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TEINDL, J. Examination of the flow in the combustion system of an open hearth furnace by means of the model techique. Hut 2istly 17 no.8:594 Ag 162. BOUS) B*, dro, inz.; CERNY, V., PANT, P., inz.; KMO:R, R.; MIRDLIK, YAroslav, inz.; REDR, 14. Informations on metallurgy. But listy 17 no.8:598-W8 Ag 162, 1 Z/034/62/000/009/003/007 E073/2335 AUTHOR: Teindl, J. TITLEt Anisotropy of the physicochemical properties of metal single crystals PERIODICAL: Hutnickg 9, 1962, 670 TEXT: In a candidate dissertation d4fended at the VSCHT, Prague, R. BartonlZek dealt with tl~e influence of the orientation of the crystals on corrosion phenomena, i.e. the influence of heterogeneity caused by differing crystallographic orientations. The phenomena werestudied on the surfaces of single crystals of zinc, which were specially prepared ao as to be parallel to certain crystallographic planes. One of the alms was to verify the p6asibilities of application ok various,corrosiori test methods. The problem of surface heterogeneity, the method of preparation of single(rystals and crystal faces and electrochemical and kinetic measurements.on crystals of zinc and other metals are discussed. A proof that the thermodynamic properties of individual crystal -faces.differ is provided by the electrode potentials, whilat the kinetic measurements prove that the arrangements of the twin Card 1/2 Z/034/62/0 00/009/003/oo7 Anisotropy of the physicochemical..EO73/E335', layers in the individual crystal planes differ. It is shown*that in polycrystalline material the heterogeneity of the metal surface can be due even to the crystallographic orientation of the surfaces of contact of the crystallites. Corrosion of poly- crystalline me tal can be lower if the metal has a certain texture than it is for the same metal with a differing texture or with randomly wranged crystallites. Therefore, it is impor- tant to study the chemical and the electrochemical properties of metals on a surface which is clearly defined from,the crystallo- graphic point of view. It is imperative to use electrolytically polished specimens or specimens etched for a long period, and not ground specimens, for measuring accurately adsorption and other electrochemical quantities during the initiai stages of oxidation, Card 0/13 ~4 PUNCOCHA:,,,%,., inz.; JICINSKY, J"dr., inz.; WICL, J.; BECVAR, J.; STROBL, L.; VSKY, inz.; KLIKA, R.; KRUPTAL, Fr.,, inz.; SORAL, J., inz.; ~j JRBENSKAP TEYRL inz. Information on metallurgy. Hut listy 17 no.11:816-829 N 162. TEDIDLy J,_,*,q Dr.Sc.,' ZDEIMKJ, z.,, inz.; HAVLIK, A. Deep-drawing nonaging sheet for tinning and emamling fror-, steel rzde in an experimental oxygen converter. Hut listy 17 no.12:846-853 D 162. 1. Vysoka skola banska Ostrava (for Teind-1). 2. Spojene ocelarny.. narodni podnik., Kladno (for Zdenek). 3. Trinecke zelezarny Velke rijnove eocialisticke revoluce, Frydek4listek (for IL--v)ik) HRBEK# A.; CElUlY, V.y inz.; PUMOCHAR., Zo. inz.; MCVAR., J., inz.1 KECLIK, V*q inz,; TICHOPADOVA, E., inz,; KOM, R., inz.; ZIlrrK,, M.., inz.; TEEINDLp J.; SESTAK, B.,, inz. Information on metallurgy, Hut listy 17 no.12:887-902 D 162.. T E I!-=- JI-i-- - - - - Metallurgy and metallography in the institutea of the Czechoolown-k Acadomy of Sciencen. Rut 3-isty 17 noe:L2005-906 D 162v I - -', bu t~ ~)n j aizy of LI~s, cali3en f c r a ~* K r.,-; ti-..e V,", B m,,.".42:-4- '6 akq-dmyil-lO vi-d T~~NDL, J., prof. inz. DrSc.; KUMAR, L., inz. Mo.; JAKOD, M., Inz. Causes of enamel chipping in cast.-Iron castings. Sbor VSB Ostrava 9 no.3:453-466 163. 1. Katedra nauky o kovech a topelneho zpracovani, Vysoka akola banska, OstraVa. 2. Clen korespondent Ceskoalovenske akademie ved (for Teindl). BECVAR., J.., inz.; PU*OC.1TARv Zd.p inz.; MOTLOCHt Z.,O inz.; KWCIj J-v inz,; ji . profs# dre 91;KU "I \1- - Informations on metallurgy, Hut Usty 18 noo2:339-11+6 F 163., Al: T7 -6 Teindl, J, Hut.nickc XistY, no. 9 ~40 Z /0 34 6 3 /018 /00 3 /00 3 /004 t r a u s n n r e uh c n n t r"l M ~l 11, X~: jnQ 3 C)r. r~ a on th vs I,-:ocli ern I Cal areciplTaterl Pflnse, vvhich in turn are determined by the distribution of the precipitated phase in the solid soltition matrix, The orec`pitated are za*.ho'les. Card 212 TEINDL, J., prof., ins., DrSc.; HAVLIX, Augustin; ZDENEK, Zd.,, ins. Semikilled steel, made in oxygen cor~verter and open-hearth furnace, suitable for tinning, enameling and for making automobile parts. Hut listy 18 no.61393-141 Je '63. 1. Vysoka skola banska, Ostrava (for Teindl). 2. Trinecke zelezarny Valke rijnove socialisticke revoluce, Frydek - Mistek (for Havlik). 3. Spojene ocelarny narodni podnik Kladno (for Zdenek). - .~;~- -- --- .-- I I -~: ~ .I" I Z- - -- - . - -` -1-U."Z111,11, - -.-z--- HERIAN, Z.; PUNCOCHAR, Z., ins.; CHVOJKA, Jan. ins.; KEOLIK, V., ins.; SMRHA,, L., inz.; ZIDEK, M., ins.; HORM, J., dr. inz.;.TEINDL, J.; SEDLACEKO V. 4"--- Information on metallurgy. Hut listy 18 no.6:436-450 A 163. TEINDL, J., prof., inz.,, Dr3c. Outlook for zinc plating, especially in the automobile irdljBtry. Hut listy 18 no.10:71+1*-747 0 163. New dissertations. 747-750 TEINDL, J. - - " - , I.- Theory of determining the ion traonference numb-,rs in Metailur- gic slags. Hut liaty M-no. 12: 908 D 163. 