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PASIC, H. Measuring the radioactivity of precipitation. p. 15. (Vasiona. Vol. 5. No. 1/2. Janj4une 1956. Beograd. YugoalaviA) SO: Monthly List of last European Accessions MAL) Lc. Vol. 6. No. 8. Aug 1957. Uncl. FASICv Ibro, dr. , Gardiac arrbytbmia, its etiology and therapy. Mod. arh. 16 no.l: 127-136 Ja-F '62. 1. Interno odjeljcnje opote bolnice Tuzla (Nacolnikt dr Ibro Pasic) (ARRHYTHMIA) ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY) jr2ror Crc ~,z;c!-; , .3 7,ora! S~,, lio,nth-l- List of -,'ao'. :"..n.), ean L(-,, Vol re - PAM:.. m. I)Geological aW Faunal Aspect of the Cerevicki Potolc and its I'low from tile Soi=,-cc., A~ rusl:a Gora" P. 165, (MCIRKIK RADOVA, Vol. 22, no. 4, 1952, Beograd, Yugoslavia) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, Library of Congress, Vol. 2, .__,R I-Xv.9 -CCONry 19.5.3, unclassified L. anrl )..T. %r'C.. E. "Strat:i~raph.ic-TectorJc '-gelatins- ~-.' t,.c Vlas,u I-olic Coal i.rca,~ as of tl;t.- Sononian llift Valicy in ~,--s,.ern 3orbiall -'o- - 33, 1 Deo-rad, Yu-:Usl--via) SO: ::ontnly 7 j.St of East '-uropcan Accessions, Vo'l 3, .o. 5, !.a,,,- rASICj, M. and Z. "Geolo:rical and Uneralogical Research in the Lnvirons of the Village of C' Veluce, Southeast of Trstenik, with Special Erphasis on the "ppearance of Oreft 1,--53 (MORITIR RADOVAP Vol. 22, no. 4, 1952, Beograd, Yugoslavia) SO: lionthly List of East Eurman Accessions, Library of Congress, Vol. 2, ME 10 October, 1953, Unclassified F:' ~. 13 1 1, 1 Z , nj . D. Pa ich: "D-?t-,-!ii!n,-.ti-n of Triterpencid !%cids on raper %2,~' I ' : . I ."la 1- 5 6, , I ."iture, Vo-J . 1~:, , :o. ."11, 1:~ D. 7L-". Publinhe,l froi~i tio, ot' Eli F-c~il'~ , I .~n :~ 1" oc~ ',7. '~'o - -. nCdiC'L-l '" 10~ 4-1d. - r.a PASICHO E.-F.; ZHUKp L.N. The MP74H automatic vertical broaching na,chins. Biul.tekh.-elkon. infom.Goo.nauch.-isf;l.inst.nauch.1 tekh.inforn. no.l2t43-45 163. (MIRA 17-3) - - _I.; STASIEWSKA, K.; SZCZESNEOKA, B. W~CH Influence of antioxidants upon the change of color of some suppositories. Fa-,-macja Pol 18 no-14:331-333 25 Jl 162. 1, Laboratorium Badaveze Foananakich Zakladaw Farmaceutycznych Pol:a, Poznan DyreY+,or ZWadut mgr. L.Pawalozyk. --f- PO LXV D ,P !jICII, Jan, PRZADKA, Tadousz, and SMINSKA, Stanislziwa; ~L __ ResearcIT-L-aboratory (Laboratorium Badawczo) Poznan Phar-ma- ceutical Plants (Poznanskie Zaklady Farmaceutyczne) "Polfa," in Poznan (Director: Dr. J. PASICH) "Effect of Acidproof Stainless Stool Filings on Some tLntibi- otics in Suppositories. if Warsaw, Farmacja Polska, Vol 19, So 11-12, 25 Jul' 63, ;~p 243- 244 Abstract; 7he authors studied the effect of filin,,s oC trio ac-fil--pio-of stainless steel froni which containers are t,,)adle on the activity of chlorwnphenicol, chlortetracycline, and oxy- tetracycline in suppositories, and found it to be mini-nal, even under conditions which may be considered penuanont. Die steel used was of mark lHl3.V9T, oorrespondin~; to standard P.NT-60/ii-36020, and contained C - 0.15, S - 0.028, P - 0.020, An- 1.2, Si -0-70, Cr- 18.1, Ni - 9.9, and Ti -0.53 per cent. Findin-s are shoun in three tables. 9 refs; 7 Polis~~. and 2 Western. 1/1 FASICHO Jan Innuence of medical drugs upon the time of melting Iesupol M and G ~ Farmacja Pol 18 no.20:489-490 25 0 162. 1. Laboratorium Badawcze Poznanskich Zakladaw Farmaceuty--znych PcIfa, Poznan, Dyrektor Zakladu: mWr L.Pawelczyk. PASICE Jan- PHMKA Tadeuez p F 0 Coloriustrie deteruination of acid fuckwin In ointMDtg. CbeA 4=1 5 t0.5:809-813 '60. (Kw 10:9) 3.. Research Laboratory, Poznan Pharmaceutical Works "Chirurgofil", 1pom", (Colorimtry) (AcIda) (Fuchnin) (Ointmnts) RISICEM, A. M. (Ukr) see PASECEM, A. M. GJIUSHCHAK, M.O., inzh.; PASIC,HNI,Kj,*'I.I., inzh. Testing of the OVPT-500 turbine feed-pump unit. Teploenergetika 10 no.6:49-52 je '163. (WRA 16:7) 1. Yuzhnoyi"bideleniye Gosudarstvennogo tresta po organizataii i rat4~lizatsii rRyonnykh elektrostantsiy i setey. (Rimping machinery) AO FALIKOVSKIY, S.V. , imh.; ZAMUROV, in2h.; VIGAX, V.1-1. , inth.; YASKIMO 0 JI.B. , In2b.; BULYGIN,, Yu.G. . inzh.; -?MIPWK, .1. L, -inzh. Using strain gauges for a full scale investigation of the steam pipes of the 200 Mw unit. Teploenergetika 9 no,1:32-36 Ja 162. (MIRA 14:12) 1, Yuzbnoye otdoloniye Gosudilptvennogo tresta po organizatsii ratsionali2atsii elektrostantsiy. Steam piDes-Testing) ilere) M KONOZZINKO, Ivan Dmitriyevich, doktor tokhn.nauk; UA~C ft~ ~IK _ L, L. , k an d . flz.-maten.nauk,; VYADRO, Sh.Ta., red.; Z~~OVA. TOOL, [Atomic sources of electric current) Atomnl d2herela strumu. lyiv, 1961. 33 P. (Tovarystvo dlia posbyrannia politycbnykh I naukovykh xnan' Ukrainalkol Rn. Ser.6. no.18). (MIRA 15:2) (Atomic power plants) (Thermoelectricity) TIASICHNIKP L.L., kand.fi2.,qratem.n&uk 'zz Mom exeates aolar matteT. Naulm i zhyttia no.U.,32-34 R 16j. (MM 14:12) (Plaam (Ionized gasee)) PAS3LCHNIX, 111kolay Wtriyovieb [PosichnA. M.D.J: KIMOCHKIN, F,, red,-, -u-kh-n.-iod, (Telegraph] Telegraf. Kyiv, Dersh,vyd-vo tekhn.lit-ry UWR, 1958* 36 p. (MIRA 12:3) (Telegraph) -!kSICBNIK,-,F.P. (Pasichnyk, P.P.], kand. ekon. nauk; LUPKO, A.Ya.,, red. (Optimal sizes of livestock farmsj Optymallni rozmiry tvarynn.vtslkykh ferm. K~iv, Derzhailthospvydav IIRSR 1963. 134 p. (MTRA 17:121 CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Farm Animals. Swine. Q-4 Abe Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 14, 1958, No 64497 Author Pasienyj, A. Inst --'Not Lven Title On Gains and Nutrient Requirements in the Flattening of Pigs of theImproved White Breed. Orig Pub Nas chov, 1957, No. 18, .497-498 Abstract As a result of statistical processing of the data concerning 2,023 Pigs (initial weight 22 kg., dumtioa of fattening 154 days)p it was found that while the average daily gain was 562 g., the gains from 201 to 300 9. were shown by 1.5% of pigs, 301-400 g. by 6.8 g. 40.1-500 9. by 2o.4%, 501-6Do g. by 31.9%, 601-700 g. by 26%3 700-800 g. by ll%~ 801-900 g. by 1.5%. and 901-1,000 g. by 0.04% of pigs. With the average expense of 433 9. of digestible:protein per 1 kg. of gain, the requirement of protein varied within 290-610 g. Card 1/2 39 BORNOWSKIp Boguslaw; PASICH, Boxam -- The pharmacological aDd biological importance of threeterpeocids. FarmacJa Pol 18 no.3:49-54 Mr 162. 1. Katedra FarmakolMozji, Poznan. 14f ]A n orn r-~- r f-.;,C ru t!c a! p a - t C, f -r(1 1 -5 .'&k1adov re, a c u c r, Dirc:tor of r1nnt F1, to r ),a ~J cater T.'.-r! - 7YK , Pomin t(I f , ? r! j I C, . S Cp. n C r; c r e i T ir r r, f La q o 1 -1- ar.d a T-sa ~-, -'a r,,,a a In' Vn I "'n 2. 