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B/1222541(61/000/001/01 4/016 Two-are welding improves the quality of butt ... A16i/AI33 electrode produces a better shaped second seam. Process parameters in the table may be recommended for metal of 40 mm thiokneses Cap Space Elec- between between Arc trode Weld. Electrodt edges eleotrodeB arm speed feed Current Voltage MM MM mm m/hour m/hour amp. volt 1st 60 38 192 ~575_1625 44-46 9 40 2nd 60 38 192 1575-1,625 50-52 The electrode wire diameter is mm. Card 2/N LEECDOp D*P,LVOF~fyE~ - SIDORU]Kg V.S. - .1. oKARA, r.o.; Semiautomatic welding with powder virs. Avtom. over. 18 no.804-55. Ag-1,65. (MIRA 18ill) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy savod Imeni Babushkina. vom,rEy. v.m., inzb. Straw barvesting in the Virgin Territorko TraU, i selIkkez-Anh. no,9217-19 S 165, (W RA IS: 10) 1, TSelinnaya masbinoispyUtelina-ya stentaiya. ~~PANKINA, L.S.t inzh,; VOROBIYEV, V.M,,, inzh, Testing conveyor-type pick-:up mechanisms, Trakt, i o4l1khoz=8h, 3 no.8123-24 A9 163, (MIRA 161n) la TSelimaya mashinoispytatel~oaya stantsiyao TATARINOV, A.P.; SHCHEKAYEVp N.SO; VOROBITEV, V.M. Drying of sheet carboard in the CUR-4 roller dryer. Bum.prom. ['391 no.7s2O JI 163. (KIRA 1618) 1. Kartonnaya fabrika "Krasnaya polyana." (Paperboard-Drying) VOROB IYLFVS,_ V~JnZh. Testing nev vide-*utting machines for grain harvesting. Mokh, i elako sots, sellkhoz, 21 no.1:53-56 163,, (miRA 1637) 1. TSelinnaya mashindopytatelInaya stanteip. (Combines(Agrioultural machinery)) VOROBIYEV V.M.,, kand. takhn. nauk, dots.; SEMENCHENKO, I.I.,, doktor naukJ, prof..,' red. (Profiling cuttem for-parts with helical grooves]-Profili- rovanis frez dlia izdelii a vintovymi kanavkamil uchabno- metodicheakala, instruktsiia po-proaktiroyaniiu fres. Pod red. I.I.Semethchenko. Moskvap Hook, stankoinstrumentallnyi in-t, 1962. 41 p, (MIRA 16:4) (Metal-cutting tools) VOROBIYEVP V.M.,.inzh. Results of testing a series of new grain harvesters in the Virgin Territory. Trakt. i sellkhozzaah. 32 no.5s22-25 Yv 162, (WRA 15s 5) 1. TSelinnaya mashinoispytateltnava stantsiya. (Virgin Territory-Harveating machinery-Testing) IZBEDIj D.P:, kand.tekhn.nauk; VQ~ ~)W~ V.M.0 insh.; OUTNIKOVA, B.P.j SHATAYID, D.V.,, inzh. inzh Use of rimaing steel for steel e3aments. Prom. stroi. 39 notn:5o- 5-9 161,- (MM 3.012) 1, Dri6propetrovskiy xavod notanokonstruktoiy im. 1.V. Babashkinai (Steal,,'Structural) LEBED 1.9 D.P.; VOROBIYEV, V.14.; SIDORUK* V.S. ---------------- Automatic butt welding with suspended split electrodes and without manual backup welding. Avtomoovar. 15 no,4:7&81 Ap( 162. 14IRA 15:3) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni zavod metallokonstruktsiy imeni Babuahkina. (Electric welding) VOROB&P V. U. Prisposoblenlis, slosaria-novatara I. Po Kartasheva (Vestn, Mmsh.P 1951P n0@ 6p p. 30-37) DLC: TN4. (Appliances of the fitter and innovator 1. Po Kartashev.) SOt Manufacturing and Mischanical Engineering in the Soviet Unionp Library of Congressj, 1953. VGRW IYXV, Y.H., laureat Stalinakoy premli, Inthener. Unit for pressure babbiting of turbine bushings. Energomashinc- stroenie no.1:23-24 0 155. (HLHA 9:5) (Babbitt metal) (Bearings (Machinery)) VCROBOYNY.Vol.. Inshener . , 1 A*P. Ivanov s core drills. Vest.magh.r no.8:34-38 Ag'55- (Drilling and boring (KIRA 8:10) IYANOT, YGOIltv Vasillyevich; MOK, V.N., inshenerp rateenzent; YOROBITIT, t,N.&p#Anzhener, redaktor; TIIMWOV, A.Ye., tekhnicheskiy reda de (Mechantoal milling of parts for steam turbines] Mekbanichesksia obrabotka detalei parovykh turbin. Moskva, Goo, nauchno-tekhn, izd-vo mashincetroit. lit-r7, 1956, 392 p. (MLPA 10:1) (Steam turbines) V4.e_o,( v - V, A/, 89-3-101310 AUTHORSs Zavoyskiyj V. K. , Vorobi 7e vj- V!JI-I , Serdyuk, R. L. TITLEs The Density of a Steam-Water Mixture Formed on Reducing the Pressure in a Vessel Containing Heated Water (Plotnost' parovodyanoy emesi, obrazuyushcheysya pri umen'shenii dav- leni,ya v soaudo s nagretoy vodoy) PERIODICALt Atomnaya Energiya, 1958, Vol- 4 o Nr 3s pp. 205 - 206 (USSR) ABSTRACTt The dependence of the density mentioned in the title was de- tormined experimentally. The density of the steam-water mixture was measured by means of th-e change of intensity of a- T-ray which pasned the experimental apparatus (a ateel balloon). Radioactive silver served as radiator. A 3 ~ terphenyl solution in xylene con- nected with a counter (resolving time 1t4 JAB) was used as counting device. 2/3 of the height of the balloon were filled with water and then heated. As soon as the steam pressure within the balloon reached about 50 atme excess pressure the heating was inter- Card 1/2 rupted for some time until all parts had an equilibrium te'm- 89-3-10130 The Density of a Steam-Water Mixture Formed on Reducing the Pressure in a Vessel Containing Heated Water perature. When the valve was then opened the counting device was automatically switched on. Each experiment lasted for I to 2,5 minutes. Within this time the pressure dropped to 5 atm- excess pressure. The found dependence between the share of the steam cross section in the vessel T and the volume velocity of the steam in relation to the total cross section of the vessel with various velocities of steam pressure drop is linear. There are 2 figures. SUBMITTEDi October 28,~ 1957 AVAILABLEz Library of Congress 18 Water vapor-Density-Measurement Card 2/2 GIOUN, Avraam Llvovich; lnzh.,# WOBLIN, Ivan Nikoloyeivich.' inoh.; TORCBIYBV,. .1- ~ VeNet.,inzho, ratoonzent; WWX,,V*7ae#.inzh*j red.; DUGINA, N.A.,* [Installation, operation, and repair of the equipment of small and medium-sized hydraulic turbines) Montath, ekepluatatelia i remont oborudovaniia malykh I orednikh gidroturbin. Moskva, Gos.nauchno- -takhn.izd-vo mashincetroit.lit-ry, 1959- 260 -P. (MIRA 13:3) (Hydraulic turbines SOV/68-59-3-15/23 AUTHORS: Kolodyazhnyyl I.V.; and Voroblyev, V.1T. TIT13': From the Bxperience of ~)eraf=-Df-Pyridine Plant on the Moscow Coke Gas Works (Opyt rabotypiridinovoy ustAnovki Moskovskogo koksogazovogo, z.avoda) M,RIODICAL:Koks i Khimiyaj 1959, Nr 3t PP 55-57 (USSR) ABSTRACT: 'Changes in the design of the neutraliser, namely a decrease in the space between the bubbler for steam- ammonia mixture and the bottom of the neutraliser and introduction of the feed of the mother liquor directly under the bubbler improved the operation of the neutraliser and the yield-of pyridine bases from 4 kg to 13-14 kg/ton of ammonia sulphate. There is 1 figure. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy koksogazovy-j zavod (Moscow Coke Gas Works) Card 1/1 XOMUN, F*Ye.; ZALOGIN, N.G.; VOROBIM# T#N,; AMSHINA, 0#4. Kedhanism of the free effl= of loons caterialzi Insh--fis- Shur- no.3:69-73 Rr 16o. (HM 13:10) 1. 