7EIRDL, Josef, prof, inz. DrSc. Ton years since the death of Professor Vladimir Zednik. ~cbor VSB Ostrava 10 no.3~261-263 164. Effect of steel composition on the quality of can tinplate 4Lnd its corrosion resistance. Ibid.t265-273 1. Corresponding member of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. Submitted May 13p 1963. TEINDL, Josef, prof. inz. DrSc.; VONDRASEK, Vaclav, -loc. iriz. Passivation of cans as a protection from inside -.nd outside corrosion. Sbor VSB Ostrava 10 no.3:271-276 164, Tin blackenLng under lacquer containing zinc oxide. Ibid.: 277-280 1. Corresponding member of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (for Teind!). Submitted May 13, 196-3. HUBACKOVA, Jirlra, inz.; WINDL, josef, prof. inz. Dr3c. Contribution to the mets'lographv of tin coatings on steel with a small amount of admixturri. Sbor V8B 0.9tra-ia 10 no-3: 311-317 164. 1. Higher School of Mining, Ostrava (for Hubackova). 2. Corresponding member cf the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (for Te-Indl). Submitted May 29, 1963. I nz 'T I ot .3 t -3 ul A oa a v I -mi ----m TEINDL, Josef of. Inz. DrSc.,- GOTZ, Richard, dr. Possibility of processing waste pickling liquors in metallurgic plants. Hut listy 19 no. 4: 272 Ap 164. .Z. 'j'7jN'r)I,, Jose!', prof. inz. Dr.17C. TJ.MA'!, Jarz~nlnv, 11, 7 1 . . UBing the faat met-id fcr the analysis c' ~,in ,.Jolderg and fcr the control of oating with tin-lead all )yz. INt 11311y 19 no, 6:430-432 Je 164. 1. Highor Schooll oC 1-Uning, Ostrava. TS111NDL J- Osef, prof. in2. DrSo. Doator Frantisek Kinskyj obitw!Lry. Hut Us,ty 19 no.10: 747-748 o 64. 1 MENU, J. Tin and the grodth and s~~allng of cast Iron w-'ti: flAke and grair graphite. Slevarenstvi 13 no.l!.10 Ja 164~. 0) JD/HW/W AUTHOR: Toindl Josef (Professor; Engineer; Doctor of noionces) ORGs Cc 2.5 -11oge of_I.Uxdng, Ostrava (Ilysoka akola banska) TITIO: Defects of cold rolled tinnod shoots SOURU: Hutnik, no@ 8, 1963, 329-333 TOPIC TAGS; shoot notal, cold ralling. tin, industrial waste. hot rolling 0333 ABRRACT: Some reasons for obtaining unBatisfactoi-j product in the production of tinned steel shoots are described. The production of material that must be scrapped may be due to the steel shoot 'having an uneven surface, or containing admixtures, hot rolling Of the sheets, or to faulty application of the tin. In so e oas s the sheet may be pickled, and a new tinning operation undertaken. The fomation of the flower like pattexm, which is welcome in galvanized sheets', is considered a fault in tinning; it is caused by impurities in the tinning bath. 0.24% of Cut 0.0191% of Fb, and 0.011% of Fe ean be the reason for the flower pattern formation,, Methods Of preventing oUl entrance . into the tinning bath are uis- eussed. The importanee of the formation of a contImious layer of on the surface of the steel sheet is stressed, Orige art* has.' FeSn2 6 riguros and 4 tables 0 fj-FR-57 SUB CODE: 3.1, 13 SUMi DATE: none / ORIG REF: 003 / SOV REF: 001 OTH RZF: 007,1 0 91?" 7 J~ mce T11 LS: Occurr~. of occlusions in sLeal, am! acid YlartJm stOGI SOURCE -llutmu'# no, 2, 1965 5 -A' -TopIC TAfj1S: st.3el, mtaijurgic ;Wocosd, soled mechanical property, mrtinsit-ic st*eul ABSTR&M Yorviation of ooelmlon.9 in ateal, tile diffevGne0a bot--jeca the basic and (inid Martin proccl-cea, cui(i th~, evaluation of t1-1-3 occlu,s--otv-3 J.o discuosed. Matal-~.uri-,,icaJ procesoes fron, tho point of view of the fomation of o-aclu.,iionG. and of their frequency are c.1saluated. I-lays OA" romovin6 the occlusions, and the diffl- cultiec3 rmused by them are discussed. 3i and 3 containing occlu- sions interfere with the quali'%7, as they are,-31iminated at the borders of the grains. Macrog-bople occlusions influience the mechanical properties of the products- Their iafluenca upon corrosion iri usu"7'ally limited ard too much inportanco ia Ettached to it. f-,- 'Lq K as-7 SUB COD8: 11 / SURM DAM! fione / ORIG REF: 007 O'1W REPt 00 1 SOV REFt 001 T'~, 010382 4,11CF C /"'i)314A5/cKx)/,(-15/0.548/0355-' AUTHOR: I.-jaQ ., Josef (professor; Ennneer; Doctor of sciences); Haylik, Aur-ueflr.; Zdanak ZnonKo- p-, gftoorj -ing, Ostrava (VSB); Metal Shoot Rollinj~ 114orles., F7._vdok-N1St_4_k_LVP~_.); iron and Steel Works of Eastern Slovakia, -Kosice Rychodoslovenske zolosarrq) TITLE: Influence of the Thomas converter steel upon the quality of tinned sheet SOURCE-. Hutnicke listy, no* 5, 1965, 3M-355 21 TOPIC TAGS.* steel, metal rolling, metal drawing, sheet metal, electron microscopy, tin, corrosion resistance, metal coati-ig ABSTRACT: The steel was hot-rolled first into ohect bapn, and then into sheet metal, which wee then covered with tin; doop drawing'quality Waa sabid- ractory. The F0 Sn2 Intorlayors on the Thoman converter steel were compared to open hearth steel sheet. The interlayor on the Ziomas convot-tor steel shoots is evenly colorod, while the open hearth steel interlayers usually show a pattern, Shoots of both Ainds,, after the stripping of tin, wore exasialed by electron microsoopy; both Interlayers appear similar and bothhad dark and light spots; corrosion testa made in (sugar + citric acid) and (oitric acid + salt) solutions with both types of metal sheet, after Sn was atrippod, showed a higher corrosianeesis- tance of the Thomas converter steel. Orig. art. has: 12 figure3 And"9'6ibles. WFWj' SUB CODE: 13p 11 / SUM DAM: none / ORIG REF: 007 0711 REF: 012 SOV REF: 001 Cmd 1/1 vmb L16222-66 EWP(k)/E(iT(d)/EWP(h)/EWP(I)AIIP(v)/ENP(t) JD ACC NR:I AP603-08d4 SWWS CODE4 CZ/M4/65/000/010/0718/OM A Uri IOR P, Taindl, Josef ORG: Ostrava 153 r eir TIM,: Quality of rolls for tinni machine" :d th wetting with t . .... in SOURCE,- - Hutnicke- list)r,-- no*--10,- --19659 -718-7W- TOPIC TAGS: metal heat treatmentj, tin# chemic6l composition. sheet metal.