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.66 EWT(1)/EWT(m)/EWP(e)/KiIA(d)/EWP(t)/EWP(k)/EWP(z)/EWP(b) MJW/JDIHW UR/2536/65/000/062/0022/0029 ACC NR. AT5027916 SOURCE CODE: 1 -110 AUTHOR: Paisov,_A. I. (Candidate of technical sciences); Kolpashnikair, A. L (Doctor' of technical sciences, Professor); Tsipulin, 1. P (Engineer); Shel amov, V (Candidate of technical sciences) _-1 ORG: Moscow Aviation Technology Institite (Moskovskiy aviatsionnyy tekhnologicheskiy institut) TITLE: Dependence of the structure and properties of sintered aluminum povder pn the temperature of sintering and the de:gree of deformation duri-ngrol-l-in SOURCE: Moscow. Aviatsionnyy tekhnolog:Lcheskiy institut. Trudy, no. 62, 1965. Obrabotka davleniyem legkikh splavov (Pi-essure working of light alloys), 22-29 TOPIC TAGS: sintered aluminum powder, rietal grain structure, ultimate strength, plasticity, plastic deformation, elongation ABSTRACT: High- temperature sintering of: aluminum powder at >500*C, employed with the object of degassing this powder so as to eliminate from it the oxide phase present in a hydrated state within this powder, also has disadvantages of its own since it contributes to the formation of such microstructural defects as striae of structu- rally free aluminum, bubbles, cracks, ard the partial presence of pseudogranular structure (each pseudograin corresponds to a particle of the original lumpy powder). In this connection the authors investigated APS-1 aluminum powder containing 7.1% I iip(c) Card 1/4 UDC: 669.7 ACC NN AT5027916 kg/=12 a B 2 E'A 2/4 Fig. 1, Effect of degree of cold deformation during rolling on the ultimate strength (a) and relative elonga-. tion (b) of SAP; tests at 500"C., group No. 1; 2 group No* 2 L 19778-66 ACC NR. AT5027916 Al 0. and having a bulk weight of 1.4 j,,/cm3. The powder was briquetted at a unit pr4fir- suie of 40 kg/mm2; the briquets were sintered for 8 hr at 6000C (group 1) and 6500C (group 2). The sintered briquets were pressed into blanks at 500% for 1 min under a unit pressure of 60 kg/mm2. The blanks were clad with technically pure Al of a thick- ness amounting to 5% in proportion to 1--hickness of blank and hot-rolled, by the me- thod proposed by A. I. Kolpashnikov et al. (V sb. Novyye tekhnologicheskiye protsessy pri obrabotke metallov davleniyem, Obo-congiz, 1963, pp. 99-103), into 4 mm thick sheets. This was followed by cold rolling with reduction of thickness to 3, 2, 1 and 0.5 mm. Subsequent tests of ultimate al.rength and plasticity showed that on the whole the SAP specimens in group 1 are stronger but less plastic than the specimens in group 2. Metallographic examination revealed that the structure of SAP in group 2 contains a large number of striae of al-.ructurally free Al. By contrast for the SAP in group I the number of these striae ::a extremely limited, which accounts its higher strength and lower elongation. For SAP in group 1 ultimate strength and relative elongation remain relatively unaffected by the degree of deformation during the rol- ling of sheets, whereas for SAP in group 2, with their relatively large amounts of striae of structurally free Al, tests itt 500% indicated a different pattern of vari- ation in propertiess ultimate strength decreased, and elongation increased, in the presence of low and medium degrees of ~'eformation (Fig. 