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Teoriya ferrorezonansnykh stabilizatorov napryazhenlya (Theory of
Fertroresonant Voltage Regulators) Moscow, Gosenergoizdat, 1958.
129 p. 11,000 copies printed. .
Ed.t M.I. Oranskiyj Tech. Ed.: A.A. Zabrodina.
PURPOSE: This book is intended for engineers designing and using
voltage regulators and also for scientific workers and students of
electrical-engineering vuzes and departments.
COVERAGE: The author explains the theory of ferroresonant voltage
regulators. He describes methods of designing the basic circuits
of ferroresonant voltage regulators and points out some of their
applications. In the foreword the apthor states that he followed
the terminology recommendations of the Rublication,"Terminology of
the Theoretical Electrical Engineering. Farroresonant phenomena
have been investigated and described by P.L. Kalantarov. Applica-
Card 1/6
Theory of Ferroresonant Voltage Regulators sov/1676
tion of ferroresonance to voltage regulation has been described
in papers by S.P. Pivovarov, V.V. Kovalevskaya, M.G. Lozinskiy,
Ye.V. Sazanov, A.G. Lurlye, G.K. Yevdokimov, and others.
According to the author, however, there is still no unified,
genera4 and systematic theory of ferroreBonant regulators. The
author attempts to elaborate such a theory. The author thanks
Professor N.N. Shumilovskiy, Doctor of Technical Sciences, and
Engineer I.G. Golldreyer for their comments. There are
73 references, 47 of which are Soviet, 14 German, 10 English
and 2 French.
Ch. 1. Ferroresonant
1. Description of
2. Equivalent cimuit
Card 2/6
Circuits of Voltage Regulators 11
circuits 11
of voltage regulators 17
Theory of Ferroresonant Voltage Regulators sov/1676
Ch. 2. Theoretical Analysis of Steady-state Operating Conditions
of Ferroresonant Voltage Regulators 19
1. Applicability of the analysis 19
2. Regulation 6haracteristic of a regulator 19
3. External characteristic of a regulator 22
4. Characteristic of the magnetic circuit material 23
5. Generalized characteristics of a voltage regulator 28
6. Analysis of the no-load regulation characteristic 29
7. Physical aspects of operating conditions at the
inflection points of the characteristic 32
8. Analysis of the load regulation characteristic 32
9. Stabilization coefficient 33
10. Power factor in the primary circuit 35
11. Primary current and voltage losses 37
12. Analysis of the external characteristic 40
1~. Q, of a voltage regulator 44
1 . Function of the compensating windings 45
1~. Operation of a volts, e regulator under complex load 55
1 . Vector diagram of a 5oltage regulator 57
Card 3/6
Theory of Ferroresonant Voltage Regulators SOV/1676
Ch. 3. Effect of Frequency Changes on the Operation of
Ferroresonant Voltage Regulators 62
1. Quantitative evaluation of the effect of frequency
changes 62
2. Methods for eliminating effects of frequency changes 65
Ch. 4. Design of Saturated Reacto 'rs 68
1. Statement of the problem and basic relations 68
2. Design calculations for ring-shaped cores of rectangular
cross section 70
3. Design calculations for rod-shaped cores 73
4. Design calculations for shell-type cores 78
Ch. 5. Diffusion Inductance 80
1. Equivalent circuits of magnetic circuits 80
2. Results of the experimental Investigation of some
devices 81
Ch. 6. Primary Theoretical Data for the Design of Ferro-
resonant Voltage Regulators 84
1. Volume of the saturated steel 84
2. Selection of the design constants 86
Card -4/6
Theory of Ferroresonant Voltage Regulators sov/1676
Ch. 7. The Design of Ferroresonant Voltage Regulators 94
1. Analysis of the equivalent circuit 94
2. Examples of the analysis of equivalent circuits 95
3. Distribution of winding currents and the total mmf 100
4. Design cale;ulations for a 2-kva voltage regulator in
the form of circuits with natural diffusion and an isola-
ted reactor 102
5. Design data for a 2-kva voltage regulator with magnetic
shunt 108
6. Design calculations for high-duty regulators ill
Design of voltage regulators for reactive loads 115
Adjustment of the calculated number of winding turns 115
Ch. 8. Characteristics of Ferroresonant Voltage Regulators
not Accounted for by Theory and Some Problems in the
Use of Regulators 115
1. Form of the output voltage curve 115
2. Losses in saturated iron and copper 117
3. Rectification of stabilized voltage 119
Card 516
Theory of Ferroresonant Voltage Regulators SOV/1676
4. Voltage regulation in a three-phase circuit 121
5. Use of ferroresonant voltage regulators in the trans-
formation of single-phase voltage into a three-phase
symmetrical voltage system 122
6. Some abnormal operating conditions of voltage regulators 125
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress (TK.2851 L83)
Card 6/6 JPAd
6 22-59
14(3) SOV/176-58-7-12/17
AUTHOR: Lurlye, A., Engineer-Colonel
TITLE: Estimates of Electric Wiring Used in Vlorking Conden-
ser Exploders (Rasch8t elektrovzryvnykh setey pri is-
pollzovanii kondensatornykh podryvnykh mashinok)
PERIODICAL: Voyenno-inzhenernyy zhurnal, 1958, Nr 7, pp 33-38 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The author describes condenser blasting machines (ex-
ploders) type KPM-1 and KPM-2 which, he says, are more
reliable and are superior to electro-dynamic machines
PM-1 and PM-2. The condenser machines can be linked
together and therefore made more powerful and suitable
for use with a complex network, as well as with sepa-
rate nets. The limits of resistance to detonation
depend upon the capacity of the condensators and the
voltage with which the are charged, also upon the
type of electrode tonNors and upon the layout of the
net. KPM-1 has a limit of resistance equal to 350 ohm
Card 1/2
Estimates of Electric Wiring Used in 71orking Condenser Exploders
and with parallel connections of 5 electrodetonators
to 14 ohm. In the KPM-2 unit, the corresponding fi-
gures are 900 om and 50 om. The author givEs examples'
of the limits of resistance in the individual settings.
There are 5 diagrams and 1 Soviet reference.
Card 212
ZAYTSEV, Ivan Alekseyevich; OLUROYE A i e t e~vlch! YANKO-TRINITSKIY,
ff_jj~ e t v1c
'TSOV. r
A.A*, prof. retBon n ZNET-SGVp I.F.,. ret; SOBOLEVA, Ye.M.,
tekhn. red.
[Textbook on the theoretical principles of electrical engineering]
Zadachnik po teoreticheskim oanovam elektrotekhniki. Izd.2., perer.
Moskva, Gos.energAzd-vo, 1961. 301 p. (MIRA 14:12)
(Electric engineefing)
ACC W. AT6028970 "'OURC1," Coml-.: Ull/oooo/G5/000/000/00-91/0100
AUT11OR:' Lurlye, A. G.
IORG: Novosibir:;Ic Geological Administration (Novosibirskoyd geologi-
:Ch0Gkoye uprovlenic)
The central-ray method and its application in the western
S-iberian lo'alandz
.SOURCE: V3c3oyuznyy seminar po novoy metodike 3cyor'iorazvedoci.
Seysmorazvedica 5 primeneniyem gruppirovaniya vzryvov na dlinnykh bazakh
,i sposoba tsentralInykh luchey (Seismic prospecting using the grouping i
loll shots on long bases and the method of central rays); trudy seminara.
!Moscow, Izd-vo Nedra, 1965, 91-100
TOPIC TAGS: seismic prospecting, underground explosion, qeismic wave,
seismology, low velocity zone, upper mantle
;ABSTRACT: 'An analysis is made of the methods of observat16n, correla-
i~ 4
,$..Lon, and interpretation used in the central-ray method (STsL), which
is based on the reception of reflected waves at the shot point. The
luse of STsL in remote regioni of the western Siberia.lowla.nd is de-
!scribed. The work was carried out along rivers with appar 'atus mounted
iaboard power boats. The effectiveness of the method in solving
111reconnaissance problems was determined for regions with r6ferenc.e
Card 1/2'
ACC NR: AT6028970
%, nt to comaplenrient
jor extended reflecting boundaries. It was found'expedie
'STsL with continuous profiling observations. Orig. art. has: 10 for-
imulas and 5 figures.