-mmeat --Surf=, -1-ABSTRACT from th"gality the~bbeetand j~bperjy-- t:- p se scrapers the most faVortant factors tho fluence the coating of the sheet or strip am the state of the rollers in the tirning mwhines, the quality of their surface, heat treatment, cardaer and cbenical composition. According to the European normp the coating should be 24 to 30 grama of tin per aquare mqt--r,, depoulted ca -joth elders of the sheet# Origo arto hass 9 figured! and 2 tables@ DPHS) SUB CODES 13* Up Cq SVB14 DATE: none OMG Ra: 002 OTH REF: 009 UDCt- 6-6-9.65,,6-6- Qrd 1/L L 3ool5-66. EWPM/ETI.---IJF(.e.)--,JTD/T0 ALC NKi RF6020100 SOURCE CODE: CZ/0057NAxx)/(s~ 1"O"Of Ox I'll, AUTHOR: TeIndl. Josef (Professor; Engineer; Doctor of sciences); Hubnekov.-i. Jlriiii (Engineert-11-- . I - ORG: College of Mining* Ostrava (Vysoka skola banska) TITLE: Lead covering of steel sheetynd belts by a lead-tin alloy SOURCE: Ifutnik# no. 2, 1966# 80-83 ~j 1/7 TOPIC TAGS: leadq lead base alloy, antimony contaInIng alloy, corrosion sheet metnl ABSTRACT: There is very little lead covering of stool.boing, made in Ozoohoslovakiao The Germans dismantled the only Czech p1nnt during ~1-.nir occupation of the country in 191ti, and the plnnt was never replaced. The author Urges resumption of the production in Czechoslovakia; plastic coated stool shoote used at, present in CzeohonloValda have many disndvantngen whon compared to lead lining. Hethod of lead covering using alloys of load with anti.mony, and ,land with tin are described, Application of tho metal eov-31-ing, .-corrosion resistancepand importanoe in the industrial applications are evaluated* urig-.7-A-Ft. final 5 figures and 3 tables, IJPRS) SUB CODE: 13 / SUBM DATEs none / ORIG M-Ft 00h / OTH REFs 009 SOV REFt 002 e) JD t AUTHCR% Teindl, Josef "~-fessorj EnSineeri Doctor of sciancos)l Blahos. otakar (SngineFr-)-- OM s Collso of Mining, OstE!X!_(Vjsok& skola banska) TMSt Reasons for nine 'peeling off steel sheets after Lim plating SOtRC3i Hutnicke listy, no. 3. 1966, 179-1811 TOPIC TAGSs zinc plating, sheet metal, metal property, cooling, metanurgic process ABSTRAM The difference between nine flaking and zinc peeling is discussed. Paslir is not causeti by a thick FeZn int'rlayar, nor by Pb or Cd present as contaminants in the since The peeling is due to different expansion coefficients of steel and of Zn; and it occurs when the shoots are not allowed to cool rapidly enough. The conditions as recommended for hot dip galvanizing should be maintained strictlys The authors thank Engineer Kgrl Otypka for carrying out the microphotogroylW of the interlayerve Orig. art. hiss 6 figures and 1 table* f5ased on authors I Engo abstff CJM: 36,64g SUB CODE, n, 20 / SM DhTEs none / ORID REF: 002 / SOV REFt 001 OTH REFs 006 MCI ukil"14.1-jil uz"I Soil -1-clejace. Tillage. Improvement, Erosisn. A. 1 (1) UR AUVIOR TITC4 _)P. PUj A CT -j 1959, 10709 Teipal, F1 'The Tnfluence of Leep Soil Tillage on its Prcpdrtien P find Yielcle. 4. landwirtach. Ymuchu- una Untorauchungswesen, 1936. 2, No. 1j, 263,281 A survey of oxperimeints Ir, dacp soil V11agru from 1951 to,, on brown steppe !WoilD in the regioLt J#-n;, - Hsjr,~by~lrgi 41ki !~_Jted. 'I"nfj two --tier Uil r;X-ov#j-a to b a bauc _j -,.I -i I on atrongly cinmvcct6ci coiL- D4ap W,eckiri!~ -A 11 iAp k, r 0 t4 , on very rompnet aollci prodimvd, o ~,~ijftiv afftset than the tvc-tior tillngu. With deop piowiii, , th" ma.,rarity of the experiments showed an incroaaL- of fr~r, 10 to 1"1.12 iD Cae Yield c,4* the grasneu Of Vito crCA's. I.-o- tiliajd is streingly rraPhv Of 7" titl%u. V. A. MolccOiv~v 3 11, aL 1~.a Di /I TRIS, R.V.; GRORDYA, T.S.; KOCHATKOVA. S.N. Isotopic compositions of natural phosphates. Dokl.AN SSSR 122 no.6-.1057-1060 0 158. (MIRA M12) 1. Institut gookhimii 1 analittch"koy khtmil Imoni V.I. Vernad- skogo AYSSSR. Predstavleno &)Zd-;vikom Af. YFnogradovym. (Pbosphates) (Oxygen--Is;topes) EXURPTA MEDICA See It Vol 12/11 0. R. L. Nov 59- 2023, UNILATERAL ABDUCTION PARALYSIS OF THE RECURRENT NERVE. SURGICAL PROCEDURE - Paralizie de recurent unilateralS in abducile. Procedeu operator - Teiqanu E., Hoffmann R., and Dimitriu- M i c u A. - OTO-RlN0--MT(T1M_.Tbucurejti) 1959, 4/1 (7 143) Illus. I The authors suggest a surgical procedure consisting in the insertion of a cartilagi- n0us graft beneath the internal perichondrium of the thyroid wing at the level of the paralytic cord. The insertion is made without sectioning of the cartilage, by going round the lower margin of the thyroid wing. This avoids extensive detachment of the perichondrium and any section of the laryngeal mucona. A case succesfully ope rat - ed on is reported. 3.3 - Test.Otorim. lhe veotibmUr-u"81 approacb in rhim (KCRA 3.4t1) 22 no.6949-51 160. (Bukbareat) 1. 1% bolluit8l imemi profe '7o BabSOa . (Iqap,-Smm) 41 0 0 0 0 0 ts lime e# 1*1 1:0 ro-I 0 0 A A.- V-1 10.01 v a w a is v a '0 to a 48 as A- k -* ) -1-. 0'~ 0 It, -1 Tlit ifequency o( dM ippearams and IM eyluou 01 a chrank lead poismal". wingle, *bjecdvs qwptams L kcjpt-k and B. %Itm. tag. jib. lei*. IgMj- Zfxk. Grwrbgkyg. L,'nfaUwYW. 