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USSR/tngineering my 48 Welding - Electrodes Pulverizers "Choice of a System of Pulverization and Apparatus for the Preparation of Powders of Electrode Mixtures," N.M. Sergeyev, Rngr, 4 pp "AvtoC,,-:4---1 Delo" No _5 Covered metallic electrodes are composed of finely powdered metals. Briefs best methods for selecting proper and most efficient WEV to obtain fine granulated powder. -I= 2/4W19 IN.M. Xe -,;. su r~7 the rplaxation-t-ime ratio for noneqU4Vaj-;t m,:cI-z taking as a basis the saturation of the nuclear r-,agne-L,--'.- resonance signal. Opt. i spektr. 17 no-5:784-787 11 164. I-,-~:-12) VELIXANOV, D.P., prof.. olnktor tekhn.nauk. obahchiy red.; MOM N.H. red.. Prinimali uchastiye: WMIPPE, I.S., sCai-shiy ,-nauchnyy sotrudnik, red.; KOCHEUWV, V.P., mladshiy navchnyy sotrudnik, red.. KALIKOVA, N.V., [Improving technical facilities in auto transportation] Yoprosy razvitiia tekhnicheBkikh sredstv avtomobillnogo transporta. Pod obshchei red. D.F.Velikanova. Koskva, Hauchno-tekhn.izd-vo X-va avtomobillnogo transp. i shosseinykh dorog RSFSR, 1959. 166 p. (MIRA 12:10) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut kompleksnykh transportnykh problem. (Transportation, Automotive) 44271 S/190/63/005/001/014/020 B101/B186 ALTHORSt Karpov., V. L., Pomerantsev, N. M., Sergeyev, N. it. TITLEt Nuclear magnetic relaxation in irradiated rubbers F-1-RIODICAL; Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, v. 5, no. 1, 1963, 1C0-107 TEXT: A study has been made of the nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of CKE (SKB) butadiene rubber with 60 - 70 1,-2 bonds, and GVA(SKD) butadiene 6o rubber with 90-95~a 1,4 bonds. Irradiation was carried out with Cc in doses uP to 500 Mrad. Resultas Non-irradiated SKB showed a line 0.2+0* 02 oe broad. Upon irradiation, the intensity of'this line decreased with in- -5 creasing dose for SKB irradiated at 10 m.m Hg or in air. Instead a line. of 9.2+0.3 oe width appeared, the intensity of which increased with the dose. The spectrum of non-irradiated SKD was equal to that of non-irradiited SKB. With irradiated ISKI), the intensity of the narrow line also decreased with increasing dose, and that of the broad line increased. The only difference was that the intensity of the narrow line still noticeable at high doses (150 - 300 Mrad) fell to the background no*ise at 70-80 21rad with SKB irradiated in vacuum, at,4180 Mrad with SKB irradiated in air, and at Card 1/3 S/190/63/005/001/014/020 Nuclear magnetic relaxation... Bioi/B166 200-220 Mrad with-SKD irradiated in vacuum. Yeasurement of the line width between -100 and +200C showed that the motion of protons wa6 inhibited at__--- -900C. This temperature corresponded to a line width of 9.1+0.4 oe. - According to I. G. Fowles (Polymer, 1960, 219) an activation energy of 1.5 -2 kcal/mole was calculated for non-irradiated SKB, and a correlation time Tcor was found in the o~rder of 1o-7 - 10-8 while activation energies, cal- culated according to dielectric or mechanical relaxation methods, equal 30 and 39 kcal/mole. Conclusion: Irradiation converts the protons from a state with high correlation frequency,.10 5 _106 cps, to an inhibited state I - 2 - 2 _ 3 with 10 10 cps; there is a transition state with 10 10 cps. Dis- cussion of data found by H. S. Gutowsky et al. (J. Chem. Phys., 27, 537, 1957) concerning magnetic relaxations of rubber vulcanized with sulfur shows that the C-C cross linking due to irradiation is more solid than the one due to S-bonds because the potential barrier of rotation is lower for the latter. 3-57-4',Of the protons remain uninhibited when the rubber is irradiated in air. Oxygen-contain.".ng cross links with low potential barriers are formed. There are 6 figures. Card 2/3 5/190/63/005/001/014/020 Nuclear magnetic relaxation ... 3101/B186 ASSOCIATIONs Fizik6-khimicheskiy institut im. L. Ya. Karpova. (Physico- chemical Institute imeni L. Ya. Karpov) SUBMITTEDs July 25, 1961 Card 3/3 % 11, /I KARPOV, V.L., SNOOMIRSKIY, D.M. YURKEVICH, V.G., SERGEYEV, N.M. "Effect of gamma irradiation on natural and synthetic latexes." Report submittted to the Conference on the Application of Large Radiation Sources., in Industry Salzburg, Austria 27-31 4W 1963 SERGEYEV, N.M.; TARANENKO, P.I. Odometer with a variable recording scale. Ayt.prom. 29 no.9:32-33 S 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Moskovskiy avtodorozhnyy institut i Gosudarstvennyy soyuznyy ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni nauchno-issl~dovatellskiy,, avtomobiltnyy i avtomotornyy institut. (Motor vehicleg-Equipment and supplies) KARPOV, V.L.; SERGEYEV, N.M.; YURKEVICH, V.G. Molecular mobilities in latexes. Study bjr the method of nuclear magnetic resonance. Dokl. AN SSSR 152 h0-3:655-657 S 63. (PIRA 16:12) 1. Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut im. L.Ya.Karpova. Predstavleno akademikom V.A.Karginym. rj! Wo I fr t I I C-1 1) 1 rl 0 r, a "K U, 5 no 'IE 17 i k r) 0 V:-' ARKHANGELISKIY, V.M.; AFANASIYEV, L.L., doktor tekhn. nauk; DEKHTERINSKIY, L.V.; ILI-IIONOV, V.A.; SERGEYEV, N.M.; TSUKER~ERGJ, S.M.; XtIOUIN, V.I., kand-.