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ALEKSANDROV, I.V.;ABRADUSHKIN, Yu.S. Derivatives of 3-aminophenols. Part, '43 N-acylaminotalumesulfonyl and N.,O-di (acylaminotoluenesulfony2) derivatives of m-aminophenol and its homologs. Zlmra ob. khim. 34 no.1183723-3730 W 264 (mlu 1931) lo Dauchno-issledovateltslciy institut organicheskikh polupro- duktov i krasiteley. T7 8jj-66 EUT(l)/T/EZD(b)-3, IJP(C) W GION XRt AP5017496 up/o368/65/002/006/0558/0561 1~ [1 771-534 AtrzHoR: Kh oev n~z-; laraul0shchikove Volkova S.- Parfenova, W. A. F'.; Iva-*, L So yompe r-; V.; i for scirAtlilic and t.,W&I purposes SOURCZ: Zhurnal prikl&dnay spektroakopit, Y. 2, no. 6, 1965, 55B-561 TOPIC TAGS: IR photographic emulsion, photographic processing ABSTRACT: The article summarizes the photographic properties of now infrhchro4tid films and platesoev I (Scientific Research In it Me- _;i1oped at Nin ture Phot increase Of infrachromatic %&to-! rials used for spectroscopy, astro-photograpby, and other scientific Purposes Ste and, Tables of the photographic characteristics of and plate$ are 11 d, spectral sensitivity curves are given for all the emulsions. The appropriate de- velopment techniques are also discuseed. The individual film are compared with those produced by Eastman Kodak. It is recommendtd in the conclusion that the available assortmept of infracbrowtic essiletions (12. types in the SM) be reduced 11since Eastain k. on away four types which som to meet all the requiresnatoo JLOrls. wt. hast figures and toblee. A C,.,d %/g L 3837-66 1-- A=WION Ut MD17496 ASSOCIATIM , 00 on oml am= - WNC 000 olm 1 .000 ALTISA--~DROV, I.V., CAnd Pliz,,s-l-lith Sci--(diss) of tilo theory of Ilucl(1--r USSII), 150 cop* r-s. `i'ujinr-r,-,,hy -t (Ilif-A of Chemical Physic-, Ac:~:d Sci mid of book (11 titl-7s) AUTHOR: Aleksandrov, I. V. 20-118-4-14/61 TITLE: The Relaxation ProceRses in a System of Interacting Spins (Protsessy relaksataii V sisteme vzaimodeystvuyushchikh spinov) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol. 118, Nr 4, pp. 675-678 (IISSR) ABSTRACT: At first, reference is made to previous papers dealing with the same subject. The author here investigates the processes of thermal relaxation of systems with several equivalent spins 1/2 within an external magnetic field 109 with respect to the mechanism of "internal" relaxation (which is caused by the interaction of the nuclear spins of a molecule). Let this field be directed along the z-axis. The dipole-dipole interaction of the nuclear magnetic moments, which effects the connection between the spin system and the thermal motion of the molecules, is relatively weak, compared with the interaction of the spin system with the dxternal field. Therefore, these dipole-clipole inter- Card 1/4 actions can be considered as perturbations and it is 2o-118-4-14/4 The Relaxation Processes in a System of Interacting Spins possible to put down kinetic equationo for a number of systems Ni being in the state i~11 Thi:3 system is then specialized for the case, where a limitation to terms of the order Z is possible. On certain conditions the solution of this system for the case of two spins agrees with the result obtained by Solomon (reference 4). The set-up of the problem for three spins is illustrated by a diagram and the corresponding wave function as well as the transition probabilities are put down. In general$ the process of relaxation of each component of the magnetic moment is described by two exponents. A simple exponential law is also obtained for a system of four spins. The transition probabilities determined here for a system of three spins are put down. The processes of relaxation of the longitudinal and of the transverse component of the magnetic moment proceed in the same way. The results obtained here must be taken into consideration in experiments dealing with the relaxation of the nuclear spins of molecules, which contain the Uroups CH H 0+ Card 3/4 etc. if the "internal" relaxation plays a 3$ 3 AUTHOR: TITLE: Aleksandrov, I. V. 2o-119-4-12/6o The Calculation of the Constant of Nuclear-Magnetic Shielding (Vychisleniye konstanty yadernogo magnitnogo ekranirovaniya) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol, 119, Nr 4, pp;~ 671 - 674 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The process suggested in the present paper for the calculation of the constant of magnetic shielding d is based upon the method of molecular orbits. The author here studies a molecule in a homogeneous exterior magnetic field H, a is here assumed to denote the magnetic moment of the nucleus, for which shielding is calculated. The Hamiltonian applying to this case (with immobile nuclei) is written down. Such terms of the Ha- miltonian as contain vector potentials and their squares are considered to be perturbations. The eigenfunctions ~n of the not perturbed Hamiltonian depend on H. The ~n are here deve- loped in series according to powers of H: q q) +n ;> H Card 1/3 q.0 The Calculation of the Constant of Nuclear-Magnetic 2o-119-4-12/6o Shielding methods of calculation by the wavefunction of the molecule in the case of a lacking exterior field. En conclusion the author thanks Professor N. D. Sokolov for his kindness in frequently discussing this work. There are 5 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicheskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Chemical Physics AS USSR) PRESENTED: December 7, 19579 by V. N. Kondratlyev, Member, Academy of Sciences, USSR SUBMITTED: November 29, 1957 Card 313 24(7) AUTHOR: Aleksan T- V. SOV/2o.-121-5-15/50 drov TITLE: The Calculation of the Constant of Nuclear Magnetic Shielding for Some Molecules (Raschet postoyannogo yadernogo magnitnogo ekranirovaniya dlya nel:otorykh rolekul) PERIODICAL: Doiclady Akadenii natik SSSR, Vol 121, Ur 5, pp 823 - 826 (USSR)-jjjj ABSTRACT: In a previous paper a method was sug,-,ested for the constant nuclear magnetic shieldin- cl. Thi:3 method is based on the method of the molecular or'oits. The application of this method to complicated molecules is, however, connected with the usual matMmatical difficulties of quantum chemistry. In the present paper a modification of the above mentioned previous paper (Ref 1) is suggested which practicall,' r allows an estimation of the constant a of nuclear magnetic shielding. If there is no magnetic field, the wave function of the 'o =T~j where Card 1/4 molecule may be represented as a product'IFO 0 j The Calculation of the Constant of Nuclear Magnetic SOV/2o-121-5-15/50 Shielding for Some Molecules any molecular orbit ~j may be represented as a linear 0 combination of the atomic orbits: ~o =;~ Cjaq ~aq . This index a denotes the number of the atom and the index q - the number of the atomic orbit. An expression is then given for the atomic functions in the presence of a magnetic field V with tile vector potential --4-'.V2. The functionvj~.