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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-44850R000500040048-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ JPRS L/10402 19 R4arch 1982i ~ Woridwide Re ort p TELECOMMUNICATIONS POLICY, RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT {FOUO 6/82~ ~ FB~$ FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040048-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500040048-0 NOTE JPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from foreign-language sources are translated; those from Englis'~-language sources _ are tr~nscribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and ~ other characteristics retained. Headlines, editorial reporta, and material enclosed in brackets [J are supplied by JPRS. Processing indicators such as [TextJ or [Excerpt) in the f irst line of each item, or following the . last 1 ine of a brief, indicate how the original information was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transiiterated are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded b}~ a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes with in the body of an item originate with the sour.ce. Times within items are as given by source. The contents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or at.titudes of the U.S. Government. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF - MATERIALS REPRODUCED HER.EIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION ~ OF THIS PUBLICATION AE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL IISE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040048-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500044448-0 = JPRS L/10402 19 March 1982 WORLDW I DE REPORT TELECOMMUNICA7IONS POLICY, RESE9~RCH AND DEVELOPMENT (FOUO 6/82) ~ ~ CONTENTS TnTORLDWIDE AFFAIRS ~ Brief~ � Zimbabwe,Roma.nian New~s Agency Agre~ment 1 . LATIN AMERTCA CUBA C ommentary on 'PANA' News Agency Reported ~ (PRELA, 22 Feb 82} 2 USSR ~ Communications Facilities Exhibited at 'Svyaz'~-81' (G. Mon3na; ELEKTROSVYAZ', Dec 81~ 3 WEST EUROPE ITALY . _ Proposed Reorganization of Telecommunications Sector (Marco Panara; TL MONDO, 22 Jan 82) 8 UNITED KINGDOM TV Satellite Plans To Be Aranounced . (J'ulian Haviland; THE TTMES, 25 Feb 82) 12 British Telecom Announces Plans for Satel].ites (~laine Williams; FTNANCIAL TIMES, 2 Max 82) 14 - a - [III - ~ - 140 FOUO] _ FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040048-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040048-0 l~OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _ 'RBC' TV To Staxt Satellite Broadcasting in 1986 (Kennet$ Gosling; THE TTMES, 5 Mar 82} 16 New~ Joint Satellite Company To Be Formed (Bill Johnstone; THE fiTMES, 5 Max 82) 18 - b - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040048-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040048-4 ~ WORLDWIDE AFFAIRS 3SRIEFS ZIMBABWE,ROMANIAN NEWS AGENCY AGREEMENT--Salisbury, 25 Feb (PL)--Representa- ~ tives from the news agencies of Zimbabwe (ZIANA) and Romanian (AGERPRESS) signed in this capital an agreement for the exchange of information. The agreement was signed by the chairman of the Amalgamated Mass Media of Zimbabwe Davison Sadza and the Romanian ambassador to this country Petre Blajovici. Sadza said he hoped the signing of the agreement would go a long way to improve the relations~ip between the ti~o countries. In reply,Ambassa- � dor Bla~ovici said the signing was a new step forward to improve cooperation between the two countries. [Text] [PA242130 Havana PRELA in English 2020 GMT 24 Feb 82] ~ CSO: 5500/2130 1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040048-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400500040048-0 CUBA CONIIKENTARY ON ' PANA' NEW" AGENCY RE~'ORTED PA232140 Havana PRELA in English 1840 (~IT 22 Feb 82 [Text], Havana,' 23 Feb (PL)--The importance of the Pan-African News Agency ~ppNg) in the spreading of ~1 correct and truly image of the peoples of Africa was highlighted here. A commentary carried by the daily GRANMA stated that the recent meeting of the International Program for the Development of Communications held last, , month in Acapulco Mexico supgorted the carrying out of this p~o~ect. The PANA News Agency with headquarters in Dakar constitutes a kind of p~ol - of national agencies of nearly 50 countries of the African continent with - five regional centers of reception and distribution in Tripoli, Lagos, Kin- shaza, Khartoum and Lusaka. The article states that the PANA News Agency requested $1.5 million whir.h were granted mostly by the states of the Persian Gulf. The U.S. representatives to the Acapulco