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KIVI, K.A., aspirant; DEGTYA-R:,VA, A.S., kand.biolog.nau-1c; S' LESTOVA, V.S. Brief information. Zashch. rast. ot v-red. i bol. 8 no.12:46-47 J 163. (' XIRA 17: 3) 1. Estonskaya sel'skokho:~yaystvem:aya akademiya, Tartu (for Kivi). 2. Ukrainskiy institut ze-shchity rasterdy i Ukrairlskaya sellsko- khozyaystvennaya akademiya (for Def-tyareva, Shelestova). DEG'TIAR'CVA, A.S. [Dehtiarlova, ...S.1; SHELESTOVA, V.S. New insecticides for thc. co-itroll of the apple codling moth. Khim. prom. [Ukr.] no.1:44-46 Ja-Mr '64. (M1RA YI:3) ~ I SHXUSTOVA,J~19~P~, nauchi*ry sotrudniic, VASILICHOKO, T.Aoq nauzha" Sotrudnik oomltlng of the color of coffee grounds in dysentery in infants. Padiatrila no.2:39-40 Kr-Ap '54. (MLRA 7:6) 1. Iz L'vovskogo nauchno-iscledovatel'skogo institute, okhremy matariastva i datstva (i.o.e-irektora-karlidat meditsinskikh nauk M.L.Zalotavina, nauchny-i rukovodit:!'-prof. S-I-Ignatov) (DYSMA12Y, in infant and child, *vomiting, dark brown color of) (VOKITING, in various diseases, *dysenr,ery in inf., dark brown color of) 7 -:7 SHELESTOVA, Ye.P.; YERSHOVA, A.S. Rare case of tuberculosis and cancer of the uterus. Akush. i gin. no.2:129-130163. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Iz Llvovskol~,o nauchno-iss--.edovatellskogo instituta, okhrany matei-irstva, i detstva. (dir. -- L.Ya.Davydov). (UTERUS - CAECER) (UTERUS - TUBERCULOSIS) WSHELESTYUK, P.I. Came of extensive resection of the small intestine. Klin.khir. no.6tW -Te 162. (MI-14 16 W 1. Warodichskaya rayonnaya bol'niLsa. (INTESTIVES-SURGM) 6HELL6TYUKUV, G. Entering the year 1963. Mostoprom. i khud. promys. 3 no.1:6-7 Ja 163. (MIRA 16.2) 1. Glavnyy inzh. Restovskogo oblastnogo upravleniya. bytovogo obsluzhivaniya J. Rostov-na-Donu. (Rostov-on-Don-Service industries) VEZIROV, R.R.; SIMIEVOY, G.S.; BORTS, I.S. Remote control of the operation of flowing wells in the Zyrya area. Azerb. neft. khoz. 39 no.2:23-24 F 160. (MIRA 14:8) (Apsheron Penir-sula-Oil fields-Production methods) (Remote control) SRFLEV0Y,-- N, Sh ~ Determining th,~ parameters of -an oil layer in norlinr' jr flow into a hyd rodynam ic;i! 11 y F.(. r fect wtdll .. ~ ~ ,~ .3~! rlo.11:46-cc, N ,(;l . MRA 14:12) (Oil reservoir engineering) . . Y:, . ,1, ~. . . ;;~ I T I ', . V .',:ikroklimp-t, iu/hn,,,,,kh goro,Jqv. I-loscow, ikal. me-IL:.b. na-,zk 'i33R, 191,8. 11 1 - . - 1,1 r.(,-1 . L;, ;o,~iet G-~).:ranhv, Fart 1, 1951, e SiLSIO.-ii-isl 588.71 s hch ;Wyndenle gorodov. LSmoke in citie&] M09COW. %finisterstrot Ll~.ktjvs G !lC.munal'!DQgo Khoxialst!M 1949. 234 p. 96 figs.. 44 tables. 72 refs.. J7re-qsDLC-U3efulI experimental as well as theor.-GLal information on the dispersion of smoke-arid in cities or Meteorological Abs*,r CLs, Methods of -neasuring and charting the horizontal and vertical st7rucllure of JUM ~~!ieed ~bv a stack are treated in considerable detaiL Se-Mral chapters give the theory of dispersion. V01- 4 No. 2 Of imok-c anti gases under var3 ing conditions of wind. lapse rate. turbulence. stack height. practicaf ;size. or type of gas. Thejhcary is profusely supported by tables and charts based on Feb. 1953 empirical ;fitld or laboratory data. Aw-leirof recommendations 13 presented for an In t"M plarm ng in the Bibliography on light of wind (frequency of -91irction and speed) and other metcotologkal condifloru. (For fuller J%IrWact Ste item 3(1~249. july'419S2. 31AB,) SOjeci Htselitsits: 1. Twhalm diffusion 2. !LIbIn 1, Turbulent Exchang6 Mrsistaincy 3. Vlsl41ty 4. Atmospheric p*11titlos S. Smoke abatement G.-ftbile health.- 1 . -).': F L -'7-,' ~ I X A , Y e . ,' . 2. USSR (600) 4. Surgical Instruments and Appaz,,Itus 7. Prevention of prerAture we. r of surg:'.cal iznstrumt~-nts am, appz ratus. Fell d.iakush. no. 11, 195Z 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, L:-brary of Congre5s, February, 1953. Unclassified. SHVEDSKIY, B P MIESSINEVA N. A.P CHEWITSOVA, T. A.; STBOLEVA, Yu. G.; SHELIGAS, L.'V' e. Functional study of the adrenal cortex in leucoses under treatment with hormones and chemotherapeutic preparations Probl. gemat. i perel. krovi no.10:34-42 161. ~MIRA 14:12) 1. Iz gematologicheskcr7, klinilci (zav. - prof. M. S. Dul'tsin) i klinicheskoy laboratorii (zav. N. A. Messinneva) TISentrallno-o ordena Lenina instituta gematologii i perelivaniya krovi (dir. - deystvitelInyy chlen AM SSSR prof. A. A. Bagdasarov [deceased]) Ministerstva. zdravookhraneniya SSSR. (LEUCOSIS) (ADRE-,iAL CORTEX) (FORMOICE THERAPY) (CHEMOTHEIR-APY) MESSIVEVA, N.A.; KARASEVA, Ye.V.; GARD, IT.D.; SHELIGAS, L. Ye. Study of the blood coagulation system after infusion of the protein blood substitute BK-8 during experimental surgery. Probl. gemat. i perel. kr-)vi 8 no.6: 45-1+8 .1063 (MM 17t4) 1. Iz TSentrallnogo ordena Lenina instituta gematologii i perf-livaniya krovi ( dir. - dotsent A. Ye. Kiselev) Minister- stva viravookhraneniya SS:3R. L 4152L-65 EPA(s)-2/EWT(M)/EWP(w)/i:PF(c)/EPF(u)-2/EWA(d')/Ej~R/T/EWP(t)/:- LVP(z)/EWP(b) Pr-4/Ps-4/Pt-7/Pu-4 Ijkc) KJW/JD/WW/JG ACCESSION NR: AP5001723 S/6130/64/6160/0191001100231 AUTHOR: Shelgayev, Yu N. Donets, Is Tilin, NI-& TITLE: Protection of metal with argou'during bottom pouring SOURCE: Metallurg, no. 12, 1984, 2A3 TOPIC TAGS: equipment design, metiz~~argon, bottom pouring/ 13Khl2NVMFA eel ABSTRACT: Equipment was designed for. i~rotectinjz metals MAK AMA during bottom pouring (F~ 1). The apparatus consists of two threaded~.44nders-- stationary cylinder 6 and the movable cylinder 5 equipped with an asbestos filled closing device 3. The threads are protected, from liquid metal and slag by ring 7,-. ceramic bushing 2 and asbestos packiDg 4. Prior to pouring, the apparatus is mounted (with the movable cylinder in the lower position) ontowprepaped trumpet-.. and connected through pipes 10 and a fleidble hose to the argon'giupply line. The ladle with a special flange I is mounted on the apparatus and locked by turning Card I 41557-65 ACCESSION NR: AP5001723 handle 9. Air is forced out of*unpet And the mold, the stopper is opMe d and the steel poured into -unlubricated molds under argon pressure (0. 5- 0. 7. M3/T at a casting rate of 2. 2 T/min Examination of 13Khl2NVMFA steeLthum poured showed that the mwcrostrudWiml~'defee,iii'vere,easientlall,* ell -.ed.