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WLOCH, Adolf Educational tasks of marine schools. Techn gosp morska 14 no, 6v168-169 Je 164. 1. St&te Marine School, Gdynia, WLOCHOWICZ, A. 22755 P/015/61/000/006/002/002 D003/D1Ol AUTHORS: Wlochowicz, Andrzej,, and Wojtak, Danuta TITLE: X-ray tests of glass and glass fiber in the annealing process 'PERIODICAL! Szk1o i ceramika, no. 6. 19619 165-169 TEXT: The article is concerned with speed up crystal- lization in glass and glass fiber by means of annealing. Tests were performed on two glass samples. Sample I had a composition of 53.2011o Si021 14.170% A1203 and Fe20 3" 1.03% Na20 and K20, 15.60% CaO, 2031a,nd sample II a composition of 4.22% MgO, 0.65% Ba0q 10.60% B 71.90% sio -570% Al 0 0 12016 Fe 0 8o30% Na 2o20% 2-1 0. 2 39 0 2 39 0.1191a T1029 20 Y 09~ 16.20% CaOq 0016% M90, 0-3416 BaO. Annealed and non-annealed gKss and fiber of sample I and only glass of sample II were testad. For tests, the glass was powderized to a granulation of about 10- cm; fiber was drawn from sample I only, A diffraction X-ray apparatus Card 1/2 22755 P/015/61/000/006/002/002 A-ray tests of glass ... D003/D101 made by the V.E.,M.,company was employed under the use of Cu t. rays, filtered by a nickel foil. Test conditions were: Voltage 38rv, current intensity 16 mA, exposure time~for powder 2 hrs, exposure time for fibers .9 hrs., An analysis of the results showed that an- nealing temperature had a notable effect on interference maxima and photometrical curves in sample I glass. X-ray pictures of glass Mer drawn from sample I showed little effect of annealing. Conclusion: Annealing.causes slight but perceptible growth of crystallite spaces formed in glass prior to annealing. There are 6 figures, 3 tablea and 17 references; 7 Soviet-bloc and 10 non-Soviet-bloc. The 4 most recent references to English-language publications read as follows: 'Goldstein, M., Davies,, T. H* - J. Am. er. Soc., 389 223 (1955); Banarjee B. K.) J. Am. Cer. Soc., 369 249 (1953); Pauling, L. Ceramic Abstracts 19, 19 28 (1940).and Warren, B. E. - J. App. Phys. 8, 10, 645 (1937). ASSOCIATION: Politechnika L6dzka, Katedra surowc6w wl6kienniczych i metrologii (L6dz Polytechnic Institute, Chair of textile raw n.aterials and metrology). Card 2/2 WLOCHOWICZ, A.; SRCDKk, T.- Dete2n~inatlon of the axis orientation fiber ci-jatallites. Folim-ry tworz wiolk 8 no-4:W-151 AP 1. Fo-litechnika, LodzO WWGHOVIGZ, Andrzej Change of orientation of axis of crystAllites of polyester fibers resulting from thermal stabilization. Polimery tworz wielk 8 no.6:238-241 Je 163. 1. Katedra Surowcow 111okienniczych i Metrologii, Politechiiika, Lodz. 1LASHKEVICH, B. I'Laszkiewlez B.1; VfCUGV-ICH,.---A--,(W:Lochowicz, A.) Detemination of the cry-tallinity of copolymers of methyl zeth- acrylate with phenyldichlorophosphi-ne. Vysckom.soed. 6 no.9.-1722- a 1724 8 "4, (MIRA 17:10) 1. Lodzintkiy politakhnicheskiy institut, Pollaha. .0004 V I S LF 't 4t -1 41 4 bAtiml #,.x Afcp, to t -Y,'# I Annual varkdwd In tho cloactldd of (mat $*UL'-TjV 00 a PoW. Anvarx. Lets. rkcso" Neivnef swidstomej Ixkrc Svc, SOU Sd. 4. 