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SERGSYEV, F.V,, inzh.; SIMLENEO, inzh.
Elec'ric-arc furnace wi-.h an electrode in tI,e molten :.etal. Vest,
(-I e'r- -LrOprOrr,. 3 1r., ) . I C, : 4' ' 4 t90' CO. ( M., ?, 1 ~ - " )
(Eloctric furnaces) (Electroae J1
Interconnection of electric and geometric parameters of electrode
furnaces and their industrial purpose. Trudy Alt. CMII AN
Kazakh,SSR 9:181-188 ?60. (MRA 14:6)
1. Altavskiy gornometallurgicheskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy
Institui AN Kazakhskoy SSR.
(Electric furnaces)
AUTHORS: r-wo-m- P-V., Engineer and Sidorenkot G.A., Engineer
TITLE- Electric Are Furnace with the Electrode Submerged in
the Molten Metal
PERIODICAL: Vestnik elektropromyshlennosti, 1960, No.10, PP-45-48
TEXT: The furnace was developed in the Laboratoriya
promyshlennoy energetiki, Akademiya nauk Kazakhakoy SSR
(Industrial Power Laboratory of the AS KazSSR). In contrast to
current types of arc furnaces, the arc burns under a layer of
molten metal, the thickness of which can be varied as desired.
Therefore, the heat is generated directly in the metal and the
efficiency is considerably higher; the metal vapours which form in
the arc zone condense agi"In without rising to the surface and,
therefore, very little metal is burned away. Air oxygen is not
present, so that there is practically no burning-off of the
graphite electrodes. Irrespective of the metal that is molten,
the furnace has a high power-factor, The graphite electrode is
a protective tube of a material thermally and chemically resistant
Card 1/ 5
Electric Arc Furnace with the Electrode Submerged in the Molten
to the particular melt; the tube is electrically insulated from the
electrode and there is an appropriate gap between the two, This
is filled with asbestos which, in addition to serving as electric
insulation, also provides a hermetic "seal betweei.. the electrode
and the tube. The asbestos lining is discontinted at a distance
of about 2 to 3 electrode diameters from the end of the electrode
and the electrode is shorter than the protective tube by about
0,5 to 0.6 diameters. It is make 'the lower end of.the
tube in the form of an inverted funnel, to prote,-~t the edges from
over-heating and to prevent shiftifig of the arc -'rom the electrode
to the walls and also to improve heat removal. In smelting lead,
tubes of heat-resistant steel shoul4 be used; for low heating
temperatures the tubes can be of ordinary steel. In smelting
aluminium and its alloys, the protective tubes should be made of
high-temperature cast iron, In smelting zinc, particular types of
cast iron with alloying additions are also suitable, For all
metals and alloys, tubes made of non-porous, high quality,
Card 2/5
Electric Arc Fijrjiace with the Electrode Submerged in the Molten
Meta I
graphite are fully satisfactory, For initial starting of the
furnace, a shallow liquid-metal bath has to be available. (This
is not necessary for subsequent starts, since the electrode design
is such that the furnace can be periodically stopped and during
these stoppages the electrode is "frozen" into the bath.)
On immersing the electrode into the molten metal the air in the
cavity gets compressed, thus preventing penetration of liquid
metal to the electrode, After the electrode has reached the
necessary depth, a second electrode is introduced manually below
the cavity for the purpose of igniting the arc; this igniting
electrode can be removed after 3 to 5 min and from then onwards
the arc will burn inside the gas space. The best results were
obtained when the second electrode was at the same level as the
metal A furnace was tested in the laboratory (10 kW unit) and
then in a larger version for smelting zinc (100 W. The main
facEors which determine the satisfactory operation of such a
furnace are.- air-tightness of the electvode; suitable depth of the
rard 3/5
Floctric. Arc Ftii-nace with the Electrode Submerged in the Molten
M e t a. I
etectrode ta,;ide the protective tube, so that a satisfactory gas
,~pa-_e Ls formed. shape of the end of the protective tube, a funnel
dtvergent toward:~! the bottom being the most favourable; and the
etectrode as near to vertical as possibl-, since excessive
iii..-lination can Lead to an undesirable shortening of the arc and
also to short-circuits In smelting lead, the electrode
consumption was uniform at the rate of I mm/h in laboratory
operation and 2 to 3 mm/h in industrial units. Particular
attention was paid to the design of the equipment for continuous
feeding of the electrode, which is so made that air leaks through
'he bottom of the protective tube are prevented. In a specific
In-stallaLion the power factor was 0.84 to 0.88, increasing with
increasing loading to 0-85 to 0,95; the voltage across the are was
23 to 28 v. Tn the case of lead'smelting, the voltage drop at the
near-cathode Laver was about 12 T, at the near-anode layer about 3V
asid iLn Ithe arc column 11 to 14V, Taking into consideration that the
1-~~ngfh 11 5 to 10 mm, the voltage gradient across the
I u 2 0 V/mm Therefore, the maximum possible
v o I v afzE-: t -4 j 0 t o 6 01r, or
Card 4/9
Card 5/5
4. 0 C> 1 ri A16l/AO33
AUTHOR' Sergeyev, P.V., Caandidate of Technical Sciences
TIT-LC- Considera-ion on t~ie Hydrogen Separation Overtension
PERIODICAL~., Vestnik Akademit nauk Kazakhskoy SSR, 1960, No. 12, pp. 26 35
Tbe theoretical conception of the overtension of the hydrogen sepa-a-
tion In the electrolytic separation of metals from acid electrolytes is inter-
pret-ed from the physical point of view under consideration of the possible practi -
ral u~iliza'ion. The overrension theory of delayed discharge suggested by Pol Imer
a-rid Erdey-Gnuts ~Ruszian transliceration) had been developed by Academician A.N.
