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SYREYSHCHIKOV, V1. (g. Svordlovsk)
Way to victory . Z& rul. 15 no.3:4-5 Mr '57, (MLU 10:5)
(Motorcycle racing)
Production of ammonium sulfate of prescribed quality. Koks i
khim. no.7:42-1+4 J1 161. (MIU 14:9)
1. Chelyabinskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod.
(Chelyabinsk-Ammonium sulfate)
15(2) SOV/131-59-12-1/15
AUTHORS: Mamykin, P. S.,
TITLE: Manufacture of Forsterite )~ Products From Asbest6s Scraps
PERIODICAL: Ogneupory, 1959, Nr 12, PP 529-538 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In the present paper the experiment of replacing the process
of briquetting asbestos scraps by granulation' 'is described.
Granulation and chemical composition of five kinds of scraps
may be seen from tables 1 and 2. Figure 1 shows thermograms of
asbestos scraps of Kurnakov. Asbestos scraps exhibit less re-
fractoriness than serpentinites of Bedenskoye, Bazhenovskoye,
and Belorechenskoye deposits. Table 3 indicates the refractori-
ness of scraps in dependence on magnesite powder addition.
Further the granulation of furnace charges with magnesite ad-
dition is described and table 4 lists the chemical composition
of utilized magnesites. Figure 2 shoirs granules obtained at
dimensions of 7 to 15 mm. The granule- and briquette properties
after burning are indicated in table 5- Samples were made from
granulated and briquetted clinker the composition and main
characteristics of which may be seen from table 6. Further the
Card 1/3 possibilit,', of -.;,n.nufact~uTingr Periklas-Forsterite products is
Manufactu-_;-e of Fcrsteri~,e~ Sera
investi~~afpfl t~~ -:rtif~s of -,.-hich are indicated in tl-,ble 't.
In the "Hacnaz_i-i;" ~._-n ex-oerimental set of Forsterite-
and Periklas-For!-teritz- ~;roducts were, manufactured accordiTiE
to the briquett' T.",
thod and described in detail. Their
&-mic-al Co-m-)O-s
and properties are shown by table 6 and
their micrc-1-1--i. by _fii~ures 3 and 4. The Forsterite- and
Periklas-Farst~--`:tq t-,-.~icks were tested in the checkered brick-
work of air- of an open-hearth furnace of
the Nizhne T i~-et~illuruicheskiy kombinat (Nizhniy
Tagil 1,L=,-11,.trzi~nal Kombinat) and it was found that their coM__
positior! and orc.nerties r"hanGed only inconsiderably after use
(Table 9). Onl,y "irsterit-i bricks were subjected to destruction
in a high degree. Petlroj~,~,xaph_ic analyses of these bricks were
carried out by T. F. Raychenko; Figures 5 and 6 show their
microstructure. 7 and 6 show the microstructure of
Forsterite bricks from asbestos scraps and unburned dunite. In
+,Iia+, asbesto-- scraps may be used
as raw material forthe manufacture of Forsterile Droducts with
a porosity below 2c%. By addition of 30% magnesite all proper-
ties of these -j--oducts ar~_ ir-)roved. GranulatinG the finely
Card 2/3 Grou-nd elhart-p ri-placa the briquetting of the charge without
SOV/1 31-59-12-1/15
Manufacture of Forsterite Products From Asbestos Scraps
involving a reduction in quality. Thus the use of serpentinites,
talcs and other similar rocks for the manufacture of Forsterite
products is made possible. There are 10 figures, 9 tables, and --*'
6 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION: Vostochnyy institut ogneuporov (Eastern Institute of Refrac-
Card 3/3
Effect of the composition of the metallurgical powder mix on the
stability of sidewalls and hearth bottoms in electric are furnaces.
Ogneupory 29 no.6:276-280 164. (MIRA .18:1)
1. Vostochnyy institut ogneuporov (for Khoroshavin, Syreyshchikov).
2. Zavod "Elektrostall" (for Skorokhod'),
Gompaction of the ballast during vibration. Vest. TSNII M
22 no.7:59-63 163. (MM i6:12)
SYREYSHCHI~qy,, Yu.r.1 iRzh.
Effect of vibration conditions on ballast tampingo Put' put.khoz.
8 no.206-37 164. (MIRA 170)
STRELOV, K.K.; WffKIN, P.S.; Prinimali BASIYAS, I.P.;
Institutes and enterprises. Ogneupory 27 no.11:1+99-501
,62. (MIRA 15:11)
1. Vostochnyy instuitut ogneuporov (for Strelov). 2. Urallskiy
politekhnichesk-iy institut Im. S.M. Kirova (for Mamykin).
(Rafractory materials-Rese arch)
YS' f/c f I v 1.)/ V~
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 1, p 230 (USSR)
AUTHORS: Bolotov, Ye.,
_Ly Le y s h Guterman, S. G.
TITLE: The Mechanism of Formation of Spheroidal Graphite Crystals
in Iron (0 mekhanizme obrazovaniya sharovidn~kh kristallov
grafita v chugune)
PERIODICAL: V sb. : Rost kristallov. Moscow, AN SSSR, 1957, pp Z05-211
ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry
1. Iron 2. Graphite crystals-Formation
Card 1/1
~p;~sncnixova V,i. and. uut;uiuan b.~i.
AUTHOR: "Baot-bvj Ye S,7 ~25
TITLE: On the mechanism of formation of spheroidal graphite in
cast iron. (0 mekhanisme obrazovaniya sharovidiiogo
grafita v chugunakh.)
PERIODICAL: "Fizika Metallov-i Metallovedeniell (Physics of Metuals and
Metallurgy), 195? , Vol.IV, pp-177-180 (U.S.S.R.)
ABSTRACT: The aim of the experimental work was to elucidate whether
the formation of spheroidal graphite in the case of treatment
of the cast iron with an inoculation agent is due to the,
elimination of sulphur and oxygen from the melt. If this is
the case, iron obtained from'pure starting materials should
develop spheroidal graphite without any 'inoculation. For
this purpose, the shape of the graphite was investigated in
iron produced in vacuum from pure raw materials. For eluci-
da~rg the mechanism of the effect of sulphur radio-active
S has been included. The silicon which was added to the
melt to an extent of 3% contained 0.1?Vo Al, 0.41ya Fe, 0.15Yo Ca
whilst the graphitis8d carbon contained 0.015Yo S, the iron
was molten at 1 400 C in a graphite crucible at a pressure
of 2 x 10-3 mm Hg and cooled in vacuum. It was found tht
fo-rTmq-uion of lamellar graphite is due to the presence of
sulphur, and apparently also due to the presence of oxygen in
theziron, and it is concluded therefrom that the formation
of spheroidal graphite as a result of inoculation (with
On the mechanism of formation of spheroidal graphite 3-n
cast iron. (Cont. )
magnesium for instance) is due to the purification of the melt
from these admixtures and combining with them into insoluble
chemical compounds (MgS, MgO); the purification may also be
due to the flotation process which accompanied the, passage of
bubbles of vapours of the inoculation agent through the melt.
It is also possible that the iwculation agent brings about
a super-cooling of the iron and by absorbing on the graphite
makes the movement of carbon atoms to the growing graphite
crystal difficult. 4 micro-photographs, 14 references, 6 of
which are Russian.
Ural Research Institute of Ferrous
Metals. Reed. May 21, 1956
180), 18(7)t 24(2) SOV/126-7-2-32/39
AUTHORS: Levitin, V. V. and Syreyshch-1 Tovn I V. i.
The Influenc-3 of n on the Natuxe -0-1-1-5116rbide
Separation in Austenitic Steels During Tempering
(0 vliyanii bora na kharakter Tiydelejaiya karbidov
v austenitnoy stali pri otpuska)
PERIODICAL: Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeniyel 1959, Vol 7, Nr 2t
pp 308-310 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Heatin- of austenitic stainless steels containing carbon
? 0
in solid solution up to temperatures of 500-800 C
causes formation of chromilua ca:rbide in the grain
boundaries. as a result of which the steel ceases to be
resistant to intercrystalline corrosion. The authors
investigated the influence of small additions of boron
on the nature of the separation of the carbide phase
during tempering and on the tendeficy of chro-a-Jun
manganese nickel steel .4 '(1-u intercrys-Galline
corrosion. The above steel has be~--n studied in the
work of Levitin et. al. (Ref In'Dots 1to which
various quantities of borar- have been added were melted
in a high frequency furnace and -forged into rods. The
Card 1/5 specimens for metallographic investi.ation and for
The Influence of Boron on the Nature of Carbide Separation
in Austenitic Steels During Tempering
intercrystalline testing made from the rods w 8Te heated
to various temperatures in the range 950-1250 C, held
for one hour and quenched in water. Tempering was
carried out Pder the usual conditions (Ref 3), for tiio
hours at 650 C. The tendency to intercrystalline
corrosion of cylindrical specimens of 3.4 mm diameter
was determined after boiling -Uhem in a standard
solution (Ref 3) by -the loss of metallic sound on falld-n.~;
and by the increase in electric resistance. The
investigation has shown that- !Doron slows down -the
formation of the carbide alon.- the austenitic
grain boundaries. In steels co~-aiiiinr, no boron
temperin,- for 2 hours at 6500- L~ I
u I j 3auses formation of a
continuous chain of carbides a-long the grain boundaries
(Fig la). In steel containinG 0.004% boron, the carbide
phase separates in the form of fragments; the grain
boundaries remain pure along considerable len-ths
(Fig lb). At concentrations lower than 0.003% or above
0.010% boron has no influence on the formation of the A retardation of the decomposition of
Card 2/5 the solid solution in the boundaries under the influence
,he Influence of Boron on the Nature of Carbide SeDaration
in Austenitic Steels During Tempering
out to temperatures of 1075-1150 C. At lower or higher
quenching temperatures, the carbide network formation
occurs in the same way as in steel without boron
addition. The influence of boron is the greater the
lower the carbon content of the steel: in 0.06% C steel
boron practically completely prevents formation of
carbides that can be seen under the optical microscope;
at a carbon content of 0.14%, the influence of boron
becomes negligible. From the TP:ble it can be seen that
steels containing optimum boron --ontents resist inter-
crystalline corrosion tests accardin~6 to GOST 6032-51.