351-2(IW2V).-tht- hurmus layers thowd great" Variation In Hum and ral 00 a hp...U. 11,14 71 &0 0 goo 0 0 kf '00 tie 0 Alm It A An A 1 4 iA 4T 113 11 It 9 If lut ft I iIA 0 0 4 a 4 6 o 0 teria Is for res,--arci; on the relationship betvieccl fore sts ziznd I tii soil in revard to area afllfl ..e. lU 0 G L141 I'K Iiii-I Vol. 5, 1954 Poland SO. E,i3T F UK-CP7-F- AC, 3 311 C.6L 1 S Vol. 5, r1o. 10. Oct. 1956 IS co-Dositintl in Regults oC the trarlsforrll~tiOrl 0~ ti. sPe"Ac- 6~ (forl erly- q,-zc-aak&) Forestr- forests of tiie kye P. iltAi'K L'~S vol. 5, 1954 Foland 30. rn 1~ 1; i: Ll.TL-' Vol. 5, tlo. 10 1956 KALISKI) S.; NOWACKI, W. X.;. W~pp~,RCZYK,, E. Propagation and reflection ofa spherical wave in an elastic- viscoplastic 'Strain hardening body. Frcceed vibr probl 5 no. 1: 31-56 t64. 1. Department of Vibtations, Institute of Basic Technical Problems, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw. JELJASZMIICZ, Janusz; WLODARCZAK, Kryntyna Sensitivity of Zscherichia colt to certain antibiotics, sulfona- mides and furadaInt7ne. Med. dosvi. mikrob. 11 no.2:113-118 1959- 11 Z Zakladu Mikrobioloili w Poznaniu Kierownik: Prof. dr mod. Jan Adamski.Z Miejskiej Stacji Sanitarno-Epidemiologicznej w Poznaniu, Dyrektor: dr mad. It. Paruzal. (ESMRICHIA.!COLI, pharmacol.) (ANTIBIOTICS, pharmacol.) (SULFCVAMMM, pharmacol.) (FURAS, pharmacol.) WLOIDARGZAK,Krystyna; JXWASZZWICZ,Janusz Studies on staphylococcal coagulases. VIL Iffect of antibiotics, Gulfonamides, antiseptics, nucleic acids and inorganic compounds on the activity of free coagula sea -Arch. immun. tor. dopw.8 ng.1:161- 172 196o. 1. Miejska Stacja Sanitarno-3pidemiologicann w Poznaniu.Byrektor: Dr. M. Paruzal; Zaklad Mikrobiologii Iekarskiej Akadamii Medycznej w Poznaniug Kierownik; Prof. dr J. Adamski, .(INZYM J (STLPHY10COCCUS) WLaDAZZAK, Krystyna; JEWASZEWICZ, Janusz Sensitivity of 220 -strains of gram-negative bacilli to sulfa- methoxypyridazins. Med.doew.mikrob. 12 no.1:67-70 160, I.Z Miejelciej Stacji Sanitarno-Epidemiologicmej w Poznaniu. A ektor: dr M.'Parazal. Z Zakladu Mikrobiologii A.M. w Pozmaniu. , 7r Kierownik: prof.dr J. Adamoki. (SULFANNTECUMMAZINE pharmacolj -Wl,ODkR0ZkX,Krystyn&; JX6JA6ZlWIOY,J&nuisz Saimitivity of the Staphylococcus to the @ffoat of bacitracin, sofrawyein, novobiocin*9 cyolos#rine, vancoiWain, ristocetin and kknanWein. Postepy hig. emd. dosw 14 no-1:101-103 160. 1. Z majokiej Stacjl Sanitarno-lpidemiologicznej w Poznaniu. (ANTIBIOTICS ~harmacblj (STAPHYIODCOCC.US pharmacol. WWDLRCZAK,Krystyna; JBLJASZZWICZ, Janusz In vitro effoct of 6 antibiotics and of nitrofurantoin on Prot*us. Post*py hig. med. doew 14 no.1:105-108 160. 