1). This may be explained by the onset of softening in the sectors With structurally free aluminum. Thus, the pre- sence of strise of structurally free Al not only reduces the strength and enhances the elongation of SAP but also affects the pattern of variation in these properties Card 3/4 L 19778-66 ACC NRs AT5027916 according to the degree of cold deforauttion of the sheets by rolling. Orig. art. has:~ 5 figures. SUB CODE: 11, 13 SUBM DATE: nonc/ ORIC REF: 007/ OM REF: 003 JD AT502-7917 SOURCE CODE: UR/2536/65/000/062/0030/0037 AUTHOR: Paisov, A. 1. (Candidate of te:hnical sciences); ~Iiijinikov., I (Doctor f techni-c`a"r~sciencesj Professor); (Ca didate of chemical (Engineer); sciences); eltimov, V. A. (Candidate of technical sciences) ORG: Noccow Aviation Technology Institu,,-.e (~bskovskiy aviatsionnyy tekhnologicherkiy institutV TITLE: Transformations occurring in alumtnum powder/during its heating 77 7; R SOURCE: Moscow. Aviatsionnyy tekhnologicheskiy institut. Trudy, no. 62, 1965. Obrabotka davleniyem legkikh splavov (Pressure working of light alloys), 30-37 TOPIC TAGS: aluminum powder, powder metal production, heating, aluminum oxide, phase composition , metal heat treatment ABSTRACT: The investigation of the changes in the amount and composition of the oxidel phase in heated Al powder is of great interest to the heating of this powder or to itsi briquetting in heated state, as well as to the heating of cold-pressed briquets to temperatures of 6000C and higher, performed for the purposes of degassing and sinter- ing. The authors performed this investigation on the basis of a method proposed by L. U. Kotiyeva, since the conventional method of determining A120 in Al powder and in sintered Al powder (SAP) according to the difference between t9e weight of sample -~- I Card 1/3 UDC: 669.017:669.7.017.3 L 15641 C NRt 6VY and the amount of Al metal fails to take into account the possible changes in the composition of the oxide phase due to the hydration of A1203 and the decomposition of hydrated crystals. Kotiyeva's method is based on determining the content of Al metal by the customary gas-volumetric mathod and then titrating the solution with H2SO4 in order to determine the total amount of Al in the suspension. The difference between the total amount of Al and Al metal reveals the amount of Al bound in oxygen compounds. The amount of A1203 is then determined by calculating the bound Al in terms of Al2 0 On this basis it is established that, given the current conditions of the production and storage of Al powder, i:s oxide phase is represented by Al 0 -3H20 . In the SAP obtained by sintering and pressworking at 4500-5000C the oxide phase is re- presented by monohydrate of A1203 (A1203-H20)- If the powder or SAP is heated above 550*C, its oxide phase does not contain chemically bound hydrated-crystal moisture (y-A120 3) . The formation of y-A120 iv not, however, tantamount to the complete degas- sing of the material: -y-A1203 is h1gh!.y hygroscopic and can absorb moisture chemically, which accounts for the presence of considerable quantities of moisture in the residue. The vacuum heating of cold-pressed brLquets at the rate of 50*C/hr results in the cessation of gas release only at 670-680*C. In view of the change in the composition (and hence also density) of the oxide phase during heating, the