~j in the presence of the Hr C magnetic field H is then investigated. By neans of this function, an expression for a may be derived by the usual variation method. The author assumes that the wave function of the molecule in the presence of a magnetic field consists of molecular orbits of 'the -type i _-5 ci or that it is a function of the valence aq aq T aq bonds. For the determination of a,the -first 2 terms of Card 2/4 the expansion of the wave function into a series with The Calculation of the Constant of Ruclear Magnetic SOV/2o-121-5-15/50 Shielding for Some Molecules respoct to the powers of H have to be knowr,. The calculations are discussed and the fiual expression for a is given explicitly. The function 0 0 -To- Ta-(l)yb which describes 2 non-interacting atoms gives a result which is sufficiently similar to the experimental value: ap = -0,67.10**' 5. The diamagnetic term calculated by means of this function is equal to ad = 2,8.1o-5 which nearly agrees with the values found by other methods. This is an indirect confirmation of the hypothesis of the local Larmor precession of the electrons. The authors calculated also the shielding constant for a proton in the C-H bonds for various types of "hybridization" of the atomic orbits of the carbon atom. The various types of hybridization cannot explain the viriations of the Card 3/4 chemical properties in the series CH 49 C2B.V C2H2- The The Calculation of the Constant of Nuclear Magnetic SOV/2o-121-5-15/50 .Shielding for Some Molecules author thanks Professor N.D.Sokolov for a discussion of this paper."There are 4 references, 1 of which is Soviet. PRESENTED: April 10, 19589 by V.N.Kondratlyev, Acadevician SUBMITTED: April 2, 1958 Card 4/4 9 (0), 21(0) AUTHORS: Aleksandrov, I. V., Korst, N. N. SOV/30-59-10-42/51 I-------------- TITLE; Research in the Field of Paramagne tic Resonance PERIODICAL: Vestnik Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Nr 10, pp 106-107 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The Kazan' Branchof the Akademiya nauk SSSR (Academy of Sciences, USSR) and the Kazan' University held a regular All-Union Conference on paramagnetic resonance from June 1 to 5, 1959- Paramagnetic electron resonance and paramag:,.ietic nuclear' resonance are applied to many fields of science and engineering besides physics. Ye. K. Zavoyskiy opened the Conference.- The following reports were delivered: On the structural investigation of organic and inorganic substances by the former method, reports were delivered by groups of physicists from Moscow, Kaza-ril and Tbilisi (A. M. Prokhorov, S. A. AlItshuler, T. I. Sanadze and B. G. Berlava). Reports on theoretical work done in this field were given by N. N. Tikhomirova and V. V. Voyevodskiy. V. M. Chibrikin, S. P. Solodovnikov and S. 1. Vetchinkin dealt with the application of this method to chemistry. Papers by L. A. Blyumenfelld and A. E. Kolmanson showed that this method Card 1/2 may also be applied to biology. Several reports were delivered Research in the Field of Paramagnetic Resonance SOV/30-59-10-42/51 by F. I. Skripov, N. M. Iyevskaya, Yu. S. Konetantinov, L. L. Dekabrun, Yu. Ya. Shamonin concerning_the measuring technique in paramagnetic nuclear resonance. A. A. Kokin and G. V. Skrotskiy dealt with the theory of this method. A lively discussion followed the report by N. D. Sokolov concerning the influence of proton exchange on the width of' the nuclear resonance line. 1. V. Aleksandrov delivered a report concerning the computation of values of chemical displacement. Yu. S. Konstantinov, P. M. Borodin and F. I. Skripov reported on nuclear magnetic fluorospectroscopy. The application of paramagnetic nuclear resonance to chemistry was dealt with by R. A. Dautov and M. V. Vollkenshteyn. V. n. Korepanov reported on the investigation of relaxation pa '~as,15rmeans of the spin .-_Z echo. F. I. Skripov reported on the quadrupole nuclear resonance. In addition to scientific institutions from Moscow, Leningrad, Kazan', the Conference vias also attended by--;~'Woae from Perm' , Krasnoyarsk, Sverdlovsk, Tbilisi and other towns. The Conference decided to adopt a number of measures to allow the series production of devices required for operating in the field of paramagnetic resonance as soon as possible. Textbooks on problems Card 2/2 of paramagnetic resonance are also to be published. tl-,*~ 5W AUTHORS: Aleksandrov, I. V., Sokolov, N. D. SOV/20-124-1-32/69 tITLEs ne Hydrogen Bond and Proton Magnetic Resonance (Vadorodnaya svyaz' i protonnyy magnitnyy rezonans) PERIODICALi Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959. Vol 124, Nr 1, PP 115-118 (USSR) ABSTRACTt The dependence of the shielding of a proton upon the degree of the polarity of the A-H-bond can be estimated according to ~ method suggested by I. V. Aleksandrov (Refs 10, 11). If, as ~ wave function, the molecular path composed of the le-function of the H-atom as well as of the 2s- and 2p-Slater functions of the 0-atom is selected in the form 0 0 0 - NET,. + A (a ~ 2s + b f 2A , the parameter characterizes the degree of polarity of the bond 0 -~ H. The value of Xis near 1 and the constant Cl'of magnetic shielding can be determined as a function of/-t. At the distance R m 11 between the nuclei it holds with sufficient accuracy that A6~ = -1-5. 10- 56;t. If I increases by AA- 0- 3 under the Card 1/3 6. influence of the H-bond, it holds that A d1-'4-5- 10 The The Hydrogen Bond and Proton Magnetic Resonance SOV120-124-1-32169 influence exercised by expansion of the O-H-bond can be estimated by means of the same formulas as the influence exercised by polarity. For small variations of R in tha case of I it holds that Atl~_ k. 10-545 R. At A R - 0- 05 1 one 2 6 finds Ad - -0-5. 10- . The influence of the donor-acceptor bond 2 H......... 0 can be approximately taken into account if the molecular orbit of this bond is represented in the form N' (T2p + /3 T 1 s If the inter-atomic distance H.....0 is 7 A, the contribution of this bond made towards magnetic shielding of the proton amounts to A d - (-o.o8 + /3 + 3.6 A2). C)-5, and withAzO.2 there follom 3 6 Ad 3 2-5- 10- . If an electric field is applied dvaries by A6', (5a3/MG2) E2, where a denotes the Bohr radius. The 4 . 0 0 influence exercise& by the second not filled electron pair (the cloud of which has an axis which is vertical to the line H....0) Card 2/3 of the O-atom is taken into account by the formula The Hydrogen Bond and Proton Magnetic Resonance SOV/20-124-1-32/69 A6 ' x Xz:~ where X denotes the zz-component of 5 -R3 T' z the diamag tic susceptibility In the case of R = 1-7 A, 6 6 M- is in the interval of from + 0.2. 10- to -0.2. 