The results of the investigation obtained a.-ree vrith
V. I. Arkharov's theory of pre'Le-r,_;nt4al distribution of
impurities in the grain boundaries as a result of the
tendency of the alloy to lower its excess surface energ7
(Ref 4 and others). Accord-incE, to V. I. Arkharov (Ref 5),
the mechanism of the influence o'L boron on the ability
of structural steels -to be tem-aered consists in the
Card 3/5 fact that the enrichment of intercrystalline boundaries
for quenching is carried
of boron is observed when
The Influence of Boron on the Nature of Carbide Separation
in Austenitic Steels During Tempering
with boron leads to a decrease in the distortion of the
crystal lattice, as a result of which -the vior~ for the
formation of critical nucleation of the separating
phase increases. This explanation is applicable
apparently also to the effect shown in this work.
The decrease in diffusion rate in -the grain boundary
zone (Ref 6), in this case of carbon under the influence
of boron, and the ejection of carbon from the boundary
zones can also be factors influencing the retardation of
carbide particle formation. Let us note that boron
retards the separation of exce-2-2 Dhases from austenite
of different composition (carbor- and alloy steels,
austenitic staa2). The surface activity of boron is apparent
in nickel base alloys (Ref 7) and in iron (Ref 8). Among
the number of factors influencing intercrystalline
adsorption (Ref 9), in the case of b oron the detern
factor is a geometrical one. The atomic radius of boron
is smaller than the radius of atoms forming a
Card 4/5 substitional solid solution in the alloys listed, but is
The Influence of Boron on the Nature of Carbide Se-Daration
in Austenitic Steels During Tempering
6reater than the radius of atoms going into solution
interstitially. This is bound to lead to a greater
solubility of boron in distorted grain boundary zones
as compared with the solubility in the grain bodies.
It appears that in the construction of intercrystalline
boundaries boron atoms play a smaller role as "structure
material" than metallic atoms.
There are 1 figure, 1 table and 9 references, 8 of whirb
are Soviet, 1 English.
(Note: This is a complete transl-ation except for the
figure caption and table)
ASSOCIATION: Urallskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut
chernykh metallov (Ural Scientific Research Institute
of Ferrous Lietals)
SUBUITTED: May 12, 1958
Card 5/5
AUTHORS: Levitin, V.V., and Syreyshchikova, V.I. (Engineers)
TITLE., Rejection of Carbid e at the Grain Boundarieeduring
Tempering of Austenitic Steel,V
PERIODICAL: Metallovedeniye i termicheskaya obrabotka metallov,
196o, No 81 pp 20-25
TEXT: The work described in this paper was devoted to studying
the influence of small additions of various-elements on the
character of rejection of carbides during tempering of austenitia
stainless steels and the stability of such steels against inter-
crystallite corrosion. For the investigation a nitrogen-
containing, chromium-manganese-hickel steel was chosen (0.09-
o.i2% c- 16-18.6% cr-, 3.3-5.5% Ni; 6-9.5% Mn; 0.12-0.35% N;
max 0 .F'~ Si, max 0.04% Pq max 0603% S. After quenching from 2.
1050 OC the mechanical properties were as folloKs: as = 34-39 kg/mm I
Ob = 73-79 kg/mm2; 6 = L~7-53%; ak = 21+ kgm/cm,:--.
The additions used for preventing rejection of carbides 4t the grain
boundaries and for preventing the tendency to inter-crystallite
corrosion can be subdivided into the following two groups:
Card V4 V1(
Rejection of Carbides at the Grain Boundaries during Tempering of
Austenitic Steel
admixtures which combine with carbon to form strong carbides;
admixtures which reduce the of the inter-crystallite
transient zone. As elements of the first group the authors chose
Mo, Nb. and Ta; as elements of the second group they chose Be, Ca.)
Ag, Ce and B. Grade A electrical iron, nitrided ferro-chromium,
low-carbon ferro-chromium. and metallic manganese were chosen as
charge materials for the laboratory high-pressure furnace, whilst
carbide-forming elements were introduced into the steel in
quantities which are required for carbide formation. Other
additions were introduced in quantities between thousandths and a
tenth of one percent. The ingots were machined off to a depth of
3-5 mm and forged into rods from which specimens were out out.
Specimens for micro investigations were heated in a salt bath to
temperatures between 950 and 1250 OC in steps of 50 OC for one hour
and then quenched in water. The tempering was by heating for two
hours at 650 OC. In some cases additional tempering for 15 minutes
and two hours was carried out at 700 and 750 OC. The quenching
temperature at which the smallest quantity of carbides separated at
Card 2_/L~
Rejection of Carbides at the Grain Boundaries during Tempering of
Austenitic Steel
the boundaries was determined metallographically. Following that,
specimens were treated according to this regime and used for
determining the tendency to inter-crystallite corrosion7 which
was determined after boiling of the specimens in a.,standard
solution and inspecting the crack formation caused by subsequent
bending,and by measuring the increase in electrical resistance.
In some of the steels the carbide phase was separated
electrolytically in m saturated solution of sodium chloride which
was acidified by hydrochloric acid. The thus produced.
precipitates were subjected to X-ray analysis using cobalt
radiation. Six microstructure photographs of various steels
(without and with additions) after quenching and tempering at
650 OC for a duration of 2 hours are reproduced on p 2-1. The
results of investigations of the tendency to develop inter-
crystallite corrosion after quenching and tempering at 650 OC are
entered in a Table on p 23 for steels from 26 heats. On the basis
of the obtained results the following conclusions are arrived at.
RejeQti.on of the carbides during tempering of the investigated
Card 3/`+ V1(
Rejection of Carbides at the Grain Boundaries during Tempering of
Austenitic Steel
steels can be prevented by reducing the carbon content from 0.09-
0.12% to 0.04% and also by introducing molybdenum, niobium and
tantalum. The resistance to inter-crystallite corrosion during
tests in a standard solution is maintained in low carbon steel and
also in steel containing tantalum to an extent of 20 times the
carbon content. Addition of tungsten and also an increase in the
niobium content in excess of 10 times the carbon content leads. to
ferrite formation. Berrylium accelerates the rejection of carbides
during tempering of hardened steel, whilst calcium, silver and
cerium do not influence this process within the range of
investigated quantities. Boron (0.003-0.10%) prevents the formation
of a carbide network in the case of tempering at 650 OC, but assists
such formation at more elevated temperatures. The influence of
boron depends on the quenching temperature and on the carton
Content of the steel.
There are 1 figure, 1 table and 12 referencess 9 Soviet,
2 English and 1 Ger'man.
ASSOCIATION8 Ural2skiy institut chernykh metallov
Card 4/4- (Ural Institute for Ferrous Metals) V~/
AUTHORS. Levitin, V. V., Syreyshchikova, V. 1.
TITLE: Methods to prevent intercrystalline corrosion in stainless
austenitic steels containing nitrogen
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 1, 1962, 307, abstract
11193 (Byul. nauchno-tekha. inform. Urallskiy n.-i. in-t
chern. metallov, no. 8, 1960, 62-67)
TEXT: Methods of preventing the tendency to intercrystalline corrosion in
N2- containing austenitic steels were investigated. These are based on
reducing the C content in the steel and on the adoption of carbide
developers which do not remove N2 from the solid solution. It was found
that the separation of Cr carbides in the drawing of austenitic Cr-Mn-Ni-
steels which contain N2 can be prevented by reducii2g.-, the C content in
such steels from 0.09-0.12 to 0*04a..or by adding Mo, Nb or Ta to them.
[Abstracter's note; Complete translation
Card 1/1
AUTHORS; Syreyshchikova, V.I., Levitin, V.V., and
on the influence of grain size of austenitic steels
on their refractoriness and nature of fracture in
PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, v-13, no.3,
1962, 394-398
.TEXT; The influence of grain size and the properties of
grains of varying dimensions in forgings of steel 3A612 Y%
AE1612K), with respect to refractorlness and nature of cracks at
and 700 OC was studied. The'ehemical composition of this
steel (in ~0') is as follows-. 0.09 C; 0.34 Si; 1.19 Mn;
115.0 Cr; 36.5 Ni; 1.5 Ti; 3.2 W; 4.1 Co; 0.012 B; 0.013 P;
iO.001i S. An ingot 2.1 tons in weight was forged into a rod of
:300 mm diameter. The forging was cut into longitudinal templets
of 20 mm thickness. Specimen billets were cut from peripheral
portions of the latter, in order to exclude the influence of
Card l/ 5
On the influence of grain size E091/EI35
defects in the central zone. The templets were soaked at 1200 0C
for 2 hours and quenched. They were then ground on two opposite
.sides and etched in order to expose the nature and size
:distribution of the grains. Etching waE carried out at room
temperature in a solution consisting of a mixture of 20 weight
parts of hydrochloric, 10 parts.of nitric acid, and one part of
potassium dichromate. The average grain size on the surface of !'.,4
.billets of 20 x 20 mm cross section was determined by measuring
the diameter of 200 grains. Selected billets were tempered in
three stages: at 850 OC for 10 hours; at 700 OC for 20 hours;
band at 650 OC for 30 hours. For the purpose of testing for
refractoriness, specimens of 10 mm diameter and 100 mm working
length were cut from the billets. The tests were carried out at
700 OC at loads of 22 and 18 kg/mm2, and at 650 OC at loads of
,30 and 26 kg/mm2. Four specimens with various grain characteria.-
.ties were tested for each load. The surfaces of the specimens
after failure and their fractures were studied both visually and
with the aid of a binocular microscope. Sections for
metallographic study were made in the axial plane of the specimens.!
