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'.,ACCESSION NR: AP4025935 S/0056/64/046/003/1033/10318
AUTHOR: Sh~~kpp L. A.
symmetry of the Clebsch-G6rdan coefficients
Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy
1964, 1033-1038
TOPIC TAGS: Clebsch-Gordan coefficient, Clebsch-Gordan coefficient
synunetry, angular momentum tbeo:cy, R symbol, Regge invariant not;a-
tion, Regge symnetry transfo=a-,:ion, Racah coefficient, transforma-
tion matrix, orthogonality relation
ABSTRACT: Some consequences of the now symmetry of the Clebsch-
Gordan coefficients, discovered by Regge (Nuovo Cimento 10, 544,
19~8) are considered.:, All the for=llas of the theory of angular'
momentum are written in invariant form as relations between R-symbo*-
This (Regge-invariant) way of writing-automatically includes all the
consequences of the new symmetry rules. By carrying out the Regge
1symmetry transformation, a whole series of new relations is cb-
tained between the Clibsch-Gordan 6oefficients, the Racah coeffi-
cients, and the transformation matrices. Some examples of these
new formulas are orthogonality relitions and recursion formulas for
the Clebsch-Gordan and.Racah coefficients. The Racah coefficients
that depend on projections are coniidered in particular. A graphi-
cal interpretation of the Regge symmetry is given by means of a
trilinear plot.. It is pointed ait that the Rogge symmetry rules are
of great importance not only for specific now formulas but primarily*
from the point of view of general theoretical problems, &nd its
consequences have not yet been e:Kbausted. Orig. art. has: 3 figures
and 19 formulas.
ASSOCIATION: FizicheakiyInstitut im. P. N. Lobodeva AN BBSR (Phy-,
isics Institute, AN SSSR)
Card 2
L 27856-65 ARG/FM-2/EWG(-.J- )__/A_W_A__(_ i-V DR ~_d _M(l~YJW-7-2/5 (01WOLUP Q_/ a.'
v)-~/EP~k('sp)-2/EEC(k).-2/9%r,(a 41P(r" iPi/EPA(W)-~/_
EEC (t)/T/EWG(a)/EWP
j8ZVPdjWPab IjP W - -A
SS N N lo/pA~P-YCOPOC)~V4p5acw-G/Bv/TT/wi/ 7/0 6"Ij
R: 'jT/6r,S/0293/65/063/00l/0l6 -1
AUTHOR: Gudzenko, L. I.; Shq1epin; L. A.
TITLE: Use of a plasma laser as an engine for a photon rocket
ISOURCE: Kosmic eskiye Inaledovani.ya, v. 3,.no. 1 9 6 5"j, 167-168
!TOPIC TAGS: photon rocket,,plasmit laser, laser propulsion, photon
iengine, plasma amplifie'r, hydrogen plasma laser
JABSTRACT: The proposed rocket,'ictended for Laterplanetar3t sRace___ -7,
flistht at relativistic velocities, calls.-for a comparatively low_power.~;,~'i_~..
Ilaser whose emission would providc, after amplifLcatLon,Ln a qua
!amplifier with a sufficiently higb. gain, the unidirectional stream o,
!photons necessary to achieve thrug.t. A plasma la.ser without feedback
(i.e., mirrorless) described by.l.. 1. Gudzenko and L. A. 'Shelepin
(ZhETFt 45, 1445, 1963) can b used as the 'amplifier. The, dimensL4is1.'__`1~.`1*'
iof the amplifier can be Comparatively small. The gain k in the in_;~
tensity of the photon current is sm. exponential function of the ef-~
fective length of the amplifier t and the lintfr gaLn-ofitho Lv'6 P
medium xg iseog k exp(XI)a Thuej:at k 10 .and-n -~0*1
Card I/Z. ;_77
4 am-
!Computed an 10 kg. The authors suggest that the use of cplasm:
~plifier would circumvent many problems associated with the development.-.~..~:~..'._.',~
tof photon rockets. However, one dl,ffLculty,,,namely that of the con-
!struction of a sufficiently light and powerful source~(of the order-
iof millions of kilowatts) is not likely to beaver~ome a tthe p resen t
Orig. art. has% I foi-mulaii CMI
SUBHITTED:. 12Feb64 19 N C16 100
No REF SOVt 002 OTHER 00 D'I
Card. 2 2
1 31956-65.-
ACCMIOff 00,
NRt AP5004412
in: e set at
to studies of fractional parentagelcoeffie4eas -vhlch case i- N,
Vantun numbers can be enumerated in terswi of ZcceWr SUn gro s* Origi, art..
23 formulas.
t Fizicheskiy- instiftb im* P. N.'. -Akadeiii nauk OBW
Acsdmq~ of Sciences:
1 WRCM2 18JU164
11M M NVI Ow O&M: 0(0
Card 2/2
,c ~
I i.' Inc). 113!4)
GIII", , 1 . i . ; :;H;,~; !T-11 , i..A.
Aim P1 If -, c~- t i c'n, Ln a vc,, m !, ion pla . F~o~ I. A I I SOSS P 160 no. 6:
k - _j, 18:2)
129i'l-12c)9 F "i,5. ( ~%j T:~
i. Fi,~;~!~lifjsklv institul, im, 1I.N. Lobf,,.ieva AN "'l,'11SR. Submitted Sep-
t e, mb e ~, - 18 . 1.
EVP~t') /T/LTWTI~t)/j~ qb
A& S&ION-ft:
~h/pr-4/r~-L,/Peb/Pl-4 S/
IJP(c) WG/'J r
AUTHOR: Gudzenko, L. I.; Shelepin, L. V
TITLE: Amplification in a plasma as a result of recombination
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 160, no. 6., 1965, 1296-1299
TOPIC TAGS: laser, plasma laser, plasma,:,population Inversion, hZdr2~ezj ~laser
-occurring.during t
ABSTRACT: A qualitative analyses is maae'of processes he decay
-optically thin hydrogen,p asma with an inverted
of highly ionized population. ~ The
following three stages in plasma are considered.: 1) stronglyionized plasma with
instantaneously cooled free electrons, wh(in the lower levels are practically un
populated; 2) considerably ionized plasma., in *hich a~ equilibrium relaxation rate
from overpopulated upper levels is establJ,shed; and 3) weakly ionized plasma. On
the basis of an equation for the rate of population change,-a general relaxation
scheme is discussed for plasma with an electron concentration between 1013 and
1016 cm73 and free electron temperatures hTe atO.1-0.5 ev. The relaxation time
T for the first stage was estimated to be 10-8_10-7 sec. The average number of
electrons populating levels with the prineipal quantum number n c: 21- 3 s 4 95, 6
during the second stage was calculated foil Ke 0.1, 0.2, 0.3,.and 0A ev and for
~L P336-
free electron densities of 1012
10" and 1015 cm-3. The coefficients of
4~ M: m
absorption corresponding to transitions n (n,= 2, 5) were-calculated for..
the first and second stages, and it was shdvn.-that population inv6rsion* sufficient
for laser action is maintained throughout thewhole 6econd,stage (T7 --- 10--5 sec).
It is pointed out that various effects not taken into account may become dominant-
during the third stage. These effects, suc h-as th e.increased importance of meta--~
stable-states, complicate the analysis of relaxation processes during the third
stage. However, in contrast * to the first two stagesi it is relatively easy to
maintain a stationary population inversion luring the third stage. Because of the!'
asma I
linear Stark effect, hydrogen is not consi&ared to be the best medium for a pi
laser. The heating and cooling of free ele-Arons ins. gaseous,-discharge is also
discussed. Orig. art. has- 3 formulas and I table. (cS1
.ASSOCIATION-. Fizicheskiy institut im, P. N.- Le-bed6va Akademi naiA SSSYVO~hysics-
Institute,,Academy of Sciences) SSSR)
SUBMITTED, 03Sep64 -ENCL:, 00 ~SUB
.NO REF SOV, 003 OTHER:. 004 ATD PRESS 3219'____, ~,~-,
Ep EWP E14
L 2091-66 TWA (k)/F]3D/EWT (1)/EEC (k)-2,/ETC;/EPF (n)-2/EWG (m)/ A(w)-2/T/ (k)/ ~.. A(
ACCESSION HR: AP5024901 tffl/0382/65/000/003i66~4/oo56. "-'11*
533-9. :621*3T
19, kolesnikqvi
V. N.; Sobolevg N. N.(, Sheleein.-"�
!AUTHOR.- Gudzenko, L. I.;
zed plasm"i rrfabrication of a laser
!TITLE: Use of highly ioni
:SOURCE: Magnitnaya gidrodinamika, no. 3, 1965, 54-56
ITOPIC TAGS: plasms,,laser, plasma laser, magnetohydrodynamics, energy conversion
;ABSTRACT: The sudden cooling of the free electrons of a highly ionized low-temper
-ture plasma (a condition necessary foi- the attainment of laser action in such a me
!dium) is discussed. Two methods are proposed: cooling the walls of the container
;and the use of heavy particles (ions ar.d. meutral-atoms.df the plasma)*to cool the
!free electrons. The second 'method is eliscussed in detail. In utilizing heavy par-
:tic,les for cooling,two conditions muf;t be satisfied: 1) The electronic temperat ej...
Must be significantly greater than the temperature of the heavy particles (T >> T)
'The temperature Te must be close to the temperature of the almost totally singly
Unized gas, and the temperatures T, to the final coohng temperature of free elec-.
