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I . AIEKSHEGONOV, V.YA.; PATRISY, N.M. 2. USSTZ (600) 4. Windbreaks, Shelterbelts, Etc. 7. Renew and extend shelterbelts according to plan. Les.i step' 4 no.10, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January -1953. Unclassified. 1. VE =-r-rITOV, V.Ya. 2. TTSSR (600) 4. Afforestation 7. Improvinp over-all mechanization in a2forcstaticn -,,ork-, Les.khoz- C' no. 3, 1953. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, APRIL 1953. Unclassified. 1. VEKSHEGONOVP V. Ya. 2. ussR (6w) Arricultural Machinery 7. Improving over-all mechanization in afforestation work, Les.1choz. 6 no. 3, 19513. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, AFF IL 1953. Unclassified. ACC NRi Ai,6ol7955 SOURCE CODE: 0/01,13/66/000/010/00WOOI8 AUTHOR: Vekshin, B. G. ORG: None TIT*,,:-": A ntamp for li, a iiiethod or reverse Prer'sing With latern'l ",Lie pressure on the workpiece. Clas-, '(, No. 161601 izobretcniya, promyshlennrye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 10, 1966, i.6 TOPIC TAGS: metal pressing, bydros'L-Atic pressure a !I- C)~ iABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces a stamp for implemcntinr m thod f reverse pressing with lateral hydrostatic pressure on the workpiece. Provision is imade for outlet of the fluid from the worliin~; region and for riaintainin-r, the neces~;ary: 'optimum fluid pressure by a compensation cavity in the punch with a calibrated channel; I ;for passage of the fluid. !Card 1/2 LTDc; 62i.777-24.,073 ACC-N-Rt AP6017955 A-A IX N- X -6, ted channel icpunch$ 2--compensating ca-vity; 3--calibra ISUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE- 27jul63 4 HISH119. G. -, SIMIN. N.; CIIISTTAKOV, M. - ,-"-TPT __ ~,_ _W Soviet-Czechoslovak economic cooperation is growing stronger. Vnesh. torg. 29 no.12:12-17 '59. ()URA 12:12) (Russia--Foreign eaonomic relations--Gzachoslovakia) (Czechoslovakia--leoreign economic relations--Russia) VEKSHIN, G. Gzachoslovakin extends Its economic ties with the entire world [with summary in Engliah P,311. Vnesh.torg. 26 no.6:1-5 Je '56. (MLRA 9:9) (Czechoslovakia--Foreign eponomic Irplations) BAL , A. (Ba'lek, Alexejl; DA1UK, S. [Danak, Stanislav]. inzh.; FOFF, A. (Yoff, Arthur], inzh.; KOLTODA, Ta. (Kalvoda, Jan], doktor; SHMID, T. [Schmid, Josef], inzh.; S~CXR, I. 11kvc7-, J.1, doktor- TAYNS, A. (Waits, Antonfn], inzh.; ROMASHKIN, N.I. Etranalatori; YEKSHIN, G.K. (translator]; TKACfWA, T.K. (translator]; OSTROUMOYA. r._ red.; WONOTA, H.Kh., red.; KAPRALOYA, A.A., (General inventory of fixed assets in Czechoslovakia] General'nais inventarizateiia oanovnykh fondnv v Chekhoslovakii. Moskva, Goo. statist.izd-vo, 1959. 101 P. (MIRA 13:2) (Czechoslovakia--Inventories) ZOLOTAREV, V.I.; PZKSHEV, Yu.A.; AVSNNEV, Yu.H.; KAPRANOV, I.A.; KISVYANTSZV. L.A.; SHVETSOV, N.'I.; TEL73GIN, Ys.I.; POTAPOV, V.I.; KISTYANTSEV , L.A.; ZYKOV, A.A.; MMUSOV, A.A.; SMUN, V.P.; KAKSIHOVA, A.P.; HIKOLAYMKO, Zh.I.; VOLKOV, N.V.; KALASUIKOV, A.A.; PLAKSIN, 'S.Y.; POPOV, N.N.; KAR HINOV. L.N.: YAKIMOVA, T.A.; BASHKANIKRIN. I.K.; K M OVICH, A.Ya.; SHALASHOV, V.P.; VORONKOV, F.N.; VEKSHIN, G.K.; CHISTYAKOV, M.A.; IVANOV, N.I., red.; SLADKOVSKIY, M.I..' rIed.-; LXPNIKOVA, To., red.; MOSKVINA, R.. [Economic development of the people's democracies] Razvitie skono- miki stran naroduoi demokratii; obzor za 1957 9. Pod red. N.I. Ivanova i dr. Moskva, Izd-vo sots.-ekon.lit-ry, 1958. 61 P. (MIRA 12M 1. Moscow. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy kon"yunkturnyy institut. (Esonomic conditions) VEKSHIN G translator]; SEMIOV, I.I. (translator]; OStROVA, , M.N., red.; ALEKSBYNV, I.G., red.; IOVWA, N.A., (Czechoslovakia in the world econom7] Kesto Chakhosla7akii -. v mirovoi ekonomike. Moskva, Izd-vo inostr.lit-ry, 1958. 239 P. (Translated from the Czech). (MIRA 12:10) (Czechoslovakia--Sconomic conditions) GHUZIJIOV, V.P.; VEKSHIN G K - KRASAVO, H.V., red.; PONOMARAVA. A.A., Te.S., (Development of the national economy of Czechoslovakia; statistical collection] RAzvitle narodnogo khozinistva Chokhoslovskii: statinticheskii abornik. Monkva, Gooplan- izdat, 1959. 243 P. (KIRA 12:11) Ovachoslovskia-St8tiatics) Vu\'SH1N,(- K\- ZOW-TAREV, Y.I.; AYSENEV, Tu.H.; KAPRAKOV, I.A.; KISVYANTSHY, L.A.; PZXSFWO Tu.A.; SEMSOV, R.I.; TZLEGIN, Ta.l.; POTAPOY, T.I.; XISYTANTSZY, L.A.; 2UOY, A.A.; XKWSOV, A.A.; SZNIN, V.P.; MUSNOTA, A.P.; NIKOLATBNKO, Zh.j.; YCXXOT, N.Y.; XAT.A IKOY, A.A.; PLAKSIN. S.Y.; POPOV, N.N.; XARSHINOV, L.N.- TAXWOVI, T.A.; BASMUNIKKIN, I.K.; IMTKOVICH, A.Ta.; SH&LASHOY. Y.P.; YORONKOT, Y.N.; YUSHIN,___qj.-; CHISTTAKOT, M.A.; IVANOT, N91*9 reas; SLAIXOV~KIT,- X-.I.-,r;d.; LZPNIKOVA, To., red.; MOSUINA, R., [Development of the economy of the people's democracies; a survey for 19571 Razvitis ekonomiki stran narodnoi demokratii; obzor so 1937 9. Pod red.N.I.Ivanova i dr. Koskya, Izd-vo sotsialluo-okou. lit-ry, 1958. 610 P. (MIRA 12:2) 1. Moscow. Nauchno-isoledovat. kon"yankturnyy institut. (People's democracies) (Economic conditions) OSADCHI7, L.K.; sL~ujN, Yu.G., inzh.tekhnolog; VEKSHIN, K.D..-mashinist dlektrovozal Geroy Sotsialisticheekogo Truda; ONOPIUIEWO, L.N., masbi&st elearovow; SHMV, M.S.; MARKMCH, -I.A., maahinist- 'bptruktor VEle6tric networks of the VL23 electric locomotive." Elek. i tqpl. tiaga.5 no,6:44-45 Je 161. (HM 14:10) 1. Depo Dnepropetrovsk,(for S7rkin). 2. Depo Barabinak. Zapadn;-Sibirskoy dorogi (for Sharov). (Electric locomotives) VEKSHIN, V.I. Metal overflow in die casting. Lit. proizv. no.9:20-22 S '61. (MJF,A 14:9) (Die casting) ACC NR: AP7003156 SOURCE CODE: URI/0368/66/005/006/0798/0800 AUTHOR: Kudryashiv, L. I.; Zhemkov, L. I.; Vekshin, V. S.; Belostotskiy, B. R. ORG: none TITLE: Thermal regime of the active element of a laser of finite length SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy'spektroskopii, v. 5, no. 6, 1966, 798-800 TOPIC TAGS: laser, laser rod, laser active body, laser rod geometry, laser rod :length, laser rod length effect ABSTRACT: The analysis of pulse-type operation proceeds from the physical character of the heat exchange and the geometry of the body. An equation describing the temperature fields in a circular cylinder of finite dimensions is obtained. An analysis is also made of the cooling phase of the operational cycle. An equation is derived to describe the temperature field with constant cycle duration and duty factor, for any number of successive cycles. The theoretical findings are applied to a real case of two cylindrical bodies, one with a length equal to its radius, the other with a length-to-radius ratio of 10:1; the results show a much weaker effect of the end surfaces in the latter case. Orig.