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IFICATIi %Xj~ T `~ LitLX Sanitized - Approved dfi" ~ ffl -00457IRO' itb `0 ry .. 1 O _ T to NO. t UN rRY' Hungary '3USJECT ' Oi o/spyr4ri Ilehez Szcrszam Ceprar IFIG" (Didsg.,ydr Heavy Machine Tool Factory) PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF' INFO. August 1950 25X1A DATE DISTR. NO. OF PAGES 25X1A 15 NOV 50 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO 25X1 X REPORT NO. .. The IFIG is organized into two principal divisions Inovin as "Azsia" (Asia) and 'RSexika" (Mexico). This factory was set up in August 1948 under the direc- tion of the USSR and of the Hungarian Ministry of Defense to manufacture gun barrels, muzzles, and breech blocks, and to assemble the guns, with the "Dana via" factory supplying the other parts. Since early 1950, it has also made cylinder blocks and parts for airplanes as well as ammunition for the types of guns it produces. The factory's activities are also controlled by artillery construction experts of the Hungarian and Russian armies. There are now 19 buildings, but some of these are not yet finished. 2. "Azsia" is in charge of all planning, designing, etc., nhilo actual construction and production are handled by "Mexika", One J6szef Freschl is managing director of the entire IFIG works, Oar .j I-zat.on a} Llzsia 3, Technical Section, headed by Chief Technician Ievente Szi_lagyi. 11, Corlpilation Section. headed by Chief Engineer Gusztav flszter ;alyos. a. Technical Control Section, headed by Chief Engineer Hamill Gozsy. 6a Inspection Section, headed by the ballistics expert, E61a Szaladasy, Sr., ation of 'Uexika'l 7, The general works unit is headed by D61a Garadnai; the technical director and chief engineer is Joszef Demjen, The unit's labor force totals some 1,200 men, 000 of zom are specialized workers. The unit works three 8-hour shifts per day. Its principal activity is the machining of artillery breech blocks and muzzles, /CCNTHOI, - U. S. OF 'ICflLSS ONLY NSRB FBI ecument No. -------------- --- No Change In CIass. Declassified Class. Changelt To: TS Auth.: HR 70. Date; Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-0045 Sanitized - Approved Fpr Release : CIA RDPS 0457RO06200700008-2 am t J (IL! ~~J/C[J"'izb 0 C , UL;StL S.ol ..LJ DJ ..'!Z_.-. I%di:., , 4tSi,...Atl4' The unit n s mac:alno tools include 25X1A a,, Appra^iraately 300 automatic latices whose maximum extension ranges from 1.5 to 30 r, :iJ; 20 a.itoraatic vertical. axis lathes (t0arrousselt4 type ).1 ts,. c , Appr mcinately 30 automatic horizontal lathe: ; r! 15 reamrs 9 o? Approxixaa:tely v0 milling machines of various typos (Universal, Pfaut..-rg .gfJCi1I.. u ) n The machir tool shop is headed by J zef Ga-abisoto. Its personnel consists of se 300 hi .sly specialized worlmn, employed on three 8-hour shifts o Its :machinery includes: 20 lathes; a. b. .i milling machines; c,> 7 installations of "i hip" ,ic1iines (sic) supplied r .th special devices for optical control, These a used in machining breech blocks of high- resistance steel. gun bar :el plant Is under special guard, and admission can be obtai Iod. only on the basis of special permission from the Defense L iniatry. The labor forme consists of 60 ssian vror?zaon who opezal e on three v=hour shifts? The eight machinery installations arc: capable of working both the inside; and out-- side of gun barrels at the :aa o tires,, Tic 2ouandxrys labor force consists of 18G-200 :idled workers plus 300 helpers. y tte, mach nery inciudcs a., Four 50-ton pneumatic hammers; b, Three 30-ton pneurlatic hammers; c, One 200-ton hydraulic haimacr, 12? she ball bearing plant is headed by r Gaza M.Sihal:;,k, and its machincryr consists of appro-,dmately 60 automatic lathes? Bearing races in a variety of fore s e to ned out,, General 13 entire RUG plant is under close rntlitaary aard a Ent 'ante can be obta. ncd only by ppruissi.on f the I 'IG CP Internal Committee and of the managemi onto A special technical control' section, Oohich is acs cooed of two c n noars,, two t .,c?aniciaris, two inspectors, two skilled t orhmon from the barrel nlant, Central i;? ";" t prccentatavve:s~ and Soviet and Hun arian artillery officers assigned to accept delivery of vtapons, supervises gun construction. Production Lief eon iiovember 1949 and January 1950, UAz siaca roceived 10.,000 unworked gun- barrel castings from 2uasa.a ST, j :T/CONTROL * U~`a ? 1 Ja ONLY Sanitized -Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00457R006200700008-2 Sanitized - Approved F of Release : CIA-RDP82-00457-8006200700008-2 C~ Iai'ZtL INTEL ,l GLl1Cr ~2(' "i t 25X1 A In Novenber and December 191s9, the C .latation and technic ,. Sections, drew up plans for production ire operations exclusively based on Soviet designs. 3 rr..rg those months, the machine-tool shop received and installed its machumr7. Five trial. arm illery pieces, were produced first,, 17. These first puns, when totted at the iiajma ,ter ran{ge, had defects in barrel rifling and in the breechblock construction- Internal pressure, built up because of shell ejection failure., caused the barrels to be torn from the rest of the guns a It was also found that the armor for protection of gun crews vrws faaltyn The 7 ra? armor plate of Gov .et "AUG" origin was perforated by rifle fire at 50 motors. These defects rrre subsequently cor:r cted, and { i guns now produced are reported to perforn, satisfactorily. All. materials used in IFIG gproduction are of Russian origin0 9 The following gun type s, based on Rasian d signs, are produced: 76,2 rrm. field guns; 1 ,,5 rim, antitank guns d Grua co sutrscti?n is carried out by a force o 200 specialists and 300 wrr n0 ltrwi .g the wort rs are 50 Russian machin-- .s hirghly quziiMiod in mi simara*tol eranice lathe work., 20:, On I January l%0, production began,: and the following raonthly production figures are available: a? Initial ,xeriod% fifty 762 eighty 16 r:am guns; "rejects",, 32 per cent. bf. During; April 1950: oii :rty 76.2 ri, one hundred and t;: enty 45 mmi guns "rojeet,;!', appr ~mately 30 per cents c? On I ay 1950,, at xcrv .ct orders, four new r,oricshop5 VK set up, and personnel was increased by :i200 drilled worl ron and l.Aborers, and 25 technicians. do Production quotas for June 1950 lore set at one hundred 76.2 mud, and one hundred and fifty 45 im ? uns , e., Productic:n has norri, reached 97 per cent of the, quota set; "r~ejectsP1 amount to 22 per cent,, 'AEG T/wi'r l',, IC I.A GNMY Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00457R006200700008-2