3hergeticheskir institat im.GAKrzhizhanovskogo, Moskva& (Granular materials) AUTHORS: TITLE: 80283 S/170,/60/003/04/03/027 Bb07/BI02 Zaloginj NoG.,leneman, F.Yeoo Vorobtysvp V.N* 2. On the Mechanism of the Free Efflux of Oranular Materials PERIODICAL: I,nzhenerno-fisicheakiy zhurnal, 19600 Vol. 3, No. 4, PP. 18-22 .,TEXT: The efflUx quantity of various sands and other granular materials was measured for the purpose of explaining the influence of the Inclination of the containerwalls. The process was a free efflux from conical funnels with an opening angle of 301 45t 60, 90 and 1200 (which corresponds to an angle a of .wall Inclination of 759 67.5p 601 45 and 300). The results shown in Fig. I were obtained and they agree well with one another. They show that when con- tinuously 'proceeding from a container with flat bottom to a funnelp the efflux quantity even decreases, reaches a minimum at a - 450o and increases again when a is further increased. Only with a >55-600 does the efflux quantity become as high as in the efflux from a container with flat bottom -Thus, this angle is considerably wider than the angle of repose which Is 35-400 in the case of the materials investigated. The efflux quantity is the greater the lower is the ratio d 0 / dT' d0 denotes the diameter of the outlet, dT the mean diameter of Card 1/3 80283 2. On-the Mechanism of the Free FStlux of 3/170/60/003/04/03/027 Granular Materials DOOT/B102 the partiolesi The efflux quantity rises especially at a - 65-700. This seems to be the moment when the new way of efflux begins to actv i.9. the efflux with gliding of the partioles along the wall. The experiments showed (proceeding from the conceptions on the dynamic camber (Ref. M that the dependence of the efflux quantity on.the angle of inclination, a,- of the-container wall is determined only by the change of the form at the entrance to the outlet. This entrance part corresponds to the height of a truncated cone of about 0-5 d . -The shape of the bottom of the container has no effect upon the efflux quaRtity. Vurther experiments showed that the change in efflux quantity is caused by a velocity change or a change of the particle quantity in the layers flowing out to the periphery. On this occasion the relative increase in efflux: quantity in the layers on the.periphery of the jet is the greater the lower the ratio do / dT* Finally also the influence of a variation of the distance between the container walls and the outlet margins upon the efflux quantity in the case of a oylindrio container with flat bottom was investigated. It has been found that the walls of a cylindric container influence the efflux quantity only when the distance between walls and outlet margin is shorter than the diameter of the out- let opening. The experiments showed that the height of the column above the Card 2/3 80283 2. On the Mechanism of the Free Efflux of 6/170J60/003/04/03/027 Granular Materials B007/B1O2 opening.does not influence the outlet quantity, not even when the efflux is accompanied by a gliding of the partiolee along the wall. There are 4 figures and 7-referenoss, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Smergeticheskiy institut AN SSSR im. 0.M. Krshishanovskogo, g. Moskva (Institute of Power Engineering of the AS USSR imeni G.M. Xrzhizhanovskiyp City of Moscow) VOROBIMV V.N. Selecting indiceis of maintenance systems for motortrucks in agriculture. Sbor. rab. GOSNITI no.16M-33 (061). (KRA 16il2) h4293 S 19/62/000/012/006/009 D201/D308 j1HOR; Voroblyev. V.N. TITLE: Performance of volumetric flow meters for small flow rates PERIODICAL: I-Iriborostroyeni-ye, no. 12, 1962, 23-24 ~TPLXT:. The author considers a meter con,sistin~ of two com partments divided by a diaphr~ign, deflected by the liquid admitted .-alternately into each of the compartments and actuating a valve and* a counter. The operation analysis of this meter shows two sources of mensuremcnt error: one is the clearance between the fixed and moving parts of the meter and the othera much more important factor, 'is the finite time of valve closing. Foi, a compartment volume of 22 cm.3, the time of closing of the -alve should be less than 0.02 sec for meter accuracy o2 1% or less. The effect of the clearance I b c'comes noticeable only if it -is grchter than 0.05 rui. Approximate formulas are given which make it determine one error ~factor from the other. Since'all types of meters have both valves Card 1/2, SA19 62/ooo/012/006/009 Performance Of volumetric. D201 D308 and clearances, the formul' as may also be applied to,other types of me.ters. There is 1 figure. Card 2/2 VOROB IYEV p V.N. # inzh.; TURLAKOV, A.S. p Inzh. Studying the intercoil pulsaticm. ir- single-pass marlne boile,-se Sudostroonie 30 no.7:28-30 JI f64. 011-i:lu 18;9) ~T .7 qlu~. ACC Nks AT602S296 SOURCE CODE: -UR/U7(4/65/000/M/0033/0039 AUTHOR: (Aspirant) Gindysh. B. V (Aspirant) ORG: Leningrad Higher Maritime Engineering School im. Admiral Makaroy Usnlngrad-~6// skoye vyasheye inzhenernoye morskoye uchilishche) TITLE: Magnitude of water and beat flow through the Drake Pass. a SOURCE.,- Sovetskaya antarkticheakaya ekspeditsiya, 1955-9 Informationnyy byulleten'. no. 54, 19656 33-39 TOPIC TAGS: ocean dynamics, temperature gradient, heat balance, temperature measure- ment ABSTRAM This paper attempts to settle the controversial question of the heat and water balance in the Drake Passage. The authors used data from 85 hydrological sta- tions located along the Passage. To average the data obtained at different stations under different meteorologic conditions and in different years, they subdivided the Passage into rectangles coataining approximately the same number of stations. The read. ings of temperature and salinity were then averaged for each rectangle. While there is no satisfactory method for selecting the zero-surface, perhaps the most acceptable of those Is that of A. Defant, which is based on the comparison of differences of dy- namic depths. The authors used this method and checked the results by the method of tard ACC NRj AT6026296 0. 1. Hamayev. The investigations indicate that the depth of the zero-surface is con- trolled by the vertical stratification of water. The greater the vertical gradient of Aensityv the closier is the zero-surface to the surface. Conversely, the more homoge- nous the water Is,, the deeper is the zero-surface. The stability of the density stra- ta In the sea is.influenced by temperature changes. In summer, for example, the maxi- mum stability gradient Is observed in 2000-2400 m and 200-500 m. In winter, the Maxi- mum rises to 1000-1500 m at the station (rectangle) I and to 1300-1600 m at the sta- tion (rectangle) MI.