!SUB CODE: 08/ SUBM DATE: 30Apr65/ ORIG REF: 002
YWROVI R.S., ~uud.tekhn.nauk;
Determining welding deformations in crane beams during manufactare
Prom.stroi- 38 no-3;55-57 160- (KM 13:6)
(Cranes, derricks, ate.) (Electric welding)
FLOROV, R.S., kand.tekhn.nauk~ iALY_E4_AuL1&j inzho
Study Of ~he deform' tion of welded I-beams from longitudinal Beams.
%, Trudy Ural. politekh. Inst. no.99&170-173 160. (MIRA 14'5.)
(Girders-Testing) -
I Lull
New data on the geothermic conditions of the
Lowland. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser.geol, 30 no.11:115-117 N 165
(MIRA !.8zl2)
1. Laboratoriya gidrogeologii I geokbimii pv~%omziykh vcd
Ukrainskogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo inst--ji~ta p,-jrr,,dncgo
gaza, KharIkov. Submitted August 12, 1964.
ZASTBZIIKO# Yu.S.; Lunlr-, A-4,
Sam dbwwterlstica of osothozml conditiona ln tbo
abobellnlm pa flolde lbft& I gas, Prom. 3s8-al Jl.G 165.
(mm 28s11)
"Operational Calculus as Applied to Problem in Mechanics," United Technical
Publishers., 1938
i.'L R la E , A. I
r,riblizhenno~c Eesheniye Nel-otoryl-h /_'adar-,h 0 i-ruchen-A 1 iz,~-ibc-terzhnya- L.,
Trudy Industr. 1!-,'-TA, 3:1 (1~;3-1), 121-126.
So z athe. atics in the 1917-11,47
edited by Yursoh, A. G.
!-~arkushevich, In. 1.
Eashevskiy, 1'. Y.
t,oscou,-Lenit~ard, 1948
.. LURIYE, A. I.
"On Saint-Venant ,a Pboblem for Naturally Twisted bars. I."
Dik. ANO 24, No ls 1939.
Dok- ANj, 24o ho 8o 1939.
"Deterirdnation of Displacements by means of the Tensor of Deformation-"
Prik. I~Iatemat. i Mekh.: 4, No 1j 1940-
f- & /~ ./Z--/ 4, 1 .
Ob ustoichivosti odnogo klassa reFuliruemykh sistem. (Prikladnaia matematika
i mekhanika. M5, v. 10, no. 5, p. 353-367, bibliography)
Title tr.: Stability of one type of systern un(ior control
QA801.P7 1945
SO: Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union, Library of
Congress, 1955
"General theory of Thin Elastic Shells."
Prik. "atemat. i Mekh.2 41 No 2. 194o.
Lourye, A. L Conautration of stresas In the vicinity of
in apemra in the surface of a circular cylinder. Appl.
-M-4th. rviech. CAkai. Nauk SSSR. Priki. Mat. Mech.] 0,
397-406 (1946). (Russian. Digh-sh summary)
Sourcet Mathevatical Revievs, Vol 8, No. 2
-f-Lure, A. 1. StWflka tonkustenrlyn uprugih ofjHmeek~
chapter I The ff1witions of equillibrium of aft dandu
symmoriGilly loadrd shell of rtvolution. chapit'r 2.
tion of thp fiff-rential equa(icins for a hell of
tht? SIM ~ 1(" 1 ~.A'MlWtl !- -11 iM M ( IMIAI-F I Aj);-T ~IX~ITIJI I
Solution (it the filridamu-11tal 1? :1 ~ fit
~qietrica-v loaded slicit of rcvolittiom Chapter 4. Arbitrarily
loa:&d c0indrym. I shall. Tabic of cottlents.
Mathematical Revietts, Vol
L*arm A
T 445
A nwclmm',~al is dwractcriwd by Elie p~ararjsvtL-r
and tile equation (1) + 2ne + wher-1. n Ii a pc:-~Ilvc
cyinstant and ji; dv-,cribmthe fmaition of a governing dvvice
Nvho~w niovein-ar. in turn, k determined by ) thrve-way
mitdl; tile positions of thr Switch Correspond trs the
juaWity -gn 0 +$gn 6, wilere a
(A =Conston0f rvprmerits fliv f6albatk of 5 jrm~ the contr*1
triechanism. nic equation of tile control tric-charlisin i3
assumedl to be (2) 4 = - J(igji a + sbm i). The author studies
the stability of th~ s~siem (I 1. ;121 bv mcam of a 5uitabk-
chanRe of van. ibles and the of Liapounuff*i
CondkinI12. He datmS that tile condition An > f it 3z)-icient
for ~tabflity but that thvre is riot abyrnpwtic stAility
Howevef, the ivviewer ot^ervc. tPat binze the seLond
MembeT Of (2i is ~'iscorltlnurus Liapowwrl's If-.L-)rt:MS -rV
not imm~diatdy applicabl, MweoNvr, it can be A-hjwn ,.hat
tb.~,- ~~utem ~.Xs rdutwn3~ Atth initial poLnit arbjzrax:!~ near
the irigm. io T.-'t tut 01 .1>0. So that the ques-
rl'i" A it 1% C\,r-
if t:U.-h d~~I~rcntl.if -'re-WtI"
re'd rlle~' , -,I: 6"Stt.ftl I'h,, ~,xisteiicv -A,
1. L Afaism; (Princ-tw, N
'Sourcet Ilathematical Rovlaws, 1948, Vol 9, No. 4
~lp ptv'~
-~Uoo aql
Ul p-wIllul--o) ;-Iclflv
. , i
~aqu! ;,Pn~j
*.xu ta
-IEjIodAIq 61
'OMI 1e 0,1
Vm I I') ~,I' a ti I y~-
~fo glool uj1potm ;o ~t it
~tjl i;PXIPIXP ',I-)I%IAI, '~i
~;ql !o UmVilill
;)Tapat V!q2 UT P~A-11.#
smilqvis UJD I
lwp4jomrs CO i.,
:4,q.;0 iaAMIS)
V a141 n1 110TIII)J)" 'J!
atp inc..)r
stiormsib.7 o ui.n~
pit (3 uam~j&~Jur )j
14 j
i6lilp 10
sIiopdujnFmr IvD(myl pw-
npoiiui iq atio
jo xt,,jqa,d
~q) p,
qIrm kA" lo Ajoakil
I ,
10 &ICV.Rq) JLP )o ~umirvt
(r) mapoxina -.%ajqj ()Jul ~flllj
6awdop;.ap aiLL --i-x)(No mi
"S $141 --kjomp ~%tjl jo 'wolm
UO p;*-rq
sucip-,44tp 13up%rp Vr
sn)l uz NEj5qqttd itafcj" iqz
,;)0, -AaAJnS rj-WRr4ptIM P 91 sttil >
i(061) WS;-~-,99 'It 'API-V Tej~
~I=sa *tD Iq paqvqqnd 11.1am
svp jo umpqMnb-a pin lo &Iootp
Z' a /? 14 ~- _I-
rs teoreticheskoi. mekhaniki. Tom 1: Statika i. kinemakhaaik'q.
,u 61
Tom 2: Dinamika. Izd. h, dop. I perer. Dopushcheno v knchestve 11chch.
posolniia dlia vysshikh tPkhn. ucheb. zavedpnii. Lpninrrad, Gostekhi-d2t,
1948. 2 v., diarrrs.
TitlP tr.: A course of theoretical mechanics. v. 1: Ftntics and
kinematics; v. 2: Dynamics. Approved as a texthook for schools of
advanced -technical studies.
QA805-L63 1948
SO: Aeronautical Sciences 3nd Aviation in the Soviet Union, Library of
Congress, 1955.
-// --- - IV,-2- -
~ uk-,- 71-- /
, 1. prof., red.; LOYTSYAIIMIY, L.G., prof.,
, L.M4;
*-0,4 4 S, red.;
DZHANB,LIDZI, G.Tu., red.; VOLCHOK, K.M., tekhn. red.