-'-.. ~-ultrasonically detectab4e defects wero reduced, and the steel had increased, strength and ductility,',Vess nonmetaUia inclusions and improved inpt 6~ilace. .0rig. art. has: 3 and I table. ASSOCIATION: Metamur Chelyabinskly metaDirgi. thelyabinsk gi- cal Works) SUBMTTED.- 00- am-CODIC.- mm. NR REP..SOV..% 000 OTJ 000 Y Wits, -'A - CWdZ/3 &P4 tti~ KA-PELINITSKIY,, V.G.; SHM, M,~ VARTShV, M.A.; IIJL1-S, N.A.; POZDEM, N.P.; 3i;I-CUEYFIVY A.B.; ~IERENISRQJMVA, I.I.; KALININA, Z.H.; POZDNYAKOV, ICV. Prinimali uchastiye: KUZON'ATOV, V.11.; MAKSUTOV, R.F.; NYSINA, G.Ye.,-' SIOLAYEVA., A.V.; ::*HIVICHK"N, L..--.; GAYDUK, Yu.A.; GALYAN, V.S.; ~&-VY D.A.; EIIIELEV., LI,,; PARABINA, G.I. Making steel and alloys in vacuum furnaces. SLall 23 no.4:325~-328 Ap t63. WaA 14 -.4) (Vacuum metaiiurgy) (Electric furnaces) S/l2q/6o/ooo/ooq/oo4/ooq E197/E483 AUTHORS: Gorelik, S.S.: Candidate of Technical Sciences, Faynbron,-S.M., katkova, A.M. and She.1 veva. L.4. Engineers TITLE: Causes of the Formntion of Cracks~ During the Forging of Bars _2_- _~P -0 PERIODICALs Metallovedeniye i termicheskaya obrabotka metallov, 1960, No.9, PP-17-19 TEXT: The object of the investigation, described in the present paper,yas to study the effect of the cast structure of the alloy E14iZBk%n its hot workability, To this end, cylindrical specimens, 10 mm in diameter and 20 mm high, were cut from both the outer columnar crvstals and the inner equiaxial grains, zones of the ingot, the axes of the specimens being parallel to the ingot axis and normal to the axes of the columnar grains. The specimens were then subjected to various degrees of plastic deformation at room and elevated (950 to 1050*0 temperatures, an Amsler drop-hammer having been used for this purpose. In contrast to specimens consisting of equiaxial grains, those cut from the columnar crystals' zone did not deform uniformly, as Card 1/2 s/12q/6o/ooo/ooq/oo4/ooq E193/E483 Causes of the Formation of Cracls During the Forging of Bars indicated by the change of the !;hape of their cross-section from circular to elliptical. This effect was found to be due to the columnar crystals being more ductile in the direction of their longer axes, the degree of anisc-tropy of plastic deformation increasing with rising temperature and increasing degree of deformation. The anisotropy of' plastic deformation, attributed to the difference in ductility of the interior of the columnar crystals and grain-boundary layers, caused the formation of cracks during hot rolling of material with traces of columnar structure, Although the harmful effects of the presence of columnar grains in alloy E1437B can be minimized by strict control of the forging temperature and degree of deformation, it was concluded that even a small proportion of columnar grains in this alloy renders it unsuitable for critical applications or for manufacture of forged articles of complex shape. There are 2 figures and 2 Soviet references. Card 2/2 POPOV, Nikolay Alskseyevich,_ SIIELGIJNOV, Nikolay, K*ns-tan-tinovich; V1110GRADOVA, 11.14., red.1zd-va; TOMAKOVA, T.T., tekhn-.-i-fid. [Using hudraulic calculatians in the designing of navigation channnlsl. Opyt primpnenliq gidravlicheskikh raschetev pri prnaktirovanii sudovykh khidov. Moskva, Izd-vo "Rechnoi trans-Dot," 1959. 94 p. 04IRA 11:12) (Inland navilgation) (Hydraulic engineering) SIINL,GLJNOV, NIK., Inzh. -!, -I `,,.. ~ ~, -t,;..,. . ~, Use of dredging machinery In the building of river straightening structures. Rech. transp. 1.7 no,1:32-34 Ja 158. (MM 11:3) (Dredging machinery) (Rivers--Regulation) STMLGU-TV, N.K., inzh. Opprational oxperionre on the Kama RRnervoir. Rech.transp. 1? no.10:41-45 0 158. (MIRA 11:12) (Kama lie se:7vo ir--Navigat ior) SffEL(,UM)V, N.K., inzh. Uning alkaline batteries to illuminate navigational beatcong. Rech. transp. 18 no.3:L~2-43 Mr '59. OAIRA 12:10 (Electric batteries) (Beacons) . W.K. , iiizh. -1, - -.I-,.-- ---, - Sairlban'r- aM ifipth support patts~rzis in rzlopirr 7onnrn of re'lvr- voirs. "'nch.trannp. 19 no.5:4-:,-44 My 159. 1~2. 9) (linsf)rvoirg) SHSLGUNOV, N.K. Rechanization of river improvement operations on the Kama River. Rech.transp. 18 110-9:37-39 S '59. (MIRh 13:2) 1. ZamestiteV nacballnilca Bluzhby puti Kamskogo baBseynogo upravloniya putt. (44vars-Ragii1ation) SHELGUNOV, N. Regulating te=orar7 used river sections. Rech.transp. 19 no.3:49-50 Mr '160. (MLRA 14:5) 1. Zamestitell nachaltnika sluzhby puti Kamskogo basseynovogo upravleniya puti. (Rivers--Regulation) ITANDBASHVILI, Ye.M.; Sf(ELIA, N.G.; IVVITSKAYA, L.V. - ~ Formation of thallium sulfides. Soob. AN Gr-jz. SSR 19 no-5:557-562 11 '57. WRA 11:6) l.Institut k-himii im. P.G. Vilikishvili. Predstavleno akademikom R.I. Agladze. (Thallium sulfides) ALEKSANDROV, Yu.A.; SITLIKL, R. Qtudy of the EU148 decay scheme. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. U7. 26 no.9:1162-1163 S 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Ilauchno-issledcrvatellskiy fizicheskiy insti,ut Leningradskogo gosud--rstvennogo universiteta im. A.M. Zhdanova. (Europium-Isotopes) (Gamaa-ray spectrometry) SHELIKHANOV, M., uchitell mashinoved3niya i elektrotekhniki Schools and scientific Institut9s. Politekh.obuch. no.11:85-86 N 158. (NIRA 11-12) 1. Khimkinslaiya arndnyaya shkola No.4 ~bskovekoy oblasti. (Khimki (Moscow Province)--Field work (Educational method)) LUTS-KO, S), SlIELIKifOVIG., I , -a= (~LI , -1 r 'on. I , --,,n ? !, .: -;- i. Magnetic f axd3tee-t, A-. -3 kl,sm. 47 S I t' 2 ( ml P-, 1-:8" I '?C!," CODE; Slnelikhov, G. S.- Lutr.'ko, S. Krents, E. A. NG:-.C dev*cc for automatically contro'-ling the intensity of the magnetizing field notic flaw detectors. Lass 42, No, 182386 S C Z': lzobre-.eniya, prorqyshiennyye obrc.ztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 11, l9bo, 92, TAGS: flaw detection, mna3netic detEction equipment, magnetic field intensity -`~STRACT: 7.-,-4s Author's Certificate intrcduces a device -for autom&tically control- !-I*,-,,- zl-lc in-z;ensity of the magnetizing field in magnetic flaw detectors by using an ~n~'cator w-~ch measures the intensity of the magnetic field at the surface of the A. I - I -Cein.