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SOTSKIDV., B. Course toward t77er&U automtion. Radio no.7:4~-6 i1 f63. (KM 16:7) 1. Chler,-korrel3pondent AN SOR. (Automation) ~91" M~CWIE 310111~ SOT-SKOV, B. S. "Reliability of instruments." report submitted for the 3rd Intl Measurement Conf & 6th Intl Instniments & Measurements Conf, Stockholm, 14-19 Sep 64. SIROTA, N.N., akademik,, otv. red.; SOTSICOV. B-..,,S* , red.; ROZENBLAT, M.A., prof., re~.-';- L.A.. kand. khis. nauk., red.; KHOLYAVSKIY, S., red.izd-va; VOLOKHANOVICH9 I., tekhn. red. [Ferrites and contactless elements) Ferrity i beskon- taktrye elementy; doklady. Minsk,, Izd-vo M BSSR., 1963. 418 P. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Vsesoyuznoye soveshchaniye po farritam i pc beskontakt- nym magnitnym elementam avtomatiki. 3d, Minsk' 2. Akade- miya nauk Bel.SSR (for Sirota). 3. Chlen-kor;;spondent AN SSSR (for Sotskov). SOTSKOV, B. S. "Reliability of instruments." report submitted for Intl Fed of Automatic Control & of.Information Processing Conf, 21-23 Sep 64. BILIK, R.V.; ZiIOZHM4kSflVILI, V.A.; MITYUSHKIN, K.G.; FRANGISRILI, I.V.; -,-'OTSKOV B.S , otv. red. [Contactie~3s elements and remote control systems with time division of signals] Beskontaktnye elementy i si- sten-y tele-ekhaniki s vren.ennym razdeleniem signalov. t,'oskv&, Nauka,, 1964. 4-15 P. WIRA 17:9) 1. Chlen-korrespondent MI SSSR .(for Sotskov). I", B. S. ~_:Dtrv . red.; DEK.,',BRUII, I.Ye., red.; WLOTALTI, B.N., ~~e-q7; :(UZI,,--q'TSC.V, :i.S., red.; KIRILLOVA, Z.6., red.; Yu.F., red. [Electric contactors; transactions] Elektricheakie kon- takty; frudy. Red. koll. B.S.,9otskov i dr. Moskva., Energi.a, 1964. 502 p. (MIRA .17:8) 1. Vsesoyuznafe soveshchaniye po elektricheskiin kontaktam i kontaktrr~m materialain. 3d, Voscow, 1962. B'MiG,A.I.,; TRti~'~:,',Zl,;IKOV,; TSYPKIN, Ya.Z., doktor tekhn.nauk,prof.,red.; VOHO!.'OV,A.A., doktor telchn.nauk,prof.'red.; SOTSKGI',B.S., doktor tekhn.nauk,ro-d.; AGEYK111,D.7L., doktor tekhn. tAVRILOT.M.A., red.; doktor telchn.nauk,, prof.,red.; CHELYUSTKIV,A.B., doktor tekhr- nauk,red.; PROKOFIYEV, VA., doktor,red.; IL'IN,V.A., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof.,red.; KITOV,A.I.,doktor tekhn.natik,red.; ILUNITSKIY, N.A., kand. fiz.-matem.nauk,red.; KOGAN,B.Ya., doktor tekhr.nauk, red.; USHAKOVIV.B., doktor tekhn.nauk,red.; Uildi&iju.A., doktor tekhn. nauk,prof., red.; FELIMAUM, A.A.,prof., doktor tekhn.nauk,red.; SHREYDEH,Yu.A., kand. fiz.-mat. nauk,dots.,red.; KIDIRKEVICH,A.A., akad., red.;T11.O=v-V,P.V., red.; 1,.ASLOV,,A. A.,dots. red.; LEVIN, G.A., prof.,red.; LOZI1,1SK1v-,1-'.G.., doktor tekhn.nauk,red.; NETUSHIL, A.V., doktor tekhn.nauk,prof.,red.; POPKOV,V.I.,red.; ROZE11BERG, L.D.Idoktor tekhn.nauk,prof.,red.; LIVSHITS,A.L.,kand.tekhn.nauk,red.. [Automation of production and industrial electronics] Avtomatiza- tsiia proizvodstva i proryshlennaia elektronika; entsiklopediia sovremennoi tekhniki. 'rlosk-va, Sovetskaia Entsiklopediia. Vol.3. Pogreshnost' resheniia - Teleizmeritellnaia sistema chastotnaia. 10/64. 487 P. (MIRA 17:10) AIT &SR (for Sotskov, Gavrilov, Timofeyev., ~opkov). MILOVZOROV. Vladimir Petrovich; SOTSKOV, B.S., retsenzent; MITYUSHIN, F.F., dots., retsenzefi-u,--RAK5UNOV, V.F., dots., retsenzent; liEGNEVITSKIY., I.B., do-11s., retsenzent; KOROLIKOV, N.V., kand. tekhn.nauk, red. (Electromagnetic techniques] Elektromagnitnaia tekhnika. Moskva, Energiia., 1964. 511 p. (MIRA 17:12) 1. CiLlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Sotskov). 2. Kafedra vychislitellnoy tekhniki i elem-entov vychislitellnoy tekhniki Moskovskogo aviatsionnogo instituta iv.. S.Ordzho- nikidze (for Mlityushin, Rakhmanov). 3. Moskovskiy energe- ticheskiy institut (for Negnevitskiy). . AVEN, O.A.; DVORETSKIY, V.M.; DOMANITSKIY, S.M.; ZALMANWN, L.A.; KRASSOV,- I.M.; KRUG, Ye.K.; TALI, A.A.; KHOKJILOV, V.A.; BULGAKOV, A.A.; DEMIDENKO, Ye.D.; BFRNSHTEYN, S.I.; YDELIYANOV, S.V.; LERNER, A.Ya.; PEYEROV, M.V.; PERELIMAN, I.I., FITSSTR, L.N.; CHELYUSTKIN, A.B.; ZHOZHIKAS~VILI, V.A.; XMIN, V.A.; AGEYKIN, D.I.; GUSHCHIN, Yu.V.; KATYS, G.P.; MELITTSER, L.V.; PAIKHOMENKO, P.P.; 14IKHAYLOV, N.N.; FITSNER, L.N.; PARKHOMENKO, P.P.; ROZENBLAT, M.A.; SOTSKOV B.S.; VASILIYEVA, N.P.; PRANGISHVILI, I.V.; POLONNIKOV, D.Ye., VOROBf' -11TTI, ! M.; DEKABRUN, I.Ye. Work on the development of systems and principles of automatic control at the Institute of Automatic and Remote Control during 1939-1964. Avtom. i telem. 25 no. 6:807-851 Je 164. (KRA 17:7) 1, 2967 ~*,'T (d) /-,IX (k) /hVP (1) JKT ACCESSION NP: AP5026357 Ufl/0105/614/000/009/0093/0094 AUTHOR: zYU K 9- 4kin-Y.-t-s -P-aliwev V. K.; ul h _Yirolmabov. 14. N..; in"N't- I- 4p, Tukr4n.-A. -P.; Alokseytv, -A..Ye.; 7-7goroditskiy~-W. P.; Berger. A.-Ya.. YAvorskly, Vo.N.; Naslodqv, D..