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-)C: CENTrALIZATION OF CARE IN K~',L A~',EAF (ZIN Ti;F W'~t,L. OF KALiNINGILIDSKAYA 013Ut'f) [Acticle by .I.A. Volt,,~va, V-..-, and PublIc lit .;11.1I USSP. ~!Inliitry of 1-11th, NuA;;lAri, No 1, 1973, "UbAtted 3 Aug-: pp *Ihc program of ths, Cil',U 7~rovlldzis znr r~ctliw, 171 1 Id I thL demands of the UrL,aa an,i rtrzil t~ A:! 11,t%~.; ". hit&hly quilif-ed medical care. The r.Lt~ for bzinelng t:w lt,%-L-3 quality or medical anre In rur" areas clo5err to the lt~vell provi'l-i to urban regions war, indica-~vd in t!w, e-i-sion o-z a aot-,,iun or Lhc: uss:~ Supreme Council (June, 19(>8) and Dezrie of t1he Ccntra, C-.x,1LLoe of clot, CPSU and USSR Council of Kinistvrs. No!V!d 5 JuI7 14 ,wiidz '%:i Measureu for 'urther Inprovencut cf Fulv~lir liealth xInd of Medical SciencIa in the Country"; thir war also discut~scd ~t L!-~L '~4EJJ Congreas of the CPSU. The system of medical care baKed on the rrinciple of development lind conihining a not or therapeutic a-%d prcphyla~~4,t in6tt- tutions, provides the rural populatitan uith aLl Coma of r,%~all-ricd apecialized medical care. Note zhar: 11C0,003 different Cheiti.,,-t1c a;1,; prophylactle. it'stitiltionis PartIcAr4tet'. In t7,rlw~~nzliw 0,11 fo-k J:I 1971; thoy incliidcd rioro Lh~n ha-itz'-v. '47, 01 t1:11. hotipicale %ruglonol, r-public le,ol). rn~ua. 'I!" i,iyor. (numb u red) , And 11,051 rural (itz;trLcz houpitala. Th,! existing ayntvaa of he,,~,h cr~anization Polluiblu 0 ,lizInate aluioit entirwly the dif-e. vitze het~-n t V ability of honplizal care for the tr~ral ~ni ur;I4.. Pol.-ulation.. 7,.q I I, A 6 at* htevcd, to sorm vxterit, by hoopitaliz4tion of rural rei .4,!~~'.LC 1:1 urban lionpitalo. In nv:ze rep,-Ialica, zcrc. than LO perct,nt o"' L~~, nir,;! population Wnu hoopitalized in u-ban h,zapttals 1:-, 1970. the LIF,5IR no 4 uhole, an averaZ;A of 204 per 1,003 rural, rai.,.dentIi itted. and this applied to 207 per I,ZC.,D urbar. rcBidenti;. 7~- 22 7's UNCLASSIFIE1 PPOCESS ING DATE--- 17JUL TITLE--fiCAPTATjCN To THE CC%CITION'S OF HIGHLA RE-4S I iN THE PA'IRS -U- AUTHOR--PASHKC~SKIY, V.G.,_2L4C&bLq.Zl-l-YE M~r CCUNTRY CF INFC--LSSR SGIURCE-VCENNO-MED I TS I INSK I I ZHURNAL , JAN 197C , P. 5-48 .DATE. FLBLIShEO - - - - - - -70 SUBJECT AREPS--BICLCGiCAL ~Nb FEOIC*4L SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--ALTITfiCE ACAPTATION, C4R0lCVASCLJLAR SYSTFiv, 61CELECTRIC PHENCPENCN, CARCICGRAPHY CCN,TRf',L vtRKIbG-NC PESTPICTICNS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--lS79/061b STEP NC--UP/0177/7C/t)(jC)/003/0045/0048 CIRC ACCESSICN NC-PP004712'~ U ~' -_ LA S S I F I F C Acc. Nr: Abstracting Service: Ref. Code: AP0047123- INTERNAT. AEROSPACE ABSTJ._:,7,,-_U iq 0 e1`1 '470-25179 7ij Adaptation to the conditions of highland areas in the Pamirs (Adaptatsiia k usloviiam vysokogornykh raionov Parnita). Y.G. Mashkovskii and IMI.- Kh. Bobokhodzhaev. Voenno-Meditsinskii Zhurndl, Jan. 1970, p. 45-48. In Russian. Study of the function of the cardiovascular system of a -proup of 250 healthy young rnen exposed in the Pamirs to altitudes of 2200, 3600 and 4200 m for periods from 2 uays to 3 years. The electrical and mechanical cardiac activity manifestations and their interdependence are investioated in the subjects by simultaneous EKG and phono-KG recordings under various hypoxic conditions. The development of various subjective and objectiv~~-mostfy temporary -disorders, such as dryness in the mouth, bad sleep, nausea, shooting pain in the heart, and dyspnea, is noted during the adaptation period. Also noted are overextended systoles and diastoles and a sinusoidal bradycardia during the first month of exposure, V.Z. REEL/FFMIE USSR UDC: 662.215.1 DUBOVIK, A. V., GOLNGFI'ROV, A. A., and BOBOLEV, V.-K., MOSCOW "Approximate Physical Yodel of Low-Velocity Detonation in Liquids" Novosibirsk, Fizika Goreniya i Vzryva, Vol 0,, I-To 4, Jul-Aug 73, pp 521-529 Abstract: The authors study a sirgle-dimensional problem assoc-lated with thie propagation of a self-maintaining wave disturbance in a chemical reaction free, unbounded, two-phase medium (liquid with gas-filled bubbles) which is repre- sented in the form of a set of interstrati-fications w]qich are divided by gas intervals and oriented normally with respect to the propaeation of the wave. The parameters of the indicated wave dirturbance -are calculatod, tt-Jing into consideration the particulars of the impact compression of the bubbIes. This is done u-sing, the hypothesis that the reaction can take place only between the intervals of -the interstratifications. The analogy with low-ve-locity dotorle.- tion is obvious froja the studied physical picture of the process. 1/1 USSR ANDRIANKIN, E. I., BOBOLEV, V. K., DUBOVIK, A. V., Moscow "Heating of a Liquid Explosive Layer under impact" UDC 662.217.7 Novosibirsk, Fizika goreniya i vzryva, Vol 8, No 3, 1972, pp 408-416 Abstract: A study was made more precisely to define the maximum temperature of a liquid explosive layer under impact. The kinetics of this phenomenon are explained and the experimental procedure and theoretical analysis are described. The layer of investigated liquid was placed between two coaxial steel rollers 15 mm. in diameter. A wire Strain gage was wound on the lower roll. Im- pact was applied to the upper roll by a 5 kg weight at a rate of 1-2 M./sec. Oscillograms are presented for various impact rate demonstrating that the maxi- mum pressure on impact Pmax Als very close to pi forthe case of "idle" impact. When calculating the maximum temperature in the liquid explosive layer under impact it is necessary to consider not only the thermal conductivity but also the relation between the viscosity of the liquid and the temperature. For standard laboratory experimental conditions, the calculated values of the niaxi- mum temperature were an order lower than for adiabatic warming and did not exceed the characteristic ignition point of nitroglycerine. Although the viscosity of the liquid explosive also depends on pressure, the maximum temperature is reached 1/2 USSR ANDRIANKIN, E. I., et al., Fizika goreniya i vzryva, Vol 8, No 3, 1972, pp 408- 416 on the periphery of the striker where the pressure is close to normal. There- fore, consideration of the dependence of the viscosity on the pressure does not lead to a noticeable increase in the maximum temperature. 2/2 - 76 USSR UDc 622.4+541-12-03 A'FANASIYEV, G. T., BOBOLEV, V. K., KAZAROVA, YU. A., and K&RABAINOV, YU. F. (Moscow) "Local Heat Formation During Impact Dest--uction of Thin Layers" Novosibirsk, Fizika Gorenlya i Vzryva, Vol 8, No 2, Jun 72, PP 299-306 Atstracts The authors studied specimens pressed from ground crystalline iron citrate hydrate for purposes of observijig the thin layer destruction pattern in materials mechanically similar to explosives. It was found that after impact destruction, bands appear on the contact surfaces which can be regarded as the lines of Intersection of these surfaces. To establish the mechanical similarity betneen iron citrate and explosives, the proAsure was measured during impact with disks of varying thickness. The re3ultant pres- sure oscillograms are analogous -to those for solid ei-ploslyes. A derivatographic study was made of the initial substance Band part of a specineen after impact for a qualitative understandWq of the chemical processes in iron c1trate during heating, The heating rate was 150 Per 1/2 USSR AF)WASIYEV, G. T., et alo, Fizika Goraniya I Vzryva, Yoj 8, No 2, Jun 72, pp 299-3o6 minute. Iron citrate loses first one molecule 0-1300), then the two remain- ing water nolecitLes (-1650 C). There in appreciable decomposition and darkening already during the loss of the first molecule of crystallized water. F_',Tsr1mv-its with mechanical mixtures of iron citrate ilith citric acid, polymethy'! methacrylate, ammonium perchlorate, trotyl,etc. shoued the same destruction mechanism. The destruction process during Bowderi-Kozlov testing was briefly considered. M-ecteleal conductivity studies in experiments with the'Lonic com- po'tz.ds NaGI, AgN03 and NW03 showed that destruction is accompanied by the appex-temce of conductivity enly for rather thin specimens. but that the loss or absence of conductivity does not necessarily rule out the existence of a melt an the destruction surfaces. Tests with low-moleculax organic sub- stance, and polymers revealed conductivity during destruction in the thin lay- er region. The conductivity is undoubtedly due to heating-up on the destruc- tion surfaceas 2/2 - 75 - A'- 'A , C / 5*-'~ A ~ " ' Y -~ it. Ill. 51 rr I Ardriankin, E. I., V. K. 13ol,olev, and A, V. Dubovi),, C~Mapsv of an elliplic cavity arl explo5ivet Initiation in a. liquid layer under shocl, offect. zhpm'rF, no. 5, 1971: 10-85. I -, Analytical and experimental results are given on the effect of shvck excitation of a combustible liquid volume. Criteria are developed for the threshold conditions under which a norn-inally spherical fluid volume shiftg to an elliptical form, and on further compression develops into a cumulative jet; in the limit this results in detonation fr,-= adiabatic heating of gas evolved in the volume. Test data on shock generation of jet* in liquid nitroglycerine are included, and show quatitative agreement with theoretical results. P Shlesoel', E. A- K. B. Pribytkova, and A. G. Merzharov. A numerical solotinn to the problem of a thermat explonion,with free convection taken into account. MV, no, 2, 1971. 167-17B. The authors clie previous works in which the r(fect of free convection on a gan explosion process In expresned In terms of the Rayleigh (RA) and Fr&n1Y.-Ksnwnc104y ( a ) criteria, The analysis is extended hure to the case of liquid fuel combustion, and is presented so a supplement to earlier experimental work by Merzhonov and Shtessel' (FGiV. no. 1. 1971) In which an empirical correlation between Ila and 8 was obtained. The model used assumes an Ideal stationar-t fluid in a uniform semi-inflnite vessel; gas evolution is neglected. The results are shown graphically, indicating the conditions under which convection wilt or wilt not affect this detonation process. USSR UDC:215.5+662.23 DUBOVIK, A. 1r. , WaQ~ N. S. , Moscow, -Elf, V. K. , MALEGA, "Influence of Configuration of Gas-Filled Cavities in Nitroglycerine Charges on its Shock Sensitivity" Novosibirsk, Fizika Goreniya i Vzry-va, No 3, 1971, pp 412-41S. Abstract: Recent works have presen-ced detailed studies of the me-Oanism of excitation of all explosion, considering the sensitizi.n.