Card 2/ 5
On the influence of grain size ... S/126/62/013/003/009/023
These were polished electrolytically and etched in a sulphuric-
phosphoric-chromic electrolyte. it was found that creep occurs
under the above conditions both by viscous flow along inter-
crystalline boundaries and by slip within the grains. During
deformation, internal cracks develop along intercrystalline
boundaries in the specimens in a direction perpendicular to the
applied load. La.L.,,,e grains lying in the path of cracks so as to
oppose their propagation perpendicular to the specimen axis,
temporarily vetard their spreading. No strengthening occurst
however, since failure develops further due to the formation of
intercrystalline cracks in other places. The large grains,
having stopped propagation of the cracks, are stress-relieved by
slip, probably after they have rotated somewhat into a more
favourable position. Vacancies accumulate along the slip planes,-
cracks form and cleavage occurs. Under the conditions
InvestIgated, failure occurs along the most closely packed
planes of the type (111). The nature of failure (intra- or
inter-crystalline) is determined essentially by the grain size
.in the specimen cross-section. As the grain size increases, the
Card 3/5
On the influence of grain size
development of intercrystalline cracks becomes more difficult
and the destruction acquires an intracrystalline chaiacter.
So long as the grain size is small as compared with the diameter
of the specimen, the stability of the latter does not decrease.
In specimens, the cross section of which contain large grains
(3-5 min) comparable with the diameter of the specimen, cleavage
in the large grains drastically weakens the cross section, a a
result of which the spe'cimen fails quite rapidly. Regions
containing small, as well as large, grains exhibit different
plastic properties, owing to localised predomination of different
mechanisms of deformation. These result in the appearance of
deflecting loads at the boundaries between these regions, which.
decrease the stability. There are 4 figures and 2 tables.
Card 4/5
on the influence of grain size ...
ASSOCIATION: Urallskiy nauchno--isaledovatellskiy institut
chernykh metallov
(Ural Scientific Research Institute of Ferrous
Institut tyazhelogo mashinostroyeniya pri UZTM
(Institute of Heavy Machinery at'UZTM)
SUBMITTED: Initially, June 5, 1961, and
after revision, July 10, 1961.
Card 515
AUT14ORS: Levitin, V.V., and Syreyshchikova V.I
TITLE': An.investigation of the strengthening phase of A
complexly alloyed steel M612K (EI 612K)
PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov I metallovedeniye, v.14, no.1, 1962,
TEXT: The form of crystallites, structure and composItion of
the phase-vrhich separates during ageing and during retention under
load were studied for the steel EI 612K. This steel,.after
hardening and ageing, possesses properties which are high for
austenitic class steels. Electron microscopy and.electron
radiograbhy studies and chemical analysla were made of the Isolated
phase of specimens cut out from an ingot containing; 0.09% C;
15-0;^* Cr; 36.5% Ni.; 4.1% Co; 3.21o W; 1.5% TI; o.18% A3.; 0.012%, B;
1-2~6 Mn; 0-34% Si; 0-013% P; 0.004% S. The specimens were
hardened from 1200 *C and annealed'in three stages; 850 *C -
10 hours; 700,*C - 20 hour's-,. 650 'C - 30 hours. For the heat
resistanbe tests specimens with a gauge length of 100 mm, 10 mm,
in diameter, were"used. The phase, separating.on ageing, is so.
Car,d 1/2
ACCESSION NR: AT4013936 S/2659/63/010/000/0116/0123
AUTHOR: Sy*reyshchikova, V. L; Levitin, V. V.; Farafonov', K. K.
TITLE: Investigation of strengthening, creep and failure processes in austenite steel
SOURCE: ANSSSR* Institut metallurgii. Issledovaniya po zhaioprochny*m splavam, v.
10, 1963, 116-123
TOPIC TAGS: steel strengthening, steel creep, steel failure, austenite steel, steel plastic
deformation, polygonization
ABSTRACT: The process of failure under creep was previously investigated for nonferrous
metals, but only a few analyses have besa made of heterogeneous alloys. This paper des-
cribes the investigation of the strengthening phase of a complex austenite steel alloy and
studies the plastic deformation and failure of this steel under creep conditions. The
influence of grain size on heat resistance was also Investigated. The testing procedure
was carried out on an IP-4M machine. Ingots of 2. 1 tons were fastened to rods 300 MM - in
diameter. They were then hardened and tempered (850C for 10 hours, 700C for 20 hours,
and 650C for 30 hours). High-temperature samples were cut from blawts with
i Card 3A
chikova,V.1., and Le
AUTHORS: Syreysh v it ir~ V. V.
TITLE. Investigation of intra-granular structure of
austenitic ste6l.after fracture during creep
PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, v-15, no-3, 1963,
TEXT; The authors have previously shown that in type .3 V) 612 K
(E1612K) complex-alloyed heat-resisting steel the development-of.
inter-crystallite cracks during high-temperature deformation is
hindered and the fracture acquires an intra-granular character,
The aim-of the present work was to study the creep mechanism of
this steel by investigating the intra-crystallite cleavage planes
and grains in the axial part of the specimens after fracture.
Fracture temperatures were 6cO and 700 0C.. Fractures were studied
.by back-reflection X-ray and microscopic methods. The results
showed that with comparatively brief tests at 650 *C individual
large grains fracture along elip planes (like single crkstals).
The plane of easiest slip is the U111 plane of the austenite
lattice. With increasing test time and temperature the importance
Card 1/2
Investigation of intra-granular
of inter-granular flow increases and elastic bending of individual
:Crystallites can occur. The relaxation of stress in these
crystallites occurs through their breakdown into sub-grains, the
extent of fragmentation increasing with increasing proximity of
the given grain to the fracture zone., It appears that insufficienti!
.importance has previously been attributed to fragmentation, as a
particular case of polygonization, in creep; this process needs
further study. The mechanism of the intra-crystallite fracture of
,the grain undergoing frAgmentation has not been explained:. the
intra-crystallita crack may successively 'jump$ from one sub-grain
to the next, following changes in the orientation of the crystallo-:
graphic plane; it is not impossible, ho%.rever, that the intra-
crystallite crack proceeds along sub-grain boundaries.
There are 4 figures and I table.
ASSOCIATION: Urallskiy inst.itut chernykh.metallov
(Ural-, Institute of Ferrous.Metals)
SUBMITTED.' July 11, 1962
Card 2/2
Effect of the methods of gmelting and heat treatment on the
he.-t resistant properties of boiler pipe of 12Kh1MF- and
15KhIM2.F steel. Stall '45 no.4-051-354 Ap 165.
(MIRA 18-11)
1. Uralgskiy nauchno-iss-Ledovatellskiy Institut chernykh
1 29226-66 -EW
ACC-NRt AP6019366 SOLIRCE CODE: UR/0126/66/021/002/0291/0293
AUTHOR: Syreyshchikovap_~. I., Sjqlo arov. G_ D_
'TITLE: Investigation of carbide transformationaduring the tempering of steelWl
12KhlW an& l5KhlMU ~Vq
_~OURGE-Aizika metallov i metallovedeniye, v. 21s no. 2s 1966v 291-293
-steels car. do, electron diffraction, electron microscopy
tempering, Vi
metal chemical analysiss metal etchings chromium carbide,, vanadium compound,
molybdenum, toughness, brittleness/12KhlHF steelt l5Kh1MV steel
ABSTRACT., ~Ths electron niarosoopio and electron diffraction study of the struoturs,-:
~Xorms and position of carbide'phase particles.' precipitated 'during the annealing
j ~f normalized steels IMUW and I-QMIHlF Is asontede The steels had the
following chemical composition (Wt Pi
C Kh Si S P Cr Mo V.
12KhtMF 0.14 0.54 o.26 o,,o2z om6 i.t5 o.z6 0.20:
15M11MIF 0.14 0.46 0.29 0.018 0.023 1.34 0.94 0.20
The spocimena were no~~malized from 9800C (steel 12Kh1W) and 10roC (steel
:13Kh1MJ.F), The tempering temporature was varied in the 450-780 C range; annealing-1,
time va.8 3 hours.
Card 1/3 UDC: 669.14.018.85/620,187548-74
L 29226-66
ACC NRs AP601936,66
'Th6'specimens were etched in a 4% solution of picric aoid and carbon replicas
i-were used in which particles of the investigated phase were hold.
Aft~r'iempe_ring * at- 450 large particles of cem6ritite iY47
0 preserved in the stee s.,
During electron microscope examination of the background of large cementite plates
one can a
:ee fine, columnar precipitates which are particles of hexagonal c o
hr mium
carbide, Cr'd '(a = 13-98 A; a = 4.53 A).. These precipitates are most clearly
7 3
f..'.visible aftbr tempering at
At the 4500 tempering temperature, individual preceipitates of cubic vanadium
at 5000,the partic
carbide, VC, appear in steel 15MMIF. After tempering les of
7C3 in this steel ard semitransparent and offer an excellent diffraction pattern*;
:,massive, electronically opague, particles of chromium 2arbides are observable in
the structure of steel 12KhIMF tempered at tie- -same temperature-, Finely dispersed
vanadium carbides are present here in Urger numbers than in steel 151 1XIF
:'This fact is evidently'associated with the lower content of molybdenum in steel
12KhIMF which results in an acceleration of carbide formation since it is known
that molybdenum complicates diffusion processei3 in ferrite.