'trons; and 2) the specific heat of the elections must be significantly smaller than
'that of the heavy particles (Ce n
where N - complete number of (free, and bound) elettrons per cm., Ne - density of fre6
electrons, Nn - density of electrons woth principal quantum number n. A(n,m)dt and
A (n)dt are the spont aneous transition pnobabilities, radiative and recombinative,
-UDC-5 3 3-.9-Q1i62 1,,318
L 11~226-66
ACC NR: AP5024902
level n, during time dt; V(n,m) corresponds to non-radiative transitions n m, and
B(n) - to collision ionization and recombination. Three stages of plasma collapse or
relaxation are discussed: 1) highly ionized plasma with "instanteneously" cooled elec
trons 2) substantially ionized plasma with a "stationary dowmflow" from overpopulated
levels and 3) weakly ionized plasma. The second stage is investigated quantitatively,
using the results of computer-calculated population pirameters governed by equations
(1); and upper-lialf-levels electron distribution Nn - (2); and the negative absorptioi
coefficient (3). An evaluation of 5 2 shows sufficient amplification to expect feasi.
bility of laser activity (lasing) fof stages one and two. It is also proposed that
plasma lasing may occur in stellar atmospheres where -large distances enhance the ampl:
fication effect. Authors thank A,T, Matachun for assistance in numerical computations
and A.M. Procharov, I.I. Sobelman and N.N. Sobolev for numerous discussions.,
has 1 table, 3 formulas.
n2N~2 2n-li )3"exp(Ell s%n.m2
n (2) A (it, in) (Nn-N,). (3)
ntkT, 4 1 n
SUB COD4: 20. SUBM DATE:, IOAug64/ ORIG REF: 003 OTH REF: 006
ACC NR, AP603-6-054 SOURCE 'CODI~:---Ui'i/0056/'-6/051/004/1-115/1-119
ALMMOR: Gud-- onko , L. _ 1. Filippov, S. S. , Shelepin L. A.
ORG: Phy*ico -institute i-m. P.__ N.- Lebade--r.-Acadewy of Sciences SSSR (Fizicheskiy
j*Utademii nauk SSOR)
TITLL: Rapidly recombining plasma jets
SOURCE: Zhurnal ek6perimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v- 51, no. 4, 1966, 1115-
TOPIC TAGS: plasmoid. ionized plasma, pLasma decays plasma jet, adiabatic process,,.-
d3STRACT: The authors consider a plasm _Le~_ containing atoms or ions with several
discrete levels, the populations of which are much smaller than those given by the
Saha formula for a given free-electron density and temperature. They show that a
plasma jet of this kind can be used to obtain a relatively dense gas stream with un-
populated lower levels. This is done by making use of the rapid recombination that
takes place when the plasma is initially highly ionized and the temperature of the
free electrons is abruptly reduced. In this case the populations in the lower levels
cannot follow the transitions of the electrons to the upper discrete levels and the
resultant nonequilibrium situation (if the free electrons are cooled rapidly enough)
can lead to population inversion, thus making it possible: to use this gas in a laser
ACC NR: AP6036o-04
1confiGuration. This calls for cooling the plasma within a time 10-7 __ 10-0 sec from
5 x 103 to 103 K at a free-electron density 101" -- 3 x 1015 cm-3. In the case of an
tLrmagnetized plasma, analysis shows that, in view of the difficulty of three-
dimensional expansion into vacuum under laboratory conditions, any practical utiliza-
tion of adiabatic cooling for the purpose of producing a large amount of hydrogen with
a nonequilibrium population inversion irt the atomic levels is hardly realizable. In
the case of a maGnetized plasma, it is chown that by freezing-in a strong magnetic
field in the plasma it is possible to increase greatly the initial plasma pressure and
thus intensify the cooling accompanying the expansion into vacuum. However, the re-
quired rapid displacement of a strong magneflic field still makes such a procedure dif-
ficult. A proposed means of overcoming the difficulty is to produce a device in which
a high-velocity magnetized jet of fully ionized hydrogen is introduced into a vacuum
with a magnetic field that falls off with distance. Theoretical estimates of the
initial-plazma density required for thi:3 purpose and possible means of accomplishing
a sufficiently rapid decrease of the ma.~;netic field are discussed. The authors thank
V. S. Kome;,Ikov, jj._;~._2g2~gament, �~, B n S. I. Syro tskiy. and S. S.
Serevitinov for a discussions Orig. ar~. hast 5 f-or-mulas.
SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 05Mar66/ ORIG BEF: 0051 OTH REF: 001/ ATD PRESS: 5106
ACC INIR: A?7000050' SOURCE CODE: UR/0207/66/000/005/0115/0117
AUTHOR: Gordiyets, B. F. (Xoscow); Gudzenko, L. I. (Moscow);_Shelepin, L. A. (Moscow)
.ORG: Physics Institute im. P. N. Lebedev, AN SSSR (Fizicheskiy institut AN SSSR)
TITLE: Amplificacion of radiation durin,; the decay of extremely ionized plasma
SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy mekhaniki i tekhnicheskoy fiziki, no. 5, 1966, 115-117
TOPIC TAGS: plasma decay, ionized plasma, plasma electromagnetic wave, plasma -
!ABSTRACT: An investigation was made of the possibility of amplifying electromagnetic
.radiation at frequencies of the atomic spectrum in plasma undergoing pulse recombina-
~tion. Since the rapid decay of plasma causes an inversion in level population, it is
Isimpler to analyze the population distribution over discrete levels in ions of d
:plasma in which the majority of heavy partLcles are bare atomic nuclei of one of the I
ielements (HI, He++, Li++, etc.). In addition to investigating the relaxation of
i1hydrogen-like ions, an analysis is also made of the population in atoms of alkali
.metals or alkali-like ions during the decay of their plasma. Numerical data are used
!in an evaluation of the amplifying properties of the decaying plasma of a chemical
~nsities of
:,element with the atomic number Z. It is shown that at comparatively high dc
1free electrons N there is a region of optimum temperatures at which the absolute
I. . e
,inversion acquires the maximum value. Rapidly decaying plasma, which results in in-
ACC NR-- AP7000056
version of the level population, can also be obtained by other methods. e.g., by
isothermal compression. Orig. art. has: 1 formula and 1 figure. JWA-71]
SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 10jun66/ ORIG REF: 003/ OTH REF: 003/
T 442~
ACC AP6020224 SOURCr, CODE: TJR/0056/66/0,50/006/1666/1673
AUTHOR: Shelepin, L. A.
ORG: Physics Institute im. P. N. Lebedev, AN SSSR (Fizicheskiy institut AN SSSR)
TITLE: Theory of the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients for the SUn groups
SOURCE: Zh eksper i teor fiz, v. 50, no. 6, 1966, 1666-1673
TOPIC TAGS: matrix function, atomic spectroscopy, nuclear spectroscopy
ABSTRACT: A theory of the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients for SUn groups has been
developed. The theory is based on the method of generating invariants proposed by
the author. It has been shown that the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients of the SUn
groups and the corresponding Racah coefficients and other transformation
matrixes for atomic and nuclear spectroscopy have been reduced to a set of n x n
symbols introduced earlier (L. A. Shelepin, ZhETF, 48, 360, 1965). Expressions
ACC NR: AP6020224 On
.iLcvi~ bt-n pi-s-tit(A for !he Wagnor effici r I o f.T n
r1 StT
4 grolipa ind for
tile Racah coefficient of the SU group. The method proposed bytheauthorsimplifies
the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients of the SU group. Orig. art. has: 25 formulas.
[Based on author' s abstract) [NT]
SUB CODE: 20 SUBM DATE: 25.Jan66/ ORIG REF: 006/ 'OTH REF: 0021
Card 2/2
sdi;lP III .; PETROV, N.N.
Semiautomatic control stations in oil fields. Neftianik 1 no.9:31
S 156. (KLRA 9:11)
1. Glavnyy inzhener Nefte-:)rouqslovogo upravlentya Kalgobekneft'
for Shelepin). 2. Glavnyy energetick Neftepromyslovogo upravleniya
Kalgobekneft' (for Petrov).
(Oil fields-Equipment and supplies) (Automatic control)
-SA;4RI 3P P
Saving of power in a compr-essor station. Prom.energ. 17 no.7:6
,ja 162. (MPA 15:7)
(Compressed air) (Compressors)
5 (3)
AUTHORS: Zhdanov, Yu. A., Shelepin, 0. Ye. SOV/153-2-2-10/31
TITLE: Complex Compounds in the Series of Perinaphthindene
(Kompleksnyye soyedineniya v ryadu perinaftindena)
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Yysshikh u(:hebnykh zavedeniy. Khimiya i khimicheskaya
tekhnologiya, 1959~ 'fol 2, Nr 2, pp 200 - 203 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Perinaphthindenone (I), like several other cyclic polynuclear
ketones, forms molecular compounds with metal halides (Refs 1,
2,4). The authors succeeded in finding that 2-bromine peri-
naphthindenone-1 (II) forms firm nuclear compounds with strong
aprotonic acids (SbC1 52 SnCl4). 2-J-perinaphthindenone-1 (III)
forms an analogous complex with tin tetrachloride. C.,H-OBr.
.SbCl I were isolated. In
5; (Cl3ll7B-r)2-.';nC'4; (C13H7OJ)2'SnCl4
their crystalline state all complexes have precise melting tem-
peratures and are easily soluble in CH COOH, in alcohol and in
dioxane, but not eaaily soluble in ether and benzene; Their sol-
ubility in petroleum ether is poor. When boiled in water, the
hydrolysis destroys them completely, and they are completely
Card 1/2 hydrolyzed when boiled with water ammonia and weak acids (Ref
Complex Compounds in the Series ot Perinaphthindene SOV/1,53-2-2-10/31
2). Perinaphthindenone hydrazone (IV) (Ref 3) also forms stable
complex compounds metal halides. They are all soluble in
pyridine and dioxane, but their solubility in alcohol is poor.
Hydrazone is regenerated with their hydrolysis. A stable com-
plex is deyeloped by a sublimate solution in absolute ether.
