE 110' PrPOLARILATIOIN, T HE SIGNIFICANCE OF FERMI LIQUID EFFECTS IS CONMEREO IN OETAIL. AN ASYMPTOTIC BEHAVIOUR OF THE FIELO INSIDE THE METAL IS OBSERVED FCA LONG DISTANCES FROM THE BOUNDARY* FACILITY: P- N. ;Lr-8EDEV PHYSICAL lNSTITUTE, MOSCOW,, UNCLASSIFIED ~~.AY2 OV UNCLASSJFIED~ PRn"IESSING DATr:--230CT70 Lf--QUANTUM WAVES IN A DEGENERATE EELECIRUN FLUID OF METALS -U- NOR-(03)-LYRYANCIV, P.S., OK.ULOVr V.I.r. I IN, V.P. --C OU NT PLY OF INFO--USSR ~SOURCE-ZHURNAL EKSPERIMENTALINOY I TEORETICHESKOY FI*ZlKlu 1970, VOL 58, NR 49 PP,1295-1309 -DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ..SUBJECT AREA S--PHYS ICS :.-TOPIC TAGS--ELECTRON OSCILLATIONt ELECTRON GASt QUANTUM OSCILLATION, :7,~'.-~:ELEC-TRON MOTION, ELECTRON SPECTRUMt SPIN WAVEo CRYSTAL LATTICE ,.Vl BRAT ION, METAL ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY 'CONTROL MARKING--N0 RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED -PROXY REEL/FRAME--1988/1570 STEP NU--Ulk/0056/70/05~1100!+/1295/130'? CtRC ACCESSTON NO--AP0106316 Z/2 027 UNCLASSIFIED~ PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 .C't.kC ACCESSION NO--AP0106316 --ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. AN EQUATION SET IS OBTAINED WHICH DESCRIBES THE OSCILLATIO-,NS OF AN ISOTROPIC ELECTRor4 'LUID IN A QUANTIZED L F MAGNETIC FIELD. FERMI FLUID INTERACTION IS ASSUMED 'TO SE OF T14E CONTACT THE PROPER TYPE AND IS DESCRIBED BY TWO CONSTANTS, BRANCHES OF FREQUENCY SPECTRUM WHOSE EXISTENCE IS COMPLETELY DUE TO QUANTIZATION OF (QUANTUM WAVES) ARE CONSIDF:RF-D IN THE CASE .-,THE ELECTRON ORBITAL MOTION OF PROPAGATION ALONG THE DIRECTION OF THE MAGNETIC FIELD. IN CONTRAST i-~. TO SUCH WAVES IN AN ELECTRON GAS (PRIME4"8), QUANTUM WAYES IN A LIQUIO, AS A RULE, ARE RELATED TO OSCILLATIONS 00 THE SPIN DENSITY. UNDEk CERTAIN CONDITIONS THE EXISTENCE OF QUANTIZED SPIN WAVES IS POSSIBLE. ''IT IS SHOWN THAT THE LONGITUDINAL QUANTUM WAVES STRONGLY INTERACT 141TH OSCILLATIONS OF THE ION LATTICE OF THE METAL. LIMITS OF APPLICA31LITY -,~OF.THE RESULTS AREwINDICATED WHICH ARE DUE TO THE EOFECT OF COLLISIONS --,-AND,OF TEMPERATURE SMEARING OUT OF IHE FERMI DISTRI.BUTION. --_-~FACILITY: INST. FILIKI METALLOVP AN SSSRt.FllICHESKIY lNST. IM. P. 1-4. ::-.,-LEVEDEVAt AN SSSR. USSR ALODMANTS, G. P. and PJbIN, V. P'., Phyai6s Institute imeni P. N. Lebedev, USSR Academy of Sciences "Spin Waves in Nonferromagnetic Metals with Open Femi Surfaces" Moscow, Pis1ma v Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoy i Teorcticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 14, No 5. 5 Sep 71, pp 351-354 Abstract: Spin waves in nonferromagnetic metals, as predicted by the theory of a degenerate electron liquid, have been experimentally detected in alkali metals whose Fermi surface is almost spherical. At the same tiw, such spin vaves may also exist in metals with sharply anisotropic Femi surfaces. In previous articles the major attention has been paid to spin vL%ves in closed Perad surfaces. In this article the authors are concerned with open surfaces vhich lead to the-prosence of open electron paths in Ute space of the impulses; they give the essential characteristics of spin waves in such metals. They note that when the frequency is zero in the limiting wave vector, this is an indication of the possibility that a spatially periodic paramagnetic struc- ture exists which, unli1ke thet studied by Silin in a previous issue of this Journal (11,419, 1970), is periodic in the direction across the constant magnetic field. Tha article contains bibliographic en'tries. E SM fill _j USSR S ILIN, V. S. "Laboratory Simulation of the Seismic Effect of an Ex-plosion when Loosening Seasonally Frozen Soil:' Sb. nauchn. tbr. Chelvab. Dol-itel~hn. in-ta (Collection o' I~cien~i- fie Clorks of the Chelyabinsk ~olytechn-Ma-l Inst-itute) , 1970, No 72, Part 2, pp 62-75 (from RZh-.Xekhqnika, No 11, Nov 70, Abztract No 11V724) Translation: An oxlperLriontal atudy was porformed under laboratory cofiditicn2 to o.;tLmato bho seismic offect, of an e;r1plo.3ion J-n frozen ground. Tho experiments were por-formed xi ce-nent-sand -d slabs airaulating ground The layers with di"e,,nt sonic a., streng- characteristics simulating the natural layaring were vh V J ns of a different ratio of the cenont and sand creaued by mea. content. A detonating fuse initiated by lead axide was used as the exnloded Charge. T.Ine rate of disi3lacement of the surfdco of the slab was estimated by the distance steel wa.,thers ground into the surface of the slab flew away. As a result c--P th~ exper-iments it was discovered that the physical-mechar-ioal properties of the medium have a decisive effect on the paranetlers of the eraitted 1/2 USSR SILIIN, -V. S., Sb. naueb-n. tr. Che!Lyab. no1-.:,'tekh-n. -ta, 1970, Jn No 72, Part 2, pp 62-75 wave at a distance uD to 10 times tAa radius of the charg'G. During propagation of comprossion waves throu')a a layered nedium, two sharply- different cases are observed: if the sonic rigidit-Y drons with distance from the charge, the dampii1ig, of the mass velocity turns out to be weak; if, on the othe- haxid, the sonic rigidity increases with distance from the charipa., t~ie dam-ping of the mass veloc,'Lty increases noticeably. On the barsis of the a~marimants performed tlio conalu--ion draim that- th(;; pla=7-.ent of tho chargo --',n tho layers of' rodrcod zonio rigidiby (for season- ally frozen ground, in the thawed grotu,.d), the seismic effect of -'--he e.-~wlosion drops cignificantly. Explosions a:t tho froozing boundary. are proposed as the optimal vorsion (with respect to seismic effect and with respect, to quality of aLush4ng). 