-art. has: 22 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 31jan66/ ORIG REF: 004/ ATD PRESS: 5112 L 1~983-66 EPF ( n) - 2/EW A (h) /EEC W - 2/EWT ( 1 ) /FBD/ETC (f)ITIE-5-P ACC NR: AP6005468 V -J P SOURCE CODE: UR/0368/6E/004/001/0012/0019 WG)WN AUTHOR: Kudryashev, L. I., Belostotsk~y,_2- R., 4hemkov, L. I.; Vekshin, V. S. ORG: none JITLE: Approximate solution for the problem of nonstationary heat exchange in 4e ractive element of a laser SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy spektroskopii, v. 4, no. 1, 1966, 12-19 TOPIC TAGS: laser pulsation, laser optics, heat transfer, solid state laser ABSTRACT: The processes of nonstationary heat exchange which takes place during the operation of a pulsed laser are mathematically analyzed. The active element of the .laser is assumed to be a solid cylinder with a ratio of length to diameter of ap- proximately 10. The problem is described by a system of four equations. This sys- .tem of equations is simplified by assuming that the coefficient of thermal conduc- :tivity, specific beat and density of the active element are independent of tempera- ture. The system is solved by the variational method for an isolated cycle of laser operation. A formula is derivea for the temperature field inside the active element Card 112 UDC: 535.89 L 15983-66 ~ACC NR: AP6005468 i 0 iin the case of continuous laser operation assuming an arbitrary number of cycles 1with a constant prf. Expressions are derived for the basic factors which determine :heat- exchange of the active element: thermophysical characteristics, pumping dura- ~tion and power, the length of a cycle, the pulse repetition frequency and the total :operating time of the laser. Equations are given in dimensionless form which may be I :used in practical engineering problems for 'analyzing various operating cycles of !pulsed lasers and the dimensions of active elements. Orig. art. has: 1 figure, 451: ;formulas. ;SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 29Jun65/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REF: 000 2/2 C~ VEKSIIIN V.V.,- Freon compressors with low refrigeration. Standartizatsiia 25 no.6:60-61 Je 161. (MIRA 14-6) (Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery) VEKSHIN, V.V. Diesel turbocompressors. Standartizatsiia 25 n:).8:48-49 Ag 161. (MIRA 14:7) (Turbomachines--Standards) VSKSHINY V.Vl Airtight compressors. Standartizataiia 28 no.1'41-4? Ja 164. RRA 17:1) VEKSHIN, V.V. Fuel pumps and diesel nozzles. Standartizatsiia 28 no.9:58 s 64. (14-1-PA !P- :2') VEKSHIN, V.V. Cylinder diameters and piston rings of compressors for generall use. Standartizataiia 24 no. 11:36 14 160. (MIRA 13:11) (Compressors--Standards) VEKSHIN?-- VA. - Freon refrigeration units. Standartizatsiia 26 no.4:43-44 Ap 162. (MIRA 1~:3) (Freons) (Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery--St;Lndards) lie, P4 - cl~! 1. D~ - I 71t-ms MARKOVSKIY, L.Ya.; VMHIRA, N.V. Production of alkaline earth metal borides by' means of carbon reduction of their oxides. Zhur. priki. khim. 31 no.9:1293-12,99 3 158, (MIRA 11110) l.,GosudaistvsnW inatitut prikladnoy khimii. (Alkaline earth borides) 4 0 C) 0 6, 12- 7 S AUTHORS: Markovskiy, L.Ya., Vekshina, N.V. TITLE: On Diborides of Alkaline Earth Metals 72". 5 2 -11 S/080/61/034/00;/002/020 050-129 PERIODICALi Zhurnal Prikladnoy Khimil, !961, Vol. 34, No, 1, pp. 16-20 TEXT: At the 3rd Conference for Physicochemical Analysis, T. Y-. Markovskiy and Yu.D. Kondrashev, ZhNKh, 2, 34 (1957), Ref,l, are quoted to have demon- strated that with reference to certain metals of the 2nd and 3rd groups of the periodical system of elements the different borides of the same metal generally decrease in chemical activity with increasing content of boron in the new boride phase. This is explalned by the formation of a more stable skeleton in hexaborides. In the present work, borides of Ca, Sr, arid Ba were synthesized and the hydrolysis of the obtained products was studied, includ- ing the evolution of boranes in this process. It has to be mentioned that diborideB Of Ca, Sr, and Ba were obtained for the first time, as claimed by the authors, while so far only the hexaborides of these elements were known. In addition to chemical analysis, x-ray analysis of the obtained products was Card 1/8 22521 S/080/61/034/001/0021/020 On Diborides of Alkaline Earth Metals A05'17~_A.129 carried out and the presence of MeB2 (Me stands here for Ca, Sr, Ba) was de- termined. The pulverized metal was mixed with elemental boron (containing less than 0.1% Mg, since through chemical reaction between boron and lig boranes can also be formed), briquetted and fired in an argon atmosphere at 900OC-1,1000C, a temperature range covering optimum temperatures for each of the three elements. The borides were analyzed. They were 5eparated from free metal by boiling them in diluted HCI; ions of metal and boron were de- termined in the filtrate and borane in the gaseous phase. The borane yield from CaB2 was 1.5-3% by weight (as compared with the total initial B), i.e.P it was identical with the borane yield from the decomposition of MgB-. Ana- lytical data for the reaction between Ca and B are presented in Tab,'~. Op- timum conditions for the formation of CaB2 area 950~'C, holding time I hr, Ca:B ratio = 1:2, resulting in a 45% yield of CaB2 (the remainder is CaB6 and some B). X-ray analysis (made by Yu.D. Kondrashev showed the presence of the new phase of CaB2, but the latter could not be isolated in a pure state. The results concerning the reaction between Ba, as well as Sr and B, are given in Tab.3 and demonstrate that formation of BaBq occurs at 1,1000C (with a yield of 20.2%) and of SrB2 at 9500C (with a yield-of 11.ea). The diborides are more easily formed if an excess of the metal Is present. Formation of Card 2/8 22521 S/08 61/034/001/002/020 On Diborides of Alkaline Earth Metals A057YA129 diborides takes place within a sharply defined temperature range, above which a dissociation into the constituent elements occurs. Simultaneously with the diborides, hexaborides are formed whose relative rate of formation increases with an increase in the atomic weight of the metal. Hence the yield of SrB2 and BaB2 is lower than that of MgB and CaB2' The investigat- ed borides are easily hydrolyzed by acids with liberation of boranes in amounts corresponding to those obtained by MgB2 hydrolysis (Tab.4). There ia 1 figure, 4 tables and 8 references: 5 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Suviet-bloc. The reference to the English-language publication reads as follows: L. Laf- ferty, J.Appl.Phys., 22,299 (1931). ASSOCIATION: Gosudarstvennyy institut prikladnoy khimii (State Institute of Applied Chemistry) SUBMITTED: June 4, 1960 Card 3/ 8 25382 S/080/61/034/CO2/001/025 57, 2 0 d4c) 2"3 A057/A129 AUTHORS: Markovskiy, L.Ya., Vekshina, N.V. TITLEs On ternary compounds in the system "alkaline earth metal - boron - carbon" PERIODICALt Zhurnal Prikladnoy Khimii, v 34, no 2, 1961, 242-248 TEXT: In the present work preliminary investigations of ternary com- pounds between alkaline earth metal (especially calcium), boron, and carbon were made. The composition and formation conditions were studied to de- termine syntheses of pure (carbon-frea) hexabc.-ildes of alkaline earth me- tals. Mess borides are of interest because of their chemical and thArmal reRistanne and their special heat-emitting properties. In the simplest preparation method, i.e., reduction wit'" oarbon, formation of ;;31ymerio organic oompounds occurs, which contaminate the product. It is demonstrated in the present investigations that formati-= of organic o=pounda is due to Card 1/7 6 3 6.2 S/080/61/034/0021/001/025 On ternary compounds ... AC57/A129 the presence of the above-mentioned ternary compounds in reduction products. The formation of a single aompound with an approximate formula C&CB was also determined. The experiments were carried o~at by heating ( W at 13000C in argon atmosphere) tabletted mixtures of oirbon, boron, and the respective alkaline earth metal varying the molal ratio. Afte~r heating the product was treated with water to determine Mec 2 (Me - metal) and with hydrochloric acid demonstrating the presence cf organic substances by a strong exothermic reaction. The aoid-goluble prcdu-,te (Cacl 2v H3BO, and liquid organic substances) were separated frcm insoluble metal heia- borides, free boron and carbon, and solid t~rgani3 substances by filtration. The primary heating product, gaseous and liquid products of hydrclysis, and the non-soluble residue, as well as the final products obtained after rcast- ing (3000-40000 of the solid organic substances were investigated by X-ray and/or chemical analysis. Results obtained by varying ratios of the com- ponents demonstrate (Tab. 2) that in all experiments formation of CaB 6 occurs, and formation of organic