Salts of bivalent mercury normally oxidize hydrazones down to
diazone ethane derivatives (Ref 7). If mercury salts are su-
perfluous, nitrogen separates and organic mercury compounds
develop (Ref 8). In the experimental part the production of
molecular compounds of halogen derivatives of perinaphthinde-
none and its hydrazcne with halides of several metals are de-
scribed, as well as the production of 2-J-perinaphthindenone-1
(III), not described up to now. There are 8 references. 5 of
which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION; Rostovskiy-na-Donu gosudarstvennyy --irliversiteti Kaft-dra
organicheskoy khimii (Rostov-na-Donu State University; Chair
of Organic Chemistry)
SUBUITTED: January 28, 1958
Card 2/2
AUTH'ORS Zhdanov, Yu. A., Osipov, 0. a.. SOV/20-128-4-23/615
12hel _r)4n; Ye., Kogan, V. A.
TITLE: The DiDole Moments and Structure of Some Derivatives of
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nE,uk SSSR, 1959, Vol 126, 1Tr 4, PP 719 - 721
ABSTRACT: Perinaphthindenone (I) and benzanthrone (IV) having weak or no
characteristic ketone properties (Refs 1,2) form very solid
complex compounds irith protonic and aprotonic acids (Refs 2-4).
This auggests a considerable polarity of the C - 0 bond. The
instability of perLnaphthindene and benzanthrene is expressed
by their tendency of passing over into a stable oxidized state.
The possible existence of a perinaphthindenyl cation, produced
recently as a complex salt (Ref 5), had been presumed earlier
(Ref 6) although the attempt at producing it had failed. The
calculations of the binding energies in the perinaphthindene
system by the method of molecular orbits showed that a catiGnoid
state with a 12TE.-electron assembly is energetically advantage-
ous for this systEw. The system is aromatic if it has this as-
~ard 1/4 sembly (Ref 7). Thus, an intraionic binding charac-~er of _~'C - -0
The D4ole Mcments and Structure of Some Derivatives SCV/20-126-4-23/65
of Per-inaphthindenone
can be assumed (accc-rding to Ref 8) for the carbony! compounds
of the perinaphthind.ene series where the negative charge is
localized on the oxygen, while the positive one is distributed
over the entire carton system. An extensive analogy of the
properties of tropone (II) and perinaphthindenone permits the
reduction of its structure to that of perinaphthindenyl oxide
(Ia), using also the analogy with tropil oxide (IIa) (see Dia-
gram). For perinaphtnindenone, a considerable dipole moment
(in the magnitude of 4D) can be expected, all the more so as
tropone has a moment between 4.17 and 4.30 D (Ref 9). To clar-
ify this problem, the authors measured the dipole moments of
perinaphthindenone and some of its derivatives. Table I pre-
sents the results showing that the dipole moment in dioxane is
reduced by 0.72 D by the introduction of bromine into the
nucleus of perinaphtlAndenone, and in benzanthrone by 1.19 D.
The introduction of 6. bi--nzonal nucleus reduces it by 0.5-0.06 D.
On the other hand, the dipole moment increases by the intro-
duction of an oxy group into Position 7 of Derinaphthindenone
M. An Intramolecular cycle with a hydrogen bond is formed.
Card 2/4 Thus, the negative charge of the carbonyl oxygen is stabilized,
The Dipole Momenta and Structure of Some Derivatives SOV/20-1128-Z-23/655;
cf Perinaphthindenone
and the C = 0 group is taken out of the conjugation with t;le
ground skeleton of -;h,-, molc-(,,ul--- due to intracyclin exchange
Processes via the hvdrogeri bond. In contrast to the above, the
tropolone has a dipole moment much too low (3-7 D) as compared
with the tropone. T1.e value of the dipole moment of the complex
C13HB OSbC1 5 (8-50 D) permits assumptions as to its structure:
~ationrAd structure of perinaphthindeny!J~um wi-h a transi--,iop-
cf the electron ~onfi.-urat-ion of the arrim.-Iny atom into the
state d 2SP3 (similar to HSbCl,). The oxygen atom effects a
0 1
peculiar binding betNeen the cationoid radical of -jerinaph.-
ndenylium and tl)~P antimony as one of the addenda of
the latter, participating in the coordination sphere with only
one of its y~lences. There are I table and 11 refererces, 6 of
which are Soviet.
ASSOCUTION: Rcstovskiy-na-Donu gosudarstyennyy universitet (Rostov-na-Donu
State University)
bard V4
Complex compounds in the peri-napht-hindene series* Izvevys.ucilebe
zav.; khimA khim.tekh. 3 no.6.1036-1039 160. OUM 14:4)
1. Rostovski3~,-na-Domi gosudarstvennvy universitet, )mfedra organicheskoy
Study of the indicator properties of 2-oxy-peri-naphthindenone.
Dokl. AN SSSR 153 no.5:1073-10'76 D 163. (MM 17:1)
1. Rostovskiy-na-Donu gosudarstvennyy universitet. Pred-
stavleno akademikom A.P. Vinogradovym.
0v. k~-.I.r. n(-..
rc,ma'-. c an a c vc I,
k i
V=/ mi.-5cellaneous - Tools
card 1/1 Pub. 103 - 21/29
Authors Shelepin, V. N., and Shcheglov., Yu. D.
Title j Eccentric cotter-pih tuiner
Periodical j Stan. i instr. 9, page '56, Sep 1954
Abstract j A universal, eccentric cotter-pin setter and remover, developed by one
of the Machine Construction Plants in Moscow, is briefly described.
USSR/Engineering - Tools
Card 1/1 Pub. 103 - 23/29
Authors : Shelepin, V. N., and Shcheglov, Yu. D.
Title ; I gang tap for cutting threads on sleeve jointe
Perlodical i Stan. i inetr- 10, page 35,, Oct 1954
Abstract I A short description is presented of a gang cutter (tap)for cutting inner
threads on couplings ard sleeve joints. Drawings.
XOTLYAREVSKIY, G.P.. inzho-no-r;SHELRPIff, V-1-, inzhener; PMO.TRAZHENSKIY,
R.Ya., inzhaner. iz~
Increasing the durability of Durip transmission shifts* Vest.mash.
36 no.ll.'50-52 N '56. (MIRA 10:1)
(Pumping machinery) (Shafts and shafting)
SOV/1 24- 57-4- 3865
1':-anslation from- Referativnyy zhurnal. IvIekhanika, 1957.. Nr 4, p 5 (USSR)
AUTHORS: Sliclepin, Ye. I., Zafivovskiy, M. A.
TITLE- A Contribution to the Calzulation of the Sliding- friction Force (K
voprosu o raschete sily treniya skol'zheniya)
PERIODICAL: DokI. L'vovsk. politekhn. in-ta, 1955, Vol 1, Nr Z.. pp 51-54
ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry
Card 1/1
BAY AD117, L.I;.; WaSl.;`i: A,~ .-~ 1'l,,Ck,%.1: ,; -"!,JRNOVA, A.;,~ SHEELEI'lliA, L.A.
Experim~,-ntal !a-ta on jh3z,~ti., a~r-tevial sur.ger-j in ---aae an
-infecr-nd wcund; jjrcl Trudy 1-go 2,11 16:13~~-141o'62.
(MIRA 16:6)
1. Iz 11-a-fedi-j- opo~ra-~i-vl.w; i topografic'neoloy anatcnL~i
(zav. - chlcn-korreojx)n,l-~! A1,91' SSS-11 prof. V.V.Kc-)--,ra-nov) Penrogo
Moskov.i':ogo ordena lp-iiiiu-, nt.-J~t2hiskofro imtituta.
Clinicoroentgenological correlations in peptic ulcer In
elderly persons. Klin. med. 41 rio.7t133-137 J1163
WIRA 16.112)
1. Iz Buzuluk-skoy mezhrayornoy 'bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach S.B.
MITELIMI. M.i., Inshes SHFJMDV, V.A., inzb.
P.-Assigning af a turbogenerator ventilAtion sy-stsm. Rnorgetlk 13
no.10:17-18 0 165. WRA 18ilo)
US,-j3/Cultivated Plants Grains. M.
Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biolo, to 41 1958; 15545
Aut.1nor V.V. Shelepov
----------------- _'
Inst Stavropol'sk AgricUtural Institute.
Title The Effect of the F:arOening of Sccd3 on the Corn Yicl0l.
(Vliyaniye zakalki semyan na urozhay kukuruzy).
Orig Pub Sb. nauchno -is sled,. rabot stud. Stavropollsk. s.-kh. in-
t) 1956~ vyps 4) 5-6.
Abstract The tosts were mcte at the trainino farm of the
Stavropollsk Agricix1tural Institute. Pre-sowing hard-
ening of the seecis raised the fielO Gernination'~of corn
from 3 to 9% and the yield by about 30%. The best riethoa
of seed processing before sowing was hardeninG with one
day soaking and thtan dryinC then off a little afterwarclis.
Carol 1/1
1. .51;-LE! ~)v y,;. 1".
2. 113,"1 (6nn)
4. Sheep-Saratov -','rovince
7. More attention to fine-wooled sheep breeding In Sarutov Province. Sots.zhiv.
15. nr).?, 1053.
Q. elonthly- Lists of Riissiar, A,-,(-essinns., Library of Congre-s, Arril 1953, unrlass
SiF.17'.Ov, YE. S.
'q.'~ethods of Improve:-lent of Shee-) or. Com-erical Fams of
Trans-Volga Kolkhozes of Saratm, Oblast." Saratov Zootechnical and
',,Ieterinarian Inst of the Min Hj4r,her Mucation USSR, Saratov, 195:,,".
(Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Agricultural Sciences)
SO: M-9559 16 Feb 56
Aca-uracy of the calcru'Lation of the Intensity olr' Onov t4win
Trudy T31P no-134a.77-8.4 '164 (iff.RA'- 1?.*8f
F-.RIODICA.L! rsy~ ;-t' 7
ABSTRACT: ! 1.21
On F,br,t.ry 1~bj ...j n,
summing-up arld coorultattnt; work or. dutocid-
In the mutallurgy or tte vy, non-rurroua, rart an.- zoc-t
k. Tue conference ta-.--,~t~ 5s fc;:z~s~
D_ M. Yukiltanov, GintsveLmot, an ttro.'~.',Oat
world on the use of hydromotallur8lcatl, alto_
clove, methods for non-ferrous and rare =eta-, ;rod"t-cz;
Dabrokhotov proctkel'
on *!citel lleact.
Ing ;r1Z.1ce
Card 1/5 2i
N. I.- ZnLet hftcd
:;. N
on the hormod .1cs und "nati.. 0.o c-To r.Z~Z_
tion by hydrogen and carbon monoxlld~ ~.Tldr ;ressure zf
nickel and cobalt from solution; and A-.K-
Shole2oy Gipranikell , on design decla. COO on tte a;7:1-
catlon of the nowstoots dealt witt ~y a. !;. DoDroktz:_v
Yu=huraInIkel1 and Sovorcni~eel. Cc=--m3 &=4
at th:
-Iorks; 1. N.
ralay ly (Ufa) Nickel
Lonlagradskiy gornyy In3titut Meain6rud M-'-'ze 1wt'.*_*..)
on to adv"tagoa of a combined
metho d for hicks 1_e1 oc trolysI4 of sl--e3 containing
plati n=-SroUp Metals; V. B. -12j,4=, -0-4 11
SeVe. __k
., zc=tl
and & 1. Soboll , Giarsvetmez, on the ass.nttais of -_e
neutral method of oxidizing leaching 0: nickel coozea%rato
from couverter-matte flotation; S. I. Sabol, on ;r-'_'-tn.ry
~ I
6f- a a ulp-murous-
investigations an the ddvolopmect
sulphuric metbod for leaching nickel and cobalt :r=
oxidized nickel ores; A, N. Xal.cit3Uy, Veicnanobr, ot
the min results of investf9itions of tOo sutoclavo-s~_a
Card 2/5 ess for treating tungst.n-ore benefict.tIon produ-12:
V_ T. PAVmLkaylo, Makhartobr, and
skaya (Skopinak) TaOF, separutely, on problects I--
application of an autoclove-soda flow3bect to acte-21te
and wolfriunite raw material-, G. A. Ideyersort, X. Ta.
Shapiro, N. N. KhAyskly. R. A. Tavlyuk and 1. -P.
IM T_1jEiZ__T-'aoy&rskIy MRitut -svdta
, LrdS
1 3 1. 0
raMinloyarsk Non-Forrouo Motals -. z tuto = %--a I-e.t-
!ia=et1c&!, heate' '1-
.,at of to c~acoa
S. 1. Soboll, Te.-I. Gulyoyevs, Z. L. Ber'-'Z, 1. 1:.
and B.-I.-Rudanko, Siatsvdtntat, on -to -reat-atent Of
prelFaFed -and an-proparad sulphide zolybdem= raw :tmzerial
by oxidizing autoclave alkaline I.achlnz; 1. L.
and S. 1, Sobel, on the kinetics of oxldt-_In;i
leaching; A. N. :;jIjk_-ajj anti F--as=oyarsk
Noc-Yarro-is Vetals Institute. on the results of a study
r Oxides
of conditions for the sole-tLye aepar~tto
oftungsten and molybdenum fro= =eir am' so uttOzA by
hydroeen under pressure; M.-V. DdrbIZJ*&n, GOMO-
Card 315 matellurgi"beokiy iAstitut (Laine-L-tal.=g!cal 1=3-itut.j
of the Sovnarkhoz (e-oacmi.- tourc.41.) of -he A.MyattUdy. SSR
(Armenian SSR) , on his investigations Of 5=041acal auto-
clove leuctttag under oxygen pressure of =nlybdac= con-n-
tr%ten ;S on tachata-al-eccacmic fact._-3 of
a=monia-g leactiLne; A. 1. and I. N. Flukain.
a y N. I CKta' - I il,~
Krao o arak ,a.- Fe r I 0a3 .3 Trst1tttt-, 02 do cxi!'-
autoollive pro~ena for gold-a-oatalaIng ra. =ftt~r-aL ; N. G.
TYLLrJ=, Ural'skly polltekh_l~h.skly lastilUt (Urla'_
Polytocnnic laiLitutu) on the --! _-Oble =*tftlo
In oxidiZiLe ftUtOCI&Ve _'11Q!htc9 I- t111Q5'UlPLRt1 SC:.~t'-OnS;
. Danab'-'ev.
A. L. Taeft nd D. A. Tftzu~W4 a--! k. 7,1
bZ64 .11 - ,rlyd Z; R
4rt;il 1 0
and .2fititut. of tt- AS Zen SSR). r'3;.:t1vely.
ccthe phyoi-oehe=i~al fundat:ftntsls a.4 on worki' !r!alp of
auto2lave ja- leacclIng of poly=~tallic =atorid'3: I. Yu.
LC Glproaixel', on ttm ung-Altabillty of A~tC~:Iave
for 1-=e-~Ontulnln~ ~tertal Bmt.-Zatt~yu'
L _
export.:,,. or a
VAL11, an Inl~strlol L.-~Zuou
leaching pro,ess for be-jilte3; 7. 1. Tz_-n~v'
Card 4/5 SSSR (1011K.1 AS ULSW , vn nmpo,vllzz ~r c.-- rir~ --nentx in
various valoncy states under oxygen unl tyl-ceem ;7resaire
In the presence of anhydrous a=oatm; Z. L. Ber'-_
oints7otmet, on autoclove doslkT, and o;crat!oz~ S..
cnd 11. Y.. VlZ_ 'VZ_.y' 71-
_rakovlev, Glpron IkV
on duloclaven and tte levy-
. ~u
notCikhim, on motto Iics
lopment of mizura; I'. A. Polynnow, E. B. 'G.'r*_-.t . on
the design of an cxp~.rlm.ntal tileh-pr-o"re pulp ;-=p.
G. L. Slivarta. Nllhhll2.'ASh. an the aclectloz of steel
ror &.1d loftchini; of cobult rstta and =ntte-flotmtio;
concontroto, Yu. 1. A_-abukrv, V1'rEldftek!!4:=, 0-. zorro.
Sion of ty;.s Itat-IDN9T. 12KhSN. W~rS!-'D anl 10:;%M tt-14
in soda n,i lkstin. solutions tq tre presence of =cTull
salts a0 g.r. ht In k V.
rIlla -kh.- ,4r :'
t, 31, -IS C:, _eZ
prn-,~rtl- of h,-Jrn,,.n-.r;,,..t-- -!.e lonre....O.
L 26378-66 :EWT(I)/T
ACC NR: AP6007686 Jp(c) :30URCE--C&b-:--~W/6413/66/OOCi/003/0061/006t!i
!AUTHORS: Shelerp Khorst; Vaybrekhtp Otto; 14_eyr
_,qt_Aleksander; Khartvig, Khorst
,ORG: none
iTITLE: Device for differential transformation of.aerial photogrN~he, class 42.p
iNo. 176506
!SOURCE- Izobreter-iya, promyshlennyye obrazt6y, tovarnyye znaki, no. 3, 1966, 67
!TOPIC TAGS: aerial photography, optics, aerial photograph, photographic device
JABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a device for differential transforming
lof aerial photographs. The device is usel in conjunction with a photogrammetic
device for processing aerial photographs. It contaihs an inversor which acts an
ithe basic law of optics, and a photograph support and screen which may be posi-
-; tioned relative to one another in three mitually perpendicular planes. Accuracy in
,scaling is facilitated by the inversor which features a reduction device for
~control of the coefficient of aerophoto transformation with allowance made for
'focal distance. T.ds distance corres .ponds to the tran form coordinates of the
iourrent point of aerophoto slope on the h:)rizontal aerial photograph. The inversorl
WC: - -528-722-311
L 26378-66
iACC NR.---'AP6oo7686
is made in the form of direotional-controlled rods and connecting links.attached to
each rod, thus allowing rotation about the X-X axis and intersection of the
directional at a point on the X-X axis. Electrical control of the coefficient of
transformation is maintained by an eleotromoter circuit controlling the variation
ol' distance from the objective to the pho-bo and from the objective to the screen.
This is an electrical bridge circuit for processing data coming from.the Photogram-i
metric device.
SUB CODE: 14/ SUBM DATE: 211iov63
Card 2/2
SIDOROV, N.N., dots., kand. tekhn. naulr; SFIELESHKO, K.K., dots., kand.
tekhn. nauk (Leningrad)
New textbook for railroad technical schools ("Electric traction
systems" by E.D. Levashev, G.K. Aetaf'ev, G.A. AlItshuler.
%1viewed by N.N. Sidorov, K.K. Sheleshka) Zhel. dor. transp. 41
no.5:92-93 My '59. (MIRA 12:7)
(Electric railroads)
(Levashev, E.D.) (Astaflev, G.K.) (G.A. Alltshuler)
Flooding the Borislav sandstones. Trudy VNIGNI no.12:399-412 '58.
(MIRA 12:3)
(Borislav regiou-Petrole-m engineering)
-- ------
Introducing automatic steering gear on the diesel motorship
"Orel". Mor. flot 18 no.8:17-18 Ag '58. (MIRA. 11:9)
1. Starshly InzhAnor gruppy oporativnni-o planirovanlya Dunnyokogo
parnkhodatva (for Sheinshko). 2. Nachallnik konRtruktorHkogo
byurn Diinaynkog 8bva (for Lnvitskiy).
o parokhod
(Autnmattc control) (Steering gear) (Motorehips)
MELESEffO, V.; ARAN11,11A, V., assiRtert
Operating ships of the Damfte Lino in transporting ore on
schedulq. Mor.flot 19 no.4:;,4-27 Ap 159. 0AIR& 12:6)
1. Starshiy lnzhnner gruppy.operatirnogo planirovaniya Duna7skogo
parol-bndstva (for Sholeshko,'.'2. OdessViy institut inzhenrov
morskngo flota.