- -In other words, the zero-surface in the Drake Passage rises from the center to-both south and north. It Is higher in the south in summer and in the north in winter. In the central portion of the Passage, where the bulk of water comes from the Eastern Circumpolar current, the zero-surface remains at 4000 m depth .the year round. Obviously, this flow is not a surface current but occurs at lower .depths* The axis of this flow lies between 580 S and 590 S. Velocity may reach 22 cm/seo. In the north, the water velocity averages 17 cm/sec in summer and 7 cm/sec 1! in the winter. In the south, summer velocities are 3.0 cm/sec and the winter veloci- ties are about 5.5 cm/sec. The water flows from west to east; transfer in the oppo- site direction is slight. The volume of water going through the Passage in summer is 0about 30% greater than in winter. The beat balance is proportional to the balance of water. The temperature remains fairly constant through the year, being +2.280C in t summ eir and t2.020C In winter. The authors conclude that the Defeat method appears to be the best In existence. Orig. art. has: 3 figures, 1 table. CODE:- 08,04/ SUBM DATE: 26Mar65/ ORIG REF: OOS/ OTH REF: 003 Capj 2/2 L i1187-~67 EWT(d)/P1T(1j)/ ACC Nri-AR6o2822T Santa CODE: UR/02T3/66/ooo/oo5/OO27/0O2T ,~AUTHOR: Voroblyov,__V. N. TITLE: A method for determining effective power and effective performance of an automotive carburetor engine 1)21 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Dvigateli vnutrennego sgoraniya, Abe. 5.39-159 REF SOURCE: Tr. Vaes. s.-kh. in-ta zaochn. obrgo jAniya, vyp. 21, ch. 1965, 67-7 TOPIC TAGS; internal combustion, vehicle engine fuel system, engine performance characteristic ABSTRACT: In-automobile tests of short and long duration, it is often necessary to. measure the effective power of the engine during motion of the automobile and to cal- culate the effective performance of the engine for a certain time interval. It is shown that the power of the engine may be determined from its rotational velocity and rarefaction in the intake manifold. An instrument developed for this purpose is de- scribed and test results are given. [Translation of abstract] SUB CODE: 21 Card I/ljAji__ .434.018.7.001. 'USSR Human and Animal Physiology. The Effect of T :_P"sical Factors. Ionizing Irradiations, Abs Jour: Ref~Zhur-Biol,~ No,122 1958i 102365. Author Inst Title .:,On the 'Second Blow' in Radiation-Siokness. Orig Pub.,Vestn.'rentgenol, i-radiol,.,.1957,.N0 3, 3-5. Abstract: ~G'uinea pige.ware sub jected to a: '5ingle general Ro- intensity of dose 26.2 r ppr:min.),~as aresult of which they developed acute radiation sickness of-the 11 and,111 degree which led to the loss of 18 animals out of 360 9- 14 days after irradiation At the end of 40 days and the disappearance of hinical signs of the disease - a trauma was inflicted to the surviving guinea pigs - as a f1second blow" according to A, Card 1/2 131 Yo 013 " Y,~~5 V, YORGBIYJIVO Y.N. -Worr-011-~;;1apse in radiation sickness [with on-wry in Bnglisbb Testaw. i red. 32 no.3:3-5 Vq-Jo 1576 (MIRA 10:10) 1. Is 3-7 khtrurgichookoy kliniki (say. - prof. N.I.Blinov) I kaf edry radiologii (say. - prof. X.N.,Fobedinskiy) 14ningradskogo ordena lenina gosudaretvannogo institute usovershenstvovaniya vrachey imeni S.M.Kirova. (RCINTORK RAYS'S inj. off. exper. radiation sickness, prod. of relapse In guinea Pigs ,y t)o Po VCaCBIYBYO V.N. (Ioningred, Mytninskaya uloo d. 9--a, kv. 56) 3urgical treatment of Dupuytren's contracture [with summary in ringlish P-1371'. Vest.khir. 79 no.12:41-46 D 157. (HIR& 11:1) I. 1z 3-7 kIhirurgicheskoy kafedry (zave - prof. N.I.Blinov) loningradskogo ordena Lonina institute.usaverehonstvovaniya vrachey im. B.H.Kirovs. (DUPYUTERNIS CONTRACTURS. surg. technic) VOIR 0 BY YV V..'As, Dupuytren's contracturo a.,-.d it.-; curClo!~l trc,:tmallt.1, Lcn, 1953- 16 pp, Ostate Ordor of Lonin Inst for the Advanced TrairdnC of rhyzicians ir. S 1!. Ki rov) 200 copiun (1:7,145-581 152) -1 VOROBI y ' W. W."adjam, 0,; -?.. k.~O~ Third munic1pnl conference of young ffurgeons, devoted to the 250th anniverenry of Leningrad, Yest.khir. 8a no.51140-143 My 158 (Smma) (MIRA 11:7) voRoB')MV, V.I;.., q1MRWT, Z.I.-, R&USHNIMI. H.O., prof. Hffect of ionizing radiations on preserved blood and plasm. med.rad. 4 no.6:65-73 Je 159. 1 (MIRA 12:8) 1. Is TSentrallnogo ordena Lenina, instituta gematologii i porelivant7u krovi. (BLOOD, PRESHRUD, offs of x-ra." (Run)) (ROSMON RUS, off. on preserved blood (Rue)) VOROB TH, V. M. Dupuytrents contracture vith nmltiple localization. Vest.khir 83 no.7:141-142 J1 159. wu 32:n; lo Is 3-y khirurgichookojr kafedry (save - prof,N.I.Blinov) Leningradekogo ordem Lenina inatituta ueoverehenatvoyaniya vrachey im. S.M.Kirova. Adres avtora: Leningrad, ;1.Sa1tykova- Shchedrina, d.41, 3-yu khirurgichee)mya klinika'GIDUV. (YASCIAN (AUTOlff)--DISIIASMS) KAMOSKAYA, V.V.; BORODIN.. Yu.I.; MYSH, G.D.; KULIKOVA, L.A.; VOROB'YEV,-Xjl. Methodology of determining the transport function of the blood vessels and lymphatic system under experimental conditions. Biul. eksp. biol. i med. 57 no.1:120-122 Ja 164. (MIRA 17:10) 1. Kafedra fiziki (ispolnyayushchiy obyazannosti zaveduyushchego V.V. Kamenskaya) nornallnoy anatomii (zav. - prof. K.V. Romodanov- skiy), fiziologii (zav. - dotsent Ya.D. Finkinahteyn)) gospitall- noy khirurgii (zav. - dotsent B.A. Vitsin) Novosibirskogo meditsin- skogo instituta. Predstavlena deystvitelinym chlenom AMIJ SSSR V.N. Ternovskim. 039/lo4i A'P6 2~18 SOURCE CODB: UR/0020/66~167~0(5/1 AU"MOR: Voroblyev, V. N. ORG: Leningrad Institute of 11arine Engineering Im. S. 0. Makarov (1/iningradskoyo vyssheye Inzhenernoye morskoye uchilishcho) TITLE: Uinar-solar semimonthly and monthly tides in the seas.of the Soviet Arctic SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 167, no. 5, 1066, 1039-1041 TOPIC TAGS: f"011thl.. juaa-r~~de-,- er!i-- -- n- de- amm4i-twte'~ ti'k "Voil"Mr. -Pq rein,* ABST11ACT: The author compares the theoretically expected and the actually treasured average magnitudes of the harmonic constants (amplitude; phase) of the Icng period ti- L' des at various points of the Arctic. Ovcr1OO yearly cycles of water level observati-I ons made at 22 points were utilized. The results confirmed the general expectation that the actual amplitudes of the long period tides exceed those theoretically expec-1 ted. The avera-e ratio of the evaluated to theoretically expected amplitudes was 2.061~ A study of the distribution of amplitudes and phase shifts for various (4) seas of thd ;- Soviet Arctic showed the largest amplitudes (33 ~lm for the semimonthly, and 48 mm forr the monthly period tides) and phase shifts ( 230, 1250) to occur in the 5ea of Chukho~ tsk. The large amplitude ratio and phase shift of the,waves relative to tile acting force point to the free wave nature of the long period tides. Therefore, these anpli!, UDC: 551.44 ACC NRs AP6012918 tudes cannot be described by the conventional equations of the long perioA tides. 