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PATON, Bori Yev e Iyevich, laureat Lenirskoy premii (Kiyev) Make use o the achievements of welding techniques in railroad transportation. Zhel.dor.transp. 44 no.4:8-13 Ap '62. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Prezidenk AN USSR. (Railroads--Equipment and supplies) (Welding) MEDOVAR, Boris Izrailevich; LATASH, Yuriy Vadimovich; MAKSIMVICH, Boleslav Ivanovich; STUPAK, Leonid Mikhaylovich; PATO!, j -B be akademik, laureat Leninskoy prem-li, red.; POONMOVA, G.L., red.izd-va; MIKHAYLOVA, V.V., tekhn. red. (Electric slag remelting] Elektroshlakovyi pereplav. Pod red. B.E.Patona. Moskva, Metallurgizdat, 1963. 169 p. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Akademip nauk SSSR (for Paton). (Zone melting) ACCESSION NR: AT4016062 S/2698/63/000/000/0141/0146 AUTHOR: Paton, 0. Ye.; Medovar, 0. 1.; Latash, Yu. V. TITLE: Electroslag casting and Its future use In the foundry Industry SOURCE: Soveshchanlye po teorli litayny*kh protsessov. 8th, 1962. Makhanicheski- ye svoystva Iltogo metalla (Mechanical properties Of cast metal). Trudy* sovesh chaniya. Moscow, lzd-vo AN SSSR, 1963, beginning wi-th "ProtSe55 EShP ... 11 on page 145 through page 146 TOPIC TAr-';: casting. foundry technology, electroslag casting, electrode, electrode melting. aluminum, aluminum allay ABSTRACT: Following an extensive study of the techniques and uses of electro- slag remelting (the remelting of used electrodes In cooled crystallizers), a process which may be used for the manufacture of high-quality, alloy steel cast- ings of simple shape, the authors point out that electroslag casting can be used to produce sleeves. journals. liners and other parts characterized by high den- sity, homogeneity of the macro- and microstructure, high purity, and stable me- chanical properties. By employing used electrodes of varying length or by very- Ing the number of electrodes melted, castings may be made of varying height or Cord 1/2 ACCESSJON NR: AT016062 shape. The electroslag castings have about the same properties as well stressed common metal. By malting electrodes made of different metals In one bunch, it is possible to obtain alloy castings of the required composition. For example, by melting an electrode consisting of Iron and aluminum bars, the Insti-tut electrosvarkl (institute of Electric Welding) obtained castings of YulVand u16 alloys. The aluminum In these castings was distributed moreevenly than In Y the usual ones. Orig. art. has: 6 figures and 5 tables. ASSOCIATION; none SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 27Dec63- ENCL: 00 SUB CODE*. MM NO REF SOV: 000 OTHER: 000 Card 2/2 DONSKOY, A.V.; ZHERDEV, I.T.; ZMV, V.P.; MURATOV, S.M.; NOVIKOV, O.Ya.; OKOROKOVP N.V.; FATON.,-I.Ye.; SISOYAN, G.A.; SVENCHANSKIY, A.D. Stspan Ivanotich Tellnyil obituary. Elektricheatvo no.1:93 Ja 063. (MDU 16:2) (Tellnyi, Stepan Ivanovich, 1890-1962) MUM MUSOMWEM CONFZRENCZ ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL OF WELDING PROCESSES (USSR) AvtoxnatIcheakaya avarka, no, 4, Apr 1963, 95-96. S 125/1 63 /000 /004 /011 011 -At a-conference held on 27-28 December 1962 under the auspices of the Electric 7Weldinz Institute Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, numerous paIpers were de- livered -eporting on results'of research in the field of automatic control of weld- ing processes. Academician- B. Ye. Paton reported on achievements in the re- search and development of new automatic control systems for arc, electroslag, resistance, and electron-beim welding, giving particular atterition to prograrn and cybernetic systems. X P. Zaytsev's report dealt with contactless ferro- transistbr control systems for resistance welders. Engineer P. L. Chuloshnikov spoke on Instruments for measuring resistance -welding parameters, 'as well as on control devIces and resistance welders for light alloys. Engineers A. P. Obolon6kiy and A. B. Koval' presented papers on automatic -control systems for electron-bearn welding, Engineer R. M. Shirokovskiy discussed automatic guiding of the electrode along the joint in welding gas pipes [WBI Card 1/1 _,PAT014 B.Ye. Welding in tomorrow's world. Avtomo svar. 16 no.2.1-9 F 163* (~ZFA I E;;4) 1. Institut elektroavarki imeni Ye.O.Patona AN UkrS6R. (Welding) 6% PATONP B.Yes -- Further development of automatic control systems and the control of welding processes. Av-tom.svar* 16 no,5:1-6 VV 163 iMIRA 16:11) 1. Institut elektrosvarki imeni Ye.O. Patona A14 UkrSSR. L-12136-61 EWP(k)AWP(q)/XWT(r~1/BDS AFM/A.SD 7-f-JI JD/FM ACCESSION IR-.. AP30DO138 5/0125/6,3/0W/005/0M/003.0 AMM: Paton, 2. Te.,, Gayrish, V. S.; Grode1!Kx,_TU. S. TMZ*. Xectronic (ixisrtialeBs) ficbemeo for aut-Matic contmi of xesistance-veld- ing processes Iftort at the Conference on Autcmatic Velding Control, Kiev, 25 Dacember 19621 SOURM Aftmaticbeskays xvarka, no. 5, 1963, 7-3.0 TWM TAGS: electronic velding controller, reBIstance v!!_1d1rS ABSTRACT; Bome vell-known vays for attainitg a bigber apeed of volding contra are considered. A new voldirg controller designed on the principle of quenebing tbe, igultrons permits prtctical.17 irertialtas conti-o1ling of the -delding process. The qwncUng occurs at the- nt vban the velding current (or voltsge) 1.9 equal to the set current (or -voltage) 1he controller is suitable for app3ications te.S., radio-tube Industry) vhere +~L% velding-curxeni. ftration is 0.02-0.01 see. Ube contraler block -diagram is shrv-ym in Pig. 2 (sse Xntlosurs 1). With the controller on and a supply voltage of 190 Y, the st2vengtb of test-valded specimns Vas 3-5 per cent lower than that at t15 rated 220 Y. OtIsr tbinp being equal, vitb the con- troller off., tb6-,strength xeducti*n vas 30-40 per cent. Orig. Art. bas- 1 Tcr=1a ftd 4 Card 3jr/ PATON, Me., akademik Current problema of the Ukrainian members. Vest. All SSSR 33 no.8t43-48 Ag 163. (AURA l(,-1) 1. Prezident AN UkrM. (Academy of sciences of the Ukrainian S.S.R.) PATON, Boris Ye.; MOVCHAN, 2. S.; OlAdical Electron Beam Heaters for Melting of Metalov. Report to be submitted for the First Intornational Conference on Electron and Ion Beam Science and Technology, sponsored by the Electrothermics and Metallurgy Division Of The Electrochemical Society and The Metallurgical Society / of The American Institute of Mechanical 4ngineern (AIM3). 3-? kar 64, Toronto, Canada. PATON, B. Ye.; MOMM, B. A. "Electro Bleam Radial for the Fusing of 1etalg." Report to he submitted for the International Conferen~-e on Electron , 3-7 may 1,,64. and Ion Beam Science and Tecrnologv --n Toronto, Canada Kiev Institute of Electro Welding L .43615-65 JA ACCM-10K INE: N-41Pa!)-10 ATJTHOR:, Paton, B.Ye. (Academician); 1&bedey, V: X. (Doctor ot technical Acicaces) TIT LE.