-N.1 TITIZ: kolay;;ich fZzisenkoj(Obituary) -~ikolqq~ Ni i SOURCE- Elaktrichestvo. no. 9, 1964, 934$ TOPIC TAGS: electric engineering personnel ABSTRACT: Doctor Of Technical Solonose. Uajor General In tb*:T*obnlcal EngIneoring Service, Professor X. 1. luttanko died In May of this year after a long and serious Illness. He graduated from the Moscow HIChor Technical AkoadeaW In 1914 and was closely associated with his specialty of electrical engineering Ull the end of his life. He spent the first y*ars of his practical activity at the AcadomW workIng In Ow electrical engineering laboratory of X. A. Krug. Af ter that be. lwpa bis career In the Soviet ArmW " a lowly laboratory assistant In %be radletookelool laboratory sqd worked his ~wmw uj over _N~IrlWyean to%obmdof the pard 1/ 2 L 2967-66 ACUSSION NR: AP5026357 Department of Electrical and Uilitarj Engineering. He wrote several bookst i"Alternating Currents." "The Theory of Alternating Currents." "Course In i General Eloctrical Engineering." "Radio Enginserine and, toesther with his ~co-workors, problem books on "A Course In Alterratins Currents" and "The ~_Msioal Principles of Electrical Engineering." He set up a number of special courses (military application of aleatrio power. military portable electric power stations, electric equiptnent for armies. electrification ' -of militai-I engineering wofts, oto). I and also participated In wstw oonginser- IN; projec to YjI th the Soils t AnW. He has written amw textbooks. mono- I graphs and articles on the theoretical and applied divisissis of military electrical engineering. These Include "Electric Circuits" wA "Fundsomentale for the Design and Planning of UOIle Sleotrlo Stations." &I&SW or j. we Luteenkoo's students are wDrking In sections of the Govist A^V. In seleatifle Institutes and In college@* and In Industry* These soludests we OWUMIT4 I the work of their tember. Vo founder of Soviet Military slestrical sWassrooo, In#. He received bin professor#Ip In 1939 and his destarate in 1969. So has received the Order of lossUll Ww" *2" beirwree" the Order at Me "M StW* Md ON IWWI* Origs. art. hast 1 figaie AWoOCIA210HI xIine SUNUMS 00 NMI 00 sts OMI U 000 ND MW SOWS Ca" 2A I sorsxow,-.-B.s. (Sotakov, B.S.]; MAKOWSKI, Karol, mgr inz. [translator] I - . --1 Reliability of automatic control couponents and devices. Archiv automat 9 no.ls229,346 164. 1, Institute of Automatic Central and Telemechanics.. Moscow (for - Sotskov). 2: Institute of Autmatic Control of the Polish Acado=7 of Sciences Warsaw (for Fakovski). GAAZE-RAFOPORT, M.G., otv. red.; YAKOB1, V.E., otv. red.; BERGI A.I., red.; GURFIEKELI, V.S., red.; KOVAIEVSKIY, V.A., red.; KLEYNENBERG, S.Ye., red.; MARTEYFEE-L', B.F., red.; NAUMOV, N.P.., red.; PARIN, V.V., red.; POLYANTSEV, V.A., red.; SOTSKOV red.; .j_B,S - p [Bionics] Bionika. Moskva, Nauka, 1965. 475 P. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Nauchryy sovet po kompleksnoy probleme,,. "Kibernetika." BERG, A.I., glav. red.; TRAPEMIIKOV, V.A., glav. red.; TSYPKIN, Ya.Z., doktor Iek!L-;. nauk, prof., red.; VORONOV A.d., prof., red.; AGEYK114, D.I.; (~oktor tekhn.nauk red.;GAVRIIDV, M.A., red.; VE1,11KOV, V.A., doktor tekhn. nauy, prore, red*; SOTSKOV,,__M.S., red.; CHELYUSTKIN, A.B., doktor tekhn. naukq red.';'-fkKOF1YEV1 V.N., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., red.; ILIIN, V.A., doktor tekhn. nauk., prof., red.; KITOV, A.I.., doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; KRUITSKIY, N.A., kand. fiz.--mat. nauk, red.; KOGAN, B.Ya., doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; USHAKUV, V.B.1 doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; LMI&t, A.Ya., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.,, red.; FELIDBAUM, A.A., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., red.; SHRMEP, Yu.A. kand. fiz.-mat. nauk, red.; KHARKEVICH, A.A., akaderik, red. Ideceased]; TD'OFEYEV, F.V., red.; KASLOV, A.A., dots.,, reed.; TRUTKO, A.F... inzh., red.; LEVIN, G.A.,, prof., red.; LOZINSKIY, M.G., doktor tekhm. nauk, red.; NETUSHILI A.V.2 doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., red.; FOPKOV, V.I., red.; ROZENBERG, L.D., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., red.; LIFSHITS, A.L... kand. -tekhn. nauk, red.; AVRT, 0.1., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; BLUO, 0.1,4-[Blunn, O.H.], red.; BROYDA, V... inzh.,prof.,red.; BREKIKLI, L [ 3rockj,1,.j inzh., knad. nauk) red.; VAYKHAPDT, Kh. [Weichardt, H.], inzh., red.; BOCHAROVA,M.D., kand. tekhn. nauk, st. nauchri. red. (Automation of production processes and industrial electronics] Avtomatizatsiia proizvodstva i provjshlennaia elektronika; entsiklo- ped-11a sovremennoi tekhniki. Moskva, Sovetskaia entsiklopediia. Vol.4. 1965. 543 p. "'IRA 19:6) B.I., prof.,, doktor SOTSKOV, DOY tekhn. naulk, retse-ent'; KOLOWLT, S.P., n-rnf, dokto~r tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; NEFEDOVA, V.I. dots., kand. tekhn. nauk, red. [Principles of the calculation and design of electro- mechanical components of automatic and remote control systems] Osnovy rascheta i proektirovaniia elektro mekbanicheskikh elementov avtomaticheskikh i nicheskikh ustroistv. Moskva, Energiia, 1965. 575 P. (MIRA 18:9) L 27232-66 EWP(k)li~T(d)AwP(h)LEWP(I)IEWP(V) lip C) ACC NRs Am6000591 Monograph Sotskov.- Boris Stepanovich PrinciDles of the calculation and design of elecirombehanical,elenients of automatic and remote control,devides (0sn6vy rascheta iproyektiFovaniya elektromekhaniche -".J.