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S/5 98/62/000/007/028j,- ).'10 r, v e si's a z i o,, i r o I n 32 17/33 07 7 Q.V; I , -rclLn temnera-r,'ures 'kI -750 d the 3cale fDr,ation sloaly or ceases, but ~ms sa-uura-.ion consinues even at 6"'.Ooe 's o autlors, inveoLigai;ed tier-mal expax. -)ns 0 of '6.,. -cart 4Lu.,:i (VI"I an(-, of alloy VT5 in the pure stat~le and after. D ~ - . ~ -; o m - 'at ~e -~e ~,-ras saturatio- of dJ I a e tric spe ci.,,-,ens . The f o und y t2 --,.I.S-SatUrated :j:jeC_I:~itInS UO t,,jt undaro-o a phase transformation a -.ave a someldhat h--',--,,.er coe--~'Ij- U U D `,ien' of 'hermai ex ansion -U'.-an 1~ ~',P 4 -.rietal. On cool-i-'s, zhe d-iff_-rence beween t-iie _-oe_-c_-'e.'I_.S G i expai~sion of t1iee~A-iayer and tul.,e basis metal can lead ~D -.-e ~-ormation of micr3cracks z)n the --urface. These cracks, act- %S stress concen-urators, detz!riorate the properties 11 U 1_14 0. and on further c3ld rolling, can be one of the --e.-asons -for the failure of the matal. Lhere are 5 figures and 8 tables. Card 2/2 0 62/000/009/011/014 /JOO -j20'7y:)3 08 A'2 0 3: Ilavlov, 1. Shelest, Ye., Tarasevich, Yu. F. and Shakrov, V. L. -TL-7-': A of Lnc: ho'k, conditions for some 4taniu-m ailoys -j C Akademiya nau'r'-. SSSR. Insz.---tutu zietallargii. Trudy, no. 9, 7 1 - formats4i metalla., ..osco%v, 1962. Vopro-y piastuic.h-eskoy de-L L !53-163 C o n d -4-Lions o,- ;t 500 - 1100 (VT-1) of pure .3T -d4ed a-u ~he laborauori,a and alloys_l, 2 and were s-~,, U Lj y 17, T n s - 4 :-ne-ailiov davleniye I, U.LZLZ-.a Metallur.-I.-i-i AN SSSR (Labo- razory lor Pressure Treatment c;f .---:ezals, T-S~itU-e of IMeta"lurgy, 6 U Abstracter' s note: Compositlons of the alloys not speci- -ied - Sampies of 10 x 15 x 1,10 and 13 x 65, x 180 = dimensions -7 _bDra- roll, ed in a "duo 200" with polished steel ~,D ry .-Glis. -2he ra-te of rolling was 0.5 m/sec a.-.d -,,he reduction of thick- C~ ness uras 20, 40 and 60jo for sariples of 10 x 15 mm cross-section, Card 1/2 Sl~ 3 1-1/ia2/ 300/009/011/014 A study of t'.,.e 1-~ o z... D, 0'17/:)3 08 and 13 or 35-",' for sa:-nnIes of 13 x 65 cross-secl-ion. Th e titanium alloys 6;~o~-,red hit:rlh plaslv-icity: 501,fo reduct-Lon of thickness was reac.-ed at 8000C wi-.1,1out- fractu:-e. The tem~perature dependence of t'-,e lateraL s:)read is 5hown gral)h4cally for various degrees of de- C3 CD -orm-,-tiGn. The allotropic tranisfor-mation, at about 8000C produced a SUd:den decrease of the ave.-a.-,-e ~)ressu.-e of the metal on the rolls. '-7'.'-.e displacement of" the resul-ua,,.t 3ressure was investi-ated as a -Lunciion of dei'ormation and temaperature. There are 5 figures. Uard 2/2 PAVLOV, I.M.; GUREVICH, Ya.B.; ORLHEMIOVSKIY, V.L.; SHELEST, A.Ye.; BAsMmo, A.P. - Effect of conditions of titletium heating on the indices of hot roLling. TSvet. met. 35 no.7:75-79 Jl 162. (MIRA 15:11) (Titanium) (Rolling (Metalwork)) 3/509/62/000/009/013/014 D207/D308 --T:-:ORS: Pavlov, I. 2M., TarasevJch, Yu. 1-7. and Shelest, A. Ye. TITLE : De-terz,ining specifi2 pressures during cold rolling of S 0 U H C: A-r:ade,-.-,iya nauk SSSR. Institut metallurgii. Trudy, no. 9, C~ l. 0 i "oscow, 1962. Voprosy plasticheskoy deformatsii metalla, 169-176 I.EXT: StrIps 0-7- A/'_7~-] ( AD-1 ) a-luminum, 4.5 = thick and 32 - 34 MM i..,ide, were cold-rolled on arl E!Xper,_ment-al mill '120011 at 0.5 MM/sec. T11ae reduction of t1hickness wac; 6.5 mm per pass. The "specific pres- sure" (defined as t.he average force, exterted over unit area, by metal on the rolls) was measured with instruments developed by I. Grishkov. ill. d.c. amplJ'Lf~Le.-__')T-Ij-5.5 (ET-4-55) and an oscillo- .7raph MI ~_, G - " tD " were ui:ied to record variations of pressure at several poin-~s across -u.,-e w1d:h of s'he sir .p. The oscillograms were corrected using, Yu. P. Tarasevich's technique. The specific -pressures were peaked at the center of the strip; they were always ~..ard 1/2 "S/_5509/62/000/009/013/014 Determining specific pressures ... D207/D308 ,greater ffor cold-worked samples than for the annealed ones. There are 9 figures ard 2 tables. Card 212 S/279/63/000/001/001/023 E193/E383 AUTHORS: Paylov, I.M., Orzholchovskiy, V.L. , Gurevich, Ya.B. and Shelest._ A.Y~. (Moscow) TITLE: The effect 6f the roll material and surface finish on some paramlaters of hot-rolling in vacuum PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye telchnicheskikh nauk. Metall-tirgiya i Sornoye delo, no. 1, '1963, 14 - 17 TEXT: Cast iron and steel (WA15 (ShK1115) and 3,X2[38 Mh2V8)) rolls, 85 ma in diamie~ar, were used in the experiments conducted in a vacuuj,.i of ^.,, 10 mm I-IS on steel 20 test pier-as, preheated to' 1100 0C. Various, surface finishes of the rolls, corresponding to class 4, 7 and 10 of the degree of flatness (as specified in rC-_-7 (GOST) 2789-59) were obtained by, turning, grinding and polishing the rolls. Test pie::cs with various surface finishes were prepared by grinding, milling or planing in either longitudinal or transverse directions. A constant reduction of 30%) per pass was us'ed in the experiments conducted at a rolling speed of 6.5 m/min., The roll pressure, roll torque, peripheral roll speed, forward Card 1/5 S/279/63/000/001/001/023 The effect of .... E193/E-383, slip and the speed of metal lec.vlng the rolls were measured in each experiment. The lateral-spread coefficient was calculated on the basis of the constant-volume law. The friction coefficients. were determined with the aid of a braking device andicalculated from data on.tho forward slip. Sonic of the typical results obtained on ground test pieces are, reproduced in Fig. 4, where the histograms show the variati2n in (a) friction force ICS/mm2 roll pressure P, Icg/mm lateral-spread cocif,icient a, fricition coefficient f and (a) forward slip S h , blochs 1-6 relating to: 1 - ground cast-iron rolls; 2 - turned cast- iron rolls; 3 - polished'steel ShKfil5 rolls; A - ground steel ShRI115 rolls; 5 - ground steel 3Kh2V8 rolls; 6 - turned steel ShXIil5 rolls. The general. conclusion was that the ftiction coefficient in hot rolling was affected mor e by the material and surface.finish of the rolls than by the surface condition of the metal rolled. There are figures. SUBMITTED: 'July 1.7, 1962 Card 2/3 Tho effoct of .... F ig. 4: Card 3/5 q.0 do p lzo 111.0 0.60 w5f ajo .aoi H J- q 5 8 S/279/63/ooO/ool/001/623 E193/E383 PAVLOVJ, I.M.; ~~HELEST, A. .; TAiLLWICH, Yu.F.; SHAKHOV, V.L. Inwstigating conditions for hot and warm rolling of certain titanium alloys. Trady Ini3t.met. nc,.9:159-163 162. 16:51 (Rolling (149talwork)) (MIRA (Titanium alloys--Testing) PAVLOV, I.M.; TPURASEVICH, Yu.F.; S~T.., A-Ye. Determining specific preast;xes during cold rolling of aluminum. Trudy Inst.met. no.9:169-176 162. (MIRA 16:5) (Aluminum) (Rolling (Metalwork)) L 12917-61 EWP(k)/EWP(q)/EWT(M)/BDS AF~TC/ASD '--'Pf-4"7- JD/HM/HW/JG---. -A=SION NR: AP3002391 S/0279/63/000/003/012~/0126 7 AUTHOR: Pavlov, I. Ml- (Moscow); Bashchenko.-A. P (Moscow); (;urevich, Xa. B. (moscow)-jorzhekhovskly, v. . (ko--s-c-071; Shelest, A. Yet, (Moscow) TITIE: Dependence of the friction coelficient on temperature and ambient medium in rolling of iron, titanium molybdeoxm, and nibbium SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izv. Otd. t6khnicheiskQ nauk. Metallureyi i gornoye delo,, no. 3, 1963, 123-126 TOPIC TAGS: - hot rolling, vacuum, inert atmosphere, argon, iron, titanium, molybdenum, n i o b i u m, friction co!fficient, temperature dependence, scale formation ABSTRACT: The temperature dependence of the friction coefficii~nt in the hot rolling of ironJ, titanium, molybdenum, and niobiimi under different conditions has been studied. Specimens were roll!d at a coastant. speed of 6 m/min at a temperature varying from 800 to 1200C In a vacuun, in an argon atmosphere (0-005% 02, 0.01% N), or in We air. 