25 Gc-, I 4P,~-49r . b E t i-L, c t - La s v,, c s en ointment-st-ppository hase, comj,.,)Sed cf -,.-thallates anr hi-~her satur;-cd Fatty acids. Lpeoipol 7M hss 307' em-Aelfier vbtrr' L.111-ArCl ~-, haS Ofll--- L:rpC S I ' to ri c q ed !"I t~ theS e 2 bA 5 CS nnd t sor.,-afnitv~ any diff"ercr.t actfve- In-redients nelted In an nveraq(, M, IT. t 2 1 rnin 'i tt% 0 - I Z r 71C (I PASIGH, J,,,_;-STASI3WSKA, KrystYna; SZCZ~5111EVSKA, BogLmila Jri 7 -n SUPP00itr 00- Labeling Of bia=th, in,, arA ,Or,c acid i Pol 16 no.23:508-5()q D 161. Zakjady parraceuty=8 rihirurgof"' 1. Laborator&um Badawc2ev Po2naskie Poznan# Big 1- 235A~455 UG(b)oog /EPA (v)-2/rPUjk)/ZEWT(l)/J=(t) /EPA(# p)-2/-T/-VWA (a) a-2 P(~ All TZ 1-_-1 -.AC=1 3104 NRf AW46666 _7 S/0185/64/009/009/102 7/1030 L13 AUVORs Pasichny*k, 1. LO 49 TITUCt- Measurement of.the average energy losses of electrons In scatteringof tbel~lectron betid in pla=4 SOURM7 Ukrayins I ky*yf izy*chriy*y zhurnal, Y. 9. no. 9, 1964) 1027-1030 TAGSt electron beam energy losses, plammy electron scattering, bolometric -bo-lometric method -fvr 'iieasur6tent-of -enbr -losses ABSUAM A the- of~ the ilechron beam in a ]21 as= in anomalous scatter -is described. Experimental Fesui re given which show that at strong Interactions of the beam with the plaama, the-electron beam loses up to 20% of the initial eaergy. 7he strong intej%ction is accompanied by a con3iderAble broadening of the energy spectrun, and of excitation of plasma oscillations. "The author is grateful to,M. D. Gabovicb for-cuggenting the probler, and for his into-rest in this work."- Orig. art. hazi 4 f igures ClarC1,4 KAREL., F.; PASTRNAK', J.- SOUCKOVA, L. Sojw luminescent and ctithrAolualnescent. properties of AIN. Act& physica Pol 26 no.3/4:6?9-682 S-0 164. 1. Institute of Physics of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague,, -ZwTW/E~a (m)/1-4,4P( t) lipi I-) S;D/A-T - Acc Ar6oogo65 SOURCE CODE: 411THM Kozak, 0. V., Wkhato'ka, N. A.--Mikhatskaya, N. A Pasicbnyk,, L. L.- Pasechi.iia$ L. L,- %Mir OIRG: Institute of Physics, AN URSR, Kiev (Instytut fizyky AR URSR) ~3 ._-TrMI: The measurement of electron temperature in helium plasma by the intensity ratio of the spectral lines BOURCEI-.1 Ukrayinalkiy fizycbnyy zhurnal, v. 11, no. 3, 19669 253-257 -'TOPIC TAGS: electron temperature, helium plasma, spectral line ~-ABMA(fr:. This paper presents some calculations linking the Intensity ratio of the 0-jopeFtrail lines vith the electron temperature in helium plasma. The calculations 4922X) and triplet are carried out for different singlet (A = 5047R, A - 501610,k . - hT.. a A - 13A., )L = 4472V combinations. The excitation function for He-lines and cross- ( section data in maxima applied here represent an average of results obtained by other authors. The electron temperature values obtained by the intensity ratio of the belium-ispectral lines in the plasm of a positive discharge column with a hot cathode are Compared vitb the results obtained by means.of probe techniques.~ The experi- miental dats. show that intensity ratioof some spectral lines depends on the helium Prepswe when the latter is over .10-3 mmHg. The use of spectral lines for deter- -zlnlug,the electron temperature of plaorq. Orig. art. has: 4 figures, 2 table d rm -[Based on suthots I Astract.j CWd 1111 SM 0=1 ?0/ SUEN DRE s 04JUIM/ CRIG RIF$ 062/. 0TH MWI J~ L 2-v 1~9~ . EfT ACC Ms AP6018378 SOURCE CODE3 M761851657616700476452764733 S. AMORs Mallko, 0. 1,; P"ISbgIgL#~;_ Salty ~L cm.." Inputute of FIwaicst AN WmWi,~Kiev (Mmstytut fiMrky AN UkrSSR) Trms: Asymetry of anplar distribution of products of reaotion Si suP 28 (d,d) SI sup 28 with polarized deutenma- SMCEt UJmVUAt1qy fiVchzvy sbmmal, vo* 10# no* 4. 1965t 452-453 TOE(C TABS: cyclotron, distribution, deuterone polarization, deuteron scatteringg coulomb scatte,g AMRACTs The classical equation for the above type of reaction iS given, together with: restats of enerinerts performed on the IF cyclotron of the USSR AcederW of S6)noex* B/A awymmetry at oull anglest wbere Coulomb scattering predordnates, is smatl w)d Anorermet sw the scattorUg angle Increases, attaining a x4ximm at 370 (IsImrator.V)& it subsequenay mus ana at 540 puses thm& zero and chmigos signe TYPI) C/A asymmtry is large when the B/A-type asymtry is large, It alwVs remains positiva and rombes a mini=m Aen a*,xwtry or the QAItype In zorop The authors. thaikk MA Mi BA&nx his imtorsot in the work &md_fojjbU dismsolona of tho 'ana I ivmiltia- Orig, art' has: Tormulas - tablo SUB CDDE%: 20', TSUM DM% Mov& OTH PXFs 003, 8/18 61/006/005/001/019 D274YD303 AUTHOR t Pasi_chnykj_XV-- TITLE: on nuclear str*ture (Survey) pERIoDicAL: Ukrayinalkyy fizychnYY zhurnal, v. 6p no. 5, 1961, 583 - 595 TEXT: The article is written on the occasion of the fiftieth ani- versary of the discovery of the atomic nucleus. It reviews the phyElical aspects of the problem, without the corresponding mathe- matical formulationj 0 the past 30 yearep nuclear theory develo- ped in three direct ons: I. Formulation of field theory of nuclear forces. II. Development of a ph4omenological theory of these for- ces, III. Development of nuclear theory without specifying the na- ture of the inter-nucleonic forces. The proton and the neutron are conviderd. From the measured magnetic moments of th4proton and neu- tron, the conclusion is reached that Dirac's equation % free particles is not sufficient to describe all the properRes of pro- tons, and neutrons. 11pis now established that "empty" space is not x Card 1/4 B/185/61/006/00$/001/019 On nuclear struciure (Survey) D274/D303 an absolute vacuum, but a physical, material vacuum. Owing to the magnitude of the interaction between the nucleon and the pionic fieldp the methods of perturbation theory are inapplicable; no other sltisfactory methods have been developed as yet for a quan- titative description of the nuclelft and anti-particles. Though Yukawale theory is of great heuristic valuep a general theory of nuclear forces has yet to be formulated. The most promising experi- mental methods involve the bombardment of nuclei by fast protons and neutrons. The study of nuclear forces is closely related to effects disc%vered in high-energy physics. Studies of proton-pro- ton scattering (with an energy of 8.5 Bev), conducted at Dubno, in conjunction with other studies, indicated the presence of spin- orbit forces. In brief, the knowledge of the nuclear particles is satisfactory, that of nuclear forces is limited, and very little is known about the influqg p w of third articles