~";d skikh elementov avtomaticheBkikh i telemekhanicheskikh ustroystv') Moscow', Izd-*o' "Energiya,"1965. 575 p. illus., biblio. Textbook for students at 'institut ion. of higher learning. 25,'000 copies printed. TOPIC TAGS: automatic control, remote coPtrol, electromagnetq automation e4uipnentjpz. atitc.wa".ic control equipment PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: This book is. intended to serve as textbo8k, for students at'~" schools of higher technical, education in the field of automatic and remote co t.rols. It may also be useful for technical personnel in all:branches ofindus try concerned with automation. The mechanical, thermal:, eledtromechanical, and magnetic components encountered in automation and remote control f~r establishing.i continuity between the input and Output signals by continuous and two-step con- version are considered. Considerable attention is paid-to the'problem of relia- bility. The general relationships which define reliability and the basic physi-1 cal and physicochemical processes causing failures'are investigated. The problem of the accuracy and stability of the compbnents, also those related tothe analysis Card 1/3 ujg: 62-UA Z . L 27232-66 -,!W,. , -Ef mm I L 27232-66 L 24561-66 EWP c /FfiP(k) WT(d)/EWP(h)/jA1VP(1) WP(V)- -11 ACC NR. AP6017 SOURCE -CODE". UR~6410/65/000/001/0009/0020 B. S. (Moscow) AUMOR: Sotskov - , ORG: nofiiF ITIE: Possibilities of automation of nt procbsses: reme SOURCE: Avtometriya, no.'l, 1965, 9-20 TOPIC TAGS: automation, measurement, measuring apparatus ABSTRACT: An analysi*-s-' of -the possibility ofIautomaiion or meaisuremi bnt pro cesses for various areas of science and technical investigation. ;.Th prin e iciple parameters to be controlled, the main principles of construction of centralized measuring devices and methods for economical eva*luat3.,Dn of the expediency of automation of measurements are presented. Automated devicess laboratories and stations are expedient for usage where: man cWMA,beg or .cannot be for long (long interplanetary flights, in desertsp etc); there must be are many places to be measured vver a wide area; many parameters . measured simultaneously; long continuous monitoring is required; a complex.: 7 0 .program of actions must be performed with great accuracy; a::great'deal f idata must be sorted for long periods of time; information obtained-6y ,measurement must be processed and acted upon rapidly. Automa:tion~ in these areas will allow basic changes to be wrought in science and,the economy* i .The Bibliography presents 13 (mostly American and other western) particles on the problem which the author describes as "interesting examples" Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 5 formulas. [JFRS3 OTH RM 009 : 13 / SUEM DATE: 05Oct64 ORIG REF; 002 / SUB CODE: 14 , ~ -I -) 1* - -'. - - - -.I 1 51 - ;: ~ " -1 - I I ., j.,,vcrtors I... -C f.fficiency 41 no..50?4-376 ~y 165. 1 !,g -M. A progress4 PrOm. k J-1, . VAYNER, Sh.A., inzh.; VAYNER, S.A., inzh.; USOLITSEVO V.A., inzli.; FOKIN., V.M., inzh.; ZAIMBERG, S,A., inzh.; SIGAIREW, V.S., -inzh.; BPONSHTEYN, L.M., inzh; YUMEIR, S.V., kand. tekhn. nauk; BATYREV, AN., ilizh.; BOPv4KDI, Yu.F,, inzh.; RYZHKOV, N.I., inzh.; YAKIININ, A.L,, insh.; FRIDKIS, Z.I., inzh. Furnishing the SGU gas-cutting machine with a FOS-4 scale photocopying control system. 3var. proizv. no.9:34 S 165. (KRA 19:9) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut tekhnologii mashinostroyeniya (for Sh.Va5mer, S.Vayner, Usolitsev, Fokin, Sotskov). 2. Volgogradskiy ztLvod im. Petrova (for Zandberg, Sigarevp Bronshteyn). 3. VPTI khimnefteapparatury (for Yunger, Batyrev, Bodyakin). 4. Urallokiy zavod tyazhelogo mashinostroyeniya imeni Sergo Ordzhonikidze (for Ryzhkov, Yakhninp Fridkis). GOLIDGEFTFR, V.I.; SOTSKOV, S.N* Device with many stable equilibrium states and an arbit"f7,63. transition program. Avtom. i telem. 24-no.8sllCC-1105 A29 (MM 16 18) (Electronic computers-Xircuite) (Electric networks) STDE.N'KO, V.I., inzh.; MDSTAKOV, V.I., inzh.; ZASLAVSKIY, I.N.2 inza.; OLIGIN, A.Ya., inzh.; SOTSKOVA,' -a- -inzh. Durability of the structural elements of the main buildings of sintering plants, Prom.stroi. 42 no.11:35-37 N 164- (MIRA 18;8) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy i proyektno-eksperimentall- nyy institut proWhlennykh zdaniy i sooruzheniy i Kharlkovskiy Promstroyniiproyekt. z/o55/63/m3/001/01.1/013 E032/F.4ik AUTHOR' Sott, M. TITLE: Matrix elements in the P-decay of Xj192 PERIODICAL: Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, Section B1 V*131 no. IL ti 1963, 75-76 TEXT: IrI92 in an example of afirst-forbidds'n 0-transition * for which there may, in general, bo six different MAtiix elements Experimental data for the polarization of IrI92 nuclei (B.N.Samoylov, et al: ZhETF, 36 U~)59), 644) Maya be.used toshow that the asymmetry of the emitted 11-particles relative to the nuclear spin directions for Y/c = 0.8 and polarization fl ..0 is a 0.080 + 0.016. The 1-approximation wints used to analyze. experimental data for first-forbidden tranaltions'. The above , 4-~-4 ~+ and asymmetry is a result of the superposition of-thi . 