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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030021-0 FOR OFFICiAL U~E ONLY JPRS L/ 10312 9 February 1982 West Euro e Re ort p p CFOUO 7/82) _ FgI$ ~OREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030021-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030021-0 NOT~, .TPRS publications contain information primarily from foreign newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials from forei~n-language sources are translated; those from English-language sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the original phrasing and other characteristics retained. ' Headlines, editorial reports, and material enclosed in brackets are supplied by JPRS. Yrocessing indicators such as [Text] or [ExcerptJ in the first line of eacli item, or following the last line of a brief, indicate how the original information was processed. Where no processing indicator is given, the infor- mation was summarized or extracted. Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterat~d are enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded b~ a ques- tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical notes withxn the body of an item originate with the source. Times within items are as - given by source. The conCents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or attitudes of the U.S. Government. COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE 0?~TLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030021-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040500034021-0 F'OR OF'FICIAL USE ONLY , ~TPRS L/10312 9 February 1982 WEST E~.UROPE REPORT (F(~UO 7/82) CONTENTS ECONOMIC SWITZERLAND Trade, Economic Relations With USSR (Viktor Golubchik; FOREIGN TRADE, Dec 81) 1 POLITICAL FRANCE Relations Examined Between Mitterrand, PSF Deputies, Party (Raymond Aron; L'EXPRESS, 11- 17 Dec 81) 8 PCF Puzpose, Personnel in New Government - (Jean Cau; PARIS MATCH; 13 Nov 81) 13 Security Measures, Hiring of Guards at Matra Examined - (Gilbert Maury; L'E NOUVEL OBSERVATEUR, 2 Jan 82)............ 19 SPAIN PSOE Leaders Show Concern for Future of Democracy - (CAMBIO 16, 21 Dec 81) 22 Gonzalez: Rightwing Civilians Responsible Guerra: UCD's Reactior. Ineffective Perez Llorca Comments on Deeper Meaning of Entry in rIATO, EC (Perez Llorca Interview; CAN~IO 16, 28 Dec 81) 25 - a - [III - WE - 150 FOUO] EOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030021-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R440500030021-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ECONOMIC SWITZEhLAND TRADE, ECONOMIC RELATIONS WITH USSR Moscow FOREIGN TRADE in Engllsh No ]2, Dec 81 pp 23-25 [Article by Viktor Golubchik: "USSR-Switzerland: Trade and Ecor.omic Re3.ations in the Tenth Five-Year-Plan Period (19~6-1980)"] [Text] The vears, which have passed since the Fina~ - Act uf the Conference on Security arid Coopera- tion in Eurup~;. was signed, have been marked by the successes of political detente. Its materializa- tiun is clcarly seen in the further development uf all-round, mutvally bcneFicial relations be2ween states wrth diflerent sucial systems. "Peaceful co- ~peration between c~untries of the two systems," the 26th Con~ress of the Communist P~rty of ti~e Suviet Uni:,n emphasized, "is by and largE, mak- ing good head~va~~... Economic, scientific, terhnical and cultural tics arc cx,~anding, and ~rc taking on ii~w qualiiirs."' In this ~~rriucl Suvic;-tiwiss tr~iclc ancl ccunomic rclatiuns ~?rr ci~aracturircd, (irst and 1~urcm~st, by tl~cir signili~a~~ily strcn~thrned ireaty and lcgal - fu~mclatiun, im~~rc~~~cc1 m~chanism of hilatc~ral co- u}~~ratiun ancl stc~?cl~~ ~ruwtl~ uf mutual trade. On January 12, 1978, Bcrn ~vas thc place of si~~nin~ thc trn-vc~ir 11}*.rc~�n~rnt c~n thc Dcvelop- ' inciil ~~I~ I:~�unun~ir, lncl~islri:il, ~cirntilic ancl Tcch- ~ii~:~l (~u~~~~~�t':iti~~i~ hrl~~~~�~~i~ I~t~� lwc~ cc~tln~rics, c~- ~~r~�~sin~: Ili~�ii cl~�~ir~~ lu ~�xE~ancl ccunumic rrla- - ~iin~s ~~n Il~c ~~rinriE~l~�s ~,f thr f~inal Act c~f thc All- I~.