'Pest results showed that with rolling in air the friction coefficient/ror iron, which is about 0.38 at 800C, increases to a maxinnm of 0.45 at 900C and then iecreases gradually to 0.22 at 1200C. 'Card 1/3 L 12937-63 ACCESSION RR: AP3002391 The initial. increase is explained by the decreasing resistance of iron to de-1 formation, and the subsequent decrease, by the effect of iron scale, which softens appreciably above 1000C and a--ts as a lubricant. The friction coef- ficient of titanium increases slightly as temperature increases from 8W to 900C, probably owing to some peculiarLties of the a-to-13-transformation. In- creasing the temperature to 1200C increases the friction coefficient, probably because of decreasing specific pressure. Titanium scale does not soften in the temperature range investigated and hence does not act as a lubricant but rather increases the friction. The increase in the friction coefficient of molybdenum rolled in air, from about 0.35 at 1000C to 0.45 at 1200C, is Isrobably caused by the increasing surface roughness associated with the increasing rliati2ity of molybdenum oxides and the consequent :3urface cleanliness. The friction coef- ficient of niobium in air drops from 0.42 at 1000C at 0.37 at 1250C, owing to the action of the scale which, in thia temperature range, spreads on the metal and forms a dense, smooth surface. The effect of the scale on the relationship of the rolling tem;?erature and friction coefficient is confirmed by the data on rolling in vacuumItW in argon (the latter corresponds roughly to a vacuum. of 0.1 mm Hg). As atmospheric pressure decreases from 760 to 0.00001 = Hg, the friction coefficient of titanium decreases, while those of iron, molybdenumyand Card 2/3 L 12937-63'- ACCESSION NR: AP3002391 niobium increase. The changing conditions of,contact friction should thus be Ia taken Into account in developing the technology of the hot rolling of refractory metals in vacuum or an inert atmosphere. Orig. art. has: 3 figuree and 2 for=- la ASSOCIATION: none StMMITTED- 27jul62 DAn Acq: lwu163 ENCL.- 00 SUB CODE: MA, ML NO FEF SOV: 014' dmra: 000 Card 3/3 ACCESSION NR: AT4007030 S/2598/63/000/010/0095/0099 AUTHOR: Mints, R. S.; Shelest. A. Ye.; Malkov, Yu. S. TITLE: Dilatometric study of titanium SOURCE: AN SSSR. Institut metallurgii, Titan I yego splavy*. no. 10, 1963. Issiedovaniya titanovy*kh splavov, 95-99 TOPIC TAGS: thermal expansion, titanium thermal expansion, titanium powder slnter-. Ing, titanium sintering, titanium isothermal sintering, titanium cyclic sintering, dilatometry, titanium dilatometry ABSTRACT: Using the universal DTs-khi2~i-temperature Vaeum dilatcmeter develoj?-- ed at the Institut metallurgii A. A. Baykova (Metallurgical Institute), the authors investigated the coefficient of thermal expansion in the temperature range 400-IIOOC and the kinetics of the sintering process of commercial grade VT-I TI. This device permits temperatures up to 2200C and rapid heating or hardening of the tested specimens (500 degrees/min). The linear thermal expansion was determined directly by an arrow Indicator furnished with a timing device. A cross-section of this device is shown. Sliecl- rodis were-roll9d, sUbjecteil, to defemmUou-In Vn temperature range 900-=C ma nardened Fn air. The rate ct neatino or cooilng 0 1 was 30 degrees/minute. Analysis of the microstructure revealed the cm( phase In the Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AT4007030 specimen before dilatometric investigation,and Ti after this process. The dilato- metric curve shows that "1-13 transformation of titanium occurs ut 890C, and that the transformation of CK -TI into P-Ti Is accompanied by a marked Increase In volume, an endothermic effect and evolution of gaseous compounds at temperatures of, 850-900C. Values are presented for the coefficients of linear suA ther- mal expansion of wrought Ti in the temperature range 400-1100C. The kinetics of. the sintering process were also studied. When a powdered specimen was pressed under a pressure of 800 kg/mm2, the compact Ti obtained, with a specific gravity0f 4.25 and BrineUbardness cC 250 kg/=2, shmreda microstructure qualifying the metal for coldworking. it was proved that isothermic sintering can be replaced VIth sintering by repeated cyclic heating and cooling. The optimal condi-ii tions for cyclic sintering can be determined by the dilatometer. Orig. art. has: 6 figures and I table. AS SO C I AT I ON: Mantitub uetaLlu%ZU. AN SiM ( I ns t I tute of Meta I I u rgy'AN SSSR) SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 270ec63 ENCL., 00 SUB CODE; ML NO REF SOV. 003 OTHER; 001 Card 2/2 ACCESSION NR: AT4007o47 S/2598/63/000/010/0245/0250 AUTHOR: Shelest, A. Ye.; Falaleyeva, Z. S.; Pavlov, 1. M. TITLE: Effect of cold working and anneziling on the mechanical properties of AT-3 t i tan i um a I I oy SOURCE: AN SSSR. ln5titut metallurgii. Titan I yego aplavy*, no. 10, 1963. lssiedovaniya titanovy*kh splavov, 245-~50 TOPIC TAGS: tltaniu-~i alloy, AT-3 titanium alloy, AT-3 titanium alloy property, co I d wor ked AT-3 al I OY, annea I ed AT-3 a I I OY, s t ra i n lia rdeni ng ef f ect , an-oca I i ng C r f ect , t i tan i um a I lim: num chrom i um a I I oy, i ron conta i n ing a I I oy, 5 i I i con conta I n I n9 alloy, boron containing alloy ABSTRACT: The authors investigated the effect of annealing temperature and the % deformation during cold working on the 5tructure and mechanical properties of titanium alloy AT-3 (2.8-2.9% Al, 0.3% Ve, o.41 Si, 0.73-0.8o% Cr, 0.01% B) by means of X-ray analysis and tests of ultimate strength and relative elongation. Roentgenograms of samples annealed under various conditions are presented, as well as graphs relating the mechanical proper-ties to %, deformation during cold rolling and to annealing temperature following varying degrees of deformation. Before Card 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AT4oO7o47 annealing, the cold worked specimens showed a deformed structure; recrystal I ization began after annealing at 750C for I hr. Tollowed by quenching in air, and wds com- plete in samples annealed at 800C for I hr. and quenched either in air or in the f u rnace .in general, the strength incrc.)sed and plasticity decreased with increas- :ng deformation during cold rol I ing, while an increase in the anneal Ing Lemperature had the opposite effect. The hiationsh"p between relat;ve elongation and ultimate strength of AT-3 alloys shown in Fig. I of the Enclosure may be important in selec- ting the proper conditions for the manufacture of pipe from these alloys. Orig. art. has: I] graphs and 4 roentgenogram-;. ASSOCIATION: Institut metallurgii AN SS3R (Metallurgical institute, AN SSSR) SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 27Dec63 ENCL: 01 SUB CODE: MM NO REF SOV: Oo4 OTHER: 000 2/10 ACCESSION NRi AT4007047 ft 7 195 88 R/I -9,? W4 ff 19 W 161.7 ffl1j lt7,f 1,V0 //17 Itz. INCLOSUM 01 Relationship between relative elongation and ultimate Itrength of titanium alloy AT-3- Ordinate in %, abscissa in k9/mm Card 3/3 ACCESSION NR: AT4007049 S/2598 /63/000/010/0262/0264 AUTHOR: Gulyaycv, A. P. , Shelest, A. Ye. ; Mishin, V. I., Kossakovskaya, N. N., Pavlov, 1. INI. TITLE. Effect of furnace atmosphere on -notch toughness of commercial grade titanium SOURCE: AN SSSR. Institut metallurgii. Titan I yego splavy*, no. 10, 1963. Issledovaniya titanovy*kh splavov, 262-264 TOPIC TAGS: titanium, titanium property, titanium notch toughness, titanium embrittle- ment, titanium heat treatment, heat treating furnace, furace atmosphere, oxidizing atmosphere, protective atmosphere, protective coating ABSTRACT- Specimens of hot-rolled titanium sheet with an initial impact toughness of 6 kg-m/cm 2 were heated in quartz ampulcs in an atmosphere of air, oxygen or nitrogen or in a vacuum (0. 