1. Z Miejski*j Stacji SantiaLmo-Dpidemiologiamej w Poznaniu, Kierownik: dr A. P&MMI; z Zakladu Mikrobiologii Lekarskiej A,M. w Poznaniu, Kierawnik: prof. dr J. AdiLmaki. (PROTRUS pharmRool.) (ANTIBIOTICS Pharmcol.) (NITROFURAM pharmaol.) POUUND Krystyna 11LODARCUK, Second Pediatric Clinic, Medical College (11 3~~z eYcecych AIQ=Akadcmii Medycznei7,) Poznan. (fSuitability of the Micro-Method of Testing Anti-Streptolysins 0.11 Wars v liedycyrja Doswiadcralna i Hikrobiol9pii Vol 14, No 4p 1962; pp 383-387. Abstract thglish summary modifieV: Study to verify whether the Iyophilized streptolysin 11011 manufactured by the Warsaw Sera & VE._,cine Plant (Vlarazawska Wytwornie Surowic i Szezopionek) was suitable replacement for the Bacto-Streptolysin 0 (Difco) reagent in micro-method reported by Jablon et al. in 1953. Answer affirmative. Three tables, I Polish and 4 Western references. SKALMOWSKI, Tadeuz; CHRIBLOWA, Maria; ~~~~,_!~~3~styrxa The level of antistreptolysins 0 and lipoprotein fractions in the blood serum in infectious hepatitis in children. Pediat. pol.;703- 708 J1 i62. 1. Z Wojewodzkiego Szpit~la Dzieciecego im. Krysiewicza Dyrektor: dr mod. MI. Stabrowski.X z Il Kliniki Chorob Dzieci AM w Poznaniu Kierownik: prof. dr mGd. 0. Sibzepski. (HEPATITIS INFECTIOUS blood) (ANTISTREPTOLYSIN blood) (LIPOPROTEINS blood) SKALMOWSKI, Tadeusz; CM-IIELOWA, Maria; WLODARCZAKJ..kyzt~~ Cholesterol and the level of antistreptolysin 0 titer in the blood serum in children with infectious hepatitis. Fediat. pol. 37 no.7: 709413 JI 162. 1. Z Wojewodzlciego Sz.pitald.Dzieciecego im. Frysiewicza Dyrektor: dr med. M. Stabrowski:,i z II Kliniki Chorob Dzieci A14 w Poznaniu Kieroimik: prof. dr mod. 0. Szazepski. (ANTISTREPTOLYSIN blood) (CHOLESTEROL blood) (M-PATITIS INFECTIOUS blood) ROWECKA-TRZEBICKA, Krystyna; WLODARCZYK, Krzysztof ~Derm-ographism in rheumatic fever In children. Reumatologia (Warsz.) 1 no.3-4t265-274 163. 1. Z I Kliniki Pediatrycznej Akademii Medycznej w Warszawie (Kierownik; prof. dr med. R. Baranski) i z Dzieciecego Sanatorium Reumatologicznego Panstwowego Uzdrowlska w Wlencu- Zdroju Kujawskim (Konsultant: prof. dr med. E. Wilkoszewski). SIMKO, Tibigniew; VWDARGZAK, Krystyna Evaluation of the usefulness of the TTC in the quantitative de- termination of urinary bacteria. Ginek. Pol. 36 no.7t763-767 J1165. 1. Z I Kliniki Poloznictwa i Chorob Kobiecych Akadentii Medycz- prof. dr. med. 'it. Michalkiewicz) nej w Poznanlu (Kierownik. i z 11 Kliniki Pediatrycznej -Mcademii ~Iedycmej w Ilozncniu (Kierownik-. prof. dr. med. 0. Szczepski). A av tq 17 6 C. - --Ed P_ nrat K a W) T i R(r,)_ 1EM Acc NK, AP6028313 SOURCE CODE:' PO/0097166/007/002/013510154 AUTHOR: WlodarczXk, E. (Warsaw) ORG: Department of Vibrations, IBTP, Polish-Academy of Sciences J TITLE: Propagation of elastic-plastic and stress waves in a bar of finite length and a monotonously decreasing cross-sectional area SOURCE:. Proceedings, of vibration problems, v. 7, no. 2, 1966, 1357164 TOPIC TAGS: shock wave, shock wave propagation ABSTRACT: This paper presents a solution of the problem of the propagation of elastic-plastic loading and unloading and of a shock wave in a homogeneous prisma~ tic bar of finite length, with a weakly variable cross-section. Two models, with an elastic and rigid relieving characteristic, are under consideration. The solution