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AP6033505 SOURCE CODE: URlOhl3l66100010181013610136 INVENTOR: Soyfer, A. M.; Kodnir, Do S.Q wodov.-Yu, 1. 0R0: none TITIZ: Three-layer slide bearing. Class 47, No. 186225. [Announced by the Kuybyshey Aviation Institute (Kuybyshevskiy diriatsionnyy institut) -SOURCE: Izobret prom obraz tow zn, no. 18, 1966, JL36 TOPIC TAGS: aircraft engine bearing, slide bearing, teflon, antifriction bearing, engine component, protective coating , OE14'el'yc 1n'qrrR1'q.'_ ABSTRACT: The proposed three-layer slide bearing has a first layer made of hard material, an intermediate layer of porou*%, elastic material, and an inner layer made of teflon,pressed into the elastic material of the intermediate layer vith the teflon penetrating to a certain depth into its pores (see Fig. 1). In order to increase the and the wear resistance of the bearing when the shaft is misaligned' as well as to ensure variable stiffness in the tangential and axial directions, the intermediate layer is vade of the elastic-ds;mping wire mesh described in the Author Certificate No. i366o8. Orig, art. has: I figure. ACC NRs AP700760 SOURCE CODI-,~i-i~i/,Vs6/66/0d~/002/Ob9~/009C- AUVOR., BayborodDv. Tue To; Gotts Yu @V,; loffes Me: So; Yushmanorvp Yes Ye. Y! none Xi TITIE: Unstable tates of a plasma in a trap with combined field SOURCE: Zhurnal ~ksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki. Pistma v redaktsiyu, v- 31 no. 2,.1966, 92-96 TOPIC TAGS: plas6 instability, plasma density, spectrometer, ion current, plasma antenna,, plasma ipjection ABSTRACT: The authors investigate distinct unstable states of a plasma observed in it trap with combined field ("minimum B11 type) and offer a possible interpretation of the physical nat4e of the instability. It has been established that each density I drop is accompanied by the appearance of high-frequency fields in the plasma. A I loop antenna installed near the trap wall registered a burst of electromagnetic .1 radiation whose spectrum consists of the ion-cyclotron frequency and its harmonics (Fig. Id); the frequency corresponds to the magnitude of the magnetic field in the 31 central region of the trap. The burst duration, as well as the duration of the drop itself, is 1~ - 20 psee. Figure le shows the flux of neutral atoms produced by charge exchange and possessing an energy of 36 k9V. At the start of the plasma decay there are no ions with this energy, and their appearance coincides exactly Card 1 ACC NR, AP700768 different electro es showed that the lose occurs predominantly along the force :lines of the res tant magnetic field through the end and radial mirrors. 7be .'data shows that t e density Jumps are due to a short burst of instability of t ni the ion-cyclotron type. This is evidenced both by the frequency spectrum of the produc d alteinating fields and in the appearance of a group of ions acclerated to high energies in a transverse direction. The acceleration of the ions is apparently producAd in resonant fashion in fields oficyciotron frequency that ~Lre produced in the plasma, and in this respect it is completely analogous to the acceleration observed in traps with external injection when the Harris anisotropic cyslotron instability is excited. The authors note ihat, density Jumps outward Aimilar to those described in this article were observed also in a decaying plasma with hot eleCtror~. In this case the instability develops at electron-cyclotron frequencies. Ori4. art. has: 1 figure and 1 formula. SUB OODE: 20 ISUBK DAM 02Dec65 ORIG REF: 005 OTH REFe. 002 Card BAYBUIATOV, X.B. ---m-iner-alogical characteristics of the Achik-Tash ore deposit and problems relative to Its.origin. Trudy Inst. gool. AN Kir. SSR no.10:125-15? '58. (MIRA 12:9) (Kirghiz Range-Mineralogy) BAYBUlATOV, E. B.: Master Geolog-Mineralog Sci (diss) -- "The geology and gen- esis of the Achik-Tashskiy sulfur-pyrites deposit". Moscow, 1958. 18 pp (Min Higher Educ, Moscow Geological Prospecting Inst im S. Ordzhonikidze), 200 copies (KL, No 8, 1959, 135) BAYBULATOV, E. B., Cand Geol-Min Sci -- (diss) "Geological character ---I-sUl-c-s--a-na-EFe-mineralogy of the Achik-Tashskiy iron pyrites deposit." Moscow, 1960. 25 PP; (Academy of Sciences USSR, Inst of the Geology of Ore Deposits, Mineralogy, Petrography, and Geochemistry); 150 copies; price not given; (KL, 30-60, 13?) BOBUIATOV, E.B. --lc Contact metamorphism of ores in the Achik-Tash deposit. Izvo AN Rr,, SSR. Sor, set, i tekh. nauk 2 no.9:107-3.15 '6o. (MIM 3-07) (Achik-Tash region -Metarmorphism (Geology)) . POPOV, V.M.,- BAYBULATOV, E.B. Cuprous sandstones in ancient formations of the Talas Ala-Tau. Izv. AN Kir. SSR. Ser. est. i tekh. nank 4 no.3141-56 16~.. (KRA 15811) (Talas Ala-Tau-Sandstone) 7 BAYBULATCV, E.B. Diagenetic origin of ore concentration in cuprous aandstones in some deposits of northern Kirghizia. 7ap. Kir. otd. Vses. min. ob-va no.3;59-65 162. (MIRA 17;11) L-OROLEV, V.G., otv. red.; AINSM, M.M.. akademik, glav. red.; 4LUBULATOV9 L.B.y red.; BUTRYMN, 1.V., nkademik, rr4.; GRIGORENKO, P.G., red.; DAVLETOV, I.D., red.; KONYUK, A.A., red.; POPOV, V.M.., akademik, red.; SURGAY, V.T., red. (Materials on the geology of ore deposits in the Tien Shan] Materialy po geologii, rudnykh mestorozhdenii Tian-Shania. Frunzes Izd-vo "Ilim," 1961+. 140 p. (141RA 17:8) 1. Akaderiya nauk Kirgizskoy SSR, Fnitze. Institut geologii. 2. Akader.1ya nauk Kirgizskoy SSI (for Adyshev, POPOV). 3. Institut geologii AN Kirgizskoy Sb?, (for all). ADYSHEV , M.M., akademik, glav. red.; KOROLEV. V.G., zam. glav. red.; DAYBILATOV,.g~.,B.., red. BURYKHIN, I.V.., red.; GRIGORENKO, P.G., red.; DAVLETOV, I.D., red.; K011YUK, A.A., red.; POPOV, V.M.,, akademik, red.; SURGAY, V.T.., red. (Tectonics of the western regions of the northern Tien Shan) Tektonika zapadriykh ralonov Severnogo Tian'-Shania. Frunze, "Ilim,n 1964. 143 p. (MIRA 17.8) 1. Akademiya nauk Kirgizskoy SSR i7runze. Institut geologii. 2. Akademiya nauk Kirgizskoy SSR (for Adyshev, Popov). BAYBULATOV, Erik Begaliyevich; POPOV,, V.M.p akadelLikp otvo redo [Achik-Tash iron-pyrite deposit and its genesis] Achik- Tashskoe sernokolchadannoe mestorozhdanie i ego genezis. Frunze, Izd-vo AN Kirg.SSR, 1964. 190 P. (MIRA 17:5) 1, Akademiya nauk Kirgizakoy SSR (for Popov). BAYBULATOV; P. Kh. DemonatratIon of the Doppler affect in acoustics. Uap, fizo nauk 84 no.4029 D 164 (MIR& 18d) A~C N.R: _SOURCE7CODE~-_URJ_6_2~Sj _~666_j6_6C1jJ6!