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PA.S'YN-~'07' V. V. USSR[V,lectricity - Personalities 1-4y "Professor N. P. Jogoroditskiy, in Connection Witt, his Both Birthaay," P. 1. Skotnikov, A. F. Alabyshev, S. Ya. Sokolov, A. A. Vavilov, V. V. Pasynkov, B. M. Tareyev OBlaktrichestvoll 14o 5, p bb Reviews main features of professional life of Nikolay Petrovich BoForoditskiy, born 20 Pay 02 in Tashkent. His principal interest has been development of h-f dielectrics. 4letween 19)) and 1942 he developed the now wiiely-used radio Mnterii--Is tikcnd, micalex, h-f Class, radio porcelain, %nd 7iltra-porcelain. Affili-tions inclu(ie Hilitar-i Elec -4~- Ac-id imeni Jludemriyy klq'i - 1.91,2) and a lari-e plant labortttory (where he produced a number of inventions/ durir4- World War 11. iie ha-, -Ail-lishel I t nuM.Der of urticles in Journals, hooks, and textbooks. He received tl,.ree S-111in Prizes: for an invention in field of cerari-cs (114,~2),, for textbook "Ele~tric"I SnCinearinc Materials" klq~2); and for development and or.~-anlzation of rmss produ-tinn of parts for radio equipment(19.511). PA 2L+O-e_5b BOGORODITSKrY. N.P.. PASYNKOV, V.V.; TARffBV, B.N.; RBM, T.T., redaktor VOROMTSKATA, redaktor. [M-terials used in electric angineerino BlektrotAkhnlcheekle materialy. 124-v0 302, pem Moskva, Goa. energ. lud-vo, 1955. 372 P. (MLRA 8:8) (Electric engineering--Materials) -272 Y. V17-, 4111"175 p, -'k, "Nit, -WERM-M / 11,1~v '; ,~, il I FD-3175 USSR/Physics - Radioactivity, Semiconductors Card 1/1 Pub. 153-5/21 Author : Pesynkov, V. V. Title : Influence of radioactive radiation on a photoclement Periodical: Zhur. tekh. fiz., 25, No 8 (AUgUBt), 1955, 1376-1385 Abstract : The author studies the transition of nuclear energy to electrical energy which takes place as a result of the influence of radioactive radiation on semicon- ductor Wstems%dth a blocking layer. The results of experimental measurements are presented in graphical and tabular form. Some of the author's conclusions follow. The influence of beta radiation on a selenium photoelement is analog- ous to the action of a stream of light and produces an emf. Using known facts about semiconductors it is possible to choose the best semiconductor system with the largest coefficient of electron multiplication. The use of radioac- tive isotopes requires that they be studied from the point of view of inter- action with semiconductors and the absence of harmful gamma radiation. Submitted : January 4, 1955 A KHARADZHA, Fooffin Nikoleyevich; PASYNKOV, V.V., redBktor: 2ABRODINA, A.A., tekhnicheskly redaktor [General course In X-ray tachniquesj Obahchit kurs rent,-enotakhnik-1. 1zd. 2-oa, oerer. I dop. Moskva, Goo. erarg. izd-yo. 1956. 564 p. (x RAYS) (KISA 9:10) ~it4 V uc. L PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 678 Pasynkov, Vladimir Vasillyevich, Doctor of Technical Sciences Nelineynyye poluprovodnikovyye soprotivleni a; varistory (Nonlinear Semiconductor Resistances; Varistors) f2d ed., rev. and enl.1 Leningrad,, Leningradskiy Dom nauchno-tekhnicheakoy propagandy, 1957. 35 P. (Series: Obshchestvo po ra.sprostraneniyu politicheskikh i nauchn M znaniy RSFSR. Poluprovodniki, vyp. 5) 15,000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agencies: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut poluprovodnikov, and Leningradskiy Dom nauchno-tekhnicheskoy propagandy. Tech. Ed*: Freger, D.P.; Editorial Board: Ioffe, A.F., Academician, (Ed. in Chief); Sominskiy, H.S., candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,(Aset. Ed. in Chief); Kaslakovets, Yu. P., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences; Smolenskiy$ G.A.$ Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences; Shalyt, S.S., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences; Regello A.R., Card 1/3 Nonlinear Semiconductor Resistances; Varistors 678 Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences; Subashiyev, V.K., Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences; Shagurin, K.A. Engineer; Achkinadze, Sh. D., Engineer. PURPOSE: This brochure is addressed to engineers and technicians working with semiconductor devices and materials. COVERAGE: This mono aph is the fifth of the series entitled "Poluprovodniki" Irsemiconductors). A list of the 18 titles constituting the series is given at the end of each brochure. [For translations of these titles, see abstract Nr 674.] This brochure gives a general introduction to nonlinear resistances, and covers such phases of the subject as the characteristics, operating principle and production of nonlinear resistances, and their applications in industry and technology. There are 12 Soviet sources (including 1 translation), 4 German, 4 English, and 2 French. No personalities are mentioned. Card 2/ 3 Nonlinear Semiconductor Resistances; Varistors 678 TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1. General Information on Nonlinear ResistanceB 2. Basic CharacteristicS of Nonlinear Resistances 3. How Nonlinear Resistances Work 4. Production of Nonlinear Resistances 5. Properties of Nonlinear Resistances 6. Applications of Nonlinear Resistances Bibliography AVAILABLE: Library of Congress JP1ksv 10-10-58 3 4 9 10 18 29 37 Card 3/3 PASYNKOV, V. V. "Lou power Nonlinear Semiconductor Resistances," report presented at the Session on Semiconductors, All-UnJ~on Scientif-ic SessioL of VNORiE, Moscow, 20-25 May 1957. In his lecture V. V. Pasynkov noted that the technology of the manufacture of non-linearresistors for different specified parameters is quite simple, does not require complicated and expensive equipment, and makes it possible to autorwitIze the manufacturing processes in mass production of resistors. Characteristics cf resistor specimens developed for telephone engineering axe not inferior to the parameters of American specimens obtained from actual apparatus. Electronic Design, 22 Jan 5E PASYNKOV,-VWimi.r Vasillyevich; SAVEL'YE11, Georgiy Anatollyevich; CIIIRYBI, Lev Konstantinovich; IIASLEDOV, D.F., doktor fiz- mat. nauk, prof., retsenzent; SHINKOV, A.D., nauch*7 red.; YVOCIMINA, G.P.0 red.; SHISHKOVA, L.M.p tekhn, red, (Nonlinear semiconductor resistances and their usesI11'eii- neirWe poluproyodnikovye t3oprotivIeniia i ikh primenerlie. Leningrvd, Sudpromgiz, 1962. 211 p. (MDIA 1511l) (Semiconductors) (,Electric roBintorn) OSIPOV, K.D.; PASYNKOV., V.V,; RaTZ, G.A., red.; GOLOVANOVA, L.V., red.;-KOCP:ETKOVA, N.A., red.; KUKOLEVA, T.V., red. [Reference book on radio measuring devices, Spravochnik po radioizir-oritellnym priboram. Pod red. G.A.Hemeza. 1-loskvii, Sovetskoe radio. Pt.5- (Supplernontl Dopolnitellnuia. 19&.. 397 P. (MIRA 17:6) M', tF .X7-L Y V a' -,-'I k-l- -4 T-11-1-11 T,;,11,1 7-1- -MI T-1-i.