4- -4 4+ transitions. Since for IrI92,there appears to be n-0. departure of the spectrum from the allowed form,.it,1s_considere4* that there appreciable Bijadmixtures. In that case the transition 3+ will only involve the three matrix elements : r, Yc~ Oxr, and the relative contribution due to it will be, Card 1/2 ji) `~_'-'ACCESSXON n: Ap4r,42144 Z JMOR: Kolac. Mir ilay ( '_' i Kolach, M. 30 -:;.AT -LjL- slev (Shafrata ;_S dlodlay_TJM~tt.' N+)R~ yea, tt I Ing the gw= f orien TITLE A device. for study energie vo- 10 -no 3.9.4 T_ SOURCE: LYaderna ..54o 943;446~, TOPIC TAGS: gamma radiation, oriented. nudleus: cry 3 t h demagnetization., one stage cryouta v liquId bat;ht v boll insulation' scintillation. spec",jrcmeter _Vi ABSTRACT - The -article deseTibes., a. de ce : Vith- iihich. is. temi di!att6 w 0 0 "q e 1'K was reached for the first time in tii CS11 I wi- a --pariam te adiabatic demagnetization starting from a Um rature. ov I I ill, t;1 Pe had been cooled. A one-stage cryostat, and~t~e e_nvr#ent4~!A1J q. a ;verr, immers d th with temperattire 6V e in a liquid he] iihn ba luu'm apparaku. in, it lation was insured by a vacuum casing. Vat s i.1 rature:~ to evacuate the various spaces of the low-telipe 11 liquid helium feed. In --he verification od' the operation df1the ratall of nuclei -were oriented, set, up, directly In tooling crz Car d ax LGeK; b I 75"Fk: t 7:t x1ji ~adiebitic ing, th~~' i mal 't on -tt~ie bs c stal 110h"t.he 1 rith theidample d- asi er" t1i 30 ioid devic6 GO slta~ 774 tu electromagnet of 11 maximum field intensity 6f. -12an. More 0 strength. The Cobo nucle~i were then orieatid by~ the' Bleb me tion was detected by aingle eh 3-- - anne I ~ a c I nt: L llat I Conn spRect erp rr12 directions .'the; I The temperatuxe or crystal aftei jgeL of a i; ured by ',he ballistic method from the chm it Us, P~Aibil S_S of the angular distribution of gama radiition on tenper~t ure pins at the same temperatures had been oi Aented-usijig `th~ ;Onih ternal field in a paramagnetic crystal was measured. The!~ tee^ ballistic error and the characteristic cwv6 W(O) ard W(,,,4r a3' were independently measured in the eXP!!X-jX1e4ts-.. CanixtrioejA of'~ that experiment is in good agreement vithth6ory'in thei to 0.10OK; at T ~~ 0.030K the measured value:is less-thanL tij The results obtained are in agreement with other experim el-iift wi other methods of orientation were used, evil:confirm the; cdwrec device. These methods for studying lented dioactive4ut:1eA,'LeW'C-h to ze ftelcL~ jMUM-., G i he 0 0 04d ation, I'MS Ike AG !,: FCow nue i -of of 6 th d h i~pen ence f Vie il Admagn-kizaUOU4: ith relat$63w Owe IntlerAft 045 al -f~lue t ~ MO, V CP n i hicli -im 3. na - of !the or the ra P basic research in nuclear physics.- "The ciithora expixess ib,:anks to t workere Novakov, Praskov, Rodov and Sediriov in the builAin, arld. test-Ing 0 apparat UB. Ir orig. art,,'haj rmu-Utu Gad. 5 gUre.5 0 ~j fund of dii~ I CO- :thd SOURCZ CODEI CZ ACC NR: AP6025h84 16U26763idW16 6�31w' AU"L':iO.,: So%'.t, I-Liloslav (Rez) ORG: none Tri'L~. Low tomporaturos in science and tochnology 10 URC!": Pokrolq Mitomtifu' fyzi~y a astronomio, no. 4, 1965, 193-201 TOPIC TAGS: low temperature physics, I(n-r temperature research, specific heat, magnetic resonance, magnetic field masure-zwnt ABSZL 'ILCT-* The article discusses the advanees r-wdo in basic plWsical research throu0i. the u3o of 3ow tomporatures (measurements of specific heats of iso:dds. magnetic ma- suremonts, resonance reasuremonts, etc.) anA in the te&LdCal application of low temperatures. Orig. art. has: 4 figures ani 12 formilAs. fj-pi-U SUB COD35: 20 SUBM DATE: none ORIG REF: 004 OTH REFt 003 5GTTYZR. Lubonir Za zdravu dedinu. (For a Healthy Village. illus., bibl. Tr. from the Czech) Bratislava, Slov. ustav zdravot. osvety, 1957. 110 1). Vol. 5 of the series Kniznica dr-uzstevnika (Collective fa-ner's- library) This small namphlet is offered to the libraries of collective farms, Machine tractor stations and State farms, ss well as for all farmers. It descril,es some basic health problems and fives farmers the opportimity to pretect their own and their 'village's health. Bibliografick-i katalor, MR, Slovenske khihy, Vol.VIII. 1957. No.q. p.282. ze- z-j taste cf pi;eW-t'h4ccarbarifde. Cas. -akulty vedcuici doc. M-Mr. J. Starka la~- Obvcd-,Ihu~ narcdn4ho -.dravi v Praze -01 Ob:.F:--~lr-''n-l-i naz- r-i-,-! zdrav' MbDr. A. Bily). SKjVIEITO*VA, -B.; SUITIER, L. The problem of heredity of diabetes. Cas. lek. cesly. 104 no.21t. 561-566 28 il-ty. 165 1. Diabetologicka ambulance pri 11. interni klinice lekarske fakulty hygienicke v Praze (prednostat prof. dr. J. Syllaba,, DrSc.) a Ustav experimentalni biologie a genetiky Ceskoslovenskej akaderrie vedp Praha (reditele. doe. dr. M. Hasek, DrSc.). 2. B.Skamenovals address: Praha 10, Srobarova 50. MILUNICOVA, Ltena, MUDr.; SOTTNER, Lubomir, MUDr., prom. biolog Phenylthiocarbuide taste test in blood dmors in Prague and its environs. I. %iitrni lek. 3-1 no.W39-144 F 165 1. Transfuzai stanice hl. mesta Pfthy (prednost&:MUDr. Jon Mestan). Sf`,;PT,.!