is presented in the form of closed equations, suitable for practical calculations. The variability of the parameters on the wave fronts of unloading is analyzed, and proof is presented that the maximum stress on the incident unloading wave appears after its effect has reached the free end of the bar. A contrasting effect is obtained in relation to the one obtained in the case of a cylindrical bar, which apparently is 112 Card ACC NRt 010097;/66/007/004/0311/0327 AP7003464 SOURCE CODE: P AUTHOR: WlodM9 _k E. (Warsaw) ORG none A certain class of closed-form solutions f?r the propagation problem of TITLE elastic - viscoplas tic waves In nonhomogeneous bars, SOURCE: Proceedings.of vibration problems, v.Z no 4, 1966, 311-327 TOPIC TAGS:' vibration compres Isive stress, wave propagation, nonhomogeneous medium, semi infinite bar. elasto' viscoplastic wave, compressive stress wave, -'stress wave propagation, closed form solution, Euler Darboux equation, elastic viscoplastic body model/V. V. Sokolovskiy model ABSTRACT: The application of a compressive stress wave produced by pressure, to the end of a semi-infinite bar is studied in order, to devel9p a closed form solu- tion for the prob'lem of stress wave propagation in a nonhomageneous elastic- viscoplastic mediwm as described In the V. V. Sokblovskiy model. General non- homogeneity of the medium was understood as physical-property variability of the card 1/2 ACC NR' AP7003454 material M~m& modulus E W, yield lim It 0' W, coefficient of viscosity k (x),- and density oi the medium q (x). Problem equations were reduced to the Euler- Darboux equation, for which,the general solutionlis~ known. Relationships between medium parameters, yielding a closed-form solution of the- problem were obtained. These relationships include a large class of nonhomogeneities, applicable in approximation to pra'atically any nonhomogeneneous medium. Orig. art-has: 7 tables and 59 fermulas. [Based on author's. absti-act] [DR] :,SUB,CODE: 20/SUBMDAT,E:-02Jul.66/ORIGRE.F':.1,00,3/SOVRFF: 002/ OTH REF: 001/ Card 2/2. WLODARGZYK Janina; L'40SZCZYIISKA, Danuta 'General3i~ed lymph node tute3rculosis localized especially in the abdominafeavity. Pol. tyg. lek. 29 no.20:-165-766 1-1 My 164. 1 Z Katedry MedyeNny~ Ogolnej Studium Doksztalcania Lekarzy i z O~dzialu Wewnetrzn~go "All Szpitala Wojewodziiego we Wroclawiu (kierownik., prof. dra med. Jozef Kania~k). ROWINSKA, Eva; LACHOWICZ, Danuta; NIEMIROWSKA, Hanna; DOBRUCKI, Ryszard; JAROSIMA, Boguslawa; PIOTROWSKI, Andrzej; STRZALKOWSKI, Jerzy; WLODAROZYK, Kr7styna; ZGLINSKA, Barbara Causex, of mortality among tuberculous patients and causes of unfavorable courve in tuberculomis (according to data on the mortality of Warsaw inhabitants during 1959). Gruzlica 29 no.9:785-796 S 161. 