(Danube River-Navigation)
(Iron oros-Transportation)
USSR/Electricity - Electric Traction Sep 52
"Conference -Seminar on Advanced Engineering on
Electrified Railroads," S. D. Volobrinskiy, K. K.
Sheleshkov, Candidates Tech Scl
"Elektrichestvo" No 9~ pp 92) 93
More than 350 persons participated in the 2d con-
ference-seminar on this subject, held early in
May at the LIIZhT (Leningrad Inst of Railway
Transport Engineers imeni Obraztsov). M. R. Bar-
skiy (Riga Elec Mach-Bldg Plant) reported on the
results of tests of the VL-22m elec locomotive
series. A - Ye - Alekseyer (LIIZhT) and A. A.
Pogosov (Novocherkassk Elec Locomotive Construc-
tion Flant) repur-bed on Llit. pltui6 for a
axle locomotive for trunk lines
SIDOROV,N..N., kandidat tekhaicheakil:h nauk, dotsent.; SHILBS-- OV.K.-K.,
kandidat tekhnicheskikh sauk; ANSEWIR G.A., iAzhener; FLMM-,K-.V-.,
Improving the electric circuits of direct current trun)- line
electric locomotives. Sbor. ]JIM no.145:52-73 153.
(Blectric locomotives) (MIR,. 8:10)
SHELESHKOV,K.K., kandidat tekhnichealcikh nauk
~-1;~.'-z.-:Z ~,
Non-steady processes in power circuit commutators of (1-:: electric
locomotives. Sbor. LIIZRT no-145:73-91 153. (MMA 8:10)
(Ilectric locomotives)
Ye.I. . redaktor; SABITOV,A., tek-hntchesVT1-'ft -- ~-~,-%OZOROVSKAYA,
V.L., takhnicheskiv redaktor
[The repair of industrial electric trains] Remont prom~-shlennykh
alaktrovozov. Moskva, Ugletekhizdat, 1954. 362 p. (KLRA 8:4)
(Railroads, Industrial) (Electric railroads)
-1 i i -I- . ~
(Leningrad) 1 -1 -
Investigation oil some parts of the electric equipment of V8
electric locomotives. Elek.i teDl.tiaga n0.10:18-19 0 '57.
(MIRA 10:11)
(Electric locomotives)
32(3) SOV/112-59-5-9110
Translation from: Referativayy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 5, p 100 ~'USSR)
AUTHOR: Dulienkov, V. L., Nekrasov, V. I., Plaks, A. V., Sheleshkov, K. K.
'11.d Yarchuk, A. Ya.
TITLE: Investigation of Electrical E-quipment of Type N8 Electric Locomotive
PERIODICAL: Sb. Leningr. in-ta inzh. zh.-d. transp. , 1957, Nr 155, pp 29-44
ABSTRACT: To Introduce final corrections, the scheme of a type N8 electric
locomotive had been tested under various conditions before serial
manufacturing of the 10COMOUVE was started. Under regenerative braki.--)g
conditior-s. the current reached 2, 000 amr)- On the section where the sub -
staticnns had no inverter equipment, the contact-wire voltage reached 4, ZOO v,
with NB-406 traction motors operating normally. Investigation of the trar-gients
accompanying the transition to veries connection showed that sometimes, u-nder
regenerative conditions, the residual E~" of traction motors is so combined
with the contact -wir e voltage thit voltages up to 5, 100 -6, 000 v appear on the
mctor brushes. This caused flashovers from energized motor parts and
Card 1/2
SOVI 112-59 -5--9110
Investigation of Electrical Equipment of Type N8 Electric Locomotive
equ-ipment to ground. To elimin4_te such overvoltages, it was suggested t1lar.
the motors next to ground be shcrt-circuited. To eliminate burning of ccatactS
of the braking switch under tra--:iient canditions, it was recommended that t,~'-o
con-tactors be used for breaking the traction-motor field circuit when
regeneration is cut off. Tests of a new laminated-core D-4 relay showed that
-~t provides a satisfactory differEr-tial protection of the power circuit. Buffer
protection, under traction conditions, is realized by introduc-ing starting
resistors; its operating time is '). 1-0. 2 sec, the motor current beL--g :-educed
to one-third of its value. Investigation of the functioning of the protective
svstem under regenerative cond:.tions permitted setting a course for solving
this important problem. Forced ventilation is recommended for improving the
operating conditions of "fekhral' resistors. Detailed investigations of ail
exchange within the locomotive bodv Dermitted providing sor-rie recom_rnenda*_-'o!i9
on how to imDrove the ventilati-no, svstem. Bibliography: 3 items.
V. N. K.
Card 2/2
'On the Prc,'-,-~lem of' the Ex.-perimental Inves~ig tion cf Non-Steady 1~rccesses in Power
trrent Ifrcuits of D. C. Ioccmotives." Ofi-cial cpponents: A. Ye. Kaplyansk-ly,
Fr.-)fess~.-, Doc~or of Technical Scien:!es and Y. D. Levashov, Engineer.
Dissertation f,7)r "he Dejree of Candiate of Technical Sciences, defended at
Leningrad, Instit-ute for Railraod Engineers im. Obrastzov, V July 1).~O
(-Eiektrichestvol 195)), 111'. 5, PP. (;l-)l)
ZLOTDi, Iladimir Isaakovich; KAVIDAN, Shimon Flordukhovich; TUNKELI,
Naum Ruvimovich; SHELES11HOV, Konstantin Konstantinovich.
Prinimali uchastije: Gk3A-N-OV,- A---.-F.'; . 0-LIKHO.V V.-I.;
POTAPOV., M.G., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; NURI-IJKWEDWA,
V.F., red. izd-va; OVSEYENKO, V.G., tekhn. red.
[Electric locomotive and dump car haulage in open pits] Elektrovozo-
dumpkarnoe khoziaistvo na karlerakh. Moskva, Gos. nauchno-tekhn.
izd-vo lit-ry po gornoma delu, 1962. 309 P. (MIRA 15:5)
(Mine railroads) (Strip mining)
1 1~ "r.: ,j (" -V; - ,!" . 3 " 7 -- p 41 ~, c-n t
Lc-, fr-'! in t~a :jourh (X the USSIR. Zasixh. ra~;t. ot v!.t'.'.
~ I- . t.. i-.-Y 'U. Odid- 15:i--.)
I , im;titut zDanchity raoteldy.
(Russla, Soathern-Leaf rollers)
USSR/ Engineering Drawing dies
Card 1/1 Pub. 103 - 3/22
Authors ITsvirko, G. L., and Sheleshriev, A. A.
Title sWorking of splined cylinders
Periodical IStan. i instr. 6, E~-ll, Jure 1955
Abstract tMethods of drawing external splines on spinning machine shafts by means of
drawing the shaft through a special die made of 3Khl2M (ML12T; Khl2Fl) con-
struction steel. The die consists of two parts; a cylinder, and a press-
fit (in hot state) ring with internal splines. The drawing of splines can
be performed on vertical or 'horizontal presses and on drawing lathes, at.-
pressures not exceeding 20 t.)ns, and working feeds of from 550-600 mm.
SHALESMV, M.. predsedatell.
Smelting metal above the T)Iaa. V pom.profak-tivu 14
1. Komitet profsoyuza domennogo tsekha, Novotul'skogo
no.13:11-13 Jl 1513.
(YJ,RL 6: 0' )
SHMEST, A.11., doktor tekhn. nauk
Development of diesel-locomotive construction Ln the U.S.S.R.
Trud7 Inst. ist. est. i I;ekh. 21:172-211 '59, (MIRA 13:3)
(Diesel locomotives-Constructioi)
I ---
Improving the design of power presses with periodically rotatin.-
tables. Ogneupory 19 no.2:86-88 '54. (MIRA 11:~:)
l.Pervourallskiy zavod.
(Refractories industry-Equipment and supplies)
Increasing the stability of crusher roll screens. Ogneupor7 19
no.5:230-232 154. (MIRA 11:8)
l.Pervourallskiy dinasovyy zavod.
(Crushing machinery)
SIHELFST, A,T,,, Llct~3,3nt
Wrtys of working tr9n:-hes depending on the race of opearaticns.
izv,vy.9,-ache~b. zav. ;gor. zhur.6 no.11~22-26 163, (MIRA ;4)
y --nslitut -'memL V.V.Vakhrusheva.
1. Sverdlovsk, v gornq, 1~
Rekom-endovana kafedroy ctkrytykh gorn~,kh rabot.
SIMEST, A.T,;, dotsen',
Effect of the rate of mining on the economy of strip mining.
Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; gor. zhur. n0-8949-53 164 (MIRA 18:1)
1. Sverdlovskiy gornyy institut imeni V.V. Vakhrusheva. Rek-omen-
dovana kafedroy otk-ry-tykh gurnykh rabot.
SH-HEST, A.-,,. dotsent
E,--,),,. c, rn -- c e f 11 e c, -. z- v c- n e -- s o f s h a r t e n i n g " h e d -a r & t i o n c, f , re n c ? 4 n g . 1 z v . vy s .
uclieb.zav.;L~Gr.zhur. 7 no.(;,9-Il'l 164. (MIRA 37f!2)
2. Sverd1cvskiy gornyy institut i-Tneni V.V.Ilalchrusheva. Rekomendovana
kafedroy ctkrytykh gornykh rabot.
no.7:715-72.0 i1 '65.
in-Ot.ut flzilli. L K:Yev.
ACC NR, AT7004415
AUTHOR: Pavlov, I. M.; Tarasevich, Yu. F.; Shelest, A. Ye.