-.,P Lubo ir, MUDr. , promovany biolog Contribution to the heredity of diabetes mellitus and its relationship to some diseases. Vnitrni lek. 11 no.9:839-894 s 65. 1. Katedra mikrobiologie a genetiky prirodovedecke fakulty K Karlovv University v Praze (vedouci, katedry doc. Dr. J. Starka) a Obvodni ustav narodniho zdrevi Praha 5, ustredn-i laborator (reditel ustavu 14JDr. A. Bily). SOTYKA, W. Ten years of the Carbon Electrode Plant. ps 3-85* (CHEMIK, Vol. 9, nos 6, June, 1956, Warszawa, Poland) SO: Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAL) W . Vol. 6. no, 12., Dec. 1957. Uncl. 3')URA, F. "The Exopenn BrewerT Convention in liome." KIIASNY PRU11"'L, Fraha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 5, No. 6, Jurw 1959- Monthly Li--t of -East European Accessions (LEA-T) I-C, Vol. 8., No. 9, September 1959. Unclassified. SCUBk, M- Enargite finds An the Spis-Gemer Ore Mountains. P. 128. (Casopis Pro Mineralogii A Geologii, Vol. 2, no. 2, 1957. Praha, Czechoslovakia) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) Lc, voi. 6, no. lo. Octcber 1957. Uncl, SOUGI J. Spare parts, a guarnatee for timely and high-level machinery repairs. P. 452. Control and restoration of bearings for D-54 motors, P, 453 Crude method for reclaiming oil. p. 453. MECHANISACE ZEMEDELST111. Vol. 4, No. 23, Dec. 1954 SO: Monthly East European Accession (EEAL), LC9 Vol, 4p No* 91 SOA~ 1955 Uncl. Z/003/63~0W/PM/002/0031 AUTHOR --,Souoo juraj TLEs Explosions in the atmospheres Sanic of feot~-,t of. shook waves: PERIODICAM KKdla vlasti no,, 7,9 1963p,'190-192 TEXT: A popularized review of the mechanism of shook waves iind s 6a; a' bo oms iA su p~err,,,: sonic flight based on an article by N. A* Zaks, Docent an&Candidate of Teol~dca Scienc;s. ?Abstracter's notes Original author's nationality~ and publication data are not giv~Tnj Effects of son:Lc boom., by pressure intensify, are,tabulated. F~c-w tors influencing sonic booms (Mach nunbe:-,., altitude., wind.. angle of flight) are ex- plained and graphically illustrated, I table and 5 graphs. I reference (to Zak9)-,:;',,,- amrw AN!' ~ & Card 1 of 1 S/194/62/*000/005/140/157- D271/D308 AUTHOR: Sou~cek, A T 1 T Pulse reflectometer Pj',:,"TC-DICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no. 5, 1962, abstract 5-7-174 t( Sb. Draci V~zkuirin dstavu sDoViq 19599 Prague, 1960, 273--~279) TEXT: Am apl)aratus is described, designed for th4' hi-rd TV channel, which is indispensable for operational measuremen4g.'of the antenna and feeder (wave impedance of 50, 60 and 75 ohm), by the method of determination of the magnitude and point of reflection. In the Ul.- se reflec.tometer a short radio freauency pulse'(0.1 - 0*3 11 5ecS is sent to the measured line; transmitted and reflected puises are dis- played simultaneously on the screen of a cathode ray tube. Instruc- tion is given for the use of the apparatus in measurements,of match- in- in antenna systems. [Abstractor's note: Complet~ translation 0 J. Card 1/1 ,~,,SOU03K, A.; ITOVOTNY, P. 4 :4ethod for the routine examination of Corynebacterium diphtheriae. Cesk. epidem. mikrob. imun. 8 no.4:217-221 Ju4 59 1. Iaborator pro lekarskou milcrobiologii a immanologil IkrIovy university v 34-arp. (COWIDACTIaM DIPHMAW, culture) PATOCKA.F.; SOUC31K,A.; KARA. M. New oboarvations on biological properties and toxinogen evis of atypical haemolytic Corynebacteria Isolatel from humns. J.byg. epidem.. Praha 4 no.3:307-308 6o. 1. Laboratory for Special Medical Kicrobiology ad Imminology, Medical Faculty. Charles University. Prague. IUN) (TOXINS AND ANT ITCff INS) SCRON, E.; ZAHOROVA. L.; SOUCE9, A. Atypical Corymebacterium in the pathogenesis of human infectionse Cesk.epidem.mikrob.imun. 9 no.2-69-77 xr 16o. 1. Katedra mikrobiologis a opidemiologis fakulty vasobeeneho lekaratvi University Karlovy v Praze. (ORTNERACTERIUM Inf ect 0- ) FATOCKA, Franticak; SOUG~'~ ~e- MARA, M:Uan; JEDLICKOVA, Anna; - ZAHOROVA f :LEMYULDA - riu" to tim Pwam At M-ft2l"'"gou". 001=60% fta 4bnBid4.-,+d as human variants of CorynebacCrana pyogenes. Cook. 9~idem. mikrob. 1=m-10 no-3:184-191 161. 1. Laborator pro specialni lekarskou mikrobiologii a imm logil lekarske fakulty IKU v Fraze. (GORY M ACTERIUM) FATUGKA, F.; M.;,SOUGEK A - JOUGMiVA J% A.; tochnical -iosistance: OSAIIULOVa, Vera Observations on 4,e biological properties of atypical haemolytic Corynebacteria isolated from man as compared with Cor. haemoirticum, Gor pyagenes bovis and Cor.ovis. I. In vivo investigations. J. hyg. epidem. 6 no.1:1-12 162. 1. Department for Medical Microbiology and InmMology, Charles University, Prague. (Goia,MACTE,MM) S, ONK t SOUCKOVA) A.; I-LIAA, !.-*,.I- PdtT0k;Ktkj F.; teclini-cal P-~isistanco: 3AULOVA, Vera; SKVO'j)VA, 1~d~oolavfi Observations cn the bioloj-~ical prop---'~ :. af atypical han;:,olytic Corynebact--.11a iso-late-! from nan as rjoi:'pared with Cor. %nnol-jrt!'cum, Gor. pyogenes bovis ant-I Cor. ovis. J. hyg. epidem. 