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USSX TAB -V Physico ch em 5 1 r "Adsorp 0 ' Cc r L I.-I - D No 7 Moscow , , s z r z 3 3, tile v ~a %I Cl ly a fi! , z a s n -w-- c I S W a S Q.z 1 : atcin i on t E~ ':,acc :m7 su a c a L; Ze L ~ - - Of -zha ce~ MEOW= -77 112: 017 Lj ~N c L A' t OROCESSING 0ATP--0?CCT70_ DETECTOR FOR ATOmIt, ~NJTRG;jEN 4ND ITS USF LN STUITES OF SOME PHYStCOCHE4tCAL PkOCESSES -U-!-. A TH3R U -((32)-TSIVENKUt V.I.i, MYASNIKOV9~ [.A. .-.....'.'COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOUr",fv'E--KINET. KATAL. 1970, 11(l)v 25 T~:9 DAT EPUBLTSHE0------T0 -SUBJECT ARI:AS--CHEMISTRY, METHODS AND :EQUIPMENT ~.:TUPICTAGS-NITROGEN, SEMICONDUCTOR MATERIAL, SORPTION, ZINC OXIDE, ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITYt CHEMICAiL DECOMPOSITION* CONTRCL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS .-.:,:oucUmFiNT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1989/0760 STEP NG--UP./0195170/DLI/0)1/0267/0269 CIRC ACCESSION NO--APOICT302 UNCLASS IF IED UNCLASSIFIEP Aize". Nr: Abstracting Ser~i#e: Ref. Code: 0048,115 CHEMICAL ABST. ff,j r 93720i blechanisria of the heterogeneous ion of Fiz- hydrogen atoms.. &92elava AN Khim. Inst, im. lZarnnva. Mnseb*. flu SSSR 1970, 190(2). 390-3 jphys clieull U.-S omlbina- tion coeffs. wem exptl. evaluatid. of, at 5 ori Klass, q .Itz and ZnO at concris. 109~103 H4torns/cm3 fr ra -t- 1-013 to 3 It was concluded ihat'tfie heterogeneous ornbination of H atoms was the result of the priniary interaction of free H atows with chemisorbed H, atorns both of the uncharg-ed and' of the charged type. 'N atoms phys.. a&6rbed. or: in:,~ an unknown, weakly chemisarW - forin, play the. main * part in. the l6rocess, while strong cheinisorbed atoms play a minor role, The vetocity of the beterogenedus recombination of If atoins on ZjiO sv:as inde- pendent of its clectrocond. and, as a consequence, of its charge. S. Santoli J REEL/FRAME 19800017 T M USSR UDC: -534.322-3+534-83 YEFDX)V, Yu. S., MAKAROV, L. T., MYASNIKOV, L. L., FINAGIIN- B. A. "A Ma-skless.Fiber-Optics Acoustic Analyzer" Tr. Leningr. korablestroit. in-ta (Works of Leningrad Shipbuilding Insti- 1, 1972. vyp- 77, pp 45-48 (from RZh-Pizika, No.,5, MaY 73, abstract tutO No 5Zh591 by R. I. G.) Translation: A device is described which is designed for analyzing complex acoustic and electric signals by using a multichannel filter made of fiber light guides. Oscillations are optically fixed by passing light through resonating fibers. The maskless analyzer developed by the authors uZes the effect of intensity modulation of light as it passes through vibrating fiber-optics light guides. It is experimentally shor,,n that the maskless analyzer accomplishes linear conversion of a signal,:over a fairly wide ranSe of dynamic variation. i;~I USSR UDO 621.314.58 "Harmonic Composition Of Output Voltage Of Frequency Converter With Direct 'Joupling Tr. Ts-1111I mor. flota (Works Cf The Central Scientifi~;-.Reseurch Institute QIL -The vlaritime Fleet), 1970, Issue 132, pp 90-103 (froz RZh--Elektronika i yeye M nrimaneniyo, No 3, 'arch 1971, Abstract Ito ~B568) TronBialior: By w-cana of i3n analytical Fourier oxponsion, Porxxulae are obtain- ad for determining the freq-,;ency composition of the Yoltago c-arve Lit the output of a frequency converter with direct coupling. A computation #!Eif3 made on a dig- ital convertor of the composition of the voltage curve for varioue multiplici- ties K of t'-,a in7ut and olit~put frequency, the magniWdo of Lha triggering angle of rectifteru Lvent-W! and the inductances of the load. Tlabl,t!a are presented oP the values of the amplitude and phase shift of the hurmonics for different r;tios of the valuen of'the input and output voltagon end the.comparative dur- ationa of t"he inverter regi=. It ia reoo=ended that the Tolt*g* curve be ahaped according to the arcs-Inusoidal law. ill. rer, A.S. 'USSR UDC 532-573 JOYM=PRVAJ~~_._~K., KnOV, N. N., MALYUSOV, V. A., and MWORON-KOV, 11. 141., Institute of General and Inorganic Cherdst* Imeni 11. S. Kurna-kov, Acad. Sc. USSR "Effective Velocity of the Free Surface of a Flowing Liquid Film" Moscow, Teoreticheskiye 0snovy nimicheskoy Teklmologii, Vol 6, No 6, Nov-Dee 72, PP 893-899 Abstract: A method was developed for the determnation of the effective rate of movement of a free surface of a flowing liquid film VL. On the basis of the axperlmental data ottained, equiTtions have been derive,(i for the ctilcu,.ation 01 yL for four conaltionts of Ylowing: tremaitiorial flolr (35 80, firit wave laminar flow (80 -, 16ooll. It has been shown that the ratio of ~-"`L to the average liquid velocity V.L in the range of lardnar flair conditions is less than 3/2- 'The velocity on the liquid film surface has also been determined in pres- ence of surTace active raterials and di,lute aqueous solutions of polymers. 'F: I : I i id :7L 1i I i I1r; J, 111 11 11 1, IN Rra i, ~ 111 '111f] 11 1.111FA I I I I [I I i: --fil 1: ,. ..... ... 039 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING OATE--LISEP70 -TITLE--SPACE PSYCHOPHYSTOLOGY -U- AUTHOR--KOSM9LINSKlYt Fog MYASNIKOVI V-0, 0UNTRY OF INFO--USSR ~SO-URCE--MEDITSINSKAYA GAZETA# JUNE 59 1970vP 3t COLS 1-2 .DATE PUBLISHED--05JUN70 -SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS-METABOLISM, SLEEPO COSMONAUT TRAINING, OIETr DRUrq P44N MAC-41NE j, - -c.-ONTROL MA.RKING--NO RESTRICTIONS -C3CUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/PRAMF--199611559 STEP NO--UR/9034/*TO/OOC-/010/001)31,3.103 _CIRC ACCESSTnN NO--A',.'0I03348 K 2/2 039 UNCL ASS I FIED, PPIDCESSIAJG 04TE-11SEP70 ~~'_CIRC ACCESSION NO-AN0103348 ,ABS.TRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE ARTICLE IS A BRIEF DISCUSSION OF THE "MAN FLYIN~ VEHICLE- THEME IN THE MEDICAL BIOLOGICAL F:~AMEWURK. 14 CONCLUDI`NG, THE AUT14ORS SAY THAT THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE METHODS OF GENERAL AND SPECIAL PHYSICAL TRAINING, AND ME CONTROL OF THE METABCLISM --WITH THE ATD,0F PROPER DIETING AND CERTAIN DRUGS MERIT SPECIAL THEY ALSO STRESS.THE IMPORTANCE OF SELF'REGULATEO SLEEP. O'k - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I I -IN KR.~-Ls 1z _:I~ALM~RGY AUTWtATM) PROCESSES hT FLAROUS MTALLURCY EN'ViRVAI.SES Z7A,tL,lo b, V. of tha-!~~~L~vn for Ca-p-,tct: xqutp~nqnL iiFU-un-t.-uL :system4 of the Sta,~e C*cnItL-- lot StL.nce A.2- 6" -H~ zr-~-.zt ~,.Ztcr-- ~Crt 1~ rein uruie" ; Moscow, 1--yeattva, Russian, 11 Septerber 1973, 1, Tit--LAILAM --f-Zr=d ~~ -f- tli-n br--ZiL t~ Ntik.,,r3lty. all of the .4ti.n.;l economy are.tbu.,dapandoi:&t uj~(-jt the 3ritur af arrAirz in the motallurgalcal in.4-try, the degrce, to vhtch it is equEpped and AlIzo Up.,, its labor prttdutti~ity. The Dixectivvs of the 24th CVSV Cc-&~Vss fill the flve-y~aT Plan for developing the national economy, of the USSM duritir. the 1971-1975 period' assigned grent taA* to ferrous metallurgy with regard to incteasing its Output -od A'apeovLa.9 #i ijualLty :a( itm ;rroduct&'~ raising lablol:7 praductlvity and Introducing proZT,"stve production methods, Mans call for the placirtZ in operation of a number o~, 9everjul bIA&t furn&-.-et, tlectro-stanV saielttnj~ 6rnsces. oxygmtonverters and tolling and tube rolling mills. Optimum control over modern rnct*lluzr.LcmI assemblies, such on A blest furnace capable of producinj; tip to Ecu~ nWAan tons at C09L Iron annually and LhLn Miket raLlInS mills capable, of turning out --& pilLion tons ~r rotted metal sontimIlT. cannot bo aichleved. If usa in OOL cut6a of wdcrn outwattic and tomputor equipment. Unfortunately the Irt -at of outatution of tethnolorical pvcerz;~es 1.1 ferrous matallurry is a"Ll inadcquate and does not zOways conform utta, t- modarn Lsch.i~al is..el. Tho first scage of automation Is mcchsatzation. fia~cvvr the level aj hnnizatian in the cc - . Of :11,0f the optwattons lb*L~E' -Ca C" r LL l1bZrAg~Lcalt'teryprl s &- Ve Ate 50 percent. cave -d cut a, ata Ise . - of only bean mechanized. Noreover. in such proc"ses as the extraction of are and raw tuat,orl.als and in a number of operations concerned will% the production of Ago- 1% hr%s S rNCREASED hVrOMhTED CWTWL CAUSES MYVICULTIES in Administration of C-ut- Tadi. me, W~ hmW or the Ma Otogy the Z%~t~ co-11 tten rat Science and Tac=16gy of tho USSR Covocil of Ministers, doctor of technical amtences, profassora Kascowo Tzuil, Russian, 37 Hoverber 1913. p 21 clactrz-AL-a- c=~;xtir technology is firely antrtmchcut 1W ow liw,%~ jrd=trj.L& already producing the third generation at electronic cmVuts" and sciantists ave working on creating machines of Pubse-quent. gave rations. Progress takes place extremely rapidly in this area. Quite recently, little more then 9. Fears Ago, the first automatic wcontrollers" appmered In the plants and factories. At first they only Looked efterIndividu3l. cpara- tionff of, t6vtKola-vical proco"T'r. -Than they bagan to assist LA ~the central or vzoductton *2 entire -enterprises. , Or. the agenda now is the question of extensively introducing bzs"h.&Utc=at44 Axmtz~l w"tems - OhSU. The patience of the Building,-Mane of AubasixCion and I Syj tive- -s&;vs how effective this .7xtam 1.4. The first saction' f Cuotra 0 ASU-pribar has already been An industrial operation for sevexal years. The O-vall economic effect from Introducing it in 1971 was more than 12 million rWIss and last year it was 13.5 million rubles. met, &b vith Anythini) 111wo when creating aut4omated control my* tv= thore arose many coMlicatod problem -high required ivow-diatz solution, Today. for a-, Is. iftony industries and branchem, are rat prepared to Lett*- duca ASU. Serious disproportions arise between the *xivtLnq lowt of *rga- nixatian of production and control on the am hand and new technical OquAyment on tho other. After all. the Use Of ASU PresUMOves a RUalltJkt&Vely different approach to these problems. beginnin7 with now criteria, It is necessary to improve the management staff itself and clearly dateriaine the functions of each worker in this system. his rights and rempons!bIl1ties. Xn Particular, it Le necessary to considerably simplify or even replace "vvrsl fares of documents. Say that when LatroducAng ABU-pribor Lt turns 20 - V to nOW #COnvMld accountability has not been I -r duCed at the '"tlens a So brlgrad.o Of basic and AUX IIlary prod..Ilon. A ~co-"Jn* f the Orfilditur or""Xtsi Id Moh:t ry resources his DW, poorly arg&Mlt,d. and IngtSM0 to, r ;' 1 9 0 4dInS are still U r 4. T %I V:I,Ordgo Ittl4al. indoctrinat Lon has boon lov. And this has been r4floCt4d Sh elf otath fol b r locirl In The collective of the Nfingyah2ohneftt A0000litlez h" major pretlems to vivo -n strrasing the output of oil and Sao. For this It Is OtOTntlia t&-"k* ~wvres to tctelerate the ra I or rTt- is- On the lWo of ImproVIng the txploltatlon #r t-1tw deposit., irvMvIng the tthod :0 Org"llation at production# end utilizing all "$#"*a. ~h* took for the a orktra Is to unconditionally fulfill tbe plan for the tnira. decisive year of t" vs!lvw y OrPJan. 