10- 5 The data concerning the magnetic shielding of the proton in the H-bond confirm, firstly, the hypothesis that the polarity of the A-H-bond increases considerably by the formation of an H-bridge and, secondly, they agree with the hypothesis of the formation of the donor-acceptor-bond AH .... B. There are .11 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONs Institut khimicheskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR ( Institute for Chemical Physics of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) PRESENTEDt July 28, 1958, by V. N. Kondratlyev, Academician SUBMITTED: July 23, 1958 Card 3/3 S/058/61/000/011/005/025 A058/Aloi AUTHORS- Aleksandrov. I.V...Korst, N.N., Sokolov, N.D. TITLE- Proton exchange effect on nuclear magnetic resonance line width In crystals PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Fizika, no. 11, 1961, 126, abstract 11V221 (V sb. "Paramagnitn. rezonans", Kazan', Kazansk. un-t, 1960, 186 - 188) TEXT- The authors calculate the second moment of the nuclear magnetic re- sonance line in ice crystals. They show that incident to proton tunneling along the hydrogen bonds the second moment decreases by,-.,20% (on condition that the tunneling frequency is appreciably greater than the nuclear magnetic resonance line width). I. Aleksandrov [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 Electric field effect ... 31754 S/058/6 ipoo/o 1 1/'oo4/025 A058/AIOI Numerical calculations for the H2 molecule lead to the expression &-;- 4.10126 (in CGSE units). [Abstracter'5 note: Complete tran5lation] I, Aleksandr-:~v VK Card 212 9201/3691 AUTHORSt Alelcoandrov, I.V,, Korst, VA. and Solcolov, N.D. TIT 12 The Effect of the Mobility of Protons on the Width of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Lines -in Crystals PHRIODICALz Optiia I spektrosicopiya, 1960, Vol 8, Nr 4, pp 575-577 ('USSR) ABSTRACTs The mobility of hydrogen atoms (protons) in condensed phaseg may be due to Internal rotation or translational transitions from one equilibrium position to another. Nuclear magnetic resonance of protons is one of the most effective methods of Investigation of their mobility. The present notedescrib" how the second moment of the nuclear magnetic resonance signal of protons in ice can be us ad to f ind the mechaniam of proton transitions. The paper Is entirely theoretical. Thera are 6 references, 5 of which are Inglish and 1 from Acta Crystallographic&. SUEMITTED: October 10, 1959 Ca rd 1/1 S/051/60/008/04/028/032 S/051/60/009/005/017/019 B201/E191 AUTHOR,o, Aleksandrov, IN. MEMEM. TITLE: On the Theory of the Hyperfine Structure of Electron Spin-~Resonance Spectra PERIODICAL: Optika i spektroskoplya, 19609 Vol-.9~ No,,5, pp 679-680 TEXT: The author described earlier a method of calculating the spectrum of nuclear magnetic resonance!qwhen motion of the pair of nuclei responsible for resonance is described by an effective potential In the form of a well with two minima (Ref. 1). It was assumed that the barrier height and the splitting of' energy levels In the well were quite arbitrary. In the present note this method I .s extended to determination of the hyperfine structure of electron spin resonance spectra when the ground state of an unpaired electron is near,-degenerate because of symmetry conditions (for example in Ion radicals consisting of two benzene rings joined by several CH2 groups). The paper is entirely theoretical. There are 2 references: 1 Soviet and 1 English. SUBMITTED: July 6, 1960 Card 1/1 S/074./60/029/009/004/005/XX B013/BO55 AUTHOR: Aleksandrov, I. V. TITLE: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and the Structure of Matter PERIODICAL: Uspekhi khimii, 196o, Vol. 29, No. 9~ PP. 1138 - 1148 TEXT: In the present publication, the author deals with nuclear magnetic resonance and the structure of matter. The present study was undertaken with a view to obtaining a clear picture of the physical fundamentals of the method of nuclear magnetic resonance and to give an idea of its application for investigating the structure of matter. The mechanism of nuclear magnetic resonance is illustrated by a scheme (Fig. 1). Some of the main fields of application of the nmr-method are listed, i.e., determination of the gyromagnetic ratio y of the nucleus and the measure- ment of the chemical shift. The investigation of chemical shift, similarly to spectroscopic analysis, can be used for detecting molecules and atomic groups in a sample and determining their concentrations, the nmr method can also be applied for investigating the structure of isomers. Apart from Card 1/4 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and the S/074/60/029/009/004/005/XX Structure of Matter B013/BO55 chemical shift, there may also occur a line splitting in nmr spectra, which is caused by the interaction of the magnetic moments of differently composed nuclei in a molecule. Spectra showing such line splitting and an extensive bibliography on qu6stions concerning nuclear magnetic resonance are given in Refs. 10-12. The chemical exchange of protons is described in Ref. 13. Soon after its development, the nmr method was applied for the investigation of polymers (Refs, 14-18). Owing to the high viscosity of polymer melts, nmr spectra and chemical shift can only be studied in solutions (Refs. 19,20). A new method of double nuclear magnetic resonance was developed recently. This method was applied for the investigation of samples which were not diamagnetic. The principle of the double nuclear magnetic resonance method is to apply an alternating magnetic field to the sample while examining the electron resonance line. The frequency of this alternating magnetic field corresponds to the Larmor frequency. Interaction of the magnetic moments of nuclei and electrons leads to a modification of the electron resonance signal, which can be determined experimentally. By varying the frequency of the alternating magnetic field, in the proximity of the Larmor frequency ranged Card 2/4 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and them 5/074/60/C'29/009/04/005/YX Structure.of Matter B013/k55 the nuclbar resonance frequenoies'can be determined from the paramagnetic electron resonance spectra. Since'the above-mentioned effect is caused by the interaction of the magnetic rAoments of nuicei and electrons, conclusions concerning the mode'oflelect-ron motion in the sample can be drawn. Such investigations permit 'an exact determination of the electron density in paramagnetic crystals. There are 3 figures and 21 references: 2 Soviet, 12 US, 2 British, 2 Dutth,' 1 German, and 1 Japanese. ASSOCIATI09: Institut*khimiclie.skoy fiziki A_N SSSR,(Institute of Chemical sics AS US~A) Card 3/4 S/074/60/029/009/004/005/XX B013/BO55 t,lLegend 'to Fig. 1: Magnet~c fields in a rotating coordinate ~system.,The system xyz is 1-nmobile; the ang! of rotation of the system xyz about the z-z' axis iscit.ijis the rotation frequency of the A 'coordinate system which cor::-esponds to the rotation,frequency of the vector of the field strength 11 HE' is the.effec~ive -Field in 'he V Y, rotating coordinate system at H 0. In the presence of the field H1, the vector of the magnetic moment precesses in the rotating system round the vector ~E rhich lies in the xz plane. Its angular'frequency is given by yHt. Card 4/4 47 ~ 113 0 831-29 S10201601133100510061019 B019/13054 AUTHOR: Aleksandrov, I. V. 4.c~. /f TITLEs Effect of Tunnelings on the Shape of the Signal of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Crystals PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 196o, vol. 133, No- 5s pp. 1057 - 1059 TEXTs In the introduction, the