~f1i060-*_*. AUTHOR: _..Paybulatov, R. B. ; Krasnushkin, P. Ye. ORG: Hathematics Institute im. V. A. Steklov, AN SSSR (Matematicheskiy institut AN SSSR) TITLE: Determination of the daylight profile of electron concentration of C and D layers of the ionosphere as determined from very long wave fieldb and atmospheric- pressure profiles SOURCE: Geomagnetizm i aeronomiya, v. 6, no. 6, 1966, 1051-1060 TOPIC TAGS: ionospheric electron density, ionospheric radio wave ABSTRACT: A method optimizing 'the correlations between low frequency radio waves Iand ionospheric properties is described. Review of present status of predictions of the electron concentration profiles*in the ionosphere is given, showing the weakness- es of present methods. To improve the accuracy of the electron concentration and collision-frequency-of-electrons profiles, use of more accurate data is made. The re- arg umb 'of itera- Isulting problem requires very long computation runs due to the 1 e n er tive steps required. This approach is simplified by recourse to a computational method called the "optimization method" as outlined by Bellman. An example of the su=er profile (for temperature latitudes) of the ionosphere consisting of two sub- UDC; 550.388.2 ACC NRt AP7002193 layers is given. At the present time equatorial profiles can not be obtained due to in3ufficient data, although approximate computations show the absence of a C-layer. Several profiles are given for sets of parameters that have been tabulated in the text. The effects of these parameters .on the profiles is discussed and the most cri- tical parameteri are identified. Orig. art. has; 4 figures, 14 formulas, 1 table. SUB CODE: 04,=I/ SUBM DATE: 1lNov65/ ORIG REF: 009/ OTH REF: 015 LC.c.rd- ACC NR. AP6036843 souRcE coii~:-uA/66io766/171/00i/0340'/03ii37 AUTHOR: Krasnushkin, P. Yee; Baybqatov, R. 11. ORG: Mathematics Institute im, V, A* Steklovq Acadenq of Sciences SBSR (14atematicheskiy inatitut Akademii nauk SSSR) TITIX: On the violation of reciprocity principle in daytime propagation of superlong ,radio waves aroua4 the earth ZIMCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, Y. 171s no. 2. 1966s 340-343 .4;~.k-WIC'TAGS: radio wave propagation, v1f propagation, vaveguide propagation, earth spheric radio wave jtdpetic field, iono AXTRACT: The authors uxplain a phenomenons which they call the valve effect, and which consists in the fact tilat the attenuation of superlong waves on paths from east to vest is larger than in the OPPe)site direction, especially, during daytime propaga- tion near LLe geomagoetic equator. Although this phenomenon has not been taken into. account in the existing vsyeguide theory of superlong waves, it is shown that allow- aace for the valve effect can be made by using a method developed by one of the au- - thors earlier (Krasaushkin, DAN V. 1711 no. is 1966). This method is used to calcu- late the impedances coat-dned In the equation for the wave numbers of the normal waves, vith account t&kGL Mot only of the vertical compment of the earth's magmatic- um 536.566 ACC N& Ap6o field, but also of the horizontal components along and across the propagation path. It is shown that the parameters of TH waves for arbitrary daytime paths on earth can be calculated with sufficient accuracy by means of the derived impedance equations. The damping coefficients and the differences of the angular wave numbers are electron- icully computed for THI WaVes Vith Wo types of profiles (medium latitudes in the summer and equatorial zone), In medium latitudes the valve affect is attenuated by the C layer of the ionosphere, vhich in produced by cosmic*rays, and by the decrease in the latitudinal component of the magnetic field. The absence of the C layer In Us equatorial zone Is also confirmed by the present results* Origo art* bass 3 figures and 6 formulas, SUB OODE: 091 SUBM DATRs 27Doc65/ ORIG W: 004/ OTH REF: 010 -L 40086-66 EWT,(d)/T IJP(C) GD AT6019247 SOURCE CODE: UR/*Mf65/0i0Jf000/0l74/Ol8l' AUTHOR: Amerbayev, V. M. ; Bqbulatov, R. B. ORG: none TITLE: On one case of the reconstruction of an original function SOURCE: Kazakhstanskaya mezhuzovskaya nauchnna konfer2atsiva po mat, ,anike. lst, Alma-Ata, 1963. Trudy, Izd-vo Nauka KazSSR, 1965, 174-181 TOPIC TAGS: ordinary differential equation, integral equation, Laplace transform, ap- proximate solution ABSTRACT: A method is considered for the inverse La2lace transform for equations with constant coefficients. The procedure is divided into two steps: the determination of the poles of the given function and their multiplicity; the construction of the ori- ginal function by the use of the Cauchy-Heaviside formula. An example is offered to illustrate the use of the algorithm adduced for finding the multiplicity of poles. Orig. art. has: 41 formulas, 2 tables. SUB CODE: 12/ SUBM DATE: 18Nov65/ ORIG REF: 004/ OTH REF: 001 Card 1/1 Va- k BAYBULATOVA, S.G., aspirant; GAVRILOVA, T.B.., kand,tekhn-.nauk m. ....... Dispersion capacity of flour obtained with separate break systems. Soob. i ref. VNIIZ no.4sl6-21 061. (KM'16t5) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nawhno-inaledovatellskiy institut zerna i produktay yego parerabotki (for Baybulatova). 2. Moskovskiy gosudaratvannU univeipitat (for Gavrilova). (Flour) BAYBULAMNA Z.K.1 LEM. A.1.; RMTER, V-G- Relation between. the buic structural elements *f the Kara- Bogaz region. Izv. AN WSR Ser. geol. 29 no*702-58 J1 164 (MIRA 18t1) 1, Nauohno-isFIPdovatellska7a laboratori7a geologicbeakikh kri- teriyev otserki perspektiv neftegazonosnostig Moskva. ARKIHIPOV, A.Ya.; ALTAYEVA, N.V.; ~IAY -Z~L ; VISKOVSKIY, Yu.A.; MgATM, GOLENKOVA, N.P.; KRAVCHENKO, M.F.; KUPRIN, P.N.; LEVIN, A.!.; POLISTER, L.A.; SEHDV, V.N.; SYRNEV, I.P.; USHKO, K.A.; SHOIDKHOV, V.V.; Prinimali uchastiye: RODIONOVA, M.K.; CHELITSOV, Yu.G.; KUZNE7SOV, Yu.Ya., kand. geograf. nauk, nauchnyy red. [Geology and oil and gas potentials of the south of the U.S.S.R.; Kara-Bogaz-Gol (Gulf) region (eastern part of the Middle Caspian oil- and gas"bearing basin).) Geologiia i neftegazonoanoott iuga SSSR; Prikarabosaz*e (vostochnaia chast' Srednekaspiiskogo nefte- gazonosnogo basseina). Leningrad, Nedra, 1964. 300 p. (Trudy Nauchno-isaledovatellskoy laboratorii geologicheskikh kriteriyev otsenki perspektiv neftegazonoanosti no.12). KHUI)YAKOV,, I.F.; TIMONOV, A.I.; RYBNIKOV, V.I.; Prinimali uchastiye; PODIYACHEV, Yu. A., inzh.; H&X%LPV, D.Kh~tj inzh.; OSOKIN, V.V.p inzh, - Copper balance in the retallurgical production of the Karabash Mixing and Metallurgical Combise. Sbor. nauch. trud. Ural. politakh. inot. no. 134:34-22 163. (MIRA 17;1) .J. I ~ BAYBUIOV. D.Kh.; KOMLILT, G.A. I,- Increase copper smelting at the Karabash Mining and Metallurgical Combine. Tgret. met. 33 no.10:24-26 0 160. (MIRA 13:10) (Larabash-Copper-Metallurgy) BAXBURINIV G. c- At the Sterlitamak Grain Milling Combine. Muk:e2ev.prom. 27 no,5:9-10 My 161, (HDA 14;6) lo G:Lavnn inzh* Sterlitamasksogo melIkombinata. (Starlitwaak--Flour idlls) 14240 SOURCE CODE: UR/0109/66/011/005/0860/0869 AUTHOR: Bayburin, V. B., Sobolev, G. L. ORG: none TITLE: Calculating spaca-charge fields in a plane-parallel magnetron SOURCE: Radiotekhnika i elaktronika, v. 11, no. 5. 1966, 860-869 TOPIC TAGS: magnetron, space charge ABSTRACT: An analytical solution is obtained for the space-charge field in a plane- parallel magnetron; the solution takes into account the specified electron "spoke" (stream) shape and specified bounds and holds true for any point of the interaction space. The transverse component of the electric field of the "spoke" space charge i determined. Triagonal, multi -trapezoid, and arbitrary shapes of the "Spoke" are examined. Two extreme cases of zero boundary potential are considered: (a) zero potential approaching infinity and (b) zero potential at the "spoke" boundary. An exact. solution is developed for the "a" case and an approximate solution for the "b" case. Orig. art. has: 5 figures and 42 formulas. SUB CODE: 09 / SUBM DATE: ZZDec64 / ORIG REF: 004 / OTH REF: 004 e, rd I/ UDC: 621.385.64.001.24:537.525.9 li-I. a~.