- etohydro_d R11011 electrIc welding their applications maw2 05L apamipj SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Institut elektroovarld. Novyys problemy svarochnoy tekhnild (New problems in welding technology). Mev, Itd-vo Tokhniko, 1964, 32Z-336 TOPIC TAGS; electric welding, welding magnetic field, magnotohydrodynamics, electro-. slag welding. are welding ABSTRACT: During electric welding, the molten metal, liquid slag and high temperature ionized gases are in an electromagnetic field which creates forces in the conductora. These forces,- as well as others, affect metal splashing. Magnotohydrodynamic phenomena are observed duo to the motion of charged particles' and the magnetic field of the arc. A complicated eyatem of olectrodynamic forces destroys most of the fluid connections and moves the liquid metal over the surface of the molted parts. The investi- gation of magnetohydrodynamic phnnomena during welding opens now possibilitiez for croatfmg higher welding opeeds# Improving weld quality and reducing thelconsumption of dectriod energy. In some cam this to done by 11midug the elol;~~10 forces. _cam- 114 L 43615-65 ACCEMUW MRs ATS0083LO The volumetric forces may be created and adjusted Sn three waym first, by welding In a magnetic field made by an ~aectromagnet; secondly, by selecting required. character- Istics of the source of current, and finally, by periodic strengthening of dectrodynamic as us* ors fore ing a pulsed increase in the welding current. The present paper- conmid pladng'the welding are in a magnetic field perpendicular to the are and magnetic,,'ield intensity vector, A rotating conical are is used for welding annular Joints of small diameter, simplifying the welding process. A running are was proposed in 1959 by VNUES . The periodic heaUng of the metal to boiling by the are and the free access of air into the relatively large grip between the pipes are favorable for the formation of refractory oxides, which are removed with diffieulty-Irom the joint during shrinkage. The methods of magnetic control allow one to solve the problem of arc shifting betweefi two electrodes at equal distances, at a certain speed needed for welding the parts during one pass. Welding may also be done by a DC arc controlled by an alternating magmetic field. Such arcs allow one to adjust the heat density of the are Eow on the, surface of the part over a wide ranng,). A welding bath placed in a transverse magnetic fidd improvos formation df tho weld joint and Increases ,'he welding upood. A tr=vorsc ---magnetic field was-first used by_4. Gu "tKwith a frequency of 100 cps, the raftcActic Card 2/4 L 4360-65 -ACCMION NR: AT5008310 now coinciding with the phase of the welding current, A magnetic field can apparently 0 ea ' be used for preventing flowing out of the liquid metal from the welding bath through the gaps botween parts. It may be assumed that tho transverse magnetic field facilitates gEsobo Uo urnetric forces of weld joints in different positions. The investigation of vol [ during Lhro~~p~~-o-w&di-nimdffi-fw-d-a-r-as-in-"ommorr-bath-lo-o"peciaLinter-eatI - Good joints are obtained when the voltage between the electrodes to 113 times the voltage h6vv e*= tht, electrode and part. Moreover, the order of investigation of the potentials of Lbo electrode and part must be such that terminal A of the phase indicator is connected to the first -electrode, termhial B - to the part, and terminrl C - to the second electrode Of the phaae Indicator disk rotating cotmter-cIockwisc. The are pressure againi3t the melted metn_1 in the bath is a result of alectrodynamic forces. It may be assumed that a transverse magnetic field lls effective with twin are welding. Almost the samo systern Of foreas acts on the meW during olectroslag welding as during are wolding. Inton-nivio Inizing-oi-the-mOtm metal Is advisable when using olectroslag welding. In the futuro, =a_ ~ ft-atiff--constant-current components W by J"a L -Irm- 9' or-the-, fine Thia Is done by a special- device -which loweral-itho, _zh1ftim1w;Wdd1zie im Severil W. Orig. art, has: 10 figures and 2 formulas. Cmd 3/4 Ell NO, OR WV M - 4 0 I I C,,d 4/ _ (~, ~ 1 - A PAquNt B.Ye. [Patori, B !F,, 1, akadarrik All forces o," Ukr,dnian AN !JIL,R n,-.4:428-435 164* It'e. flit'll-e of nommuniqm! (V ~' " - 5 .. Prezid---n!, AN PATON, b.Ye,,_pLkademik I. ..... ..... PreBent atatus and prospecto for expanding weldinp in the U.'S.,S.R. (Trudy]UC no.11:7-20 164. (11,1RA 17:12) L .1709345 WT (1)/EWP t'e) /EPA I's) -2/3-4irr W119PP(n)-219W (V)1EWA!(d)1,WP(v)1E1",C_h1 EWA (w Y;27r5M (J)/EM (t)/T/-"dP- (t j/i4~ (k)/LMWP (b)- Pe-h/Pe-5/Pf-44/Pt-10/pu-jj/Pab-io/ -Pae-2 DT4PNTq(P)__.i. W'.,dlv 'iCCESSION NR.* AP3000614 S/002911 0013/0013~ 'AUTHOR-f Pittm B.- Yel~ _iTiTLE: Welding JA spa SOURCE:'- -Tekhnika - molodezh:L, no.; 112 1964, 13 ;TOPIC TAGS: welding-equipment,,siolder -.-ABSTRAM. --Diseuseing developments in welding-the author state)'-that-it-io.moving ~from the-melting-of--metals to the-wide-t-use-of-ultrasonie-vibriitions, f riction 'forces, and explosive energy. The first results In laboratoryiattemr,~s*at re- _,fractory-metal welding have already been obtained' Doing lase,:s, 1r; will become T _-pos~lble to weld at a great.distance, and even-through transpa17ent surfaces. Unde-, 'i~boratory conditions, it Is theortieally possible to weld all metals in. I present Narious combinations and to weld.metals to nonmetals.45fhe use~lu space of remote welders Iwith elect .roInie c4utrols :which.can determine eorite~damasze in hundredths~ of a second, register pressure- drops, and instantly issue counands to the welder Is predicted. Electran-beam welding, rLucLesr eldin fon-bean welding, and In- caft descent.plasma welding-are also mentioned. 'ASSOCIATION; -none C,,d JtZ ACCESSION NR: AP4009279 S/0125/64/000/001/01)01/0006 AUTHOR: -Paton, B. Ye.; Potap'yevokly, A. G.; Podola, N. V. TITLE, Pulsation arc consumable -electrode welding with a programed control SOURCE: Avtomaticheskaya avarka, no. 1. 1964. 1-6 TOPIC TAGS: dc arc welding. consumable electrode, program control welding, pulsation welding. pulsation are welding ABSTRACT: A new welding method is described in which short pulses are super - imposed on a d-c are for the purpose of considerably increasing the arc power at the moment of electrode-metal droplet formation. The pulse height, duration. and repetition frequency are program-controlled as well as the ratio of the principal d-c arc current to the pulse current. The physical phonomena in the pulsation arc have been studied by oscillographic and high-speed motion-picture techniques. The program control permits 'regulating wire melting, electrode- CoM I /Z ACCESSION NR: AP4009279 metal transfer, chemical composition, shape, and size of the weld in all welding positions. The rate of electrode-wire melting may he increased by up to 30%. Wires of 1. 6 and 2.0-rcirn diameter can be used instead of 1.0-1. 2-mm for welding thin sheets. The advantages claimed al6o include: a higher range of usable currents, higher productivity, and simpler techniques In doing vertical, horizontal, and overhead welds. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and I table. ASSOCIATION: Institut clektroovarki im. Ye. 0. Patona AN UkrSSR (Institute of Electric Welding, AN UkrSSR) SUBMITTED: IlJul63 DATE ACQ: 07reb64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: M NO REF BOY: 000 OTHER: 000 Card 2/2 PATON, B.Ye. . akademi k; WTOVAR, B. I . ; K-'Fi)O, I V. ; PUZRIN, I . , , TVYkO. G.A.; LUTSYUK-Y-HUDIN, V.A. Spontaneous removal of oxide films from metals. Dokl. AN SSSR 159 no.1:72-73 N 164. (MIRA 17,,J2' 1. institut elektrosvarski im. Ye.O. Patona AN UkrSSR. PATON;, axadtimik.. -)t.v. rt,j_ ASI,'IS., A,Ye., dc)kt,rr- tckhn. nalik, red.; UZ I %';l;t0V, A, A_ kand. tekhl.. nauk, red.. KASATKIN, b.S., orkv-r tck.Ln. n&-ul,.. red,; RAY7-VSKIT, G.V,, dcktor tekhn. nauk, red.; TRUFfAEDV, V.I., kand. tekhn. nauk, red-: 3HEVEkJl`lTSKlY, V.V., kand. t~khn. nw.jc red.fdeceasedk GILELAKH, V.I,, rel. [Dosign of' ve!Liefl :3tn~kture.,i; r,,icris~ Prooktircv.,unp svarnykh kom3truktiAll, joklady. Kl(.v, Naukuvu dtmiktip 19(,5. 