author discusses the results of investi- gation in non-Soviet papers (Refs. 1-6) on the shape of nuclear magnetic resonance. In the investigation carried out here, the author restricts himself to magnetically weak substances, i.e., he assumes that the inter- action of nuclear pairs with the remaining paramagnetic particles may be neglected, and that the time T 1 of the spin-lattice relaxation is sufficiently long. The diagram of Fig. 1 shows that the nuclei 1 and 2 move along a circular orbit in a plane whose perpendicular forms an angle a with the constant magnetic field H 0. The Hamiltonian (1) z = 9m - tr R 0(S zi +Sz2 W is written down for this system. In this Card 1/4 83129 Effect of Tunnelings on the Shape of the S/020/60/133/005/006/019 Signal of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in B019/BO54 Crystals Hamiltonian, T - describes the collective motion of the two nuclei, the second term represents the interaction of the magnet 'ic moment a of the nuclei with the field H 0 , where r is the gyromagnetic ratio. W is the secular part of the dipole-dipole interaction of the two nuclei. Further, the author studies the effect of the tunneling of the nuclei from state I into state II on the spectrum of nuclear magnetic resonE.nce. More ver, he assumes that the spectrum of'X consists of two adjacent. levels E and E0 m 29 0 0 where T' = E1 - E2. In studying the secular equation of (1), the author restricts himself to a spin 1/2, and assumes that the magnetic dipole- dipole interaction of the two nuclei is much weaker than the interaction of their magnetic moments with the constant magnetic field. Under these assumptions, the secular equation of the 8th order breaks into four secular equations of the 2nd order, from which the eigenvalues of the energy E n and the eigenfunctions Tn of the system can be easily deter- mined. The equation (3) V c(n)X + C(n holds for the n= 1 2 )Zd~k n Card 2/4 83125) Effect of Tunnelings on the Shape of the S/020/6()/133/005/006/019 Signal of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in B019/BO5-4 Crystals eigenfunctions. Here, C(n) , C(n) are coefficients which can be determined 1 2 from the secular equation, ~k are the basic spin functions, and k, and ~2 the wave functions corresponding to the two above-mentioned levels. In the calculation of the matrix elements of the secular ecuation it is shown that the spectrum of the nuclear magnetic resonances, under the above conditions, consists of eight lines whose frequenoies may be calculated according to formula (7). Further, the author obtains from (7) a formula for the relative intensities of the lines. The formulas obtained here do not show the temperature dependence of the spectrum; the latter must be determined from the temperature dependence of the para- meters. The author thanks Professor N. D~ Sokolov and Ye. Ye. Nikitin for discussion of the results. There are 1 fivure and 6 non-Soviet referencest 4 US, 1 Japanese, and 1 British. ASSOCIATIONt Institut khimicheskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Chemical Physics of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) Card 3/4 83129 Effect of Tunnelings on the Shape of the S/020/60/133/005/006/019 Signal of Nuclear Magnetic Re8onance in B019/BO54 Qrystals PRESENTED: April 9, 1960, by V. N. Kondratlyev, Academician SUBMITTED: April 5, 1960 Card 4/4 I.V.; ZHIDOMIROV) G.M. 7heory of spin-lattice re3AftUbii-JA-riK'69V'Ijk hulds. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 40 no.6.1720-1724 -To 161- (MIRA 34:8). 1. Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR. (Nuclear magnetic rdsonance and relaxation) (Radicals (Chemistu)) S/2065461~61/04 1/001/068/102 1__-_] BI 02/B214 4000 AUTHORS: Aleksandrov, I. V., Zhidomirov, G. M. TIME: Calculation of spin-lattice relaxation time for radicals in molecular crystals PERIODIC;tL: Zhurnal eksperimental"noy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v.. 410~ -no. 1(7), 1961, 127-137 ~3 TEXT: It is shown in thid paper, that the ariisotropy of the g faictot (or the anisotropy of tho,.hyp&rfine structure) inothe radicals of"molecular crystals may lead to a spin-iattice relaxation time of the order of -3 10 .see.. The authors considered the spin-lattice relaxation of a radical in a magnetically dilute molecular crystal, and based their study on a spin Hamiltonian of the form Pg B H + A S I , where g '.and A ay a Y, UY a Y UY 0(y are the tensors of*spin-orbit and hyperfine interactions (A summation is to be made over the Greek indices). H is the component of the external a magnetic field in the direction G; S and I are the-pxojections.of the OL a Card 1/7 ....... .. Calculation of spin-lattice 26413 S/056/61/C,41/001/008/021 B102/B214 spin operators of the electron and the nucleus on the-a axis (the electron spin is assumed to interact with the spin of only one nucleus'); and P is -the Bohr magneton. Spin - orbit and hyperfine interactions are assumed to be axially symmetric, i.e., the tensors g and A are diagonal in a a~. a Y certain coordinate system')EII,y",z", rigidly a:ttAched to the radical. OThe orientations:1 waves in the molecular crystal are assurted to be one-- 45 dimensional.(cf. A.I. Ansellm, N.N. Porfirlyeva. ZhETF9 jl, 438,-1949)o i.e. it is assumed that in,the equilibrium position of' the principal axis z" the tensors g and A coincide with the direction of propagation :Z..of the vibrational wave. The deviations from the equilibriu.m position It aie assumed to be.small. The angle between H and.1 i; denoted by If ub i lies in the pl4ne of 'K, and H (the zly' plane in Fig. 1), one obtains for. the spin Hamil-tonian X = PHg,, ((p) S. + A (T) S.1, + PH9,, (q),)0 S, + A. + A., (T%) S.I.. (3) Ll g,,((p)=g sin2(p+g izosly All 6) A.L sin' 4p + A g"((P. -Ag&cos2y+~Isln~:), A.(q),%) AA[--%s1n2(p+%!cos2ipj,(~) (q), AA Ix cos 2(p + y! sin 2(p), Ag 91 -9.L. AA -A 1"A Card 2/7 26413 S~056/61/041/001/008/021 C B 02/B214 alculation of spin-lattice 0 if the dirbction of polarization of the wave is rotated by 90 lies in the zlxl plane- Fig. 2), one has �Hg,, ((p) S, + A.. ((p) S.I. + PH9,, S. + PH9,, S, + A. S.I. + + A rySv1$, + iis Sgis + Agg SmIx + Ali,, Sj, Is, + Ams Sif Iss g,,, Ag% cos ip, A.- n' T, g Ag)~ sin 2y, &A)~ sl Axy ~ Alix AA y sin q), A,. -L AAX! Aln2y, (6) 2 A,, A-Ae,. A,, - &A% cos 9. In both forms, the terms which are not important for the investigations. have been neglected. For-calculation of the probability of a re1axation transition between any two levels of the spin syptem, the spin Hamiltonian in the form 2 PHg(q)S + AMS I + 'kRi(q) + R (T) (7) z z 2 2. can be used for eit.her case. Here Rl(q)'and R are linear combinations 2 of the spin operators With non-vanishing matrix elements for the transi- tion'donsidered. If the term linear in ~.(transition with absorptioh of one orientational phonon) is considered, one obtains for the probability ,,,--,,Card 3/7 Calculation of spin-lattice ... 26413 S/056/6~/041/001/00.8/02.1 B102/B214 of one relaxation transition per unit time W12 (I I R. II, < 1(0)1.) P9 ((OL) where (1 IR I ?) is the matri- element between 'the spi!n states Iand 2, 1/2 h '(W) _.'