- --U -:, *~ I Cllnqtotl~erapy in the COMOCLnd treatment of pationts nonspecific pulmonary disaaaes, inst.kur. i fizioter. 17:67-71 169'.-, ~M!YA 1P.7"i BAYBUROV, B. S. Avtomaticheskii kontroll razmerov v mashinostroenii. lbskva, IMED~ Gosplana SSSRP 1948. 32 p. Automatic control of dimensions in mechanical engineering. SO: Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering in the Soviet Union., Library of Congress, 1953. alk)60V) - B 0 5 a -- - --- - I Avtomatizatsiia kontrolia detalei dvigatelia. Novye Iconstruktsii priborov i avtomatov. Yoskva, 14ashgiz, 1948. 46 p. Automatic control of engine parts. 4ew designs of instrwnents and automatic machines. SO: Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress., 1953. 1 ;7 US fl.R/-rnrine erl ng Gau clt- s Menruration "Automat-r, Contro~ of Diamsi.-na," -To-f' I.Ye. Gorol-t--kiy, Dr Teci Scl, Yu.G. Gorodelzl.-;, RngT, Sci Iles Bu of Inter c': iangeabli. i ty, ';I'~ -:ian, Can I Tee, Sci, Sci 2es Electroautwiatic Lfb, 73.% Baybljrov, RiFr, Con Inst of Lbor aM !!ec:-" Ye. Tevenson, %i,, r, Aut-.~ WorkB imeni Stidin, "'lest '.o. 10 -(q4k Dvscrlbes vart-mc; molels of autmatic gaiges, wit'. 12 illustriltlons lea-1 of Departinent for the Lutooatization of ~.ontrol A"'Itholp at the Centnal institute for the Orraniz,ition of LeCoor F-nl !;echanj;;&ti-,,-n of Yroduction 0 ---- BAy3L,.ICVI I. S. Prioory dlia statischeskogo analiza I knotrolia produktsii i masni!iostroanii (Instrti- meats for statistical analysis and production control in machine-building). 14oskva, Mashgiz, 1952. 176 p. SO. Monthly List of Russian Ac,~,essions, Vol 6, No. 3, June 1953 RATBUROV, B-s- Eauthorl; ZRMVLET, A.N. [reviewer]. ---------- "Instruments and automatic machines for statistical analysis production In machine building. I B.S.Baiburov. Reviewed by SOT-knige, n0-8:40-42 Ag 053- (Produotion control) (Balburov, and control of A.E.Zhuravley. (MLU 6:8) B.S.) BAYBUROV, B.S. [author); KMC IKIR, V.I.; ZUMOVITSKIT. A.Y. [reviewers]. OInstruments and automtio machines for statistical analysis and control of production in machine building.6 B.S.Baibarov. Reviewed by V.I. Serchiker, A.7,Zhukhovitakii. Avt.trakt.prom. n0.9:32-3 of cover. 6 153. (MLAA 6:9) 1. Xinisterstvo mashinostroyanti (for Urchiker and Mmkhovitekly). (Machinery induati7) (Baibarov. DAYBUROVj BA. Raise technical standards in agriculturel machinery production. Trakt. i selikhosmoh' to.3:27-32 Nr 158. (Nm nt5) I* IIPOIUYVUBhCUY Obyasamosti, mmostitelys direktora, po mamobacy chaxti *mchno-loolodovatel'okogo Institut& 2j"Morgellkhosmash. (Agricultuml usabluery industry) BATIUROVO B.S. - 1,1111,1111W Automation of tractor and agricultural Mcbinery plants. Trakt. i sellkhosmob. no-10:31-17 0 158. (MRA. 11:10) 1. Nauchno-iseledovatellskiy Institut Traktorosellkboseaeb. (Tractor industry) (Agricultural macbinery industry) (Automation) BIESLATD, I.K.; WROCHU3, I.P.;,.LTAKROVSKIT. I.V.; MMOV, A.M.; CM=Vv V.A.; BAYBUROV. -B.S.. r#d.; IOCHWOV, M.L. red.; IMff, DeDs, r, red,; VIOAJUMNATA. T.P., nauohn" red.; YlLISTIV, M.S., red. izd-va-, TIKKA OV, A,M3,,, [Traneduasre and measuring gages) Datohiki i ismeritelinys golovki. Pod red. B.S.Baiburovag M.I.Koohenova. D.D.NBlogo. Moskva. Goo. nsuchno-tekhn.isd-yo washinostroit.lit-ry, 1960. 158 p. tMIU 14:1) (Transducers) (Gages) BERKL&yDv I,m.; VXMKM- V.S.p doktor tekhn. nauk; DRAUDINq A.T.; KOPANMCH# 9 N.Ye.) OVCRAMKOI G%I.j TUBMMWAKV ZLj CHASOVNIKOV# G.V.; TSMT LIN, latHol DA7 - D-.Sa-j rod*,I'KOCMUOV9 M.I.j red.j MAW9 D.D.t ZR~vh-~. red*; SATwQAWvp u.r,v*Mt red, izd-vai DOBMSYNAt Rol.v tekbno red o [Autqp;ttic controUeral KontrollxWe avtoraty. Moskvap Wmwbno- tekbn, izd-vo zaebinostroit. lit-x7p 1961. 193 p. (Kn~A 14t 6) (Blootroule meamLremen'6) VYSDTSKIY, A.V.; DVORETSM, Ye.R.,- KONDASMSKIY, V.V.; KUZIMICM, V.T.; MOROZOV9 I.K.; POLYANSM , P.M.; TUMSHLYAK# Z.Li; KHOKHLOVA, G.V.; CHASMIKOV, G.V.; SHLUM, M.L ; BAYBUROV B S red.; KOCHENOV, M,I,p red.j MAMp D.Dep redo; ELIKIND, V.D., tekbn. red. [Instruments ex-A devices for operating dimension control in the manufacture of machinery) Pribory i ustroistva d3la aktivnogo kon- trolia, razmarov v maohinostroonii. By A.V.Vyootskii i dr. Monkvaj Gos. nauchno-tekh. izd-vo wwhinostroit. lit-ryt 1961. 303 P. (KERA 14:9) (Machinery industry-Equipment and supplies) (Automatic control) BOURN. B'S. r---- Automation and mec*ization of production processes in the agricultural machinery industry. BiuLtekh.-ekonsinform. no.10: 62-67 161. (MIRA 14 - 10) (Agricultural machinery industry-Technological innovations) (Automation) ROBI]OZON.Te.k-,GRISHINA, O.N.-, NUELUOWVA. L.A.t URHANCHNIV, F.A.; IZHATLCIV, R.I.; BOMHXR, L.Ts.; KASHATIT. S.-Jli.G.; A)URKHAJIDTA, N.G.; OONIK. V.10; BAYBURDVA, X.Kb.; HICHArIVA, M.A. Petroleums of the Tatar A.S.S.R. Izv.Kazan.fil.AN SSSR.Serekhim. nauk no.4:93-113 '57. (MIRA 3.2:5) (Tatar A.S.S.R.-Petroleum) SOV/65-58-9-4/16 ATITHORS: Mukhamedova, L. A;,_Bayburova, 14. Kh; Robinzon, Ye. A. TITIZ: InvestUatiohoof; H7CTrOcarb6jLs -of Napbthalene Series Int thb. Keros&ne gracti6n of., oil fr8m tLe,,RomashkinskoyeXil Fleldoin'tbe Vdnr4i,~aYavs Area.. (Issledovaniye uClevodorodov ryada na-f"Calina, v kerosinovoY fral,-tsii nefti Ro;Pashki-ns%o,-o ne-storozlidenlya Minnibayevs1roy ploshchadi) PERIODICAL: Rhimlya I Tel;hnologiya Topliv I lk.'asel~ 1953, Ar 9, pp 18 - 24, (MR) AB3TjLhCT- The kerosene fractions of Devonian Taitab p6tiol- contain considerable quantities of aromatic hydrocarbons- Investigations were c!arried out with the aid or the pl- crate method and ultra-violet spectra of condensed . hydrocarbons of the kerosene fraction (2000 - 32000) of Romashkino-- petroleum. This fraction was separated by'ahromatography on silica gal ASM (50 - 100 mesh) into a naphthenic-paraflOinic fraction and aromatic concentrate. The latte was*divIdod'into monooyalit'and dicyclic com- pounda. ;he anlphur-oontaining compounds were sepa-#.,,-_A-,ed by oxidisinr, the aromatic concentrate vith hydrogen perox- Ida in a,redium of glacial eacatic aeld and the oxidised ' sulphur-containing compounds adsorbed on silica rel A16K. Card 1/3 The desulphurised aromatic hydrocarbons -:iere vacuum SOV/65-16-8-9-4/18 .Investigation of Hyaromcaib~~s-~of NaP1LUA-3M0Se*1'ieG in the'XeroEdne Fraction of oil"from-69 R~mashklijskoye Gil*Fidild i-n the'YAlnnibayevskaya Area distilled into three - five-grade fracti(ons in a 57-plat-e column- Each fraction was treated wt-Uh picric acid and the naphthalene hydrocarbons 7iere separ.11ted. The h6no- logues of naphthalene were separated by rectification, and in some cases the isomers were also split off. The liquid isomers were separated by repeated recrystallization OLrom ethyl or'methyl alcohol and subjected to further decomposition. The crystalline hydrocarbons were puri- fied by repeated recrystallization from methyl alcohol. The separated hydrocarbons viere identified by elementary analysis and by comparing the physical constants ard melting points'of seoondary'ptorates with literature data. The inid-ividual'napthalene hydrocarbons,as well as mixtures of lsbmersluere'further subjected to spectral aiialysis of the zie a r U'ltta-vlolet region (2 v 900 3,300 AO). The absorption spectra were measured on'the speo't-r-ophotometer SF-4 ( in a-pentane solution)(Fig. on page 19). Constants of the separated hydrocarbons L are given in a table (pages 20 and 21). 