01 mm Hg) at temperabires of 700-1200C for 10, 60 or 120 minutes, after which the specimens were tested for impact toughness, microbardness and weight of oxide film formed. Heating in a vacuum had no significant effect on either weightor Impact toughness. Determination of sample weight after removal of the scale showed that oxida- tion increases with time and increasing temperature, and Is markedly decreased in a Card 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AT4007049 nitrogen atmospherr--, especially at high temperatures. However, as shown in Fig. 1 of the prok-mil-ed heating in nit-.*ogen at 900C or above reduces the impact 'oughlic';S; so that nitrogell atmosplieres dso cannot he recommendod. The impact toughnec~~S' willicl-, incr~-'-ased somewhaL on ~ieatinog at low temperatures due to recrystall- ~I-Itioll' decrea"wo" siiarpl.v a, 800-1200C in all media. Measurements of the depth of thc i'atc'! 1"'I'Lluawd from ', w microlmr(Iness. showed that. the depth 1- witil t.~-:niPciao.rc ki all media. Tn alpha-titanimil O)elow d;; han oxvgen, while after tiansfol nation to ~'wt. has. 3 fic-ures. 0' DA IT ACQ: 27DocG3 ENCL: 01 Suil CODE,: NO REIF SOV: 006; OTHER: 000 ~-Carc!2/3 ACCESSION NII: AT4007049 fu 9 8 8 8-1 4 7 7 JF 4 J 2 ENCLOSURE: 01 a b c Fig. 1. Effect of temperature, durationof heating and furnace atmosphere on the impact toughness of commercial grade titanium. a. heating In air, b. heating in oxygen, c. heating in nitrogen; I - heated for 10 min.; 2 - heated for 60 min.; 3 - heated for 120 min. Ordinate = Impact toughness in kg-M/CM2; abscissa temperature of heating in *C. L 2536�=�5 EWT(m)/EWA(d)AwP(-'t)/EWP(b) IJP(G) MJWIJP S/0277/64/600/611/0019/002 S AR5005074 0 ACCES ION NRr rialy onstr tsii Jraschet deta] ey- - SOURCE: Ref zh. Masbinostroitel'Mcmate uk mashin. Otd. vyp., Abs. 11.48.125 AUTHOR: Pavl&v, 1. M.; Konstahtinov~. Ye G. Shel6st A:.: Ye., Tarasevich..-Yu. F. TITLE, Force conditions for deformation.-of'.some, titanium:'allqy6.. 77 -777~t7 CITED SOUR 4CE: Tr.,Mosk. in-ta metaL~~ M6sk. eneEg. in-t iMosk. in.;.tj, sta# i spXavov, Vyp. 44, 1963, 22-28 TOPIC TAGS: allotropic transformation, metal mechanicalpropert ' titanium alloy/,-~ yl Va alloy, OT4 alloy, VT6 alloy, VT1-4 alloy' TRANSLATION: The resistance to defamation of VT1,,.OT4$.VT6 and VT14 titanium. alloys was determined as a function Df the temperature at relative reductions of 20, 40 and 60%. It is established that there is a stepwise change in the specific pressure in the allotropic transformation temperature interval. For OT4 alloy (at-- rolling temperatures lower than 6000) and for VT6 'and VT14 alloys (at rolling temperatures lower than 8009), a decrease in resistance to deformation is observed with an increase in rolling-reduction. This is explained by the f9imation of Card 1/2 L 25368-65 ACCESSION NR: AR5005074 cracks in the metal. Industrially puro VTl titanium bas~good ductility throughout- the entire range of temperatures and rolling reductions studied; titanium alloys have less ductility. At temperatures of iloo-9000 ithe specific. pressures :for ;all allovs studied are low. With a reduction in temperature$ there 4,s asharp increase in the difference between the specific pressures for M and the remain- ing alloys. ENCIA, -:.00 MM- .SUB CODE. PAVLOV, I.M.; GUREVICH, Ta.B.; SHEIEST, A.Te.; ORZHEXHOVWY, V.L.; BASHCHENKO, A.P. - Investigating certain conditions for the hot rolling of molybdenum, in vacuum, in an argon atmosppere, and in air. TSvet.met. 36 no.2:68-71 F 163. (MIRA 16:2) (Molybdenum) (Rolling (Metalwork)) (Protective atmospheres) ACCaiSION AP3O0OeO AUTHOR: I.. M. j Shelest Ye B.; Orzhelftovskiyj. T. L*-; BashcrAnK0, it, P, TITLE*. Hat MLUrkg,,pf niabium it va6u= 4md In'a protective atmosphere 1,6 SOURCE: TovetrV*ye metallypNi- 51 1963# 63-*67 TOPIC TAGS: nidbium rollIM rolling in air.- vacuum,, rolling in- argon) oxidAtionj sealings surface hardnessj spread, forward slip,, frietion,, roll P"83UrG ABMAM The effect of teMerature and environment on tbe bebavior of Nb in hot rolling has been studied. Specimens 10 x 10 x 150 am of commercial grade Nb cut out of rolled plate vere vacuum (approximately 10 aw -4 = ft) i=walzd at - 1400C -for I hr and rolled at, 1000--1250C vith a reduction of 26%. Several speci-- mens vere heated and rolled In vacui= (approxlmate4 10 sup -5 m Hg) or in argcnjl several vere heated in vacuum (in aiqmles evacuated to 10 sup -2 mm Hg) and ral-led in air., and several vere heated and rolled in air. Heatizg in air caused card 1/3 L 10087-63 ACCESSION NR: AP3000203 intensive sealing and a sharp increase of surface hardness due to the absorption of active gases, especially oVgen. Nb held for 90 min in air at 1100C had a surface hardness of approximately 3*!0 kg/mm, sup 2 compared with an initial hardness of approximately 130 kg/m sup 2. Heating in vacuum or in evacuated ampules under the same conditions increased the surface hardness only to appr6oximately 140 or 160 kg/mm. sup 2. Higher temperature and prolonged holding increased surface hardness and the.depth of oxygen penetration, Spread, forward slip, specific friction, and the friction coefficient tPnc!(to decrease in rolling in air and are generally lower than in rolling in vaculiZXpecific roll pressure and toraue decrease with increasing temperature but are bkgher than :Ln vacuum. In vacuum, spread tends to increase with increasing temperature,, while forward slip remains constant. Rolling in argon occupies an intermediate position between vacuum and air rolling with regard to the effect on rolling parameters. Intensive oxidation of specimens heated in evacuated ampules occurred during rolling in air. It is therefore recommended to heat, roll, and cool niobium in vacuum. Orig. art. has: 7 figures. Card 2/3 .............................. L 10087-63 ACCESSIO14 NR: AP3000203 ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 00 DATE AcQ: il~,,=63 SUB CODE: 00 NO REF SOV* 008. EXCL-. 00 OTHER: 001 ph~W Card 3/3 TOPIC TAGS: ti tanium Wiloy, titaniura aRoy strain resistance- titanium alloy plastic deformation/alloy VT1, lalloy OT4 alloy'VT6 alloy VT14 ABSTRACT: Solution of -;-ie problems connebted with the design,and operation of roulml mills requires knowledgF_ of metal strength characteristics which are needed for calculitr-~.'_- tion of the metal pressur: on the rolls and the rolling torque. The present paper siders the determination ti I strain resistamce and compares the strain resistance of several titanium alloys dt.-ing roiling and when testing under static and impact tensile loads. The samples were rolled on a 20(1 rolling mill (roll, diameter 212mm, rolling *dynamometers for rate 0. 5 m/sec,,.polished i i .