~- z~aonetized. This indieator may be a Hall transducer which generates vo-ta:-e to serve Ls a uositive feedbac,t for transmission to a magnetic-ampl'ifier con- neczed in the maGnetizin,7 current source circuit. The device is designed for im- 7roved accuraqy in magnetic inspection of parts with complex shapes by maintaining a majnetizing field intensity on the surface of the component. A current cr with. an adjustable range is connected between the transducer and the magnetic a=plifier. The range of this limiter is set to correspond to the required intensity of the magnetic field to be checked by the transducer. Card 1/2 ux; 620-179.i4-05 iv,ccompcnent ",o* be irtagnetized,, 2-,otransduceri 3-amplifier; 4-limiter .D,;'B =-E: C-9, Ili/ SUI-u%; DATAE; 10,vay'3 _q~~,d 2/2 ACC NR: AP6035735 ---SO-U-,ZCE--CO-D,E-:-UR-/-0-413/66/000/019/0()O,',/0098 INVENTOR: Shelikhov, G. S.; Lutsko, S. P. ORO: none TITLE: Method of magnetic inspection. Class 42, No. 186750 SOUKCE: liobreteniva, promyshlennyve obra.-tsy. tovarnyve znaki, no. 10. 1966, 98 TOPIC.TAGS: noncigstruCtive i-~-~weld inpsection, ABSTMCT: This Author Certificate introduces a method.of nondestructive mametic weld inspection with a magnetized powder sLspension. To make the suspension selective Lor some specitic derects, magnetizing of the suspension is done by a magnetic field adjusted to a certain intensity. SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: 09Jan65/ ATD PRESS- 5106 LCa,d UDC; 620,179,141 KODESTOU, T.A. lredaktorl; VIZMOV, P.G.; SHK-MOV, N.N. m -extile scip.::ce for the sewing indistry] Ykterialovedenie sh-.einogo proiz- I .,odtFira. F')J red. T.A.Modentovoi. Mos~-vu. Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo legko-i VrOM:-8111. , 1'~15 3. 135 r. ( n-RA 0' : .9 ) (Textile fabrics) MODESTOVA, Tatlynna Alekneyevnit; VIK):ROV, Pavel Gmorg'yavich; SHELMOV, Nikolgz I;tkolayovich; SOBULIIIA, V.11., redaktor; MXDVMror, -Till-, 'T"Whnichaskiy redaktor [Textile fabrics and sawing Bipplies; merchandise guide for the clothing Industry] Haterialoveiente shveinogo proizvodstva. Mo- skva, Goa. nauchno-takhn. izd-7o Ministerstva promysh. tovarov shirokogo Dotreblentia SSSR. 1955. 190 P. (MLRA 8:6) (Teitile fabrics) (Sewing-Mouipmant and supplies) VE)EI;KI'~, inzh. KC S'-' 1Y Ya.., inzh.; red.; inzh.; Ve. I inzh.,. red. red.; red.; LF~ice li-q-, for -~ie azsembl-i of equipmenru i-enrik na monta-zli oocrudo-:anila. ','oskv.i, Stroiizdat. No.ll. l9t5- 104 1). (MILU 18:0 1. hu~;Mn (.1923- Qosuclarstvenn~y kc~~nitet po de- iam stro-'I.t-ellstva. 2. Gc)ss-.i-o:r SSSH (for Ve6enkin). 3. :Institlit ekonomiki stroitell- iitva Gosstro-va SSS"' (t'ov Zaslivskiy, Kovallskiy, Voytova). 4. Pro-,ektno-konstrukLorskoye by-uro No.12 Glavi-.ontazhavto- iTAtiki (for Neudakin). 5. ',*sp,3oyuzTriy bank finansirovaniya kapitalInykh vlozheniy SSSR (.or Shelikhov). .51E&LIKHOV, V.1f. Mechanisms of generalizatiorL of excitation induced by strychnine and pain stimuli in the ceriibral cortex. Fiziol.zhur. 45 no-8:910-915 Ag '59. (HIRA 12:11) 1. From the Department of Physiolop_y, I-H-Setchenov Medical Institute, MOBCOW. (CIE RA CORTIOX, physiolo&-r) (STRYCHNIM11. pharmacology) (FkIN, phyEiiolog7) Tr-, loral zF, OT7 o of ~~Cn 1 ?7) SHELIKHOV, V.N. Electrophysiological studies cn the role of subcortical formations during the generalization of excitation in the cerebral cortex. Zhur. nerv. i ps~ikh. 60 no. 2:145-149 160. (IJ'-RA 14:4) 1. Kafedra normallnoy fizioloE:ii- (zav. - prof. F.K. Anokhin) I Moskovskogo ordena Leni3ja meditsinskogo institrta immeni 1.M, Sechenova. (BRAIII) 31111~LIKHOIIA$ A. Tuberculosis HosDitals and ')a.,.aLori-=s Work of imrses in a tuberculosis win.a and sDecial features in the cl-re of patients. ;I led.sestra L10. 3, 1953. I Unclassified. '~onthjj List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, JM0 1953- SHELIKHOVA, N.A.. meditsini3kaia sest~a (Baku) Surgical treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis and post operative care of the sick. Med.sestra, no.9:27-29 S '55 (MLRA 3:11) (TUBERCULOSIS, PULMOMM, surgery postop. care, nurves role) (POSTOPERATIVE CARS, J.n various diseases tubercb,pulm.,role of mirse) SHILIKHOVA, N.A.,meditsinskays, sest:,-a(Baku) Methods for subcutaneous and Intramuscular injections. Ned. sestra, no.1:21.-23 J& '56. (KLRA 9:3) (INJW,TICKS) SHNLIKHOVA, D.A. (Baku) I ' - :..-' Hartia Yedorovna Rimcizoook. Ked.sestra 16 no.5:29 My '57. (MLRA 10:7) (RIKDZIMOK, MARIIA JWMOUU) 0 SIMLIKIOVA, B.A. (Baka) Work of -Ghe aursesl councils. Med.sestra 17 no.8:lffl Ag '58 (MIRA 11:8) (BAIaJ--YURSES AND IMRSING) SHELIKI]OVA, N.A. , ineditsinskaya sestra Work ot' ward attendants in tuberculosis institutions. Med. sestra 20 no.9:52-53 S 161. (MIll 14:10) 1. Iz legochnotuberkulemogo sanatoriya ineni My-asnikova, Baku, poselo", Buzovny. (HOSPITALS-SUFF) SHELIKHOVA, S.A. Panotitis etiologically related to foreign body. Vest. ato-rin. 16 no-3:71 My-Te '54. (PI-11A 7:7) 1. Iz Leningradakogo nauchm-issledovatel'skogo instituta bolesney ukha, gorla,, nosa i rechi (dir. prof. I.A.Lopotko, nauchnyy ruko- voditell daystvitellnyy chlen Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR prof. V.I.Voyachek). (FOREIGN BODIES, *ear, middle, causing panotitis) (OTITIS, etiology ani pathogenesis. *for body in middle ear, panotitis) (EAR, MIDDLE, foreign bodies, *causing panotitim) ~-, , -I , -, I -- -,.-. Sheep Shearing Electropechanical sheep shearing on the "ChervlenrWe Buruny" breeding farm. Sots. ziiiv. 14 no. 11, j-952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, I 5(2) , 5( 3) Alj-T~--'ORS: Andreasov, L. M., 'fay!, Ye. I., SOV/7 Kremer, V. A., She."-ikhovskiy, 7. A. TITLE: Potentiometric Tit:?ation of Silver, Copper, Lead and Thallium With Thioacetamide (Potentsicmetr-icheskoye titrovaniye serebra, medi, svintsa i ta .-liya tioatsetamidom) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal analiticheskoy khimii, 1956, VC1 13, Nr 6, pp '057-660 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The use of thioacedamide for the potentiometric titraticn of some metals on the basis of thei::- precipitation as sulfides is of great interest. 