2/2 23 Lasers Mis'er's USSR UDC 535 CHERNETS, A. N., TIMCMKO, A. I., and of Radio- physics and Electronics, Academy of Sciences UkrSSR, Miar'ko,v "Mandelstam-Brillouin Scattering of Coheront Light in Coherent Hypersound" Kiev, Ukrainskiy Fizicheskiy Zhurnal, Vol 16, No 4, Apr 71, pp 678-680 Abstract: The possibillity of the practical use of the phenomenon of Mandel- stam-Brillouin scattering for processing information applied to a modulated Bound wave excited in an acoustic line of a radar signal, to produce delay lines for radio signals and 1:Lnc!.g for comprecision of radio pulses, etc., is discussed. It IF; notod that the intensity of the scattored light is an essential factor in such applications of this scattaring. OrdLnarily, gas lasers are used as the light source; but the intensity Of a acattered light is small, and new materials characterized by a higher Q 4Lre being studied to raise this intensity; for example, lithium niobate. A~ further rise in the intensity of scar-tered light is still important, and one possible way suggested for solving this problem is to use a ruby lasi~r as a light source. Since various nonlinear effects are known to arise in pmerful light fluxes, a study was made of the range of powers in which the linearity of the Mandelstam-Brillouin ef feet is preserved under irradiation of a lithium 1/2 F rFTh'-=AAi'!iih1i PPI USSR CHMMETS, A. N., et al, Ukrainskiy Fizicheskiy Zhurnali Vol 16, No 4, Apr pp 678-680 nibbate single crystal. The experimental setup is described. The ruby laser was modulated with a device consisting of a Pockels-eff-ect cell and a KC-19 shutter. This made it possible to ensure tiue control of the pulses and a small spectral width of the radiation line, which -was 0.01 1. The light flux had an intensity of 3-106 w and the pulse length was 10-7 see. The lithium niobate crystal had aimensions 18 x 6 x 6 mm, and longitudinal hypersonic waves were excited in it by the resonator method at a frequency of 900 MHz. The experiment shawed that the linear de-pimdence between the intensities of the scattered and incident light as aaiL~tained in the range of light energy densities f rom I to 3- 106 w/cm2 in the , case of lithium niobate. The scattered light intensity Achieved was 500 w. The sound in- tensity in the lithium ninbate crystal was calculated -to be 1()-3 W. 2/2 USSR UDC 621.373:530.145.6 ANTROPOV. YE. T., SILI-,?BEKCIIURIN, 1. A. "Satisfaction of the Similarity Laws for CO2 Laser Gas Discharge" Elektron. tek-hnika. Nauchno-teklin. sb Gazorazryadit. pibory (Electronic Engineering. Scientific and Technical Collection. Gas Discharge Devices), 1970, vyp. 4 (20), pp 16-19 (from RZli-Radiotekhnika, No 4, Apr 71, Abstract No 0184) Translation: Systematic measurements of the longitudinal electric discharge field were taken to cheek the proposed similarity relations for Co. (2) laser discharges. The data obtained indicate the degree of satisfaction of the similarity ratios with an accuracy of 8-12%. --230CT70 1/2 ..012 UNCLASSIFIED PROtESSENG DATE .r '~_.'T'lTLE--DYNAMICS, OF DL,CISPPINONIC ACID SORPTION ON AIRION EXCHANGERS -U- AUTHOR-(03)-KOROLKOVi N.M.# AVOTINS# F., SILINA, A. -:,:C CUNT RY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--LATV. PSR ZINAT. AKAD. VEsrts,,, KIM; SER; 19TOI It)-, 38-46 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 .:-.SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY ~',:,JdPIC TAGS--ANION EXCHANGE RESIN, FLUIDIZED BED# ISDTHERMr MASS TRANSFERt CALCULATION/(U)AV17 [Ott EXCHANGE RESINt (WEDELOP TON EXCHANGE RESIN ~',CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~-PROXY REEL/FRAME--1997/0678 STEP NU--t)R/0464/70/000/001/0036/0046 CIRC ACCESSION N0-00119586 t S-5- IFI ED 212 012 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CTTC I RC ACCESSION NO--AP0119586 APSTRACTIEXTRACT-W) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE DYNAMICS WERE STUDIED ON Al"JION EXCHANGERS AV-17 AND EDE-10P IN FIXED ANO FLUIDIZED BEUS. IN THE CASE OF CONVEX ISOTHERMS A STEADY STATE SORPTION FRONT IS FORMED. THE EQUATIONS FOR THE DYNAMICS OF SORPTION IN A FEXEO BED ARE VALID ALSO FOR A FLUIDIZED BED. EOUATIONS ARE GIVEN FOR CALCG. THE MASS TRANSFER COEFF. FACILITY: RZti. POLITEKHA INST.p RTGAP USSR~ Jr. Irdiistrial UDC 531.787.087.92 USSR SILTNAI L.-.A4 "Study of the Operation of a Limiting Pressure-Sensitive~ Sensor" Avtomatiz. Rroizv. protsessov v mashinostr. i priborostr. - V sb, (Automation of Production Processes in Rachine Bui-lding and Instrumeqit Making - Collection of Works), No 10, Lvov, L'vov University, 1971, pp 101-104 (from RZ'h-Metrolo- giya i Izmeritel'naya Tekhnika, No 10, Oct 71, Abstract Nio 10.32.837) Translation: A structural design is presented for an electrocont.ICL limiting pressure sensor with a flaccid diaphragm designed for aucomation of measuring the volume of solid states by the pneumatic method. The operating pressure is established in the sensor by preliminary forcing of the operating element by the tension of a cylindrical spring. Experimental studies of. the sensor are described for operation of it with springs of different :rigidity. Ilie opera- ting characteristics are constructed by the test results., Ln order to discover the zone of augmented sensitivity of the. sensor. The tetn erature error of the p sensor is investigated. There are 3 illustrations and 1* table. 1/2 021 UNCLASSIFf 0 PROCIESSIN'G DATE--04DEC70 E u :.T,I'irLE--RHENIUM OXYCHLORIOE ALUMINUM CHLORIDE PFERRIC CHLORIDEr TANTALIJf4'Vv NIOBIUMiVi CHLORIDEt MOLYBDENUM OXYCHLORI.OE, PHOSPHORYL :.AUTHOR-(04)-DROBOT, O.V.y KORSHUNOVI B.G.,!ALEKSANDROVAs V#'Aiv- SILINA~ T~A~ :'~CQUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ~-S URCE--ZH. NEORG. KHIM. 1970, 15(6), 1707~_8 0 :-DATE PUBLISHED ____70 iSUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY ~JOPIC TAGS--PHASE DIAGRAMp CHEMICAL BINARY SYSTEMv OXYGEN COMPOUNOt .. RHERIUM COMPOUND,, CHLORIDE, IRON COMPOUNDo MOLYBOENUH COMPOUNDt TAWALUM --COMPOUND, NIOBIUM COMPOUND9 ALUMINUM COMPOUNOt PHOSPHOROUS COMPOUND, EUT ECT I C CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ~.DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~PROXY REEL/FRAME--3008/1186 STEP ND--UR/0078170/015/00-5/1707/1708 __C IRC_ ACtESS 10-NN0-001382-01 UP11:1. -A- rr IF money m '2/2 021 UNCLASSI FIM PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 .C-IRC ACCESSION iNO--AP0138201 'AI)STRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. PHASE DIAGRAMS OF REOGL SUB4 A (A ,E-QUALS FECL SUB3, RECL SUB5P TACL SUB5r NBCL SUB5t ALCL SUB3v MOOCL THE BINARY SYS'EM CONTG. POCL AND POCL SUB3) ARE CONSTRUCTED. 