-eel rolls, Rookwell hardness 50) with measuring the total metal pressure on 'the rolls and torque meters forme- aisurilnig e total rolling torque. ITI, OT4, VT6 and BT14 titanium alloys were tested, l Card 1/3 L 13060-65 ACCESSION NR: AT4047720: the samples being heated for 15 35 minutes-for. 500- Static tests were pyrforrned on a R- 5 m anhine with electric drfte~ an 4~-dttaln-rai6 0.003-0.0046sco-J,. The awnples were, heated in- -a special furnace.with temperatare- deviations not exceeding ove-k �10C. Tho heating tftr~e was 15-35 minut6a, The to for finding the strain resistance ~praposfd bly S. I., Gubk1n) on the ~baslO. ofetridn: equilibrium under static and impact tensfae'loads consists.4 calculating tts indicator diagram coefficient under ultimate static tension as the ratio of the areas of the 41agrzn and the inscribed rectangle. The ultimate impact toughness was tested on the MK-30 machine with an initial impact speed fi. 6 m/sec and a strain rate d6pending on the -190 see The samples were preheated and t9sted in degree of deformation of 150 an asbestos packing. Ilie tests demonstrated the strength and plastioity of VT1, OT41 VT6 and VT14 titanium alloys. Comparison of data for. these alloys showed- that. the j static ultimate strength may be used in, laquations for hot.pressure working at 700-1000C. The ultimate Impact toughness determined experimentally in the same temperature r.=V is higher than the actual and theoretical strain, resistance, ~ this being e3rplained by t1he, high strain rates during Impact'elongaUon., 7be plastic properties of these, alloys a" lowered as the -3train rate increases. (Mg.. art. has: 4 11gure4 wd.3 eqiiatlotis. 2/3 7i.: L 16 89-6-5 EdT(m)/EliA(d)/OIP(t)/E~4P(k)/EWP(b) Pf_4 ii P(0)/ASD(f)-2/ASD(m)_-A JD IN WB MK ACCESSION NR: AT4048061 AUTHOR: Pavlov, 1. M., Shelest, A. Ye., tbnatantinov, Ye. G. TITLE: Characteristics of the oxidation of several titani en heated prior to um alloys wh plastic deformation- SOURCE: Soveshchaniye po metallur 1, matallovede I primeneni* titana i n1yu etall grap Metallovedentye dtaia M o hy Of titanium splavov. 5th, Moscow, 1963. trudy* soveshchaniya. Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1964, 128-13JL TOPIC TAGS: titanium alloy, titanium alloy rolling, titanium alloy oxidation, plastic deformation/alloy OT, alloy VT AtSTRACT: At high temperatures, the scale formation and gas saturation taking place at the surface of titanium alloys depend on ffie rate of chemical reactions at the border between the. liquid and solid phases, as well as on the diffusion rate. Thepkesshtpaper considers the results of a study of the kinetics of o7ddation of-several T1 alloys under conditions of plastic deformation. The most precise method of testing Is the continuolm J.- weighing process. However, intermediate uamples cannot be taken. Therdore, separate samples were taken for each testing temperature. The samples (10-16 ~ mm cubes). were placed in porcelain crucibles with access to air ensured from all sides and heated to 8W Card 1/6 L 16589-65 ACCESSION NR: AT4048061 1200C (every 100C) for durations of 15,,30, 60 120 and 240 minutes. The samples were then weighed both with and without the crui-iffiles an&with the scale removed. The change in weight was related to sample area prior to oxidation. Fig. 1 of the Enclosure illus- trates the kinetic curves of oxidation of the tested Ti alloys. The tests showed that the oxidation rate depends on the oxygen concejArati6n.gradient in the surface layer of the metal. The value of the oxidation rate was determined by grapblo differentiation of the kinetic curves for prolonged oiddation. Generally, the rate changes graduall and reaches, a constant, known as the characteristic rate. This rate changed from 0. 17 for VT-1 at 800C to 12. 00 at 1200C, from 0. 03 for OT4-1 at 800C to 16. 00 at 1200C, from 0. 33 for OT4 at 800C to 18. 00 at 1200C, from 0. 10 for VT6 at 800C to 13. 00 at 1200C, and from 0. 10 for VT14 at 800C to 10. 25 at 1?,,)OC. Attention should be paid to the fact that for the and 6 alloys YY 510the oxidation rate increases with l,,,YT]4 and VTI the temperature at a constant rate, ~~e -1;0-f VT1 aud OT4- I alloys a sharp increase in A o;ddation rate is observed. Fig. 2 of the Xnei-o-s7" aii"o-wathi Kinetic oxidation curves com- and variations in scale formation. The data obtained in this paper may be used to pare the heat resistance of T1 alloys' and estimate the effect of alloying elements on this important property. Orig. art. has: 2 filWes and 1 table. J_Card 2/6 L 16589-65 ENCLOSURE: 02 ACCEMON NR.- AT4048061 Card 5/6 L 16589-65- -0 ACCESSION NR: AT4048061 ENCLOSURE, 03 a 417 40 wri grjil W5 drS - -2 777 1W b d '4V grt `41 r14 s off J Fig. 2. Relationship between weight change of T1 alloy samples after scale removal and the temperature and duration of heating: a - at 900C; b-at 1000C; c-at 1100C; d-at 1200C. In each graph, ordinate wt. change card 6/6 'in ng/cm2; abscissa := duratlon of heating In hre. , L 15665-65 F-Wr(m)/EWP(w)/EWA(d)AwP(t)/tO(k)/~IVP(b) Pf-4 ASD-3/AFFTC/- ESB-:3/IJP (c)4AA~SD (f ) -2 D(m)-3 MJW1JE-/W1A1K ACCESSION AT4e8081 8/0000/64/000/000/0249/0254 AUTHOR: Pavlov, I.M., Tarasevich., Yu;, F., Shelest,- A~ Ye. TITLE: Effect of the conditions of plasticAdormation and further working on the --ao-p-9-M&AL of several tii&_um alloys SOURCE: Soveshchaniyp po ptWloved"!Mj,jX Men p!!4LttLrgj%-j _ Metallovede (Metallography of titanium); -PLavov. 5th; aiwaiwi tria-d-yw'-sioveis obanlya, Moscow, Izd-vo Niatka, 1964,.249-254 TOPIC TAGS- titanium alloy, titanium Alloy working, plastic deformation, cooling rate, titanium alloy strength, titanium all oy hardness, titanium alloy. rolling/alloy QT4. ..Alloy-Y-M alloy VT14 ABSTRACT: The authors investigated. tho effect of plastic deformation and subsequent cooling at different rates on the mechanical properties of severalcb~; +t3 b titanium alloys (martensite, types OW, VT6 and VT14),, where the.6 phase may'be partially set at room temperature. The alloys were roU ad at a rate of 0. 5 m/sec followed by cooling either In water, asbestos or air. The CODling rate as measured by thermoomples was 60-70 deesec in water, 4.3-5 deg/see irt asbestos and 6-6.5 deg/see in air for the VT14 alloy. Mechanical properties were then determined. The tests showed differences In Card 1/3 L 15665-65 ACCESSION NR: AT4048081 hardness of VT14 alloy samples cooled Under different conditions. A11,1119yo showed slight variations in hardness when cooled. from 500460C with 20% compression under the roller. Hardness was Increased significantly by 40% compression and lowering of the temperature from 800C. The effect of cooling rate on strength was noticeable only at rolling temperatures above 900C. For 20% compression the ultimate strength changed smoothly as the rolling temperature variod. -This was not observed for higher comprvs- sion values, confirming the effect. of plastic deformation on the mechanical properties of the alloy. Relative narrowing was increased with compression at all rolling tempera- tures and cooling rates, while the temperature relationship was constant with a- m-inimum at 1000C and maximum at 700C. ElongsUon was lowered during roiling at-temperatares below $OOC with maximum elongation at moderate cooling rates beginning with 1100C. I'he data obtained make it possible to plan methods for Improving the mechanical properties of. titanium alloys by therman.echanical working. However, the thermal stability of the alloys after working will be low and the alloyswill be used successfully only at normal temperatures. Additiona:t research Is required to find ways of employing titanium alloys at higher temperauwes. - "Ye. G. Konstantinoy took part In the investigations. Orig. art. has: 4 figures. 