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MM)ZHOYAR, A.L.; BAMAN. N.A.; DOKHIKTAN. A.A. Aulnes, and their derivatives. Report Ro.l: Preparntion of various n-alkoiqbentylalkylaminee. Izv. AN Arm. SSR. Miim.nauki 11 no.4: 273-279 '58- (MIRA 11-11) 1. Inatitut tonkoy organicheakoy khimii AN ArmSSR- (A.mines) WOZBOYAN, A.L.; A.A.; KlUtCHILTHYAN, N.Kh. '', -. ..". -tijiwn-~nh dfq-1vativos.jtpunrt S7,Jriesis of arilnoo-)t~ors of vnrinus r-cida. ",-v. i%ll, Arm.SSR. Khtm.nauki 11 n(,.3:193-200 '58. (MIRA 11:11) Octhers) (Banzofuranearbox7lic acid) MITMOYAW. A.L.; AFRIKYAN. V.G.; PAPAYAN. G.L. Amines and their derivatives. Report No.2: Synthosis of various secondary amines from 5-alko.Vmethyl-2-furoic ncids. Izv. All Arm. SSR. Xhim.nauki 11 no.1f:281-286 '58. (MIRA 11:11) 1. Institut tonkoy organichenkoy khimii All AmSSR. Wrote acid) (Amines) MNDZHOYAN. A.L.; BABITAN, N.A. Investigations of amines and their derivativee. Report Vo.3: Synthesis of methyl asters of som aDryl in-alkotybenzylcarbamic acids. LzvAH Arm. SSR. 1rhim. nauki 11 no.5:351-355 '58. (MM 12:1) 1. Institut tonkoy organicheakoy khimii Ali ArmSSR- (Carbamic acid) K=HOTAN. A.L.; AFRIKW, V.G.; DOVIKYAN, A.A. Investit7ttions of anines and their derivatives. Report No.4: Synthesis of asters of phenyl-, benzyl- and n-alkox7ben3-l&lk:,-l- aminoacetic acids. Izv.All Arm.SSR.Xhin.nauki 11 no.5:357-361, 158. (MM 12:1) 1. Inatitut tonkuy organicheakoy khtmii AS ArmSSR. (Glyrine) KNDMiOW, A.L.. AFlilKW. V.G.; UGAnSYAN, A.U. lnvoOtit~atians of arilnes and their derivatives. Report HO.5: HyKlrazidea of various n-alkoxybftnz-,rlalk-41aminoacetic aocids as ponniblo antituborculotin compouMe. Izv.All Arm.SSR-Khim.naukl 11 no.5:363-)68 '58. (14IRA 12:1) 1. Institut tonkoy organichf-skoy khimii AN ArmSSR- (Glycine) (Hydrazides) (Tuberculosis) m v,vc r r. r, K r i r r ~ln r r -onc 1 ue s e r v r-, P, e I -t Iv F-, n r i fr a n ~7 s+.ances r r,-,, mo-r- n in 47 c I I - z r s ci r 9e s 7 rv 7 "17 T'~ e 1 7 71 F IrO f, r - ,4 rl p,)n r 17,1 jr r i - ri r -I P r F n r - r i r, r P r ei r i r D r. a r Kn 5, r -1 m S iDn s t i f 7 r 7pn t F en r MIMHOYAN, O.L., akademik Studies in the field of the derivatives of substituted acetic acids. Report No.11. Dok-1. All Arm. SSR 26 no.4:2411-252 I 5P,. (MIRA 11:5) I.An Armyanskoy SSR (for ffndzhoy*an. 0.L.). 2.1nstitut tonko7 organicheako.7 khimii Akademii nauk Arm7ansk07 SSR. (Acetic acid) MJTDI,fTCfAIi. A.L., almdemik; YTMHOYAN, O.L.; GIRIGORTATT, A.N. Renearch in the fl,j-,rl of lorivativon of fjubntitutqd acs~tlc acidp. Report No.12. DokI. All Arm. SSR 26 no.5:2e9-295 '5P. 11:7) 1.Institut tonkny orpanicheskov khtmil AN ArmSSR. 