Frum,kin whose mathematioal overtension expressions had been verified in many ex-
perlments. Fnamkint- formula for overtension for the case of acid electrolytes
(Ref. 1) is a + ' lnD + 1 RT ln[f~' (1). By,,mion
1Z I rX F F j
of conl~tants the forapila -zan be reduced to the Tafel t formuld qj = a+ b , IgD
(2). TTie 140T,:Pjla '2) reflests -he phenomenon showing that overtersion consists of
two components, one of which, CL, Is independent of the current. density and can
only be explained ty the electrochemical interaction of the electrolyte and the
cathode material (e.g. zinc and the format-ion of a Stationary electrical field
Card 3/3
Consideratlon on the Kydrogen Separation Overtension A161/AO33
with -Iwo layers already before the eletric current is switched on. a and b mus
be knowr. P.V. Sergeyeils formula (Ref. 3M for electrolyzer3 with insoluble
anode and aqueous sulfuric acid -,olutlon is used for this purpose; U6 = U + b
-a +1Z 0 a
J.gDa+ bk " IgDk + D3 (5) where U0 a k - Ua + U k ~ U
deoomposition tenston +,qg ; for Q Nase of the electrolysis of zinc U 0,:.-- 2.36v
1.67 - decomposition tension of H SO and 0.69 - overtension of hydrogen, CLa
.- tensio .0 j
Ua - tension jump at the anode; 0, 4 n jump at the cathode- D Dk
current' densitl-s at the anode Q at-Ae cathode. A ba and bk - Ta?el
for~rjla coefftoientz, pa- specific resistance of the
electrolyte, in ohm 'Am; 21 - space between electrodes in cm. For -Ghe case of a
denzi-!~y of I Alm the reFistance drop in the electrolyte may be ignored,
and the fornP.11a (5) reduced to the form U., = IJOC- U decomp.-II-ens. + a k' hence ak
U LT de,~omp.tens (6 The formula (6) has been verified in experiments by
+-he author. for cathodes from zino, cadmium, cobalt, Iron, aluminum, copper and
antimony. fhe obtained values are (Table 1)
Cathode materiall
VC1 1. 1;
2F -
0 3 11-IjIl 31
s/ 14 1/6k)/(-)o 19 /*j
E 19;~/E362
Sergeyev, P. V.
TlTLE: Detailed. Dia.,rrams of I. A. Vyshne.-radskiy and the
Clhoice of Optimum. Parameters for an 'lidirect Control
System witli Correcting Differentiator
I-EUIOD1CAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniv.,
Radiofizika, 1961, Vol. 3, No. 6, up. 1077-14.)92
T 11,'XT The method of analysis adopted in this work is based
on the discriminant curve ii-troduced by Hulgakov (Ref. 1)
-I nd
tqe D a- operation proposed*by Neymark (Refs. 2, 3). A
typical indirect control system is illustrated diagrammatically
; n Fig. 1. This compriges a differentiating circuit and ar,
a i,; 1.) 1 i f y i n- stac~e. The transfer function of the system is given
Y(P) - Z (rp2 + kp + 1) (S~D + 1) (.:, p + 1)
p(rp2 + kp 1)(Sp + 1)(-ip 4 1) + ck, (-p 1)
Card 1/~'*7
Detailed Diagrams E192/E382
%,rhere a normalised time t/6T a was introduced; the
other parameters in Eq. (1.1) are defined by Eqs. (1.2). In
evaluating the effect of the derivative, it is desirable to
preserve the static erroi- which is achieved when ck 0 1
Iri the case of an ideal diffet-entiator for which
the characteristic equ.-ition of the system is:
D(p) ~ rsP'+ (r + ks)p3 (k s)p2 + I)p + I = 0.
D-operation leads to the following parametric-equations for
the boundary curve:
5-.0)2 + 1 S'W2 + (- + 1) S (1. 10
L S20)1) U)2(j + S211)2) (1.4)
which, together with the straight line r = 0 , determine
the stability region on the plane of the parameters of the
Card 2/A
Detailed Diagrams ....
s/ 14 1/60/00 3/Oub/U19/02 5
sensor element. Fig. 2 shows the regions of stability depending
on the position of the principal point relative to the
straight line s = "L- + 1 1 S = L. and -- = 0 . 1t cau be
shown that the plane -C , s (such as shown in Fig. 2) can 13e
divided into 10 regions which are characterised by dif'fering
behaviour of the discrimirant curve in the plane k, r all
the basic types of the discriminants are investigated. For the
construction of the detailed diagrams of I.A. Vyslinegradskiy
it is assmied that p = -a + jw and so Eq. (1-3) can be.
written in the paraiiietric form as follows:
(2s~'nt+-.s)Z2+j1 --4sa+2(7(-+I)(1-2sct)lz-4a2(1-2sot)
k 2sa + S`z) Z`
+ (I -.2s2) - s1z - 2,j(I 2sm)
0 - 2so: -' s2*2
(I. 14a.)