10 [Email D. Programming and The!olrylof Mptlipth'iticail. chines USSR MYASNIKOV. V. A. "Improvement of Control and Automated Systems" Upravlya.yushchiye Si5temy i Mashiny [Control Systems and Machines), 1972, No 1, pp 3-8 (Translated from Referativnyy,Zhurnal Kibernotika, No 6, 1973, Abstract No 6V592, by the author). Translation: The basic scientific and technical problems arising in connec- tion with fulfillment of the directives of the resolutions of the 24th CPSU Congress in the area of automation of control of thv national economy are presented. t1K 4u4b9 INCREASE IN RESOLUTION POWER OF CAMERA TUBES dowliff. -~ TV lwii~cez Ya.A., Ryftin and V.H. VTasnikov Tekh. Kino and Teley. 8 (Avg. 1912) 37-42 (frm DRIC Trans). No. 3025 Ianu4ry 1973 Translated by F.C. Allen USSR UI)C 621~372:S:621-385.63 IWASNIKOW, V. Ye. V "Isofrequencies of a Multistage Type Delay System" 'auchno-telthn. sb. Zlektron. -SVGh (Electronic En. ine ring. Elektron. tekhnika. IN ?e Scientific and Technical Collection. Superhigh-Frequeacy Electronics), 1970, vyp..5, pp. 140-142 (from RZh-Radiotekhni!~a, 'No 8, Aug 70, Abstract No 8BI-31) Translation: This article contains a study of a two-dimensional periodic multi- stage delay system of the multiconductor line type roll("I into a cylinder and loaded periodically along the axis with reactive elemeaLs. `,Hien constr-.jcting the isofrequencies the given system is represented in tj%41 form of a planar two-dimensional periodic orthogonal array. Analysis of.che picture of the isofrequencies permics us to draw some concluo ions. with *1 respecr~ to the garome try of ~the oystem, and the direction of propaption of normal vaverv. There are two illustrations and a two-entry biblio$raphy. N.-demi USSR L6j DOBRUKHOTOV, B. P., YESHGMRYAK0VA, I. S., DOLOTOVA, L. A. POMP-NSKAM L. A. KA-L ARSENIYEV, V. P., 1EIMHEVA, Z. A., PAMA, T. V.., LE 11M, , F. anl mmmov 2-.Xu-. -A-, Institute of E~pidemiolo,-,j, anI Mic:r,61)iology ir-eni Ga-maleya, -AuacTe-myof medical Sciences, and Tul'skaya Oblast Sanitary-Epide-zLiological Station "Application of a New Method of-Detectipg Tularemia Ep~tootics Under Practical Conditions" Moscow,, Thurnal Makrobiologii, Epider-dologii, i Immunoblologli, PTO 7, 1973, lo5-108 The timely detection, study, and pro6mosticxtion of tularemia epizootics occupy an important place in the work. of di-visions of especially dangerous infections of sanitary-epidemiological stations inasmuch as tKis makes it. pos- oible to plan and carry out prophylactic measures avairist this infection properly. Hmnever, methods enpioyed at the prcsent~~tir'iie for: detectinr-. eDizoo- tics in nature are extremely labor-consuming and requizN! a Great deal of time both for ti_-.,e collection of field =-terxal and for its.2aboratory examination. It is practically i;--mossible to survey each year the entire territory zerficed by the station; therefore it is expedient to conduct a detaniled study of cir- C=Btances In localities only after an approximate detatmdnation of the rd USSR BOBROKHOTOV,. B. P., et al.", ZhuramlIlikrobiologii, Epidemiologii i Zzhlnoblologii, No 7, 1971,-PP,105-108: probability of the presence of tularemia epizootics in any of their parts. For this prelimi=7 estimate it was suggested that pellets of birds of prey be examined for the nresence of the tularerda microbe antigen (1]. Results of the practical application of this method under the conditions of Tullslcaya Oblast are presented in this report.; On the given territory, located in the Central Rissian. hiGhlands, foci of tularemia of the r-r--adow-field type [2] are widely distributed, the principal carrier being the ordinary field mouse and the long-tima- preserver of the causative agent, the tick D. pictus. In spite or substantial chances 'trhich have taken place in the method of conducting agrtcuLtixre, these foci continue to exist; although as a result of the mass vaccinatioa a- tle population, instances of disease among the people are extremely rare During 1908 to 1971 regular orpanized zoologic-peqatsitolagical work ,ras carried out in the 9:31ast. A tot-al of 2:5.,832 traps were sell up in the fields by workers in the Division of Especially Dangerous inficti= during the "lime indicated; 1197 cubic meters of straw were diPplaced; 84 hectares of the control areas were dur.? up and as a result 2,199 or~.ary fielilmice were caugbt. In the autumn of 1968 a large nunfoer-of ordin-ax-j Tield mice were observed in the southern rayons of the Oblast: more than 500 net hectam; and in the 2/10 5 USSR DDBROKEOTOV, B. P.1 et al., 7-hurnal Mrobiologii, Epidemiologii i Tmmun iolog", No 7j, 1973, PP 105-108 north up to 1000-1500 in some places. This led to a concentration of srmall animals in the stacks (19 to 25,4u falling into the trans) and to the occurrence ng them of tularemia epizootics. In December af 1968 and in January 1969 15 strains of the causative agent-vere isolated in Ku-kinskiy and Shchekinr.'Kiy rayons of the Oblast: 5 from the carcasses of the field mice and 10 from the excrement. In the caarse of the entire,year 1969 the n=-be-. of field mice -.--s lov and the next increase was not registered until in the autumn of 1970: on isolated fields (clover) up to,2000, and in Shchekimkiy and Odoyevsldy rayono, UP to..5000 per hectare. in 1971 the number of ordina3tr field mice in the entire Oblast was extremely low. During these years negative reoults were obtained in bacteriological investigations of WnIl e-ninals; only one culture of the tularemia microbe w-as isolated in June 1970 from the tichs D. pic-tus co-,- lected from cows in Suvorovskiy Rayon. Thus from 1908 I-Io 1971 during an inten- sive ins-aection of the Oblast, the presence of tularemia wan established by a bacteriological method in only three raypns. Kitrleiiisldy, Shchqkinskiy.' ani Sworavskay. During 1969 to 1971, 1490 pellets of.birds of prey were collected ani examined in the Oblast. 17heir collection tool. place p,.,Imarily in the sprinj:7 3/10 j; USSR DOBROKHOTOV B. P., at al., Zhurmal Wkrobiologii, EpIdemiologil i Y I=mobiologii, No 7, 1973, im- 105-103 (April May) at the time of three-to-four-diky field trips by automob-Dei e. certain number was collected incidentally while other zoolq;ical work iiras being carried out. The pellets were most f requeritly found' poles of electro- tiunsioission and co=unications lines, on stacks, an&.6ear other struttures or- the landscape. During the entire tire in the collection of -pellets approximately 30 man-days were used which comppised an eAcremely inaignificant part of the tin-a expended by the division for inspocting the Oblast. Uj!J'OrtUnILtCly in E;Or,-.,e Of the-AB rayons covered by the collaction,~ an insufficient ntu.*bi1r of pellets were found .1 which did not- periiit the rasitive detenrdnation,of an epizootic concll- tion of the rodent populasticia in t eir territony (See Drai-ring). ,me number of th velle-ts collected at any point, was directly dependent :on the number of ordinary held nice in a given locality: under an, increased con~en~m'tion of these rodents more birds of prey were observed, and it -waas porsible to f J.n-: nore rellets. In the spring collections pellets (14iieb had. been.'p-esea-i-ed since o:ut-arn) of ordin--y and roug-h-legged buzzards -that.winter in t1te terTitory predond-nated (more than 90tt). A large portion of the:pel-lets of th~ lescer falcons I:zndl dis- integrated by this tima. In 88 to 96% of the pellets UP- reirains of orfidnary USSR oDOBROKHOTGV, B. P., et al., Zhurnal Ylikrobiologii, Epiclemiologii i Imin iologii, No 7, 1973, PP 105-108 field mice-were encountered; those of other kinds of MMrals (mice of plowed land, field mice, grey hamsters, gophers, weasels, shreus) and birds were rarely encountered. During a selective 1969, the revains of 128 srall animals were detected in 85 pellets; in 1970i in 232 pellets, the reri-ains of -all. an:L-als in 140 pellets, .356 small anivals; and in 1971, the rerzin3 of 200 sr, giving an avemcye of 1-5 small animal per -pellet. ls th n In this manner the 1490 pellets collected contained mor sr:aIl ani=_ a those obtained in the fields during these years for investigation by all other methods. One should also keep in view that-by consuminG in nature primarily the weakened animals or their careasses,birda of prey,bnsure the selection out of the animal population of precisely.those individuals -,fnich are desirable for bacteriological investigation. ~"The presence of an antigen in the pellets positively confirmed the fact of an epizootic condition while throujh an ana],ysis of the bone rerlaains it -~.