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APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY _i _ JPRS L/ 10205 - 22 December 1981 2 USSR Report LIFE SCIENCES BIOMEDICAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES (FOUO 18/81) ~ Fg~$ FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500410003-2 NoTE - JPRS publ:`.cations contain information primarily from forei,,n = newspapers, periodicals and books, but also from news agency transmissions and broadcasts. Materials froni foreign-language sources are translated; those from English-lar_guage sources are transcribed or reprinted, with the origi.nal phrasing and other characteristics retair~ed. Headlines, editiorial repArts, and material enclosed in brac?*.ets - are supplied by JPRS. Processing indica*_ors such as [Text] or [Excerpt; in the first linP of each item, or following the = last line of a brief, indicate how the original intormaticn was _ processed. Where no_processing indicator is given, the infnr- = mation was summarized or extracted. - Unfamiliar names rendered phonetically or transliterated are 2 enclosed in parentheses. Words or names preceded by a ques- _ tion mark and enclosed in parentheses were not clear in the _ original but have been supplied as appropriate in context. Other unattributed parenthetical aotes within the body of an item ariginate with the.source. Times within items are as given by source. _ The conCents of this publication in no way represent the poli- cies, views or attitunes o:` the U.S. Government. 1 COPYRIGHT LAWS AND REGULAlIONS GOVERNING OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS REPRODUCED HEREIN REQUIRE THAT DISSEMINATION _ OF THIS PUBLICATION BE RESTRICTED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040500014003-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JPRS L/10205 22 December 1981 USS R REPORT LIFL $CIENCES BtOMEDICAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENeES (FOUO 18/81) - CONTENTS BIOCHEMISTRY ' Membrane Biophysics .................................o............ 1 Levels of Organization of Biological Systems .........e.~......... 4 _ Irrnnobilization of Enzymes and Cells of Micraorganisms............. 9 BIONICS Biomechanics, Bionics and Syrnmtetry ...............o............... 18 Table of Contents From Collection 'PROBLEM3 OF BIONICS1, Nwnber 25 23 - Table of Contents From Collection 'PROBLIlMS OF BIONICS1, Number 24 25 - Table of Contents From Collection �PRJBLIIM,S OF BIONICSI, Number 23 27 Table of Contents From Col.lection tPROBLIIM.S OF BIONICSt, Number 22 29 ENVIRONriENT - Dynamics of Ecological-Ecanomic Systems 31 MEDICINE Mathematical Models of I7iseases and Methods of Frocessing 34 _ Medical Inforrnation -a1- - �%-nV a r � rc~r! I1101F l! [III - USSR - 21a S&T FOUO] APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 NUN UM'h'IC;IAL lJbr: UNLY P'-iYSIOLOGY - Computerized Electrocaxdiography 37 5imple Method of Numerical Evaluation of Human EEG Potentials 42 - Book on Forecasting Borderline Conditions Re-ilewed 45 Ra.te of Hexenal Detoxification and Induction of This Process in. Rats Raised Under Conditions of Muscular Loads 48 All-Union Symposium on 'Self-Regulation of Functions and States'.. 49 - Ultraweak Radiation in Intercel7.ular T,nteraction 53 Adaptation, Stress asid Prevention 56 Animal Adaptation to Winter Conciitions ....................e 60 ~ River Fleet Divers 63 Anthropological Deve?opment of Man in Past, Present, Future ....e. 65 Fundamentals of Sports Metrology 69 - RADIATION BIOLOGY . Hypothesis of Endogenous Radioresistance Background ~ 74 HUMAN FACTORS Biomechanics of Systems 79 7 Problem of Information Processing in Man-Machine Systems ..e...... 81 Bioerigineering Systems: Theory and Design. A Textbook 88 Scientific Organization of Zabor of Maritime Fleet Personnel.... 90 Decisions: Theory, Information and Modeling 94 ~ Aircraft, Pilots and Flight Safety .o............... 96 Problems of Time Organi.zation of Ziving Systems 99 _ PSYCHOLQGY - Theoretical and applied Research in Psychophysio'Logy of Sports - Activities .............';.................e......,................ 108 Emotions and Recreation of Athletes 109 - Self-Regulatian and Prediction of Social Behavior of the Individual 111 , - b - FOR OFFICIAL USE C1NLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400504010043-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE .ONLY - Sociopsychological Climate in a Groups Theory and . Investigative Methods 116 - Psychophysics of Sensoi-y Syrsterns 119 Summary of Conference on Problems of Psychologists at - Industrial Fnterprises ................................e....... 125 PSYCHIATRY ~ Psychopharmacotherapy: Concise Handbook for Practicing ' P'hysicians 128 -c- FOR OF [`ICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 FOR OFE[CIAL USE ONLY BIOCHEMISTRY UDC: 577.352 MEMBRANE BIOPHYSICS ~ Moscow BIOFIZIKA MIIMBRAN in Russian 1981 (signed to press 16 Jan 81) pp 2, 316-319 [Annotation and table of contents from book "Membrane Biophysics", edited by L. A. Blyumenfel'd, printed from an original prepared by the Instttute of Biological Physics., USSR Academy of Sciences (Pushchino), Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", 1900 copies, 331 pages] - [Text] Biophysics of inembranes covers a significant part of modern biological - physics. Such basic processes as utilization of energy released from tissular _ respiration and photosynthesxs, active transport of ions, etc., are related to the - function of inemliranes. This collection includes generalizing articles fram several prominent scientific research laboratories of our country concerned with_membrane biophysics. There is approximately the same,amour.t of material dealing with ; two main problems: str.ucture of inembranes and'electrical characteristics of � natural and art~-Jcicial membranes. The co?l.ection will find numerous readezs among . physicists, biologists and chemists working in this intensive'ly developing branch of science.[Russian abstracts are provided]. . Contents Page Flat, B:.layered, Dry Lipid Membranes-(V. S. Rudnev, I. A. Bagaveyev, 3 Yu. G. Rovin) Ornithine-Containing Lipids as Structural Components of Artificial 17 Membranes (L. I. Barsukov, R. Grupe, S. G. Batrakov, L. D., Bergel',son) Paraniagnetic Hydrophilic Probing of Phospholipid Membranes by the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance MOthod (Yu� Ye. Shapiro, A. V. Viktorov, L. I. Barsukov, L. D. Bergel'son) 'l. Testing vesicularity of liposomes exposed to soniG waves 22" 2. Life expectancy of probe in a bound sta.te - Study of Phase Changes in Model and Biological Membranes. Temperatuce^- DPpendent Structural Changes in Membranes of A. iaidlawii Celis , (V. Ye.' Mishiyev, Ye. I. Krasova, A. V. Kuz'min, M. A. Tarshis, 39 - G. I. Klebanov) Study of Phase Changes in Model and Biologica1 Membranes, Structural _ Changes iiZ Mitochondrial Membranes (G. I. Klebanov, V. I. Sorokovoy, 46 Ye. V. Nikushkin, Yu. A. Vladimirov) - Roie af Phase Changes in Lipids in.Regulation of Functional Activity - of Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Membranes (Ye. V. Nikushkin, G. I. Klebanov, 53' M. V. Shubin, Yu. A. Vls,~dimirov) 1 - FOR OFFYCIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 FOR OFFICIAI. tISE QNLY Proton Pseudopump on Bilayered Lipid Membranes During Redox Reactions in : NADH -Qe/lipid/-02 Chai.n (V. S. Sokolov, Yu. A. Shchipunov, ~ L. S. Yaguzhinskiy, L. I. Boguslavskiy) 59 Membranes: Study of Light-Dependent Reactions of Photosystems Photosynthetic _ and Chloroplasts by the ESR Method (R. I. Khalilov, S. V. Khangulov, M. G. Go1'dfel'd) 67 = Damage to Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Membranes With Lipid Peroxidation and - Its Development of Muscular Pathology (V. Ye. Kagan, Yu. V..� - Arkhipenka, V. A. Pisarev, L. V. Belouso-i, Yu. P. Kozlov) 88 ~ Posszbility of Corticosteroid Discrimination on tine Level of Plasmatic - Membranes of Target Organ--Liver--Cells (Yu. P. Denisov, P. V. Sergeyev, A. A. Aldashev) 95 Distortion of Structure and. Elastic Properties of a Bilayer With Inser.tion of Ion Channels and Carriers (V. I. Pasechnik, T. Gianik) � 98 Mechanism nf Temperature Dependence of Conduction of Phbspholipid Membranes With Alameticin (P. A. Grigor'yev) 113 Continuous Approach to Description of Single-Row Transport Through Narrow Pores (S. Kh. r`,yt'yan, Yu. A. Chizmadzhev) ' . 1. Generalized electrodiffusion equation 119 2. Exchange flow of nonelectrolytes in eqniponderant state 126 - Ion Concentration in Electrolyte at Membrane Boundary (V. M. Kim) 133 EffPCt of Near-Membraree Electrolyte Layers on Transmembrane Ion Transport (V. N. Akimov, V. M. Kim) . 1. Distribution of�potential and concentrations in unmixed layer. Concentration on membrane boundary. * 138 2. Membrane in electrolyte solution. Electrodiffusion model 142 - 3, -Effect of neutral electrolyte. Maximum current . 150 - 4. Binary symmetrical electrolyte. Two penetrating types of iona 155 Electron Transfer Through Liposome Membrane (G, V. Fomin, M. M. Shabarchina, _ iu. Sh. Moshkovskiy) , 163 - Sodium Pump as. Regulator of Cell Size and Chemosensitivity - (S. N. 9yrapet'yan, M. A. Suleymanyan, V. L. Arvanov). 168 - Electric Breakdown of Bilayered Lipid Membranes ` (L. V, Chernomordik, I. G. Abidor, M. P.. Tarasevich) - 1: General findings ' 184 2. Life expectancy o� membranPs with different potentials 192 Electric Breakdown of Bilayered Ltpid Membra-nes. 3. Change in Membrane Capacity Before Breakdown (L. V. Chernomordik, I. G. Abider, B. I. Lentsner, V. S. Kuz'min) 199 - Theory of Electric Breakdown of Bilayered Lipid Membranes. 1. Calculation - of Membrane Life E::gectancy in Approximation of Stationary Diffusion (V. F. Pastushenko, Yu. A. Chizma3zhev, V. B. Arakelyan, L. V. Chernomordik) 207 = Theory of Electr'Lc Breakdown of Bilayer.ed Lipid Membranes. 2. Analyais of . - Possible Mechanisms of Developing llefects (Yu. A. Chizmadzhev, = V. B. Arakelyan, V. F. Pastushenko) 214 - Theory of Electric Breakdown of Bilayered Lipid Membranes. 3. Consideration of Kinetic Stage in the Case.of Single-Defect Membrane (V. F. Pastushenko, Yu. A. Chizmadzhev, V. B. Arakelyan) 221 Theory of Electric Breakdown of Bilayered Lipid Membranes. 4. Consideration of Kinetic Stage in the Case af a Membrane With Arbitrary Number of - Jefects (Yu, A. Chizmadzhev, V. B. Arakelyan, V. F. Pastushenko~ 229 2 ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 : ~ FOR OFFIC:AL USE ONLY. Theory of Electric Breakdown of Bilayered Lipid Membranes. 5. Stochastic Theory of Membrane Br.eaks With Consideration of Processes of Generation and Destruction of Defects. Calculati.on of Function of Distribution of Break (V. F. Pastushenko, V. G. Arakelyan, Yu. A. Chizmadzhev) Theory of Electric Breakdown of Bilayered Lipid Membranes. 6. Stochastic Theory of Membrane Breaks With Consideration of Processes of Generation and Destruction of Defects. Statistical Characteristics of the Membrane . Breaking Proce0.,s (V. F. Pastushenko, Yu. A. Chizmadzhev, V. B. Arakelyan) Potential-Dependence of Effects of Potassium Ions and Ouabain on the Metabulically Dependent Part of the Membrane Potential of a Giant Neurun (A. R. Akopyan, S. H. Ayrapatyan, V. N. Kazachenko) . K+' System of Ranvier's C;.oss Membrane in the Rana ridibunda Frog. Conditions for Analysis (V. S. Makuvskiy) K+ System of Ranvier's Cross Membrane in the Rana ridibunda Frog. Repolarization (I. Ye. Katina, A. V. Lonskiy, V. S. Makovskiy) 1. Fibers with fast K+ channel 2. Fibers with fast and slow K}' channels (main type) K+ System of Ranvier's Cross Membrane in the Rana ridibunda Frog. Repolarization. 