ORG: none
TITLE: Deformations in the neck area of tensile-test specimens of certain titanium
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Institut metallurgii. Napryazhennoye sostoyaniye i plastichnost'
pri deformirovanii metallov (Stress condition and plasticity during metal deformatiou)l
Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1966, 51-55.
TOPIC TAGS: titanium alloy, tensile testing machine, tensile test, crystal
orientation/ OT4 titanium alloy, VT6 titanium alloy, VT14 titanium alloy, IM-12A
tensile testing machine
ABSTRACT: The deformations at of the greatest reduction in area of Ti (VT1)
and Ti-alloy (0T4, VT6, VT14) test specimens in two mutually perpendicular directions
were compared in order to indirectly obtain information.on the anisotropy of mechani-
cal properties. An IM-12A tensile testing machine was employed and the specimens
were previously subjected to various types of thermomechanical treatment (rolling at
500 to 1100*C through every 100*C with reductidn of area amounting to 20, 40 and 60Z
and with subsequent cooling in water, ai:,- and under asbestos). The criterion used to
estimate deformation in the neck in two inutually perpendicular directions was the
Card 1/2
'BELOSSVICH. V.K.(Koskva); KALUGIN, V.F.(Moskva); KORNM-V, N.I. (Koskva);
PALOV, I.M.(Monkva); SXUCIfAINV, I.G.(Koskva); SHSLRST, A.Ye.
InvtiBilgatting the conditicus in rolling titqnium alloyz.Izv.AN
SS3& OWAekh.nauk no.10:15-27 0 156. (KIRA 10: 1)
tRolling (Metalwork) ) (Titanium alloys--Metallurgy)
17 , 1~ ~ - !
7 in
-,.t3 Fav' -jv- S,,e' c-s. ye, S3,V, 3 8 - 3 - 2 "4 9
TITLE'. 7, vest 7 i,3-i o~ a Res~ s tance -o DeFormation in the -;ior
i n of T fn ilu 7, and Its Alloys (IssledovaniYe sojro-
tivlen-iya def=-liatsi--, t-itana i yego splavov pri gor.-.-achey
PER TOD TCAL fraiit--i~~yye cinklady v,T,-,o',,iey shko-ly. 1.1et.-ti-lurgiya., 1958,
14' r~, pp ',(.I )t';j (IT-)'m.)
A _3 S -2 The present ;:~a,er c:)f,tains the results of the investigations
of -re resistance !-.-, def'=.-tion in the hot punchiing
of t-Ltanium and ritiniu-,,i alloys. Titanium %vas produced
~.v means oF the cal-ium 'nycdration :nethod and powder
neta-'1L,r-,-Y. T*-,,e fol.-ovi-i-,E sam.-,~Ies were use,-, VT-1-D
and titan-ium alloy ivith aluminum, ty-,~e VT-5D Titaniu-
es s-milar ~-o
and i; al loys '-,ave i: e.- lin ical Pro-c
t1ose of stainless 3teel. T-e investi6ptions of the re-
s.,s-.-fi,-.--e to deforma,:ion of titanium and of
steel of t'-., type ilf-""AMT were compared to each
c t ~.e r T.--Ie e '(1 is determined by
InvE-,~~t 15.-at i-cr. c-, F `-e Ress t -.,: -e c, Defor.-,:-~ t ion in- t1le SIOV
/ -~
Cf ---i--~d I~s Alovs
p ~ In -, F, e! I
S B, ;B#
I-e ---r-den~.e ~-F t:-~e recist~-.- ,-c- to deformation on
t~~.niiera~u.-e i!: nc't of titanium sa--.)leslm-l
and steei ~7raphicall- represented.
Frc,~-, t- -e L, out may be concluded
tc defcrmation of sta-inless s-ee
"norease-, unifer-ii1y xith the tem~;eratiire.
rpoict---ce tc, deformation in titari= Samples
~,n -re--ise cf t,e stamIDin.--
T- to
depends only little or: t'.--e
bind -4s 2 times I, t',,-~ resistance
o --f L-lo :-,tool sample !D18N9S By dro-pinZ
'7 t -m~- t i on
r tul L~ie nce to defor - -
-ncrerises and at a tem,.er~-It-ure of
of t~-.e resis'a.-.ce to deforma~~ion
1;: 1-,;;-,,,, to D,~ "rj---~ i-,t ior i i j
, I t SOVI 1 0-- -:~7/"q
? t.v.! It; it I lo"lo
of tne f:teel sai:i-,Ae at t,-.-is te.-:i.-;,arature. Eleme!-,tS L-.110YC~'
wi t t on1v c--i- e trieir prop(--rties b,--,' .-!,-o
the-111- ref:iotance to deformation in punching. It is reco----.-~ended
to ' titanitim, alloys at a temperature where the ~-modi-
ficati~-_, of titan:-um ex'sts, and to stop this tve;-.t:ie.,;t
at tem.5eratures ahere the transition from P-titanium to a-
titanium takes DlLCP,. There are 4 figures and I reference,
which is Sov:-et.
institut sta-li (Moscow Steel Institute) institut
metalii.zrijii JAIT SS11, (Institute of Metal!Ltr,-,y,AS USSR)
-0 - - 10, 1'57
AUTHORS: Pavlov, I sov/16,z-r8-4-24/417
-T.LI!LE: Investie-ation of the Initial Stage in Rolling and the
Transition to the S-~abilized Process (Issledovaniye nachallnoy
stadii prokatki i pi?rekhoda k ustanovivshemusya protsessu)
PERIODICAL: Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly. Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 4,
PP 141 -148 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: On account of the e::amination made here, the following is
stated: 1) A compar:.son of different methods of determining
the minimum length of the frontal outside strip end in rolling
(Ref 3) shows that the easiest and sufficiently accurate method
is the one basing or. the measurement of the full pressure of
the metal on the rolls and the recording on an oscillograph
(Ref 4). 2) The increase of the full pressure after the filling
of the roller opening may be explained by the supporting effect
of the frontal outside strip end, leading to an increase of
the metal deformaticn resistance. In rolling stainless steel,
the supporting effect of the outside end is always greater
than in rolling titanium. 3) The speed of the frontal strip
end after lecomes constant after the discharge of the
Card 1/3 frontal end of a certain length (corresponding to the minimum
InvestiEution of the Initial Stage in Rolling and SOV/10'3-56-4-24/47
the Transition to the Stabilized Process
length of the outs:'de end) out of the rollers. 4) At the
moment of filling -:he roller opening with metal, the
critical angle is i3maller than the critical angle of the
stabilized process stage. The latter angle is determined by the
lead. The critical angle becomes greater during the initial
process and the development of the lead zone at the expense
of the utilization of the reserve frictional forces. It
becomes the greate:r, the more the frictional coefficient of
the rolling metal Lncreases. 5) The minimum length of the
frontal outside strip end may be determined by measuring
the width of strip throughout its length (Ref 3). In this
case, the frontal outside strip end may have either a
fan-shaped or a na.rrowing form. 6) Well comparable results
were obtained by all methods for determining the minimum
length of the frontal outside strip end in rolling (by
the general pressu:7e, by the speed of the frontal end and
by the spreading). '!his confirms the correctness of theoretical
ideas as to the importance of the outside parts of the
deformed body ("thoory of rigid ends") (between quotation
Card 2/3 marks in the Russian original), as to the concept of
InvestiCation of the Initial Stage in Rolling and SOV/163-58-4-24/47
the Transition to the Stabilized Process
"minimum length" (3etween quotation marks in the Russian
original) of the o-itside parts, as to the limiting processes
from one rolling stage to another, etc. There are 5 figures,
2 tables, and 4 So-riet references.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy institut stali i institut metallurgii AN SSSR
(fl-loscow Steel Inst--tute and Institute of Metallurgy AS USSR)
SUBMITTED: January 29, 1958
Card 3/3
AkAdamlya nauk SSSR. Institut nauchno-tAknIsLchookoy inrormstall
..llurgiYa I metallovedenlys; khImlya, wtallOVedonlYa I obrabotka
ti. tan& (Motallur%and
Meta 11 ographl; Chemistry, Metallography
mid Trwatment.o r tan um ) Moscow, za.vo AN SSSR. 1959. 383
(Serious Itogl naukil tokhnichookiye nauki, 2) Errata slip In-
sertod. 2#700 copies printed.
Id.9 K V Agerev, Corresponding Member, Academy of Sciences, USSRi r1n
FA .;f iubInhing Roume: V. S. Exhoxnikov; Tech. Ed.: Yu. V. Hylina. t'r\
PURP= s This collection or articles is intended for metallurgists
working with, titanium wd titanium alloys.
COVRWE; The articles in this collection deal with the chemistry,
metallurgy, and macKiring of titanium and titanium alloys. The
articles are based ozz abstracts Appearing In the ReforativnY7
zhurn&V for chemistry ArA metallurgy, from 1953 to 1955. For the
most part the articles are based on non-Soviet material. Ito par..-
alitlov are mentioned. References rollo. each article.
-r.,-itakly, To. R.,and & A. Tylkina Proportion of Tttamium and
Titanium Alloys
This to a survey of the physical and =411saical PrOPvrtt&& Of
tj~.ajaju% &rxI titanium alloys. Data are given On the effect or
03, gen. nitrogen, hydrogen. and carbon On the mechanical prop-
@riled Of titanium.
and L. D. Ritahtakova. float Treatment of Titanium
'Za Titanium A oys 163
The authors discuss -ark hardening, annealing. grain refining.
and other heat-treating methods ro I. titanium And titanium alloys.
Also discussed are the affect of alloying elements On heat-
treating chargoterIvtLos. mechanical properties after heat
zz-' tlh.~. at heat treating.