on interaction bet- ween nucleons. Among nuclear working models, the shell model has many advantagesp but it leaves several important problems unans- wered, eKhcas,fhe magnitude of quadrupcle nuclei, ground states of deformed u 1e , etc. These problems can be solved by means of the Card 2/4 8/185/61/006/005/001/019 On nuclear structure (Survey) D274/D303 collective model. A study of the angular distribution of scattered neutrons and protons of med4um energy, showed that in this range the optical model is adequate. It was found that the nucleus cannot be regarded as a black body. Promising relationships have been established between the shell modelv the optical model, the collec- tive model; and the theory of direct processes. In the author's opinion, the contradictions which the shell model involves, should be solved by means of the theory of n4clear substance (condensates) This theory involves the following hypothesist The nucleus is a mixture of two (a proton and a neutron) quantum condensates which determine its properties. Under certain conditions, the nucleus can be considered as a superconductorl this anal9ky is prompted by the presence of paRr correlations in both superconducting metals and nuclear substances At high energies (excitation), the nucleus ceases to be a superconductor and behaves likk1a semitransparent optical medium sometimes even like a black body. The theory of nuclear substance is in its initial stages, but it already holds out promises for solving the problem of nuclear structure? it offers an explanation for several important properties of the nu- Card 3/4 On nuclear structure (Survey) 8/18 61/006/005/001/019 D274YD303 cleus~ thusq the non-zero angular momenta of nuclei can be inter- preted as a consequence of the finite size of nuclei and of the insufficient number of nucleons it contains. Experiments conduc- ted by A.B. Migdal (Ref. 17: ZhETFP 379 249t 1959)t yielded good agreement between the calculated values of the momenta and the ob- served moments of inertia f the nuclei. There are 8 figures and 19 referencest 11 Soviet _Roc and 8 non-Soviet-bloc. The referen- ces to the 4 most recent English-language publications read as follows: N. Bohr, J.A. Wheeler, Phys. Rev., 56, 426, 439, 1939; F. Veisskopf, Proc. Conf. on Nuclear Structure, Kingston, 1960; KoA. Brueckner, Eden, Francis, Phys. Rev., 989 1445, 1955; K.A. Brueckner, J.L. Gammel, Phys. Rev., 109, 1023, 1958; 109, 1040, 19581 H.A. Bethe, Phys. Rev., 103, 1553, 1956. ASSOCIATION: Instytut fizyky AN URSR m. Kyyiv (Institute of Phy- sics AS UkrSSR, Kyyiv) SUBMITTED-~ May 10, 1961 Card 4/4 C)') I . I /", 'I"' 65 2 9 Barc F, I c C) C2 it Of jj.1J T '02 ionces 01 . I, f CS a.Z.; '~ e ins - - + t at c + t 0 -C)r act or 0n - -ics 0-0-vea S I-I'la'o, o f ar E.c C s Oi 0 v 'or UO.- ta C"' fl _V-, v . 21 1 e 0', e crence 0 C'n en C. e .)eCL c- e ~-L S ensl - e r er t I on, 0 v e -, s1r I-'- fiver 01 , - s e 'Cro ad'Y + , in a -DO',r,l res'.1- 'e te n f Old I _e salts Or e 6 t a -ne Itor a, o 5 nd In tiorL. T t-ne 'feaU -Dov., e ,,actor ~i-ve sec 0:. a I , C U ~'P-tiorl .0 -~e' t e d iii tfle ~ . t-.Yle OP- Va5 com. t UrITIO I 'ed d' Cal e-y-pel inent critiL card 1 /5 S/18 62/007/CGV~')IISI/011 Experimental study of the physical D 2 9 9 X3 r. -9 ched. Trio types of active section were studied: 1) '17ith central con- figuration, and 2) A shifted section. The loadi*re of t,--e sect-_'~~n the disposition of all the elements of the resctor are snovrn in tv!o ft"ures. The attainment of critical size was controlled by nec,_-,s C~f three starting devices. The pre-critical experiments were cor_14ucted in 'the presence of a radium-oeryllium neutron source. Gran!-.s are shown of the multiplicat-ion, upon reaching the critical state; accDr- ding to these graphs, the critical mass of the re-actor with beryl---I- um neutron moderalor eauals 50.5 fuel units (1-39 Icg/ U235). T'--c ef- ficiency of manual rod-:control (with respect to the shell-and-tub'a heat exchangers (THE)) was estimated. The relative distribution of them thermal-neutron flux was determined by the method of activet,~"_: copper indicator %rires (0-7 to 1.0 mm in diameter). The diuIvribu- iion curves show a maximum of thermal-neutron flux at a dista.-ce if 4 -- 5 cm from the outer THE' elements. The mean value of ilh- neutr3n flux for a distribution down the central THE-elements, is 7Z = 0_131 whereas the maximum value Nrel = 0.6. The distribution ciArvc-E arc al- most symmetrical, with the exception of one curvet whose nonsy~,~.:.x-.ri_ Cia.rd 2/3 30327 '18 5,,'61,/L)06/005/0C)3/0l 9 ~ 3 D274,/D303 AUTH,,-,RSt Pas!-_h.nyk, M~7~ ; and 1vanyt.s1kyy, P.H. TITLE: Sp'-n and parity of gro~.,nd states of nickel isotopes PERIODICAL- Ukrayins kvy f-lzycbnyy zhurnal, v. 6, no. 5, 1961, 603 - 606 TEXT: An experimental investigation is described of the energy- and axigular distribu-,ion of protons in ~d,p) reactions with nickel isoi)pes (Ni ~_ 58, 6C,, o2; 64), for deuteron energies of 13.6 Mev. The invesTigaTion was prompted by th---- isotope effect recently ob- served in the e1astic s,_,at,.er1ng of protons by nickel isotopes. The de,iterons -were ~)~ta,,ned a~ the cyclotron of the Institute of PhysiCs of the AS 1,krSSF. A paralle" deuteron-beam of 5 - 7 mm dianeter was app-led to the bpe imens, The energy spectrum of the pro-tons was recorded by a scintillation spectrometer which con- VK1 cisled of *the rrystals CsJ(1'1) or JaJ(Tl), the photomultipliers Co:~Y-29 (FEU-29) ~DY -_1r, ~FEU-15), and a 5-channel amplitude pul- "Iyze,r. The meaeuremen's were -arri-ed out over angles of 10 S e - EM FLA CarL"t I /'~' 30327 S/185'61/006/005/00/019 ~,303 Spin and parity of gr.-und states D274/D 0. - -e~=ded by a scintillation counter to 34C, The deLterons were z and a r.~urren,~ Inzegrator. The specimens were isotope mixtures, with The Investiga-.ed .so-.ope in a proportion of 80 - 98 %. The compi:s--t-,on :)f -~he specimens and their thickness Is given in a ta- ble. The theoretical curves were calculated by formulas of Butler's 'theory. A fig-ure shows the proton dis~ributlon as a function of the onergy Q. The cl-Liantily Q was determined, for each group of protons in the kd,p)1rea_,tion, by means of the spectrometer. In addi**.ion, Q was calculated by the mciss-defect. The experimental- and ..,a`cu'ated values of Q --haed gcod agreement. The angular distri- bijtI.)n of the pro-:~Dn grDupe which :~crreapond to ne**on capture it the grouiad state, have a shr~ maxim-Am and asymmetry near 900. This is an indi4ation of the flosion character of the (d,p)-reaction. A ::amparison between experimental and theoretical curves showed good agreement, ex:-c-p*, for a peak in the neighborhood of 350, This diec!repancy can be explained by the computation method used. In (d,p)--react_,ons v~ith ni:kel isc,*;:pes, -ne neutrons are captured in the ground state with crbita-., anguJar momentum tn ~ 1. As the nu- cle.i under consideraiion are ev--n ever., the ground-states have zero Carsi 2, -1; 30327 3/18 5,,"61/006/005/003/019 Sp'.i) an d par I -~y ) 17 gr,-, ;r,(" 2 -~. a,. D274,/D303 spir. and pa-_-'_1y- For -,ne gr~.iAnd etates of Ni (Ni = 59, 61, 6'~ 6'r V I s'- t'cPe 5 or. e c,.i.air.s negal-lve parity and spin 3/2 or 2. I P . 