4 SUB3 FORMS REDCL SUB4 POCL SUB3t CONGRUENTLY 14. 80DI*(;REES, THIS COMPOUND FORMS EUTECTICS CONTG. 3 AND 80 MOLE PERCENT REOCL SUB4, m. ~NEGATIVE 10 AND 16DE(.'~-REES, RESP. THE RtMAINING SYSTEMS I--nRmED omE .-EUTECTIC EACH CONTG. ALMOST PURE REOCL SUB4 AND ALL 11. 2-19DEGREES. FACILITY:. MOSK. INST. TONK01 KHIM. TEKKNOL IM. LOHONOStOVA, 140SCOW., USSR. UNCLASS IFTED- - Steels USSR UDC 669.15- KA. YE. P., and a S GREKOV, It. A., SILI URKOVA, A. P., Leningrad "Structure and Properties of Explosive-Hardened Austenitic Stools" Moscowp Isvestiya Akademli Nauk SSSR, Metallyp No i, Jazi/Feb 74, pp 112-114 Abstracti The mechanicall properties and fine structure changes were studied for two austenitic steels (60Y130118V and 4-Yh3G18) which had been plastically deformed by low-pressure shock wayes. The first steel is very stable uith a martensite transformation point below -1960 0 while the other steel is less stable (14, near -1200 C) especially during plastic deformation, It was noted that the sequence of transformation stages ( f>eand Is preserved during high-speed shock-wave deformation. In the steel with high austenite stability the e--martensite transformation and twinning start only after a'high-density dislocation matrix is foraed. The degree of Inprovement of a cellular dis- location structure is better the more stable the austenite. For a lower stability the tendency of steel toward deformation hardening from shock Hayes Increases uhich can to aEsociatea with Intensive occurrence of(K-, Etransform- tion and twinning processes, Three figure, one table, one bibliographic references. "A Device for Pattern Recognition" Moscow, Otkrytiya izabreteniya promyshlennyye obraztsy tovaT11yye znaki, No 18, 17 Apr 73, p 129 Translation: (11) 377827 (21) 1655621/18-24 (22) 14-05.71 (51) G o6k 9/12 (53) 621.391.19 (72) (54) An apparatus for pattern xecognition contains a trzmsraitting tele- vision camera, a sigral transmission channel connected -to the input of a video ocanning unit, and a decision unit. It is distinguished by the fact that the operating opeed of the dovice in greater because it conteins a second transmit- ting television camera optically connectod to thn nertort of the vidoo Ocannirlp unit; a commutator, one input of which is connected to the output of the first transmitting television tube, while the commutator output is connected to the signal transmission channel; and a pulse counter, the input of which is connected to the output of the second transmitting television camera, while one output is connected to the input of the decision unit and the other cutput is connected to the control input of the commutator. UDC 541,67:537-311-33 USSR FCORSWC, V. V., MMIIKOVA, T. M., SMM__ --A-.v CHURAROVA, M. A.0 VINOGRADOVA, S. V., and KASATOCMCIII, V. 1. "Structure and Properties of Polyrwric Semiconductors Based on Pyrromeallitic Acid Tetranitrile and p-Phenylenediamine" Moscow, Vysokomolekulyarnyye Soyedineniya, Vol 14, Series A, 110 3, 1972, pp 701-705 Abstract: The heating of a pol,,--qer based on py-rromellitio acid tetranitrile and p-phenylenediainine (polyhexazoeyelazie PF) from 20 to `300, 1100, 500, 6oo, 7001 800, and ~,*I)O at 5 x 10-3 torr, yielded polyrners with specific resistance 6.-pec from 1013 to 5 x 10-1 ohm cm and activation energy of conductivity 6E from 1-7 to 0.1 ev, depending on the heat treatment. The, ntrul-ture of the polymers was determined by X-ray diffraction analyses, m-w stuaies, and ~R -treatment teml-,eratures.a spectroscopy. At heat bove 500OC: the pol~qZ)~-r under- goes degradation and cross-linking accompanied by the fd:r=tioji of bundles of aroratic layers consisting mainly of condensed aromatic compotinds. UNCL:ASSLFIED 'PROCESS ING OATE--30OCT70 038 UITLE-,.~-ELEC.TROPHYSICAL AND PHOTOELECTRIC PROPERTIES OF THTN FILIM SYSTEMS _4ETRATHIOTETRACENE -U- 4,qTd7OR-(02)-S_ILINS, TAURE, L. ~GOUNTRY OF INFO--USSR, SOURCE- LATV.-PSR ZINAT. AKAD. Vr=STIS,,FIZ, T.EH. ZINAT. SER, 19701 (I)o ;'DATE.~PUBLISHED ------- 70 .SUBJECT AREAS--CHE,41STRY* MATERIALS ,-TO _pjC~TAGS--POLYNUCLEAR HYDROCARBUNt HETEROCYCLIC SULF UR.COMPOUND# TOELECTRIC EFFECTt TIN OXIOEt LEADv GOLD:p f ALU14INUMt METAL OHO. SILVER ~.-~-"',OEPOSITIONt ELECTRODE1 EXCITED STATE, :.CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRtCTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ,P rROXY-REEL/FRAME--1997/0653 STEP NO--UR/0371170/000/001/0018/0027 CIRC ACCESSION NG--AP0119563 UNCLASSIFIED 2J3 038 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--300-CT70 C'I R-C' ACCESSION NO--AP0119563 t'ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--[U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE LAYERED THIN FILI-1 SYSFEMS OF 'TIGArEo WERE REPRESENTE LLO~ G ::Tl-ETRATHIOTErqACENE (1) INVES a B Y TH EFo .4 f ~l -PEC114ENS: SNO SUB2 (1)P6, AU(II)AL9 AU(I)AUI ANO AL(IJAL. THE S .SPECIMENS, WEREJ TO PREP. rHE siio SUB2 [IJP6 -REPD BY VACUUM D:EPOS[TION. CELL, A LAYER OF I WAS DEPOSLTEO~0114 A LAYER OF SNO SIJC-12 ON A GLASS PLATEo FOLLOWED BY DEPOSITING THE TOP P8 ELECTRODE. TO PREP. THE AU(I)AL CELLt A QUARTZ PLATE WAS FITTED SUCCESSIVELY WITH A SEMI TRANSPARENT AU FILM (SERVING AS THE BOTOO-14 ELECTRODE)~ 3 LAYERS OF ~DIFFERENT THICKNESSES (0.2-1.1 MU) OF 1, ANDJOP SEMI FRANSPARENT AL ELECTRODES (AREA 5-10 MM PRIMEZ). FOR BOTH AU(I)AL AAJD SNO, SU82 (I)PB SPECIMENS, NONSYM. NONLINEAR CURRENT APPLIED VOLTAGE (u SUBO) CHARACTERISTICS OF THE DARK CONG. WERE OBTAINED. THE POS. OIRECTION OF --CURRENT.FLOW CORRESPONDED TO NEG. POLARITY OF THE TUP ELECTAODE IN BOTH CASES. THE PUS. C.D. WAS 10 PRIME NEGATIVE.4-10 PRIMli NEGATIVE3 A-rlM r PRIME2 AT U SUBO EQUALS 3 V. A PhOTOCURAENT AND A PHOTOE114F. WERE ALSO OBSO.; THE PHOTOEMF. HAU ITS NtG. POLE ALWAYS AT T14E Top ELECTRODE INDEPENDENTLY OF