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P r- n o -s t u d a 77. r na tc.';~arncm stamle in~ 'he
1 1 7,~
J. Iia ri; ri -.-:s 10 -2
3f ln')~ r in cn a
SO f .-i ;I-a-, "c' ez~~:=-Jis julY 101,53
a "z2- -, Vol No
SBRGBYEV~ M.A.: NIKITIN, P.S.; ANERROY, K.A.. kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk,
-.,__-'-,_"Gse_A, redaktor.
[Working place layout and accident prevention] Organizateiia rabochego
mesta i tekhnika bezopasnosti. Pod obehchei redaktaiel N.A.AnseroTa.
Moskva. 1953. 37 p. (Bibliotechka tokaria-novatora, no.10) OGRA 7:3)
(Machine-shop practice-Safety measures) (Factories-Design and
SMNYEV.-M...A.. , inzhener; BLYUM'BERry, V.A., kandidat tokhnicheakikh nauk;
G.S., tokarl-novator, laureat Staliaskoy premii; TRUTTINT,
V.fl., tokarl-novator laureatStalinakoy premii; ANSEROV, M.A., kandi-
dat tekhnicheskikh naukdotsent; OGLOBLIH. A.H., redaktor, doteent
[Experience of innovator lathe operators in machining standard parts]
Opyt tokarei-navatorov po obrabotke tipovykh detalei. Pod obshchei
redaktsiei M.A.Anserova. Mosk7a. Goa. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashino-
Btroit. i sudostroit. lit-ry, 1953. 124 p. (Bibliotechka tokaria-
novatora, no.8) (MLRA 7:7)
J~-F-itk-EYEV M-4.
N.I., takl~f~~e-'Oi-y re-di'aktor
[Raising labor productivity in work on planing and slotting
machines] Povyshenie proinvoditelinosti truda, pri rabote n& stro-
galln.vkh i dolbezhnykh stankakh. [Leningrad] Leningradskoe gazetno-
zhurnallnoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1953. 125 P. [Kicrofilal (MIRA 7:10)
(Machine-shop practice)
BELYAXV, G.S.; PAZYU, Ye.I.; red.; RODCF&M, N.I., teldm.
Elifficiency promotion and inventing at Ieningrad machinery plants;
mashiningof parts] Ratsionalizatsiia i izobretatel'stvo na machino-
stroitellnykh zavodakh Ioningrada; makhanicheakaia obrabotka.
[leningrad] Leningr. gazetno-zhurnallnoe i knizhnoe izd-vo, 1955.
78 P. (MIR& 112)
(Ioningrad-Machine-shop practice)
(metal cutting)
BILYA3V, G.S.; PAZYUK, Ye.I.;- SIULGBYNV, M.A., red.; RODCHENKO, N.I., tekhn.
[Ifficiency promotion and inventing at Leningrad machinery plants;
bench and assembly work] Rateionalizatsiia i izobretatel'stvo na
mashinostroitelinykh zavodakh Ioningrada; slesarno-aborochnve
raboty' [Isningradl Ieningr. gazetno-zhurnalinoe i knizhnoe
izd-vo: 1955. 86 p. (MIRA lV8)
(Ieningrad-Machine-shop practice)
BLYUMBV,IIG,V.A., kandidat tekhnichookikli nauk; SERGEYNV,M.A., inshener
Popularizing the experience of industrial innovators. Vest.mash.
35 no.7:29-34 J1155. (MLRA 8:10)
(Machine-ship practice)
SXRGEYXV, Mikhail Afanaslyevich; YRGOROV, B.A., iazhaner. retsenzent;
RF,ZNITSICIY, L.K., kg'Mdat takhnicheskikh nauk. redaktor; POLISKAYA,
R.G., tekhnicheskiy redak-tor
CIncreasing the labor productivity of mechanics and fitters] Povyshe-
nie proizvoditallnosti truda pri slesarnykh i sborochnykh rabotakh.
Moskva. Goo. nauchn-tekhn. izdLvo mashiaostroit. lit-ry. 1956. 287 P-
(Kachine-shop practice) (HIRA 9:11)
(Machinery industry)
SMGSM, Mikhail Afanas 'yevich; CHIRVOVA, M.S., red.; SMIRNOV, P.S., tekhn.
I ----. ."
[High-production tachnology in fitting work] Vysokoproizvoditell-
naia tekhnologiia slosarno-aborochnykh rabot. [Imeningrad] Iienizdat,
1957. In P. (NDU 11:7)
(Kachine-shop practice)
L.G., tekhnicheskiy redektor
[Increasing productivity in work with boring machinery] Povyshenie
proizvoditellnosti pri rabote na rastochnvkh stankakh. [Leningrad]
Lenizdat. 1957. 129 p. (MLRA 10:9)
(Drilling and boring)
BLYUMBI-MG, Vitalty AllbortovLch; Sh7GEYBT, Mikhail Afaraslyevich; ANSEROV.
M.A., kand.tekhn.nauk dots.. red.; WIACHENKOV, S.Ye., inzh., red.;
BORODULDIA, I.A., red.izd-va; FOLISKAYA, R.G.,
[Machining parts on lathes] Gbrabotka detalei aa tokarnvkh stankakh.
Pod obahchei red. H.A.Anserova. Izd. 2-oe, Darer. i dop. Koskva.
Gos. n-suchno-tekhnicheskoe izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1958. 181 P.
(Bibliotechka tokaria-novators, no.5) (MIRA 11:5)
SMGEYEV, Hikha il-AfarAs-I.yovich, NIKITIN, Pavel Sergeyevich,[decaased].;
ANSEP-bV, M.A. , ka ndteichn. nquk, dots., red.: AZAROV,.A.S., kand.
tekhn. nauk,.dotB., red.; LEYKINA, T.L., red. izd-va,; POLISKATA, R.G.,
tekhu. red.
rOrganization of work areas and safety enrinseripg] Orgaaizatsiia
rabochego mesta i tekbnike.bazapasnosti. Izd. 2., dopo i,perer.
Moskn Gos. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashicostroit. lit-ry, 1958.'
52 p. Bibliotechka tokaria-novatora. no. 10). (MIRA 11:11)
(Industrial safety)
(Machine-ahop practice)
LI13KIND, BARSKIY, M.E., inzh., red.;
[Operator of boring and turning lathes] Tokarl-kanisellshchik.
Moskva, GOB.nauchno-teldm.izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry, 1959.
422 p. (KIRA 12:11)
SEI-GEYEVY. Mikhall-Afanaslyevich; PGRELKIN, Yu.V., red.; PRESNOVA, V.A.,
tekhn. red.
