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MINERVIN, A.V.; SERGMV, Te.M. Surface deposits in the right-bank area of the lower Ob' Valley. Vest.Mosk.un.Ser.biol., pochv., geol., geog. 13 no-3:143-150 ' 58. (MIRA 12:1) 1. Kafedra gruntoveneniya i inzbenornoy geologii Moskovskogo gos. universiteta. (Ob' Valley--Rocks, Sedimentary) SERGEYEV, Ye.M.; IL'INSKAYA, G.G. Concept of mesostructure of clay rocks. Vest.Hosk.nn.5er.biol., pochv.,geol.,geog. 13 no.4:121-125 '58. (MMA 12:4) 1. Kafedra gruntovedeniya i inzhenernoy geoloeii Moskovskovo imiversiteta. (Clay) SERCYBY'F,V, Ye.M. Honnring Professor S.3.14orozo7. Vest. Mook. un. Ser. biol., pocbv., geol., geog. 14 no.2:261-263 158. (MIRA 11:9) (Morozov, Sergei Sorgoevich, 1898-) .SF.RGF,YEV, Yevgeniy Mikhaylovich; GARANINA, N.S., red.; GEORGIYHVA, - G.I.. [Soil science] Gruntovedenia. Izd.2.. perer. Moskva, Izd-vo Mosk.univ., 1959. 333 P. (MIRA 12:8) (Soil research) KUPRINA, G.A.; SERGEYEV, Ye.g.__ Effect of the interstitial water content on the stability of argil- laceous ground. iIauch.dokl.vys.shkoly; geol.-geog.nauki no.1:163-172 159. CKIRA 12:6) 1. Moskovskiy iiniversitet, geologicheskiy fakul'tet, Imfedra gruntove- deniya i inzhonernoy geologil. (clay) BARANOVA, Z.K.; VOLOSOVA, R.I.; VOROIRMVICH, S.D.; IL'IFSKAYA, S.D.; SERGEYEV., Ye.K. - Change in Permian clays in the weathering crust from the point of view of engineering geology. Sov. geol. 2 no.6:114-121 Je '59. (MA 12:12) l.Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitat im. M.V. Lomonosova. (clay) SE RGEYEV, Ye.m.-, FALI)MVICH, A. Dovnlopmq~jt of angineering geology in Poland. VeBt.Hosk.un.Ser. biol., pochv., geol., gnog. 14 no.1:223-227 '59. (XIR& 12:9) 1. Kafedra inzlimerhay geologii Varnhavskogo univerBiteta. i kafed-ra gruntovednniya I Inzbenornoy geolog". Ho9kovgkogo universiteta. (PolanO-Enginoering gnology) SERG=, Te. H. p SHAZIMOVA, Ye. M. Nature'of adhesiveness in soils. Vest. Mosk. un. Ser. biol., pochv.. geol., geog. 14 no.,1:157-160 159, (MM 13:6) 1. Kafedra gnmtovedeniya i Inzhenernoy geologii Moskovskogo universiteta. (Soil physics) BARSANOV, G.P.; BOGDANOV, A.A.; YEDIAKOV, N.P.,- UA~HWIMUKOV, G.F.; - SLRGEM, Ye.M.; SMIRROV. V.I.; UKUSHOVA, A.F. International geological congress in Copenhagen. Vest. Mosk. un. Ser. 4,: Geol. 15 n0-6:3-12 11-D '60. (MIRA 14:1) (Geology-Congresses) SFIRGBYEV, Te.M.; MINKRVIN, A.V. Nature of the precess of loaaa formation in a Foclzolic zone. Vest.Hosk.un.Ser.4: Geol. 15 no-3:3-14 MY~Je 160. 04IRA, 13:8) 1. Kafedra gruntovedeniya i, inzhenernoy geologii Mookovskogo universiteta. (Podzol) (Loess) SERGEYEV,-Ye.M., doktor geol.-min. nauk, prof.j otv. red.; ASKALONOV, V.V.$ doktor geol.-min. rauk, red.; BEZRUK, V.M., doktor geol.-min. neuk, prof., red.; MOROZOV, S.S., doktor geol.-min. mau . prof.) red.; RZHMIITSYN, B.A., doktor tekhn. nauk,, prof., red.; VASILtYEVA, V.I., red.; GEORGIYEVA, G.I., tekhn. red. [Proceedings of the Conference on the Theoretical Bases of the Technical Improvement of Soils] Trudy Soveshchaniia po teoreticheskim osnovam. tekhnicheskoi melioratsii gruntov. Moscow, 1960. Otvet. red, E.M.Sergeev. Moskva, Izd-vo Mosk. univ., 1961. 466 p. (M!Rj', 14:10) l.Soveshchaniye po teoretichaskim osnovam tekhnicheskoy meliorataii ov. Moscow, 1960. 2. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy univetsitet for Sergeyev, Motozov). 3. Naucbno-issledovatel'skiy institut osno- vaniy i podze=ykh sooruzheniy Akademii stroitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR, Moskva (for Askalonov, Rzhanitsyn). 4. Gasudarstven33yy vsesoyuz- nyy dorozhnyy nauchno-issledovatel skiy institut, Moskva (for Bezruk). (Soil.mechanics) SERGEYEV, Ye.M. Professor Ivan Vasillevich Popov; on his 70th birthday and 45th annivers4ry of his scientific and pedagogicall career. Vest.Mosk. un.Ser.4: Geol. 15 no.l..68-,172 l6o. (MIRA 14:4) (Popov, Ivan Vasillevich, 1889-) SZRGEYEV, YO.M.; MAKSIMOV, S.N. Impressions of Norway. Vest.146sk,uneSer. 4: Geols 15 no.2:70-75 Yx-Ap 160. (MM 14:4) (Norway~--Geology) BARSANoV, G.P., doktor geol.-mineral. nauks prof., red.; KRUTOV, G.A., Prof.., doktor geol.-mineral. naLk, red.; GORSHKOV, G.P., prof., doktor geol.-minaral. nauk, red.; SERG=, Ye.M., doktor geol.- mineral. nauk, prof., red.; ZABOROVSKIY, A.I., prof., doktor fiz.- mat. nauk, red.; LWIOV, G.P., red.; LAZAREVA, L.V., tekhn. red. [Papers of the Faculty of.Geology of Moscow Universitz; for the 21st session of the International Geological Congressi Sbornik trudov geologicheskogo fakullteta Moskovskogo unlversitata; k XYI aeasil Vezhdunarodnogo goologichoskogo kongressa. Moskvay Izd-vo Monk. univ., 1961. 