2. AN ArmSSR (for Mndzho7an, A.L.) (Acetic acid) ~12-MZHOYAN, A.L.; TATEVOSTAN, G.T., al-ademik; AGRALYAN, S.G.; ~MHZTYAN, A.V. Research in th- field of derivatives of substituted acetic aci~s- DoK. All Arm. SSR ?7 no.l:i~1-1~7 '~P. (PIRA '_'I:9/, I.Institut tonkoy organicheakoy khimii AN ArmSSR. 2.AN ArmSSR (for Ta tevosyan). (Acetic acid) 14~9MMTAK.-A.,L., akademik; TATEVOSTAV, G.T.; AGBALYAN. S.G. Research in the field of derivatives of substituted acetic acids. Report No.14. Dokl. All Arm. SSR 27 no.2-93-99 '5A. (MIRA 11,10) 1.Institut tonk07 organichosko7 khimit AN Armyanako7 SSR. 2.AN Armyansk07 SSR (for Mndzhoyan). (Acetic acid) 14NDZHDYAN A.L. akademik; AROYAN, A.A. Research in the field of furan derIvatives. Report No.19. Dokl. AN Arm. SSR 27 no.2:101-112 '58. (MIRA 11:10) l.Inatitut tonkoy organichaskoy kh1mii AN Armyansko7 SSR. 2.AN Armyansko7 SSH (for Mndzhoyan). (Furan) KMHOYAM, A.L.; AFRIKYAN, V.G., akademik; BADALYAIJ, V.Te.; -ftUARYAN, E.A.; MMIMN?iN, G.A. Investigation of derivativeB of p-alkoxybenzoic acids. Dokl. AN Arm. SSR 27 no.3:161-177 158. (14IRA 11:12) 1.AN Armyanekoy SSR. (Benzoic acid) Y=HDTAH, A.L.; TATEVOSYAN. G.T., akademik; AGRALYAN, S.G.: ROSTANDZI[YAN. R.Kh. Research in the field of substituted acetic acid derivatives. Report No. 15: ~,/q-dimethyl- f -dialkylaminopropyl and tetra- alk-Ildiaminoisopropyl eaters of dialkylphonylacetic acids. Dokl. AN Arm. SSR 27 no.3-179-185 158. (MIRA 11:12) I.Institut tonko7 organicheako7 khimli AN Armyanskoy SSR. (Acetic acid) 10WHOYAN, A.L.. akademitc; WMZHOYAN, O.L.; BABTYAN, N.~- in the field of dprivativon of dP)hsic Report l1o. IQ. Dokl.AN krm.SSR 2? no.4:219-242 (141RA 12:1) 1. AN hrmyam31-my SSR (for ?4ndzhoyan). ?. Institut tonkoy nrganichoskoy khtmil Ali Arnyanskoy SSR. (Succinic acid) 14NDZ9QZAN"-I-I-6, akademik; V.G.; B.OALYAN, V.Ye.; 14igOIRDSYAN, TU.0. Invnstigatinns in the field cf derivatives of D-alkoxyben701r acid. Report 11b.16. NI-I.All Arm.SSR 27 no.4:24~-249 ' 58.(MIRA 12:1) 1. ANArmyanskoy SSR (for Hndzhoyan). 2. InE.-titut tonk,)y rrvs-inIrhOqkny 1,~himii Ali Armyanskoy SSR. (Bpnz,)Ic acid) MNDZHOYAN, A.L., at-ademik-, A.MIKYAU, V.G.-, GRIGORYAN, M.T.-. AidTARTAN, LF. Z. InvPatigation in tho fifibi of fumn derivatives. Haport Ho.;)O. Dot-,!.AN Arm.SSR ;)7 no.5:901-904 158. (MIRA 12:5) 1. Inatitut. tont-oy nrjrnnlrbnskny khimli AN ArMSSR. 2. iiN ArMSS11 (for Mndznyan). O)irpn) (Fnrmylation) ICEDZHOYAN, A.L., akademik; AFRIKYAN, V.G.; TATEVOSYAN. G.T.: AOALTAR. S.G.; GRIGOIffAll, M.T.; DTVAITYAM, N.M.., BADAMAN, V.Te.; W-RKLHYjiN, B.A. 1mvestigation in the field of furan derivatives. Report No.21. Dokf.49 Arm.SSR.27 no.5:105-~314 '58. (MIRA 12:5) 1. inatitut tonkoy organichookoy khimit AN ArTiSSR. 