(Mechanization and automation of fitting and assembling opera-
tions]Mekhanizatslia i av-tomatizataiia alesarno-aborochnykh
rabot. Leningrad, Lenizdat, 1962. 331 p. (MIRA 16:2)
(Machine-shop practice) (Automation)
uehastiye: BURDIN, N.K.; GUDKOV, N.M.;,mmmy, M A., inzh.,
retsenzent; YAKOVITSKIY, O.N., red.;LMINA, T.L., red.izd-
va; KUREPINA, G.N., red.izd-va; SHCHETININA., L.V., tekhn. red.;
[Manual for a lay-out mechanic]Spravochnik razmetchika-
mashinostroitelia. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1962. 375 p. (MIRA 16!1)
(Laying-out (Machine-shop practice))
GUSHCHIN, V.F., inzh., retsenzent;
KHARCHENKO, K.S., red.; DENINA, I.A., red. izd-va;
SHCHETININA, L.V., tekhn. red.
[Increasing labor productivity in fitting and assembl$ng
work] Povyshenie proizvoditellnosti truda pri slesarnykh i
sborochnykh rabotakh. Izd.2., perer. i dop. Moskva, Mash-
giz, 1963. 294 P. (MIRA 16:7)
(Machine-shop practice--Production methods)
ye SEI GEYEV, 14I.A., i-nzh.;
GRINBEAGI D.Ye.; Prinimal uchasti-
VASIT"Y1.71A, V.P.p rr.,d.1?d...vo;-BAftDTN*, AA0 teklui.
[Lay-out man in machine shops] Razmetchik mekhanicheskikh
tsekhov, Izd.2., perer. i dop. Moskva, Mashgizp 1963.342 p.
(MIRA 17:2)
Y~~,V ','IIIJRA!,LFV, S.A., kand. toklin. nauk, red.
- ...- : -t,. ,j--.
[Organization of the working area of a milling-machine
operator and safety measures] Organizatsiia rabochego
mesta frezerovshchika. i tekhn-ika bezopasnosti. Moskva,
14ashinostroenie, 1964. S,/ p. (Bibliotechka frezerov-
!~,hchika, no.c.1) (VIRA 18: 5)
Min Higher Education USSR. Leningrad Inst of Precision Mechanics and Optics.
SFAGEYEV, M. A. - "Investigation of a two-stage gyrocompass with spherical air
supports." Min Higher Education USSR. Leningrad Inst of Precision Mechanics and
Optics. Leningrad, 1956.
(Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Technical Sciences.)
50: KnlQoya Lejor)is I No. 13, 1956.
. .- I. -- - I - .1 . -, .
Two-stage gyrocompasses u pd an direction indicators. Priberestroemie
S, - ~
ne.2:-21-22 7 '57. (WaA 10:4)
8,W 7
3 00 3/124/60/oOO/Go0o2/ol.,
13,2-160 AOO5/AOO1
Translation from; Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1960, No. 8, p. 9797
" ~44
TITLE, On the Rotary Motion in a Gyrocompass
PERIODICAL~ V sb.: Vopr. teorii i rascheta giropriborov 1 priborov tochn,
mekhan. (LITMO, No. 36). Leningrad, 1958, PP. 45-53
TEXT; The investigation of the motion of the responsive elements of the
two-stage- and single-stage pendulum gyrocompasses is described; the case is
considered, that the angle between the vector of the kinetic gyroscope moment
H and the axis of revolution of the responsive element differs from the right
angle by the angle P and that a certain external moment M is applied'to the
gyrochamber in consequence of its non-tightness; M is assumed to be acting
around the revolution axis of the rotor of the gyromotor, The author applies
the qualitative integration method and considers the possible steady precession
motions of the responsive element relative to the meridian plane, The device
preserves its properties of gyrocompass as long as arctg (Hq1M),
Card 1/2
On the Rotary Motion In a Gyrocompass A005/AO01
where LO Is the horizontal component of the angular velocity of the diurnal
Earth's rotation); the equilibrium position of the responsive element depends
on the relative magnitude of the angle P. When 0>10 *1, the device loses ills
properties as gyrocompass, and the responsive element rotates with variable
angularvelocity relative to the precession axis. A steady limiting cycle in the
cylindric phase surface corresponds to every steady rotation motion, There are
G. A. Slomyanskly
Translator's noted This is the full -translation of the original Ryisslan
SERGEUV, M.A.,kand.tekhn.nauk
Hotion of the sensing element of gyrocompasses with variable
kinetic moment. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; prib. noo3:49-59 158.
(MIRA 12:2)
1. Leningradskiy institut tochnoy mekhaniki i optiki.
_e.5- SOV/146-58-5-11/24
AUTHOR: Sergeyev, M.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences
TITLE: A Swimming Two-Stage Gyrocompass with Precision Axle
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy - Priborostroy-
eniye, 1958, Nr 5, pp 69-75 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: This article investigates the movement of the sensitive
part of a swimming two-stage gyrocompass with preci-
sion axle bewaring. At the same time its accuracy is
compared with that of a pendulum gyrocompas.s. The ad-
vantages of the swimming two-stage gyrocompass with
elastic precision exle bearings over the two-stage
gyrocompass with air axle bearing are particularly
emphasized. Not only the vertical but also the horizon-
tal movements of the gyrocompass are taken into con-
sideration. Figure 1 shows diagram of the swimming
t~--io-stage gyrocompass with ball bearings. Figure 2
contains the angles which determine the position of
the instrument body. Table 1 explains the cos of the
Card 112 small angles between the axle of the system of coordi-
A Swimming Two-Stage Gyrocompass with Precision Axle Bearing
nates. Figure 3 contains the angles which determine
the position of the sensitive part of the instrument.
Table 2 like table 1 contains the cos of the small
angles between the axes of the system of cocrdinates.
When comparing the results (4 and 5) the author finds
that due to the non-vertical position of the preci-
sion axle, tiae trio-stage gyrocompass does not indicate
as exactly as the simple pendulum compass. Finally,
hints are given on how errors can be reduced, if the
precision axle does not stand vertically. There are
3 diagrams, 2 tables and 3 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy institut tochnoy mekhaniki i optiki
(Leningrad Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics)
Card 2/2
SERGETEV, M. A. (Candidate of Technical Sciences) (Litmo)
IfTwo Degree Gyrocompass with a Proportional Characteristic of the Recovering
Torque and with a Zone of Insensitivity"
paper presented at the Second Scientific and Technical Intervuz Conference on
Problems of Contemporary Gyroscopy, Te, F. Otvagin, Secretary of the Organization
Committee; Leningrad, Izvestiya Uchebnykh Zavedenity$ Priborostroyeniye,.No. 59
Sep/Oct 1958, pp 161-163
The Second Intervu2 Conference on Problems of Contemporary Gyroscopy Technique.,
convoked by decision of the Ministry of Education USSR, took place in the
Leningrad Institute of Precision Mechanics and Optics from 24 to 27 November 1958.