meeting stated their reserves on the PANA News Agency because its constitutional principles claim that this news agency will con~ribute to the liberation of the African people and will keep a policy contrary to racism, apartheid, Zionism and all the forms of exploi- _ tation and oppression. To counteract this aation the United States defends the privaCe initiativ~s and the transnationals of infurmation and stated the purpose to carry out parallel programs to those of the PIDC linked, with the Agency for Interna- - tional Development (AID) and the private sector. With this attitude the U.S. ;is seeking to place th~ Third World in front of the dilemma of choicing between autonomous development or continuing relying on the U.S. model, the article added. However, Third World nations are seeking to develop their own communications dnd for this they need assistance, though they reject any assistance which may become a link of dependency, it ended. CSO: 5500/2130 2 F(1R OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040048-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400500040048-0 r USSR COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES EXHIBITED AT 'SVYAZ'-$1' Moscow ELEKTROSVYAZ' in Russian No 12, Dec 8.1, pp 1-4 [Article by G. Monina: "Communications Facilities in the Service of Man and Society"l ~Text~ The slogan for the Third International Specialized Show "Communications . Systems and Facilities" "Svyaz'-81" determine the humanitarian nature of the tasks which face scientists and specia~.ists in this area today. Today's ~ ubiquitous communications provide the most important means of information and education, the means wti~ich make all peoples participante in the common - affairs of mankind and which promote mutual understanding and cooperation between governments. The "Svyaz'-81" show, which was held 2-16 September 1981 in Moscow, was an important st~=p toward strengthening international scientific and technical cooperatioc~. This exhibit of the modern achievements of science and technology in the area of creating and utilizing new systems and facilities for processing, transm~!.tting and receiving various types of information had over 600 enterprises, organizations and firr~s from 23 countries as partic~pants. The show made it possible to find new paths and poasibilities of cooperation between various governments in creating and ut~lizing communications facilities, to expand and ~strengthen mutually profitable contacts, to compare levels of development of commun~cations achieved by different countries; it was a catalyzer for scientific ideas in research, design and operating activity. The la~gest exponent at the show was the Saviet lJnion. Over 3000 exhibits from 16 ministries and departments presented equipment ranging from communications satellites to domestic equipment and mail procer~r~ing facilities, fxam complex computer-based systems to components which the basis for modern radio electronic equipment. The editors,.of the ~ournal ELEKTROSVYAZ' propose to publish a seri~s of articles devoted to the "Svyaz'-81" show descriptions of innovations of � domestic commUnications technology, ae well as thematic reviews of the tr~nds of development of individual electrical communications subbranches. Presented below are photographs of several exhibitions from the Soviet section of the "Svyaz'-81" show. [Photographs on following pages; key below.~ 3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040048-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500440048-4 FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY _ i i ~ ~ _ ~ r.,---'^'. > ; - ~ . ~ r;~~ , ~ ~ ~ ~5~~~� ; ,i ~ ~ i ? _t.r;,~. "si . r~ x ~.t.i~.. ~!3 ' ~ a - , y.: ~ ' t 7 . ~ � i~ '~'1q~ 1', ~ }3 - # 5.~.:"~' ~ ~ ~ ~.A. r~ + _ j ' ~ . . ~ L ' y . . . . � , . ~ 'yf r1.~r . ) . ~ . 6. . ~ ~ 1 ~9~~~~~W.~f~~ ~~9~ ~ `l/ ~ ~ . ~ r ~ ; t~~ ~ x~~ ~ ~ , t ~j ~ { : , . ;r Y ~ S ` f _ :~'?y~~ - , ; ~ . . '.T7 ' . I J. , ~ f J ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ b f` `~,1 3 ~._t: "1 e s �d ~ r~. f ~ . - ~ ~(`A 'k ~ ' _ 4 ; ` ; ~ , _ _ ~ W~~,.., r,~~` ~ . ~N ; ~ ~.~:,.,,,,1;' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~y ~'-r . , . . . . ~ r:~~- ~:R,~ : y ~ _ z ~~;~a f " , - r~ x . 4�`~ hC, ~ d - . . . _ . . . . . . . _ . f2 _ . f , , ~ ~ . . ` , ~ - ~ . ; ~ ~ , , _ _ ' _ ~ ,f ~ ~ t~~ ~ "y P k tkfY~: Y ~ ~ 4~:f+ y~~ ~ u ; . , . Y F~,4~ �~�,y,d'SU , y= rr`S ' k~ fi~. ~p~~ ~ ~i A_P 4 ' C 9~'~, . ~~~YE, ~ s~' ~ ~y/IY~,!... .1~'~ x . , ,4's y?:~~ . ~ ~ ~ ' ~ p.. ~~j 7~~ J`~ 2.yNx da3w'k'H6' ~ ; } yry ~ k< ~ ~ 'b .S' y,~: ~ ~ ~s 3 s, - a q~~y-E i 4 fc~ ~x3i 3,' r ~i~ t ~ ~ ; y ' ~y 4r I ' `~S ap k~y; s ~ ~M; ' ; s .r ~ , ~w, K fi y ;-I ~R . 