2. AN ArmSSR (for Mndzhoyan). (Furan) RNDZTIOIMN. A.L.,prof., akademik. Remedy for an~,Ina pectorlo. Pr1roda 4? no.1?.-P7-PR D 15P. WIRA 11:12) 1.A]; Armyanako7 SSR. Inatitut tonkoy organicheakay k1jimit AN ArWanekoy SSR, Yerevan. (Angina Pactorls) (Ganglerone) MNDZHOYAN, Armenak Levonovich, red. (Ganglerone and its clinical use) Gangleron I opyt ego klini- chaskogo primeneniia. Erevan, 1959. )90 P. (Mm 0:8) 1. Akademiyo nauk Armyan6koy SSR, Terevan, Institut tonkoy orge- nicheakoy khimii. (AUTONOMIC DRUGS) KEFDZ4 KEIDZHOTAM, O.L.; BABITAN, N.A. 3,4-Purandicarboxylic acid. Sint. getem tsikl- soed. no-3:VI-91 159. (KOA (Awandicarboxilic acid) HYD7.HOTAN, A.L..; AROTAN, A.A. 5-Beazylaulfomethyl-2-furanc.Lrbox7lic acid. Sint. goterotailcl. soed. no.4;16-17 '59- (MMA 13'.11) (Puroic acii MOZHOYAH, A.L.; DOKHIKYAII, A.A. 5-Beazylfurfuralacetone. Sint. gaterotaikl. soed. no.4:18-19 '59. (MIRA 13:11) (Butenone) MZHOYAH, A.L.-, AROYAR, A.A. 2.3-Renzenran (coumrons). Sint. gatentsikl- sood. no.4:19-21 '59- (KIRA 13:11) (Banzofuran) MZHOYAN, A.L.,- TXRZYAH. A.G.; TATEVOSTAH. G.T. 3,3-DirLethy,1-5-indolecarboi7lic acid. Sint. geterotsikl. eoed. no.4:26--30 '59. (MIRA 13:11) (Indolecarbox7lic acid) KNDZHOTAN.- A.L.; XLLDRIKTAN, M-A- Benzofurfurylmetbylamins. Sint. geterotaikl. soed. no.4:22-25 '59. (MIRA 13:11) (Ban z ofureime thylamine) MOZHOYAN, A.L.; DOXHIKYAN, A.A, 2,5-Bia(hydroxywtbql)tetrahydrofuran. Sint. gaterotaikl. soed. no.4:30-31 '59. (MIRA 13: 11) (Fwan) KHDZHOYAN, A.L.; TATZVOSTAII, G.T.; UNAIJYAN. M.P. ~ 9- ~~ -indolyl-3-propyl)piperidine. Sint. geterotsikl. soed. no.4: 42-45 '59. (MMA13:11) Ondole) KUDZHOYAN. A.L.; DIVAEFTAN, N.M. lr-kbydroxyetbyl)laolndoline. Sint. gaterotsikl. ooed. no.4.-61-64 159- (MMA 13:11) (Isoladoliasithanol) WHOTAN. A.L.; PAPATAY, G.L. 3-Indoleacatic acid (Reteraanxin). Sint. geterotsikl. soed. no.4:46- 48 '59. (MIRA 13:11) (Indoleacetic acid) KUDZHOTAII, A. L. ; AnIXTAN, V. G. ; KHORMA.Y, G.A. ...... 2-(jl-pipertd7l)prop&noj. Sint. geterotatki. soed. no.4:65-67 159. (Plartdinspropanol) (MMA 13:11) MHDZHOTAN, A. L. ; PAPAYAN, G. L 3-(2-amlnoethyl)indole hydrochloride (tryptanine hydrochloride). Stat. gaterotaikl. soad. no.4:72-75 159. (KIRA 13:11) (Indole) MUDZHOYAN, A.L.; ARCrAH, A.A.; AZARYAM. A.S. 1.2,3.14--Tetrabydroquinollao. Sint. geterotailcl. soed. no.4,80-84 '59- (MIRA 13:11) (Waoline) HUDZHOTAN. A. L. ; AROTAN, A.A. ; AZARTAX, A. S. (1,2,3,1~-tatrahydro-l-quinolyl)athaal. Sint. goterotsikl. sood. no.405-86 159. (MIRA 13:11) (Quinolineithanol) MUDZHOYAN, A.L.; AROYAH. A.A, 5-Cyaaoethylmercaptonothyl-2-furancarboxylic acid. Sint. gaterotsikl. soed. no.4-.95-97 159- (KIRA 13:11) (Puroic acid) MNDZHOTAR, A. L. ; MNDZH0LiH, 0. L. -, GASPARYAN. 