24(5) SOV/146-58-6-3/16
AUTHOR: Sqrgey,ev, M.A.,_,C,andidate of Technical Sciences
TITLE: Two-Stage Gyroscopic Compass with Proportional Charac-
teristic of Re-Establishing Moment and Zone of Insensi-
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Priborostroy-
eniye, 1958, Nr 6, pp 23-32 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Soviet industry has worked out two types of gyroscopic
compass to be used on an immovable chassis, that is,
on land. The author analyzes all the possible kinds
of sensitive component movements of the compass that
depend on the location of its center of gravity in re-
spect to the volume center, and on the inclination of
its axle in the meridian plane. By using three dif-
ferent coordinates systems, he had made the correspond-
ing computations and arrived to the formulae that ex-
press the friction moments of the compass sensitive
components as follows: M
= kf~; M =-A ct(Diagram 2),
Card 1/3 x
where k is coefficient of friction.;Y(~P - angles deter
Two-Stage Gyroscopic Compass with Proportional Characteristic of
Re-Establishing Moment and Zone of Insensitivity
mining position of the sensitive components. Research
of the two-stage gyroscopic compass permitted drawing
of the following deductions: if we designate the mo-
ment of gravitational force by P, the moment of lift-
ing force by Q, the coordinates of the center of gra-
vity by 1, and the coordinates of the center of volume
by L, we can conclude thatl) the swing period of the
sensitive component in azimuth depends at QL - Pl','~-O
on the inclination angle of the precession axle in the
meridian plane, as well as on its swing amplitude in
azimuth; 2) when QL - PlcfO, the Z axle of the sensi-
tive component, which lies along the vector of kinetic
moment, has both the stable and unstable positions;
3) in order to obtain the minimum period of swing of
the sensitive component in azimuth, such precession
supports are to be used which secure the characteris-
tic of the resilient re-establishing moment without
Card 2/3 the zone of insensitivity.
Two-Stage Gyroscopic Compass with Proportional Characteristic of
Re-Establishing Moment and Zone of Insensitivity
There are 2 tables and 6 diagrams.
ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy institut tochnoy mekhaniki i optiki
(Leningrad Institute of Precision Mechanics and
Optics) t__~
SUBMITTED: September 30, 1958
Card 3/3
13, 00o S/124/60/000/01/02 Oil
A005/AOOl 82W
Translation fromig ReferativrLyy zhurnal, M-~khanlka, 19650, N~ 1, D~ 11, # 101
AU11HOR-, Sergeyev, M, A.
H T`he "Generalized" Resonaric~_ :Ln a Gyrosaoplc CcmpasE
PEMIODICAL: 'Nauchn. tr. Ler-ingr. in-t to.,~hnGy- m-khar., I ~Ptlkl, 1958~ No, 32,
pp. 116-132
T.FXTj The motion of the responsive element of a two-degree gyroscopic
ccmpass Is sta~died with allowance for the elasti,:Ity o-f the a.!--- ball bearings.
I a compass precession axis Is consider.-.d to b" orlented nct strictly vertical,
a-vid the kinetic moment to be varyLng aocording to the harmonic law, Basing on
these assumptions, the author derives the differentia:1, ..?quations of the &yroscopic
--ompass motion and shows that the motion of the gyrosccpa axis Ln the azimuth will
be composed of natural and forced oscillations. As gEmneralized resonance the
author defines the case that the frequency of the undamped oscillations of the
responsive element is close to the frequency of kinetic moment oscillations, Results
I . udies are added; the
from 9xperimental st _,~q of the t2hrae.--phase current
feeding the gyromotor was varied pericdically by _" of !'Is magn'tude with a
p-ar-lod of 35 + I second,
o~ard 1/1 D. R, Merkin
SBRGEYEV, M.A., kand.tekhn.nauk
Floated simple pendulum gyrocompass suspended on a core support.
Izvevysoucheb.rav.; pribv no-3:50-56 '59. (MIRA 13:4)
1. Leningradskiy institut tochnoy makhaniki i optiki. Relw-
mendovana kafedroy giroskopicheskikh i navigatsionnykh priborov.
-2~ /. looo
AUTHOR: Sergeyev, M.A. Candidate of Technical Sciences
TITLE: The Effect of Temperature Variation of the Supporting
Liquid on the Indication of a Float Gyrocompassq
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Priborostroye-
niye,1959, Nr 4, pp 77-84 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The article deals with the float gyrocompass (land
compass) constructed at the Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-
issledovatellskiy marksheyderskiy institut (VNIMI)
(The All-Union Scientific Research Surveying Tnsti-
___It_u7e_T._ The center of the sensitive TI-ement of the
gyrocompass (Figure 1) does not coincide with the
suspension point, and when the liquid temperature
changes, and consequently the liquid's lifting force
and density, a perturbation moment is generated
which distorts the regular oscillations (Figures 3
Card 1/3 and 4) of the sensitive element in the azimuth, Fnd
The Effect of Temperature Variation of the Supporting Liquid on
the Indication of a Float Gyrocompass
causes error in the gyrocompass indication. The
motion of the sensitive element is investigated
theoretically with a coordinate systemo~q~ (Fi-
gure 2) which is oriented geographically. ~ is
assumed that the temperature variation affects the
lifting force only. The results show that in order
to attain a higher accuracy of the float gyrocompass,
1) the temperature of the supporting liquid should
be stabilized in such a way that the oscillation
frequency of the lifting force be not equal or close
to the free undamped oscillations and the double
frequency of the damped oscillations of the sensitive
element; 2) the damping moment should be increased
in order to reduce the sensitive element oscillations.
The article was recommended by the Kafedra navigat-
Card 2/3- sionnykh i giroskopicheskikh priborov (The Chair of
The Effect of Temperature Variation of the Supporting Liquid on
the Indication of a Float Gyrocompass
Navigational and Gyroscopic Instruments). There
are 2 graphs, and 2 diagrams.
ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy institut tochnoy mekhaniki i optiki
(The Leningrad Institute of-Pr-e-c-ision Mechanics
SUBMITTED: August 22, 1959
Card 3/3
Translation from. Referativnyy zhurnal. Mash-inostroyeniye, 1959, Nr 20, P 179 (USSR)
I . I Coo
AUTHOR-, Sergeyev, M.A.