'ri~t~ s~.~~ ~i4v~� .,-,..w,w~ ~ *~.w,~*r.:. . .,.,z~.~~~ n~ ~`s ~ .9�}LS~"'h~~,~Ls w~A',L~`~j ~ W...x4} s;,~r~ y Y I r j~~ ~ps~j ~ r~,. x- _ } ^ 45 V ~ ro h i,, a ~v `"',~a, ~ , g.:... d, ~ " P , ~h ~ ~ 3, 0'.7: ~ fi. ,s+, t~;'i. 9.~ ~ ~.5 .3: ~ A ~ III~~M I`~ x4 rz ~4~ ~ li~ ~Y 7 - FOR OF~ICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040048-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040048-0 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY Pages 2-3: 1. Starting on the left, the narrow rack is a D-AW-10 digital delta-modulation transmission system designed to handle 50 subscriber lines to a city-type automatic exchange over 10 pairs of a balanced type T cable with conductor diameters 0.32, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6 and 0.7 nun; next is the IKM-30S primary digital transmission system which is us~d to organize trunk and subscriber lines; this equipment can form up to 30 voice grade channels by means of pulse code modulation, organize digital transmission channels without occupying any telephone channels, farm separate signaling channels (up to four per voice grade channel) and extract the digital stream at an intermediate station by extracting some of the telephone channels. _ 2. The Elektronika-Svyaz'-11Ts digital radio relay system, designed to transmit digital information at 8448 kbps, can be used to create links up to 250 km long with an average repeater interval of 25 km; this equipment allows up to three telephone channel insertions and extractions. It operates in the 10.7- 11.7 GHz band with transmitter power of 0.2 or 1 W. 3. The VOLS-1M-120 fiberoptic commt~nications equipment, designed for use on local, intra-zone and mainline links, can be used to organize four digital supergroups over individual fiberoptic circuits which are combined in a single cable. 4. The APUS equipment for time-charge accounting of local toll calis is designed to compute the tolls on telephone calls within a city telephone system depending upon their duration. - 5. The YaL emergency-rescue radio is designed to transmit radio telegr.aph and radiotel.ephone alarm and distress signals automatically, and to provide two-way telegraph and telephone communications aboard rescue vessels. 6. The Elektronika-Svyaz'-500 digital radio relay station is designed for operation in inaccessible regions. The autonamous power supply system allows the radio to operate unattended for at least 3 years. The section length is 200 km, with an average repeater hop of 25 km. The radio operates in the 1.7-2.1 GHz band with a data rate of 2048 or 8448 kbps and traz~smitter power of 0.3 W. 7. The Malyutka four-channel radio relay station, which is designed for local stationary or temporary links up to 300-400 km long along gas and oil pipelines can also be used on local communications links, in transport and in power systems. 8. The TsFFA-Ts digital color photofacsim3le equipment is designed to - transmit color half-tone images over digital channels. ~ 9. IKM-30, IKM-120, IKM-480, IKM-1920 hierarchical series of digital transmission systems. 10. The PTTs-TsKS-100 circular telegraph transmission panel, which is designed to work as part of the operating equipment in message switching 6 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040048-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040048-0 centers in the common-user network (TsKS-T), permits the transmission of urgent circular messages to terminal points connected over leased channels to the message switching center. 11. Geys-1, Tsikloida and Sibir' radio receivers designed fnr use aboard merchant marine and river fleet vessels. 12. The Interval equipment is designed to convert information t~ransmitted from tape-type telegraph machines to the format needed for reception on a page-type machine. 13. The Kolos multichannel rural fixed-frequency radio system, which is , designed for duplex telephone communications with mobile platforms without frequency ad~ustment, serves up to 25 dispatcher services. _ 14. The TT-144 FM voice-freqnency carrier telegraphy equipment is designed to provide 144 two-way mainline telegraph connections by multiplexing standard voice grade channels. 15. The Kadr-3PM four-head video recorder is designed to record and reproduce the complete color television signal, sound accompaniment signals, and for electronic display of videophonograms. 16. The Fonemofon speech synthesizer, which is designed to synthesize Russian speech automatically, is used in mass information service systems and in man-machine systems as a computer output device. 17. General-purpose telephone sets table model, wall-mounted and _ souvenir~ ("Retro"). 