426 P. (MIMA IP;0 1. Vseso-.v-uznaya koiife-,~ntsiya po proyektirovanlyu sva-i- nykh konstr-uktsil.. Kiey, JQ~-3. MEDOVAR, Boris lzrailevich; LATASH, Yuriy Vadimovich; PATOIJ, B.Ye., akaderik, otv. red.; POGORETSKAYA, L.1; r-1-1-T .0 FURER, P.Ya., red. [Electric slag remelting] Elektroahlakovyi pereplav. Kiev, Naukova dumka, 1965. 78 p. WIICA 18:4) ~539k-65 EPA(s)-~/EWT(W)/EPF(n)-2/E'4P(t)/EPA(bb)-2/r,-IiP(b) Pt-lo/Pu_4 IJP(c) J DIJG', 1419 ~ACCESSXON NRt AP5004550 6/0030/65/000/001/0025/Gr AUTHOR: Paton, B.' Ye. (Academician), -Movchan R. A. (Corresponding member MA&r%7j--- TITLE i Electron boom in the modern vacuum retallurgy I/ AN SGSIA. Vestnik, no. 1, 1965, 25-29' ~'-TOPXP TAGS: electron beam melting, metal melting, electron beam furnace ABSTIIACT: The Electric Welding institute, Acaden W of Sciences VkrSSR "has developqd an. Alectron-beam furnace with several electron guns arranged in-7-Y.-circle around, the miqld so that some beam are focused on the melted billet and some on the our- ..-face d1f the metal in the mold to keep it in a molten state. The melting and re- fining are divided into four stages: 1) degassing of the billet in solid state; 2) removal of oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen during the formation and the fall of J the metal droplets into the mold; r- 3) furthe removal of impurities from the metal in the mold under high vacuum; 4) additional removal of impurities by directionea crystallization, achieved by pulling the ingot at a rate of 1 mm/min oi less. Electron-beam melting of vacuum are-melted niobiuAeduced the gas content from the initial 0.03% 02, 0-01% N2, and 0-001% _H2 to 0-001% 02, 0-004% N2, and 112 ox -3 gor yev, Petukhov, 6 K. L ts, 1. A.4 Yartgey, M. A.; KeZs, N. Chudin. -N.,--!., ul2n -L Win, At; K ellnitski-Y. V. G.; rivalov. N. T.; Pialmonnov, V. S.z Kholodov, yo&Mv, S. N.; Bastrakov, Donets, 1. D.; Silayev, A. Ya. YR. A.; B N. F.; TITLE: Method of electroslag c stin of ingots. class 18, wo. 168743 AMR- SOURCE-. Byulleten' izobreteniy i toyarnykh zaakov,*no. 5, 1965, 34 TOP.IC TAGS: ingot casting, ingot ilectroslag casting, electroslag-melting, steel melting, alloy melting, metal melting ABSTRACT. This Author Certificate introduces a method of electroslag casting of 1. ingots in an open or protective atmosphere or in vacuum, in which slag is first melted in a mold vith a nonconsumable or consumable electrode arc or plas-na jet. To improve the metal quality and the ingot surface and to raise the yield, the molten metal or, if needed, the slag is poured into the mold through a hollow cor.- sumable or nonconsumable electrode (see Fig. 1 of the Enclosure-). Orig. art. ban: 1 figure. Ev- - 14543-66 ZWT(m)/EPF(n)-2/ .4 (v)/T/E4P( Nr%k Irilp ACC NRs AP6006309 SOURCE CODE: UR/0423/66/000/002/0013/0011 INVMOR; Paton. B. yop.. Pkdaxar- B, I., Puzrin. L. G.; Boyko,. G. A.; LutUuk-Khudin, V. A.,,, Bon'20 IrMu P~,-, T-UvjPj#-v, D - ID Ye. P. _Uapik, ORG: none TITLE:. Method of producing metal laminates. Class 7, No. 177824 [announced by the .-Electric Welding Institute in. Ye. 0. Paton (Institut eleftroevarki)) SOURCE: Izobrateniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyya anaki, no. 2, 1966, 13 TOPIC TAGS: metal, clad metal, metal laminate, metal rolling ABSTRACTAThis Author Certificate4introduces a method of producing metal laminates by.2fick Allin with a low-meltinki'Vanishing Insert placed between the metals to be bonded. To obtain a stpn, q bond between dissimilar metals the rolling is done with the Insert In the liquid state. 116 IND] SUB CODE: ll/ SUBM DATE: 29May64/ ATD PRESS: q claddirig I CWd 744-,6 5__1W (m IMMESSION NR: AP5013Z~3 t-,J'~I/JD/HM'.'UR/OiZ5/65/000/005/000'110007 6Z1.791(75+91) _13 AUTHOR:- Paton, B Ye., Shezko, P. P -2-9 TITLE: Controlling the transfer of metal in consumable -electrode arc -.-_-tIding S URCE: Avtomaticheskaya svarka, no..5. 1965, 1-7 :1.0 TAGS: welding, arc welding, consumable electrode welding *ABSTRACT: An approximate analysis of the forces acting upon the molten metal at the electrode tip is pr-esented, -and the Possibility of controlling the process of metal tra nsfer ia demonstrated. A'forl'nula (2) connecting'the surface tension of ithe molten metal with its temperature is derived. An approximate equation is set up for the temperature field at the electrode tip which permits determining the surface-tension force. As the metal transfer by large drops is undesirable (additions burn out, weld strength Is affected), a smaller-drop transfer is suggested by superimposing current pulses-on the welding -arc-. The process can Card - 112- 'L-63744_6.5~ CCESSION NR: APS013233 A be controlled by adjusting the frequency and height of the pulses.. An experimental' -verification included AMg6 1.~'. -ram aluminum-electrode argon welding with a current of 80-100 aGp- at 18 `20 v, with 50-cps superimposed current pulses. A T14 icontrollable smali-drop transfer at a rate of 50 droplets per nec, with a droplet Idiameter of 0.6-0.9 mm, was observed. Orig. art. has: 6 figures and .~124forrau]49. -n. Ye. 0. Pato :;ASSOCIATION: Institut elektroavarki it na AN UkrSSR (Institute of in elding, AN UkrSSRL _~ctric W 10NOV64- ENCL: -00- SUB GODZ.' MM ]NO, REF SOV: 0 10 BOTHER: 000 LC-.- L 5D19-66 EWT (m)/EVIP (t)/EWP(k)/E'i)P (b)/*EWA (C JD/M C HUS AP5022041 SDURGE COM UR/0266/65/000/014/0113/0113~ C A Yd AUT Dudko, D!14.'~ Nedovar, I. I HORS: Paton,, B. Ye -its --Knualnj , 'T Map Ve las, Fe; Shekhter, So Ya. 0v, lee H.'; Ban~ov, S. V. ORGI none TITLE: A method for obtaining two-layer rolling. Class 49p No, 173115 ffast -Ltutj of Electric Welding im._Ye. 0. Paton, AN UkrSSR (Institut elekbroavarki AN Ui~;=__)7~ ley 5DURGEt Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakovp no. 14t 19650 113 TOPIC TAGS: metal rolling, metal claddin metal industry *-layer TRACTs This Author Certificate presents a method for obtaining tw rolling by lining a plate ingot with a solid plate. To produce proper adhesion I between th e layers., the plate ingot is lined with a plate of cladding metal to Which-is welded a plate of metal anologous in composition to the one being lined. SUB CODE: IE, MM/ WBM DATEt OhJul63/ ORIG REF1 ODD/ OTH REF: ODD: z .3 PATONO B.Ye.; POKHODNYAO I.K. Welding scienne and technolAogy in Japan. Avtorn. avar. 18 no,500-76 My 165. (VIM 18R6') r 1 -'_Foci- ~R76413T6-67b-o-o-/o-o2/005T/005T ACC NR, AP6006334 SOURCE Lutoyuk-Khudin. V. A., AUTHOR: laton B Ye, udko D. A.; M~dovar B. 1.1 So-yenkoA.- ~_~ h, I.'I.; A-n-arianov, G. G.; Karpov, V. F.; Dovzhenko, H. F.;'_'~ Antonets, D, P.; Kuzema, I# Do ORG: none TITIE: Method of producing composite rolled stock. Class 21, No. 177985 [announced --by Electric Welding Institute Im. Ye. 0. Paton (Institut Elektronvarki)]. SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlenWe obraztay, tova~nyye znaki, no. 2, 1966, 57 TOPIC TAGS: welding., metal rolling, sandwich rolling ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a method of producing composite -rolled metal by us n a billet consisting of ingots or plates welded together by electroal we ng, ave on stainless steel, lower the thickness of the clad layer.. and simplify Iding procedure, it is suggested that the process be begun with a heterogeneous plate made from prewelded and prerolled smaller billets having been a carbon steel and clad layer, and then adding additional ingots or plates to produce sandwich rolled stock. (LD) SUB CODE: 13/1 SUBM DM: 11APr63 ORIG: none/ mH REF: none/ Card l/, uDc: 621-791.793:621.771.2-419-5 f~ I, f - .1 i - - , p -,~ ~ ;, 1, U I , ,, ., I ~ . , " ,, (I , , I '7,-, - . -,~ .41:, c * - r w4,, A tn,- . Sv a r. prci 7,.,. r!