104~ - Ac;ording -,,~ the snEt." mode'4, the'ne staiee sboulg,havs spin 3Y2 ThiEi 1;rresDondF~ -~ *tier va.1-arl-9 'or N!59 and Ni - There are 2 figUres, e ratleg -'.' ref~,rencee-, -1 Sov*t-bloo and 14 non-So- vlei-b!-~c, The referen e" tD the 4 mosT, reEent English-language publ'.cvions zead m; foil_cwai J.P. Sbiffer, L.L~ Lee & Zeidmanp vell PhyEi, Rev~, 1:r-, F-B, Shull, A-J, Elwyn, Phys. Rev., _9~18, F, Everling, L,A, K6nig, J.H.F. Mattauch & A.H. Wapetra; Nj~_ear Phys,, 11j, n". 4, '"9, 1960; W, Toboeman, Phys. Fev.'' 96. ASSC~7IATION., Tlns!y~i-, fi7yky AN UPSP. m. Kyyl~~- (Institute of Phy- AS Tik- SSR, Kyy'.,*-'/ SUBY17TTED: May .6. 196'1 Card 7 .3 S/185/60/005/002/015/022 D274/D304 AUTHORS: Vallter, A.K., Zalyubovelkyy. I.1., Klyucharyev, O.P., Pasichnyk, M.V., Pucherov, M.M. and Chyrko, B.I. TITLE: Elastic scattering of protons with an energy of 6.8 MeV by isotopes of chromium, nickel and copper PERIODICAL: Ukrayinslkyy fizychnyy zhurnal, v. 5, no. 2, 1960, 270-272 TEM The angular distributioil of elasticfily scattereg protons by the isotopes: CrS21 Cr53, N08, N16O, Ni , CU63, CU6 is inves- tigated. Up to now it has not been easy to formulate a theoretical interpretation of the effects related to proton scattering; hence, the importance of gathering and systemizing relevant data. The protons with energy 6.8 � 0.1 HeV were obtained on the cyclotron of the Physics Institute of the UkrSSR. The proton scattering was detected by a scintillation spectrometer. The measurements were conducted from 200 to 1600, at angle intervals of 50. The investi- C ard 1/3 S/185/60/005/002/015/02,.,'! Elastic scattering of protons... D274/D304 gated mixtures contained at least 98% of the isotope, with the e:,1- ception of Cr53 whose proportion was 95%; they were in the form of thila (3 - 4,u) plates. The results of the investigations are given in 2 figures, where the angular distribution is plotted as the ratio of an experimental differential cross-section to the Rutherford cross-section. The results show a noticeable shift in the position of the maxims and minims of the angular distributions. It is nc.-,ted that such a shift is observed for small differences in the mass number of the scatterer nucleus. Thus the distribution curve for Cud-5 is shifted by 50 with respect to that of Cu63. Such a resalt is in good agreement with data on proton scattering with 19.6 MeV energy. The form of the distribution curves for both Cu isotopes is entirely identical. The results for Cr isotopes are different. The diffe-ential cross-sect* n in the reg n of large angles is, considerably greater for Crh5 than for Cri3. It is noted that it would be even much greater if the energy separation in the experi- ment would bR,higher. In the case of Ni isotopeg, the distritnation curve for Ni" differs greatly from those for Ni'O. For Ni62 -the cross section decreases considerably with increasing angles larger C ard 2/3 S/185/60/005/002/015/022 Ejas,tic scattering of protons... D274/D304 than 1200. The angular distribution for NJ58 and Ni60 is in the main. similar to that for natural isotope mixtures; this is not un- expected. The observed considerable difference in scattering by Ni itiotopes, which may be related to various degree of absorption, is somewhat unexpected, though it does not contradict the results obtaJ*.ned by A.P. Klyucharev and N.Ya. Rutkevich (Ref. 3: ZhETF, 1, 1960). There are 2 figures and 5 references: 4 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc. The reference to the English-language publics- tion reads as follows: M.K. Brussel, I.H. Williams, Phys. Rev., 114, 525, 1959. ASSOOIATION: Instytut fizyky AN USSR (Physics Institute AS Ukr- SSR) Fizyko-tekhnichnyy instytut AN USSR (Physico- technical Institute AS UkrSSR) SUBMITTED: November 19, 1959 Card 3/3 ''JbIi XW T(i 0/~iO3/16~/610/001/0047/0054 RT Nes terenko, B.O. (Nesterenkop BPA*); PAaU _IuA-Ai (Fasechnik, I.u*A,); AUM. I -- ---- Snitkol OAVbj V=j-:'-jmOti ijid;t of the_ gat -influOijee of-an external electric field on the Photo- c6nducUylty and noise-:of thin la of lead suUide SOMCSI!; UkraVinslkn fitychZ07 zhurnals Y. 10j, no* lp 1965# 47-5.4 im lead sulfide photoconductivity,, noise voltages, dark conductivity, fe3A,,, ~7v The wathors -studied the influence of . surfac -6 factors (external electric fields, "sorption of mlecules) on the photocondub-tivity -end low-frequency noise -lead made of the dark conductivity, the vf thin -sulfide layers. New-urements were statimmiry photoconftetivity, the photoconductivity time constants, and the noise emillitade at 400 cyst on chmically and pbysicaUy prepmd PW layerns, as func- c field, tb,- ourrounding gas atmospberej and low- Ude ill Pig- 11 -of be -we" he :zs Cti rd m pgp WNW "Q5, m- nd -Hg) ID dry Air. The results hm sham that-phyaically m and chenIcally deposited layers behave differently. Chexacal Uyers had a con- ductivily relaxation that decrested with time followW qF91ication of an exteraml elactri: field, ind =bibited appreciable influence of the external field on the ...photocorductivity and on the time constant. The phyaical layer showed a time- increasIng conductivity# and no affect of the external field Amtevar. The de- nd it of- the. tocanductivity of chemical lWarn an the external field uau&Uy -T- -is-9UNWthAt -to he -eft -of the h&C a ziikl~ which vaiied vitli the semp e. - -It -as -M&XhMW: the -4aereas'e in -phatoconft ed- ativity Is connect with the increased rate of surface recambina 0 -ti n and the right of the maxi=m It is posbibly due to a decrewo in the eff4etive mobility. Tests have ahm that there in no difference in the -1 tropertleal -a the external mirface of chemical layers and -the surfaci in ~~L~G'cv' vith the - mibstrate. An external electric field and the surrounding gae I,ataoij~6o"'- exerts 4'iiotice _W _6u and-heating to-1000 aMct Strongly- -electrical-parameters ~Atfi~tbh most h4iceab'ld c;ta-ugo-tCalzW-V4m*-in-the-dark-0012-1 -6nd'also-after heating in-dry-aire - Some of - - - decreanes in- Vaft =_ 7-W7 ---- --- f Card 4f jXON IRS v o tad to the effect, of the field twx the dark conductivity (M V*_ 5 3199.. 