increase in its gravi- metric content may be accompanied by a decrease in volumetric content. Further, prior heating in an oxidizing atmosphere for degassing purposes is allowable only in the cast of properly nodulized powder; heating of non-nodulized powder leads to rapid increase 2/3 L F'k&C N_ R-AT- 5--0- 2__7'_ -9-1-7- I in its content of A1203. Thus the purFose of the nodulization of powder lies not only p in increasing its pour weight but al6c, in reducing its additional oxidation during hot degassing or hot briquetting. Frort the standpoint of additional oxidation during heating, the presence of finer fractims in the nodulized powder is undesirable. The currently produced nodulized powder ccntains a large proportion of finer particles and briquetting of such powder in heated state or the high-temperature sintertng of cold-pressed briquets will inevitably z,ugment the nonuniformity of distribution of the oxide phase. Orig. art. has: 6 figurev. SUB CODE: 11, 13 SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 009/ OTH REF: 003 3/3 L 21204-66 E"',P(e),,/E"'rr(m)/EWP(vj/j,/tVIF(t)A't.'P(k) IJP(c) Jpl~~IlWi ACC NR. AP6001470 I SOURCE CODE: UR/0226/65/000/012/0016/00111 AUTHOR: Gil'dengorn, M. S. (Moscow); Shelamov, V.,A. (Moscow); Raytbarg, L. Kh. (Moscow) ORG: none TITLE: Peculiarities and new trend a i roduction of half-finished parts from sintered aluminum pow er.V~'&Oort presented at the seventh All Union Conference _~_njT_owder metallurgyt hold 12 to 14 Oct 1964 in Yerevan SOURCE: Poroshkovaya metallurgi:ra, no. 12, 1965, 16-19 TOPIC TAGS: sintered aluminum pawder, aluminuid alloy, argon, arc welding, aluminum platLng ABSTRACT: The authors elaborate or Kthe. ~~! tsic parameterA of the technology of obtaini g bimetallic ube ,kfrom sintered~lluminum powder (SAP) materiaPlwith a plating igfade of welded aluminum alloy. Constructive units made of suc -T-ub_es'%ay be joined by contact welding methods along the plating layer, It is shown that sintering SAP at temperatures of 600 to 620C and exposure for 20 to 50 hours (de- pending.on the size of the sintered briquette) yield material with Card 1 / 2 L 21204-66 ACC NR% AP6001470 low gas saturation, which does not hinder welding by argon-arc-methods. Orig. art. hass 3 figures. (Based on aui-6-or---sabstractj JAH1 SUB CODEs 11, 13/ SUBH DATE: 290ct64/ ORIG REF: 005 .4-41 -V L 4.17 1 ET! ACC Mt APU'03050i S01-MCE CODY: `60i /0li4/0il6 AUTHOR: Perlin, I .L. (Professor); She.1amov, V. A. OPG: none TITLL: Notch toughness of SAP (sintered aluminum powder and Duralumin-ty-pe allo -t ;t5UURCE: IVUZ. Tsvetnaya metalurgiya, no. 4, 1966, 114-116 TOPIC TAGS: aluminum powdear aLlok, dispersion strengthened metal. metal property/SAP aluminum alloy, D-16 aluminum al-1-0y ABSTRACT: In order to evaluate the behE6vior of SAP alloys under conditions of plastic working,,a new criterion is proposed. The author introduces "specific notch toughness" (b ), which is a ratio of notch toughness in mkg/cm2 to tensile strength in kg/mm2. The temperature dependence of bk was determineA for five alloys: SAP-1 ( -9% ali~miinum oxide) . SAP-2 C9-- -17% aluminum .,A 3% aluminum oxide) []jAE---L-Cl3 oxide), sAP-4 7-23% alumin~oxile)1-0 and D-16 (see Fig. 1) . A significant increase of bk begins efudifferent temperatures, depending on the aluminum oxide content of alloys. The pattern