3. Separation of Fast and Slow Components of K+ Current by Inactivation (Main Type of Fibers)(I. Ye. Katina, A.L. Kachurin, A. V. Lonskiy, V. S. Makovskiy, Ye. V. Polishchuk) K+ System of Ranvier'S Cross Membrane in the Rana ridibunda Frog. Depolarization. Cole-Moore Test (Fibers With Fast and Slow K+ Channels) (I. Ye. Katina, A. V. Lonskiy, V. S. Makovskiy, Ye. V. Polishchuk) COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", 1981 ]_0,657 CSO: 1840/999 3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 236 241 247 256 274 282 291 303 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040500010003-2 FOR dFFICIAL USE ONLY - UDC: 576.12 LEVELS OF ORGANIZATION OF BIOLQGICAL SYSTEMS � Mosccw UROVIriI OKGANIZATSII BIOLOGICHESKIKH SYSTEM in Russisn 1980 (signed to press : 22 Sep SO) PP 2-7; . - [Annotatiori, foreword by Prof A. M. Malchanov and table of conter..ts from book - "Levels of Organization of Biological Systems", edited by A. M. Molchanov; docror of physicomathematical sciences, Scientific Council for Problems of the Aiosphere, = Scientific Research Computer Center, USSR Academy of Sciences, Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", 2600 copies, 104 pages] , - [Text] This collection is comprised of material submitted at the fifth and sixth lectures ["schools"] on mathematical modeling of complex biological systems. There is discussion of the principles of organizing of living syetema on 3ifferent levels. = Special attention is given ta the study of the structure and functiona of a complex. - bio].ogical sygtem on the organismic level; The baok is intended for a raide circ2e ' of biologists.. - For~,word Statistical processing of experimental data is familiar to both biologists and mathematicians, and it is the traditional form of using mathemacics in biology. - True, in most cases this amounts to calcul.ation of ineans and dispersion. If, however, a law of distribution (histogram) is constructed, tHis is,.of course, - higher mathematics. The reader will not find anything like this in the collection offered to him. Tr.e purpose of this collection is to draw the attention of mathematicians to the dis- tinctions of theoretical constructions inherent in biology. . . The'most obvious, superficial conclusion is that biologists and mathematicians - different languages. However, if this is all there wss, it would hardly be necessary to conduct a school and publioh a collection of lectures delivered in this school by biologists for mathematicians. � It is worthwhile to take a closer look at the reasona for such g diff,~rence between the languages of biologists andmathematicians. The most popular view of the cause of the difference is that life is complicated and mathematics is simple, and that is all Chere is to it. To counter th3s pofnt of view, we have only to try to analyze the historical causes-of disagreement between biological and mathe- matical approaches. 4 ' FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The essence of the mathematical approach can be described in one word--axiomatics. - The axiomatic method has hrilliantly made a name for itself in geometry, and for 2 thousand years it was the example for constructing strict theory. Remarkable researchers, from Copernicus to Laplace, who created celestial mechanics, proudly ' called themselvas geometricians and in their hands the axiomatic method won, we -would say, the most rewarkable victory, which enabled natural acience (in the gaise of Laplace) to declare that they do n.ot need the hypothesis of a creator to interpret celestial phenomena. Thia renders all the more paradoxical the viability of vestiges of theology in matters that are strictly earthly,. - �in problems of life, in the study of biological phenomena. One of the important reasons for - this is the inconsistency, whiah is obvious at first glance, of the axiamatic _ approach to biology, L-he virtual helplessness of mathematical methods. The irticles assembled in the collection offered to the reader's attention clari- - fies the situation somewhat. The foundatidn of any mathemaziaal scheme is to single out elementary elements. In geometry this refers to points, lines and _ planesr in celestial mechanics to tangle points and in physics to elementaxy = particles. It is in this main point--determination of an elementary object--that axiomatics apparently has no chances af success in biology. While advancement cf cell "theory" in the Iast century prompted optimism, the farther reaearch progressed, - the more obvious it became that the cell is not an elementary object in any sense of the ward. It was learned that cells are just as diversified as the previous "pretender" to. the role of elementary objecr--the organism. Some ago, it appeared.that molecular biology would provide the long awaited ' theoretical basis for including biology in the orbit of preciae natural sciences. But at present there are few who share these tiopes, even with reference to the problem of structure and function of cellular organelles, not to mention tlie cell itself. Even so, the potential of expressly the axiomatic methad is still far from being exhaustPd in biology. However, the very concept of axiomatic approach requires serious definitiono The - main topic of axiomatics can be fnrmulat:ed as follows: after difficult, sometimes over many centuries, screening and selection of experimental facts, one succeeds in singling out the uasic elementary abjects and cuncepts in such a manner that a11 the rest of the experimental data can be derived (and defined!) by pure logic from these main elementary axioms. But the entire point is that nat only tangible objects may be elementary ones; we can also refer on a par with them to elementary relations (links) and elenentary processes. Whi1e element?ry objects (material [tangible] points, particles, stars) have been studied very closely by researchers, relations and links ase studied much less - often. The classification of Linnaeus is perhaps the greatest advance in this direction of biology; it has a formal attitude tocaarci objects (organisms), but its actu3l subject is referable to relations, accesaories. = But elemexxtary processes reallq had bad luck. The very formulation of the question . of existence of elementary processes sounds heuriatic. "Can one really study a - process, motion per se, regardless of what is moving?" And, although this is actualZy what mathematical analysis is conce:-ned with for several ce-ituries, - a clearcut formulation usually elicits resistance and distrust, not only among biologists, but evPn physicists. 5 ~ FOR OFFICIAL U9E ONLY -i APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040500014003-2 VOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Perhaps the main result that can be achieved from interaction of biologists with . wathematicians consists of the following. Biology differs decisivelq from . "mathematical natural sc:tence" in that it is extremely "inconvenient�1 for gry and aZl frameworks and formalizations. It is utterly unrealistic, at least at the present time, to hope to construct a sole theory of biology, like physics. Never- - thelESS, the extremely rich biological material can and should be formalized by _ _expounding special theories constructed by the axiomatic example. We could conceive of a table of theories with three inputs [accesses]. Une lists elemetitary objects, the second lists elementary rel.ations and the third elementary ~ processes. Each special theory takes on several "boxes" from -each of the Accesses (inparticular, one f rom each), an3 the most elementary ones deal with either one ~ elementary object, or relation, or process. Tao important requirements must be _ imposed that definitively distinguish the most elementar-y theory from the most - complex model. In the first place, there must be good formulation of posi:ulaf"es in the theory-- main, elementary objects, relations and processes. In the second piace, any theory must include the range o.f its applicability. Of course, it would be desirabl.e . for this range to also be�examined theoretically, but we can mention the tentative experimental conditions, under which applicability of the theory is impaired. We should take axiomatics from mathematics and the prir.ciple of conformity ftom _ physics. But, unlike physics, which represents the "principle of conformity" - hierarchically, where new theory embraces the old and contains it as a special case, in biology theories must be more equal [with:equal rights], and it is signi- fi.cant that there is an overlapping zone between theories. Formaliy, this can be described as follows: for a pa ir of theories A and B there must be a theory C which is the extreme case for both theory A and theory.B. In other words, there may be conditions when only A is true, conditions when only B is true, but there - are also conditions when bofh thaories lead to the same conclusions (theory C). _ The principle of conformity [accbrdance, correspondence] in biology does not allow . us to expecIt that such a situation occurs with any two theories; they must not necessarily have objects in common like species that separated long ago. Howevera - in complete accordance with the picture of origin of species, any two theories must be connected by a chain of combined theori:es. . The preaent status of science (and, in particulai, the part on the boundary between biology and mathematics) predeterminea the need for axiomatic analysis of at least - three "hypostases"--elemcntary objects, el.ementary relations and elementa-,q processes. _ The desire for synthetic constructiong is understandable and warranted; however, their invalidity is attributable, first of all, to the unilateral nature and inadequacy of prior analysis. . Let tts consider the contents of this collection from these general vantage points. In the article by B. M. Mednikov, analysis is made of the range of applicability of classical matheuiatical genetics. Its main tportion of source cut o�f] when turning to more comnlex Qbjects and deeper problems beeomes rathet ripproximate and, not uncommonly, wrong. In particular, it is not only the rectilinear prin- ciple of "one gene--one trait" that is invalid, but the considerably more com- promising one of "one gene--one enzyme." 6 FOR OFEICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The article of V. V. Malakhov deals with comparative morphology. Among bioiogists (as well as mathematicians), it is usually believed that morphology is a truly biological discipline that has no analoguea in other sciences. Yet analogous ideas and approaches have been developed in precise ndtural science. The best developed example is theory of internal stellar structure., The famous diagram of Gertsshprung-Rissel (correlation between mass and luminosity) is the arrangemenC - of the star population in a comparative morphologica.l series. The next step is - the attempt to interpret this series from the standpoint of evolution. For the = time being, experiments on stars are impossible, even in one's imagination, so that j.t soon became necessary to conduct computer nodel experiments. A comparison of the results of calculations to experimental data led to the conclusicn that evolution doPS not proceed always by far along a comparative [relative] morphological series. There are.situations a morghological series is a line of forms that develop in parallel. This is a useful lesson for biology also. - There is one mare curious commer.t that ensues fron the above analogy. It pertains to the problem of the "missing [llost] link." On,the "mass--luminosity� diagram there are striking gaps. ?.pparently, expressl.y these gaps have a profound evolu- tionary (and not only morphological) meaning and correspond to rapid stages of evolution. There are grounds to relate them to interesting periods of oscillatory stages ("Cepheids") and explosive stages ("novas"and "supernovas") in evolution of stars. - Iri the arti.cle by M. V. Mina, there is analysis of tte cuncept of "species," which is so important to any evolutionary constructions i-n biology. Theoretical and practical