222 p. (MIRA 15:2) (Geology-Congresses) SERG-EYE-V,,-Ye.M.; BELTY, L.D. Basic Problems of enrineering geology and means for solving them. vest.M~sk.un. Ser.4:Geol. !6 no.5:37-45 S-0 '61. (MJRA 14:9) (Engineering geology) ODITITSDIVA, _T.I ; YaJL Clay boulders of sand deposits in the wastern part of the cenlral Kara Kum. Vest.Nosk.un. Ser.4:Geol. 16 no.6:08-73 11-D - 61 ~ (FID~A, 14-.12) 1. Kafo-dra grurtovedeniya i inzhenernoy geologii Moskovskogo universiteta. (Kara Kum--Clay) SERGEYEV, Yevgeniy-X:~K#ayqo ich, doktor geologo-miner. nauk; MIMOVA, --- I red.; RAYIT3211, I.T., tekhn. red. (Geology and construction] Geologiia i stroitellstvo. Moskvaj Izd-vo "Znanie," 1962. 31 P. (Novoe v zhizni, nauke, tekhnike. XII Seriia: Geolo iia i geografiia, no .2) (MIRA 15:6) (Egngineering geology) GOLODKOVSYMA9 G.A.; SERGEYEV, -Ye.M. Zoning of the ipper Amur','River for purposes of engineering geology, Sov.geol. 5 no.3:119-,127 Mr ",62. (MIRA 15:4) 1. 14oskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Lomonosova. (Amur Valley-Engineering geology) SER,GEM..-Ye.M.p-rqd.; LEONOV, G.P., red.; ZHUKOVSK3y, S.Ya.,, red.; DOBRUSKM&, I.A., red.; GEORGIYEVA, G.I., (Geology and characteristics of the engineering geology of the upper Amur Valley] Voprosy geologicheskogo stroardia i izzbenerno- geologicheskoi kharakteriatiki dolivy verkhnego Amara. Moskva# Izd-vo Mosk.univ., 1962. 171 p. (K= 15:5) (Amur Valley-Geology) kAmur ValJey-Engineering geology) B-COD) 1.0., prof., doktoL' Ceol.-r!dnor. riaul,; VARSAIEOFIYEVA, V.A., prof., doktor geol.-riiner. nauk; VELIKOVSYAYA, Ye.l.l., prof., doktor gool.-niner. nauk; GCOEYEV, D.I., prof., doktor eol.-miner. naulq DOBi-*OV, S.A., 60ktor feol -Tfiner. nauk ceased]; KOF, 1-%I., 'Icand.tekhn.nauk, deceased]; KUZ11CHEVA, M Ye.I.Y rludshiy nauchn,,7 sotr.; hUMIETSOV, Ye.A.~ prof., doktor '-Col.-i:iner. nauk; LEOLOV, G.F., prof., doktor geol.-niner. nauk; MEENEERY V.V., dotsent, doktorg)ol.-miner. nauk; NAZARENKO, I.I., kand. sellkhoz.nauk; POEEDIMSKAYA, Ye.A., assistent; POPOV, S.P., prof., cioktor g eol. -miner. nauk; SKIIRHOV, V.I.; SMIUMV, N.N., prof., doktor geol.-miner. nauk; 24OLIYANDOV, N.A., prof., doktor geol.-L.iner. nauk [deceased]; PEFIKSOVA, V.V., dotsent, kand.geol.-miner. nauk; SHAFRAIJOVSM , I.I., prof., doktor geol.- rdner. nauk; Prinimali uchastiye: BARSABOV , G.P., prof., dolctor geol.-miner. nauk; BOKIY, G.B.; GORSHKOV, G.P., prof., doktor geol.-miner. naulq KUDRYAVT&EV, V.A., prof., doktor geogr. nauk; 1,AHKOV, P.H., dotsent, kand.geol.-miner. nauk; MOROZOV, S.S., prof., doktor geol.-miner. nauk; ORLOV, Yu.A.., akademik; S&tGE;YEV Ye.1-1' prof , doktor geol.-r-iner. nauk; TVALGfP,ECIDZ~,l~.~l~.,-~-~i~~GA',qVA; G.I., tekhn. red. (Continued on next card) BROD, 1.0.- (continued) Card 2. r LHistoi-j of geolog,( atu Moscow University] Istoriia geologi- cheskikh nauk v Moskovslcom universitete. Fod red. D.I.Gorde- eva. Vloskva, lzd-vo Mosk. univ., 1962. .351 P. (1-aFA 15:7) 1. Moscow. Universitet. Geologicheskiy falculltet. 2. Chlen- 1-orrespondent Almdemii nauk- SSSR (for Smrnov). 3. Chlen- korrespondent Sibirskogo otdeleniya Akademii nauk SSSR (for BokiN, ). 4. Deystvitellnyy chlen Akademii nauk Gruzinsk(PJ SSR (for Tvalclu-olidzo). Woscow University) (Geology-Study and teachdng) KOTLOV, F.V., kand. geol.-nin. nauk, otv. red.; BEZ"MUK, V.M., doktor .aeol.-niner. nauk, red.; BEIYY, L.D., doktor geol.-miner. nauk, red.; BY!"OVA, V.S., kand. geol.-miner. nauk, red.; GORIKOVA, I.M., doktor geol.-niner. nauk, red.; GUREY-EV, A.M., red.; YEZ,MIY,UT0VA, Ye.F., kand. geol.-miner. nauk, red.; KOLOI-22-ISKIY, N.V., doktor geol.-riner. nauk, prof., red.; MAKEYEV, Z.A., doktor geol.-niner. nauk, red.; POLISHIE, D.Ye., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; POPOV, I.V., doktor geol.-miner.-nauk, prof., red.; P-.UKLCIISKIY, V.A., prof., red. [deceased]; RUBESIMN, A.L... dolctor geol.-miner. naukj prof., red.,- MGE-YEV Ye.M. doktor geol.-miner. nauh, prof., red.; FADEYEV, F.I., kand. geol.- miner. nauk, red.; ZOLOTOV, P.F., red. izd-va; ASTAFIYEVA, G.A., tekhn. red. [Yaterials on the engineering and geological properties of rocks and methods for their study] Inzhenerno-geologicheskie svoistva gorriykh porod i metody ikh izacheniia; materialy. Mo-kva, Izd- vo Akad. nauk SSSR., 1962. 362 p. (14IRA 15:5) 1. Soveshchaniye po inzhenerno-geologicheskim svoistvam gornykh porod j netodam, ikh izueheni-ya, Moscow, 1957. 2. Chlen-korrespon- dent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Priklonskiy). 3. Noskovskiy gosudar- stvenny-j universitet (for Sergey--v). 4. Laboratoriya gidrogeolo- gicheskikh probler~ Akademii nauk SSSR (for Kotlov). 5. Kafedra "Osnovaniya i fundementy" Moskovskogo instituta inzhenerov vodnogo khozyaystva (Rubinshteyn). (Rocks) (Engineering geology) BABICHEV, Ye.A.i BUROVA, N.N., GOLODKOVSKAYA, G.A., DOBRUSKINA, I.A.: KAGNERY M.N.; KONOPLEVA, V.I.; KRASILOVA, N.S.; LEONOV, G.P.; MURZAYEVA, V,F,.; PODRABINEK, R,A.; PRYAKHIN, A.I.; RYZHC.V, B.V.; PERGEYEV~ ~_~ FEDCROV, T.0,; FIDELLI, I.F.; EPSHTEYN, G.M.[deceas~dj; SHCHEKHURA, I.I., red.;.GEORGIYEVA, G.I., tekhn. red. (Geology and engineering geology of the upper Amur Valley]Geo- logicheskoe stroenie i lnzhenerno-geologicheskaia kharakte- ristika doliny Verkhnego Amura, Moskva, Izd-vo Mosk. univ., 1962. 