TITLE "Genoral I zed" Resonance In%yroscopic Coinpnsses
PERIODICAL4 Nauchn. tr. Lenlngr. in-t; tochnoy mekhan. i optiki, 1959, Nr 32,
pp 116 - 132
ABSTRACT: 'The author states the results of investigations which were carried out
to study the motion of sens�tive elements of gyrocompasses with two
degrees of freedom (two-stage gyrocompass) and of the ordinary pendulum
gyrocompass, when the kinetic moment varies according to a periodical
law. The conditions are shown, under which a "generalized" resonance
appears in the mentioned gyroscopic compasses, and its effect on the
reading accuracy of the two-stage and the ordinary pendulum gyrocompass
mounted on a stationary basis.
Card 1/1
25540 AOo4/Alol
AUTHOR: Sergeyev, M. A.
TITLE; Gyroscopic compass with two degrees of freedom on air bearings
PERIODICAL~ Referativnyy zhurnal, Mashinostroyenlye, no. 11, 1961, 22, abstract
11D149 (V sb. "I-ya Mezhvuz. nauchno-tekhn. konferentsiya po probl.
sovrem. giroskopiit'. Leningrad, 1960, 10-19)
TEXT: The author investigates a two-degree gyroscopic compass on air bear-
Ings, developed by the Vsesoyuzayy nauchno-issledovatellskiy marksheyderskiy
Institut (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Mining Surveying) together
with the Leningrandskiy institut tochnoy mekhaniki I optiki (Leningrad 7nstitute of
Preo�sion Mechanics and Optics) for utilization in underground surveying. Owing
to the elasticity of the air bearings of the precession axle during oscillations
of the sensitive element In the azimuth, small angular oscillations of it can be
also obser-ied over the height, which has to be taken into account during the in-
vestigations. The author presents experimental data on 'the oscillations of the
sensitive element (damping, sustained, outgoing and aperiodic oscillations) in. the
azimuth at different magnitudes of lateral pendulum action. It is pointed out
Card 1/2
Gyroscopic compass with two degrees ... A004/AlO!
that temperature fluctuations of the sensitive element with gyroscopic motor
without temperature compensation in the range of 15 - 200C practically do not
affect its position in the azimuth. In order to reduce the errors caused by the
non-verticality of the precession axle, the sensitive element parameters are
selected in such a way that the ratio of the sensitive element weight to the
kinetic moment amounts to not less than 0.1 cm-isee-1; the setting of T-he pre-
cession axle in the vertical position should be effected with an accuracy of not
less than 30". The accuracy to be expected in the determination of the gyroscopic
azlmljth of the direction to be oriented with '-he aid of such a gyroscopic compass
is in the range of 3-41. There are 7 figures.
N. Rogov
[Abstracter's note; Complete translation]
'lard 2/2
4, 301 9/BO54
AUTHOR: Sergeiev, M. A.
TITLE: Two-stage Gyrocompass With Supports on the Bearings
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Friborostroyeniye,
19609 ~01- 3, No- 39 PP- 59 - 65
TEXT: The theoretical investigation of the motion of the sensitive
element of a floating two-stage gyrocompass with supports of the pre-
cession axis on the bearings shows that - with a location of the center
of gravity of the sensitive element below its volume center - the vibra-
tion period depends on the amplitude in the azimuth and on the inclina-
tion angle of the precession axis in the plane of the meridian. If the
center of gravity lies above the volume center, it is possible to obtain
stable and unstable equilibrium positions in dependence on the direct-~'.on
of the precession axis in the plane of the meridian. It is shown that
for a minimum vibration period of the sensitive elemeat those supports
of the precession axis must be.used which guarantee the characteristios
of the restoring moment without instability. The publication of this
Card 114
~wo-stage Gyrocompass 'With Suppoi i;a c#xL Th,~ L-/146j6O/OO3
Bearings B019/BO54
article was recommended by the Orgkomitet vtoroy nauchnc-te',;.-a2~_'*..._
konferentaii po problemam sovremennoy girookopii (Organization Coaajt;._~e
of the Second Soientific-.technical Conference of the Institutes of
Higher Learning on Problems of Modern Gyroscopy). There are 5 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Leningradakiy institut toohnoy mekhaniki i optiki
(Len ingrad Institute of Precision Mechanics and Optice)
SUBMITTED: February 25~ 1960
Card 2/2
S11 4 6/69i(/ 004/UO4/0 08/015
/3, D201/D306
AUTHORS: Il I yin, ?.A., and,Sergeyev, Y-As
TITLE; The effect of base vibration on the indications of a
gyroscope with two degrees of freedom
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Priboro-
stroyeniye, v. 4, no. 4, 1961, 53 - 60
TEXT: In the theoretical part is is assumed that the base and body
vibrations are actually identical which means that as a result of
body vibrations, the sensing element is affected by the base vibra-
tions component perpendicular to the precession axis. It is shown
that the oscillations of 'the sensing element with respect to the
z-axis do not affect its azimuthal movement. r4 is the moment app-
lied to the sensing element in the plane perpendicular to the axis
of precession and varies according to M = m sin pt; m 1 = M Cos 8;
M2 = m sin 8, h - the damping factor of the sensing element in the
absence of vibrations; ~t 2 _ the square of the frequency of free
Card 115
19644 S/146/61/'004/UO4/OU8/015
The effect of base vibration ... D201/D306
self-osciilations in the absence of vibrations. The approximate so-
lution of the differential equatLon. Then becomes
Sin 11t+
-ht I(a, + v Q cos nt + a. vC, __X
e n + 2P
X M COSJ(tL-P)t+'!'I+ N COS[(IL+P)t-fjl+
2n-p 2 n -P
+ M, P V Cos (Pt - C;)
fCP_p3)2 + 4 P2 h2
IT may be seen from this that if damping of the sensing element is
provided in the gyro, the oscillations given by the Terms in brack-
ets will be damped. After the decay of self oscillations the z-axis
oscillates only with forced oscillations. The amplitude of moment
m occuring during the vibrations of the base and on angle 8, and on
the ratio of frequencies ~i and p. To evaluate the magnitude of for-
ced oscillations which introduce the error into the indication of
the gyro a numerical example is solved for such a gyro with air Ix
cushions. The numerical results show that the base vibration provi-
Card 2/3
S,,,, 14 c/ 6 1/ G04/0~4/100o/lj5
Tne effecT, of buse vibrations D201,/D30b
ded its frequency and amplitude are constant... above a few C,,S, d~Jes
not afll'ect the --ndicat-to'ne of a gyro with two degrees of fre~d,,)M,
since its period T is seldom less than 50 sec. It is stated tha-7, if
the vibrations of the base have varying frequency and amplatude,
experiments show that the gyroscope cannot be used any more to de-
termine the raeridian piane~ This article was recommended by The Ka--
fedra giroskopicheskikn i navigats-ionnyxii priborov (DeparTment of
Uyrozcopic and Navigational Instruments). There are 3 figures and
1 Soviet--bloc reference-,
ASSOCIATION: Leningradsk-Ly institut Tochnoy mekh-3.nLk,. -J. optiki
ningrad Institute of Precizion rtaectianics and Oi)tics)
SUBMITTED-, Decemoer t,, Lgbl
Card __5/3
ACCESSION NR: AP4037472 S/0146/64/007/002/0124/0132
AUTHOR: Sergeyev, M. A.