1963). 0rig*,:'art, has$ 7 fig=ess and 1 tablet : , ASM-1-IiATIONs Instytut napivrovidnykiv AN UkiSSRjUev_, 7 (INUtute Of Semiconducton MMM IMM t -15MSY& 01 OVB CODES EMPSS.-OP AM TV sovs 004-. OTWT Card ACCESSION NR: AP4012355 S/0142/63/006/006/0611/0615 AUTHOR: Pasichny*y, 0. 1.; Prozorovskiy, V. Ye. TITLE: Concerning the technology of producing some ferromagnetic films and indirectly investigating their properties SOURCE: IVUZ- Radiotekhnika, v. 6, no. 6, 1963, 611-615 TOPXC TAGS: microelectronics, microsystem electronics, thin film circuit, ferromagnetic film, film productiong permeability, magnetic material, thin film ABSTRACT: For the purpose of obtaining ferromagnetic films with maximLm permeability and maximum resistivity (so as to reduce the eddy currents), the authors investigate the properties of film evaporated in vacuum from sintered ferrite ( 8.M Fe 203* 29% NiO, 2.54% CuO, and 0.98% CaCO3). Beat results were obtained by evapo- rating the film from a crucible rather than directly from a tungsten ormolybdenum evaporator. The evaporator temperature reached 1600c, card 1/Y-- ACCESSION NR: AP4012355 the evaporation rate from the crucible was 3-15 g/sec, and the film deposition rate was 500-3000 A/sec. Factors governing the stability and properties of the film are discussed. It is concluded that films so evaporated have a higher resistivity than metallic films and are therefore preferable. Orig. art. has: 5 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Taganrogskiy radiotekhnicheskiy institut (Taganrog Radio Institute) SUBMITTED: 04Dec62 DATE ACQ: l4Feb64 ENCL: 02 SUB CODE: GE, SD NO REP SOV: 004 OTHER: 002 Ccrd 2A; r2 I PASICHNYY# 0.1.; PRCZCIRW3KIYj V.Ye. Technology of the manufacture and indirect Btudr of the properties of eoce ferrcmagnetic films. Izv. vy#. ucheb. zav.; radiotekh. 6 no.6:611-615 N-D 163. (MDU .17: 1) 1. Rekcmendovana kafedroy konstruirovaniya i proizvodstva radioapparatury Taganrogskogo ra-ilotekbnicheakogo instituta. 1 -66 ENT(d)/EWP(e)/EVIT(n)/EWP(V)/EWP~:4)/T/EWP(k _k_Jfi2 A J ~_)/EWM MC-NA1117 AP6021613 SOURCE CODE: UR/0021/66/000/006/0762/0766 AMOR: Dvernyakov, V. S.; Pasichnyy, V. V. ORG: Institute of Problems of ~ktal ScienceAN UkrSSR (Institut problem material- oznavatva M UkrSSR) A TIME: Determination of characteristics of a special solar unit intended for testing' ref ractory materials SOURCE: AN UkrRSR. DDpovidi, no. 6, 1966, 762-766 'TOPIC TAGS: refractory material. heat resistant material, corrosion resistant material material testing, testing unit, solar energy unit, solar unit ABSTIUlCr: A method and results of determinati~t-) , i radiant heat f Inein a special solar unit intendeWor Investigations of refractory, heat-resistantllnd corrosion- resintant materialsVin vacuum or other media are presented. The main part of the solar unit is a parabolic mirror 1.5 m in diameter with a focal length of 637 mm and a focal point 6 am in diameter. The mirror is equipped with an automatic tracking system and follows the Sun's motion with hn error not exceeding 10 arc min. The working chanber of the unit can be evacuated or filled with a gas. The amount of radiation received by a tested object is controlled automatically according to a pre- set program. The naxinum density of the radiant heat flux in the focal point was Card 1/2 ADAMCZEWSKI, Boleslaw; PASICHOWA, Bozena; VIISNIEWSKI , janusz Triterpenoids in plant material. Pt. 8. Inst przem ziel Biu-1 9 no. 4:165-174 D 163. 1. Industrial Institute of Herba., Poznan. Head: dr F.Kaczmarek and Institute of Phamacognosy, School of Medicine, Poznan. Acting head; dr Z.Kowalewski. t1-t ~:' / I - A,!-, ( 11 , '14 ~ ~_., f" 'I rc'.L.WD / Chemicol Tocluiology, Chomicv.1 Froductn and Thoir Ap- H_ 17 plicetion, Fnrt 3& - Drugs, Vitamins, Antibiction. i Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khir.. , No 14, 1958, No 47765 Author Boguslow Borkowski, Zdislaw Knwalewsici, Bozenp FpSjrhrwa. hist t Institute of Medicinal FlantB. 71tlo Capsnipino Propnrntinn of Rod Foppor (Cnpsioutr, tinnuum L.) O:rig Pub Biul. Inst. roal. loczn., 1957, 5, No 5, 216 - 221. Astroot t A simple separation method of raw capsaicine (I) frcm red popper (Capsicum annuum L.) fruit was developed. The ox- treetion of I is carried out in the duration of 30 hours in a continuous percolator with the pentane fracticn pre- pared by the distillation of potroleum ether at < 400. The extract is evaporated to 2/3 of the original volume end freezed out at -5'. The fallen out precipitate of raw I is washed and saponified with alkaline alcohol solution; the solution acidified with H01 is discclored with activeted Car d 1/2 Cird 2/2 RUTUNSIT, W. ) doc6dr. inz.; jASIEBEK, E., mgr. inz . D~termlnation of the changes In the electrochemic pote4tial &a a means of irivestigation of the sintering process. Hutdk P 28 no.7/Ss274-280 Jl--Ag 161. Is Akademia Gorniczo-Hutniaza, Kmkow. FASIEKA. Wlodzimiarz Effect of insulln on pH of gastric contents follawing the admiaistratio~'l of histamine and ACTH. Endakr. pol. 13 no.5:603-60`7 162. 1. Zak-lad Patologli Ogolnej i Doswiadozalnej AM w Krakowie Kiermmik: prof. dr B. Giedosz. (11ISTAIAINE) (CORTICOTROPIN) (INSULIN) (GASTRIC AGIDITY MTERMINATION) (HYDROGEN ION CONCE 11TRATION) PASIZU. WlSi!19-lS=-(&4kOw--NCwa Hut&, ul. Noskowskego 11/39 (Osiedle Gl 'Blrk 21 a. 39. ) Neuroses - phobias (from the experience of a practicing physician) Polski tygod lek. 12 no,40:1531-1534 7 Oct 57. (NEURMICS, OBSMSIV19-COMPUISIU9 tber. pe7chother., iiiportance of finding asusative traum) N PASIM, 11yazard, inz. V93.cUng of sma.U structures. Fmagl apaw .13 no.9.'233Q36 '61. 1. Sekcja Spawalnicza "Wybrzeze" Stavarzyszenia Inzynieraw i Technikow Mechanikow Polskich. 28113 q 3 010 P/0-5 Vb I /OOU/OU9 /001 /001 De,4 5 /D5 02 AUTHOR, Pasierb, Ryezard, En 6 i n e E, r ----------- TITLE,, The weldin6 of swall structures PL'RIODICAL, Prze6lid sL)awalnic~w;Lz, nc, j, TEXT-, A description is 6iven of tne metaods used for weldin6 small components for high-power turbines, built at tne ZakXady mechan-iczne (ILechanical Works) at Blb.14g, from bent or pressed elements, At first, only simple parts of the second order were welded, but -production of more coxl).Iex structures nas now been achieved ' Abstracter's note,, The terin "order" appears to indicate t~e ma6,nitude of co:Di~lexjty, but the --radin6 system is not defined -7, Welding of ro.aplex parts by Othese methods is stated to be efficient, bctb econo;nically and tect-inologi- cally, the finished structures beingequal. or superior to those produced vy casting;.. Post-weldin6 deformatl,)n can be counteT~;cted Card 1/4 28113 P/03 61/000/UO/001/001 The welding of ... D245YD302 either by deforming the parts suitably prior to welding, or Dy relnforcement~ The latter aethod is ,)referred,, The Btruc~,:re first assembled In a special app'ian-~, und ~2ay often be welded without remcval frl-m tiip t(-;c)I, Parf4 -..Iar attention snould be I) tc, tne q-,~illty -,f fl'let wc~.!Js wn-,L.