(n~1/2JW) is the matrix element betvieen the nth'and: (n+l)t n,n+l states of the.rotational oscillator'(whose moment of inertia ie'J),. g(w)dw is the number of the operational normal vibrations in the frequency averaging over the quqntum interval Q to W+dw; the sypbol denotes the number n, ~fi is the distance between the mt-Unetio levels.1 and 2. In the, linear model W. 1 + q. odsil. )2 is the frequency of rotational. (12 ~! I oscillations of an individual molecule, when all.the remaining*molecules are. in the equ.ilibrium posit.ion,, OL'q 6 n. One has 2w (;t9Q')-1 S I T 41 g ((0) 82 (10) 0 nPH < 123 Y Iq I H nPH CO >YT+ _Jq I.' Card 4/7 26413 -s/o56/61/041/001/008/021 - Calculation of spin-lattice,... B102/B214 S if one considers the effect of the last term in (7) (relaxation transiti n in which two phonons take part), one obtains analogquoly aftei averaging over n: wIt (2/n) (1( 1 JR, 12) 1 1qJQ' )' x nMOX-L 0 Q2) to L X F (,)[(1 -1 (1 - ' ( ( 1+0 ) -I do, qS nmin F exp (A (w + wL)/kT)/I(exp (hw/U) 1) (exp(A (w+wL)/kT)- 1)). A lower bound of (12) is 2 (1(tIR.12) exp (hQma,,/k7 In2 Pmax in (I - exp (W ,xlkT))'. (13)' 2 In the most interesting case /kT 1Z 1, one has I I U 2 (q) qQ2, J OA 0.4) 27 q' 0/ 1_+_j_q_j - )T= ~jq (q) Card.5/7 2641.3 S/056/61/041/001/008/021 Calculation of spin-latticco... B102/B214' Finallyi an estimhte is given for a specific case (tranoltion 12, 1/2 -+ - 1/2, - 1/2). It is found that 1/7-1 . W12":z~ 5'10*IT2/V.Ij where-. 40 2, 0 - 1 039;o v - 1~ 2/_2 n -If J 100-10- g-cm T - 200 K, one has 1/Tj = W1,L2. The result that T can be essentially smaller than the value 1 sec:ex~ected according to Ref. 3, a rees %,ith the result obtained in the laboratory of. V. V. Voyevodskiy at the Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR (Institute of Chemical Physics, As UjSR). The authors thank Professor A.S. Kompaneyets and professor N.. D. Sokolov for discussions. There are 2 figures'an& 7 refoj~bnces: 4 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bloc. Thb three references to English7language publications read as follows: Ref..1: 'H. M. MqCongel. J.Chem.Phys. 25, 709, 1956; Ref. 3:,D.I.E. Ingram. Tree Radicals as studied by Electron.Spin Resonance, London, 1958; Ref- 5. I.H. van Vleck.' Phys-lev. 57, 426, 1.940. ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicheskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Chepjqal Phy'sics 6f the Academy,of Sciencea.USSR) SUBMITTED: December 19,-1960 Card 6/7 ALEKSANDROV, I.V.; VEETCHINKIN, S.I.; KARYAGIN, S.V. - ----------- Theory of superfine splitting anisotropy in electron para- magnetic resonance spectra of free radicals. Dokl. AN SSSR 143 no.4:890-893 Ap 162. (KRA 150) 1. Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom V.N.Kondratlyevym. (Radicals (Chemistry)--S,.Dectra) '57 Ll 0 h535h S/181/63/005/002/043/051 B102/B186 AUTHORSt Kazanakiy, V. B., Pariyskiy, G. B., 41-qj~aandrov, I. V., and Zhidomirov. G. M. TITLE: Investigation of the interaction of free radicals with the surface of a solid (silica gel) by the ep,z spectra PERIODICALs Fizika tverdogo tela, V. 5, no. 2, 1963, 649 - 659 TEXT: The authors give a detailed analysis of the e.p.r. spectraof atomic' hydrogen, methyl, ethyl and polymer radicals adsorbed on several types of silica gels (specific surfaces 290, 300, and 700 M 2/g). The studies were made in order to obtain information on the nature and the geometry of binding and the motions in thes1sorbed state. The e.p.r. spectra were taken at A - 3.2 cm and a hf-modulation frequency of I Me. The epa spec- trum of adsorbed hydrogen is characterized by a hyperfLne splitting constmi of A - 1411�0-1 Me (for free hydrogen it is Ao - 1420.i10 Me and a great asymmetry of the components. On the basis of the presont authors' earli or results (Kinetika i kataliz I, no. 4, 539, 1960) the hyperfine splitting Card 1/3 Investigation of the ... s/1 al /63/005/002/043/051 B102/B186 constants A,. and A,, for L E' and H'11E) are calculateds A =A&B=A A - 41 (0) A =A1,,=A-i-47 30 0 (41)) A 15.5k2) Au (I - 15.5M); 3 3 (40 a2E/e. The anisotropy of hyperfine splitting is obtained as 47 AoV. An - A,. yo .160 W1 z1JE and perpendicular to the sugface. The i,anisotropy of the g-factor, 6g - g1l - g, , is very weak (,, 10- ) and not to be observed in experiment. The polarization energy cit the hydrogen- atom in the E field was obtained as r-1 kcal/mole. The c~px. spectrum of deuterium atoms adsorbed on SiO is consiaerably narrower and is.symmetri-, 2 cal, with smaller amplitudes of the side components. The e.p.,r*, spectrum of the methyl radicals was measured at -1960CI it consists of tour hyper~--.' fine structural lines with a distance of 23-1+0.1 oe and with an amplitude ratio of I : 8.5 : 13 j 2.1r. instead of 1 t 37: 3 : 1. This can be ex- Card 2/3 8/181/615/005/002/043/05-11 Investigation of the ... B102/B186 plained by the loss of rotational degrees of freedom Of CH3 on adsorption. The e.p.r.-spectrum of the ethyl radical consists of 12 lines and can be considered as quadrupl6t arising on hyperfine interaction of the unpaired electron with the protons of the CH, group# each quadruplet line being split into a triplet due to interaction with the CH protons. The e.p.r. i 2 spectrum of the polymer radical consists of six broad poorly resolved oom-, ponents ( -25 oe distance). The results show that the e.p.r. speotra of ad* sorbed radicals differ considerably from those of free radicals or of radi-I cals stabil--zed in solid polycrystalline matrices. The ourface effect be-..,. comes apparent in a reduction of the hyperfine splitting'constant (for hydiv.- gen in a deformation of its electron shell).and in a charige of the character of motion due to losses of degrees of freedom or of equilibrium positions of the radicals in the matrices. There are 9 figures and. 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR, Modkva (Institute,-of Chemical Physics AS USSR, Moscow) SUDMITTEDt September 27, 1962 Card 3/3 AIY,KSANDROV, I.V.; KESSENIKII, A.V. Theory of spin-lattice relaxation of polymer radicals fn a solid. Fiz. tver. tela 6 no. 4:1006-1012 AP 164. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy fiziko-khimicheski3r institut imeni Karpova, Mosh-va. A I 1-'KSS,VL;h';Vy I gGl' I V1101--Z.11-wi I Y.; V-"'liZ)j' ~)V' NU. I ;IV. rt'u" [Theory of nuclear rejonayi~!e) Teorila iwlernogo magnitnogo rez--,nansa.I'~lc-skva, NaultUct, 19N, "I (k p . (I, 'L H."i I? ~ I c ) 46d'bfteetu tlie's's momen a j i c tan consteAts. 11A the case lior it sirm -7z ~7- r 4k- .6f -spin -lattici i` pammaggnetm:, m. th, ~ - -- TI- e~' a -them -a C--~-. Ahoi~s_eculax ViR Cs hon'-o'n-i----_ In -'an ian- curve -at -1 ALFKSANDROV, I.V. Spin-lattice relaxation of radicals in the solid phase. Teoret. i eksper. khim. 1 no.2t2ll-220 Mr-Ap 165. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Institut khimicheakoy fiziki AN SSSR, Moskva. A.V. Isotropic superfino Interaction and spin-lattice relaxation of radicals In the solid phase. Part 4. Teoret. I eksper. khim. I no.2:221-228 Mr- Ap 165. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Institut Wmicheskoy fiziki AN SqSR, Mo%kva I Nauchno-lssledovatellskiy fiziko-Wimicheskiy institut imer.1 L.Ya.Karpova, Moskva. SARUNP VJ".) BUTIACH"ENKO, A.L.; ALUSANDROV, I.V. Analysis of electron paramagnetic resonance spectra of some poly- radicals Jn the presence of unpaired electron exchange. Teoret. i eksper. khim. 1 no.2%269-271 Yx-Ap 165~ (MIRA 18t7) 1. Institut khtmicheskoy fiziki B SSISR, Moskva. ALEKSANDROV, K-A7.ANSKIT, V.B.; MIKHEYKIN, I.D. Elpc~ron par--magnetic resonance studies of the structurp of q,.ti7e centars of chromium oxide catalysta. for ethylene polymerizat4on. KIn.1 kat. 6 no.3'.439-447 M.V-Jd 165., (MTRA 181.10) 1. Institut k'Umicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR, AUTPORSr -.Ueksandrov,_j.. V,, meyenkova, A. V, 7-1-5/12 TITLE: The Evolution of Rocks During Progressive 1'etamorphosis (Shown by the Example of the Middle Formation of the Krivoi Rog Series) (Evolyutsiya porod pri progressivnom metamcrfizme (Na primere sredney svity Krivorozhskoy serii)) PERIODICAL! Geokhimiya., 1958, Nr 1, pp. 47-69 (USSR). ABSTRAM. The pre-Cambrian Krivoi Rog series (called also Saksagan series,) is divided into three layers; the middle consists alternatively of rocks rich and poor in iron (ore- and s-,hist horizons.). Accor= ding to the changes of the content of minerals in the course of metamorphosis three groups of rocks can be distinguished: A. Rich in aluminum and comparatively poor in iron. B. Rich in aluminum and iron; with two subgroups! 1) Chlorite- and quartzchlorite slate. 2) Ilapetite-chlorite- and magnetite.-stilpnomelane slate. C. Rich in iron and very poor in aluminum. The mineral content is given for each group -and their formation C ard 1/.3. is discussed. The Evolution of Rocks During Progressive Metamorphosis 7-1-5/12 (Shown by the Example of the Middle tormation of the Krivoi Rog Series) The changes in the chemical composition are shown in a diagram which contains 75 analyses, the abscissa is formed by the atomic percents of the most important components, the ordinate by the value of Fe:M+ + Fe 3+ of the analysis in question. The reaction of the individual chemical elements in the course of metamorphosis is discussed; here it can be distinguished between: 1) Elements the content of which is not changed to a considerable extent in the case of progressive metamorphosis, iron. 2) Elements the content of which changes in the course of the pro= cess, an increase in the one rock corresponds, however, to a de= crease in another. silicon, aluminum, magnesium. 3) Elements the content of which only in- or decreases. sodium, potassium, CO2. -- Rearrangements to this extent can occur only by the transport of solutions. In the course of metamorphosis there was almost equili= brium between rock and solutions. During metamorphosis solutions various also according to their composition are bound to have been formed in the rocks of various composition. Card 213 There are 3 figures, 2 tables, and 6 references, 6 of which are Slavic. The Evolution of Rocks During Progressive ?~Ietamorphosis 7-1-5/12 (Shown by the Example of the Liddle Formation of the Krivoi Rog Series) ASSOCIATION: Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry imeni V. I. Vernadskiy AS USSR, Moscow (Institut geokhimii i analiticheskoy khimii im. V. I. Vernads= kogo AN SSSR Voskva) SUBMITTEDI. July 13, 1957. A.VAILABLE'. Library of Congress. 1. Geology 2. Metamorphosis-Stone 3. Rock-Analysis Card 3/3 I AUTHOR: Aleksandrov, 7-58- 3-14/15 TITLE: Discussion (Diskussiya) On the Conclusions Drawn by D!S. Korzhinskiy With Respect to the Phase Rule (0 vyvodakh D.S. Korzhinskoigo, svyazannykh a pravilom faz) PERIODICAL: Geokhimiya, 1958, Nr 3s pp. 28o-252 (USSR) ABSTRACT: D.S. Korzhinskiy is of the opinion that the usual formula for the phase rule (n = k + 2 -- r) does not reflect all Droperties of open systems with completely free varlable components,. He therefore introduces to the i)hase rule not only such intensive parameters as pressure, temperature, cheraical potential, but also extensive parameters such as internal energy, entropy, volume, and mass. The opinion of D,S~ Korzhinskiy 1.s given (Refl), To this the author raises tho followin,&, objecticns: 1.- In the derivation of the phase rule only intensive parameters enter as independent quantities for the followin.-1- reasons: firsWthe equilibrium does not depend on "he dimensions of the phases, secondly the equilibrium between the phases is deter- Card 1/3 mined by the following equations: U Discussion. On the Conclusions Drawn by D,S. Korzhinskiy 7-58-3-14/15 With Respect to the Phase Rule T' = T" = Tr p, = p,, = pr r 11 ~Lk IIr k k where T denotes temperature, P - pressure; ... chemical potentials of the components. Only intensive parameters enter these equ&tions and this is further-proof of the fact that only intensive parameters are used in the derivation of the phase rLile, 2- For the purpose of deriving the phase rule D.S. Korzhinskiy uses the equation.dU = TdS -- PdV '!. V1 dmi -~- -.+ Akdmk' M - m denoting the mass of the components. However, in order to exclude the dimensions of the phase it is sufficient to assume one of the extenin-e pnrameters (U, SV V, m1 .- ink) as being constant. The supplementary addition5 to Ole phase. rule made by D.S. Korzhinskiy cannot be described as very good. There are 4 references, which are Soviet. Card 2/3 Dis,cussion. On the Conclusions Drawn by D.S. Korzhinskiy 7-58-3-14/15 With Respect to the Phase Rule SUBMITTED: January 31, 1958 1. Chemical equ:ilibrlum 2. Mathematics 0 Card 3/3 3(8) 50V/7-59-4-8/9 AUTHOR: AlekBandrov, 1. V. TITLE. On Peculiarities in the Evolution of Rocks of the Krivoy Rog Series in Alkaline MetasomatOBiB (0b osobennostyakh evolyut- aii porod Krivorozhakoy serii pri shohelochnom metasomatoze) PERIODICAL: Geokhimiya, 1959, Nr 4, pp 364 - 377 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The basis of this paper is an analysis diagram in which more than 80 analyses are summarized (Fig 3). The diagram was constructed in such a way that the gram-atomic percentage of Si, Al, Fe3+, Fe2+, Mg, Ca, Na, K, C (from the carbonates) were plotted versus the sum of the gram-atomic percentage of 3+ 2+ Fe and Fe . Data obtained by Ya. N. Belevtsev, V. S. Doma rev, R. P. Dubinkina, A. P. Nikollskiy, Z. V. Novikova, R. P. Petrov, A. S. Pavlenko, N. P. Semenenko, A. I.