-_s pos- sible to deternine the kinds of miurals involved in the er)izootic -rocess. -For the purpose of detecting the-antigen the antibony neutralization reac- tion was employed. The material was prepared and the rnhaction carried out by the method described earlier L11. F 7- - [mill ONO= ~WWM DOEMMOTOV, B. P., et al., Zhurnal fdkrobiologii, EpIdemiologii i idlogii, 1107, 1973, PP 1*108 The antigen of the tularemia microbe~was detecte4 in 173 Pellets col- lected In +he terr1to=-y of 11 rayons of the Oblast. Or-ly those results were considered positive in which t1here was delay in:hevigglutination wbich was observed in titrations (from the.initial dr7 weight of the pellet); 1-10 1:20 in 73 cases; 1:40 - 1:80 in 67;,1:160 - 1:3~0 in'23 cases, 1:640 1:1280 In 12 cases (see Table). The number of sites where pellets were found contminin~; an antigen was significantly greater than the rr=.ber of sites where cultures were formad -- 21 against 4. This made it possible to establish with!far greater precision the Ned to the fact -boundaries of epizootics that had,transpired, and ittostiI_ that an epizcotic situation with respect, to tu.1aremia still -exists in a si,;aif - icant part of the territory of Tul'skaya Oblast. Moreover, the presence of epizootics was successfully established for,the years 1%aving, a smaller in,-r-ber of ordinary field mice where.1t is impoGhible to detect the -causative agent of tularemia by -thie usually applied methods* In such torpid epizootics the,tularemia.micro'be antigen is detected only Cultures of them tularemia microbe from rodents in I to 1.5% of the pellets. -n be isolb-ted only at the time of sufficiently intensive epizootics, ani in 6110 . . ................ USSR DOBROK110TOV., B. P. et al.,.Zhurnal Mikrobiologii, Epidemiologii i Irmwobio- logii.1 'No 7, 1973, pp 105-108 such places more than 20% of the collected pellets contained the tularenda. microbe antigen. In this way, results of an examination of 'pellets (by the antibody neutralization reaction) collected in early spring in meadLyr-field foci of -tularerda can serve as a nrecise indication of the existenme durinz the.past winter of epizootic tularemia in the territorl being clun-,eyect and its irz6nitude- The revelation of this fact is extrerely inportant in deteri7iining the en--octic- Ity of the territory for the purpooe of conducting prophylactic naasur-,'S, 'L*.he first and foremost, being wIcteinatic vacc-Inations. Neepessarily in a stispect territory a more thorough collection of Irraterial mist, be acLieved for the pur- pose of isolating the causative agent of tularemla by ordintry bacteriolo,--ical methods. Conclusions 1. Examin:--tion of pellets of birds of prey coLlected in sprin-t in meadcrr-field f"ce-I of tularemia for the presence of the.tula~-emia microbe antigen rokes it possible quick-ly and with a rinall expenditure of work to establish the past vinterla epizootics this infection and their intensity over extensive areas. 7/10 USSR WBROKE[OTOV, B. P., et al., Zhurnal Mlik=biologii~ Ep:Ulemiologii i Immumobio- 105-108 Ugii, No 7, 1973, PP was 2. In the course of the yeam 19692to 15r71,. tularemia er-zoOtic- establIshed by the. indicated methad in II rayons of Tul-I skaya Gblast; vhereas by the bacteriological method the causative agent T-ras: detected In anlY 3 rayons. 3- With a sufficient amount of research raterial,SIW to 200 pellets from each point) it will be possible to successfully detect each year even torpid tularemia epizaotics, given a. reduced number.. of ordinary field mice per focus 4., The suggestel method is conTlet~~ suitable~ fdr use' in work of divi- sions of especially dangerous infections of sanitary-epidemiological stations. BIBLIOMWHY" 1. Dobrokhotovl B. P., Mieshcherjakorva, I. S.,, Zh- MikaVbiol. [Journal of MicrogiologYl j 1969, NO -1-0, 1) 38, 2. It-asnikov, Yu. A., IlrirodnLrye Ochagi T~~yarermLi Sredmerursk~y ikh Epidemiologichesld~Te Osobennosti i Profilaktil;a L.Natural 5.11arenda lands '.Fneir Epide or Sites of Central Russian High #cal Features and J. Prophylactics], Mesis for Doctor of 1963 4. OlmOlyev, 11. G., Dobrokhotov, B. P. et al., Zh- Mrobiol., 1971, iTo6 117- 8/10 will MRII IMP 111111 0 --------------------- --------- ----- 1 ----------------- - - - - USSR - 7 m, DOWKEOTOV, B. P., et al., Zhur-ml Mrabiologii, Epidlemiologii i Im=obio- 169ii, No 7, 1973, PP 105-108 INM-MR OF PEUBTS BY YEAR 1969- 1970 1971 Total With Total With Total with RAYON Antiven Antigen Antieen Nurkins kiy 149 33 24 22 1 Yefremo7skiy 58 231 46-' i-Owenskiy 14; 40 1117 Teplo-Orarevskiy 27 241 Kimyevskiy -- 30 166 2 :Odoyevskiy 2 . 98 42 Dabenskiy ~185 55 Leninskiy 22 :168 5 Venevskiy 2 67 2 - -- Yasnogorskiy 23: 3 -- Zaokskiy 4 -- 46 2 Alekcsinskiy -- 12 36 Pmchi~c 8 50 Total 2 .32 Ick 9110- DOBRMOTOVP B. P.J et al., Zhuxmal YAkroblologii, zpidemiqlogii i Im =.ob 0- logii, No 7j, 1973, PP 105-108 E=4nTATIOIT. OFF PELIZIrS OF B=5 OF VFZY FOR TULAMEKTA MICRO=- AIUMEN CO-IMIT IN4 DEADOW- FIM FCCI OF TUL SKAYA OIMWT 14 Sites of Formation of -CtLItures'of . Tulareirda Micrabo From the Sma.1ler Mar=als, From Their Excrement said Ixodic Ticks 2. Collection Point of Pellel M in,1969 3- Collection Point of Pellets in 1970 4. Collection Point ~ of Pellets in 1971 i Grosshatched symbols are points where the titlaremia microbe antigen was -found in pellets; dotted points at which more than 5pellets collected. v"e Key: l. Yhinogorsk 7. Kireyevsk 2. Venev 8. Odoyevi .3- Tula 9, Teploye Dana' 10.: Kurkino Suvorov 32. Yef remov 6. Bhchekino 10/10 W- USSR UDC 620.191.28 ZAMLkROV, Dul. V. , _jqA;~~IaXQ UL-YANIN, YE. A., VASIL'YEV, P. YE., , _V 4_XL and USTIMNIKO, 11. YU., Central Scientific Rewaxch Institute of Ferrous kletallur&y imei-d I. P. Bardin "Investigation of High-Strength Steels and Alloys for Work. in Hwaid Hydrogen Sulfide" Ploscoup Zuhchita Metallov, Vol 9, No I# Jan-Feb 73, iv 61-63 Abstracti The tendency to feAluxo wider the action a Yyclrocen _,umae was investigated on 4OKh and 650 utructural steels. 4W.'~ azy-1 lChl6l'ilti. Yt- less steel subjected to martensitic tnansfornationo ;,,aid lied KW4401,U)TYu (EP543) austenitic steel. Cylindrical spt,,cimons of 4OKh a~nd 4Xh13 steels and EP-543 alloy were over a period of one mr4th. The test results revealed that 40n and Wa13 steels in,the haidened state (RC _> 30) are highly inclined to cracking in the prwencem of huald hydrc%~7ell sulfidet iihoreas the EP-543 alloy is stable. Laboratory tests under qimilLcr conditiow: revealed a high stability of au-stenitic dispersion-haixdensed E1437B alloy on a hickel base, One figure, tuelve biblibgraphic refeit-inces, UM UDC: 621-386.12:548-73-08 KUZNETSOV., F. I.,, SUIMOVA, Z. F.., and UYASNIKOV, YU. G. ItThe Mars-2 X-ray Unit" V ab. Apoaratura i metody rentpenovsk. anaUza (Equipment and Methods of X- ray Anaiysis - collection of works),' Vyp.11, Lenlrgrad, "hashinostroyen-iye", 1972) pp 39-43 (frcm RM-32X'etroloZ~ya i lzmeritelt.naya Tekhnika, No 5., 1973, Abstract No 5.j2.892) Translation., The authors present a description of the Mars-2 berich type Y_- ray un-t-6 with an x-ray radiation generator of 0.1 Inv outpmt in the form of the BWI-7 sealed off p sharp-focus tube. 'rhe x-ray unit ensures the supply of unifomly controllable voltage to the tiabe within the 0 to 50 kv lir;Aits- The anode current is regulated by the supply of diroct current with a 0-125V shift to the f orcing electrode of the ~ tubea The utcstidard deviation f rom the given voltage value and the anode current for 12 hours of continuous operation does not exceed 2 percent. An example is given of using the unit in the realization of the high-resolution topographic Lang inethod, Original article: three illustra4- ons and two bibliographic entries. Resume. Ui HOUR we 613.6t612-766.1-08 VOL-XMNA, T. P., ICAQANt B. I., and MYAS Svexdlovzk Scientific Research Institute of labor Hygiene,-ana Vacupatfigotil Diseases" "Physiological Evaluation of the Difficulty of Work" Moscow# Gigiyean i Sanitariya, No 41 tg7l# pp JOO-102 Abstracti Various physiological indexes ulse rate, muscula-r strength, Lp coordination of movement, reactions to sound and 111ght., attention, and so forth) were investigated as a means of grading the difficulty of the jobs of several categories of worker3 - lathe operator# nachinist, milling niachine operator, ongineer/programmer - in a pilot machine plant. Pilot plants are chaxacterized by the lack of strict control of the indUStrial proceasen, wAiqueness of the productat creative nature of the workers' particiTationt arid so forth. Judging narily by the pulse ratoo the lathe operator's jobJs moderately difficult 90 to 99 beats per minute) while the jcbs of the nachinist, milling mchine operator, and engineer/programmer are light (less than 90 pulse beats per minute). But with regard to nervous strain antl Tatigue, all. four Categori'as of workers are essentially a like$ i.e., the work of a lathe operator, machinist, and mi'lling machine operator in a p1lot'plant is essentially a variety of mental work. 1A f"MM .......... -... Wid! 19gy USSR UDC 576-851-45-017-3:576-8-073-4 URALEVA, V. S., FETSAYLOVA, 0. P., MYASIUKOVA G. S. DASHn-VICH, L. V., and AZAMMV, A. N... Rostov-na-Donu Sci-entific esearch Anti-Dla-Fgue Institute and Poltavskaya, Yaroslavskaya, and Orlavskaya Oblast Sanitary Epiderfiio'o-ical Stations "Results Obtained by Means of Fluorescent Antibodies Daring Investigation of -Natural Foci of Tularemia" Moscov, Laboratornoye Delo, No 1, 1973, PP 57-58 Abstract: Spleen, blood, lymph node, liver, and smear prints of 13 infected laboratory race were treated with luminescent tularemia scrun. A large number of brightly luminescent microbes were found in the t**.y7iples of teven animals. Bacteriological investigations yielded tulfLreriia pathogen froM all 13 animals. Luminescent bodies resemblingtularemia rnicrobeG were also observed -ectL -o:v PiCIMS ti&S. Howr--v(:-r, no in two additional mice inL 3d vith Damacent tuln emia bacteria were isolateft from -these anitnals. It -Vnis established that wwar prints of internal organs remain'nuitable for fireatrnent with 1-andriatcent serum for up to 6 months if kept in a refrigerator and for up to 3 months if kept at room temperature. The method of contrasting s-pecific luminescence yields good results only if bovine albuirin tagged wit1i fluorothiocyanate is used. Albumin tagged with isothiocyanate is Eeffective. ........ . .. WiLIM MMIN fl~iffl im...19 M USSR UDC 577.858-:27-095-51-c95.14 SOKOLOV M. I. and YIMSNIKOVA, I. A., Institute of Virology imeni D. I. Ivanovskiy, Ac.adeqki 6f -14--dicar"Sciences USSR, Ibsco%r "Mutazenic Action of Ultraviolet Rays on Powl Plague Vir-us. Selection and Characterization of Some Properties of Plus and Minus UV-Pkitants" Moscow, 11oprosy Virusologii, No 4, Jul/Au8 72, PP 453-458 Abstract: The nature of UV mita-enesis was studied on tImz model of Lp, (large-plaque) fowl plaGue virras growing in chick embryo fibroblast culture. When subjected to 200 er5s/rin?, the rate of 3--=.itamt appear-ance in intra-. cellular reproducing colonies increased 10!