compounds is not caused by Cacl 29 but by another substance which hardly reacts with water and decomposes quickly with hydrochloric acid. Data obtained by hydrolytic decomposition (Tab. Card 2/7 On ternary compounds ... S/080/61/034/002/001/025 AOJ57/A129 indicate that the molal ratio Ca s C : B is 1 s 2 1 1 in the hydrolyzed product, thus the substance in question has apparently the formula of a boroncarbide CaC2B. The latter was also determined by X-ray analysis (see Tab. 2) and is called phase c( by the present authors. No other boron carbides could be determined. It was observed that with increasing carbon content in the initial mixture the yield in CaB 6 decreasea, while CaC 2 B and CaC2 are formed together. Increase in boron content in-areases CaB 6 formation and decreases correspondingly the CaC and CaC2B content. Ex- periments with strontium and barium were carriei out in the ratio Me ; C j B - 1 s 2 1 2 which was found to be the optim= ratic fcr calcium compositions. It can be Been from experimental results (Tab. 6) that corresponding to data for -calcium a. considerable amount of organic sub- stances is formed and the formula for the ternary compo-ind is MeC 2B. Pre liminary results concerning properties of the organic ccmpoumdB demonstrat C that with-acid decomposition of boron --arbides metal chlcridea, boric acid and lkquid non-saturated hydrG.--arbons with open chain are formed. These hydrocarbons do not acntain acetylene triple bonds, but a nca-sallurated Card 3/7 On ternary compounds ... 3(j2 3/080/61/034/002/001/025 A057A129 double bond. With continuing polymerization the main part of liquid or- ganic substances changes into solid substances. The composition of organic substances depends on conditions of hydrolysis, but the carbon/hydrogen ratio remains approximately I s 2. The organio aubst4nces are best so- luble in tetrahydrofurane and aoetone. Infrared spectrsl ans.1yees de- monstrated that the liquid amd solid polymers cc~rtain CH 2- and CH- groups in the open chain. Addition c?- R 202 to the liquid polymers effeots (Simi- lar to butadiene polymerization) formatior- of a white flocculent preci- pitate. It can be assumed that the liquid products of hydrolysic of boron carbides contain two double bonda, but composition and propertioa of these organic substances have to be investigated in further experiments. The authors thank Yu.D. Kondrashev for taking the X-ray patterns in the present investigations. There are 7 tables and 6 referencesi 3 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bloc. The references to the English-language blications read as follows; P. McKenna, Ind. Eng. Chem., 28,767 (19,X, H. Blumenthal, Powder Metall. Bull., 7,79 (1956)- SUBMITTED: September 26, 1960 Card 4/7 27911 S/080/61/034/010/003/016 D258/D301 AUTHORS: Yekshina, N. V., and Markovakiyq L. Ya. TITLE: Some chemical properties of the alkaline-earth hexa- borides IERIODICALs Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, v. 34, no. 10, 1961, 2171-2175 TEXT i The authors studied the chemical reactivity of CaB 6p BaB69 and SrB. produced in the course of an investigation of methods for their pre- paration (Refa Ilt Zhur. prikladnoy khim. 319 1958, 1293)o The teats em- ployed consisted in treating these compounds with acids and bases and heating them separately with oxygen, nitrogen and carbon. Of these tests, only the oxidation was studied previously. The hexaborides were used in a powdery form (particle size < 4," ) and analyzed an follows: CaB a - 38.2% Cag 61.9% BI SrB 6 - 57.4% Sr, 42.8% B; BaB 6 - 67,8% Bag NO% B. (a) Treatment with acids and bases. The boride (10 g) was added to the VA Card 1/5 27911 S/OBOJ61/034/010/003/016 Some chemical propertiesoco D258/D301 reagent (250 ml) and the mixture was allowed to stand at room temperature without stirring. The results are given in tabulated formo Boride Reagent Percentage of dissolution after: 1 hr. 2 hre. I day 2 days 4 days 10 days C&B 6 HCI, d = 1.19 0.5 Oo5 1.7 108 1,3 105 of H2so 49 d 1.84 d I d n o t d e c o a p, oa e to IIN03, d 1.42 91.5 97A INA - - - NaOH, 50% 2.2 2.2 210 2.4 2,2 2,6 Na2CO 31 50% OA 0,4 OA Oo2 0,3 0.5 SrB HC1, d a 1,19 0.7 008 1*4 Io5 1,.2 105 6 H2so 49 d 1o84 d i d n o t d e c o m p o a e d 1.42 HKO 08,5 100.0 - 3 9 (Table is continued on Card 3) $ Card 2/5 Some chemical propertiesooo SrB6 Nam, 50% 0.8 1.2 1,6 of Na2CO39 50% - - 1.3 BaB6 HCI, d - 1.19 018 1.1 116 H2 so 41 d 1,84 d i d n o, t HN03, d 1942 9490 9808 10000 NaOH, 50% 1.2 1,2 109 Na2C039 50% OJ 1.2 1.4 279U S/080/61/034/010/003/016 D258/D301 1.4 119 1.9 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.9 3.0 d e e o m p o 4 e - - - 1,7 108 1.9 1.2 1.2 1,4 No hydrolysis occurred on treating the borides with boiling dil. HCI and no boranes evolved. (b) Stability on beating with 0 2. The compounds were placed in a quartz boat and heated at F)OOPC to 1200 0C in a stream of dry 02. Experiments with CrB 2, Ti B2 and ZrB2 were included for comparison. Figs 3 shows a fair rate of oxidation at 6500C and over. Experiments Card 3/5 27911 S/08 61/034/010/003/016 Some chemical propertiesv.o D258VOI conducted at 9000C showed that the oxidation is proceeding at a fair rate during the first 30 min. but attains a limiting value after 2 hours (39% for CaB 67 42% for SrB.j and 46% for BaB.). This was explained by the for- mation of a protective film of borates which, however, vanishes at higher temperatures. (c) Stability of heating with carbon and with nitrogen. I : I mixtures of borides with graphite were heated at 1700 0C to 2000 0C- also, borides were heated in a stream of N 2 at 800, 10002 1200 and 1400 C. The products were analyzed by chemical and X-ray analysis. No nitrides or boron carbides were shown to be formed. Conclusions: The hexaborides of Ca, Sr and Ba are shown to be even more inert than the borides of transition metals. This fact is said to confirm the author's previously expressed view (Ref. 15: Zhur. neorg. khim. 34, 1957, 2) that the stability of a boride increases with the number of boron atoms contained. There are 3 figures, I table and 15 references: 7 Soviet-bloc and 8 non-Soviet-bloc. The reference to the English-language publication reads as follows: H. Moissan, A. Williamst C. r., 1259 629 (1897). Card 4/5 2791 1 S/080/61/034/010/003/016 Some chemical propertiesses D258/D301 ASSOCIATION: Gosud arstvennyy instAut prikladn'oy khim'iL'i (State Institute of Applied Chemistry) SUMITTEM `,FebruarY 289 1961 100 Fig. 3o Depen6n~e' of the ftte of M - boride oxidation on Uniperature 40- 2~0 A - rate of oxi~kiioki (% ot oxidized boride within I hra); tetoperature of calcination (or). 690 800 IM Card 5/5 BaHlICHMOCTh CHOPOCT11 oiturne- 1111ft GOPHAOB OT TORnOPOTYPIJ. Q-cimpom oRykmim (11. mmemmermi' ffopima sa I n3C). W,)- TeunepaTypa nponannna- HIM (*Q. CaD., 2 - SrB., J - BaD.. i - crn'. Till,. 