1. Z Instytutu Gruzlicy v Warszavie Dyrektor: prof. dr med. it (TUBERCULOSIS statist) tr:: hE2c(j) Folio 11:~a ~Mvw~~ !411 Over by fractiorAd-nn. Ilexane, fteptage, benzerte, naphtha, zad their mixts. were used as "vents. Polyniertzatiou of I does not uke pLace below 110*, the productii beirg sal. [a HIO. &nd in the pr~senci! of the Na 4 1 and CO, occurs. ab,,,e 1, 10". Pie mean de~ gree of pol-rinefiration of the produced poly=m rises rapidly to a value of 400 at 160' as the process temp. m mcrt=d. -AL - lem .2 -JAJ -7w &- - - --- ---- - 'TA --~A* CL ChftOZONO-WICZ, S.; WLODARCZYK; M. The structure of end-groups of polyearprolactan. CbAin tranaer in solvent po3,muerization of & -caprolaotam. Bul chic PAN 9 no.9: 585-587 161.. 1. Iaboratory of,Plastics Technology, Department of Organic Technology, Technical UniverAty, Lodz. Presented by T. Urbanski. I k- ------ -, and RODZIVIOZ, Jerzv- Clini6 o-P Nrma- Dermatologriozna).,-PM.,~g-kade,.nip~ Modyama Medlaal Saho4,7 In Lublin; Dirbotor: Prof Dr Med Oz. IML- NARDMETSKI "Act-Inomyoosis and Congenital Cysts and Fistulas of Vne Neck. Report on 3 Casesell Warl3alAr, Polski Tygodnik- Lakarsi-i, Vol XV111, No 7, 11 Feb :~52~25 ZA-Uthor odifiee Abstraot., a' -%gliah summary m _,7 Three cases of congenital rietulas of the neck revealed during actino- mycosia infec.tion are reported. The of-IL'ect of actinomycosis on the manifestation of congenital oyets and fistulas is disi,.-tweed. 2 Ulust-rat ions; 16 references, mostly Wastern. WLCDARCZYK, Stanislaw Possibilities of increasing the production of feed's an lighter soils by sawing lucerne in the r7e. Postepy nauk roln 7 n0-2:101-110 mr/Ap 1.6o. (EKAI 9:10) 1. Katedra Uprawy Lak i Pastwick Wyzszej Szkoly Rolniazej, Lublin. (Feeds) (Alfalfa) ard - La; WWDARCZYK, Wojciech (WaraZaWd) KRYNICKI, Edw .,~~WDARCZYX, Sy1VJ , I Protection of industrial ebinneys against corrosion caused I .by hot gases. Przegl budowl i bud mieszk 36 no.2:93-97 F164. WLODAREK, Antonina; FALENCIK, Maria; KARPINSKA, Maria Functional cardiac =r=Lr. in patients with abnormal-17 small spinal curvature. Reumatologia (Warsz.) 2 no.3:231-241 164. 1. Z I Oddzialu Chorob Wewnetrznych Instytutu Reumatologicznego (Kierownik: doc dr med. J. Kwoczynski Dyrektor Instytutu: dr med. W. Bru-bl). WLODARSKI, Gabriel chemical fibers by using infrared Identificatlion Of 163. microspectroscopyo Przegj w1oklen 17 no.6:183 187 Je InititutC of ArtifiOial and Synthetic FiborB, I.odzo WLODARSKI,.Gabriel Microspectroscopic method of testing fibers in infrared. -223 Pr*zegl w1okien 17 no.7. -226 il 163. 1. Institute of Artificial and Synthetic Fibers, L-odz. GabrJ Studies cn the physical sbni,-+,,irn of 'oolvmars br thP infrared spectra* Pt,4-,,Polimery tworz, wielk. i9 nae4134-137' Ap 164 1. Institute of Artificial and Synthetic Fiben3, Indz. AC=SICU IM: AP4042732 P/OC47/6~/015/003/0341/0352 AUMOR: Wlodarski, Gabriel TITIEr Scme imi=ovemmats i*a spectroscopic applicatioa to the infrarea regicn. 