317 p. (MIRA 16:3) (Amur Valley--Geology) (Amur Valley-Engineering geology) SERGEITV,_Ye._~J., glav. red.; ZOLOTAREV, G.S., red.; MAKSIMOV, S. N., Nd.; MORDZOV, S.S., red.; ORNATSKIY, N.V., red.; YERMAKOVY M.S.? tekhn. red. (Engineering geology and soil science; articles devoted to the 25th anniversary of the Department of Engineeriag Geology and Soil Science) Voprosy inzhenernoi geologii i gruntovedenlia; sbornik statei, posviashchennyi 25-letiiu kafedry gruntovedeniia i inzhenernoi geologii. Moskva, Mosk. univ., 1963. 363 p. (MIRA 16;5) 1. Moscow. Universitet. Geologicheskiy fakulltet. (Engineering geology) (Soil mechanics) 3n2a""4 ; MEWNIKOVA, K.P. V.I. Vernadskii's concepts of the "noosphere" and further development of enaineerina geology. Vest. Moak. un. Ser. 43 Geol. 18 no.1:43-47 Ja-F 163. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Kafedra gruntovedenlya i inzhenernoy geologii i Kabinet istorii geologicheskikh nauk MoskovskT universiteta. (Engineering geology SFRGEYFV,,,.,,jq,.~.1,,; ILIINSKAYA, G.G.; RE~HINSKAYA, L.G.; TROFIMOV, V.T. Study of the distribution of clay minerals for purposes of engineering geology. Vest. Mosk. un. Ser. 4; Geol. 18 no.3: 3-9 My-Je 163. (KM 16:10) 1. Kafedra gruntovedeniya i inzhenernoy geologii Moskovskogo universiteta. GERASD40VA, A.S.; SERGEYEV, Ye.M. Some problems of large- and medium scale mapping for purposes of engineering geology as revealed by the study in the Krasnoyarsk region. Sov. geol. 6 no.11:141-144 N '63. (WRA 17:1) MLYY, Leonid Dmitriyevich; FOFOV, I.V., prof., retsenzent; SER=Ev, Ye.M., Prof., retsenzent; 42: -"~-2 7 C , I. .. , 1-ed.izd-va; ULIYUIOVA, G.G., tekhn. red. [Theoretical fundamentals of mapping for purposes of engineering geologyj Teoreticheskie osnovy in-zhenerno- geologicheskogo kartirovaniia. Moskva, lzd-vo "111cauka," 1964. 166 p. WIRA 17:1) t L 25623-65 ENT (1) GW ACCESSIO NR: AP4049997 S/001!/C.4/000/009/0053/0064 ' Ye. M. AUTHOR: Minervin, A. V. Sergeyev, TITLE: New data for solution of the loess problem 34 SSSR. Izvesti SOURCE: Al ya. Seriya geologicheskaya, -no. 9, 1964. 53-64 TOPIC TAGS: geology, loess, soil engineering, soil freezing ABST~MCT: The authors review the principal hypotheses advanced to explain the origin of loess and point out that this problem has never been solved. Although the authors disC1ajm. .:,,.. any intention of an exhaustive review of- these hypotheses, they discuss two basic aspects of -that all existing hypotheses meet with convinc- the loe6s problem in detail. First, the fact ing criticism and that it is clear thA there is still no well-substa4t[ated hypothesis of loess origin.' Second, they stress that in most definitions of loess there is emphasis on its sub- sidence; (tendency to become compacted) as a typical property. the following three aspects of loess are then discussed critically: 1) Loess does not occur everywhere; .2) There is a definite relationship between loess and the underlying rocks; 3) Loess associated with a. gradiua transition from the underlying rocks seemingly inherits some of the characteristics of the latter. The authors postulate that in the loss formation process an, important role is. 1/2 Card M L 25623-65 ACCESSION NR: AP4049997 played by the seasonal freezing and thawing of the surface layer of unconsolidated rocks. There is a coincidence in the thickness of the compactable loess found on recent relief elements and the depth of seasonal freezing. The thickness of the compactable zone of loessial rocks of the Middle and Late Quatern is 5-6 rn, that Is, it considerably exceeds P-ry the present-day depth of penetration of below-zero temperatures. There, is every basis for assuming, however, that at least In Siberia the depth of seasonal freezing at the time of: glaciation was two or three times greater than now and corresponded precisely to the1hick- ness of the compactable loesses formed at that time. They feel that the Siberian loess. is an eluvial formation arising during the weathering of various pulverized rocks under specif- ic climatic conditions. Since Siberian loesses have a common genesis they are character- ized by specific properties which are important to take into account in geological engineero-'._-'.. ing work. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Moskoveldy gosudzirstvenny*y universitet imeni Mi V. Lomonosova, Moscow State University) SUBNMTED: ISJun63 ENCL: 00 UB CODE ES NO REP SOV., 017 OTHER: 000 Card 2/2 KOTSERUBA. L. A.; f, Reg-iona-lization of floodr-lain of large rivers frum the viewr~clnt of engineering geology. Vest.Mosk.un.Ser.4.- Geol. 19 no.5016-4-1 S-0 164. (~aRA 17:12) 1. Kafedra. gruntovedeniya i inzhenernoy geologii Moskovskogo universite ta. SERGEYEV, Ye.N.; ARKHIPOVA, G.F.; DIDEUKO, V.I. (Novosibirsk) Hypcrxic method of cardioplegia in experiinental extracorporeal blood circulation. Vrach. delo no.12.7-11 D '63. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Inatitut ekspe--tmentallnoy biologii i madt Oiny Sibir8kogo otdeleniya AN SF'3R. SIRGSM, Ye.P. Xxpansioa stand for metaorological apparatus. Gig. i san. 21 no.11: 94-95 H 9 5 6. (KLRA 10:2) (MBTBOROLOGICAL INSTRUMENTS) SENKEVICH, A.I.,; SERGEYEV9 Ye.P., Two methods for the rapid determination of the C02 content of the air. Gig.i san. no. 10:58-61 0 160. (MIRA 13.12) 1. Iz Voyiemo-mditsinskoy ordena Lening akademii imeni S.M. Kirova. (AIR POILUTION) (CARBON DIOXIDE) 3, 2 r- 515 5/177/61/000/006/003/005 On the operating D298/D305 and body temperatUre were also determined. During the tests personnel were questioned as to their heat sensations and how they felt generally. Air parameters taken into account were,-. TemperVAUre, humidity and mobili- ty (if the air,, heal radiatyou, (lie content in the air of carbon dioxide, ammonium and ammonium compounds excreted by the personnel. The resui ii; are presented in tabular form. From them optimum parameters for ensuring the work capacity of personnel throughout a watch can be selected for each type of ship's ventilation. A detailed account of six serlee of tests conducted by the authors is given, Analysis of the results shows that with proper mil:.roclimate, sailors preserve their work capacity ihroughou,, a 4-hour watch, despite the development of a certain degree ef inhibition -Ln the central rer%rous system. For hermetic, ventilation of unheated battle stations the authors recommend the parameters per- taining0 in tests N;;. I and 3. These parameters averaged. Air tempera- tui-s 26 C, relative humidity not more than 8556, air movement 0.2 meterz.,/ ser.1, resultant temperature'25 CC, CO2 content by +.he end of the watch IIP to 1%. These parameters are recommended only foz the- same conditions Card 2/3 L 54524-65 AP5017993 MV0240/64/000/009/009Z/0093 AGCESSION NR: AUMOR.- Yagovoy,1 P. N. (Dovent)j S2Kgpjev. re. P (Senior research associate); Rudenkoj, N. N. (Physician) TITLE: quality of drinking water after prolonged storage at high temperature- SOURCE: Gigiyena i sanitariyaq no* 9, 19649 92-93 j TOPIC TAGS: water purification, water pollution,,uicroorganism contamination. 0 Abstract: Pure iiater from the Leningrad water system was *kept at :28 C. foe it 51 months without any evident changes in a drganoli6ptic and Microbio- 1~logical properties. The long storage removed the unstable o rganic sub!- -stances which provide microorganisms.with a nutrient medium. Addition of: J: .'small quantities or organic substances (cranberry juice) worsened the quality of the water in storage; even after ten days a stagnant odor and ,taste were evident. Only a high concentration of cranberry juice (4 to 10 Mi/1) inhibited reprod4g:!tion of microorganisms (because of'the effect of benzoic acid).' - Orig. arto _fiii6i I table. -morskoy i gigiyeny Voyenno-meditsinakoy T, ASSOCIATION: Kafedra voyenno radiatsionnoy- ordena Lenina akademii im. So M. Kirovaq Leningrad (Department of ftval and Card___ 1/2 [ ZAGLIADIMOV, D. Aaft AEMX_EV,iE- Razmeshchenie sortirovochnykh stantsii na seti zheleznykh dorog SSSR. (Distribution of sorting stations on the railroad netwoex of the U. S.N. R.). (Sots. transport, 1940, no. 8-9, p. 15-24). MO s RE7. S 6 SO: Soviet Transportation and Communications, A Bibl--oggraphy, Library of Congress, Reference Department, Washington, 1952, Unclassified. ekhnicheskoe planirovanie raboty dorog. Jechnical planning of railroad operatio_n7. ZZ-heldor. trans,ort, 1944, no. 2-3, p. 60). DLC: HE7-Z5 SO: Soviet Transportation and Communications, A Bibliography, Library of Congress Reference Department, '.-lashington, 1952, Unclassfied. SERUMV, Ye. S., Engineer "Technical Plan for the Operation of Railroads." Sub 26 Mar 47, Moscow Order of Lenin Inst of Railroad En5ineers imeni I. V. Stalin I ( ',-J7 Dissertations presented for degrees in science and engineering in Moscow in 1947- SO: Sm. No. 457, 18 Apr 55 SERGMV, Ye.S., inzhener, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. [Technical operating plan for railroads] Tekhnicheskii plan zheleznykh dorog. KoGk7a, Gos.transp.zhel-dor.izd-vo, 1948. 203 P. (MYRA 6:8) (Railroads) ':!:~ .- ~r--- I- _1 -'. Ii -i- 'f V ,..- ,;_N' I KATSkXdVICH, M.N.; MXMT-vEV, A.A.; SIBAROV, V.D.; SERGEYEV, Ye...S_.. redaktor; KHITROV, P.A., tekhnicheskiy redaktor.r' [Problems of improving the technical aspects of shunting station operations] Voprosy uluchsheniia tekhnologicheskikh Drotsessov ra- boty sortirovocbnykh stantsii, Moskva, Gos. transp. zheleznodorozh. izd-vo, 1952. 230 P. [Microfilm] (MLRL 7:11) (Railroads--Making up trains) ZAGLYADIHOV, Dmitriy Petrovich; PETROV, Aleksandr Petrovich; Qg$XY3V. Yevgaaiy Stepanovich; EMGARD, X.A., redaktor; KHITROV, A.. t-eESI'~vH6-9IffkF-Fe-MMbr [Traffic control in railroad transportation] Organizataiia dvizheniia na 7,hF)loznodorozhnom transporte. Izd. )-a. Moskva, Uos. transp.zhel- dor. izd-vo, 1956. 