18. The Veshchaniye digital broadcast system is designed for PCM transmission of four high-class monophonic or two stereophonic signals, or eight information broadcast signals over wire digital circuits and radio relay links in local, intra-zone and mainline networks. 19. The Orbita-RV satellite broadcast distribution equipment is designed to transmit audio broadcast programs and newspaper columns via satellite. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel`stvo "Radio i svyaz "Elektrosvyaz 1981 6900 CS0:5500/1018 r ~ 7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040048-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500440048-4 ITALY PROPOSED REORGANIZATION OF TELECONA~f[1NICA~'IONS SECTOR Mxlan IL MONDO in Italian 22 Jan 82 pp lb1-163 '[Article by Marco Panara: "All Lines to De Miclielis"] ~ [Text] The minister wants to give SIP [Italian Telepone Campany] _ and Italcable all telephone traffic and transform the state agency into a planning agency. But some DC [Christian Democratic] members... . � . Will a war be necessary or will there be a series of peaceful agreements? It depends on the decisions made by the minister of Postal and Telecommunications,,Remo Gaspari, a Christian Democrat. One thing is certain: the Italian telecommunications system, which does about 6 trillion lire worth pf business, is an indispensable service for the citizenry, and it must be restructured. The minister of state participation, Gianni De Michelis, has his proposal all ready; it has been 2 years in the making, with~studies done by a group of experts led by the ministry's economics consultant, Gi:infranco Mossetto, who fias also been the SIP vice-president for a few months. At present, the traffic (all communications over telephone lines) is distributed among the ~tate agencies by telephone services (ASST [National Telephones State Board]) that control inter-area traffic (Italy is divided~~into 21 areas tha~ more or less . - coincide with the regions) and traffic to other Europear, countries and almost all the countries on tfie Mediterranean. SIP is franchised ~y ASST to manage all urban and local traffic; Italcable, also on franchise fr~m ASST., controls international ~ traffic to and from all countries not covered by the State agency. D~ Michelis's ~proposal is to concentrate in SIP all national traffic and in Italcable all interna- tional traffic, while the State agency would exercise the planning and control func- ~tions it is formally entitled to but that it fias so far done in name only. Since both SIP and Italcable are controlled directly by STET [Teleph~ne Finance Corporation] ~and tele~ommunications a~re"~inanced by TR~ [Industxial:Reconstructian Institute], De Michelis's plan ~means assentially that the whole sector of telecommunications will ~come under State part~cipation. ~ "This aspect of the situation," said GianfrG~tco Mossetto, "while important, was not crucial in making the choice. The real motive is to avoid waste and duplicatian in 'plant and personnel and to rationalize structures as much as possible to provide an ever more efficient service." Indeed, tY~Pre are many cases of duplication of instal- `lations in SIP and the State agency, not to mention the State agency's investment dif- ficulties under pulilic agency administrative rules. 8 FOR OFFICIAL USE QNLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040048-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R440500040048-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Table No 1: Who's Best (Coefficients of productivity based on 1980~ Source: ASST Item ~ SIP ASST . Income per worker* 45.3 50.6 , Investment per worker* 26.~3 30.7 . Average cost of a worker* 18.4 15.4 ~ Nun~er of administrators . for every 1,000 workers 7.4 6.5 * in millions of lire At.t~e Post Office and and State agency, De Michelis's proposal has been greeted with some dissatisfaction, although the positions taken are by no means unanimous. Despite the concerted silence, some unofficial tendencies are beginning to emerge. At the State agency, for example, an argument is being raised against the accusation of inef- ficiency put forth by the State participation men, and they are doi~ng so with figures comparing the efficiency of SIP and ASST (see tables Nos 1$ 2). On the other hand, the prospect of SIP and Ttalcable absorbing a large part of the personnel is looked upon favorably, especially because colleagues in the State participation agency have higher salaries. However, an emerging concern is how this merger will take place and what the State agency will have left to do. Up to a short time ago, a proposal - was circulating