.After tempering at 60000 Cr C in both stools forms almost continuous tough,
partitions at the sites of 9 previous cementite precipitates. The amount of-
stantially higher than
1vanadium carbide in steel 12XhIff continues to remain sub
.in steel I5KhIMIF. Further increase in tempering temperature results in
-coalescence of the chroudixx and vanadium carbides# especially noticeable in
steel 12MUWe,
Card 2/3
L 29226--66
ACC NRt AP6019366
;~Tfie reiidis' obtained make it possible to explain the observed loweringof
toughnegs of normalized ateels IMIMF and 15KhIKIF after tempering in the
430-650 -range.
Yowerin of tougbness of the steels is ij~soaiated with the.precipitatIon 0f-
columnar chromium carbIdes on the cementite plates, The formation of continuous
qtrimgere! of chroiduniumbides''ind- the intenilve sepaj~*Uon of Tanadiuw
$-'cause.even.greater brittleness of the steel.: 'The
ciarbioles 1 at 30"
ohroodui and vmolm carbides#' ocaurring at higher
Itdq*rbq- teft"fttwMPsi result In :btareasdd toughness of the st"U inVGIAUated,~
g.: iA;Va's -3 figures.*
'20:'/ SUBM DATE: 1OK3y6 003
IB -CODE-., 13,
1`6rd 313
SYRMAYEVA, Z. R. --'Serological Diaposis of Carriers of Typhoid Fever Bacteria with the
Aid of Determination of the Vi Antibodies."*(Dissertations for
Degrees in Science and Engineering Defen(ied at USSR, Higher
Educational Institutions). Leningrad State Order of Lenin Inst for
the Advanced Training of Physicians imeni S. M. Kirov, Chair of
Epidbfni6logy, Leningrad, 1955
SO: KnizhnpLya Letopis' No. 34, 20 August 1955
* For the Decree of Doctor of Sciences
Z. ii. and ORIA~NTAr~,V,
"Serolo'-ical Tc-stin~ for Toxo-A-asmosix in 7.'entally Retartled Children
und in GhilOren with iinormlies of DevelODment(f
lfonros,,i tolcoo-nlazmoza, renort theues of a conference on toxoplasmosis,
;Voscow' '~-5 AT)ril 1961, T)ubl, by inst -itinidemiolopn., and Microbiolo~--r
im. 111. 1'. Camaleya, Acarl. 1,"ed. Sci USSR, ~..oscow, 1961, 69m.
Y Y"' Z. A. and TrUSAD1011A, G.K.
[r) r,-,e ii
7onrosy re-ort the,~e-o of confi~rercc oi,. tuo--,oplas-rosis,
I.oscow, )-5 ~~Pril 1961, publ. by inst ."i-croblolos!'y
!I. i. "analeya, iicad. Vied. Sci USSR, 1:oscovi, !90-1 6%1).
Cases of congenital toxoplasmosis. Zdrav. Kazakh. 22 no.2:76-78
,62. (MIRA 15:4)
1. Iz laboratorii parazitologii Kazakhskogo nauchno-issleclovatellskcgo
instituta epidemiologii, mikrobiologii i gigiy6ny; nauchnyy rukovoditell
chlen-korrespondent A14H SSSR, prof. Kh.Zh.Zhumatov.
I - -----
Study of an outbreak of Anicteric leptospirosis among children.
Zdrav.Kazakb. 22 no.6:45-48 162. (KM 15:11)
1. Iz 'Laboratorii parazitologii Kazakhskogo nauchno-issiedovatell-
skogo inshituta epidemiologii, mikrobiologii i gigiyeny (nauchnyy
rukovoditell-chlen-korrespondent AM SSSR prof. Kh.Zh.Zhumatov).
1-1 -
Toxoplasmosis in pregnant women. Mkush. i gin. 39 no.3266-468
rtr6-Je 963 (MM 17:2)
1. 1z Kazakhskogo nau--hno-issledovatellskogo Instituta Ah-rany i detstva i Kazukhskogo nauchno-issledavateltskogo
institata epidemlologii, mikrobiologil i gigiyeny.
ACC NR: ARG035040 SOURCE CODE: UR/0058/66/000/008/GO05/0005
AUTHOR: Syrgiy, A. S.
TITLE: Distribution of charged particle concentration in a stationary plasma
in the presence of radiative recombination
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 8G33
REP SOURCE: Uch. zap. Kishinevsk. un-t, v. 80, 1965, 103-106
TOPIC TAGS: plasma charged particle, plasma discharge, radiative
recombination, charged particle escape, volume recombination, charged particle
ABSTRACT: The distribution of charged-particle concentration in a high-pressure
discharge is investigated theoretically. Under these conditions the basic process
of charged particles' escape from a plasma is a volume recombination. The
problem is solved for the case of a plane configuration (the plasma is'contained
between two infiiiite plane-parallel plates) under the assumption that the diffusion
coefficient does not depend on the coordinates. It is shown that the distribution of
Card I / 2
ACC NR- AR6035040
concentration is not sinusoidal, as is the case in the absence of volume recombina-
tion. S. Sobolev. [Translation of abstract] [DW]
AUTHORS: Syrgiy, A.S., and Granovskiy, V.L.
TITLE: Dftftft6'4Thf6ty of Deionisation of
Magnetic Field kj A
a Rarefied-Gas in a
. . I 'PI
PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, Vol 51 No 71 1960,
pp 1129-1134 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The theory of deionisation of a rarefied gas in a
cylindrical container in an homogeneous magnetic field
parallel to the axis is developed. It is asslamed that the gas is
a p1asma, the gas density and temperature are everywhere the same7
the gas density corresponds to the diffusion regimeg the mean free
paths of electrons and ions are substantially less than the
(.ylinder dimensions, the charger carriers are electrons and
Positive ions of a single type, no external electric field is
applied, fresh ionisation does not occurg oharge recombination
oc,,-,~urs both at the walls of the container and in the gas volumeg
the diffusion and recombination coefficients are constant during
the process (this is strictly applicable only at later stages of
the process when the plasma becomes isothermal or at the very
lowest pressures), the magnetic field has no appreciable influence/
Card 1/2
C26. 1L110 E140/E455
AUTHORS: Guzhova, S.K. and Syrgiy, A.S. X
TITLEi Microwave InvestijWtions of De zationiof a
Rarefied Gaslj~n Magnetic Field
PERIODICALz Radlotekhnika 1 elektron�ka,, 1960, Vol.5, No.9.
PP. 1516-1521
TEXT-. Experimental data on the rate of deionization in magnetic
field indicate an appreciably smaller influence of the magnetic
field on the deionization time-constant than is predicted by the
ambipolar diffusion coefficient. The present work attempts to
find the influence of volume recombination in compensating the
effects of magnetic field. A resonator method was used to find
the deionization time-constant, and from this the ambipolar
diffusion coefficient. To avoid complication due to the tensor
nature of c in the presence of plasma, fields of the type
T.1-10mo, TMjjO were used. The experimental results obtained-are
*4n satisfactory agreement with the theory of diffusion in the
presence of paired collisions. It was found that the effect of
the magnetic field on the rate of deionizat3-on increases with
decrease of pressure. A change in sign of 2)?-/ ap at magnetic
Card 1/2
Microwave Investigations of Deionization of a Rarefied Gas in
Magnetic Field
fields of approximately 600 Gauss is in agreement with the theory
of diffusion in the presence of paired collisions. At
concentrations below lo1O cm-3 the dependence of the transverse Pf
diffusion coefficient on the magnetic field agrees with the
Townsend formula. Acknowledgment is made to V.L.Granovskiy for
suggesting the subject and his useful advice. There are
7 figures, 1 table ane 7 references: 3 Soviet and 4 English.
SUBMITTEDa February 1, 1960
Card 2/2
CU. /Wo E140/E455
AUTHORSs Syrg~X, A.S. and Ctranovskiy, V.L.
TITLE3 --iate of Del-onizatioAin RarefieAelium in a
Magnetic Field. pt.II
PERIODICALs Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 196o, V01.5, NO-9.,
pp. 1522-1530
TEXT,, By measuring the total ion current at the wall and the
initial number of charged particles in a volume of plasmag the
relative roles of two processes, diffusion and volume
recombination, on the deionization of a rarefied helium in magnetic
field were investigated. At magnetic fields 0 to 1500 Gauss,
gas pressure of 10-2 to 10-1 mm H& and carrier concentrations
greater than loll cm3 in a strong magnetic field, volume
recombination predominates. There are 9 figures, 1 table and
6 refere=es. 4 Soviet and 2 English.
ASSOCIATIONs Fizicheskiy fakulltet Moskovskogo gosudarstyennogo
universiteta im. M.V.Lomonosova~ Kafedra elektroniki
(TI'aysi cs Faculty, Moscow State University
im', IZV.Lomonosov, Chair of Electronicsi
SUBMITTED8 January 18, 1960
Card 1/1
cf ~-_cLmm fgf-,rs for &~%T-aeriag SPAILS-Allp
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
"For the further development of the auto-transportation undertaking for general
use," Automobile, 1951
N. A V. F., and ULQVKINA, IT. ~3.
"Eclogites of the Urals."