[Rechealas of plastic media] Nekhanika Plasticheskikh sred. Ioningrad,
Goo. izd-vo takhniko-teoret. lit-ry, 1948. 215 P. (MIU 11:7)
(Deformations (Mechanics)) (Blastic solids)
Ltzr'e, A. I., And Fialkar G. MI. On the stability of regula-
Tolu-m-the preimce of metardatioa in the measuring orgian
of the regulator. Akad, Nauk SSSR~ lulencrriyf Sbornik
4 - no, 2, 109-112 (1948). (RusMan)
en'l, !~Y~tcm of the form
issolved by
-,V- L-.Xl) T."I, Y = Y exp xvt: eliminau"n7, the can-
oalits X aml:Ykads to a trinscentlental cquatiort for w. If
t lit! rt xita toal I h"'Wd nega t ivc real parts . the system (') isfaid
fn la- iahk% Conditions (in die paranicters sufficient for
y itt I his sem": are obtained; these condition3 rLq-.iire
01,.- (Ictrrminatioa of the least po5itive root of In
AL--. -
ja l(III.
Review.,;. Vol
LURIYE, A. I. iq/49T10
UMM/Blectronica s6p/Oct 48
Circuits,, Regulated
Oscillations, Steady
M e Steadiness of Auto-Oscillation in Regulated
Circuits," A. I. Lurtye, laningrad Polytecb Inst
Izeni M. 1. Kalinin, 2 pp
"Avtomat i Telemekh" Vol II, No
Completes mathematical exposition of subject
problem vhIch was covered more thoroughly in
Lurryets previous work ("Avtomati Telemekh"
Vol Vill, No 5, 1947).
LTJRIj~-?,, A. I.
0 periodicheskort reshenii sistemy lineinykh uravenii s postoi-
annyrd doeffitsientarni. (Prikladnala rat-riatika i raekhanika, 194'.
v. 12, no- 4, P- 353--362, bibliography)
Title tr. : Periodic solution of systers of' linear equations with
constant coefficients.
Reviewed by J,. L. Massera in Lathematical Revi.--ws, l9yh~', v. 10.,
no- 3, p- 193-
QA601.P7 1948
SO: Aeronautical Sciences and Aviablon in the Soviet Union, Library of
Congress, 1955.
L11'e- A. L Ou a c anonictil ton'u of Vle4mmaiz= 0.1 L~W
autoamitic 1,eguiation. NaUk
Pri3d. Mat. M z.-h. 12, t5 1 -066 (1901. k Rursian) t
The aystern
is Put into the ranonical form
Xx,-+ JW, ...... 4"
b,. ;ncaris of a hricu tiansforiziatinn -T, - irl the+' T!'.
cam, kwhere the niatiux B - (b,, ~ Kas 6ruple char"ctcristi~
~.A roots X'. ate gsv.~n ~(If the Constant:$
c1l. ^1, r. Sonic
On, n.).
LaSalle, J. Uniqueness thenremrs and si,it-cessi
-fi-1iffRjH5- .-Imr, o~ Math (2~ 50, 722- :1941
--7Ti-e-ku-Uior conslo'-Zs dhe s%-.,Iem
in -t- III .)-,.t v_:-i i'C the
I) Ixt 111, !:!1 i I) II k!d by
1,(X) T I., A , N, h', C :,-J, Zo
by -111iiA- I- 'vo- G and
1 P 11;'I~ :d, lo .1 ~"C'ju-
-IL~ fu'l, I.
1(x, ~MO 24 ~A) ar,
t o; (lie ta"- 4 11~~I e I h(~
L11". I-Ix condi"oll r th~r p'lpt"-
flic.-Ojeol %%filch 111,1'~Its ihott~- of
%Iortef aud Viguj~;o ond ul~,o ~ :i,eorein which
sj~K,~ a ~ub%~et of G' omj.(,~d (If zevo approximations and
of kV.nto'!T
13-11) 1946); the-se k r~ 7, 291, 1 f- 14, the c-is& of morr than 1~
onr A~itiori a resuh whk'h leadf, bounds .ri the d'fivrence
of Is g)%"11 .1 M C.)
414, -
"Operational Calculus and Its Application to Frobleas in Aechanics", 2nd edition,
State Jublishing House for Tec.1-nical and Theoretical Literature, 431 PP, 1950.
A' y4z~' d'
V~R#~ A.T.
0 kharaktere granits oblasti ustoichilvosti reguliruerT.'kh sistem.
(Prikladnaia natematika i mekhanika, 15,50, v. 14, no. It. P. 371-382)
Title tr.: Character of the boundaries of stability zone of the syEtems under
QA8ol-P7 1950
SO: Aeronartical 'ciences and Aviation in the Sovit-:t Union, Library of
Congress, 1955
A J;.,
t e,-esquatiors-, oi tl~
u, e Og e geneM theory of
elastic sheft.`-'.-~Akad, aurMI-M. PrikI. MaL Meh. 14,
Mn-60 ffi (Rz'
lit thez4assical theory oi elastic shells the threc-dimen-
sionJ problem is reduced to a two-dimensional on~- through
iL sjwcification -.of: eigh~t. for=. and moments which arc-
51,16Cally equivalent to the distribution of the normal
stcr,~s a-, and art and -the shear stresses rit t-- rz, along the
li,wa of the middic section. Four of these
quantities.Sj, Sx, Hi, mid 11, are connected by the equation
S,-Sz+ff0ki-HdR2-=O and are specially introduced to
account for the shear stress; 711. This note shows that in all
equations of the elastic theory of shells these four quantititi
can be replaced by two quantities S and 11 given by.
2SWSt+s AIRI-IltlAt, 211-11,+Ilt.
ere adt
C, C-1 -s r an ic
th A b 44i d a
rotat of of. 014Y rhiddf,~,fqjrfaco,
1. A vsoff (.Sui ta Monica, C.:Ifif,).
1'' bfi
77~7- a, -7 afe:der v fro a*
i ed "Liapounod ffinction"
ra pro I* Sen
p perlf,
_Which- sitive forag values of y, ir P60 andwh
V(yi w) is po ose
.Fraocti-cally alL.:the coritroljiyAtems cons! th, Aime, derivativ i all functions y(t) v(I)FdQ
e-anegative ftx--:~
1.0)nogmph aro.dekribe&bV-e4udtion~ -ofthe fornv-`~*. satisfying (bj. thapter 3 deals iii . t.
Idt-d*-existeace and a
4A My -Dfscu ed are'
lation of the ol atcrnjb)~ BS
the Bogolyiubov-Mldv methcd of harmonic balance, the
"Poincar6-Milkin method of ei nion.and caiting-out of
theauthor'soolu sed form for a I..
d tion in do
Pw. apeci, functions f (a). n
I Oe last chapter the behavior
where the nk-are ihicOntrPM4 c6oidinates, E the 6didinate of -the solutions of (b), -on the boundaries of the rqftn-of
-the' Ifie _syr M &Yk
stability, of the Ii ar iteni,k,: X (cit6r one of the X's
of thereolUting organ, f(c) ch~mcter'lstfc,of tile 5"1-I
motori b~j,~ rr*~. 'r.,o[pure! imaginary X's) is."alyzed.
r 661ectl 016 off is D'or there -1's: a pat
-a he' ' `herearedue- DautlrilAkail Nauklr-
prbWn Ii~q -aIhdmitfj6&` ~t rerults ta
presenw4 k t~otlvka-b;kfi A
'k tat
f '11v
K.Trl k. Nlch~, U 0 (428 (04tY, thcho Rev, 10,
meroubi origniat contributiolnit-6f the-Au thor to' thit'ri6d. In M- t
Chapter- t cquatipns'- (4) ire ra[66d- to th 456] And Al*.e an Cibid..14, 144-448~ (1950); thesw Rev,
r!n Ivor
121,1813. There are illidstratil Its kw:,Out in
detai[hi all chapterir. All the t
(b) !kI=At%*fGA- ff~cz,; m-rNA . . = Lrivei are to %vork
tun YES A PA 172T95
USSR/Pbysics - Regulation, Stability of Jan/Feb 51
'!Problem of the Stability of Regulated Systems,"
A. I. Lurlye, Leningrad Polytecb Inst
"Priklad Matemat i MAW' Vol XV, No 1, pp, 67-74
Stability criteria in the large of one important
class of regulated systems leads to establishment of
nature of roots of certain system of quadratic eq.
Presents effective method for investigating more than
2 quadratic eq, the case for 2 being comparatively
easy. Submitted 2 Oct 50.