37. at o0 (1%R)); d. C, A. 32. w.W; (W. R. lk-rggren loo see 00 a Zoe, roe o411 400 00 go 0 toe, LLOICKAL Ullitarkel CLAWKATON 10410, Isoe, slow laid" wig on. Ong via. Wm 40 U :A* 00 jj 1-4 fw - 0 a., K a If 61 0 0 41 0 0 0 000 00 00 000 es 0 0 oe 0000000000000000 0#0000 700 0 0 0 0 0 0 404 4496000006041900000 0 01 1 1 f 1 it 10 PC a A a a a 11 1 a If m )a 1% If C L-1 I a 11 a R P I I ~ V" I- *'A 4-0-1, 4 'L 4, ~m A-A -L-J 00 4 Tell 00 _t. tL 00 V 00 k. 18A. AM, 801; Z#0W' 1U. 27, =130W); rf. C, A. 31. 10506- 32. 00 N'ruritIff was found in a Pb-fka CrIdders and I bram; of griodm -NO sit- Of Pb P~*~ *tre found In thr Cmuk-al iu-tiatim. The ectim of Ph was defected ot a' only after &study olUmbiwopbWasedtopec" theflnd Ins of Ph to the blood. In 2 to= an l1wics:71= Ph (1). I2'V and 0.= Mg. %) w" oboerved only offer mkilisa. ON 00 : 06 tion with KI. Tht.- blood pb wes nuctnal Ili 4 cam In which no PIJ "W01W could be preaftwed. The Imus 00 0 z pf tile divvast is explained by the peculiar method of w(vk. .4 ins: the vinders suppos thenistives on a board with the 04 Elbow so that Ow N. u1nevis Is subject to Cou". pressure. of a In the wet grinding of Ph glass is m1st is formed which 00 311toins Pb and Is Inhakd. The KUm of Fb and The :44 prcwurv are, thtr6xe. considered the causes of the neuri- 00 tiA. Propisylactic awasum me discumed. It. BeIrsygo 04 00 go of 00 CLAV%WKATIGN LT T U W AV 10 IS CRIWJ~044 all No Ktalat HIN 41 0 0 I - 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 : 41 0 0 0 ~40 0 00 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 ~* 00 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 0 * 0 00 521. MUNGER J. Klinika pracovnioho l6`kahtvf v. Praze. Lehk ,chronicke" otravy pyridinem Fild chronic pyridine poiconing 6asopis Lekalwuo 6es4ech 1947.."6139 (1185-1187) Seven cases of mild pyridine poisoning are described, caused by a concentration of 20 to 42 yll of air in P closed factory room. The symptoms found vere headache, dizziness, iniomnia,, anorexia and vomiting. Traub - Brooklyn (See. IV) SOt Physiology, Biochemistry & Pharmacology, Section Us Vol. 2. No. 45 C-4 mAbwqdft "4 = a C.T116 .2 9 .0 M d M W 1. 1'. _ 00 &k (Univ Clech-) 141"N. ]ad. if"Irozzri-s". Iqi-*!%Y7(IQ4Vxin Fr"Wh); C-4. 42, 7571W.-to sub ts never Wave esp4acd to W% retention of hl=-c & was observed at the stArt of the cW. By OG-12V min.. sk-blood equil. at 450,'v reten- tion was mched. Tke thmaw/blood mile of C,1% was (A aftw 2 In.' Mallatloa. Only O.M17v of Inksled CA was excreted In tJW UdW. Of InIaNd CA, 98% Is r0shmi and c(Oxicalmd fn the twma. Viscome wagLe" with Previous powav to CSj retalmed only 20% or Imm d falialed CA 1 after 20 tals. and by I hr. mxW win. and retained no HWM. Tbay cumed up to 4 mg. CSO. In the urine. Analyses of labeled and exhaled air may prove valuable In ,"Instlac deves of exposuce and polftming. 11. 0. A. Ii /76-1 T&ISINUR, J. (3825) Z Kliniky Pracovniho Lakarstvi v Praze. XVII. Cislo venovane oboru praccvniho iekarstvi. 0 vetrebavani a vylucovani sirouhliku u cloveka Absorption and excretion of carbon disulphide in man Casopis Lekaru Ceskych 1948, 87/35 (933-936) Graphs 2 Tables 2 After inhalation of carbon disulphide for 45-60 minutes the tissues of worIcnen were completely saturated with the gas so that they did not absorb any more. In the normal control subjects performing 11 inhalation experiments, however, saturation was only reached after 1-21-2 hours. In the normals only a minute quantity was excreted in the urine (0.06 %), whereas the exposed workers excreted appreciable amounts (4 mg. per litro). Sven after 24 hours the urine was not free from carbon disulphide. From these experiments it is easy to determine the degree of tissue saturation. The method could be of importance in estimation of the degree of exposure in workers who are in contact with carbon disulphide. Olbrich Edinburgh So: P=cerpta Modica, Vol, II, No 7, Sec. II) July 1949 , . ; -a- RW"i M MESH TOISINGER, J. (3826) Z Kliniky Pracovniho Lekarstvi Karlovy; Z Kliniky Psychiatricke Karlovy Univ. v Praze. Otravy sirouhlikem v tovarne na viskosove hedvabi Carbon disulphide poisoning in a viscose silk factory Casopis Lekaru Ceskych 1948, 67/35 (936-939) The atmospheric concentration of CS2 in the workshops of a certain factory, especially in the CS2 treatment plant, was 70-300 g. per litre. fhis led to three cases of intoxication, with paranoid schizophrenia and psychosis, and a number of milder cases. Wolf - Prague (Sec. IV) So: Excerpta Medica, Vol. II, No 7, Sec. II, July 1949 - 11 X Sl NGER, J. - -NOWNPOOMM-V" 1 ., . & *Brief survey ol! investigation on allicosis In Czechoslorakla. Precov- ni lek. 2 no.6:246-24C Doe 50. - (CLIG 20:6) TNISINGNt, J.; KOZAK, 9"giftwl *aluation of no.6:284-295 J. silicosis and complicating diseases. Pracovni lek. 2 Doc 50. - (CUIL 20:6) TRISINGM, J. Waluation of a simple test for determination of lung function. Pra--- covni lek. 2 no. 6:328-331 Dec 50, , (CM 20:6). i4 . TEISINGIR, J. Treatment of silicosis and associated diseases. Pracovni lek 3 no.2:65-72 1447 1951. (CLYIL 20: 11) 1e Author is Professor and K*D. ftTZI3.IN!&-~-;xLT3]M9 X.;FISNR, K. Attempted-evaluation of hazards of silicosis in mines of Pribran. Pracoyni lek. 4 no, 1:1-6 Kar 1952. (GIKL 23:3) 1. Of the Clinic of Occupational Diseamea and Work Hygiene and of the Institute of Industrial Wgiene. Prague. 7 F f (.I !;rT 4 i-A 4C olittr 6 h. t of Wh4fatfm emu (h~ ci~E,ji-aw cuff 10 Iktd -t a-.