~- . : 1 -,. PATON, B.Ye.) akadeinik; B.A. Electron beam 'n iroderr. Yest. "-I; -----~'.-~ )4 r.~-': 25-29 Ja 165. (MIFLA IE:4- , I - I. Chlen-korrpspmdent AN ~I'or Movohan). ...7uro-00 F7W(d)/EWT(M)/FW 01TIEWP(Ol k-cc--NR,--Ap j S U CE CO E. UVIOM-047610*6661766", 6030265 D/fHMNM//MUM4 - AUMOR: ~pston_. B. Ye.; ~~k~i V. I.; Dudko, D. A.; abarilo, 0. J.; Pryanishnikov, 1. S-.-,o Topilin, V. V.; Klyuyev, M. M. DRG: jPston; Lakomskiy; Dudko; Zabarilo) Electric Wel6ing Institute im. Ye. 0. Paton. AN UkrSSR (Institut elektrosvaAd AN UkrSS10; (Oryapi hnikov,*_joplltn*, Klyuye-Vj El ktrostal' Flla-n-C*Ta-~. 1. V. Tevosyan (Zavod "glektrostal"') - TITLE: Plasma arc melting of metals and alloys 14r SOURCE: Avtomaticheakays svarka, no. 8, 1966, 1-5. TOPIC TAGS: plasma arc, metal melting,' plasma arc melting, plasma arc furnace 1% ABSTRAM A plasma arc furnace (see Fig. 1) for melting metals and alloys has been designed and built. The furnace is equipped with t PDM-3 glasma guti -6perating with a power input of 5-50 kw at a working voltage o f~ 6=9 v and an opeif circuit voltage of 120 v. Ingots are 50-100 mm in diameter and up to 600 mm long. Several metals and alloys were melted in this furnace. It was found that the surface quality of/the ingots was very high, there were no shrinkage holes, and the content of gaseousluimpurities was reduced significantly. For instance, the oxygen content in an NP-31 nickel (99.3% Ni+fb) drop3ed fwmL77-10-2%,to 3~4*1074% " ft density of the metal increased irom 8.804 t678.8424 g/cm . The ingots were cold rolled from 75 mm to 0.10 mm with only one process annealing. In comparison with tae original alloy ' the formability improved 2-3 times, the rupture strength 40-60%, and elongation and Card 1/2 uDc: 621.791;669.187.6 ACC N& AP0021T64 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/012/0020/0020 INVENTOR: Paton,-B. Ye.; Mandellberg, S. L. 10RG: None ;TITLE: Amethod for producing spiral tube. Class 7, No. 182663 :;SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 12, 1966, 20 TOPIC TAGS: metal tube, seam welding ABSTRACT, This Author's Certificate introduces a method for producing spiral tubes. The process consists of forming tube blanks and welding the edges on both sides The welding rate is increased and the quality of the welded joints is improved ~y rough welding the edges in the zone of their initial alignment. The working seams are lapped successively each half-turn of the spiral and the seam which was lapped first is welded on the side opposite the rough seam while the vorking seam which remelts the rough seam is lapped last. SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: 13ju164 Card UDC; 621-774.21;621-..791..75 4 Owe Oil god !~ ove 00 0: ooW 004 AIL! -0 al; x ;Igo& sa.0 000*0000 a d b 0 01 *0 SO 00 UO 0 a 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 0reow- : : : : * 00000V*00 "i, w- Ww W-V Igo 0 0 1 904M ".ART woo 00 "9100609 9 o **_:*I* : 0 &0A -00 -or 'Ok -go -go lee 09 -A- we* x:: fto woo 41*0 moo In t! 11 PATON. V. YE. Paton. V. Yo. "he TS-17 welding tractoro, Trudy po nvtomnt. ovarke pod flyusom (In-t *lektroavarki 1m. Patona), Collection 5, 1949. p. 20-30- SO: U-5392, 19 August 53, (Letopig 'Zhurnal 'nykh Statey, No 21, 1949). PATON, V. YE. Paton, V. Ye. "A saturation coil In the welding circuit". Trudy po avtom t. evarke pod flyusom (In-t slektroevarki im. Patona), Collection 5, 1949, P. 53-71, - Bibliog: 5 items. S01 U-4392, 19 August 53, (L*topia 'Zhurnal 'nykh Statey, NO 21, 1949). PATON, V.YE. USSR/Engineering - Welaingj, XquIpont Jul 'Ki "Impulse Magnetic Driving Mechanism for Weldimg Machines," V. Ye. Paton, Cand Tech Sci "Avtomat Svarka" No 4 (19), pp 82-% Discusses purpose, operational principle and ad- vantages of new mechanism for trackless movement of velding machine directly along vertichl or in- clined edges to be velded. Mechanism consists of 2 magn ts, alternately holding veldin -chin an vorking surface, pulling wagn t and return sprIM. Weighing 8 kg, mechanism develops traction up to 16 kg in vertical direction wA 24 ks on horizon- tal surface. 219M RATON. VJ.. laureat Stalinskoy prenti. Magnetic automatic rachInes for welding on a vertical surface. Vianyk AN URSR 26 no.2:25-48 7 155. (MIRA 8:4) (Velding) fV FISHKIS, N.M.; PATON, CYs.; DUBOVBTSKIY, V.Ye. Automatic velding under flux vith use of magnetically moving equipment for the construction of presses. Avtom. evar. 10 no.5t 106-111 S-0 157. (MIRk l0r12) 1, Mookovskly avtomobillnyy tavod im. Likhachevs. (for Iftshkis). "I ~,, Ordena. Trudovogo Krasnogo Znamenl Institut slaktroevarki Im. Tb.O. Ntons AN USMI (for Paton, Dabovetekly). (Power presses-Welding) (Magnetic instruments) r21A= I B001 1UPLOITATION 3OV/7127 SOV06heftEnlys; Vc ekaperlisentalffnoy tsichnIke I metodan vyaokoLeapera- tUMykh JASISdoranly. 1956 11taparLmentai1nays taknntim I metod I I dowanly pri vyoojci" too- Peraturs"I trudy soveshchanlys, fE~::rtwentzl Techniques and Methods of Investigation at High Teaperaturee; Transaationm or the Conference on tzparimantal Tachnlqu*s and Methods of Invostlgxtl= at High Temperatures) Moscow, AM SMR. 1959. 789 p. (Serl*ai Akademlys, nauk 3&U. Inot.-tut motsllur 11 XO=Leslya V* f1liko- khLoichaskim, Genovan pralziodstva stallf i.200 copies printed. MOOR. Sd.s A.R. Samaria. Corresponding Member, U3SA Academy of Solondeal Id. of Publishing Howao. A.L. Bankvitoor. nw=, This book is IntOndod for motailurgisto and aotsiiurs2cai *nalfwars. COVIMAGRi This colloction of scientific papers is divided Into six partat 1) thermodynamic activity and k1netles or Uxh-t*apora turf PrOc*aaes 2) constitution dia studies 3) physical properties .1rao. .. Of liquid "tale and lytical methods and pro- duo tion of pure "tal:";) pyrometry, and 6) general questions. Par more specific coverage, see Table of Content#. '!Whov. Are Malting YO.S. Ova PYsn' and A'X' r__3tr`0ysv -A.3. , , or Molybdenum In VaO-~ 4TO Satlefft.tory The high do,"* of purity necessary for ly*dOnum can be obtained in electric deformation Of 00 - 3 am, mg or the order of lo are fUrtuco, only with high "C" and with proper d4czidAtI0n- Ingots eIgnIng up to 15 k4. made under these conditions, are froa, of defects In the sentral sone, irrespective of the rate of cooling after groin structure molting. a6c,suz~ of their relatively rine r and the distinctness of their grain bound& LOS, such IngOt4 qsn be deformed by any method Including hanner forgIng provided proper cooling and reduction conditions are adharod to. ?n, geforemd aolytdonum exhibits satisfactory ductility characteristics at room temperature. Fogel% A.A. XonarUelbl~ Malting by the Induction-Heating Method 478 as L_ sti'p-anow, Production of High- resin, A.B.. &Ad Y--P. purity AlualhLON by Zonal Malting 489 The method. based an in& separation of elements during crystallization, makes It possible to obtain aluminum 99.9999 percent puro, but to at present very costly and tims consumir's. I- I-- Paton, Yu.V. LAt&Sh. Me. , B.I. Itodavar, V.YS PAton, 15.78 -, ~T.1- ,. astriod for *gIectrical Castfn-6 495 The Ingot 18 formed of metal from ant or more a*ltlna electrodes. card 18/ 32 TTnltlr P T YON T T- T M' r nf, 71a r 1p c- p + 53 j, of cor--T Ci -~-OCTATT(-,T~T IT T 1. + UQ'MR r- year. 4 ka rhyurri SVBO. P.I.; PATON, V.Te.; RELIFOR, M.G. Selecting the t7pe and design of electric slag welding equipment. Avtom.evar. 12 no-1:8-17 Ja '59- (MIRA 12:4) 1. Orden& Tradavogo Krasnogo Znameni Institut slaktroevarki im. Ye.O.Patons AN USSR. (Electric welding-Equipment and supplies) ACC Mt. AF6021797 SOURCE GODI�:-TH-IdW3FI661c~001012-10062:10062--I ~A) Ye.