7n the present paper a method is devised according to which thioacetamide is used for the potentiometric titration of silver, copper, lead and thallium. The principal difficulty in ;he use of thicacetamide as a hydrogen sulfide scurce in potentiometric titrations is the low rate of hydrolysis in aqueous solutions (Ref 13). In practice only the Frecipitation of silver ions from Ammoniacal solution takes place at sufficiently high velocity. Ions of other metals (Pb, Cu, Hg, Tl and others) are precipitated by thioacetamide very slowly. Increase in temperature and change Card 1/3 of the pH-value of the solutions increase the veiccity of Potentiometric Titration of Silver, Copper, Lead SOVj'7I5--3-V'-6/21 and Thallium With Thioacetamide precipitation, yet not tG such ar, extent that titration with thioacetamide might he possible. On the basis of a number of experiments the authors of the present paper found that the velocity of the -irecipitation of lead and some other metals with thicacet3mide is considerably increased by addition of a small amount of hjdrazine hydrate. The mechanism of this accelerating effect of hIlrazine hydrate is obviously complex and was not investigatqd by the authors. Titration was carr 4ed out by means of a sulfid4c indicator electrode made of synthetic Ag2S (Ref 14); a saturated calome! elec- trode was used as standard electrode. The measurements were performed by means of the PPTVI potezitiometer. The compen- sating current was determined Iby means of an- M-91,gaivanometer. The aqueous solutior of t~iioacetamide does not modificate its titer for a loni time (about 2 moriths) and dcas not require any special conditicns of storage. The determinations of Ag, Pb and Tl according to this method (from ammoniacal sclution under addition of hydrazine hydrate) are described there ia detail, The method is also applicable to the analysis of Card 21/3 silver-copper alloys. The determination of both elements .11-1 5-0-0/ 21 Potentiometric Titration cf Silver, Copper, Lead C 7j 7 5.1 , , and Thallium With Thicacetamide from a-Tie sample is p,)ssible since borh sil-fides differ ir. solubility and the time in which the.,, aie precipitated. First, silver is precipitated from ammoniacal Eolution, hydrazine hydrate is then addei and the copper tii-rated also with thioacetamide. The most accurate resul,s are obtained a. a copper content of 10 - 90%. There are ~ figures, I table. and 14 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy urivers-ite- im. A. Y.. Gorlk-,go (KharIkov State University imeni- A. Y. ( orlkiy) I SUBMITTEDt May 3, '957 Card 3/3 SHCHEREAV, A.N. [Shcherban', O.N.], akademik; KRENW, O~A. [Kremnlov, 0.0j; KOZ10V, Ye.M. [Kozlov, IE.M.1; SHMIMA30V, V.A. [Shelimanov, V.0.3 WOMP& Principles for calculating the temperature and relative humidity of air in mines. Dap.AN URSR no.11t1527-1529 160. (MBA 13; 11) 1. Institut teploenergetiki AN USSR. 2. AN USSR (for Shcherban'). (Mine vontilation) 3IICIJE-KBAII;, A.N.., akademik; KREIMNEV, O.A., kand,Lekhn.nauk; KOZLOV, Ye.:-I. i.nzh.; 6HELLIOOV, V~A.,, iazh. Analytical functions describing the processes of temperature and relative humidity charges in mine shafts. Trudy Sem.po gor. teplotelch. no-3.25-28 'U. (MIFA 15 !4) 1 . Institut toploonergetiki A14 USSR. (Pine ventilation) SHCHES-1-All-, A.N.- akademik; K.U12'410f, O.A, kand.tekhn.ri--uI:, KOZZOV, Ye..',,,- inzh.; SHELIHANOV. V,,11J, inzh. Analytical functions descrLbing the processes of mine -~enperatare and relative humidity ch8A,),es. Trudy Sem.po gor.teplo-Lekh. no .3 -.2-9--32 161. (,kMU 15.-,4) 1. Institut teploenergetikl AN USSR~ (Mine ventilation) ZIMAVLENKO, B.Y.; SHELEMANOV, V.A~ Gooling the air in walls of mines deeper than 1200 m. Trudy SeM.po gor.teplotekh. no.3:8-~,90 161. 04IRA 1.5,4) 1. Institut teploener.,,etik:L AN USSR. (Donets Basin-Mine ventilation) SHELIMANOVI V.A-, inzh. Experimental determination of the heat eraission of rocks in new workings of deep coal mine~i. Trudy Sem.po gor.teplotekh. no.3,78-.82 '61. (PILiA 15.4) 1. Institut teploenergetik-L AN USSR. (Mine ventilation) (Rocks--Thermal properties) ZHURAVLENKO, V.Ya., inzh.; SHELIMANOV, V.A., inzh. Predicting the heat conditions in tunneling for purposes of supplying Yalta with water. Trudy Sem.po gor.teplotekh. no-4-.141-145 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Institut teploenex-getiki AN UkrSSR. (Ay"Petri--Tuanels--Ventilation) KRDtNEV, Oleg Aleksandrovich, doktor tekhn. nauk; BOROVSKIY., Vladimir Rudollfovich, kand. tek-hn. nauk; DOL121SKIY, Anatoliy Andreyevich, kand. tekhn. nauk. Prinimall. uchastiye: PIYEVSK.TY , I.M.; DUKIRUNKO, N.T. ; SHELIMANOV, V.A.; CHERNOBYLISKIY, I.I., doktor tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; GAVRILOV, V.N., red.izd-va; ROZUM, T.I., tekhn. red. [High-speed drying) Sko-rostnaia sushka. Kiev. Gostekhiz- dat USSR, 1963. 381 Y. (MIRA 17:2) KRF?OIEV, O.A.; BOROVSKIY, V.11.,, SIE11MANOV, V.A.; SHERENKOVSKIY, Y* Heat treatment of ~!yrthetjc fibers "jur-ing their si-e"Ch ~C',:-Mng, Ka~. volok no.6~1--,--23 '63. 'IMIRA 17.- 1, ) 1. InstItut teploenergetilti AN RrSSR. T!'RESHCHEN1~0. k-in,!.t(,.klir..n-quk;-qi'E.L,IMANOV, V.A., inzh. Charactt,rjs*.ics of heal, releasp as a result of rock crooling in deep mine stcpes. Ugoll Ukr. -, ne.11:27-29 N 163. (~ffRA 17:41' a i: A ad----rri Fv- A-ad 0- th-: ~n -r ukr SOM ~n . Hoat and f4a--s Ti-nan-,-f~--rr. T. ip~ratlx-, Ki~-- Sc lent if Sessi:m, ?,6 v, 2-L Apr '- TI - -2' PF J-1 -S 2L c -n ic i- lit 83566 3/020/60/134/001/019/021 I/S_0 0 B004/Bo6o AUTHORS: ,-Sh-alimov, B. N.p Bubnov, N. N., Fok N V Voyevodskiy,_~.'T., Corresponding Member AS USSR TITLE: Detection of Hydrogen Atoms in the Phototransfer Reactions of the Electron A/ PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR~ 1960, Vol. 134, No. 1, pp. 145 - 148 TEXT: The authors proceed from the photochemical reaction in the aque- ous medium: M tj~H20 + W + + OR- + H (1)2 where M may be metal ions of variable valency, or anions. The formation of hydrogen atoms in this reaction had been hitherto proved indirectly only. The authors wanted to give direct eviden6e of H-atoms by means of electric paramagnetic re- sonance (epr). Because of the strong reactivity and mobility of the H-atoms, investigations were conducted at 770K in aqueous solutions of H2so4 or H 3P0 4(in concent.