THE UIRMION OF ILLUMINATION (THROUGH THIE 30TTOM OR TOP ELECTRODE). ALSO, THE SYM. METALMMETAL SPECIMLIqS EXHIBITED A LOW NIG EFFECT ANO THE~ PHOTOELEC. Pll,',OPEk.TIES, PHJTOEMF, THE RECTIFYif WERE STUDIED USI, DIkkCTION CURRENT NG MAINLY THE AU(I)AL SPECIMENS. THE PUS. (I SUBR)-U SUBO DEPENDENCE INDICATES BY ITS SHAPE THAT THE RECTIFYING EFFECT IS GOVERNED BY THE SO CALLEU CONTACT BARRIEP, MECHANISM (FORMATION bF A NEGo LAYER ON THE METAL-ORG. COMPD. CONTACTJ. L- a i4i 0 3 8 UNCCASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCTTO CLRC ACCESSION NO--AP0119563 ;,,.,AB,S'rRACT/EXTRACT-THE ENERGY OF ACTIVATION FOR DARK COND. IN THE POSO ad....:J31(RECTION (E SUBR) FO, THE AU(I)AL SPECIMENS DROPPED ON DECREASING U SUBOP WHEREAS THE ENERGY FOR THE NEG. DIRECTION REMAINED CONST. I SUBR FOLLOWS THE RELATION I SUBR EwUALS A EXP(MINUS E SUBR-KTIP WHERE T IS ABS. TEMP., AND A AND K ARE CONSTS. IN THE NEG. QIRECT.ION, A SHARP ,INCREASE IN REVERSE CURRENT (RESEMBLING A NEG. LAYER BREAKDOWN OF ITS KINU) WAS OBSD. AT' COMPAkATIVELY LOW U SUBO VALUES (GREATER THAN 2Y). THE PHOTOEMP. OF THE AU(I)AL SPECIMEENS ON ILLUMINATION THROUGH THE TOP ELECTRODE PLOTTED VS. THE WAVELENGTH OF THE LIGHT APPLIED SHOWED A CORRELATION WITH THE ABSORPTION ELEMON SPECTRUM OF 15OLID STATE I IN THE LONG WAVELENGTH OF THE LGIHT APPLIED SHOWED A CORRELATION WITH THE ABSORPTION ELECTRON SPECTRUM OF SOLID STATE I IN THE LONG WAVELENGTH -REGION AND DROPPED MONOTGNICALLY IN THE LONG WAVELENGTH REGION, WHEREAS THE PHOTOEMF* UBTAINEO (IN ILLUMINATION THROUGH THE OOTTOM~ELECTRODE SHOWEG "ANTICORRELATION" SIGNS WHEN COMPAREU WITH THF ABSORPTION SPECTRUM IN ITS SHORT WAVELENGTH REGION (THERE WERE MIN. (Jr- PHOTOEMF. AT MAX. OF ABSORPTION). THE DEPENOE14CES SHOW THAT THE POTENTIAL BARRIER ,APPEARS AT THE I TOP ELECTRODE INTERFACE.. THE NATURE OF.THE POTENTIAL BARRIER IS DISCUSSED. A BAND SCHEME OF A METALMAETAL SPECIMEN IN THE -.TOP ELECTRODE REGIONt AN ENERGY SCHEME OF POLAR STATES OF A I CRYSTAL, A SCHEME REPRESENTING THE ENERGV LEVELS OF NEUTRAL EXCITED STATES OF ~.A-J.MOL. ARE PRESENTED. FACILITY:: FIZ. ENERG.. INST., RIGAt USSR. USSR UDC E -I'L,!D, A.I., NhY O.YA., ALEKS.P.MR37, S.B., BAILD D.R., 3ED, -SILMISH. -1 -1141- "Phatoelectronic Propertiee And ZnerU. Structure Of Trunsbit:hindonllen" V ab. Polut)rovodnil-i i ik'h -jri--c~ncni~ie v elqj- (Semiiconductor3 And Their Applic~~tion -fi-7-lectrical Z-1-cginevrin-Collection Of' tl'orks)f 0 7-, R i g8 Zinatne," 1971, pp 221-270 (from RZh:,~Iektroni~~~ai _11manenive, No 2, Feb 'o 2A20) 72, Abstract N Translation: The results are discussed of a study by the -method of pholocon-c'uct- ivity and photoeleci--ronic eni-ion of the properties of a thin film system of transbiabinionilen. mechani!:mgare conoidered of plictonroduction oT' -n,.rEy sch9me of, a molec--ilar crystal charge. carriero, and an of tmin2bisbindonilen propocod. 8 ill. 10 ref. USSR UDC 1537-226f-537-311.331-01 LTj4k;aftE. A. On the Physical Nature of Traps in 14olecular Crystals' ,~e v elektroteklin. (Seniconductors and V sb. Poluprovedniki i ikh P_Eimeneniy Their Use in Electrical Engincerin-c- -- Collection of Wor'Xs), ITO 5, Riga, N "Zinatne," 1971, pp 179-196 (from Mh-Fizika No 1, Jan ?2., Abstract Io I'LE1053) Translation: The author considers the possible physical witure of charge cnr-rier traps of a quasicontinuous distribution in molecular crystals. it is slicrim that the formation of' qLiasicontinuoiis traps: can be due to dispersion of' clar,,,e- carrier polarization energy. A calculation is mmde of polarization encriry dis- persion in anthracene single crystals. Hypotheses are stated rej-;ardin~- the mechanism for the formation of disercte traps and surface.states as a regul"14; of polarization effects in molecular crystals. Biblioji-aphy With 33 titles- UDC: U35H 535,-!5-4;5`,5,215-6;::!.; .`7 and -,'J_~E, L. -F., Lnstitl~te ox ti-c V. ZIXG Sc; er-ces Of tne 3cr t c Eioctrophys;cal and Photcelectrc Propert.;es of Yet rathio- Studyin, ne of -;Le6racene Vin La~-zr SYste::s`r j~atVjyS1-Oy Sn_i Srz.,riya Fiziche.,ilk"kh j. T-'-i_nchea:.,:'&, Riga, izvestiya "auk, ~.o 1, 19-10, -1 8 LP - -27 Ab:3 4-- rac +, :Tin cauthoro !;-'Uua~y 'L-,ie voit-,v~ipere charactori,-.Lic, LuL: cor!Z' -Ct con- IcUviV ac4-lvat, on n inLcrral ana, ooectrzO, electro:aotive force, and t1lo 1uw-~-_-ipcrc wnd farcu c n 'a r.- c t 0 r - r thin-la,-, ur systmo pmx!ucci:i by tho dc- Z" Cs of nosition method. Tile T?11,1 preparu.-on. used by the autf-.Ors W~_4s by Yti. ho-1. 7 by xeymxniz usin~7 C. -k and C. Stwm Is mat. 11i e T 1~1 purif ied zu .zscr.-acwt 5ub1i=at-w L% a va0uum., 'r;,,o types of 'Z, rec- I on ena -,p-,e ~ :7sz - ~~ 1 11 units are st-udied: S'~102/'j=/Plb and AU/TffT/A_1, :Aul-27211AU, mr (see fir,- Ura rTr All b Al All ba5ic electxophlt.~sicai p_-ramett~~rs -viere measured in a p 10-3 torr vacuum ,-..;th U J,~,k a, T j,., lzvestlya j'~kade.,.,,,ii N~ L-1 tvi,, oy SS'~*- Se-, ZL nd auk "Y --es. .'aul 1)70, pp 18-27 Fizicheski:&, Tek~-.dch o SMe corapared z:.o m-a-asura:-,ent results obta-ined in air. The i2auMin~zo-~ use6, .-"or =easurLr,,- zhe clharacter`s~~C. T" e i',u/-T-",/a U and SnO;,)/TT7/Pb tnin ln-e r s-, stens e.-,diibit nons~~imetric, nc.,r2inear The diroct' n of eao- fla,,; c er s'ies. conduct-viV cha-a tive polarity of tho lower clectrode (S,-02;Au) and nega-tive pcAaritl~ --or:7espoiWs to the U~Per ei,~~ctz The rectif;cation factor foi P -ode ( b;AI) . k-10, -10 v. CurrenL density f or the direction of easy flaia at -a v:,..ta!7e p3tenitial of UO=3v appro;?-,~-es )r'10-4-IC)--' amP/cm2. 7qe given thin-la,, :rs -ocurren' =(.' o Tbo Dhoto-crff is z3.-,-,,ay::j of -LL both Phot the upoor electrode incepandont of whaLhor i n. u-.) .2r or Iot.,,,er electrode of the 17 em Lhtit is an -re obser ed oniy for the Au/TTT/Au syst a. -w mmtemal f t, e offects Of contact w~d ;:;~Irfacc- -properu-cs excellent- atcd-" 4. or Studyin III or, conductors oecause C-1 its relatively lcF~.