- Esibyan, 9. M.; Shnayder, B. I.j Mutsonko, B. S.; I ,Iwatsinskiy,A S.; -drovchuk, V. B. M.: none ITITL9z A dovice for arc welding under argon. Class 21~ No. 1b2609 Zainnounced by jListitute of Electric Welding im. Ye. 0. Paton (Institut elelctrosvarL27 SOUPLE: Izobrateniya, prorVshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 12, 1966, 61-62 TOPIC TAGS: welding, arc welding, inert gas welding, welding equipment, welding technology ABSVULT: This Author Certi-ficate presents a device for arc welding (under argon) of capillary and thin-walled tubes of small diameters. The devico contains a driving mechanism, feeding and positioning rollers, a torch, and a protecting chamber (see Fij. 1). To produce a high quality of welding, the positioning rollers are located directly under the electrode of the welding head, while the protecting chamber is made in the form of a closed pipe cooled with water and provided with a gas-supplying 037-i 1 AM NRs AP6021797 Fig. 1. 1 positioning rollera; 2 protecting chamber L4J flexible hose. Orig. art. hass 1 figure. SUB CODE: 131 SUBM DATE: 14Jul65 2/2 PATON,-V.Ye.; YEGOROV, S.V.; BELIFOR, M.G. Type TS-34 welding tractor for the welding of girth Joints. Avtom. svar. 17 no.7:58-60 J1 164. (MIRA 17:8) 1. Institut elektrosvarki im. Ye.O. Patona AN UkrSSR. SEVDO, Platon Ivanovich; FATU', V.Ye., kand. tekhn. nauk, otv. red. SIM:Ih, L.K., red. fOverall irechAnizatic,n and of welding F:-ocesses' Kompleksnaia mekhanizatsiia i avtomatizatsiia svarochnykh protsessov. Kiev, Naukova dumka, 1964. 86 p. (Ml;i.A 17:12) YAKHOVSKIY, Fikolay Ivanovich, kvmci. teklin. nauk; GOTALISKIY, Xuzef MUalBywich, kejjd.'*AIft,, wmkj PATION, Viad-ImIr kand. tekhn. nauk; TRUSHCBMIKO, Anton T* Antonovicht inzh.; ZVEGI?iTSEVA, K.V., nauchn. red.; GORYUVOVA, L.K., red.; NETYSIDVA, L.M., [Techrology of mechanized arc and electric slag welding] Tekhnolo iia mekhanizirovannoi dugovoi i elektroshlakovoi svarki. fBy) 1,.'.I.Kakhovskil i dr. Moskva, Proftekhizdat, 1963. 383 P. (MIRA 17t 1) (Electric welding-Equiprient and supplios) CHVERTKO, A.I.; PATON. V.Ye.; SYDLYARKO, V.D.; STESIN, V.V. Standardized semiautomatic welding machines. Avtom. avar. 16 no.8.-65-75 Ag 163. (HIPA 16:8) 1. Institut elektroavarki i-meni Ye.0. Paton& AN UkrSSR. (Electric welding-Equipment and supplies) CHVMEOP A.I.; BELIFOR, MG.; PATP*,_V.Ye. Classification of apparatuses for electric arc and electric slag welding and hard facing. Avtom. avar. 16 no.2:52-57 F 163. (M1RA 16-4) 1. Institut elektroevarki imeni Ye.O.Patona AN UkrS6R. (Electric welding-Equipment and supplies) -_1evgenXy-GzkUv)Y1ch-._ SAVIN p G.N., akademik, otv. red.; DOBROKIIOTOV N.N., akademUg red.; KHRENOVI, K.K.9 akedevik, red.; BELYANKINp F.P.p akademik, red.; PITON, B.Ye., akademik, red.;REMENNIK, T.K., red.; KADASBEVICHp O.A., tekhn. red. [Selected works; in three volumes] Izbrannye trudy; v trekh torAkh. Kyiv, Izd-vo Akad. nauk USSR. Vol.2. [Welded structures] Svarnye kon- struktsii. 1961. 418 p. (MIRA 14:8) 1. Akademiya nauk Ukrains)coy SSR (fw Savin, Dobrokhotov, Kbrenov, Belyankin, Paton,B.7e.) (Structural framBs-Welding) HUNGARY KEMENES, Ferenc, Dr., PATONAY, J~~9~,,Dr., NEMES, Tamas) Dr., ZSEMBERY, Dezso, Dr., and WEINER, _rj~-Dr., Institute for Epidemics at the University for Veterinary Sciences (Allatorvostudomanyi Egyetem, Jarvany- tani Intezet) in Budapost; Department for Infectious Diqeases at the Hospi- tal of the City Council (Varosi Tanacs Korhaza, Fertozo Osztaly) in Eszter- gom; Department of Internal Medicine at the Hospital of the Jaras Council (Jarasi Tanacs Korhaza, Belosztaly) in Dorog; and Station for Hygienic Epi- demology at the Megye (Megyei Kozegeszsegugyi Jarvanyugyi Allomas) in Ta- tabanya, Flegye Komarom. "Incidence of Weil's Disease Among Hungarian Coal Mim r9" Budapest, Orvosi Hetillip, Vol 107, No 26, 26 Jun 1966, pp 1210-1212. Abstract: Four cases of Weil disease observed in coal miners working in Western Hungary were described. They involved the typical, lethal ictero- hemorrhage form; two typical, anicteric, forms; and a typical, iCLerohem- orflinge form with subsequent recovery. Some wild rats captured at the mine site had Leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae in their kidneys. 16 refe- rences, including 8 Hungarian, 2 German, and 6 Western. _~iOl '~Cll r rs ior,van, t; P; n'1 I _,"n n -en C CZWVJD=V.JCL. I Chaotcal Tachnology. Mar-leal Proftato B-U &M Uoir ..pplia&tIons. Ch~aisel Pro- 0038ing of Solid Foomil Tuolo. -be Jourt Rot Djur-Utslya, No 3, JV51), 0551. ~thar i Lost, S.,.!avorkc- 1. 614lik, Malifte. bovenok, A., Formansk, Stan a Us% I Not 8110L Title z Conc,rnt" tho -rtlolo by TIIX53 *- May Of thO Frablor of GWloz Chamleal Onrgy Utilleattoa AT brown 0062. 1 Orig Wet Faliva. 195B 55 06 9, 316-U01 NO 10, ~50-3uj DO 11. 3?8-401 is it. 413416. ~.bztroats a" Rot Zhur KbIx, 1959, PA36. Card 1/1 Irb PATCRA 1, F. "Jozef Iwavziewicz; An Obituary" P. 355. (GogRodarkta Wodna, Vol. 13, no. 91 Sept. 1953, Warszawa) Past Europe= Vol. 36 No. 2, SO: Month List oj4KMMMRh Accessions, /Library of Congress, Februag, 1954 A56& Uncl. 77 EXCERPTA MED11,'A ~ec 17 Vol 5/3 Public Health Far 59 1036. EVALUATION OF THE FITNESS OF THE ZEISS CONIMETER IN DETERMINING AIR POLLUTION BY DUST - Ocena przydatnofici krinimetru Zeissa w otnactaniu zanieczyszczenia powletrza pylem ;j!_atnra 11, arvi I _Mf I S It y m c z y k I e w Ic z K. Zaki. Ifig. Pracy Inst. Med, Pr cy --MED. PRACY 1958, 913 (219-225) Tables 5 Illus. I The results were compared with those obtained with a microimpinger in similar conditions, andthe following conclusions were drawn: (I)Using the Zeiss conimeter. It I's possible to determine the pollution of air by dust only when the pollution is be- low 1.800 106 particles/cu. m. of air. (2) Application of the American industrial standards determined by the microimpinger is in the case of sampling with the Zeiss conimeter, admissible only when the volume of air samples taken by the conimeter is 2.5 cu. m. LISIECV.-ADAMESUp Halina; PATORA, Teresa 'ibsprvations on foot oBteoarthroputhy in diabetes mellitus. Pol. arch. med. wewnet. 35 no.9:1399-1404 165. 1. Z I Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrzn.,,,ch AMw Lodzi (Kierownik: prof. dr. med. j.W. Grott). KHILICHENKO, A.Ye. [Kh-'LlIchenko, A.IE.]; PATORZHINSKAYA, A.M. [Patorzhyns'ka, A.M. ] - - --- - -- . - .. State of mobility of the basic nervous processes in patients with manic-depressive psychoses. Fizio1.zhur.