A paper presented on 2S April, The Activity of the Moscow Society o
Naturalists, Byulleten' Moskovskogo Obshchestva IspLtatelev Prh~ody
Vol Lx.
No 6, moscow, Nov-Dec 1955, PP 00-90, Geology Section
Source: U-9235 -29 Nov 1956
Our contribution tr, the i-rprovement of the feeding technique and hog fee-ding. p1. 643.
Vol. 5, no. 12, 1958
Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8, No. 4, April 1959
SYR1SIKO, I.K. (g. Severo-Yeniseyak); DROZD, M.Ya., inzh. (g. Severo-Yoniseyok)
Roof bolting with looped rods as concr3te reinforcement. Gor. zhur.
no.7:39-40 JI 162. (141RA 15:7)
1. Glavnyy inzhener Sovet~kogo rudnika Severo-Yeniseysiogo priiskovogo
upravleniya (for Syrisiko).
(Mine roof bolting) (Reinforced concrete construction)
- " -
Methodological problems in the contemporary diagnosis of
schizophrenia. Cesk. psychiat. 53 no.3:200-205 May 57.
problems (C2))
The nroblem of -)sychotherapy in certain cases of schizophrenia.
Cesk. psychiat. 54 no.4:264-274 Aug 58.
1. Katedra psychologie filoRoficko-laistoricke fakulty v Fraze. 0.
Vinnr (UDL Praha).
(SCHIZOP=Ik, ther.
psychother. (Cz))
of schizoT)hrenia (Gz))
On the problem of psychotherapy in a case of paranoid schizophrenia.
Cesk.psychiat. 55 no.6:382-396 D 159.
1. Katedra, psychologie filosoficko-historicke fakulty KU v Praze.
z:. v
GPO 9a-i6L;3
31P038 STIRITSKUD., O.S. Op-!,,t Konveyerizzatsii
Shveyno-kettellk-urldi Uc',iastka7
Chlochnyk-h IhbrikLe-]_-_ye Prom~st'
1940 7 o. 9 S. 4-6
SO: L eto-nis' Zhurnalln,.-kh Statey, Vol. 42, Mosk7a, 1949
7684. MITS"IYA, 0. S. I -- Organizataiya truda
yushchikh kru,-lochulochnyye mashiMt KASS -
ill. 23 sm.
pomoshchnikov mastera; obsluzhiva-
22. 14., Gizle6Trom, 1954. 184' s. s.
SO: Knizhnaya LetoT)sis', Vol. 7, 1955
SYRITSKAY,&, O.S., Inzh.
Datormining loop parameters in sock knitting. Toket. prom. 19
no.5:39-43 My '59. (MU 12:10)
Characteristics of deformation in hosiery. Tekqt.prom.
19 no-8:43-47 Ag '59. (141RA 13: 1)
(Hosiery) (Textile research)
Parameters for knitting socks by the reversible and press-
interweave method. Tekst. promo 19 no,9:40-44 S 1,59.
(MRA 12:12)
(Knitting machines) (Hosiery industry)
SYRITSKAYA, 0. S., Cand Tech Sci -- (diss) "A Study of the Structural Characteristics
and Mechanical Propeeties of Sock Products Made by Two-Face and Press Weaving," Moscow,
1960; 31 pages; with graph, including covers. (Ministry of Higher and Secondary Spec-
ialist Education RSFSR. Moscow Textile Institute); 150 copies; free. (KL, 24-60, 133)
,-BYRITSKAYA, O.S., inzh.
Characteristics of the m3chanical properties of hosiery goods
in tension. Nauch.-issl.trudy VNIITP no.2:3-33 160'o
(MIA 16:2)
(Hosiory-Testing) (Knitting machines)'
1, SYRITSKAYA, O.S., kand.tekhn.nauk I.
Some characteristics of the deformation of knA goods. Tekst.
prom. 21 no.U:72-76 N 161. (MIRA 14:1-1)
1. Ispolnyayushchiy obyazannosti atarshego nauchnogo sotrudnika
Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituts. trikotazhnoy
(Knit goods-Testing)
ws-n/anemicr-a Technolo'-'. chcmic!tl Products and Their Apple at. ion- -Silicates.
Glass. Ceramics. Binders, I-10
Abst Jnurnai : Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 2, 1957, 5168
Author : Tykachinskiy, I.D., Botvinkin, O.K., Buneyeva, L.I., Levina, R.%'J.,
Okhotin, M.V., Rogozhin, Yu.V., Syritskaya, Z.14.
Instiutution : None
Title : Development of Alkali-Free and Low-Alkali Glass Compositions
and of the Technology of Their 114elting and Fabricatio
Publication : Steklo i keramika, R 1c?-", No 6, 1-6
For abstrac+.- see I.D. T kechinskiy
- - - - A- - - - -- -
ROGOZHIV, Yu.V., kand. tekhn. nauk; SYRITSKAYA, Z.M., kand. tekhn. nauk;
TARASOV, B.V., kand. tekhn.--M"r.--
Investigating the microhardness of various types of glass, Ttudjr
VNIIStekla no.37:71-76 157. (MIRA 11.-J)
AUTHORS: Syritskaya, ZX. , Rogozhin, Yu.V. , Ushanova, A.V. 72-58-6-2/i9
TITLE: Alkaliless, Boronless Types of Glass for the Mechanical
Production of Goods (BesshchelocInVye bezbornyye stekla dlya
mashinnoy vyrabotki izdeliy)
PERIODICAL: S teklo i Keramika, 1958, , - , - - Nr 6, PP. 4-6 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: These types of glass are at present not being produced in the USSR.
This investigation aim at developing these types of glass for the
production of tubes and glass fibres. At the same time the question
is to be examined whether it is -possible to obtain this composition
from raw material found ii- the Estonian MR, viz. quartz sand, dolo-
mite, and phosphorite. Chemical composition is given in table 1.
The compositions of glass to be melted are given In- table 2. The
results obtained by the investigation of the best qualities of gl"s,
39 and 147, are given in table 3. The curwes of the viscosity of
these types of glass may be seen from the illustration. In table 4
the coefficients of thermal dilatation and th,~ fusing temper-41ire,
determined by means of a dilatometer constructed by the Glass
Institutay are given. The compositions of the Z es of glass melt-
Card 1/2 ea at ~ - -. --- maximal temperatures of 14500 and 1480 in the course of
Alkaliless, Boronless Types of Glass for the 72- 58-6-2119
Mechanical Production of Goods
30 hours are given in table 5, and the composition of the layer
is given in table 6. The forming of tubes with a diameter of
25-30 nun from glass U17 (at 1340-13600) presented some difficull-
ties because the glass Tra s cooled down rapidl~y. The blowing of
cylinders and the pressing of glass balls was carried out zith-
out difficulties and so did the production of tubes and other
blown- and 0pressed goods from glass 39. Burning off was carried
olat at 620 . The drawing of glass fibres ~ms also carried out
satisfactorily. There are I figure, and 6 tables.
ASSOCIATION: Institut stekla (GIAs6:Ihztit;txte)
1. Glass---Production 2. Glass--Physical properties
3. Glass--Processing 4. Glass--Viscosity
Card 2/2
AUMORI No" Given SOT/'72-59-5-1/23
TrTLRs 11 long Sciono- at the V111, Concr*
(Nauk. c stokl. on TIIr Mond.1gy.,sk.ft 0-ye L)
Stakio I kerassika,
1959, Its, 5. PP 1-4 (USSR)
"STRACTs In the boffinning aproclamation of the T.r ZpSS to the
personnel of the buildlug material industries for aqunlitative
and ~Juasctltatlve increase of production is mentioned. The
Congress took place In Itoscov, In the second b&lf of March of V
the current year and was devoted to the 125th anniversary of
the great ocholar's birthday. Outstanding chemists of the
Be at Union and the People's D-razi.z attended th.Congre.s.
primalpel, problems of the development of chemistry were
discussed at the plenary meetings and the "sting. of the
15 Congress sections. Professor 1. 1. XiSaygorodakly opened
the meatings of the oub-soction for glass and &Own a survey of
the stages of development of Soviet glass production an wall an
of a number of promising tanks in the field of glass technology.
r, t f 11 sing lector .
r holds 1)*.t.r lorous,
d 1/ :
(P.OpI Is Rs:ub
*f Hungary)
Zigated the structure of
4 the of &l.a.1
A. 1. Alrusti k (LTI discuia
of a finely dIsp.r1q crystalline phase from the 91-6-like
phasiol T. T. Vargin and reported on
boorption pectrav luatr4sconcOv i-Da tacbemical properties
f a.rlum-gla.. type.1 A. G. LUI , (GOI) r.pcrtqd on the
que,s%itative reciprocal relation. between ordered and 4Ls-
rdared glass ph&s4s, Yt_._A. PoMy-_EoJFAUs. 11MAZItut kbl=iL
Mikatov AN SSSR (Institute of Silicate Chemistry of the
45 UNNN) discussed the reason. for the disagreement an the
problem of the structure of glaom-liks substarscani professor
.;-9-301TIAkin. 1. 1. Amulets, and M. L. uqya. luxtirat
.kIA (Glass Institute) -repeTrtod an the "investigation of the
Glass Structure by the Othod of Thermal AMA17046 IL" Optical yo. T. (GOI) discussed the ". otbOd
of olontrIo glass w~YMj-Znd the salting of silicates by season
f high frequency durr~eutj ru,
~..Mt*ynberg rop"tod on
:truntina-magn-lum glass$ .1 , ~&d and borou for I.I.wo
WA majolica which have been developod In the G*oadarot"negy
sau:bac-Irl d vatollakly keramichaskly Institut (State
Sol ntlfi R:.:arch institute of Coramic.)l L. S. Yastrebara.