-i role of gas inclusions for shock initiation of liquid explosives. The primary role ill tile initiation of the explosion, according to the mechanism suggested in these studies, is that of the effects accompanying t)w interaction of accirmflative stream of fluid with tile wall of a collapsing cavity. It was demonstrated that if the paraimeters of collapse and the state of the gas in the cavity satisfy a nu,-,iber of necessar y conditions, the rate of collision of the stream with the cavity for nitro- glycerine -required for excitation of the explosion is over 100 ni/sec. This article presents a stud), of tile collapse of gas-filled cavities of tile simplest elliptical shape. Iffien an elliptical cavity collrpses, due to the presence of sec- tors with various degrees of curvature, the conditions of. eNcitation.of HIC stream are more favorable than in the cylindrical case. The sensitivity of the 1/2 USSR UDC: 215.5+662.23 DUBOVIK, A. V. , BOGBOLEV, V-. K. , NLAIEGA, N. S., Novosibir-sk, F-i--ika Gorenix-3 i Vzryva, No 3, 1971, pp 4121-418, nitroglycerine is determined as a function of the type of nas filling the cavity, placement of the cavity beneath impact hammer and the shape of the cavity. 2/2 USSR UDC 532.595.2 ANDRIYANKIN, E. 1. , 20BOLE\r VA.-S DUBOVIK, A. V. , Moscow "Collapse of -in Ell iptical Cavity and Excitation of ;in Explosion in a La~vi- of Liquid 1)), ;in Impact" Zhurnal Prikladno-y IMekhaniki i Tekhnicheskoy Fiziki, No S, 1971, pp 78-8s. ABSTRACT: Experir.-;ents have shown that an initially circular bubble is slight- ly displaced or converted to an elliptical bubble during the process of collapse, further compression of which causes the appearance of' cumulative streams. This process if of interest for the s-.udy of' the wear of surfaces in a cavitating stream and in the analysis of the sensitivity of liquid ex- plosives to impacts. The development of cumulation can be conveniently studied by making tl-~o cavity elliptical ill advance or by displacing a circu- lar cavity relative to the ;Lxis of impact, thus creating a pressure; field asymmetrical relati-,.,e to its center. This work presents somc theoretical considerations on the nature of the cumulative stream which dovelol)s in an elliptical or displaced cavity and its influence on the excitat-ion of explo- sion of liquid exnlosives due to the formation cf small di-cps in tilc "Idia- batically licated L!as i-,,itllin the cavity. The experi-nll~ntal &-.ta (1--n 01c, of foraition of streams and the frequency of explosions of' njti-o,,,Iycc--rin qualitatively confirj,.: the theoretical statenclits. 1/1 - 117 - USSR UDC 622-2351662.242,001.5 GIAZKOVA, A. P., and BOBOIEV,_V. K., Institute of Chemical Physics, USSR Academy of Sciencez "Effect of Organophosphorus Salts on the Combustion of Ammonium Perchlorate" Moscow, Doklady Akademy Nauk SSSR, 1971, Vol 197, No 4. PP 883-887 Abstracti The most effective inorganic catalyst for the combustion of ammonium chlorate had appeated to be the dihydrate of copper bichromate, from which it was concluded that the addition of organometallic salts to the perchlorate would strongly affect the combustion, the metal ion beformed during combustion of the salt or its acid being present in finely dispersed form. Meanwhile, the great effectiveness of organic iron-containing salts in the combustion of mixed fuels based on ammonium chlorates iras already known. In the present study, attention was directed to organometallic salts of benzoic, salicylic and other acids as catalysts of the combustion ir question. It was found that only the benzoates of sodium and lithium would intensify combustion at 50 atm. As distinct from these sodium salts, fuchsin was found to intensify combustion by a factor of 1.4 with application of 300 atm pressure (at other pressure levels, there was marked retardation). A nu;mber of copper compouids were also studied. 1/2 USSR GIAZKOVA, A. P., and BOBOLEV, V. K., Doklady Akademy Nauk SSSR, Lg?l, Vol 197, No 4, pp 883-887 Tabular data on pressures and several different combustion factors accompany the paper. 2/2 - 5 - USSR ANDRIANKIN,, E. I..,. BOBOLEV,. V.. K.' and DUBOVIK, A. V. (Moscrw)- "The Collapse of a Cylindrical Cavity in a Layer of Liquid Upon Impact" Hosca-r, Zhurnal Prikladnoy Makhaniki.i Tekhnicheskov Fiziki, No 6, 1970, pp 98-106 Abstract: The article deals with the case of an impact upon a thin annular layer of liquid with a gas-filled cavity. The solution of the problem is reduced to the integration of a system of t3io conventional first-order differential equations. A qualitative analysis of the equations is carried out, and some precise solutions are found. Note is taken of cases of pulsation of the cavity, the influence of counterpres- sure and viscosity is investigated. The obtained experimental data coincide with the numerical calculations conducted in the paper. The problem of the collapse of a cavity liquid is one of the fundamental problems of hydrodynamics., It is not only of theoretical but also of practical interest, since the collapse of cavities t',a1ws pfacu fre(Ittelitly in the lubrIcation layer of bearings, in cavitation, in Lesting of the 1/2 USSR ANDRIANKUN, E. I, et al., Zhurnal Prikladno-y Makhaniki i Tek-hnicheskoy Fiziki, No 6, 1970, pp 98-106 sensitivity of liquid explosions to impact, etc. The analvsis of these cuestions is dealt with by a n,,=ber of papers in which the collapse of a ipherical cavity is investigated. The present paper deals rather with the case of an impact with a velocity of w. upon an angular layer of liquid w-ith a thickness of ho with an external radius a and an internal radius b. The solution of this problem is somewhat more complex than in the --ase of th.e collapse of a spherical bubble due to the presence of the axial com- ponent of velocity, the finite value of the striker radius a, and the layer thickness, which is variable with respect to time. 212 - 45 - 112 046 UNCL ASS IF I ED PAOCESS[NG DATE--ZONOV70 TITLE--CUXG-LATIVE JETS ARISING DURING SHOCK INDUCED COLLAPSE OF CAVITIES IN THIN FLUIC LAYERS -U- AUTHOR-(CZ)- K., OU60VIK, A.V. 7-CCUtNTkY LF I1&G--LSSj1 SGURCE-PMTi~, ZFURNAL PrlKLAUNOI MEKHANIKI I TEKHNICHESK01 FIZI.*Klt MAR.-,%Pk. 1~47U, P. 143-151 JATE PUbLISHc_[;------70 _SUdJECT AREAS--PHYSICS TGPIC TAGS-GAS JET7 SHCCK WAVE, FLUID FLOW tCNTROL MAkeING--NO RESTRICTIONS UGrUMENT CUSS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/f-fM-'L--3005/14C1 STEP PJO--UR/0207/70/000/,')OO/C)148/015L CIRC ACCESSICIN NO-hPOL33353 UnGU45SIFIED 212 048 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--20NOV70 CIRC ACCESSIGiN NG--AP0133353 ~ABSTKACT/EXTRACT-W) GI-0- ABSTRACT. RESULTS OF A HIGH SPEED MOTION 'PICTURE PHGTOCkAPHY STUDY OF THE DYNAMI(;S OF SHOCK INDUCED COLLAPSE OF AIR CAVITIES IN THIN LAYERS OF VARIOUS FLUIDS. IT IS FOWN'D THAT OURINIG THE CfjURSE CF CCLLAPSE THE LIACULAR S14APE OF THE CAVITY SURFACE IS ARSITRAkILY IMPAIRED, AND HIGH VELOCITY CUMULATIVE JETS ARISE. THE JET PARAMETERS ARE MEASUREU AS A FUNCTIGN OF THE INITIAL WNDITIONS O~- THE :EXPERIMENTS. UNCLASSIFIEC USSR UD%C 530-376 C I'Di 11 A. V. "R OR XLYJUDOV, 1. V. p. , and chnical Insii -LL itte ,Acad-erny- C.'47 Scic;-ces,' ULraiiniazi SSR and Ua--'kov Sta-It. !L-Irliversity irerd A. 1.1. Gor*'kiy "Chanre in J,,icj- -a L, L.- ion S -L -uct ure Ind Pro-parties at VaryinG Loading Rates Svc-Td-10--'s'L , Fif: Netallov i Vol 32, -110 1, j -ALO, 7 U.1 PP 139-1Z!4" Abstract, nes.,zi+s of i, thc structural e aj:d pram of polycr~-:;tl~ I--- - -!:;! iAn rcla~ion to az:d of ctriz) at, --co'-'. te7,- peratiLre ;.,aS u-----d .zhich itas anne-r-led at 900'C f0-- one ~--ur in a vacuu-m int- in a crn-1-2- Size G- 'he Ca.a.-jes was ac,c::Dlis~-.~,-l j, a. special u-nit a. 2~0 G u-p t -o varica de ces c~ ~~rair, w-lth :ntes c)f 0.2 a.-,---; 3 I X 0 1.,!7/-nL: -;~r -`7,02.-Lowed 11V at- --00M tCn-'~Cra 0 t=e a,~ t,n =~_Te 04' 3 ;,as --asLzed ccoiln~~ to 77-:',. 1 t Vas foun,", r;~-~ Ir ch ge to C~Cforzat.iCnr C-lecl- 4 L-I'al CO- ai-d ;izlocn- tion strL:-- zz-3 cb--Cz.-,~ed -,.hic.i for fcc For s1o-,,---- 66 - GII.-D-IN, I. z, et al., F-in-itaa t.etallov i 1,el"allovedeniye, Vol 32, !."o 1, Jul-Aug 71, PT).139-144 rates o--F' loadin-, when dilffu~ion rzocezscs plav a sul~stazntial role, devia- tions from t-Lose .)r-incipics are poE-siblc. Sloi.; loadin7 rates in the T,.acrc- clestic ril-i-On diffusior. rc-dizt-ribution of def"ects into ener-c-tica-Uy Suitable points, coaloscence of point, defects, and promote f0imation of dislocation loops. processes lower electrical re-sis-1k.ance and yiela; a~ori zubsequent-. stmir of zmipies, Five firrures, 21 biblio=--aphic re-1-c-iences. 2/2 USSR UDC 533.95:538.4 VAKULENKO, S. Ye. "On Calculating the DrOD in Ionization Energy and Pressure Due to Coulomb Interaction in an Air Plasma" Vestn. Kiyev. politekhn. in-ta. Ser. elektroener-,etili (Herald of Kiev Polytechnical Institute. Electroenergetics Series), 1972, No, 9, pp 18-23 (from RZh-Fizika, No 11, Nov 72, Abstract No 11G70) Translation: The necessity for taking into account Coulomb interaction in a plasma in calculating the composition of an air plasma on the basis of the Saha equation is discussed. The Debye radius for screening and the drop in ionization energy and pressure in an air plasma was calculated in the temperature range T = 1011 - 105*K and the pressure range F = 0.01-100 atm. A system of &quatilons was derived, including the Saha equation, the Dalton equation, the equation for macroneutrality and the relative content of nitrogen and oxygen in the air. The numerical solution of the equation considering the drop in ionization energy and pressure deternines a new composition for the air plasma. 