642 p. I (MIRA 10:2) (Railroads--Traffic) I -- *,"EV, Vt " ., kqndidat tp*rhnichoskil~h nauk. ye S railroad trans;,ort in the Deorle'a democracies. - "h I / - Pl.dor. transp. 39 nn,7:~ )-36 J1 '57. 1c: -9~ O,urope, -aztern-Railroada) -SXWLTB,V,.Ye.S., kand.takhn.nauk Working out transportation problems In tJ,e Matual, 1conomic Assistance Council. Zhel.dor.transp. 40 no-11:91-93 11 158. (MIRA 11:12) (Mutual Xconomic.Pasistance Council) (Railroads) ZAGUYADII-IOV, Dmitriy Fetrovich; FETROV, Aleksandr Petrovich; SERGEYEV Yevgeniy Stepanovich; AKHRM-IOVICH, L.K., retsenzent; VARGM, S.N., retsenzent; YERMAKOV, A.A., retsenzent; KOZAK, V.A., retsenzent; MODZOLEVSKIY, I.V., retsenzent; PERSHM, B.F., retsenzent; PIVENSHTEYN, D.I.) retsenzent; FROKOFIYEV, A.G., retsenzent; %IETANIN, A.I., retsenzent; SHESTAKOV, A.I., retsenzent; RYSHUK, N.S., red. [Organization of traffic in railroad transportation] Orga- nizatsiia dvizheniia na zheleznodorozhnom transporte. Izd-4- Moskva, Transport, 1964. 542 p. (MIRA 18.1) POGORBLOVA, T.I.; GRACHEVA, A.L.; MASHTAKOVA. P.A.; TIMOSHXNKO, A.P.; YAKOVLEVA, G.A.; SHUBAYEVA, S.M.; SMGBY37, Ye.T.; IACHIJGDU, V.A.; K014SOMOLITSNVA, L.I., red.;'TWHZNx7, N.S., red.; GILID3BRA2JT, Ye., tekhn. red. [1conomy of Krasnoyarsk Territory; a statistical manual] Farodnoe khozialstvo Krasnoiarskogo Icrain; otatiatichaskil abornik. Krasnoiarsk, 1958. 332 p. (MIM 11:10) 1. Krasnoyarsk (Kray). Statistichaskoye upravleniye. 2. Nachallnik Statisticheskogo upravleniya Krasnoyarskogo krays, (for TocheW). (Krasnoyarsk Territory--Statistics) 7r 50) AUTHOR; Sergeyev, le. V. TITLE: On the Application of the duction (0b ispolIzovanii DDT) 50V/64-D-4-8/27 4aste Sulpharic Acid of the DDT Pro- s(--rnoki3lotnj',-h otkhodov Droizvodstva PERIODICAL: Khimic;leskaya prot:iyshlennost', 1959, Nr 4, pp 29 - 33 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In producing DDT up to 1,8 tons of polluted sulphuric acid composition of the following are obtained per 1 ton DDT: 6 5 - 7 0;-10' H2so 4' 25-30',G' n-chloro-benzene sulphoacid (I) and 4-5% water. The best method for the seDaration of (I) proved to be a dilution of the nixture with water and cooling to 200C whereby (I) separate as crystalline precipitation, AccordinZ to data of the NIUIF and industrial experii-aents the sulpharic acid freei from (I) (with still up to Tj_-~, (I)) can be used for the production of superphos.-hate and ammonium sulphate as well as for the absorption of propylene in producing isopropanol. The above dilution method of the waste acid of the DDT pro- duction was already introduced 10.51 in the USSR. For the puri- Card 1/3 fication of (I) the so called "chalk method" (Ref 2) is applied On the Application of the ',~:a3te Sulph-tric Acid of the IDT SGV/6"-5'---4-8/27 Prcd,ctiorl The autoclave of the last oLentioned plant was nut corroded (in contrast to chlorobenzene hYdrolysis accordin- to data of the NIOPiK), Tht~re are 4 figures and 20' references, 6 of which are Soviet~ Card 3/3 11 of ;-sodiira ulienolsulf or i; f rom ucid of the wnstf, o DDT jn=aw~. Yos, 196C Pj7) -242- 'i' ~: . r. I - SLI U;:,Y.~A -,-.YE) V ;,01,3.., 41 Continuous DDT pro~.vcticr 1,-,-ocejs ~nd iL; , Ltrvaticn. Zhix. VI'llio 5 no. 3;31E-321+ 'c,- - (..L-- 14:2) (DD'.'- (Insec:ticide)) ---SE-RGEYF,V, _Ye.V,., kand.tekhn.nauk; ENGLIN, A.L., kand.tekhn,nauk; MMMA, V. N. Production of monochloroacetic acid. Rhim; prom. no.10:41-45 0 161. (MIRA 15:2) (Acetic acid) ( BATIN, N.A.; SEERGEYEV, Ye.Ye.; BRUYEVICH, Yu.A. Use of low-~~rade lumber. Der. prom. 14 no.8-18-20 Ag 165. (MTIRA 18:10) 1. Belorusskly tekhnologicheskly inatitut im. 3,M, Kirova. BATIN, N.A., Imnd. tekhn. nauk; LAKHTAEOV, A.G., Vand. tekhn. nauk; SERGEYEV,',Ye.Ye., kand. tekhn. nauk Standards for lumber requirements for wooden box container manufacture. Der. prom. 8 no*10;10 0 159. (MIRA 12:12) I.Belorusskiy losotekhnichoskiy institut im. 3.M. Kirova. (Woodworking) (Box making) SERGEYE'V, Ye. Ye. "The effectiveness of using frame saws with flattened teeth for sawing hardwood (oak)." Min Higher Education USSR. Belorussian Forestry Engineering Inst imeni S. M. Kirov. Minsk, 1956. (Dissertation for the Candidate in Technical Sciences). SO: Knizhnaya letopis', No. 16, 1956 WGIMOV, Toje.,ansiatant Wear of the cutting edge of evage-set teeth. Sbor.nauch.trud.BITI no.10:324-329 '57. (MIRL 11:12) (save) BATIN, N.A.; SERGEYEV, Ye.Ye. Over-all utilization of raw materialE. Der.prom, 11 no.3:25-26 btr 162. (MJRA 15:2) 1. Belorusskiy tekhnologizheskiy institut im, S.M. Kirova. (Wood-using industries) i !v , 5. ~b , :- ,i ie, T,ntt,Dr,k cr t"he rmnd ::f Dcr. ;:,rcim.. -- (Mi RA 18 ~ 5 ` 11, rc.4,29 Ap I I , E4;- i c.r-ilsi-,kly ,~,-Khrinloe 4 Uot J m. 3.14.Kirovd. -L ~ I i SERGMV, Yu., inzh. 't~ - V~~n -,re laying of heating pipes. Stroitall no.6:20 Je 159. P (141R[, 12:9) (Prestressed concrete) ,SMGBYKV 0 Yll. Dam cL-signea. by A.M. Sankov. Stroitell 2 no.6:27 Je 156. (MIRA 10:1) (Dame) I.; _a~!