[Ukr.] 9 no.l: 102-109 Ja-F 163. (MIRA 18-5) 1. Laboratoriya vysshey nervnoy dEyatellnosti cheloveka i zhivotnykh Instituta fiziologii im, A,A.Bogomolltea A14 UkrSSR, KIYOV. ZELITSM, S.F. [Zelinslkyi, S.F.]; PATORZHINSKAYA, A.M. (Patorzhynslim, A.M. Effect of aminazine and caffeine on the function of the adre- nal cortex in schizophrenics. Flziol. zhur. (Ukr.] 9 no.5: 651-659 S-0163 (MIRA 17-4) 1. Gtdel paikhiatrii i patologii vysshey nervnoy deyatell- nosti Instituta fiziologii imeni A.A.,Boganolltsa AN UkrSSR i Kiyevskaya klinicheskaya psikhonevrologicheskaya bollnitsa imeni I.P.Pavlova. FATOTSKIT9 V., kapitan Protecting bridges from moving ice. Voen. vest. 40 np. 3:14-96 Mr 161. WRA 14:2) (Ice on riverep lakest etc.) (Bridges) PAW I NCR zu%wnncm amA" h-Wroldy nUsl U*r*-w8W~ll-111W -704-M7. &vftnb-b&LU&ym v .tV&a 1 9Mft*Xm6*%Q&l waortaly 11 sMacbmw 0"011 (004puy a oww. orpals CoTcapas Contained is mrolvan ftabortal pamers of 00 us- eassuris o"asm) T, L uts. Ia. %Amrsbw misis m on, irA. am P. 1.5m ecodso Wist*A. NL' ft&WKU*- K-1-1 alltWl*a &-A' AV--, D-B-. ""bidus. A.T. obbl"I'MOT, R.D- (SOOP- N.). Rmbb"tweaSkly. V.P., mad ftmods, L,Lj To*. sk.1 movabow. 0. lb. PmPml a" boo is sm-ave for pUtrawas upwaii-to cc aaun. n..b mubushow". oftosummal lamutsucom, me potroum retw" PURIM. Gwwmt tus opuemes Le %m nnt of a mdUftlipm, V&Uo*Ucm ft %M repa" of selsoutle -".~6 Work camol go La as 8w1&% umcm C. tm am" .4 "emalow of "Ita- -4 ustres--owe camramm" and" %me orlea mi-M), "A sagarabs to a sawalmoua nbmnb projeo OWuj.A 1. I= me OPIUM-in oftwr mrsomb. m um Is ocausid to I" vormal polwqpw^le mot" (lbere warwas at me an-&-tv of %be - ft. p"Ims Q=V* tu splaum, ft WA OrAu" *lon"mouve tam or we 6ww"). tum MWIWA is. wtsoubm Us ftpmAmv of 00 &jom at marr"s abnow 4r m me aWled e. a. A airrMMMuMs pounp. at edtns. mlw W of lood *a& tbLmm Sku-4 bMI awts." UMUSUM MUjb somem of we esuams b %u salwas. s/389/62/000/o63/011/021 E194/E436 AUTHORS: Ipatov, Yu.S., Leykum, V.I., Oleynik, B.N., Patovskaya, Z.K. --------------- TITLE: Instruments for measuring thermal conductivity SOURCE: USSR. Komitet standartov, mer-i izmeritellnykh priborov. Trudy institutov Komiteta. no.63(123). Moscow, 1962. Issledovaniya v oblasti teplovykh i temperaturnykh izmereniy. 1.43-150 TEXT: In 1960 a need was pointed out for instruments to measure thermal conductivity quickly, though not necessarily with great accuracy. For this purpose the here described instrument A-21 is suitable. The cylindrical specimen is in contact with an insulated heater. The measurements are carried out with a constant current passing through the heater. Under such conditions the thermal flux passing through specimens is a function of their thermal conductivity, providing they have the same length. In the base of the instrument is a transformer which supplies the heater. Microammeter M-95 measures the output from the thermo- couples in the contact plates at the top and bottom of the test Card 1/3 S/589/62/00o/o63/011/021 Instruments for measuring thermal ... E194/E436 piece. The influence on the readings of the pressure on the specimen, the air temperature around the specimen and the cooling temperature were studied, using test pieces 15 mm diameter and 20 mm long made of fused quartz or of fluoroplast-4 (teflon). These specimens are longer than the optimum length of 5 to 10 mm and so the maximum stabilisation time could readily be determined, with quartz it was up to 125 minutes. Similar results were obtained with fluoroplast-4. The specimen diameter is not critical but it will probably be convenient to use a value of 10 to 15 Mm. The mean standard error was + 1% and the overall error of measuring the coefficient of thermal conductivity of a specimen 10 to 15 mm diameter and 5 to 10 mm long is about + 2% for a large number of tests or about i 3% for two or three measurements. These values apply for thermal conductivities in the range 0 to I W/(metre degree) but for materials of greater thermal conductivity the errors will be greater and indeed the A-21 instrument is not recommended for them. A somewhat improved version, type A-22, is of very similar performance. In order to extend the range of thermal con-ductivity that can be measured, Card 2/3 s/589/62/000/063/011/021 Instruments for measuring thermal ... E194/E436 instrument type A-24 has been developed. It measures the heat flow through a given specimen which is in thermal contact with a standard specimen. In this instrument there is no need to maintain the heater output constant. By ~kppropriate calibration of the microammeter scale, ineasuromonts can be made in the same way as with instrument A - 2 2'. Howevet, the range of thermal'conductivity coefficients that can be measured may be extended to semiconducting materials by using a standard specimen'of convenient dimensions and thermal conductivity. By measurements of quartz and fluoroplast-4 specimens of 15 mm diameter and 10 mm long, it was found that the repeatability was about + 1%. The overa-11 error in the measurements is about + 3% and the instrulnent can measure thermal conductivities up to 2W/(metro degree). There are 7 figures. ASSOCIATION: VNIIM SUBMITTED: February 20, 1961 Card 3/3 ZA!TABOWVA 0.,kand.biol.nauk. Falling of leaves in the Teberda Preserve. Pr1roda 47 no.11: 126 N 158. (MIR& 11:12) 1. TebardInOdy sapovednik. (Taberds Preserve-Defoliation) KALYSHEV, A.A., kond.sellskokhoz.nauk; PATRABOLOVA 1.G.9 kand.biolog. nn -1 k- -1 -Ei uk; UTYAKOV, P.A.; UTYAKOVA, K - .. mladshiy nauchn.yy notrudnik; VINMR, A.L., vrach; PRONSKAYA, K.I-~ red.; STIMLYADKO, T.V., (Tabards; aketches of the Teberdinskiy Preserve] Tabards; ochorki o TeberdinBkom zapovednike. Stavropol', Stavropol'3koe knizhnoe izd-vo. 1958. 153 P. (MIRA 12:12) (Teberdinskiy Preserve) SOV-26-58-11-4,3/40, AUTHOR. b 1 a 1 G. Candidate of Biolovical Sciences "eteria _E&tra o ov Reserve TITLE: Fall in the Teberda Reserve (Listonad v Teberdinakox, Zapoved- nike) PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1959, Nr 11, p 127 (IISSR) ABSTRACT: The Teberda Reserve in the North Caucaqua on the upper course of the Teberda river basin at an altitude of over 2,000 m above sea level is separated from the Black Sea coast area by the main water-shed of the Caucasian mountain range. This situation brings about a vas' (iivsersity A weather and tem- perature conditions. In alltUffin Lne culor of the leaves may change as early as in September and as late as in October, while the leaves are shed between Sertember and November, The averai7e pericid between color change and shedding is 2 weeks. 1. Meteorology--USSR Card 1/1 1, T", I-(". r .,TF,'7T,-,, ',. , . I '. Vol . 11, N(~. r, j'Cj.TCPPTV:.-T.~- I.C.-121CIT'j TV! -- PeonF--i, Y,-i~o-,Isvia So : =~t 7 "-.(-c - ~s ~ -r , V-1 . 