1/1 Acd. Nr: A T037243 Ref. Dde: UR 0301 FR11-1,1ARY SOURCE: Voprosy Meditsinaimii, 1970, Vol 106, Nr 1, pp 12 -7 - 90 THE STUDY OF FATTY ACID OXIDATION IN HEART MUSCLE OF NORMAL ANI. MALS AND AT EXPERIMENTAL MYOCARDITIS L L. Boboshko,,Al. D. Grozdqua vammmm" . Institute of Pharmacy USSR Academy of Medical Sciences The oxidation of butyric and palmitic acids by raboit heart mitochondria was siu- (lied. The oxidition of butyric acid as distinct from palmitic. acid does not depend 'on carnitin iddition into the incubation mixture, The rate of huryric acid Oxidation is di-- pended on the season of the year. At the experimental adrernafine inyocarditis the inhi- bition of fatty acid oxidation by 2-3 times was noted. USSR BOBOVICH, Ya. S., BORTKEVICH, A. V. UDC 621.375.82 "Experimental Study of the Resonance Effect of the Scattering of Light in Polymethine Pigments" V sb. Nelineyn. protessy v optike. (Nonlinear Processes in Optics-collection of works), V,,.,p. 2, Novosibirsk, 1972, pp 1166-178 (from RZh-Fizika, No 12,. Dec 72, Abstract No 12D872) Translation: The basic experimental results are presented for the resonance interaction of the radiation of a monopulse and picosecond ruby laser with molecules of polypiethine pigments in rigid (vitrefied or crystallized at 77'K) matrices. In the case of intense irradiation of the vitreous solutions, a complex spectrum was observed which contained continuous and discrete compon- ents. It was demonstrated that the continuous radiation can be identified as the pig=nt generation band. The discrete lines in the observed spectra belong to the resonance induced Raman emission. Indirect attributes were pointed out bv which a nu=ber of lines o-f the resonance indLced Raman emission can be considered scatteripg of the light by the molecules in the first excited singlet state. The hVDOthesis was stated that so-me of the observed lines belong to the scatter-ing spectrum at the oscillatory levels of the lower triplet state of the pigment molecules. The bibliography has 18 entries. 1/1 Acc Nr - P00 A 55936- Abstracting Service: CO(Iv- ClILMICAL ABST. 900 - 116491b Resonance effects of light scattering in crypto- cvanine. liobovich, --Yi!. S.; Bortk--_iLh. A. V. (USSR). Pis'= Zh. 'EksP. I eor. P z--. 190,13, 11 t*-'), S37-8 ( Russ). Tile spectra of crypt ocyanine (I), vitrified in glycerol and crystd. out in Me2CO, tetrahydrofuran, and HCON'Me2, in the concns. of 10-6-0.5 X 10-1.11, were investigated. The solmi. were frozen at 77*K. The bearn of a rubv laser (20 NM') Nva~- focused sharply on the sample and the scattered radiation %%-as obsd. by a spectral device with a reciprocal dispersion of 12 cm-1/min. file lines (very nrro%v for the crvst. matri\es) of various inten- sit',es, similar to those found at. soinewhat higher frequencies in the ir absorption spectrum of 1 (400-2500 cni'-l, ineasured as KBr pellet), were obscl.; a doublet at 604 and 1,110 cm-1 was characteristic of all samples. In addn., the generation bands of the dye, the frequencies and characters of which depended on the concn., were obscl. In any case, only the lities reach- ing the generation band or lying close by it appeared. The spectra obtained are attributed to tile resonance stimulated Raman scattering and resonance stimulated Rayleigh scattering of the line branch in electron-excited states of tile muls., realized bv a nontrivial scherne of the "from above down" transitions. 71:he Stokes broadening (-10 cm-1, of the stimulated Rainan Hues was obsd. at the max. output of the spectra excitttion. 1. Moravec REEL/ FRAME f. - JL9841260 __ Ab e rv ce: Acc. Rr: ng AP00,50429' CHEMICAL ABST. 5--,70.10 "7 'q d'/ 95017j Induced Raman spectra within and near the funda- mental absorption bands. S.; Bortkevic (USSR). Opt. Spektro5k. 197U, ~Zski J, Muss). Raman spectra of stilbene, tolan, naphtlialen'e, CsH6, PhCl, MePh, stvrene, and CS-_ at liq.-N temps. were investigated. The spectra were excited by the 3471A line, with an output of I XTIV (the harmonic of rul;3, laser). An ISP-66 quaftz spectro- graph was used. ~ For stilbene, the exciting line is in the region of an absorption band and the compd. luminesces; induced Raman line at 1590 cm-1, with a relatively low intensity and a high generation threshold, is generated simultaneously. The section of spontaneous Ranian radiation, in coinparison with the spec Lruni excited by the fundarn(tntal line of the rub), laser (69-13 A), increaies -104 tinje,, owing to the absorption losses of exciting radiation, competition of induced Raman radiation with the luminescence, and possible effect of the 2-photon absorption. Induced Raman lines at 2225 and 1380 cm-' of tolan and naphthalene, resp., have hiyh intensities. The spectra of other cotnpds. consist mostly of 2 or 3 lines, at 990 and 3065 for CHs, 100.5, 2 M and 3035 for Nlel?h, 1000 for PhCl, and 9-00 and 1610 cm-1 for stwene. Induced Raman spectra of C% as well as of "z REEL/FMME 1981040G AP0050428 CHBrj, o-C,H,Cl,, P-C&H4Br2, biphenyl, bromobiphenyl, 4,4'- dibromobiphenyl, bromodimethylaniline, quinoline, anthracene, and diphenylbutadiene were not obtained. A decrease of the generation thresholds of induced.Raman radiation and an in- crease of transformation coeff. of the radiation owing to the reso- nance effect can hardly be reached. Refrigeration to the liq.-He temp- may give POS. results. J. Moravec 19810407 112 041 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING OATE--20NOV70 .TITLE--PERTURBED TOTAL INTERNAL REFLECTION SPECTRA OF LIQUID CRYSTALS -U- ~:AUTPOR-103)-LOLOTAREV, V.M., BELYAYEVSKAYAt N.M., BOBOVICH, YA.S. CCUNTRY GF INFG--USSR ~SCURCE-C-PT. SPEKTRCS.(. 1970, 28(1)p 195-7. LIATE PUBLISHEO--70 SU3JECT A'('%EAS--PHYSICS TOPIC T.,AGS--IR REF-LECTANCE, PERTURBATIONi LIQUID CRYSTAL, LIGHT -REFRACTION, LIGHT REFLECTION, AMINE DERIVATIVE MARAING-NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED 'PRGXY il Er'_L/FRAME--1992/1784 STEP NO--UR/OC51/70/028/0*U'1/0195/0197 CIRC ACCESSICN NO-AP011,2710 .; _LASStFlF_0 Z/12 041 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--20NOV70 CIRC ACCESSICki NO--AP0112770 AiSTRACTICXTRACT-(U) ('.P-0- ABSTRACT. INFRARED MIJI-flPLY PFRTURBEO TOTAL .2. (1141 .1 -N ~l It.. INIFAINAL WAS ust-1) TO ilUOY lift 1,1 1. ' A THE 10TIR mErHOD DEPENDS Ljiq rtiE PENEfRATIUN Of. A LIGHI RAY tNid AN t5PTICALLY LESS DENSE MEOLUM DURING REFLECTION, AT A 2 PHASE BOUNOARY ATI INCIDENT A14GLES LARGER THAN THE CRIT. ANGLE. AN EXPT- WJTH .8,iPtiENYLAZO)t,%IfANISALY1,NAPHTHYLAMINE IS GIVEN AS AN EXAMPLE OF SUCH A MEASUREMENT UNCLASSIFIED 1 2 044 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 TITLE--LINE STRUCTURE OF THE SerONDARY LUMINESCENCE SPECTRUM OF VITRIFIED CRYPTOCYANIhE SCLUTIONS -U- AUTHOR-iO3)-BORTKEVICH, A.V., BOBUVICH, YA.S., BELYAYEVSKAYA. N.Mo COUNTRY OF INFO-USSR SOURLE-OPT_ SPEKTRCSK. 1970, 28(4)v 688-94 .DATE PUBLISHED--70 SUBJECT AREAS-MATERIALS, PHYSICSt METHODS AND EQUIPMENT TOPIC TAGS-LUMINESCENCE SPECTRUM, GLYCEROL, IR SPECTRUM, LASER EXCITATION, RAMAN SPECTRUMt PHOTUGRAPHIC CHEMICAL, IODINATED ORGANIC COMPOUND CCNTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME-2000/0646 STEP NO--UR/0051/70/028/004/0688/0694 CIRC ACCESSIGN NO--APOIZ4511 UNCLASSIFIEG ~212 044: UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCTTC ,CIRC ACCESSION NG--AP0124511 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-O- ABSTRACT. THE DISCRETE SPECTRA OF SECONDARY LUMINESCENCE OF CRYPTOCYANINE (1) IN VITRIFIED GLYCEROL MATRICES WERE STUDIED AT THE LIC. N TEMP. AT GREAT DISPERSION. THE IR ABSORPTION SPECTRUM OF I WAS OBTAINED BY PRESSING THE SUBSTANCE IN KBR. BY COMPARING I'HESE 2 SPECTRA AND ALSO THE RESULTS OF EXPERIENCES IN WHICH THE POSITION Of THE EXCITED LINE OF THE LASER WAS CHANGED BY VARYING THE TEMP. OF THE ROOv THE DISCRETE PART OF THE LUMINESCENCE SPECTRA BELONGED TO THE RESGNANCE STIMULATED RAMAN SPECTRA ACCORDING TO rHr'-_ SCHEME UPPER TO LOWER TRAN51TIONSe UNCLASSIFIED 1/2 039 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING OATE--23OCT70 TITLE--INDUCED PROCESSES OF SCATTERING AND LUMINESCENCE IN CRYSTALLIZEO SOLUTIONS OF CYANINE DYES -U- AUTHOR-(OZI-BOBOVICHo YA.S., BORTKEVICH, A.V. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--OPT. SPEKTROSK* 1970, 28(3), 474-9 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALSt PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS--DYE9 RAMAN SPECTRUM LUMINESCENCE, LASER EFFECT CONTROL MARKING--IN10 RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--t997/0803 STEP NO--IJit/0051/70/0281003/04'14/0479 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0119710 UNCLASSIFIED 212 039 UNCLASSIFIED PkOCESSING D4TE--23OCT70 GIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0119710 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. LASER INDUCED RAMAN SPECTRA OF CYANINE DYES SOLNS. CRYSTD. AT LIQ.,Iq TEMP. WERE STUDIED. THUS, 1,.l PRIME,DIETHYLr4,4 PRIME,CARBOCYANINE IODIDE (1) AND Irl PRIME,DIETHYL,2,2 PRIME,'L)ICARBUCYANINE IODIDE (11) WERE YISSOLVED IN ME SUB2 CO, TETRAHYOROFURAN, AND DIMETHYLFORMAMIDE, RESP., IN CONCN. 10 PRIME NEGATIVE6 LO PRIME NEGATIVE4 M. THE POSITION OF THE RAMAN LINES DEPENDS ON THE SOLVENT USED; 50ME LINES ARE NOT ONLY SHIFTED BUT ALSO SPLIT. AU A.NOmALOUS CONCN. SHIFT WAS OBSO. FOR THE EXCITING LINE OF I IN ME SUB2 CO. IN THE MIXED SOLNS. OF I AND If (4:1, 8:1, AND 40:1) IN TETRAHYDROFURAN, ONLY COMPD. It SHOWS VERY STRONG LINES, PROBABLY OWING TO THE COMPETITION OF THE SOLUTES. UNCL A SJS IF IED USSR UDC: 535-375-01 RAUTIAN, S. G., BOBOVICIII, Ya. S., "Concerning Some Particulars of Ranan Scattering" Leningrad, Optika i Spektroskopiya, Vol 34, No 3, Mar 73, pp 617-6lq Abstract: The authors discuss the recently discovered ex-per-limentall F--ffeCt of Raman scattering by excited molecules with emphasis on two peculiarities of the Dhenomenon: 1. the initial and final states of the niolecules per- ticipating in the scattering have greater energy than "he ir-tern-ediate state; 2. some of the Raman lines suectrally overlap with a li2zrinescence band. As a rule, these Raman lines are shaded by line., of "attenuation" or show up only in absorption (in the "negative"). On the other hand, the Raman lines lying outside the luminescence band correspond to cmisFionl i. e., they usually Shcw up in the "positive". It is shcwn that "inter- ference" of J;aman scattering and luminescence could lead to "negative" structures. The vroposed cyplanation for "ne-gativization" of Par,, liile-, is universal in nature and should hold in molecular systems. JPPS S5879 4 May 1172 UDC 539-5 INFLUENCE OF SEMIFABRICATE-PRODUCTION ISCHNOLOGY ON THE KECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF REAT-RESISTANT ALLOYS EArticle by f~_"~~6nikov and 0. Kh. Fatkul- " - Uborn tory 67-XI'My ascow) of VILS (posYsib -UnlorV L c h) ; Kiev. Proble rochnostl Russyn. No 6. 19?l, signed to pre 0 August 1~70, PP 1~5-109 Changan in Engine Materiat Spec ificu tions in Recent Years Prog,ress In aviation equipment presents ever higher demands on the mster~ala used in making engines. Materials with increased durs bility and heat-resistance properties are used widely In ong1ne structures. Thn departure point in developine Grid organl%ing the production of heat-re3istant materials was -he development of jet engines, which have replaced piston engines %ivi aircraft. In recent years many hent-resiut~int illoys have bren developed which permit engine operating tern-peruture to Do ruised ccn- ol4orably, Vacuum melting of metals has brought much progress in AO the area of producing deformable alloys. The dynamics of change in engine-alloy content on vari- ous bosea over a 15-year period are shown In Table 1. The Tnble I Alur"Inum- Titanium- Ste Is Nickel.. 