that would transfer txa~fic to:SIP and ~talcable whi~le leaving per- - sonnel and plant and line maintenance with the State agency. "We would decisively oppose a solution of this sort," said an ASST administrator, "for at least three reasons: the maintenance of lines and plant does not justify 12,000 v;orkers; circuit leasing returns about 1/ much as direct management (see table 3); if it is true that the agency's task is to plan and contral, it is not necessary to maintain opera- tional structures." On the other hand, moving all plant and cables from the State agency to STET [Telephone Finance Corporation] would mean a great outlay from STET. Indeed, it comes to aT~out 3 trillion lire. "The solution might lie to transform the State agency into a State participation company," said Giovanni Pinto, a deputy administrator of Ttalcable, "and then put national service under SIP and international se~vice~under Italcable. To do this, a legislative act would be necessary and suf- ficient." But the real obstacle that De Michelis's plan must overco;ne is a political one. The Postal ministry has always been a solid DC fiefdom, and the majority party will find it hard to give up without a struggle its direct control over a structure like the State agency, which has a business volume of 1.5 trill.ion lire a year and 12,000 workers, and give it over to State participations, wfiich is falling increasingly - under. the effective control of Socialist De Michelis. The leaders of the postal bureaucracy are also putting up a lot of resistance. Remo Gaspari has the last word, ar~d he has not been inactive: "I examined a group of workers to examine the problem," s:~id Gaspari, "and they have already reported to me. I will make my decision soon." ['~'ables 2$ 3 and related inset follow] . - 9 ~ k'QR QFFICZAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040048-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400504040048-0 FOR OFFICI'AL� USE ONLY ~ ~ Teb. 2 ~ 1 ~onti d~i t~iofoni dl stato (Aeet - Con~untlW consalldaN ann! 1972-1980) ~u ~u ~~�n u ~u ~i�n a~-~s u~rn a~an N~a~ a ~rn Voa 1Y!! 1lTd 1~74 1~7f 'I~i 1q7 1~7r 1~7! 1N0 1-Numero tote dipendenti 13.189 13.223 13.191 13.054 12.784 12.422 12.921 12.504 12.766 2-Numero diripenti � 107 84 84 . 84 64 84 85 84 83 3-s~a,~o rete enwa SmAlonl dl km-clrculto) t9,6 23,4 23,9 24,4 28,8 30,6 33,8 47,0 56,0 a- nrra~t tremco e amno ~ circutti (mlliardl) 178,7 194,9 228,9 283,4 284,4 427,2 473,9 535,3 845,8 5-Costo dipendenti In eervlzio (mNierdl 54,4 82,0 64,3 72,4 81,3 fl4,8 117,8 181,7 197,3 6-Investimentl (mf~ierdi) 72,0 74,7 110,0 129,9 194,1 289,0 348,7 370,7 392,2 _ a-Numero dipendentl per 673 565 652 535 443 407 379 288 228 - millonl df km-circufto p-Introltl dipendente ~3,4 14,7 17,3 20,2 22,3 34,4 37,0 42,8 60,8 (mNioni~ c-(rtyeatimentl per b,4 5,8 8,3 9,9 15,2 23,3 27,0 29,8 30,7 . dlpendente (mllionq d-Coeto medto dl un 4,1 4,7 4,9 ~ 5,b 6,4 7,8 9,2 12,9 15,4 dipendente (mllloni) e-Numero dkipentl 8,1 8.4 6,4 8,b 6,8 8,8 6,8 8,7 8,5 ~ ' opnl mille dlpendenti Table No 2: State Telephone Accounts ' . - (ASST consolidated balances �or 1972-80~ .[Column headings: 31 Aecember 1972-80] Items ~ ~ 1. Total number of workers . 2. Number of administrators 3. Active network development (in millions of kilometers o� circuits) 4. Incor~e from traffic and leased circuits (.in billions of lire) S. Cost of.workers in service (~a billions of lire) ~ 6. Investment (in billions of lire) a. Number of workers per millions of kilometers of circuits b. Income per worker (in millzons of lire) _ c. Investment per worker (in millions of lire) d. Average cost of a worker (in millions of lire) ~ e. Nu~rber of administrators for every 1,000 workers ~ Table No 3: How Much Leasing Brings In (1980) _ No of circuits in ASST traffic 63,971 Income from subscribers (in billions of lire) 563.354 Income per circuit (in millions of lire per circuit) 8.87 - No of cir~uits leased to SIP 59,282 Income from leasing (in billions of lire) ~ 78.446 lncome per circuit leased (in millions of lire per circuit) 1.32 ~ ~ 10 ~ - FOR OFF'ICIAL USE ONLY ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040048-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500044048-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY INossetto: Let's Divide STET Into Two Parts There is also~something new in STET; tfie �inancing of IRI ~or the~telecommunications sector. At the moment, the tone of discussion is gentlemanly, but the notes are reaching a high pitch, and tfie prize is important. It involves a radical restructuring of finances and especially the treasury management group~s returning to the confines of individual companies; they