1964., 341-352 SOURCE: Postepy fizykip vo 15.,, no. 3j, TCPIC TAGS: spectricaccry ccastrUcticn GIMPlificaticia,, IR,, opectroseW broad applicatica,, high ra~solving pmer AWTRACT: This arbicle reviews the development of spectroscopy for the infrared regicnand stresses1he aavantages of its applicaticn in science,, technoloal and industryie Spectrophatcmeterv W simplIfied ccimtruction aad of high re- solviag pwar, &a well as the improvements in their basic elementa-=d auxiliary eqpipannt are discussed in detail and illustratcd* The advantages of differential spectroscoar are also Orige axt, has: I table and 5 figurese C r AMMSICU M: AA042732 ch i SyntetymnYcho Lodz (Institute fOr ASSCCI&TTCU:1 W10kien Sztuczny Artificial an& synthetic Fibers) ZALESKI, M.; KRASSOWSKI, T..- WLODARS KI K. HiBtochemical Drvestigations of human transitional "ithellum. Folis, morphol 22 no.104-40 163. 1. Depaitment,of Histology and Rftbryology,, Medical Academy,, Warsaw.~ Head; Dpc. dr K.Ostrowski; and 2d Obstetric and Gynecologic Clinic, Medical Acadepy, Warsaw. HOadt Prof. di I.Roszkowski. ZALESKI, M.; R)R4ASZEVSKA, T.; DARZYNKIWICZ, Z.; WLODARSKI, K. Autoradiograpbic studies of cells frr-- Ivmph nodes draining -the tissue graft area. Bull, acad. Pol. scl. [Biol.] 13 no.1943-47 165. 1e Butmitted on Noymber 13, 1964- WLODARSKI Rafal -""Obtaini~t-fittibg6from'dintered high purity~ Ume stons fluoride- of natural and syn~hatic origin.- Nukloonika 9 no. 6s493-49.6 164. Experiments in using peat for sorption contamination of initially purifi6d'.sewages originating from uranium ores etched with sulfuric acid. Ibid.:496-498 l.'Department of Chemical Technology, Institute of Nuclear Research, Warsaw. --4- L o9186_67 EWP(e)/EWP(t)/ETI 1JP(c) D ACC NR, AP7002751 SOURCE, CODE: PO/0046/66/011/005/0327/0338' AUTHOR: Kalinowski. Bohdan--Kalinovski, B.; Mucha, Franciozek--Mukha, F.; i ~11odarski-_7a_fal-Vl)darski, 1~7 IORG:~ Department of Chemibal Technology,,In titute of NuqlPAr Ra=M91h, Warsaw (Zaklad Technologii.Chemicznej, Instytut Badan Jadrowych) 7 TITLE: Investigations on the obtaining of spherical uranium dicarbide particles from uranium,dioxide, t.SOURCE: Nukleonika, v. 11, no- 5, 1966, 327-338 TOPIC TAGS: uranium compound, uranium Z ABSTRACT:. The preparation of U,C2 in the form of dense spherical particil's is 2particles in a graphite powder !described. The applied method is based on heating UO bed in a furnace with a graphite heating element up to.2500*C, in Ar atmosphere under normal pressure. Starting materials such as,UO2 prepared by sintering, unsintered U02 and U02 agglomerated without additions containing C substances are used. The influence of the U02 on'the particle size distribution and the product I quality is examined. The dependence of free 0 content and product density on the spherical. particles specific surface (diameter) of the product is established and explained. Some of the problems are discussed,concerning the increase of the process acaleo Orig, art. hase.' 17 figures and 2 tables,, [NAI SUB CODE: 07 SUBM DATE., i3Dec65' ORM REF: om ani w. ow Car not WOJTKIEWICZ, Jadwiga; CHIBOWSKAY A:Leksandra3--&QD-AiLC?