7 Years bs a ad based (Fe- based ~Ilavr_ alloys, A buse), jj alloys 114 1950 zo 0 70 to 11 n 55 2 b5 10 1-60 1 12 34 53 !.;b 2 15 ~O 11 - USSR - 11 USSR BELOV, A. F., BOB N. D. FATKULLIN, 0. KH., Moscow. VILS (expansion unkno UDC 539.5 "The Influence of the Production Technology of Semifinished Products on the Mechanical Properties of Heat-Resistant Alloys" Kiev, Problemy Prochnosti, No. 6, 1971, pp 105-109 Abstract: The critical factor in the development and organization of the production of heat-resistant materials was the development of jet engines, which replaced piston engines on aircraft. Considerable progress in the field of the production of deformable alloys has been made due to the introductian of the vacuum melting of metal. Vacuum melting is-an important stage in improving the properties of heat-resistant alloys. One of the basic factors limiting the operating capacity of an engine is the quality of the turbine disks. Up to 1962, turbine disks in the USSR had been produced from open-melted metal, and this process had many drawbacks. A change took place with the Introduction, in 1962, of the vactiotri are- rerieltIng process, which resulted in metal of improved quality ~rith high and stable mechanical properties. At present there has been developed a basically new ...technique for obtaining nickel-based heat-resistanr alloys in which the 1/2 USSR BELOV, A. F., et al., Problemy Prochnosti, No 6, 1971, pp 105-109 defects of the duplex process are eliminated. The essence of this technique consists in the employment, during the vacuum arc remelting process, of electrodes produced by powder metall!jrgy on the basis of carbonyl nickel powder. Further improvement in metal quality is provided by the electron- beam remelting of nickel alloys, which has very recently been developed. 6 tables. 212 - 55 USSR UDC: 539.3 BOBRITSKAYA, S. D., KVITKA, A. L., Kiev "Determination of Stress Concentration in a Plate Around a Small Aperture in the Three-Dimensional. Statement of the Problem" Kiev, Problemy Prochnosti, No 3, Mar 73, pp 47-49. Abstract: The problem is stated as follows. A circular plate with external circumference of rather large radius is cut from an "infinite,-" plate with an aperture of radius a. It is assumed that stresses around the circumEerence are the same as in a plate without apertures. The equations for elastic equillibrium of bodies of rotation, based on the variation-difference method, are used for a new approach to the solution of the problem of the influence of circular apertures on stress distribution in a plate in extension. The results of numerical solution of this problem based on equations of the three-dimensional problem of the theory of elasticity are presented and com- pared with the precise analytic solution. I/) USSR UDC 661.183.6+549.623.5 SHICLEV, G. SERDYITKOV, V. I., and BOBR75g A., Ivanovo Chemico- _9g,EV, A er %T6 ,8&q~ - Technological Institute, Department of~:~Hlca*~_te_"Tec do gy "Synthesis of Lithia Mica in Eutectic Fluoride Fusions" Ivanovo, Izvestiya Vysshi-kh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy, Khimiya i Khimicheskaya Tekhnologiya, Val XIII, No 10, 1970, pp 1,496-1,499 Abstract: Existing methods of synthesizing mica either yield an inadequate amount of high-quality crystals, or are too complex technologically. To find new methods, the authors studied experimentally t1he synthesis of taeniolite (KM92Li[S'40,0 IF.) from solution in a fused mixture of fluorides. The initial charge consistea of quartz sand, periclase, MgF2, LiF, K2SO31 to whicb were added large amounts (more than 12% by weight) of fused fluorides (double mixtures of eutectic composition). Data on the compositim- of' the mica obtained indicate that this is a very promising method of synthesis. 1/1 112 022 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 TITLE-CHANGES OF THE FUNCTIONAL STATE OF THE SYMPATHICU ADRENAL SYSTEM AND ANTICOAGULATICN SYSTEM IN HYPERTENSIVE PATIENTS IN THE COURSE OF -AUTHUR-BOOkIK, M.V. ~.CCUNTRV OF INFO--USSR SijURCE-VRACHEBNOYE DELOY L9709 rNR 5, PP 12-15 JATE PUbLISHEr,---70 SUBJECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TCPIC TAGS-HYPERTENSIGN, URINEj CATECHOLAMINE, FIBRINOLYSISt HEPARIN' ANTIHYPERTENSIVE AGENT, ADRENAL GLANDr BLOOD COAGULATION CCNTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REELIFRAME--3002/1722 STEP NO--UR/0475/70/000/005/OOL2/0015 ACCESSIGN NO-AP0129090 UNCLASSIFIED---, ------ ----- 212 022 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0129090 --ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-O- ABSTRACT. RESULTS INDICATE THAT AT ALL STAGES OF HYPERTENSIVE DISEASE DEPRESSIN TREATMENT FAVOURED NORMALIZATION OF THE URINARY EXCRETIGN OF CATECHOLAMINES, F13RINULYTIC ACTIVITY ANC FREE BLOOD HEPARIN, EVIDENCING THUS PESTORATION OF THE FUNCTIONS OF THE SYMPATHICO ADRENAL AND ANTICOAGULATING SYSTEMS. IT IS CUNCLUDED THAT DEPRESSIN IS A VALUABLE DRUG FOR THE TREATMENT OF HYPERTENSION AT THE SAME TIME FAVOURING NORMALIZATION CF MANY OkGANS AND SYSTEMS INCLUDING THE SYMPATHICO ADRENAL AND ANTICOAGULATING SYSTEMS. FACILITY: KIYEVSKUGb INSTITUTA USOVERSHENSTYOYANIYA VRACHEY. UNCLASSIFIED 7 ti TJS S TZ LDC: ZEICY A. p. EnBRI-,j, V. Ye. BOL I SHAKOV, 0. V. "A Device for Discrete I-Teasurement of Signal Phase" USSR A-~'nor's Certificate No 254630, filed 3 Jun 68, rjubli.shE~d 3.1 Mar 70 (from No 11, Nov 70, Abstract No llk2914 P) Translation: This Author's rertificate introduces a dev:ice for measurement of signal -phase. The device contains frequency d1viderc- basea on flip-j"ops, aand also logic circuits. As a distinguis~in- feature of The patent, the accuracy of phase measurement is improved, and .tpced rt!iIIIiII(Iliont,~; for Lhe divider of the first digital place are lowered by conrnectinr, the outi)ut o" the in-. I I I put siEmal shaper through an inhibit circuit to -the counter ~nr,ut of the I'lip-1.1op for the first digital place of the frequency divider and simultcmeously to the input of the control device. One of t'-Ie outputz ot' the control device is connected to the input of the inhibit circuit, and the second output is connected to one of the outputs of Eun OR circuit whose second output is connected to the output of the divider for the first digital place. 7h~ output of the OR circuit is conne-cted -to the input of' the fre- quency divider for the next digital place. E. L. USSIP C 621. 3-, 4 . L(C),"6. 8) FOFOV, F. S. V. Ye. . , VAS V. Z- u i a er .2 jn cD -1 vid e r 2 L I e d 16 1v 6 1' a h K71-a-Radictekh-nika, -No 10, Oct 70, Abstract 'No lOG200 P) 'f*ca~.e `ntroduces a -.u~se 4'r-2,,vuency baSI:-d 2 r an s 10 -his Author's Cer-,I on, a Transistorized re-'axat-*Lon oscillator circuit which ccntaku~ a line in the feedback circuit. To mnrove the conversion phase stability, Lhe oscl tor also contains a transistorized key which is connected through an eritter 'Loilower in the feedback circuit between the delay line and the oscillator trarsistor base. PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 1/2 027 UNCLASSIFIED TITLE--DESIGN PRINCIPLES 0F.HOLOGRAPHIC MEMORY DEVICES -U- AUTHOR-(04)-MIKAELIANEt A.L.t BOBRINEVt V N4UMOV# S.M., SOKOLOVA, L.I. IBRIN~~V COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--IEEE J. QU4NTU"', USA VOL. QE 6, NO. 4, P. 193-8 (APRIL 1970) OATE PUBLISHEU----APR70 I r S WBJECT AREAS--BEHAVIORAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, ELECTRON ANJ ELECTRICAL ENGR. TOPIC TAGS--HOLOGRAPHY, MEMORY ELEMENT, INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVALl HOLOGRAM CaNTROL M4RKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO PROXY REEL/FRAME--2000/0072 STEP NU--[)S/0000/'70/000/004/0193/0193 C[RC ACCESSION '40--ATOIZ3844 UNCLASSIFIrD 2/2 027 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AT0123844* ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. TWO METHODS OF INFJR.MATION STORGAE IN A HOLOGRAPHIC MEMORY DEVICE ARE DISCUSSED: CO~jSECUTIVE STORAGE OF INDIVIDUAL BINARY NUMBERS ON T14E SAME HOLOGRAM, AND PARALLEL STORAGE OF MASSES OF BINARY NUMBERS ON INDIVIDUAL HOLOGRAMS. OPTICAL SETUPS OF RESPECTIVE MEMORY DEVICES ARE DESCRIBED. EXPERfMENTAL RESULTS OF THE INVESTIGATION OF THESE SETUPS ARE PRESENTED. FACILITY: A.S. POPOV SOC. RADIO ENGNG. AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS, mescow, USSR. UNCLASSIFIED 112 022 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--27N,IV70 TITLE--RECORDI.NG A LARGE NUMBER OF IMAGES BY THE METHOD OF SUPERPOSITION OF HOLOGRAMS -U- ,AUTHOR-(03)-MIKAELYAN9 A.L., BOBRINEV, V.I., SUKOLOVA, L.Z. ww_~_ COUNTRY OF IlNFO--USSR SOURCE--AKADEkillA NAUK SSSRt DOKLADY, Vp. 191, APR. 1, 1970, P 799, 800. DATE PUBL [SHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--METHODS AND EQUIPMENT TOPIC TAGS--HOLOGRAMY MAGNETIC RECORDING, PHOTOSENSIT[VITY, SIGNAL TO NOISE RATIO CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTION'S DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--2000/1799 STEP NIO--UR/0020/70/11)1/r,100/o791)/0800 r TIC "CCESSli '.%P3--ATr)l2';4l'1 C_iC T i-- T- 212 022 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING D~iTE-27N't-JV7C LCIRC ACCESSION NO--AT0125411 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. STUDY OF THE 5-IkJALITY OF IMA("ES 13F SIMPLE rJBJFCTS OUR[NG SUCCESSIVE RECOROPNG OF A LARGE 111U~MGER OF HOLOGRAMS ON THE SAME SEGMENT OF A PHOTOSEINSITIVE SURFACE. T H I: "-; IN x I il U 114 POSSIBILITTES OF THIS TYPE OF RECORDING ARE ESTA3LISHED, TAKING INTO ACCOUNT THE EFFECT OF NOISE ARISING AS A RESULT OF T14E GRAININESS OF THE P 40 TO E MU L S I ON S .IT IS SHO-11N THAT THE SIGNAL, TO, MOISE L-,,.A'f 10 IS INVERSELY PROPORTIONIAL TO THE SQUARE OF THE INJUMBER OF PHOTOGRAPHS AND INCREASES WITH AN INCREASE IN THE NUMBER OF LIGHT SENSI TIVE ELEMENTS OF THE PHOTOSENSITIVE MATERIAL, I.E., WITH THE AREA OF THE HOLOGRAM. IT 15 CONCLUDED THAT THE MAXIMUM RECORDING DENSITY DECREASES WITH AN INCREASE IN THE AREA OF THE HOLOGRAM. U UDC: 6'20. 171 Sobalcv, N7. D Yc. I.I., Mlarhochcv, V. MI., colltsov, I'll., sapunov, V Bol "Experirent al and Tilhuorctical Study of the Rupture of Sheet I-laterials with Cracks" Kiev, Problerty Pcocn-iasti , No 7, 1972, pp 45-49. A s t ra ct - NI For producill-, runture dj,~, clmrillor, tensile testini-I fl~llt ;-~Fi ill.iLial crac:!- The I-usults UL, tcsting of speciNUL" Of S;h~~Ut Cj:* VZ!riOLIS t',IiCI:IIQSSCS Of Nrid titaniu,- alloys, ai 1,-c1] .~s c~-1-,-zdn stck-Is, are studied. 