~iutd in th- cipts f" nro thr cxff 4 d. ;2, Dun"d the - vA.,part --$d i. th, ft- A,~rlfv_m at Scmt"~ _"I 4-t I fl-ed (3) ng z -T,t~d ta t lo~~ ad Umht~. -4 Unt, prs~ 4 4t 7rM~T) ~i 614 "d 44 ~j_to LY Luc ofVact-a L,_l ljrtdact.,~ mg pglz ma Sa SOX, reR Vmn TRISINGSR, Jaroolav, Prof dr; SOTJCZK, Bohimil, R1?Dr Emil Importance of change of certain toxic vapors for their absorption and elimination in man. Cas.lsk.cesk. 91 no.45-46:1372-1375 14 Nov 52. 1. Z Ustavu fystologia, pathologie a )Xygieny prace v Praze, pred- nosta prof. dr. Jaroslav Teisinger. M (GA, abn;rp. & elimination mechanism of toxic gases in man) T.MIS =1 J* Determination of working capacity following.infectiousjaundice with regard to certain occupational hazards. Prakt. lek.. Praha 33 no.8:170- 172 20 Apr 1953. (GLML 24:4) 1. Of the Research Institute of Work Hygiene and 00,.Upational Diseases (Head-4rof. J. Nisinger, M. D. ). ath of an outstandin g Polish hygienist. Pracovni lak. 6 no-3: 194 Ja '54. (OBITUARINS, *Paluch Emil) , OR Sp 110- CIE` WE-" L-N We R-4WE ~-'! - + . : , " ;r'., , - . . , - /-- / If - " ~, , ., -, 1~ ", i-In p , . -, i k , , , /. I , 1 7 ? w~ -41 - 'a ;~- -) ~INTIW' 9 MR, - w' 4 i mll 4411, PE g M W ~t MU ~5:~ i 1 t-N , M:~r~L-NIM - q - - : lr4,1~-,!.~~,~-Ci--'.- F. ~ -,- ~2 I - . " - I i , I . C Z L ( ii A :F, ~e ~n~.6 V Dmotm-*n2tmn uf ~ ft c h i C, ro~ rk a 'I ~ - , , . -- . - - , %, Q~'. 1: m . I ~. .. - ~ . cl-, ! T-. - .. 1. 1 - . :~t J31MM, Possibilities of international cooperation In the field of scientific Investigation. Fracovni lak. 8 no.4:241-242 Aug 56. (SCIMMB, internat. cooperation (OX)) T:,:ISD,'GF,R, J. The significance of polarography in Industrial toxicolo.-_v. In German. D. 435. (Acta Chimica, Vol. ~, Nc. 114, Y)56, Budapest, Hungary) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, No. 8, Aug 1~;,47. Uncl. T z;X~'-UTA _~.LUA 3eC. 6 VO-1. 11/1G Uct. TE f V-/V'~ F x -1, 6513. TEISINGER J. and SRBOVA J. 4,Leczenie sol.Pk wapniowo-dwusodow? kwasu -UtYre-n_o_dWUZM7Inooctow6go przewlektego zatrucia olowiern. T r e a t m C n t 0 f chronic lead poisoning with the calcium disodium salt of edetic acid MED.PRACY1957, 8/1(1-13) Graphs 8 Tables I In 25 patients suffering from chronic lead poisoning it was confirmed that the ad- ministration of diNa Ca edetate (CaNa2-EDTA) isuptonow the best treatment. After a comparison of the effects of i.v. infusions and i.v. injections, i.v. injection is preferred, since its effects are only slightly less. The administration of 20% a- queous solution in doses of 3 g. every 4th day until the disappearance of signs has proved best. Aerosol inhalation of the drug for the prevention of poisoning is sug- gested. This, however, requires further study. The L v. administration of the drug is suitable for the diagnostic mobilization of lead. TAISINGIR, J.; M%HOVA, R.; ZZZUIAI 1. Effect of calcium salt of othyldiaminotatracatic acid on lead binding in erythrocytes and blood proteins. Pracovni lek. 9 no.4: 277-280 Bept 57. 1 1. Ustav hygiony prace a chorob z povolani v Praze, reditel prof. MUDr J. Teisinger. (IDATRAMIL, off on lead binding in erythrocytes & blood proteins (Ca)) (IRYTHROMES, off. of drugs on edathamil on lead binding (Gs)) (BIDOD PROTEINS, off, of drugs on same) SRBOVA J.; TgIsINGIII, J. Absorption of adathamil calcium salts In oral administration. PracoTni lek. 9 no.5:385-390 Nov 57. 1. Klinika nemoci z povolani Praha, prednosta prof. MDr J. Teisinger. (IDATHLMI4 admin. calcium diaodiumg absorp. in oral. aboorp. rate (Gz)) CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Physical Chemistry. Electrochemistry, B Abs Jour: Aef Zhur-Khimiya, No 19,1958, 63904 Author Zumanova R; Teisinger J. Zuman P Inst Not given Z=~~ Title The Influence of Albumens on the Polarographic Behavior of Metals and Their Compounds with 2.3-Dimereaptolpropanol. Orig Pub: Chem. zvesli, 1957, 11, No 9, 517-527 Abstract: Waves of Au, Ag, Hg, Cu, Sb, Bi, Zn, Cd and Pb are reduced in a citric buffer solution (pH 6-3) with the addition of albumin (I) during which the dependence i r on the I concentration is exponential. ThRae data are explained by the Card 1/3 CZECHOO-LOVAKIA / Physical Chemistry. Electrochemistry. B Abs Jour; Ref Zhur-Xhimiyaj No 19, 1958, 63904 Abstract: complex formation of metals (M) with (1); in addition, the Au, Ag, Hg and Bi complexes are not reducible and in the absence of I the waves of these M disappear, while Cu, Cd and Pb complexes are reduced, and their waves are reduced with the addition of I to a somewhAt limited value, which is determined by the coefficient of diffusion of these complexes. An adsorption retardation of the process simultaneously appears, which indicates the character of the i dependence of the reduced waves on the height ofpEhe reservoir Hg and the reduction of the Cu wave only in the limited area of potentials (trough). With the addition of I to the solutions of complexes of M with 2.3- -dimereaptolpropanol (II), the M waves are also reduced but only because of the adsorption card 2/3 11 CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Fhysical Chemistry. Electrochemistry. B Abs Jour: Ref*21wr~m!-Khimiya, No lqj 1958, 63904 Abiltract: RetaVdation. I has no inf luence on the anode ,v;-Ave of II. With the addition of II to the solutions containing M and I, a freeing of M from the complexes with I occurs, since the M complexa with II are significantly more substantial. Card 3/3 TEISINGIR, J.; IMSTINEC, K.; SRBOYA, J. IMP Effect of calcium salt of othylenediaminststrascatic acid on lead binding in liver. Cas. lek. cesk. 96 no.42:1345-1349 18 Oct 57. 