-r. are coxmcr. ir, tr.~.S type cf w-,rk. Tne Yellnods ire ~11'ustrated by tne produclion of (Li) of 1-1- crdt~r lise -~r a TC25 turbine ' ~1, an 1 - ~,ijrF ro ~ or dri-I licl low turbine b1ades. (a) Tlie new weid:rt~ o-7tnods d-redsed thp cust of prod,ir:t4,,n of tne bl~;d(_-, ~rcfiles wer- u t f r -_,z, i~ s e n I n Y, a!; j we r e a 6,ja n t o s n j The pa-ts wera- asse:Bbled .~r. 3~tlci-~'. t, :~I frc,.i. they we r ? t n i- r - ex v ed and we d e d w ES lo - t" 6i",E- T,- wtre *b-n stress- re: al, 6bO-720 r0',"T were bent to fir spe:,ial:y cii' ~_; r,-~ ove 3 f K~. (a n S I C~ n _~ S'~ -1 dz-.d we' ~ed I !'is trated in- - -_..) r~Ai v a Spe-~~jj Y Card 2/4 28113 P/03b/61/000/009/001/001 The welding of ... D245/D302 After cooling, the whole structure was turned over in the assem- bling appliance since the reinforcing plate allowed welding to be carried out from one side only. The other side was t 8en welded and the structure was stress-relieved at 550-600 C, with- out removal from the appliance. The rotors were superior to those made by casting and are said to be mor~eoonoaical. (c) The greatest difficulties were encountered during the production of high-efficiency hollow blades, designed by Professor Robert Szewal8ki and Master of Engineering Benedykt Wieczorek for use in a TK50 turbine of 50 MW power. The blades were made from steel containingo-%/O.1~b' C and --) 13~ Or and were welded with KTJ-q electrodes, since ES 13 Or electrodes proved unsuccessful. The effects of chemical composition, pre-heating and the rate of cooling on the hardness and grain-size of the material are briefly mentioned. Special assembling tools with sliding parts were designed since rigid clamping led to deformation of the finished article. It was found, however, that the best results Card 3/4 1 28113 P/036/61/000/009/001/001 The welding of ... D245/D302 were obtained by joining the parts accurately in the assembling toal., removing the structure and welding with 4 mm electrodes, using fairly narrow seams. The blades were then covered with 0 asbestos to prevent rapid cooling, strees-relieved at 690-710 C' finished off and examined visually after pickling. The author stresses the need for a rational approach to welding problems since no universal rules can be given. There are 6 figures, 1 table and 3 Soviet-bloc references. ASSOCIATION; Sekoja spawalnicza "Wybrze2e" 311,1P (Welding Sec- tion "Wybrzete" SLIP) Ga-rd 4/4 )~ AS! ER-P!NSK! , :,tan', a law, rogr I ii? . influzence c, -' 3toppiniq %111 t3 ~ cr~,~o -;r, t~x concort r ar,~*. c :1 r, " .ent-ral u-ndorground hau age in m1nes. ?rzegI gorn '0 zio. ~1232-23~ 1~~r 164. / " " I - ~ I: f. .1 . I I# . 11'- - / / / / .. ,- i - F f,, CategDry : POIAND/General Problems - Problemsof Teaching A-3 Abs Jour : Xef Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1957, No 86 Author :Pasierbinski -BlAnialay Title :i~;~ ~~ Instruments on the Topic "Oscillations and Electrwagnetic Waves." Orig Rib :Fiz. szkole, 1956,2, No 4, 236-244 Abstract :No abstract Card : 1/1 PASIERIIT--VT, S. C!llcul;;tinp the necess;3ry number or electric locomotives. 1). ;),?(. (PFZEI-TAD GOPVT:~Zy. Vol. 10, ?1e, July.'Aufr. lc,4, StallnoFml, PrJInd) SO: Yont~)ly List r,#' Eqrt a)rnrenn Acnesninrn, (FEAL), Lr,, Vol. 3. No. 1?, Dec. 1,-',54. IT-ncl. MMBD13KI., Stanisla-.,r Budvwa I FJoploatacja Elektr7c.~ay-ch Kolai Yopalnj=ych (Building and Use of Electrica Mining IWLlway Cars.) Stakinogrod,. Wy"wnictwo Gom1.czo-HutnIc2e,, l')56. 55M/6 663/6 .P2 PASM-HIMISKII B. "Yrom the Present Campaign of Purchasing." p. 10, (GOSPOD,MA 'ZBO."O."A' V1,-,j, 5, i7o. 99 Sept. 1954. '.-larszawa, Poland.) S-:,: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (ZE kL) . LC , V:-l- 3, No- 12, Dec. 1954, Uncl. -0- - T - 1r, 0 6 a 11 u u At 111 16 flit "a MI) Jill by a 0 4t A) 46 s " A I a -j A L It a u4j-j--1 A-I-L a- j t , o -:Lot' : at 5 00 parv revisions win is id v&W. 1. S. fitaki. Atis Phra. PA(poi(A 1100311611 kf-t 00 - 06 fuit;~ t'), ught cis bablvaik glytia froaqw1mv III%., Wiplig Oe -00 a third W&VendcM mtrift apparmia ~uit,d by A VZ~ A. Xtar but th Ii 3802 t h h w e ne con wurt wit t r titruds. Oven l R A 2 C .00 iv own ( . . 1, 21W). The coust. t4 the tot) othri 99 go ~,ricaa is vakd. to bar 410~1. kuwii'% rv.ult, ttvk.1 with . 'be said ad Ibis t,tni-v agrtv we)) with th, rimAmic.1 vajo- '09 The chaotic (A thr covist. rmy tic dur to bottqws of Sc. Wi l l t,"r a , 04 zoo go* age to 11 coo 0 it '09 "Oe Ala $I a ItALLOOCAL OttiII-IL-111 It-WOKA11CO Ga.-- al. tat 111, -AV , , 9 0 to It MI 0 1 too 014 0 4 09) see* 0 0 *so 0 0 0 0 0 0066664 so 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0041 90 *0 go Nam IV"6)Alvn woo W109 so -log Coo goo 'F00 000 tsoo 14461 00 a" Ut ININIVIN004399 0*006000000 40000006000 I-M -a- Im- w-- 0-1-1- M-1 I FASIFF130 I . Welding of disk whccls in steam turbInes. P. 19C (ITZEMAD SPAALNICTWA) Poland) Vol. 9, no.7, Jul,., IQ17 SC: Monthly Index of I-ast Furcpenn Acce9sion (ELAI) LC Vol. 7. No. 5. 105F PASIERB. Ryezard Inz. p Welding of small structures. Przegl spaw 13 no.9:233-236 S 161. 1. Sekcja Spava2nue2a Wybrzeze, Stowarzyszenie Inzynierow J Technikow Mechanikow Polskicb, Gdansk. PASIERB, Ryezard, inz. Welding of heavy bodies in turbine construction. Przegl -paw 15 no.1:11-15 Ja 163. 1. Stowarzyszenie Inzynifirqw ~Iechanikow Polskich, Sekcja Spawalnicza Wybrzeze, Gdansk. - ' -;" i ' lian, , - , *'~ -::- ~ - ; I , ':' -:' i itig i - - I '. - :nz., ~11 .; 'I'111,3z' _i - I .. . , - -I.,..,-" --l. .