8 - ZrB,. I T. Z 2- 40 32392 S/080/62/035/001/002/013 1)245/D304 AUTHORS: Vekshina, N. V. and Markovskiy, L. Ya. TITLE: Study of reactions taking place during the preparation of hexaborides of alkaline-earth metals by reduction with carbon PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, v. 35, no. 1, 1962, 30-37 TEXT: Using chemically pure materials, the authors made a detailed series of studies of the reactions which occur during the prepara- tion of Ca, Ba and Sr hexaborides by heating mixtures of varying composition of the oxides with graphite and B. The pr 4mary sinter, liquid and gaseous products of hydrolysis and insoluble residues were analyzed. The possible interactions are discussed. Using a charge of optimum composition (CaO + 3B 203 + 5C), it was found that, up to 15000C, the only reaction was between the metal oxide and boron to form borates. Reduction with C commenced at 17000 but, at this temperature, the products were boron carbide and graphite. The optimum temperature for the forration of hexaborides was found Card 112 Study of reactions S13239 08 62/035/001/002/013 D2457D304 to be 19000C. The tendency to form MC4B2 increases from Ca to Sr to Ba. Optimum conditions for obtaining nearly stoichiometric yields of the hexaborides are shown intabulated form. There are 1 figure, 4 tables and 8 references: 5 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bloc. The references to the English-language publications read as fol- lows: H. Blumenthal, Powd. Metal. Bull., v. 7, 79, 1956; A, Stock, 'Hydrides of Boron and Silicon' (1933); P. Blum and F. Bertaut, Acta Cryst., v. 7, 81, (11954). ASSOCIkTION: Gosudarstvenny institut prikladnoy khimii (State In- stitute of Applied Chemistry) SUBMITTED: April 5, 1961 Card 2/2 B/080/62/035/009/011/014 D287/D307 AUTHORS: J..Tarkovskiy, L.Ya., Vekshina, N.V., and Pron', G.F. TITLE: The formation of boron carbides during the reduction of rare-earth metal oxide mixtures and of boron with carbon PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy'khimii, v. 35, no. 9, 1962-, 2090 - 2091 TEXT: The present work is a continuation of earlier investigations carried out by the authors on the formatio 'n of lanthanide borides and on metal - boron - carbon systems. Experiments on the C-reduc- tion of mixtures containing CeO 2 or La 20 3'and B203were carried out at temperatures between 1900 and 20000C, under the conditions des- cribed earlier. The reduction products were found to contain a con- siderable quantity of a chemically unstable product; hydrolysis of the latter induced the following reactions: B and the metal went into solution, C and a certain percentage of B formed polymeric or- t-vanic compounds. These results, as well as x-ray data from prelimi- ndry investigations, proved that boron carbides were formed in the Card 1/2 S/080/62/035/009/011/014 The formation of boron carbides D287/D307 systems Ce-B-C and La-B-C and that the DrOperties of the compounds were similar to the characteristics of boron carbides of alkaline earth metals. There is 1 table. SUBMITTED: December 189 1961 Card 2/2 L i.. ya Somc.~ cher-Acal propr~r'*es of aikal-*.,-,~- rar-,rth ',or!-~r", of their hydrolysis producLe. Zhur. 1-r- 2120-2126 0 164- Alkaline earth borodarbides. Ibid.:2126-2133, y in.; t.l tut .rik"11 -,Inoy kh ii. L 23518-65 EPP (C WETF W -2/EPR/64P (j )/Z7vvT (a)/EWP(b)/?/E-WP(e)/EWP(t) r-c - 4- Pr-4/Ps-4/N-4 IJP(c)/RPL AT/Mj/*WffAN/,,Tjn/jG ACCESSION NR- AP4047! 17 S10060/64/037/010/2120/21261; AUTHOR: Markovskiy, L. Ya.; Vekshina, N. V. TITLE: Certain chemical properties of the alkaline earth metal borpcar~JdCB and products of their hydrolytic decomposition SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimit, v. 37, no. 20, 1964, 2120-2126 TOPIC TAGS: alkaline earth borocarbide, hydrolytic decomposition, hydrolysis, organoboron compound ABSTRACT: The properties of the alkaline earth borocarbides MeC02 were studied, especially their hydrolysis and their high temperature reactions with oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, boron and boron anhydrides. These borocarbides did not react with carbon and nitrogen at 1700-2000C. They started to oxidize at 1000C under atmospheric pressure, and were burned completely at 1300C to form the molten borate-i. At 1900C they reacted with B and with B 03: 1VeC4B2 + B-MeB6 + B4C + 2C, and MeC4B2 + B203 + C-MeB6 + V + CO. The Card 1/2 L 23518-63 ACCESSION NR: AP4047117 alkaline earth borecarbides hydeolyse 61 wi in water and faster in dilute acida j!q_:~_organoboron comp-pundic to form qqipp ;Jwh1ich polymerize to hard amorphous. materials which were soluble only in acetone and tetrahydrofuran. The liquid organic compounds, comprising only C, B, 0 and H, were unsaturates, with a C: H ratio of CnH2n-2, but contained no acetylenic bonds; the unsaturation was probably dienic. Hydrolytic rupture of the borocaurbides was believed to have been at the C-B or B-B bonds. The presence of B in the polymeric products was attributed either to addition of BH,3 radicais to fragment3 of the unsaturated hydro- 1 0 "Jof chair, segrnents containing the B-C bond. carbon chains, ( r to p2lymerization- . The al'~aline earlh borocarbides weria oxidized by concentrated HN03 and 112S04, reducing ,them to the lower nitrogen oxides and S02. Orig. art. has: 7 tables and 1. f1gure ASSOCL,kTION: Gosudarstvenny*y institut prikladnoy khimii (State ln~Aitute of Applied Chemistry) -".'BMITTED: 04Nov62 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: ICP GC.' NO REF SOV: 004 OTHER: 000 co,,3 2/ 2 L 27619-65 EWP(e) -/EwT, ( -w)'1 Y'F( c/TW A (d; EIT-F f n F'v.'P( I MUFIVEWP(b V0080/65/038/002/Ve45/025'1 ACCESSION UR: AP5005563 AUTHOR., -Maelsov$ iy~,.-LiYa. ron kj.,~ k Yeksh i_:_TIT1Z._- Lanthenum -borocarbides. 1~76 6 _;-SOUIXE4 Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, v. 38j no. 2, 1965, 2115-251 TOPIC TAGS: rare earth borocarbide, lanthanum borocarbide, high temperature borocarbide, borocarbide preparation, borocarbide hydrolysis, borocarbide thermal dissociation -temperature ,-,ABSTRACT:. The.preparation and physicochemical properties of the high phase of lanthanum. borocarbide, LaCtB2, have been studied because of the importance of the rare-earth compounds with boron and carboij for various processes such as the formation of polymer17able organoboron compounds by hydrolysis of borocarbides. A ''product containing 93-9 ljiC- 4 2 6% B was prepared by sintering in reducing atmosphere at 1900C the following mixtures: 1) Ifinthanum mftal, boron, and carbonj or 2) boron carbide, carbon, and lftnthanum metal, lanthanum oxide, or 1anthanum carbide; or 3) lanthanum carbide, caxbon, and boron or boron oxide (B203). Thermal reduction with carbon of a mixture of lanthanum and boron oxides produced either a mixture Of LaC02 (up to 107) and L_QB6, or pure LaBf,. The products of all reactions studied Ord 1/3 L 21-619-65 5005563 1,CCESSION NR: AP !ere determined by elerrental and phase chemical analysis and x-ray powdttr diffrac- -.ion. The analytical methods were described. The phase determination/.16s made by analyzing*the solution,.residue, and gas p Iroduced by hydrolysis _(withI hydrochloric acli) of the sintered products. The product's of sintering were composed of boro- carbides,, lanthanum hexaboride (LaBO, carbon, and, occasionally, lanthanum carbide (LaC2' or"Voron carbide (B40. The optimum La:C:B ratio in the starting mirture producing LaC02, exclusive of other bbrocarbide phases, was found to be 1:4:2. Other [unspecified] borocarbide phases were detected in the sintered mass obtained with different La:C:B ratios. Pure LaC4B was a polycrystalline cake which decom- poted on heating up to its meltiqg point tover 2000C) and was completely hydrolyzed by HU with the formation of solid, 114ald, and gaseous organic compounds, as in the hydrolysis of alkaline earth borocarbides. Experimental data confirmed the :6(!:)dymium, samarium, e existence of the cerium, praseodymitim, uropium, and gadolinium borocarbides, analogous to lanthanu-,t boto:zarbide and alkaline earth borocarbides, iated at hiRb temperature in vacuum. Orig. art. has: which are completely dissoc 2 figures and 5 tables, (JK1 ASSOCIATION: none Card L 16051-66 E"v-?P(e)/FaT(m)/EwF(t) I j-.