1/1 USSR UDC: 539.3 S .D., KVITYA, A. L., K_iev "Three-Dimensional Deformation of Massive, Nonuniform Bodies of Rotation. Report I" Kiev, Problemy Prochnosti, No 11, 1970, pp 45-48 Abstract: Massive bodies of rotation are studied in a system of axisyril- metrical, orthogonal coordinates when subjected to arbitrary surface and mass forces in an arbitrary temperature field. A system of equations in displacements is formulated on the basis of the variational principle of Lagrange. 1/1 USSR UDC 539.3 BOBRITSKAYA, S. D. and KVITKA, A. L., Institute of Strength Problems, Academy ~o~S-c-ie-nc-e-s-ik--r--a-:'L"'nian SSR "Investigation of the Stress State of Thick-Wall Shells (Applicable to the Design of a Turbine Housing)" Kiev, Problemy Prochnosti, No 3, Feb 73, pp 39-42 Abstract: Resolving equations, derived on the basis of the variation-differ- ence method, for the deformation of solids of revolution under axisymmetrical actiGns were used for studying the stress state of turbine structural elements. A static calculation was carried out for the front section of a stream turbine housing which itself is a thick-wall shell of revolution consisting of a cyclindrical wall connected to a toroidal bottom. Isolines of displacements and stresses were drawn and an analysis of the shell stress state was made. Calculations were made on a BESM-3,11 computer using a program based on the block method of Gauss. With consideration of shell and load symmetry, a system of algebraic equations of the 386th order was solved. From point displacements found, the stress tensor components were calculated on the computer. 2 figures, 2 bibliographic references. 6 0 USSR UDC: 539.3 BOBRITSKAYA, S. D.,, YXITKA, A. L., Kiev "Three-Dimensional Deformation of Massive, Nonuniform Bodies of Rotation. Report 2" Kiev, Problemy Prochnosti, ',.Io 11, 1970, pp 49-53 Abstract: Equilibrium equations and stress formulas are produced, fully describing the three-dimensional defornation of massive nonhomogeneous bodies of rotation under the influence of cyclicly symmetrical loading in arbitrary, curved triorthogonal coordinates. 11/1 Acc. Nr. Abstracting Service: Ref.-Code--_ A-rOO50602 CHEMICAL ABST 70 I-02897b .Development -of the composition of nitrided high- strength cast irons. 1~qb a Y _G.; Bykovg. D. 1. (Khar'kov. Politekh. Inst., KharlrdV ~R)).' kv. 'Vyssh. trcWb Zirid, Mr_n_.-VeF7N7V, TJM~ I ~ff~lkuss). The effects Walloying addns. were studied on the nitriding of 10 Ce inoculated (FL-Ce) cast irons cast in 30-mm dry sand molds and normalized with high-temp. tempering after melting in 1-5 kg la-b. elec. furnaces. I of the cast Nitriding in 1, 2, asid 3 stages of sample specimens irons measuring 6 X 9 X 15 mm was paiticularly effective on alloying with Cr-Al or Cr-Al-Mo. The optimum compn. range was Cr 0.3-0.5, Mo 0.2--0.4, Al 1.0-1.2% corresponding to ultimate tensile strength 90 kgllrnml, 6 = 0.7-OS7-c and 11B = 4 286-320, compared with 62.0 kg/mm, 1.0%, and 217 for a std. Cr-.Ni diesel crankshaft steel. R. Hardbottle REEL/FRAME 112 016 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DArE--096r_T7 -fITLE'--bEHAVlOR OF CHLORINE IN THE ELECTROLYSIS OF COPPER AND INSOLUEL_` ANODES AND AIR AGITATION OF THE ELECTROLYTE AT HIGH CURREE?,JT DENSITIES AUTH0ii-105)-i3UZHINSKAYAj A.V.j MIGINA, A.I., ZHATKINA, T.F., MIKHAYLGVA, 0. 1 . I tg4ga*v--A~ B. COUt'..'TRY Of- INFO--USSR SOURCE-ELEKTROKHIMIYA 1970, 6(3.*, 315J~> DATE PUBLISHED---70 SUBJECT AREAS-MATERIALS TOPIC TAGS-COPPER ELECTRJLYTIC REFININGt ELECTROLYTE: ELECTRODEPOSITION, EXTRACTIVE METALLURGYr CHLORINE CCs*-;TRCJL MA&KING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUAIENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PRGXY REEL/FkAME--1995/1382 STEP N'O--UR/0364/70/0u'6/003/0315/0317 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0116831 UNCLASSIFIED /2 016 UNCLASSIFIED CIRC ACCESSION NG-AP0116331 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-W) GP-0- ABSTKACT. IN THE LLECTROLYSIS O'bF SOL." CUNTG. GU 45-501 H SU6Z SU SUb4 90-1001 NISU SU34 SMALLER THAN 0.~, c ;!'A~ TO 20, AND CL NEGATIVE IAS INACLI 50-500 G-DM PRIME3 AT 50DEGREES, -'-%~E ELECTku-LYTE WAS AGITATEO BY AN AIR FLUW OF 10 I.-CM ?RIME2 OF INTERELECTRUDE CROSS SECTION PER HR. THE RATIO OF CL IN THE ArXi. T") THAT IN SULN. DOES NOT CHANGE WHEN THE C.D. IS INCREASED FROM 1000 TO 2500 A-M PRIt-,E2. A C(irICN. C-F 0.5-1.5 G FECL SUd3-DM PRIME3 IS SUFFICIENT IN THE HYDROMETALLURGICAL TREATMENT OF CEMENT CU AND SU8SEQUENT ELECTRODEPOSITION OF CU FROM SOLN. FACLLITY: GOS. NAUCH. ISSLED. INST. TSVET. METAL.s MOSCOW, USSR. UP41CLASSIFiED 112 016 UN(,L ASS IF I ED PROCESSING DATE--090CT70 lTLE--DEHAV71JR OF CHLORI.NE !N THE ELECTROLYSIS OF COPPER AND INSOLWUL A140DES AND AIR AGITATION OF THE ELECTRULYTE AT HIGH CURRENT DFNSITIES UTHGR-105)-BVZfilN5KAYA, A.V., MIGINAt A.I.t ZVIATKINA, T.F., MIKHAYLOVA, GUN T AY"VF--tq+Fe--U!;SR DUKrE--ELEKTROKHIliIYA 1970, 6131, 315-17 .TE PUBLISHEG---70 JECT AREAS-MATERIALS IPIC TAGS-COPPER ELECTROLYTIC REFINING, ELECTROLyrz-, ELECTRODEPOSIT1101N, EXTkACTIVE NIETALLURGY, CHLORINE TROL RESTRICTIONS UMENT CLASS-UiNCLASSIFIED XY STEP NO--k)R/0364/70/306100]i/0315/0317 RC UN~ L A S ") iC 1) 212 --- 016. UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--OVOCT70 Jr%C I'All'-AP0116331 B5TKACT/!1:XT!.-'CT--(U) GP-G- ABST!,ACT. 114 THE ELECMULYSIIS OF A SOLN. CONTG. GU 45-50, H SU6?- SO SU~3zt 90-100, NISU SU(34 SMALLER TH."'I'l, Ula ECUAL T 0 2 0 , AIN' D C L ~'; E GGA T I V L ( A SNACL) 50-500 G-D14 PRIME3 AT 5ODr7GREES, THE ELECTkOLYIE: '.WAS AGJ1TATFD 6Y A,74 AIR FLOW OF 10 I.-C'M PPIME2 OF INTERELECTIR,"'DE CROSS SECTION PER HR. THE RATIO OF CL IiN THE AT~1. T 01 THAT IN SULN. DOES NOT CHA14GE THE C.D. IS P,,,CREASED FRO11 1000 TO 2500 A-14 PRIIIE2. A COINCs"'. OF 0.5-1.5 G FECL SUG3-D.'-1 PRPME3 IS SUFFICIENT IN THE HYD.:WMETALLURGICAL TREATMENT OF CL-1ENT CU AND SUBSEQUP-14T ELECTRODEPOSITION OF CU FROM SOLN. FACILITY: GOS. NAUCH. isaEo. v4sr.-TSVET. METAL., MOSCOW, USSR. F. Mathematical Problems of Semiotics USSR BOBROV, A. I. and ZAYTSEV, V. G. "Algorithm for Automatic Composition of Tables for Resolution of Homonymies (Lexico-Gramatical and Lexical)" Tr. NII Upravl. Mashin i Sistem [Works of Scientific Research Institute for Control Machines and System], 1973, No 7, pp 163-170 (Translated from Referativnyy 2hurnal Kibernetika, No 9, 1973, Abstract No 9VS18). Translation: An algorithm is suggested for automatic composition of tables for the resolution of homonymics (lexico-gramatical and lexical), in which the length of the surroundings of the homonym, necessary for elimination of the ambiguity of the word, the grammatical information and its nature are selected in the row being analyzed from the table of configUrations composed for each type of homonym. The configurations are basically a chain of valances of a given homonym, partially zompensating for the lack of a syn- tactical analyzer at the present stage of development. Authors' view 1/1 112 026 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE---160CT70 TITLE--THE AGE SPECIFIC DYNAMICS OF REMOTE SEQUELAE OF CLOSED BRAIN INJURIES -U- AUTHOR--BOBROV, A.S. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--ZHURNAL NEVROPATOLOGII I PSIKHIATRII IMENI S. So KORSAKOVA, 1970t VOL 70, NR 5, PP 641-645 DATE PUBLISHeO ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS-51OLOGICAL AND-PIED-ICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--BRAIN, INJURY, HYPERTENSIONv MENTAL DISORDER CONTROL HARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ,PROXY REELIFRAME--1996/0252- STEP NO--UR/0246/70/070/005/0641/0645 CIRC ACCESSION NO--A?0117504 UNCLASSIFIED 212 026 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0117504 ABSTRACT/cEXTFACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. T~iE AUTHOR SHOWS THAT THERE MAY BE A STABLE INCREASE OF SEVERITY IN THE MENTAL STATE OF PATIENTS AFTER A LONG PERIOD (10-20 YEARS) OF COMPENSATION DUE To A CLOSED BRAIN IN'JURY. THE CLINICAL PICTUR6 IN'SUCH CASES IS CHARACTERIZEO BY A POLYMORPtifC ASTHENICAL SYMPTOMATOLOGY IN COMB INATION WITH AFFECTIVE DISC-RDLRS ANo -1~4 APPEARANCE OF TRAITS NOT INHERENT TO PATIENTS PREVIOUSLY (ANXIETY, ETC.). AMONG THE MOST FREQUENT ACCOMPANYING DISORDERS fS ARFERIAL HYPERTENSION. IT IS BEING ASSU14ED THAT IN SUCH CASc:Sr ALONG WITH THE BRAIN INJU"'%Y AND CEREBRAL DISORDERS, A CERTAIN ROLE IS iiEli~G PLAYED BY RELATIVELY EARLY AND SEVERE INVOLUTIONAL PERIOD. THE MENTAL DISORDERS INFLUENCE SIGNIFICANrLY THE WORKING CAPACITY OF SUCH PATIENTS. FACILITY: PSIKHIATRICHESKOYE OTD. TSENTRALINOGO N-I INSTITUTA EKSPERTIZY TRUDOSPOSOBNOSTI I ORGANIZATS11 TRUDA INVALIDOV, MOSCO~,'. UIN C. Lti S r I F 1 F D USSR uDc 612.822-087 BOBROV, A. V., Institute of Physiology, Georgian Academy of Sciences, Ti1blisi "Slow Conmonent of the Direct Response of the Cortex to Layer-by-Layer Stimilation" Leningrad, Fiziologicheskiy Zhurnal SSR, 110 3, 1973, PP 378-384 Abstract: The surface and deeper layers of the cerebral cortex of anesthetized cats were stimulated at 200,/W intervals by an electric current- (about 5 ra), producing a field of slow negative potential (SIT). After surface stirmulation and derivation, the maxim-am value!i of the SIDIP were observed next to the stimu- latina electrode. They decreased with distance from, the latter, disappearing completely 3 to 3-5 rn. avay. The ar7p]-itude of the SHIP and rad-Jus Of its soread, along the cortical surface varie-i with the intensity and duration of stimulla- tion, i.e., the reaction of the surface layers to sti-Piulation corresponded to the degree of activation of the structural elements of the lavers producin.