2/3 Card t L 34518-65 W(k)/t4A(c)/EWTW/W~(b)/t~~ (d)/EWPW Pf-m4 Ijp(c). ACCESSION NR: AT4048082 S/OM/64/000/000/0255/0262 AUTHOR- Favlov, I.M., Konstantinov, Ye. G. TAMvevlah.- Yu, F.. Shelest. -A. qj_ TITLE: Investigation of the principal p9rameters of -hot and wam rollinalof several titanium alloys under peculiar conditioniv of. stress SOURCE: Soveshchanlye -metallurigi; inetillovedenijR t grimenenlyu, fitana I yego 210 _T; tkilrum 8plavov. 5th, Moscow, 1963. metallovodenlye titana ffiotallography of ti trudy* soveahchanlya. Moscow, lid-vo Nauka, 1964, 255-262 TOPIC TAGS: titanium alloy, titaniamlalloy:kolling, titanium, alloy stress, titanium alloy plasticity/alloy OT4, 9LUoy VT6 itlloy~VTH alloy VT15 alloy VT1 ABSTRACT: The aim of this Investigation was W study the plasticity, stress and d mill, (roll, diameter 213 mm rolling eformation of titanium alloys on a 1120011 rolling rate 0. 5 m1sec, steel rolls) eqLtipped vIth dynamometers for measuring the pressure VTIS on the rolls and torque meters for measuring the torque of the rolls. Type OWIF VT6, VT14 and VT15 alloys were selected; after being heated uniformly for 15-36 nlibutes". depending on the temperature of the ro)ls, the samples were rolled with an average cm- pression of 20,40 and 60% (with similar initial depth ard variable final depth) at 500-1100C. (every 100C). The tests showed that at rolling temperatures above 9000 the specific Card 1/3 L 34518-6.5 ACCESSION NR: AT4048082 pressure was relatively lo*.~ Only ilie VTIS'alloy at a rolling temperature -of 1166C compression of 20% had a specific Vressure of about 9 kg/mM2. . The specific pressure increased more rapidly for the tested alloys than with technical titanium when the temperature dropped from 1100 to 900C. As the compression increased, the specific pressure increased due to friction. Lowering of specific pressure as the degree of deformation rises may be explained by crack formation in the metal due to unequal defor- mation because of the stressed condition In the narrow strips. This leads to higher lateral deformation in comparison wl::th longitudinal deformation. The OT4, VT6, VTIA and VT15 alloys showed a lower plasticity than the VT1 alloy, the VT15 alloy having the lowest. The strips were widened by motion of the lateral surfaces onto the contact surface, although widening was also i. e contact ace, which aused by slipping along th surf was insignificant. Maximum widening at 20, 40 and 60% compression was obtained with M and VT15 alloys and at 900C with VT6 and VT14 alloys at 800C. As the degree of do- formation increased, the widening rose for all alloys. Rolling of samples of various widths (8-60 mm) with 20% and 40% compression at 900C resulted in Incieased opwifte 2/3 Ca.-d i I , I L E?i P ~ k ),/~F-*' T ( )./E'NP(t )/ETI LJPA r- UIIIOO001651006TOO01016310166 ACC NRt AT()Dl' 2366 SOURCE CODE: Au"TJW~S: Pavlov, 1. M-; Shelest, A. Ye. ORG: none TI'ME: Peculiarities of gas saturation of some ti~aniun. allo o Soveshchaniye po nw.-tallokhimii, Piet allovedeniyLi i j)rimeneninL_Lu_~~ ~na i_yof splavoy 6th. Noyyye issledovaniva. bitancvykli splavov (New re,earch on titanium -166 allaysT; n~dy soveshclianiya. Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1965., 163 TUPIC; TAGS; At"'&n'UM, titanium alloy, gas absorption, plasticity, phaso composition, gas (1J - 0y) '11sion, '1T1 LiLanium, OT14-1 titanium alloy, OTh titanium all V-16 tita-nium alloy, VP1)4 titanium alloy, VT15 titanium alloy ABBSTR.~C-,-: Th, characteristics of gas saturation of titanium. alloys are studied. The work is based on an earlier study- by 3. il. Favlo-V,A. Y-e. Slielest, and Yo. G. KonsLantinov (Osubennosti okislen-;,,/-a nekotorykh titanovykh pplavov p j nagreve peered plasticheskoy deforrr6atsiyey. S, 'go la ( MetAlovedeni. titana, Izd-vo 4. Titan 1 '4 j Nauka, 19'4). Titanium alloys\Vf 1, OT4 I OT4~ VT6TVT14 'and ~Tl~ 0 - , 3 --.) ---�l _were studied. Ti-ie specimens were heated in an electric furnace to BOQ--12OOC (every 100G) for 15, 30'-- Card 1/2 L ACC NR. 60, 1120, and 240 min. The microh nesz. wa.-- measured with a PIL'-3 was found t~iat in tccAnicall, urArfi t,itanium and VT14 and lf;~Zloys the thick- nesses of the highly brittleNp Lurated layer were approximately the same. The deptli o~f the zone of decreased plasLici~y permits the effect of the gases that, have diffused into the metal on the mechanical properties to be evaluated. Orig. art. has: 1 tablo and 2 figures. SUB CODE: 11/ SUBMI DATE: o2Dec65/ ORIG REF ; 002 2/2 0 L 07815-67 ACC NRs AR601711"k. SOURCE CODE: UR/Ol37/66/O00/0a1/J)007/DC08 AUTHOR: Pavlov, -f. M.; Konstantinov, Ye. G.; Shelest, A. Ye.; Tarasevich, Yu. F. TITLE: Conditioi;.,; for hot and warm rolling, of some titanium albys 217 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Metallurgiya, Abu. lD4:) 1 -7.1 13 REF SOURCE: Tr. lonk. in-ta otali i aplavov i Mosk energ. in-ta, vyp. 61, ch. 1, 1965, 181-193 TOPIC TAGS: hot rolling, warm rolling, Litanitun alloy ABSTRACT: It was found during this -inveistigation that an increase in reduction (with H=const) increase.; the widening index fo:- all alloys studied, where widening is basic-, ally due to barre, distortion. Due to the narrow width of the sptteimens under the I conditions of this investigation, transverse deformation T=B2/Bl ;as greater than Ion-ji gitudinal deformation U=L2/Ll in nearly all cases, which correspoided to the particu- lar conditions for the stressed state of the metal at the source )f deformation. An increase in reduction resulted chiefly in development of transver;e deformation rela- tive to drawing (:,,formation. A. Leontlyev. [Translation of abst-act] SUB CODE: 13 Card .1/1 mc UDc; 62-1.,771.001 T-j CODE: UR/65W 6012409 ,j (C SOURCE 0 AUTHORS: Pavlov, I. M.: Konstantinov, Ye. G.; Shelest, A. Ye.; Ta:-asevich,_Yu. F." MG: none TITLE; Several rolling conditions for titanium alloys SOURCE: Soveshchaniye po metallokhimii, metallovedeniy!~ i primener-~~ titana i yego splavoy, 6th. Novyye issledovaniya titanovykh splavov (New resenrck, on titanium alloys); trudy soveshchaniya. Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1965, 312-316 TOPIC TAGS:,4metal rolling, titanium alloy, rolling mill, metal fr3ction / VT1 titanium alloy, OT4 titanium alloy, VT6 titanium alloy, VT14 titanium alloy, VT15 titanium alloy, duo 200 rolling mill ABSTRACT: The coefficient of external friction during rolling of ractangular titanium alloy slabs under a wide range of temperature and deformati n coloiti9fis was,,investi- gated. Specimens (12 x 10 x 150 mm) of titanium alloys VT1,'OT4,1, "vi,6j"i~Z14,1-'and VT151 were preheated to 500-1100C (at 100V intervals), rolled on a duo 200 rolling mill with relative reductions of 20, 407 and 6(Y1.. The forward flow and coefficient ofrIT friction were measured and tabulated for -1hese rolling conditions. The coefficient of friction over the temperature interval 500-1100C was found to be '~ 0.15, while the forward flow was found to vary considerab'-y. Curves of the forward flow and friction coefficient as a function of strip width are presented for alloy VT5 (20 and 40% Card 1/2 L 3,3'j6l4,6 ACC NRt AT6012409 deformation); both increase almost linearly with increasing width. An equation for finding the rolling torque on a single nAl as a function of rolliag parameters is derived. The results of the investigation can be used to determina rational rolling parameters for titanium alloys. Orig. a:-t. has: 4 figures and 1 tible. SUB CODE: 11, 13/ SUBM DATE: 02Dec65/ ORIG REF: 003 Card 2/2,/,-, ~- / - L 29192-66 EWT(m)/EWP(w)/T/EWP(t)/ET'.