- (c) JDIJG ACC NR: AP6005515 SOURCE CODE: UR/0080/66/039/001/0013/0020 AUTHOR: Markovskiy, L. Ya.; Vekshina, ff. V.; Kondrashev, Yu. D.; Stroganova, I. M. :ORG. none 'TITLE: Ternary compounds in the beryllium-boron-carbon system .SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, v. 39, no. 1, 1966, 13-20 TOPIC TAGS: beryllium compound, boron compound, carbide, crystal structure ABSTRACT: To study the reaction of beryllium with boron and carbon, powder mixtures of the components were sintervd at 1200-20000C, and the products were subjected to x-ray and chemical phase analysis. The data showed the existence of two beryllium -borocarbides, BeC,B 2 and BeC B . The structure of BeCZB2, (studied by the single crystal method) is characterizeli by a hexagonal system, Laue class ~'_njm, and lattice M constants a = 10.84 and c = 6.18. The structure of BeC2B12, studied by the powder method) belongs tq the B4C(B12C3) structural type. The lattice constants are a ~5.615, c = 12.28 A, c/a. = 2.187. It is shown that in contrast to alkaline earth and ,rare earth borocarbides, beryllium borocarbides are chemically stable compounds and Card 1/2 UDC: 546.45127t26 L 16o51-66 :ACC NR. AP6005515 ~rdo not undergo hydrolytic decomposition. Ternary compounds of beryllium with boron and carbon .form from the elements and also as a result of the reaction of beryllium, borides, beryllium 'carbide Be2C, and boron carbide with one another as well as with :elemental carbon, boron, and beryllium respectively. Orig. art. has: I figure ands 'g6 tables. ISUB CODE: 071 SUBM DATE: 070ct63/ ORIG REIF: Oll/ OTH REF:- 009 y IJP (c) JD L 04733-67 EWT(m)/EWP(t)/ETI AP6027008 SOURCE CODE: UR/0080/66/0 39/005/097 3/0977 iRuTHOR: Markovskiy, L. Ya.; Vekshina, N. V.; Kondrasbev, Yu. D. ORG% none TITLE: Chromium borocarbide &- 7 %7 -V/ SOURCE: Zburnal prikladnoy khimii, v. 39, no. 5, 1966, 973-977 TOPIC TAGS: chromium compound, chromium carbide, boron compound, carbon compound, phase composition, X ray diffraction pattern ABSTRACT: The phase compositions of the reaction products of chromium with boron and carbon in the Cr-B-C system were studied. The existence of the ternary co pound, cbrqmium borocarbide, Cr 7BC was established: rbombic, a : - 3, b = 9.22A, a = 6-95A. Powder pa6ern data is given. When the molax ratio of Cr in Cr:B:C is small, CrB and CrB2 are formed; as Cr content is increa3ed the carbides Cr C2 and Cr 7C are formed. It was established that all chromium carb?des react with boron and with borides forming either solid solutions based on Cr7C3 or Cr 3C2 or the borocarbide Cr 7BC Chromium mono- and diborides are characterized by high st'gility with respect to carbon. The lower borides, Cr~B in particular, are converted in the presence of carbon at Card 1 2 UDC:--5,46-.-271-! L 41347-65 (n )-2/E1uP(t)/EWP(b),r/EPr UP(G) JD/.TG/AT/ViH Ps;-4/PU-4 ACCESSION NR: AP4047118 S/0080if641037/DIAOI-'2'A26/2133 _AUTHO,R:--Markovskiy, L. Ya.; Vekshifia-_ N. V :.Alkaline earth metal borocarbides~l SOURM Zhurnal prikladnoy khiniii, v. 37, no. 10, 2126- 2133 TOPIC TAGS: alkaline earth borocarbide, synthesis, property, thermal stability, hydroly'sis, organoboron compound 11 "1 ABSTRACT: The conditions for making Ca, gr and Ba borocarbides and proper- these.11VIeC B2 borocarbides were investigated. The alkaline earth metals form with B"6d L49 'low temperature phase borocarbide MeC,B, and a high tem- perature (1900-i0-000 phase having the composition MeC02. The MeC4B2 compciinds crystallize as shiny dark cinnamon colored grains, melt in the 2200 100C range, are thermally stable in atmospheric oxygen to 200C, and decompose at higher temperatures (or at reduced pressure at 1300C) to the borides, boron carbide and carbon. They hydrolyse in rr-oist air and more rapidly in water, and ---Card 1,41347-65 ACCESSION NR: AP4047118 decompose completely in acid to form liquid and solid polymeric organoboron compounds containing up to 1076 B, saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons and 1-won hydrides and hydrogen. In addition to elemental synthesis, the alkaline earth borocarbides were formed under all other conditions when reaction between B. C and the alkine earth metals is possible: by reaction of the MeC2 carbides with B203, elemental B or boron carbide; by the reduction of the Ca, Sr, or Ba oxides with boron carbides and carbon; or by the thermal carbon reduction of a mixture of boron oxides and the alkaline earth metal. "The authors thank Yu. D. Kondrashev for conducting the x-ray analysis~.of the borocarbide samples." Orig. art. has., 6 tables and 7 equations. ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: 04Nov62 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: IC, GC NO REF SOV: 011 OTHER: 001 CQrd 2/2 4,1 IQ222;-�6 DIT (m)/E1C(F)/EWG(m)LE".1P (t)AII/P (b) I JP (c) RDVI/.j-D/JG LCC NRI AP6oooP8o SOURCE CODE: UR/0080/65/038/009/1945/194 1).-5 5- 'r- V Y Veksh1na' AUTHOR: Markovskly, L. Yo.; ORG: Atate Institute for Applied Cberviistrllve Mnin=d (Gosuderstvannyy institut Drikladnov TITLE* A new boride phase with a bigb metallic content in the lanth;num-boron system SOURCE: Zbur~a -1 prikladnoy kbivii, v, A no* 9. 1965, 1945-1949 TOPIC TAGS: lantbanum compound, boron compounds phase analysis ABSTRACT: The article describes the use of hydrolytic separation for the discovery of new boride phases of lanthanum. Roaction of lentbanum and boron was carried out by the sintering of a pressed mixture of their powders at temperatures from, 800 to 1300o. The powders uged ere pre- pared fr t se in ly crys- om in s containing 99.8% lantbanum. and 99%-Ru it F_ -;btained by the refining of amorpb us borFn- in vacuum at talline borom 0 20000, The reactlon products were subjected to x-ray examination and to L chemical phase analysis* Experiments showed that LaB1, and LaB6 are practically insoluble In very dilute bydroobloric ae0o and that only lantbanum totraboride is dissolved during boiling. Lanthanum bexaboride -L !0992--66 ACC NRI AP6000680 (like LaB~ is readily soluble in nitric said, Based on this fact, sam- ples were treated for about one hour in dilute hydrochloric acid (1:10) until the dissolvinE stopped. The solid residue obtained was further treated with boiling concentrAted hydrochloric acid and the product, in- soluble in the hydrochloric acid, was treated with strong nitric acid, The solutions obtained were analyzed for boron and lantbanum. The ex- periments showed that, during the reaction with week hydrochloric acid of a number of samples obtained by the sintering of -metallic lantbanum with boron, there is energetic reaction accompanied by the evolution of boron bydrides "~'The experimental data indicate that the amounts of lantbanum and boron In the solution correspond to the ratio La:B = 2:1, This ratio is maintained over a wide range of lanthanum and boron concentrations in the original charge. Analysis indicates that, in addition to the known borides--LeBh and LaB6, there exists also a lower boride of the composition La Be"'In distinction from the bexabor- ide, this compound is readily solugle in very dilute hydrochloric acid .with the evolution of a large amount of boron bydrides up to 8%. It has .been established that, in the series La2B-LsB4;LsB6# the chemical stab- ility of the borldes increases with the boron ontent in the boride phase. The highest boride contento L "B# in the melts is attained with a ratio in the reaction mixture equallo La:B = 1:2 and a calcining temp erature of 80000 Orig, art* boo: 1 figure and k tables* SUB CODJ3: SUBM DATE: 02Aug63/ ORIG REFt 006/ OTH REFt oo6 *.-..s 2/2 Wr, j VEKSHINA, V.N. "": -'Z; 1k'! New data concernizig the comminication which existed between the West Siberian Sea Basin and the seas of southern Europe during the Campan (?) - Maastricht time. Dokl. AN SSSR 110 no.6:1057-1059 0 156. _ (MLRA 10:2) 1. Vaesoyusnyy neftyanoy nauchno-iseledovatellskly geologo- razvedochryy institut. (Siberia. Western--Geology, Strat1graphic) VRKSHINA, V.N. Ykestriebtian coccolithophorids in the West Siberian Flain. Trudy SNIIGGIMS no.2:56-8 159. (MIRA 12:11) (West liberian Plain-Flagellata) .1 I ~A VI-XSHIIR, V. N., Cand 'IcoloL.