- the SNP. The same elements also appear to be present in the deeper layers. More intense stL.T-lation in the region directly uzzider Lhe sti-mlutinc, clectrode gw,re rise to po-sitive -paztenrtial Synchronous with SNP. With laye-r-by-layer derivation, SNT decreased nonotonically beyond the positive field with increas- ingry distance between the stimulating and dcriving electrodes, as in the case 1/2 - 58 - USSR BOBROV A. V. Fiziologicheskiy Murnal. SSR, N -384 'TO 3, 1973, P-P 378 of layer-by-layer or surface stimulation and derivation. Thus, regardless of the levels at which the stimulating and deriving electrodes were placed (sur- face -- surface', surface -- lower layers, lover layers -- surface), SITP decreased monotonically the farther apart they were, disappearingr entirely at 3 to 3-5 mm- 2/2 USSR BOBROV, A. YE., ZHURKIN, V. A. "Minimizing the Functions of Multivalued Logic in a System Containing Cyclic Negation" Minimizatsiya funktsiy nnoizoznachnoy lo,~,iki v sisteme, soderzhaShch0v tsiklich- eskoye otritsaniye (Ninii-aizing the Functions of Multivalued Logic in a System Containing Cyclic Negation), Editorial Board of the Journal Avtomatika i vycbisl. tekhn., Latvian SSR Academy of Sciences, Riga, 1972, 14 pp, 5-entry bibliography, manuscript at the All-Union Institute of.Scientific and Technical Information, No 4294-72, Dep. 11 April 1972 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 9, Sep 72, Abstract No 9V430DEP) No abstract 29 - USSR BOBROV A. Ye. L=;_M~ "Parallel-Action Adder" USSR Author's Certificate No 272672, (from RZh-Avtomatika, Telemekhanika i Jun 71, Abstract No 6 B394 P) UDC 681.325.55:681.325.65 filed 28 Aug 69, published 16 Sep 70 Vychislitel'na,va Tekhnika, No 6, -Translation: A parallel-action adder containing ferrite-transistor cells is proposed. It is distinguished by the following: In order to improve the reliability and simplify the adder circuit, the buses of the first and second components are connected to the write inputs of the first cells, second cell And third cell respectively, and they are connected to the inputs of the first OR circuit,the outpur of which is connected to the urrite input of the fourth cell and to the read input of the seventh cell. The output of the first cell is connected to the read input of the third cell and to the input of the second OR circuit,to the second input of which the output of the second cell is connected. The output of the second OR circuit is connected to the write input of the seventh cell. The outputs of the third and fourth cells are connected to the inputs of the third OR circuit,the output of which is connected to the read input of the eighth cell. The carry bus from the low-order bit is connected to the 1/2 USSR BOBROV, A. Ye., USSR Author's Certificate No 272672, filed 28 Aug 69, p~ublished 16 Sep 70 (from M-Avtomatika, Telemekhanika i Vychislitel'naya Tekhnika, No 6, Jun 71, Abstract No 6 B394 P) input of the fourth cell and the write input of the fifth cell. The outputs of the fifth and sixth cells are connected to the inputs of the fourth OR circuit, the output of which is connected to the write input of the ninth cell and the read input of the tenth cell. The output of the seventh cell is connected to the read irput of the sixth cell, and the output of the ninth cell is connected to the write input of the tenth cell. There is I illustration. 2/2 81 USSR BF-LOUSOVA, I. M., ~91FQL _B.D., JKISELEV, V. M., KUMENROV, V. N., KREPOSTNOV, P. 1. "Photodissociative 1127 Laser in a k1agnatic Field" Moscow, Zhurnal Eksperim-ental'noy i Teoreticheskoy iz:Lki, Vol 65, No 2 (8), 1973# pp 524-536 Abstracti A study was rade of the effect of a magnetic field and also a number of other factors .,)n the kinetics of the radiation spectrum of a photo- dissociative 1127 laser in the 2 P1/2_2p 3/2 transition. The behavior of the spectrum of the induced radiation was investigated in the presence and absence of a magnetic field, and the superthin splitting constant of the upper operating level of the Iodine atom Al/2 was determined experimentally. A broadening of the luminescence line In the operating transition of the iodine atom during collisions with CIF7I nolecules and also with argon and xenon atoms found. Then the correspondiAg broadening cross sections and the Van der Waah constaxits were deterUnned for the interaction of the iodine atom with these gases. The calculated values of the frequencies and amplification factors for the most intense groups of Zeeman components were obtained with a varia- 1/2 USSR BELOUSOVA, I. H., et al., Zhurnal Eksperizaental'noy I Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 65, No 2 (8), 1973, pp 524-536 tion explaining the behavior of the induced radiation spectrum with the variation of the magnetic field. The magnitude of the relaxation between sublevels with different F of the upper operating state 2p /2 was evaluated. The study of the spectral composition of the induced radiation in the 2P1/2-2P3/2 transition of the Iodine atom showed that the radiation kinetics of the given laser, which Is a complex spectral system, depends on a number of factors such as the magnitude of the magnetic field, th,i gas pressure in the cell, and the magnitude of the pumping energy. The characteristics of the output radiation of the laser are determined not only by the kinetics of the chemical reactions but also by the structure of the upper and lower transition states, which varies even during the oscillation pulse time. This factor must be considered when constructing various kinetic models of the photodissociative iodine laser. In turn, for a more detailed study of the behavior of the oscillation spectrum in a magnetic field the population kinetics on all sub- levels of the inve8tigated transition must be considered, 2/2 - 40 - USSR uDc 678,539.4.001.2 BOBROVL_B. S., Leningrad Institute of Aviation Insiruments "On a Form of the Strength Criterion of Isotropic Materials" Riga, 111ekhanika Polimerov, No 5, Sep/Oct 73, pp 847-852 Abstracti A study was made of the possibility of formulating a concrete form of the strength criterion that is more general than the square form and makes it possible to approximate experimental data with sufficient accuracy. The power form of the generalizedL strength criterion of isotropic media is considered. Two special cases of practical interest of tho strength criterion of isotropic materials are analyzed and the possibility of the approximation of experimental data with the help of the formulated criterion is discussed. The divergence of the criterion with conducted experiments is discussed. One figures, one table, 14 formulas, 12 bibliographic references. 62 - PA00120319- UR 0482 Soviet Inventions Illustrated, Se~t*on III Ifechanical and -Oeneral, Derwent, 228874 B1,O0J) PXLCFNATQR OF THE FOXIII-FILM TUE, ..used in apparatus's for artificial b 0 l od circulation comprising a foam-quenching chamber. an operating chamber for foam formation, 4 distributor of venous blood an oxygen distribu- tor. a filter a settling chamber and a system of connecting pipes. The object of the invention is to simplify the work of the oxygenator by exclud- ing the processes of collecting and repeat steril- isation. This is achieved by the oxygenator being not dismountable in the form of a hermetic unit of a single use of elastic plastic, for ex., 0N.C. The distributor of the venous blood embodies a pipe (1) with a dead-end and through apertures with a guide (3) for the flow of venous blood. -The guide is made of plastic or metal wire embody- 11"5 AA0012099 ing a multi-loop unit each loop of which passing through a corresponding aperture in the pipe. This allows for a simplification of the construc- tion of the distributor of venous blood and pre- vents the separate jets of blood merging together when it flows from the d-istributor. TO ensure thei si-,e of the oxygenator on the outer surface at various levels according to height there are tran- sverse pockets for the rods of the framework with fixing screws (19) and brackets (18) for attaching~ to the bar (20). - ...... ... The 25.9.67 as 1186146/31-16 B.S. BOHROV et a-- i.fic i tute. for ;,11-Union Scient Rese-1% Tnet' Cgl_Ayparatuaes and Instruments (10.2.69) HUI-- 32/17.1o.68. Class 30k, Int. CI, A 1957089a AA0012099 .4 L .11~ i ; 1:9570900 J/~ ., -1 USSR BOBROVT,aTS=, Yu. 1. UDC: 534.2 "Concerning Oscillations of Some 1,.echanical Systems With 17,onorthogonal Eigenfunctions" Moscow, Akust, dinamika mashin i konstruktsiy--sbornik (Acoustic Dynamics of Machines and Structural Elements--collection of works), "Nall-ka", 1973, pp 6-9 (from RZh-Fizi-ka, No 5, May 73, abstract No 5Zh576 by the author) Translation: A method is presented for determining the relation of orthog- onality of normal modes of a class of necha .nical .systems which are de- scribed by a differential equation containing, a complex parameter in the form of a polynomial of degree n and by boundary conditions into which this parameter enters linearly. The orthogonality relation ex-presses the equality to zero oil the scalar product of the n-dim-ensional vectors. For instancelit may be shown that normal waves are orthogonal in some solid waveguides. and that resonance modes are orthogonal in moving strings and rods with special conditions of sup-port on the ends. An orthogonality relation is derived for the resonance modes of a finite string moving at constant velocity, secured at one end and resting on an infinite string at the other end. Bibliography of titles. 19 - USSR BLYUMENTAL', T. 1. UDC 598.826:591.543.43(591.1.04) "Development of the Autumnal Migratory State in Some Wild Passerine Birds. Bioenergetic Aspects" Leningrad, Ekologicheskiye i Fiziologicheskiye Aspekty Pereletov Ptits, "Nauka," 1971, pp 111-182 Abstract: Typical features of the development of a number of components of the autumnal migratory state for 15 of the most widespread types of small wild passerine birds of the Kurshskaya Spit were studied on the basis of data from capture of 140,000 birds and analysis of the physiological state of 80,000 live birds during the periods of nesting, shedding, and migration. Some re- sults are given from experimental research on their development and regulation on the Kurshskaya Spit as well as from field investigations in more northerly regions of the European part of the USSR. The adaptive significance of the components studied and possible paths of their evolution are discussed. 1/1 CSO: 1840-W END - 82 - USSR POTAPOV, it. L., (Editor) Ekologicheskiye i Fiziologicheskiye Aspekty Pereletov Ptits (Ecological and Physiological Aspects of Bird Migrations), Leningrad, "Nauka," 1971, 244 pp Translation: Table of Contents, Page PAYEVSKIY, V. A., "Atlas of Bird Migrations According to Banding Data at Kurshskaya Spit (Kurische Nehrung)" 3 BLYUMENTAL', T. I., "Development of the Autumnal Migratory State - fn~wMomC`VTfd-Mserine Birds. Bioenergetic Aspects" ill LYULEYEVA, D. S., "Certain Typical Features of the Biology of Swallows During the Migration Period" 183 DOL-NIK, V. R., and GAVRILOV, V. M., "Caloric Equivalent of Change in the Body Weight of the Chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs)" 226 DOVNIK, V. R., and GAVRILOV, V. M., "Energy Expended on Flight in Some Passerine Birds" 236 Abstracts 243 1/1 81 USSR UDC: 681.325.6 BLY(DII 5 IGNATEMKO9 A. D., 1--IP.SHIJYKIN, V. G., and MRIIIKHOV, lue V. "Hethod of Analyzing a Typical Logic Element Using Thyristors" Moscow, Avtomatika i telemekhanika, No 4, 1972, pp 162-167 Abstract: AlthouCh circuits consisting of thyristors for use in logic systems can be investieated graphically, such an aanalysis requires a good many diagrams. The aathors of this article pro- pose a inathod for analytically investigating stable modes olp operation of such thyrist-or circuits. Using.t-1he example of a NOT circu-it in--,roiving two thyristors, the authors show how the method is used. The example of two ITOT circuits comriected in series is also treated. This latter example iss used -to show Lo,,- the right moment for applying the control pulse au well as the zone of iiisensitivity to noise can be determined. Thus, the method explained in this article can be used to estim. to the tinae characteristics t1hat must be taken into account for desigming stable circuitry. 