7-his conclusion is confirmed by theoretical considerations published before by J. Proudnan~ ,(Geophys. J. Astr. Soc., 3, no. 2, 1960) who showed that on the continental shelf of . 2 -the,ocean the main tidal long period waves must develop as free and not as forced ones. ;"One should therefore direct the orientation toward the experimental measurements of he average sea level. The significance of the long period tides to the hydrological J., ind glaciological regimes in the Soviet Arctic seas-remains unclear. Orig. art. has 2' tables. t SUB CODE: 08/ SUBM DATE. 02jul65/ ORIG REP: 004/ OTH REP: 005 VOROBIYEV, V.H., iuzh. #ppl7ing differentiated train veight norms with the coupling of additionadl car groups to the tratrA, Zhol.dor.tranop. 42 no#2:77-79 Ir 160. 04IRA 13:5) 1. Zamestitall naohallnika Khabarovskogo otdoleniya Nllnevoutoohnoy zheloznoy dorogio g*Khabarovsk, (Railroade--Ma)dLg PP trains) ZAVOYSIIY, SZBDYUK, R.L. Density of a water-steam mixture formsd upon lowering pressure in a vessel containing hot water.,Atom. energ. 4 uo.3:285-286 Kr '58. (KIRA 12:3) (Density) (Steam) IOIDDYAZHNffl IeVo; VOROBIYZV, VoN,, Operational'experience of the pvrIdIne section of the Moscow Coke- Oven Gas Plant. Koko I khIm. nc.3:55-57 159. (MIRA 12:3) l.Moskovskiy kokoogazoVy zavade (Moscow-Coke industr7-Equipment and supplies) (Pyridine) V0R0BIYEV.,-.:V.ff,) ERSUER, B.V. (MOSCOW) Passivity of the AT-3 titanium alIry -,*ri sulfuric acid solution. Zhuro fiz.khim. 38 Po.8.-1973-1977 Ag t(,4. (".11RA 2~8.-I) ~M, 1U. VOROBIYIV, T.N. Iffiel6nt cutting tools. StanA instr. 26 no.9S22-25 3 155. (Cutting tools) 1. - VOROB'TEV, V-N.. inshener. W-,fo . - rmPrOY8 the production of power equipment, Knahlinostroltel' no.1- 1-13 A 157. (Machine tools) NM 10t4) MAMIMOV mladshiy I.V.., doktor geograficheskikh nauk; VOROBIYEVP V.N. nauchnyy sotrudnik Deop'sea*currents in the Antarctic Ocean- Inform.biul.Savo antark.eksp. no.31:35-39 161. OMU 15 W 1. Vyosheye inzhonemoye morskoye uchilishche imoni admirala Mikarova. (Antarctie'regions-Ocean currents) VOROBIMY.Y.H.; FAMN, Yu.,,Iz.; DOBROKilOlt)'W'p U.". HeN data on the ornithofauna of the nor'.hk?astern Ailti-I.. O.-nitOlOgiid no.6$140-145 163. (YI FLA- 17 x 6 ~ I , MR. 1i7 1. go I IN "Pio"~l ~V- tP, W VOROBIDITO VIOI[Vorobiov, V.0.) Ways to increase the yield and improve the quaiit.T of long nax ftbers. Loh. prom. ho.3:27-29 JI-S t64. (MIRA 17:10) VOROBIYHVs V.0. (Voroblovp VoO. ]I 14ARCH121KO,, M.K. Experience of the Rapki Flax Mills in the manufacture of flax atraw boards. Leh* prom. no.4&53-56 O-D 164 (HIRA 18tl) ZHUCHKOV, V.I.;-,VO,R,OBI,.YE.V,,V,.P.;.MIKIILINSKlYp A.S. 3i.mult&np-is measurement of temperature, electrical resistance ~)f the charge, and position of electrodes as a =ethcd for stud7ing the operation of charge-resistance furnaces. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chorn. met. 8 no.2:73 165. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Sverdlovskiy metallurgicheaki-! institut. PAX 's u z Wr ~ (m I Fa is-.S) BORO Mikhail 2akharovich, Prinimali uchastlye-, USPXY6KATA# Te.P.; BRASHOTAO A.A.; ABRTUTIILA, K.S.; ZOKOV, V.I.; TAKUNINA. 9.1.1 'YORWITST", , ~ ,j,P,., STWKILIN, S.G., akadamik, red*; LISOT, V,Te., red.; KHOLIS, Li.0 red.; GMASIKOVA. U.S., (Planned balance of the national economy of the U,S.S.R*; practice in vorking out the balance] Planovyi balans narodnogo khozioistva SSSR; opyt razrabotki. Pod red. B.G.Stramilina. Moskva, Gosplan- isdat, 1959o 158 P. (MIRA 13:6) 14 Fodotdal balanoa narodnogo khosyayetva Gosplana SSSR (for Uspanskaya, Balashova, Abryutina, Zhukoy, Takunina, Yoroblyev). (Russia-sconomic policy) OUR IYAMVp Aleksandr V3.adimirovicb; V*P*, redo; PAIBRATOVp A*I*p* Arifzetika (AriUmotiq of eocialism lz-tbe Savinoyst bowel _ sotatalisma v doma SavivoVkh. JvaAovQj Ivanovskoo knizbnoe iza.-ovo# 1961* 95 P. MIA 1515) (Collective farms) (Home economics, Rural) L01266-66 M.T(1) /EWT(m) /EPF (c) /~-,Wj IJr(c) P14 ACCESSION NR: kP5020788 ~4 UR/0048/65/029/008/1307/1308 Y-7: 4 Y AUTHOR: Voroblyev, Vo P ; SolovIyerv, As V.; Shpak, He To T TLV-:') Luminuscence of the products of photolysis of crystallino tr ftenyll- I A ip_ "at 20"K jReport, 13th Conference an Luminescence he'd in Kharlkov 25"~une to 1 July 196t,/ SOURM AN SSZR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskayap vo 29p no* Elp 1965, 1307-1308 TOPIC TAGSi photolysisp organic crystal, free radical, luminescence analysis, electron pamnagnotic resonance ABSTRACT: Two of the authors and collaborators have previously found that ir- radiation of tripheny1methane crystals at 20o'K with unfiltered ~Ir" a Mer- -P ,I I M-0 cury are Flve3 ri;3e to f1ve ne. bands in the I-umi gRgr't M& they have cal IF-jr4 tic Ap 9, C~ D, and Z bands, In order of Lnereasing wavelength ("'Vr. fiz. tn., '~, 122, 1962). 7he pmient packer T--T-rts rusu-Its of an exami-nati-)n ~f Initiat'y very pire tripnenylirxAliare cr-ysstals which have been furtrier purifiee ~y rf~'inlln~. After Irrad"ation irl',ri inerc,,jr7f art light these cmtals showee~ jr'! 'i "~"- A -~A ricl, the &n.1 F h.-L-cls ~e Irg absent .The A, I=Inesconce bs-rl" of the purifled irradiated cr7utals tras 1dantiml vith the lumInescence spectrum (Ort' 1/2 L o1266-66 ACCESSION NR.- ILP5020788 of triphenyl=.-,thyl radicals produced in other samples by chemical neansp and the electmn pare~--aMetic resonance spectra of the purified Irradiated crTatals and trie ontaining &4-mically tripheny1nethyl ru~ilcals were also nr~ -nn:-,eire-re 1,a~i,4 Indliced in tripheny'wetr~&r;fy q 'or w. % r~ -n~ F-r .,-r ra:~'ca'. - ipher. y -31 -3,5 ~'f' 4 r.,~ r-"t,3, K'~," '1r 4e!- W')03t- 'I,! eCt' R P 0 Ph S 1 6 M.' -"N -ist ! tut ft 71 k-1 k~, gv~emi tu t f v A-ade of a -Pnce*, v rr a a Ail TIRM TTTTD-l! RiCL t '-1C SUR COM 5s, OP \1 f Irr. . , ~ - 1~ - (Mi FR z a)2 Card 2/2 KOTELININOV,, I.A.; Prinirrol HIKULINSKIYP A,,$. VQHQALI2L& V uchastiye LLUTIN,, G.M. Use of tubular electrodes in industrial electric-furnaces for steel smelting. Stall 22 ao,WlS-219 Ap 162, (KMA 15:5) (Steel-Electrometallurgy) (Electric furnaceto) S/133/62/000/004/005/008 A054/A127 AUTHORS., Mikulinskiy, A.S.