- 1--.7 A tha t of the Pr oh 1e m-of Utilization of nuclear ShAeftry., Com e MOrtl L de *& an the ejecti-ja Conductivity O.Iil,,7n~ con ca ntratio n an d mobility of current .carrisis 10) Sig n Of, dUrX qen t a& - rriers in Sestiaonduot t a el and i mpurity , c on du ativtty oV -semid6nductors ' of, Ba condu wl at ox 4.--c onduat&tiC8 -to -terverature- -.-Pho O ponduat , tv it y. (P 6l)vcr&Jthe, I nae, -C r Ie Id 6n L . redlations sedio Odua . -, A 42 Elko-:bPdIes V's I EIMMEM-20. *~27ii%,~~j~~~,~.~~~~r,~,~,,~~'4~,~PeT-'~'--,,'ZIZ~,-~~k~!','.','~'t~_-;!:~~-,?.IWW.IW,4,1--t~4,.i;F.N,&--Ij;~.~,4t,;:, ~ , ~ 1, ,, - lz , ~ ) I , , : ;,: - .'~ , . ~ ~ ~ L-LA ; I I - ! ff 2~7M -- im pli; a _ i. a.~ ~Q__ Z X= 1 3 A:I IL X j'T 17 or 137 M CIR IT de sig n an d aon at ru Ife chayt y, t W! -O phic calcm ' U ti on an d an aly sis o f a-* ATr v whic thd h * l a-t ter o ombia od ~ no t - Oe ff "b nt &1 5o. Uh I ndu at an 6e a i nid. 6a pa oLt an o ow id o pe rat . l i nc iol au . i n 41r ouits u nde r -j- M EL wi th t4 spera t. . -do At r6 1'- 0r a 1 n 2 -Y61tsa d s'. i at ab L il : P 6 zatio i nd. .06 z4aliv re n m ts 8* (I . - . ),. 5 a ga nov j, K. A. I s c redit ed OTUS9 1, f or remo te.- ti fat ra Ut Ad -Im ; ei iu S~jit T, Nechayevi -CE. K. si~W ated a ry st es t o f hea t con tr ol -tht - t*!&*. af f4 ct &t 191A9 a ' t.& s pe ci fi c ~ ""r &t ur* 7- . - - 72" 4 1, A - 1 .1-1 1-1 1-- 1 1 .1 1 d ~l Lie or - T i I . dc r. ; &p ca ltids a ~- W :- Was by*'Keriteni6 do. 1 1 - ; , - . . 8 41 0 nd t heaWo rk r0 r'- Ko lmly S;me o ned ills' - - u t r d -~~-T rod as t uc ed lw~l i3ov ii ~ the t m s o .- us In ry.-, p $p ted :-- r- e-a is tahae Aheivoiiiteft of -t hoi I MMi ' rs - . r - 17- 21-1 --------- - MIMI QA~ 'Wier WLZ"' ar, tabula1%'fdft'-'-ahd -the matitt -Plant, -lit - fshaicfi-- is oPed_-__Mt_'_rZTI. are presi evel _0 -_ atu!vels.' Pp_ b f ta Ile a the overvol, t* 6ti i"ta2lAtlazilvipp, -3.1V-33 6 V3X. jo -lat'ly-Lwlth-'thd'-"Prid1! 4rs6xii'-' cot", In- ITAE t moing 0 ptaj pro t'iw ed,_JA.,Ubi1 a~d li'l viki~-- =011--or "taflitors 4 ti6ii or- - itistilatton, or-Awmb *tid:lw. C-1-1- ahd I REM=, La mm $ .1 74j; the : PON PrOpertie i&.-o f.,phd toi~es ist&ncet*. ILis deaf V4, i OR Mr, M m ~ s am - MMM ~,Photoreiistdr*.- can -operate -datisfadtorIly --fiosquencles. Ito big ;h yp ph t t", -obtjjInjd- Af t6r_-4~-de d 'dr--~_dp q weals Prs~ Is finite pexeld when the, flim 'a a-pr E=x Us 'are 6v. photoreislatior.-S' 1 3"- 2 tapes: And-,.o'__f' -the'- F9-n,.and-IS-42_..t the M-91- -and F 'd th -The-`~-followlng-- pliatorislatord an _iohatiq re,- deadribidt ;'se1enlucm.photbrds'Ut( 1P a 53)f.." 14idf-stWidGAP--~ 3*54)1j':~~'bla hsulf Ide_--- (p lam severs ypen-,jn--6Ach.icA or 10.-` 361Ij---- Th- _g 3"t 4 NO I I i - . E ~, ..- ..- .. N~~ - ------ -- :- - ; .~ 1-11'-.-7,~~ ~.- -, 1 i~ '. .; I . . -:1-l'.. . .1-- -- --m F -::= -, - , ". - . s A 4, 6 1 4 I r = - . m , 1 AT n-grw -1 VERO EW E Y ALIKSANDROV, A.G., dots; ARONOVICH, I.S., inzh.; BABIKOV, N.A., doktor tekhn.rouk; BATUSOV, S.V., kand.takhn.nouk; BBLIKIND, L.D., doktor tekhn.nauk; VENIXOV, V.A., doktor tekhn.nauk; VSSNWVSKIY. O.N., kand.tekhn.nouk; GOLOVAH. A.T., dok-tor tekhn.nauk; GOLUBTSOVA, V.A., doktor tekha.asuk-, GRITHO. L.K., inzh.; GRUDINSKIT, P.G., prof.; GUSHV. S.A., in2h.-, DMOIMOVSKAYA. L.?., kand.tekhn.neuk; DROZDOV. N.G., doktor tekhnonauk; IVANOV, A.P., daktor tekhn.nauk Cdeceacedl; KAGANOV, I.L., doktor tekhn.nauk; XBRBIM. L.L., inzh.; KOCRNOVA. A.1., kend.tekhn.nauk.; LARIONOV. A.N.; MINOV. D.K., doktor tekhn.nauk; NXTUSHIL. A-V., dok-tGr tekhn.neuk; HIKULIH. N.V., kand.takhn.nauk: HILUNDIM, R.A.. prof.; PANTYUSHIN. V.S., prof.-.-PA ~IBCOV., V-.V.' doktor tekhm.nauk; PATROV. G.N.. doktor takhn.nauk, POL1VkfJbV, X.M., doktor tekhn.nauk; PRIV2ZHNTS1V. V.A., dok-tor tekhn.nauk; RADUNSKIY, L-D.. inzh.; R~IM. V.T.. doktor takhn.nauk; SVIINCHAI;SKIY. A.D., doktor tekhn.nauk; 3010VIYI&V. 1.I.. doktor tekhn.nauk; STUPELI P.A. kand.tekhn.nauk; TALITSKIY. A.V.. prof.; TIMNIKOV. F.Ye.. kand.tekhn. nauk; FSDOROV, L.I., inzh.; FEDMYBV, A.M.. doktor tekhn.nauk; KHOLYAVSKLY, G.B., inzh.; CHECH&T, Yu.S., doktor tekhn.nauk; SH"Y- BiMG, Ya.A., kand.tekhn.nau1c; SHUMILOVSKIY, N.V., aoktor tekhn.nauk; ANTIK, I.B., red.; KOVVBV, L.Ya., [The history of power engineering in the U.S.S.R. in three volumes] Is t ori is ene rget iche sko i t ekhn ik i SSSR v t re kh t ona kh . Hog kvs , Gos . energ. izd-vo. (Continued on next card) AISKSANDROV, A.G.--(continued) Card 2. Vol.2. [Slectric engineering) glektrotekhnike. Avtorskii kollektiv tomb: Alekeendrov I dr. 1957. 727 p. (MIRA 11:2) 1. Moscow. Moskovskiy energeticheakiy inatitut. 2. Chlon-korrespon- dent AH SSSR (for Iarionov) Otlectric anginoering) BOGO*ZODITSKIY, Nikolay Petrovich; FRIDBERG, 11afty Dmitriyevich; JW~OY, _Tj,,_rsd.; SOBOLWA. Te.M.. (Blectrophysical characteristics of high-frequency ceramics] Blektrofizichaskie o9novy vyeokochastotnot keramiki. Moskva, Goe.energ.ixd-vo. 1958. 191 p. (MIRA 1213) (Ceramic materials--Electric properties) SOV/58-59-8-i842c Translated from: Referativnyy Zhurnal Fizika, 1959, Nr 8, p 200 (USSR) AUTHORS: Pasynkov, V.V., Savel'yev, G.A. TITLE: Low-Power Nonlinear Semiconductor Resistors (Varistors) PERIODICAL- V ab.: Primeneniye poluprovodnlkov v elektrotekhn., Lenin- grad, 1958, pp 95-114 ABSTRACT: Nonlinear semiconductor resistors (varistors) are described, which are manufactured from silicon carbide and have a nonlinear volt-ampere rating. It is demonstrated that their volt-ampere rating can be approximated on a certain section by an exponential function. The coefficient of nonlinearity depends on the applied voltage and can var7 from 2 to 3.5. Theories are advanced to explain the nonlinearity of the volt-ampere characteristic of varistors. The authors hold that the parallel action of several mechanismsclarifying nonlinearity is possible under concrete conditions. The technology of producing such Card 1/2 resistors is briefly described. It is noted that these mechanisms must SOV/58-59-8-1842c, Low-Power Nonlinear Semiconductor Resistors (Varistors) he made thoroughly hermetic In order to ensure stability. The authors cite the methods and results of testing resistr-ro manufactured In the Leningrad Flee tro- technical Institute. Applications of nonlinear semiconduator resistoro aro described in several circuits, as, for example, for stabilizing voltage, '-n- creasing the frequency, etc. The bibliography contains 23 titles. G.K. Nechayev Card 2/2 PHASE I BOOK EaWITATION 807/4217 Osipov, Konstantin Dmitriyevich, and V.V. Pasynkov Spravochnik po radioizmeriteltnym priboram, chast, 4: Spetsiallnyye izmeritell- nyye pribory i istochniki pitaniya (Handbook on Radio Measuring Instruwnts,, Pt. 4: Special Measuring Instruments and Electric Current Supply). Moscow" Izd-vo "Bovetakoye radio," 1959. 