6 nu.1:13-23 1. Depart..:~,-,nt for 'Ledical Hicrobiology and Immunology, Charles Universit,-, Prague. (GOEMBACTLiallm) SOUGEK, A.; SOUCKOVA,A.; MARA,N. Phospolinasp and liDase in Cor~me-bauterium phyogenes var. hominis. J.b;yg. epidem, Praha 8 no-1:132-133 t64. 1. TA,.boratary for Special Medical Microbiology, Madical Faculty, Charles University, Prague. SOUGM,,41~,; SOLICKOVA, kina S'Uudies on Coiyieb-~cterium pyogenes varietas hoxinis. IV. Cam- narison of active c3mponents j_n Gonnebacterium p.,ogenes vxletas k ninis Norynebacterium haemoliticuml nd Goryne- jogenes. J. hyg. ep1daL. (Praha) 9 nc.1:67-76 165 1. Frora tile Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology, Cha rl es Urdve-rsity Faculty, Prague. I SOIJCEK, Bohumil--OTTA., Zdenek; SERFJZ, Jaroslav Casting of aluminum and bronze models in plaster forms. Slevarenstvi 10 no.3:100 Mr 162. 1. ~Jetajurgicke zavody, Tynec and VItavau. SOUCEK, Branko, Ing. (Zagreb); HRISOHO, Aleksantler, Ing. (Zagreb) Research of magnetic cores by rapid current impulsions. Results of testing cores of domestic production. Elektr vest 27 no.9/10:313-315 S-0 *59. (EUI 9:10) 1. Institut "Ruder Boskovic", Zagreb. I (Magnetic cores) (Yugoslavia--Magnetic memory (Calculating nachines)) HRISOHO., Aleksandar, Inz. (Zagreb); SOUCEK, Branko, inz. (Zagreb) Obtainment of short pulses. lutomatika 4:no.4:250-254 163. 1. Institut wRuder Boakovic", Zagreb, SCIUCEK, Brankc, dr .'nz. - Amplituds analysis of impulses in frequent repetitinns. Automatika 5 no.4,.288-292 164. 1. Rudar Boskovic Institute,, Zagreb, Bijenicka c. 1114. SOUCEK, F. Projection of plants. p.6. (Technicke Noviry, Praha, Vol 2, no. 211 Noy 1954) SO: Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAL), LC Vol 49 No- 6.9 June 1955p Unci Soucek, J. I2provezent in the elimination of radio interference. p. 243. Vol. 9, no. 8, Aug. 1954. ELEKTROTECMIIK SO: Monthly List of East European Accession, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4, No. 9, Sept. 1955, Uncl. SOUCFK, J. Construction of a heart-shaped cam in spinning and twisting machines of all types. P. 210, (Textil) Vol. 12, no. 6, June 1957, Praha, Czechoslovakia SO: Monthly Index of East European Acessions (EEAI) Vol. 6, No..:11 November 1957 SOUCAK, J.. Dr.; STMI.A. I.. Doe. Clinical considerations on radlealar diseases. Near. & psychist. cook. 18 no.6:413-419 Nov 55. 1. Z nourolog. oddel. IM Karlovy Vary. Pr1mr Doe. Dr. F. Svehla. (WEVES, SPIRAL, diseases, radlemlar lesions. (Cs)) SOUCEK, J.; 11-10TYCKA, K.; SLAVIK,K. - Activity changes of some enzyme aystems interferring in folic acid metabolism in the course of mouse leukaemia of AKR-strain. Neoplasma 11 no.2:193-198 164 1. Institute of Haematology and Blood Transfusion, Laboratory of Protein Metabolism, Prague, Czechoslovakia. IJQ.TYCKAJT~X*;. SOUCEK,,J.; SIAVJK, K.; JIRASEK,- J.; JIW~A., A.;, Tochnical gssisia~cet-SHETANOVA,.j R.;~-,MLNTOVA, L.; SXNWVA, -A'. The treatment of experimental mouse hemoblastoBis. 1. The effect ,of some new folic acid antimetabolites on cell transplanted leu- kemia in mice of the AKR stirain. Neoplasma (Bratial.) 1-1 no.4: 389-397 164. 1. Institute'of hematology and blood transfusionY Prague, Labora- tory of protein metabolism and proteosynthesis, Charles University, Prague, I-st pathological-anatomical institute, Charles University, Pregue, Czechoslovakia. L, j.; S"IF, X.; Techncal ;Issisfance: S"I'-ft"WA A.; 3 ~ -- ", 1~. , I - ~L . 1~ IIJAI.:J,~ ~; M, "Pr'-8-4-mic n1v -e ri. fs. Il. Tl.p- effect The treatment of ex, mental. mouse hemoblpstos.L I of long-term administration of some folic acid antagonisto on of the AKR strain. Nooplasma (Ilratisl.) 11 no-4:3199-408 164. 1. Ints'.itute of hem. Acg-, ard Iblood ti ate -anL-.fusJ.c,n, FrLgpie, I'alboratory of protein metabolism and prctecs.,,nthesils, Chat-les 11niversit.y, Prague, -rortt!Z4~rt t-ll M-Usr hemablaotcois - Part 4* (jr)rl -,q (','" -,-14' 12 rco5:52.7-524 165. I . ins .t-Itate of lima-tology tv-d Blood TM!OfUOior v pr%vev ("Tawc,:vvi. cw~-:!n. SAmittod :'ovanbor 13p 1964o ACC NRt AP6006082 SOURCE CODE: CZ_F)O5VC5761-4/000~W6R3 7 AUTHOR: Soucek, J.; totycka, K. ORG: Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, Praprui,.:(Us-'~ 010: e Vav hemat gi krevhi transfuse) -TITLE; Results of the therapy of expeAmental leukemia LIall VUFlJ 14:it-h 6-aza:uracil- riboside, urbasone R and actinomycin D [7his paper wns presented during the Twelfth Pharmacologic Days Smolenice,, 28 Jan 65-1 SOURCE: Ceskoslovenska fysiologie, V- 14 m 4,, 1965# 31Z-313 TOPIC TAGS: blood disease, cancer drug, mouse, antibiotic, heter2o.cyclic base c9inpoirl organic nitrogen compound, therapeutics ABSTRACT: In mice of the strain CgZa'ck with tran6plant~,d leitkeinia'.Lali tieated subcutaneously with 6-azauridine, th 11)rednisolonesemiduccin6te and actinomycin D, the steroid had no effect at all. Actinomycin.was most effective, prolonging survival 150% over the untreated controls. [JPRSJ SUB CODE: 06 SUBM DATE: none L 13577-66 ACC NRs AP6006066 S()URCE CODE: CZ/O953/65/014/004/0306/006 AUTHOR: Motydkag K.; Soucek, J. ORG: Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusiong Prague'~(Ustav' hematologLe.a; krevni transfuse) TITLE: Therapy of experimental hemiblastosis L14AKR by prepprati6nfl irith definite or probable cytpstatic effect [This paper was presented during the.Twelfth Pharmacologic Days, Smolenice, 28 Jan 65.1 SOURCE: Ceskoslavenska fysiologie, v- 34, no- 4v 1965., 3o6 TOPIC TAGS: pharmacology, drug effect, blood disease, path~ioiff A13STRACT: Study of the ef feet of 6-methylprednisolon* sucdtait-4. 