~YEV-j-Yu~j- kamcl.yuridich.nauk V nOT)olies are on the offensive agaim~t i-ve-,torr~. Izobr.i rats. M0 -4. no.6:46-49 Jo 'j()0. ~jl (Inventions) (Patenbz~, IVAIIOV, I.; SERGEYEV, Yu. Patents in the foreign trade practice of capitalist countries. Vnesh.torg. 30 no.9:27-32 160. (MIRA 13:9) (Patent laws and legislation) SERGEYEV.9--lu-, Useflal book for employeea in foreign coliiimrce ("Baste problem of inventions in international-'private law".by M.M. Boguslavskii. Reviewed by IU. Sergeev). Vueab. torge 42 nool:42-43 161. (MIRA 14: 1). (Patents (Internatiowa law)) (Boguslavskii, lvr_~ -iT.;r-_ 01- S 294. SlAhintsii; D. 1. Physical and thermal calculations forthe; 14SSR A Jomr A SO. arices a -away At4fle vactor, Soviel.] Atomic Ene tom;c ?v floa IF 11-41, 19511, lCons-11-1,W Bullau Transfation), Paper describes the Soviec Union 5 -Mw which is of the carbon-pile type. Ile "physics" calculations described in the first ptift are based an the '*age's' theory (cif S. Glasstone and M. Edlund, ."The elements of nuclear reactor. theory, D. -Van Nostrand 0)., Inc., New York, 1952). The "ther- mat" calculations described in the-secand par; outline briefly the method for taking into account such things as the nonualfortnity of beat-source distribution within the core. The hear-source.peaking -factiii is-assumed-Oro the.-thervitt flux pottianal to _ Detailsire-ia cking,as io-ch~ e exactroam PC CIS- - , _ dpsi -So factor 9 94 gn Me CM ant tempa-atme curves off" _,delong"m - j_ distribution From ema peritnentil-c-Orves of the,mdiiFth I flux the figures.- it appears that the-theariticai radial pinking fa ctor uld be ice different endi w0 qui firom t e experimental vxlue~ d rig rp an the position of the inner and outer contra rod ban"., Vor aT - " - 4 more detailed discussion o Actors and thentral,desigii oft king see the paper by- Palladino [AMR 8, Rev. 11771, now published in rim - ASME Trani. 177i 5. 667-673, july,1953. (Palladino's _per -ts good background material which vilt.aidi in lnterprcuuon~o MR-- l i d teria in paper be ng reviewe .) q 33214 511OF"),162/0 12/002/005/10 13 B102/3155 AUIT 0 417, Broder, D. L., Kondrashov, A. P., Futu-, ov, A, A. , N%umov, rgeyev, Yu. A., Turunov, A. '.'. 7.'uItiF-rouP motho(13 of calculating blolo,,:ical nhieldifi~, H 101) 'CAL: Atomnayn enerFiya, v. 12, no. 2, 1962, 129 - 159 The spatial encrj,,t disLribution for Gnieldo if; calculated for a rource at a distance of 40 cm. Seven- and ten-grou? re:hods are used and the calculations are made in diffusion-ac:e and a 11 jion anproximat ions, rpopectively. As. the lower limits of the the following ener,,7ieu were chosen for the ceven-f-roup method 1.5-10 6, 9-10 6, 4.5-10 5, 3.103, 3.3, E and 0 ev, and for the te-'7.roup "Y 6 6 6 5 lim 5 , -10 , 5-10 4, 3, 6.7, E methud: '1*10 , 2-5-10 , 1.5-10 7 if - 10 1.10 lim r.nd 0 ev. Spectrum and group constants are calculated for both groups and the results are compared graphically with experimental ones. The I experiments were made with the critical assembly of a water moderated Card 1/3 3323h `j /6 , 2/ r~, 0 2 /,) 0 5 / 0 15 I t i i-ro u ph od r o f ca I c,i I a t i n,-. 3"t~2/12 t3 C. ~,ijiyc%eva in the expericent!i. The reactor tPam neiber.9 1. G. Yorozov, :e, I. linytitin, 7. K. I~Mbuzov and 11. G. Uvarov are thanked for their work. 1111-2, are 4 ftrIr--s, I tuble, nnd 12 refcrence3: 7 Sovict and 5 non-Soviet. Tli,-! reference to the Englinh-langunge publication reads as follora~ D. L. Hnrvey. 5eutron cross vection, 1956. -!',T --: D :April 17, 1961 Card 3/5 =.,- - , , " _ . , T, - . 7 T-, , 4 --T ~ T ~ .-II ~; - -D 7~rj -, -- -- :-, V-1 - z -- "Portable atomic, power station." - - ~j --- 2 reuort submitted for 3rd inti Conf, Feacef~L Uses of Atomi- Energy Ger-va 31 Aug-) Sep 64. L 2h~-65 -.ACCESSION NR: APSOOVk66 S/0089/64/0171006/04-48/0452 AUTHOR: Sine N,-M,*- 13-fchkbv, I,, . B16khin,- 0. L.6 Broder, D. L~; Gabr0sev, V. N.,'Dudnik .ov Y , ir. V..; Zhilltsov, V. A.; Koptev,'.." K' to P - LwjtDq_y_ M_ N_ ; ~M~ochkin G. A. -'Merzlikin., G. A. lov,Yue I ~u..i.' Komii~~. (doccau'ad)i Orolc . j Sorg=V, sarey. P_ N.; tlshnkny. G_ DL; Fqdor6V. N. V.; Chqrnyy.-V.- Yi_,_._9Kmelev, V, M.