- Voroblyev, V.P.; Xotel'nikov, I.A. TITIE: Tubular electrodes used in industrial-scale electric steel smelters PERIODICAL: Stal', no. 4, 1962, 318 - 319 TEXT: The authors, togethAr with G.M. Laletin, carried out tests with tu- bular electrodes to investigate the electric conditions of the furnace operation for different smelting periods, the duration of smelting, the total and reactive electric power consumption, the quantity of molten steel, electrode consumption, the external condition of the electrodes, (working end) after each smelting, the nature of cracks and the degree of oxidation of nipple-joints when these elec- trodes were used. Tubular electrodes, 400/80 mm were tested and compared to con~- ventional 400-mm diameter electrodes, In 27 - 29-ton furnaces with a three-phase, 8,000 kw transformer. The furnace crown was made of dinas bricks, the walls of chrome-magnesite bricks and the bottom of magnesite. The transformer operated in j five stages; 260, 229, 208, 150 and 118 v, the rated phase current on the up- side being 780 amp, that of the down-side 17.7-amp. The behavior of the electric aro when operating with conventional and tubular electrodes was determined. by Card 1/3 3/133/62/000/004/005/008 Tubular electrodes used in ... A054/AI27 high-speed filming (900 - 1,000 frames per second) with an CKC-IM (SKs-im) camera. The current intennity was recorded with a aelf-recording H-376 (N-376) ammeter. The following-furnace operation parameters were obtained using tubular and con- ventional electrodes: Tubular Conventional eleotrode electrode' Electrode consumption, kg/ton steel 6.98 6-31 Idem,vdth deduction of the burning losses 6-51 6.11 Electric power consumption, kwh/ton steel 718 708 r Average periodicity of electrode build-up, heats/electrode 4.1 4.4 Furnace runs (calculated by the crown condi- tion) smelts 92 85 Average number of cut-offs of the oil switch per heat 2.2 3.1 Power coefficient per heat, cos cp 0-831 0.827 The tests did not reveal any economic effect of using tubular electrodes; they have certain advantages, however. Tubular electrodes, as compared to conventional ones, are capable of focusing the electrie'aro below the operating end; the per- Card 2/3 SI/133/62/000/004/005/OCS- Tubular electrodes used in .... A054/A127 iodical flashes of the arc of tubular electrodes are less intensive and less con- centrated and, therefore, they are less harmful to the furnace lining. The cur- rent load per phase is more stable, and depending on the phase conditions of the furnace, increases by an average of 20 - 30%. This can be explaine7a by the are burning conditions being improved, due to factors affecting the are-discharge stability, which, as time progresses, shows less change than when using conven- tional electrodes. The number of automatic cut-outs of the oil switch is reduced by 30%, on account of a stable current load of the transformer rendered possible by a physical contact between the electrode and the charge. 11view of the re- sults, tubular electrudes are most expediently used in smelting carbon-free ferro- V/ chrome in refining furnaces. They are expected to contribute to a prolonged ser- vice life of the furnace lining and due to their electric load siabilizing effect they will make possible higher voltages in electric steel smelters and ore-smelt- ers. There are 3 figures. 3/3 MIKULINSKIY, A.S.j NAKHABIN, V.P.; SHIRER, G.B.; NEVSKIY,, R.A.; STEBLYANKO, N.V,; XEFREWINq ZHUCHKOV, V.I.; KURNUSHKO, O.V. Change in the position of the electrodes and the capacity coefficient in obtaining manganese alloys. Trudy Inst. met. UFAN SSSR no.7i 147-151 161. (MIRA 16z6) (Manganese alloyrs) (Sintering) KKnINSKIY, A.S.; ZHUCHKOV, V.I.; VOROBIYEV9 V.P.; SHOLOKHOV, V.F. Obtaining manganese-silicon from Northern Ural ores. Trudy inst. met. UFAN SSSR no.7:177-181 161. (MIU 16t6) (manganese alloys) (Sintering) STEDLYARKOP N.V.; VOROBIYO1,J.~j; MKULINSKIYp A.S. Nature of the electric load in are-type thermal ore furnaces. Trudy Inst, met. UFAN SSSR no.7:153-156 16i. OGRA 16:6) (Electric furnaegs) VORCBIYFV, V.S.; RUSANOV, A.K. Quantometric and spectrographic aralysis of silicate rocks. Zav. lab, 30 noogt945-949 '64. (MIPA 18t3) 1. Vuesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy inatitut mineralinogo syr Iya. TOROBITNT, T.S. INw9bMUnnnon bitding lumber by grab cranes. Isch. tr*m*, 16 no.6*,28-29 Ja 157. (XLVA' jGrt8) 1. Kranovshchit Gortkovskogo portas (Lumber-2'rausportation) (Grwwwo'dorriabs.-sto.) OR,~GORtrW*14,1 PANNUTI-MV, L.A.; KUPRIIIA, V,V,; VOROB#nff, V.8, Study of the system gold - silver - cobalt. Zhur neorg.l.-him. 3 no.11:2532-2536 N 158. iWRA 11.012) (Gold-silver-ei)balt alloys) I BOY/78-3-11-17/23 AUTHORS: Grigorlyev, A. T.9 Panteleymonov, L. A., Kuprina, V. V., _*"objLev,, V. b N The Investigation of the System Gold-Silver-Cobalt (Inaledovaniye sistemy 2oloto-serebro-kobalit) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1958, Vol 3, Nr 11, pp 2532-2536 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The phase diagram of the syste,in gold-silver-cobalt was construct- ed and investigated. The investigations covered the thermal analysis, microstructure, Brinell hardness, electric resistance, and its temperature coefficients. The purest metals with im- purities of a maximum of 0,01% were the source material. The alloys were treated in krypton furnaces under a barium chloride layer. The fusion and hardness diagrams of the system Ag-Co in the case of a varying Au-content are given in the figures 2 and 3. The determination of the electric resistance was carried out by means of a potentiometer at 250 and 1000C. The electric re- sistance of the system Ag-Co in the case of a varying Au-content Card 1/2 is given in figure 4. The electric resistance reaches a maximum The Investigation of the System Gold-Bilver-Cobalt SOY/78-3-11-17/23 approximately at a ratio of Ag : Co - I : 1. The results of the calculation of the temperature coefficients of the electric resistance in the temperature range 25 - 1000C are given in the tables I and 5. The diagrams of the temperature coefficients analogous to the diagrams mentioned above have a maximum and a minimum. The microstruoture of the alloys was investigated after the determination of the hardness of the latter. Dark phases in the alloys are rich in cobalt, lightphases are rich in gold. The limits of the individual ranges in the phase diagram were determined by means of the microstruature investigations. The investigations showed that the separation zone in the binary system silver-gold exists at room temperature and is reduced by the addition of gold. It vanishes completely in the range of about 67% gold., There are 6 figures, 2 tables, and 10 references, 4 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: October 21# 1957 Card 2/2 BIB&Mlip L.M.; VO,ROBIYEV V,S.; NURM,, G.B, Energy emitted by an equiUbrium plasma in spectral lines Opt. i spektr. 