-:ations between 40 and 96%), which contained small quantities of FeSO 4 or KI. The samples were irradiated for 1 hour Card 1/3 83566 Detectlion of Hydrogen Atoms in the S/020J60/134/001/019/021 Phototransfer Reactions of the Electron B004/BO60 with the ultraviolet light of a ffPK-7 (PRK-7) mercury vapor lamp. The epr signals were recorded by meens of a previously described (Ref. 7) epr spectrometer. It was possible to give evidence of the H-doublet. To check the correctness of reaction (1) definitely, experiments were made in solutions which contained heavy water. As is shown by Fig. I, the D-triplet was observed besides the H-doublet. Further experiments were conducted in the system C6H6 - E'20 - H2SO4 . Here as well (Fig. 2) the H-doublet occurred. The central part of this spectrum, the quadruplet shown in Fig. 3, could not be explained yet, but it might be due to a paramagnetic particle whose free valency is localized on the aromatic ring. Weaker components were detected in the epr spectrum of the H-atom (Fig. 4), which are ascribed to the spin reversal of protons surrounding the H-atom. While the H-lines were strongly saturated in the experiments with benzene, saturation did not take place in the presence of Fe 2+ due to higher concentration of the paramagnetic ions of a short relaxation time. The study of saturation and intensity distribution between the main ani secondary lines in the epr spectrum of H* may serve to clarify specific features of its weak interaction Card 2/3 83566 Detection of Hydrogen Atoms in the S/020 ,/60/134/001/019/021 Phototransfer Reactions of the Flectron B004/BO60 with adjacent molecules, and also to establish the distance between H*-atoms and primary particles raleasing an electron under the action of light. There are 4 figures anti 12 references: 3 Soviet, 8 US, and 2 British. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V. Lomonosova-~ (Moscow State University imeni M.V. Lomonosov). Institut khimicheekoy kinetiki i goreniya Sibirskogo otdeleniya Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion of the Siberian Branch of the kcade-m--y-o-Y Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: April 27, 1960 Card 313 BUBNOV, N.N.; VOYEVODSKIY, V.V.; FCK, N.V.; SHELD-OV, B.N. Study of electron phototrarsfer reactions in the solid phase by the electron paramagnetic resonance zethod. Dpt.i spektr. 11 no.1:7&83 JI ~61. (~a?A 14:10) (Paramagnetic resorance and relaxation) (Photonuclear reactions) 2903-0 S/O'; C/61 /1 40"G04/01 1/021 L9 31 Ob/ 31 11 0 AUTHORS: Varbanskaya, R and Fok, N V. T IT L-:~' Reactions of met;lyl radicals in solid i~hase at low temi~eratures PERIODICAL; Akadejaiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 140, no. 4. 1961, 818-821 TEXT. The authors studied the zondition3 of stabilization and the conver- sions of methyl radicals obtained by photolysis of methyl iodide, azomethane, acetone, and acetadehyde at 770K, The role of "hot" radicals, 4 ,e, , methyl radicals with excoss ener-y, in these processes was clarified. The analysis of ga3ecus reaction products and data of electron paramaE;netic resonance (epr) spectra were used for this study. Transparent solid solutions of the tested compounds in methyl cyclohexane were ~,hotolyzed in a quartz vessel cooled by liquid nitro.-en, The cancentra- tion of solutions was 0 02-0, 15 moles/liter, and a TTPK-7 (PRK-7) mercury was used as irradiation source. Tne e;)r s, ectra were recorded on an gTrP-2 (EPR-2) device (Ref ). A- G. Se-111,.ncv, i. Bubnov, Pribory ir tekh.q. eks,~tjrimn (Devices and t~nC',,njCaj E.X-eri.~j ItS~.. 'T~; 1 , ~'j' 1959 e. Card 114 Vf/ 29010 Si 31 C6731 10 -lethyl 6 C 5 ( BS 1 t e r e rv J ~)u s J t u F > 1 0 0 and a ter led ,,vith a ii.ixtui-Q of' CI and Br. atid pervious to lie"." --f ..< 2)OG S, "Vere used , of tLe exper mvmts In the photol~sis of azomethane in solid n sirkc. ohase, one :;,olecule of nitro~-en a,id ethane each were formed per decomj,osin~, molecule of azomethan~, and, additionally, methaae in a ratio 3f CH 4 /C296~~0,04 indei)endent of the -Lateksity of iiijit !,',ethane was the only 6aseous reaction product in the 2hotolysis of methyl iodide Acetone was not decomuosed under the conditions aotlied, acetaldehyde sliEhtly decomposed to about equal quantities of CO and 017 4' The fact tLat the ratio CH /C -H found for azomethane decomiposition -,-,aS 4/ 1 6 indeL;endent of the intensit.; of -.1ght indicates that ethane is formed by recombinaticn of radicals in ~I,e interior of a "cell", and not by recombinatic;r, of radicals., The formation of methane in the phutol~,sis of methyl iodide and azorn-ethane at low experimental temperature (7700 sug6ests the formation of "hot" methyl radicals in the solid phase- Tile stability of acetone to -photolysis indicates the abs--:-nr,~ cf "hot" rrad 4- c a I sTI- rea3nn is the lar(~e difference between Lh,.-- bond erer,~ies of the C-C bond 4,-~ acelone (77 kcal/mole~ and of t-E- I,-'- b~-,n-d in I-leth'.1 bard ---/4 - i x 2 K,10 7Z~ S f y s r a d i :a in L a S 7 n 7 r e as -S a 7 re capa- cund d 3 re '- ~L e t'f- al, e d ate! - 1. =,. 1 Mme in onr - :-na' 1 on + - r re a,: t :. On s T, C, ri 2~ t c '1`6 ) ; ' n and a , "y ~, e r e H s t h e radical cf ctj 11_7 1 zatt r. eme r,~ence f r o r; s~:abtL- t 171 - - - - I - tl-ese d4 - C, The rac4 c, three raa:t 4- Dns dei,prds on the f the ac-so 111c-rease 31 e, ra~;ed format;c-n of methyl reactin,;2, - -P S,11 t s ~ r P-n irLc-- r-aCt'r-.F.* acco.-d--*r.,g and in n, compared with acccrding c (2) as compared vi,-'~'i th-2 met' --1 -a'd J c a I s r .3 a c - i, 'n, rad'icals in the an :-.-r.?ase h. j ZD t',,.c,sc- acc("rcl,-n-, ';c ~Lj Tne fcrma-,--~ ot'~, s 4- S o f C'- 1 and IrL s.-,lid ,,.ase has anus, been cl~-arly 3 o~' the react~-,n o: 'rhesp- tt~,cTll methyl ~Iard "/4 29010 a c:.s b-,~:,,d en,~ z ii_-s o f the mole cu I es de compos 1 rig wi th rmat Ic n D f me thy. rad '. :!a 1 s and --In th e wavel enCth o f the 1 16-h t us ~d f:) r de - -=p-, si ~ i -7- T h s P I'f e c t i s s ly rel at ed tc. d~ f fe ven - e s ~ n 3 ~ ex.2 i ta- t --' or, c f It h t ra i -u 1 s vnh i ch a re ormied in di,--_`~r,~-nt wa,:3 Finall.y. th.., auth~:rs V 11 _J,~ v -. r; - T~ 'S 'uSSR. f- r ass s,~2 In t'- evalu - of resul-.s a n d Bu-tnov --ecordin6 Fle e-,,, s-.---czra TLe s~,ectru:-. of the *hex,,I r;--d'- ~'-_-,a'ned b-. rradiatior. of fr.-z-en imlmt~-I -_-Tclit~exane ( 7 7) K x 4 h 4~ a s I ~e r,7. -, s w a s r a c c r al e d b T 1 C',,,khe, d:! e -. n the e:c;- e r,.zient al 1 an,~ f t- 7 ns t i u I kh4 mi cheskoy fiziki All SSSR (j!!3ti_t'.;te of LS l-'SSR). T h e re a r e s t alh a nu I C, r c, r c, - s S.