152 p, No. of copies printed not given, Ed. (Title page): G.A. Remez, Ea. (Inside book): Yu.I. Sukhanov; Tech. Ed.; B.V. Smurov. PURPOSE: This handbook is intended for technical personnel engaged in the develop- ment,, operation., and repair of radio engineering equipment and radiometers. COVERAW: This volume is the fourth part of a 4-part work on radio measuring instruments. It covers instruments for measuring field strength and low h-f voltages, special and auxiliary meters for measuring at super high frequencies, electron tube testers, and electric current supplies of radio systems. The authors thank G.A. Remez, V.G. Dabenetskiy, and V.N. Bretenskiy. No references are given. Car&-~ P~ PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/4102 Osipov, Kon5tantin Dmitrovich, and V.V. Pasynkov opravochnik po radioizmeritellnym priboram, eh 3: Pribory dlya izmerenlya formy kelebaniy (Handbook on Radio Measuring Instruments, Pt 3: Instruments for Measuring Shape of Oscillations) Moscow, Izd-vo "Sovetskoye radio," 1959. 170 P. Errata slip inserted. No. of copies printed not given. Ed. (Title page); G.A. Remez; Ed. (Inside book): V.G. Masharova; Ed.: B.V. Smurov. PURPOSE: This handbook is intended for engineers and technicians en- gaged in the development, operation, and repair of radio equipment and ztadlo measuring instruments. COVERAGE: The handbook gives detailed Information on electronic os- 3111o3~opes, special oscillographic devices, spectrum and frequency response analyzers, modulation meters, nonlinear distortion measur- ing equipment, and measuring amplifiers. The book also gives in- Card 1/5 Handbook on Radio (Cont.) SOV/4102 fai-mation on general purpose serial production radio measuring in- struments, and on instruments which, though out of production, are Still WIdely Used. The authors thank G.A. Rerrez, V.G. Dabenetskly, and V.N. Sretenskly. There are no references. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introdu.,tion Ch. I. Electronic 08Cillographs (Oscilloscopes ~ 8 Electronic audio-frequency 08Cillograph I-30 8 Electron-beam oscillograph ENO-I 12 Electronic oscillograph EO-4 17 Electronic osaillograph EO-7 21 Electronic oscillograph EO-6M 24 Electronic oscillograph 25-1 27 Electronic 08cillograph 10-4 29 Electronic oscillograph EO-53 34 Electronic osaillograph SI-1 (pulse synchronoscope) 38 Electronic miniature 08CIllograph EMD-2 44 Card 2/5 Haxi,ihook on Radio (Cont.) SOV/4102 Doable-bsam electronic oscillograph OK-17M 47 Righ-voltage oacillograph OX-15M 50 High-voltage oscillograph OK-19M 53 Double-beam pulse electronic oscillograph OK-21 57 Do,uble-beam Pulse oscillograph OK-25 60 Ch. 11. Special Oscillographic Devices, SpectrLun and Frequency Reaponse Analyzers 64 Oa~3111og:r-aphlc zero indicator INO-3 67 Osell-lographic zero Indicator INO-3M 70 OA-aillographic timer IV-13M 72 Oscillographic timer IV-22 75 Transient recorder IPKh-l 78 Specti,um analyzer and frequency response characteristic re- corder AS'0hKh-l 82 Frequency response characteristic recorder IChKh-1 87 Sweep generator 102-1 go Spectrum analyzer IV-46 94 Spectrum analyzer IV-66 102 Card 3/5 Handb,,ok cn Radio (Cont.) Ch. Ill. Modulation Meters Modulation meter IM-8 Modulation meter IM-13 Mo dul at Ion meter IM-20 Combined current and modulation meters ITM-1M and ITM-3M Combined current and modulation meter ITM-5 Frequ-sney modulation meter IChM-5 Modv-lation meter IM-18 Modulation meter IM-19 Ch. IV. Nonlinear Distortion Meters Nonlinea.- distortion meter INI-7 Nonlinear distortion meter INI-IOM Nonlinear distortion meter INI-11 Voltage analyzer AN-1-50 Ch. V. Measuring Amplifiers Cathode follower 42-1 Measuring amplifiers 28-1 and 28-IM SOV/4102 107 log ill 115 119 119 121 123 127 130 134 135 138 140 143 147 14 14Z Card 4/5 PdASE I BOOK aPLOITATION SOV/44.10 Konstantin Dmitriyevich, and Vsevolod Vladimirovich Pasynkov p,avochnik po radlolzmeritellaym priboram, chast' I: Pribory dlya izmereniya toka, napryazheniya, moshchnosti i parametrov elementov skhem (Handbook on Radio Measuxing Instruments) Pt 1: Instruments for Measuring Current, Voltag-. Power, and Paxwetere of Circuit Elements). Moscow., Izd-vo "Sovetskoye F 220 p. Errata slip inserted. No,of copies printed not given. ~ITAtle page): G.A. Remes; Ed. (Inside book): N.Ya. Arenberg; Tech. Ed.: B.V. Smurov. F!:Pd,0E.- This handbook is intended for technical personnel engaged in designing, oj--~rnting 01 . t,, radio engineering or radio measuring equipment. (:OVP2iAuE: This first part of the handbooK CODtains information on radio measuring lnst_-~rnents of general application whose purpose is to measure the values of -'.IT rent, voltage, power, caDacitance, inductance, circuit Q-factors, reslstance6 tind reactances. The des ription of each Instrument consists of the following 5ections: purpose and field of application, basic technical characteristics, dandbock on Radio Measuring Instruments (Cont.) SOV/4410 brief lescription of a circuit and of the principle of action, operating set of -v-p].,-vable components and tneir assembly. The basic circuit is givnn for all -nstr -tert ; , and 9L blr~ck dingran) is presented for the more complex -ne-r- a,jth~ rs th- '~ G.A. Re- Vor h",s help and V.G. Dubenetakiy and V.N. Sret.ens~iy for ,,-ieir wo-,.,*! ridvicv. There Fire no references. il-'7~E OF 0XFMiT13-. t i C" Ch. 1. Carront And Voltage Meter., General information Instruments of the Thermoelectr~-, System I=eter T- U' Thermal convor-rs T-101, T-10; , and T-103 Contactless v., thei'mal conveters TVB -.vcnt,.q of thc- "ectrootatir, Volt-meter S-'41 voltreter 20 4121. 9111 'UTRO. 3-13/15 TITLB, Th. I.A.1-L-r.ity Scientific Cosy-.... 0: gle:trical 8.amuring Inst-t. and on the Tectlolos.1 XOn.f Aus...tLo. k, .,..t r*"' "'. ,,lot- -. If ': I k PZLIODICAL3 ABSTRACT. C-d 1/5 Cord 2/5 C--d PrLbo-strojonLy*, 1959. Nr 3. 30-3t (USSR) This Conference sea hold at the Lonl=gradokly *lot crotakhmix-beem:ly as :.,I bar 195a. It so. attended by then 500 of tc. bIt 'a 1, 1. ffl:*.,). .111. t!:** If.,- wr4 are d.,11=1 In it'. futhi. C: m zn, the 5. d3 t.kly -4.111-4 the ..t.t-dlng le-a I -t-~ and t..hiq.. for t11 It on T, I D Iin,do of A Co.%cnl of Date- -1 and .tlla.d the .X1, possibilities If I.L.C -di-liv. 1. .-h I. . 0. 5branx*A thId _led rIttb,h.,; of b of 11. it.. of .4..,,c -,llfl- in ofbpy t-tl.. -d 1;,: -1 A. V. yet rapor ad -day state on the prospect. tont got:-tio control 1. wXy Iin, -gated ff:.% am peoulter fast-ch"llu:~dY.Lt.1T Ib .. I.ct- p"I 4-11 with probl::o of stability of d-scteto*~t,%%L: eye% B. U.h-:td.L:, tr .4. in the Iad ;or -9--'by IS. to-I,In for the cale.latio:ao; ,h:f.:l,d T~r,*::on 1, :;,t!,,*.,!,n .Fort th at both an active and passive f--d- fdr;; dl.t-gb-.c.. is eyes.... 1.. 