-fold over -that of the wild viims. Such mutations were found to be, reversible after selreral passa~,,es . All S-- mutants displayed reduced reproductive activity at optil,-~.= (371C) anLI higher and lower temperatures (320, 40o). However, differeraces -in response to temperature, in erythrocyte aaglutinatin~; abillty, an(i reuponse to triprota- mine sulfate separated these nratants into 3 G.M"Ps: rizo-aP 1 -- lowest reproductive rates al'o- all teiz-.peratuiva, loss of a-bility to aiglutirvlte chick and rat ex-ythrocytes (m~ua nutants), response to triprot=qine sulfate; group 2 -- reproduce at 32 and 37DC but not at 400C, * added. tability to a6glutinate nouse ex-jthrocytes, in addition to those of cticks and rats 1/2 USSR SOKOLOV, M. 1. and IMSIUKOVA, 1. A., Voprosy Virusolo,-,ii, No ';, Jul/AuG 72, PP 453-458 (plus mutants), no response to triprotam-Ine sulfatel 9roIIP 3 -- reproductive rates intermediate to thoue of Froups I and 2, maintair=4 ability to tinate chick and rat erythrocytes, reproduction inbibite-A by agrar polysac- charides and plaq:ae formation stimulated by prot=ine sul-fate. Intracellular mutations probably arise due to simple replacement of nitrogenous bases. Matants arose in extracellular (intact) wild colonies suInjected to 1,000 and 1,500 ergs/imi2 only after 2 or more passages, dissociating into colonies with large and small plaques. Late development of $--inttarits in this case suggests heterozygotic dissociation of the large-plaque phenotype aad pro- longed mutagenesis. -7, . . . . . . . .. . . .......................... USSR UDC 576. 8,58.75.095-57 PODCHEP-11YAYEVA, R. Ya., SOKOLOV, M. I., PARASYUK, N. A.,,Qjjj"Q V~_I_ A-, BASOVA, E. A., SOKOLOVA, N. N., andMOLIBOG, Ye. V., Ins V r01607741 imeni D. I. Ivanovskiy, Academv of Medical Sciences USSR "Study of Genetic Markers and Their Variability in Influenza Virus Isolated During the 1968-1969 Influenza Epidemic., II. Variability of Genetic Markers in Influenza Type A2 (flongkong) Yirus In Passages in Mice at Low Temperatures" Moscow, Voprosy Virusologgii, No 5, 1971, pp 543-548 Abstract: Ten passages of influenza type A2*(Hang Konj-,) virus in mice re- sulted in variants that produced lung changes typical of influenza 4n mice. After the 20th passage, the pathogenic variants exhibited increased repro- ductive activity at 36 and 40%. All strains, except A2 (Hong Kong) 1/68 M20, resisted heating to 56%. Like the original strains, they were com- pleted adsorbed on chick erythrocytes but viere more reRdily eluted from. them. Neuraminidase activity was half that in the original strains. The pathological variant5 remained sensitive to norrial animal serum inhibitors and did. not agglutinate mouse erythroCyter~. . They rescribled tbe original. strains in resistance to trypsin, urea, and ultravioleL irradiation. 1/2 USSR PODCHERNYAYEVA, R. Ya. , et al., Voprosy Virusologii, No 5, 1971, pp 543-548 After 10 passages of A2 (Hong Kong) 1/68 and its pathogenic variant A2 (Hong Kong)!168 M20 in chick embryos incubated after inoculation at 28% both.strains reproduced actively and rqflained able to do so even at 40'C. wasim o---------- USSR UDC 519..21 MYASNIKOVA, I. A. "Necessary an ui: icient Condition for Existence of Limitin.,13- C/cles o,-:' One Class of Systems of Differential Equations with Rindo-, II.J.'r-Ilt Portion" Nekotor. Krayev. Zadachi Obyknoven, Differents. UravneiAy [Some Boundary Probleiis of Ordinary Differential Equations -- Collection of Works], Moscow, 1970, pp 98- 103, (Translated from Referati,.,nyy Zhurnal, Kibernetik, No 6, 1971, Abstract No 6 V102 by M. Nevellson). Translation; A system of two equations with random coefficients dependent on a small parameter v and having a 11center",type singular pointiwhere U = 0 is studied. Conditions are presented providing,the existence of a limiting cycle for this system with probabiJity I with all sufficiently.small ~j. ......... ... USSR UDC 576.858.75.095 5 SOKOLOV, M. I., PODCHERNYAYEVA, R. Ya., PWSYUK, 'N. A., .1M'US!jK0VA 1. MEWSKIKH, L. K., MOLIBOG, Ye. V., SOKOLOVA, N. N., and STAKINUNOVA, V. M., Institute of Birology imeni D. I. Ivanovskiy, Academy of Medical Sciences, USSR, Moscow ."Study of Genetic Properties and Their Variability in Viruses Isolated in the 1968-1969 Influenza Epidemic. Co=unication 1: Biological Properties of Strains of A2/Hong-Kong 1/68" Moscow, Voprosy Virusologii, No 6, Nov/Dec 70, pp 677--680 Abstract: A study was nade of the inhibitor ratio, thermal stability, neura- midase and eluent activities, stability against UV light, and. pathogenic aad ~toxic effects on white mice of the A2/Hong-L(ang 1/68 flu stxain and two similar strains isolated in the USSR. The latter strains did,not differ signi-ficaatly from the former. On the basis of the test-results, if: is assumed that evolu- tion of the A2 virus in nature does.not'involve reversion to strains of group AO. Additional studies VLth laboratory varieties are~required to elucidate this problem. 1'12 011 UNC L A SSI F I t- PROCESSING DATE--IBSEP70 TITLE--GENETIC MARKERS OF HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS COMMUNICATION 2: INVESTIGATION OF GENETIC MARKERS OF THE US STRAIN OF HERPES SiMf)LFX A,UTHOR-(04)-RUDNEVAt I.A.i GERMANOV9 AOG..p MYASNIKQVAv I.A.v SOKOLOV9 M.I. ..-,COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR 0 ~~S OURCE-VOPROSY VIRUSOLOGII, 1970v NR 2 ppp 182-180 '_-:~DATE 'PU BLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT-AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS# TISSUE CULTURE CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS 00CUmENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED REEL/FRAME-1990/0729 STEP ND--U4/0-'t02l7O/OOO/OO2/0182/0186 C J F CACCESSICttl UNrl t I 212 Oil UNCLASSIFE.ED PROCESSING OATE--LSSEP70 .CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0108935 ABST:ZACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A VARIANT OF THE US STRAIN OF HERPES STMPLEX VIRUS PRODUCING A CYTOPATH[C EFFECT IN HUMAN EMBRYO ANO CHICK EMBRYO FIBROBLAST CULTURES 1,44S STUDIED. DIFFEtIENT SErlisirIVITY OF THE US STRAIN TO SULFATED AGAR POLYSACCHAPIDES DEPE.NJOING UN TfiF TYPE OF CELL CULTURE NAS DEMONSTRATED: COMPLETE INHIBITION OF PLAQUE PRODUCTION WAS 013SERVED ONLY IN CHICK EMBRYO FIBROBLAST CULTURE BUT NOT IN HUMAN EMBRYO FIBROBLASTS. THE VARIANT UND01 STUDY WAS FOUN0 TO BE SENSITIVE TO S,BROMODEOXYURIDINE AND-TO BE INCOA13LE OF REPRODUCTION AT HIGH TEMPERATURE9 URC LA S. S I F I't 77 7. USSR UDC 669-292.5~'24'71.013.13 PONOMARWA, L V PRYAKHINX, L. I., and MARSHAKOV, 1. K., Moscow, Voronezh- ~q "Study of! the NiAl3_VA13 and Ni2Al Al ~3 Moscow, Izveatiya Akadetnii'Nauk SSSR, Metally, No 1, Jan 71, pp 186-189 Abstract: Microstructural, x-ray structural and tKermal analysis were made to study the phase equilibria in NiAI.3-VA1.3 and Ni2AI.3- Vq~18. It is demonstrated that in the solid statia, the alloys sections have a two-phase structure6 the phase components of both of which are the initial compounds. The polythermal sactioR of the NiA13-VA13 cross section has.three fields of primary crystallizations: L + Ni2AI3, L + Va13, and 1.0 + V A16. Fusion of the NiA13 compound in the entire.concentration Interval is incon;xuent in nature. The combined crystaltization of the phases Ni2AI3 and V Al in the 20-80 at.' V,,A)- interval occurs according to the euKafte type. The periteftic nature of the format-ion of the compounds Ni Al ard V.Al results in the p re - sence of two three-phase-are4i o,R.the p8i;ih 'fa,mal section., The mutual replacement of nickel and:vanadituR atoms Kas littLe 1/2 USSR MYASNIKOVA, K. P., et al., Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Metally, No 1, Jan 71, pp 186-189 influence on increasing the hardness of alloys, due to the simi- larity of their atomic radii. The absolute value of hardness of alloys in theNi Al.-V5Al8 cross aection is 21,5 times greater than the ha;dness of allpys:in tha,Ni.J~13-VaI3 croaa section. A 2/2 I ZO., AIM tiffini'lu "Him .... INURUINUMUMMI;1111111 Odimumpt I I 1h. I UIVIMIN."m -77- 77 17S Sm a, XYASN --KOV K. 2-; -Lon- C; -vu, Ll~~! C.A.'3Z S u -r u 0 u r Of hoir,-,09~-nlz~,Ll !m, iod k~, d. a u J. s 0 d. ~ijjuujolis oi: lc h Z jn and, atid P~., IaV Su Cast, a-maa1f-:Z~, ros Lr,~t~.t: u. t-*,a.,, a,. L i I fj 1: lo il;h Lla~ Ch in ~L-a second co-mr~o:.z!i't -1 arid 3 (10 n jjoticeab-1- iU-1tJO':1 T)"Itz an `ncreased co,~-.,Centra J,)n 1) Z rU C r U and Pb dLs c r I.! ;2-..1pcrazura a-d wf-~ an the t L, m-p r z; t' t ng ihe n-licrot;I.-ru,cture Or ii-J. 1/2 ......... .. a t L~,-: bution OL C) t re-at atio~, amd mant, racess. P 0 the cfySLa-L.L 11 7 Www'. . -.... . ......I- . --... ... .... ..... USSR UDC 615.332 (LINCO',,ffCININ).036.8:616.981.555-092.9 POLYAK, 1K. S. and MYASNIKOVA L G.I!Leningrad Scientift-c Research InstiCute of Antibiotics Infection" "Experimental Study of Lincomycin in Gas Gangrene Moscow, Antibiotiki, No 3, 1972, up 218-222 Abstract: Lincomycin suppressed the multiplication of 15 pathogenic clos- tridial strains (Cl. perfringens, Cl. cedematiens, Cl. septicum, Cl. his- tolyticum, Cl. sordelli) in vitro at concentrations-not exceeding 4 ug/ml (except Cl. sordell-i which was resistant to the antibiotic.) . The bacteri- cidal concentrations were generally twice the bacteriosta'-ric. Bacteriostatic and bactericidal concentrations of erythromycin were in most cases similar to those of lincomycin. In experiTnental iinfection of mice cauGed by Cl. per- fringens and Cl. septic~jm, lincomycin exhibited tberapeutic activity, but it.was ineffectual against CL oedeinatiens and CL histolyticum. When lincomycin was combined with tetracycline, the effect on all the Cl. septicum, Cl. oeder-natiens, Cl. 1-dstolyticum, and Cl. sordelli strains studied was negligible. However, a synercristic effect was noted in 7 of 8 Cl. perfringens strains treated with the two antibiotics. Study (-.if -the effect of sub- bacteriostatic concentrations of lincomycin and tetraL-Icline on multiplication 11/2 q111401firmolumn fami 1/2 026 UNCL ASS I F I Eg PROCESSING DATE--27'NOV70 rjTLE--KINETICS AND THERMODYNA '~i,IGS 0F:THE;-FlGR:MATlQN OF A DIFFUSIO~l LAYER I NTHE