fiave hith.crto been concentrated in STET. But how did the companies in the group come to feel the need for recovering their financial auto- nomy? Why did they not ask for it before? IL MONDO asked these questions of Gian- franco Mossetto, a professor of public economy at Cat Foscare, in Venice, vice- ~ president of SIP since last August, and economic consultant to Gianni De Michelis, the minister of State participation. ~ Question: How did the problem of restructuring STET come up? Answer: The ministry of State participation and STET itself had been studyi~ig restruc- turation for some time, but what really brought it up was the union dispute that is taking place; among other problems, it raised that of straightening out the finance structure and the sitbsidiary companies in order to make technological developmer.t more effective. Also, we either keep up with the more advanced countries or quickly become technologically dependent on foreigners. Question: What does reorganization provide for? Answer: The formation within STET of two divisions: a manufacturing and a service divi.sion. In the manufacturing division, three specific regroupings have been identi- fied: electronics for telec.ommunications, civilian and military systems, and micro- processors: In the service division, there would be SIP, Italcable, Telespazio and all the companies that are close]y linked to their activities. Question: The hottest potato will be restructuring treasury services. Who wants this, and why? Answer: At present, all the group companies' cash flow comes from STET, even ordi- nary administrative funds. ~The restructuring plan provides for each company gradually to take over its own management. All the companies in tfie group want this, as do the ministry of State participation and even IRT. Question: What would be left of STET once money management is taken away? Controlling expenses and especially the rate of expenditures of the group companies is a powerful instrument of control and financial clout. Answer: Typical financial tasks: planning, control Qf management, and financial strategy. Question: But what are the real, pxactical advantages of this operation? Answer: Increased cash flow and easier access to credit for individual companiess which will be the ones putting up the collateral. - COPYRIGHT: IL MONDO 1982 . 8782 CSO: 5500/2106 ~ . ~ 11 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY � ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040048-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400504040048-0 UNITED KINGDOM TV SATELLITE PL~1NS TO BE ANNOUNCED ~ PM251639 London THE TIMES in English 25 Feb 82 pp 1, 24 [Julian Haviland Regort: "Satellite Television: BBC May Get Both 'Space' Channels"] ~ ~ [Text] Plans for a British satellit~ which would provide two extra television channels for British viewed within five years are expected to be announced next ~ week by Mr William Whitelaw, the home secretary. The independent broadcasting authority suspects that .Kr Whitelaw has decided to allot both channels to the BBC. A campaign to persuade him to change his mind was begun with a letter pub- lished in TAE TIMES yesterday from Lord Aylestone, a former chairman of the IBA, who said the allocation of the channels required furtY.a~~.r public debate. Ministers were surprised yesterday by tne eleventh-hour challenge to their plans. Both BBC and IBA has taken part in discussions begun last N;ay, by the � home office on the feasibility of direct broadcasting by satellite (known as DBS). ~ ~ The BBC made clear from~the start its keen interest in taking part. It would - want one channel for repeat programmes, and a second for a subscrip~3on ser- - vice which it believes would generate enough revenue from the viewing public to cover the cost of both channels. ~ It also pressed the government to bring in early legislation, a~ did several electronics companies eager to put up the money to develop and launch a British satellite. By contrast IBA's representative gave home office officials the impression that, while interested in principle, they were for the present preoccupied with plans for the introduction of the fourth television channel in Navember, and of breakfast television in May 1983. Senior f igures within independent television admitted yesterday tfiey may have been slow off the mark. . ~ 12 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040048-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040048-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The IBA said yesterday it had put forward three proposals. There could be a Pan-European programme service- with a number of inember countries of the