4 , 1"r . - . r-,- IC,"7 CZECIIOS~CYVAKIA,'---ul'~i--,,al~ed Plants - Decorative. b1_8 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 3, 1958, 1-1131 Author Patrak, K. Inst Title Utilization of Growth Stirmil rs for Vegetative Reproduction of the Azalea. Orig Pub Ovocnar. a zelinar., 1957) 5, No 2, 46-47 Abstract In Czechoslovakia the most effective growth stimulator is considered to be the combination of indolyl-oil- acid and nicotinic-acid which, when applied according to Rzhetovskiy's and Gomola's method (19h8), causes in- tense formation of adventive roots. Variations are gi- ven in the method of treatment (10-12 hours) by d-ipp--'Ii,g the lower part of -the cuttings, or dipping the whole cuttings, in the stimulator E;olution. Card 1/1 1 4 an. t a icwar~l th, materials. Izv. ji~, ~-`S:, Ser. f--'z. I-Ionthly List of :Russian Access-c:~s, L,*!,,-ar:- Jtuie !''53. AUTHOR: Patrakhin N. P. SOV/126-6-1-2/33 TITLE: An Explanation of the Transverse Electrical Thermo- Ah magnetic Effect in Ferromagnetics Using the (s-d)- Exchange Model (Obl'yasneniye poperechnogo elektricheskoco termomagnitnogo yavleniya v ferromagnetikakh s ispollzovaniyem dannykh (s-d)-obmennoy modeli metalla) PERIODICAL: Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeniye, 1958, Vol 6. Nr 1. PP 15-22 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In 1952 the author gave a quantum mechanical explanation of the thermomagnetic effect (Ref.2). This work is now repeated using a different method and taking into account the spin-orbit interaction on tho baclo of the (s-a)-exchange model. This model was first put forward by Vonsovskiy (Ref.3). It is assumed that s-electrons are mainly responsible for thermal conduction in metals, The d-electrons and the lattice also contribute but they are less important and are not taken into account, On this basis it is shovm that the transverse electric fiuld is proportional to the "technical" magnetisation and the Card 112 temperature gradient. The paper is highly mathematical SOV/126-6-1-2/33 An Explanation of the Transverse Electrical Thermo-maEnetuic Effect, in Ferromagnetics Using the (s-d)-Exchange Model and there are no diagrams or figures, There are 6 references, 3 of which are Soviet, 1 is a Russian translation from English and 2 English ASSOCIATION: Sverdlovskiy sel'skokhozyaystvennyy institut (Sverdlovsk Agricultural Institute) SUBMITTED: Povember 6, 195G 1. Ferromagnpti._- mLter! Cactor.; Card 2/2 2. Ferromagnetic materials--Tempei,ature fa-tu!~s 3. Fer-romagnetic materials--Magnetio.factors 4. Mathematics--Applications SO V/1 2- L) - -, -11 - 2/26 AUTHOR: Patralchin, N.F. TlTLE: Theory of tlie Transverse Thermal Galvanawagnet ic L! f cc t ill 1,erromagnetic Conductors PER16DICAL: Fizika metallov i motallovedeniye, 1951), Vol -t, 'N'r 11, 1,,, 491-494 (USSR) ADSTRAc,r: An attempt is made to explain the transverse tlier;i4a-L galvanomagnetic eflect in ferromagnetics oil tliv basis of tile (s-d)-exchaiige utodel of' a inetal 1,ut lorward ljy Vonsovskiy Met' 3). The effect consists in tile ayl-earance of a transverse temperature diller(nce ii a ferromagnetic conductor uiapietized ill tne ciirectlu;j perj;endicular to trie electric curreitt. 'rile ellect is sometimes known as tile !,~tt.1l1gsnaus0n eilect. In nocferrowagnetic metals it 1'6 Gescribed by Eq (1), iv~)ere Hz is the transver-se magnetic field and P is a constant. In nonferromagnetic metals, tile eflect is analogous to other galvaromagnetic aftects, uriiile Ln ferrobiagnetics it I-,as riot been investigated expt-rimentaily suf f I C I ent iy we 11. The autijors have been uiiaLle to find anY publis,ied exj;lariatLor, of the apfearance of tLie Card 1/2 transverse teml,erature difference :Ln a ferruwagpic-tic SOV/ 126 -7 -4- 2/ Theory uf the Transver~e Toermal Galvanomagnetic Effect ii, Yeri-cmagnetic Conductors conductor carrying ,.t current. 'File pre.,juni j,aper 11tiellifAS tc, AiVe thl.-3 CXI)IIlllt Loll. As befort, (Rot 1' and 2), the sr,Ln-orbit interaction of s-electroiis with tite lattice ion~~ is taken into accDunt on tne basis at the resuits obtained by Vonsovskiy (Ref 3). For zimplicat), it is assuned that the conductor is in the Lorm (A a nionocrystal and is magnetized in a direction perpendicular to the current. It is shoiTii tiiat at a relativel), 'tilgh temlerature, and in the cabe of weak licAds, the traisverse temperature gradient may be associated with the s),In-orbit interaction within the frai-iiewcjrlc ol the (s-d)-C.XC11Z1n8e model. Professor S.V.Vonsovs1riy is thankeu tar sug:LCstins the i,roblem and lor his useful sui-,gestions. I'llerc. are 4 Soviet refercrices, uiie of u-i-ic!t is a transiation Iroii German. ASSOClATl0N:Sverdlovs1ciy sellskoklio7yaystvenjiyy institut (Sverdlovsk Agricultural Institute) SUBMITTED: March 13, -1958 Card 2/2 AUTHOR.-,_~~.~N . P. SOV1126- - -7-5-4/2r TITLE: An Explanation of the Reasons for the Appearance of a Tran-q- verse Temperature Diffe-rence Due to Longitudinal Heat Flow in a Ferromagnetic ( 'Ob,yasneniye prichin poyavleniya v ferromagnetike poperechncy raznosti temperatur, obuslovlennoy prodol'nym teplovy-m potokom) PERIODICAL! Fizi-ka metailov i metallovedeniyel.' 1959, Vol 71 , Nr 5. pp 666--668 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In non-ferromagnetic conductors the transverse temperature difference is governed by Eq (1) or by Eq (3) where q x is given by Eq (2), H is the intensity of the external mag- z 0 netic field, k is the thermal conductivity and S is a constant characterizing the substance. In ferromagnetics this effect has not been sufficiently studied and there is Card no theory of it. The theory is now set up on the basis of 1/3 the s-d exchange model suggested by Vonsovskiy in Ref 3, which takes into account spin-orbit interaction of conductivity SOV/126.- An Explanation of the Reasons for the Appearance of a Transverse Temperature Difference Due to Longitudinal Heat Flow in a Ferro- magnetic electrons and ions. It is assumed that the quantity OT/ay consists of an ordinary part (8T/By) H and an extra- ordinary part (IT/Oy), . The first of these depends on the magnetic field H and the second on the magnetization of the specimen. The present paper is only concerned with the second part. To begin with the conductor is assumed to be a single monocrystal magnetized along the Oz axis. The final expression obtained on the basis of the above model is given by Eqs (13) and (14), where S' is a con- stant analogous to Hall's constant. The other symbols are defined in Ref 2. Calculation shows that the effect should depend on the technical magnetization and the corresponding Card constants should depend on the square of spontaneous magnet- 2/3 ization. Thus the 9-d exchange model may be used to treat S0V/1_--,("1- - -7-15-42c~ An Explanation of the Reasons for the Appearance of a Transverse Temperature Difference Due to a Longitudinal Heat Flow in a Ferro- Magnetic Ca.-.J ail the four transverse galvano- and thermo-magnetic phen- 3/3 omena, taking imto account spin--orbit forces,, There ar6 4 Soviet referenoes, ASSOCIATION: Sverdlovskiy sel'skolcbozyaystvennyy institut ("D'verdlovsk Agricultural Institute) SUBMITTED- March 13, 1958, S/058/15 1/0~5G/0017/t`,; /~-86 A001/A101 AUTHORS Patrakhin, N.P. TITIEs Thecr7 of transverse therm3magnetic effect of Nernst-Ettingshausen 31,. PERIODICAL: Re4e_rat_1vn-4,- zhurnal. Pizfka, no. 7, 1961, 258, abj.., aft.,7*3~1 ("Tr. Svero-1cv. s.-kh. in--.a", 1959, v. 6, 201 6 TM: An expressi-,r f,-.r -he ferromagnetIc constant of the st_E-,t1nas_ hausen effect haa rieen derivE~-j in --he framework of the s_4 ex7hange model wt.n allowance fQr apin-orb!-~, (Abstracter's notlet Complete tre_nsla~j~nl I Card 1/1 S/058/6 I/CCOI/X 7/C`1)2/D9t- :L 2- 0 0 AOO 1/A 10 1 AUTHOR: Patrakhin, N.P. TITLEt Ettinsahauser "ffee-~ in ferrcmagneties PERIODICAL: Refera~-.Jlvnyy znurnal. Filzlka, no. 7, 1961, 268, abstract 7E372 ("Tr. Sverdaovsk. 2.