USSR/Mathematics Servos-echanisms KW/Apr 51
"Intrinsically Instible-Regulated Systems," A. I.
Lurlyeo Leningrad Polytech Inst
"Prik Matemat i Mekh" Vol XV, No 2, pp 251-254-
Discusses generalization of theory to systems
instable for open cycle. Develops characteristics
of system f(cri vith initially set properties:
f (,v,-) c cr + 99(cr-) for c > 0 and
Lur'e A, L Stressed state about an ellipsoidal Cavity.:
yAl,~lfl. IMiuk S.I~SR (N,S,) 87, 709-710 (1952).~
Yathematical Roviews (Russiari)
Voi, 14 110. 11 The prolilem of the strc~- distribution arotind an cllip-!
December, ~Difhl Cavity irt all
Mechanics. This proWeill Was'N( A. SmInwAy'
-iiid (Ili, reviewer [j. Appl. Writ. 16, 149-157 (1949); llw5e~.
Rev. 10, 760j. Iii (lie lirescl)t 11.11)c (lie Rcileratifig
sinc~q-Ripkrlvirh !~trms (tiorticlos ate assumetl .11 improper.
incomplete elliptic intrgrals of (lie first atid ,econd Mod,"
-lod tile Uscof jarobiall Oliptic fillirtioll-9,which is flecess;
to cffvcl a rudiu-timi of thesolutiori to fabulatrd fmirtiori-.y
is avoided. A g;iiji io tr.mFparenry i~ claiowd.
E. Sirrithcriz (chicago, 111.). 11;
Gonsiders an unbounded elastic mediun possessing a cavity in the
form of a tria:;dal elLipsoid, under the assumption that at a sijf-
ficiently large distance fron the cavity the stress state is homo-
Ceneous. Proposes to det the local stresses in the reCion adjoining
the cavity. Fresented by Acad. 11.I.Vuskhelishvili 6 Oct 52. 25)4nol
"Review of A.I.Lurlye's Book 'Some Nonlinear Proble=s in nutomatic Control
Theory," A.M.Letov, reviewer.
Av-tomat i Telemekh., 13, No.5, pp 610-615, 1952
Favorable review of the book, which ir a compendium of papers by Lurlye on
this subject previously published in the periodicals PI:Lkl~dna thtematikakh
i Mekhanika and Avtomatika i Telemekhanika.
I_VR'yC-'X A-,,
MWHCMMKIY, Ivan Yeavolodovich, 2859-1935 [author); WR'YZ, A.I. Eredaktorl.
[Collection of problems In theoretical mechanics] Sbornik za-da h po teo-
reticheskoi mekhauike. A.Lrkwle. Isd.19., stereotip"e. Ko-
ok7a, Goo..izd-vo tekhniko-teoret.lit-ry. 1953. 384 p. (My-vA 6:8)
(Mechanics--Problems, exercises, etc.)
LUR'*f~~, ",,. I.
sc t y
U thr stal-ilitY cf rjovcrnt.11
Of +.'1p !-,-' -,
v. ,~ )
Lurl-,-C. SO -riF-a
~Ccvssiops, T.I'Lxary cf Cowress
1!onthl,l List rf Russian
June 3. T~C L
U tueeiA. L The OrgatedI stitte to an elgetk S4~~r laided
on the latend -4 Sb. 17, 43-5 ). ~ X,
Surface. MIC . 8 (1953
I in *e above title has a long histo
The problent described , ! ry
'and watt investigated by tn~~t~ workera. One of the finst,
lain%A, solved the problem Oil An infillitL eylinder luaded
alonga line oa:tf-.e hiteral surfam oa Its entire length. The,
4uthor justifies Me Zanti4b4fi4a claiming not. only a new
method but aldo r4memew exults, He cangliders an infillite
cylinder l6adM'ndft'iLlly' an ilia ateral surface in, the (oll,iw-
hij W&Y6,; (i) cbritinuo"~M 8.1's U12 loids alang a line~&egment
.81*finite lengih, (0) continudut,constantloads along P. cic-
Cumferentie of a normal ceirticn, (c) leads arbitrarily applied. -
T6 authsr deals ftWaly with case (a). SolutinOs (displafc_
-13 witich
ments in this case) are in form of Fourier integra
are transformed by contuir integration into functinns in
series form. When the lengt6 'of the loaded seginent in-
creases, seolutions approach Lamt ns, This work pro.
vides a convenient means of Onding an error when fx.;n6'ti
methcd is used as an appmxitii~tion. At the end the author
shows how to apply aolution of case, (a) to solve cwia (b),
and then hilly 60 al)ljly (11) and (b) to WIVO (C), The AUOIVY
-ice that in principle his method could.
mentions in. the pref,
be "tended to a holbrw cylinder but it would not be
Practical -T. Lew (Lexitgton,-Ky.)_
"Bouilibrium of an Blastic Saherical Shell," A.I.Lurlye, Leninrrad, Prik !'at i I-ekh,
V047 No 3,, pp 311-332) 1953
FollowinCe the method of Thomson and Tait (Treatise on Natural PhIlosophy,
who uz3a Cartesian coordinates (Lan. 6 used spherical), and employing vector notation,
the author proceeds from the soln of the eqs of elasticity theory in the form proposed
by P. F. Papkovich, whose fourth harmonic function (Thomson used only three) in this
soln perrats one to simplify the behavior of the soln and to decrease the b ilk conpu-
tations. The author obtains the soln for the case where the displacement surfaces are
given on a limiting hollow sphere and for the case of external leads. 250T30
I-VIVY& ) B- 1.
BOOK Call No.: AF643366
Authors: LOYTSYANSKIY, L. 0. and LURIYE, A. I
Fifth revised edition.
Translitereated Title: Kurs teoreticheskoy mekhaniki. T. I - Statika i kinematika
Originating Agency: None
Publishing House: State Publishing House of Technical and Theoretical Literature
Date: 1954 No. PP.: 379 No. of copies: 50,000
.Editorial Staff: None
PURPOSE: This is a textbook approved by the Ministry of Higher Education of the USSR
for institutions of higher learning.
Coverage: This is the first volume of the fifth edition of the two-volume Course of
Theoretical Mechanics. It was brought up-to-date in conformity with present
requirements. Basic conceptions and the history of the development of theoretical
mechanics will be found in a 37 page introduction. In this volume problems of
statics and kinematics are analyzed. Vectorial algebra was omitted because it forms
a part of the program of higher mathematics.
No. of References: 17 in footnotes: 7 Russian., 1846-1950, 10 non-Russian, 103-1950.
Facilities: None
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, 1959, Nr 1, p 121 (USSR3
AUTHORS: Lurlye, A.I., Radtsig,_M.A , Kroll, A.P., Rozenblyum, V.I.
TITLE: The Development Methods for Calculating Turbine Parts Under the Conditions
of .2~i ~7-~
PERIODICAL% Inform. pis'mo Nr 119, Tsentr. n.-i. kotloturbinnyy in- . Moscow-Lenin-
grad, Mashgiz, 1953, pp 1-5
ABSTRACT: A short exposition of the development results of calculation methods for
the creeping of non-uniformly heated turbine disks of an arbitrary profile
and turbine diaphragms is given. The calculation of the unsteady creeping
of a turbine disk is based on the variation method proposed by L.M. Kacha-
nov. The distribution of stresses in the state of stationary creeping,
Recessary for this method, is determined by means of the numerical integra-
tion of the system of two equations with respect to two functions, through
which the stresses and the deformations in the disk are expressed. To satis-
fy the boundary conditions It is necessary to integrate the system 2 - 3
times. The calculation is based on the equations of the fluid dynamics.
The steady creeping of a turbine diaphragm is schematically considered as
Card'1/2 a semi-ring of constant thickness, at an arbitrary relation between the
The Development 14ethods for Calculating Turbine Parts Under the Conditions of Creeping
creeping rate and the stress. For the determination of the maximum deflection of the dia-
phragm. a very simple method by means of two given graphics is proposed. The effect of the
vaneAeformation can be taken into account, but the calculation appears very difficult.