-te ii&bk'I retsenzent; TSETENKO, V.G., inzh., retsenzent; YEGORKINA, L.I., red.izd-va; PAKHIMSON, V.A., red. izd-va; SOKOLOVA, T.F., tekhn. red. [Motor vehicles; design, operation and repair] Avtomobili; ustroistvo., ekspluatatsiia. i remont. Moskva, Izd-vo "Mashinostroenie,n 1964. 510 P. (MBA 17:3) --W 9UMMOMMIM" ACCMSION NRs Ap4o1764o 8/0190/64/006/002/05LO/03U AUTHORSs Ser&qyw4-NA M.;Karpovp Vo Le TITLEt Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of elastomer solutions SOURCE: Vy*sokomolekulyarny*ya soyedineniyag v, 60 no. 2s X964i 310-313 TOPIC TAGSt nuclear magnetic resonances apectroscopyg proton resonances e1aston3r#1 polyisobutylene, natural rubber# polybutadienes benzenes spect ter KIS 25; ABSTRA*CT: The proton resonance spectra in high resolution (3 to 4 x 108) solutionel of some elastomers in CCI4and bensene have been obtained, The spectrographic records were made-on spectivmeter KIS-25 at 25 Nels proton frequencies* The following specimens were considereds polyisobutylones natwml rubberp polybuta- diene SKBj and divinyl rubber. Measurements were made at room temperature# and the chemical shift for the protons was measured with respect to bemene as the W., standard (1-3% relative to CC14)9 For polylsobutylens solutionso a study of the dependence of the CH peak width vpan the of the solution showed Us width to tend to a 2mitin value of 5 a/s In the Unit- of Mfinite dilutiono the r.m 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4017640 value apparentfY being independent of the reducW v1soositys The chemical shift in natural rubber-CC14 solution is found to correspond to natural raWsr spectra In CS2 solutione It in shown that the method of nuclear resonance together with the linfrared spectra can be used to analyze the contents of 1p2 and 194 groups in poly- lbutadiene. Orig. art. has: 3 figurese 1ASSOCIATION: Moskoyclkiy flaiko-tekhnichookiy inatitut (Moscow Physicotechnical irwtitute); -Fisiko-kh-I'micheekly institut In. Le Ta. Karpm (Physioochomical IWtitute) SUBMITTEDI 26Dec62 DATE AOQ: 23mar64 ENCLs 00 iSUB CODEs NP NO REF SOVI OM OTHERs 003 2/2 I Card. ACCESSION NR: AP4041728 S/0181/64/006/007/2179/2180 AUTHORS: Sergieyev, N. M.; Karpov, V. L. TITLE: Proton magnetic resonance in gamma-irradiated polyiso- butylene SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 6, no. 7, 1964, 2179-2180 TOPIC TAGS: polyisobutylene, gamma radiation, proton nmr, line narrowing, radiation damage ABSTRACT: The measurements were made with a Trub-Teuber spectro- meter (25 Mc/sec) using a non-fractionated polyisobutylene (PIB) 60 sample at room.temperature, with exposure in air from the Co unit of the MI (-100 rad/sec). The decrease in the KMR line width with increasing radiation dose turned out to be smaller than expected. A possible explanation is that in spite of the'successive destructi6 of the PIB under the influence of the radiation, the chains still remain intertwined, and the character of segmental motion (micro- ;Viscosity) remains little changed. Simultaneous high-resolution Co. d 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4041728 'Imeasurements of the spectra of PIB solutions in CCI showed that in 1 3 4 .nighly diluted solutions (-10 mg/cm ) the NMR line width does not ,depend strongly on the irradiation, indicating that the line width I I II is not connected directly with the characteristic*viscosity, which changes by several orders of magnitude as a result of irradiation. "I am grateful to N. A. Slovokhotova for taking the IR spectra and or many remarks.` Orig. art. has: I figure and,3 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatellskiy fiziko-khimicheskiy institut f -Re i L. Ya. Karpova, Moscow (Scientific search Physicochemical 'Institute) !SUBkTTED; 24Jan64 ENCL: 01 !SUB CODE: SS, Oc NR REF SOV: 000 OTHER;' 003 2/3 z, ACCESSION NR: AP4041728 ENCIDSME: 01 0.40 PO ato foo ZW D.Afpa&lrad DePmuterM Of line width SH cn the radUtion dose D in polyizohitylem I'd 3/3 L 1602-65 EWI(I)IEEG(t) I-eb IJP(,c)/RAM(i)/IIAEY,.(C)/'ESD(t)/SSD/AFWL/.kS(mp)-2 ACCESSION NR: AP4048754 S/0051/64/017/005/0784/0787 AUTHOR: Sergeyey,_&,~- TITLE: Measurement of the ratio of the relaxation times of non- equivalent nuclei by means of saturation of a nuclear macrnetic reso- nance signal SOURCE: Optika i spektroskopiya, v. 17, no. 5,1,1964, 784-787 TOPIC TAGS: nuclear magnetic resonance, relaxation time, spin lat- tice relaxation, spin spin relaxation ABSTRACT: A modification of the method of gradual saturation (J. A. Pople et al., "Nuclear Magnetic-Resonance Spectra of High Resolution' [Russ. Trans.1 ~L, M., 1962) is proposed for the relaxation time measurement. It consists of determining -the-ratio of the intensity':-- of the spectral lines of the nonequivalent nuclei to that.of the saturated N14R signal. The advantage of the method is that no Card 1/2 v L 16432-65 ACCESSION NR: AP4048754 knowledge of the high-frequency field a litude is needed. This MP ratio was measured as a function of the magnetic field for proton resonance spectra of toluol (which contained no paramagnetic impuri-, ties), using the SYaMR-62 spectrometer (proton frequency 22.68 Mc), for which a value of 0.75 + 0.05 was obtained for the.ratio of time constants of the CH3 and C6H5 groups. This agreed with earlier re- sults. Another advantage of the method is that it can be adapted for absolute measurements of the relaxation time by using a standard-: with known relaxation-time as one-ofthe groups. ~"The author thanks. A- if.. Kegsenikh for many remarks." Prig. art. has: Ifigure and 5 formulas. ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: lOJan64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: OP, NP NR REP SOV: 000 OTHER: 004 Card 2/2 RODITI, I.M.; SERPEYEV.-N.N.; PISTSOV, N.G.; SHOSHIYEV, L.N. Experimental serotherapy in Omsk hemorrhagic fever. Vop. virus 8 no.2.*193-199 Mr-Ap'63 (MM 16:12) 1. Instlitut poliomiyelita i virusnykh entsefalitov AIIN SSSR, Moskva. .A, ufle! ~F,,V ?rez-ara'-1c)n ar-I pu r f -Herums a ga -4 r r n e and ulapanesd encephalit-.~5. Vor,.MP~J.Vl rUS . no. e: 106-1113 1 6~3 I%11., Zorn.inzh.; A.I., go.-n.inzh. 'low toc..nolo:--i cal . olutiono in plans of Kazak-stan Institute for -~- e- letal ZnLr~rpriscs. Gor.zh,.r. nc.':27-29 Je 160. Planning !!o- rrot:; M ~ 0(MliA 14:2) 1. KazLciprotsve-L-et, Ust'-X=cno,ro:~s'~-. 1. c (Kazakastan-Minin: cngincerin~-,) -SZW_;qjEV, U.N.; YELICHIIISKIY, A.I.; IELIKIND, I.L.; KUVAYTSEV, A.A. L SKCIRIIYAKOV, Yu.G. Accelerated develoDment and methods of mining. Gor. zhur. no. 11:24-30 N 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Kazgiprotsvetmet, Ust'-Kamenogorsk. (Kazakhstan--Copper mines and mining) SEGE YEVP TI.N.; IVANOV, K,V.; FEDIN, A.F.; KRASOVSKIY, YU.P.; TKACHEIIKO, A.P. Rapid I.-Alding of the Pervomavsk-iy oi.en-pit mine in the 3eve.-noye Mining and Ore Dressing '-croffiine. Mlet. i -ornorud. prom. no.3:7,3-74 MY-Je '63. (MIRA 17:1) ALEKSEYEVJ, F.K.; ANDRIYUTS, G.L.; ARSENTIYEV, A.I.; ASTAFIYEV, Yu.P.; BEVZ, N.D.; BEREZOVSKIY, A.I.; GENERALOV, G.S.; DOROSHENKO, V.I.; YESHCHENKO, A.A.; ZAPARA, S.A.; KALINICfMNKO, V.F.; KARNAUSHENKO, I.K.; KIKOVKA, Ye.I.; KOBOZEV, V.N.; KUPIN, V.Ye.; LOTOUS, V.K.; LYAKHOV, N.I.; MALYUTA, D.I.; NETS, Yu.S.; OVCDENKO, B.K.; OKSANICH, I.F.; PANOV, V.A.; POVZNER, Z.B.; PODORVANOV, A.Z.; POLISHCHUK, A.K.; POLYAKOV, V.G.; POTAPOV, A.I.; SAVITSKIY, I.!.; SERBIN, V.I * SERGEYEV N N.; SOVETOV, G.A.; STATKEVICH, A.A.; TERESHCHENK;""-7. O.S.; FEDIN, A.F.; KHOMYAKOV, N.P.; SHEYKO, V.G.; SHEKUN, O.G.; SESTAKOV, M.M.; SHTANIKC, V.I. Practice of coqstruction and exploitation of open pits of Krivoy Rog Basin mining and ore dressing combines. Gor. zhur. no.6: 8-56 Je 163. (~MU 16:7) (Krivoy Rog Basin-Strip mining) SERGE-YEVS IVANOV, K.V., inzh.; KIUSOVSKIY, Yu.P., inzh.; - TKACHEMKO., ~.P., inzh. Construction of the Pervomai open-pit mine. Shakht. stroi. 7 no-4: 25-26 Ap 163. (MIRA 16: 3) 1. Severnyy gornoobogatitellnyy kombinat (for Serveyev., ivanov). 2. Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy gornorudnyy institut (for Krasovskiy). 3. Krivorozhskiy gornorudnyy institut (for Tkachanko). p t 0~ solvin - L,-14-,--r,31 L;quatlo-s." Cand Pkvs-'-Iath Scl-, D-nln-raJ St.-Ae 7, L7--ninrad, 1Q"1-'. (RZh.':at, '~a r SC: 3=,,. Jo. 670, 2110 SeD ')')--Surve,,r of Scienti-fic and Technical Dissertati-n,-; Defen-.ied at '-!SSR Ifle-her 3-Jucational Institutions (15) SF_RGFYEV, N.P., inzh. Indices of French electric power plants with free-piston generators. Teploenergetika 7 no.11:84-85 11 160. (MIRA 1L-:9) (France--Electric power plants) 11,z -r--~ C IS-FRGEYE7, ;!.P., ,,,~nd Tecli Sci -- ((;Lif;s) S tudy .,. f; ITE! RC ni 0 m s 1-03, 1950, - 15 P of ~-gr u-,,--,chines virith Odner in of' hig-laer Iduc-tion USSR. 1:os Order of Lenin and-Order of 1-.-.,bor lei 3-.imer Higher Tech School i.,-, B:~uman). l,)0 c0- Pies (KI:, 33-59 , 11',') d4 YIN, Cand -eech Sci -- (aiss) C11, tile i1rcluleal of -1A4wA4*&a of ii-~ lines of Gor'kn'-"Offaast in rural construction. t;or'l-iy, 1959- P-) pp (I:in of Higher i-,dUc:--tion USSR. t~or I kiy Construction -nUitice-ring Ir.---t ii:i V.P. Chl-lov) . 100 COT1iGS (Kill 117) SERGEYEV, N.P. [Electric resistance welding] EleL-tricheskaia kontaktnaia svarka. Moskva, Goa. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1952. 259 p. (MLRA 6:9) (Electric welding) GELIMAN, A.S., doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk, professor; SERGLIM, N.P., in*-h,5- ner, retsenzant; KABANOV, N.S., imndidat tekhn-teheeltikh,,.neak,.,rei&k- tor; POPOVA, S.M., tekhnicheskiy- redaktor. [Tnchrmlogy of resistance electric welding]Tekhnologiia kontak+,nr,-- elektrosvarki., Moskva, Goe.nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-rY, 1952. 324 pe (MIR& 8:5) (Electric welding) DOLGITSER, LA.; MORKOVKIN, A.A.; CHERNTAK, V.S.; GLIZMARNKO, D.L., kandidat tel 1-micheBkikh nauk, retsenzent; SZRGSYEV. N.P., inshener, redaktor. [Apparatus and equipment for gas welding and cutting of metals; brief manual on operation and repair] Apparatura i oborudoyanie dlia gBzo- plamennoi obrabotki metalloy; kratkoe posobie po ekspluatataii i resontu. Moskva, Goe. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit.i sudostroit. lit-ry, 1953. 191 P. (HUL 7: (Oxyacetylene welding and cutting) SERGWEV, N.P.; RYABOV, V.11., inzhener, retsenzent; ZYWINTSWA, K.Y. redakto'r; GOIDSIN, S.Ta.,' inzhener, redaktor; MATVLrfEVA, Ye.H., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Resistance welding; a welder's mamall Kontaktnaia avarka; pamiatka dlia svarshchika. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo masbinostroltallnoi lit-r3r, 1955. 91 P. (MIRA 8: 10) (Electric welding) BOBRINSKIY, Yuriy Nikolayevich; RGAYMY. Nikolay Petrovich; GULYAYXV, A.I., Inzhener, retsenzent; UN , SI.,MMPMMftt tekhnichaskikh aauk, redaktor; GRUSEEVSKAYA, G.M., redAktor irdatellstra; TIKHOHOV, A.Ta., tekhaichaskiy redaktor; HATVEYEVA, Ye.N., tekhaicheakiy redektor [Arrangement and installation of resistance welding machines] Ustroistvo i aaladka knotaktnykh svarochnvkh mashin. Koskva, Goo. nauchno-t-3khn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1956. 143 P. (MLIRA 10i1) (Ilectric welding) 25(2); 80) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1515 Sergeyev, Nikolay Petrovich, and Moisey Sam-uilovich FeygenBon Elektricheskaya kontaktnaya svarka, (Electric Resistance Welding) 2nd ed., rev. and enl. Moscow,, Mashgiz, 1958. 286 p. 15,000 copies printed. Reviewer: A.F. Zharkovl, Engineer; Ed.:K.V.Zvegintseva, Engineer; Ed. of Publishing House: N.S. Stepanchenko, Tech. Ed.: V.D. ElIkind; Managing Ed. for Literature on Heavy Machine Building; S.Ya. Golovin, Engineer. PURPOSE: This book was written for foremen and mechanics in welding and assembly shops of machine-building plants. It may also be used by welders, setters, mechanics and machinists operating and servicing welding equilment. COVERAGE: The book describes basic methods of electric resistance welding and welding machinery used in the soviet industry. Methods of resistance weld- ing are explained and illustrated. Several chapters are devoted to operation and maintenance of standard welding equipment. Many detailed diagrams show- ing basic circuits) switbhes, feed and control units.. and accessories are Ca,4._1/_q SI:3CI6210001011100~VOO2 AGWA 10 1 AUTHOR: Sergeyev, N. G., Hydromechanical Engineer TITLE: Largest-in-the-country shop for the continuous furnace welding of pipes PMIODICAL: Metallurg, no. 11, 1962,.22 - 23 TEXT: The Taganrog shop for the continuoUs welding of pipes in a furnace became operative in April 1962. Instead of preheating chamber-furnaces, a high- po,ner, 50 meter long, tunnel-furnace-with 362 gas torches is used. The blank is heated in this furnace during continuous motion-to 1,300 - 1,3500C within 35 - 40 sec. Instead of using separate-strips, the pipes Are made of a steel- strip continuously moving through the tunnel furnace; theyare cut to the gauged length after folding and rotating rolls of a six-stand fold- ing and welding machine. The pipes 'are then shaped on a 14-stand reduction mill. Finishing is performed on a three-stand calibration n-ill at a speed for ~ I inch-diameter pipe as high as 420 m/min. The calibrated pipes are cut in ~ line by flying saws. The hot pipes are transported to a drum, throwing the Card 1/2 S1 130/62/ CC) 0/011/002,/002 Largest-in-the-country shop for... A006/A101 pipes on a link-conveyer ;--rhere they are straightened Euld cooled. The shop is equipped -,.:ith 11 high-capacity crane bridges, 2 revolving bracket cranes and an automatic unit gripping 2-ton strip rolls and supplying them to the unfolding. machine within 4 seconds. The rail-road equipment of the shop is highly wuto- Specia! telephone and radio lines connect all the departments'with the m control desks so that the bridge crane operators receive the order by radio. Eight heating units assure the required temperature in the shop. There are 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: "Metallurgstroy" Card 2/2 SERGEYEV, N.P. Technical Information Service of the United States Atomic Energy Commission. NTI no.6:36-39 '63. (MIRA 17-1) MR iL -63 201a BD3 nK(a) S/0286/63/000/007/0039/0039 ACCESSION NRI AP3006743 01 _S~ ~Zq P~_Ivsnov. 1. M.; Ivanov. M. N. .AUTHOR: Brengauz. 1. 1.; S V. I.; Zhukov, N. P.; KorovkLn, N. 1. 0otsulyak. V. N. ,iTITLE: An attachment for a milling machine. Author's certificate NR 153822 class B23c; 49b, 5 sub 06 SOURCE: Byul. izobret. i tovarn. znskov, no. 7, 1963, 39 'TOPIC TAGS: milling machine attachment, irregular aperture attachment, sheet imaterLal attachment, double curvature sheet material 1ABSTRACT: An attachment (See Enclosure 1) for a milling machine of the "North 'America" type for cutting irregularly shaped apertures in sheet material having i Aouble curvature and by means of templates-duplicators, characterized in that, to 1produce a desired orientation of the detail during the milling process, the !attachment is made in the form of a rotatable frame which is suspended on two ~supports.lone of the supports being mounted pivotally and the other support being mounted movable in guides of the stand. Orig. art. has: one figure. Card 1/3 L 2oizi-63 !ACCESSION Nit AP3006743 iASSOCIATION: none I ~SUBMITTEDt lOtApr6l SUB CODE: MD, ML Card 2/3 DATE ACQ; 30S*p63 NO RRP'SOvt 000 I ENCLs 01' OTHERi 000 L 20121-63 ACCESSION NRt AP3006743 I 2 - electrLc; - shaft; 3 - gears; I j 2 frame. 