TITLE: Gyrocompass with an elastic torsional s*spension
SOURCE: 1VUZ. Priborostroyeniye, v. 7, no. ?., 1964, IZ4-132
TOPIC TAGS: gyrocompass, t6rsional gyrocompass, gyro
ABSTRACT: The motion of the sensitive element of the',torsion gyrocompass (see
Enclosure 1) is described by Lagrange's differential equktions of the Znd k1nd.
formula for the kinetic energy of the system in analyzed It is found that the
accompanying oscillations are superposed on the fundamental procession motion
of the sensitive element,, the frequency of the former being higher than that of the
precession. Thus, in principle, the accompanying oscillations distdrt the
precession motion in the azimuth and introduce an error into the equilibrium
reading. The period of free undamped oscillations can be determined from this
Card 1/3
formula, similar to that for a pendulum-type gyrocompass: r=2
where I is the distance between the center of gravity of the sensing element and
the point of attachment of the torsional filament. However, the accompanying
Oscillations, with today's accuracy of land-type gyrocompasses, pracUcally do
not distort the precession motion of the sensing element in the aximmth. Orig,
art. has: 2 figures, 30 formulas, and I table.
ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy institut tochnoy inekhan"d i optfld (Leningr&d
Institute of Fine Mechanits and Optics)
1 SUBMITTED: 18jun63. DATE ACQ: 05jun64.*' ENCL: 01
:Card Z13
- ---.- .-- -1 . _\_ - _J
A simplified diagram of a torsional gyrocaTpass
1 housing; 2 - spin motorl 3 'torsion
.filamenti 4 - frame
Card 3/ 3
ACCESSION NR: AP4041651 S/0146/64/007/003/0067/0072
AUTHOR: Sergeyev, M. A.
TITLE: Effeet of vertical variations of a gyrosphere upon the reading of an -M-3
SOURCE: JVUZ. Priborostroyeniye~, v. 7, no. 3, 1964, 67-72
I TOPIC TAGS: gyrocompass, M-3 gyrocompass, MUG-Z gyrocompass,
ABSTRACT: The important design features of an M-3 or MUG-2 land gyro-
compass are shown in Enclosure 1. The negative buoyancy of the sensing
element (gyrosphere) is compensated by a magnetic "blow. " As a result, the
gyrosphere has no mechanical contact with the electrode sphere. The law of
motion of the gyrosphere, when the lifting force varies according to an exponential
law, is theoretically investigated. In the above gyrocompass types, the perturbed
,Card 1/3
motion under lifting-force transient conditions may reach a considerable
intensity; hence, the equilibrium condition can be determined only under stable
('LO. ZG) temperature conditions. It is found that the moments of force of inertia,
arising when the gyrosphere moves inside the electrode sphere under transient
conditions, practically do not affect the above gyrocompasses. Orig. art. has:
Z figures and 31 formulas.
ASSOCIATION- Leningradskiy inBtitut tochnoy mekhaniki i optiki (Leningrad
Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics)
SUBMITTED: 08May63 ENCL: 0 1
tard 2/3
ACG=IOH NRs AP4041651
A sketch of the M-3 Orrocompass
I -gyrosphere, 2 - spin motor, 3 - supporting liquid,
4 - electromagnetic-blow coil, 5 - electrode sphere,
o; lo
rz 1
r,!? V into ~-(,)naltn- i
~,Sc~ -~v
vcra,. 1934.
ac 'Led
Narodnoe khoziaistvo Kamchatskogo kraia. Moskva, AN SSSR, 1936. 815 P.
(Akademiia Nauk Soiuza Sovetskikh Sotsialisticheskikh Respublik. Sovet Do
izucheniiu proizvoditello,kh sil.1
"Literaturall: P. Z7-�-97--Z8-0f.
CSt-H DLC: HC487.K2S4
SO: LC, Soviet Geographyo Part 1. 1951, Uncl.
2~0 (2)
19L'?). '2PvJewt-d by
Ser ~oyev.
:"o. 2, 19,13.
Sergeyev, M. A. "on the problem of the use ofthe term 'Extreme North"', Letopis,
Severa, 1, 1949, p. 189-2o8, - Bibliog: 18 items.
SO: U-4630, 16 Sept. 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 23, 1949).
2. USSR (600)
4. Geology and Geography
7. Selected Works., V. L. Komarov. (Vol. 6 (A Journey in Kamchatka
during 1903-1909), Press of Acad Sci USSR, 1950). Reviewed by
M. A. Sergeyev, Sov. Kniga, No. 4, 1951.
9. IM Report U-3081, 16 Jan. 1953, Unclassified.
I . -, .6v ". ".". I .. ;I .
2. U-;.~.i (6C0)
4. Disterr, - Dizcc-ve~-:r =d ~;x: loraTion
7. P~-Jl.c ti-rou-l ji-beria, the ,'-.x-ctic Ocean, and ti.e i~acif--*c Cjc"-at-.
~;. I. -~.irvcriev. tevie-,-;ed by ". A. 0~'er-eyev. S'Gv. etn. "10. 1., 1953.
9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, I.'pril 1953, Uncl.
- "I
" I ~ -_
'Trip thro-n-1, the Amur region, China, and Japan." X. VenJulwv. Reviewed
_0y K.A. lergeev., Sov.etu. no.2:230-235 151. (MM 6:6)
Ofar last--Description and travel) (Ve*ukov,H.I., 1832-1901)
- '. ~, ii-I- --- "I I I /- f,~ 71 /-I/
- , , I /, , /., r.