~n�~~~~~~~~n ('~~i~frr~~iicc. ~ I..I. [3rrzhnc~�, (lr~~nr! c,J lli~' ('i~irlrrtl ('n~r~niillce o( !hr ('!'.S(r Ir, ll~r X,ll'I ('~ni~;rr~~ lhc~ ('n~nnnmisl Purly u( ~1~~~ S~,i~icl ?Jr~i~nr riru! ll~~~ I~iinti~rlirU~~ 7~usk., n/ 1hc~ Purh~ in llu~~ir ~ni~l Furri~;~i !'nlir~�, Nuvusli Prr~ti At~rncy d'ublistiin~; Il~iu~c. Mu~i'u~~. I~)}ll. ~ll - 1 _ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030021-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R040500030021-0 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ln accordance with this Agreement a Long-Tei-m Programme for the Devclopment of Economic, In- clustrial, Scicntific ancl Technical Coopcration was signed in Bern and came into force on July 9, 1979, providing for a wider exchange of goods and serv- ices, mutual participation in the construction, ex- ~ pansion and modernization oE industrial installa- tions and enterprises, and furthering scientific and technical cooperation in various industries, agri- culture, fundamental and applied sciences, environ- mental protection and other ~ields. In its comments on the signing of the Programme, the Swiss press pointed out that it would facilitate thc Swiss exporters' aclivities on the Sovie.t market for a long time ancl wuuld in future enable the - USSR and Switzerlancl tu ~gain more precise knc~wledgc about b~th countries' requirements. Sincc 1973 thc Suvict-Swiss Jvint Commissi~n un Scicnti(ic, Tcchnc~lc~gical, ]nclustrial anci Ecu- nomic Cooperation, entrusted with control c' rhe implcmentation of the 1978 Agrcement and the 1979 Long-Term Programme, has functioned successf~slly. Since its establishment the Commission has held seven sessions to discuss questions concerning the progress and prospects of scientific, technoloeical, trade and economic cooperation between the two 3 countries. The Commission is an important instru- ment furthering trade and economic ties. Fully specified problems and spheres of mutual interest make its mectings }~urposeful. The Joint ~Commission has set up six working bruups whose tasks are to find ways of expanding c~oprration in suci~ vital economic s}~heres as machine-tool making, clectrical and power engineer- ing,� the production uf pharmaccutical and low-ton- nagc chcmical pr~ducts, thc watch, tcxtilc and food industrics. - Thc 1970s wiU~cssccl thc cstablishment in Swit- - rcrlanu ~~f a numhcr of .juint-stuck companies with Suvict fc>rci~;n tradc organiiations. Thrsc com� ~~ani~s makr a nc~ticcablc c~ntribution ta strcng- = thening business coope:ration hetween the two coun- tric~. Thcv mcdiate ir. supplying Switzerland with c~il ancl oil prexlucls ~(Se~wuil), selling jewellery (Rus- ' salmar.), r~nclcring gcx~cls transportation scrvices (ticnUrh~u�t) ~uicl in hankin~ c>~crations (Wotichc~d). lii tlu�ir turn, scvcn Swiss iirms and Swiss CtY:dil Bank (Cr~~ciit Suiss~:) havc ufficcs in Moscaw. Their rur~us~ i~ tc~ cstablish closcr contacts betwccn Sw~s~ firms ancl Sc~vict t~urcign tradc and c~thcr 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030021-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030021-0 N'UR Ol~h'I('IAI. U~E ONLY ' c~rganixatic~ns, raisc ctlicicncy and impart 1lexibility tu thc s~lving ~f c~mmercial and t~.