1. Ustav bygieny prace a chorob, s povolani a klinika nemoci z povolani, a hygiany prace v Praze, prodnosta prof. XUDr J. Teisinger. J. T., Praba 2, Karlovo nam, 33. (IDATHAMIL, eff. on lead binding in liver (as)) (TAVIR. metab. off. of edathamil on lead binding (0s)) (IMAD, matab. off. of edatbamil on lead binding in liver (Oz)) TITSINGIR, J.; FISSROVA-BMqGWWVA, V. ~Zffect of edathamil calcium sodium on iron & copper levels in blood & urine. Gas. lek. cesk. 96 no.51:1605-1610 20 Doe 57- 1. Ustav hygieny prace a chorob zDovolani v Praze, re(litel prof. Mr. J. Teisinger. OMMMIL, off. calcium sodium, on blood & urine iron & copper in normal, & lead poisoned patients (02)) (IRON. metab. blood & urine,.eff. of edathamil calcium sodium in norml & lead poisoned patients (00) (GO , wtab. same) (LEAD POISONING, metab. iron & copper in blood & urine, off. of odathamil calcium sodium (Cz))' TZISINGER, Jaronlav (Praha 2, Knrlovo nam. 32.) Health protection in workers. Can. Isk. cesk. 97 no.23-24:742-744 6 june 58. 1, Untav hygierq prace a chorob z povolani, prednosta prof. dr. J. TetRinger. (INDUSTRUL Immix, in Czech. (Oz)) -- TBISINGER, J. Prof. MLMr. N Research on industrial hygiene and occupational diseases in Czechoslo- vakia, during recent years; report of the Cxsohoslovakian delegation. Pracovni Isk. 11 no.1-2:23-27 Yob 59. (INDUSTRIAL HYGIMM, in Czech., research (Ox)) 41r, .1 TMISINGIM, J. Biological tests of exposures. Pracovni lak. 11 no.3:133-161 Apr 39. 1. Institut dIlLygiene du Travail et des Maladies Profess ionnellee. Prapple. (AIR POLIMION, biol. tests of exposure to toxic substances, review (7r). Results of the research in the field of indaBtrial bygiene & ocm4m- tional diseases dnring the last years in Czechoslovakia. Gas. lek. cesk. 98 no-13:394-398 27 Mar 59. (INDMTRILL HrGIMM in Czeoh. (Cz)) (OCCUPATIONAL DISMSES research in Czech. (Cz)) ---TZISINGEB,- I Research plan in the field of hygiene of work and occupational diseases in 1961. Pracovni lek. 12 no.7:329-331 S 160. (OCCUPATIONAL DIRASS) TEISIVGER, J.; STY13LOVA, V. Neurological picture of chronic lead poisoning. Acta uni-r. carol. [mod.] Suppl. 14:199-206 161. 1. Klinika nemoci z povolani fakulty vaeobecneho lekarstvi University Karlovy v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. J. Teisinger Neurologicka klinika lekarske fakulty hygienicke University Karlovy v Praze, prednosta doc. dr. Z. Macek. (LEAD POISONING) (NEUROLOGICAL mAjijFESTATjojts) TRISINGER, -Taroolavi SRBOVAf Jarmira A method for diagnostic lead mobilization in ambulator7l practice. Cas.lak.ceBk 100 no.5:155-157 3 F 161. 1. Uotav bygieny prace a oborob z povolani v Praze, prednosta, prof. dr. J. TeiBinger. (LM POISONING diag) (TEA) (EDATEUMIL pharmacol) TEISINGER, Jaroslav, prof. Dr.Sc., MUDr. Field practice in the training, of med1cal students and the relation- ship of the clinical internist to health institutions in the field. Cas.lek.cesk 100 no.8:240-241 24 F 161. 1. Prednosta, kliniky chorob z povolani lek. fakulty KU v Praze, reditel Ustavu bygieny prace a chorob z povolani v Pmze. (EDUGATION, MEDICAL) TEISINGER, J. Development, current status and future of industrial medicine in our country. Frac. lek. 14 no.9:4M-42:L N 162. 1. K stemu vyroci Spolku ceokych lekara. (INDUSTRIAL NEDICINE) ZAGRAWIK.# R. [zahradnik, %); KhVAPIL, 1-11. [Ch-vapil, V.]; VOSTAL, Ya. ('Irbstal, J. 1; TEYSINGM, Ya. LT~Si~inger,J ] .. .. -.41 Toxicity of alcohols and potassium salts of alkylxanthogenic acids. Farm. i toks. 25 no.5t618-622 S-0 162 (MIRA 18:1) 1, Insti-xte of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, Prague. ZEC,110SLOVAX I A J. TZISL;GE? [ of, Dr Sc and Head (rediLel), Institute ol '.:or~ llyr-iene and Tlc-cu-~atlonal Nedicine (Ustav hygien% Irace a z rov.-;, 'A. ar I), Prague.', "Ten Years of the Institute of Work llyeiene az,; Cc~ ~rationnl "Ic-licine ill PraStie. Introc!uctory Comments." Prague, PrAcovnf Lekarstvi, Vol 15., Lo 1, Jon IL~6j; rp 2- Abstract: Historical review of the lnstitl~!:e. founded Jan 1. 1952 witli a staff of 64 It Srev to 134 already at the end of 19-.3, or,"Aniz-Ld into various sections. In these 10 years, 590 pul~llcnticns in Czecho -9 vak and 143 in forei-n nciep.Lific jo%=~als and 2U monogrAphs plus 4 ~U~lislied abroad. *Details about the progrAvxulng and implmi.-~rtatlun of cooferative tasks with various field units are givzo, with neme discutsion of the field sections'In Ostrava mines and in"t'hose of J:~,chymov (uraniurr,,) otitlining stars for the protection of workcrs. J. 'Chief (reditel)l see affiliation abovc.1 ".activity o.?~ tho F-ecti,;Pn on lndustrfal Toxlcoln-y.,' rra:;ue, rracovni Lclarstvi, Vol 15, Al:r,' 1, Jan 11,*63, Abstract: 'Ietabolic and taxicolo.:1-le ctudies chat had heon don!~ cn CI-Iorinated al'-rliatic hydrocarbons,- tricvlL-.'OCthylIni, cAr,)CV. sitlZide, lead are briefly described. Tho raethodolo'-y of uor'-. is stirmanrizcd and discussed. LU 1. PREROVSICA and J. SRBOVA, Occupational Medicine Clli-,ic (Klinika nemoci z povolants) Head (prednosta) rrof Dr J. TEISIVC:R, :rague. "Biochemical Changes In tl~.e Serum of Persons Uposed to CarboA Disulfide with Particular,,Regard to tthorosclerosis.'~ Prague, Pracovni.'Lekarstvi, Vol 15, No 1, Jan 19631 pli 25-30.