-P. M. Thermoch*cdcal Treatment Lairfuslon CoatLn& or
This article deals with the nitriding. boronIzIng. and aill-
cOnizinIS of titanium.
sh I* t, A.-Ye., A~ X_ D,,t1-gh,nkor and 1. M. Policy- Porming
.Ar -Titanium Alloys 193
The authors discuss the special features or plastic d*form-
StIon. eaneral characteristics of cold and hot working, In-
dividual forming operations, preparatory and finishing opar-
stion*, organization or production. and storage and utilization
of Set*.
Yo. M., and t. A._TrjklnA, Recryntallization of
Titanium 226
RearyetalltrAtion of rutgnesium-reduced and Iodide titanium to
discussed In reference to Ito occurrence after cold working,
t forging'annealing. tempering, and hardening. Data are ^Igo
an on the effect of the annealing temperature on the properties
Of titanium and the effect of allaying additions on the recrysca21-
IZAtiOn temperature.
-BB&b&r"vkO -A-A. Deformation and BecryntallizatLon Textures of Titantun
_iu_~tanium Alloys 247
The article deals with textures assumed by titanium and titanium
A110YO after different forming operations.
4h;__aU_Q_vtZM.rKh and 0. V.~azsrcv. WoldW, and Soldering of
T F,
Titanium a anium All'6ji 2~2
Welding charactdrLatics of titanium are discussed. Data are
given an welding and soldering methods.
Malont,~y,av, B.~ F., and A. 1. Pgpomnrnv. Methods for _17!-,emi cn17
Analyolro or Titanium and- Ti_tii~iun Froducts 265
Dat aare furnished on qunlitntive, vnlu;II,,tr1c. poA~Frophle.
Colorlmetric ~-,thods or arAlys!m. Phaao anallyaln .a aln~ ijecla".-
Ro~ancjv.A_f. Tnoory and Pr,scti~o, or Mi, hir.:r.4 _n A~jj
r. 1--no.Ing topIC3 a,.
b1 IItY, causes or p~r
11ol other V~tc-~rt, on 11t7,.
t,T7- Pavlov, I. Shc1cf:11, A. Yo.
T! 2 T r 4 C 1,
Invcsti.-ation of th(:
Its Alloys in 7ollinL; t Sj
pri pr-Acatke titana i ye_-t)
P7- TCDT Nauchnyye doklad vgshe~ shkoly. Metallurgiya, 1959,
Nr 1, pp 105 - 1T2
C17': At fii-st the formulas (1),
pa,crs citcd by re7(, ei~ct~s 1,2, J -~;itd t'-c is
Pointed out tl,at 'U!-z-.-e fcrr;',.-1as a:.-c -i.,-1~lpfic ci.', As C.~~
altr-.rnative formula S
P--iction aconr,lin- -.c. T
- 1, - ~'. -,;! (' I- - ":.'. " , "cr
(Pef is -.:rit'en
c(,'cf' c'OFt ill 11;~' -Cellill its al~.
U C.
accor,diriL to thin- .-:!-4c1, "ull,- stc--di
f;--Irw,q.rd sli-In,ti.e ovc!ro.11 a-z-1
measured. Two foriru' as, an accul.71! 0 a, d a
_,,,e tl~e f--'C140r,. t
Card 111 3 -.7e-e uscd to deter-7 U
I rivccti -anion c-f t':c -:,'r i c f:ion Coc ff"' c ' .:?,.t c-f 'I"i ',an _i u:,-. V,- I r, :---1-21/Io
a d I s A 11
that the curve rerrese.,-tind the --cef-*:-.---"e..t v t~ r C'-'. s
t2m:crature function in tI.0 cf tital.i-t=, i s
allo-s and stainless stuei, ta"e-c -- cor---.2-x ccua:se, tl a
.1 - 0
maximum being fourd in V~e rejon of c,50 - 1050 . Tt
ft,..--ther -~'ound ti --cie,.t in tl-e
l I.e fricticn ::cef~4
of titzi nium c-P ty-co ai-I ~)f' ilLs alloys i -s
by a f~llctor of 1.S than the f-rlctinn in the
roiliiiLg of 2taninless of 11~.o It is
Shr".."11 V.-al t"Ic- all(Aropic of t~'.C- J'S-PIII~se
ii1tc the v,- phase which --cc~J---s durinj tl:e co, line: ~--f "it--nium
~-.d -f ills alloys iz-, t`.--~ c-!' in
s,pecific pressii~:e, cf tcz-.,-:e, --f
i c, n o f t'.
friction on t1e rc
6 fi-1-11res and
Ca~,d 2;';
T -a-t ion -..f tl~o ".'ric tion c-.;1,t _'i t
a.-1 Its All(j,ys in 7,cl1in_;-
ASS S t4
MaY 31,
~ . . . I I ~ .. 1 Z,-. 1. ~ 1. _4
Drop forging and rolling of titanium and its alloys. Itogi nauki:
Tekh. nauki no.2:195-225 159. (MIRA 12:9)
(Titanium-Metallograph.v) (Forging) (Rolling (Metalwork))
Use of rotary bearings to investigate the rolling process. Izv.
vys. ucheb. zav.: chern. met. no.1:84-87 160.
(MIRA 13:1)
1. Institut metallurgii AN SSSR.
(Rolling (Metalwork))
IJ E194/E483
AUTHORS- Pavlov, I.M. and Shelest, A.Ye.
TITLE., Investigation of Basic Factors in Rolling Titanium
Alloys With High Reductions
PERIODICAL-- Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut metallurgii. Trudy, No.7,
Moscow, 1960. pp.ILO-114. Metallurgiya metallovedeniye,
fiziko-khimicheskiy metody issledovaniya
TEXT.~ The authors have previously studied the hot rolling of
various titanium alloys at constant relative reductions of 20%~
They now descr-lbe corresponding studies on one of these alloys,
FIT5 (VT5) and type 1)(18H9T (lKhl8N9T) stainless steels at
reductions of up to 60% A two-high mill with smooth 200 mm
diameter rolls fitted with ball bearings was used to roll
specimens 10 mm thick, 15 mm vride and 150 mm long. Total rolling~
pressure was measured with carbon load cells in the screw-down
gear. Wire strain gauges on 1-.he shafts measured torque, their
output being amplified electronically and'recorded, together with
total rolling pressure by means of an oscillograph, Specimens
were preheated to 800-,1200"C to give uniform temperature
dis':ribution (Ref.14 V.K.Belosevich, V.F.Kalugin, H,I,Korneyev,
Card 1/5
Investigation of Basi~ Factors E194/E483
I.M.Pavlov, I.GSkugarev.. A.Ye.3helest, "Isv, AN SSSR, OTNII, 1956.
No,10)- Fig.1 shows specific j?ressure, kg/mm2, as functions of
rolling temperature by continuous and interrupted lines for the
titanium alloy and stainless st4iel, respectively, curves 1. 2 and
3 refer to reductions of 60, 40 and 20%, respectively, The
specific pressure was less than when the authors used 220 mm
diameter rolls (Ref.3~ I,~I.Pavlov, A.Ye.Shelest, "Nauchnyye
dcklady vysshey shkoly (metallurgiya)", No,--3, Izd-vo
"Sovetskaya nauka", 1958), the difference rising with falling roll
pressure, The ratio n of the contact angle a to the central
angle ~p, i.e- the angle between the radius through the point of
application of the total metal pressure on the rolls (acting in the
direction of the vertical axis) and the.'a'xial line, varies within
the range 2- 3 for both steel and alloy.,first falling and then
rising with increasing reduction, The authors note the
importance of this parameter, Spread was measured by finding the
change in distance between two points on the side of the specimen
produced in rolling, The lateral spread is plotted as a functian
of temperature for 20% average reduction of type r-jTlA (VTlD)
titanium in Fig,2-, for lKhl8N9T the maximum lies at 1100 and for
Card 2/5
Investigation of Basic Factors E194/E483
the alloy VT5 at 1000 -10500C, and for technical purity titanium
at 900- 9500C. Spread a's a function of relative reduction is
shown for the steel and the alloy in Fig-3, left and right-hand
graphs respectively, at 800, 1000 and 12000C. The work has shown
that foir VT5 alloy the specific pressure in the beta-phase region
is considerably less than in'the alpha-phase region, the
transformation.leading to an abrupt change. The spread mechanism
in rolling titanium is mpinly througli barrel formation, whi-le with
steel it is mainly through slip along the c *ontact surface. The
dependence of the index of spread on temperature is also affected
by the allotropic transformation, the index being lower for alpha
than for beta titanium: -the narrower the temperature interval of
the transformation the sharper the ch~ange. There are 3 figures,
1 table and 11 references: 10 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc.
The reference to the English langua--e publication reads as
f o 11 oli-S :C.W".Starling. "Sheet D-1etal Industries", 35, 1958, No.379..
Caz-d 3/5
Investigation of Basic.Factors ...
40 W -
10- J\!l
1 700 800 900 W047 ffOO fZOOOC
fe z TeAenewa-ppa nPaxamra.0C
0 1
Yi/t/ lf'rIll fitlIg
Card 4/5
Investigation of Basic Factors ... E194/E'X'83
0 1
'U zu JU qu Ju fo zo 30 40 so
Om,acume.a&Hve a6Ncainue, 7.