IRON CHROMIUM SILICON ALLOY ~.YST,E,14 -U- 4LUTHOR-(03)-KRISHTAL, M.A., M10KROV, A.P.,,, MYASNIKOIIA, L V 'COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR r --FIZ. KHIM, MEKHAN. MAT., 1970, 6, (2)1 59-65 %OURCE *ED ------- 70 ATE PUBLISH SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS ~rap,[C TAGS--CHROM[UM STEEL9 SILICON CQl^iTAlNING ALLOY, METAL DIFFUSION, THERMODYNA141C ANALYSIS, METALSURFACE PRQPERTYr' C G'NTROL MARKfNG--NO RESTRICTIONS .09CUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~'PROXY REEL/FRAME--3002/1679 STE1:11 ~10--UR/O'-A6t)/7OYotD6/'C)02/0e,)59/0065 CIRC ACCESSION N10--AP0129049 I--gimlipmw 2/2 026 UNIC L A S S I FA E 0 PROCESSIN-3 DATE--27NOV70 CIRC. ACCESSION NO-AP0129049 -SSTP.ACT/EXTRACT--(UJ GP-0- ABSTRACT., SOME GENERAL I-AkS GOVERN[NG ME KINETICS AND THERIMODYINAMICS :.')F THE FORMATION OF A 011:F~MGN LAYER ON CR STEELS fN-THE COURSE OF SILICIZING (RESULTLNG IN THE FORMATLON oF AN FcEiCRiSl ALLOY) ARE PRESENTED. THE EFFECT OF CR ON THE St DISTRIBUTION IS INDICATED AND THE KINETIC. AND ME,R~MODYNAMIC CONSTANTS FOR THE DIFFUSION OF SI IN THE FEICR,51 SYSTEM ARE LIST&O. THE RESULTS PRESENT A CLEAR PICTURE OF THE PROCESSES GOVERNING THE MUTUAL REDISTRIBUTION OF CR.ANO SI,DURING THE SILICI-ZING, OF C,R STEELS ANO; HELP IN ESTIMATING THE PROPERTIES OF THE SURFACE LAY..ER..,, L I F I E 0-- Polymers snd'Polymerization ~~USSR UDC 678-742.2-01:53 "Incombustible High-density Polyethylene" -Moscow, Plasticheskiye Massy, No 7, Jul 70, PP 37-39 Abstract: The article describes results of a study to determine the optimal quantities of additives for creating incombustible composi- tions based on high-density polyethylene. The additives used were chlorinated paraffin brand Kh?-70, antimony trioxide and basic lead acetate and were introduced into the polyethylene individually or in combination. The best physicomechanical indices were found in a seLc- extinguishing composition consisting of high-aensitv polyethylene plus :5 parts by weight of chloroparaffi4:plus 15 paits by weight of antimony -trioxide plus one part by weight of basic lead'acetate. Ref. Code:' Acc. Nr, Abstmictifi,*Ae~~ ice: #004-9320- CHEMICAL ABST.,tj,_)3 00 70 104827c Elastic constantsof the amthracene crystal as a func- r t-,O, of tem etature, Afanasleva, G-~ K., Mvasnikova R. Af. P Inst. El 1. 11 A -US a" afiya 1970, lastl consts Ot" inono- clinic- single crystals of "ttiracene were detd.'by a Irkthod described earlier (CA 68f 33930k)'forthe t6mps. 400, 140, 180, 2200,260,and3009K. For. these temps. the elastic vrav~ veloc- ities V, and elastic constarits cjj are given, , V jncreas~s With. incre n ternp. in &-sligbtly parabolic fashion. The Z g 'is tue din cij/427 was, an th= 2-tiines lower than tha5 for naphthalene crystals. K. Volka 7-7~7 UDC: 535-343 I.IYASNIKOVA, T. P. and YBVSBYBVA,R. Ya.,-Rostov-on-Don State Uni- vers, "Effect of Light Dispersion on Infrared h'Spectra" Tomsk, Iz;-cstiva vysshikh IjchebnA-.h Zavedeniy--*Fizika, 11o 11, 19,72, PP 155-157 Abstract: To clarify the question of how close the spectrum of a suspension in vaseline, the most often used immersion material, is to the true sDectrum, the authors-undertook experiments comparing the infrared spectra of such specimens as potassi-am nitrate, sodi- um nitrite, and sodium argentonitrite. The first -,,ia-s made as a suspension in vaseline, as:a cooled melt on a metallic gratinr.., and as a monocrystal; the second. as a waspension _tuld a; melt; the third as a suspension and as a monocrystal. The absorption spectra of a_U three are plotted. The purpose of the experiments describ'~d in this brief communicatlion was to help explain experimental re- sults in infrared spectroscopy. 62 , MI USSR UDC 681-325.3(088.8)(47) ffk~NOV V. I., PLESHAKOV, A. A., and GASMfYAN, K. A. "A Converter Which Converts an Interval.of 17ime Into,Digital Code" USSR Author's Certificate, No 2921.73, Filed 8 Sep 69, Published 26 Feb 71 (from Referativayy Zhurnal -- Avtomatika,Telemekhanika, i Vychislitel'naya Tekhnika, No 8, 1971, Abstract No BB373 P)~~ Translation: A converter which contains generators of standard-frequency pulses, a pulse counter, and gates is suggested. In order to reduce errors in quantization that is performed n times and to reduce the possibility of using the counting elements with the least limittng frequency of switching, the lower positions of the pulse counter containn counting cells, and to the Inputs of these cells the corresponding L--odes of the n-ritep standard- frequency pulse generator are connecte&via the gatea. The one and zero outputs of the counting cells of the Imfer positions are connected to the corresponding inputs of the AND logic circuits, the outputs of which are connected via an OR circuit with the counting input ofthe higher positions of-the counter. 1 illustration. 3 USSR UDC. 681-325~ MYASKOV, V. 1. , PLESHAKOV, A. A. , GASUMYAN, K. A. "o "A Converter Which Changes a Time Interval to Digital Code" Moscow, Otkrytiya, izobretenlya, pro--Vshlennyye obraztsy-, tovariyye znaki, No h, Feb 71, Authorls Certificate No 292173, Division G, filed 28 Pilar 69, published 6 Jan 71, p 135 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a comverter for chan.aina, a time interval to digital code. r1he unit contains a standard frequency pulse oscillator, a pulse counter and diodes. ; As a di stingi:d shin g feature of the patent, the unit is designed for reducing the erxor of quantizetion by a factor of n, and provision is made for using counting elenents with a laver maxi=m s-writching frequency. The least significarit digits of the pulse counter contain counting cells with the outputs or "he n-cycle standard frequency pulse oscillator connected to their correspon8ing inputs through -diodes. The one-output and zero-output terminals of tht~ cowiting cells of the least significant digits are connected to the inputill of AND logic cir- cults vhose outputs are connected through an OR cJ;rcuit:to the counting its in the counter. inpnt of the most significant digHl USSR 54 1 3. 7 0 -ISEYEV'I' P 3. YEIJ S.7kVV T S . B IM.Y'SOYEDOY u--e o'~~ and Analytical Ch.," ins tit V. 1. Vernadskiv, Zloscc-w, Academy of SC41.ence.t: "Removal of: I cro_J.'mpu::ities of Cant-alum fro:~,, .1_4obium 'Ody Sorption on Chelate Resin5lf MIOSCOW, Zhurnal Analitiche,,;."I-Ioy j~birlij, ',;ol No 7, pp 10231-1026 1. LIZ-' Abstract-: The authol-s zn~nc)r-~_ t"ne resjjjj-:-, of- r _z~u-v c- separation o.1- small amounts of tantal.u~-'. f::-0-m USLTIC chelate resins -- asoderivatives of procedln- i.~,- nd data arsono groups. The exnerimental _e _a 3, C Z sented for the sorP4 18-11,11a -nd are pre -ion of test 01 95Z..-Ib ffroma IIC_7 and H2SO,-, under varyipc,, co~7'~ditiona ana as a; th a Oeal'k suc~(~C. function of z:ha -ae_ , e initial T The .3-4 t~ilco concart"ratio"I or, s OV 20 N 1 0 i s a lo a, i v it D.-:tLa arE! sented for sorption o.-:.: 'ra by one of th~3 arsa;.i~) G 171 J- H?SO., dcsorptioin Gf: 182T-a bv anilydrous ac.-.d 2: -a S i n 10 r and sot-ptl.on Of _a i -a t: e: mw~ 1 raw", 0 j-:!: -.?~-,W I-am USSR UDC 519.2 M&LYUTOV, M. B., W tot "knimax Plans for Checking the Adequacy of a Linear Model on a Cube and a Sphere" Minimaksnyye plany proverki adekvatnosti lineynoy nodeli na kube i share (14ini- max Plans for Checking the Adequacy of a Linear Model an a Cube and a Sphere), Interdepartmental Laboratory of Statistical Methods, Preprint Ho 23, Moscow, Moscow University, 1971, 18 pp, 3 k. (from RZ~-Kibernetika, No 9, Sep 72, Abstract No 9V165K) -k Translation: Let in the domain X CZ the second order polynomial n(x) be ineasured where the measurements are independent and equally accurate. The hypothesis 02 - 0 is checked where 02 is,tha vector of the coefficients for the second degree terms. The parameter of noncentraln4ss A(C, 0 ) of the F- 2 criterion depends on the experimental plin e and the vector 62, The mini-max plans e maximizing min A(E, e2 ) are introduced. These plans are found for the OT6 -1 case where X is a cu e or a sphere. It turns out that che part D, of the dis- persion matrix of estimates pertaining to the parameters 0 in thtse cases is a multiple of the unit part for the jE plan. Thus, A(C*., 02)2does not depend on T .............. 7"""" 7 ...... 7_7 77777~ 0644790 UR 0482 Soviet Inventions Illus ( trat~e, Section II Electrical, Derwent,. -70 243259 M&&S1WWGj4HZ ADHESION OF4MCLES to ilk prepared 'dlectro4e by imposing ;t powerful electrical field. lz2tffectLye by JP4ve*',accVr*cY if the -,=act breakaway-00int cannot be observed. The proposed design offers:pbservation,by.mkiag the electrode transparent. The diagram shows the upper transparent electrode~'t carrying:,a trans- parent conduct Ing coat in$ 2,.,. on the lower surface of which are deposited the particles 12, of which the breakaway force.19 to -be. determlaeo; the#e are distributed not less than 2-3 diam ~ters apart. The lower eleFtrode 6, In net form, is,lreplared, with ring 7,'after insertins the partittles, AUTHORS: MyazdXjko*l- Nikolayev, 0. S,., Puzanov, V. N.; S'. N.__ F Leningradskiy Institut Aviatsionr~2go,Priboror:,troyeniva 19"4771GIO AA0044790 7it- sealing cap 8 replaced.and the cavity fiDed with some gas at required pressure via nipVle 10. The assembly is then placed: under the mic9ascope and a high voltage applied bepi(Ven tertainAl 11 of 6, and 4. Under the microacdpe' the lar-96st patticle3 are selected for observAtion and theip mean diameter estimated. As the~spetific'#Lan shows mathematically, the adhesion force Lim. a function of the squa re of the Oreakaway volt.49Ie and, inversely, the,particle inean radius. These functions are observea'by microscope, hence the force can be calculated. 23.12.67 as l205295j2'~-25.O.A.MYAZDRIWV et al. (LENINGRAD) AVIATION ;INSTRUMENTATION, INST.