1. X.,te.1-t~.:: dlec--d raging, diffe-utlat I... ond &Ic 1.4 ad.. I. ;%J;~. whlht.-.b:d- :f..i .Vgn .1 ad -'y Itrl-d:i 11 - I.' - _I 11.- Iat th p*I-Lsod relays. A. 7 .f-d.!- Nil. .w.Tr: "'. - '. or t~sw '. ad .at c rV., 5.u"- mcd ~P_t., .7 r or ..c tPon "'t""; ct' caM..... with .. I-:.. tb:, dealt Jtb If the of t'n Ito ul-tlc d. t-U- ,.Idud.h' b- fn dL it.1 -Put. tons. Th- pw,t~clp ,,r, qdgbelov diac.-t:d the f.11-I4 of 4t: h.: Iby the -1 "'d"1 ... r. -- --t V. A. j-,,- Th. P1-1-4 of ,i . ........ f.r PA= The ui..tifs. C-d.r .... .. 201/1,9-59-5-05 Sl-otrloa.l l.,tvum..%o -d 0. tb- 7--h-s-ol s.-. of & met... to d191S.1 -p-.tiams 1. 2.9haroLo"Ot Methods of d&twrvi&IP4 the dy%-ia error* if a oo.illc.c.p. by Or..%.kLj, trobl..9 1. measuring I.. lpy .1.otrl.ol I,ndic.tid k..trux..l. of -I... 4170*-' .. L. F. 9cILk.,.kAj, I ... I trp.. of A. S. l.tokrenta, A.$.*etL. lbr,dg.. ~.d .. Ult" for $be coatrol of the pa.racotar. of co"S-Vre La " 7L.. ~. E. St.L- So.. f midget t.4c.ti.. motor. ht.ft ." 6. .-,1 . .... . I., t--ho1q.- and D. A. 5.r.4%,- C;tler,-l. P, sad Lt'j.Ld I ...I Th. ol:..Ltry of . ph ... . .... At%,. -dl..t., f- ~ 4. #*sL-oquIIIbrtw% brldg- S. P. S-A, 7bo %p;I&ca%jao, of &nstr-sts *stb zo4uotic brid,,a. ..1zh P.-It . si.pliflo.ti.. of it'. A..Id. of the Ppo,.S.. a.a4 the .1re"try ... d to the of Card 4/5 'Of. -, 'A%ho4 of 1_""lo4 the Co. lostg. f sppsxat.. for -~Lg ,I It of their p;l-.tI- to or. oir ultr7 1. -4 ....-Ing S. I'v:p"ho.w. of Ish me, la:.duator triad. V. .11t to. Y . To. P. varyuc... frequency motor Qy*rA%I:d AQCAQr4jAdjtO UW Fri. Iplo. P. a. liki t1, mad . Do. I"-. 0 M th .40 f A,mos:;I.9 the .44A.tic field by ..". of olev.t" r.siolore and tr".duaors ag.r&tLr.4 00 tIW Ra;l effect pr .cl, 1:j A r.eclutLoa *&a &dapt&4 by Ste clo*344 FlOffiery .0. tic, the lbich LIAL..t t7pra.io4 -4 vo.rdissti.4 I. the field of sat"ation. electric ssos~rizg- -4 oce,joltinA Card 5/5 xkwov I Tu. S., PASy1mv, V.v In regard to the article "Terminoloig In tM field of transistor electronics".- Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; radlotekh. 2 no.6:750-751 N-D 159. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Kafedra dielektrikov I poluprovodniko Leningradskogo alektrotekhmicheskogo Instituta imeni V.r. Ullyanova (Lenina). (Mrwip i i4 torm-Te rmi no lopy) (Agakhantan, T.14.) (Kononov, B.N.) (Stepanenko. !.P.) . too PTIASE T BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/556() Osipov, KDnstantin Dmitriyevich, anI Vsevolod Vladimirovich Pa3ynkov Sprav~-,r,,hnik po radiotzmeritellnym -riboram. eh. -2: Pribory dlya lzmerenlya chastoty I lzmerltellny-' e [zoneratory (Manual on Radio Meas~irlng Devices. t 2: Frequency. Measurlnj Dovlces -ind Measuring Generators~ M-Oscow, Izd-vo "Sovetskoye radio," 1960. 203 p. No. of copies printed not given. Ed. (TItle page): G. A. Remez; Eds.: N. A. Kochetkova and Yu. I. Sukhanov; Tech. Ed'.: B. V. Smurov. PURPOSE : This manual is intended for technical personnal engaged in the development, operation, or maintenance of radio engineer- ing and radio measuring equipment. COVERAGE: This part of the manual contains information on reso- nance and heterodyne frequency meters and measuring oscillators (1-f oscillators, signal generators, and standard signal gener- ators). The description of each instrument COPSISt3 Of' thO C a r d-14- ManU,al on Pa(llo Measuring (Cont. ) SOV/556--) following sections: p,-irpose and field of application, basic technical characteristics, a brief de3cription of circuit a-A principle of operation, operating set of changeable components, and list of additional parts. Moreover, the manual includes a description of the external shape and the schematic diagram of each instrument, as well as block diagrams of comp!~~( levIces. The aut~-,ors than!,: V. G. Dubenetskiy and V. N. Sretenski,V for their alvice. There are no references. TA,BLF QT-_ CONTENTS: Introdu-tion Ch. L 1rstraments for Frequency Measurements General information ICh - 5, ICh - 5A frequency meter 17 ICh - 6 frequency meter 9 Resonarce wavemeter 513 UVR (Lr-P-I, TTVR-II)microwave resonance wavemeter VMT-1 Low-precision wavemete., J)j C arlt-2/5 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5058 Bogoroditskiy, N. P., and V. V. Fasynkov, eds. Spravochnik po elektrotekhnicheskim materialam. V dvukh tomakh. t. 2; Magnitnyye, provodnikovyye, poluprovodnikovyye I drugiye materlaly (Handbook on Electrical Engineering Materials. In two volumes. V01. 2; Magnetic, Conducting, Semiconducting, and Other Materials) Moscow, Gosenergoizdat, 1960. 511 p. Errata slip Inserted. 30,000 copies printed. Eds. of Handbook: K. A. Andrianov, N. P. Bogoroditskly, Yu. V. Koritskly, V. V. Pasynkov, and B. M. Tareyev; Eds. (This vol.):. N. P. Bogoroditskiy and V. V. PaBynkov; Tech. Ed.: Ye. M . Soboleva. PURPOSE: This handbook Is intended for technical personnel of elec- trical and radio engineering establishments, power stations and subBt&tions, electric repair shops, laboratories, and scientific research institutes. Handbook on Electrical Engineering (Cont.) SOV/5058 PART II. CONDUCTING METALLIC MATERIALS AND ELECTRICAL CARBON Ch. XII. Claselfication and Properties of Solid Condue- tors of Electric Current (V. V. Pasynkov) 1. Classification 117 2. Basic properties 117 3. Summary tables of miscellaneous metals' characteristics 121 Ch. XIII. High Conductivity Materials (V. V. Pasynkov) 1. Copper 122 2. Aluminum 133 3. Steel wire and ferroaluminum cables 138 Ch. XIV. Copper and Aluminum Alloys (V. V. Pasynkov) 1. Bronze 140 2. Brass 154 3. Aluminum alloys 169 6"d-" Handbook on Electrical Engineering (Cont.) SOV/5058 3. Bases of manufacturing processes and types of thermoresistors 394 4. Values characterizing properties of thermoresistors 395 5. Some problems of practical application of thermoresistors 396 6. Soviet-produced thermores1stors 397 Ch. XXVII. Nonlinear Resistors Based on Silicon Carbide (Z. F. Vorobey and V. V. Pasynkov) I General information on non llned-rr-e-al:ttors 400 2. Properties of silicon carbide 401 3. Bases of the manufacturing processes of nonlinear resistors 404 4. Properties and application of nonlinear resistors 405 Bibliography to Part 111 160 references: 46 Soviet, 9 English, 1 French, and 4 German] 408 Ca?"5A,q~. Handbook on Electrical Engineering (Cont.) SOV/5058 5. Carbon electrodesfor welding 289 6. Carbon electrodes for illumination 290 7. Carbon electrodes for galvanic cells 294 8. Carbon products for communications equipment 295 9. Electrical carbon products (for electric vacuum and gas-discharge devices) 298 10. Brushes for electric machinery 300 11. Miscellaneous carbon products 314 Bibliography to Part 11 (94 references: 64 Soviet, 23 English, 5 German, 1 Czech, and I French] 317 PART III. SEMICONDUCTOR MATERIALS AND PRODUCTS Ch. XXII. Basic Information on Semiconductors (V.V. Pasynkov) 1. Introduction 319 2. Ideas on the mechanism of electric conductivity 320 CMT-1VV9- BXRBZIN, Boris Mikhaylovich-, PASYNXOV, V.T.. prof., doktor tekhn.nauk. otvored.; VARKOV3?S6AYX-,-X'.f.,iqr.