-v:-. und 11 . '.h e rel .erences t-: ~:ublicaticns read as -1, 0 11 - -N S C j , G, ca__,~,ert Lm, S~: eupy, T C cl e L7 0 -Pritchard , IT R Dav-' dsc n , H , I' C c n n e i !.::I y s 410 G~:-rd,-, C, ~3, 11`2C:,rm~tk, 3- IL rr Che:::~ So c 78, ASSCC1,LTICN; i','osL-cvsk,.y ~:)sudars'~lf~-nny- n s c (:os S t a U r, s , t y -L-en-_ c - S DV T 17 :.T S-3 -17:), r:!h I ca P. 12 0, 312 VCYevoaski-Y, V an- ,-jj"e 0 W T of "Ydroca:'Oorls Y v -"G lauk sssa- O:j Y a- - "Otoctriamica. decl)-. rl bc,~n s-- 0 17' a-- 770Y b E:a GI U.L C) i S a sub 3 t 4 t -I t -j d -. z,.. -, 0 S 'ca- El C, ',o the h,,,,droc,~-roon T,,~dium 2.-,, 4 d in -ad-c-s ~,re -Por-.e f ail-!-, -adi cals ca.)-noz bE: expjaj-ned by -6he react--ons hithlerto is t4 on o U~14e` ~he -70 4- 0 n0 -ecus ':)rozuc-.s was St O-F T in, cyclonexane and d w4t',. concentrations ra"61rig 711 8 - 1 G--~ 10 2 .1 -1 C-? mole/1-iter. 'L..e MerCUrY VaPor Ai - -,ior, , the soluiion was ,.,;as usad as Lhe radia-i-icr. source. c F- r d 1 2 77 f Z; 2. P u C 1L 0:,* 2 Z r I C 'I r~ a L V 3 i L -..o irr--l-liated n-pcntane V) arld the &2ciunt c,--' 1-I fcnred by r.-.easurad s3ectro-j-otomatricallly at 27~-' The apr s-~ect:ra 'IT were founa to '-e f en z --; c a! G the irrad~a-.ed solu-~J ns of I -ir, ~o z'----L o' the radica-L obtained by radiatia n o f f r,-~ (TIT .:- - cycichexyl - ,:^, 1 1) Wi.h fa--z electrons. The spectru= o~f soluzions of I ir. 1V consists of hyperffire structure components -aith a uniform naztern snlitiin~- of about 24 oerst v;nich is probably due to the C-:1 CT-1 - CH radica' "ormed )y 2p-;It-*nZ off one at= froz 2 C Om 0., TV. ry -en i is ir::-adiated in 17, H fonns., in a d d c n ~e F_S-~--St4 tUte -..j I e C D, -riel-'s s"a'! azcunts of ad4ition 6 0 'o -in the safe hydrocarbon. ~-'ha .;-i.:.-,;ltanecus formation of raai- c a' s ~-s obviously due to -".-e decom-,;o.;ition of the hy4rocarbor. 'Chotosen- by T. The L~cst important ~ea-.ure o-;7 -.he reac-.-*on 4s t"-e (112 kcal/m3lel Js transferred, licht cuantum absorbed by 1 ) - - --t, he hydrocarbon -o7ecu-e, which, results in sp14-tin:. to T C. .3 a r. s t i z e 2 ~L L L- C, C'.., e rcturnz fr3z. itj exc:.~~,~d t C v 0 r 0: --s cf a '-re Or 3: 0 e I Z,? r r E s :),a C'Z :.,I e y '2a yial-- of increases is 0 ::~e irlcrEase of v4eld Of JS C y 4ve 4ncrease s 2.3 and 1.1 fo,d. are --osud--rstvarmyy u--Jvcrs4-,Le-. 7 C, Oncso.'a il:..cScoiv S-.a-.& Univerzity -4:zeni :.,. V. :,ozcnoso-.r) 5 1~ i -. U Z 4 jEorenfya S~b4rsko~o'en--'--a -kade=iJ nauk SSS? c,--' and Cozbuss-~fon of the Siberian D e ;D a r n z of t-e ;.cademy o-f Sciences USSR) S Fe ID'uary 24, 1962 0 a::- d FC,r, SH---Ll-,I-rV, B.N. , VOYFVCIDSKI~ y v.v. "On the Fhotosensltizej deco7ponitlon of hydroc,rbons by benzcne and its &?rlvatives a+. low te-perature.11 Report subr,ittprl to the SJxth lntl. Symp. on Free Radicnls, Cambriegi-, 1~ngland 2-5 July 1963 - SHELIMIUVVB.N.; FOK, N.V.; VjYLVuDL;KIY, V.V. Photochemical uccomposition of alcohols at low temperaturus. Kinetics of methyl alcohol decomposition. Kin. i kat. 4 no. 4:539-548 Jl-Ag 163. 04IRA 16:11) 1. ~bskovslkiy aosudarstverulyy universitet imeni :I.V.Lomonosova, a khimicheskiy fak-ulltet i Listitut khimicheskoy fiziki A14 S6SH. ODINTSOVA, S.F.; SIELIMOV, B.N.; FOK, N.V.; VOYr-VODSKIY, V.V. Te.mperature r-, zln=- rates of benzene photochem--cal reactions in hydrocarbon solitions. Izv. AN SSSR. no.3-572-574 Mr '64. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstitennyi universitet im. M.V.Lomonosova I Institut khimichesl-oy fiziki AN SSSR. C E, I 1 -1 '."'."ION NIV. AP4010761 S/0020/64/154/001/0188/0190 V. G.; D. IT.; Fo1c, N. V.; Voyevod- V. V. (Correspon"Jing '~'l decomi):)s1tion of hydrocarbons at low .e,-aperzatu~-es by luenzene derivaUvas Dolclady, v. 154, no. 1., 196-4, 188-190 derlva'i-vc , hydrocarbon , aroiTilatic hydrocarbon roc ar k--iC.T. photoCensitized clecomposition, to"Luene, _5o-propyibenzene, Pxylen.e. rUphonyl-m-ethane, cb1orobenzene, -~c, a -pheny1motha- fluorobenzene, ceophenone, ul-raviolet o xylLane, m x.-.,Je,-)e C T solutions of benzene derivatives, such as toluene, ._,~.-1,,ylbonzene, i~,o-propylbenzene, o, m and p-xljlerie, d1pheny1m, ethane,, fluorobenzene, chlorobenzene and acetophenone in 3- methly! pentane and deuterium-containimg 3-methyl pentane were sub- jected to ultraviolet light at 77 C~ Hydrogen was isolated and 3- Co." 1/_3 0107 `61 ' j U, t 1- ble 00 C) 4- NCL D 7, C OTHSH: Oll RE F S, OV 004 Cara 3/3 At, 11'4010761 (~,-j J, were forme(i i n all cases except in " he initial rate 0~ he conccntratjoll, 01 o tr the tr I u - l t p e e da , ,a agve(,~3 ;.-:L" - -h the , aoow ' iipt ' ) : ion til:Lt "ii. in : (-- C ,. 0 S j) - -ic Let; statc, pa"t lpate :1 the ill Ot, 0 - e v e 1 - 'l h I e aro- k 1 c a , 1 rt o 1 eI,e : ii 1~- formiat Jn z; hi p -uld o r n, c l, Ga ar" it I: L r-PI-e ,a i. f i-I Of a roma t4L C c IL t, et I: , L L) possib--e abL;orb to ti-I''a h'--her tvi-,,Ie~, an d c C)i n 0 rcy iioeded to rup- . the pi"n 1- j !._,:.J_I0rI deco on of th OvIg. art; l . e iau. 1. Card 2/3 L S LIELLNCV, J3.N.; FOK, N.V.; V(WEVOIN~KIY, V.V. Photol7sis of ethyl al-7oho--,. solutions az '77cK. Y-in.i kat. 5 no.6:1008-1013 INL-D 164. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstuvenryy universItet i.m(,-ni Lomonosova, khj.mdcheskiy fakulftet i Irstitut k-h,-michEskoy fiziki All SSSR. VITHOGRADOVA, V.G.; SHEELIMOV, B.-N.; FOK, 211U. Stabilization of a~~om-,~ hycrogen in the lb~,-3nzene-photosensitized decomposition of hydro.:.