1 / 1 USSR UDC 621.438-226:536.24 YEFIMCHUK, L. A., LUBAREV, A. P., BLYL1MWN Ya. 1. - P-m-A. --am "Experimental Stud), of Film Protection of Output Edges of Nozzle Apparatus Blades" Teplofiz. i Teplotekhnika, Resp. Mezhved. sb. [Heat Physics and Thermal Engineering, Republic Interdepartmental Collection], No 20, 1971, pp 116- 120, (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Aviatsiyonnye i Raketnye Dvigateli, No 1-2, 1971, Abstract No 12.34.32, from the Resume). Translation: Materials are presented from an experimental study of the effec- tiveness of the film protection of the output edges of the blades in a ga5 tuTbine engine nozzle apparatus, as well as comparative study of various versions of air flow over the protected surface. VJ:kTaR 0 eg.~14, i a 3. Modicire and Public Hea-11.11 19. USSR j BIMU'I's~':'.1N, Viktor "Cybernetics in Soviet Medical Science" Budapest, Muszaki ::let , 19 Feb 71, P 19 (S,.irumar IAbout 100 scientific work groups are irnolv,~,d with mediell cy"_-~-~nctics at y the present tire in the Soviet Union. '.early all are C of machine diagnosis. Acco-ding to,.!;, M. Amo5ov, workirs at t!,-2 s.ei-1,7a of biocyber- netics of the Cybernntics lnstiful2ioC the Mrrainlari Acaiemyr of ~Scirnces fer.,l that diaggiosis is too 1-imitted a field for unlver3al clecctm~:,;_Ic, corplitern: is capable of organi,41ng inform,ition pt-ocesring In -kil 7-.F~ cybar- neticists of Kiev to r~olve the problem throu,,`0 Uhv: of imchtne5 op~!ratinj, in various hierarchical :*tj-ii(-tura:,. They hawk an association ASO~M, automated sy-utota foi- procPs:;in,, molllcil da':i. _`~l -ILI tic~l t0 cxa- PUtCM, LhC 1DC1Ud1!:3 COr-*T1.niCA1'.t011 charaiml:;, Ow~ primary information, and all oth*er teemnical The ASTID syster. can be considered' a rilti-le-.rel m:m-mac`1_'n2 sySten. "-ich-l-lery and equipment of the lover level meets the nee,!s of hc571tals, cl-li-.ics, an", 1/3 USSR UDC 576.858-033-335:570.353 BLYU.,2CIN, V. N., and XONASTYREEVA, L. A., Institute of Virology imeni D. 1. -WaBnMikiy' '-USSR Acadevw of ~Iedical Sciences, Moscow 111,A'ethodology for 'the Study of Pathological Mitoses in Cell Cultures Infected With Viruses" Moscow, Voprosy Virusologii, No 4, Jul/Aug 71. PP 47--478 Abstract: Investigations of mitotic disorders causod by various viruses should be performed on tissue cultures with a minimtoi percentage of spontaneously a developing abnormal mitoses, such as cultures of the IRES line (1-9~) . VERO line inVeSt4 (0-6-,~), and diploid human cells (2-10,"o). To ensure thoroughness, the .gation may proceed accordir4g, to the following classification: A. Pathologic Prophase: 1. premature separation of chromatin; 2. disorganization of spirame; and ). pulverization of chromosomes. B. Pathologic illetaphase: 1. remaining of single chromosomes or chromosome fraCments in metaphase; 2. formation of three groups (multigroup metaphase); ). colchicine-like (C-) metaphase with disorderly arrangement of excessively short and thick chromosomes; 4. C-ireta- C phase with several chromosome groups; 5. %I-metaphase with chromosome adhesion; 6. pulverization of chromosomes; 7. dispersion of unchan-e-1 chromosor-acs; 8. mul- a tiband metaphase; 9. open metaphase; 10. monocentric metaphase; and 11. combined 1/2 USSR T BMUKKIN, V. N., et al, Voprosy Virusologii, ANo 4, i-al/Aug 71, pp 475-473 disorders. C. Pathologic Anaphase: 1. remaining of viryle chromosomes in anaphase, 2. or of chromosome iragments; 3. chromosome bridges; 4. chromatin bridges; 5. irregular separation of chromosomes; 05. multiband anaphase; and 7. combined disorders. D. Pathologic, Telophase: 1. irregular telophase; M 2. presence of bridges; 3. multiband telophasep- 4. formation of micronuclei; 5. nuclear pyL-iosis; and 0:5. combined disorders. A multiband phase in which chromosomes from a triangle, cross, or various stars but are located on one plane (equal distance from polar body) should be distinguished from a multi- group phase in which separate groups of chromosomes are located on different planes (unequal distance from polar body). 2/2 -------- -- Acc. Nr. AP0033-143- Ref. Code: UR 0219 PRIMARY SOURCE: Byulleten' Eksperimental'noy Bi.)Iogii. i Meditsiny, 1970, Vol 69, Nr 1, pp MITOTIC CHANGES OF RES CULTURES (CLONE 1) INFECTED THE SENDAI VIRUS V. Al. Blyumkfn, L. A. Monastureu , A. G. Bukrinskaya D. 1. Ivanovsky Institute of Virusology Acaddem of Medical Sciences of the A I L N. li, RNln,;rnw cultures (clone 1) were infected by Sendai - '7us, strain No. 960. In this cel- lular system the virus multiplied xvith development of cytopathic changes: symplastofor- mation and destruction of a cellular layer. At early 5tacres of infection a considerable number of cells appeared containing micronuclei. Increase of mitotic activity after in- fection is replaced by its depression as infection develops. Increase of pathological mito- ses in infected cultures is possibly one of early manifestations of a cytopathic action of Sendat virus. /Y1 REEL/FRAME A .0- 1 a 11 NOW M. T n 1410*1114,6111YI-IOW-If A., and 3., ~kns ti tute of Virolo-Y Imeri-IL D. 1. ivarovskiy, Academy of Sciences U33-13~1, t 0 4- 'Lone 7n-Pec-~-ed ~~enla'ai %1-i-.--L;s" c ~Liancfes -n Cultures (r, 'Voscow. !~Yal ~-tcsperimental'noy `o~ ogi i i zleel-f t~sino., 97 0, , - -L L ~;.L PP 85-8,11 Abstract: cultures Cclone I) infected VirLis "'Sicnai n 960) exhibitec' peculiar quantitative and q,,,,a'-IitativO mitoti-c J-thin two Hours of infection, mitotic activJ`ty incre-ased s-f ulzzl-.-ieously with intranucLear synthesis of virus-specific A WaVC Of pat'-La- logical mitoses appeared after 4-6 hours. The chro-nosomies, spin!~Les, and centrioles were severely dama- -fed and many of the cells contaiced M.Lcronuclei. These patholog al ic mitoses are interpreted as -n eaz-ly nan.L of the cytopathic el"fect of Sendai virus on tL -i,- cel] uLar system under study. 2 USSR UDC 632-95 IT. S.p GIVY011A., YU. 'I.- y ,d ET YLENYUK, 11. K. p. .5. A Pen--tociJe USSR Authcz-,'s cc-r"i.icat-C Yo 205'54-6, -nied i9 I"Ov 6c), pu',--aJks1,.od 21, Sept r~' (f-on- RcfL~ra -A, Shu--:-.~,'! -- Khir.Jya, 11o 1VA(II)r 197-2, !Jbstract No I by T. A. Trwislatio~ i Th-c ncaa4-c;c--0;7:! activity is determincd for- sub~tn-nces of the 0 . - - c . 2:1:, .r u1n, 11(c C, -7n2), (1) (R= phonyl or arylcrc vlml-2), vhich general f bl- ined .'atic -ci.ds idt, v-'zivl chloricl.:j ~n .,a a ul- Fal'ider, ot" z,--L:o- o the Presence o-F AICI 3' 1 is used in ccrcc.,itration 0.1, 0.01 v-nd O.O^Vl/'-:. sox-3 '30-50 ":!:- 1is 0--Zudlvc~d in a 2-5--fold volinno of n.cctoric: and ;!.Lt-h 30-50 C-"-7. T I Lolution obt~~Incd is rii-,.:cd vith vator. I (,,Z=C 11 6 '41 n-2) (!a) an! I 7.'D2, n-1) (ib) cam,--es IM distroction of rz~11-' c n e ra' ---I c .I (R am, -ri tqivc!n) 10 -Prc,H,; I (IC); n-C,H"Cl, 1 0 4T u 4. 0 Ta, b ca,:szD OfF, *L-~msl~-, - 11 1 C I yi, r 1 100:, dozAL2.-uctJon of id Tazr! -'Tc 0.1 r-r:d 0.011:) c~-u--zc a Dity1clichus, allil USSR UDG: 624.07.04:534.1 BOBAKOV, L. N., Moscow "Wave Effects in Luildings due to Seismic Actions" Mosco-,v, Stroitel'naya Mekhanika i Raschet Sooruzheniy, No 3, 1971, pp 40-43. Abstract: It is assumed that the buildinc, can be considered as a continuous structure, the mass and stiffness distribution of %vhich are established experimentally or by calculation. It is also assumed that the displacements are equal at every point of tbe foundation, which is true, provided that the horizontal dimensions of the build- ing are less than the significant seismic wave length. 1/2 USSR L.N., S~roitei'naya Mek-hanika Raschet Sooruzheniy, 1,10 3, 1971, PP 4o-1,3 The seismic shock is approxii-nated by half a sine wave. An equation of displacement as a function of time and distance from the foundation is given. It includes several tern-is represent- ing the reflected waves. Graphs of wave dispersion for different values of reflection coefficient are also given. 2/2 LrSSR UDC 621-793 YAGUEEM, A. if., Til'-017-717EVA, 11. 1., BULTUSHRIN, V. P., LYU_!'-1-!aC'r!, V. I.,. B$L , and BUIZIL011A, V. P., Mfoscoirp Kishin-ov I "Obtainin.- Elcctrochnnical Composite Riterials Ba-sed oa Nickel with Dic'Perze Metal O;tide Paxticles" Kishinev. Elektronnaya obrabocka materialov. No 1 (43), pp 62-67 Abstract: A study was -made of methods of obtaining, conposite -materials based on nickel u-ith disDerse inclusionn of refractory o:cides -- lanthanum chromite, praseodymium zirconate,and hafnium dioxide. The technological process for obtaining combined coatin,,7. comprises three steps: electrolytic deposition of plates, assemblv of the Plates into packets With subsequent diffusion welding (rolling),and degassing annealin,,~. The effect of the electrodeposition con- ditions on tile cez::position or the materials was investizatod. The pli of the electrolyte and pesition of tile cathode relative to the direccion of the force of gravity have the r.-,osc significant effe-ct on the disperse particle contents. 17he uniformitv of distribution of tile particles in the coating &-penus on uniformiLy of the hydraullic field o[ the electrolytic cell. Tile cic-form.1tions of the matri-: in tile hot arld cold statu-,- inprove the strucLUre and distribution of Ole particles in I:li(! Lion, and Ili ~',h-tUMPL'r,'Mure annualini, cau!;us con- sollclation of Lhe oxide particlc!; of certair, 11on-sible C;1u:;t_.:; of 11 1/2 J USSR 7- v_' -711 A. N., et al., Elek-ronnaya obrabotka materialov, No 1 (43), pp 62-67 in strength of the precipitation-hardeacd composi-te materials wi-th metal matrix obtained by the electrochemical procedure are discussed. The .--hanism of cop-n-cipit-ation of disperse inclusions With meLal is discussed. microstructure at electrolytically deposited nickel with 1.5 Dercent haf- q dioxide and lanthanum chrmute is illustrated before and after neat treat- 2/2 USSR YAGUBE-15, A. !1., nRyAkin. V. V., Kcv.4.12V, V. V., BL2ZINOVA, V. P., and ODANOMA. O.H. 1. Kiohiriev "Elect-rodeposilvion of Nickel and Iron Coatings Alloyed with Boron" Kishinev, E1,L-_r,:tronr.;aya Obrabotka Vaterkalov, Vol 38, No 2, 1971, pp 24-28 Abstracti A study ias carried out to explort, 'Ll-e possibility of rr.