'The separated Card 2/3 hydrocarbons consisted of naphthalene, P -methylnaphthalene, C. Investie'--.tibn"of'Ry~rocai~bo~s .6f Kero ~~ 'Fraction n t 8 a of Dili fr6m-irj,6. Roinuatflffh6koye-011 Field ih 't~e'Ydnnibry'evekaya Area s, 1 37q-, 1,2,D^- and 2.6- and 2,3-dimethy1napthalone L 2,3,6-trimethylnaphthalones, 2,3,6,~- and 1,2,5,6- totr,_-, 'Chy1naphthale nos and tetramethylnapWtlene (boiling, point', 107.0 - 107.20C) of unde-fined structure. 1.3,7-trimethy1napht'halene was separated from pet*roleum for the first time-With the aid of dtra-violgt absorption spectra, i.t was possible to'establish the presence of(x- methylnaphthalene, 1,6-, 1,7-, 1,2_" and 1.3-dimethyl- naphthalenes and of 1,2,7-,-l,4,5-, 1,4,6- 1,2,5- and- There is*l T' 1,2,4-trimethylnaphthalenes. able, 1 Figure and 21'References: S EnClish, 1 German, 1 Sviisb and 11 Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Kazanskiy filial AN SSSR (Kazan-"- Branch of the AN 'USSR) 1. Petroleum--Fractionation 2. Naphthalenes--Separation 3. Hydrocarbons--Chemical analysis 4. Ultra violet spectroscopy Card 3/3 ROBIIIZON. Ye.A.-. MUKHAMMVA. L.A.; GRISHIRk, O.N.; BAYBtWVA, M.Kh. Studying the aromatic hydrocarbons of kerosene fractions obtained from the Romeahkino petroleum (Minnibayevo sector) and Bavly field. Isv.vys.ucheb.zav.; noft' i gat 2 no.11: 99-105 159. (MM 13:4) 1, Kazanekly khImiko-takhoologicheekiy Institut im, S.,14OKirova I K"auskly filial AN SSSR. (Wdrocarbous) (Petroleum products) 15.4100 77929 SOV/65-60-3-2/19 AUTHORS: Mukhamedova, L. A., Bayburova, M. Kh. TITLE: Tetralin Series Hydrocarbons in the Kerosene Fraction of Petroleum From Romashkinsk Deposit PERIODICALz 10iimiya i tekhnologiya topliv I masel, 1960, Nr 3, PP 5-8 (USSR) ABSTRACT., This work is devoted to the study of tetralin series hydrocarbons and is a continuation of the investigation of aromatic hydrocarbons of kerosene fraction ob- tained from petroleum of Romashkinsk deposit. Chromatography, rectification, catalytic dehydro- genation, picrate method, and spectral analysis were employed in.the study. The results are shown in Table "All. Card 1/5 Tetralin Series.Rydrocarbons in the Kerosene 77929 Fraction of Petroleum From Romashkinsk Deposit sov/65-6o-3-2/,19 Table A. Characteristics of the napthalenes separated in the courve of dehydrogenation. 75-80 200-207 79,5--WO t48,5-tA9.5 - - 85-96 212-224 34.5-35,0 115-10 - - 9C-102 2124-233 f.6025 1,0036 - 122-123 92,85 7,27 92,90 7,26 102-110 233-245 13 14 1. 1,0051 - 113A-HO M41 7,&R " 7,91 Of -M 273-278 1* /7 1,C0.35 1,0000 - t(A-10S 9f,66 8,18 91,54 8,06 Card 2/5 135-M 278"2815 IS- /9 j,6M - 112-114 9t,23 8r8 91.201 9:G,7 11101-l"LlIll III Lh, KO~J*O.'~i:lt(: Key to Tablo: (2) )j), OC lit; (3) 9 Inin 760 nim ILL-, (5) llL'tj)lltllZL.Leiik2,; uc-parated pplor to del'iydrol.,onation; (0) l4riplithalenca s8parated after dehydvol-lonation; MON.-une; (8) nip, C; (9) nip of lecondary pleratc...' C; (10) olumentiLl COMPOSItIOn I jk found; (1.1) Naphtl ne.; (12) /3-Methylnaph- thalene; (13) C( - and MethyInciplithalenes; (111) Tri-inethy1naphthalenes; (16, 1,6-, 1,7-, and 1,2-Mmethy1naphthalenes; (17) Methylethy1naphthalene; (18) Totramethy1naplithalefie. Card 3/5 Tetvalin Series Ilydrocarbons In the Kerosene 77929 Fraction of Petroleum Vrom Roinw;hkin.ok Depoolt SOV/05-60-3-?/19 The maxinia of U'~c ultraviolet absorption spectra (all in Angstroms) of P-methy1napthalene (from fraction 96-1020) are'3,140 and 3,190; of hydrocarbon from fraction 102-1100, 3,070, 3,145 and 3,'.1-120; of hydrocarbon (corresponds to the empirical formula C1311.1), ) from fraction 131-1350, 1220; and that of hydrocarbon (corresponds to the empirical formula C14H16) from fraction 135-1400, 3,195, 3,210 and 3,250. The pos.,11ble structure of substituted tetralins is ohown In Plir. A. Card 11/5 ,,-, t f."11 I I I j.'I (I I A) (...I I -boi I. ~ 111 1 11 e Ef., J,u;,#A v" 77 92 9 PI-act-1.011 of P( t 1-olk, toil V1.0111 D~--poolt SOV/65-60-3-2/19 There ia I table; 2 I'Igures; and 9 references, 3 "Oviet, 14 U.S., 1 U.K., 1 Swl8u. S The U.S. and U.K. refevenceo are: Mair, B. J., Strelff, A. J., J. Res. Nat. Bur. Stand., 2'j, 3113 (19111); Mikiewicz, M. I., J. Inst. retr., 315, 1125 (1952); Rossini, Fr. D..,and co-workern, Selected Values of Physical and Thermo- dynamic Propertleo of Hydrocarbons and Related Compounda, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 79 (1953); Rulley, A. S., Bryant, K. c. Hancock R. A., and others, J. Inst. Petr-, 33, ;03 (19471; Morton, R. A., de Gonvela, A. 1. J. Chein. Soc ., 91 (1934). ASSOCIATION: Institute of Chemistry of Kazan' Branch of the Academy of Scienoes of the USSR (Institut khImii. Kazanskogo filiala AN SSSR) Card 5/5 HJKHAMEDOVAI L.A.; BAYBUROVA,, M.Kh. Investigation of monocyolic aromatic kerosine hydrocarbons of Minnibayevo curdes by their absorption spectra in the ultra- violet. Izv.Kasan.fil. AN SSSR. Ser.khim.nauk no.6:87-92 161. (NIRA 1615) (Minnibayevo region-Petroleum) (Hydrocarbons-Absorption spectra) MJKHAMEDOVA, L.A.; BkYBUROVA,, M.Xh,; MLLYSHKO, T.M.; KUDRYAVTSEVA,, M.I. Synthesis and properties of dialky2opoxyhexahydrophthalates. fieftek-bi-iia 1 no.ls88-92 Ja-F 161. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Institut o anicheskoy kbimll AN SSSR, Kazan'. rMtero) (Phthalic acid) MUKHAHEDOVAP L.A.; KUDRYAVTSEVA, M.I.; BAYBUROVA.--M-..Kh.; MALYSHKO, T.M.; LEPLYANIN, G.V. Some derivatives of 4,5-spoxyhexahydrophthalates. Neftekhimiia 2 no.3072-377 Ff-Je '62. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii AN SSSR, Kazan'. (Epoxy compounds) (Phthalic acid) MUKHAMEDOVAt L.A. ;_~A71TC!~j~~M*Khe Synthesis of some epoxy eaters used as plasticizers for polyvinyl chloride resins. Neftekhimiia 3 no,6t9OO--904 N-D 163. (KIRA 17:3) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii AN SSSR., Kazan'. MUKHAMEDOVA, L.A.; BAYBUROVAj, M.Kh.; SHAGBUIJ,IN# R.R. Reaction of bis- A-chloroethyl and his- f$ - (~I-chlorr-ethox7) ethyl esters of cis-Aq-tetrahydropbtbalic acid vith sodium alcobalatoo. Izv. AN SM. Sere kbim. no.ID2019-2024 165. (MIRA 18i11) 1. Institut organicheakey Irbi-Ii AN SSSRp Kazan'. 2619 S/ gi/OOO/Oi2/023/028 OBXB202 B103 AUTHORS: Lavrentlyev, V. I., Bayburskiy, L. Ao~ Droning As Pot Denezhkina, Ye. A. TITLE. Production of fuels for gas and turbine engines from products obtained in Groznyy PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 12, 1961, 525, abstract 12M172. (Tr. Groznensk. neft. n.