~(i~~t-~i~.., Congenital poikiloderma (Thomson), Anr., Univ. Lublin s .ec. D15: 331--31.6 'W 1. z Katedry i Kliniki.Del-natologiemej Wydzialu Lekars, .14edyc-znejIwLublin-le Kierownik% prof. dr raed. Cze3law i z ZaIdadu Radjologii Wydzialu Lekarskiego Akademli Medycz1v-jw Lublinie Kierovnik: z prof. Kazimierz Slrcorzynsld. (SKIN dis) -WLODARGZYK, Stefan; RODZIEWICZ, Jerzy Actinonveosis and congenital cysts and fistulae of the neck. Pol. tyg. lek. 18 no.7s252-254 3-1 F 163, 1. Z M Iniki Dermatologieznej AM v Lublinie; kierownik: prof. dr med. Czj Wl1-Xardzewaki[deceaaed] BRANCHMM) '(FISTULA) iNEGN) (ACTIMCOSIS) ard KRYPICKI, Edward. VILODARCZYK, Sylwia;_-WIDDARCZYK, Woj~iech. (Warozawa) Protection of industrial chimneys against corrosion caused Przegl budowl --J bud mieszk 36 no.2-.93-97 F164. by hot gases. POLiND Chomic-.1 Tochnology. Cho Imic-1 Products and H Thoir L-p*01icatiofti Formont,~~ion Industry. A'Abs Jour: Rof ZhtLr-RhJ-miya, No 9, 1959, 330461 Author Bachmanovia, S., Wlodarczyk, Z* Inst Not givon. Title The Industrial Value of tho Torusalom ',.rtichoko (Holianthus Tubarosus). Orig Pub: Przom. sDozTgczy, 1958, No 8, 306-310. i.~bstract: Yiai industrial oxperimont of procossing alcohol from tho tubors of tho Torusalom artich;Dko is described. The alcohol yiold from tho artichoke's starch amounts to 8MI . From tho authors' sum- mery, Card 1/1 WLODARCZYK Zbipiew The RZ-9 yarn doubling winder. Przeftl w1okien 16 no.2tlO9- ill F 1620 1 LrA 21ca Fabrvka Maszvn Jedwabdawych. Lods. KNAPIK, ZbAgniev; TWAnDZICKI, Jerzy; WLDDARCZYKOWA, Janina Treatment of peripheral vascular disorders with dilatol. Pol, tyg, lak, 20 no.23:846-8481 71e t65. 1, Z KAtedry Medycyny Ogolnej Studium Doskonalenia IAkarzy we Wroclawiu, na bazie Odd2ialu Wownetrwiego A S%pitala Wojawodzk:Lego we Wroclawiu (Kierownikt prof, dr, med. Jozef Yayi&k) i. z 8anatorium Zdrojowego Polskich Kolej PanetwoWch w Dusznikach-Zdroju (Dyrektort lek. med. J, Twardticki). KANIAK, Jozef, prof. dr. med., KNAPIKI Zbigniew; lf~OIDARCZYKOWA, Janina Waldenstr~&Is diseas - Pol. arch. mod. vewnet.. 35 no-3t3g,7-1,00 065. 0Y 1. MKatedry Medycyny Ogolnej Studium Doskonalenia, 1,6k&rzy ve Wroclaviu, z Oddziale Wevnetrznym *A.* Szpitala Vojewodzkiego we Wroclawiu (Kierownik: prof. dr. med. J. Kaniak). GOLDSCERM. Aleksaader; NXISSM, Jerzy; NMARCZYK-ROKICKA, D=ta*. i MYSIA]r, Franciezek; KANADYS, Investigations on cup test in diWosis of peptic ulcer. Ann.Uhiv. lublin; sec. D 7 no.11-2l.:315-330 1952. 1. Z I Kliuiki Chorob Wevuetrznych Akademii Redycznej w Lublinie. Kierownik:'p?rof. dr mad. Aleksander Goldschated. (FMIC ULCER, diagnosis, Waldman's mV test, comparison of blood collooted from finger with blood collsoted by suotion in Cup) ROWINSKA, Ew&,. LACHOWICZ, Damuta; NIEMIROWSKA, Hanna;-PIOTROWSKI, Andrzej; 7 - -- lon% bult; dgmLligm ~t k94 En7oT; pi~- A W101 d 4 - IX 3yetsm der If t -/ < Suilittt. , arsmy rw had A he c hem t .17341f~"7 ~7z; * tr. ' r6elys. Of lums atii(er byabsor ~lion ' ' ; i ,-- C rh of 11~0d flowing Oot of a enpi 14ry tube was mod&d. of itiass transk e litittid filin for th lY co ~ s. e l p rt water anti in, SoIns.. of basic: A14SO 0 irptiodof SC~ In emdad. -Thevalut 6btairiedbythi~r~cth6d%vcreiiiucls. ~- d by the wetted-wall tubc obt in e a higher, thautho~c q .4,