- k1ir ... I . I I - I . _. TITLE: Small-size atomic eleedic power,"installation TES-3 SbURCE: Atomnaya energiya, v. 17. no. 6, 1964, 448-452 TOPIC TACS:_ small atomic po~ver installation, portableptomic power installa- tion , nuclear reactor, electric power generatioli~tzs-3 reactor ABSTRACT: The paper is a summary of the SSSR report 0310 at the Third Inter- ____j~4t1on.aj_Qonference on Peaceful Uses of Atomic PliergX_IEGeneva, 1964. It describes a movable gmall-size atomic electric power installation with the water cooled and moderated TES-3 reactor (under 10,000kw). It consists of four cardl/2 ACCESSION NR: AP5001266 blocks each of which was assembled at the manufacturing plant, and wliic'h airv placed on four self-propelled flatcars on caterpillar tracks. No housing Is re- quired for the Installation; the only local preparation needed Is the radiation protection. The results with a demonstiation model show a satisfactory agree- ment between the thboretically expected and actually obtained parameteri of the installation. Orig. art. has: 4 figures ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: NP NR REF SOV: 000.; OTHER: 4~ Irs, Y z ACC:--NR---""-AT60:~-'7931' SOLIPCE CODE: UR/CC)OO/6'/OOD/C)00/0175/0-183,.,~~ AUTEOR: V,,)Tne--eDqkiZ,, R. .1'4.; Gjis~ichiria, N, Yu., 11,; Sergeyev Yu. A. GFG: 11 o n Radiation heating of the screen for the th-:rmtal shield in the TES-3 reactor-e vessel ~:SO;IRCE: Vcprosy fiziki zas4chity reaktorov (Problems in physics of reactor shielding);! sborr,~Lk stitey, no. 2. '-Ic--,cov, Atorii a 196' , 175-183 'PAGG: react.or shielding, ticating, ul-Xmic energy plant. equijxnent The aut.11ors di!-,cuss experimental data on radiation heating of the thermal shield in the pres--are vessel of the water-water reactor used in the 1500 iow TEES-3 ;atomic electric rr--wer station. Chromel-alumel thermocouples were used for measuring -,.cimperature of ',he screen in the thernal shield. The thermocouple emf was po-ten- !tio--etrically registered. Curves are given showing heat release in the screen as a Auiction of thickness. A maximium density of total heat release of 9.9 w/cM3 is ob- !'~i Bile innor Surl'zice of the screen. Formulas are derived for determining the L(-.~;,-iperature eli!Aribution in Wic screen rin(l curves are given showing the temperature in the screen and on its inner surface for various reactor power levels. A *te~ ,ipur-ocil of theoretical and experimental results shows satisfactory areement in sp- of ~;~--.rtfral sources of error. Orig. art. has: 5 figures, 1 table, 5 formulas. -U,: 181' SUEZ.1, DATE: 12jan66/ ORIG REF: oo6/ OTH REF: 001 F- Cr- -d SOTNIKOVI A.A., dots.,kand.voyennykh nauk., polkovnik; SERGEYEV - '- .1 Yji.D., polkovnik; MUHZAYEV, N.I., red.; ZUDINk,""M.P., tekhn. red. [Military use of rocket weapons] Boevoe primenenie ra- ketnogo oruzhiia. Moskva, Voenizdatj 1964. 75 P. (MIRA 17:2) Acussim NRs Ap4w5ni S/0046/64/0:LO/001/0060/0065 AUTHORSs Klyukin, 1. 1. (LeniWad)j Sergeyw, Yu. D. (Uninp&d) TITLEz Scattering of flexural waves by vibration mounts ft-ted on a plate SOUMEt Akustiaheakiy zhurnalp v. 10, no, 1, 1964p 60-65 TOPIC TAGS: flexural wave, vibration mount, resonance system, force impedance, oscillation attenuation, effective radius, moment impedance, cylindrical function, Hankel function ABSTIRACT: The authors study a field of flexural waves in a plate on which are placed point vibration mount resonance systems characterized by force impedance. They determine the local attenuation of the oscillations of the plate at the points of installation of the vibration mounts and the dependence of the attenuation of the distance in a neighborhood of a vibration mounte They estab- lish tl-zt the radius of effectiveness of a vibration mount, within whose "ts the oscillation attenuation exceeds 3 db for vibration mounts with a natural frequency of 1500 cps and mass 700 gme., comprines 0-3-0-4 of the length or the Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4025731 flexural wave-in the plate. The developed theory is applicable to the study of the scattering effect of any point obstacle for which the impedance am be determined. "The authors express their gratitude to M. N. Korniyenko tor doing Us measurements and computations." Orig. arte bass 3 figures and 18 formLlAwe ASSOCIATIM none SUB&TTM: 02Aug63 DATE ACQs l0Avr&, MCL s 00 SUB CODEs Al NO REF 50V s 002 02=3 002 Card 2/9 NIKOLAYEV, Georgiy Alekseyevich; PETRUNRI, Rudolf Valentinovich; yAF_WMKO, Yakov Danilovich: LEEBEDIKIIINA, Zqya St~epanovna; KOVERDA, Pavel Trofimovich; 0RGE`-vEV, Yu.D., red.; KUDRYAVITSKAYA, A.A., tekhn. red. . [Work of volunteer constructor offices in introducing inven- tions] Rabota obshchestvennykh konstruktorskikh biuro po vnedreniiu izobretenii. Moskva, TSentr. biuro tekhn. in- formatsii, 1962. 38 p. (MIRA 17:4) ARTEVIYEV, Yevgeniy Ivanovich;'CMIVYAKOV, Igor' Vasillyevich; SERGEYEV, Yu.D., red. [Organization of the patent system in the United States] Organizatsiia patentnogo dela v SShA. Moskvap TSentr. nauchno-issl. in-A patentnoi informatsii i tekhniko-ekon. issledovanii., 1963. 