of the bk-temperature curve reflects the actual behavior of the alloy under conditions of plastic deformation and its actu&l toughness. For Card L ACC NRs AP6o3O5Ol SAP-1 4n SAP- 2 F__T Fig. 1. Temperature dependence of bk for SAP--' SAP and D-16-type alloys. SAP- SAP-J q12 008- S AP D_ 16 ~16 SAP-h too zea 300 400 t* instance, the b of SAP-3 at 500C has a magnitude identical to that of SAP-1 at 250C, which means that the former alloy requires a higher temperature of plastic deforma- tion than the latter. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. [TD] iSUB CODE: 1l/ SUBM DATE: 29Mar65/ ORIG REF: 003/ ATD PRESS- 5075 Card 2/2 hS ACC NR.- AT6024940 SOURCE CODE: UR/2981/66/000/004/0270/0276': AUTHOit Kishnev, P. V.; Shelamov, V. A. ORG: none TTME': Preparation, properties, and structure of hot-extruded and rolled SAP pipes SOURCE: layuminiyevyye splavyp no. 49 19656. Zharonrochnyye i vyaokoprochnyyo splavy (Hoat resistant and high-strength alloys), 270-276 -OPIC TAGSI sintered aluminum powder, pipe /I SAP-1 sintered a:Lumiivkn p jwder ABSTRACTS scrlbos~a pro.:oss for manuf' 'DiDe f intered al e article de~ acturing s o s num powdersl (specifically qM-1A and their Dronerties and structure. The main n eter-s-W-the process, which provides f:)r sizes an)i tolerances within the limits of thel All-Union State Standard and in accordance with 4,echnical 11~0r pipes I �8!1~ica~tions from aluminum and alumin a~ p:~esented.\ %nnealing of the briqu VC loys, are #s at 660-& makes it Dossible to forge\~-the pipe ends without breakdown or cracking)'-to carry out fusion welding, and in cold rolling to increase the degree of deformation and the roll- ing.rate. The mechanical properties of klound and shaped pipes of SAP-1 (6-9% A1203) !are quite stable. The ultimate strenK~h~'ht 20*C is approximately 30 kg/jrm2, the spa--i c Ific elongation is 8-10%9 and 5000;~ 5 - .' -7 kg/mm2 and 4-10% respectively. The use of rod billets for the manufacture of -.Dipes is recommended. Orig. art. has$ 4 figures tand 2 tables. rcwcc.- /7 SUB COM: W SUEM DA17EI none/ ORI:; REFS 004 1 Car III L 33142-66 EWT(m)/E,VP(e)/EWP(t)/FTI/EWP(k) IJP(c)_ JD/JH ACC NR, APbo'5352 SOURCE CODE: UR/0226/66/ooo/005/oo67/0073 AUTHOR: Gladneva, L. I. (Moscow); Yefremenkoval V. I. (Moscow); Lebedeva, L. S. (Moscow); Spivak, G.,V. (Moscow); Shelignov. V. A. (Moscow); Yurasova, V. Ye. (MOB ORG: none L3 TITLE: Ascertaining the structure of nintered materials of the M04W "stem by ion bombardment. Report presented at ihe Fifth A3-1-Uhion Confermee of Zlectron Microscopy in Swy, July 120 -,Or SOURCE: Peroshkovaya metallurgiya, no. 5, 1966, 6T-T3 TOPIC TAGS: --6-u metal oxide system, sintered aluminum powder, powder metalluaW, electron microscopy, ion bombardment ABSTRACT: A study of the structure of sintered aluminum wwd2 material by ion bombardment is of practical significance for the investigation of materials obtelow by means of powder metallurxyq~The method is suggested for use for moufacturing '- samples prior to electron-micioscopic-investigations. Analysis of microphotograihs, shows that the base of SAP material is a cellular grid consisting, of oxide part bounded by aluminum pseudograins. Orig. art. has: 8 figures. [Based on author's abstract.) SUB CODE:11,20/ SUBM DATE: 11 Aug65/ ORIG R17: 002/ OTH RJW: -001 I- C, Card 1/1 . " "' - - , . - I - 1. ~ I -. . . I p ; 1 , : - S , , ". AC:' - S.