2/ 1 Vy
-Xjeh.!~c. (GOI) discussed the -1. pLmy*4
suffene protection film In the destruction of silicate &laswow;
G,,j,,r*,j_bjrC (COI) discussed the coloring cb-4teri.tice of phosphate gla....1 0.,y_jNA*!!,r:Lx (LTI)
reported on the nobility of sodium long In glans types Of the
e7stes 11!20-RO-S'026 Z, A. Wasova (NIX Stroykaramika)
discussed %be proie-vaof wubi.Icjg the glanam, by land
amid* and sIrcassioni Khar1kc,skly
polljokbuicheakij, institut (1bar'kov401yt6chnIc Institute)
"parted on silicate formation most sintoring procossno in the
triquetted class layer ~m in .. tiga%04 vaft.-
"a of Closes 1, _N. ".J!'; ~YH.. fo~-,,Itut.) "Parted on tb-
determination of Impurities In silics, by sp.0troso.11 analyst.,
4. S. Dogd, vs., and Ye. V. Qrl.,% (Glass Instituto :.parted,
oleo trod:.j17A-jiFVhjcb be. been dovired, by them.
Tuj_!!_JLng.shizs (014 Institute) eiscu.sod the k1usties of
the formation of crystallisation center. in photo-sonsitt"
a of g1&:; p Z tV=*.(Cl&aa In titute) discussed
son So ZT;j.
"a .1 th .jjj: less f the tendency of p6.sphatlo
systems toward. glass formationt L,"ImchAssit,
1. x.-zLLr*vykh.-. T. - he-. ~Rxxw~ portsA-,mun----~
.. rd - - -~- - -!~-
lavestigatio . of types of semiconducting oxide 91"0 Wa the
best. of T, .5 1 S. 1~ A. Gr*.hmnIk, 1.
a" To. A. PIpb.rg (IIIES) ftscu.sed the production of
Joe films an types of glass which contain component*
:.0vi"Iy1to, be "generated.
16~20 ncy(.b-ya 19--~'.) (Vit-o- Stut.:; Tra-actiloz,., or t4c lnird A C--
fere-c 0:; the Vitr~o~s Stutc- , I I e I I In I,-:, I no. L" .; Ni.-,-'~r 1( 1959)
ltd- ~o AN SSSR, 19~0- 55,* P. Yrrat,L III) inrcrLt,d. 3,2W corl-
Series: Its: Trudy)
Spwa;'Eorin": AL-clcn: 7natitut V-LIzili 611'.kittoy 10'.'a-it ... k SSS9.
kJdmichevh~ye obst.cht-Ltvo In-1 D.I. H-nidel~yeva and Go-darstvenn,.,$ Orden, ~7
L.11n. inrtit~t in-I S.I. V-11-a.
Editorial A.I. Avg~tlnjk, V.P. Dftrztd.,ovakly, H.A. Lczborodov, O.Y. Fntvi~k---
V-V-VnI,~1n, A.G. Vltix-, K.S. Y-11t-'yev, A.A. Lbid-, M.A. Y,t,cycv, V.1
Holchn.nov, R.L. Xyullcr, Ye.A. Paray-K-1:1to, N.A. Torcip-, V.A.
Florinitkuya, A.F. Ymkhkind; Ed. of Publishing Hoisc: I.V. SuYcrcv; Tech. Ed-
PURI~XE: nis bool: Is Intended for researchers In the science "d techrnolc\7-~ of
COMkCE: The booli contains the "I~rtn and dlincurnions of the ThIrI AII-Unl-
cOnfe-neaOn the Vitrca4' State, held in IenIngri,,3 on No-ber 16-19,
The), deal with the methods arid renulta of studiiing the &truct~,, of gl~Lcj, t:it
nlation between the structum- mid propertle. of glAtaro, the iiature of tho
chroical bond and F,1"3 structurc, and the cryatallochemintry of glinso. ruacd
silica, mcclionlem of vltriflcati~, optical proj~rtlcfl and. glita- structurc, -1
the electrical properties of glaunc. itre a.15o discussed. A n=bar or the m-
ports deal with the del-denec of' glass Properties on capocitiont, Vie ~Ititinz ci~f
91"--a --,4 raditstlort effeeLs, and me,hand.c.1, technical, and ehc='cnl Pr0j%-r-
ties or 91RAcem. Other papers treat Class smilconductora and zo,!a borottillen.te
glasses. The Coiferance vaa sttend~d by more than )CO delegates frm Soviet -
East Ge~~zn selentific orgainlostionc. Anceig the partlcironts to the diacussi-
vere N.V. Solorlit, Yet V. Kuvahluzkly, Tu.A. G"tev,, V.P. Pryartiahnikov, Tu. TL.
'otl1b, O.P. H.hodlo-Petrosyrin, G.P. Mikhetylov, S.H. Petrov, A.N. Eeizaric,, D.I.
IAvIn, A.V. ShatIlov, X.T. PloahchinaLiy, A.Ya. K=neta", E.V. Degtyareva. G.V.
Byurzoznovck~yn, A.A. Katlenoyo M.N. Skorny&kov, P.Ya. bolftn, E.K. Keller, Ya.k.
Kuznetcov, V.P. Po-.dnev, R.S. ShevelevIch, Z.G. Pinukar, and O.S. Holchnnove..
The finall ten:*on of the Co,.fcrerca ~~ ad!oTEced by Profe2inor I.I.
Bono red Sclentlat and Vnginccr, Doctor or Technical Sciences. Tile follj4=8
IntitItutes were cited for their contribution to the develor-rit a!, 51"s scl--t
s,nd technolo.Z: Gcsud,,ristvannyy opticilcokly Inatltut (State optical InstitUiLe),
Infititut lihl-.cill ittlikittov ki S=R (InfititAte Of Silleate Chemistry, AS =R),
Fixicheskiy Inatitut. A21 SSSR (phyAlen Institute AS USSR),
InstItut AN SSSR (NYDIc*technicQl Ins-Ituta~ AS USSR), InatItut fj%JikI AN FaBA,
Ylifick (Institute of thyalcz, Acad,i,ny of Sclencen, Belorutakaym SSR, Mini,L),
I.ab:,.ratory of physical Chemistry of Silicates or I_ Ietltut obs!,chey I neor~~e~j-
ches)loy khIcill AN BSS-4, Mlns~ (Institute of General arni Inorganic Ch~-Istry,
Ac&d~.7.y of Sciences, Bvlorussknym SSR Minck), InttItut vysokwol I k1lyaretykn
&oyedInenty AN SS-~h(lettitute or r,101"Molecular Cospoxidit, AS USSR), Gciti~jarscv--
nYY lratttut ztekla (St&tt Institute for Class), Gostudarst-nnyy institut t.k-
linvolans. (StAte institute for Gl&ss Fibers), Go'ud&r.tvcnnyy inctLtut ejctt~.tek~j-
Micht0kridt) stzkla (Stktn Itatitute for Ellectrical Glass), SIbirakiy rIxthe-
tech.lche.kiy' In.titut, Tozak (Sit4riont Phyalcotechnital Institute,
Ally gwut~~at-.Y univernitet (Lening-irmd State University), floslo-kly j6h1cilkiot-
tekknoloZirticakly inotitut (Hoacw Institute of Chezlcal TechnoIoa')tI-1Itiers44k-y
te~-hnolo.jlcheokly Institut I=. UnsovetA (Leningrad Technolo,:Ical InatItut lzeo~j
tensOvet), belOr,utskly poll tekt,nic~,eakly Instltut Minsk (Belo~sjajn roI'jt.ct=Ic
Institute, mino), Nevc~herkaszhly pcIItc.1.hnjchc.~y Inz-it-at
Polytechnic 1,13titute), and Sverdlovokly poll tekhntchr. skI y lcatItut (Svc-djovwsk
Po4-tvchn-e Inititute). Tine Comference vah sponeored by the Institute. of SlLic.t.
Cnenlittry AS USSR (Acting Director - A.S. Gotllb), the Vococ-=-noye khlinich.sxcy.
cibnb,lic,tv. I.. D.I. Metideleyov. (All-Unlon Ch-le.1 Society l.tint D.I.
M-de.lcy-), and th~ GN,,:d,,-t-anyy o-den. L-Irt. ptich-lily It,.tlt.t
S.I. V-11- (Stitt "O,d.r er L-lit" U.tlt'l 1-tent S.I. V-11-).
Tlie 15 reaolutiont, of Wie Conference Incl,44c recce-ndations to or';nrilt, a
Center for the Purpose of coordlnatls~ the research on glass, to r,bl'ith a
;-lolleii) under them title "Fizik. I khIrtlyo stekla" (Pnyal.. and Ch-littry of
Giant), -A to joln the Intern.tional C.-Itt- on Giant. The Cctsrer~n- th&z.1cs
A.A. Lcbedtv, AcQ,micinn, professor, and ChaIrcart or the Org,,trii-ettlon of C=-
.1tt.e; yii,..A. Doctor of Faytitc. mid Math-.tIc3, Member of tn,
OrFanitntlonitil C~Ittee; mid R.L. Hyullcr, Doctor of Chemical Sel-cra, Fetib~r
of the OrdanIzaticti-I C-ittee. The editorial board thanka G.M. Risrtrn",
M.V. Voll)iennhteyu, L.T. Demkina, D.P. Dobychin, S.K. Dubrmo, V.A. lorre,
R.T. iicc,~.I-y lenil,tilual reports.