- speciffic resistance. :Ypr- and SnO /Tw/te sys-ue:rs fom a surface em~~rustion ia7w under Idia iipper i;-leczrode. Thazi.0r:L-ary :=.)matars of thli layer are deterzined, '.,1e azAhors -,.Iso a possible aechamism-, responsible for the fonult-ion of the surTace 2/3 75 ,if ~, ~- - i - ~- I J, USM E. A. I Z v e z tL`11-adcraii a-.,v, - 0 S. Fizichos'-I'di iTe~rhrLic*-cs.',E~h ~"au!:~ lio -970) vp 18-27 "ec' on the ion of the char~;G Carr: C"3. 10 L,.: and its of- and polar ener stat-as of T,171L are est, Limated. Hechanix-s reopon---lible for carrier oge o. W --e conzidered. The authors express their thaz~~L3 charge ho" nerati n Ln TI to, Y-1 .F. FreymanJs for synthesizing the -TIT and D. F. Ba-odelfor as*istingg durin- the experiment. v20 UNCLASS I FTE'D 'PROCES.SING:DATE--02OCT70 TLE-,~-,-REGIONAL ARTERIAL PRESSURE IN A14TERIAL OBSTRUCTION OF THE LOWER 'EiTREMITIES -U-7 THO R-(03)~-SILINSHt I.A.v SKAROSt YA.V.t PU:RINUAP B.A. 7 QQN.TRY OF.INFO--USSR ,f-soURCE-_VESTNIK KHIRURGII Imt5w_ 1. 1. GREKOVA, 1970v VOL 104t NR 4, P _9 41, 9 7, DATE, PURL I SHED - ----- 70 ,~ISUSJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES. TOPIC.TAGS--ARTC-RY* BLOOD PRESSUREt BLOOD CIRCULATION, DIAGVJSTIC METmODS T ~.'A %0 S TI C 1 1 GN S MENT 'LitS5--UNCLA5SlFlf_-0 DGCUt li ,.'PROXY REELIFPAME--1988/1245 STEP NU--Uk/0569/70/ti)41(IfJ,t/O())4/001)7 CIRC ACCESSIW4 f40--AP01060?6 UNCLASSIrIGD 2 020 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-020CT70 GIRC ACCESSION 1,10--AP0106026 .~.!AiSS.TRACT/EXTRACT--(UJ GP-0- AGSTRACT. MAXIMUM ARTERIAL. PRESSURE (MAP) IN -THAT COULD BE DETER14INEU USING A VOLU14014ETRIC' PRI, CIPLE OF THE . L E G RECORD.1 NG ,- IS-A VALUABLE-DIAGNOSTIC INDEX OF THE REGKWAL HLOU0 CIRCULATION IN'.ARTERIAL OBSTRUCT101 UF-THE~EXTREMITY. MAP m rHE CkURAL :PURTION OF THE AFFECTED EXTRE14ITY IS CONSIDERABLY REDUCED# THE BETWEEN BRAC"IAL AND CRUIRAL. IMAPo AS A RULE, EXCEED14G 15-20 _MMfIG .,(,PN THE AVERAGE 55.1),. CRURAL MAP IN: THE AFFEC.T ED EXYREMI T I ES I S SOMEWHAT CON71NUOUSLY REDUCED~DURING THE. REACTIVE' 'WHEREAS 11 SOWS GREATER INCREASE THAN IN SOUND P-ERSONS IN CHANG I NG -tHE% P` USITION FROM HORIZONTAL TO VERTICAL. UK LA SS I F IEO Inztnufients -.rid T~ r-,ahtu,a-.1o-,it3 USSR UDC;621-396-69(o88.8) SILIN ISH, Ya. Y. KANAREYKIN, V. P. SIT c Commutating Unit A Device ~6r Checking Contact Between Electromagne-t-L USSR Author's Certificate No 264478, filed 29 Nov 67,' published 20 Jun 70 (from M-Radiotekhnika, tic 12!P Dee 70, Abstract No 12V46:1 P) Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a derice for :,hecking contact between electromagnetic commutating units. The device contains an electromapietie counter and two traiisistors. As a distinguishing feature of the patent, accuracy and reliability in determining contact are improved by connecting the bas,~ of the input, transistor to the coil of the unit being gr.etic counter. tested, while the collector is connected to the electromap The Becond transistor is connected betyeen the b=e of the ;first transistor and one terminal of the power supply, and its base is connected to the ntact be-ing checked. o c USSR UDC: 621-396.6:620-32:620.178.3(088.8) SILIN"SH, Ya.-Ja., Y.ADCIENKO, K. I. "A Method of Testing 'Radio Equipment" USSR Author's Certificate No 286005, filed 19 sep 68, rublished. 12 Jan 71 RZh-Radiotekhn Urom ika, No 6, Jun. 71, Abstract No 6V28.3 P) Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a radio equipment test. method based on vibration or shock jaxring of operating equipment under the maximum permissible electrical load. To shorten the production cycle in detecting latent flaus in the equipment during the tests, the moving elements of the. equipmrit being tested (e. g. the band selector switch) amoperated at a high speed. USSR UDC: 535.215.5 GAYLIS, A. K.,,SILINYSH, E. A., Power Engineering Physics Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Latvian SSR "Concerning the Shape of a Photocurrent Pulse in Thin-Filn Organic Semi.con- ductors" Riga, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Latviyskoy SSR, Seriya Fizichskikh i Tekhni- cheskikh Nauk, No 5, 1972, pp 13-21 Abstract: The authors give a precise calculation of the shape of a photo- current-pulse when light is uniformly absorbed in a thin-film insvlator under conditions of finite duration of the generation of charge carriers. It is shown that a previously determined semiempirical expression,can be derived by approximate calculation. The current pulse shaves which are found are compared with experimental results of the study of pulse photocurrent in tetrathionaphthacene thin-film systems. It is shown that the photocurrent pulse shape can be qualitatively described by a simple senienpirical ex-Dres- sion if a 100% overstatement of the generation time constant is taken into Uor account. A procedure is outlined for determining the geneia. , tirize con- stant, and the limits of applicability of the theoretical calculation are estimated. 1/1 USSR d P3 7 1aUTIKW7, V. F. , + 2 "BITIR Spectra o Cd Ions in the S, State in 1, 2so 4, Crystals" Uob r 1971, Leningrad, Fizika Tverdogo Tola, vol. 13, Nib. 10, Ocl 0 pp 3100-3102 Abstract: This paper i-nvestirates the EPR spectra of Od ions stabili--ed by -x-rays in the 20-1 state in X2SO4 MOnOcrYStEtlS- Ob- -tra in -2,~*A - servations i..,ere also made of F,;:r+ _`PR spee 11oi-.rever, attem,,-,ts to obsel-ve Z'n + ion ~:nectra in the KqSO,, c3%-j,sta1 proved unsuccess' Jty i,--re ol-tvined LtLl-. The crystuals :_ith the cadiniw.,i innpu.-i 1 "1 o7 rora'ion. 17', -i s, L U ,c;se speci:rens from a water solution thr=~: ~,z ova- Z. had Cd concentrations of 0.5 t.0 3c/..'), and their cryst.-als iere ir- radiated by -.:-rays in a URS-70 eqminment i-.,ith a 3SV-2 tube of 50 kv and 15 ma The spectra aleasu:,:~e-ents. ~...,ere made in the ranit-es 3. cLz an-C-i- 8 at the te_--nera11-ure of" liquid nitrocen. The E'~- .1 1.-.hat Cd- spectra were obt--inc-1 a' -oorn teri)erature Tt is rjo~e_ EM-spoctra wore not observed.-.