-arbc,ns in the --reser,,2e of s--l-ica gel at 771K. Kin.i kat. 5 no.6:11;1 N-D 164. (MIRA 18:3) 1. r4oskovskiy gosudarstvenryy universitet imeni Lomonosova, khimicheskiy fakulltet i Institut khl-nicheskoy fiziki AN S'.;'sR. L 1o837-66 ZWT(m)/EWP(J) RPL 1AVY6SIRM ACC NRI AT5023445 SOURCE CODE: UR/9000/65/000/000/0249/0253 AUTHOR: She2M__0=B N.; Fdc, N. Ve; Voyevodskiy, V. V.0 ORG: none 7 TITIX: Benzene and its derivatives in photosensitized hydrocarbon decompogili2n at low temperatures SOURCE: ~~Rozium po, elementarnvm protsessam khimii vysokikh energi*"' Moscow, 1963. y_- Eletnentarnyye protsessy khimii vysoki):h energ y (Ele-mentary processes of the chemis- try of high energies); trudy simpozitnia. Moscow, 1965, 249-253 TOPIC TAGS: hydrogen, alkane, aromatic hydrocart)on, UV irradiation, EPR ABSTRACT: Initial rates of formation of hexatriene, alkyl radicals and hydrogen were studied at 770K %s a function of C6H6 and CA concentrations in 3-methylpentane. The dependence of f;~mation rates of hexat-riene and hydrogen upon temperature was studied in various solvents using a 2-10-2 moles/1 benzene concentration. All samples were UV irradiated at 770K. Free radicals were monitored by the EPR technique. The ob- ject was to elucidate the mechanism ol: the simultaneous formation of alkyl radicals and hydrogen during UV irradiation of benzene solutions at 770K. The hexatriene formation and the photosensitization itere not found to be interrelated. The UV irra- diation of CfiH5CD3 in 3-mthylpentane at 770K results in formation of 94% H2 and 5% Card 1/2 L 10837-66 ACC NRs AT5023445 HD; hydrogen is the sole product when o-D- and p-D-toluene In 3-methylpentane are subJected to UV irradiation; H2, HD, and D2 resulted from IN irradiation of CGHSCH3 in 3-methylpentane. A photosensitizel decomposition of hydrocarboom according to the following scheme Am CACHs + RH --,, substituted hexatriene CJ"+RH(RD)-,CACE6+R+H(D); H(D)+RHQP-,.HN(HD,[W+R.* H(D)+C44CHs--Hs(HD)+CJ%M occurs in the case of toluene. Results obtained with -( Ws-C 1 Yj.-+ k H + h,*, system revealed that the rate of fornition Of C6H5CH2 radical Is 10-12 times smaller than the rate of foruation of alkyl inidicals. It vas condluded that photosensitized decomposition of hydrocarbons at 770K also occurs in ethylbenzene, cumene, o-, m-, and p-xylenes, diphenyl- and tripheny.1methane and other compomda. Orig. art. has: I formula. SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: MeblW ORIG IMF: 003/ OTH IMF: 005 jW :~`!Z'LI,'-!~IVA, 1. '.'. Arran',,,ement )f Syntactical Cr~::inninicatinns fOr Prepsitinnal-Case'* Th,!!3o!; - C,,nf'~-,ronco on Machine 'frqmlqtl:,,z,,,;, Ij-21- Mvy l'?5"-)', Mosco"..,. ;-fl"-~'AYA , ~-. 'I. , PADU-C"ZIA, Ye. V. , -SHELIMOVA, !. I.'. anri -SIfLMILI-LzA, A. L. ~ 6-11 ntta,:~-Ty) of th,,~ 2-ussian Lanlcuage. IT'rwscs - Conference on 'Machine Trarslations, 15-2-1 may 1)56, Moscow. SHELIMOVA, I K, Establishmnt of syntacticil relat.Lom between prepoAtional groups in the Russian language. Soob.Gtd.mek-h.i av-tora.iriform. rab. no.2:117-141 261, (I-111RA 15:2) (Machine translating) (Russian language) VOLOTSKAYA, Z.i.,,; 31ii~i,-ILMOIIA, 1.1i', ; A,L, Some quant-Itative data ve0arding the foi-=; of rouZI3 and w.-rb~; of the Russian larguaGe, u3ing materials taken fra-P mathematical texts. Soob. Ctd.i,-,iekh.i a-vtomi.inform.rab, no.2-254-261 161. ('11RA 15:2) (Prograrrmdrig languages (Electronic computers)) (Russian language) AC CESSION NR: APWI981 9 S/0279/64/000/001/0180/0183 AUTHOR: Shellmove, L. Ye. (Moscow); Abrikosov. N. Kh. (Moscow); Sessonov, V. 1. (Moscow) TITLE: The pseudo-binary systems GeTis-SlTe and GeTe-PbTe SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izv. Metallurglya I !rornoye delo, no. 1, 1964, 180-183 TOPIC TAGS: germanium tellur ide, silicon telluride, lead telluride, telluride phase study, telluride phase diagram, pseudo-binary system ABSTRACT: The authors studied the phase diagrams of the systems GeTe-SiTe and GeTe-PbTe (see Figs. I & 2 in the Enclosure), as well as solid solutions based on these compounds. Test specimens spaced at 10 mol.% we're prepared from GeTe, SiTe. and PbTe. The results of microstructure studies were confirmed by thermal ana- lysis and showed that GeTe Is the Initially crystallizing phase In alloys with up to 30 mol % SiTe. Alloys with 30Lmol % SITe are closest to eutectic character (m.p. 6850, while SITe crystallizes 1-First In trans-eutectic alloys. The solu- bility of SiTe In GeTe does not vary !;Ignlficantly with temperature, and the GeTe- based solid solution range Is not laroge. The eutectic state for the system GeTe- - PbTe occurs at 20 mol.% PbTe, and the melting point Is.91ven as 695C. PbTe cry- stallins first when Its content is Increased. The PbTe-based solid solution Card ACCESSION NR: APWI9819 range I s wi de, and the second phase wa s f i rst noted at 60 mol. % PbTe. The' sub- stantial solubility of GeTe In PbTe was confirmed by X-ray analysis .(see F19- 3 in the Enclosure). OrIg. art. has: 5. graphs aoid I table. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: o6jun63 DATE ACQ: 31mor64 ENCL: 02 SUB CODE; ML NO REF SOV: 001 OTHER: 005 Card 2A 9 a vo 9. nos SO- 1964 187 SOURCHt Zhurn-al'n6organichaskoy'khi LID 1882 tellurides: tin tollur do ellurium sys tots 0tin TOPIC TAGS: tin t base alloy, alloy homogeneity rell1oh, alloy microstructureg altoy aLcrohardneass alloy composition ABSTRAM 'Sn-Te alloys, In ~tha i:omposLtiojr region near,the SuTs' compound, containing from 49.5 to 51 at% To with a0.92-0*3 at% I concentration interval wero.vacuisu-notted1ron twice distilled ty than 0. i Te and from Sn with an impur 9"s 003Z$ and hono genized In an argon atmosphere at a temperature . ranging from 700 t 0!1 300C, Study of the alloy microstructure showed the SaTe compounds., previously considered a constant coupositLou,coupound with a Itl atLo of the componentag to be a ~phase with a. d4fecti4o- structure Car: Gard 1 _jJ3 L 11333-65 ACCESSION NRI. AP40435704 and varying composition whose nat~row 1omogeneity region in at a maximum extending from 50.1+0.1 at% to 50.9+0.1 at% ' at 400C, With increasing Te content, the microhardness of alloys wIthLn the homogeneity region increases and remains constant in the two-phase region, As the To content is Increased above the stoichiouetrLep the alloy lattice constant Increasesp sage, from 6.308�0.002X to 6.294+0.002X for alloys with 50 and 50.8 at% To, annealod at 700c, An increase in the Sn content above the stoichtou stric.: however,, ha no effect on the lattice constant*' Alloys.anneated at.* lower tea- I er 8L o I dependence of, th.w. lattice' ature have an analogous compo itt n p constant; e.g., the constant decre-sies Irom 60324 to 603,02:0.0021 for alloys with 49.9 and 50o9 at%.* Te# respectively, Annealed at 400C. The increase in the lattice constant -and the decrease in the.