necessity have long since reduced the question of characteristics of a species to the question of interaction of populations that make it up, and this article discusses mainly the content of the concept of "population." The auChor - stresses the fact that existing approaches are inadequate and limited; all of them are, as a physicist would express it, "quasistationary." Yet time characteristics are very important, not only theoretically but frnm a strictly practical point of view, with such intensive changes in the lan3scape occurring in our times, which are rel.ated to man's endeavors. The article by A. S. Severtsov, "Evolution of Mechanisms of Amphibian FQOd Grabbing and Respiration," stands somewhat apart -from the others. It is of inter- est to interaction between mathematics and biology for three reasons at once. In the first place, he provides an example of a full-blooded biological problem a*~d . leaves no hope that modern meager ["emaciated"] mathematical modefs based on ele- - mentary physicochemical or cybernetic conceptiona could interest biologists who - are oriented in the classical direction. In the second place, it demonstrates a different approach to the idea of elementarii.y, to the concept cf "substantial - variables," where spatiel "divisibility," physical "ciivisibil3.ty"'and other "nori- - atomic" factors recede to the background, as compared to decisive functional indivisibil:~ty. A most interesting methodological quest:!on comes immediately to mind: can one formalize and, if so, how can one formalize, mathematize such constructions. There is also a"third interest," having a direct bearing on the ~ "news of the day"--intensif.ication of ecolagical processes. But for this, it is best to give the author the floor. a The "tandem" articles by S. P. Maslov "Restriction of Possibility of Homeostasis by Multifunctionality and Main Routes for Bypassing Ity" and by A. S. Severtsov, "Functional DiffPrentiation of the Organism in the Course of phylogenesis," are of 7 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040500014003-2 FOF2 OFFICIAL t lSF: ON1.Y - spe intere st to mathematicians. The main point , of these works is that evolu- tion com?)elled virtually all organs and system to_f!unction not anly for their _ immediate purpose, but many other duties. Obvious" iLy, this leads. to drastic decline of efficiency. However, in compensation, the same function can be performed in ditferent ways. is a xather curious situation, where "PVery element is concerned with the business of another," apparently lias'profQUnd evo.lufiional mean- _ ing, and quite probably it is related to the basic nonlinearity uf biolog3cal sys- tems. From the standpoi.nt of mathematics, one cvuld try to conceive of the situ- ation (of course in a quite simplified modeled way) as follows: When there 3re mild exogenou$ factors (under "comfortable" conciitions), homeo 5tasis is provided - by specialized organs (if you wish, thiis is the definition of specialization). - Then, as the situation grows increasingly complex--with increase in exogenous loads-- - more and more interaction is needed--" addi t ional insurance" and, conversely, "de- paralleli-zation" of systems---which leads to powerful overadjustment, which is observed both in the concrete act of.excitation and individual development, as well - as in the evolutionary aspect. The ever increasing interest of mathematicians in the points of bifurcation, criti- cal modes and complex kinetics must, sooner or later, lead mathematics to �the "littoral." This should be interpreted both ia the figurative meaning--on the ~ boundary between mathematics and classical (qualitative) biology--and in the literal sense of the werd--the really boundless problems and tasks that appear on the littoral, related to the littoral and becau se of the littoral. - An invitation: to collaborate is the main purpo se of the schools of mathemat-ical modeling of biological processes. - Contents Page� _ Foreword 3 Restrictiori of Possibility of Homeostasis by Multifunctionality and 8 Main Routes for Bypassing It (S. P. Maslov) 20 - Populations and Species in Theory a~nd Nature (M. V. Mina) _ Functional Differentiation of the Organism in the-Course of Yhylogenesis 41 - (A. S. Severtsov) Evo lution of Mechanisms of Amphibian Food Grabbing and Respiration 49 (A. S. Severtsov) 76 The Organism From the Morphologist's Point of View (V. V. Malakhov) 96 The Genome as a Whole (B. M. Mednikov) COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", 1980 10,657 CSO: 1840/999 8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONY.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500014003-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC: 576.8.095:577.15 IMMOBILIZATION OF ENZYMES AND CELLS OF MICROORGANISMS ~ . Moscow VESTNIK MOSKOVSKOGO LTNIVERSITETA, SERIYA 16: BIOLOGIYA in Russian No 3, = Jul-Sep 81 (manuscript received 10 Apr 74) pp 72-78 _ [Article by I. P. Baranova, Yu. I. Kozlova and N. S. Yegorov] [Text] Immobilized enzymes are insoluble and,� because they can be readily extracted _ from a reaction.system, they can be used many times irL periodic enzymatic processes or continuously active calumns. In some cases, immobilized enzymes are more resis- ta*_:t *_o exogenous factors than ordinary enzymes. , There is limited application of solubl.e preparations of some enzymes because of their high cost, low stability and difficulty of purification. Immobilized enzymes, i.e., enzymes artificially bound with a matrix, or stabilized ones (bound with bi- - functional reagents), which retain part or all of their catalytic properties, do not have such flaws. = There are chemical and physical methods for immobilizing enzymes. Chemical methods include covalent bonding with chemically activated matrix--cellulose, porous glass, synthetic polymers. Physical immobilization methods eonsist of adsorption on ' carriers: concrete, silicates, metal oxides,'activatea- charcoal, silica gel and ion exchange resins, glass, etc.. as well as incorpora'tion (microcapsulation) in gel, particularly PAAG [polyacrylamide gel?] ("Immobilized Enzymes," 1976; Skinner, - 1975). � More recently, immobilize3 enzymes have found wide application in different sectors of the national economy. Immobilized amylase, glucoamylase and glucoiso~.nerase are used in the food industry to recover syrup from starch with a high fructose content. Immobilized glucoisomerase (intracellular enzqme that catalyzes conversion of glu- cose to fructose)= is used rather extensively in the paper, textile, chemical and - pharmaceutical industries, as well as to treat liquid waste (Bruce et a1., 1974). Immobilized enzymes (in particular, pectin methylesterase) are used to clarify ~ fruit and vegetable juices (Durand et al., 1975), while immobilized papain pectinase are used in theJapanese food industry to clarify wines and, juices (Skinner, 1975). Immobilized pepsin . is used for continuous clotting of skim milk and immo- = bilized invertase is used to obtain invert sugar (Skinner, 1975). Proteases (in particular, pepsin) i-.nmobilized on sflica carriers are used for hydrolysis of casein - (Kreen et al., 1976). Continuous hydrolysis of starch by immabilized amylogluco- sidase has been described (Kucera, 1976). FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400504010043-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Information has been published on the use of immobilized e.n_zymes for bacteriolysis, and this can also be used in the food industry. It was showri that it is possible to submit bacterial walls to continuous lysis in a reactor bas~~i on membranes taith lytic�enzyme (Karube et al., 1977). -.In medicine, immobilized enzymes have found applications in diagnostics, clinical analysis and as drugs (Baum, 1977). Instances have been published of using immobi- - lized enzymes, such as streptokinase, catalase and asparaginase, as therapeutic = biologicals (Selezneva et a1., 1977). Immobilized asparaginase is used to lower - patierits' b].ood asparagine levels (Korsakevich et al., 1977). - Ttiere is an interesting method of dissolving blood thrombi and similar structures - by means of immobilized streptokinase (Ginger, Mather, 1976). There is also discussion in the literature of the use of immobilized enzymes (cata- _ lase, asparaginase and others) in medicine, medical technology as material to create artificial organs--kidneys, blood vessels and others--as well as in diagnns- ti.cs (in particular, an enzymatic electrode for assaying blood sugar; Murati Takasi, 1978). . - It is believed that i.mmobilized enzymes should find wide application in clinical tests (Mattiasson, 1976). Immobilized glucose dehydrogenase is used for continuous = glucose assays, which permits determination of glucose content of biological fluids - and could be used in clinical tests (Bisse, Nonderschmitt, 1977). Immobilized glucose dehydrogenase is also used to measure plasma glucose (Kuan et al., 1977). There has been a description of the use of immobilized cholesterol esterase s and cholesterol oxidase to assay serum cholesterol by the polarograghic method (Huang et al'� 1977). Immobilized enzymes have found applications in antibiotic production. For example, immobilized penicillinase was used for continuous demonstration of penicillin formed in the culture fluid of Penicillium chrysogenum _(Hornby et-al., 1974; Rusling et _ al., 1976). Inexpensive 6-APK [aminopenicillanic acid] is obtained by means af benzylpenicillinase immobilized in PAAG, and then used to produce semisynthetic penicillins (Kestner et al., 1973; Mandel' et al., 1975). The possibility of using immobilized trypsin and lysozyme to purify air is being discussed. These enzymes were immobilized by means of covaYent bonding with glass fibers. A filter with immobilized trypsin is impervious to many viruses. A fil- ter containing immobilized lysozyme retains up to 87% Micrococcus lisodeiticus and up to 97% Escherichia coli (Enright, Gainer, 1976). There is discussion in the literature of general principles of using immobilized enzymes �or detection and continuous monitoring of toxic substance levels in air and water (Goodson, Jacobs, 1974). Highly sensitive methods can lie developed on the basis of immobilized enzymes for automatic monitoring of insecticides, organo- phosphorus compounds, etc., Tahich is important to safeguard the health of agricul- - tural workers involved in harvesting citrus and grain crops. - There are indications that it is possible to use immobilized enzymes for fine organic synthesis in hydroxylation, dehydrogenization and phosphorylation reactions (Skinner, 1975). In Japan" separation of racemic mixtures of D and L amino acids by means of immobilized enzymes has been set up. L-amino acids--methionine, . 