-Mlineralo- Sci (diss) -- "no s,rat4-7!ra7o--y of Itc Mesozoic and Palc-ogenfc, dr-posita of thr! West Siberian lowland and th(- pals~o- ~_gaphy of the ancient basins of westprn Siberia (Based on data from tht, analysis of aqueous microflora: diatoms, silica flan,ellat-s,and cocrolithophorldes)". Tomsk, 1960. 17 PP (Siberian Sci R..,s Tnst of Gr,ol, Gpopbys, and 141nc-ral Raw Mhterials SNIIGGIMS), 150 copics OKL, No 15, i(-)6o, i.v) VW_W,__V.N . Diatoms in Upper Jurassic sediments of the West Sibeerian Pl&'Ln. Trudy SHIGGIMS no.8:160-162 160. 15:9) (West Siberian Plain--Diatoms) VEKSHINA, V.N. New genus and new species of diatoms from Cretaceous and Peleogene sediments in the West Siberian Plain. Trudy SNIGGI14S no.15:89-96 161. (MIRA 15-9) (West Siberian Plain-Diatoms) VEKSHINA, V.N. Zone with Ebria. antiqua Scbultz in the lower Oligocene of the West Siberian Lowland. Dokl.AN SSSR 136 no.5:1176-3279 F 161' (I&A 14:5) l.Sibirskly naucbno-insledovateltakiy institut geologii, geofiziki. i mineralinogo syrlyas Predstavleno akad. A.L.Yawhinym. (Siberias Western-Geology, Stratigraphic) VEKSHINA.Y.N. Coccolithophorids of the Marlyanovskaya series in the West Siberian Plain. Trudy SNIIGGIMS no.231lOl-103 162. (MRA 16:9) (West Siberian Plain-Coccolithophoridae, Fossil) VUSHM, V. N. , gemuts of the pqaeography of the Mesozoic and Paleogene in the Idest MbariAvu Ptain baud ion data from the analysis of diatoms and Coccolitho- phorida.e. '7-rudy SNIIGGIMS no,26:4,9-61 162, (MM 16:3) (Vest Siberian Plain-Paleogerfraphy) (VI PZMIXV, F. Ya. ; VEDMU, Ye. N. ; SMNKOTA, L. N. Interreaction of aamania and amixes with C)k -oxides and bydro- xyoxides of acetylenic and vinylacetylexic series. Gjmthesis of alkyl. -vinyl. -phenylpyrroles and pyrrale-carbisols [with aus- mary in Naglish. P-154J.Vast. Lea. us. 12 no.4:134-144 157. (Pyrroles) (Notbasol) (KM 10:4) LA A.. deriv tn. SS-61)'~ Kc~pmiz KI g M~,C,'Oif)C C- 0-00 0 0 00 :: :lip@-* 0-0 1 TO 0 0 4 4 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 @to 0 a 0 0 a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 1 1 W 10 11 11 .111 1. 114 fJD!;,N n -A A Is 17 a It 9 11 1; U 14 35 M V a " a .. .1 0 6 f9 13 f Y I A J Z AA ff CC PP I s 4 1 A 6.,- "! , ",": 1. . ,,"' 1 1, *6 ' At 00.1 rj. -.rt tit$ -v - 11.1 1. -00 00 Gawrate IW 011111thamis of rubber. S. A. Wittilitt"d. 1 -go o* s. Russ. 32 ,72f. Oct. 31. ljj:j:j. For WlYmefizing bivinyl or : odwr substaums giving subbitr-like prolucts catalyst% 00 m conwt of colloidal alkah or elk. earth tuct.0, obttined by cotntsct of the material with a sirrain of an inert gus pr_ liminarily mitt. witb the vaj%,, .4 thr jo.-tal 1w inl,,,- 00 duml. 00 00 =00 04 di- 0 0 i zoo 09 zoo 00 0 0 00 a 0 I voo IS 0 ;0 6 O ago Zoe 7: v0 0 00 00 JO L A alT.&I.LurGICAL LIIt*ATO( CLAISIPICATICK tt* 0 U60 _ ~_ 9 AA I S a ew 0 it .4 a it Ra it It It M WLJ It 1 9. [I ty 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 1 0000 0 00 0&000 of 00 0 0 of 0 0 0069000000 0 0 IS 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 I w it I) w it 14 1? 4 a it .1 It 14 b 1A V w 11 A., C Q ti a V# Jj_-Ji_ r 1 1-1- -"~ i I A J-L AA 44 (C M U,% k t A -a 1 t 0 : o - ----- 0 -040 -00 -00 a Obactill Ingots OCCOMir *ad berium. S, A, V, Wun. -00 %kil, A. A. IvAnov, NI. 0. Griperv 4,,4f %,. Vi. K,J,,~w a Uum'. D2.41-A. Fvb- 28. IMIC A hollow coplk-r itipq I!, 0: a clettrulytic-ally filated oil the Inside with a nictall having a .00 higher in. p. than Ila to avuid solution of Cu in Ila, and is Own 611M with ni'lited Ba, 1-00 90 .3 *0 ~74 00 00 0 0 00 it !1106 -00-S o 00 00 zoo .00 0 "woo Lee AjA.$LA 191ALLIRGICAl LittlAtbill CLAWFICATMOI I--** C.C - 50 0 Aw 00 Atr 10 ' , A s 0 06 a of 000000 04 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 , 466:64006006*000000990.: 1 l 0 0 *go 0 op evee 0 0 v 9 0 so 9099 as al 1 iege* O'D 4 as 0 iosee go go 1 FERMI- 14 1, 0 a it 11 gA to Mr, 00A Sea fee lly-ce4va pWo"t the nacrosiruowa a( -tin- go# R J. b-ch, Plys. (I. S. *00 -Thr photurlec. WtIsitivity "I 1 fly 111rans Id thin IjKlit wa. .11mli" *I'll the ~Ximrfuv 4 ind mls ~IIXAIUWIS VVVV 00 vallimle lurfacr, 19"W"ifig very od 0 thill 1m)tleft", r 1 j l " r n3 Va y ?11..Wtt that tir.t ." smwph,,us film 0 0 The lu"rLx1kMfJ AM 011he"it"S's trallillf"011 the Sh film can Account for the i"h4*1143 fed 1010 j,fi,t,,ijivjty of V)-Cs cathod". -t2wro;1% R. Gs OLT.11h, tjlq~rvalc OIC 4-rvltn Ili, 'go, bodes -) prol", ividual .0411116 " scilin% t'law VIA jib A&V woo a Ou Mac 1-0 --~O -00 -00 lo. -00 00 L - it Vra' 0 %mall ,= 0 -00 COO zoo 4:0 0 'roe 1 r. rio A 0 S L A WALLOWA& UTISAY1001 CXASIWKATICS u 0 14M.302 -6 116.0* wo 0 Is-I,7), -WOUT ii-I u x AT AS N v :9001600004*600600090000! of I Z: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000 00 4 600*0060900 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 v 11 U U rw h Is U 4 Is a a 0 a 0 4 I 00 A it 00 a I Th's , 0 S -00 o I I a A. VtkswuAil U cy S 2 4 KV-Trch. last.). J. USSAII A i .00 00 If is, &A-9(190) J. P beam fron a A MIt tr= a O 0# ago 06 V . t F. XV-4 0" Ims . into VOCUUM 12 COW. 1111def the fdkWiE[q di'd i . is .. .. FIT-11 th a Use l :100 00 con ons: s, eng p P p in the am 0( tooLs r x " im ith i di (2) The m 00 a . w m. e ts D Th i f goo ous e equat pipe is largw than Use length o the p0pir. 00 give the angular dimstnImum of smok. In a soW " &1t and tube at dis- ask 1 ti t lk l t6 k too 00 sir e 4 n o an a p to pirvemi a umsegAftommacpsmaimig. Rapd.clatamthedfift"tiond n IN i - the d. of Ag from a VA- 2 PtI : in high i I d O t . epos ~ke vster as compand wit h N che"da ci6trtbuticm hi an effusion tbmu a bole ht a Nk swec thin plate. 0 k9 0 too to 14348; Hit GMT dot &w"044 IIII&AI m WT sit j amssa If Is U is 1 111 T NA All I I I OW 0 a 9 A a 3 9-1, I I it a a ~ * 0 0 1 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 go 0 9 0 0 VEK,3111!!SFIY Serguy Arkad'yevich "A New Method for the Meta-1lographic Study of Alloys," 1944. This book sets -E forth the results of the author's atterTt to develop a e-wwthod for obtain- ing and studying metal alloys. In 1946 this work wan awarded the Stalin Prize. Bollshays. Sovetskaya Entsiklopediya, Vol. VII, 2nd ed., Moscow, 1949 107-57-1-2/60 AUTHOR: Academician A.I. Berg, Academician B.A. Vvedenskiy, Academician S.A. VQk- shinskiy, Academician V.A. Kotellnikov, Corresponding Member AS USSR _AL. Minta, O;FY~Kding Member AS USSR A.A. Pistollkors, Corresponding Member AS USSR V.I. Siforov TITLE: Search, Dare, Croate (Ishchite, derzayte, tvorite) PERIODICAL: Radio, 1957, Nr 1, p 1 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is an open letter, an appeal to radio amateurs to experiment boldly, to create now designs, to promote new ideas in application of radio and elec- tronics in industry, farming, transportation, and communication. The role of radio amateurism as a preparatory school for radio specialists in industry is noted. Achievementb of radio and electronics are considered as a basis of development of all sciences, production, and even planning. Radio amateurs are urged to search, to dare, and to create. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 -- VEKSH-111SKIY, SIA, , akademik Electronics revolutionize technology. Tekh.mol. 29 no.9:24 161. (IMI 14/ :10) (Eloctronles) L 3Y)2-66 T ( 1 /7!-17: ,ACCESSION NR: AP5017208 UR/0020/65/162/006/1281/1283: AUTHORS: Shelyubskly, V. Vekshlnuk y, TITIE: Investigation of the refraction of_,JIg~t,,b -alkaline y poly composition :silicate glassesiby the method of S ~iple[.' 0 var SOU,RCE: AN SSSR.'