- Tugarinov, M. S. Tsybul'skaya, S. P. Chumakova, I. V. Aleksandrov were used for this purpose. Five analyses are given numerically (Table 2); they were carried out by I. V. Aleksandrov and A. V. Zmeyenkova. Since the soluticns acting at the same Card 1/3 time were of different composition, they cannot originate from On Peculiarities in the Evolution of Aocks of the SOV/7-59-4-8/9 Krivoy Rog Series in Alkaline MetasomatOBiS the same source.An interstitial solution of the metamorphic rocks is assumed which had different composition according to its origin from either mica schists or from rocks rich in iron. The metasomatosis took place at increasing temper- ature and on regressive metamorphism. From mica schists albitites and chlorite-muscovite-alb-ite-schist were formed, from quart z-magnetit e-amphibole schists magnetite-alkali amphibole schist, from amphibole-magnetite-quartzites magne- tite-alkali-amphibole-aegirine rocks, and aegirinites. In zones of intense impregnation alkali amphibole-magnetite ores resulted from quartzites containing iron. The alkali metasomatosis can be characterized as follows: Sodium is precipitated, silicium is removed, Al, Fe and Mg usually remain inert, iron is oxidized on the formation of aegirine and alkali amphiboles, to a lesser degree on formation of martite. The investigation was carried out under direction of A. 1. Tugarinov. The author expresses his gratitude to L. V. Dmitriyev, A. S. Pavlenko, F. V. Syromyatnikov, A. I. Tugarinov and V. V. Shcherbina for valuable advice, to Card 2/3 A. V. Shustrov for his assistance in carrying out the graphic On Peculiarities in the Evolution of Rocks of the SOV/7-59-4-8/9 Krivoy Rog Series in Alkaline Metasomatosis work. There are 4 figures, 2 tables, and 4 Soviet referexices. ASSOCIATION: Institut geokhimii i analiticheskoy khimii im. V. I. Vernads- kogo, AN SSSR, Moskva ( Institute of Geochemistry and Ana- lytical Chemistry imeni V. I. Vernadskiy, AS USSR, Moscow) SUBMITTED: May 21, 1958 Card 3/13 ALEKSANDROVt 1. V.9 CAND GE-OL-MIN SCIp G E N E T I C etHIkR*Q- TE-WI-S:Tl= OF SODIUM METASOMATOSIS IN THE KRivoy ROO AREA." Moscowt 1960. (ACAD S04 USSR, INST OF GEOLOGY OF ORE DE- POSITS9 PETROGRAPHY9 MINERALOGY AND GEOCHEMISTRY). (KL9 3-619 206). 87 AI SA V, I. V. Comments on 1.1-lakovkik's article "Determining quantitative changes in mtter during hydrothermal metamorl3hism.w Zap. Vses. min. ob-va 89 no-lS130-132 160. (MIRA 13:10) I. Inatitut geokhimii i analitichookoy khimii imeni V.I. Vernadekogo AN SSSR. (organic matter) (Metamorphism (Geology)) ALEMANDROV,, I. V.; PAVLENKO., A. S.; TUGARINOV, A. I. IlGeochemical features of alkalinermatesomatic phenomena" Paper submitted at the International Geological Congrest,~ XXI Session - 1960 (Reports of Soviet Geologists) Problem No. 1, 15-2h Aug. 61 TUGARINOV, Aleksey Ivanovich; PAVLENKO, Aleksay Stafanovich; AIEKS NDRU,-jgQr!-VIksilIyGvich' SHC4WAI V.V.I I otv. red.; IVANOV, I.P., red. izd-va; POLYAKOV, TA, tekhn. red. (Geochemistry of alkaline metasomatism] Geokhiniia shche- lochnogo metasomatoza. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1963. 201 p. (NIRA 16:7) (Metasomatism) (Geochamistry) ALEKSANDROV, K._ Arsenic content in the tobacco of Bulgarian cigarettes. Doklady BAN 14 no-5:539-542 161. 1. Submitted by Academician.D. Orahovats[D. Orakhovats] (Arsenic) (Tobacco) Pi'zom-IDROV, "Elektricheski mrezhi i tsentral'L; uchebnik za IMI klas na teklinikumte no elektroteldmika. 3ofiya (Narodna procve~a) 1951. 408 p. (Ele(,tric network and Do,.-.,er'.Iiouses; a te:~',,booIk for the c4.1-hth year of electrical ergineering sdhools.) SO: Monthl~, List of East European Accelssions, L. C. Vol. 2 No. 7, J,~ilv 1C53, unci. AlIKSANIDROVI K. IN-- b USSR/Geophysics Hydraulien "Earth-Sucking Equipment," K. Aleksandrov Priroda, No 2, D 8 States thnt hydr omechaxiizat ion, which is the use of water to handle, move, and pack ground, is the most effective advanced method in earthwork operations at the Kuybyshev, Stalingrad, and Tsimlyanskaya hydroelectric constructions. Remarks that the Tsimlyauskaya earthen dam will be 12.8 km long, and alreaky totals more than 25 million cubic m of earth packed in 1951 alone. The daily amount of alluvium in the sluicing operations has reached as much as 200,000 cubic m. 263193 USSR/Electronics - Receivers AbIg. 52 Exhibitions "Short-Wave Receivers for Amateur Commmications (Survey of Exhibits at the 10th All-Union Radio ExhibitionVI. K. Aleksandrov "Radio" No 8, pp 35-39 Description and photographs of a number of short- 'Jave receivers. First prize was avarded to V. Komy- levich of Leningrad for his 11-tube short-vaye superheterodyne with double-freVency conversion. 226?3o Author deplores the fact that no good, simple short- wave receivp;-.vhich could be constructed by radio aMateur novices was shown at the exhibition. 226M 141 __!5 SOV/84-59-10-48/53 AUTHOR: Aleksandrov, K. 1. TITLE: Away from the Propeller PERIODICAL: Grazhdanskaya aviatsiya, 1959, Nr 10, p 34 (USSR) ABSTRACT: 1) USSR: Reader Ostapchuk complained of the pre- sence in the complete sets of radio stations and ground radar stations of a number of useless parts, The deputy chief of the Upravleniye svyazi i radio- sveto-obeBpecheniya poletov GUGVF (Directorate for Means of Communications with Aircraft, Radio and Light Navigational Aids of GUGVF) Panagriyev informs this periodical that complete sets earmarked for deliveries in 1960 will be checked and freed of any excessive parts. 2) A radioman of the Parbigskiy airport, Kornilov, wrote about the unavailability of special work clothos for radiomen who work as engine mechanics and as battery room men. The acting chief of the Otdel tru- Card 1/2 da i zarabotnoy platy GUGVF Department of Labor and Away from the Propeller ! SOV/84-59-10-48/53 Wages of GUGVF) Smirnov informs this periodical, V - that the chief of the iapadno-Sibir~koye upravleniye GVF (West-Siberian Administration of GVF), Shiryayev, was instructed to furnish the needed work clothes. 3) A repair installation directed by I. IvaeUj,.,t where the working out of an automatic line for wash- ing aircraft engine parts has not yet teen completed after 2 years of "effort" is criticized. 4) The Gorlkiy airport, where the permanent con- ference on production, directed by V. Fadeyev, has convened only once in a year is cited. The minutes of this single meeting have been lost. There are 3 drawings and 1 caption drawing. Card 2/2 ALEKSANIROV, K. Attachament for rellIM fabrics. Prom.keop.uo.2:15 P 136. (Textile machinery) (HLRA 9:7) ALEKSANDROV, K. IWdrau3ic hand truck-loader. Sov. torg, 36 no.5t42-43 My 163. (KM 160) ~,(Poading and unloading--Equipment and supplies) AIXKSANDROV, K. Arsenic content in Bulgarian cigarettes. trop. onk, 8 no.11:48-50 162. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Nauchno-isaledovatellskJy onkologicheskly institut (dir.- prof. Ves. Mikhaylor). Sofiya, Narodnaya Respublika Bolgariya. ALEMNMV, Kr. Inbeled atomB in biochemical analysis. Suvrem. ied. Sof la 8 no-3:66-72 1957. 1. Iz Onkolo--ichniin institut (Direk-tor: prof. V. Mikhailov) (ISOTOP3S, in blochem. analysis (Bul)) (CHEMICAL ANALYSIS, labeled isotopes in biochem. analysis (Bul)) D7 r1' I M General Problems 6f Pathology. Tumors. U Comparative Oncology. Human Tumcrs. nbs Jour : Ref. Zhur - Biologiya, No. 3, 1959, 13677 : Aleksandrov, Kr. ziuthor Inst Title on the Problem of Hyperestrogenisation in MammEry-Gland CarclnoLmi. Orig Pub Sovrem. med., 11057, 8, No. 10, 93-99 Abstract In 25 patients aith maymmary-~;lvnd carcinoma, the secretion of estrogens (-) in urine ivas studied according to the modified method of Kober. In 8 p".1tients, the amount of 1 was v7ithin normal limits (37-48 garnma); in 9, it was somewhat ME;h- er than normal, but within the margin of er-oor of the method (56-60 gamrin) and, in 8, approxi- mately two times hi6her than normal (682-110 Card 1/2 35 AIMAHMOV, Contrivance for sectioning electrophoregrams produced on paper. I&b. delo 5 n0-309 W-Je '59. (MIM 12:~) 1. Iz Onkologicheskogo instituta, Sofiya. (PAP3R EIMGTROPHORESIS) ALYMANDROV, Xr. - Studies on the content of glutathione in the blood in cancer patients.,Sofia no.9/10:106-114 159. 