-' I!.- ~-,- - ~ -1. - .,f -n --., - -- -, -- - - - - - -1 7 . . i". of briquetting dohyarated potatoes] Razhim7 briketirovaniis kartofelia. Momkva. Pishchepromizdat. 1957. 40 D. (MIRA 11:10) Ye.N.; SHRLAMOVA, A.S. ---- 1. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-issle-iovatel'skiy i ovoshcheaushilinor promyshleamosti. (Vegetables-Drying) SHELAMOVA, A.S. ; SAMSOITOVA, A.11. What we saw at canning and vegetable dehydrnting plants in Hungary. Kons. i ov. prom. 13 no.4:22-26 Ap 158. (MMA 11:4) 1. Vaesovuznyy nauchno-issledovRtel'skiy institut koneervnoy i ovoshche-sushillnoy promyshlennosti. (Hungary--Canning industry) (Hungary--VegetAbles--Drying) SHVIAMOVA, A*So,, WSt Z*A. Drying apples. apricots, and plums in steam-heated conveyer dryers. KonB. i ov. prom. 13 no,7:20-24 J1 158. WRA 11:6) 1. Tsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut konservnoy i ovoshchesushillnoy promyshlennosti. (Yruit_A7ying) :~_q~WIIOVA, A.S.; BUGROVA, L.N. De~-ustation grading of dry potatoes and vegetables. lons.i ov.Prom. 15 no.9:46-47 3 160. (MIU 13:9) (Vegetables-Gradiag.) (Potatoes) SHELAMOVA, A.S.; KATS, Z.A. Packaging of dehydrated vegetables and potatoes by means of vibrating tables. Kons.i ov.prom. 15 no.5:19-21 My 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. TSentralInyy nauchno-ise'Ledovatellskiy institut konservnoy i evoshchesushilluoy promyshl,3nnosti. (Vegetables, 'Dried --rPackaging) VYSI[ELFSSKIY,.A.N.; GORDON, L.I.; GIAGOLEV, K.V.; SILKWIOVA, A.S.; BUGROVA, L.N. Testing a unit for peeling cnions by roasting. Kons.i ov.prom. 15 no.8:15-17 Ag 160. (MM 13:8) 1. TSentrallnoye konstruktorskoye bywo torgovogo mashinostro7eniya (for Vyshelesskiy, Gordon ani Glavolev). 2. TSentrallnyy nauchno- issledovateltskiy institut konservno7 i ovoshcheaushilinoy promy- shlennosti (for Shelamova amd Bugrova). (Oid one ) TSentra.llnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy in ovoshchesushillnoy promyshlennosti. (Root-crops-Preservation) (Canning and preserving-Equipment and pa-rsley roots. (NIRA 15:6) SHELMOVA A.S. - NAUMOVA N.A.; SHELAPUTIN, V.I.; DEREEDENEVA, Z.A. Dehydrofreezing of fruit and vegetables. Kons. i ov. prom. 18 no.8:15-18 Ag 163. (KMA 16:8) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-iss.ledovatellskiy institut konser7noy i ovoshchesushillnoy promyshl~nnosti (for Shelamova, Naumova). I .. Vaesoyuznyy nnuchno-issl~dovatellskiy institut kholodillnoy promyshlennosti (for Shelapitin, Derbedeneva). (Food, F:7ozen) S;.-ZLAPU~111, V.I., ki,.nc.tekhr.;ai,.k; DEX,~--,I)EI~rVA Z,A., inzii, S., kand.khiri.nauk; lX-fJVA' 1..k., inz~.. Dehydrofreezin- of vegotabl-3s and fruits. Khol.tek-h- 40 no.3:30-32 My-je (MERA 16:9) 1. VscLx~qznyy muchnc-isslodovatellskiy insUtut kholcdillnoy promysiLler-nosti (for S.',eiaputin, Derbedeneva). 2. TSentrallnyy m~uchno-issledovatellskiy institut konservnoy i ovoshchesushill- noy promyshlennosti (for Sholamova, Naumova). (Refrigeration and re-,'rigerating mchinery-Researcil) 1.Food,Frozen) Lb-)Wf IYEVAP K.D.; SHICIANKOVA,, F.V. DeterminIng axldlsed tellurltm In wtallic teUurfur. Sbor. nauch. trud. GiatAmetmota no.23t383-388 165. (KPA 18: 12) 88506 s/i4~/61/000/001/012/013 A006/A001 AUTHOR- She-lanov,. V.A. ~.:TLE! A Method of BrIouetting Aluminum Powders FER1,M. CAL!, Izvestiya vysshikh uchetnykh zavedeniy, Tsvel:naya rrietallurg,-ya, !961, No. 1, PP. 134 - 139 Results are vresented ottained by an investigation of some new meth.