10. FCR,OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 FOR UFFICIAL USE (1NLY phenylalanine, threonine and valine--were suecessfully separated from their racemic mixtures using immobilized aminoacelase (Skinner, 1975). There is discussion of the technological process cf recovering L-citrulline and 6-aminopenicillanic acid with immobilized enzymes. The principle is described of obtaining immunoadsorbente by means of covalent bonding of antibodies to a matrix for the immunoenzymatic - method of analysis and affine chromatography (Skinner, 1975). - In recent years, experiments have been conducted in the USSR and abroad with non- - multiplying immobilized cells of microorganisms. Use thereof may have a number of = advantages over both free cells and immobilized enzymes, for example, it would make it unnecessary to purify enzymatic preparatioiis and, in some cases, would avoid the difficulties related to the instability of enzymes. Moreover, immobi- - lization of whole cells would make it.possible tQ obtain polyenzymatic systems, and it does not require additional use of cofactors. The same m.ethods and types of carriers are used to immobi.lize cells as to immobilize enzymes. Cells submitted to - immobilization are directly incorporated in stabilizing material. For example, Actinoplanes missur�iensis cells were incorporated in cellulose f ibers at 70-80�C retaining 40-45% of their capacity to isomerize glucose.. _ Electron microphotographs have shown that cells are incorporated directly into fibers9 and this changes the structure of fibers (Linko et al., 1977). There was complete loss of enzymatic activity when the fibers with cells were dried in a vacuum. Many single-stage processes, including isomerization, ox3.dation, reduction and de- hydration reactions, are performed with immobilized cells ("Immobilized Enzymes," 1976). Most of the work with immobilized ce11s has dealt with transformation of - steroids (Skryabin et al., 1974; Koshcheyenko et al., 1975). However, immobilized - microbial cells can also perform purely bi-osynthetic processes. Immobilized cells can perform multistep processes, for example, propionic acid fermentation, in which 19 enzymes are involved (Voroblyeva et al., 1977), or fixing molecular nitrogen by bactericads of rhizobia, in this case replacing polyenzymatic systems (Yevstiigneyeva et al., 1975). � ~ The facts accumulated to date enable us to speak of the existence of cext,ain dif- ferences in behavior of free (intact) and immobilized cells. Immobilized cells are more stable during storage and prolonged eulturing. Their enzymatic activity is somewhat altered. They can be readily separated from a medium consisting of . a solution of inetabolizable substrate. They have a broader optimum temperature. For exampley Corinebacterium glutamicum cells eritrapped in gel synthesized glutalnic acid in a complex biosynthetic medium for 144 h. The same free cells per�ormed such synthesis in considerably smaller quantities than immobilized cells during 120 h of cultivation (Slowinski, Charm, 1973). - Immobilization of cells:affects vital metabolic processes of microorganisms. It has been reported that immobilized cells do not multiply in gel. Physiological aging of the culture occurs; tre cells isolated from gel are less viable and - less chermostable. It has been demonstrated that the rate of renewal of 36H- thymidine labeled DNA is significantly higher in intact Lactobacillus casei cells than immobilized ones (Divies, 1977). Immobilized Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells - cultured after removal from gel had a lower reproductive capacity than cells in 11 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/49: CIA-RDP82-00850R440500010003-2 FdR OFFICYAL USE ONLY a period culture (Kierstan, Bucke, 1977). In some cases, the imanobilization process , had little effect on activity of enzymatic p.racesses ix cells, and there was a rather high yield of end product. Decarboxylation of malic acid in a lactic culture = of Lactobacillus casei occurs at pii 3-6, and by immobilized cells it occurs at - pH 3-7, i.e., there is some increase in range of pH for enzyme activity, although - its optimum value is retained. This process proceeds quantitatively for 12 months - when fresh medium is delivered into the column, which contains glucose, tryptone, yeast autolysate and mineral salts (Divies, Siess, 1976). In other studies, no . - difference was demonstrable in pH and temperature optimums (Sato et al., 1975; Ohmiya - et al., 1977). . . - In some cases, the immobilization process csuses appearance of new properties in microorganisms. Transgaiactosidase components identical to were demon-. - strated in immobilized Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Esche�::ichia coli and Kluyveromyces - lactis cells, which had high S=galactosidase activity, i.e., they became capable of forming oligosaccharides from lactose (Ohmiya et al., 1977). - A new derivative with 20a- and 205- reduction of steroids, as well as ability to destroy steroids, was demonstrated in BaGillus megatherium cells entrapped in gel (Koshcheyenko et al., 1376). Cell irnmobilization may be associated with purely morphological changes. The immo- = bilization process elicits changes in cell membranes of Acetobacter suboxStdans and - Saccharomyces cerevisiae, although transforming capacity of cells is .retained. (Keirstan, Bucke, 1977; Schnarr et al., 1977). = Incorporation of Micrococcus lactis cells in aetivated carboxymethylcellulose is associated with damage to the cell wall. However, mierococcal histidine ammonia- - lyase activity was reta.ined by more than 75% after transformation of 0.25 M L- - histidine solution into uroconic acid (Jack, Zajic, 1977). Information has been published concerning the potential of using immabilized microbial - cells as catalysts of a number of processes (Vandamme., 1976). This author indicates that, at the present time, one can convert steraids, carbohydrates, amino acids and other compounds by means of immobilized cells. We shall cite several examples of _ using immobilized cells to recover a number of act3ve substances. In the survey of Tibata Itiro-and Tosa Tetsuya (1978), there is discussion of the r.esults of studies dealing with the use of immobilized yeast and bacterial cells fnr large-scale production of biochemical reagents and biologically active.substances. In addition to discussion of a number of problems related to immobilization of � microorganism cells, there is a description of inethods for obtaining immobilized Escherichia coli cultures capable of transforming fumarate into aspartate, and ' Brevibacterium ammoniagenes, which produce L-malate from fumarate. Similar work was done by Satoet al. "11975). In their studies, Escherichia cali bacterial cells with high aspartase activity incorporated in PAAG catalyzed bonding _ of ammonia Co fumaric acid with production of L-aspartic acid. There was descrip- tion of continuous production of L-malic acid from fumaric acid by immobilized Brevibacterium ammoniagenes cells, which have high fumarase activity. It was noted _ that fumarase activity in immobilized cells decreased to only one-half after 52 days (Yamamoto et al., 1976, 1977; Abee, 1975). ' 12 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400504010043-2 EOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - Escherichia coli cells with high penicillinamidase activity, which were immobilized - iri PAAG, were used for continuous production of 6-aminopenicillanic acid by means ; of nydrolysis of penicillin in a reactor of the column type. - Immobilizati,on in PAAG of Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Escherichia coli and Kluyveromyce.s lactis cells, which have high 0-galactosidase activity, was used for J hydrolysis of lactose to monosaccharides (Ohmiya et al., 1977). The proczsses where immobilized cells are used to recover phvsiologically active substances can also be used for pharmaceutical purposes. We shall give some examples of using immobilized cells in the food industry. Saccha- - romyces cerevisiae cells, which raere immobilized in gel with calcium alginate, fer- mented soluble carbohydrates to ethanol for a long period of time (Bucke, Kierstan, 1977; Kierstan, Bucke, 1977). The same authors reported that chloroplasts en- trapped in gel xetained significant photosynthetic activity for.a long time, and they can be used to develop systems of utilizing solar erxergy. Partially purified preparation or whole Streptococcus phoeochomogenes cells with active glucose isomerase were used in a column reactor with glucose isomerase for continuous isomerization of glucos2 to fructose (Ryu et al., 1977). After appear- ance of information that it is possible to use fructase instead of beet and cane sugar to manufacture candy, the process of isomerization of glucose syrup to fructose by immobilized Actinoplanes missouriensis cells was used (Linko et al., 1977). - Immobilized Corynebacterium glutamicum cells synthesized glutamic acid (Slowinski, - Charm, 1973). Immobilized Lactobacillus casei cells transformed malic acid to lactic acid (Divies, 1977). This is the main reaction in production of wines with low organic acid content. -Acetobacter suboxidans cells were immobilized in PAAG or treated with glutaric aldehyde. In both cases, the cells retained their capacity to oxidize alditols (d-sorbitol, d-mannitol and others) (Schnarr et al., 1977). At present, there are quite a few data on the use ot immobilized cells for steroid transformation. , - We found no information in the literature about biosynthesis of antibiotics by immobilized cells. However, we havP demonstrated that immobilized Streptococcus - lactis cells form the antibiotic, nisin, on a complex biosynthetic medium, but such cells form several times less antibiotic than free cells. To obtain nisin, immobilized cells can be reused with the same level of antibiotic activity. Bio- - synthesis of nisin by immobilized cells was observed at thE optimum pIi and tempera- ture for growth and development of Str. lactis cultures. Biosynthesis of this antibiotic by immobilized Str. lactis cells does not depend on degree of aeration or stirring of the medium (Yegorov et al., 1978). Thus, immobilizeti microorganis:n cells are capable of performing the most diverse transforming and biosynthetic processes. Cultivation of immobilized microorganisms, along with proper selection and preparation of the object and conditions of immo- bilization thereof, is another method of controlling microbiological processes. Investigation of physiological and biochemical bases of behavior of immobilized cells is a task for the future (ltabotnova, 1977). _ 13 FOYt OFF[C[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/42/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 , FOR OFF'ICIAL U3E ONLY - BIBLIOGRAPHY _ Vo.rob"yeva, Ye. I., Alekseyeva, M. A., Surkova, I. G. and Gaytan, V. I., - "Formation of Volatile Acids by Immobilized Propionibacterium Cells," - PRIKL. BIOKHIM. I MIiCROBIOL., No 4, 1977, 531-537. 2.* Yevstigneyeva, Z. G., Aseyeva, K. B., Shaposhnikov, G. L., et al., "Imffiobil:Lza- tion of Rhizobium lupini Bacterioids in Polyacrylamide Gel," DOKL. AbT SSSR, 222, No 2, 1975, 489-492. 3. Yegorov, N. S.,� Baranova, I. P. and Kozlova, Yu. I., "Produq,tion of Nisin by - Immobilized Lactobacillus Str. lactis Cellss" ANTIBIOTIKI, No 10, 1978, 872. _ 4. Berezin,'I. V., Antoriov, V. K., and Martinek, K., editors, "Immobilized - Enzymes," Moscow, Vol 1, 1976. , 5. Kestner, A. t., Kreen, M. I., Mandel', M. 0., et al., "Benzylpenicillinase � oi Escherichia coli Immobilized in PAAG," MIKROBIOL. PROMYSHL., No 12, 1973, 1. , 6. Korsakevich, A. S.. and Zhagat, R.'A., "Immobilization of L-Asparaginase," IZV. AN SSSR, No 12, 1977, 118-128. . ' 7. Koshcheyenko, K. A., Bornian, Ye. A., Sokolova., L. V., Suvorov, N. N. and . Skryabin, G. K., "Crystal Transformation of Hydrocortisone by a Culture of , Mycobacterium Globiforme 193," IZV. AN SSSR, SER. BIOL., No 1, 1975, 25-32. 8. Koshcheyenko, K. A., Krasnova, L. A., Garsiya-Rodriges, L. K., Surovtsev, V. I. and Skryabin, G. K., "Study of 20a and 20 B Reduction of Steroids by _ Immobilized Enzyme Preparations and Cells of Bacillus megatherium," PRIKL. - BIOKHIM. I MIKROBIOL., 12, No 3, 1976, 322-325. � 9o Kreen, M. I., Erin, A. E., Kestner, A. I., et al., "Hydrolysis of Casein by: Immobilized Proteases," in "Materialy 5-y biokYiim. konf. pribaltiyskikh, respublik v BSSR" [Proceedings of Sth Biochemical Conference of Baltic Republics in Belorussian SSR], Tallin, Vol 2, 1976, pp 73-74. - 10. Mandel', M. 0., Kestner, A. I., Siymer, E. Kh. and Kleyner, G. I., "Recovery ~ and Kinetic Properties of Immobilized Benzylpenicillinase Preparation," PRIKL. BIOKHIM. I MIKROBYOL., No 2, 1975, 219-224. - 11. Murati Takasi, "Immobilized Enzymes," RZH, BIOL., No 1, 1978, p 93, 11,566. 