-; TSAL, R.K., (Katerials for electricians in shipbuilding] Katerialovedenie dlia elektrikov-sudoetroitelei. Leningrad, Gos.adutnoe izd-vo sudostroit.promyshl., 1960. 212 p. (MIRA 13:5) (Shipbailding-Sapplies) Ollectricity on ships) 11A VIP Lill 1, X I f, 0, E4 I ~N Lit K 1.1. M,32-2 -III i ; : r--j C th. t.,.j I. t1t,. ,_-I y I.P, 11 f ;n- !p.1 2 bj .. .. P - : --.. -7., JI.- of .d I ..f.- C'sitaim. -i -f tl~, of %b. It of- a. dA.1.-tr!- 1t_s. cf ~th- ;4;-" p:oa,,toj t its -af-mr- d-limc w4tt ;,I,. N. ltb- kA r~ Sof ~r~iflc Ind-, tive C,;--t-o -1 Diel-tria Lo3so. of 5- Vw- Ll-tr!~ n-d. t R~,t In -,. sit-i- PtLy.I,-. _a 23 -%sca-den 17 ZLLL==X.-Lj~ on th., f I- st4tic sp~lfl, Ind-tiv, -- of EsLompao-s Diol~trj_m Vcr--u.ztxxiy ,I se-botr4yo .. Zyy ~xtit.I T-h Avl-at-, Y9 of Do~jo LjjWJ Systm= is th, P-71 - , AWI. D-1-triz rmporLiOA of Hst- oa-ao c 'Up. 'Eigh 65 -Y L3 (lost. I of air) M.I.-I.- C-;,.-d, A3 , C&M. :jn-m-3-X CL-t-istt, Ic saA t,6 td f - 6- A s mps~ La ;Iatlaa to t" rMportl's f I"- C---,-t. fF.D.r 1-1) ' "ArOtic-l"Y )tl.z- P-r _~ - I.- oil 97 105 T.t Przbl.- ~f tb. Dy--., Tb-r ~f Th.,,aol pb., It. T ;145 TI.T , of Dior 1. last"a La. V.1. Ully- ~Iazlna) (LAZIncrLd El~t~t,ttju-l In'titu.., *1 C-11 ".-tor. 1- - r 1 q i I e __ r - .o - .tl,. v-. 1. sp. to Torp-staxe rvastitato of fligt kolo,ular C.M;Q-10, Ata-!,Ity of :=, L.."Crodl 132 T.S -d !.? Fh.t-l. trot 1 .C.PhL. f Cr~ -4- : 1-vwzy, ua-v f 139 Gb4tx. A.3. -4 Ch.,C. St.bUIII of - - t8 F.S. Lobd-, AS J:ZR, Y,..- f?*T- 81-356 S/18 60/002/03/10/028 q 2 loo Boo6YBO17 AUTHORS: -Pasy!ikp,v, V. V., Kholuyanov, G. F., Chirkin, L. K.- TITLE: Dynamic Current-voltage Characteristics of Silicon Carbide Resistors / Ir PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 3, PP. 434-437 TEXT: In recent times, the number of low-voltage nonlinear silicon carbide resistors has widely increased; the2maximum current densities in these apparatus do not exceed 1 - 2 a/cm . Basing on the same principle the authors produced resistors from green and black silicon carbide, and investigated their dynamic current-voltage characteristics at low current densities by means of an apparatus the circuit of which is shown in Fig. 2. The current-voltago oharactoriotice show easential deviatione from the ordinary ones (Fig. 1). Figs. 3a and 3b show typical Aynamic characteristics of resistors of green silicon carbide (sample thickness; 1-5 mm, area: 75 mm 2; natural capacitance: 30 Pf),~ The oscillograms wore recorded with pulso durations of 30 and 20 psec (pulse Card 1/3 81356 Dynamic Current-voltage Characteristics of S1181,6010021031101028 Silicon Carbide Resistors B006YB017 height: 138 v). The hysteresis of the characteristics is a result of the natural capacitance of the nonlinear resistor. The succession of the branches of the hysteresis loop was determined by charging and dis- charging the capacitance of the samples. The hysteresis loop in the initial part of the current-voltage characteristic widened with increasing steepness of the pulse fronts. At low current densities, the micraheatings of the contacts between the crystals had no essential influence on the nonlinearity of the resistors. With increasing voltage the resistance of the samples decreases, the influence of natural capacitance decreases as well, and the dynamic current-voltage characteristic approaches the static one. The capacitance of the non- linear resistors of black and green silicon carbide does not vary within the frequency range 50 kc/a - 25 Me/a. The dielectric constant of a non- homogeneous resistor material raises the natural dielectric constant of silicon carbide considerably, This phenomenon is connected with the presence of polarizations within the layerv of a non-homogoneous matorial. The capacitance of the nonlinear resistors does not depend on the constant displacement voltages. There are 4 figures and 6 references: Card 2/3 Dynanic Current-voltage Characteristics of Silicon Carbide Resistors 2 Soviet, 2 French, 1 Swiss, and I German. ASSOCIATION: U11yanova (Lenina) (Leningrad imeni V. I. Ullyanov (Lenin)) SUBMITTED: May 11, 1959 8156 S/18 60 002/03/10/028 B006YB017 ectrosecnnical institute q1 Card 3/3 FASVIKOV, V., lnzh. A pamphlet on achievements in radioelectronics. Prof.-tekh.obr. 17 no.6:28 is 160. (MIRA 13:7) (Rlectronic apparatus and appliances) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION S07/5389 BogoroditBkiy, Nikolay Petrovich, and Vladimir VaBillyevich Pasynkov Materialy v radioelektronike (Materials in Radio Electronics) Moscow, Gosenergoizdat, 1961. 352 p. 45,000 copies printed. Ed.: Ya. I. Panova, Candidate of Technical Sciences; Tech. Ed.: Ye. M. Soboleva. PURPOSE: This book has been approved by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education, RSFSR, as a textbook for radio engineering schools of higher education and university divisions. It may be also useful to technical personnel en- gaged in radio electronics. COVERAGE: The book presents the principles of the phenomena occurring in insulating, semiconductor, conductor, and mag- netic radiotechnical materials. Their electrical properties, especially at elevated and high frequencies, and their Card--2-/,6 Materials In Radio Electronics SOV/5389 phyeicochemical and mechanical characteristics are described. The production technology of numerous radlotechnical materials and their use In the manufacture of articles and components used in radio engineering are briefly examined. The authors thank the following persons: D. N, Nasledov, Professor, Head of the Department of Physics of the Leningradskiy poli- tekhnicheskiy institut im. M. I. Kalinina (Leningrad Poly- technical Institute imeni M. I. Kalinin); A. N. Tekuchev, Professor, head of the committee of teachers of the Ryazanskly radiotekhnicheskiy Institut (Ryazan' Institute of Radio En- gineering).,who reviewed the book; and 0. 1. Panteleyeva, who helped with the manuscript. There are 25 references, all Soviet 'Including 2 translations). TABLE OF CONTENTS: Designations of Basic Quantities Adopted in This Book 7 Introduction Card 2/6- BOGORODITSKIY, Nikolay Petrovich; PASYNKOV. Vladimiz- Vasilly!DyUh; TAFMEV# Boris Mikhaylovich doktor tekhn.naukp prof., red.j ZHITHINOVAp 0,S,g (Electric engineering materials] Elgktrotekbnicheskis materia4. Izd.4.9 perer. Moskva, Gos.energ.izd-vo, 1961. 