~d-~ of producing aluminum powder briquets. The work was carried c-14 under the supervisicn of B.I. Matveyev, Candidate of Technical Sciences, and E-ngt-ne---r 9,---L. Nomofilov. Briquets of satisfactory quality and mini-inum energy were produced using special corrugated aluminum containers (Fig. 1). Thc rrc2ess can be cor~Juc'ed on both horizontal and vertical presses. Pcwder briq-jelotfng In c-ntainers was made on horizontal hydrailic presses of 7,`G~ 1,200, 1,1,;00, 2~00 ara r,000 t;Dns f.,Drce in containers with busiing dimensi3ns of 115, !Y,~ 110. -.70 and 306 mum respectively. Briquetting was parf:-rmed In c--'-'d s-,a'e a- a srje--!f-'-. pressure fr-.m :55 to 85 kglmm2 and holding under maximum force from 0 z-:, I`, minutes. FurtnermLre experiments we-re made withD-it greasing the container heated 7%- 300 - 4000C; w'-th preliminary greasing of tht~ container with a mixure ~~f wa-ler glaSs Card 1/ 5 88506 S/lL'Q -, 10C)r"Ic. C: /C) 21'~~ 916- A Meth._-,d :f Briquetting Aluminum PowderB AOOO-/AO01 and graphite in 2 : 1 proportion; and with greasing in a cold container (20DC). 'The possibility of facing the briquets without preliminary pressing wa~': t~_~-,&_d t~y briquetting the p3wder in heated state. F.V. Kishnev, B.G. Borovikcv, --.V. Ye- g,Drov and Ye.S. Belov parti2ipated In the tes-!-.s, which were made u.zng al-xpinuir rowder -,r.talning 11% aluminum oxide. firiquetting of heated powder wa~ maze .n contatners or, a 1,200-t press at, 400`C Erid. ~peoific pressure of up -r-: ICO kg/TM The proce_zS was cxidicted! a) a-, slow ivacLing mairtaining f -,r2e f:r 3 minutes; sisw loading up to ma_~irrxrn fri-rcer without holIng- ) a-, ~. I -_ w three- and loading tc a maximutr. force wimhout hoid�ng - a) a,!; nl-jzn- speed loading (15 - 20 sec) maintaining the waxisnurr for,~_e for 1 - -3 To s-~udy ~he cf ob-,aining SAP (slrt~ered alurr.InLim r >ider im-meilately af,,er briquettirg, and in orier to inves+'gate the effe,.~,, of -,smpera_ tune ccnditicris on the 5intering quality when heating the triq-,iets, obtained frc-.n powders with 15% A120 -they were subjef~--.ed to multi-stage heat.'ng. The brl_~~-Jets were prepared .3n a 1,1.0_'t*on Dress in co'.d ~!ontainers with orelirrinary fill--ng the powder in paper conrainers. No librican'; wa-c used. 'rhe briquets were then h=-ate-d 1- ar. ~1&-~ric f--irna-ce Lnder the following conditions: 1-1.5 hrz- at 100 ~Lnf 1:5-co-l" 2 hr_~ at 200 and 3000C and I hr at 400, 450 ard 5000C. The temPxaraVire wa3 '7-:-n- r ~- - 4 n. -Z _ lied wif-h 2 therrr.,-_-,~Lipi:~s placed in the briquets az-~d in an al_zminum a' Card 211- 88506 S/j4q/61/0oo/co,./ci2/oi--I A Method of Briquetting Al-jmin-~;m Powders AGG6/A0CI Characteristics of briqu e-cs produced by the enumerated methods are given in the tatle below., F=-e for BrIquetting method the pres:31no, out Brine!-'** hara- De-r-sit - of briqu,~ts ir % - Orr. ness, k 3/,Tlr" of the fuil fore,,e On a vertical press 8c. 35, 2,1 Using metal ccnllairers 60/0' -'0 2,25 With preheated powder 0 138 Using paper containers 115 1 numerator - con+airer-z I wi thout I*u'rr:_-a_-,-- - .1, denomina-~.-,~r w th f The exoerimental investigation 1sais -:,,D the following conclusionst Tne new method of producing SAP briquets w_'11~ the -ase ~,' z~orr!