5 - channels;- j 4 6 - pivot; 7 - screw. Card 3/3 ENCLOSURE: 01 GOROKHOV, F-K., kand, tekixi, rauk,, PAVLOV, L,,f,,, kand. S,':I!GaEV,, TALPEYHV~ B.M., , doktor takbn~ ria--;x p: f,- O~PYOTFIN'~ 1,S,-- ORBOOVA~. 117~S. kand. taklm, no-jrk, Z,B.,, red, antsUZ9 [French- Russian a7e,;fr~ a" 17y-1 Fr k russkif !~-J%varj. Fnd red. PJ,S,Kurbatc-Tloi i B.1-1-Tareeva. Mrs1c.-. ~~-,,tsik-Lopedija,, 19,6. 720 p. (M--,flA 19-12) SEIGLYEVY 114.11. Scientific informiation and UNESCO; present state and the prospects. NIT! nc.12:61-63 165. O-f, RA. 19: 1) SERGFIEN, 1~.P., gvardii polkovnik meditainskoy sluzhby; GLATENOK. r.A. Method for studying the pulse and respiration of fliers in ascents in a press-are chamber.Voen.-med. zhur. no.8:58-62 Ag'58 (MIRA 16:7) (]PULSE) (RESPIRATION) (ALTITUDE, ILIFIBENCE OF) (AVIATION MEDICM) SERGEYEV, N. P. , OEM, A. M. and GAZENKO,, 0. G. "Some Principles Used in the Creation of Artificial Environments in Space Capsules" report presented at the Intl. Symposium on Basic Environmental problems of Man in Space, Prais, 29 October - 2 November 1962. I A C , S/239/62/048/011/001/001 C' E063/E435 AUTHOR: Sergeyev, N.P. (Moscow) TITLE: Changes in carbonic anhydrase activity in humans after hyperventilation PERIODICAL: Fiziologicheskiy zhurnal SSSR imeni I.M.Sechenova, v.48, no.11, 1962, 1399-1403 TEXT; The effect of moderate voluntary hyperventilation on the carbonic anhydrase activity of 52 aircrew members, 20 to 43 years old, certified fit for flying duties,was studied, as only inadequate information is available on thi s point. During these observations the aircrews carried out their normal duties and lived normal lives. The carbonic anhydrase activity was estimated by Brinkman's method as modified by Ye.M.Kreps. First, the carbonic anhydrase activity, the number of erythrocytes in the blood and the anhydrase index of the tested persons were determined from blood samples taken krom the fingertips. Then after taking 15 to 18 deep breathe per minute for 3 minutes, when the effects of the hyperventilation became noticeable, fresh blood samples were taken and similar Card 1/2 iv. un-gamniamorpnic lunctioPs. rj.,~-V) .0t..tne tIrst kind. V. Generalized -Bern6ullipol)~norniMs of the secoh,d 6'gummatton .- ormas, kind, VI. 0 . . f - - I lor-svm~ "Of the form SOV/1 01-~',Q-2-70-0600 AUTHORS: Popov, V. A., Sobolevsk-Jy, M. V., Berlin, D. A., Sergeyev, N. S., and Safronova, V. G. TITLE: A Method of Obtaining Filters PERIODICAL: Byulleten' izobreteniy, 191J9, Nr 2, p 22 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Class 12d, 2501, Nr 117522 (362739 of 20 Apr 1956) Submitted to the Gostekhnika, USSR. A method of obtaining impr gnated paper filters; 1) Making filters resistant against water and benzine by permeating semi-glued finely- corrugated paper with solutions of thermo-reactive conden- sation resins, then drying and laying it in packs, and pressing at 160 - 1700C under a pressure of 1 to 5 kg/cm 2 2) Making filters resistant to acids and alkali, by per- mitting the paper with perchloro vynil. Card 1/1 SERGEYEV, N.V. Devices for adjusting stand tables fcr optical indicators. Izm.tekh. no-5:14-15 MY 260. (MP-,1 14:5) (Optical instiiinents) SERGEYEV, N.V. Measuring the mean diameter of large-size internal buttress threads. Izm.tekh. no.2:8 F 162. (HIRL 15:2) (calipers) 'PKACHLV, A.P.; YERZUNOVA, A,1I,,i,SEMGEYEV N V. Expenditure of raw materials in the manufacture of garment sheep pelts. Kozh.-obuv.prom. 4 no.6:7-10 Je '62. (YJRA 15:6) (Hides and skins) - --- - - i9c, ---- ---- SERGEYEV, N.V. DECEASED - Aa -7- cig6i SEE ILC - - - - 77 , - - r I . -- . - . , .. . I . ~13acillaiT in One of the ~.inlargaltens,:' Sov. 1.-ed., :;'0. 7, 1--L-9- 'Pediat---ic, I -- Is, .P-i--4e.-aolo;-ilr--al, ~,.n-l :icrobiolo-=ic~ol in--titutes of the ;'~caal ..'ed Sci, S M-Gff EV, N.V. L Methods of Identification of the initial stages in virus influenza epidemics. Sovet-med. N0-3:14-16 gar 51. (CUML 20:06) 1. Professor. 2. Moscow. SKRGEYEV, N.V., professor (Moskva) Atiology, pathogenesis, and clinical aspects of influenza. Vest.oto- rin. 18 no-5:3-10 S-0 156. 04LRA 9:11) (INFLUENZA atiol., pathoghen. & clin. aspects, review) EPSHTEYN, F.G., prof., SF&GEUV. N.V., prof., SOROKINA, Ye.Yu. (Moskva) Clinical course of A 57 Asian flu in adults. 36 no-5:35-42 MY 158 (MIRA 11:7) (INFLLMIZA, case reports, Asiatic ty-pe A 57 in adults (Rus)) prof.; PAKTORIS, Ye.A., Effect of pregnancy on the outcome of Botkin's disease and some problenB of medical tactics. Vop.okh.mat. i det. 4 no-3:73-77 MY-Je '59. (MIRk 12:8) 1. Iz klinild virusnylch zabolevaniy (zav. - prof.H.V.Sergeyev) Inatitixta viruaologii imeni D.I.Ivanovskogo (dir. - prof.P.N. Kosyakov) A14N SSSR. (HEPATITIS, DIFECTIOUS) (PREGI&ITCY, C011PLICKTIONS OF) 17 (0) AUTUOH~ TITL91 PERIODICAL, ABSTRACT~ -4 1 4 Card 2/4 Card 5/4 Gim-l-f.,Ib, Y. X. Th. Ur.lnl- fi.p~bli- -1 P-ttol on tn. EtI.I.Sy. I.ho,.t-y end of Evid-lo H.P.titl. (B.ti'Lr- 059. Hr 9,V155.,5, tus P.) ?h:.jj:Pub1j-o H~,~.tti, ho:j tn Odfr- 111-1 1,: ,1*-- lib H 0 1, p,,.; r - mt, 'o.. try-. 