528 p. (MIRA 24:6) 1. Zaveduyushchly kafedroy elektroizolyatsionnoy i kabelInvy tekhniki Leningradskogo politekhnicheskogo instituta Im. H.I.Kalinina (for Rezine). (Electric engineering-Materialo) ACC NR: Ar-1003643 SOURCE CODE: UR/0020/67/172/001/OckWCOM AUTHOR: Volokobins),iy, Yu. M. Lototskiy, B. Yu.; Pasynkov, V. V.; Chirkin, L. K. ORG: none TITLE: 1hermal processes in thin films SOURCE: AN SSSH. Doklady, v. 172, no. 1, 1967, 85-86 TOPIC TAGS: semiconducting film, dielectric coating, volt ampere characteristic, thermal ef f ect ABSTRACT: The authors show that in thin semiconductor and dielectric filins, local inhomogeneities of the thermal properties can play in important role and lead in a number of cases to S-shaped or N-shaped volt-ampere characteristics. The effect of thermal inertia of homogeneous semiconductor and dielectric films operated at alter- nating current on the volt-ampere characteristics is analyzed by expanding in Fourier series the heat flow and the temperature variation in both the film and substrate. 7he effect of substrate thickness is discussed. The results show that homogeneous flili7,s deposited on thick substrates have a larger thermal inertia and even at low frequencies the temperature of the film lags the changes in the heat -release. It is shown that materials in which the conductivity decreases with tempera-.ure in a certain temperature interval cannot be analyzed by the same procedure a~, a uniform film. Some experimental results confirming the analysis are presented for A1~03 films. This re- port -was presented by AcademiciLn B. P. Konstantinov 10 March 196~. Orig. art. has: 5;7,. Card 1/2 UDC: 539.2i6.22'y539.216.2 I ACC NR' AE7003648 12 figures and 16 formulas. I iSUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: C)3Feb66/ OTH REF: 002 Card RALONS, Yu.N, , PA-SYNKOV . V,V ~ I - ~o,w~vo-l tage thin-,l'-,-`.m ~. In e a -- fiezuclnt.!~. Tzv~ vTs, uoneb. zar., prlb, 3 1V . (KIRA 1d:-' . Lwilngrad--k-'y '.rvLitut. - 1 n v lmem~ 3 ~Yft c a ,'Lenina,~. Re.Koitendc-ana *Kaf,-J7-c,,- i polvprovodn'~-,~-~, KUPIMSM.. Anatoliy I-van-v'--,b; YUDIIN, Vladimix Vasiltyevich; ALFEROV, Zh.1.0 kand. tekbn. nauk., retsenzent; 1,111TROFAIN011. V.V., irtzh., retBonzent; PASYNKOV, V.V... I prof., dcktor tek-lin. na-ak, nauchn. red,;'-CllFAS," M.A.P rt-d.-, YVOCHKINA, G.F., red. (Te~hnol-'.,,-v of the mamifacture of semiconductor devices] 'rekhnf;,',.giia prulzvodst-va poluprovodnikovykh priborov. Leningrad, Sudostroenle, 1965. 247 p. (PIRA 18:8) L 440-66 E .1 PA (a) -21EWT (N)JEWP (t)/rZWP (b) IJV (c) JDIWWIJG P.&MSSION IM: AP9DW63 UR/0053165/019/OD2/0281/0283 S7 AUMCM: - qplovkinaj -2., ID.-nt!?T~M# Ve Vs; Mmina, G* N.. im-yonage electrolusineseence or t~a~r~iea us-cu,. Ym., Cl films In a dc fieU I9/j (ly/9' SOURCE%, Optika I spektroskopipp v. 19p no. 2j, 10% 281-283 TOPIC TAGS: electroluninexcence,, d ebaracteristiej, optic bri&tness _!~ Wdoc Found optic materialp luninor,, volt ampere ABSTRACT: The authors obtained thin-filn(~ specimens which became electroluminescent In a iow-voitage ac field by eva--- poratin-g--the ready-made Elr580 electroluminor in vacuum (--5 x .10-5 = Hg) on a heated glass SUbstrate with SnQ2 layer. The construe- tion of -the resultant liudum film Is abom in Fig. I of the Enclosure,, which in- cludes the voltaz pere and voltage-mbrigbtness dbaracteristics. The over-all film tbic3mess was _i--5 p9 The voltmawpere ebaracteristics were measured by a stwulard .,technique. 7he brigbtness was measured with a selenba ybotocelle The specimens , produced could be divided Into. two groups., one or which (1) became electrolumines- -cent when the alvainum electrode was positive., and the otber (n) became electro- Ivnineseent with both negative and positive polwitys The groups differed In C,,d l/.3 L 5440-66 ACMSTCOW MR: AP5019763 brightness,, voltage required to produce lirminescencep current-carrying capacity, aging,, emission Intensity., and other characteristics 9 All these effects can be related to ebwees In the electrical resistance and MOmess of the dielectric Uyer betvaen , tbe. electrode and the luminore Most promising from the point of view of practical appIlcations In operation with negative polarity an the metallic elec- trode. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. ASSOCIATIONs none SuRaTM: 03JUD" JMLs 01 on CMIS OP M MW SOV: 001 OTIM: 001 L 5440-66 AC=1ON NE: AP5019763 V 0 W .Pip Ap 4V fit, ENCWBURE: 01 Fig. 1. Volt-ampere and voltage im.49 Va. brightness characteristics of electroluninescent thin films after 3 hours' operation at the highest voltage and at a given wi polarity. The structure of the film is shown In the lower right 20%4, corner of the figure. 1 - Class substrate, 2 - conducting layer, 3 - evaporated electroluminor, - Insulating 810 layer, aluminum electrode. IT EEG ET E _e -.111 ICCESSION HR:-AR5000577 3027 64/000/609/W!6/ -1 8 .142.6 j -3 6 SOURM Refs M. Avtomat. telemakh, ivychisl. tekhn.1SY..t., Abs. 9B11,r, AUTHOR: Korovit2!~X, S. L.; pap .11Mhov, V. V.; Pavel'yov, G. A. TITLE: Investigation of the effect of temperature on the current-voltage characteristics of varistors i ,ptended for computing equipment CITED SOURCE: Izv. Leningr. elektrotekhn. in-ta VYP- 53, -1964, 301-307 TOPIC TAGS: varistor, nonlinear semiconductor resistor, semiconductor, current voltage characteristic, computer TWISIATIMN:-In-uBing-the nonlinear.semiconductor resistors (varistors) as-voltage I- function generators in the.computing equipment, it is necessary that the error of -1reproduction-of the function in question be independent of-ambient temperature variation. Tne-effect of temperature on the current-voltage characteristics of a silicon-carbide varistor, in a working range of +20 +800, has been investigated; this-range is necessary for correct selection of the temperature-compennation method. To characterite the temperature effect on the varlator conductivity, a temperature coefficient of recistance kr Or a temperature coefficient! '~T Card L 57603-65 AGCWSION-NR'.--AR-5000577-------------- of*current 1~, are introduced; here, krs' ki or U a const (U Is the" DT t applied voltage, r,4 is the static resistance Specimns of-three types _2, NPS~_-30:j 3j- -70-1-2--,9 were measured by m9ans of a PFTV-1-V RPS-4-5- -2 , and NPS i)atentloinet - an-M-19 rkas -lance indicator-(C----4x1O 9,-,p NA~OM~eter -used-as a-ba per one division). The outfit has a current error of 10-8 amp-and a voltage error i The specimens wore held in a thermostat having an error of o.10. The measured current-voltage characteristics permit to state.that the variation of T the varistor temperature results not only in an increased conductivity of the silicon-carbide but also causes a variation in the nonlinearity coefficient of the 11 varistor. Conaidering that the varistor nonlinearity mechanism is due to (a) the i phenomenon of closure of contact gaps between the grains as the applied voltage i inereases,(b) microheating of the contact points between the grains which facilitates the electron eitission, (c) rease In the conductance of contact layer and their.partial breakdown, and rd~ nonlinearity of p-n junction conduc- tance at the grain contacts, it is assumod that, with a temperature rise caused by the-inequality between the thermal expansion coefficient of silicon. carbide 7.xiO--s per degree 0) and that of ultraporcolain5,_r.