0. Ye. Some glycol eaters of diaD71amInoacetic and propionic acids. Izv.AN Arm.SSR.Khim.naulci 12 no.6:425-"33 159. (MIRA 13: 7) 1. Institut tonkoy organicheakoy khimil AN Armyansicay SSH. (Acetic acid) (Fropionic acid) (Glycols) MNDZHOTAN, A.L.-, AFRIXTAN. V.G.; MARKARTAN, I.A. Airan deri7atives. Report Ho.23: Some amino esters of 5-substituted 2-furaucarboxylic acids. Izv.AR Arm.SSR. Khim.nauk-i 12 no.6:435-442 159. 04IRA 13:7) 1. Institut tonkoy organichealcoy khimil &N Lruiyanskoy SSR. (Airancarboxylic acid) KIM'1HOYA-Nf A.L.; AROTAN, A.A.; KHACHAMTAN, N-Kh. Aixan dorivativoo. a-Port !~). 24: Symthenin of song amino 00torn of 5-othyl- ftnd 5- ph"nylath7l-2-furancarbo;gllc ar~ids. Izv.AN Arm.SSR.Kbim.nauki 12 no.6:443-450 '59- (MIRA 13:7) 1. buititut totikny orgazilohoukoy klAmil A14 AruVwinkoy SSIL. (Furancarboxylic acid) MUNHOW. A.L., AVAI~1. V.M. Plutmutcological rhiirmtortatioo of "chlaindfi-ion-i" - r11rhlrjr,'X-,1Pfh.7- late of 11-(0 Report 11o.1. Izv.A11 Aryn.6bli-Biol.naliki 12 no.7:13-22 Jl '5(). (MIRA 12:10) 1. Institilt tonkoy organicheskoy khimii Akadeniii na7ik Artyunskoy Sm. (I8OI1MOLIN~,--P11Y'0*10I",1C," ~WYNCT) MMHOTAN, A.L.; AVARAN, VJ1. Relationship between the chemical structure and pharnacclogical elfect in the series of amino esters of I-phany-1 c7c lopen tane -1-car',c xyl i c acid. Izv. All Arm. SSR. Biol. nauki 12 no.9:3-11 S 159. (KIRA 12:12) l.Institut tonko orfrnichesko7_khimii Akademli nauk ArmSSR. (ADTICOINULSAMISS) - MITI)ZHOYAN, A.L.; TLRZYAN, A.G.; AKOPYAli, zil.G.; TA'-I'VOSYAI,', G.T. Indole derivatives. zLeport llo.4: Dialk7 indo171)j propylamines. Izv.AN Arin.SSR ~-him.aLu~d 1~ 16o. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Institut tonkoy organtches)rn7 't-.himii All AroSSR. (Propylamine) (In,lole) MMr,.HOYAN, A.L., akademik; TAITIVOSTAN, G.T.; AGBALTO, S.G.; BOSTAIMEHIM. R. Kh. Study of dorivatives of sul,,stituted acetic acidn. Repr-rt Uo.16: Amino asters of diphonylallcylacetic acids. DoVI.Ah I%rn.SSR 28 no.12-11-26 159. (MIRA 1-2:7) 1. Institut. tonkoy organichonkoy khimii AN ArriSSR. ?. AN ArMSSR (for k4ndziloyan). (Acotic , acid) N=HOYAN, A.L., akademik; MIMZHOYAN,O.L.: GA6PARYAN, U.Te. Maearch on derivatives of d1basic carboxyiic acids. Hoport Ro.20: riperid.vl- and pyrrolid7lothyl entors of some dibasic carbox7lic acids. Vokl. AN Arm. SSR 28 no.2:73-77 '59. k 141 RA 1-2: 6 ) I.inatitut tonkoy organichaskoy khimii AN ArmSSR. 