- . - I rgy balavcc: cl~ a -_'arjt_ llutnll~,. P 311 no. 4jl2.j--".Z8 ;,) '64 . :, "A-LuLillir P/039/61/000/007-8/001/001 DOOl/DlOl AUTHORS: Rutkowskis W., Docent, Doctor of Engineering, and Pasierbek$ E,, Master of Engineering TITLE: Determination of electrochemical potential changes as means of sintering process investigation PERIODICAL: Hutnik, no* 7-8, 1961, 274-280 TEXT: In this article the authors present the results of their investigations concerning the practical control of the powder sinter- ing process. The purpose of this research was to design an appara- tus for controlling the powder sintering process by means of measur- ing the electrochemical potential of sinters as based on the B. Bovarnick publication "Study of Sintering Carbonyl Iron by Electro- chemical Potential". The aim of this work was to restrict the sin- tering phenomena to the formation of links between powder graijaz by means of pressure, temperature and time. According to the Gibbs- Helmholtz formula, there is a linear relation between free energy and the electrochemical potential, therefore, the latter can be Card 1/4 P/039/61/000/007-8/001/001 Determination of electrochemical... DOOl/DlOl used for controlling the progress of sinteringo The authors' study was divided into two parts; at first the electrochemical potential of compressed samples with the density of 4.0 - 6.0 g/cm3 and sam- Ples compressed and sintered for 1, 2, 4 and 8 hours was measured. This was followed by checking the density and microstructure of samples. The samples, 20 of them, were made of carbonyl iron powder, compressed by 5.4, 7.2, 10.8, 14.4, 16.2 and 18 t pressure and form- ed into 7 x 5 X 30 mm blocks. 16 of them were sintered and the zemaining 4 were examined in the raw state, The sinteging was carri- ed out in a protective atmosphere of hydrogen at 1,000 C. The only variable parameter of the sintering process was the time whd-ch was selected as 1, 2, 4 and 8 hours, respectively. Each sample in turn was connected with a calomel electrode and the EMF of the thus form- ed element was measured. The system was standardized by means of a Weston cell. The electrodes were keDt in a nitrogen protective atmosphere; the air from the cell being removed by a vacuum pump. Each test was repeated 3 times with practically identical results. The measured potentials were influenced by samples' density and Card 2/4 P/039/61/000/007-8/001/001 Determination of electrochemical... DOOl/DlOl sinr,ering time. For samples sintered for 1 hour, the potential varied according to density from 5?1.5 to 566.0 mV, For samples sintered for 2 hours it varied from 569-15 to 560.? mVi for samples sintered four hours the corr-.sponding figures were %0-0 to 544.2 mv, and for samples sintered eight hours they were 532.0 to 527.0 MV. When, subsequently, the densities of samples were checked, it was found that the density curve rises steeply for samples sintered for shorter times, while for longer sintered ones the density curve fal*ls. On examination of the samples' microstructure it was esta- bli;-,hed that longer sintering time causes an increase of grain size and reduction of inter-grain pores. The authors arrived at the following conclusions: The measurement of electrochemical potential can be successfully applied for sintering control; this method is sen.ciitive to variable parameters of sintering process, in particular, to sintering time; electrochemical potential measuring results are in -2-Lgreement with subsequent density and microstructure check exa- min,:..tion; the measurement results are reproducible within an approximate 4% accuracy. There are 9 photos; 2 tables. I figure, Car.d 3/4 P/039/61/000/007-8/001/001 Det.:.rmination of electrochemical... DOO1/D1O1 2 g:-aphs, 6 Soviet-bloc and 5 non-Soviet-bloc references. The four mosr, recent references to English-language publications read as fol.lows: Bovarnick, "Study of Sintering of' Carbonyl Iron by Electro- chemical Potential", Planseeberichte fuer Pulvermetallurgie ver- mit Powder Metallurgie Biulletin, August 1959, no. 2..; Goetzel, C. G. Metals a. Alloys, 12, 1940; Bookris, Herringshaw. Disc. Far. 6oc. 6, 1947; Latimer. "The Oxidation States of the Ele- ts and Their Potentials in Aqueous Solutions" New York, 1938, Azb'stracter's note: The name Bovarnick is spelled in two different r waysl ~ ".V 1 4/,/,#. PASIERBINSKI, Stanislaw 040,; Modernization of mining conductor locov-&tAves. Wiadom gorn A".1; 11 no. 7/8:269-271 JI-Ag 160. IMIR"k. v Ptisierbinski S. P. sierbinski S., j~nc. *Influence of Track Gmdient on 'he Efficlency of t, Electric Trolley Locomotives." (Wplyw k;ochylenLa trasy na warunkA fmcy el.ektrowozow kopalnianych). Frzerbd Ltornic.-,-Y, No. 6, 1950, pp. 4 figs. General characteristics of the op~--rnnt--~n of trains on inclined tracks. C31cu7ntion of the maximmm, quantity of coal wLich can be transported !~.,Lly b:j- one locomotive. Calculation of tho work of locomW-ves In ton/kilomAers ttking Into account the ,gradient of the trnck. Calculation of the nwnber of track-kilo-neters per locomotiv daily. Calculation of ..iei-hts of t:.-ain sets on trackr. 7alculati-) '31' th-. A f:r by descent of t1-c tr&~-n. --example c~iicuiation of the n,-,,-,~ --~r of cirs, locomotives, nd io-,,?r.r in c~nriltlons or. a~~ t:rack. SO: Poll-Fh Technicl Abstracts - ::o. ?, 1911 Nsferbldsk( S. DrAVrig Urge Mae TuN, woz6w koPRInlanyclift. Przeg'.Qd 03frdrzy. No. 1, 1054,;pp. 7A-27, 2 figs., 2 tabs. Safety regulations providi for starting mine trains Irom any po- ,Uon, and for stopping, within a distance not excetdino 40 metrc~p, trains trovellIng at a 1610 of 13 Umth. Beview '01 these Provi3lons se RPPWi to trains -k,.tde up of 0.6-ton tube and. si4ndardAM ton and 5-ton tubs. -ComputaLlons. There Is no Deed in provide bmkes on 23 ton tubs on gradients not exr--c-ding 51,(% but hand bmkes should be ilited when such tubs are driven on tracks of steeper gradieriL Flve-ton tubx should, Irrespective of gradient, be lilted with banA- brakm 4 PASIF`UIII`dI:I1, S. I'BrakinF~ bij-.- electric mine-railway cars." p. 24. (Frzef.-,lad Goiriczy, Vc2. '10, nc. 1, I I Jan 54,, Stalinogrod) SO: Forithly List of East European Accessions, Vol 3 No 6 Litrary of Congress Jun 54 Uncl 263 t*ftLtAftjkLV_.KnX. liallmaw of Twil GF6111101111 ON the Efficiency of Irliarit Tf*))?? LOMIMOOM ..Wplyw poehylviam trasy its witfunki firmy AtIttrowotow lktq)al W&nych- PraegL*d (IorniM. No 0, ISK pp. 332-3U. 4 figit Getirral chamatristics of the oWmtlon of tritins on Inclined trackli, Calculation of the maxitnurn quantity of coal which cat% (w ttNtISPEirted dally by onp loronjolive Calculsillon of the wotk ul ltv- COM01111VA In tonitilairitterit UWDS Into account the gradient of tile Irack Calculation of the number of Lmek-kilMetrrit Per kvOnl()- live dally Calculation of weights of train sets on Inclined tracks t'"'utu'kln of tile braking power called for by descent of the tralli I.kknkt)lr oil calculat,%,11 ill lite ntillbrr of ews. &11,1 tit.