- microhardness, with decreasing Annealing temperature isro ascribed. toi a decreasing number of vacancies In the Oita. Art, hast 6 fi d I table, puree an ASSOCIATIONt none. Card 2 /3 Card 3/3 j~: L UR/0078/65/010/005/1200/1205. ACCESSION NR: AP5012971 rikovoov, N. t~h.;:,Zh anovd, V. V#' !AUTHOR; Shelimova, L. Ye.- Ab m K MTLE: The Ge - Te in the region of the compound GeTe sys emi SOURCE: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, v. 10, no. 5,~1965, 1200-1205 ~ !TOPIC TAGS: geiinanium telluride, germanium: alloy, tellurium-alloy, phase diagramj :thermal analy sis :ABSTRACT: The region of homogeneity of GeTe: and-the change- in the temperature. of :transition from the rhombohe~dral to the cubic lattice as' a function of composition .were investigated in Ge-Te alloys containing from 49 to 52 at. % Te (with incre- ments of 0.3-0.5 at. % Te). Photoinicrography was used to identify the phases in ~the various alloys. Heating curves were recorded by differential thermal analysis i. ,after the alloys had been annealed for 970 hr at 400OC; distinct endothermic ef- Ifects ~:orresponding to the phase transition.were displayed,bythese curves. The '.change in the phase transition temperature irith composition was also determined di-j :latometrically by measuring the.coefficient.of thermalexpansion as a function of otemperature. On the basis of the thermal analysis, microstructural-analysis, and 1! ,Card 1/3 L 5W62_65 ....... ' ACCESSION NR: AP5012971 -the Ge-Te system was plotted in the 'thermal expansion data, a phase diagram of .~region of the GeTe compound (see fig. -1 of -the Enclosure). The region of hamogenel-;: Ity of the high-temperature germanium telluride modification lies between 50.31 0.11.-4'- .and 51.5� 0.2 at. % Te (4300C). The regionof homogeneity of the low-temperature:, modification is somewhat narrower: it rangas from 50.2 * 0. 1 tcF~ 50. 9 t .0. 1 at. t Te, 'The temperature of the polymorphic transkornation is 4300C on the germanium side .and 3650C on the tellurium side. The eutectic GeTe+ Te has a melti g point of i:3800C. X-ray diffraction was used to measure the lattice constant of the cubic 'modification of GeTe with the composition at 6000C. Or.ig. art. has: ~,figures, A land 4 tables. V. !ASSOCIATION: none ISUBMITTED: 10Apr64 ENCL: 61 SUB CODEv IC 7 D ;NO REF SOV: 001' OTHER: 003 .5 Card 2/3 - -' - ' -'- - - ------ - 2 20 6 6 J- 5 55 AdCESSION NR: AP5012971 ENCLOSURE: 01 Ix AV Te sy 1. Phase diagram of, G6 stem i'L the region of the 'compound GeTe 1--single-phase alloys; 2--two-phase alloys; 3-data of thermal: analysis fig .7 .14tv RON. C rd 3/3 Te Z a L 8594-66 F,--l-I'T(m)/FWG(m)/E,4P(b)/FWP(t). IJP(c.) RDW/JD ACCESSION NR: APS019885 UR/0181/65/007/008/2544/254 '5-~ AUMOR: Novikova, S. I ; Sbelimova, L. Ye. /_10 4q - ----- T I TIUL: Phase tiansition in ShTe SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 7, no. 8. 19659 2544-2545 TOPIC TAGS: tin compound, telluride, solid solutiong phase trmsiticn, thermal ex- pansicn, crystal lattice structure ,ABSTRACr: To check on similarities between SnTe and GeTe, with which it forms a ocntinuous series of solid solutions,, the authors investigated the thermal expan- sion of SnTej with particular attention tc temperatures near 100K,, where a poly- morphic transition was expected. Mw measurements were made with a quartz dila- tcmeter from 20 to 300K. The samples were prepared fran high pELV tin containing -3 - 1% less than 10 % inpurities, and A-1 tellurium. purified by double v ~Two samples were tested containing 50o4 at.i1b, in the form of cylinders 16.07 and 10.86 mm long. A plot of the results is shom in Fig. 1 of the Enclosure. The dip; at 75K can be related to the expected polyi=phic transiticn in SnTe from the rhoubohedral low temperature modification 1= the cubic high tmqxrature mDdifica- tion. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. ,Card 1/3 L 8594-66 ACCESSION ENCLOSURE: 01 2P fg 14 iz 4- v 4v Sp 8p w Ag w 2,v 26V Fig. 1. Dependence of the coefficient of thermal expansion on the temperature. Measurements under equ!,'librium temperature conditions, 2 dynamic measurements. jw Card 3/3 AP?002396_____ SOURCE CO5__ 3C 2109 Es UR/6-3[a/002/012/2f6~/ AUTHORI Sholimova,.L. Ye.; Abrikosov, H. Kh.; Zhdanovap V. V.; Sizov, ORG: Institute of I-16tallurgy im. A. A. Baykov, Academy of Sciences, SS3a (Institut metallurgii Akademii nauk SSSR) Study of the systems PbSe-GeSe and GeSe-GeTe Neorganicheskiye materialyp v. 2, no. 112, lead compound, selenide, telluride, germanium compound, phaso transition ABSTRACT: The phase equilibria and solid solutions in the systems FbSo--j,:Se and GeSe-CreTe wore studied by thermal, microstructural, x-ray and dilatometric. analyses in, the 20-6200C range. It was found that the FbSe-GeSe system Is not a qua,;'-binary sec-1 tion of the ternary system Ge-Pb-Se. Tho polythermal section of GeSe-Go7e showed the existence of a continuous series of solict solutions at temperatures near the solidus. Phase transformations at low temperature,-: connected with the polymorphism of GeSe and GeTe were investigated, and the boundaries of solid solutions were d'eternined in both systems. Orig. art. hasS 7 figures and 2 tables. SUB COM 07/ SUBM DATEI 25Dac651 ORIG REF1 003/ OTH REF1 007 546-815'231+5LC289'?-31 546.289023i+cM.2891241 89344 4 S/191/61/000,/001/009/015 3 !:Y; '320 ~1_1 v f~c~(3 rova G. el i:ia j T ~ A-,j r 1 L L.; 1,L TITLE% Application of high-fr-?quency heating in manufacturing tubes from glass-reinforced -)lastics PERIODICALt Plasticheskiye massy, no, 1, 1961, 35-37 TEXTs This is a report on attempts of accelerating the hardening of tubes made of glass-reinforced plastics '3RP), which are used as DroDs.. The work has been carried out by Nauchno-issledovateliskiy institut tokov vysokoy chastoty V. P, Vologdina (Scientific Research Institute of High- frequency Currents imeni Professor V., P. Vologdin) in cooperation with Laboratoriya anizotropnykh struktur IKhP AN SSSR (Laboratory of Anisotropic Structures, Institute of Chemical Physics AS USSR) and Leningradskiy zavod sloistykh plastikov (Leningrad Plant for Laminated Plastics), The tubes are manufactured by winding GRP sheets round metal rods which are ther. heated by electric coils. Hardening is continued in chamber k-;Ins a: 120-1800C. On account of the low thermal diffusivity of the materlal, heating and hardening take 6-20 hr, depending on the wall thickness of the Card 1/3