-parin-, boron- conta ininn- a!_1o-,7z by -an clectrolytic methcd. Tlhe ric*w:i-A electrolyt2 used had a co-,rosit-ion (In C/1) of nickell ric.'1-,::l nitra-.e (11:), a!v7:oni= color-d'.c bioul-fite zodiv_ii (60" ion, 'P. (0.4' SCdJ::7: boxrohydrldc (0-4). TI-e acidity of the nickel clectrolyte va:-ied fron a p": of 10.5 to 14, tlre from, 20 to 70 C, t~c callhodlc current denzity frola 3 to 10 Th(: com-,ositicn of' the Iron el,2ctrolyte uZed was (rjl -rrlc sulfL'U Cui i Un borohyd-rid,-, 1( 0. --h :, ::11 e c 11rolyte 'L!~::i -ce ratu re was ~O "C', t'-.c pH 11-12, the , I ' cathodic current dt,_-rsity v.,ried 5-15 -:~z/aeci.7.eters.. The boron co:,- tent in the -.J.(;rc.,;4.ructure, a.-J, phasp co.-mozition of' t.he po-,."Ier in zolationlo w-riation of electrolysis conditions woreI C!4it:atcu. 11/2 1. USSR_ YAG niK~TS , A. N. , et al, Elektronnaya Obra'_-ottka !'-n terialov, Vol 318, No 2, 1971, pp 24-28 The Pddition of sta"Alizers d'Lspiaceai the nollaxi-mriz-a-t-ion cLl:cve of I'lickc-l' the area and de,~z-2c of displam-lont d"-,er."in- on the stabildzer. '17-he -ircn electrolyte was not af-fcctcd by the add.'Itic- ox" sodiun I~orolydridc. The boron unt_-ke IcU, the nickel and -iron ~owdiem*s was to ---2 derei-dent. on 71 the electrolysis conlitions and in the nic.'Icel a:=,fted to 1V -,it' . and in the i-ron u-p to -- by wt. Microh-ard-ness was also do on ~ ~' f,j v on a e i i t, -,e elec- trolytic condit-ions. 2/2 USSR UDC 539.3 BOBR0~,.,E_,_QH., IVANOVSKIY, I. A. "On One Formulation of-Physical Relationships in the Theory of the Bendin.c- of Plates of E. Reissner" Sb. tr. Mosk. inzh.-stroit. in-t (Collection of Works of Moscow Structural Engineering Institute), 1970, No. 84, pp 131-134 (from RZh-Mekhanika, No 9, Sep 71, Abstract I'llo 9V177) Translation: The possibility of reducing the problem on the bending of plates within the framework of the theory of E. Reissner (see Reissner, E., j. Appl. Mech., 1945, Vol. 12, A69-A77) to a boundary value problem for two equations of the fourth and second order for an arbitrary transverse load q is realized. The following eApressions for transverse forces were obtainztd in terms of the bending of the middle surface W and the stress function ;P (D is the cylindrical rigidity, v is the Poisson coefficient, h is the thickness, x, y are the ortho- gonal coordinates in the middle plane, and A is the Laplace operator) 1/2 - 143 USSR BOBROV, E. SH., !VANOVSKIY, I. A., Sb. tr. Mosk. inzh--stroit. in-t, 1970, No. 84, pp 131-134 Q.,=-D ax 10 I-vdr dy Q,j= -D d ~M? h2 2-v oq dp jy To- T--v -a7y - -Tx Tho ripproprIal s, r-xjwori~, j(prip k11. Hic, wonwiihn hi t-orim; cir w --ind ,'! ar,o %,,I,i ( f:(,n with the aid of rhe,,~e relationshipts. V. T. cz-11whololo. 2/2 UR 0482 RJ9004331z- tv s Illustrated, Section 11 Electrical, Derwent, Soviet Invention r243056 MGNMC CPRE FOR A VARIABLE INEXXTANCE QQIL is sim~lif ied- and is Z-asier to-manufactire. -The core is composed of two identical cups. The centre of the core is chamfered in two places at an arbitrary angle and the chords so formed on the top surface of the core intersect each other on the circumference. The airgap of the core can be adjt;sted by turning one half,with respect to the other which results in an adustable inductaqqg. 17,12.65 as 1043260/24-7. (30.9.69) Bul 161 4 -T- 5.5.69. Class 21d2, Ila . nt.C . H ;Lf. -:1976:1W19 AA0043312 IAA 197G1520 USSR UDC: 535.8:535.214.4 BOBROV, 1. N., FISKOV, F. T. "Optimum Synthesis of a Radiometer With Single-Tank Parametric A M.1ifier" Moscow, Radiotekhnika- i Elektronika, Vol. 106, No 6, jun 71, DP 986-959 Abstract: The authors determine the conditions wl~ich must be satisfied to maxirraza input sem;itivity im a radiometer with a sjy~;le-tank parametric amlifier. _,~xietional relationships are fouxii for optimum V-11UG5 of the Cain of-the Parametric a-,m]".fier, iis passb3-qd, and the p~ss*band of tlle follo-,;_U= (second) amplifier as functions of the ~Icoldll passband of "lie parametric ariplifier and the z;peotral dennity of the set noinco of the paramatric and second amplifiers. 112 022 UNCL ASS I F [ED PRCCESSING DATE---3aOCT70 TITLE--DYNAMIC RANGE 0F.NONREGENERATIVE PARAMETRIC AMPLIFIER CONVERTERS -7,V- AUTH0k-(03)-6C8,~uV, I-N.t VULKOV, V.M., SINCOK, V.I. CCUNUY UF INF(J--USSR Sc,ur-%lc.E--mOsccw, RA0I0TLKHN1K_A, NO 1, 1970, PP 97-98 DATE: PU3LISHEC------70 UbJECT ARLAS-ELECT;wNICS ANO ELECTRICAL ENGR. TGPIC TAGS--PAi0"-X-TRIC AimPLIFIER, OYNAMIC SYSTEM CCNTtl,G'L MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-U,%'CLASSIFIED PHUXY f1,LrL/fkAr,~E--j999/1474 STEP %10---UR/OlOd/70/gCjC/DDI/O,)-91/0093 CIRC ACCESSIGN N(3--AP0123377 . UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 022- UNCL ASS IF I E P,40CESSIF-lG DATE-30OCT70 CURC Ai-'CESSIUN tIi-!-',---APD123377 At35 TRACT/ EXT~IACT--( U) GP-0- ABSTkACT. L)YNAMIC Pa"jiPEi"TILS Of- A NbNRLGENERATIVE A,'~IPLIFILK C&~VERTER ARE ANALYZE0. FACTORIS ITS L)YiiAV*tlC R"ANGE ARE ESTABLISHED. UNGLASSIFIE0 l/Z 014 UNCLASSIFIED TITLE-THICKNESS OF THE RINGS OF SATURN -U- AUTHOR-BOBROV, M.S. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SUURCE--Pk]ROCA, NO. 3, 1970, P. 66-69 DATL PUSLISHEOr--70 PROCESSING DATE--090CT70 SUBJECT AREAS-ASTRONOMY,ASTROPHYSICS TOPIC TAGS-SATURN PLAINET, PLANETARY ATMOSPHERE, ASTRONOMIC OBSERVATION CGIVITROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1991/0872 STEP NO--UR/0026/70/000/003/00&!)/oOb9 LIRC ACCESSIGN NO--AP0110593 UNICLASSIFIED 2/2 014 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-09OCT70 CIRC ACCESSIO~4 NU--APOIL0593 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-(U) GP-0- A3ST9ACT- ANALYSIS OF OF)SERVA71GiNS Of: SATI-;Rl"~" IN EUROPE, ASISv AMEkICA AND AUSTRALIA CONDUCTED IN 1.90"b BY ASTRONOMERS OF VARIUUS COUNTRIES DURING THE PASSAGE OF THE EARTH THROUGH THE PLANE .OF THE RINGS. SPECIAL ATTENTION IS GIVEN TO THE MEASUAEMENT OF THE THICKNESS OF THE RINGS WHICH IS ESTIMATLD TO gt~ AbOUt 3.5 KM- FACILITY: AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSRI ASTIRONGMICHESKII SOVEry MOSCOW, USSR. UNCLASSIFIED 1/2 014 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--090CT70 JITLE-THICKNESS OF THE RINGS OF SATURN -U- AUTHOR-BOBROV, M.S. CUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SUURCE-PkIPOGA, NO. 3, _DATk PUBLISHED----70 1970p P. 66-69 SUBJECT AREAS-ASTRONOMY,ASTROPHYSICS TOPIC TAGS-SATURN PLANET, PLANETARY ATMOSPHERE, ASTRONOMIC UBSERVATION CGP*'TROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1991/0872 STEP NO--UR/0025/70/000/003/0066/0069 CIRC ACCESSICU NO--AP0110593 UNCLASSIFIED 212 014 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--090CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-14P011-0593 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-(U) GP-0- A65TRACT. ANALYSIS OF OBSERVATICNS OF SATURN IN EUROPE, ASIS, AMERICA AND AUSTRALIA CONDUCTED IN 1966 BY ASTRONOMERS OF VARIUUS COUNTRIES OURING THE PA~SAGE OF THE EARTH THROUGH THE PLANE OF THE RINGS. SPECIAL ATTENTION 15 GIVEN TO THE MEASUREMENT OF THE THICKNESS OF THE RINGS WHICH IS ESTIMATED TO BE ABOUT 3.5 KM. FACILITY: AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR, ASTRONOMICHESKII SOVET, MOSCOW, USSR. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC 911-3.613.11 (93) BDBROV, N. I., and TMOMIOV, V. P. esome Functional Shifts During Acclimitization to Far North Conditions" Vsb. Akklimatiz. i krayev. patol. cheloveka na 3evere (AcclL-natization and Regional Pa:tho-logy of -!.P-n in tile Far North-collection of works), Arkhangell sk, 1970, PP 35-37 (from RZh-36. Heditsinskaya Geografiya. No 1, Jan 71, Abstract No 1.36.44) Translation: It was found that people living in the Far North for 5-6 months, in comparison with new arrivals, had increased blood content of reduced Afrac- tions of Shaw substance complex. which indicates shifts in the functional state and increase in tonus in the sympathetic-adrenal system in response to the unfavorable conditions oi the Far North. The blood of people living in the Far Nor-th for more than two years shows an increase in the content of reverse-oxidation Shaw forms. The dyspnea occurring under Northern conditions is more evident during the first stages of acclimatization. One of the pro- bable causes of dyspnea is the significant decrease of oxygen in arterial blood as a result of decrease in the partial oxygen pressure in inhaled air because of low atmospheric pressure. 45 USSR uDc 621-039-5/6 1MkJNSKIY, A. I. , YUROVA, L. N. , BLUBOV, S. B., XUROGOV, V. N., TOCHEINYY, L. V.g TROYANOV, M. F., and SSk1ELEV7-A'T.' "Improving the Physical Characteristics of Past Plutonium Reactors by Using U233 and Thorium!' Moscow, Atomnaya Energiya, Vol 30, No 0, Jun 71, pp 491-498 Abstracta Investigations carried out an the physics of fast reactor5, both in -the USSR and abroz~, have shown the requirements for a high breeding time and safety guarantee may be contradictory. This article seeks to fi-nd ways for resolving these contradictions. 'j'jW riv:w- olnooL4~i ilho tutsle vitysleril tics of far reActora ius.W8 a biAxok! tisckl iky t:q11ja$4A1qi Wju -1.1tijil k4 liotil, )#1115najo. 116.1o, putations. showed thitt in a faet reaotor u5ing a wl~Lod i'uol cow*jioLiod ot, U233 and plutonium the radial coefficient of inbalance can be reduced, the breeding ratio increases significantly, and the doubling time is improved. Table 1 compares the characteristic of different types,of high-power fast reactors. The authors then discuse changing the profile of the heat release 1/2 - 114 - USSR LEYPUIISKIY, A. i., et al., Atcmnaya Energiyal Vol 30, No 6p Jun 71, pp 491-498 field during the operating period of a high-power fast reactor using a mixed fuel and give Figure I as illustration. They then discuss change in the reactance durir,-, the same period for such a reactor, using Figures 2, 3~ and 4 for graphic visualization. Finally, they discuss the Doppler and sodium coefficients of reactance in such a reactor and use Figure 5 and Table 2 to clarify the discussions. Based on their research the authors claim that the possibility does exist for increasing the power strength and breading time of the fuel with the simultaneous assurance of safety for a fast reactor using a sodium beat carrier; this is possible by using e33 and thorium in conjunction with L~311 and plutonium in high-power fast reactors. The article contains 5 figureaq 2 table51 and a biblioeraphy of 15 titles. 2/2