-i. in-t, 1960, vYP- 7, 73-85) TEXT: The authors studied the following distillation and residual products of direct distillation and of secondary origin in order to ob- tain gas-turbine fuels: kerosene gas oil fractions of the Aohalukakiy, Ozek-Suatskiy and Turkmenskiy petroleum, mazout of the Anastasiyevskiy S4 petroleum, kerosene of thermal cracking, cracking re due, contact-coking distillate of pitch of petroleums containing sulfur. It was found possible to obtain gas-turbine fuels with satisfactory values of viscosity, solidification point, and vanadium content from the products of Groznyy. The following products were recommended for examination on Card 1/2 26196 S/081/61/000/012/023/028 Production of fuels for gas and turbine ... B103/B202 field plants (naturnyye ustanovki): mazout of the Anastasiyevskiy petroleum and its mixtures with the kerosene gas oil fractions of Achalukskiy (80 : 20), Ozek-Suyatskiy (85-15), and Turkmenskiy (80 ; 20) petroleum, mixture of the Groznyy cracking residue with sulfur-containing cracking kerosene (75 : 25) and the distillate of contact coking of asphalt from which gasoline had been removed and to which 1.5% of Groznyy cracking residue tied been added in order to lower the solidifioa- tion point. (Abstracter's note: Complete translation.] Card 2/2 KOZOREZOV,-Yu.l,- BAYBURSKIY L A - MkNOVYAN, A.K. Effect of the intermediate circulating reflux on the process of distillation in a colu=. Khim..i tekh. topl. i masel 6 no.n, 27-32 N 161, (MIRA 14:12) 1. Gr6znenakiy nauchno-isoledavatellskiy neftyanoy institut.' (Plate towers) 1 17 S/081 62/000/002/090/107 B157 B110 rB & AUTHORSs Malin, 1. G., Bayburskiy, L. A., Krechetova, P. I. TITLEt The possibility of obtaining gas turbine fuels from products processed at the Groznyy refineries PERIODICALi Referetivnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 2, 1962, 495, abstract 2H297 (Tr. Groznensk. neft. n.-i. in-t, no. 11, 1961, 25-38) TEXTs The results are described of an investigation into the possibility of obtaining gas turbine fuels from gasoline-free oils, from various distillates and residual products, by simple distillation and secondary refinery products, or from mixtures of these products. It was established that the production of fuels with low ash content requires the crude oil to be treated so that the chloride content amounts to-e, 30 mg/liter and dehydrated so that the water content amounts to,/, 0.1 - 0.2%. Groznyy C-Al mixed paraffin crude oils gasoline-free to 160 - ,1700C, Achalukskiy and Karabulakskiy mixed crude oils, and Ozeksuatskiy and Turkmenian crudeoils can be used as fuel for stationary gas turbine plants. Simple distillation fractions, filtrates of paraffin production and kerosenes Card 1/2 5/081/62/000/022/056/088 B1801bI86 AUTHORS: Amerik, B. K., 11 TITLE: Raising the octane number of automobile gasoline PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Xhimiya, no."22, 1962, 426, abstract 22M82 (Neftyanik, no. 5, 1962, 15-16) TEXT: The article considers methods of increaging the production of high- octane automobile gasolines in Groznyy refineries. These methods are: 1. thermal reforming of the straight-run 120-1950C fraction, raising the octane number from 35-36 to 68-70 by the motor method; 2. altering the conditions for catalytic cracking with a bead catalyst (raising temperature from 400 to 4450C and reducing the volumetrip rite from 0.7 to 0-5-0.6 he-%. which increases the gasoline yield from 16-16 to 32 ~ and raises its octane' number to 76; 3. redesigning existing catalytic cracking plant; 4. thermo- catalytic treatment of residual oils, including the destructive vacuum distillation of residual oils and the catalytic cracking of distillates which, on the example of the residue from Ozeksuat crude, gives a considerably higher yield of gasoline with octane number 77 than does Card 112 S1408 62/000/022/056/088 Raising the ocitane number of... B180YB186 thermal cracking. At the same time diesel fuel type A (L) will be produced with cetane number 50, which requires no further treatment. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation.] --II KOZOFMOV. 14.1.,- BAYBURSKU. L.A . MANOVYAII,, A.K.; GONCHAROVA,, N.A.1 IMC j, D.A. Studying the operation of troughed plated of industrial reotifi- cation columns. Khim.i tekh.topl.i mas6l 7 no.2:40-" F 162* 1 (MIU 15:,l) 1. Groznenskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy neftyanoy institut. (Plate tovers) S/065/63/000/003/002/006 E073/z436 AUTHORS: KazImin, G.I., ~ ~ybur~skiy ~L.A., Odintsov, A.B. TITLE: Preparation of a solvent for the production of polyethylene PERIODICAL; Khimiya i tekhnologiya topliv i masel, no.3, 1963, 19-22 TEXT: The solvent was prepared from commercial extraction grade. benzene extracted from low-sulphur, paraffinic Groznyy crudes. The most suitable fraction of the enzene had the initial boiling points 75 to 9r*C, benzene content 1.5 to 2.3 wt.%, sulphur content < 0.005 wt.%, naphthenic hydrocarbons 40 to 48 wt.%. The production costs of this solvent are lower than those for a similar solvent produced from catalytic reformates. The costs could be decreased further by employing fully instrumented and automatically controlled fractionating columns. The authors recommend that the centre for the production of solvents for the manufacture of copolymers should be situated in Groznyy because of its resources in raw materials. There are 1 figure and 4 tables# ASSOCIATION: GrozN11, GNPZ ~._Card- 1/1 MANOWAN, A.K.; RAIMRSKIY, L.A, Particular features of tbv duslo of the intermediate sections of emplex reatifteation col=mso MAm, I tekbe top2, i nasal 8 no,4120-26 Ap 1,6% (KMA 16t.6) 1. Grosnenskiy nauchno-iseledovatel'skiy neftyancy inBtitut. (Petrolem-Sefining) (puts towers) BAYBURSKU., L.A.; MUOVYAN, A.K. Operation of the stripping sections of.complex columnso Khim. i tekh., topl. i maBel 8 no.9:55-59- S 163. (NIRA 16:11) 1. Gromenskly naudhno-ioBledovatellskiy neftyancy institut. MALIN, A.G.;_BAUWI~MY, L.A.; KRECHETOVA, P.I. Obtaining gao-turbine fuels from high-paraffin crude. Trudy GrozNII no. 25:94-104 163. (MIRA 17:5) KOZOREZOV, Yu.I.; BAYBURSKIY, L.A.; MANOVYAN, A.K.; GONCHAROVA, N.A. Operation indices and the evaluation of certain methods for designing rectifying column for industrial petroleum refining.plants. Trudy GrozNII no. 15:148-164 163. (MIRA 17:5) BAXBURBUYO L.A.; MANOVYANj A.K.; ODIMTSOV, O.K. Diagram of the atmospheric distillation of oil and the operation of topping towere. Nefteper. i neftekhim. no.8:12-15 163. (MMA 17W 1. Groznenskiy neftyancy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy.institut. 