-x1O-G per degree 0), Internal mechanical euresses may appoar in the varistor Which may change the c~ )nd~ -diecovered-depandence-of-the noydinearity tions of contact between the grains. The ]sit 6_3644-6 AUTHOR, Balodis, Yu. N.; Pasynkov, V. V. TITLE., Low-voltage thin---film pbnllnear --elements SOU'RCE: IVUZ. Priborost oyAiye,'v. 8. no. 3, 1965, 11-16 iToPIC TAGS: thin film nonlinear element, silicon film,.symmetric thin film, low Ivoltage nonlinear element ABSTRACT: G. Gass shoved (Z. anorg. Chem., 1948, B 25T, S. 166)-that thin amorphous films can be obtained by vacuum condensation of Si vapor onto cold glass supports. By sandwiching such films between thin aluminum strips the authors prodrtced thin non- linear elements whose static voltampere characteristics were symmetrical.. Produc- Ition proa6dures, the dependence of the nonlinearity coefficient on the applied voltage, and the dynamic - characteristics of samples at frequencies of 50-20,000 cps -,are also given., Similar synmetric devices were studied by C. Feldman (],?Iecbroni^-s,. 2 formulas anCL 3 figureq, 1.1964 j -v ,3T no - 4) Or1g,_ art, -has. Card-J-42_ nc.3: 41 L (2 Kiln n s 1jer, na . '0 HOV 1':~ KI Y, L. ; ; "IL"', - 31 mull a t i c,n c, e x: c,n~ non line a- or r3. no., 1. Len; iv I~Iekt-r~ 7ntlrll', ;j;*Yb.-, Uy--nina n:- I C) r c ACCESSION NR: AP4037466 S/0146/641007/002/0074/0081 'AUTHOR: Korovitakiy, S. L.-,' Pasy*nkov, V. V. TITLE: Simulation of exponential and logarithmic functions by nonlinear semiconductor resistors SOURCE: IVUZ. PriborostroyeniVe, v. 7. no. 2, 1964, 74-81 TOPIC TAGS: function. exponential function, loga-rithmic function, function simulation, function simulation by varistors ABSTRACT: The theory of a semiconductor -type exponentiM -function generator and its experimental verification are reported. The current-voltage characteris- tic of a silicon-carbide nonlinear resistor is described by: i a a. a irv U, where is the weak-field electric conductivity and b is a nonlinearity -characte rising constant. The parallel connection of nonlinear and linear resistors proved to possess the required exponential -function characteristic i a ka"O * A numerico Card 1/3 ;ACCESSION NR: AP40 37466 calculation of the exponential -function generator is supplied. Experimental verification was conducted on a hookup whose simplified circuit is shmm in Enclosure 1. By inserting the above generator into the feedback circuit of a computing amplifier, a logarithmic -function generator may be obtained. Orig 'art. ham: 4 figures, 9 formulas, and 4 tables. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy elektrotakhnicheakiy institut im. V. 1. Lenina (Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute) SUBMITTED: 3lOct63 DATE ACQ: 05jun64 ENGL: 0 1 SUB CODE: EC NO REF SOV: 005 OTHER% 000 Card ACCESSION KRs AP4037466 NV V in lit outpu UAW A simplified connection diagram of an exponential-function generator NSR - nonline'ar semiconductor resistorl DCA - d-c amplifier U0 - bias voltage R2 - operating point setting resistor Card V3 INCLOSIME BDGCRODITSKIY, Nikolay Petrovich; KALIM114S, Natan Vladimirovich; IIM!AN, Moisey Isakovicb; FOVAY-OVA, Natallya Lavrent&yevm; ROMBEFG, Boris Abovich; SALIT?A, Dmitriy BorisoNrich; AFAIIASIYEVA, Margarita Alekne.-ndrovna; FRIDBERG, Illariy Dmitriyevich; Prinimala uchastiye MUDROMUBOVA, L.P.; P4S714KOV, V.V., red.; ZHITNIKOVA, O.S., tekhn. red. [Ceramic materials in radio encineering] Hadiokeramika. Mo- skva, Gosenergoizdat, 1963. 553 p. (MIRA 16:12) (Radio-Equipment and supplk s) (Electric engineering-41aterials) (Ceramic materials) GAYMSH, Ye.A-.; DROZDOV, N.G.; MWSTROPIIEV, K.S.; KAZARIZOVSKIY, D.M.; IEMAN,, L.R.; FAS jM[,_V.V.; FRIVEZE11TSEV, V.A.; MJIF,, V.T.; TAREYEV, B.I.I. N.P. Dogoroditakii; on his sixtieth birthday and the thirty-fifth anniversary of his theoretical and educational work. Elektricheatvo no.7:87-88 Jl 162. (141RA 15:7) (BogoroditBkii, Nikolai Petrovich, 1902-) ~L 299t.)2-65 EWT(m)/EWP(t)/EWP(b) IJF'(C) JD/JG ACCESSION NRt AP5005886 S/0020/651160/00310578/05tll 5AUT110-Rt Dogorodi tskiX N.P.; Pasyl!kov, V.V. RI a1 tak Bnsili; R n9 i I __ Vo-loko-binski YU. M Wv . zi ' -TITLEv -~ Electrical p ropertie.9 of-oxides of rare-earth elements SOURCH AN SSSR. Doklndy, v. 160 no. 3 1965 8-581 57 . , , 0 _.-._..ToPrC TAGSt rare earth element. rnre earth element oxide, electrical -property, electrical remigttvity, electrical conductivitv logs tnnPvnt, dielectric constant, optical dielectric permittivity The clectricnl properties of oxides of rare-earth elenents M r-e)ha've been investigated at temperatures up to 1300C The temrera- . -ture dependence of resistivity (see Fig. I of the Enclosure) shnved 'that Tb203 and Pr02 are lemiconductors , wh ile other r-e oxides can 1-e classed as dielectrics. All r-e oxidee have electron canductivitv, M-5 Ion conductivity constituten less than 0.25' of the total conductivit,. The room te perature dielectric constant(E) Of Gd20 ()i and Yb , 110203 , , 1 ~s Independent of the frequency in the 50-kc to 30-ac requency ranpe, A (Ij -1/3 ;_4 d R il 2902-65 -~'ACCESSTON NRs'--APSOO5886 dfikis verj'.-.,i11Abtly in th 20-300C A range at a frequency of 1 me, 20,--30)C the e rat ure coefficient of c for lto201 in practically 'zero, wh i ch Oakes U0203 tuitable for making capacitorg with stabl*, properties. Vb2O3 annearn to be h li kelv material fer making thtn-fi 1- nonlinear elamentq. Tt hao R cubic structure, in atable, nnd dnt~:t undergc pha9e trans for-nn ~i ning ijlclj~ h eattrip. In air up to the r-.,e It temperature. Metallic Y~~ thr~ In wez~, and va-,or1z,-.t I t em n e r z t u r P s(824 Prid 1 (.? ', !ic r --,, ne t Ala , w'Atr~ unke most sul. table- for mak tnR thin f i, lv!s by var,jum ev aDorat inn zinc, u quent cAidation. 0 r f q s ari -1 4 t n 1) 1 'ASSOC1tjION.