(23.9.69) Rul 16/5.5,69. Class 421. Int.Cl-G Oln. 6 jLgp;7jLGl2 . .. -- - -.. Ref Code: USS R :UDC 621-317-335.2 621.)17.331 R-T-KCLY, O.A., PAvLOV, V.V. "Technique for MeasurIng Capaoitor:Parameters by the Discharge Method" Sposob Ismerenlya, parametrov kondensatorov po metodu razryada (of. English above),::LqnIngrad, I lesp-tl S- Stikh Uohebnykh Zavedeniy, 41bgrostroyeply ~'1970, NO 1. pj~ 24-29r' 10,91781793 7- '"J !177- "~.T= AT0046533 Translation: A technique for measurlhg capacitance:,by direct current is eye Ined, which Is based on the discharge of a precharged capacitor with the aid of a mac~rooharge self- osoillatory pystem. A different version of the self-oscillatory circuit Is proposed for use as a converter of the mealsure-d cabadity, time constant, and Insulation resistance. ....Formulas for the measurement.and for the systematic errors are derived. -19781794 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-~--160CT70 112 026 '~~.ITLE-EFFECT OF NEROBOLIL ON'THE DEVELOPMENT Of REPARATIVE PROCESSES Iim ,..THE MYOCARDIUM UF RABBITS DURING EXPERIMENTAL MYOCARDIAL INFARr-Tlo,,4 -u- .-_AUTffDR-(03)-KNYAZEVA, G.D.v MYAZORIKOVAt A.A.v MIROPIeNKOF A.1- OUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--FAR,AAKoL. TOKSIKOL. owl 19 t d-332 112-7 mosc i_'__-~DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 --SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDHAL SCIENCES 4AGS-ANDROGENt HEART OISEASEt ELECTROCAROIOGkAVHY, TISSUE ~~:!CONIRDL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS iDOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1997/01AI STEP E;lp-c ACCESSION UNC --k-.-A--5SfF--1-- E-0-, 212 026 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSlNG DATE-16OCT70 .~CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0119177 'ACT-W) 13P-0 ASSTR ACT XTIZ AqS T RA CT. N E R 0`15 G L I LAPMINISTEt~ED I.M. 'T 10 THE SERUM mG-KG TO RA8611-S rjjrH FxPIL. MYOCARDIAL I N F A k 4 ALBUMINSTO GLOBULINS ANL-) I'H(-- BEIA LIPOPROTEPIS It'll ALPHA EASED LZECITHIN TO CHOLIATE OL ;AT[(,,, ANO RAT19S, RESTOKE-D THE DECRE k IMPROVED THE ELECTROLYTE BALANCE rv E 4frl it I L I - Tli,)~ 'IF - FASTENED ,~EGENERATfVE P?~OCt~SSES BY STIMULATING FCIRMA 1 6 R A NO L A T 10 N TISSUE DURIING RESORPTIUN GF NECROSIS, AND ACCEL-ERATEO )IFFE:RENJ lAFIG.-i OF THE CELLULAR ELEMENTS. SCAR TISSUE FORMED MORE AAPIO~Y AND A A RESULT COVEREO LESS AREA. FACILM: :1. MUSK. PIED. INST. i,'-I. SECHENOVA, MOSCOWt USSR. c: i E ri _j i L F~- USSR UBC 582.26:581-4:03 VELYCHKO, I. M., andlaga' 0. Institute of Hydrobiology, Academy of -Xi Sciences Ukrainian SSR, "Method for Determination of the Average Volume of Al~ae Cells" Kiev, Ukrainskiy Botanicheskiy Zhurnal, Vol 28, No 2, Ifar/Apr 71, pp 251-253 Abstract: Direct determination of the biomass of algae isp~'.)ssible only when algae occur in great numbers (e.g., in "blooming" reservoirs) and the water does not contain a large number of particles other than algae ce '11s. If these conditions are not fulfilled, the volume method of estimating the biomass is applied, which is biased on a determination of the average cell volume. The average volume of algae cells that belonji to different dimea- sional groups, but constitute gcometric4ly similar bodies can be calculated more precisely by using the mean cubical.rather than mean ix-ithmetic 11-near parameters of a cell. The mean cubic linear parameters arE calculated ac- cording to the formula K X3 n where x are the results of individual measurements and n is the number of cells measured. 1110", ....... 11111111 UDC 541.63:547.1'118 SHAGIDULLINJ, R. R.JV SAV1IMVJ1 "YU.1 Pyu.,~eM S .JMV and RIZPOLOZEENSKIY, N. I., Institute of Organic and hysi ry 'Ai A..Ya. Arbuzov, Acad. Sc. USSR "Stereochemistry of Organophosphorus Compounds. i Communication. Configuration and.Conformations of 2-Substituted Oxap~opphOlanols-T': Moscov, Izvestiya Akademil, Nauk SSSR, Seriya Kbimicheskaya, No 7, Jul 72, pp 16o4-1612 Abstract- In continuation of their studies,. the re-ction of diacid chlorides of phosphorous, amido-phosphorous, and a1ky1(-a-ryl)phosjftanous acids with of 4 diacetone alcohol in presence U'riethylamine was investigated. In two caaes of the reaction of the diacid chlorides of diethylarr4dophosphorous and phenyl- phosphonovs acids with diacetone alcohol two pairr, of products vere isolated with sharp malting points Y2-5-i260 and u8_1190 for One Pail') and 135-1360 and 164- -1650 for the other pair. AnalyticajI. data shmvd these pairs to have identical composition. Analysis of IR and IM spectra showed them to lie configurational Isomers of USSR uDc 615-21 MYMnI YE. A., YA'FKOVSMj K. D.0 and PAHIYt B. I." editors Farmakologiya Amidino 1, Soyedineni (P v7Y - y hartmcology of Auddine Cormounds),. Kishinev, "Shtinitsa", 1972, 188 p 'Translation: Annotation The coUection, presented experimental data and clinical raterial on the protective properties and mechanism of action of amidine cormpounds during hyperoxia and hypoxia as well as on the effect of ttese substances on physical fitness, the cardiovascular system, and uterus. Ther review a-,ticles on athyrone and gutim-i e -D .de a fairlv complete idea of the,n ture of this new and highly _rcvI promising group of drw:;s. The collection is uf interest to T)harmacoloizists, Patlhophysiolo:Tists, physiologists, surgeons, anesthesiologists,, obstetricians and gynecoloG~ists, and sports physicians. coxytent Forevord... 3 Part I Ye. A. MAikhin and B. I. Fariy. Pharmacolo-Mr of -Alkyll.sothiuronium Compounds wi th a Short Hydrocarbcm, Chain... 5 V. G. Dazhak. Pharmacology of Some Methylisothiuronium Analogs- 11 1/6 Of InT, ,,N,--- i, ... .... . . W-71 I USSR MYKM YE. A.,, et al., Shtinitsa", 1972, 188 p V. I. G'LkaVyY. Change in Oxygenation or Arterial emd Venaus Blood Induced by Hexonium, Ethyrone, and Combinations of the T1.-o Agents.... rone on Oxyger. Tension M. P. Bakulya and L. T. 1~ys)7. Effect of Ethy in Various Tissues.... B. I. Pariy. Oxygen Regir-a in White Rats Given Ethyrone Cnnbined with Some Adrenomimetics V. F. Grati. and A. P. Mileyev. Changes in Tissue Respiration of Some Organs in White Rats Treated vith,a Coribination,of Tizercine and Ethyrone... A. Ye.' Aleksandrova and M. F. Bakialya.'Central Action of Ethylisothiuronium (Ethyrone)... V.J. Gikavyy- Effect of Ethyrone on the Kiin Pararr~-,tars of the ystemic Circulation in Cats.... B. M. Vasillyev and B. A. Oamotokin. Hypertensive Effect Dt' Ethyrone in ~the Treatment of Acute Hypotersion Daring N"rosurgical Operations... V. Nalygin and I. Dak. Reaction of Terpinal Vesuals oE Frol; 142sentery to the Application of Ethyrona, Propylone, and A17inoat-A~yiis-:)- thiuronitun... 2/6 15 23 26 30 311, 38 43 50 102 USSR MYKHIN, YE. A., et al., "Slitinitsa", 19r72 186 p A. P. Mileyev and I. D. Kalbe. X-ray studies on the Effect of Ethyrone, Tizercine and Combinations of the Two Agents on Evacuation Function of the Rat Gastiointestinal Tract... 53 A. B. Yeleshina. Propylone as a Stimulant of Iabort.. 57 A. N. Poskalrunko, L. N. Granat, V. P. Makuaheva, T. 1. Boggdashova, and L. P. Zubareva. Phannacological Effects of Propylone in Parturient Women ... 62 V. I. Generalov. Pharmacology of Some Isothiuronium Derivatives... 70 S. F. Frolov. Protective Effect of a Combination of Vephedole and Ethyrone During the Toxic Action.of Oxygen at a Pressure of 7 atm... 74 K. L. Matkovskiy. Use of a Ganglion Block Without Hypsrtension to Protect Animals From Acute Oxygen: rdepia of' the Mnj,7s.... 77 E. 11. Keptya and Ye. A. MMin. Changei in the Amio~.wt of Ascorbic Acid and Reduced Glutathione in White ;Rat Orggwt DurixiC, Hyperbaric Oxygenation and Use of-Ethyrone and lf(~phcdole and Combinations of the T%ro Agents...'. 79 H. V. Gutau and V. Z. Bur-laku. Chang-ea in. the Ariount of ABcorbic Acid in the Tissues of White Rats During Oxygen Intoxication and Use 3/6 of Tizercine Alone and Combined with Et-hyrane.... 84 USSR YjYKHIN, YE. A., et al. , Shtinitsa", l&3 p K. L. Matkavskiy. Effect of Ethyrone, Benzohexonium, Tizercine, and Combinations of Ethyrone with Benzohexonium and Tizercine on the -the Blood of White Ratf~:- Exposed to Oxyr Acid-Base Equilibrium in ~en at a Pressure of 6 atm... 87 E. B. Keptya and K. N. Arnaut. ~brphological,Cbanges~in the Viscera "tlWrone, of White Rats Daring Ordgen Intoxication and Use of L Mepbedole and Combinations of the:11wo.Ageni%ts... 89 N. V. Gutsu and L. M. Kabrin. Morphological Changes1n the Brain and Viscera of White %ts During H~peibaric Qqv~ienation and Use of Vizercine and Combinations 'Thereof vith Ethyrone... 91 B. 0. Yungmeyster. Comprehensive Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy-of Potassium Cyanide Poisoning... 96 13.0. Yungmeyster. Therapeutic Effect of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy of Nitrite Ibthemoglobinemia... 101 V. M. Vinogradav. Some Results of and.Outlook for P4s"-rch on Gutimine, One of the First Antihypoxie Agents...,~ 1o6 T. S. Vasiyeva, L. 14. Pavlova, and G. A-Bagiyan. Absorption aild " neal Excretion of S35-Labeled Gutimine After Intraperit-o Injection... 1.15 4/6 USSR MYKHIN, YE. A., et al., "Shtinitsa", 188 p T. S. Basiyeva and 1. 14. Pavlora. Distribution of S35-Labeled Gutimine in White Rat Organs After Intraperitoneal Injection ..... R. I. Zhitnyuk, F. Yu. Rachinskiy, ands S. F. Frolov. tEffect of Gutird-ne on Intestinal Peristalsis Under Experimental Comditions.... A. Ye. Aleksandrova. Effect of Gutimine:on Some Indices of Carbohydrate Metabolism... Yu.G. Bobkov., V. M. Vinogradov, V. M& Monagarov, V. A. Plo,tnikova, 'ecti of Gutindine F. Yu. Rachinskiy, and Yu. D.Starostina. Ef.'L and Several of Its Salts on Efficiency... D. S. Menis. Effect of Gutimine and Gutim4ne a-Ketoglutarate on Uterine Efficiency under Experimental Conditions... Yus V. Tsvelev. Effect of'Gutimine on the~Resivtanco: of Intra- -uterine Fetus to Hypoxia... L. V. Pastushenko-i, Yu. G. Bobkov, R. P. Spivakova, fLnd S. S. Guk- Content of CatecholEudnes in Rat Ore-ans Under Hyperthermic Conditiom and Use of Sore Pharzracologic Agents ..... S. L. Nikolay. Pharracalogic Characteristics of Vagal Afferent 213ece-n- tors Sensitive to Veratrine... 5/6 118 120 223 126 132 -L34 138 142 USSR YIYYMN, M. A., et al., -"Shtinitsa~', 188 p S. L. Nikolay and 0. S. Sherstneva. Pharmicologic Cliaracteri --tics of Vagel Afferent Receptors Sensitive,to Acetylcholine... 146 B. A. Dumbrwra. Ef fect of Com-pensation.of Diabetes Mollitus On Some Parameters of Liver Function... 151 V. A. Dwnbra,.-a. Liver Function in the Course of Comprehensive Therapy of Diabet-as 154 I. G. Boldina and V. A. Maksimets. Effect of Levoriepr(:Maz ire and Ethyrone on the Course of ExperbrrentaUy-Liducedl Traturatic Shock... 