A.G. Kostyuk
Card 2./2
Me CommIttee an Stalin Prizes (of the Council of Kinigtere USSR) in the fields ~f
science and Inventions annoumes tUt the foLlaving scientific works# popilar scien-
tific books, emd textbooks have been submitted for cougpetition for Stalln. Prizes for
the years 1952 and 1953. (�gW!M WLura. Moscmr., No. 22-40, 20 Fab - 3 APr- 1954)
. _p
Lurlye, A. 1.
Title or %Ant
IlGertain Nonlinear Problems
in the Theory of Automatic
Nquimted Py
Leningrad Polytachnic Insti-
tute imini 14. 1. Kalinin
SO: W-30604,, 7 JUY 1954
MWHCHMSKIY.Ivan Voevolodovich, 1859-1935.; LUROYN, A.I. redaktor
[Collection of problems In theoretical mechanics] Sbornik sadach p0
teoratichaskoi mekhanike. Pod red. A.I.Dirle. Izd. 21 Mollkyo, Qoe.
izd-vo takhn.-teoret. lit-ry, 1955- 384 P- (MLRA 8.U)
(Mechanics--Problems, exercises. etc.)
Lur'% A. L FrZmku~~ za eon
f5patial problew-S of the theory of elastir-fty). Gu,-zu-
d-qrstv. Udat- Tehn.-Teor. Lit., Moscow 19-'-'; 491 pp.
17.60 rubles.
T-his Ls a comp-r-h--;nMve study of the thre,~-dizrjersv:n
t~it%ory ~'J --fasticity bly a Leading Russian rnathezrn-'U~~Iari
;11, h,-, held- The 1>ook is built around the author .i -)w ri
vubJ13~w~i ari,,I unpublisfie~ rnaterial and contains -~tlt Liiud
~efeyt-ncts r,;, 1--)rk ~i-,!~ide and outside Russia as ~ve as
Chapter (62 pagv7s) establishes tht.# basic equatioris w
w!"hout Us'a of general ttri5om-
-is in tevn~ of harnionic
ccrisider . -r! !S
riven tc bt),dy for~:cs, &duced from a potertial. ai:,.'
W efft~-ts. Chapter Il. (14 pages) dc-als with the ua-
bounded and seriii-un bounded space, subject to inter-rial
zftd-exterm x ~t-tqd -and distributeAd forces. Singular
jni-- ~im di~-c~~skd in ge~kial 4'4415e7w -o-w-- Ott he
ast CG:ie
H~ lo ed at i s -ver-texA
as a grtrieralizati-crt c;~ the Problem of a concentrated force
acting or. the
Ch-apter M ',-'-4 ~ts~ is concerned with the solution
of problerns, of ela-,~-,: layers by a formal metho'd us,;,g
C:r U tuato ors-~Th'e MOW
is applied to the probl ms of cornpres--ion by direct forces
op the free Burf;Lcvs, of hend'.1il:, and' r--f
Chapcx IV (51 pages) studi!2, of thick
the method of the PFeC-'--dIVir ThIC solw-'on Is
obtained in f1vo parts, ibe
the edge condtion. th-
e~- ta- The -!a-+;-
fying the loadiL-g waditions an the fr
circ, r plate for val"
cular cases- considered are thc da. L
edae and loa.31in'r conditi,~,w- and thermad stre~-Ses due tr,
IffleAlIr variation of through the plate thick-
Chapter V (75 pages) deals Nvith the contact pt-oblern
Circular and elliptical areas at contact arc solv'-~-! as spec. J,
cases. Chapter, VI studies the dcformafion t,,f
cally loaded spheres, t:-iicl(
sphtricJ s~w6:~ and tht
ellipsoidal cavity. Chapte.- ~)age"j d`7ajS W`61 'he
circular cyfirider in ~,end,!~7 az'.~' under lud"S oil its side
surface. Chapter VIJII f-15 page~;j --turr
I I _ , .1. z, to the problem
of the elastic 5phere for more general bourZrv conditions
and solves several p;Lticular cases for given surface
trdctions and diiplacernents.
Each chaPteris followed by a survey oi the literature
relAting tc t~e presented results. IT. Padok.
LURIYN, A.4. (Kooky&)
- -19m, J.
Kathematical, theorr of statistical control usad in Industrial
processes. Izv.AH BOSR.Otd.takh. nauk ao.2:113-119 1 156,
Nathematical statistics) (Qmlity- control) OCM 9:7)
ALUKAE, N.A. (Tailin); LUR'YE, A.I. (Leningrad)
Review of A.L. Golldenveizer's book OTheory of... elastic thin shells."
Reviewed by I.A. Alume, A.I. Inrle.). Iz-v.AN &"4SR.Otd.tekh.nauk
no.5:171-176 Ky 156. (MLHA 9:8)
Mastic plates and shells) (Golidenvoizer. A.L.)
"Theory of elasticity," (in Polish]. M.T. Huber. Revievel by
A.I. Lur's. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. tekh. nauk no.6:172-174 Je '56.
(KLRA 9:9)
(Elasticity) (Huber, Maksymilian Tytus,.1872-1950)
Sergai Sargoevich Golushkavich. Izv.AN SSSR.Otd.takh.xauk no.8:143-144
Ag 156. (Golushkavich, Sargei Sargoevich, 1903-1956) WaA 9:9)
HAYASHI, Chihiro; BMI11A, V.I. [translator]; LUROYE, A.I., red.
[Forced oscillations in nonlinear systems] Tynuzhdannys kole-
baniia v nelineinykh sistemakh. Pod red. A.I.Lurle. Koakvj%.
Izd-vo inostr.lit-ry, 1957. 204 p. Translated from the Inglish.
(Oscillations) (KIRA 13:5)
LUjfIYrj_A. 1. (Prof.); LLIOV, A. M. (Prof.)
"Theory of Stability of Non-linear Systems of Automatic 14--gulation,"
paper read at the Session of the Acad. Sci. USSR, on Scientific Problems of Automatic
Production, 15-20 October 1956.
Avtomatika i telemekhanika, No. 2, p. 182-192, 1957.
117ourier's transforms" by r. Sneddon. Unp.mat.nauk 12 no.2(74):252-254
Mr.-hr 157. (Transformottions (Mathematics)) (KIRA 10:7)
AUTHOR% LURIYE, A.I. (Leningrad) 40-4-17/24
TITLEs On the Theory of Finite Rotations of a Solid Body (0 teorii
konechnykh povoroi.,tov tverdogo tela)-
PERIODICAM Prikladnaya Mat.i Mekho, 1957, Vol.21, Nr 4r PP-571-573 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs Let 0 1 denote the rotation of a body with a fixed point by
the angle T, around an axis determined by the unit vector
Theorems The result of the rotations 9 1 and 9. carried out
one after another is equal to the rotation 9 2 and to a follow-
ing rotation by the angle 'p, around an axis which arises
from the axis of 0 1 by the rotation 02
SUBMITTED: April 1, 1957
AVAILABLEt Library of Congress
CARD 1/1
AUTHORi Lurlye, A.I. (Leningrad) 40-21-6-4/18
-7 -
TITLE: on A_;~lytical Tfle~~hanica (Zametki po analiticheskoy
PERIODICAL: Prikladnaya Matematika i Mekhanika, 1957, Vol 21, lir 6,
PP 759-768 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In his paper the author presents some not directly connected
remarks concerning different questions of analytical mecha-
nics which are usually not or not explicitly enough discuss-ed
in the otherwise detailed texthooks on theoretical mechanics.
At first he gives a representation of the dissipation function
which is valid also for different forms of the friction lawn
A second short remark concerns the analytic representation of
the kinetic energy of acceleration of a body rotating around
an axis. In a third remark the author gives investigations f~r
the determination of generalized forces of revolution. By a
suitable kind of representation it is possible to determine
separately each of the generalized forces of reaction from one
equation. The most detailed remark refers to the equation gi-
ven by Darboux [Ref 37 . With the aid of the complex parame-
ters introduced by Klein and Cailey [Ref 4] it is possible
Card 1/2
Remarks'on Analytical Mechanics 40-21-6-4/18
to bring the Darboux equation intb a particalarly simple form.
Its solution can be reduced in special cases to the solution
of a Riccati differential equation. In special cases even an
integration by simple quadratures can be obtained. The auth*r
calculates more detailed such a special case which refers to
the motion of a quick, symmetric gyroscope around the axis of
symmetry. There are 2 tables and 4 references, I of which is
Soviet, 2 French, and 1 German.