00241,nru ACC MRs AIM303 S CODE: UR/031 6 RM (0/64/ODO/012/ AUTHOR: &r3 in, A-# G G 11t ~Nrecheto Nikolayeva, V. Bayburgkiv. Va' P. I.; Rudayev, V. Ye BOIA-0-MA -r- _JMBnLkovL Fe V e; VIA-sov, F 9 I Qp , F 71111- ORG: GroZNII TITLE: Production of gas turbine fuel on-the basis of products of thermal cracking SOURCE: Nettepererab.otka i neftekhimiya, no. 12, 1964, 24-26 TOPIC TAGS: gas turbine fuel, troleum refining4YI'l ABSTRACT.. A fraction Vi Ih a boiling range of.200-6500 obtained b thermal .cracking of a mixture of mazut with a low sulfur content (0.31% and S solar oil (with 0.15% S) was found to be a satisfactory fuel for gas tur- bine locomotives. The fuel had a low ash content (0.0007%)p a sulfur con- tent of 0.2%, a low vanadium content (traces), and a pour point of minus 170 against minus 120. required by standard specifications. Orig. art. has: 2 tables& ZJ-FRjS SUB CODE: 21 SUEM DATE: none ORIG HEN 002 UDCt 662.7 AR6031902 SOURCE CODE: UR/0058/66/000/006/HO43/HO43 AUTHOR: Kaplan, Ye. S.;Bayburs-yan, E. Dp TITLE: Magnetic type transmission line using ferrites SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 6Zh297 14 REF SOURCE: Tr. 1-X Mezhvuz, konferentalt Ped. in-tov 22 radtofiz. t spektroskopit. M., 2965, 126-137 TOPIC TAGS: transmission line, reluctance, permeance, ferrite magnetic circuit ABSTRACT: A two-conductor open magnetic type transmission line using guiding elements in the form of round ferrite magnetic circuits to investigated. The reluctance and permeance are calculated. It to shown that at given ft-equencies and electromagnetic parameters of the ferrite, the nature of Its internal reluctance reactance depeadm on the magnetic circuit diameter. Conditions for line trans- parency are established. Problems concerning the correct selection of the ferrite brand and transverse dimensions of the Une are discussed. (Trawlation of abstract] SUB,conxt 09. 20/ wd I I ;;~ BAYBURT, G.A., -r" Acute arythematovisoaritio. Sbor. naucb. rab. po lepr i dam. n0.13:134-142 159. (LUPUS) WRA 14:6) 15(2) SOV/72-59-3-4/19 AUTHORS: Kitaygorodskiy, I. I., Bayburt.-L. G., Zertsalova, I.- N.9 Karpechenkol V. G,t Paynberg, Ye. A_._ TITLE: Investigation of the Possibility of Obtaining the "Vizhurit" Glass (Issledovaniye vozmozhnosti polucheniya stekla vizhurit) PERIODICAL: Steklo i keramika, 1959, Nr 3, pp 12 - 13 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The shatterproof glass presently manufactured has the defect of completely disintegrating into fragmentsp although not dangerous ones, when given a blow. It is however re- quired in motor car traffic that on destruction of the glass at least a small part of it, the one in front of the driver's eyes, is left undanaged. In 1956 the authors of the present paper carried out investigations at the Gusevskiy zavod imeni Dzerzhinskogo (Gusev Factory imeni Dzerzhinskiy) for the purpose of obtaining a "Vizhurit" type glass, which is produced abroad by various patented processes. Experi- ments were made on the flat windshields of the "Moskvich" car (974')(327Y 5-5 mm). The results obtained are shown in Card 1/2 figures 1 and 2, but they are not regarded as satisfactory, Investigation of the Possibility of Obtaining the SOV/72-59-3-4/19 . "Vizhurit" Glass as the glass, according to figure 2 burst after 10 - 15 days as a consequence of internal strains. These experi- ments must now be carried on. There are 2 figures. ASSOCIATIOIT: Gusevskiy zavod imeni Dzerzhinskogo (GuEK-A-4 y Factory ime-al. Dzerzhinskiy) Card 2/2 ALIFIX)R L. G. Gorbachev, A. A. Levitins, A. V. T 1T LEK ! St~.~v of structural transformations In crystallizable glasses by r.-ans of TUTY absorption spectra SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 162, no. 5, 196", 1079-1082 TOPIC TAM: glass c stallizatiol?. nc>na'-k&li glass, thermal shock, titanium dlloxid-~, glass strjcturc, ultraviolet abnorptton spectr---112 ABSTkAC71: The subject c~l the study was alk.91L-free ElasB in the system SiD~, - All 0 - C--0 - ?kgG with ad:rA--x*ures of VO (glass No. N, D2, mrd The f~ ~ !-!dy 2 3 ? D3, 'I glass Wa5 partic-alarly concerned with No 4hich is an optim-in for Pre-aring Exrocer&--ica.' The 'kinericig of the ~irruc-ural t rmn!~formaL ions were i'ludied bV UV spectra in D3 glass sauples subjected to thermal shock (from 750 to 900C at 50-deg-ree intervals) for I min, A corTarison of the mini;w on the UV curves for tezreraturf~D of heat tredt-~nt (9!~!e Fig. of the Enclosmre) F qt t. '- t W~) i c h t r- 0 C I 'A rat 11 t t-A n.- f orvin t I onc -,cc ur tr-c r a -see w i ICU lar ~ V ra~~'-"t C t r 6 C L-2 r 1-i 1 3 F; 5 t: e Card 1/3 L 59592-65 ACCESSION NRt AP5017456 reducing medium than for those melted under oxidizing conditions. The speztre indicate that the defectiveness of the Oass Gtructure, characterized by the n2i,nltude of the mini=7un, is rf,lated to the cry3tallizing properties of the glass. 'i-ray anaivsis showed that crvsiallLzaLion vroceeds at a -Fh rate a! 99,OC and ends at 1050C. this is associated with the appcarani:E~ ot high r.7.axirna on 'he 7%, spw-crrs' wrl'~ch shit:' toward longer wavelf,,~?,ths witl~ rising cr-,stallization t empcrn t tire, As the titanium content increamcb, 6~ thc dL- fectiveness of the giasses, whici) predvLvr-u,.ir-t!,-, thi-,ir crystal 1-,_abiliLy. 7'.t JV spec'ra! M-'k_-S it po~;sll)IQ to account for the obsi-rvudl (,xl)cr a I f 9 c r e r t_ I C 0 ~j 4 t C2 0~ increases Oi,~ crvq ta I I i zii~,i t~! a Sj - vh~ln Ti is reduced, the d~-tectiveness or the glass incrV45VS 2 shk-;~_-d tha t the s t r--ic -_-a 1 -Parrangf-T~-_-n t q q s -c la i--d itn c r-,78 ca i i iza c ,on d i I ., ~r i rOM pr-~Cy&La 1 1412L t iOn r ;,_ai S. th B! , n- met " V~-r'; i, ~fec t ive in account ing for che st rLic i iirtd of r"' a :23' 1 t' t;t-~, anid an '.e k:sed t or inves t iga t ing he I c , :-vt, I iz a t Or "Lz. ar he 5 4"t r e 3 A~ TLAT I -:~N 7ov.chno-lssledovstel 'skiv institut elektrovakuucrzc~,~;O stelklea (State Sc-ientirFic-Regearch 1nBtItute_.Of Vacuto Tube-Glass)- S "_ Fy! 1_: 0 I~IUT 1) I)TV /')P - 2 C ACCESSION NR: A25017456 I-MCLOSURE- 01 Figure 1. Differential absorption spectra of D1, D2 an&W glasses beat-treated for I hr. ar 800t: a - glaase;3 prepared under reducing conditions; b Slassea ,,5der oxidizing conditions. ,Spared y, Cgr 373 13AUURT. Ye. A. BayLvrt, Yes A. -- "On Tauma of the Cervical Repion. (Experimental Investigation)." Kishinev State ried Inst, Kishinev, 1955 (Dissert:ttion xPor the De;,ree of Candidate in Medical Sciences) 0 SO: Knizhnaya Letopis', No. 24, M03004, Jun 55, pp 91-104 BAYFURTTSYAN, A.A. 42518. EffaiktivW Operativuo-kowervativVy isposob leebenlys Zeb6le vanlya Kholki. V ogl: Balburtyan A. A. Trudy yeravansk. Zoovot. Tri-Ta, Vrp. 10, ISM, S. 167-c8. "Gelding of sheep and goats, keeping appendages and jointtissued of testicles." Veterinariya, Vol. 37, No- 6, 196o, p. 48 ")I, . d.-" &fOZU4 lx~m, ~~ 7-orrotf %~ BAYBURTTSYAN j, A. A. Castration of smaller cattle witb retention of the appendix testis and the connective tissue basis of the testiclese Veterinariia, 37 no.6s48-51 Je 160. (KMA 16%7) 1. Zaveftusbchly kafedroy operativnoy khirudi Terevanskogo sooveterinamogo inatitutao (Castration) doyatell naukp prof.; USACHEVAI I.G., red.; IZMAp V,M,, tekbno redo [)law method for increasing 4vestock productivity] Novyi matod povyaheniia produktiTnosti skota. HoskVaq Izd-vo sellkhozlit- ry, zhurnalov i plakatovp 1961. 150 P. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy operativnoy khirurgii Yerevanskogo zooveter-inarpogo instituta (for Bayburttoyan). (Stock and stockbreeding) KADILOV, Ye.V.; BAYBURTTSYAX, A.A.; OVSBTYAN, A.A. Anatomical and hintologXcal characteristics of somA argens in farm animals to related to different methods of castration. Izve AN Am. SSR. glol.'nauki 14 no.6%1-13 161. (MIRA 34:10) 1. Kafedry gistologii i operativnoy khirurgii, Irerevanskogo Sooveterinar- nogo instituta. (CASTRATION) (MUSCLE) BAYIB-U'R*T'T^S-T-M'2-A,A,.; KENTIKYAYp H.L.1 STEPANYAN, A.S,. Chemical composition of the mat of wethers, coptrated without the removal of the'spididynis and the connective tipsue bass 0t the testicle. Zhivotnovodstvo 23 no.5237--38 My t6l. 1. Yereva"T sooveterinaj_W lugstitut. (MIRA 16s2) (Hatton-Compositon) (Ca3tration) P-4Y-TRTISYAV, A.A., (Professor of the Erevan looveterinary institute) "Attairownts of veteftrutry science should be introduced into the practice of livestock breeding more promtply", Veterinariya, vol 39, no.1 Jan 1962~ pp 34 BLYBURTTSIAN, A.A., prof. Speed up the introduction of the accomplishments science into animal husbandryi, Vetarinariia 39 1. Yerevanskiy soovaterinarnyy institut. (Veterinary medicine) (Stock aW stockbreeding) of veterinary no.1314 JA 162. (MBA 15 s 2) JILIBURTTSYAN, A.A.,, prof.; AKRUMUN, V.A.; KAZAKYLN, G.A., kand. mad. naukI ARUTYUNYANP R.R.; HUMAN, S.A.; ARMYUNYAN, V.M. Radioactive iodine (1131 ) used In determIning the hormonal activity of the thyroid gland in rats following castration. Vop. radiobiol. LAN Arm. SSHJ 3/4 725-228 163. (M1RA 17t6) 14" BAVA, R' Y.', NA.G. - j ~ Content of wzonla ftnd g1i'-Itamine In the arteria.L blocd and cerabrospinal fluid ix. some nervous and mental diseases. Vop. medo khim. 9 no.6:60'A'-603 N-D 163. (XTPA 17:10) 1. K-afedra btokhim,11 Rostnvskcgo-na-Donu univeysiteta. K --. . A-, , K. - PAYDW."All"Y' K. R. -- "A CO.7.,~,aratl~,e of 'Varims of -5clar Water "eaiers.11 Acad Sci USSR. Power Enfrineering InstAtute G. V. Krzhizhanovskiy. Moscow, 1955. (Dissertation for the re,7r e of .andj4-ate in Technical Sciences) SOURCE Knizhnaya Leto!,)is', '~To 6 1956 233-10-13/26 AUTHOR: Semchenko, 0. A. , Baybuz , A. 11. 9 L*.edvedeva, 1-7. 1. and Azarov, A. T., Engineers. TITIB: Heating of Alloyed Steel Ingots in Recupeiutive Soaking Rts. (11ftgrev legirovannogo Slitka v,Rekaperativnykh Kolodtsakh) FORIODICAL: Stall, 1957, No-10, pp. 915-917 (USSR). ABSTRACT: An investigation of the distribution of temperatures across ingots and the differences betwden indicated and actual temperatures of metal during heating in recuperative soaking pits is described. Heating of ingots of WX15 and WX15Cr steels as well as some other high carbon alloy steels was unsatisfactory, namely axial overheating of the ingot was observed. The investigations indicated that the existing practice of heating up to 1230-12160C was incorgect, the limiting temperature was found to be 1160-1180 C. There are 3 figures. ASSOCIATION: Dneprospetsstall Works. (Zavod Dneprospetsstall). AVARAME: Library of Congress Card 1/1 5W AUTHOR: Baybuz, V. Fo SOV/76-32-11-29/32 TITLE: -Me-aInTe-rmoleciudar Potential and the Second Virial Coefficient of Sulfur Dioxide Gas (Mezhmolekulyarny potentsial i vtoroy 11~ viriallnyy koeffitdyent sernistogo gaza PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizioheskoy khimii, 1958, Vol 32, Nr 11, pp 2644-2645 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The values of the virial coefficients can be calculated for diverse temperatures from the intermolecular potentiall from these values again the compressibility, the specific heat and other thermodynamic properties of a real gas can be determined. Stokmayer calculated the intermolecular potential of B02 ac- cording to the dipolar moment A& - 1.61 D, which had been determined by Zahn (Tsan) (Ref '1). Raw1lason (Roullwon) (Ref 2) represented the virial coefficient accoraing to tne potential by Stokmayer and the traditional mechanics. To determine the quantities of the intermolecular potential of the 502 molecule data by Ried:l (Ridel) (Ref 3)f and Cooper and 1(aass (Kuper Card 1/2 and Mass) (R f 4) were used. Based on these quantities the SOY/76-32-11-29/32 The Intermolecular Potential and the Second Virial Coeff1cient of Sulfur Dioxide Gas values of the second Yirial coefficients of SO 2 up to 12000K were calculated (Table) using the table by Rowlineon, 7he calculated values of B agree well with the experimuntal data of B supplied by Yarioue authors. There are 1 table and 6 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Akademiya nauk SSSRJInstitut goryuohikh iskopayemvkh (Academy of Sciences, USSR, Institute of Ximral Faeu) SUBMITTED: May 8, 1958 Card 2/2 5W SOV/'16-33-1-10/45 AUTHORS: Medvedev, V. A., Xorobov, V. V., Baybuz, V. F. (Moscow) TITLE: Investigation of the Thermodynamic Properties of Substances According to the Method of the Explosion in a Spherical Bomb (Issledovaniye termodinamicheskikh svoysty vashchestv metodom vzryva v sfericheskoy bombe) II. Hydroxyl (II. Gidroksil) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 33, Nr 1, PP 58-64 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In t),e investigation under review a spherical bomb with a capacity of 20 1 was used. AA optical instrument (Fig 1) based on a design proposed by Vyuis and Ellbe (Ref 1) served as pressure indicator. The changes in pressure were recorded by an oscillograph of the type 9SO-302 and the recordings measured by means of a measurement microscope MIR-12. Publications de- scribed various methods for the deternination of the dissoci- ation heat of water vapor on hydrogen- and hydroxyl ions, and the different results which were obtained (Table 1). So far AH - 67 1 0.65 kcal/mol (Dweyr (Dvayyer) and Oldenberg (Ref 16)) has been regarded as the most accurate value. However, the spectrographical determinations of A. P. Purmall (Ref 17) Card 1/3 which resulted in a value of 64-4 � 1.0 kcal/mol seem to be I SOV/76-33-1-10/45 Investigation of the Thermodynamic Properties of Substances According to the Method of the Explosion in a Spherical Bomb. II. Hydroxyl more accurate. It is stated that the investigations carried out by Wohl (Vol), Magat (Ref 11), Lewis and Elbe (Llyuis and Ellbe) (Ref 14) furnished too low results, in reference 11 on account of wrong calculations, and in reference 14 on account of heat losses. In the present determinations according to the explosion method, an oxygen-hydrogen mixture with a surplus of oxygen and an addition of water vapor was used, since heat losses occurring with the cembustion of these mixtures are smaller. 