~v) Do k lady, v. 162.1 no. 6, 1965, 1281-1.283 TOPIC TAGS: refractive Index, optic glass, silicate glass, glass property ABSTRACT: 'To investigate the Influcnce of the poly-alkaline effect on the refractLon of light., the author,s titudied binary sections of 4-component systems R O-R. 1 O-CaO-SiO with constant content (19.1 2 2 22 molar per cent) of the two alkaline oxides, CaO (4-5 molar per cent) and SIO (76.11 molar per cent), and binary sections of the five-compon-~ I 2 ent system Li O-Na O-K O-CaO-SiO with the same constant content of 2 2 2 2 the sum of the three alkaline oxides, CaO, and SiO The method used;;-- 2' Card 1/2 L 3h62-hl-'~i ACCESSION NR: AP5017208 rto prepare the variable-composition samples is described. The refrac-1 4 i I tive index was measured accurate to + 5 x 10 with an Abbe type refractometer. The results for the constant- and variable-compositiori samples were compared with the refractive indices of the initial samples and of specially prepared constant-composition samples. The results show that the simultaneous presence of two or three alkaline substancer does not lead to any nonlinearity in the dependence of the 1 refractive index on the composition, so that it ban be concluded that there is no-- poiy-alkaline effect in-complex silicate glasses. This report was presented by S. A. Vakshinskiy. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. i ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: 30 !Nov64 ENCL: 00 NR REF SOV: 012 OTHER: 002 Card 2/2 b SUB COD:ri OP.. MT Ap7op3644 Sopc E C 'UR/ 16'('/l'i2/ool/oo69/oo(27 ACC NRs ODE: 0020, AUTHOR: Vekshteyn, G. Ye.; Zaslavskiy, G. 14. ORG: none TITLE: Contribution to the thaory of relaxation under the influence of an external randon, fJeld SOURCE: AN SSSR. Do&Lady, v. 172, no. 1, 1967, 69-72 TOPIC TAGS: relaxation process, monochromatic radiation, quantum generator, phase equilibrium, random process ABS77?ACT: The authors investigate the behavior of a tuo-level system under the in- fluence of a monochromatic wave with randomly varying phase in a case close to res- onance. The main purpose is to describe the relaxation process of the system in the case when the balance equations are not valid. The problem is solved in general form with few'limitations on the random law governing the phases of the field. The solution is based on using the equations for the components of the density matrix describing the behavior of the tvo-level system under the influence of the field and treating the phase as a series of 5-functions. The solutions go over in certain limiting cases to the already known solutions obtained by means of the balance equa- tions. The results can be readily generalized to other forms of the random phase variation. The authors tbank S. T. Belyayev and V. G. Zelevinskiy for useful criticism. This report was presented by Academician G. 1. Budker 10 March 1966. Cmd -1/2 1W : 53: 519.25 1 i , ACC NRs AP7003&4 Orig. art. has: 21 formulas. I SUB CODE: ;k Of 07 1 ,, :)/SM -DATE: 1OMarS6/ i -1 MG PXF: 004/ OTH REF: 002 I I Card - 212 KLIMNKO, A.P.; STEPANOV, A.V.; Using the pressure drop of natural gas. Trudy Inst.isp.gaza AN USSR 9:97-102 161. (MIRA 15:9) (Gas., Natural) (Steam turbines) ST;VP'Y:-V-')!:P,.YA, L.A,; M.A. -11, 1-ji+1 if ied tra-~ing of D[Yr by the Schpchter and EQ, lc! Vap. pit. 21, no. 6.17-20 N-D "65 (MIRA i9-i) 1. Laborator-iya po raorabolke metodov opredeleniya yadakhimikatov v pishchev-jkh produktakh Izav. - kand. khlw.. nauk L.A. -7tenpkov-*ys) Ukrainskogo nauelmo-Issledovatellskogo inst-Ituta Vll,an~ya, Kiyev. ACCESSION NR: AP4043646 S/0056/64/047/002/0678/060 AUTHOR: Vekshteyn, Ye. G. TITLE: Radiative corrections to the photoproduction of electron- positron pairs SOURCE: Zh. eksper. i teor. fiz., v. 47, no. 2, 1964, 678-688 TOPIC TAGS: pair production, radiation effect, Coulomb field, fine structure, photoproduction ABSTRACT: The S-matrix method is used to calculate radiative cor- rections to the effective cross section for photoproduction of an electron-positron pair in the Coulomb field of a nucleus. The rela- tive magnitude (compared with the Bethe-Heitler formula) of these corrections is proportional to the first power of the fino-structure constant. The radiative-correction components calculated correspond to the electron self-energy part, the vertex parts, the photon self- Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4043646 !.energy part, and the matrin element for other fourth-order processes. It is shown that in the ult rare I ativist ic rvUlon (j) '1-11> m, when the angle m/w between the photon momentum and the electron (positron) is small, the r~elative correction is proportional to (a)/m)2 if the pair Js symmetrically emitted relative to the photon momentum (m -- mass, w -- energy). The energy and angular widths of this region,of ano- malously large radiative corrections is investiqated. it in pointed ,out that inclusion of terms proportional to the square of the fine ~structure constant may give a fractional radiative correction which ican exceed at bigh energies the correction obtained here'. The accuracy of the results is compared with that of results obtained by others. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 47 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Odesslidy goaudarstvenny*y univereitet (Odessa State .University) SUBMITTEM 22Sep63 EtIC18.4 00 SUB CODE s NP PR REF SOV: 003 OTHER: 000 Carc; 2/2 Vv_y,~HTr-,Y'N, - Ye.G. , - -1. . j~, ,If e f s', ~ L~,5 , r0- -,-airE. Mdiation ,:,n3 t"; I gr 1 f, 4 . Zhur. ekinp. ~ f,.;z. 4" ncdiOF-6P~? A (MIRA '17,,".0) 1. Odesskly gcaud-,ratvannyy -wiiversifet. SKARIC, D.; SKARIC, V.; TURJAK-ZEBIC., V.; XE.KSIL, Z.. 2-Dhenyl-4,5,6,7-t-pt-I)vdroindazol-3-me-carboxylic acids. 1. Syntheeis and properties. Croat chem acta 34 no.2:75-83 162. 1. Institute 4Ruder Boskovic"P Zagreb, Croatia, Yugoslavia. AUTHORS: TITLE: Sokolov, L.D., Shirokov. Veksin, I.N., Baklushin, ~-;a--G-a-ntsev, Y.P. s/148/0'1/000/006/013/013 E193/E480 V.N., Grebenik, V.M., I.L., Lyulenkov, V.I., Experimental and analytical determination of forces in cold rolling i'-~~!IIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Chc-rm'-tys metallurgiya, 1961. No.6v np.191-193 'fEXT: In the course of an earlier iii-vestigation carried out by tDe present authors (Ref.l: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnvkh zavedeniy, ~-hernaya metallurgiya, 1959, 8). large discrepancies were found* '.)et,ween the laboratory re!-ults and tihe operational data on forces ,-,z.ting on the rolls during cold rolling. It was revealed, ";owever, in the course of further tests that in many cases the roll ,--h-tscks had become worn (in some plaer-s to a depth of 0.4 jimi) and it was postulated that this factor may havc- affer-te.1 the load cell '%dings, In an attempt to find ii wtly of olimin~%tjng this source error, both during the calibration of the load -~-Plls and later use, the effect of lead washere approximately 2 nim thick, 1.1aced under the dynamometers, was xnvestigated. Fig.1 shows the S/148/61/ooo/000-/013/013 6,cnerimental and analytical E193/E48o experimental conditions: a - an annalar washer supporting the load cell along its periphery; -Asolid washer under the ,f-ntral part of the load cell, no washer; 2 - a solid iva3her of the size equal to that of the load cell. On the right- hand side of Fig.1, the calibrating fcrce is plotted against the. load cell readings; most consistent results were obtained when a large solid washer was used (graph Z ). The latter method was employed in roll force measurements and the results compared with rl:~Il force values, calculated according to A.I.Tselikov and A,A.Korolev (Ref.2: Prokatnyye stany, Metallurgizdat, 1958). The :esults are tabulated. It will be seen that the difference zeached occasionally 30 or even 37%, the experimental values being always lower than the calculated figures, One possJble explanation of this effect is provided by the fact that the temperature of cold rolled metal increases. Although the strength ~.f the carbon steels and constructionalalloy steels increases on heating between 20 and 4000C, this increase takes place during cold rciling at certain rolling speeds only. According to M.I.Manjoine (Pef.5: Journal of the Iron and Steel, v.150, P-3, VI, 1947, 38o), C a vd~zj--& s/148/6i/ooo/oo6/013/013- Experimental, and analytical ... E193/E480 the llageing peak" is shifted towards higher temperatures when .steel is ri~lled at high rolling speeds, so that-under these condition. the strength of steel between 0 and 4000C decreases,' . with incr asing temperature. Consequently, if the temperatuee" attained y the metal during cold rolling at high speeds is 3000C, i ts resi tance to def ormation (particularly at heavy draf ts) decrease which e.cplains the discrepancy observed'. There are 2 figure : I table and 5 references: 4 Soviet and I non-Soviet.