_igated metal contafnerS yields high- Card 3/5 6,8506 s/iaq X, A Method of Briquett~_ng A!-.1rrinLur Powder.; AC',O~I- A001 quality compa3t briquets, 5,;Itable tc. f,,v:-.her --1-y rre"nods appl-iz-d to pressure working of metals. The dimenslz,-16 of produ,:t-d cnly limited r'y the ea-airment employea. Ihe ise of crea-z~ a_n improved quall_,~y and in- er-ases consider-ably the effjcjer~-y cf -,n~ z)-zess. -Ir,- new metliod elIm'-nates the use -of specla` expensive equip-.ent.. Brlque~~-_Ing with preheatirg .--f -he c~:wder pr.)duces hilgh-quality brIr_juet,,z, to fa,--ing. When paper --n-,ainers are empioyle7l on small cresses, 41-he necessity of facing the 'Zr!q?,eT.S is eliminated. or_~aten optimum sintering ccnditions, prorrcting pa.-7!al burnInF, out of fats, of ~1Y'Ir-xx4I1�e ard gasr_-_~ fr~~,T. the Billets th,_is ct:'I-ained .-,ari '-re prc~.eslsed ty rra_s:iF_-ng and Card 4/5 88506 A Method of Briquetting Aluminum Powders Figure 1 Corrugated aluminum container for briquetting powder on horiz6ntal presses. s/149/6 i/,--0/0o,/Oi2/,-; 1 _3 AOCO-/AOOI There are 5 figures, I table and 6 references: 2 Soviet, 1 English, I French, 1 Danish and 1 unidentified. ASSOCIATIONS: Krasnoyarskiyinstitut tsvetnykh metallov (Krasnoyarsk Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals); Kafedra obrabotki metallov davleniyem (Depart- ment of Pressure Work:Lig of Metals) SUBMITTED: May 27, 196o Card 5/5 OISUPYEV, N.G.; TSVETKOVA, Ye.M.- BORODIN, V.P., KOROLEVA, A.P.; SILICHICNKO, V.S.; KHOROSHEV, I.G.; KYASKIKOV, Yu.A.; PMYILIYEVA. Z.A.; KRATOKHVILI N.I.; VAYSTIKH, M.A.; RAVDOBIKAS, O.V.; BARANOVA, N.K.; ZIMINA. V.'Ye.; TORMASOVA, L.N.; USTIB~-PETROVA. T.F.; AREFOYEV, S.S., KONKINA. N.S.; KULIBA, A.P., MALITSEVA, N.K.; SBFJANOVA. G.M.; SORINA. A.M.; BRA- NITSUYA, V.S.; PRUDHIKOVA, K.N. Tularin from a vaccinal strain for epicutaneous use. Zhur. mikro- biol.epid. i immun. 27 no.9:22-2-4 S 156. (MLRA 9-10) 1. Iz InBtituteepidemiologii i mikrobiologii im. N.F.Gamelei AMN SSSR i protivotuliaremiynykh stantsiy StalingradBkoy, Voronezhokoy, Tullskoy. Plavskoy. Omskoy, Irasnodarskoy. Moskovskoy i Smolenskoy. (TUIAREMrA, diagnosis, tularin epiMtane3us test (Rus)) OLSUYIYEV, II.G. ; YEMWYANOVA, O.S. ; UGLOVOY, --,.P. : SIL'C-;TNKO, V.S. ; BORODIN, V.P. ; SAMSOFOVA, A.P. KONYINA, N.S. ; SHELANOVA, G.M. LFVA GMF VA, Z. A. TS A I IEV A., 14, 1. ZYY III I.., II .1i. Re,1111t of u,-,e with hunnn sub.j.-cts nf dry tulnremip v-lr.(,Ine propnred from rentored Gniskii No.15 rnd Emelinnovq lio.195 ntrnins. Zhur.nilcrobiol.apid. I Imnun. 29 Mr '59. (Ml!?Jl 11:4) 1. Iz Institutn enidpmiologii i mikrobiolol,ii imeni Gnmnlei IMN SS6R, Voronezhskoy, Staling-radskoy, Moskovskoy, Tullskoy oblnstnykh, Altnyskoy krayevoy snnitar~io-coidemiologicheskik~h stantsii i Omskogo instituta eDideniologii i mikrobiolol~ii. (TULAREMIA, immunology, v,iceine, dry from Galskii's No.lS & Emelipnovp's Ilo.155 strnins, Mnss aoplicntion (Rus) OISUF'Yi.V, N.G.; YEI-ELIZANOVA, O.SjUGLOVOY, G.P.; SILICIIEI-,IKO, V.S.; KIIOROSI,-EV, I.G.; UZHOVA, Ye.N.; BES30NOVA, M.A. ; VEDEITEYEVA, Ye. V.; ARLFIYET, S.S.; 3 SO11,111A, A.M.; BORODIN, V.F;; '10iiOLEVA, A.P.; SWOiOVA, A.Ye.; O.KI'r-:I'-'CV3KJk---k, V.A.; STOLIC-CVA, A.D.; 'EM"S'~_7 7 CIA , K.A.; REPINA, R.F.; MLISNoL.N., Yu.A.; 1ZVAC-.:,:NJ-'t, Z.A.; Y~Z-IAZAR'~~;, K.K.; RAVDONIKAS, O.V.; SkT.'LITTEETI, A.P. Optimal periods for testin,~ skin reaction in subjects inoculated against tularemia vit]-, L, ~i::-y live vaccine and vaccinal, reactagenic and irm=ogenic properties of this preparation. Zhur. mikrobiol. epid. i immun. 