Fig .3 -
Card 5/5
I ~ 0C)'4
AUTHORS: Pavlov, I.M., Sigftlov~ Yu.M.,_S_4_4~les_~, A.Ye.,
Zubko, A.M. and GUrevich, Ya .B, (Mosc'~wi
TITLE-, Investigation of the Process of Hot Rolling of
Aluminium in Vacuum arid in Air
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akaderiiii nauk SSSR, Otdoleniye teklinicheskikh
nauk, Metallurgiyet i toplivo, 1961, No.2, pp.64-67
TEXT: The influence on the friction coefficient of scale or
an oxide film layer on the surface of a metal being rolled has been
the subject of numerous paperfi. However, no direct comparison was
made of the ordinary process of rolling aluminium in air and in
vacuum. Such a r-mparative study will permit direct elucidation
of the influence of oxide films on the conditions of rolling. The
authors investigated the power consumption, the speed and deforma-
tion conditions and the friction coefficient during hot rolling of
aluminium in vacuum and in air. The rolling was on TsNIIChermet
laboratory vacuum equipment permitting heacing, rolling and
cooling of 15 x 20 mm, 200 mm long specimens in a vacuum down to
lo-5 mm Hg. From a forged an4j. annealed blank 150 x 10 x 12 mm
Card 1/5
Investigation of the Process- s/18o/61/000/002/002/012
specimens were cut. These were heated in a tubular electric
furnace. The heating temperature was maintained within +150C.,
Rolling was at 4000C with reductions of 20 to 70% per pass. The
diameter of the rolls was 85 mm, the rolling speed 6.5 m/min. The
rolls were of steel W )(-IT (ShKh-15) (hardness 55 Rc ) and had a
polished surface. The pressure was measured by wire strain gauges.
Fig.1 shows a typical oscilloS;ram in which 1 is the torque on the
top spindle, 2 arid 5 - pressure measured by the strain gauges,
3 - recorded roll speed, 4 - recorded strip speed, 6 - torque on
the lower spindle, 7 - oscillation curve (500 c.p.s.). Fig.2
shows the dependence of the broadening = B 2/B12 % on the
relative reduction L~Wi6h, where H, B and L 1 are respectively
the height, width and length of the specimens before rolling and
h B 2 and L2 are respectivelv the height, width and length after
4A 6 h = H - h, (Here and in the
rolling, B = B2 - B 1 and
following plots the dashed line curve refers to results obtained in
vacuum and the continuous line curve refers to results obtained in
air), Fig.3 shows the lead Sh as a function of the broadening,
Card 2/5
Ilivesti'~;ation Of t'le ProceS-s ...
0 7 "5 / S5 '7 5
Lstrip Lroll
orhere L Strip is the distance bet-;,reen the markings on the strip
and L is the distance between corresponding markings on the roll.
Fig.4 shows the dep,--vlence of the specific pressure P, kg/mm 2 on
the broadening Fig-5 shows the friction coefficient ff as
torque 1-1, kgm as a function
function of Fig.6 sl-ows the
Of It found that the friction coefficient and the
re .,,vxired force, which dependE directly on the friction coefficient,
for vacuum hot rolling of titanium, grade F-5T-1 (vT-1), is
considerably lower than for rolling in air, i~;-hilst for nickel and
iron (C - 0.01%) it is higher in the same way as it is for Al. This
again confirms the dependenco of these quantities on the chemical
composition of the rolled me,,.al. The following conclusions are
1. It was established that for Al the coefficient of friction
Ca r i~:5
Investigation of the Process ... s/18o/61/000/002/002/012
during rolling in vacuum is higher than for rolling in air, whereby
the greatest difference (by a factor of about 1.4) was observed
for smaller reductions;
2. it was confirmed that th'e- friction coefficient during rolling
decreases with increasing specific pressure both in air and in
vacuum. There are 6 figures and 7 references: all Soviet.
SU3,%IITTZD: August 8, 1960
Investigating the process of rolling with smooth rolls by the
method of rotating beari!igs. Izv.vys. ucheb. zav.; ehexm~. met.
no.3:67-73 161. (MIRA 14:3)
1.19Qskovskiy institut stali i institut uietallu~g# AN =R.
(Rol ling (Metalwork))
26582 s/l48/6l/OoO/006/oo6/ol3
1'tloo J_N~c Itl(b 1411 E073/E535
AUTHORSi Pavlov, I,m~, sixalov, Yu. M., Shelest, A.Ye.,
Zubko, A.M. and Gurevich, Ya. 13.
TITLE, Investigation of soine conditions of hot rolling of
titanium in vacuum and in air
PERIODICAL~ Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Chernaya
metallurgiya, 1961, No.6, pp.io6-llo
TEXT- The authors investigated the force, velocity and
deformation conditions dur1ng the process of rolling of titanium in
-%-acuum and compared the results with s1milar results obtained for
rolling in air. This was done to elucidate the influence of the
scale on the friction coefficient, specific pressure and other
parameters of the rolling of commercially pure titanium. From a
pre-forged blank, specimens 15 x 20 mm, 200 min long were cut.
Those specimens which were to be rolled in vacuum (3 x 10 5 mm HO
were heated in a small-chamber electric furnace with molybdenum
heater filaments. those to be rolled in air were heated in an
electric furnace with nichrome heater filaments. The specimens
were rolled in the temperature range 800-12000C on a two-high mill
Card 1/6
165) 8!
investigation of some conditions of S/148/61/000/006/oo6/ol3
with rolls of 85 mm diameters The average reduction was 20%, the
speed of rolling was 6.5 m/min.. The rolls had a ground surface
with a hardness of 55 RC. The rolling parameters, 1.e. the total
pressure, the torque., the speed of the rolled strip and the
circumferentlal speed of the rolls were recorded by means of an
8-loop oscillograph. Fig.3 shows the dependence of the fric ion
.oafficient, VO' and of the specific friction force T . kg/mm
the rolling temperature, OC. Fig.4 shows the dependensce of the
friction coefficient fl and of the forward slip S h on the rolling
temperature, OC, Fig-5 shows the dependence of the specific
pressure, kg/mm2, on the rolling temperature, *C. Fig.6 gives
the dependence cf the specific pressure, kg/mm 2, and the friction
zoefficient fl on the reduction, %. In all these graphs the
continuous line curves apply to roll--ng in air and the dashed line
curves to rolling in vacuum. In thE paper the auth:)rs apply
three differing friction coefficients., one f"' determined
according to the formula of S. I, Gulikin (Ref.12i Tbeory of shaping
metals by pressur-e, Metallurgl2dat, .''947), another V1 determined
cn the basis of the theoretical formxila for the torque,proposed by
C,ard 2/6
2 65 8-)
investigation of some condition!s ... S/148/61/000/006/oo6/ol3
V. i3ayukov and the third, V, determined from the value of the
forward slip. The following conclusions are arrived at-.
1. In all cases of rolling in air the curve expressing the
dapendence of the friction coefficient on the temperature has a
ccnvex-shaped section with a maximum in the temperature range
i050-11500C~ If titanium is rolled in air at *800-11000C, a dense
layer of titanium dioxide scale forms which leads to an increase
"n s.:.iding friction coefficient and spreading. At rolling
temperatures above 11000C, a derase layer of scale of a fine grain
iitructure forms which peels off easily from the base metal and
leads to a reduction of the friction coefficient, the friction
coefficients fj and f" are similar and their values are very
n,E!ar to each other. When rolling was performed in vacuum, the
triction coefficient was considerabiv lower and showed a tendency
7e~ increase with increasing rolling temperature. Th-i-;z is
~~Liributed to a drop in the specific pressure with a minimum
-affe:t of 3ther factors.,
Changes in the specific pressure p and the specific friction
"3rce "5 were similar during rolling in vacuum and in air. The
bard 3/6
----,restigation of some conditions ... S/148/61/ooo/oo6/oob/013
values p and r , and consequently also the torque- are affected
by the sudden a ?o P transformations and this explains the sharp
drop in the friction coefficient, forward slip and the slight
'-ncrease In spreading in the temperature range 850-9500C.
5~ With reduction an increase is observed in the
specific pressure and a decrease in the friction coefficient.
4, The exper--ments revealed considerable qualitative and quantita-
z;,Ye differences in the force, velocity and geometrical factors
pertaining to rolling titanium in vacuum and in air.
Experzments carried out earlier by some of the authors (Ref.14:
Sial', 1959, No.10, 929-931) yielded differing ri~,sults. namely,
the coefficient of friction and the geometrical and force
conditions depending on it were considerably higher in vacuum
than in air in the case of rolling pure iron with a carbon content
of 0.,01%. This clearly indicates that the investigated quantities
depend on the chemical composition of the rolled netal. There
are 6 figures and 14 references: 13 Soviet and 1 non-Soviet.
ASSOCIATIONi Institut metallurgii imeni A.A. Baykova (Institute of
Metallurgy ameni A. A., Baykov)
Card 4/6
Inve2tigating Lhe process of rolling with smooth rolls with
the help of a split roll strain gauge. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.;
chern.met. 4 no.9:87-94 161. (14LIA 14:10)
1. Aoskovskiy institut stali i Institut metallargii Akademii nauk
(Polls (Iron mills)--Testing) (Strain gauges)
.%.J 2-JiL 2aviov, 1. ~helost, i~, Tarasevich, Yu. F. and
611af"hov, V.
'_.Ji"': Invest4-ation o~* rollin- of certain titanium alloys
_6 U_ - 0
tut meta"largii. T4tan yego
:~ no. -.oscow, 1)02 7 11, ptallokhimiya i novyye
6piavy, 20'+-212
Hot and "warr." ro-L o 1' '2i all 2.5 1
-1in oy s c ori.
uaining 1
a,~,d o.o 2cl,, I.Ln (alloy 12 3.5~1,, Al and J.8 - 21,4' Mn (alloy 2),
5 1 d 2 - 3 S n(alloy 3) was StUdied *a-nd compared with
of c~ommercially Pure '2i. 1-4-icrostructure of the alloys, the
:~hero,:lena of 'gas SaTUratior. and scale formation a-d the ,lardness
of -.he alloys were also It- was found that commercially
pure Ti has a smaller tendency to ox-ldize than the alloys. Apart
scale formation, the exII-ent of gas saturation increases on
hea-L,intg. Saturation of the s!irface layer of titanium with oxygen
and nitrogen leads to t',Ie st-ibilization of the-~,,-phase. At the
kjard 1/2