1. Iz NauchnoizBledovatelskiia onkologichen institut - SoMa. Direktor: prof. VOs. Mikhailov. (NWPLA,SKS blood) (aWTATIONE blood) ALEKSANDROV, Kr. The mechanism of action of chemotherapeutic substances against cancer. , Suvrem med.t Sofia no.6:98-106 160. (NEOPLASMS ther.) - ALEKSANDROV, Kr. The content of arsenic in Bulgarian cigarettes. Suvrem mad., Sofia no.2-1105-108 161. 1. Nauchno-iteledovatelski onkologichen institut, Sofiia. (Direktor: prof. Ves. Mikhailov.) (ARSENICALS chem) (TOBACCO chem) SANDROVv Kre Results of electrophoretic analyses of blood serum proteins of patients with cancer. Vop. onk. 7 no. 4:64-69 161. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Iz Nauchno-issledovatellskogo onkologicheskogo instituta (dir. - prof, V.Mikhaylov), Sofiya, Narodnaya Respublika Bolgarii. Adres avtora: Narodnaya Respublika Bolgariyaq Sofiya-Drvenitsat Onkologicheakiy institut. (CANCER) (BLOOD PROTEINS) (PAPER ELECTROPHORESIS) STRATEV, Il.; ALEKSANDROV, Kr. Microelements of copper and zinc in the prevention and treatment of diseases caused by radiation. Doklady BM-14 no.5:543-546 161. 1. Institut oncologique do recherches scientifiques, Sofia. Note pre- sentee par D. Orachovatz, [Orakhovats, D.1 member de -IlAcademie. (Radioactivity) (Atomic medicine) a (0 w1&. Q2,1- 1 . "us Problem of ?rwdonluve xo_'4.cLr.* I-- L ~4clLlLvl 50ciaty," Protoosor X.J. chlar or -.aft Do rrtmen, a: :as HIST.0 argaaLzation and too -Ustory of w~*Jjojno, ^Dxccd; pp 4-10. 2. 'Ca.tfte VIrus Ztloloey of T"-or%." p0 11- 22. 3. 'Cn tnd AntiOnle Slmllarl~7 -~stveoo .1or-al Ar:d VjLUennnt Tlss_-Gs in :Ar, Ani Macs." l. Bikli!~Ar_l acA X. WIVA. of "s /&"Us La-Icr-z:,r7 (movId-d-t7- praevmr 1.~f. 2e '?.A. Morrsar" InW.Wtv Urzfoas~r A-'. "oV,.XG7, Dlre3tor), hoicow; pp 26-31. 4. L41 IA- too posul.lllt~as C'naoloeLca.L last %ate ter- S. -fl~L:xr.1sQ sad ;~aacjns," pro:osjo: A. pp 37-45. 6. locative-lomaL .11seasou In BaLwI& 1929-1960." KLrcuo pp 4o--g. 'Fundamental rrobl4z3 to 6me Lamar Pstacloey ef Ap_rloultu.ral Wor4srs.* Dooont L%rts~,o ZELD;HIGLOV, Mroo-or of too Clin).c tor Occagazional rAG-oa-no. S. "ProvenVivo XedloLue wl= Bollum M-rate d~~rlna Load proluction sr.* its Tuerapautio A;pjjcazx*ft in rnd zroatment of caroolo Lead Potara-Ina." Dr. 3. of tftO Ckr,;& SK14t4tI0n-6pL!Q_'C 3tLZLOrl (Dr. TODCRO7. C41*f Pt,-61CLAA) I-- A.-.~A; Pp 50 i9. 9. %no CLaeoostic :1641floacce o,- Certain Jalloators %or an&nEom in zAs Hj~acr overas Activity ir too v-v*nt of L)Ad FmIsomirus." V. V. -ZCZr, and G. -Z:Z-lu or zoo l:dasr m~ %.*no and L!p,~r z1 . -*.as ClInIc for u1seLsel, -VCV, coal oi de;&rt_or.1., wta too :Los ltri anIt lo"acto" 12" adadel zy Mr. G. ?-4TK--V; pp co-62. ABREEVO St.; AIEKSMROV, Kr. Object of chemical research in the light of contemporary natural science. Spisanie BAN 7 no.1/2:93.-99 162. St.j,ALEKSANDROV, Kr. ANDREW, , The subject of chemistry in the light of modern natural science. B-.14JW-,Wm 4 no.2:1-6 162. AIEKS.1,114DROV, Knim Kryton 85, a univer., al labeled at,)m. Pri-roda %11g 13 no,6.- 74-75 N-D t64. -ALWAIMOV, I.A., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. Pat the construction of school buildings on a mass-production basis. Gor.khoz.Hosk. 23 n0-3:25-29 Mr 151., (MLRA 7:10) (Roacow--Schoolhouaes) (Schoolhouses--Moscow) --- ALSKMORDY., K.A.; MINDVICH, IC.H. Portable tablelike scaffold to be used in interior decorating. Suggested by K.A.AlekBandrav, B.M.Rabinovich. Re.ta-.i izobr. predl.v stroi. no.12:44-46 159. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Po matarialam Glavmosstroya. Mosk7a, Sovetskaya pl., d.2/6. (Scaffolding) ALMANMOV, K.B., kandidat takhnichookikh nauk, dotsent. IF-' !V5*-x#.Mnf9P I Sona causes of unsatisfactory operation of lightning protectors in electric locomotives. Sbor. LIIZRT no.149i4O-49 155. (Idghtning protection) (MLRA 9:6) ALNEUNMOV. K.B.,kand.takhn.nauk, dotg. Wave parameters of electric traction motors. no-159:112-123 158. (Filectric railway motors) Sbvr.LIIZHT (MLRA 12:2) ALEKSMROV, K.B., kand,takhn.nauk Limiting of Commutational overvoltages on electric rolling stock.. Blek. i tepl. tiaga 4 no. 12:15-17 D 160. (MIRI 14:1) (Railroads--Rolling stock) (Ilectric protection) ALEKSANDROV, Konstantin Borisovich. kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent; NOVIKOV, ayevich, assistent; PAVLOVSKIY, Vladislav Vital'yevich, assistent Experimental study of pulse processes in the traction network of the N60 electric locomotive. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; elektromekh. 4 no.12:6644~'-1161. (MDU 15:1) 1. Kafedra teoreticheskikh osnov elektrotekhniki Leningradskogo instituta inzhenerov zheleznodorozhnogo transporta (for Aleksandrov, Pavlovskiy). 2. Kafedra elektricheskoy tyagi Leningradskogo instituta inzhenerov zheleznodorozhnogo transporta (for Novikov). (Electric locomotives) (Electric railroads--Current supply) NOVIKOV, M*N., inzh. (Leningrad); AIEKSANDROV, K.B., kanet.takhn.nauk, dotsent (Leningrad) --- --- - Calculation of external overvoltages in the power network of the N60 electric locomotive. Elektrichestvo no.6:27-.111 Je 162. (HIFIA 15:6) (Electric locomotives) (Electric railroads-Current supply) (Electric protection) ALEKSANDROV., K.B... kand.tekhn.nauk (Leningrad) Protection of a.c. lines against atmospheric overroltages. Zhel.dor.transp. 44 no.1:43-47 Ja 162. (MIRA 14:12) (Electric lines) (Lightning protection) AI,MANDROV, K.B., kand.tokhn.nauk ." ----------- Measures against overvoltages on N60 electric locomotives. [Trudy] LIIZHT no.193:41-47 162, (MIRA 15:12) 1. Leningradskiy institut inzhenerov zheleznc>doi?ozhnogo transporta. (Electric locomotives) ~NDROV~K.B.) supply systems of a.c. ral2roads [Trudy] LIMIT no.193:212.-228 CAIM .15 IEKSANDROV Konstantin Borisovich kand.tekhn.nauk, dotserat; NOVIKOV, 4 i4~~M=khail =iko1=evicM;FAWKIYp Vladislav Vitallyevich, assistent Overvoltage on the main collector of the N60 electric locomotive, Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; elektromekh. 6 no.2*.217-223 163. (MIM 16:4) 1. Kafedra teoreticheskikh osnov elektrotekhniki Leningradsko3o instituta inzhenerov zheleznodorozhnogo transports, (for Aleksandrov, Favlovskiy). 2. Kafedra elektricheskoy tyagi Leningradskogo instituta inzhenerov zheleznodorozhnogo transports. (for Novikov). (Electric locomotives) SKLYAROVO A.Ye.; ALEKSANDROV, K.B. Method for testing the electric strength of the insulation of the sections of traction motor windings. Sbor. nauch. trud. EINII 2:174-185 162. (MIPA 16:8) (Electric insulators and insulation-Testing) (Electric railway motors-Windings)