2.AN ArmSSR kfor Mndzhoyan, A. L. ) kEthanol) kAcids) MNDZHOTAN, A.tro, akademik; MNDZHOTkH, O.L.; BAGDASA.RYAII. N.R. Research in the field of furan derivatives. Report No.22: Some dial- ~qlamlnoethyl ester8 of furylalql and furyl p-alkoxyphenyl carbinols. Dokl. AN Arm.SSR 29 no .1:41-47 59. (MIRA 12.11) 1. Institut tonkoy organicheskoy, khimii Akademit naA Arawanskoy SSR. 2. AN Arm7anskoy SSR (for A.L. Mndzho7an). OVran) (Methanol) KNDZHOTAN, A.L.. akadamik; TATSVOSWI. G.T.; AGR&LYAN. S.G.; BOST&=Hw. R-jQ1. Re3earch in the field of amino ethers. Report No.2: Syn- thesis of &-dialkylaminoethyl others of 9 ,s ,6 -trisub- stituted sthyl alcohols. Doki AN Arm.SSR 29 no.4:187-192 '59. (MIRA 13-4) 1. Inatitut tonkoy orL*tnicheokoy khlnil AN Armsbl. 2. AS ArmSSR (for 14ndzhoYan). (3thanol) (Amines) 1411DUOUN. A.L., akademik, TkTZ70STAN. G.T., &GBALYAN, S.G. Research on substitution products of acetic acids. Dokl. AN krm.SSR 29 no.5:235-243 '59. (KIRA 1!:6) 1. Institut tonkoy organicheskoy khimii kkademii nauk ArmyanskDy SSR. Akademlya nauk krmyanakoy SSR (for Kndzhoyan). (1cetic acid) MNDZHOYAII, A.L.; AYRIKYAII, V-G-; OGANESYAij, A.11.; BADALYAN. Derivctives of thiophene and tetrahytirothiophene (thlophane). 4port Nc.l: Sy-nthesia of sone anino esters of 2,5-tetrah7drothio-- phenedicarboxylic acii. Izv.A," Arm.SS-11 Xhim.nauld 13 no.l: 63-67 '60. (MIRA 13:?) 1. Institut tonkoy Organicheskoy khimii Adl ArmSSR. (Thiophenedicarboxylic acid) MIIDZROYAN. A-L.; KALMIKYAN, M.A. Pen7ofuran derivat~vfs. Report No.3: Synthesis of oome mono- and 11-N-substituted amides of 2-')~nz,)furancarbOV11c acil, and their reduction with lithium altiminum hydride. Izv.AN Arm.SSR Khi,n.nauki 13 no.1:55-61 16o. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Institut tonr-o7 organichealco.7 khimii All ArmSSR. (Benz of urancarboxylic acid) (Aluminum lithium hydride) (Ami-10B ) M - . 1A. AGBALUWj S.G* Syntheses based on harnine and tetrahydroharmine. Report No.1s Oxidation of harmine by selenious a0hydrides lev. AN Arm. SEM Xhim. nauki, 17 vm2/3t207.210 160. (MIRA 13:30) 1. Inatitut tonkoy organichaskoy1filmii AV ArmSSH. (Harmins) (Selenium oxide) MZHOTAJI, A.L; AROUU, A.A.; AGBALYAM, S.G. Syntheses based on harmire an& tetrab7droharmice. Report No.2 -i Synthesis of symetrical0e,&J-polymtbvleTte-bis-quaternaxy amanius salts of BY-N-tehrabydroharmine.-Izv. AN Arm. SSR Kh1m. maki 13 no.2/3:21r-~215 060. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Institut tonkoy orgaalcheakoy khimil AN ArmSSR. (Harmine) MNDZHOYAII, A.I., ARDYAN, A.A..- OVSEPYAI~, T.R. Sy-nttioeia of acno amino compolindr, ~,asod on 4 alko.Vtor271 clliorjes. Izv. All Arm. SSII.nim. rLauk4 13 ar,.4,-275--285 160. (MIRA 13:1-1 1. Inetitut tonkoy ormui,-heskoy khitrtil All ArmSSR. (Amino ~ompou-ucts) MMHOYAN. A.L.j AGBALYAN, S.G. Syntheses based on harmine and tetrahydrohaTlinO. Report No.3: C7anoethylation of tetrakylro~iarmine and harmine. Izv. All Arm. SSR.Khim. nauki 13 no.4:297-3N,~ !60. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Institut tonkoy orrnnicheekoy khimii AN ArmSSR. (Harmine) MNMHOYAN. A.L.; AROYAN, A.A.; AZARYAN, A.S. 04ainoline derivatives. Report No.l: Hydrogenation of quinoline on the industrial catalyBt, nickel on chromium oxide. Izv. All Arm. SSR.Khim. naWri 13 no.4:Z87--295 160. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Inatitut tonkoy organicheakay khitmil All ArmSSR. (Qiinolins) (Hydrogenation) 141MZHO ~ A.L,; KALDRIKYAPI, M.A. ,- --- I~AN -- Benzofuran derivatives. Report No.4: Synthesis of eo--.e -,cno- and disubstituted amides of 2,3-di~iydro-2-b--nzofurancarboxylic act,-; and thoir reduction with lithium aluminum hydride. Izv. All Arm. SSR. 7,11im. nauki 13 no. 5:365-)71 160, (IIII-A 14.2) 1. Inatitut tonkoy organicheskoy khimii AN ArmSSR. (Coumorilic acid) (Aluminum lithium hydride) MNDZl[OYAN,--it.L., akademik; WiDZILOYAN. O.L.; B&RIL&Wili, X.R.; XNATSILY-ANTAN. V.A. Studies on derivatives of substituted acqtic licids. ae- port No.1-14: Some dialkylaninoulkyl o9tors of phnwjlzLlkvl and aryl acetic acids. Dokl.Ali Arm.SSR 30 no.2:9?-107 ,6o. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Institut tonkoy organicheskoy khtmil Akadetail nauk Armyanskoy SSR. 2. Akademiya nauk Armyanskoy SSR (for Mndzboyan, A.L.). (Acetic acid) HHMWTAN, A.L., almd.; AMITAN, V.G.; HAVALTAN, T.Te. Studies on the derivatives of alkozybeazoic acids. Report NO.17: Synthesis of certain n-alkozybenzoic asters ofq~-and 4 -methyl-f - dialkylaminoethanole. Ibkl.AN Arm.SSR 30 no-5:287-293 160. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Institut tonko7 organichookoy khimij Akademii nauk Armyanskoy SSR. 2. Akademi7a nauk Armyanskoy SSR (for Kndshoyan), (Ethanol) MIDUOYAN, A.L., almd.; PAPAYAN, G.L.; OGANDZILAIffAll, N.Y. Research in the field of derivatives of substituted acetic acids. Report no.21: Some asters of tropine. Dokl.AN Arm.SSR 31 no-1:37-42 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1.1notitut tonkoy organichookoy khimii Akademii nauk ArmSSR. 2. Akademiya nauk Armyanskoy SSR (for Kndzhoyan). (Troptne) WfDZHOTAN, A.L.; AYRIXTAN& V,G*. BAD_4.LyA.N, v.Te.; JICKHMAN, &.A., Research in the realm of derivatives of p-alkozybenzole acits. Report No. 18: Some amino eaters of p-al~71mercaptoethoxybenzoic acids. Dokl.AII Arm.SSR 31 no. 2:97-110 160. (HIRAL 13:11) 1. Inatitut tonkoy organicheakoy khtmit Akademii nauk &Wanskoy SSR. 2. Akademiya nauk Armyaaakoy SSR (for 'indzhoyan) . (Benzoic acid) MDZHOYANg A.L.9 akademik; AFRIKYRIg V.G.; DDKHIKYXI, A.A. Research in the field of derivatives of p-alkoxybenzoic acids. Repqrt No.19: Some amino esters of p-alkoxythiobenzoic acids. Dokl.AN Arm.SSR 31 no.3:161-165 160. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Institut tonkay organicheskay khimii Akadenii nauk ArrWanskoy SSR. 2. AN Armyanskay SSR (for 14ndzhoyan). (Denzoic acid) MMZHOYAN, A.L.; AFIUKYAN, V.G.; KHORENYAN, G.A. Derivativeo of furan. Report lb.25: Some timino eators of toti,ahydrofuran-2-carboxylic acid. Izv.All Am.3Sft.Khia.nauki 14 no.lz67-70 161. (MIRA 150) 1. InBtitut tonkoy o anicheskoy khimii Ali Aamyanskoy SSR. Turoic acid) I-TDZHOYAllt A.L.; CHAYLAIGIYAN, M.Kh.; MARSHAVINA, Z.V. Effect of some indole derivatives on root fo=.aticn ~ln plarnt3. Izv. All Arm. SSR. Biol. nauki 14 no-3:3-7 Mr '61. ('~I-~A' 14:3) 1. Illstitut tonko organicheskoy khimii AN ArmSSR. (MDOLff (GROWTH PROIMOTING SUBSTANCES) M,IDZHOYAN, A.L., AMMAN, V.G. Derivatives of t~iophene and tetrahydrot~iophene. iteport No.2: Synthesis of amino esters of thiobis-(I-methyl)-acetic aced. izv.AN Arm.SSR. Khim.nauki 14 no-3:273-276 '61. (MIR.A 114:9) 1. Institut tonkoy organicheskoy khimii AN Armyanskoy SSii. (Thiophene) (Acetic acid) WZHOYANY A.L.; AFRIKYAN, V.G.; KHORENYAN, G.A. Amines and their derivatives. Report No.12: Some N-furfuryl- and tetrahydrofurfurylamides as possible antispasmodics. Izv. AN Arm.SSR.Khim.nauki 1.4 no.4:363-368 161. (MIRA 14-10) 1. Irwtitut tonkoy organicheskoy khimii Ali Ainyanskoy SSR. (Amides) (Antispasmodics) .4NDZIIOYkN.__A_.L_,; AiqilKYjUl, V.G,,; DOMIKYAN, A.A. Amines and their derivatives. Report N0.13: SO-Taw 5- 4, 5--gubstituted furfuz- .(-'- Lrd tetrahydrohyfurfuz-.fldi---Ik-ilaz~-;res as pos3ible cholinomimetics. Izv.All Arm.36R.Khim.nauki 14 no.4:369-375 161. 01-EA 14: 10) 1. Institut torilmy orgmicheskay ~.TAffdi ~:i Ar.-,lyanikoy (lunines KIIACHATRYAN, N., Kh. MMZHOYAN, A.L.; AROYA,;, A,A-~ Derivativc-5 )f furan. Report No.2f)- 3ynthesi.- of s--m- a-rdn(, esters of 5--(oc - aLkox- - - - I yeti,yl) -furan- Arm,SSR.Khim,nauki 14 no.4-377-385 - W 1, Inotitut tonkoy organicheskoy kbim:Li "I Anayanskoy L;SR. (Furundicarboxyli~ acid) MIlDHOLIN, A.L,; YALDRIKYAN, M.A. Derivatives of benzefuran. R6Dort No.6: Some repactlcns c~ benzof'urfuryl- and 2,3-dinydro~en?,ofurfurylalkylamines. Izv. All Arm.,iSR, Khim.nauki 14 no.5:4~f5-504 16.1. 0-111',U 15:1) 1. Inctitut tankoy organichoskoy lchimii AN Armyanskoy jo"R. ~Benzof\3xan) akademik; AI;IUKYj-.V, V.G.; 0GAMMAEP AJ". Invust1gations in the field of derivi,tivos ofp acids. Ret-ort !1o.2( : Lome ,,mino esters of p -butoxyberzoic acids as possible cholino', I ytic subntances. Dokl. AN Am, . -L;R ?3 no. 1: 21-29 161. (MIlui 14:0) 1. Inutitut tonkoy orfranichookoy khimii 11 Armyanskoy 2. Akadomiy nau-k Armp-rskoy -',"R (for i~ndzhoyan). (Benzoic acid) (I,nrasym~,athcmimetics) MIDMOYAP, A.L,; YA1DRJKYj'd-T, 1',-A. Derivatives of benzofurar. Re-.