Europear~ broadcasting union contributing and receiving--a subscription service o~ ~"best of British" service--made up of programmes from all four British channels. There were also dark hints from the grogramme companies that the.BBC has no experience, as they had;. of running a commercial service, and ought not to ris~ the casY~ of the licence-fee-paying public. The BBC yesterday kept a dignif ied and contented silence, but staff said pri- vately they would welcome competition from the IBA, but not at the cost of delay,ing a service the public wanted. ~ The solution, on which both sides seem most likely to agree, would be a larger satellite at a higher cost. CSO: 5500/2130 _ ~ lg ~ ~ ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040048-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400504040048-0 UNITED.KINGDOM BRITISH TELECOM ANNOUNCES PLANS FOR SATELLITES PM021557 London FINANCIAL TIMES in English 2 Mar 82 p 10 [Report by Elaine Williams: "The Satellite Way to Europe"] [Excerpts] By the end of 1983 Telecom plans access for UK companies to satellites for private business communic~ations to Eurore. ~ Services such as electronic mail, telecoz~ferences, high sgeed computer data and even conventional ~elephoize calls will be offered. For organizations�needing to send large volumes of information over long distances as quickly as possible satellites could tie more convenient and cheaper than existing systems. - But in order to assess the potent3al of such a service, British Telecom � ` has plans to run 12 trials this year. Sma11 dish aerials perched on office roof.tops wi11 transmit and receive d3gital data signals via the orbital _ test satellite, the forerunner to Europe's first communications�,satellite system. The FINANCIAL TIMES, however, was th e first organization in Europe to cooperate with British Telecom and DEUTSCHE BUNDESPOSTE, the German teleco~nunications authority in running business tr3als on the orbital test satellite. In November the satellite, .linked the FT's London headquarters to Fr:ankfurt where the international edition is printed. . For two weeks complete fascimile pages of the newspaper were transmitted from London to~Frankfurt for production and distribution by road and rail across Europe and by air around the world. As well as demonstrating remote printing in Europe for the f irst time--an important milestone for the European newspaper industry--it showed the tremendous potential for businesses which need to transmit rapidly large ~ volumes of information around the world. . 14 FOR OFF[C[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040048-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040048-0 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The data signals representing words and pictures were transmitted from a small on the roof.of the FINANCIAL TIMES building, via the satellite to a small dish provided by Dornier, the West German aerospace concern, at the company's printers in Frankfurt. Originally, it had heen hoped that the November trials would have involved transmitting pages of th e newspapers to Stockholm, Paris and Rome, tut administrative and minor technical problems prevented this. As well as saving money, satellites could improve the service to readers and offer new types of services such as electron3c mail for t-he newspa~er-- all applicable to any type of business. ~ Britjsli Telecom expects that the total capital cost of ~providing a small dish satellite service in Europe will be about 1~Om pounds. . Agreement was reached two years ago to starC the service.after the launch of ECs, the first European communications satellite run by Eutelsat and Telecom 1, the French domestic satellite. Coverage will range from the Shetlands to Gibraltar and from Sweden to Greece. British Te].ecom has already announced a link up with sate113te bus~:ness systems to allow UK customers access to the pr3vate system run by SBS throughout the U.S. by the end of this year. COPYRIGHT: The Financial Times Ltd, 1982 CSO: 5500/2138 ~ 15 ~ ~OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040048-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040048-0 UNITED KINGDOM 'BBC' TV TO START SATELVTTE BROADCASTING IN 1986 ~ PM051301 London THE TIMES ~n English 5 Mar 82 p 1 [Report by Kenneth Gosling: "1986 Lift-Off for Two TV Space Channels on BBC"] [Excerpts] The BBC was given parmission by the government yesterday to start broadcasting television progra~es on two satellite channels from early in 1986. Making the annotmcemEnt in th e Commons Mr William Whirelaw, the home secretary, said ther~: would be opportunities in the future for independent television to operate