158 Abstracts ..... 164 616 11 i i MI F1 I I v I -, -rl f 1 r. 1; F I 14 11111 t V UV MA-M, M ON, I'M 1 1-9 USSR UDC 576.851.55.086 RYAGIN, S T and ~AKYTYY"Pj Belaya Tserkov' Agricultural Institute, Belaya Tserkovs "Application of the Immunofliiorescence Serological Method for the Detection and Identification of the Botulism Agent" Kiev, Mkrobiologicheskiy Zhurnal, Vol 33, No 5, Sep/Oct 71, pp 613-618 Abstract: The immunofluorescence method was applied oti an experimental basis for the detection and identification of C1. botulinum of tvDes A, B, C, D, and E. The indirect procedure of fluorescent antibodies proposed by Weller and Coons was follcwed, Dry antirabbit fluorescent se-rum; antibotralinum aggluti- nating rabbit sera of the five tv es; and smears taken from tbe organs of ~p infected guinea pigs were used. Kitt-Tarozzi medium waf.q used to culture the pathogen to obtain smear prints. By applying the inimunofluoriescence method, all types of C1. botulinum could be detected irx pathological material taken from the guinea pigs, but only typed; C, D, and E could be idetitified, Valle identification of types A and B required toxin neutralization with antitoxic sera. Use of the procedure described resulte4 in it consieerable :3aving of time as compared with older methods. M, 77- USSR uDe: 621.31T:621.372.8 MEKHANNIKOV. A. I., MYLtNIKOV, A. V. "Master Waveguide Standards for Law Attenuations" Tr. VNII fiz.-tekhn. i radiotekhn. izmerenly (Works of the All-Union Scien- tific Research Institute of Physicotechnical and Radin Engineering Measure- ments), 1970, vyp. 202), pp 32-40 (from RZb-Radiotekhnika, NO 5, May 71, Abstract No 5A210) Translation: The authors describe the design and give the analytical cal- culation of master waveguide standards for small attenuations (0.1-1.0 DB). Master standards of this tame have been developed at the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Physicotechnical and Radio Engine-ering Measurements. These standards are designed for in-specticn work in the.section dealing With instruments for measuring law attenuations in waveguide channels at frequencles of 2.14-16.7 GRz. Five illustrations, two tables, bibliography of four titles. Res ume. 138 USSR U =N'-ANSKIY, M. G., BWHY,(YV: X. G., SFEVAK, YE. YA.V G.V .and IUL 1 NIKOVI R. M Ma r ....................... . uThLe Effect of Vanadium, T -ium, and Baran Modification an the Structure, Magnetic Properties, and Aging of Electric Una3loyed Steel" Dnepropetrovsk, Metallurgic1heskaya i Gornorudnaya Promyshlennost', No 1(719) Jan/Feb 73.- PP 36-38 Abstract; In order to Prevent EOIQO-EO300 electric ste!:~ls from. magnetic aging, which takes place pri-n-a-rily on account of nitro-er, an atte.-..-pt was made to rmdify these titeels with vl%n-adium, titaniwi, and boror,. M~af-~retic properties, aging coef ficient, and rrdcrostnict A r) 1 e r 'ixra of in dific! st A, Ij- studied af tar 2W hours of heat treatment at 12(PC. Aidition of 0.02-0.03113 Ti (as ferrotitaniun) to molten steel a-b.,iost completely suppressed tile magretic aging while the rra-petic reversal losses were - 11 9-3 1111',6- 1-5/50 Higher amounts (O.OVb) of titanium decreased consirleralily tho size of ,,rains. The aging of steel was cowpletely suppressed vith the a4dition of 0.03-0.~S~;" V (as ferrovanadium) but the, ragnetic reversal los-z-r--s irerva F 9 wjlkr~. 1-5/50 High magnetic reversal lozses in this to sma. rite caae~ are attributLd 11 fer. fortoed in steel (10-9 relative units, control 8-9 relative Luits)- 28 RIPON!= USSR 4 ARANtYEVSKIY, M. G., et al., Matallurgicheskaya i Goiniorudna~u Prornnyshleanost',. No 1(79), Jan/Feb 73, PP 36-38 A~ Boron in amount 0.0025-0,003% was ineffective with~respect to mae-ne-t-ic properties of steel, while it made thelsteel structure nommifom. rRie concen- tration, of nitrogen in steel increased With.increasing concentration of Ti and V. For practical purposes the use of Ti as a modifier is recomended. 2/2 lung USSR UDC 537-221*6.33:535.551 MlIZINA, L. S., KRAYNTIK, N. N., GENNE, V. V" and 1,RL'Nl1[O%FA 1. Ye.j Institute of Semi conductors, USSR Academy Of Scifflftpwftliiih~~ "Elasto-Optical Effect in Ferroelectric Materials WIth a Diffused Phase Transition" Moscow, Izvestiva AkadeT-ii NaTk SSSR, Seriya FizichesLava, Vol 35, No 9, Sep 71, pp 1862-1864 Abstract: The authors J' n*,.,esti gate the elasro-optical, effect in ferroelectric materials with diffused phase transition PMgl/3Nb')/3(Jj(P1Q1) and PbZnl/, Kb21303'P'~O. They determine the magnitude of the half-wave mechanical stresses in the wavelen-s-th band of 4000-7000 A and mewiure the variation with temperature of the viezooptical coefficients 111-vl2- III" also find the dependence of the slc?e of thaidouble refraction ~n on the size of the mechanic-A load in the area of diffusion of the phase. transition, The authors find that a study of the elasto-optical properties of perovskite type ferroelectr-ic materials -nermits a better understanding of the nature and character of the dif--used Dhaso transition and enables the researcher to distinguish the tru2 electro-optical effect in the total 'effect; they 1/2 USSR KAMINA, L. S., et al., Izvestiva Akademii Nauk SSSil, Seriya Fi7icheskava, Vol 35, No 9, Sep 71, pp 1862-1864 feel that such investioations are of great practical significance. They show graphically the teTnerature boundarv of diffusioti for MN and PZN. The article contains 3 illustrations, l,table, and 4 bibliographic entries. 77 -7-7 .11? i-CEIS'ING DATE--20NOV7C 0 15 U,',4C[ ASSTFI ''TITLE--SPil-~CI'ROPHGTCM,r-Ti~IC STUDY Of NICKEL :AIMONLA COMPLEXES -U- -AUTHO r~ -(Z;31-VYLNIKCVA, V.M., ASTAKHOV? K-.V 13ARKOVII S. it CCUNTRY CF INt;Q--LSSR Ot3 'CE-ZI-. F.H. Kh1m,. v;70, 4443jv~ 56 D A T EPU-,LISFEC------7C -,..,SU!5JECT AREAS-CHEMISTM T --SPECT,",Pr.JfCAEFRIC ANALYSISt: NICKEL COMPLEX, %MMUNIA, ..C,PIC TAGS U SPECTRO PHO TOME T R YARKIN6--,NC RESTRICHUIS ~~OCCUME-"T CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME-3002/1195 STEP ..CIAC ACCESSICN ING-AP0128613 UNC L .SSIFIEO 2/2 c; 15 UNC L A', S I r- ELI P~tGCE~14SV';G, DATE- ZONOV'N Clr~C ACCESSlr-,%- N-i-AP0126613 ~ASSTRAC-TIEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- A ~~ S T R, Ai GT SPEC TROPIfil RIO t''! K'C NE-THOD 1S -S TH E TO STLDY THE FOAPATICN OF W1,M-1 SUB3 COMPLEXE M, 4Q. P OCESS PRUCEEOS STF-i'-IWISE. ABS:)-,WAN(~E' GF TH Li"; S CCMPLE, N" X 1%Q DETO. C,\ SF,4A 5Pll:r-TRuPhCjT0-.mET(-R AT 500~730 NM. h E i: CIM P N S01: FHE COMPLEXIES F~Jlk,'-IEO AND FhE IST 3 li\JISTABILITY CONSF-5,. 'Y,L:HE OETO, THE PK SIV161, o;,', SO,2, ANG PK SUE43 VALUES FOR! NINH SU63 VL, C R FA 2.9G3 PLUS G MINLS 0.136r 1.14r AND Lo6d MCSK. IGORCD. PECAGOG. INSi [M. LENI NA, "Icisc OW U S UNC I-ASS I HEO V 0 13, UNCLASSIFIED PROCC-5SING' DATE-30OCT70 ITLE.--SPECTROPHOTCMETRIC STUDY OF THE COMPLEXING OF NICKEL(II) WITH _RlAmINOTRIETHYLAMINE -U- liGR7--~(02)-XYLNIKOVAj_ ASTAK,40V*, K.V. --6UNT RY OF INFO_-USSR ..SO_U_RCE--2H. FIZ. KHIM. 1970, 44(2), 512-14 '.;DATE PUBL ISHED------~--70 .~.SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY GPIC TAGS-SPECTROPHOTUMETRIC A14ALYSISP NJCKEL COMPLEi~,K, Or'GANONICKEL -NE OERIVAriVE COMPOUND, ORGANIC COMPLEX CO,4PGUNo# Am. 14ARKINIG-NO RESTRICTIONS ~OCCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED .PROXY REEL/F~RAME-2000/2171 STEP NO--Uit/0076170,/044/002/051210514 NC--APOIL25751 UNC 013 LASSIFIEO PROCESSING DATE 212 ACCESSIGN NO-AP0125751 ,~'ABSTRACT/EX:TRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE COMPLEX FORMATION IN THE ~SYSTEM NICL SUB2 TRIAMINOTRIETHYLAM.INE (TREN) WAS STUDIED -PHOTUMETRICALLY IN THE PH RANGE 2-10 AT 560 'AND 940 4M. At PH 4.T A COMPLEX IS FORMED WITH AN OPTIMAL PH RANGE'Of- 5.9-8.1i. FOR ITS FORMATIori. THE. ISCMCLAR SERIES METHOD GIVES 1:1 COMPN. OF THE GUMPLEX IN THAT AT HIGHER PH VALUES THE ARSORBANCE DECREASES AS A RESULT OF :HYDROXOCOMPLEXES. THE COMPLEX FORMATION 15 ASSU.M-ED 10 PROCEED ACCORDING TO: NI PRIME2 POSITIVE PLUS (TRENH SUB3) RRIME3 POSITIVE EQUALS NI(TRENH) PRIME3 POSITIVE PLUS 2H;PRIVE POSITIVE (PH EQUALS 4..9-5.4) WITH INSTABILITY CONST. K EQUALS 1.;4 TIMES 10-PRIME NEGATIVE10 4, AND NI PRIME2 POSITIVE PLUS fTRENH SU83) PRI,ME3:POSITIVE EQUALS NICTPEN) ,-.,.'-.P-klF.E2 POSITIVE PLUS 3H PRIME POSITIVE (PH EQUALS 5.4--5.a) WITH K EQUALS J:.5L TIMES 10 PRIME NEGAriVE15. FACILITY: MOSK. G(;S. PEDAGOG. -_-,~J,NST. IM. LENINAjr MOSCOW9 USSR* UNCLASSIFIED .~:;-Alz 015 UNCLASSIFIED kb.'CES~ll I "I GDATE-20NOW 0 TlTLE--SPE-LTkuPtiolCvETAjC STJOY OF THE COMPLEXING,0f, NICK.-ELII WITH lkll-IETHYL~NEUIAMINE -U- AUTH0R-(G2)-VYLKlKCVAt V.N., ASTAKHUVt K.V.. CUNTKY OF INFO--USSR G .-.SGURCE--Lf-. FLZ. KFIM, 1970, 44441 L084-6 ~_i,~a4TE PUBLISHEr -------- 70 UdJECT AREAS-LhEMISTRY S ,.-.T4P!C TAGS-SPECTROPHOTEMETRIC ANALYSIS, NICKEL COMPLEX, wAMINE, IONIC _49N D ING -_~CGNTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS -DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED REELYFRAME--3002/1165 STEP %O--UR/0076/70/044/004/1084/1086 -N h-'0--AP0128587 CIRC AC C E cS I,. UNGLASSIF S! ~F I Eb -2/2 015 UNCLAS I PRDC--,(SING DATE--20NOY7C .CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0128587 ~.-AdSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- A*STRACT. SPECTROPHOTOMFritic INVESTIGATION UF 0.01 M NICL SUB2 AND o.oa4 14 TRIMETHYLEN11DIAMINE 14A) SOLNS. INDICArES FOR14ATICN OF COMPL~-XES NiA PAIME2 PCSITIVF AT Pit 7.0!)7.(jo 141A SUB2 H -SUB3 POSITIVE AT PH 8.2-8.5, NIA SUB2 PRIMEZ. POSITIVE-L AT ;PH 8.5-8.9, AND SUB3 PRIMEZ POSITIVE AT PH LARGER THAN 10.8. FROM MIE-ASUREMEN'T AT 20 PLUS CR MIN-US 2GEGREES IN SOLNS. WITH ICNIC STRENGTH 0.1 (KCL)t THE XG REACTIGNS 41ERE CALCD.: KI PRIME2 EQUIL. CONSTS. FOR THE FOLLOW11 POSITIVE PLUS AH SUGZ PRIME`2 POSITIVE EQUALS NIA PRIAL-2 POSITIVE PLUS 2H PRIME POSITIVEr K EQUALS 4~07 TIMES 10 PRIME NEGATI.VE:1.4; NIA PR[ME2 POSITIVE PLLS AH SU82 PRIME2 POSITIVE EQUAL,$ NIA SUB2 1i 5UB3 POSITIVE PLUS h PRIME, POSITIVEt K EQUALS 1005 TlitES 10 PkIME. PIEGAIIVE7; AND NIA L.:'.PRIME2 FC-SITIVE PLUS AH SUL32 PKIME2. POSITIVE PLUS ZH P1-,IME POSITIVE, K 'EQUALS 3.98 TIMES 10 PRIME NEGATI.VE16. FACILITY-, MOSK. GOS. TEDAGGG* INST, IM. LENINAP MOSCOWv USSR.. UNCLASSIFIED =milli inumid 21111momfillufm .022 UNCLASSTFIEO PkbkES51NG DATE--040EC70 TITLE--VARIAB IL ITY JF POLYHEDRA FORMS IN :iISSUE CULFURES OF INSECTS 'CAR POLYHEDROSIS VIRUS -U- INFECTED WITH NUCk- AUTHOR--m-MYL0SERD0VA# V.D. '~-COUNTRY OF INFO--US5R Vf ZH (KYYIV) 32(l): 82-86. I~LUS. 191*0 ..,.