12. Rabotnova, I. L., "The Problem of Cultivating Microorganisms," MIKROBIOLOGIYA, Na -5, 1977, 803. - 13. Selezneva, A. A,, Grekova, V. K., Moskvichev, B. V., et al., "Current Status of Research in the Field of Producing Enzymes of Microbial Origin for Medical Purposes," KHIMIKO-FARMATSEVT. ZHURN., 11, No 10, 1977, 27-36. 14. Skryabin, G. I., Koshcheyenko, K. A., Mogil'nitskiy, G. M., et al., "Study of Viability and Enzymatic Activity of Immobilized Cells of Steroid-Transforming = Microorganisms," IZV. AN SSSR, SER. BIOL., No 6, 1974a, pp 857-866. . _ 14 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500410003-2 FOR OFFICiAL USE OlNLY 15. Skryabin, G. K., Koshcheyenko, K. A. and Surovtsev, V.I., "Transformation of Steroids by Cells and Acellular P�reparation of Mycobacterium globiforme 193 - Culture EntrappPd in PAAG," DOKL. AN 5SSR, 215, No 3, 1974b, 737-739. 16. Surovtsev, V. I., "Immobilized Enzymes and Cells," USP. SOVR. BIOL., 80, No 3, - 1975, 371-379. - 17. Tibata Itiro, T.osa Tetsuya, "Immobilixatj.on of Microbial Cells," RZH, BIOKHIM., No 4, 1978, p 31, 4Kh1$9. 18. Abee, Michael K., "Enzyme Process to Make L-Malic Acid Detailed," CHEM. ENG. NEWS, 53, No 34, 1975, 32. 19. Baum, G., "Clinical Applications for Immobilized Enzymes," "Abstr. Pittsburg - Conf. Anal. Chem. and Appl. Spectrose," Clev2land, Ohio, Pittsburg, 1977, p 275. 20. Bisse, K. and Vonderschmitt, D. J., The Preparation of Immobilized Glucose Dehydrogenase and Its Use in Automated Analysis," FEBS LETT., 81, No 2, 1977, 326-330. ~ 21. Bruce, K., Colton, Clark K. and Cooney, Ch. L., "Glucose Isomerase: a Case Study of Enzyme Catalyzec' Process Technology," ".Immobiliz. Enzymes Food and Microbiol. Processes," New York, 1, 1974, pp 85-131. 22. Bucke, C. and Kierstan, M. P. J., Immobilization of Whole Microbial Ce11s ~ and Organelles Retaining Biochemical Activity," "Eur. Semin. Biol. Solar - Energy Convers. Syst.," Grenable--Autrans., 1977. ' - 23. Divies, C. and Siess, M. H., nStudy on L-Malic Acid Catabolism by Lactobacillus casei Cells Immobilized Into PAAG Lattice," ANN. MICROBIOL., B, 127, No 4, 1976, 525-539. 24. Divies, C., "Application of 3H6-Thymidine Labeling in the Study of Reproduc- tion of Lactobacillus casei Incorporated in Polyacrylamide Gel," ANN. MICROBIOL., _ B, 128, No 3, 1977, 349-358. 25. Durand, G., Gouges, Y. and Monsan, P., Equipm2nt and Procedui-e for Treating Fluids.With Enzymes," French patent No 2249525, 21 Oct 73, PIn 7338894, - published 30 May 1975. A 26. Enright, J. T. and Gainer, J. L., "Enzymatic Disinfection of Air Streams," ALCHE SUMP., Ser 72, No 156, 1976, 452-255. 27. 'Ginger, L. G. and Mather, A. N., "Methods of Dissolving Blood Clots and the : Like With Streptokinase Chemically Bonded to a Carbohydrate Matrix," U. S. Patent No 185423, 14. Sep 1976. 28. Goodson, L. H. and Jacobs, W. B., "Application of Immobilized Enzymes to Detection and Monitoring," "Enzyme Eng.," New York--London, 2, 1974, 393-400. 29. Hornby, W. E., Campbell, J., Inman, D. J. and Morris, D. L., "Preparation of Immobilized Enzymes for Application in Automated Analysis," "Enzyme Eng.," ' New York--London, 2, 1974, 401-407. 15 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 : FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . 30. Huang, H., Kuan, S. S. and Guilbault, G. G., "Ampermetric Deterffiination of Total Cholesterol in Serum With the Use of Immobilized Cholesterol Ester - Hydrolase and Cholesterol Oxidase," CLIN., CHIIyI., 23, No 4, 1977, 671-676. 31. Jack, T. R.. and Zajic, Y. E., "The Enz}nnatic Conversion of L-Histidiile to _ Uroconic Acid by Who1e Cells of Micrococcus luteus ?mmobilized on Carbodiamide Acti.vated Carboxymethylcellulose," BIOTECHNOL., BIOENG., 19, No 5, 1977, . - 631-648. � 32. Karube, I., Suganuta, T. and Susuki, S., "Bacteriolysis Uy Immobilized Enzymes," Ibid, 19., No 3, 1977, 301-409. 33. Kierstan, M.. and Bucke, C., "The Immobilization of Microbial Cells, Subcellular. Organelles and Enzymes in Calcium Alginate Gels," Ibid, 19, No 3, 1977, 387-397. ~ 34. Kuan, J. W."Kuan, S.. and Gui.lbault, G. G., "Determination of Plasma Glucose With Use of a Stirrer Containing Immobilized Glucose Dehydrogenase,�1 CLIN. CHEM., 23, No 6, 1977, 1058-1061. - 35. Kucera, J., "Continuous Hydrolysis of Soluble Starch by Immobilized Amino Glucosidase," GOLLECT. CZECH. CHEM. COMMUNS., 41, No 10, 1976, 2978-2986. _ 36.. Linko, Y. Y., Pohjola, L.. and Linko, P., "Entrapped Glucose Isomerase for High Fructose Syrup Production," PROC. BIOCHEM., 12(b), 1:977, 14-16. 37. Mattiasson, B., Immobilized Enzyines-and Their Application in Contamination - Control," "3d Int. Symp. Contaminant Contr.," Proceedings, Copenhagen, Vol 2, - 1976, p 357. 38. Ohmiya, K., Ohashi, H., Kobayachi, T. and Shimizu, S., "Hydrolysis of Lactose by Immobilized Microorganisms," APPL. ENV. MICROBIOL., 33(1), 1977, 137-146: , 39. Rusling, J. F., Lutrell, G. H., Gullen, L. F. and Papriello, G. J., "Immobilized Enzyme-Based Flowing-Stream Analyzer Measurement o,f. Pencillin - inFermentation Broths," ANAZ. C:iEM., 48, No 8, 1976, 1211-1215. -----r' 40. Ryu, D. L., Chung, S. H. and Katoh, K., "Performance of the Continuous Glucose _ Isomerase Reactor System for the Prodtction of Fructose Syrup," BIOTECHNOL., BIOENG., 19, No 2, 1977, 159-184. 41. Sato; T., Mori, T., Tosa, T.. and Chibata, I., "Engi.neering Analysis of Continuous-Production of L-Aspartic Acid by Immobilized Escherichia coli Cells in Fixed Gels," Ibid, 17, No 12, 1975, 1797-1804: 42. Schnarr, G. W., Szarek, W. A. and Jones, J. K. Nv, "Preparation and Activity of Immobilized Acetobacter suboxydans Cells," APPL. ENV. MICROBIOL., 33, No 3, - 1977, 732-734. j 43. Skinner, K. J., "Enzymes Technology," CHEM. ENG. NEWS, 53, No 33, 1975, 22-29. 44. Slowinski, W. and Charm, S. T., "Glutamic Acid Production With Ge1-Entrapped Coryr.ebacterium glutamicum," BIOTECHNOL., BIOENG.., 15, No 5, 1973, 973-979. 16 FOR UFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 45~ Yamamoto, K., Tosa, T., Yanashita, K. and Chibata, I., "Continuous Production j of L-Malic Acid by Immobilized Brevibacterium amnoniagenes," EUR. J. APPL. MICROBIOL., 3, No 3, 1976, 169-183. + 46. Idem, "Kinetics and Decay of Fumarase Activity of Immobilized Brevibacterium .ammculiagenes Gells for Continuous Production uf L-Malic Acid," BIOTECHNOL., - BIOETIG., 19, No 8, 1977, 1101-1114. - 47. Vandamme, E. J., "Immobilized Microbial Cells as Catalysts,"CHEM. AND IND., No 24, 1976, 1070. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo Moskovskogo universiteta. "Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta", - 131 31 10,657 CSO: 1840/21 17 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 FOR OFBICIAL USE ONLY BIONICS UDC: 57.01+577.4 BIOMECHANICS, BIONICS ANll SYNRMETRY Moscow BIOMEKHANIICA, BIONIKA I 9IMA4ETRIYA in Russian 1981 (signed to press 19 Mar 81) pp 2-7, 238-239 . . [Annotation, introduction and table of contents from book "Biomechsnics, Bionics and Symmetry", by Sergey Valentinovich Petukhov, Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", 1850 copies, 240 pages] [Text] This book deals with symmetry phenomena in living nature and use,of mathe- matical symmetry methods to model biological systems and phenomena. Special attention is given to conformal svmmetries and Fibonacci numbers in biological bodies, particularly in the kinematic body schema of man and animals. It is _ noted that, from the standpoint of symm,atry in solids, inanimate,matter is a special case of animate substance. The book is intended for a wide range of scientists concerned with research in biomechanics, biophysics, mathematical and theoretical binlogy, and bionics. Introduction This book deals primarily with one of the ancient problems of life, the problem = of symmetry of shape of biological bodies. In the terminology of V. I. Vernadskiy - [42-44], who outlined the routes of studying, from the standpoint of mathematical _ natural science, of this biological problem, a key one in his opiriion, it can be - stated that the book explores symmetries of the space of living matter. The work is based on the idea of non-Euclidean nature of this space, the fundamental siEpi- ficance of non-Euclidean symmetries in structurization of living matter,and'non- Euclidean basis of laws of morphogenesis. -The results of the studies conducted by the author justify the use of the group of conformal (circular) syutmetries as the fundatnental group of symmetries of - living matter in the phenomena discussed. In the authoris opinion, many ' of the mysteries of both formation of biological bodiPs and all of biology are referable to the conformal nature of the space of 1iving matter. In thia res- pect, the book submits data on symmetries and.shapes of bialogical bodies. It is noted that the well-known symsnetries of the Euclidean type in theae bodies--mirror, rotatory, translation--are only special cases of conformal symmetry whose manifesta- tions in biological forms are far from these. The author believes = that there is expression in liying nature of.the rather general principle of con- struction of biological bodies from conformally symmetrical blocks [units]. The book contains a verification of this hypothesis an a number of types of biological bodiss, as to the specific crystallization principles of production of living matter. � 18 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 FQR OFFICCAL USE ONLY - The desc?-ibed studies are closely related to the teaching, Iono since discussed in the literature, concerning generalized crystallography capable of covering the distinctions of structurization of not only physical, but biological matter. How- ever, development of this teaching to date by J. Bernal and S. Carlyle [20] is _ based on the idea of Euclidean bases of general crystallography. The basic dis-- tinction of the appi'oach discussed in our book to questions of structurization of Iiving matter is the statement that this structurizatian is non-Euclidean and that it is necessary to construct generalized crystallography an a non-Euclidea.n (con-- formal) basis. From the standpoixit of expressed symmetries, inanimate matter - emerges as a special case of animate matter. The motor system of man and highly organized animals is the focal biological' object - of the studies reported in our book. Numerous works by specialists in the most varied branches of natural science have dealt with organization of this system, since these problems are closely linked with a number of basic biological problems, as well as applied problems of ergonomics, prosthetics, sports and others. In - particular, this system serves as the prototype of many bionic and robotic systems. - The specif3.c element in the research on the human and animal motor system dis- cussed in this book is that the symmetrical eorrelations hetween its component blocks were studied. In this direction, many new and interesting findings were made concerning the patterns of organization and function of the motor system. One of the results was the discovery of conformal symmetries in the block structure o� the kinematic body schema of man and a broad class of animals, in whom these symnet- _ ries exist, along with mirror symmetry of the body. The book consists of fire chapters and several appendices. Chapter 1 submits data on symmetries. Special attention is given to the link between biolo- - gical symmetries and the series of Fibonacci numbers. General information is given - about the fundamental significance of inethods af symmetry and invariant-group con- ceptions in modern mathematical natural science for definition of the place of research on biological symmetries in the f ield of general natural sciencE. An - excursion is made to known teachings on biological symmetries and generalized crys- -tallography which extend to living matter the geometrical and crystallographic approaches of theoretical physics. = Chapter 2 deals with investigation of conformal symmetries in biology. Data are submitted on conformal symmetries in the construction of various biological bodieso A special place is assigned 1to conf ormal synttnetry in block principles of structure of the kinematic body schema of man and highly organized animals. It is noted that these.symmetries, just like symmetries of the Euclidean type in biologica1 bodies, are closely linked with a series of Fibonacci numbers and golden section, which are known in esthetics of proportions. The submitted data indicate that, with respect to its block distinctiona, the kinematic organization of our body is - much closer than usually believed to organization of the bodiea of plants and etien - biological molecules, w Mch have no kinematic function at all. This means that the _ kinematic body schema of man and animals is not Gonstructed by all criteria of kinematic optimality by far, and it cannot be considered the ideal kinematic scheme that should be given to robots. And, if we are considering the kinematic - organization of our body as a patent of living nature, in view of the fact that. kinematic and static requirements were far from the only decisive conditions of ite development, this is unlike the problem of developing a robot according to the criterion of kinemati.c optimality. 