*, am sneci7-ens irradiat-ed at 0 The spectra are reproduced in the -article, an:i ti table of spin 1/2 7 USSR KRUTIKOV, V. F., et a!. , Fizika Tverdogo Tela, vol. 13, No 10, October 1971, pp 3100-3102 Hamiltonian parameters for paramagnetic centers of Cd+ K' ZISO4 is given- Gratitude is expressed to T. B. Bogatova for growing the crystals and to R. Yu. Abdulsabirov and L. A. Trofanchuk for their assistance with the experiment. The authors are associated with:the Kazan State University V. I. U1 yanov-Lenin. 2/2 'S fffl;~ CATE--040EC70 Ole UNCLASSIFIED PROCEIt -TLTLE--APPLtCAT.iQN OF THE METHOD OF STR&IGHT LINES TO THE SOLUTION OF -NONL [NEAR PROBLEMS OF SHALLOW SHELL DYNAMI CS -U- ~.AUTHOR (02)-VALISHVILt, N.V~, SILKIN, V*13. ;COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SoURcE--AKA0EMIIA NAUK SSSRj IIVESTIIA MEKHANIKA TVERDOW TELA, MAY-JUNE P 140-143 tiATE- PUBL ISHED- ____7O -SUBJVCT AR-CAS--MECH.t IND.v CIVIL AND MARINE ENGR T.OPTC TAGS--STRUCTURE STABILITYt SPHERIC SHELL STRUCTURE;# ALGORITHM UTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ,CO, ,00CUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIE10 .'PROXY-FICHE NO ---- FD70/605020/DI2 STEP NO--UR/0484/70/0001000 f0140/0143 _CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0141028 UN(: 018 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSENG DATE-01~DEC70 ;'IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0141028 kBSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT, SOLUTION OF CERTAIN NONLINEAR -,,.PROBLEMS OF SHALLOW SHELL DYNAMICS WITH THE AID OF AN ALGORITHM PERMITTING THE USE OF THE METHOD Of: STRAIGHT LiNEs. riiiii. PRM)OSED METI-m) OF SOLUTION IS APPLIED TO THE CASE OF A SHALLOW SPHERICAL S-tELL UNDER THE ACTION OF AN EXTERNAL DISTRIBUTED PRESSURE, A SHALL SPHERICAL SHELL WITH A CLAMPED BEARING EDGE UNDER THE ACTION OF A SUDDENLY APPLIEO :1-.EXTERNAL PRESSURE WHICH THEN REMAINS CONSTANTP AND A SH,hLLOW SPHERICAL ~:'SHEL.t :WITH A. CLAMPED BEARING EDGE UNDER THE ACTION OF A~ TIME VARIABLE EXT'ERNAL PRESSURE. THE ACC~URACY or- THE PROPOSED ALGOUTHM IS CHECKED BY :~,',COMPIARISON WITH EXACT SOLUTIONS OF CERTAIN NONLINEAR PROBLE1154 UNCLASSIFIED JPAS 6,05H 16 November 1973 DISSOCIATING GASES AS COOLANTS AND WORKING SUBSTANCES AT ATOMIC POWER PLANTS Translation of Russian-language materials presented at the Third All-Union Conference by A.K. Krazin, et til.. D1 s so t3i iruyuslichlye Gazy kp~..Teploriozi Z4) A - L -RAL--och i rut-!rgrzi-ciieskixti-ustanovox, J,~PJ~5, m2ns;t. uu1_: slinco-15 prC31-IZ April-T973 CONTENTS We Preface..... ..... ............................................. I Diasoctstlng~oaaea as Coolants for Post itimictori, (A. K. Krasin) ................................................ 4 Development and optles"tion or Parameters of Atomic litiver I -Power Fast Reactors Using Dissociating r-saits; ii~nto Milli Hlghw Coolants (H. V. Hasterenko) ............................................ 21 Cotioblo of Hatidriale, in DWItrogen Tetroxide ~A. ft. Sukhoein) ...... ....................................... Z5. some Results of Technological and Economic Optimization of the Thermodynamic Parameters at Atomic ?owar Kants With Fast Reactors Will' Ili"40cluting H204 Coolant (A. K. Russia, at &I.) ........................................ 43 Complex Technological and Economic Investigations of Circuits and Parameters of Atomic Power Plants With a DissoclAtIng Working Substance (L. S. Popyrin. N. N. Staroacanko) ............................ 50 Comparative Analysis of N 204- "a slid C02 Cap and Gas-Liquid Cycles (V. P. bubnov. at al.) ........................................ 61 (I USSR Ll coliTEnTS (Continued) a PdAs The Influencs of Radiation or. the Working Capacity of Stainless steel (I. S. ~bslcnik, E. S. Maksimove) ........... ............... 162 Principle* of Dinitroger. Tatroxide Technology (V. F. TrUbtilkov) ........................................... 169 Effectivenc3a of Purifi~Llon of DidsoclatOR X 20. Coo2ant of ' Plestic Filter Mechanical Impurities With a P orous Flu=ina ted (L. A. Dide, 9. 1. Atr.ahvnk.) .............................. 174 experience in the Opitation of Fittings Wor'king In 4 Loop With Pivaorlating "204 Coolant in a tas-Liquid C~cle D. Dubrovskly. E. 1. Atroshenkc) ........................ lei Esperija4atal Study of Soma Technological -Qi=stio= in the Application of H?04 Coolant iu a Nuclear Reattar CV. A. Sokol chik. at al.) .................................. 189 tonal ProUltug of Energy Release in a Nuclear Reactor ...... (A. 1. Kukhayev. P. P. Silko) ...................... 196 Soot# Dlxtlnctlv4 T"tures -In Planning Protection Against the Radiation of Gas-Cooled (N 0 ) test leactors (Yu. X. shthekin, at &M ................................... 208 Development of EaparlsentL1 Studies in Fast Reactor Phralts Instituto of 9=1"r Power of the Belorussian Academy at tt;P of Scl nces a (Y. JL Haumov. at al.) ...................................... 212 TabLe of Coutants ........... ................ I .......... 228 USSR UDC 577:576.851.48~-547.963.3 TROITSXTt, N. A., BATUPO. V. A., SILIKOVA-T-A., and RUDLOVICH, K. G. "Use of Fhosphorus32 in the Investigation of the Reasoris for the Increase in the Number of Recombinants Upon Irradiation of Escherichia colf 'With Neutronsil i Selektsii (Aspects of Genetics and Selection), Minsk, Voprosy GenetikL "Nauk-a i Tekhnika," Minsk, 1970, p 302 Abstract: Data concerning the utilization of the radioactive phosphorus iso- .tope for the investigation of the recombination process in rscherichia coli '.irradiated with interme.diate neutrons, and also data on the i.-olation of DNA from radioactive zygotes, are cited. The assumption is advanced that increase donor has no in the frequency of recombinants induced by irradiation.of thL connection with the increase in the number of formed merozygotes aad is -probably the result of intensification of the.integration process of the donor genotype in the receipient chromosome of Escherichia coli. INCILWED WIOR ACTIVITY AS A FAMIR IN SULNGTIM;--rr nn"Lih ---f ~~CMIIL CNILD)UN jArtiple by It.y., ~~Lla stiturr Of pp ILz,za Ittalth.,is zj,,jtY4t.! thrz~l;h nan~ izn~i And genetic and onviromantnj In nature. ore et t--st. t,---'-oraat -=~ e., strangthenjitZ It In belit.,vmd to be regulnr pliy-%IC~I tratr-!nt. the data of empIriclats, an well A of --jay ACIC...