~chnical ques- ti~ns. In accordance ti~ith the .Agreement on Coopera- = tion bet:veen the USSR Chamber of Commerce and - Industry and the Swiss Trade Promotion Bureau (Office Suisse d'Expansion Commerciale) Soviet for- eign trade associations conduct lively cooperation with relevant enterprises and firms of Switzerland and are active participants in international fairs and exhibitions held in both countries. Bet~veen 1976 and 1980 nineteen specialized ex- hibitions of Soviet export goods were held in Switz- " erland. Sovict f~rcign tradc associations arc reg~ilar . }~artiripants ~f the International Auto Salon in Gcncva and thc Intcrnational Spring Fair in Bascl among othcrs. Fur instancti, m~re than 20 All- _ linivn Eor~ci~n tradc associations tcx~k part in th~' 1978 and 1980 fairs in Basel. In their turn bctwcen . 1976 and 1980 Swiss firnns participated in 64 in- ternational fairs in the USSR and held 34 specializ- ed exhibitior~s. In 1978 Moscow was a venue of the second successEul exhibition oE Swiss machine tools at which the country's 70 ~firms displayed their products. In 1975 the USSR Chamber of Commerce and ~ Industry opened its of~ice in Zurich. In 1980 alone the office helped m.c>re than 500 Swiss organiza- ~ li~ns and firms establish contacts with Soviet for- ( cign h�adc urganizatic~ns hy arranging tl~eic� par- ~ licipation in exhibitions in thc USSR and busincss ~ trips to oar country. Thus, in the last Five years ~ ninc author. itativc dclcgations of Swiss husiness- men havc visitcd the Soviet Union. ~ Wilhin the fr-amcw~rk of agreemcnts bet~veen thc USSR Statc Committcc for Scicnce and Tcch- nolo~y and sevcntu~n Swiss fjrms evcr ~rcater si~nifioancc is hcing acquir~d by thc two countrics' ticicntific, tcchnologiral and indtistrial tics in such hranchcs ~?s machinc-tc~c~l making, mctallur�v, tranti- ~~ort, ~c~wcr, lo~~ms and ;ood-proccssin~ eneinccring industrics, automatccl information s~~titcros, the manufachn�c of chcmical, ~harmaccutical and aroma~ic prc>du~ts, chip-boara, tihips' automation, tlic fc~od inclustry. F~?r cxam~~lc, in ~~~,wclcr mctalltir~rv thc Patc~n (~.Icclric Wrlclin~* lnslitiilc c?f thc iJkrairtian Acadcn,y ~~f Scicncrti ancl thc Byclurussian Rc- ~~uhliccu~ Rrscr~rrh .incl TnclusU�ial Pc~wcl~r Metal- lur~v /lssc>ciatic~n maintain cc~ntacts, with thc Swiss firm, Wc~rk c~n clcfining thc prc~hlcros f`or _ 3 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500030021-0 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R440500030021-0 FUR UFFICIAI. USN: ONLY sri~�n~i~(i~� :incl tcchnc~lc,~iral c~x~rcrati~~n hclwccn Ilir l1~tiR Ministry uf M.icliin~~ 'Tuul ~?ncl Tnstnt- i~icnt-Making Industry and thc Swiss Assc~ciation of Machinery Manufacturers in the production of metal-cutting lathes for the period ending in 1990, is nearing completion. In the Eield of experimental and clinical study of new medicinal substances as well as diagnostics and regeneration, success- ful cooperation continues with traditional Swiss partr.ers, Ciba-Geigy, Sandoz, F. Hoffmann-La Roche. Cooperation is coming on with other firms - not parties to the agreements but which show in- terest in ,joint researcli of a certain theme. To cite ~in examplc, tll~e USSR Ministry oE Electro-technica~ inclustry and the firm Isola-Wcrke oE Switzerland are jointly claborating a programme oE coopera- ti~n in thc r~:~a of ~Icctric insulating materials, systcros c~f isc~lation and casting oF polymer in- sulators. Thc USSR Ministry ~f Tractor and Afiricul- t~u~al Machincry Tnclustry and thc Swiss firm, Duap, _ h