19 FOR OFF[CIAL USE 6NLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040500014003-2 - FUR OFF'ICIAL USE ONLY In the same chapter, the distinctions of conforcaal geometry are tied in to problems of genesis of spatial conceptions of the individual, mysteries of geomerry of the- space of visual perr_eption and problems of architectural bionics. Approaches are - developed to problems of organization of motor movements with consideration of _ conformal symmetries in kinematic blocks of the human and animal body. The study ' af conformal symmetries in biology is accompanied by a brief summary of data on the signif icance of conformal symmetry in physics, in particular, data on conformal ~ invariance of Maxwell's electrodynamic equations, which have drawn the attention of theoretical physicists again and and again for many decades, to disclose its physical significance and consequences. The prospects of interrelated studies of - problems of conformal symmetry in physics and biology is mentioned. � Chapter 3 submits data from an additional study of projective symmetries in biology, which was undertaken in the search for a fundamental group of spatial symmetries oiE living. matter. This inv~_stigation was largely motivated by the fact that conformal and projective symmetries are mathematically interrelated, as well as the fact that one cannot rule out a priori the possibility of involvement of projective symmetries, - along with conformal ones, in structurization of biological phenomena. Chapter 4 deals with the application of invariant-group conceptions to the study of psychophysical phenomena. This branch of biology referred earlier than athers to higher geometry as a source of ideas to interpret observed phenomena and as a rich arsenal of resources for formal modeling thereof. Attention is devoted here mainly to psychological phenomena of constancy ef perception and geometric modeling of spaces of pezception. Analysis is made of some examples of application to bionics of the results of studying biolog3c31 symmetries. The last, fifth chapter submits additional data on the use of symmetry methods in - biomechanics. It deals with the use of invari,ant-group theory of dynamic likeness in modeling biomechanical systems and a life-sized physical model of the system of e semicircular canals of the human vestibular system, whiclt the auth.or developed on the basis of this theory. In conclusion, we should like to mention that the words of R. Feinman apply extremely well to the study of bi.ological phenomena: "You will not find anything - simple in nature, everything in it is mixed up and vague. Yet our inquisitiveness demands that we find simplicity, it demands that we pose questions, try to grasp the essence of things and comprehend their many faces as the possible result of - effects of a relatively snall number of elementary processes and forces in all = sorts of combinations" [241, Vol 1, p 37]. It appears unquestionable that use of symmetry methods is invaluable for learning about biological phenomena, to find the substance and simglicity in these extremely complex class of natural phenomena. As G. Weil wrote, "symmetry--in the broad or narrow sense, depending on how you define [he meaning of this concept--is the idea by means of wtiich man has tried f or centuries to achieve and create order, beauty and perfection" [40, p 371. The author considers it his pleasanr duty to express his profaund appreciation ta - K. V. Frolov, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, for his active support of this direction of research, comprehensive scientific and organizational assistance in this work. He takes this opportunity to. also express his sincere gratitude to Prof V. S. Gurfinkel', who was the author's mentor for many years in the field of biome clanics and made a significant contribution to this book. Sincere - 20 FOR 4FFdCIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY appreciation is expressed for help in ccriducting the studies and preparing the book - to doctors of sciences S. V. Meyen, who advised the author on morphological questions, Yu. A. Urmantsev, who offered advice on biological symmetry, E. M. Chudinov, who gave advice on problems of physical space and time; to candidates of sciences S. A. = Vladimirov who gave advice on group theory and its applications, S. G. Smirnov and F. R. Chernikov who participated actively in the studies and discussion of findings., the author cannot fail to mention with gratitude the major role playe d _ - by the staff of the Department of Physics of Living Systems of Moscow Physiccrte chnical Institute and Department of Biomechanics of the Institute of Machine Science, USSR ~ Academy uf Sciences in corducting the described studies. Contents P age ~ Introduction 3 Chapter 1. Symmetries in Biol6gy 8 1.1. Symmetries in biological bodies and laws of leaf arrangement 8 1.2. Study of biological symnetries as a scientific direction 21 1.3. SyRUnetries and mathematical natural science 26 - Chapter 2. Study of Conforzaal Symmetries in Biolo$y 30 2.1. Conformal symmetries in physics and phenomena of growth and - shape formation in biologicaZ bodies 30 2.2. Conformal symmetries in the kinematic human body schema 38 - 2.3. Fibonacci series and the golden section ["vurf"?] 46 2.4. The golden section as an esthetic canon. Questions of architectural - bionics 50 2.5. Problem of organic forms 57 - 2.6. Conformal symmetry in motor system of three-phalanx digits 60 2.7. Study of conformal symimetry of three-element kinematic blocks in . animals , 65 2.8. Possible invulvement of conformal sy^.muetries in genesis of . spatial conceptions of the individual 77 2.9. Conformal symmetry and geometry of visual perception space. 80 2. 10. Conception of morphopose and organization of motor movements 86 - 2.11. Symmetrograms of three-element kinematic blocks in analysis af motor movements 97 106 Chapter 3. Study of Projective Symmetries in Biology 3.1. Possible involvement of principles of projective geotaetry in structuring of biological phenomena 106 3.2. Conception of B. Russel on inherited conceptions of the individual about theses of projective geometry 109 3.3. Use of "burfs" isections] to identify transformed geometric images 111 3.4. Vurf of five points in aplane and pentasymmetrical biological bodies 115 3.5. Search for projective symmetries in location af five end points of the human body 119 Chapter 4. Use of Theoretical-Group Conceptions for Modeling Psychological , Fhenomena 124 - 4.1. Group theary and psychological phenomena of constancy of perception 124 4.2. Use of higher geometry in modeling perceptive spaces 131 4.3. Some bionic problems of machine science 136 Chapter 5. Study of the Vestibular System by Symmetry Methods 141 5.1. Theory of dynamic likeness in biomechanics 141 5.2. Physical modeling of semicircular canals of vestibular syatem 143 21 FOIt OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 . FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY ~ 5.3. Experimenis with a life-size physical model of the human system = of semicircular canals 158 � 5.4. Physiological experiments to check results of model experiments 170 Appendix I.. Additional Information About Fibonacci Numbers 198 1. Fibonacci numbers and golden section in esthetics of proportions 198 - 2. Some mathematical properties of Fibonacci numbers 203 = Appendix II. Additional Information About Conformal Geometry 206 Appendix III. Additional Information About Pro3ective Geometry 210 = Appendix IV. Principle of Conformal Blocks and Generalized Crystallography 213 - Bibliography 218 COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", 1981 _ 10,657 - CSO: 1840/30 22 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC: 62.506.2 TABLE OF CONTENTS FROri COLLECTION 'PROBLEMS OF BIONICS', NUNBER 25 Khar'kov PROBLEMY BIONIKI in Russian No 25, 1980 (sign.ed to press 26 Dec 79) pp 2, 123 [Annotation and table of contents from book "Problems of Bionics", Ukrainian Republ'ic Interagency Scientific and Technical Collection, edited by Yu. P. Shabanov- Kushnarenko (editor in chief) et al., founded in 1968, Khar'kov Instit.ute of Radioelectronics, Ukrainian Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Educdtion, "Vyshcha shkola" Publishing Association of Khar'kov State University, 1000 copies, 124+5 pages] [Text] This collection deals with questions of mathematical modeling of processing of verbal and sensory information, development of software designed to give a formal description of functions.of human intelligence. The possibility of technical rendition of sensory models and neuron-like information translators is explored. It is intended for scientists and specialists in the field of bionics, cybernetics and computer technology, engineering psychology, biology and medicine. There are . bibliographies at the end of the articles.[author abstracts are provided]. Contents Page Analytical Method of Overt Specification of Finite Alphabet Operators (Yu. P. Shabanov-Kushnarenko) 3 Switch-Over Chains in Intelligence Theory (Yu. P. Shabanov-Y�ushnarenko) 11 - Mathematical Model of Modification of Nouns. Report 1 18 (M. F. Bondarenko, V. M. Bondarev) Use of Algebra of Finite Predicates for Automatic Processing of Verh Forms 2 - (Ye. A. Solov'yeva, 0. T. Banar') 2 Mathematical Model of Grammatical Processing of Type 13 Verbs (Ye. A. So1ov'yeva, 0. A. Zhukov) 28 _ Mathematical Modeling of the Process of Declension of.Short-Form and Possessive Adjectives (V. A. Blagina, Z. V. Uima, 34 Yu. Shabanova-Kushnarenko) Z . Structural Approach to So]_ving Morphological ProblPms (V. A. Lovitskiy) 39 Use of Frames to Analyze Structure of Actions. Report 1(A. M. Yemel'yanov) 43 Use of Frames to Analyze Structure of Actions. Report 2(A. M.. Yemel'yanov) ' 51 I}.'inskiy, Some Methods of Studying Man's Intellectual Activity.'RLpozt 3(A.P.~ L. S. I1'inskaya, A. V. Korop) S$ Algorithm of Construction of All Blind-Alley Tests in a Teaching Sample - (Yu. A. Vasilenko, I. P. Kossey) 66 Method of Constructing Operators for Normalization of a Finite Rank to Center Images (Ye. P. Putyatin, 0. M. Abramov, S. 0. Khomitskiy) 68 ?3 - FOR OFFICYAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. Unit for Creating Variable Infralow-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields Used In Magnetotherapy (V. I. Loshchilov, F. Ya..Gertsik, Yu. P. Mironenko) 74 One Method of Interpolation of Quasiperiodic Functions 77 (F. A. Dotnnin, A. I. Povoroznyuk) Organization of Combined Analysis of Electrocardiographic and Phonocardio- graphic Signals on a Computer (F. A. Domnin, I. I. Kostina, � 80 - V. P. Poltavtsev, V. I. Lisovskiy) . Transitive Modifications of Group Relations (0. K. Ilyunin, B. V. Novikov) 86 Finding the Median for Expert Ordering (0. K. Ilyunin, B. V. Novikov) 90 Partial Screening of Input Data and Mathematical Interpretation Thereof 93 (V. F. Korop, N. P. Didichenko) 98 Model of Thinking Process (V. F. Ananin) Problems of Modeling and Technical Execution of Synchronous and Asynchronous Potentials of the Brain (G. A. Kolotenko) 107 - Factor Ana].ysis of Systems of Synchronous and Asynchronous Relations of 115 the Brain (G. A. Kolotenko) COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'skoye ob"yedineniye "Vyshcha shkola", 1980 . 