-Ific appear# vIrcually to ba 4 panacea, oloce tr Increascm tlt. taxe~rcti ~of the organism hnd effi-~ vnc,y, it Uiprovcjj vrltll~lnj, 1hm-enir- A"; deve lop tmo,ntAl.. processes. and dlminijqh~v Wthidity. yur*!~C-.=re. scientifIC roseaveh hus huwn that health detorlornt~o It thz-c i~ nt~t Or,--h ti Itj Is When motors c v J., diver6a Vothological zttkt.m 8"olap w1licil b.,ir the genera, name of 41mea"o, Wore. notar activity I, no canrlitial and vttal "cd of --in. wotor activity is not only one (q the. pon,:1bir ~.-tvn of -rhy;~xEs =~I traatmant of zany human diseases but is almo an ..W.ntal .1 Iazl~r as *I. of food for Vitai, etivity_ T. hyj,o~jivmt4 prarne In The rf i1- 112. of it is. First, AccordInK to the data or Ii.S. Vollku-, IMP. I.A. FTY~t6l*-- (191"Y, and oth,!rtt, hen Cbildrfl -t.Tt Schaal the]-! J* . -1t4:F o"VT31: .0tor nvrt~tty (t,y at lt,'.4t 50t). Se"milly, to ar during vu~.:r vm7,ntiona JOly r-itt,v activity of 7~-Ao children of middlu Lind higher a;r. gtwjp~ 1~ '.1-3 - it:- Oij: to tt..m school your. According to A.G. 5.khnre~ (1970). tn Xo,L!*~k -~vr -Vivity of school childton to awrkedly diminished during polar n!&hz. A cm7parlson of the health stacu4 of phyyllc~,llv ina-t!v,~ -h-d- Ten in ritntner hnd winter revenla AignUirattL ei-.fcrvtiecq. to ~--. c-Ita. there 16 a VIALLIY higher Incidence of roldt; dwr.,ng th,~ vinte.. th,!ir ct-441t.~:n- in& to cold dininishea, height nnd eiglit indic.a it... --- -vll ag 0~1,ta cf :trength of upIno, vital 3ung capacity. c)ji,pt c!mjmfi-rc~rr dirrxni5h-. rythrocyte and homoglobin drop. rusting arterlal pressart ri"s, ht~e t.-ne 103 - USSR UW, 538-212 KATSIM-SON, A. A.,,,-SILOII~V A. M., and SILONOV, V. M., ~bscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonasov "Effect of Short-RanGe Ordering on Electric Resistance and %hgnetoresistance of Ni-Al Alloy Containing 6.3 at.% AIV Sverdlovsk, Fizika Metallov i Yetalloveden"ye, V01 33, vro 6, Jun 72, pp 126(- 2270 Abstract: Am exuer-imental investi-ation ;,as made of the effect of atomic short-range orderin- on the electric resistance and r.-vagn-etoresistance of a n Ni-Al alloy containing 6-3 at.% Al. Die results are discussed bv reference to diagrams of tin2-dependent chanrles of ~~ in isotherrrAl annealin- 1;000C a U and in a t-ninsverse i-agnetic field (IN-16 kOe), A principall,,( difterent depeni- ence of ? and Z~Y, ~f=the resistance part dependent on the scattering of -og al p - -def -'n-ition electrons on magnetic hetei encities) on the isotherm, ost L I., annealing time was established. The character of ra,~ne tore s i stana e. in anneal- ing correlates with the change of most short-range neighboring, Ni-Ni pairs. This effect can be coupled botL with the change of the Curie point and the increase off' nagneetization. In the latter case, it cannot be explained by an h 41 increase in the nur-iber of' ncighborin.,, Ni-Ni atoms. T ree Iij;,,uress, 1'07ir bibliographic references. USSR ULC 933-212 KATSNEL'SON, A. A., SILONOVI, A. 14.1 and SILONOV V, M.., Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lononosov "Effect of Short-Range Ordering on Electric Resistance and Magnetoresistance of Ni-Al Alloy Containing 6-3 at-$ t-X' Sverdlovsk, Fizilka Metallov i 11etallovedeniye, Vol 33, bTo 6, Jun 72, pp 1267- 1270 Abstract: An exrerim-ental investie-ation was made of the effect of atomic short-range order_in.~ on the electric resistance and ragrietoresiztence of a"- Ni-Al alloy containin,, 6.*~ atA Ia. Me results are disvssed ty referezic~_ to diauarrz ol" tire-derendent chai,,Ges of in isothermal amicaliii,7 at 1POO01C and in a transverse ra-natic field (11=16 kOe).. A principally different dey;--~nd- ence of ~'andZA- he resistance part dep-erdent on t'he- scattering of electrons on ma.-netic heterogeneities) on the isothenTal tost-deforriation annealing time 6ras established. The character of mapgnetorenistaii~~e in annenl- ing correlates with the change of nost short-ra, rige Ni-Xi pairs, This effect can be cou-oled both with the change of the Curie point and the increase of ma-gnetization. In the latter case, it cannot be explained b.,,, an increase in the number of neighboring M-M atorms. Three figuxesl -Pour bibliographic references. 1/1 :-1/2 006 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--t6OCT70 '::TITLE--STUDIES OF RAbBIT MUSCLE PHOSPHORYLASE B ASSOCIATION BY KINETIC METHOD -U- -402)-SILONOVAP G.V., KURGANOVt B.I. AUTHOR ~'~~_,COONTRY OF INFO--USSR BIOLOGIYAt 19709 VOL 4, NR 31 PP 445-457 ~_,,!.DATE PUBL ISHED ------- 70 '--.--,SUBJECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--RABBITt PHOSPHORYLASE, ENZYME ACTIVITY C OUT ROL *4APKli*~~v---t4O-RESTRICTlDt4S DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED .-PROXY, REEL/FRAME--1998/0188 STEP NU--Uk/Oe,63/70/004i/003/0445/0457 ~,~CJR~C ACCESSION 140--AP0120866 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 006 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--163CT70 ~CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0120886 'A%- T QUANTITATIVE AiNALYSIS 4 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTR HERE C ;IED OUT OF PHOSPHORYLASE 8 SPECIFIC ACTIVITY OEPENOENCE. oN ENZYME, CONCENTRATION WHICH REFLECTS THE REVERSIBLE TRAN-SITI:Oiq OF DIMERIC FORM Of PHOSPHORYLASE B INTO TETIR4~MERIC FORM IN TNE PRESENCE OF AAP PLUS MG PRIME2 POSITIV-17 PLUS CYSTEINE. THE CONCLUSICN HAS 6EEN MADE THAT .:TIETRAIMERIC FORM IS IINACTIVE. ASSOCIATION'CONSTANS FIR EQUILIBRIUM BETWEEN PHOSPHORYLASE 8 OLIG30MERIC FORMS SATURATED BY AMP VARIED MARKEDLY FROM ONE ENZYME PREPARATION TO THE OTHER AND WERE EwUAL TO 10 PRIME5 MINUS 10 PRIME6 M NEGATIVE PRIME1 1110-25DEGREESt PH 6,81. ENTHALPY OF: ASSOCIATION 'AAS ESTI!iATEO AS MINUS 26 KCAL-MiOLE. DEPENOENCE OF -PHOSPHORYLASE B ACTIVITY OF