- Abstract [rnglish suarary nndified]:In rabbits Cc. 1 ~2 at levels of industrial 0su2~i Increased cholesterimia aa~J beta. 1 iporro t eIns, decreased albtvnln: globulin ratio, caused no vascular changes, and did not *Reet (dictary) .cholesterol atherometc:19 ',n the3e experimental animals. In 50 men of average age 31 (deliberately kert loii to exclude degenerative vascular changes) and exposed for an average of 3.75 years to 200 ga=ia/litek of air and compared with controls, both the total chcleatnrol 4nd the macromolecular lirorroteine ver.~ high, fatty acids binding capacity of sertnn was low In direct proportion to duration of o~~rosure. Two tables, 7 diagrami; 9 Czech and 16 !7estarn ref~:rences. U / 1 6ZtC11O8L0VAKdA 13 CHUCIRLOVA and 1f. C11YAPIL, Institute of 11ork Hysiefte and Occupational H;dicins (U3tav hygiany prate a thorib t povolani,) Chi-,~f (rudital) Prof Dr J. TZISILMR, Dr Sc; Prague. 11R'ole of Ascorbic Acid in the Development of Fih-.~,-pla~tfc Inf larriation. Prague, Pr?t1covni Leltarstvi,.Vol 15, ric, 1, Jan 1963; rp 30-34. &bA.~r;p~. CE4tlish sumary modified'- In guinea piss with carraseen aranulcm, local t1haular ascorbic acid increased in direct prorortion to the Increase in collage's ascorbic acid also incressea in rats with experimental pulmonary sillcosis. In both areas, the vitamin Is bound to the mucorroteins of colla3en fibers. Five araphs, 23 references: 4 Czech (2 unpublished) 2 Soviet anid 22 Ilestern. ,-rZECff03LO7A'$Z[ A TBISINGER Institute cof Rygiena of Work and Professiou- 8:1 Diser.163. Head Profeasor Js Toiaingvrp X,Do (Ustay hygia- ny prS.06 d c-horob z pavolani# raditlel pro^L. dr. Y,. Tolainger). *Fhea,maco1ogir!,Q1 Asme=ant of MaT-4nnim Permlssibla Conesn- trations," Prague, Praqoy.-A Lakars Vol 15s No 2j, March 63, pp 4B - 51,,-" -:!-t~vi Jb,qtraet( AithoiAq Englivii suvagary modiflod)t -In come indua- f-R-U-P-olsons, where we have fair knowledge of their ob- sorption, exoretion end metabolism In the organiniat w6 can assess mEmirmn Dermissible ooncentrritions In atmoolphore an far as their phamecologleal action Is concerned. ^N thin exemolen of lead, trichloro-ethylena, And benzone thi 3u- thor provl4as evidenoe that the internationally racom4on- ded concantratiorts of those substanoes area too high, 9 'Westerns 3 Czechs I East Gqrmaa reforance, ij/1 L. -'!Ivl-~ B!iRTMIC-EX, V., T IGZI~,:_.J.Institutp of lelork H:; len-i and E~ U-3-11 Oacupiitionrtl Diseases, Head prof. Dr. J. Toiginger ~ u3tal .~ Prace a Chorob z Povolanip reditel prof. dr, J. Tai- ffyglen, !I ngevj~ Prague, '4FfrP,rt o,^ Stopeth7l (Tetraothylthlurom Di3ulphide) on the Mletabolism of Mr~n." 1-'T'r1(.'Oyni L,~kFjrytvi, Vol 15, No April 63, PP fAbt t rj,, thors I English aunriary modified] : Adminlatra- L 'I tx~ po tr..yl do ere as o sthe amount of trichlorootuhnnol ~61 tr-.~,olh').orciacetlc iv,lid that are excreted from humeri body. P o Lis of using 11. for thnrapoutio pu7T)oscs in oral tr,'. r~,,~---ofjthylonf) "Intoxications Is discuosod. P Tableag 6 Wo7terrq, 10 Czech, :'- German reference. CZECji0Sr OVAKIA DIARHA X., Instit-ute for Work Hygiene and Occupational Diseases (UStav hygieny prace a chorob z povolani), Prague, Prof. Dr J. Dr of Sciences, director. "Some Experimental Observations of the High-Prequency :31ectro- magnetic Pield in Vivo and in vitroll Prague, Pracovni Lekarstvi, Vol XV, ,io 6, August 1963, pp 23b- 242. Abstract [Author's English summary, modified]: The course of the efTe-c-F-of lethal doses of the centimeter radiation on the living organism was divided into several intervals: 1. The first attempt to escape. 2. Paralysia of the hind limbs. 3. Convulsions. 4. Death. Various aspects and phases of the biological offect of the centi- meter wave swerestudied. Tile noxious effect cannot be explained by overheating of the organism only. Particularly in small in- tensities the existence o-L LI f a nonthermal phenomenon must be con- sidered. The biological effect of high-frequency fields, except for extremely high fields, is not due to the destruction of mole- cules. The mechanism is more complex. 111his theory is studied and results will be published soon. Six references, including 2 Russian. 1/1 CZECYIIOSLOVAKiA Prof., Dr, Dr of Sciences, director of the Insti- Work Hyriene wLd Occupational Diseases (Ustav hygieny tute for , prace a chorob z povolani), Pragua. "The Problem of the Maximum Permissible Concentration of Toxic Substances in the Working Atmosphere" Prague, Pracovni Lekarstvi, Vol XV, I-To 6, August 1.963, pp 25c)-- 264. Abstract: Discussed is the work of a special commission which is preparinr standards for the permissible concentration of toxic substances in Czechoslovakia. The commission has not completed its work. 'Until now it made proposals concerning 50 different substances. The article contains specific information on selected substances, including their maximum permissible concentration as prescribed in various countries, including Czechoslovakia, Russia, Poland, and East Germany. Pifty-eight references, including 11 Czech and 5 Russian. 1/1 n.-, o- ."OY., YSI 0 cases at Pra-uc, 7-rof. doclu-or J. tav hy!~Icny pr;,cc ca c.,Orc),-, z novo-,ani 6r. j. ToiSin,,,cr, Dr.Sc.7- 11 IlAnalys-1- of Discropanc-Les in Diagnoses of Soj,-:!co-ir~ b.,:;cd on ~L -- it j. - - - RadioloS;-ical and Functional Obsorvationo. Prague, Pracovn; Lel:ar-ILvi, Vol 1~5), No Ab~;`-Urflc-. Dacionts wc,--c examined durin[~ ,, porioO of 11- yc,,-r3. U . U- in LO M 0 s 5 ~/'j` ') d', I s c r 0,0 a n c i c s, b c t w e,-., n t h c. X r a y P i c t L I r 0 s and the -.)ulnon--r-, f unc 'L ion 17ound. The do, te.