10,657 CSO: 1840/999 24 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 FOR OF'F[C1AL U5E ONLY UDC: 007:573.6 TABLE OF CONTENTS FROM COLLECTION 'PROBLEMS OF BIONICS', NUMBER'24 Khar'kov PROBLEMY BIONIKI in Russian No 24, 1980 (stgned to press 19 Nov 79) PP 2, 123 - [Annotaeion and table of contents from book "Problems of Bionics1�, Ukrai.nian Repu~;c Interagency Scientific and Technical Collection, edited by Yu. P. Shabanov- Kushnarenko (editor in chief) et al., founded in 1968, Khar'kov Institute of Radioelectronics, Ukrainian Ministry of;Higher and Secondary Specialized Education, "Vyshcha shkola" Publishing Association of Khar'.kov State University, 1000 copies, 123+5 pages] - [Text] In this collection there is discussion of hardware and software for modeling ' information processing on different levels of the nervous system. Models and methods of studying intellectual activity are discussed; the authors deal with problems of -verbal information processing, pattern recogn3tion and construction of specialized computer systems. It is intended for scientists and specialists in cybernetics, computer technology, engineering psychology and medicine. There . are bibliographies at the end of the'articles. [author abstracts are provided] Contents Page Finite Predicates (Yu. P. Shabanov-Kushnarenko) 3 Modeling Melodic Variations on a Computer (R. Kh. Zaripov) 8 Language for Question and Answer Systems (A. A. Rosl,.B. N. Sudakov) 16 Mathematical Description of the Process of Declining Adjectives - (Yu. P. Shabanov-Kushnarenko, M. F. Bondarenko, V. M. Bondarev, Z. Yu. Shabanova-Kushnarenko) 22 A Mettiod of Automatic Recognition of Speech on a Real Time Scale (A. Ya. Dryuchenko) 27 New Approach to Yractical Expression of Neuron-Like Elements in an . Integral Execution (V. I. Potapov, V. F. Nesteruk, G. F. Nesteruk) 31 Organization of Neuron-Like Domain Elements With Presynaptic Interaction (V. I. Potapov, G. F. Nesteruk, V. F. Nesteruk) ' 35 Model of Postsynaptic Learning Mechanisms (S. L. Zaguskin, S. N. Grinchenko) 40 Adaptive Filtration.of Images (Yu. I. Nefedov) . 50 Adaptive Logical Filtration in Pattern Recognition Problems (V. F. Frolov, M. N. Shnayder) 57 The Human Retina as a Biological Automatic Regulatory System (V. F. Ananin) 61 Degree of Generality of MK Programs. Report 1'(S. K. Kolubay) 70 Degree of Generality of MK Programs. Report 2(S. K. Kolubay) 76 25 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040500010003-2 FOR OFFICYAL USE ONL,Y Extraction of Square Roots by Predicate Algebra (A. G. Murashko, G. G. Chetv'erikov) � 83 Controller Question and Answer System With Virtual Semantic Network ' (Yu. Ya. Lyubarskiy) 86 SomeMethods of Studying Human Intellec tual Activity. Report 2 _ (A. P. I1'inskiy, A. S. I1'inskaya, A. V. Korop) 93 Description of Biological 'Structures From the Standpoint of Their Organization - (D. I. Sanagurskiy, Ye. A. Goyda). 100 Generalized Harmonic System (Yu. I. Zozulya) 105 Problems of Normalization of Nonlinear Conversions. Report 1 (Ye. P. Pufiyatin,,T. G. Dolzhenkova) , 111 Problems of Normalization of Nonlinear Conversions. Report 2 (Ye.'P. F'utyatin, T. G. Dolzhenkova). . 116 COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'skoye ob"yedineniye "Yyshcha shkola", 1980 - 10,657 , . . CSO: 1840/999 � _ 26 FOR OFF'ICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102/09: C IA-RD P82-00850 R000500410003-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC: 007:573.6 TABLE OF CONTENTS FROM COLLECTION 'PROBLEMS OF BIONICS', NUMBER 23 Khar'kov PRCBLEMY BIONIKI in Russian No 23, 1979 (signed to press 20 Apr 79) pp 2, 120 [Annotation and table of contents from book "Problems of Bionics", Ukrainian Republic Interagency Scientif ic and Technical Collection, edited by Yu. P. Shabanov- Kushnarenko (editor in chief) et al., founded in 1968, Khar',kov Institute of Radioelectronics, Ukrainian Ministry of Higher and Secondary Speciaiized Education, "Vyshcha Shko7.a" Publishing Association of Khar'kov State University, 1000 cop.ies, 124+4 pages] - [Text] This collection submits the results of bionic research on information pro- . cessing in sensory channels and neuronal structures. There is discussion of some _ aspects of intellectual activity, means of formal description of such activity and means of reproducing it in artificial reflection and control systems. The aathors touch upon formalization and explication [exglanation] of natural language concepts, and an approach is described for mathematical modeling of verbal information process- ing. There is developmeLzt of software (mathematics and data) suitable for modeling ~ 'and comput'er simulation of human mental functions. It is inCended for scientists and specialists involved in bionic research with the use of the waya and mear.s of cybernetics and computer technology. There are bibliographies at the end of the articles. [author abstracts are provided] ~ ! Contents Page Mathematical Description of Finite Logical Systems . (Yu. P. Shabanov-Kushnarenko) 3 Axiomatic Introduction of Metrics Into Binocular Visual Space. Report l . (B. K. Lopatcnenko) 10 Axiomatic Introduction of Metrics Into Binocular Visual Space. Report 2 (B. K. Lopatchenko) 13 - Model of Optimizing Neuron (S. N. Grinchenko, S. L. Zaguskin) 20 Question of Quantization of Acoustical Information (S. A. Usenko) 27 ' Formation of 'Knowledge' in General-Purpose Problem Solver by rieans of - Concept Forming System. Report 1(L. N. Bondareva, A. I. Kovalev, - L. S. Krivosheina, V. A. Lovitskiy, V. A. Loginov) 32 - Question and Answer System: Presentaticn of Information and Search for Answer (M. V. Volchenko) 39 Algorithm for Processing Discrete Sets for Large Teaching (Yu. A. Vasilenko, V. I. Roboti:shin, G. Ya. Shevchenko) 46 27 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040500010003-2 FOR OFF'ICIAL USE ONLY �Technical Execution of Discriminator Trees With Consideration.of Importance of Tags (Yu. A. Vasilenko, A. M. Pryanttskiy, G. Ya. Shevchenko) 51 Construction of Analytical nescriptions of Complex Geometric Geometric Pattern Kecognition Problems (A. I. Ka.lyuzhnyy) 58 _ Programming in MK Language of the- Type (S. K. Kolubay) 66 : Automatic Conversion of Arbitxary Functions Into System of Shannon Equations (G. F. Dyubko, Yu. S. Zamaleyev) 74 - Program Method of Scaling Integrative Structures (G. G. Chetverikcv, ~ A. G. Zhirov) � 80 - Parallel Computer System for NiK Programs (S. K. Kolubay) 85 _ Mathematical Description of Unaxy Finite Predicates of Higher Orders (Yu..P. Shabariov-Kushnarenko) . 92 . Mathematical Description of Noun Word-Changing. Report 1 (M. F. Bondarenko, V. M.-Bondarev) 98 _ Mathematical Description of Noun Word-Changing. Report 2 ' (M. F. Bondarenko, V. M. Bondarev) 105 Some Methods of Studying Man's-Intellectual Activity. Report 1 (A. P. I1'inskiy) L. S. I1'inskaya, A. V. Korop) 110 - The Question of Ontogenetic Development of Forms of Human Intellectual Activity (V. N. Chudakov) 117 COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'skoye ob"yedineniye "Vyshcha ahkola", 1979 10,657 CSO: 1840/999 28 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500410003-2 ' FOR OFFICIAY. USE ONLY UDC: 62.506 TABLE OF CONTENTS FROM COLLECTION 'PROBLEMS OF BIONICS', NTJMBER 22 Khar'kov PROBLEMY BIONIKI in Russian No 22, 1979 (signed to press 22 Feb 79) pp 2, - 142 L [Annotation and table of contents from."Problems of Bionics", Ukrainian Republic Interagency Scientifi.n and Technical Collection, edited by Yu. P. Shabanov- - Kushnarenko (editor in chief) et al., founded in 1968, Khar'kov Institute of Radioelectronics, Ukrainian Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education, "Vyshcha Shkola" Publishing Association of Khar'kov 5tate University, 1000�copies, 142+3 pages] [Text] This collection deals with bionic research,and mathematical description of various aspects of man's intellectual activity. It discusses the principles ' involved in construction of special computer systems, their software [mathematics"' and data] suitable for modeling and computer simulation of algoritrims for data processing in man's sensorium. Studies were made of the possibility of mathematically describing thinking processes and processing of verba'L information by man. It is intended for scientists and specialists concerned with bionic research with the use of the ways and means of cybernetics anci computer technology. There are bibliographies at the end of the articles.[author absCracts are provided]. Contents Page Intelligence Theory (Yu. P. Shabanov-Kushnarenko) 3 One Principle of Organization of the Computing Process (A. G. Murashko, = S. K. Kolubay) 11 Experimental Studies of Binocular Perception of Space (B. K. Lopatchenko, I. V. Shul'gin) 17 Structure of Adaptive Multiprocessor Computer System (A. G. Murashko, - Yu. S. Zamaleyev) 24 One Approach to Construction of Internal Language of Computer System (S. K. Kolubay) 33 - Principles of. Organization of Adaptive Behavior of Digital Integrator (Yu. S. Zamaleyev) " 38 Coding Biomedical Information on the Example of the Electrocardiogram of Myocardial Infarction. Report 2(L. T. Malaya, V. G. Voronov, M. S. Mendlin, M. I. Kozhin, A. Ye. Shullmar., Ye. Ya. Nikolayenko) 42 Use of Zero Organ Method in Psychophysics. Report 11 - (Yu. P. Shabanov-Kushnarenko) 50 - Mechanism of Data Processing in Systems With Marginal Contrast and Some Optical Illusions (G. V. Aleshin, V. A. Grabina) 60 29 ' FIDR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 ~ FOR 6FFIEIAL IJSE ONLY System for Control of Ergonomic Signal Panel of Input Unit 65� (A. S. Volkov, V. F. Gorenko) Unistor Model of iiierarchic Systems of Time and Space Relations in tr.e �Brain (G. A. Kolotenko, G. I. Yevtusher.ko, S. Yu.'Didenko) 69 _ One Method of Using the Mechanism of Mapping�an Image (G. V. Aleshin, 76 V. A. Grabina) Predicates on'Sets. Report 1(N. G. Sarnavskiy, S. A. Poslavskiy) 81 _ Theorem of Expansion in Predicate Algebra (V. M. Bondarev) 87 . Methods of Statistical Evaluation of Tags in Pattern Recognition Problem 93 . (L. Ye. G1vitskiy) Use of Linguistic Variables in Construction of Topological Model of a - Complex System (Ya. A. Grundspen'kis) 9~ Transitive Modifications of Majority Relationships (0. K. Ilyurtin, 106 B. V. Novikov) Quantization of Stationdry Random Signals With Variable Frequency [of 110 Delivery] According to Extremwns (I. D. Ponomareva) ' i yeva, gor - Method of Reducing Listing of Figures (I. Ya. Bereznaya, A. N, Gr 1].5 M. M. Zimnev) . Predicates on Sets. Report 2(N' . G. Sarnavskiy, Z. Yu. Shabanova-Kushnarenko) 120 Problems of Reducing Units of Text in Natural Language to Canonical Form and Use Thereof to Process Large Data.Arrays (M.