1 -.1.1- ,.P,-nl.t-1 of .11 he -tttllt.. and -I If -t: t tut- in .411inntr~I and I two to., t". it 9-d5kly indtLatut ,r E.- pLonln~ral-y own;tur,- KIol h a LYa-Y Cal L-In.;r.4). -- .'.*z th. LIn.k, Tni,l,-nt, Tbilisi. Gor kiy, chite.. odgb~mkr Epi emialogy and Microbiology aml 'nstitgtal 3f Yaccin- xnA Be rd.. The C-f,r-* hsrd,42 as-,r 3 Papers vare prdjent44 on, lIn of tn. C.-tt'. of in i-,I; n:nd.mic hepatitis !,ry- ('I.!. V.111. 'a. .=b,y h,; .1I t(L.A. M.r.-0., L'grad) and in explantat.In~mam *mbryor.-c tl*-um (M.N 5,j- K.r ...... 'i ri-m-5- -r 113. C. .31 it.. -it k -m dl *rl y b the pirl. di.g ... is of f n tions on this rwaot to . we -1 by .5 ry, ,* d. or. of tn.Ilnf.k1:-'.-ykh*b.l. 'A.Y ~r Inf-tio.. Di ...... ) of %he L13, ZSSH, by N.M. g.r.p.t. (L.fti.grad) 11synik (Cor- y) oi 1-11 "! E (Ashkhabad). A --I ULrobicl.". be used f- 4.t- iIit ..... t g , "a. g -- -~yah ..k.ya) and 4.t-tt~g.I L. the an b.j,l tl-mr tn p&tlontv (N M. 3.1.tkyA). 4z No---) "n V.T.. of !a, th d a -ti v. - of L'! (L y.k. on-4 F,.f .... rV.A, -X.L. Ublokova (Moscow) and zf 31t ..... rasters -to, w-rr ...... Do. St-k-Lch (Kty-~ -1 J-E I C iLnKQ-~ mt.d P.Ps-,. on Me Ch ...... of .... I.. , in. Cor-p..41.9 U--br of the V0- SH, Pr.r.-- :1-1. dI (Ely. ;- j') %I'. v i-Il- :n sort, -j n I.Cic.1 I p,rt.~- or of In_ (')orlk~y) is 'obUltn -. ,n A,s tno sUccea*ful resut- ga--a-e.. tr-tt.t 01' P-1111 "'a "d b.. in CI. act Witt to,," f, a :ndeb T" CQ Mr ...1.11, we" on 'r.. r.!.lr1;ano -in ".. 0d f.r . gi..l I.... tll...ft of %~Ih ;'t.-t. SSn graph 0. ch. tl.zogy -A F-41.1.loey ., b.% kid I 011 SERGRYEV, N.V., prof.; SINAYKO, G.A., Significance of a method for determining aldolaBe activity in the diagnosis of Botkin's disease. 23 no.9:46-51 S 159. (MIRA 13:1) 1. Tz klinik-i (zav. - prof. N.V. Sergeyev) Instituta virusologii ioeni D.I. Ivanovskogo (dir. - prof. P.N. Kosyakov) AMN SSSR na, baze kliniche- akoy infektaionnoy bollnitsy No.Z (glavuyy vrach A.M. Pylitsova). (HEPATITIS, INFECTIOUS blood) (ALCOLASE blood) SERGEYEV, N.V., prof. (Moskva) Influenza in -Tanuary-February 1959. 37 no.12;48-56 D '59. (9M 13:4) 1. Iz kliniki virusnykh zabolevauiy (zaveduyushchiy - prof. N.V. Sergeyev) Institute. virusologii iment D.I. Ivanovskogo A16 SSSR (dirbktor - Prof. P.R. Kosyakov). (INYMNZA) SIRGEYEV, N.V., prof. (Mos1cva) Influenza and the cardiovascular system. Ned.sestra 19 no.2-3 ir 16o. (Mil~113:5) (INYLUENZA) (CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM) SEEKEYEV, II.V.; lZMES, F.L. Some results of the study of circulatory disorders in influenza. Vest. AIM SSSR 17 no.2:15-22 162. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Institut virusologii imeni D.I. Ivancvskogo M-9-1 SSSR. (INFLUNZA) L7SORDEPS OF) (BLOCD-CLECUIATION, . SERGEYEV, N.V. Roller-type keys. lzm. tekh. no.12:14 D 163. (MIRA 16:12) 3;." 41,1'. i; . 'aI. 9 i. t 1 zl-, . ;! ~c " ; ~ ( i" I r~( V ,., ~ V . , ~ I ~ L-'. y I I I.- concretf-- f('1- J i III rig v?Iarts workLd L. difficuit hydr---,~,-eological conditions. Shakbt. stro.J. -E~ no.6:5--6 -e 164. 1-1:10) 1. Tnst Shallchtsj-lets3trny. SLEGEYEV, ii.1% G)nioni~2ter for measurirg the urc-fila ar..gla of thrust.11hrL-ad, TzLi. takh. no.200 F 165. (HIRA 18:6) C"q ;2d'j Dyes for sheop fur. N. V. ScrXmv auji G. A. Zhiskov. lxxak-lya Prom. 11, No. Re,ul"are give. vf~trsts with direct, aciii, and mordant dyes. The vat plethod is recommended for direct clyrs. More complete dy-ving of hide filters was oblaim,l in m .1k. narthunt. fit the ca.,r of souir aciti-resiqlant direct dy", the tvw of acit) in the final stage, of dyring is pcrzniA~ible, Acid dyes jTr toore suittible for brushing. With the excqwtitin of Acid Chrome Brown ZK, mordant dyes were unsatisfactory. B. Z. Kmich FRNNKELI, Ye.B., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; SERGMYEV, N.Y. Moistaning sheepskins for coats in a flow of mixed steam and air. Log. prom. 16 no.1:28-29 Ja '56. (MLVA 9:6) (Hides and skins) SMGBUVI, _N.Y. -, , I-- Acryle and "nairit" film coatings for sheepskin fur. Leg.prom. 16 no.12:27-28 D 156. (W-RA 10: 2) (Hydes and skins) Serieyev, N.V. TITLE: Repair of Gear Gages (.T~emont zu'-,omercv~ PFRIO-L"ICAL: Tzmeritellnpyp te~~,nika, l9r,,S, ~Ilr 6, p 206 (US',P) APS?RACT: The finishing of the faces of mepsuring jaws and depth gages is the most difficult Dort in the renair of gear gages. It is DroDosed to use a sDecial nrism (--i,-5ure 1 7he Dianes a and b must be parallel with a accuracy of C.CC2 Tm. The depth P-age is Dut into the prism, as shown in Figure 2. There are 2 diagrams. uard 1 1 I.Ye.; D,',O'-DOV, A.A., inzh.., prepodavatell; SA7ZLIYEAII S.T. inz~.. prepodavatelt; SUILM, M.N. , ln2h., B.!". , irzh. , prepodavatel 1; inl,711., -_-)~c:,-.odavAel'; i,EL ILI prepodavatell Once, mrre about th,--- trairing of locomotive Servicing bri 'C~-.dcs ril' 1 2- k. I . t i a, n o . 5 - 44 'I'll Y 34:7j 1. 'TaClallnil- tel"mic-lieshoy s'holy (for ,evi. 2. 