26 p. (KBA 17tg) PAVLOV, O.V.,' SERGEYEV, Yu.D. Patent protection of construction and road machinery for export. Stroi. i dor. mash. 8 no.2sl2-15 F 163. (KIRA 16:3) (Construction equipment-Patents) (Road machinery-Patents) SF7-llrx:,:I.rL-V, YU.D. Fatent sult-lbility of stardards. Stardartizats-lia 29 no. 11: 55-56 if r65 (,Cfm~ 19:1) 1. Rukovoditelt patentnoy gruppy Tseso7uzrogo nauchno-issle- dovatelfskogo instituta magnitnoy zapisi i tekhnologii radio- veshchaniya i televideniya. /Eq P 1)k 0 2 31.12 SOURCE COIY,--- -ff[O--1W[66-FO 70031003F ~O orgeyev, 1u. D. Z 3 iTLZ-. Pa'~ejnt -information in the area of motion pictures and television Tokhnika ~dno i telovideniya, no. 3, 1966, 58-61 0 0 TAQ'i TV broadoaatLla, notion picture r A3A-Y?j%CT- A brief description of Ue state of patent information at tho present time rite various systems of classification of patents as used in Germany, the USSa, the T161k, England, etc., are briefly described. The classes and subclasses in which paten -I_nformtlon in the areas of motion pictures arA television will Ukel~y be found are Aott)d. rJPRS7 SUB COM 17, 14 / SUB14 DATEt none / ORIG RP5Ft 004 1 ~-ard 1 /1 C- UDC. 778.S+621o397(088*8 s/148/62/000/003/011/011 Corrosion-resistance ... EIII/E435 is of practical interest. This alloy has a comparatively good corrosion-resistance (tested in a cabinet with 98% relative humidity at 45 to 500C), high electrical resistance (1 to 1.2 ohm mm2lm) and, if annealed at 1150 to 12000C and then rapidly cooled, a high coercive force. However, its induction is not high enough and shaping properties are not very satisfactory, therefore, further research is needed. The authors propose to carry this out in order to find the range of application of alloys of this type, comparing them with alloys of other systems previously investigated for this purpose. Results will be reported in a further communication. There are 7 figures and 3 tables. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy institut aviatsionnogo priborostroyeniya (Leningrad Institute of Aviation Instrument Construction) SUBMITTED: April 20, 1961 Card 2/2 BREKHOVY V.M.p inzh.j SERGEYEV, Yu.G., inzh. Magnetic registers using ferromagnetic tape. Elek. sta, 36 no.11: 86-87 N 165. (MIRA 18:10) SERGEYEV, Yu.N. Results of studying long~period waves in the sea. Uch.zap.IGU no.309:55--77 ;61. 0 MIRAA 15:3) (waves) SERGYM, Yu,N,, Experience in using an electronic computer for calculating maps of isophases and Isoamplitudes of sea tides. Vest.LGU no.24:156- 161 162. (MIRA 16:2) (Klectronic computers) (Tides) SERGEYEV, YIA.N. Using G.LeLlb,',s theoretical conclusions in modern numerical methods of calculating tide phenomena in the open sea. Vest. LGU 18 no.M129-132 163. (NIRA 16:8) (Tides) SERGEYEV, YU.N. Practice of computing a cotidal chart of the M tidal wave in - 6L78 163. the South China Sea. Trudy Inst. okean. 66. (MIRA 16:10) SERGE7fEV, Yu.N. Use of the method Q, boUndLrr for Cal'-Catiln~- Charts of tidal harmonic constantf~ In u- Sou, - China Sea. OkEa-,ologij-a 4 no.4:595- 602 164. NIPJi 17:10) 1. Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universi-tet, kafedra okepnologii. J'~;H6z:YSIV; Yu.~'. *WIN Innervation c)-l the rbdiocarpol Joint, Ortop.travm. i protex. 18 no.3: 40-45 My-Je ,~?. (MIYA 10:9) 1. Iz kzfed-Y normall"noy anatonii (nach. - prof. V.M.Godinov) Voyennc~morekoy medilQlnskcPr skade-ali (WRIST, ijneyV, r.-idio-cs.-pal Joint) PASHKOVA, Vera Ivanovna;-SERGEYEV Tu P , red.; PARAKHINA, N.L., tekhn. red. [Essays on medicolegal osteology] Ocherki sudebnomeditsin- skoi osteologii; opredelenie pola, vozrasta i rosta po ko- stiam skeleta cheloveka. Moskva, Medgiz, 1963. 153 P. (MIRA 16:9) (MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE) (BONES) LASHKOVI Vladimir Fedorovich; SERGEYEV, Yu.P., red.; KOROLEV, A.V., tekhn. red. V -1 (Innervation of the respiratory, organs] Innervatsiia organov dykhaniia. Moskva, Medgiz, 1963. 248 p. (MIRA 16:8) (RESPIRATORY ORGANS-INNERVATION) . ilr Z11DANIOV, A.D., prof., -red.; SMGEYEV, Yu.P., red. [International anatomical nomenclature] Mezhdunarodnaia anatomicheskaia nomenklatura. Izd.2. VioskVa, Meditsina,, 1964. 77 p. (MILU 17: 5) i. Chlen-korrespondent A1,11 SSSI (for Zhdanov). i'.GAIIKOY, Georgiy Borisovich; SIRGE"YEV, Yu.P., red. [1,'eural apparatus of the adrenal g-lands-I appa-i-at I- -: , nadi,ochechnykh zhelez. Moskvip ,ffeditsina, 196-1- 188 P. (MIlLA -17:6) SERGEYEV, Lukji -1 US.EV, A.S.y red. _~!ivlovlch; G [Morphological fundamentals of reflex contractures] Morfologicheskie osnovy reflektornykh kontraktur. Mo- skva,'Meditsina, 1964. 231 P. (MIRA 17:6) ALOV, Josif Aleksandrovich; SERGEYEY,'Xu.P., red.; BUKOVSKAYA, V.A., tekhn. red. [Essays on the raitotic division of cells] Ocherki fiziologii mitoticheskogo deleniia. kletok. Moskvap Izd-vo "Meditsina," 1964. 301 p. (MIRA 17:3) DENISOVAJ. M. V.; SERGEYEV, Yu. V. Improvement of the properties of viscose cord in the -- pr ss of twisting. Khim. Volok. no.6:25-27 162. (MIRA 16:1) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy inatitut lokusstven- nogo volokna. (Synthetic fabrics--Testing) 5&iGa -`VP Yu. V. "Concerning the Mechanism of 3ensitization anf the Development of Antibodies," a report presented at the First Conference of Pathologists of Central Asia and Kazakhstan held in Stalingradp 1-2-15 Feb 1955, Ark. Patol., 17, No 3, pp 83-87, 1955 Abstract Sum. 1003, 20 Jul 56