SUBMITTED: June 1, 1957
AVAILABLEs Library of Congress
1. Mechanics-Theory 2. Bodies of revolution-Analysis
Card 2/2
Leningrad. PolitekhnicheBkiy institut
Dinamika i prochnostlimashin; (Dynamics and Strength of Machines;
Collection of Articles) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1958. (series: Its:
Trudy, No. 192) 234 P. 3,300 copies printed.
Ed'.: lAirlye, A.I., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor;
Tech. Ed.: Pol's-kaya, R.G.j Resp. Ed. of Series: Smirnov, V.A.,
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Profe6or; Managing Ed. for Literature
on the Design.and Operation of Machines (Leningrad Division,
Mashgiz)'; Fetisov, F.I.., Engineer.
PURPOSE: This collection of articles is intended for scientific and
engirieering workers concerned with problems of dynamics and strength of
COVERAGE: The collection contains articles on problems of the theory
,of elasticity, oscillation, and automatic control.
Card 1/5
Dynamics and Strength of Machines (Conte) "jo76
1. Dzhanelidze., G. Yu. Saint-Venant's Principle
2. Dzhanelidze, G. Yu. Stability of a Strut'Loaded-by a
Following [Monconservativel Force
3. Koshutin, M.P. Problem of Bending a Cylindrical Shell
4., Lurlye, A.I. and--Prokopov, V.K. Calculation of.-Yorces
Acting on Spheres Sitpporting an Eccentrically I-6aided Plate
5. Prokopov,, V.K. Equilibrium,bf a HollGw Cylinder of Finite
Length Loaded Symmetrically About its Axis
Card 2/5
Dynamics and Strength of Machines (cont.) 1076
6. Uflyand, Ya. S. Three-dimensional Problem of the Theory
of Elasticity for an Infinite Body With a Plane Slit 6o
7. Solyanik-Krassa, K.V. Compression and Bending of Open
Spherical Shells 71
8. Borkovskiy R I., Kats, A.M. and Prokopov, V.K. Theory
of Linear (Fr;queficy:-1Filtering Accelerometers 83
9. Lurly�,_AIp Unsteady Motions in Quasi-linear Self-
contained Oscillating Systems 98
10. LurIve. Aol., and Osorin, V.I. Application of Extremal
-TFe-byshev Polynomial to Synthesize the Mechanical Layout
of a Vibrotransmitter Designed for Slowly Varyifig*
Overloads 109
Card 3/ 5
Dynamics and Strength of Machines (Cont.) :Lo76
11. Pokrovskiy, V.V. Stands for Vibration and Impact
Tests 128
12. Vasyutinskiy, S.B. and Nagayenko, G.P. Design Diagrams
and Basic Equations of Electrodynamic Vibrators 141
13i Sorokov, S.A. Vibrations of a Circular Arc Under Concentrated
Load 154
14. Dolgolenko, Yu. V. Exact Determination of Partially
Sliding Periodic Regimes in Relay-operated Control
Systems 171
15. Troitskiy, V.A. Self-Vibrations in Controlled Systems
With Several Control Elements 201
Card 4/5
Dynamics and Strength of Machines (Cont.) 1o76
16. Troitskiy, V.A. Stability of Intermittent-control
Systems'With Two Pulse Elements 220
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 5/5
YERMAMVA, Ye.A~.,ie~khnr .
[Collection of problems in theoretical mechanics] Sbornik
sadach po tooreticbeekoi mekbanike. Pod red. A.I. Lurle.
Ind. 24. Moskva, Goo. Izd-vo fiziko-matematicheakol lit-ry,
1958. 384 p. (MIRA,12:1)
(Mecbanica--Problems, exercises, etc.)
Loytayanakiy, L.G., Professor, Doctor of Physico-Mathematical
Sciences, Lurlye, A.I.f Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences
TITLEs Suggestions Which Deserve Support (Predlozheniya, kotoryye za-
sluzhivayut podderzhki)
PERIODICAL: VeBtnik Vyeahey Shkoly, 1958, # 4, p 26 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: With reference to the preceding article, of Professor
A.A. Koemodemlyanakiy, the authors confirm that there is a
tendency to out the general course in theoretical mechanics,
especially in the electro-engineering and radio-engineering
fields. Though they agree with him in many respects, fhey
still regard Kozmodemlyanakiy's suggestions as being somewhat
ASSOCIATION: Leningradakiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni M.I. Kalinina
(Leningrad Polytechnic Institute imeni M.I. Kalinin)
AVAILABLEs Library of Congress
Card 1/1
KMCHERSKIY, Ivan Yeevolodovich Edeceased;(1859-1935)1; LIUROYR, Anatoliy
Isakiyevich. red.
(Collection of problems In theoretical mechanics] Sbornik zadach
po teoretichaskoi makhanike. I -zd.25. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo fisiko-
matom.lit-ry, 1959. 384 p, (MDU 13-4)
(Mechanics--Problems, exercises, etc.)
all .9 fj *.q I
v 4. .1 '1
4 r)
a 1b j4 'Vail
lij i a a
64 b. 04
MUSETARI, Kh.M., red.; ALUMYAE, 'N.A., red.; BOLOTIN, V.V., red.;
VOLIMIRI A.S.., red.; GA111YEV, N.S.j, red.; GOLIDENVENER,
A.L., red.; ISANBAYEVA, F.S., red.; KILICMSKIY, H.A.,
red.; KORNISHIN, M.S., red..; LURIYE, A.I., red.; SAVIII,
G.N., red.; SACHENKOV, A.V.., red.; SVIRSKIY, IN., red.;
red.; SEME14OV, Yu.P.,, tekhn. red.
[Proceedings of the Confer-nee on the Theory of Plates and
Shells] Trudy Konferentsii po teorii plastin i obolochek, Ka-
1960. Kazan', Akad. nauk SSSR, Kazanskii filial, 1960.
Fepe (MIRA 15:7)
1. Konferentsiya po teorii plastin i obolochek, Kazan', 1960.
2. Moskovskiy energeticheskiy institut (for Bolotin). 3. Ka-
zanskiy khimiko-.tekhnologicheskiy institut (for Ganiyev).
4. Institut mekbaniki Akademii nauk USSR (for Killchevskiy).
5. Kazanskiy gosudarstvenrqy universitot (for SacheWcov).
6. Kazanskiy filial Akademii nauk SSSR (for Svirskiy).
(Elastic plates and shells)
140100o (103t S104 61/000/004/009/033
13) V, ) -S ~*) C11IX222
AUTHORSs Lurlye, A..I. and- Rozenvasser, Ye.N.
TITLEs On methods for constructing the Lyapunor function in the
theory of non-linear control systems
PERIODICALt Referativnyy zhurnal. Matematika, no. 4, 1961, 39,
a1stract 4.B 204- (Mezhdunar. federatsiya po avtomat. upr.
1-y Mezhdunar. kongress po avtomat. upr. M., AN SSSR, 1960,
12 p.)
TEXTs The paper contains a survey of the methods for constructing
the Lyapunov functions for systems of direct controls of the kind
n n
xk bk.~~,,t' + hkf (6) , k - 1,...,n 6' Z jsx I
s=1 8
where bk.6 ' hk ' Js are constants, f(0) 0. c I T2< 6- f (T) < c2Fj- 2
The authors consider also systems of mediate controls, i.e. systems
Card 1/2,
. -:63
S/04 61/000/004/009/033
On methods for constructing C111YC222
ik " bk,,&, '4 ' nk
= f 61 = 2 is xe
The main object is the method for the investigation of the absolute
stability due to A.I. Lurlye. The authors discuss the role and meaning
of this method from the point of view of the most recent publications
they investigate the possibilities of a further development ; they point
to the most essential problems on which the further development depends.
A survey of the papers devoted to this method is given. A part of the
paper concerns papers in which simplified criteria of stability are ob-
tained. It is pointed out that the problem of A.I. Lurlye sometimes can
be applied to the investigation of the stability of instationary motions.
There is a bibliography with 20 titles.
rAbstracter's note s Complete translation.]
Card 2/2
Squations of perturbed motion in Kepler's problem. Isk.sput.