14 no-3:330-335 Mr 163. iMM 16:4) (Plasma (Ionized gases)) (Hydrogon-Spectra) W'W)B'YEV V S - NORWI, G.L. -4 ~~~ &,ergy emission in the spe~-tral lines ;Opt. I spektr. 17 no,2tl8o-188 Aga64 of an equ:UIbrj= pUs=.. (MIRA 17j8) RUSANOV, A.K.; VOROBIYEV, V.S. Even injection of powders in a highly dispersed state into the flame of the are during the spectrallanalysis of substances. Zav. lab. 30 no.lt4.1-43 164. (14IRA 17:9) 1. Vaesoyuznyy,-nauchno-isaledovatellskiy inatitut minerallnogo syrtya. VOROBfYbVf V.S.; RGANOV, A.K. Spectrographic and quantometric analysis of solutions and silicate rocks after the solubilization of samples. Zhur. anal. khIm. 19 no.3z286-292 164. (MPJ% 17:9) 1. Vsosoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut minerallnogo syrIya, MoBkva. ACCESSIOIN NR; AP4041567 S/0293/64/002/003/0441/0454 AUTHOR: B ibc rman , L, M.; Vorob'yev V, S.; N orman, G, E. Yakub ov, 1. T. TITLE: Radiation heating in the case of hypersonic flow SOURCE: Xosmicheskiya inaledovaniya, v. 2, no. 3, 1964, 441-454 TOPIC TAGS: radiation heating, hypersonLe flow, shock wave, aero- .dynamic heating, blunt bodyo, boundary layer -ABSTRACT: The problem of the heating of a blunt body by shock-wave radiation in the case of hypersonic flow (velocities> 8 km/sec) is examined with particular attention given to the case of heating caused by flow under conditions where the gas is almost completely dissociated following a density jump. General expressions are given to compute the radiant fluxes. The main elementary radiation proc- ~esses involved in the determination of the plasiaa formed after the density jump are analyzed. Methods of computing the contribution of the individual radiation processes to the radiating capacity of the air are presented. The radiation in the continuous spectrum and in the entire, aggregate of spectral line's is considered. Compu- Cwd -A .ACCESSION NR: AP4041567 tations indicate that: 1) there is a broad interval of temperatures, pressures, and thicknesses of the radiating layer in which the lines make the major contribution to the energy emitted by the plasma, 2) the total energy of a large numb'er of weak lines, computed integrally, with a growth of optical-density may noticeably increase the contribu- tion of the individually computed strong lines, and 3) in addition to the visible lines, the lines in the ultraviolet may also play an im- portant role. Computations were also made of the coefficients of absorption and the degree of air darkening in the pressure interval p - 0.001-100 atm and for temperatures to 20,OOOK. The values of .-..the flow parameters at which the radiant heat flux may exceed the convective flow and cause aerodynamic heating are found. The state of the gas behind the shock wave ftont is discussed. The causes for the departure from a state of equilibrium and the regions of relaxation and quasi-stationary iuequilibrium are analyzed. The main processes determining the structure of the inequilibrium zone at high flow velocities are explained., Orig. 'art. has: 5 formulas and 3 figures. ASSOCIATION: none ACCESSION NR: AP4043003 S/0051/64/017/092/0180/0188 AUTHORS: Vorob'yev, V. S.; Norman, G. E* TITLE: Energy radiated by an equilibrium plasma in spectral lines#, SOURCE: Optika i spektroskopiya, v. 17, no. 2, 1964, 180-188 TOPIC TAGSt plasma radiationp plasma spectral line, nitrogen# oscillator strength, line broadening, continuous spectrum, line spectrum ABSTRACT: The method developed by the authors previously (with L. M.: Biberman, Opt. i spektr. v. 14, 330, 1963) for the calculation of gy is extended from a hydrogen plasma to include line radiation ener a plasma of arbitrary composition. Account is taken of the specific difficulties arising in connection with individual complex atoms# such as differences in oscillator atrangtba, in the broadening Card ACCESSION NRs AP4043003 mechanism and in the values of the line half-widths, in the multi- plet level structures, and in the overlap of certain series. The specific broadening mechanisms of different lines of complex atoms and ions are-'taken into account, and dxpressions are derived for the integral'contributions of aggregates of weak lines. The influ- ence of the continuous spectrum is estimated. The calculation method is illustrated with nitrogen plasma as an example for which energy balances are calculated for several pressures and optical thieknesses. it is shown that the results obtained.for nitrogen are general enough to cast light on the relative role of ij4dividual processes. "in conclusion we thank L.,M. Biberman for interest in the work and for a discussion of the results. We are alea cjrateful .tto 1. T. Yakubov for useful remarks." Orig. art. hass 1 fiUure, 10 formulas, and ~2 tables* ~ASSOCIATION: None ,Card ACC NRs A _9C.URCE-CODR.- - WIW11651OW1003103261 Diber~an,' is -M. Vorok;'Ye'v, V. A. N. /_1/ S. - War mw, AUTHOR., ORO. none TITIZ: Radiation transfer in an ionization continuum SOURCE: Optika i spektroskopirp ve 19, nos 3, 19651 326-.3N TOPIC TAGS: ionization, radiation spectrums continuous spectrum# spectral lines photon emission ABSTRACT: This 13 9, continuation of w9rk M~fi the authors (Biberman, ZhLTF v. 17, 416, 1947), where a theory of radiatiorenzier In spectral lines vas proposed. In the present article this theory to extended to lude certain cases of radiation transfer in m continuous spectrum, and in partleul&r to the case of radiation transfer In an Ionization continuum. It is shown that such radiation transfer should be con- sidered as a combination of re-emission acts, durir;g which the photon n-equencies vary within the limits imposed by the width of the conti-nuum. An Integral equation for the concentration of the electrons is obtained, and Mi approximate solution is given. A system of equations which describes the processes of radiation transfer both within the continuum and in the discrete spectrum Is formLlated. The tnrtent to which the beam of photona emitted by the elementary domains deviates rrom an exponential depen- dence on the distance traversed to axislyzed amd it is shown that for this very c. n case when the abcorption coefficient Is Inversely proportional to the cube of the fre- NRI AM2859 quency the deviation from exponential In considamble. The theory can be easily generalized to radiation transfer in continuous ffpeatre of other types, such as rmUstion transfer In the continuum of negative icm3. Orig. art. bast 1 figure wA 20 formul". $US C(MZI Id?o/ Sm DATE: 26weAl mw mw: 1 006 L 36226-66 E1,VT(Q/~11P(m) IJP(c) ~IW/AT F_'ACC NR, APW24510 SOURCE CCM UB16W66/NW/W270~ AUTHOR: Voroblyevp V. S.; Yakubay 1. T. ORG: Scientific Research Institute of High Temperatures (Nauchno-issledovatellakiy vysokikh temperatur) TITLE: Causes of formation of a radiation peak behind a shock wave in a nonequillb- rium gas ~SOURCE: Zh eksper i teor fiz4 P1s1ma v redaktsiyuo Prilozhenlyep vo 4, no. 2., x9ap .43-45 TOPIC TAGS: shock wave frontp electron collision,, plasma radiation) plasma shock wave excitation spectrump spectral distribution ~ ABSTRACT: The authors show that the rise of the radiation from'a nonequilibrium re- laxing gas above the equilibrium level in generalt and the radiation peak observed be- hind a shock wave in particular, are caused by the nonequilibrium state distribution of the radiating atoms and by heating of the~electron gas by inelastic collisions with molecules. The state of the nonequilibrium Onsma roduced behind a shock wave is de- scribed with the aid of the conservation equationsp and the equationa for the ioniza- tion kinetics and the energy balance. The distribution ofthe atoms over the states in obtained with the aid of the Fokker-Planck equations. The upper and lower limits of the ratio of the intensity of the radiation in the 3o - 3p lines of nitrogen to their values at equilibrium are presented in graphic form., Similar results are ex- A~.- NK; -JU-W4Af>jO pected for the case of a band spectrum behind strong shock wavesp where the radiation peak can be attributed to excitation of the molecules by electrons. The authors than] L. ~L Biberman and 0. N. Norm%n for valuable discussions. Orig. art* has-. 1 figure and 3 formulase BUD CODFP: 2D/ em DAn: o7wA/ oRm mw t oo4/ out mw, oo3 b 46140-66 U11(c) JD/JW ACC NRs AP6029773 SOURCE CODE: UR/0294/66/004/004/ AUTHOR: Voroblyev, V. S. ORG: Mosc ow Pover-Engineerinx Insti ute (Moakovakiy energeticheskly inatitut) TITLE: Influence of radlatioK reabs2Ektion on the deviation from tbermoZynamic equilibrium -_SOURCE: TeplofiziXa vybokikh temperatur, v. h, no. 4, 1966, 494-498 TOPIC TAGS: thermodynamic equilibrium, radiation effect, radiation spectrum, excited state, line spectrum, continuous spectrum. light absorption, hydrogen plasma, trans- port property, ionization ABSTRACT: The author determines deviations from thermodynamic equilibrium, produced by,the emission of radiation from a volume of optically dense gas,as a result of t ~e -,,,reduction of the number of excited electrons and atoms in the gas. Earlier papers .deb.ling with this subject vere restricted to optically thin layers. It is assumed that all the excited states and the continuous spectrum are closely related to impact processes and are in relative equilibrium with one another. Both direct radiative (spontaneous emission and radiative recombination) and inverse ones (photo- ionization bnd radiative excitation) are considered. The radiation transport is treated by an approximate method developed for spectral lines by L. M. Biberman (Dokl Ax sssR Y. 49, 659, 1958) and subsequently extended by Biberman and the author (with UDC: 533-932 ACC NRs AP6029773 A. 1.7. Lapar'Kov, Optika i spektroskoplya v. 19, 1965) to include the ionization continuum. Account is taken of the reabsorption of all the components of the clis- crete and continuous spectrum, by replacing the true lifetime of the excited or'ion- ized state by some equivalent lifetime. 'The role played in the deviation from equi- librium by various radiative transitions is discussed. By way of an exonRle, the nonequilibrium concentrations are obtained for a plane layer of NL4E2gen~-blesma. The degree of validity of the appioximations employed is discussed. The author thanks L. M. Biberman for continuous interest in the work and I. T. Yakuboy for remarks. Orig. art. has: 2 figures, 3 formulas, and 1 table (02) S?B ORIG REP: 004 / ATD PRESS: WODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: l5May65/ 005/ OTH REF: 50 081 ..67 Do (1) iJO(00 SOURCE CODE: CC NN Ar6o24893 1 ~~166165 00 03 0 -VorobI Y.M- V.- 11' Te!geratures, Acad!n7 of SciencesS ORG: institute of His ssR (Institut vysokikh _SSSR).... temperiCt-urAkademii nau.k Excited-atate.distribution of-atoms'in the absence of.equilibrium SOURCE: Zhurnal,ekspeiimentallnoy. i'teoreticheckoy fizikij, ve 51, not l.. 1966o 327- 336 TOPIC.TAGS.- excited at."e,' e1ectroftcollision,- atomic physics, physical diffusion, plasma physics, paxticl6: distripution' ABSTRACT: The author uses'a 'single quantum approximationfLnd the Fokker-Planck equa- tion to determine the nonequIlibrium distribution of atomr?(rircr the states -for condi- tions under which the kinetics 'of the creation and annihilAtion of the quanta is de- termined by 'collisions with.electrons:t~A'simplified approach in used, in which the concentration of the neutral atoms,,The.clectrons, and the ions are assumed known and the plasma is assumed quasineutral. The plasma is assumed to be optically dense for thi lines of the resonance scriesp- i's'o, that the radiation yields of these lines are not significanto and the electron densities assumed to be sufficiently large to make the radiative transitions between -the excited states much loan frequent than tranai- tions due to collisinn. In theoingle-quantum, approximation employed, account is taken of the discretenesa'of tbe.'Idvel:o of the atoms, but only transitions between* Card 3/2 AU- NMI A1-0024?J~L5 esults obtained with the aid neighboring states are cons1dered.--comparing the r of the single-quantum approximation;" and the )?6kker-P-lanick diffusion equation, an approximate derived for 'the concentration of the atoms at any level;- -the expression takes into account the discreteness of the levels and the different transitions bet-4een them. The results obtained are compared vith numerical calcula- tions and are used to explain the n6nequilibrium distributions of the excited states ,of the atoms observed'in arcs, and to, explain the deviations from the Boltzmann dis- tribution. The author thaWw'Li. M. Biberman,and 1. T.-Yakubmt-for valuable discus- sions; and help with the.,work. Orig. artq has: 2 figures and 29 formulas. 1~ nATE:: -.;L7FeW/-,,!,;:.'1 okG'. Rw; ow/ M/, o= n1?.- w6 so CCDE: Card 2/2 n8t VOWBIYEV, V.T., inzh. Electric power supply of consumers in conjunction with railroad electrificationusing commercial frequency &.a. Izv. vya. ucheb. zav.; energ. 5 no. 8sLI6-317 Ag 162. (MIRA M7) tic e6ref'-It- uev, V- KIMLIKSKir. M;A.; VORCIBIYCV, V.V. Perforation of the slimentar7 canal by fish bones, Soveiied. 21 'Supplament:22 157. (MIRA 11:2) 1. Is kliniki gospitallnoy khtrargii Khabarovskogo meditainEkogo iastitute. (ALINERTARY CANAL-FORRIGH BODIES) FEDOTOV, 1,sonid Yefimovich; VOROBIYE;V, V.V.j rod. [Copper welding] Svarka medi. Leningrad.. 