% kPilt powit tit wiliking conditions on an Inclined trst*k P.~S nw.,ml IIISKI , S. TimetL-bles for imderground trains. p. 19-1~, Vol. 11, no. 5, May ~955, PRZEGLAD GORNICZY SO:MO1.1THLY LIST OF FAST KUROY&x1l AG;ESSIONS, (.~;AL), LC, vol.. 4, No.3p Sept. 1955, Uncl. 1V A/ I'S 4 kV Polaind/General Proble" Problems of Teaching Abst Journal : Referat Zhur - FIzIka, No 12t 19569 33597 Author : Pasierbinski, Stanislaw Inat1tution None Title Knowledge of Electromagnetic Oscillations and Waves Original Pe*riodical Piz. i Chen., 1954, 7, No 6, 334-341, Polish )ibstract I Popular article; see also Referat Zhur - Fizika, 1955, 19751. A-3 Card 1/1 c ~ 2F 'N' '157ty 7 "T ABS. J MR. RM"ILlnes 1560o N'O- c"R t n ' -1 (- . - "k I - , , P11 s e r f ir OR I r~ PUB* A r;7 CT "ev I ~!)Ierjaf~~ ~1'1' ],:Ii r ~17 1 11, FI r (I c C' r:-, 1: e Ol.' r r r I v T On n n f! 7~ e '-~-l f; in e C T a 7,-~L r f, r P. ir. i 7 r v i e~r ir e r vo rc; erl,ntini~ p E F, u r o :PASIERSKJO Zblgnipw (Wroclaw) The grert transoceanic trough. CzaLsop geogr 35 no*2t2l3-,215 164 PASIEWICZ, Kazimierz, Mgr. Jnz. Measurement of' very lov I(va-'s of D.C. or low frequenc-y A.C. currents. Pt.l. Poirlary 1' nc,.8:343-340 0111Y, 1. Department of Institute of Researth, Warsav. F-ASIZWICZ,, Kazimlerz %-I --- - 3mmiconductive higbatabile sowee, of direct voltage* Maeonlka 8 no.4%276-28o 063. 1. Zaklad MektronDds, Instytut Badan Jadrowychp Warszawa 9o PASIEWICZ, Nazimierz., mgr inz. ------------------------ Zener diodes. Pomiary 8 no.8:359-362 Ag 162. 1. Instytut Badan Jadrowych,, Zsiklnd Elektroniki, Warszawa. P,%---IK, J. Making use of blood plasma as a substitute raw material in the processinE of smOkedxre2t products. P. 7. GOZ-110DARKA MIESNA, Vol. 7, No. 10 Oct. 1955 (Pc,"Lskie Ilydawnictwa Gospodareze) Warszawa SOIjRC7-': EAST EMPEAN ACCESSIONS LIST Vcl- 5, No. I jan. 1956 Poland,/Cheanical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Application -- Food industry, 1,08 Abst JoumLl: Referat Zhur - XhWya, No 2, 1957# 6715 Author: Pasik, Jerzy Instituti,=: Wone Title: Utilization of Blood Plasma so a Substitute Raw Material in the Manu- facture of Snoked. Food Products Original Publ1zation: Gospod. miesna, 1955, 7, No 10, 7-8 Abatract: Blood plasma is a valuable substitute rav material in the bread and confectionery industry and also in the production of dietary products. Its use in the manufacture of cooked smoked food articles enhances their appearance, taste and calory content. The amount of added plasma must be 40% of the total amount of the rav material. Dry plasma, vith a moisture content of 12%, can be used at a rate of 1-1.5 kg in lieu of 5 kg of beef. Card 3,/l PASIK I J. PASIKj J. Errors in the development of technical progress in the meat industr,-,-. p. 11. 'iol. 8, Vo. 1, Jan 1956 GOSPODAFTDA, 1-flESNA . 7ECHN01MY A~arszawa, Poland .So: East Europeon Accession, Vol. 5, No. 5, I-lay 1956 ZHUKOV, A.I.; )GULIK02 M.N.; SUKLYAR, M.S.j YAZANTSEVO YeJ. Prinimal-i uchantiyes BLASHCJIUK, N.M., Inzh.j YARMY5H. V.A.., Inzh.; PARKHU.UWKO, D.M., inzh.; BULI, V.G., inzh.; BIIEIIYO, R.V., inzh.; FASIKOV, N.V. , inzh.; MILYANOY, N.G., inzh.; TARLSETIKO, A.A., inzh. Firing opm-hearth furnaces vith a mixture of cold coke and natural gases. Stall 211 no.VltI068-1070 D 161. (1-UPA 14-12) Open-hearth furnaceo-Equipment and supplies) e an fuel) M 4* 02 r I'latelro A)tvr-prvaa pUto N'. M. N-Ma ot.1 10 A Naha". Nobho?"S" Pe". Is. No. P. M44101,11, 11-y"It fillet-111M% IIJAII'S CaM tW fri'l4reil bV #1S"" 10 Wilkh heavy win %t-rm%% are weUvil an botb Ales. Tht-%c , wTr" plates have owAtleratily lorWa drahmp, we tntich IIXhIrr In *I,. anti the Aayt)r prew con orrmonmAste moor I'lairs. V. It. lialhow MdMW WWqM gh" V, M. Pa"s &M N A. Kokhaft ISAAAM. two.. nol. p6m 0. w:-~W; $me, low, Aj'b.. fool. A 173).---A woibW Now-prm plate IwMW4 & dow w0v amb. mW wrtsub ash#. 125 haT aw mud9. Urj::"b-ww be be WLv;::Q" I= of put*. A SMVPJMI, N.dr; PANMNI. K. dr; PASINI, D. dr. ACTH and cortl sons in the treatment of ueniqgeal tuberculosis. Idjoe.vjes.76 no.9-10:450-460 1954. 1. Iz Djecje klinike Medicinskog fakulteta u Zagrebu. (TO32wwsls. HUINGM. ther, ACTH & cortisone, resulte(Ser)) (ACTH, ther.use tuberc.usuirWeal. resulte(Ser)) (CORTISONS. ther.uBe. tuberc..meningeal, resulte(Ser)) PANSIM. Karlo. Doc.dr: PASINI, Dinko. dr.: SPIDLA. M. dr. Chronic abdominal syndrome caused by lambliasis. 49d.glasn. 9 no.5:171-174 May '55. 1. Klinika za djecje bolesti Medicinskog fakultets, u Eagrebu (predstojnik prof. dr N. Skrivaneli) (GIARDIASIS. compl. chronic abdom.synd. In child, diag. & ther. (Ser)) (ABWMBN, dis. recur. abdom. cramp caused by giardiasis, in child, diag & ther. (Ser)) r m J'A r r c Ij a C, T~ mom== not "The ?-Icezarer 2 U 1 a to~- Ventricular Bioc~-- 'ho Troatm(-'rt 0- T VJe,ni',, V01 85Y 7, jui, 1961), )p 767-770 The author roviL.IT~ ato heart action duri, t!"- uze of the Olect-ric pacoracer to ,a Opel, Operatior~o 1,1,or a t 4 'PPlicalt-ion of suc" NLca- a lovice by CALL.GliyC,.~, :~JC.:-, al c1, -LOI;, and ZOL- I~Onz not giver7 in 1951. The auti-or aiso La il !,.I--- b1c coL c tiOlls an the i.,seo h r, dvice i1-, c;ardiac a_res_ recent referonces, mainly US ard -,-4,os- E:, rn z~uro.pean, a few (includin6 the arLicle by 31-"UL-j0Pj2--, a!. in !.-10 Dresent iour:.a!). D19LAK-YMANI, Zdanka, Dr.; PASINI9 M ;op'dr. Hand contracturst caused b7 burns. VoJ. san. pregI.9 Beagr. 13 ,.3-4:219-221 Mar-Apr 56. 1. Hirursko ode1jenja opgte bolnice U B&nJOJ Lucl- Hirurska klinika Medicinskog fakultsta u Zagrebu. (BURNS. compl. hand contractures, prev. & surg. (Ser)) (RA)M. die. contractures caused by burns. prev. & surg. (Ser)) (CONTRACTMM, hand, caused by burns. prev. & surg. (Ser)) f-YUCOSLAVIA Pr Miram P SINI, Surgical Clinic of Medical Faculty (Kirurska klinika Medicinskog fakulteta,) Zagreb. "Injection Treatment of 1i(-rnorrhnidr,.,, Zagreb, Lijeclick! V Jes~nik, Vol 85, No 5, May 63; pp 517-521 Abstract German s=zmary modified]: Detailed description of procedure ~nd -indications. Excellent results in 42 patients (including 12 Stage 11) with 5% phenol in olive oil, 3 injections at 8 days interval; in 3, another course was necessary 6 months after first. Fiftcen Weste.n references, 4 schcmatic drawings. L PASINI, Y-iram, dr. njections. Lijecn. vjesn. 85 Treatment Of hemorrhoids with no.5%517-521 'b3- Iz Kirurske 1,,Jinike Medicinskog fakillteta u Zagrebuo (HajopMOIDS) (SCLEROS111 G SOLUTIONS) --I - FASINIPJ~,-clr Current status of beart surgery. Lijecn. vjevn. 8.4 no..11:1099-2111 ,62. 1. Is Kirurske klinike Medicinskog fakultets, u Zagrebu. (HEM SUMERY) 5