-M, ina"; ~Lon C) 1, pulmonary function %-.ras bacerd on the oxaminat- on of vont I " at; on a-- exnroj3ed by I;raced-out o::.,s-)iration of the v-;t-,,.l c-,,pacity and ~r 'he bo"al pulvion,ry capaci!;- -nd th~~- b-jo- the s,.)iro ra:-.,. "ur", c. U U 11 j . 1 11 ros-idual voliz-,r-, dote--.riined, ac well a-- the, ol-.-Y,-~(;-.1 uti-t tion and carbon dioxlde ell-r-iination dur-in.- ,, wor's load -DrL~r---od. in 20 cases (491~) there was a dircropancy bo',-wocn the X-ray pic- ture and the toual rc-sniratuory function, -10 discrepancy with ventiiation. The same pro-por'U.I.on I,'o-,Ird Par,Tn- vontil--tion and total raZniratory function. '21- are 'he nossible cau-scs of the di3cl-cpancics: ir,-.portance of 1/2 Prar-uc, Pracovni Lgllmrotvi, Vol 15, No 19?3, phly'som-03 effect of f 11brot-Ic :);~ocess on the r,-ductl.i on of t*'.-,--- total c I apacity, compmsa-uory prucfn--cs in and aT),-,=tus, and bhr; state o.C adaptoatl%on of the orC~anlcr. .-L a 7-11:,~r;-Lr~ to T):athological 3 Table-,, 7 IJlostorn, 19 Czcch roforoncor,. 2/2 7 Ii TFISIVGIR-, 7rp--7!er,ces with ambulant diagnontLc lead nob-Aizallon. Prac. lek. 16 no.40.45-141 NY 164 1. Kl.jliika nomoo-I z povolani fakulty vsoobecnsho lakarstv"I Kurlovy Univorfiity v Prazn (prednoatat prof. dr. J.Teislngor, ars, c 0 ) 0 MSTINGER, Jaroslay; _F.SFROVA-BERGFROVA, Vev, N+entlon and excrPtion of msrL-ury vapors by the lungis In man. Praco lek. 16 nc*9093-397 11 1 64 1, Ustav hygieny prace a chol-ob z povolani v PTaze (redital prof. dr. Jo Telsinger., DrSc.) TE13RIGN-11L, Jaroslav; SRBOVA, Jami ra I I I t I Effect OiD-per-nicillamLno cr the ez!jreMon cf inercury an-4. lei-.I Jr. the urIne. FTac. lelk. 16 no.102433-435 W61, 1. Klini-ka nemcci z D.~vo!,~ni v -'.raza (prpdr.,.,st:i prd. d! . J.Tels!nger, DrSo.) PRERMI;KA, Tvw-.a; TEISITIGIER, "It., Tae !Ilnical picturt ct c-nzn~ni.- Pra3. le~. 17 no.2-.1111-43 Mi-165 '1. KlInAka riam.)ci z faktilty vocyobe-nIlItl Dra2.e (Fr,~Anosta: prof. ir. j. If-4 TBISDIGIM, J- - -.1-...." (~ ostic mobilizaticn cf lead- Practical significance of diagn Arh. hig. rada 15 no-3:243-248 164. 1. Clinic of occupational Diseases, Praha. Vora; TE1.5-RIGER, Jaroslav, prod* dr. DrSc- F jSVjOVA-B',,RG'j','ROVk j Y! ric,.": I T -' - I r- .1 I Retention of styl,elle vapors in tto lurg-5. ?I , 102-104 I~p'65. volanj v prazo (redital: I., U13tav hyglony praoa a atiorob z PO prof, dra Ja Teisiaigel"y Dr.S.). CZF!r,',IOSLOVAKIA UDC 616-001.9 (612.014-43) JOKL, Miloslav; ROUBAL, Jan; Instituto of Work flygione and Occupational Diseases (Ustav Hygiony Prace a Chorob z Povolani), Prague, Director (Reditel) Prof Dr J. TEISINGM. "Evaluation of the Human float Load." Prague, Pracovni Lekarstvi, Vol 18, No 2, March 66, PP 49 - 53 Abstract juthors, 1;n'gli3h 3=mry modified_7: A now method of evaluating heat stress is described. Four criteria for the load are used: total heat load, total hyper- or hypo- thermic load, irregularity, and change in the heat load. On the basis of these factors effective work time during a definito period can be deter- mined, the work load under adverse heat conditions evaluated, and the allowable irregularities and changes in the heat load permis- sible during working activities specified. The total heat load may be calculated on the basis of the total sweat excretion, The change in the temperatures at the beginning, at the end, and changes during the working span are evaluated. 9 Figures, 7 Western, 8 Czech, I Russian reference. (Manuscript received 16 Jan 65). -'CZECHOSLOVAICIA UDC 312.6:313-12.69:613-6)s4 SEaffROVA, Marie; Institute of Work Hygiene and Occupational Diseases (Ustav Hygiony Prace a Chorob z Povolani), Prague, Director (Redi- tel) Prof Dr J. TEISINGER. "Causal Analysis of Fluctuations, Morbidity, and Accidont Rate in Building Industry Employees Working with Vibrators." Prague, Pracovni Lekarstvi, Vol 18, No 2, March 66, pp 60-64 Abstract: Author' a English summary modifieg! In 1959 and 1960 the accident rate In concrete-laying workmen in 3 enterprises was investi- gated. The fluctuations in the numbers of employees were between 23 and 29%, with the exception of one enterprise, where in 1960 they were only 11%. The most frequent cause of the employees leaving were eco- nomic and social; the enterprises discharged the workers most fre- quently because of lack of discipline, and because of high absenteeism. Health reasons were a rare reason for termination of the employment. Work with vibrators did not influence the morbidity rate. 4 Figures, 4 Tables, 11 Czech references, (Manuacript received 29 Jan 64). 22 - CZECHOSLOVAKIA UDC 616.152(:546.815)-074:545 SRBOVA, Jarornira; Clinic of Occupational Di3oasos, Faculty of General "edicine, Charles University (Klinika Nemoci z Povolani Fakulty Vseobeencho Lakarstvi ICU), Prague, Iload (Prednosta) Prof Dr J,__TEISINGER. "Polarographic Determination of Load in Blood." Prague, Fracovni Lelcarstvi, Vol 18, No 2, March 66, PP 72 - 74 Abstract fAuthorts English summary modifieg: Teisinger rapid polarometric method (direct determination of Fb in the deproteinized blood filtrate) and the determination after demineralization are compared. The two methods gave identical results. Findings of Dr Moseva indicating that results of the two methods differ could not be confirmed. 4 Figures) 1 Western, 2 Czech refer- ences. (Manuscript received 1 Jul 65)- 1/1