, , 1. ~ - , ~
Alevtina Hikolaevna, Orlova, (80th birthday and 60th anniversary
of sciantiflo and public activity). Izv.Vses.geog.ob-va 86 no.4-.362-363
JI-Ag 154. 1 (KLRA 7:9 )
(Orlova, Alevtina Nikolaevaa, 1874-
Through Siberia; guide for tourists. V-N.Skalon Reviewed b7 A.L,
Birkengof, M.A.Sergeov. 87 no.1:81-83 Ja-IP 155.
(Skalon, V.N.)(Siberia~Description and travel) (MLRA 8:4)
"In the wide latitudes; notes of a naturalist." L.I.Leonov;
"In the Arctic tundra; naturalist's reports." V.M.Sdobaikov.
Reviewed by A.L.Birkengof, M.A.Sergeev. Izv.Vaes.geog.ob-va
87 no.2:189-190 Mr-Ap 155. (MIRA 8:9)
(I,eonov,Leonid Iyanovich, 1895-1952) (Sdobnikov,V,M)
(Tundras) (Arctic regions)
In memory of A.N.Orlova; obituary. Izv.Vsee.geog.ob-va 89 n0-1:71-
72 Ja-F '57. (Orlova, Alevtina Nikolaevna, 1873-1956) (WRA 10:3)
AUTHORS: Birkengof, 'J A.L., and Sergeyev, M.A.
TITLE. Book Reviews (Retsenzii)
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Vsesoyuznogo Geograficheskogo Obshchestva, 1956,
Vol 90, Nr 2, PP 195 - 197 (USSR)
ABSTRACTt The authors review a book on
Region" by N.M. Kokosov, V.I.
lished by the Ural Branch of
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 1/1 1. Literature-Review
"The Khanty-Mansi National
Nikulin and V.I. Kharin, pub-
the USSR Academy of Sciences, Jn
NOZIKOV, N.;,,93RGEXW"l A-,, red.; DIVIN, V.A., mayor, red.;
KONOVALOVA, Ye.K., tekhn. red.
[Russian round-the-world navigators) Russkie krugosvetnye
moreplavateli. Pod red. i s vstupiteltnoi statlei K.A.
Sergeyeva. zd.2. Moskva, Voen. izd-vo M-va vooruzhennykh
sil SSSR, 191~. 294'p. (laRA 15:4)
(Voyages around the world)
Work on tll-= history of the N,r'.h Sea route. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser.
geog. no.5.142-144 S-0 163. (MIFI 10".-10)
Investi-a Lion of Coi--dens~r Butt of Fire re."
Ural Fol,-!"eehnic Inst, Sverdlovsk, 1954. (.-,7thKhim, No -?pr 55)
SO: Sum. 'No. 704, 2 Nov 55 - Surve,; of Scientific and Technical Dis5ertations
Defended at USSR HiSher I-Aucational Institutions (16).
SIUNOV, H.S., doktor takhnichookikh nauk, professor; SYMEYEV, M.A.,
kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk.
Selection of principal parameters of machines for condenfler
butt welding. Svar.proizv. ne.12:4-6 D '55. (M72A 9:2)
l.Urallskiy politakhnicheskiy institut imeni S.M.Kirova.
(Blectric welding)
SIUNOV, N.S., doktor tokbnichaskikh nauk; SIRGEM, M.A., kandidat
tekhnicheakikh nauk.
He&t processoo in condenser discharge butt welding. Trud~r
Ural. politekh. inst. no.62:4-11 '56. (MLRA 10:2)
(Ilectric welding)
SOV-1 25 - 58-10-6/12
AUTHCRS~: Siunov. N.S., and Sergeyev. M.A.
TITLE The Origin of ng (0 vozni-',-
novenii dugi pri stykovoy kondensatornoy svarke)
PERIODICALi Avtomaticheskaya 3varka, 1958, Nr 10, PP 55 - 59 (USSR)
AB_`T1ZAPT: The oriCin of the arc in butt condenser welding is analyzed.
On the basis of existing data it is concluded that the major
factor of the are origin is the melting of micreprotrusions
on the ends of the parts to be welded, and vapor formation
of the metal. If there are such vapors in the interelec-
trode gap, the development of the discharge can be explained
on the basis of the thermo-electronic theory of the arc.
Stability of the arc depends mainly on the transitional
contact resistance. A formula is recommended to calculate
the melting coeeficient which determines the quantity uf
Card 1/2 the arc heat consumed by burning-out and evaporation of
The Origin of the Are in Butt Condenser ~;,'elding
the metal. An equation is given to determine the speed
of the movement of the welding device's movable head which
ensures the stability of the arc. There are 4 oscillograms,
1 circuit diagram and 5 Soviet references.
ASSCCIATIGNI: Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut im. S.M. Kirova
(Ural Polytechnical Institute imeni S.M. Kirov)
3UB1,11ITTED May 25, 1958
1. Electric arcs--Theory 2. Electric a--rcs-Stability
3. Arc weldirg-Equipment, 4. Mathematics
Card 2/2
SERGEYEV, Mikhail Afanaslyevich; SHESTINSKIY, N.N., red.; CHERNOVA) M.S.)
red-.-j-KO"OReVIGF,T-A-vI. I tekbn. red.
[Manual of a mach~miatl Spravochnik slesaria. Pod red. N.N.Shestin-
skogo. Leningrad, Lenizdat, 1961. 415 P. (KM 14:10)
(Machine-shop practice)
G,~-rocom--a-,E -~:-i ~ a flexible r-cr-t--ion ~l-usp-e.-:3,lon. lz-;-.-rf3.uche-b.
zav.; prib. 7 no.2:124-132 164. OMITRAI 18:4)
I. Leri,*n,gra-dskjy institut tochnoy iriei~ni-uni-ki i optiki. Pekomendo-
vr,r..l kafedroy navigat-slonry1di i gircslk(~picheskikh priborov.
- L-55934-65 EEo-2/Ev;r(d)/FSS-2/EEC(k)-2/EWG(v)/EED-2/EWA(c) On 4~00a-4/pe-5 q-4
~ ~4
77 -4
Pg /Pk 4 P1
AccEssioN NR: Ap5ol6469 --uR/0146/65/~oQ8/oo3/009T/Oi-D3-!.
- S
TITLE- Floating-type gyrocompass with a rigid torsional suspension
SOURCE: IVUZ. Priborostroyeniye, v. 8, no..3, 196. 97-103
TOPIC TAGS: &vrocompass, gyrocompass, design, floating gytocompass
ABSTRACT: The motion of e sensing element of a.floating gyrocompass with -a rigi&
torsional suspension was studied in the first approximation and,a-formula for
calculating the period of the free undaqped'oscillations with resi dt to the
-The sensing element c nsists of a float and a rigidly fixe
azimuth was derived..' 0 d.
the and of*the*gyroscbpe.are
gyrometer. The center of gravity of float
be located on the float's axis of symmetry, and the center of gravity of the, floet.