Zem. no.4:82-85 160. (MM 13:5)
AUTHORS: Dzhaneltdze, G. Yu., Lurlye, A. 1. (Leningrad)
TITLE: Application of' Integral and Val,lational. Principles of
Mechanics to Vibration Problems
PERIODICAL: Prikladna a matematika I mekhanika, 196o, Vol 24, Nr 1,
pp 8o-8y ~ussR)
ABSTRACT: Variational and integral principles are used to obtain
a condition for determining the frequencies and form
of the vibrations of an elastic system. In this, the
authors apply the properties of neighborin curves,
focusing at points along the direct curve the,solution
of the Hamilton equations). It Is shown that a modifi-
cation of the Hamilton principle leads to a study of
the extrema of a certain functional without giving the
character of the extremum. This, the authors note,
has to be done on the basis of an independent in-
Card 1/5 vestigation. They first show that the Hamilton action:
Application of.,Integral and Variational 77983
Principles of Mqchanics to Vibration SOV/410-24-1-11/28
S~ L(h
Card 2/5
assumes a minimum wher, vj,ken along a path which is a
solution of' the Hamilton equations:
3 H air
jp. 9 ps
Here L is the Lagrangian,and p S andqs are the
generalized momenta and coordinates of the system
which is assumed to be conservative with holonomic
constraints independent of time. It is assumed that
a first time t 1 exists after t 0 for which a certain
determinant A (t) vanishes. This implies the
existence of a solution of' the system of equations
for the unknown coefficient8 which arise In -repr-e-
senting a solution of the variational Hamilton
Application Of' DILCL~t,al Z-11-ILI Vacl.A1011,11
PL'1(JCIj)l0o of' Mechanlc.,, to Vibc,--ilJon
equations in terms of' a pat-ticular solution. of the
variational equations. This in turn implies the exist-
ence of a family of isochronous curves which emanate
from the initial position qS (t0) on the direct curve
and Intersect the direct curve at q (t*). On all
s 1
of theoe curves, the action up to terras of second
order, inclusively, is the same. However, the non-
vanishing of 6(t) for t < t < t* and the positive-
definiteness of the quadratic form:
I YJ-021f 11114k (1.3)
ti k=i j1_1.Y1_11
Is then shown to guarantee that the second variation
8 2S for, any neighboring path starting from the initial
position qS (t0) is positive and, hence, that the .
action is a minimum on the direct path. Here p + u
Car-d 3/5 3 s
Application of Integral and Variational 77983
Principles of Mechanics to Vibration sov/4o-24-1-11/28
are the momenta for infinitely close motions. When
the position qs(tl) is attained after passing through
qs(t*1), the action will no longer be a minimum. This
is applied to the small vibrations about equilibrium
of' a conserva-3ystem. A formula for the focusing post-
tion q (t*) is obtained using an explicit solution
s 1
qs(t), ps (t), and corresponding The closest
t turns out to be the semiperiod of the principle
vibration of LrreateBt frequency; the Hamilton
principle holds only in the sense of stationary value.
It Is then shown that the relation:
Card 4/5
Application Of ItltegVaL arid Variational T(983
Principles of Mechanics to Vibr-atLon sov/40-24-i-11/28
cannot be JuBtified by the u:jual Hamilton principle as
a variational pvinciple for, the fi,equencies (A) and
form of the elastic vibrations. Inctead, the authors
use the integral principle:
6blt - 0
which follows directly fi-o-n the weneval equations of'
motion of dynamics, to justify (~1.4) as a variational
principle for the cigenvAues. Here r and U are
quadratic forms obtained Crom the kinetic and potential
energie,,3 (for a finite nmriber of degrees of freedom) by
replacing q. and by the constants C. which appear in
the equation for direct Dath:,
There are 9 refert.-)ces, 3 Soviet, 3 French, 3 German.
SUBMITTED: November 20, 19~9 Card 5/5
MESHCHERSKIY, Ivan Vsevolodovich- LURtYE A.I., red.; LEVANTUVSKIY,,
V.I. 1. red.; BRUDNO, K.F.J. i~ig~red.
[Collected problems in theoretical mechanics] Sbornik zadach
po teoreticheskoi mekhanike. Pod red. A.I.Lurfe. 1zd.27.
Moskva, Goa. izd-vo fiziko-matem. lit-ry, 1961. 384 p.
(MIRA 15:2)
(Mechanics) Analytic--Problems,, exercies,
1ATRW IYHYv K*A*, otv*red,; KIKHAIMOT,.U.K., red.; BITSADZH, A.T.,
red.; TSKUA, I.M., red.; DMWULIDZZ, G.Yu.. red.: LIJRIYB. A.I..
red.; KhMDMTIDZIC, G.F.. red.; MIKHAYWT, G.K., red.; SHDOT, L,I.,
S.A., red.; SMUMN, D.I., red.; RYTKIN, A.Z., red.izd-va;
[Problems in the mechanics of solids] Problemy makhaniki sploshnoi
aredy; k semidesintiletiiu skedemika N.I.Mui3khelishvili. Moskva,
1961. 577 P. (KIRA 14:3)
1. Akademiya nauk SSSR.
Nechanics, Analytic) (Elastic solids)
Vsesoyuznyy s"yezd po teoreticheskoy i prikladnoy mekhanike. lstMoscow, 1960.
Trudy Vsesoyuznogo s"yezda po teoreticheskoy i prikladnoy mekhanike,
27 yanvarya -- 3 fevralya 1960 g. Obzornyye doklady (Transactions of the
All-Union Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 27'January to
3 February 1960. Summary Reports). Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1962.
467 p, 3000 copies printed.
Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Natsionallnyy komitet SSSR po
teoreticheskoy i prikladnoy mekhanike.
Editorial Board: L. I. Sedov, Chairman; V. V. Sokolovskiy, Deputy Chairman;
G. S. Shapiro, Scientific Secretary; G. Yu. Dzhanelidze, S. V. Kalinin,
L_. G. Loytsyansldy, A. I. Lurlye, G. K. Mikhaylov, G. I. Petrov, and
V. V. Rumyantsev; Resp. Ed.; L. I. Sedov; Ed. of Publishing House:
A-. G. Chakhirev; Tech. Ed.: R. A. Zamarayeva.
Card l/ 6
Transactions of the All-Union Congress (Cont.) SOV/6201
PURPOSE; This book is intended for scientific and engineering personnel who
are interested in recent,work in theoretical and applied mechanics.
COVERAGE: The articles included in these transactions are arranged by
general subject matter under the following heads: general and applied me-
chanics (5 papers), fluid mechanics (10 papers), and the mechanics of rigid
bodies (8 papers). Besides the organizational personnel of the congress,
no personalities are mentioned. Six of the papers in the present colleation
have no references; the remaining 17 contain approximately 1400 references
in Russian, Ukrainian, English, German, Czechoslovak, Rumanian, French,
Italian, and Dutch.
Artobolevskiy, I. I. Basic Problems of Modern Machine Dynamics 5
Bogolyubov, N. N., and Yu. A. Mitropollskiy. Analytic Methods of
the Theory of Nonlin6ar Oscillations 25
Card 2/ 6
T,ransactions of the All-Union Congress (Cont. ) SOV/6201
Krasovskiy, N. N. Lyapunov's Second Method in the Theory
of the Stability of Motion 36
KLu~rlye, A. I~) Differential Equations of the Theory of Relative Motion 48
Rumyantsev, V. V. Stability of Motion of a Solid Body With Fluid-Fixed
Cavities 57
Babenko, K. I. Numerical Methods for Solving Problems of
Gas Dynamics 72
Vallander, S. V. Equations and Formulation of Problems in
the Aerodynamics of Rarefied Gases 77
Card 3/6
S11 A45711/000/01 1/003/04E,
2L).Ll 100 jo 67, 132 7Ocf t)2- D237/D305
AUTHOR: Lurlye, A.I.