St;q', inrl,lin.; 257
M-rl" O.V. cr 1.1, of s~ljd
on C-l";Iti". 260
V.A., 0,V. A,,! N.M. 71AL-. Cl-'i~tllltY of'
01":tz of t~'.- Llt~ Al 2 !:y~,tt.; t;~.
K.A. ZtuJy of the. Effcct of El~otrlcul Coductl~Lty
I. F~.d lizil- G1~1~1~ 266
Ye-trop-yev, F.!~. Stuly c: Lm`a_ ~4-:, u.* t-- -."It 3-a In rll-1co,
Glmcts With 0.c Aid cf 270
Y-A. DIff-lon of (.Cpl- I. G.1- D~I-dl.g ~ C-:1mItJc. 2711
loff', V.A., 0.1. -1 1.S. EI-tri-I Fr.j,rtio.
of 278
Card 12122
Vltr-'~- Stot- (CC-"' - SOVk5035
V.r,bey.h1k. N.P., KI-I ZjxcOniw-C-nt-alnlri; 2 LLI
a G 1~. : to of C mr,
V.:. , ..'a A.F. Kh~'-!- C,. uh, lr,~!'= Of 2_56
N.twa of F,.ocn,1.-4 1"!,L 1.
rl- rro;,r1led 12912
petrov~kiy, G.T. Elc~tlrl!~ Pr~,"rfttl of 5~, fjjjcat~ Glaaft- 300
Dcp-!ttjct of Frvl~rtlez on C=Pocitlcn
Y~-tro;lye" X.S. cm s0o'~ cf U., stAl- I. the sectin, Dtaliril
Witi, p~jybjc,~~J-lcal jroj~rtlcl Of (-I-u~u 307
vitr-, ritw' (cmt.) soy"5035
Sh--Idt, Tu. A. Cu the !ej-A-nc, of I:-:jrt%e4 cf Alkali Sincate 01-tv
~. cc..~clltl~u 310
Gladkov, A.V., ar.-' ','.V. ",ev--v. CC tb~ I~lj-rrlc rltnll!t~ of
Im.rZml~ 014,.- 314
K~dwd,v, N.4. of Ljp~t V-y S.o, Crj.ta)1,
-a 01-r"' 318
Y.khklnd' A..?;. Ftri.".ic 1A. Cf P.:. C-'tl~hl CII.-t-L.
Of Gl.'~- 523
slan4zrkly' V.7. It lh~ or Vl---a Vim
of MkAll sxlt~ft:~ Gqi,.;tj or G olver, CL-tcal C=. .528
Kind, 4uA O.A. W-Mul,- F.!r-t or V~r.-O%~ A+!itIvc5 On Prolvrtlon
of Fir~d c4wrt. W
Al.-i~0j!W6j'h-tc Gla-~A 335
C-' 14/22
.-I.. ---~~. ~ ~
kere 17
glasses of the IP205 - A1203
no.2:18-21 7 160.
- ZU0 system' Stek"
(MIRA 1316)
AUTHOR: Syritakaya, Z. M. S/072/60/000/03/021/023
TITLE: 3rd All-Union Conference on the Vitreous State
PERIODICAL: Steklo i keramika, 1960, Nr 3, PP 43-46 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The 3rd All-Union Conference on the Vitreous State was held in
Leningrad at the end of 1959- It was organized by the Institut
khimii silikatov AN SSSR (Institute of the Chemistry of Silicates
AS USSR), Vse soyuznoye khimioheakoye obahchestvo imeni D. I.
Mendeleyeva (All-Union Chemical Society imeni D. I. Kendeleyev)
and Gosudaretvennyy opticheskiy inetitut imeni S. I. Vavilova
(State Optical Institute imeni S. I. 7avilov). More than 100
reports on the structure of glass, investigation methods of the
vitreous state, the mechanism of vitrification and physicochemical
and technical properties of glasses were delivered. The Conference
was opened by Academician A. A. Lebedev. Pandamental investigation
methods and results concerning the glass structure were discussed
at the let meeting. Academician A. A. Lebedev reported on possibili-
ties and results of optical methods, Ye. A. Poray-Koehits on the
diffraction method, K. S. Yevstroplyev on general problems con-
cerning structure and properties of glasses. The 2nd meeting produced
5 reports on the problem of the vitreous state: R. L. Kyuller,
Card 1/8 "Chemical Peculiarities of Polymeric Vitreous Materials and the
3rd All-Union Conference on the Vitreous State 8/072/60/000/03/021/023
Card 2/ a
Nature of Vitrification"; N. A. Goryunova and B. T. Kolomiyets,
"On the Problems of Conformities of the Vitrification"; V. V. Tarasov,
"Glass as a Polymer"; A. N. Dauvallter, "Theory of Glass Structure";
A. G. Vlasov, "Natural Oscillations of the Glass Lattice". The 3rd
meeting produced 9 reports on inv6stigation results of silicate
melts and on problems of the mechanism of vitrification: A. I.
Avgustinik, "On the Problem of the Formation of the Crystalline
Phase From the Silicate Melt"; 0. K. Botvinkin, "Process of Vitri-
fication and the Structure of Glass"; B. M. Lerxinskikh, 0. A. Yesin
and V. I. Musikhin, "On the Structure of Melts"; I. T. Sryvalkin
and 0. A. Yesin, "Thermodynamic Properties of the Silicate Systems
FeO - CaO - SiO 2 and CaO - Al2 03 -Sio 211; G. M. Bartenev, "Mechani-
oal and Structural Vitrification"; M. V. Vollkenshteyn, "Mechanism
of Vitrification". At the 4th meeting, 13 reports dealt with problems
of the glass structure and optical investigation methods: V. A.
Florinskaya, "Infrared Reflection Spectra of Sodium Silicate Glasses
and Their Relations to the Structure"; Ya. S. Bobovich and T. P. Tulub,
"Smekal-Raman Dispersion of Light and the Structure of Some Silicate
Glasses"; V. A. Kolesova, "Investigation of the Vibrational Spectra
of Aluminoeilicate Glasses"; H. N. Sobolev reported on the work of
the Fizicheskiy Institut AN SSSR (Institute of Physics AS USSR) with
3rd All-Union Conference on the Vitreous State S/072/60/000/03/021/023
Card 318
glasses from one component, with the help of infrared spectrophoto-
metry and the Smskal-Raman dispersion; T. A. Sidorov reported on
the molecular structure andthe properties of the crystalline quartz;
S. M. Brekhovskikh and-V. P. Cheremisinov reported on structural
investigations of lead- and bismuthborate glasses with the aid of
infrared spectroscopy; A. 0. Vlasov, "The Quantitative Relation of
the Orderly and Irregular Phase in Glass"; G. 0. Bagdyklyants and
A. G. Alekseyevp "Electronographic Investigation of the Structure
of Glasses"; N. A. VoyBhvillo, "On the Structure of a Sodium-boron-
silicate Glass Submitted to Enduring Thermal Treatment"; N. S.
Andreyev, V. 1. Averlyanov, N. A. Voyshvillop "Structural Inter-
pretation of the Anormal Dispersion of the Visible Light in Sodium-
boron-silicate Glassas". At the 5th meeting, 9 reports dealt with I
the investigation results of sodium-boron-silicate glasses. A. A.
Appen and Gan' Fu-Siq "Boron and Alumoboron Anomaly of the Proper-
ties of Silicate Glasses"; Ye. I. Galant, "On the Coordination Num-
bers of Aluminum and Boron in Some Glasses"; S. P. Zhdanov reported
on structural changes in boron-silicate glasses; Ye. A. Poray-Koshits
and S. P. Zhdanov reported on some controversial problems concerning
the structure of boron-silicate glasses and their porous products;
Ye. A. Poray-Koshits and ff. S. Andreyev, "Submicroscopic Inhomo-
geneitien in the Structure of Complex Glasses". The 15 reports at
3rd All-Union Conference on the Vitreous State S/072j6O/OOO/O3/O21/O2jP
Card 4/8
the 6th meeting dealt with the electric properties of glasses.
L. M. Belyavskaya reported on the structure determination of,glass
with the aid of an inhomogeneous electric field; N. M. Verebeychik
and V. I. Odelevskiy, "Structure and Properties of Some Oxide Clas-
ses in the Light of the Polymer-theory of the Vitreous State";
R. L. Myuller reported on the agility and the degree of dissociation
as functions of the ionic and atomar composition of the glass;
V. I. Odelevskiy reported on the nature of dielectric losses in
glasslike and crystalline aluminosilicates; V. P. Petrosyan,."In-
vestigation of the Dielectric Polarization and the Losses in Phos-
phate Glasses"; V. A. Presnov, V. I. Gaman and L. M. Krasillnikoy
reported on investigations of the conductivity of glasses in eleo-
tric high-tension fields, K. K. Yevatroplyev on the diffusion of
Na22 and K42 in some silicate glasses, V. A. Ioffe, I. S. Yanchev-
skaya and G. I. Khvostenko on electric properties of crystalline
and glasslike aluminosilicates. 0. V. Mazurin spoke on his studies
which were carried out under the supervision of Professor K. S.
Yevstroplyev at the Kafedra stekla LTI imeni Lensoveta (Cbair for
Glass of thi Leningrad Technological Institute imeni Lensovet) in
the report: "The Dependence of the Electroconductivity of Glasses
on the Chemical Composition". V. A. Rharlyuzov, 0. V. Mazurin and
3rd All-Union Conference on the Vitreous State S/072/60/000/03/021/023
Card 5/8
N. Me Zubkova gave investigation results on the specific sleotro-
conductivity of glasses of the system SiO 2 - B203 - BaO in the tem-
perature range of from 400-13000 and on the influence of additions
of aluminum- and zinc oxide on the electric conductivity of these
glasses. At the 7th meatingg 6 reports dealt with glasses as semi-
conductors,.9 with the coloring of glasses and the influence of ra-
diatibn and 4 reports with technical properties of glasses. V. A.