64~rtapto-~ ac: .purine, b~uthiopurlne, 6-azaurt&7e, Oehydroepiandrostero.*:46 tin"Mycin D :on experimental leukemia L14AKR. -6-afturidino iniareased ti4surw7tv-411M ;of a control; actinomycin D was als6 very effective but it %18s accompanied ;by toxic offectsincluding subcutaneove absqpsoos sad fall-out othilre [JPRS] SUB CODE: 06 SUM DM: now MM Mrs ~on ~4L,k) L CANd 3-A CZECHOSLOVAKIA SALANSKY, I.; Research Institute for 14acromolecular Chemistry, Research Institute of Traumatology (Vyzkurriny Ustav Makroinclokularni Cheinie, Vyzkumny Ustav Traumatologicky), Brno. "An Electrolytic Mebhod for the Determination of Water Vapor Emitted by the Skin," Prague, Cesicoslovenska li'ysiologie, Vol 15, No 4. Jul 66, PP 329-330 Abstract: Water contained in the analyzed gas is absorbed by a film oT_P20q., and immediately decomposed electrolytically to hydrogen and oxygen; the intensity of the electrical current used gives an instantaneous reading of the amount of the water, when a constant volume of the analyzed gas is maintained. The instrum- ent is sensitive enough to allow investigations of small areas of the skin ( 1.1o-8 to 1.1o-5 g of water/see can be determined). Overall diagram of the unit is given, and technical details of the component parts presented. 1 Figure, 6 Westernp 4 Czech ref- erences. (Manuscript received 3 Feb 66). __ --_ I __ - ;f .I, ( ~` A .-At iv,.J, i n-s- I t-v ~,qis f,:lnt ar,rLT-ots. Suppl~3:,.iunt. 11, p. 9, _-.,:.'"I~L)'f`VI, Vol. 3, ;i*), '.:ar. 1)"), C--ec-11,10vakia) SO: I~bnthly List of East " orean Accessions, Vole -2 "') L brary of U-1 - - - .0 11 u I Congress, AuEust 1953, Uncl. WIXEY, I j. "Production of sees for vegetable crops." (p. 406). ZA SOCIPIISTICKE ZEM.EDELSTVI (Ministerstvo zemedelskyehved) Praha, Vol 4, No 89 Apr 1954 SO: East European Accessions List, Vol 3, No 8. Aug 1954. General. --or T The ccntec-L of the 12:1-123 SOUCEK, J.: REZATIEK, K. "Wr experience with the hypophysectomy of rats" Ceskoslovenska Fysiolcgie. Praha, Czechoslovakia. Vol. 8, no. 1, Jan 1059 Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAT)v LC, Vol. 8, No. 7, luly 59, Uiclas- RKLABEK, Karel; technicka spoluprace 9MM, J.; M=OVA, H. Favorable effect of chlorothiazid* on diabetes insipidus in hmpbr- sectomized rats. Cas.lek.cesk 100 no.46:i45i,-1456 17 N 161. 1. Vyzlq-=y ustav pro farmacil a biochemii, Praha, prednosta dr. ins. 0. Nemeesk. (CHLOROTHIAZIDE pharmacol) (DIABEM-; INSIPIDUS ex -per) (HMPUSECTOMY exper) REZABEK, K.; JELINEK, V.; Technical collaboration: SOUCEK J - NOVA, V.; MAICOVAJL The effect of some drugs used in the therapy of malignant tumours on the genital cycle of the rat. Neoplasm 9 no.2:151-158 162. Research Institute for Phamacy and Biochemistry,.Prague, CSSR. (ANTINEOPUSTIC AGENTS pharmacol) (GENITALIA, FOUdS pharmacol) (GONADOTROPINS phvsiol) (ESTRUS pharmacol) REZABEK, K.; SOUGEEK, J. A float arrangement for recording small changes in volume and pressure. Physiol. Bohemoslov. 11 no.61557-563 162. 1. Research Institute of Pha=acy a Biochemistry, Prague. (EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES) SHEJBAL, J.; SIAVIK, J.; _qCUCEK.,--I- Folio acid and metabolism. Part 7,; Transformation of . . one-carbon compounds and of folio acid in germinating plants. .1. Coll Cz *hem 27 no.6zl470-1475 Je 162. 1. Department of Biochemistry and Laboratory for Protein . Metabolism, Cbarles University, Prague (for Shejbal and Slavik). 2. Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, Prague (for Soucek). r C ZECT, 0 SLOVAKIA SOUC'EX, J; MOTMU, K; SLAVIK, K; SOMME!, J. 1. Institute of Haematology and Blood Transfusion, Prague;, 2. Laboratory for Prote--'n !vIetabolism arid Synthesis, Pra grue 'Prague, Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, Vol 8, 1~63, Tp -2222-,,-?2--2-6 "Metabolism of Folic Acid. !V. Mechanism of Biochem-TcZ Action of Some Folic Kcid Antimetabolites in vivo." REZABEK, K.; SOUCEK, J.;_ HONDLIK, J. 7-- k3say of secretin in guinea-pigs. Physiol. bohemoslov. 12 no.2: 156-1060 163. 1. Research Institute of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, Prague. (SEGRETIN) (BIOASSAY) (BILE) (BIOLOGICAL ASSAY) CZECHOSLOVAKIA SOUCEK J- VASATKOVAS J Research Institute of MacromoleciLlar Chemistryo Brnop (for both) Prague, Collection of CZ0Cjjos1ovgk Chemical Communications# No 7, July 1966, pp 2800-2865 "Detennination of small. amounts of epoxides from different infrared spectraeff SOUCEK, J.; SOCMIAN, J.; SLAVIK, K. Activity changes of some enzyme systems interferring into the metabolism o? folic actd in the livers of mice in the course of LaHVUFB leucaemia.. Neoplasma 10 no.2:177-182 163. 