[/EWP(k) IJP(c) JD/HW/JG ACC NRt AP6016583 SOURCE CODE: UR/0129/65/000/005/0012/0014 AUTHOR: Ageyev, N. V.; Glazuno-ii, S. G.; Petrova. L. A.; Tpzasenko, G. N.; _Qrankova. L. P.; Shelest, A. Ye. ORG: none TITLE: High-temperature thermomechanical :reatme of 8-alloy of the Ti-Mo-Cr-Fe-Al system T) T - SOURCE: Metallovedeniye i termicheakaya obrabotka metallov, no. 5, 1966, 12-14 TOPIC TAGS: thermomechanical treatment, ti.tanium alloy, titanium beta alloy, molybdenum containing alloy, iron containing alloy,* aluminum containing alloy, alloy thermomechanical eatment, alloy mechanical property, alloy structure 4~ I ABSTRACT: Forged\specimens of complex titanium-base alloy containing 7%Mo, 5.5%Cr, 3%Fe, and 5ZA-1 -were subjected to high-temperature thermomechanical treatment (HTMT), rolled at 850, 950, and 1050C with a 20, 40, and 60% reduction in one pass and 80% in two passes, immediately warer quenched, and then aged at 450C for 15 and 25 hr, at 500C for 5 and 10 hr, or at 525C for 5 br. HTMT increased alloy strength without affecting ductility. For example, prior tc aging ta. tensile strength of alloy hot rolled at 950C with a reduction of 20, 400 60, and BOX was ~6.3, 105.0, 96.7, and 99.5 kg/mm2, respectively, compared with 77.3 kg/mm2 for alloy quenched fr the same temperature without deformation. The corresponding figures for elongamtion were Card L 29192-66 ACC NRi AP6016583 16.6, 18.4, 17.7, and 18%, respectively. compared with lk.9%. The increased strength of the alloy after HTMT is explained by strain hardenin hand fragmentation .J the $-alloy grains. Aging produced a fur-Sher gignificant increase of strength. The best AK!Ii as obtained after HTMT with 60-80% reduction combination of strength and du at 850C and aging at 500C f3r 10 hr or 525C for 5 hr, after which the alloy had a tensile strength of 164-177 kg/mm2, an elDngation of 4.5-9.0%, and a reduction of are& of 8-15%. This effect of aging was found to result from the prWpitation of the finely dispersed a-phase. Orig. art. '~as: 3 figures and I tjoble. [ms) SUB CODE: ll/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 008/ ATD PRESS G Card 2/2 ce SH .,1 1" G.f"i. I-ldcro'Llological diagnosis of dephLheria usilng a riew cuiture inedium. Zhur. mikrobiol... e'Did. i irrimun. 40 no.9:52-54 S'63. 17:5) 1. Iz bakteriologic~ieskoy laboraLorii 3-y klinicheskoy bollr-itsy Kemerova. .SHELEST,-I,--, master sporta, letchi~-ispytatell Glider with a removable engine. Kryl.rod. 14 no.1:24 Ja 163. (MIRA 16:1) (Gliders (Aeronautics)) in dv- 1, u SHLLEST, L. A., Engr "An Investigation of Effective Systeats of Mass Mining Very Thin Veins." Cand Tech Sci, Moscow Inst of Nonferrous bletals and Gold imeni M. I. Kalinin, 19 Jan 55. (VM, 10 Jan 55) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (12) SO: Sum. No. 556, 24 Jun 55 SMUST, L.A.; ANDREW, D.T. Mining dipping, seams with the use of square-set, timbering. Gor. 0 zhur. no.2:33-,34 F155. (KLPA 8:7) (Mine timbering) prof., red.; -SHEL-'-ST, L.A., kand. tekhr.. nauk, VIUMIN, A.I., retsenzent; BITHSHTEYN, P.S., zent; KAPITANOV, T.V., retsenzent; FLVITI.~, A.V., zent; T-ARASOV, L.Ya., otv. red.; KGVALEV, I.A., (Development of mineral rabotka nesterozMenii Sibiri. l-'oskva, Nedra, iesourses in EaLtern Siberia] --Iaz- pcleznykh iskopaemykh ~,ostochnoi 1964. 382 p. O'.IRA 17-12) 1) 1 -- - L.- , -, I I . I . I ~ I . - .- - . I - --- - . - - - , I I - - - .-- - - - . - . - - - . - - 1. . ~.1 --- - I - I ; -, -: % . - -- - I - . . . I -' I -. I . -. - T-,a .-I I I ~ . - - -. : " , ZUBOVA, M. .,; N.; SHELEST, M. If-. i, rJracle of our century, Standartiwaila 29 no.8% ~'2-1'3 165. (MIRA 18-.10) STIELEST, F. A. DZCEA33D 1963/1 C. 1,060 ilECIVINICS SEE ILC F.11., kand.~,~.'L'~n.naak, u r" ~~ --. ~ r, Calculating t~qe self-igniting -Jr. diesel engine-s. Izr.%-jrs. ucheb.zav.; mashinostr. nu.8:1~,17-204 163. (MIhA -16.ii) i. -.-y6L;neyc Ltei~Jrl,~'.,~r-eok-oye t-ry 'Kr: is C'.: 1. SHIMANY V. A. ; P. S. SHELEST. 2. U.jR (6oo) 4. Agriculture 7. "Krasnaia Zaria Collective Farm." Dost. sellkhoz, no. 3, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January, -1953. Unclassified. KUZITETSOV, A.V.; LAPIDUS, M.A.; UKOMTSEV, A.S., SKRIMOV, B.F., -5jWA=2r P,S. BERGAUZ, P.I., redaktor; GUBVICH. M.M., tekhnicheakiy re- [composite crews on collective farms] Komplekanye proizvodetvannye brigady v kolkhozakh. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo sellkhoz.lit-ry, 1956-172 ps (mLRA 1o:6) (Gollective farina) SHRIMT, Pavel Zalmanovich [The old and the new; a story of the Pskov villages of loogovino " Byloe i nov'; rasakaz and Haksakov Bor, their past and presenti o pskovskikh derevniakh Logovino i Makeakov Bor, ikh oroshlom i nastoiashchem. Moskva. Goo. izd-vo sellkhoz. lit-ry, 1957. 107 P. (MIRA 11:5) (Pskov Province--Villages) SHELEST, S.L. Blue-eyed grass (Sisyr inch "Itim tuiguatifolium Mill. ) and other interesting species of plants in the Nnikovitakiy region of the Lvov Province. Bot. zhur.[Uk-r.j 10 no.3:91-92 15). (MLRA 6:8) 1. Kolhosp inw.&dlonnoho, sela Ponykovytaya, Vvivelkoyi oblasti. (Pbnikovitskiy region--Blue-eyed grass) (Blue-eyed grass- Punikovitskly region) SHELEST, S.L. -'-,,_--too~merare plants of LvoT Province. no-&:455-46 '56. (MML 10: 1) 1. Kolgos imeni S.M. Budlomiogo, s.Ponikovitsy~a Zabolottsivalkogo rayonu LIvIvalkoi oblasti. (L-7ov Provin,-e-Botany) S~P,T"ST, S., inzb. Reconditioning, sieve cleaners for prain sizing -rkachines. 1,hik.-elpv. Prom. 24 no.9:17-18 S 158. (MIRA 11:10) 1. IInvo-!-'bskovskiy zavod po abrabotke gibridnykh i sortovykh semyan kukuruzy. (Grain-Grading) TAKIMOVICH, V., inzh.; MAGONIN, IP.; ~~T,,S-4--DSTTOVIKOV. G.; KAT-ACE77, 0., Inzh.; DOKTOTWN, M.; ZHITYAY W,, S.; FARBER, A., inzh. Suggestions of efficiency operators introduced at grain procurement stations and grain-milling, enterprises. Muk.-elev. prom. Ap '59. (MrRA 13:1) I.Minlaterstvo khieboproduktov Kazakhakoy SSSR (for Takimovich). 2.Chelyabinskoy-a upra7leviye khleboprodu),,tov (for Magonin). 3.Glavnyy inzhener Novomcekovakogo zavoda po obrabotke semyan kukuruzy (for Shelest).4.Altayskora upravleniye khleboproduktov (for Osnovikov). 5.Minisberat-io khleboproduktov BSSR (for Kalachev). 6.Luganskoye upravlenlye khleboproduktov (for Doktorman). ?.Kuybyahevskoye upravlenlye khleboproduki,ev (for Zhity-ayev). (Gra!.n elevators) (Grair- milling) SKFJMT, S., inzh. Device for accelerated reeDnditioning of the sieve cleaners of corn sizing mach!nes. Muk.-elev. prom. 25 no.8:23 Ag 159. (MIRA 13:1) I.Novo-Moskovokiy zavod po obrabotke gibridrqkh i sortovykh sem3ran kukuruzy. (Corr. (Maize)--Grading)) A ralytic lltuda of f!.,. 7:718 V14 . (Alm"ta - Increase airplane dusting work. Grashd.av. 13 no.9:34 S 156. (Kazakhstan--Leronauties in agriculture) (MLHA 9:11) NEMSOV, N.N.; SHELEST, V.A. Soviet-Ohinese research in the Amur I~asin. Isv.Sib.otd.AN SSSR no.10:5-14 159. OWU 13:4) 1. Sovet po Izucheniy-u proizvoditellnykh oil pri Prezidiume AN SSSR. (Amur Valley) 1 AL u. A. f C; EV. -aZVI we n I i , -)'llern, _ - k;i, Az- L g8g2-65~:~ IWT(l IJP~q)~.ASD (a) -5/80 (1;) AccEss:Lug- Ng: J~4048 S/0020/64/158/006/1302/1305 AUTHORSt vashakidze, I. Sh Mura an, R. M.; Tavkhelidzet A. N 'e ChilasW~i4, ~3. A.; Shelest, VO P. TITLE: ih,~eitigation of the analytic properties of the scattering amplitude in,the nonrelativistic th:cee-body problem ..7 SOURCE: Doklady*, v. 158, no. 6, 1964, 1302-1305 TOPIC TAGA:i,-.