TITLE.-' Some problems of rigid body dynamics
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, no. 11, 19061, 1-),
abstract 11A95. (Tr. Leningr. politekhn. In-ca 19609
no.210, 7 - 22)
TEXT: Equations of motion of a system ofl rigid bodies, one of
which is "supporting" and the remaining ones "supported", are ob-
tained in the most general form. The motion of a "supporting" body
in an inertial axes system is given in terms of vectors o-f linear
initial velocity, associated axes and angular velocity. The motion
of each "supported" body is expressed with reference to axes fixed
in the "supporting" body in terms of vectors of respective linear
velocity of the origin of the axes of the "supported" body and its
angular velocityo Examples are given illustrating the applicat-ion
of the derived equations. In two cases, the author following Robert-
song obtains the formulae for determining the perturbing moment due
Card 112
Some problems of rigid body dynamics D237/D305
To the motion of a body enclosed in a sputnik model, and translated
~-o the shell of that model. In the third example, derived equations
are applied to a stabilizing system containing gyroscopes which wa--,
considered earlier by A.Yu. Ishlinsky. [Abstractor's note: Compiet-"
Card 212
LUR-YE, A. 1. and AUB.-ra-M, M. A.
"Methods for construction of ,..eriodic motions in piecewise-linear
Paper presented at the Intl. Symposium on Nonlinear Vibrations, Idev, US3R,
9-19 Sep 61
Politechnical Institute, Uningrad
Lurlye, Anatoliy Isaakovich
Analiticheskaya makhanika (Analytical Mechanics) Moscow, Fizmatgiz, 1961.
824 p. 18,000 copies printed.
Ed.: D.R. Merkin; Tech. Ed.: K.F. Brudno.
PURPOSE: This book is intended for students at technical universities, physicists,
and engineers concerned with problems in ahalytical mechanics.
COVERAGE: The book covers much of the material traditionally taught in courses on
analytical mechanics (general equations of motion of holonomic and nonholonomic
systems, variational principles, the theory of canonical transformations, canoni-
cal equations with the theory of their integration (theorem of Hamilton-
Jacobi3, integral invariants, the theory of the last factor'Ietc.). Particular
attention is given to topics having closq connection with engineering problems.
The reader is assumed to be familiar with the basic laws of mechanics. The
book stresses the application of analytical mechanics to real problems; to this
Card 1/301
Analytical Mechanics
end considerable attention is given to methods of introducing generalized coordi-
nates, the theory of finite rotations, methods of calculating kinetic energy and
energy of accelerations, the potential energy of forces of various charactery
and the consideration of drag forces. Following the introductory chapters, t~l-.e
book considers methods for setting up differential equations of motion of holo-
nomic and nonholonomic systems in various forms, wherein questions of their in-
terrelationship are discussed. Detailed consideration is given to problems of
determining the reactions of constraints and to some problems of analytical
statics. The book also considerst geometrically the motions of a material system
as the motion of a characteristic point in a Riemann space. This material is used
subsequently in problems of perturbation theory. A Spe-,ial chapter is devoted to
the dvnamics of relative motion to which belong many applied problems. In addi-
tion, the book considers canonical equations, canonical transformations2 and
problems of integration. Considerable space is given to the perturbation theory
and its various applications. The last chapter is devoted to the principle of
Hamilton-Ost,rogradskiy, the priniiple of least work of Lagrange, and the theory
of perturbation of trajectories. General methods are explained by examples.
These include the problem of motion of a solid body on a moving base, the moti,
of a solid bocty with a cavity filled by a fluid., the problem of motion of a roe
Card 2A7
Analytical Mechanics
the application of the Hamilton-Ostrogradskiy principle to systems with distri-
buted massesp ate. Specifically considered are problems connected with the par-
turbed motion of an artificial earth satellite. To assist the reader, the book
s.ummarizes the most important aspects of the theory of matrices and tensor calcu-
lation. Part of the book is based on lectures on analytical mechanics and the
theory of vibrations given by the author for more than 20 years to mechanical
specialists of the Physics and Mechanics Department of the Leningrad Polytechnic
Institute imeni M.I. Kalinin. Although the book is not coordinated with The
official program requirements and is not intended as a textbook for schools of
higher learning, the author feels that it will be of use to students and to
scientific workers in many fields of engineering. The author thanks Professor
D. R.!.Merkin, A,K. Gibyanskayal and K.A. Lurlye. References appear in footnotes
to thi text.
Preface 9
Gh. 1. Basic Definitions 11
1 1.1. Constraints 11
Card 3/17
4f 066 r103)j 1 13XI D274'D304
AUTROM z Lurlye, A. .1 and Rosenvassery Ye. N. Own)
TITLE: On methods of constructing the Lyapunov function in the
theory of nonlinear control systems
SOURCES International Federation of Automatic Control. lat
Congress, Moscow, 1960. Teoriya neprery-vnykh sistem.
Spetsiallnyye matematicheskiye problemy. Moscowl
Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1961. Trudy, v. 19 709-722
TEXTs A control system is considered, described by a system of equa-
tion's of type n
bkcw xcc + hkf k - ljovoln I
Card 1/10 8-1
S 9 61/001/000/019/019
On methods of constructing... D274 D304
where b, h and j are constants. It is assumed that system (1) has a
ingle equilibrium position and that all the conditions of Lyapunov's
econd method apply. In this case, system (1) is called a direct-control
system. The system of (n+l)-order:
b x + k 119oo,n
Ilk k 0( 01( k Z>
n (4)
in Xs - r
is called an indirect-control)system. System (1) is called absolutely
stable in the interval (c VC2 if its equilibrium position is asymptoti-
cally stable for any initial deviations and any function f(6 ) (which
satisfies certain conditions). Together with (1), the linearized system
Card 2/10
S?M 61/001/000/019/019
On methods of constructing... D274 D304
~k bko(x + hkc 6 k I,ae.$n
CW1.1 (5)
is considered. The Lyapunov function
v + f(6 ) d6 (6)
has to be constructed, where
Card 3/10
On methods of constructing...
n n
9 Pkx Vc-'. (7)
kol 0(.01
in a quadratic form and cccat.1 function (6) should be of opposite
sign to its derivative
V xk (8)
k=1 xk
The method is based on the following stepas (a) Transfomation of (1)
or (4) -to canonical form; (b) the use of a special type of quadre-tic
fom as (7), so that the sufficient conditions of stability reduce to the
conditions of solvability of a system of quadratic equations; (c) trans-
fox-mation of the obtained system of quadratic equations to a form which
depends only on the coefficients of system (1). This transformed system
Card 4/10
On methods of constructingose D274/D304
is called resolving system. The canonical form of (1) is
Z,O ZP+ f(d) 1 11 ... n
-r(AP )zP
are the roots of the characteristic equation of the linear part
of (1). The canonical form of (4) is
z AP ZP + f(d p 1y ... n
n (12)
(2(P)zP rf(6
Card 5/10
On methods of constructing... D274/D304
As (7), one taken
A + A 2 (13)
i=1 k-l i k
which depends on the n numbers &k. The main results of an earlier work
by,.,Lurlye relate to the interval (0100)9 i.e., the nonlinear function is
determined by
6 f ( 6> 0 (14)
The sufficient stability-conditions of (9) are formulated as the existence
conditions of at least one set of numbers
al n
which satisfy
Card 6/10
On methods of constructing... B274/DS04
2a p ~ = -r(A 1j... 9n (15)
CK p
CK=1 p
For (12), the cor~,asponding system is
- 2a pvr + 2& p P-
0(.1 p
The basic results are formulated as followas (a) If Re p-N' 0 an d
for i p 9 then system (1) is stable in (Of 00) if numbers
n exist, so
M that
Card 7/10
On methods of constructing...
2a Jshs +
2%1P c0'
CO. =1A P+ XLA
a TP + P P ?tp
P (18)
(b) If Re P 4/, 0 and (18) is expressed by the coefficients of (I)p
then (18) yields the solution to the problem even if D~ A) = 0 has roots
of any multiplicity. (c) Under certaid conditionsg (I is absolutely
stable in the region of solvability of (18). It can be shown that the
above systems of quadratic equations can always be brought to the form of
(15) or (16). This makes it possible to use a single method of solution
for the stability problem, irrespective of the limits of the interval.
Simplified stability criteria: As the analysis of resolving systems of
quadratic equations is cumbersome for large n, other criteria are sought
for determining the Lyapunov function in system (1). One of these criteria
On methods of constructing... D274/D304
Involves the form
W(c*,c) Z -kcxxN + c6 hk (21)
k-l cK-1 k-1
which in negative definite in a certain interval cI