--kh. in-ta", 1959, v. 6, 213 - 217) TEXTi The p:cturp. of Ettingshaasen's effect In the framew:-Y. of s-d exchange mcdel w!th a-Ic-oia-n-e for apin-orbit interaction 1-M presented --r comparatively high tempara~uren and weak fields. A dependence of Ettlng5hausen's ferromagnetic ccnstant on ap~:ntanaCUS magne-.ization is obtained, analog-~-J-~ t7 Hall's ferrcma&ne--~.. ccna*ant. E. G. [Abstracter's ncte~, Comple*e -ranslal~lonj Card ~/l A001 /A 10 1 AUMORI TITLE: An expi-ana'-'en -,f +.;~e transverse heat tnenriomagretic phenomena .n f erromag-neti-,i PERIODICALt Referativnyi zhurna--. Piz-'ka, no. 7, 1961, 268, azatract 7E3'7-" ("Tr, Sv-.~rtlcvsk. s.-M. n-ta", 1959, v. 6, 219 - 222) TMI The Rlgh-,-T-E~d-~ In ferr,~magretl2e is qualltativeiy Exrla'y- ed in the framework of e-J -,.hang~i mcdei wIlth alli-mance for splIn-crIbIt lnt~-ra-- tion. An expressl.:,.n f~,-, fe:rcmagnetic c:~nslanl cf Righl-.Led-,ic's effe-~ hiz, been derived. E. jalosnina [Abstracter's n~~*.e, Co7p-;.-e Card 1/1 mlu'um~, 1~. Do you have disciriles7 Grazl-id.a,,,. 20 no.5 118-19 MY 163. (IMA 16. 7) 1. I-Jerht.atnyy korrespondpri*. zhilTnaia "Grazhdanskaya aviatsiya." (Vocational o,illratloil) I-" JD L 14135--63 I~W(q)/ (p)/BDS :C/ _WT A~R_ M.- APW310 SIOIBV63100~1008120651200~9_ A A=OR. Dorin, V. A," Patr!~~a., A, 'Y~* T Z ME. iInvestigation of electrical characteristics of 401 _cor 2 itact vith an Intermediate Insulating layer SOURCE: Flzika tverdogo tela, v 3, no. 8, 1963, ~065-2069 - TOPIC TAGS.- electrical-contact characteristic, electrical characteristic,, con- tact characteristic, titanium oxide, titanium-oxide contact characteristic j..ABSTRAMi_.,The electrical characteristiesceaTiO x-AS contact vith an Imsulat- and at 400C. The charac- ing layer have been investigated at room-tempera teristics obtal-"cd vere compared vith those of a system vithowl an insulating layer. It was found that unipolar conductivity exists up to 500C In specimens vith Insulating laVers. Rectification takes 1)lwe In the area of contact vith the Intermediate layer -at 400C. - At 300C the specinen he equal couftativity in both directions. In the region of low voltages the volt-ampere character- V istics of the specimens indicated that the Introduction of an Insulating layer Card L 14535-63 ACCESSION 1?Rt APW3101 at room temperature only increases the rojistance of tho system.. When a system. vith an insulating layer is heated to WJC'the rectification factor :18 30 a~t mv, An analysis of separate sections of tbe volt-ampere obaracteristits IM the reverse direction showed that the current increased proportionally vith the increase of voltage -upto approximately I v. Above 4 -vP at exponential depend- once takes place either at- low or high temperature, The #me-dependence van observed in the contact area of Ag-TiO at lov-er 'voltages. Thus., the ittro- duction of an insulating leqer consiatiQ of a material differeilt from.Tio 2-X does not change the qualitative picture of the ebaracteristlics.. It serves only to elevate the temperature /,by 200-250C) at Vhich rectification -taken ':plwa. Orige art* bas: 5 figt=es, 5 formulas, and 2 tables, ASSOCIATION: ?1ziko-tekhn1cheskiy institut im. A. .70, loffe AN SS8Rj loniweA loningrad Physicotechnical Institute~ AN SWR StMM=Dj 2ayan63 WM Aoql 06Sep63 3=4 OD SUB CODE-~ PH No PZP BOV2 006 003 Card ~2/g DORIN, V.A.; PATRAKOVA, A.Ya.; TA!iTtVOV3XAYA, F,M. Effect of an insulating 1,-2,ypr -,r, the electrical properti"s -~f rectifiers with a TiO x base. Radiotekh. i elektron. ~ no.8:1462-1465 Ag '6'-3. (MIRA lo- ~) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy inqtitut im. A.F.loffe AN SSSR. (Electric r.1irront rectifiers, AUTHORS: Nasledov, D. N., Patrakova, A. Ya., 57-28-4-16/39 Tsa.renkov, B. TITLEz Etching Mledia for Gallium Arsenide (Travitell dlya arsenida galliya) PERIODICALt Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoy Fiziki, 1958, Vol~. 28, Nr 4, pp. 779-781 (TJSSR) ABSTRACTs The purpose of etching is here foroulated in the following manner: A layer deformed during mechanical treatment shall be a manner that the intact monocrystal appears and that the micropollution at the surface of the constructed device is also removed. The experiments showed that the etch- ing reagent with the following composition is useful for this purpose: 50 mL Wo' Na0H + 10 ml 30t-" 1120 This chomical etch- ing reagent is used by the authors in t9e* production of electron-hole transitions in gallium-arsenide. Eere poly- crystalline samples as well as monocrystals of electron-gallium- -arsenide were investigated. On the basis of these experiQents the following is utatudz~ 1.) Etching during 5 minutjs entiroly removes the deformed ourfaoo-laycr of the monocry3tal and doen Card 1/2 not produce any new formations at its surface. 2,) Etching Etching Media for Gallium Arsenide 57-28-4-16/39 lets distinctly appear the boundaries between the crystals ir polycrystalline Samples and the etch pattern of the individual crystals. 3.) Etching guarantees the production of reliable alloy-contacts and reduces the leakage current of the electron- -hole transitions. The electronograms wore obtained by V.A. Dorin. There are 3 figures and 2 references, I of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATIO11: Leningradskiy fizikc-telchnicheakiy institut AN SSSR (Leningrad Physical-Technical Institute )AS USSR) SUBMITTED: December 12, 1957 Card 2/2 DMIN, V.A.; PATRAKOVA, A.Ya. ---- ~-- Electric characteristics of the contact TiO2-x - Ag divided by an isolating layer. Fiz. tvar. tela 5 no.8t2065-2069 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut im. A.F.Ioffe AN SSSR, Leningrad. (Electric insulators and insulation) / -'/ ~ I' I-, / / / ;~ ,~ i) I/ / ~.~ I I NASLrkDDV, D.N.; PAIIRAKOVA, A.Ta.-, TSARWIKOV, B.V. An etchant. for gallium arsenide, Zhur. tekh. f1s. 2-3 ao.4t'77-9-781 Ap 9%0 (HIU 11 W 1. Leningradekly fiziko-tekbuicheskiy institut AN SSn. (Oallium arsenide-Slootrio properties) LIVINA, L.I.; PATHEOVA, S.N.; PATRUSHEV, D.I. Dependence of yield and quality of benzene chlorosu-lfonate on excess of chlorosulfonic acid and additions of sodium salts. Zhur.ob.khim. 28 no.9%2427-2428 S 158. (KIRA 11:11) (Benzene) (chlorosulfonic acid) (Sodium salts) PATRANEXP J.; KOR.ARKOVA, E. "Orientation of the Shells of Cephalopods in the Limestones of the Brarrandlan and its Paleogeographical irificance", P. 145, (SBOMIK. L)DDIL GEOUGICY', Vol. 20, 1953, Praha, Czech. S0% Monthly List of East EuroDean Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4, No. 3, Yer 1955, Uncl. L ry Fn 1 L' I TL, !,F~ trhnIL A V. gin !riiig A(;;i Pine i, C. A zus. Mr. Lvninf?.r. I - ,. Ch. 'J; e9-35 ~AB5- ACIT For, or, the t4 )I ,t 1, 5 5 )extcinned to o I i I I t I-, e annui I ,e,~~P ra t ~ 011, (-. r1 C () n r~ -T", e f -n ~z~ 'ci i d n o t a ~ed f 1 *VF Occ,~r jnpvne-%4"d ~~Pes. LIZ j-,;r,,eE tie reS-,OT-At---, oft irivolved ? av-e c lassf?s. C)n 1),'J") of !~:.f: Lree. i-.jqe reS-i;o,-,a!Aon was- rossible only thr-.,)u(,,). culluz-(.)r, which first of all nad *--,o b~-. estaolisbed on fellinpq ander condito,IF of tne cype of' forest of ri-ine-red hilb-7--l Alan, 'It YEIO;LIYAIJCHIKOV A.B., kand.tekhn.nauk; PATFANINA, O.P.. inzh. Increasing the output of ski blanks in the Vologda Furaiture Factory. Der.prom. 11 no./*tW-19 Ap ~62. (KIRA 15-4) 1. Arkhangellskiy lesotekhnichoskiy institut im. V.V.Kuybysheva- (Vologda,--Skis and skiing)