1. In6titute of Haematology and Blood Transfusion, Laboratory ot Protein Metaboliam~ Fraguep CSSR. (LEUKEMIA, MWERIPENVAIL) (FOLIC ACID ANTIrvaLSTS) (LIVER) (METABOLISM) (DEHYMGENASF.S) (TRANSFERASES) (ALDOLAiE) (OXIDDREDUCTASES) N SOUCXK2 J.; MOTYCKA, K.; SLAVIK, K.; SOCHI", J. Metabolism of folic acid. Pt.9. Coll Cz Chem 28 no.8:2222-2226 Ag 163. 1. Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, Prague, and Laboratory for Protein Metabolism and Synthesis,, Prague. SOUCEK, J. "Planovani letist. V Praze, 1948. 18p. (Brno. Vy9oka skola technicka. Ustav stavby silnic. Drobne spisy, c. 1). (Planning airfields. illus.)." SO: East European Accessions List, Vol 3, No 8, kag 1954. SOUCEK, JAROKM. Sibloid Yozidla a trasovial prvkyo &rVydo I. DW*t Statmi podaWgicks sL4.9 1953. 87 p. Owbs&text vY")Wh skoi? L Highway vehicles aW 01010fatf Of rood ongimorlne a 44M7 a soi v Tol.3, Ubroy of COMM-, " 1954s, unle sourek-L Soucek, J. General research on traffic conditions In Prague. P. 574. vol. 10, no. 18, Aug. 1956 SVET MOTORU -TECHNOLOGY Czechoslovakia So: East European Accessions, Vol. 6, May 1957 5 SCU(-E'K, J. Traffic problems in Munich; notes from a study trip. p.12. (Silnice.,'Vol. 6, No. h, April 19-57, Praha, Czechoslova',"ia) SO:-,Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. No. 9, Sept. 19157. Uncl. scuc 7--, 'T. 'Highways and tumpikes in Eavaria; p.11. (Silnice, Vol. 6, No. May 1957, Praha, Czechoslovakia) SO: ..Monthly List of East European Accessions (MAL) LC. Vol. 6, No. 9, SePt. 1957. UncL. SOUGEKS J. "Construction of roadyays with respect, to traffic capacity, maximum weight, and protection against frost." p. 2 (Silnice) VoL 6, no. 10, Oct. 1-957. Prague, Czechoslovakia SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (ZEAI) LC. Vol. 7v no, 4, April 1958 SCUCEK, J. "Traffic engineering, a new branch of highway engineering." P. 13 (Silnice) Vol. 6, no. 12, Dec. 1957. Prague, Czechoslovakia SO: Monthly Index of Ust European Accessions (EEA1) LC. Vol. 7, no. 4, April 1958 0 L) -6OUClr&K,jARL.41R Esouceir. Jaromirl. prof, Constructing pavements and roadbeds In Czecboslovakla. Avt.dor, 21 no.10:23-25 0 '58. (MIRA 11:11) (Czechoslovakia-Road conetruction) 11 MACHAGEK, Jindrich, Inz.; SOUCEK, Jaroslav, inz.; BTOVEC, Vladimir, inz. - - Geodetic operatioms designing nww and reconstructed rail- roads. Good kart obzor 9 no.128327-332 D163. 1. Statni ustar. dopraviiiho projektovani, Praha. . SOUCEKJ, Jaroslav Mathematic formulation of dosev in chemical clarification of water. . : Sbor pal vod VSChT 4 no.1:165-171 160, (JMAI 10:9) 1. Katedra chemicke technologie Yody, Vysoka skola chemicko techno- . logicka, Praha. LJO SOUCEK, Jaroslay- -.7- Behavior of some C coW&15 " acids in electrolytic determi- nation of moisture* Chem prum 12 no.2:78-81 T 162. KT'EK, J.; PRIBYLY It.; Coidometric determination of water in liquid carbohydrates. Go-U, Cz Chem 27 no.2t4ODG-405 F 162,, L. Forschungsinstitlat fur lWaxomolekularchemie, BXMO. fit HSU, site 1: 410 .1 1 lot N I fill I PR gill , nil t g Iva if, . Ip '49' RIO i i ,r rr I T I, 6/08 '1610061004:100910 1 B193MOO AUTHOR: SouSek, J. TITLEt Coulometric-micro-determi.nation of hydrpgon in::Colmpoundi PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiyag no. 4,J 6 abstract 9 3r~1154v 4G150 (Collect. Czechoal. Communal it. 2it noi: 41 1962,: 1024, 1028 LGer.;.aummary in Rums.3) TEXT: A coulometric method of 6etpraining H in orgai .ife compounds has been developed, based on combustion of the hydrogent absorption of I the resulting H2 0 by a s.orbent followed by its electrolytic deoompo !sitiq w(AZAhimi 19.60, no. 13, 51711) with iletermiamtion of Ita. amount from;'the ele6etricity: cori- sumed. The H camtimt (in -A),in t-he sample is caleulgted from the formula: -3m-11t X 1.045-10 [i(t) - ioldt, where iis the current in Mal t is the t time in see, m is thewelght of the sample in gp i is thti: residual, ourrent 0 due to traces of moisture in the 0 2 and current Ieakige through the'insula- tion. The design of the coulametric measuring element'and the H 0 vapor. 2 Card 1/2 S/081JO/Ood /004/009/051 610 CoulometriG micro-determination of... B193/4i absorber have been described earlier: So u6ek, Coliect,:Viechosl. ~ommun. The combustion was carried out in an 0 ~flow., previo~'ifily ~Aed by passing 2 isesi: through an absorber containing silioagel and P~Oi.. 'The 6 siti6n, were passed into the coulometric element, and thencel:throU44 A _tuber c'on-. taining F 0 for protection from atmospheric MOiSturep into;, the atm,osphexe, 2 5 or into a CO absorber. The amount of electricity conoumed"in electrolysing 2 the water was found on an integrating meter (oircuitl,~given)lfrom the.currenti. ~detOrmined with an v. time curve. With this method the If content can be absolute error of 0.09~6. [Abstracterils:notet Complete tran'slation-i Card 2/2 ilz if --SG,UCEK, Jaroslay, dr. Planning according to the charac-beris ties and ccnditions of branches. Pbd,n org 17 no.99417-418 S163 1. Hinisterstvo potrav-lnarskeho pranyslu. rSOU(' Jaroslav; SOU:'KOVA, Jirlria EK) 1 L In S-ec trop~o tome Lric deLer-T.'riation of carbonyl imp=ltles vinyl acetate and acetic acid. Chera pruin 14 no.8:430-431 A g 164. 1. Research Institute of Ma-.,romolecular Cheirilatry, beao. N