I e lem n
is assunw-A to coincide with of buoyaficy-. ne:~q nsing 4-- e t is com-.
pletely eubm6fted-ln fluid and ~ is suspended on, a rigid to-05ionar bar. The deritred
to a.- p0ndulum gyjroc=pas(i'yith a rigid. tgr~!iqj~&t. aus
-formula is.also hpplicable~
' '
Orig. art. ba
n6ion, and to gyr asses wAh an elastic torsional suspension.
e omomp
16 formulas and 2 figures. [ACI
Card ~12
L 08857-67 ZWT(d) CODE; U] -f-6- -676--- -f2
ACC NR, AP6010780 SOURCE--'--- k16 4 16 0970
1AUTHOR: Sergeyev, M. A.
IORG: Lening~~4d_lnstituteof Fine Mechanics and Optics (Leningradskiyinstitut
Itochnoy mckhaniki i optiki)
TITLE: Compensating the error that arises from tilting
the gyrocompass frame
SOURCE: IVUZ. Priborostroyeniye, v. 9, no. 1, 1966,
,yrocompass, gyrocompass error
ABSTRACT: For r~uias V`de=elopr)C~dfor compensating the
error due to the frame tilt of a gyrocompass having elastic
recovery torque. This gyrocompass design is used for
developing the formulas (see figure): I - sensing element,
2 - frame, 3 - housing, 4 - semispherical pivot journal
5 - spin motor, 6 - set screw, 7 - Bernispherical thrust
Card 1/2
Foucault -gyros cope
UDC: 531.383
L 08857-67
ACC NR% AP6010780
member. It is found that the error due to the frame tilt can be substantially reduced
by shifting the center of gravity of the sensing element along the principal a--xis to
satisfy this formula: HUsinq)-PIZ-O.. Orig. art. has: 3 figures, 16 formulas, and
I table.
SUB CODE: 17 SUBM DATE: zoju164
M.M.; TARASOVA, M.Kh.; KARUNSKIT, V.G. [Kar-uns'kyi, V.H.J; HISHINA,
Z.D., LRBKWA, T.V.; ROZDYALOVSKIY, B.V. (Rozdialovslkyl, B.V.1;
DYMSHITS, L.S.; ZAYTS-W, A.B., glavu" red.; SERGEM, N.. otv. za
vypusk; SKR 2EFL.W.- red.; BERGER, F.,
(Economy of Volyn' Province; a statistical manual] Narodne hospodarstvo-~~
Volynsikoi obl8sti: statystychnyi zbirnyk. LIviv, Derzhstatvydav,
1958. 211 P. (MIRA 12:12)
1. Volyn' (Province) Statystychne upravlinnia. 2. Statisticheskoye
upravienlya Volynakoy oblasti (for all, except Sergeyev, N., Sergeyev,
M.F.) 3. Naohallnik Statisticheskogo upravleniya Volynskoy oblesti
(for Zaytaev).
(Volyn' Province--Statistics)
GUMELYA, A.N., inzh.; HAMTOV. A.A.. inzh. Prinimali uchastlye: ROZEIEBERG,
Ya.G.; SERGEYEV, M.F.; GUDfdV,-P.P'j ROVA,, red.;
(Regulations outhe construc~ian a.nd repair of overhead commmi-
lines and wire bf~ad-- I
cation casv~ng networks] Pravila stroital'stva
i remonta vqzdushnykh linif*sVihzi i radiotranaliatsionnykh satei.
Monkva, Gos.izd-vo lit,ry po voprosam sviazi i radio. Pt.3-
(Conatr-tiction and repair of overhead and underground lines and
residential equipmont for wire broadcasting and telephone networks]
Stroitel'stvo i remont stoachnykh i podzerinykh linii i oborudovania
domovoi raspredelitel~noi radiotranaliatsionnoi i telefonnoi vnIItr'
raionnoi setei. 1960. 198 p. OURA 13:9)
1. Russia (1923- ..U.S.S.R.) "inisteiAvo'evyazi.
(Wire broadcasting) (Telephone)
1. Sergeyev, M. I., Eng.
2. USSR (600)
3. Looms
I+. Adjusting weft winders with aid of patternplate. Tekst. Prom. 12, No.11, 1952
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, FhrLq= -1953. Unclassified.
:vl; - Y~v ,vi .I .
" -R- 6, 1948.
easonable --roi:I,..yla::is for Puzrii~,--in- Iaters," j. San.', 17,0 .
Pro f.
Completely FN-factorizable groups. Dokl. AN SSSR 155 no. 5:532-
534 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:5)
1. Ural'skiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. A.M.Gortkogo.
Predstavleno akademikom A.I.Malltsevym.
SERGEYEV, M. N. (Prof.)
"The Po~ential of an Infinitely Thin Elliptical Merbrane," Works of the Central
I k'
Scientific -Research Institute of Geodesy, Aerial Surveying, end Cartography. 110 51,
r'ravimetric Studies, 11,148, p. .112.
Abstract, W-1V?17, 7 SeP 50
KAZINSKIY, Vasiliy Aleksandrovich; SE_R~ ~N., prof.,;
Prinimala uchastiye: DOSUZHAYF.VA, Ye.P.IGUROV, K.P., red.
izd-va; MAKUNI, Ye.V., j
[Mathematical tables for the approximation of geophysical
anomalies and reductions by interpolating polynomials]
Katematicheskie tablitsy dlia approksimataii geofizicheskikh
anomalii i reduktsii interpoliatsionnymi mnogochlenami.
Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR. 1959. 89 p. (MIRA 12:8)
(Geophysics--Tables, etc.)
BERGEYNV,,_, P. ~, --
-- - ;. " ~,
Introduce cultistage timber tapping. Gidrells. i loookhIm.pren. 9
ne.6:22-23 156. ()!WA 9: 10)
l.Trest TS*ntr*khimles.
-Vree tapping)
SMEYEV, M.P., professor; PINIGIN, B.N., kandidut teklmicheskikh nank.