similar services. ~ One channel will be run by subscript~on, the other by a supplementary licence fee, something the home office proposed but wh3ch the BBC made clear yesterday it does not favour. In the long term, it said, it intended both channels ~ to be funded mainly from subscxiption channel income. ; Viewers wanting either or both services will have to buy d3sh aertals and other ~ � equipment which will cost initially 250 pounds~a figure expected to drop to ~ 200 pounds when quantities are produced. The aerial, ~wo varieties�of which were shown at a press.conference at the BBC television centre, will later be replaced by a flat metal plate fixed to an outside wall. Th e independent broadcasting authority, which recently made a bid for satellite channels, welcomed the prospect of public debate on essential broadcasting 3ssues, including~assurances to existing viewers that the s~rv3ce from the four terrestr~~al channels would as good as possible. This ass ura.zce had already been given by Mr Alasdair Milne managing director of BBC Television and director generaZ designate, who said: "We are adamant that w e will keep faith absolutely with the we now aerve. There is no question of taking programmes off ex3sting networks and mov3ng them to satellite cliannels. We seek to pravide additional services through a new . means of distribution and the licence-payer will benefit in the longer term." In the Commons statement, Mr Whitelaw said it was vital to make an early start in an area of keen international competition. The initial two satellite ~6 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONtY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040048-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500044448-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY channels would be increased to a max3mum of five to be allocated as and wheti the demand justified it. An announcement would be made shortly, he said, about the future of cable television. - Television satellite channels could prov3de additional radio services, and th e BBC said it wanted to explore this facility for digital transmission perhaps of high quality music services. . The BBC expects viewers to obtain the subscription service with something like a credit card keyed into the equipment in the home to select the prograimnes the viewer wanted to watch; a new card would probably be purchased ' annually. In Manchester last night, Mr Colin Shaw, the independent broadcaeting authority's director of television, said he thought some countries we,.e un- willing to see their television serv3ces threatened by invading satellii:~ services without putting up a fight. COPYRIGHT: Times Newspapers Limited, 1982 CSO: 5500/2138 17 FQR OFFiCIAY. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040048-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500044048-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UNITED KINGDOM N~W JOINT SATELLITE COMPANY TO BE FORMED ~ = PM011303 London THE TIMES in English 5 Mar 82 p 15 ~ [Report by Bill Johnstone: "Joint UK Satellite Set Up"] . [Text] A new British com~,any is to be formed to exploit the world market for satellitea. The company, called United Satellite Ltd, is bein~ set up 3ointly by British Telecom, Marconi and British Aerospace. The announcement by the three partners comes in the make of the government's approval for a 150m pound d3rect broadcast satellite syatem to be built by the British companies and to be operational by 1986. The partners are expecte3 to have an equal stake in the company, although the methods of financing the group have yet to be determined. N. M. Rothschild, the merchant bank, is invest3gating the possibility of some form of leasing being used to fund the British direct broadcasting satellite. The companies have alrea.dy invest3gated pdtential markets and tihe ~ and operational means to meet broadcasting and telecommunications requirements. , The footprint for the British satellite would take in part of Western Europe for broadcasting signals if a sufficiently large antenna were used for reception. One-third of the British direct broadcasting satellite will be devoted to broadcasting and the remainder to telecommunications. The BBC will be given two channels and British Telecom will control the third. British Telecom intends to release its international circuits on the satellite to other satellite organizations. The compl~ete system will consist of three satell3.tes: one in orbit in operation; one in orbit on stand-by and another on the ground. COPYRIQiT: Times Newspaper Limited 1982 CSO: 5500/2138 ~ ~ 18 ~ FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500040048-0