--,'analytic function,- merimnorphic function, Regge pole, scatteririg.a6plitude, angular momentum. ABSTRACT-t-The authors indicate that earlier attempts to determine the singulA i ially moving branch.,points, of the sc t ties, espec atter- ing amplitiide'in the complex angular momentum plane are still incon- clusive,.ahd,lAvestigate the analyticity of the scattering amplitude for the three-body problem in which a free --tarticle is scattered by the bound-itAte of the two other particles. It is shown that formal Card 1/3 L" L 14822-65 ACCESSION NR: AP4048034 continuation of the kernels of the appropriate integral ecluations leads to incorrect results, for reasons which,are'spelled out. it is shown, however, that if the matXix element that determines the probability of scattering by the bound state is expanded-in a per- turbation theory series, each term of the expansion, taken in the. impulse approximation, can be set ;'Ln correspondence with a Feynman diagram, from which it can be deduced that the scattering amplitude is meromorphic in the complex angular momentum plane. The result is of interest in the sense that each term of the perturbation theory series may have a cut, whereas the series as a whole is a meromorphic. function. A detailed exposition o:--. the result is contained in Pre-- print R-1662 of the Joint Institute of Nuclear Resear "In con- clusion, we thank N. N. Bogolyubov and A. A. Logunov for discussions,, and also B. A. Arbuzov, A. V. Yefrinnov, 1. T. Todorov, and .0. A0 Xhrustalev for fruitful discussiona-." This report was preserited by N. N. Bogolyubov. Orig. art. has: 21 formulas. Card 2/3 m .8RELEST, V.Yu. Conference on planning, wo:~k organization and wages. Ugol' 5 no.5:46-47 My 161. (Mi':~k ~j (Coal uLnes and mining) SI;Ff-f-,ST, V.Yii-.- Mc I-chanization and auto.Tati3n in underground transportati,n. Ugol' Ukr. -~ no.11:46 N 161. (MIRA 14:11) (Mine hau33,ge) (Automatic control) STF IJ . 1~ !. SP :7 ELY I Kli 'N, K. prof*,, i S-HELEST,Ye I N._;S c,~ -J-e hig'r,er ner-vnw: ac-,.Jv--*v in workers of the r~rbc~ri d i su f; ~:ie departmen -- of the Ryazari Combl', ne of Art'.f ilal Fib-rs., Naucn. trudy Rlaz,iied.inst, 23,9-`--103 163. IIRA 18,12) 1. Ktif,,drti p~,iikhiatri~ knre(ir:y - !-"'Of. A.K.SLrelyukhir.) Rpl-.~,.%nrkof~o Medlt-"'.riAoj,o w;tPul.a lmon~ pav I ~. I. v r, , 124-11-13411 Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 11, p 155 (USSR) AUTHOR: Shelestenko, L. N. TITLE: The Stability of Compression Elements Made of NL2 Steel. Wstoychivost' 3--hatykh clementov iz staltNL2.) PERIODICAL: Tr. Vses. n.-i. in-ta zh.-d. str-va i proyektirovaniya, 1(155, 16, pp 86-123. ABSTRACT- A detaiied account is g.ven of the thoroughly conducted tests, within the range of non-elastic deformations, of large models (half- to full- scale) of low-alloy steel NL2 (also, S. Kh. L. 2) widely employed in the building of bridges. Compressive and tensile tests of standard samples showed that the proportional elastic limit the yield points,and relative elongation were within the limits of GOST specifications. Compression tests of 11-shaped models were performed on the 500-ton press with special test rigs that ensured good centering of the load and hinged suppo:-ts. The critical load P* was determined with the aid of the stress- strain diagram, namely, as that load at Card 1/2 which tin increase in stra.n is obtained without any increa~Te in stress. 124-11-13411 The Stability of Compression Elements Made of NLZ Steel. (Continued) For models requiring P* > 500 tons, eccentric loads were used and P* computed according tc Southwell's method (ref. Timoshenko, S. P., "The Stability of Elastic Systems", 1955, p. 191). The tests showed that tie critical stress for slenderness ratio of from 40 to 100 is not less than those specified by the TYPM-47 standards. The phenomer.on of buckling failure was not observed. I. K. Snitko Card 2/2 5HEL[',~TCr4l,-,, L- P. . KANE) It ATY TcK.N. N^un NALCHfi0-155LED0VATCt.'5KIY IP45TIT,JT ZHCLCZN~D0P0ZHM0G0 STROITE,15TVA i PROYExTIROVANItA. USTOYCHIVOST' VNETSENTRENNO 5ZHATYKH CLEPIE14TOV 5 H-OBRAZNYM SECHENIYEH. PAGE 35 SO: SeORNIK ANNOTAT31Y NAUCHNO-155LEDOVATE03KIKH RABOT Po STROITEL'STVU. Moscow, 1951 SHELESTPMO,L.P., kandidAt tekhnicheskikh nauk Experimental study of the performance of bridge floor elements. Trudy TSNIS n0-3:180-208 151. (MLRA 8:11) (Bridges, Wooden) . T I SHEIZSTZNKO,L.P., kandidat tekhni&eskikh nauk Resistance of comDressed elements msde of 11% steel. Trudy TSNIS no.16:86-123 '55. (KLRA 8;11) (Steel, Structural--Testin.-) KHL BNIKOV. Yn.L. professor; ANDUYEV, O-V- kandidat tektinicheskildi naLik; BEGAM, L.G., kandidat tekhnJcheskikh nauk; BERG, O.Ta., kandidat tektinicheakikh nauk; GAYAYUFOV, A.I., kandidat tekt-xicheskikh nauk; DUCHINSKIY, B.)[., kandidat tokhnicheakikh nauk; KAM, I.I., kandi- dat tekhnicheakikh nauk; USOKHIII. B.F., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; LUGA, A.A., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; EYALIN,N.B., kandi- dat tekhnicheskikh nauk; MELINIKOV, Yu.L., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; POLIUVKO, V.P.,-kandiiat tekhnicheakikh nauk; PROKOPOVICH, X. G., kcandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; STRELETSKIT, N.N., kandidat tekhni- cheskikh nauk; TYULENEV, Ye.A., kandidat tekhAicheskikh nauk; KHROMETS, Yu.N., kandidat tekhnicheskiida nauk; SHELISTMO I P kandidat tekhni- cheskikh nauk; SHPIRO, G.S.. kandidat ITM-nauk, YAROSBMO, V.A., kandidat tekhnicheakildi nauk; ZELEVICH, P.M., inzhener;' CHW'Oi; DAYIIV, N.N.; BO-BROVA, Te.N., takhaicheakiy redaktor. [Techbical specifications for designing bridges and pipes for railroads of a normal gauge (TUPM-56).Iffiettve aruly-11,--1957-by-ordbr-of Ministry of Means of'Communica*tion and the Ministry-Of Transportation Con- struction, September 15, 19561 Tekhnichaskie usloviia proektirovaniia mostov i trub na zheleznykh dorogakh normal'noi kolei (TUPX-56).V4redezq v kachestre vremennvkh s 1 iialia 1957 E. prikazom Ministerstva putei soobshcheniia i Ministerstva transportnogo stroitelletva of 1~ sentia- bria 1956 g. No.250/TsZ/213. Moskva. Gos.transp.zhel-dor.izd-IVo, 1957. 221 p. (MMA 10:5) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.),Kinisterstvo ppte7 soobshchanita. (Railro&L bridges--Design) SHELESTENKO,L.P., kandidat tekhnict.eekikh nauk Investigation of the performnrice of riveted bridge joints having indirect transmission of forces. Trudy TSBIS no-3:146-179 '51. (MLRA 8:11) (Bridget, Iron and steel) ACCESSION MRs AR4015.550 5/0137/63/000/0-11/1073/1073 SOURCEt RZh. Hatallurgiya, Abs. 132526 AUTHOR: Shelextenko, L~P.,; Nagovich, Yu*Ro TITLE: Mechanical properties of Dl-Tp DI&T, AXr-6l# and D16A g/k aluminum alloys CITED SOURCE: Sb, nauchn. soobshch. Vses. n,-Io In-ta transpe 3tr-vas Key 19629 6-23 TOPIC TAGS: aluminum alloy TRANSLATION: The authors studied the mechanical properties of the D1'-Tq D16-T. kir-61. and D16Ag/k alloys with exLensien (E) and compression (C) and determined the degree of variation of mechanical properties depending on the type of profile. direction of rollingg sheet thickness, snd position of the sample with respect to the profile cross-section and length. 