Tractor upring couplilign. Vest.miknh. 33 no.6:39-43 Je '53- (MLRA 6:6)
(Coupl ings )
36 IR f-#- v
GUTIYAR. Ye. M., professor; MALIGIN, A.D., inzhener; SXRGEYXV,,_
professor, retsenzent; BATURA. F.G., inzhener, reise-rii-ent
MANAKIN, N.V.g inzhener, redaktor; SMOLOVA, T.F., tekhnlcheaki7
[Machinery] Mashinovedenic. Koakra, Goo. nauchno-teklm. izd-ro
mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1954. 408 p. (MIJRA 7:10)
SKRGEYHY, M.P., profe3sor; BMONNM, I..k., inshener.
Basic factors in drying seed grain by infrared rays. Sellkhosmashina
no.11:2i-22 N '55. (KLR&19:1)
(Grain--Drying) (Drying apparat-us)
USSR/ Engineering - Mechanics
Card 1/1 Pub. 128 - 8/35
Authors i Sorgeyevq M. P., Frof.) and Polkanov, I. Pil Engineer
Title t On measuring the mechanical work of a pull
Periodical Vest. mash. 35/3, 22 25., Mar 1955
Abstract The principles of the working of an instrument for measuring the work
done by a tractor are explained in the terms of the science of meclum-
ics. The mathematical.computations involVed in its design are presen-
ted. An account is given of tests run with four varianis'of this in-
strument, to which.a. name"workmeter" is given. One So-
viet reference (1940). Illustrations.
bERGEYEV, M.P.; VINOGR&DOV, V.I., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk.
Review of V.S. Likhachev's book "Testing tractors.' M.P Sergeev,
V.I. VinagraAov. Avt.i trakt.prom. no.4:47-48 Ap '56. iKM 9:8)
1. Chelyabinskiy Institut mekhanizataii i elektrifikstaii mellskogo
(Tractors--Testing) (Likhachev, V.S.)
SERGEUV. M.P.. prof.; CBXMS, V.N., inzh.
Degree of load-ing for S-80 tractors in plowing. Mekh. i elak.sots.
sellkhoz. n0-5:11-13 '56. (MnU 12:4)
1. Chel7abinslcy institut mekhanizatoil i elekbrifikatsii sel'skogo
SKRGEYEV,, M-P.. profeRsor.
How to train future engineers. Nauka i pered.op.v sellkhoz.7 no.l:
7-8 Ja 157. (mak 10:2)
(Agricultural engineering--Study and teaching)
%EV Rka
POLKANOV. Ivan Petrovich; prof., red.; KURITIONCHIK. Te.M.,
~ , I ~ ,
prof., retsenzent; DUGIIIA, N.A..
[Theory and analysis of machine-tractor units] Toorlia i raschet
mashinno-traktornykh agregatov. Pod red. M.P. Sergeeva. Moskva,
Goa. nauchno-tekhnAzd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1958. 211 P.
(MIR& 12:2)
(Aigricultural machinery) (Tractors)
BALZHI, Mikhail Fedorovich, kand.tekhn.nank; YESIV, Gri--oriy Dmitriyevich,
inzh.; MGSYKV, M.P., prof., red,; SM. Ta.B,red.; KOL1316M, V-I-t
[Joint coupling with flexible dynamic connections and its vibration
damping proz)erties] ScedinitelInsia mufta s uprugimi dinamicheskimi
sviaziami i ee antivibratsionnya svoistva. Pod red. M.P.Sergeava.
Chaliabinsk, Cheliabinskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1959. 49 p.
(MM 13:4)
VASIL'YEV, Hikolay Alekseyevich; ABRAMOV, Georgiy Aleksandrovich;
s4gGZYW-H-P,pro,f.. red.; ALEKSEYFIV. G.P., inzh., red.;
-W-smw. N.M., kand.tekhn.nauk, red.; GUTMAN, I.M.. inzh., red.;
KUZIMOV, N.T., inzh.. red.; IGHAVIEV, M.G., agronom, red.;
PIGHAK, F.I., kand.tekhn.nauk. red.; PCLUNOT. I.P., kand.tekhn.
nauk, red.; DUG111A. N.A.,
[Repair of machinery according to a yearly chart) Remont mashin
po kruglogodovomu grafiku. Pod red. 9.P.Sergseva. Koskva. Goo.
nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry, 1959. 66 p.
(miRA 14:2)
(Agricultural machinery--Kaintenance and repair)
VINOGRADOV, Valentin Ivanovich. dotsent; SMOM, M.P., prof.; STAROSTIN,
N.Ye., dotsent; BANNIKOV, S.A., red.; PKVZNER, V.I.,
(Utilization of tractors and machinery] Ekepluatatsiis mashinno-
traktornogo par". Fed red. M.P.Sergeeva. Moskva. Gos.izd-vo
Bellkhoz.lit-ry,11.1959. 03 p. (MIRA 13:6)
(Agricultural machinery)
SERGMV, M.P., prof.; NIXONOV, G.I., aspirant
MothodB of touting corn-onailage harveatera. Trakt. i sellkhozmash.
no.4:28 Ap 159. (MIRA 12:5)
l.Chelyabinski.v institut mekhanizataii i alektrifikatsii sellskoge
(Harvesting machinery-Testing)
VINOGRADOV, Valentin Ivanovich, dots.; SERGEYEV, M.P., prof., red.;
YAMPOLISKAYA, I.G., red.; KOLBICPZV, V.I. -- t-e-kTw-. r".
[Operating diesel tractors in winter] Ekspluatatsiia dizellrykh
traktorov v zimnikh usloviiakh. Pod red. M.F.Sergeem. Gheliabinsk,
Cheliabinskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1960. 33 p. (~MU 14:10)
(Diesel engi-nes-Cold weather operation) (Tractors)
SERt"I'YEV 14 1-. Cierhioiev, M-F-I,prof.; KARTASHOV, L.F., aspirant
Power bilance of the SK-2,6 combine. Mekh. oil'. hoop. lj- no.7:
8-9 il 6o. (;4IRA 13-10)
1. Chelyabinskiy institUt makhanizatsii i elektrifikataii sellskogo
kho zyay s tva.
(Combines (Agricultural machinery
TRESKOV, Georgiy Dmitriyevich; UYUBIMOV, A. L; KUEYSHEV, V.A.;
-SERGEM., prof.p retsenzent; KOLCJJJOV, K.G., prof.,
red-.; DIJGIIIA, N,A., tekhn, red.
(Calculations for grain harvesting machincs] Raschet zerno-
uborochnykh mashin. Pod red. K.G.Kolganova. Izd.2., perer,
Moskva , I-11ashgiz, 1961. 21/+ p. NIPA 1-5:7)
1. Kafedra sellskokhozyaystvennykh mashin Chelyabinskogo in-
stituta mekhanizatsii i elektrifikatsii sel'skogo khozyaystva.
(for Terskov),