1964. 26 p. (MIRA 17:9) AGAPOVA, T.I., red.; DORODINOV, Ye.V.., red.; KAS.HCMKO, Ye.I., red.; &USHANOV, A.I.,, red.; REYKHBEROt G.Ye,q red.; VOROBOYEV, V.V., red.,- BORZUNOV, V.F., red. (Abstracts of papers and reports of the Third Far Eastern Conference on Historvp archaeology and Ethnograp~q-$4ctions Socialist building projects in Siberia and the Far East] Tezisy dokladov i aoobshchenii. Sektsiiat Sotsiallatichoskio novostroiki'Sibiri i Dall- nogo Vostoka, Komsomolisk-na-Amire, Komsomoltakii-na Amure Goopedinatitut., 1962. 76 p. (HIRA l7t9) 1. Dallnevostocbnaya konferentsiya po istorii, arkhoo- logii i etnografii. 3d, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, 1962. 2. Komsomollskiy-na-A=re Gosudarstvennyy pedagogiche- skiy inStitut (for Kashchpnict). 3. Dallnevostochnyy filial Sibirskogo, otdele;iiya AN SSM (for Reykhberg'. 4. Institut geugruixi Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR (for Voroblyev). 5. Institut istorii AN SSSR (for Borzunov). VOROBIM VOL, LuMoved system of organizing car flows in a division. Zhal.,dor.transp. no.1208-60 D 162e (IOU 15:12) 11 Glavnyy inzh. Khabarovskogo otdeleniya Dallnevostochnoy dorogi, Khabarovsk, (Railroads--Making up trains) PONSHISHEWK31 V.V., doktor googr. nauk, prof.1 VARLAMOV, V.S.; YWOREV, B.S.; STEPANOVp M.N4 DOTVIM1IKOVp V.I.; KOLOBKOV, M.N.; VCROM1M,V.Y._,,_kan&. geogr, nauk; KLIMOV, A.I.; STEPANOV., rX.; 14YAKUSHKOVI V.A.# red.; BELICUNKO, R.K.p mladshly red.; MALICHEVSKIY, G,N,$ G.N., red.kartj VILENSKAYA, E.H.j, tekhn. red. [Yzscow - Vladivostok; railroad guide]Moskva - Vladivostok; pu- tevoditell po zheleznoi doroge. Moskva, Geografgiz, 1962. 266 p. (KIRA 15: 1-1) (Railroads-Guides) VOROBIYEV, V*V.. ausistent (Kabarovskp ulo F-ekrooovag d*64P kv.74) ................. --- - Tvo-phace rupture of the liverd, Vcst.khir. no.5tlO4-105 162.* 1 (Km 1521:0 1. Iz gospitallmay -.',*m-gicl,.-eskoy.kliniki (zav. - prof. M.A. MIOUMAW !Mabardy'skogo meditainakogo instituta (dir. - prof. S.K. Veabapayev). (LIVER-RUP Lim) YAWTOTo LTe.g YZTSTAFlnff, S.G.; VDRGtM. T.T.1 UBPOTo V.S.; yffsyAN,. I.A. Welding bus bar compensators. Avtom.sT&ro 13 no-7t87-W Ji 160, (MM 1327) 1. Treat OGidroolaktromontaxhl (for Veysuan). 2. Lenines4skly filisa inatituta, 'Orgenergostroym (for all except VeyaiWo Olus conductore(Blectricity)--Velding) S/137/62/000/004/168/201 A154/A101 AUTHORS: Fedotov, L.Ye.; Voroblyev, V.V. TITLE: The effect of the shielding medium on the heat influx into an arti- cle during welding PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 4, 1962, 26, abstract 4E132 ("Inform. byul. Vses. in-t po proyektir. organiz. energ. str-va", 1960, no. 4, 14 - 16) TEXT: The use of N2 as a shielding medium for welding Cu with a W elec- trode Is of great practical interest, since on the one hand N2 is very cheap, non-scarce and safe gas, and on the other hand weldIng In N2 permits greatly In- creasing the heat influx into the article as compared with welding In argon for the same amount of electric power supplied. V. Klyuchnikova [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 8/1,35/15,1/000/ot)09/003/006 A006/A101 AUTHORS: Pedotov,, L.Ye., Engineer, Vorob'yev, V.V. TITLEs On the effective heat efficiency durine arc welding of copper in .shielding gases PERIODICAL: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, no. 9, 1961, 11 - 12 TEXT: For the purpose of replacing argon by nitrogen In gas shielded weld- ing of copper, experiments were made to determine the effective efficiency of heat- ing 12 mm thick M2 copper plates, during welding with non-consumable tungsten elec- trodes of 5 mm in Idiameter, using 400 - 460 amps current, in argon and nitrogen gas shield. The heating time vafted within 15 to 39 seconds. The effective efficien- cy ofheating the work by the arc heat was determined by comparing the heat equi- valent,of-full electric power with heat content of the heated specimen measured in a calorimeter Q 0 '.~T wUatw Q Qc + Qcopper where Iw is the welding current in amps; Uarc Card 1/2 ' S11351611000100910031006 On the.effective-heat efficiency ... A006/A101 is the aro vol" Ze in v, tw is the welding timd' in seo;- Qc - (180 + Gw).(Tfin -Tin), is,the heat:oontent of the calorimeter in cal. ( is the calorimeter constant]; 0. Is the water mass in the calorimeter tAnk (12s5OO g),'Tin and T'fin are the initial and final water temperature in the calorimeter tank after immer- sion of the specimen, in OCI Qc " (loopporcoopper (Trin - Tin) in the heat content of the sp'eolmon to be we?speder(Goopper is the plate weight, 1,370 9, Coopper is,the specific hoat eap~tcity of copper, o.94 cal/ 0). The experiments showed that the effective effiolency during the welding of copper in.nitrogen at- mosphere was by 2D higher than In argon. Therefore the use _oi nitrogen as a shielding gas is of practical interest for the described purDose, since nitrogen makes It possible to considerably increase the heat supply to the work piece as compared to argon, at the same values of the electric power supplied. There are 3 tables and 5 Soviet-bloc references. ASSOCIATION: loeningradakiy filial instituta "Orgenergostroy" (The.Leningrad Branch of the Orgenergostroy Institute) Card 2/2 VOROB -. v I -,- Production Is increasing. MIuAndASSR 28 no.4:7-8 '57. (HLRA 10: 7) 1. Direktor Moskovskogo ptitookombinata. (Poultry) t "T 02516.67 I.. j T.1111F f -Aee- "M,fi_66~ 3 6-6 0 SOURCE CODE: UR/Ol85/66/on/oo4/o4i6/o423 AUTHOR: Vorobyaq-v, V. V. Voroblyev, V. V. ORG. Kharkov State University im. 0. M. Horlkyy (Kharkivalkyy derzhuniveisytet)3 7 TITLE: ion of yttrium 'in air SOURCE: Ukrayinslkyy fizychfiyy zhurnal, v. 11, no. 4, 1966, 4:L6-423 ,TOPIC TAGS: yttrium, oxidation kinetics, high purity metal ABSTRACT: The author studies the oxidation kinetics of yttrium, with a purity of .97.2% and 99.8% by weight in air at a relative humidity of 34 and ~7% at I atm. It is shown that oxidation rate is affected by metal purity. The ate of oxidation decreases as the purity of the metal is increased. The dif: V oxygen anions through the oxide into the oxide-metal interface plays a significant role in the oxidation of yttrium. It was found that two stages of oxidation of metallic yttrium exist at the same temperature and that oxidation varies with temperature increase of the metal azid its commercial purit , The rate of yttrium oxidation is determined as a function of ambient humid . The rate of yttrium oxidation varies in water vapor. The lower the urityTyf the metal the greater Is the variance in the rate of oxidation. Or g. art. has: 7 figures, 1 table, I formula. SUB CODE: OT/ SUBM DATE: 118jun65/ ORIG REF: 002/ OTH REF, 010 Card-