12-iyev3io- tc'-.rlicheslcoy s*i',--,-,l,f- (for 3. te'~-miches'a.-7a s' koh, (f ci DrozO.-, S-wal '-yev., :;itwkis, Bul,-,tov,. DiAler, Felldaan). -litaployees) and repair) SERGEYEV, N. V._._ Interstitial substance of the chiasm of the optic nerves in the normal state and in different pathological processes in the human body. Vest. oft. no.2:13-18 162. (KIRA 15: 4) 1. Kafedrs. glaznykh bolezney (zav. - zasluzhennyy deyetell nauki RSFSR prof. N. M. Favlov) Stavropollskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (OPTIC CHIASM) SER,an-VP N.V. Checking the MPB-2 reading re-crcscope. Izm. tekh. no.713-21 Jl 163, (YM 16.-811 (Microscope--Testing) G 7"~ 7~ Rn- r ) ind N. Ya. mr. Mataialy pa Bor'be Tel r Zkk"Aes No. 4, 17-20; R& R ' 0 5~' tM Ima K 1955:. No. 7949.--The RN Undernormal RN was 26.5 mi.%. In cancer patients it was 41.2 mg.'V9. Greatest deviations from the normal were ',observed in cancer of the Up, lowest in canctr of the 'Postoperatively (surgery, Ra. or Rdatpn-m therapy) the Nood RN Am rim. then ded1nes. -)Wemtd cowpwdou hervad c a an* w W 1 IC, 5, -50, 892-3(1057 ObjAch A -1. ' A 33 773V --Di" of 12 g Hurd and Drake C . . -(Me HNMeshBrt With acess-0% KOk aiid.~offecjlow~ Ile tetrabrmaide.- of die vo ,e Od" ts ia Br gave butadie et methylattene:.were found. CHs-.C11CIfNIf, with Ag:;. gave EtCOzH,posMb1y ~hroughformafiou of EtCI 'NH. ~G. M. gs2uLuuff_. ?17 124-58-9--9991 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 9, p 78 (USSR) AUTHOR- Sergeyev, O.A. T IT LE: On the Calculation of the Heat Removal From the Filaments of Hot-wire Anemometers (K voprosu o raschete teplootdachi nitey termoanernometrov) PERIODICAL: V sb- : Issledovaniya v obl. teplovykh izmereniy i priborov. Leningrad, 1957, pp 255-258 ABSTRACT: An exam'nation of King's equation: N = cA + bRn I . Here A is the temperature difference between the filament wire and the flow, N is the Nusselt number, and R the Reynolds number. The exponent n is assumed to be 0. 4 (instead of 0. 5 as obtained by K*ng) on the strength of Gilbert's experimental investigations. Reasonings are adduced relative to the numerical values of the coefficients c and b for the filaments of hot-wire anemometers. It should be noted that the subject of the numerical value of the exponent for the case of a small-diameter cylinder (viz. , the filament of a hot-wire anemometer) was examined by the reviewer in an earlier paper (Tr. TsAGI, 1946, Nr 599). In practical Card U2 turbulence measurement by means of hot-wire anemometry, 124 -58 -9 -999 1 .1 (cont. On the Calcula,ion of the Heat Removal From the Filaments duritio the p,,SI ten to twelve years, a value n=0. 36 has been experimentally contirmed and ger~eral~%' .ised. Yu. G. Zakharov F i lame --[ie, - -a - nts at t.,ns"er 2. Filaments--Mathematical analysis 3, Anemometers--Equipment 4. kierricmeters--Performance Card 212 tepl~perenr)~3 v topachriykh ustroist,vrikh. !',;,;kva, lzd-vu) 1`3 6 p PRASOLOV, R.S.; SERGEYEV, O.A. On G.N. Dullnev's monograph "Heat transfer in electronic apparatus.". Inzh.-fiz. zhur. 7 no.2:125-126 F 164. (141RA 17:2) 1. Severo-zapadnyy zaochnyy politekhnicheskly institut, Laningrad. KUZITEIPI;QV, S.M.; SERGEYEV, O.A. Thermal phenomena caused by polishing plane parallel plates. O-ot.-mekh.prom. 25 no.1:48-51 Ja 158. (MIRA 11:7) (Grinding and polishing) L cnlid iecn zDci (~-Iiss) "-nese-?-Tch ii-Lo the c C; rl iii, 21 ~D anc, buff-iriF L--,lass uisk to f-rie fl lat 15 pp; (State Order of' Ler.-Jr, Cpti,~al Ll T I - cor' ~Ls; price no ven; (KL, 21-,- 0, 3v-i ll,lve) L 3251-65 3 ACCESSION NR* AP5006651 having a density within 2. 3-4.6 g/cm) is-offered: f d 0,23 and k. are is the average depth of: grinding;' 0 where a hmax/h. h the - , coefficients allowing for P hYs i c 0 mechanical t' of the abrasivc and the -,4, proper ies wheel; 6 -is. the relative grinding hardness fif glass; and P are the densities.;;, of the given glass and the standard glass, respectively. Orig. art. haij: 3 figures, 11 formulas, and 3 tables. (031 ut ASSOCIATION: Severo-zapadnyyzaochnyy,politikhiAchei3kiyinatit Qrorth-~ Western Corr espondence- Polytechnic Inotitute H SUB CODE., SUBMITTED: 21 Mar64 ENCL: 00, ATD NO REF SOV: 008 OTHER. 000, MUM .07 32 2/2 SERGEYEV, O.D. [Sergieiev, O.D.] Formation of disjuctive structures in the Vnieper-Donets lovland. Nauk. zap. Kviv. un. 15 no.2:23-29 156. ' " *, (MIRA 11:7) (Donets Basin--Geologv, Strubtural)(Dnieper 'Valley-Geology-,.Structural) ARLIP!, functional and vio-: li-,"lo~IrIcal Kardiol.71r,' --a- 5 no,2:51-r/6 'Ir- -!IRA 18:7) LfoL~,,;_-_aj Inov deyot-,-itc!-'nT- chlezri y a s 11 :ato"- c~71o'.-eskoy prof. A. SERGEYEV, 0.1., inzh.; FAKTOROVICHI A.M., inzh. Results of testing a now type of chute gate. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; gor.zhur. 5 no.9:87-89 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Leningradskiy ordena Lenina. i ordena. Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni gornyy institut imeni G.V.Plekhanova. Rekomendovana kafedroy Tilfinichnogo transporta. (Ore handling--Equipment and supplies) MOTEV, O.F. Structural characteristics of the Bakal deposit. Razved.i okh.nedr 26 no-5:47-48 My 160. (MIRL 13:7) 1. Bakal'skaya. geologorazvedochnaya partiya. (Bakal region--Geology, Structural) GRINSHTEYN, N.V.; DAVYDMXO, Tu.A.; SERGRYEV, O.P.; TIMRSKOV, V.A. Position of Bakal siderites in the enclosing rocks. Izv. AN SSSR- Ser. geol. 25 no-7:95-98 il 16o. (MIRAL 13:10) (Bakal region-Siderite) SERGBYEV, O.P. - Analysis of a test area based on the comparison of varying appraisal figures. Razved. i okh. nedr 26 no.11:11-16 N 160. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Bakal'skaya geologorazvedochnaya partiVa. (Prospecting) (Ore deposits) SERGEYEV, OX. Prospecting plans of ore-bearinp horizons. Razved. i okh. nedr 28 no.2:43-44 F '62. 041RA 15:3) 1. Bakal'skaya geologorazvedochnaya partiya. (Bakal region--Prospecting) YANITSKIYY Aleksandr Leonidovich ji SERGAM_01ed Petrovich, KROTOV., B.P.); DASHEVSKIY, V.V. red.-Jzd-va; MINA, V.I., tekh*d.17ed. [Bakal iron-ore deposits and their &666is] Bekallokie zhelezoradnye mestorozhdeniia i ikh genezia. Moskova. Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR,1962. 110p. (Akademiia nau SSSR. Institut geologii rudnykh meshorozhdenil., pedrogr&fii, mineralogii i geokhimii. Trudy no.73) 041RA 15:10) (Bakal region-Iron ores~ d"0 GURKVICH, Roman.Vladiwirovlch;.~ ,. O.V.,.redaktor-, GCROKHOVSKIY.A.V.,red&- lEtor; ~OKOLOVA, R.Ya.', tekhniche;k~-redaktor. [Measurement and tuning of shortvave transmitter antennae] I Izmereniia i nastroika peredaiuohchikh korotkavolnolvykh antenn.: Moolcia. Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po Yoprosam vvf~z'i i radio, 1955o 35 P- (Radio, Shortvave--Antennas) (HLRA 9:5) ,-SERGEYEV, P.-(Ordzhonikidze); YAROPOLOV., G. (Laningrad); YEVDOKIHMKO, I., - inzhnere-mekhanik (Chernigov); MIKHALEV, V. (Moskva); BUSLAYEV, V. GELIMAS, A.; SAMOYLOV, K. (Noginok) Opening the mail, Tekh,molo 29 no.902-33 161. (MIRA 14:10) * (Technologieal innovations) EOHISOVY G.A., red.; YEFVAKOV, I.V., red.; YEIU40LIN, M.A., red.; 14ALAFEUV, R.I., red.;_SERGEYEV, P.A., red.; FEDOHOV, I. V. , red. [Collection of articles on scientific methodology; physics and mathematics facultyj Nauchno-metodicheskii sbornik; fiziko-matematicheskii fakulltet. Kurga, 1962. 238 p. (miRA 16:12) 1. Kurgan. Gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheakiy institut. (Physics-Study and teaching) (Mathematics-Study and teaching) SERGEYEV, 0.', inzhener. - "I,, VWxt - --- "w Competing, velth cosmic rays. Takh.mol.24 no.1/2:10-16 JA-F 156. (Atomic power) (MIRA 9:-1) SERGEYEV, 0., inzhener. - M Generators of cosmic energies. Tekh.mol.24 no*8:17-23 A-g 156. (Particle accelarators) (MLRA 9:9) 21(4) PHASE I BOOK EXPIDITATION SOV/2534 Kapyrin,Pafnutiy Ivanovich, and Oleg Sergeyevich Sergeyev V Dubne pod Moskvoy (At Dubna near Moscow) [Moscow] Moskovskiy rabochiy, 1958. 97 p. 25,000 copies printed, Ed. S. Gurov; Tech. Ed.: I. Yegoro7a. I PURPOSE: This booklet is intendedtfor the general reader COVERAGE: This is a simplified booklet on nuclear and high-energy physics, the Jechnology of acceleration, and the peaceful uses of atomic energy. It describes the research of scientists from twelve Socialist cotmtries-carried on at the Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy (United Ins'titute of Nuclear Physics Research) in Dubna, as well as the Soviet proton- synchrocyclotron. TABIE OF CONIMM: In the City of Physicists From Ingenious Conjectures to Great Discoveries 3 9 Card 1/2 110 ACC NRt A1-6005045 (A) SOURCE CODEt --- UR/0350/6-5/000/011/0006/0007-- AU7HOR: Sorgoyov, P. (Doctor of Vgricultural Sciences) ORG: A.11 Union Scientific Research Institute of Foods (Vzosoyuznyy nauchno- ~551od'eva-t-o'l I s-k--iy in5tiItut --korm, -ov)- TITIS: Cuttinm and fortilizin~',of clover in seed breeding plots SOURCE: Zornobobovyye kulltury, no. 11, 1965, 6-7 TOPIC TAGS: agriculture crop, fortilizor, plant growth .ABSTRACT: Expari,7ients were conducted on early and late maturing clover to determine '.1o effect of cutting and fertilizing on seed yields. Study data show that seed yields of late maturing clover are increased with cutting of the top two or three internodes in the spring; this makes it possible to control blossoming time and to create better conditions for pollinition, infructesconse, and seed formation. With the cutting of late maturing clover tops, the number of seed pods almost doubles. In the case of early maturing clover which produces two crops, it is better to use the second crop .J_or soods. Cutting of the second crop should take place no later than the budding ~poriod to increase seed yields. Boric and molybdenum fortilizer5 significantly increase seed yields of both early and late matur:big clover. Boric fertilizers are particularlyl .effective in non-acid and well-3-imed soils. and molybdenum fertilizers are particularly; UDCs 633-321631-551 L 0945o-67 ACC NR. AP6005045 effective in acid soils. Orig. art. has: none. SUB CODE; 0 sum rATE: none SMGEYEV, P.A.,inzh. New design of vibration conveyors. Stroi. i dor. mashinostr. 3 no. 7:10-13 Jl 158. (MIRA 11:8) (Conveying machinery)