32 no.6:92-98 Je 161. (PJPA -15:5) 1. Iz otdela pr-irodnoochagovykh infektsiy Instituta epidemiologii i 7,dkrobiologii imeni Gamalei Al-21 SSSR, otdclov Osobo opasnykh infektsiy Voronezhsk~oy, Leaingradskoy, MosI%-ovskoy, Smolenskoy, Stalingradskoy, Tambovskoy, Tullskoy, oblastnykh sanitarno- dpidemologicheokikh stantsiy i Omskogo instituta epide~Miolo,ii, miRa-obiolo,,,ii i gigi3n-,n (TUIARE (VACCINTES) SffELAPUTINc_V-_.L_ k4ad. tekhn. nauk; KAmIN"SCAYA, A. , kand. tekhn. nauk; MAfOUDINA, N., inzh.; BORNOFALOVi~, A. , inzh.; OD19TSOV, A-, kand.sellskokhozyaystvennykh nailk Frozen prepared foods. Khol.tekh. 37 uo-5:39-42 S-0 '60. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Vaesayuznyy nauchno-issleiovatellskiy institut kholodillnoy promyshlennosti (for Shelaputin, Kaminarskaya, Karadudina and Bornovalova). 2. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-isoledovateliskiy institut torgavli i obshchestvennogo pitaniya (for Odintsov). (Food, Frozen) 1. SH-Mitr-~JTP-." 11. - -3AATCHAIJ, A. 2. USSR ('000) 4. Vegetables, Frozen 7. How long can vegetables be kept in c3ld storage plant. Khol.tekh 29 no. 4, 1952 9. Monthly List of RussLan Accessions, Iibrary of Congress, Miarch 1953, Unclassified. ffoc of low temperature on the*preservation of the fiu. etzi 11 value of frozen vegetables, berries, and fruits. L ShOa utin and A. K. Saaed--an (A. L Mikoyan SCI., tUrig, Intl., htnew). . VaProsy Pitaniya- a .12, No. 0, 04-9(1953).-Chanp-s it the nutritioual values of frozen vegetables, bc!rrics, and fruits tire due tabaly to the actlvW6 of the oxidizing cn7ymce, pmrtkularly to-the'. ac., fivitya(puroxidwse(l). The rate 4,the 1&ctlvit~- at templ.; Wow 0' foltows approx. thi! jlrrhtwiu~ equationjor dwrc,~ ~acdon vilocitiCS LI)OVC 0"; JJ0%VCVf.:r; tile U-IGIP.. e0eff."Of. tit c reaction cositintiously increakri froat -_21.27 at ~20'. Fxi)tl. rci:mlts indicate titit tile quality: ci - tile frozeri pr~oducts dqwnds Lill the 4-111P. 12 mont1l's thp . ..... Zf c 'r.1 WL r~(l C21`10a&V'Stow, at'.~-18-dccreascs oldy from',15 to:41 tvj~~ that- stomd at - 12' wid -V (it Mand 1JZ 'quaillt. t-jukages. of 11 nru f()tlud in 06 Irdscia'all(ftt Pep j,0, tomtous~ red and hilicl, cury. ~6 , elqw berriesianditigo6subfxvier. ta the units. u- itivcr ;upr(III),wcrose; artif urjifitkc~ UAI~- riod ubbage stomd for 12 nionoi.4.,, -Thux,,,~Usti timp, of,~ is t1w optillill freezing temp*, for,~-cgeta b) be rUiti"' J):L4U(j J)Iir tile Cile i. a4ii tLdstIcs dic storage "-12* and -0*'hav'L'! ficeni" to, bb (; -8 and 3-6'snondis, mp.~ d4wudlaij.,66 tltei~ prodkict. Special ettit)IMMS Ili IlUt 042' tile NCAMVI~` Of 'perk Sinifooll fit - 18% r The qualit of th&'frult, coat I Y. r,-, ~2~, at P., and 5 40 Jr,"oi., 15 lilg. .% of mrotent" Uf .,_-pjovW Ourj6c Lilt: Starace Ow OIX p~qjortg~'J such as upples, p(IN Mll, 4 1... stormput, and following tbawiu4,b~ rowtt 411 i~ C%MutL. of Aike: actictis of' their,09idizilig . MI. (% -,CW' birAcid(in t1tv aimLof 0.05-0.2%) to the fruit i. jimerVV,~ mllpo or of the (rul is for 1-2 4 4bo I I SMAPUTIN V. kandidat tekhniches