AMP CONCENTRATION IN PREUNICUBATION MIXTURE IS SIGM01DAL DUE TO COOPERATIVE 114TERACTIONS OF AMP BINDING SITES. ALLOSTERIC INTERACTIONS ARE ANALYZED FOR A -MODEL SYSTEM ACTIVE DIMER IN EQUILIBRIUI-l INACTIVE TETRAMERMIMEDIATED BY THE- 015?LACEMENT OF -EQUILIBRIUM BETWEEN OLIGOMERIC ENLYME FORMS UNDER THE-INFLUENCE OF SUBSTRATE. DIFFERENT TYPES OF ALLOSTERIC INTERACTIONS OF A14P BINDING SITES IN PHOSPHOkYLASE 13 ARE DISCUSSED. FACILITY: INSTITUTE OF BIOCHEMISTRY, ACADEMY OF SCIENCES.. FACILITY: INSTITUTE FOR VITAMINS RESEARCH, USSRt MOSCOW, --UfJ(-LASSlF-IED---- COLZE, 01 OCTI, UDC 725.51-0551616-12-089 EXPMMMNTA1, SURGICAL PRESSURE -CHAMIER OF TIJE INSTITUTE, OF CARDIOVASCULAR SURGERY - IMBRI A. N. BArMnxV OF TITS ACAnExy OF MEDICAL SCIENCES OF THE USS I ('10-7s15,9 j/1 Jq #tr;a A-S- [Article by A, 11. N. Dnr,~V~cm /,!;,D.. of tho lite'.01, ard i ov;.s c 1114-r mery 1wer-M 11;4,ulev of the USSR Ac&%drmy of Hadical Scien-=es, 'Me "isine!Jcn,,~ Tehhnikt., Russian, ";a 3, 19;1". pp 52-551 The article describes tAie experimental suvrical pres- suro chamber or the Tn!stitur~ of' ril aAcwAlaz,.Si4rzpr Eayj_py. 1. intuni A. M. of Medict,l Sc`~ chamber is located in a ono-story buildlna of the expcrimental branch of 1ho institute. Be- sIdos the surcical pres,3urv chamber, which occupios 4S zqLnre zetora of floor spacv, the buildirij; also has promises for mdicitl porsonnel and a postopcrative recovery ward. Can- prucood air for (tie suraical prest:ure chtmnber is mupplivd from a comprorsed air plant locitted In an tidjacent. buildinr :10 motors from the pressure chamber. The compre.%nod air pl,nt is,built in accordance with "Rules and Rcr,%ilations for Safo Oporntion nrid Installation of Air Compressors and Air Pipes" and "Safety Rules and Re",lations for VorhinC In cavi- Prue-cod air." For the sure and reliel3lo operation of the pressure chamber# two Independent; systems of compressed air are provided. The cubic content of the oxperJoiantal surgical Pros- ure chamber is 19.5 cubic motors. It has two compartmantat an workinr compartment (14.5 cubi~a maters) and an air look (5 oubic siaters).. vi6 Pressure chumber In dosicned, far a pressure, of 3. atmos~phorea;. Compressed air is supplied to ~hambor (Figure I). by XSE-5JI air comprosaors delirerlnC t"a C 5~cubjo at.r. r'.Jr par m1nuto at a proustire or B "Mon- phorti";, th att, Dlecm. 4, air..Coinprvsaors, nre'arivon:by 40, kilow t 'Th ar i o Ito ors*,. a comprossax a a s.L~c clad.- Via' ixiltak4,.; 2 UDC 669.1%.-621-740 1111V, A. A., KRYLOV, 1. A.,and SHARANOV, M. A., ~Vl' VESEWVSKIY, A. Ya. Scientific Research Institute of Ifeat Al Engineering in Metallurgy LVNIIIIT/; Serov Plant of Ferroalloys) IlStudy of the Granulation Process of Silicochrome" scow, Stal', No 4, Apr 72, pp 321-323 MO Abstract: Described is a joint study by the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Heat Engineering in Metallurgy,and the Serov Plant of Ferro- on silicochrome ~,ranulaLion. alloys involving plant-scale e. -termine the causes of L): plosfons The objective of the study was to dc K (during the process) and to dvvelop prev.-:ntive tiafety m(,asure:v. Tho potential causen ed to fnclude the clogging of nozzli!s and ('[)~qtructing of explosions ure Lheori/ the metal stream, disintegration of the relfra'etion control mash constraining the feed of the liquid alloy to the granulation tank, fracture of the lining of the overflow trough snout, excessive distance between the trou(vy,h snout and the nozzles, etc. The relationship between the grwnulometric~ compo- sition of the granulated material and the water supply parameters has,been established. Recommendations are made to exclude the limitation on water temperature in the granulation tank to 40% from the standard technical 74 till?, I ~ ~U p USSR DC U 528-711-11.o,69.6 7,114AN,, YA. L., KRASIKOV, V. A., DM' YEV, B. S., and SILIVA.-EEGGA, A. A. "Photogrammetric Calibration of Photographic Systems by Means of a Progressively Movable Theodolite" Moscow, Geodeziya i Kartografiya., DTO 5, V-aY 1973, PP 54-6o Abstract: A procedure is described, by means of which compansation. is provided for distortion introduced into the photographic image by the passp,--,-e Of rays throuj7i the porthole in the sealed, bwys of camera carriers conducting,,-, aerial and space photography. In this procedure, conducted -when tho camex-as are being mounted in the carriers, the photographic system is calibrated with respect to the corresponding porthole by measuring, with a progressivel..,r movable, theodo- lite, the directions to the points of a standardized grid situalted in the focal plane of the calibrated camera. Measurements are conduct-ad throu;6h the port- hole of the carrier and the camera lens. 92he theodolite is -ilaced. in front of the lens of the calibrated camera, and by means of a speciU, support is nloved progressively from station to station, in parallel to the focal plane of the camera. A geometric diagram of the solution of the problent is pz~-serited, as C, well as practical data of calibration of the stellar cx%era of th orbital station. 2 tables. 4 figures- 5 references. 1/1 Miscellaneous: USSR UDC 523.51 VINOGRADOV, A. P., LAVRUKHINA, A. K., GANIYEV, A. G-,.S.TL,",VA-VOVICH, Yu. A., and RAKHIMOV, Kh. R., Institute of Geochemistry imeni V. 1. Vernadski-Y-1, Academy of Sciences USSR, Moscow, and Institute of Nuclear Physics, Academy of Sciences Uzbek SSR, Tashkent "Distribution of Platinoids and Gold Between Various Phaseu of Meteorite Matter. I." Moscow, Geokhimiya, No 12, Dec 72, pp 1461-1469 Abstract: The regularities of the distribution of platinaids and Au between the phases of Fe-poor chondrites of the L-group of various petrological types were studied. In the analysis of samples, neutron activation followed by the radiochemical separation of the platinoids and Au, which were identified from the ga=a-emission of the ridioisotopes, was applied. There was a radual increase in the content of platinoids and Au in thc Fe-111 phase in the sequence L3