~.DATE PUBLISHED------70 SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES Rl'_:._T.(2PIC_ TAGS- INSECTAP REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEMpi ~TISSUE CULTURE, VIRUS DISEASE CON'TROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS 00CUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFiED :-,,PROXY REEL/FRAME--3006/0487 STEP i'40--UR/04381710,/;032J'001/1)082/()086 CIR-CACCESSIOtl NG--APOL34255 U. -ESSING DA 2-12 022 UNCLASSIFIED' P?,()I, T E--040EC70 '-!qC ACCESSION NO--AP0134255 OF -ABST.:~ACT/EXTRACT-(U) GP-0- AOSTRACT THe FOPIMATION 1-1: POLYHEDRA ABERRANT SHAPE WAS OBSERVED AFTER INFECfION OF CULTLYATI-1) CELLS FROI TESTICULAR CYSTS OF ROMBYX 00RI L, PUPAEo IT WAS ESTABI.1511ED THA W1 TH INCREASE OF TEMPERATURE UP TO 28-320EGREES TH-c twmm--i4 or POLYHEDRA HAVING AN ALTERED SHAPLE INCREASES UP TO~52-76PERCENT RESPECTIVELY. THE TEMPERATURE CONDITIONS HAVE AN EFFECT ON TIME OF 14ANIFESFATION 01: VIltUS INFECTiaN (FORMATION OF POLYHEDRA). WITH A RISE OF TElPERATURE UP TO 32DEGREES, POLYHEDRA ARE FOUND !N 24 HR. AT ROOM. TEMPERATURE THEY ARE FORMED ONLY ON THE 4TH DAY. FACILITY: INST~o MICROBIOL. VIROL.9 ACAD. SCt. UKR. SSR, KIEVt USSR* U~ PROUSSING DATE--ZONOV70 1/4 UN(;LA5Sll t : ..._:TITLE--NEk PHASE TRANSITION IN TRIGLYGINE~SELENATE AT HIGH PRESSURES -u- -..~_"ALTHUR-(03)-,4YLGVt V.P., CHURAGULOVi O.R*t LECNIDOVAt G-G. C CUNTRY CF INFG--USSR -'::UURCE-F.lZ. TVEkD. TELA 1970t 12(4), 1288-9 PUbL ISHED---70 -:SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--CIRGANOSELENIUM COMPOUND, ORGANIC CRYS TAL HIGH PRESSURE:, ~'THERMAL EFFECT, PHASE TRANSITIONt THERMCGRAMo GLYCINE MAKt\IhG-NO RESTRICTIONS 11 .~VOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED Lm - -PROXY REF-L/FRAME--3005/0011 GIRC ACCkSSICN NO---00132311 UNCLASSIF 22. 035 PROCESSING UATE--20NOV70 CIRC ACCESSICN NO-AP0132311 -ABSTRALT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- A6STRACT. IN TRIGLYCINE SELE-NATE CRYSTAL (PIH SU62 CH SU52 COOH)SUB3.H SU&2 SEO SU64 THE IST ORDER PHASE TRANSITION -,WAS lti~E~STIGATED AT I-IGH PRESSURED BY THE DTA METHOD. IT FOLLOWS FROM THERACGRIIMS OBTAINED AT ROOM TEMP. THAT IN ADON. TO THE jol0w;N TRAUSITJON AT 6.5.KIL03ARS THERE IS A NEH PHASE TRANSITION: AT L3.6 KlLjdARS, BOTH JAANSITIENS HAVE THE SAME SIGNS OF THEIR THERMAL Ef:I:ECTS,. THE NEh PHASE N Pr RAN S IT 1 GN 1 S REV ERS I i3L E. IT 15 CHARACTERIZED BY HYSTER'.51S. Ii ~.ESSURE -:,.OF-APPROX. 1.5-2 KILOBARS. FACILITY,; INSY.:!FIL. VYS. DAVLENII, USS R U tlll~, !-.AS S I F I f 0 U [Articla by Candidate at -briamic R-- !-ez=ttrz- j~ TI rapid d4Y4IoP-UL of isgri-Itr. I* Ici,diam r1t the !.--rc4alarly wtdenprdad formwitlon of inizarkatkhoz end stat- and ar.4 to t1w er"titin of Agro~-IM-Cub-T13il crimplexe :~Ie p rty will support these ferns of projuct5on *Tzartizat-Lor. -, thr (From the CPSU Central Coint,ittea Report to the 24th rarty C-oneremm.) An, early felt itinnIng :.The Movkhma, t:t,.-x"rj. aad fleidim A~e attill covered bl the dawn hist, 7e; varkinr life :Ls Is full sutttig. Zbe harvest is at it. ht,igh- the tutinrented Cmil an,,V virtetv,41ts aTv stw~vi?, It nQat T-4 to pr~lt-."ty prepared bvvw3. The truel~s-'riva me Afirr trentipurt the produrie Away to the city. 71wrv i~ 1. any delav to the couavers of the. firm'. ~--vrvx, LI&w lat,itual t~ r,.duced to a minimm. s -izr&.,Iv Jr. ~zt% t if pro.ArvinA perishabiq produce. and lanovi T~rrr !~~vc hvro ~rAcxLcally, al-ittlaaLed. rut 44 to the tu"tammer who i= Apples, tomatoes. onions, funnel., and other frult'ain-4 vcgitallies hraiatha Ir.ahottso, and vorcover the pric" suit thecuittrmes. 1-lutt lv-ver thumn ziarkrt pric.r., Oise part of the harvotit Ante fee vt1r. whille, the runt is vient to canning plant.. Like the stores, Eliezic A""a "Claut :` th" tar.. I... ..til recoutly chant enterprises were cquIp;m4 v:zt, ;iosa'elc 1.i t a ~t, the rrocetia fif nodernIzInp. Oitin anA lmcre-lsi~: -1-e2r co-,mviti- is Severa' maidern autonat4d Main for pma~trt, frui: -mi -vionto and canned vegetables are alruady ii operation. Thin was a picture X had ocamstam tc ahserve '.-% fall, in the sOnripCbecivino-trigush ASSR. It In now 2 years siAce t1ir ~Xons~rvplz,covonhch" maiwagro-industrial association, formed froct nine sovkhoreit, four canning pnras. I and 12 starts together with the tranitport !~ttlonplrx to 01tim, vas created i,, ;jAre. This would attem a ahort ties, but ti-,c vesalra are airr.adv In ;3P 4014tince. Provicuivily the production of Agir!"Itural pro.1mce and Ito VrocossIng, storaZa. t-ansportation. And "le "to thu concerns of different drpnrt~-,Ll. llodor Chose COMdLt-en. it. -,,, 8iifi-it t~ -b-e -i-e coordination I.. the uvrk of al I the tl~nlnto- A~ - T11-It a rr-~p,lrtlon Q! the fr~IL and vegetables sometimes failed to Texca a ~rkrt. And pro4uctLon efficiency was reduced. The situation in now covtplttdlY dIffcTQnL- 'nic fusion of an'tc-prines from the different sectors into a Gingle economic unit and the creation of a unified leading orzan hAve opened the wai for corprehLnsive PlAnnirlR of the production, processing, and sale of the anvkhozes' pro~uco, The areas under orchard. and markat-gardens are rm~ beint iocre-,d in co"-ete accordance with the coontnj plants And &core%' req-~irements for fruit and vegetables. The plants' canacities ure. In tQrn, taing extended In proportion to the qTvvch of row, -tori.1" to L" the volum of Produce ~rlng aid throogh the stores is 1,etoo. Jot(-ralo~d in dependence on the populatiori'a demand and the sovkhozes' petent'al. In additica. -opr-rZa has cc-rred in the eccno~cs of All the sector. hieh 3ained the a-ciation. in tna oicry r%rat year the Areas under vegetable crops for example, incremsed 1.3 tl~Afi, vdgat.t,11 production increased 1.4 ti;,.. and ..I-- increased 1.3 ti-. Wl,c-s previously so" aowkhoz-- were sost.tcL=;% lefses. uo~ they are all -r;Onx At a profit. Tna canning Plants' 7roductiekk 4,otp~z Aacraasa,l by 4.0 =iIII'Leim standard-nize cane In a year. Vegetable sales in the stores increased by 10 percont, and fruit sales Lnereasad by 57 percent. in tit-at month% of the current year 217 tons core fruit, 300 tons more %43,on 4rops, and 900 tons more vej;ttablts than lost year wo-re cold t. the ;v-,ulation. The quality of the produce rose appztc:isb17,, the range vea extended. and distr!bution costs wage roJuo#4. The,crcatiork of the asocclutiou and it tkossible not only for the produetion and economic Indicators of all its susdIvIstons .0 be raised, the link betusen them to be simplified, and reductions to be, made Lu superfluous staff but &too for the utilization or 0-o Avtxlabla vonarary rozoartan in one Pair of hands sods It possible for tit* association to tonstrutt for itnelf lorp,*_ fVroved warehouses. zefri);erst-1 dtorts. hotbouvt3. nutowitic production Utes, cultural and everyday pro3ccts, end ad forth. The "icpnoeruplodovashch" anoottition is coortd-ntly Raintap strength, developing, and irproving. Tbe following figures testify to Ito present so 1e. The area under mAr'Ket gardens and orchards has b..n oxtended to alavat 10.000 hectares. Ford than 8.000 per*onnel vorL In the assoctatLon. The Plante' canned goods output is over I million CAnM per day. There are many Associations of this kind. They exist In the "ra-na. Moldavia. UzWkistan, the Xuban area and other regioni. ".1he process of thoir formation is law-governed and is caused by the rise in the lovaL of davelop~ 411 of production forces and by the influence of scientific and technical prograb3. :gricultur tie a sector which supplies raw vaterial for industry. under Wt hh! I; rIout condo ions it to simultaneously becoming incrosolnXly active in - 2 - lill 1 2 013 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING OATE--23OCT70 __JIT-LE_EVALUATING THE WATERPRWIFING CAPACITY OF PAINT ANO VARNISH COATINGS ON CAPILLARY POROUS MATERIALS -U- ~---AUTHOR-(03)-LEPARSKIYj L.G., MYSHELDVAt GoNor GURGUNOVA, P.I. .._:juPIC TAGS--WATERPROOFING9 PAIN'To VARNISHI.W0009 ENAMEL, ALKYD RESINv UREA RESIN, POLYESTER RESIN/(U)MAIIH OIL HASE COATING ._.~,CONTROL MARKfNG--NO RESTRICTIONS :~OOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1997/0425 STEP NO--Ulk/0303/70/000/001/005610058 NO-7-AP0119361 Mimi 7- 70 212 013 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-230CTS ~'CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0119361 --,ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. AN APP. IS DESCRIBEO FOR DETG. THE LNTERNAL STkESS (SIGMA' DUE TO SWELLING WHEN A MATERIAL ABSORBS WATER. THE SAMPLE IS KEPT AT A CONST. TEMP. AND VOL. IN IWATER AND THE INCREASE IN SIGMA WITH TIME IS OETD. ALTERNATIVELY# THE 0ECREASE OF SIGMA DURING DRYING AT CONST. VOL. CAN BE DETD. THE!APP. WAS USED TO DET THE SIGMA -OF-UNCOATED PINEWOOD AND OF PINEWOOD COATED WITH VARIOUS ENAMELS. .:NATURAL OIL BASED COATING MA-11H WAS FOUND To PREVE,"IT WOOD SWELLING IN BETTER THAN COM. ALKYD.UREA~OR PULYESTER COAT[NG.. % USSR UDC: 532-516 MYSHENFOV, V. I. IfInvestigation of the Development of Flow Detachment Behind a Plate by Xu- merical Solution of Navier-Stokes Equations" Tr. Sektsii uo chisl. rietodam i gaz. dinamike 2-go 1.1ezbdun.-,1r. kolickviuma po gazodinamike vzrv-va i reagiruy shchikh sistem, 1960. T. 1 (Works of the Section on Numerical Methods and Gas Dynamics of the Second international Colloquium on Gasdynamics of Explosion and of Reacting S~rstemq), Moscow, 1971, pp 67-82 (from,RZh-14ekhanika, No 5, May 72, Abstrart 110 5B890) Translation: The author considers -he problem of flow or a viscous gas in the wake behind a plate of finite thickxiess. The problem is solved niimeri- cally by the method of adjustment on an explicit differelice scheme of the second order of accuracy of the Laks-Vendrov type. An infinite region is considered which is transformed by substitution of variables into the rec- tangle 0 4 x < 1, 0 < y < 1. The problem is solved for Reynolds numbers l