21 explosion experiments were carried out. The cal- culation method has already been given (Ref 19). The mean value obtained for the reaction H20 + 1/2 H2 V* OH s gas ga gas is AHO = 65.5 kcal/mol in accordance with the dissociation 0 energy of the hydroxyl of D (OR) - 102.2 kcal/mol. Thp equilib- Q% were calculated for various temperatures rium constants K p (Table 4). There are 2 figures, 4 tables, and 22 references, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Akademiya nauk SSSN Institut goryuchikh iskopayemykh (kcademy of Sciences, USSR, Institute for Wineral Fuels) Card 2/3 I ,,BAYBUZ, V*F.; MEDVEDEVP V*A. -w-- Consideration of the affect of pressure on the thermod7namic functions of real gaaeo. Trudy IGI 12:190-195 161. (miRA 3-4:3) (Gases) (Thermodynanion) S, /4 "2.20j) 109280%1/140/006/023/030 //, Lre? 0 0 D107/B101 AUTHOR% Baybuz. V. F. TITLE: The explosion method and the heats of formation of CF4 CF3Cl, CFCI,p and CC14 PERIODICALs Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, Y. 140, no. 6, 1961, 1358 - 1360 TEXT: The present publication describes a way of calculating heats of formation from explosion tests in spherical bombs, and gives data on the combustion of H and 0 , as well as the heats of formation of CP CW- CM 2 2 4 5- 3 and OCI4- The theory of the normal velocity of flame propagation was applied for the calculation (L. N. Kbitrin Fizika gorenlya i vzryva (physics Of combustion and explosion) M., 1957~- Spherical glass bombs were used for the experiments. The experimental arrangemen t has been described in detail previously (V. A. Medvedev, V. V. Korobov, V. F. Baybus, ZhFKh, 31, 58 (1959)). Heat losses during explosion tests are due to 1) heat conduction Card 1/4 -. .1 /1 29824 S/020/61/140/006/023/030 The explosion method and the... B107/BIOI by the walls, and 2) to a boundary layer of ibe gas at the walls of the bomb remaining unburned. The thickness of this layer was calculated at% AX - CO XTO(pe/po-1) a is an apparatus constant, determined HT -HT 0 TP-T0 dt experimentallyp,;L the coefficient of thermal conductivity of the gas mixture, T0 and p0 the initial t9UPOrLture and the initial pressure, p 0 the maximum pressure during the explosion, H TP-B To the change of heat content of the gas mixture on heating from T 0 to TP, TP Is the temperature of the flame front. Applying the equation of state for ideal gases one obtains for the explosion temperature Te . T Pe [1 + 3&x (2,,- 1 where r0 is the radius of the bomb, O(K- PO r0 Card 2/4 S/020/61P,40/006/023/030 The explosion method 4M.'ths... B107/BIOI, C( - Effle/zi; 2:'1 theSpolar number takint part in the re4ation12:2 a the molar number of doetA41oa products. Assuming the transferred heat to ' V be sufficient to hiatthe boundary layer up to T the heat balance is 0 p ZM AE* (E +2214zfT + DX(; ' E where Ago is thii, fT0 Zme T T T fT a if.. 0. 0 p 0 0 beat of formation of *he-OOmponents of ths;mIxture at the temperature T 1. . L 0 '0 ET - ET the energy 4ango atralaing the temperature from To to T., 2Am" 0 0 the-molar number of tio " 6nburned mixture. On an average, heat measurements in tests with mixturka-'of H 20 020 C09 and Y gave an error of 0.5%. Explosion tests with 13 2 and 02 under addition of water vapor yielded results whicb were in contr4419tion to previous dstas X, Wohl and 0. Bib* (Ze. pbya. Chemj' 5B9 241:11929)) and K. Wohl and M; Magat (Zoo physe Chem,# 117 (1932) reported that slight quantities of water vapor considerably decrease energy losses during combustion. A check of the methods ShO ed that these authors haA npgleoted the adsorption of water to the walls of the bomb. The beats of formation found for C"4 , cy3CIO Cel 3F, and CC: 4 Card 3/4 29824 S/020/61/140/006/023/030 The explosion method 4nd thoo.,* B107/B101 were: AH' (CF4, gai) a -220.1 1-4 kcal/mol*1 ABO,g,o,(cr Cl, gas) f298*K 0 f 3 - -166.2 + 2.2 kcal/mblej AH t298*K(OC23F', gas) a -66.4,1 2,1 kcal/molel 4HO gas) os'24.6 + 1.9 kcal/mole. There are 21 reforencest f298oK(CC'41 & f~ 8 Soviet and 13 non-Soviot. The three most r'scent references to English. language publicatidne'read an followat We T. Davids R. M. Parkinson# Phil. Vag., 15# 96 (1933)1 S. Lewis, 0. Elbe, Phil. Nag. 20, 44 (19B); R. W. Fenning, A. 0. Wiffin, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soo., A M, 142 (1939 ASSOCIATIOR: Institui-goryuchilfi iskopsyssykh Akademil. nauk. SSSR (Instittt6; of Mineral Fuels of the Academy of Sciences USSR)-i PRESENTED: SUBMITTED; Card 4/4 May 27,.1961, by V. N. Kondratlyevo Academician May 24,.1961 PHASS I BOOK EXPLOITATION 3OV/6260 Gurvich, Lev Veniaminovioho Oeorgly kkopovich Khaohkuruzov, Vadim Andreyevioh Hadvedev, Inessa Veniaminovna Veytas QeorxIX Andre a v1ch rymsin, Vladimir Stepamoyloh Yogman, N etrovna Rti h- cb=a, Idd . a ire-dorayna Kumtova, 09orgiy Niko yevioh Yurkov, AMkILyAJ, _E~pe, _Borfa FedorokLQh Y f __q~ _~din, ~ 1~~ ti Termodinamloheeklys avoystva IndividualInykh veshohestv, spravochnik v dvukh tomakh. tom 1: Vyohlslenlyo termodinamloheskikh evoyetv; tom-2: Tablitay tormodinamicheakikh avoystv (Themodynamio Prop- erties or Individual 3ubstanoes, Referenoe Book In Two Volumes. v. 1: Caloulatlon of Thermodynamlo Properties; v. 2j Tables of Themodynamlo Properties). 2d edj, rev. and enl. Mosoow, Izd-vo AN sssR,,i962. 1161 and 916 p. 000 oopies printed. Sponsoring Agenales: Akademlya nauk SSSR. Institut goryuchikh -Iskopayemykh; and Gosudaretvannyy komitet 3oveta Hinistrov SSSR Card' 240 11 'Themodynamlo Properties (cont.) SOV/5260 po khWi. Institut prikladnoy khImIle Reap. Ed.t V. P. Olushko, Academician, L. V. Ourvich, 0. A. Mach- kuruzov, 1. V. Veyts, and V. A. Medvedev; Ed. of Publishing Housel K. P. Gurov; Tech. 2d.% V. 0. Laut. PURPOSE: This reference book my be used in salentitio-researoh and experimental-design work in Institutes, design offices, and schools of higher education, as well as for training specialists In chemical thermodynamics w*A thermal physics. COVERAGE; Volume I of this work deals with methods for calculating thermodynamic propertion-and with the selection of constants re- quired for the calculations. Volume 2 contains tables of thermo- dynamic properties (reduced thermodynamic potential, entropyp enthalpy, and ;.he logarithm of the dissoolatlon or IgnIzation constants of equilibrium) compiled, where data were laiking, on the basis of published and unpublished material from a number of Soviet research Institutes.~ Thermodynamic proportion for the ideal gas Card 2/J9 7 Thermodjnamic Properties (Cont.) sov/626o state are presented In table form for 335 gases, 44 liquids, and 45 solids compounded from 33 chemical elements and their isotopes, viz.; H, Do To He, Lis Be# Do 01 No Os Fa No# Na, HS, Al, Si, P, 3, Cl, Ara K, Coo Bra Kra Rep Sr, Zr, 1, Xe, Coo Ba, Hg, and Pb. Thermodynamic Properties are given for the following 22 gases In the range from room temperature to 20,OOOOK: H,H*, H-, 0, 0*, Be, Cj, Os, OH, OH*, HAO, No N% Na, Ng', NO, NO*& 0, 0% CO, CO4' and d; for the 14 least stable fases up to 4000 K; and for the re- maining 299 gases up to 6000 K. Virlal coefficients for 34 &"*a are also given up to 60000K.- 2 8 5/076J62/036/006/002/011 BIOI/B144 C, C, AUTHOR: Baybuz, V. P Moscow) TITLE: Heat losses during explosions in a spherical bomb "ilhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, v. 36, no. 6, 19062, 1280-1286 TEXT: A new method of calculating heat losses during explosions in a spherical bomb is proposed. A theoretical study suggesta that ow- ing to heat transnisnion to the walls of the bomb, a certain layer,ax, o' the gas mixture does not burn, as it is not heated to the equilibrium temperature. Lx is calculated from the equation Lx -~e XT (dp/dt)t.~r )/(T, - T where 4 0 o(pe/po T" T 0 0 t coefficient of thermal conductivity of the gas mixture, c, 0 = constan pressure after the explosion, p - initial pressure;'t. duration Pe = 0 of explosion; T- the is.the temperature of the gas mixture in front of --~3F&Oagating flame; H HT a, change in enthalpy when heating from T T 0 0 'Card 1 3