7he primary E and C diagrams of the alloys investigated do not have flow areas. Ix.comparison with the E diagrams, the C diagrams have mach more developed transition curves from (rp to "'0.Z. For the Card J/Z AMMICH NRs AR4015550 DI-T, D16-T, and AMr-61 allc7s, the ratios of the mean statistical ralues of V.,. to a-0.2e equal to 0.82; 0.86; 0.78 recpactively, as weI2 as the ratios of P the man statistical values Of 0-0 2 to 07b, equal respective4 to 0-79, 0.77, and 0.78 approach the analogous vMes ror carbon steels. Ilie values of the mean statistical 6 for the D1-T. D16-T, and A14r-61 alloys are equal to 3.1.3; 10.8 and 10.?',Plv vhich in close to the GCOT standard values. The mean statistical values of E for extension and coWressicn for the D1-t, D16-T. and AMr-61 allcya are close to each other (737,770, and 767 tons/cm:2, respectively) and about 3 times less than for steel. The mechanical properties of Dl6Ag/k sheats along and across the direction of rolling are practically the same. vhich advantageously distinguishes the allay from carbon and low-alloy stools. The values of 0-and 00 z of the D3.-T, D16-T. and AMr-61 alloys with C is considerably less than with -91 E Kadaner. DATE ACQz 09Dec63 SUB CODS: ML ENCL: 00 Cord 2/2 5/839/62/000/000/003/0o4 E193/E383 AUTHORS: Sh el Os r enlw L. 11. C,indidaLe of Technical Sciences L!Z~I - 1. z~_nd Nagevich-, ~U.M. , Engineer TITLE: A study ot' the physicomechanical properties of alumiriium-base alloys f,.1-7' (Dl--T) , ~'al6-7 (D16 61 (XxIg6l )and _16- - (Dl6-A(g/k) SoURCE: -,-:troitellnyye lwnstrul-Asii iz alyuminiyevykh splavov. Ed. by S. V. Taranovsliiy. Moscow, Gosstroyizdat, 1962. 57 - 77 T IA T In the design calculations of -aluminium-alloy structures it is usual to assume that the pertinent mechanical properties of the alloys when in tension and corrpress'dn are similar. The object of the present investigation was to check the validity of this assumption, to provide accurate data on some more important prop- erties such as the limit of propor-.-.ionality and the yield- point and to establish the degree of unif'ormity of various semifinished, w,rought products in respect of their mechanical properties. To this end, a large number of tensile and compressive stress/strain (Iiagrams were obtained for the alloys studied. The' Card 1/ 3 S/839/62/000/000/003/004 A study of the .... E193/F-383 standard test pieces %-,rere cut from a wide range of semifinished products (profiles, sheet) alloiv%ng also - when appropriate - for the directional properLies of th--! alloys. Alloy D16-A(g/k) was tested mainly to study the eCl'ccl. of the sheet thickness on its mechanical properties. I"he rcsui.ts of statistical analysis of the experimental data obtained can be summarized as follows. 11 Alloys DI-T, D16-T and A-%,g-61 have a sul'ficiently high capacity to carry hoth the tensile and compressive loads to meet the requirements of he inater-1-als for constructions such as bridge spans, etc. 2) T proportionality limit/0.210i proof stress ratio (6'/5'0.2) in tension P ' Cor alloys Dl-T, DlO'-T and Mg-61 is, respectively, 0.82, o.86 and 0.78, the corresponding figures for the -' /UTS ratio being 0 . 2 0.79, 0.71" and 0-73- 3) Alloys DI-T, D16-T and AMg-61 have, respectively, elongation of 11-31, 10 8 a2d 10.7% and elastic modulus (in tension)ot' 737, 770 and 766 ;1cm . 4) The compressive stress/strain diamgrams differ considerably from those obtained in tension in thar- tile transition from ~D- t o "D in the former is P 0.2 more gradual than in the lattex~. 5) The values of 6- 0.2 and, Card -2/3 n T -,-f r,-" L o rud-l 6 JIS nc stresses 'month Loi:,t ~f -M T 4 Sl AID P - 27063) Subject USSR/Engineering Card 1/2 Pub. 110-a 5/14 Authors Xhitrin, L. N., CDrr. Mem., Academy of Sciences, Shelestin, Yu. P., Eng. Title Using cyclone furnaces in steam-power and processed steam installations operated with solid fuel Periodical Teploenerg., 9, 26-32, S 1955 Abstract The Institute of Power Engineering of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR designed a forced draft furnace with 2 stages (a firing unit and a furnace where the forced circulation of fuel particles is created by air d:7aft) for the combustion of sitiall size fuel. The article gives a detailed description and diagrams of this Installation. Results of experiments made with half-coking machine-cut peat with fluid clinker removal tested in this furnace are reported with diagrams and tables. This type dg Eli Iq7 :87 2 to 51.12~ o, of? 1 5 q :z3 urn emu I 4 F SHELESTov, M.14. Introduction pump blocks at thn Zyr- yanovsk Plant. Mvet.raet. 33 no.1:82 Ja 160. (14IRA 13:5) 1. Kavgiprotsvetmet. (Zyryanovsk--.Ore dressing) SOV/ 137-58-7-14023 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal: Metallurgiva, 1958, Nr 7, p5 (USSR) AUTHORS: Shpil'be r g, B. A. , Shh~l a_La_v_ M. S. : G ruzdeva, A. K. , Pra-,,ednykh, Ye. Z. , Filichkin, r-. Ye. , Zhavororok, V. 1. TITLE- Experiences in the Concentration of the Polymetallic Sulfide Ores of the Zyryanovskoye Deposit in Heavy Suspensions (Opyt obogashche- niya v tyazhelykh suspe-iziyakh sul'fidnoy polimetallicheskoy rudy Zyryanovskogo mestorczhdeniya), PERIODICAL: Byul. tsvetn. rnetallirgii, 1957, Nr 19-20, pp 34-39 ABSTRACT: Laboratory investigations have proved the possibility of con- centrating the -30+4 mrn class in suspensions, in which the tailin L op take 43, 50/o of :he ore, with 0. 040/6 Cu, 0. 130/6 Pb, and 0. 14 10 Zn. Losses in the tailings are: 4. 90/o Cu, 3. 2$6 Pb, and Zo/o Zn. The concentration in the concentrate consisted of 0. 570/o Cu, 3, 1 10/o Pb, and 4. 9807o Zn. The Zyryanovsk Kombinat has built an experimental plant to handle 80-100 t/day. A des- cription is offered of ti-.e 1. L. Denisov mushroom valve fo-r auto- matic maintenance of t~-ie level in the suspension feeder. The work of the plant has demonstrated the possibility of removing 0 Card 1/2 45 /o of the ore in the tailings (of the origindl, or 610/6 of the SOV/ 137-58-7-14023 Experiences in the Concentration of tile Polymetallic (cont, ) class) with a content of 0. 040,/o Cu, 0. lt,9o Pb, and 0. 19% Zn, with extrac- 0 tion (from the 35-5 mm class) respectively of 7. 5oo. 6. 5'N, and 4. 5 '/6. In the concentrate, the Cu, Pb,and Zn ccntents .vere 0. 8%, 3. 62%, and 6. 19~0' 0 with recovery of 92. 5~o, 93, 5%, and 95. 5 /o of the class. It was found desir- able to have separate concentration of the 10-5 and 10-35 mm classes. Losses of PbS in the tailings were 45 g per t Etarting ore, ores-Processing 2. Su-lf4-de cres--Se-ja--a-,.4= Card 2112 r '; IL I SH -1 -1r: 0. V. [14-i i I s).': , ~ ~ f -- . I S.V. I . "iiCH, Kh.Ya. Kh.IA.1; Ref-actometfic sugar content of ginjerIOXead. Ki.arch.-,-rom. n". -; :,-, .-". " 3. f'-LRA 17:1) DEGTYAREVA, A.S.; MEYSAKHOVICH, Ya..A.; MINASYAN, G.D.; CHIZH, M.A.; SHELESTOVAI V.S. Using the OPV sprayer in law-volume spraying of orchards. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 6 no.7:20-22 J1 161. (MIRA 16:5) (Spraying and-Prting in agriculture) DEGTM~VA, A.S., kand.biolog.nau-,; Si-ELESTOVA, V.S., assistent Using !2alorochcs in orcch,--rds. Z-as'r-2n. ra-a--. c-. I F n-,.7: ~ - - T 25 Jl 163, (11-a?A 16:9) 1. U'l-rainskiy nauc-no-is,,ledovatel'skiy institut zashcr-i'u.v rasteniy (for Degtyareva). 2. Ka-fodra entomologii Ukrairiskogo nauchno-issledo- vatel'skogo instituta za!;hchity rasteniy (for Shelestova).