--, Leningradskiv elektrotekhnicheskiy inatitut im, v . -JLI'Yan Elect rotechni cal Institute ) SUBYITI'ED: OlAug64 ENCL 01 NO REF SOV: 001 OTHER, 001 Card 2/3 SUB CODE! ATD PPESS0195 UCRSSION NRI AP5005886 ENCLOSU RE: 01 rig. Tg mparature dependence of resi stivity , Lu,0'3; 2:~- 2 0 33a Tu o3; 2 3b Gd2o; 4 - Dyi03; 5'- Yb2O3; 110203*, 7- La203; 8 - CC02; 9 Sm 03,, 9 10 Ild203; 11 EU203; 12 T 20 3: 13 Pr02' PRI. alp PASYNKOV, V. V., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; CHIRKIN, L. K., kand. --t-e-Idin-7. - nauk Third Interunivervity Conference on Present Dielectrics and Semiconductors Technology. Izv. LETI 59 no.46, 348-350 162. (MIRA 15:10) (Dialeetrice-Congresses) (Semiconductore-Congresses) s/o58/62/ooo/Oi1/o48/061 A160/A1101 AUTHORS: Pasynkov, V. V., ChIrkin, L. K. TITLE: The Third Inter-University Conference on the Present 7tate of Di- electric and Semiconductor Engineering, 13 - 18 June '()60 PERIODICAL: Ref*erativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 11, 1962, 1, abstract Leningr. elektrotekhn. In-ta", no. 46, 1961, 3116 - 350) T7FD(T: The Third Inter-University Conference on the Present ,~tatr -,,' D,' - electric and Semiconductor Yngineering was held in LETI from 13 to 18 June The conference heard and discussed 178 reports. A total of 1,249 persons, repre- sentatives of 34 towns of' the U33R and of the east-bloc countries participat-i In It. It Is noted that side-by-side with grqat achievements In the work of higher educational Institutions on dielectrics and semiconductors, there are se- rious deficiencies, especially inadequate work done by higher educational insti- tutions in the field of ferrite application. Mentioned in the conference resolu- tion was the necessity to Increase scientific research work, especially In thp field of heat-resisting insulation, inorganic polymers, organic Card 1/2 ,;A', ~ / 1 ~, The Third Inter-UnivPrsItY 't_,nfc-r-n,- ~-. the ... A I C"Y;/ A I (j. highly-resistant aiaterial-,, the r-liability c~ semiconductor Iev! e~i, irg! . ing their stability and temperature worK range. The conference deci~lf-(~ * : - - mend that the Fourth ConferencP be balled for 1962. L. sh. [Abstracter's note: Complete translationIj Card 2/2 CKUNEV Yuriy Timofeyevich; 9 - Z'"; FREGER D. P. , red. i BEi~GUWVA, I.A., tekhr. red. [Nonlinear semiconductor resistors (varistoTs)] Nelineinye poluprovodnikovye soprotivleniia (varistory). Leningrad, Leningr. don nauchno-tekhn. propapandy, 1963. 34 p. (Serile: "Poluprovodniki," no.11) (MIRA 16:il) (Semiconductors) (Eiectric resistors) FASKNKOV- YA-T- SOROKOUMOV, V.N. (~Laskva) Niels Finser (100th aw4vereary of his birth). Vop. kurep fizioter. i lech. fiz. kul't. 26 no.5:473-474 S-0 161. (HIRA 14:11) (FINSMf NIELS RIJBERG, 1860-1904) PASYIIXOV Ye .1 -1 [Textboolc on physical therapy] Uchebnik fizioterepit, goakra, HoUis, 1957. 291 p. (MMA 11:6) (PHYSIGAL THBRAFf) PIONTKOVSKIY, I.n., professor, redektor; ANIKIN. M.N., doteent, redaktor; VARSHATER, G.S., doteent, redektor; MAIIKOV, M.Ye.' starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik, redaktor; OBROSOV., professor, redaktor; hiSYNKOV, Ye.l., professor, redaktor. [Problems of physiotherapy; Joint-plenum of the administration of the All-Union Society of Physiotherapists and the Scientific Council of the State Physiotherapy Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Health of the R.S.F.S.R.] Voprosy fiziotgrapii; ob"edinennyi plenum pravleniia Vaesoiuznogo obahchastva fizio- terapevtov i uchenogo soveta Gosudaretvennogo nauchno-iseledo- vatellskogo institute fizioterapti Ministerstva zdravookhrane- niia RSFSR. Moskva, 29 Uunia- 2 iiulia 1951 9. Moskva, Medgiz, 195). 239 P. (MIaA 7:2) 1. Vaesoyuznoye obahchestva fizioterapevtov. (Physical therapy) MYNKOV,Ye.I.; RUBIB,I.R.; GIASKO,11.M.. redaktor; GWXHOYED(NA,G.A.. redaktor [General physical therapy; brief course) Obahchaia fizioteraptia; kratkii kurs. Tad-3-e. Moskva, Goe.izd-vo meditainskot lit-ry. 1955. 253 P. (MIRA 9:2) (PHYSICAL THERAPY) PASYBKOV, Ye. I.; FMILIN, T. V.; YA~M, I. A.; FIDRUS, I. Yu. "Penicillin in ProPhYlactics of Suppuration of Postoperative Wounds," Voyenno-Med. Zhur., No. 6, P. 32, 1955. FASYNKOV, Yefim lzrailevich. Prinimal uchastiye SHMWEVSKIY, S.M., ciots.; FMIKOV, M.Ye., red.; ZUYEVA, N.K.,, tekbno red, [General pbysiotherapy) Obshchaia fizioterapiiaim,moskva, Medgiz) 1962. 350 P. RA 15:3) (PHYSICAL THEUPY) PASYNKOV 14 -via. Prinimal-I uchastlyp: SffAfrhAYF:VSk'JY , _L -IzLai-le A I ____j Y P f ET. . P, dot--. ; F."LSILOV, ?. N. ,kanc . ned . rauy ; X -11" " Y' ',~ I M.Ye. , red. [Fhysiotherapy) Fizioterapiia. Iza.2. Xloskva, Nluditsiwi, 1966. 310 P. 19:1) ObliGSOV) A.H.; VIROGR&DOV, V.D.; PASMOV, Ye.N. I.A.Piontkovskii.,fizioter. i loch. fiz. kullt. 27 no.5:468-469 S-0163. (141hA 16.9) (PIONTKOVSKII, IGOR' AIMMVICHP 1902 - SELITSKAYAp T.S.; PASMOVAq I,Ye, Working conditions of personnel operating closed radioactive sources in medical institutions., Mod,rad. 5 i2o,2t66-72 F 160. (MIRA 13t12) (RADIATION PROTECTION) I I I I K. N. "Tho Problem of the 7unctiora-' ~;onditi-:n of the *:e-vous C-~ , Patients." 3and Led Sc4-, First rledical inst, Len-ir~gz,aJ, 1;,~). (R'Z!-,BioI, NO 7, Apr 55 SO: SUM. No 704, ?- Nov ~'5 - ~,urvey ol' -cierti!ic and Teclt-,nical Defended at US,"" Hi;,her --ducational InstI.tutions (16~. PAMMKOVA, K.N., Use of a now Soviet cholagigic substance oxa,--hen&mide in the compound treatment of cholecystitis. Terap.arkh. no.7:82-84 Jl 162. (Mix, 151:0 1. Iz kafedry fakulltetskoy terapii (zav. - prof. B.P. Kushelev-- skiy) Sverdlovskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (SALICYLAMIDE) (GALL BLADDER-DISEASFZ) _4& PASBKOU, KJI., Use of a new Soviet cholagigic substance azaFhenamide in the compound treatment of cholecystitio. Terap.arkh. no.7a82-64 Ji 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Iz kafedry fakulltatskoy torapii (zav. - prof, D.P. Kiialialev. skiy) Sverdlovskogo meditsinakogo inatituta. (SALIC;YI&IIDE) (GALL BLADDER--.DISEASES) KUSBEISVSKIT, B.P., zasluzhennyy doyatell nauki, prof.; PAS)VK,OVA, KJI., nauk (Sverdlovsk) Botkin's cholecysto-coronary syndrome. Klin. mod. 41 no.7t 9-12 J1163 (MIPJi 161l2) 1. Iz klJjiiki fakulltetskoy tortipil Svordlovskaga gosudarstran- nogo moditainskogo institutae IMHEW.SKIY, B.P., prof.; PASYNKOVA, K.N.. OProblems in the rmthogenesis, clinical aspects, and treatment of rheumtic fever." RevIewed by B.P.Kushelovskit, K.N.Pasynkova. Sov.sed. 22 no.2:152-155 P 158. (MIRA 11:4) (RHELTK4TIC FEVER) KORYAGIN, G.A.; KRASNOIA, G.S.; tk ~~gQy~j ~J.; MAKHOV, D.S. Commui-leation workers di3cuss thel- work practices. Avto~7.0, telem. i sviazi 9 no.3:28 Mr 165. (MIRA 18:11) 1. Rabotniki Novosibirskoy dist-Intsli Zapadno-Slbirakoy dorogi. _n�PjQ~~ FRISH, V.A. (Sverdlovak); KUPRIN, M. letterB to the editor, Geog.v shkole 24 no.3:65-68 Vy-.Te 161. (MIRA 14: 5) 1. Nedryanskaya shkola Kiyevskiy oblasti (for Pasynok). 2. 14-ya g,. Kurgana (for Kuprin). (PhTsieal geograpby-Study anc'qA6a-0blpg) r~. , I A