Ioffs and G, I. Khvostenkot rElectric Properties of Some Semicon-
ductor Glasses"..B. T. Kolomiyets, N. A. Goryunova and V. P. Shilo
reported on methods for the production of chalcogenide glasses,, to
on some of their general properties and on the limits of the vitreous-
state in the systeideTl 2Pe '- A82SOV T12Be - Sb 2So 3# Bb2So 3 -An 2Be 39
Tl - As - Be. B. T. Kolomiyets and B. V. Pavlov reported on the op-
tical absorption in a number of binary chalcogenide 3yatems. B. T.
Kolomiyets, T. N. Mamon'ova and G. F. Nazarova reported on the also-
tron conductivity of chalcogenide glasses. A. A. Vaypolin, Yo. A.
Poray-Koehits, "Radiographic Investigation of the Structure of Vi-
treous Arsenio Chaloogenides". V. iV. Tarasov and V. A. Romanovskiy
reported on the chain structure of the vitreous arsenious aulphide
determined by them with calorimetric measurements. K. P. Azarov
reported on structure and properties of ferrous boron glasses and
3rd All-Union Conference on the Vitreous State S/072J60/000/03/021/023
boron-free glasses. I. N. Berezhnaya, "The Influence of Radiation on
Glass and Its Absorption Spectral'. S. M. Brekhovskikh reported on
a number of glass compositions with highly protective effect against
gamma radiation and neutron flux. L. X. Blyumen reported on the fa-
vorabie influence of an increased magnesium oxide content on the
damping properties of an aluminous glass in the presence of fluoride
and TiO V. V. Vargin and T. N. Veynberg, "Coloring of Glasses in
Conneotio'n With Their Structure". N. I. Vlaeova, Ye. I.Gdlantp
A* A. Kefeli, "Absorption Spectrum of the C02+ Ion as Indicator for
t~e Coordination of Boron and Aluminum in Glasses". V. P. Danilov
and N. V. Berbash.reported on the change of the spectral absorption
of glasses of simple composition under the influence of gamma rays,
G. 0. Karapetyan reported on the influence of the structure of glas-
ses on spectral and chemical properties of the Cer-ions. M. F. Orlov
reported on the role of the admixtures and the crystalline state of
the lattice in the coloring of quartz glass by gamma radiation.
L. M. Blyumen and R. L. Shuster reported on the physicochemical
nature of pore formation in silicate melts (foam glass, ceramzite).
Ye. V. Yermolayeva reported on physico-chemical investigations of
melts of refimtory oxides in a state of equilibrium. I. F. Ponomarev,
"The Importance of the Vitreous Phase in the Formation of the Ceramic
Card 6/8 Body and the Cement Clinker" . V. A. Presnov reported on the physico-
3rd All-Union Conference on the Vitreous State S/07?J6O/OOO/O3/O21/O23
Card 7/8
chemical fundamentals of the fusing of glass and metal. The 8th
meeting dealt with physical chemistry and mechanical properties
of glass. K. S. Yevatroplyev, G. M. Bartenev and S. K. Dubrovo
made comprehensive reports. A. A. Appen reported on the fundamen-
tal structural parameters which determine the properties of the
glass. A. V. Gladkov, V. A. Ratobyllskayal V. V. Tarasov reported on
research results of the polymeric structure of inorganic glasses.
L. I@ Demkina reported on peculiarities of the expansion of oxides
in silicate glasses. V. G. Slavyanskiy reported on the subject:
"The Energy of Covalent Bonds in Glass and Their Role in the Process
of the Viscous Flux". Z. M. Syritskaya reported on physioo-chemical
properties of alumophosphate glasses. Yu. A. Shmidt reported on the
dependence of the properties of alkali silicate glasses on the com-
position. Z. N. Shcheglova reported on: "Investigation of the De-
pendence of the Optical Properties of Phosphate Glasses on the
Composition". A. K. Yakkhind reported on the subject: "The Periodic
System and the Optical Constants of Glass". M. S. Aslanova reported
on: "Mechanical Properties of Glass Fibers". G. M. Bartenev, A. S.
Yeremeyeva made a report on the mechanical properties of inorganic
glasses in the anomalous interval and on their structure. Ye* I.
Kozlovskaya reported on the elastic properties of glasses aAd on
the influence of the composition of the glasses on their mechanical
3rd All-Union Conference on the Vitreous State S/072/60/000/03/021/023
propertes. A. V. Abramyan reported on the subject': "Leaching of
Molten Glasslike.Basalts by Aqueous Solutions of Acids sad the
State of the Oxides in the Structure of Glass Basalts". S. M.
Brekhovskikh and V. N. Sesorova reported on synthesis and investiga-
tion of hafnium silicate glasses. S. K. Dubrovo reported on physico-
chamioal pr6perties of gallium eilicate glasses* V* A. Dubrovekly
and T. S. Dubrovskaya reported on the surface film forming on cal-
cium-sodium glass in the acidic, neutral and basic medium. The fol-
lowing persons reported at the final meeting: V. F. Kokorina on
the influence of the alkaline earth oxides on the chemical stability
af glasses in a humid atmosphere; L. Ya. Mazelev on vitrification
and properties of borate glasses; B. P. Nikollskiy, Ye. A. Materova
and V. V. Moiseyev on the reaction of electrode glasses with jolu-
tions. Doctor Vogel and Roetger spoke as guests from Eastern Germany.
Academician N. V. Belov, M. A. Bezborodov, 1. 1. Kitaygorodskiy,
and E. K. Keler also spoke at the final meeting.
Card 8/8
ACCESSION NR: AR4033710 S/0081/64/000/003/MO12/KO12
SOURCE: Referativnyl(y zhurnal. Khimiya, Abs. 31483
AUTHOR: Sy*ritskaya, Z. M.; Yakubik, V, V.
TITLE: Investigation of some of the physicochemica) properties of ZnO-AI203-P205
glass (HF-resistance of glass)
CITED SOURCE: Steklo. Biol. Gos. n.-i. in-ta stekla, no. 3016), 1962, 75-86
TOPIC TAGS: glass, zinc phosphate glass, aluminum phosphate glass, glass physico-
chemical property, glass HF resistance, hydrofluoric acid, HF resistant glass
ABSTRACT: The stability of glass whose composition islocated on the monovariant
Zn0-P205-AI203-3P205 curve was investigated for glass varieties with II.S% A1203
and with 47.5 or 53.5% P205 by treating 10 x 10 x 12 mm3 plate-shaped samples with
anhydrous HF4 for 1-4 hrs. at the temperature of liquid N2 and by treating 10 x 10
x 3 mm3 plate-shaped samples with HF for 8 hrs. at 20C. The results were'evaluated
ruction (1-0.7 ~i). The kinetics of the destruc-
by the depth of the surface dest
tion and the effect of repeated (2-3 times) treatment with'HF-solution and pre-
poli-,hing of the samples were also investigated. The extract was analyzed chemi-
calIIy,9j chromatographically and-the data obtained are presented graphically. The-
A F~
L 128 61-63 Pq-4 wH/Dk- _j
_?MW8_IOZT NR: A?,-003975. -8/0059
AUTHOR: Bochvar, 1. A.; Vasillyeva A. A. Keirim-Markas t
llrosina,~ T 'Til-
._7 Yakub V.
TITIE: Ionizing radiation doslneteAa~ed on measurement of thermolunines-
cence o aluuinophosphate glasses)(IM dosimeter.-)
SOURCE: Atamnaya energiyd, v. 15, no. 11,1963: 48-52
TOPIC T&GS: ionization dosimeter, aluminophosphate glass, Beta-radiation
measurement, Gamma-radiation measurementY slcrw-neutrcn measurement, synchro-
cyclotron., high-energy proton, 110 dosimeter
ABSTRACT: Ionization dosimeters made of aluminophosphate-covered glass w6re
developed for measuring 0- and y-radiation slawr neutrons, and -high-ener~~
charged particles in the ran._-,,e from 0.02 to (1-2)-l00 rads. The dosimete'rs
operate on t:~~e follc*ring principle: the energy of ionizing radiation abs6rbed
by the glasi;Vis stored in it in the form of light sun of the -luninescence.0
which is emitted during heating of the glass and can then be recorded. The
dosimeters are capable of accumulating and storing information ove
r long
periods, e.g., up to a month at 150C. While.the dosimeter glass is not
Ca,,d 1/2
L 12861-63
excited by daylight an exposure of 40 days results in -excitati ' of the
de On
stored light by 26--.138VIo. The effective atmic number for the optimun campo-
sition ofL.glasses is 11-13. A filter consisting of 0.6 mm sn + o-5 = Al
allows for empensation of the energy dependence at 40 Kev and above Vi.1%
an error of � 20,1o( - The dosimeter ims tested iming the synchrocyclotron of the
Obllyedinenny4'y institut yaderny*kh issledcr~maniy (Joint_lastitute of Nuclear
Research) writh proton fluxes in the enerar xmn~re of 100 to 500 Mev showed
that the sensitivity of the detector glass I.-o the tissue doze of high-energy
protons coincides vithin 10,16f with the sensit:Lvity of glass io y-rays, indica-
ting that the detector can be used for mi-