- S I The fe nce to an English language publication reads as follow re e M.I.1,1anToine, Journal of the Iron and Steel, v-150, P-3, YI, 1947t: 380. ASSOCIA ION: Sibirskiy metallurgicheskiy institut (Siberian Metallurgical Institute) SUBMITT D: I-larch 30, 1960 ~ Card-V'6 ALMIKOV, A.I.; BAKWSHIN, I.L.;-P" GRIBENIK, V. M. ; LYNYMOV, V. I.; SABANTSEV, V.P.; SMGIU, 8.A.; SCKOLOV, L.D.; SHIROKOV, V-M- Investigating the mechanism of the rotation process of ferroalloy furnace baths. Izv* vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. no.8:181-187 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Sibirkiy metallurgicheskiy institut. (Rotary hearth furnaces) (Lron alloys) TWIN, I. N. Cand Tech Sci -- "E~mamics -,)f tPe mechanism of locomotion of V-N fl~'Y'-V- -, the walking excavator of the UraIkN%h-WWIr- it Sverdlovsk, 1961 (Min of Higher and Secon~lary Specialized Education RSFSR. Ural Polytechnic Inst irli S. 11. Kirov). (KL, 4-61, 196) 16 3? -2W- BAKLUSHIN, I.L., inzh.; VMIN, I.N., inEh.; GRRUNIK, V.M., dote., krand. tekh. n.nauk; LTULZROV, V.I., inzh.; SABAWMW, V.P., lnzh.; SOKOIDY, L.D., prof., doktor telr-hn.nauk; SEUMEDY. 7.M., prof. Investigating the 740 cold rolling mill for. thin sheets. Izv. vyo.uchob.zav.; chern.met. 2 no.8:14P-148 Ag '59. 1 (MIRk 13:4) 1. Sibirskiy metallurgichoskiy institut. Rekomendovano kafedroy makhanicheakogo oborudavaniya metallurchiskikh zavodov Sibir- skogo netallurgicheakogo Instituta. (Rolling mills) HAKLUSHIN, I.L., Inzh.; VICKSIN, I.N., inzh.; GREBEHIK, V.M., dotsent, kand. takhn. nauk; MiSMWT, -V.I., inzh.; SABANTSM, V.1.; bOKOWV, L.D.0 prof., doktor tekhn. nauk; bHIRD.WV, Y.N., prof... Hydraulic calibration of 1500-ton power presses. Izv- v78- ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 2 no.4:113-121 Ap '59. kMIRA 12:8) 1,Sibirskiy metallurgipheakiy institut. Rekomendovano kafedroy mekhanicheskogo oborudovaniya metallurgichookikh zavodov :Sibirskogo metallurgichaskogo instituta. kilydraulic presses) kUalibration) SOV/ 137-58-10-20859 T ran slation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metal lurgiva, 1958, Nr 10, p 73 (USSR) AU TT Y) RS: Veksin, 1. N. , Grebenik, V. M., Sokolov, L. D., Shirokov, V - N. TITLE: An Investigation of the Bearing Capacity of a Nr 425 Cold- rolling Sheet Mill (Issledovaniye nesuslichey sposobnosti listo- vogo stana 425 kholodnoy prokatki) PERIODICAL: Izv. vyssh. uchebn. zavedeniy. Chernaya metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 1, pp 160-178 ABSTRACT: The methods and results of measurements of rolling forces, stresses in the housings, and torque moments of the electric motor in cold rolling on a 425 sheet mill. The major measurements were taken on 2 stands. The electrical charact- eristics were taken simultaneously at 3 stands and the coiler. Measurement of the forces of rolling steel-strip grades 2, 10 SP, 85, 65, E3A, 50, U7A, U10A, 08PS, and 08KP in the cold and hot conditions is made by hydraulic capsules with wire strain gages. The hydraulic capsules are placed only under the left screwdowns (S). Measurement of stresses in the housings is made by wire resistance strain gages at 9 points which are Card 1/2 shown by analysis to take the maximum stresses. In SOV/ 137-58- 10-Z0859 An Investigation (5f the Bearing Capacity (Cont.) investigating the electric drives, measurement was made of armature cur- rent, field current, and the voltage on the armature of the rolling'-mill motors, coilers, and screwdowns. The S stresses do not exceed 80 t, and the stresses in the housings do not exceed the permissible level. The mean stressing of rolling-mill motors in terms of current, morfient, and power is 30-501o. 1. Rolling mills-Perfor.Trp-nce 2. Rolling mills-Electrical properties M.Z. 3. Rolling milkls--Test irethods Card Z/Z V SOKOLOV, L.D., prof., daktor takhn.nauk; SHIRONDV, V.N., prof,; GMICNIX, VA., dote., kand.tekhn.nauk; BAXWSHIN, I.L., inzh.; V=33F. 1.N., inzh.; LITOW, Tu.H., inzh.; SABANTSLT. V.P., imih. Investigation of rolling mill stands. IZV*V*YB*UChOb.ZaV*; ChOrne not. no-8:135-140 Ag 158- (MIRA 11: 11) 1 1. SlMrskiy metallurgicheskiy institut. (Rolling mills) (Strains and stresses) BAKLUSHIN, I.L.; -VEKSIN,-.I.N.; LTULENKOV, V.I.; SABANTSEV, V.P.; SOBOLEV, A.P.; SOKOLOV, L.D.; SHIROKOV, V.N. Analyzing the reserve strength of the 1100 blooming mill stand in the Ku7netsk Metallurgical Combine. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 7 no.2:205-212 164. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Sibirskiy metallurgicheskiy institut. VEKSIN, I.N., inzh., kand.tekhn.nauk, dots.; GREBEITIK. V.M.0 doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; SOKOWV, L.D.; SHIROKOV, V.11., prof. Investigating the carr7ing capacit7 of 425 sheet mills for cold rolling. Izv. VVfj. ucheb. zav.; chern. metal no.1:160-178 Ja '58- (MIRA 11:5) l.Sibirskiy metallurgicheskiy institut. (Rolling mills) ,. IMSIII, I.N., inzh. Characteristics of the motion of the ESh UZTM excavator during hydraulic braking. Izv.vys.iieheb.zav.;maslitnortr. no. i2t140-149 163. (MTRA 17%9) 1. Mogilevskiy mashinostroitellnyy institut. SOKOWV.9 L.D.j SHIRGKOV., V.N.; GREBENIK) V.M.; ~MI _j.K.; BAMSHIN., I.L.; LYULENK%^,V., V.I.; SABABTSEV, V.P, Experimental and rated determination of forces in cold rolLing. Izv.vys.ucheb.zavo; chern.met. 1+ no.61191-193 161. (MM 14z6) 1. Sibirskiy metallurgicheskiy institut. (Rolling (Metalwork)) SOKOLOV, L.D.; SHIROKOV, V.N.; GREBENIK, V.M.;.XEKS'IN, I.N.; BAKLUSHIN, 1.L.; LYULENKOV, V.I.~ SABANTSEV, V.P.; KAZANTSEV, A.A. Investigating stresses in models of steel pouring ladles. 1zv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 4 no.10:147-156 '61. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Sibirskiy metallurgicheskiy institut. (Smelting furnaces--Equipment and supplies) (Thermal stresses--Models) ALEYNIKOV, A.I.; BAKLUSHIN, I.L.; VEKSIN,.I.N.; VOSKRESENSKIY, V.A.; GONCHAROV, O.M.; LYULENKOV, V.I.; SHIROKOV, V.N. Investigating the throw mechanism of a charging machine on ferroalloy furnaces. Izv. vjys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 6 no.6:204-208 163. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Sibirskiy metallurgicheskiy institut. (Metallurgical furnaces-Equipment and supplies) (l3P01jwj,q-2ajpo9jq3jOOjS pUe 3100;S) "A-ITzQTA=dn WOT VKX) 'OA-PZ J'q v4 g- @of) d 919 'Z~6T '*A3[SOX 031lujoqe 840319 080ausippla [junuum !7nge A 100149TIGIR 9 !Czoqmnu UT 310048 GATT ZOtAOSJ j017,epaj S"vaqoTutRa; I-X-J 'ARHOIN01 !.Toj~jqpaj I-Ir-T 'KIZXTIS !*A*X 'TAOMISTAM 'KOZ - 7- t .1. Ir 'OlnSJal '-*S;'A "FIVISITHOMI 'j)VV 'VAn,MVIND MI MMA 42 lu 40 it cu ;.DU- - 0- -Z-' - L CV, fwyl 1*99 ~15 P go= WIA of -~N,WWV tilt: 's 0, w of 00- % -V pu* ImloqIll 'r 311q.1. jan"n-as". so SIOW ma 00 00- 00 0111 to VV Mall 0 go it tf g 0 0 0 010,01 - 0 0 0 0 0 00 (-__jEU=,--".C,wj-na=bnyy sotrudnik At the walls of the Belyi Gorod. Sauk& i ahiznl 28 no.lt56-57 A 161, (MIRA 14:1) 1. Mazey istorii i rekonstruktaii Moskvy. (Nogreaw--Zxcavations (Archaeology))