-F. Bondarenko, 125 A. I. Chugun) Modeling Grammatical Processing of Numerals (A. F. Osyka) 129 137 Morphological Relevance of Set of Mo'rphemes (V. M. Bondarev) . COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'skaye ob"yedineniye "Vyshcha shkola", 1979. ].0,657 CSO: 1840/999 30 FOR OFFICIAL U5E ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 FOR OFF'ICIAL USE ONLY ENVIRONMENT ' UDC: 519.95:556.06 DYNAMICS OF ECOLOGIC.4i,-ECONOMIC SYSTEMS Novosibirsk DINAMIKA EKOLOGO-EKONOMICHESKIKH SISTEM in Russian 1981 pp 2-5 [Annotation, part of foreword and table of contents from book "Dynamics of Ecological-Economic Systems", edited by L. M. Galkin, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, A. I. Moskalenko, candidate of physical arcd mathematical sciences, and V. V. Kontorin, East Siberian Branch, Siberian Department of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", 219+ pages] . [Text] This monograph is concerned w-Lth mathematical models that describe the - dynamics of individual populations and processes in the environment, forest biogeocenoses and certain complex ecological ["natural"] and ecological- = economic systems. The economic models direct themselves to regional problems; they take into consideration depletability of resources and deleterious effects - on the environment. Questions of using secondary raw material and industrial waste accupy a special place in this monograph. The book is intended for mathema- ticians working in the field uf modeling and research on ecological-economic sys- tems, as well as geographers, hydrologists, ichthyologists and econbmists. Foreword At the present time, questions related to the dynamics of ecological-econ4mic systems are advancing to the fore in view of the increasing impairment of ecolo- gical equilibrium of the environment as a result of industrious activities. The complexity of ecological and economic systems, let alone of combined ecological- ,economic, makes it imperative to search for the means of quantitative analysis of their behavior as related to a given strategy of anthropogenic activity. It is now generally recognized that one should use mathematical modeling for this purpose. , Ecolugical-economic processes are comprised of 3iverse processes in the natural environment (biological, physical, mechanical, etc.), econQmics and social area. Studies that are united by the topic of modeling these processes are referable to ' many concrete disciplines and directions, ranging from special mathematical'foTe- _ casting and-control methods to modeling of the different processes in biology and economics. � - This monograph deals with ecological-economic models constructed for forecasting and decision making purposes. As a rule, the research is focused on one of the topics--ecological or economic. In the ecological studies, the controlling factors or criteria of behavior are economic in nature, while economic systems are examined with consideration of the dynamics of resourcea and factors affecting nature. As ' . 31 . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500410003-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY a rule, differential equations (ordinary and in partial derivatives) and discrete analogues thereof serve as the working mathematical system. Concrete models _ described in this book are related primarily to problems referable to Lake Baykal and its basin; however, by virtue of the universality of mathematical models, they _ can be used for rather different regions. This monogxaph is the third in a series - of works of the Commission on Long-Term Forecasts of Natural Phenomena under the Presidium of the East Siberian Branch of the Siberian Department of the USSR Academy of 5ciences, dealing with questions of mathematical modeling of processes in the environment and economics.... Contents Page Foreword 5 Chapter 1. Theoretical Questions of Forecasting and Control Based on Mathematical Models 7 1. Forecasting the state of complex systems (L. M. Galkin) 7 _ 2. Choice of equation type for prognostic models of pollution - (L. M. Galkin, A. N. Sudakov) 14 3. Direct method of calculating tensor components of coefficients of - turbulent diffusion (L. M. Ga.lkin, A. I. Korneychuk) 18 4. Quasisynthesis of optimum control with incomplete information about system state (A. I. Moskalenko) 31 5. Qualitative aspects of controlled diffusion process (A. S. Strekalovskiy) 36 - Chapter 2. Models of PYOCesses in the Marine Environment 44 - l. Model for forecasting dynamics of plonktonic and benthonic unicellular organisms in a river (L. M. Galkin, G. A. Goman, E. N. Klimova, N. F. Solovey) 44 _ 2. One-parameter model of distribution of water temperature in active layer of Lake Baykal (L. T. Ashchi~pkov, V. A. Kratova, T. I. Mezentseva) 50 3. Forecasting water pollution in North Baykal (I. B. Mizandrontsev, A. N. Sudakov) ' 55 - 4. -Quantitative study of the problem of optimum control of mode of discharging industrial waste in the region of the Baykal Cellulose Combine,(A. S. Strekalovskiy, 0. N. Streltalovskaya) 61 - S. Mathematical model of formation of underwater coastal slope (V. Kh. Kompanets) 71 - Chapter 3. Models of Individual Populations and Processes in Geosystems 75 1. Discrete model of dynamics of population sixe and use thereof to assess effectiveness of ban on fishing for ecological breeds of cisco - [Coregonus] (V. V. Kontorin) 75 2. Possibility of constructing a model that describes satisfactorily fluctuations in a real predator-prey system (P. M. Br+.tsilovskiy, - G. S. Rozenberg) 84 3. Modeling of a forest-river system from the standpoint of control - problems (A. I. Moskalenko, A. K. Cherkashin) 92 4. Forecasting spatial and time-related dynamics af forests in the tayga region (A. K. Cherkashin) 107 Chapter 4. Modeling Ecological-Economic Processes on the Regional Level 112 l. Model of uti lization of resources (V. I. Gurman, A. Ys. Drozdovskiy, . G. N. Konstantinov) 112 32 ' FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040500014003-2 FUR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 2. Optimum control of distributed model of the Leont�yev model type (A.I. Moskalenko) 123 - 3. Submodel of forest resources of the 'Region' model (A. A. Onkhotoyev) 129 ' 4. Economic-mathematical analysis of regional utilization of agricultural resources (T. T. Orlova) 134 5. Linear model for evaluation of the effects of development of agriculture on allied sectors (V. M. Nikitin) 146 6. Preliminary, evaluation of some external agricultural relations (V. M. Nikitin) 156 7. Model for optimum use of raw material in the mica-processing industry - (N. V. Belyayev, R. I. Grigor'yeva, T. T. Orlova) 160 - Chapter 5. Principles for Optimum Utilization of Resources (Methodological Application) (E. Ye. Drozdovskiy) 163 1. Scientific and technological progress, and formation of circulation of material resources in social production 2. Methodological aspects of implementing optimum use of primary natural resources and waste froin social production 170 3. Economic eff ectiveness of optimizing ['rationalizing'] use of material resources 189 : Appendix: Models ['mock-ups'J (E. Ye. Drozdovskiy) 210 Bibliography 219 COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", 1981. _ 10,657 CSO: 1840/999 33 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY MEDIGINE i ' UDC: 61.001.57 - MATHEMATICAL MODELS OF DISEASES AND DIETHODS OF PROCESSING 1KEUICAL INFORMATION Novosibirsk MATEMATICHESKIYE MODELI ZABOLEVANIY' I METODY OBRABOTKT MEDITSINSKOY INFORMATSII in.Russi:an 1979 (signed to press 25 Apr 79) pp 2-4, [Annotation, foreword by Academician G. I.-Marchuk and tahle of Gontents from book�"Mathematical Models of Diseases and Methods of Processing-Medical 7nformation", ~ edited by Guriy Ivanovich Marchuk, Izdatel'stvo "Nauka';Sibirskoye otdeleniye, - Computer Center of the Siberian Depa'rtment of the USSR Academy.of Seiences, 1850 copies, 103+ pages] [Text] This book deals with problems of mathematical modeling ef disease pro- ciesses, description of the main principles and distinctiens of biochemical and immune processes, methods of processing clinical and laboratory data, as well as use thereof in clinical practice. It is intended fQr a wide range of mathema- ticians and physicians concerned with applications of ma.thematics to immunology and medicine. Foreword In recent years, mathematical modeling and computer methods are being introduced _ intensively in medicine and modern immunalogy. The intensive developmer_t of immuno- - 'logy in the last decade has resulted in formation of the'entire picture af the immunological response of livi:lg organisms to antigen (Burnet's clone and breeding _theory,* the work of R.-V. Petrov**). This has deepened our understanding of the nature and-development of viral diseases, enriched with new agents.the area of ' clinical medicine, made it possible to develop mathematical models of immunological processes and to further develop mathematical methods of processing clinical and laboratory data.. To conduct studies in these directions, there must be close con- tact between mathematicians, physicians, immunologists, bidchemists and other specialists. The articles in this collection submit the main results of joint research conducted _ by the staff of the Computer Center, Siberian Branch of the U3SR Academy of Sciences, physicians in the department of childhood infectious disease at the Secand Moscow "Order_of Lenin" State Medical Institute (2 MOLGMI) imeni N. I. Pirogov, as well as the staff of the Institute of Cytol'ogy and Genetics, Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Scie.nces. *Burnet, F., "Cellular Immunology," Moscow, "Mir", 1971, 542 pages. - **Petrovs R. Ve, "Immunology and Immunogenetics," Moscow, "Meditsina", 1976, 330 pages. = 34 F6R OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY These findings have been the subject of repeated discussion at joint scientific seminars and conferences. Such research was begun in the Siberian Department of the USSR Academy of Sciences about 5 years ago, and the first results were published in 1978.* = Methodclogically, the contents of this collection can be divided into three sections. _ The first consists of articles dealing with mathematical modeling of immunological processes (articles by G. I. Marchuk, L. N. Belykh, A. L. Asachenkov); the second section consists of works dealing with validation of mathematical methods of pro- = cessing clinical and laboratory data, and applications thereof in clinical practice. The principal results of joint work done by the Computer Center of the Siberian Department of the USSR Academy of Sciences and 2 MOI,GMI pertaining to deve'Lopment _ of mathematical methods of processing ciinical and laboratory data referable to viral hepatitis in children were submitted in an article by a team of authors (N. I. Nisevich, academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, I. I. Zubikova, I. B. Pogozhev et al.). The articles by I. B. Pogozhev, S. M. Zuyev and N. V. Pertsev deal with mathematical modeling of the process of functional recovery from diseases, - investigation cf stochastic stability of these processes, as well as methods of estimating parameters from clinical and laboratory data. The third section con- J sists of articles describing the chief principles and distinctions of biochemical and immunological processes, which must be taken into consideration in constructing . mathematical models (articles by D. G. Knorre, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, V. V. Vlasov, Ye. V. Gruntenko). - It is to be hoped that this collection wi11 be useful to mathematicians, immunolo- gists and physicians concerned with applications of mathematics to problems of immunology and medicine. Contents _ Models of Immunological Processes = Immunological Model nf Viral Disease (G. I. Marchuk) Mathematical Model of Bacterial Disease (A. L. Asachenkov) Mathematical Model of Concomitant Disease (L. N. Belykh) ~ Mathematical Methods of Processing Medical Information Applications of Mathematical Metho3s in Medicine (N. I. Nisevich, G. T. I. I. Zubikova, I. B. Pogozhev, A. L. Romanyukha) = Stochastic Model of the Process of Functional Recovery From Disease (S. M. Zuyev, I. B. Pogazhev) ~ Evaluation of Parameters of Functional Recovery Process Laboratory Data (S. M. Zuyev) - Simulation Model of the Functional Recovery Process (N. V. Pertsev) Some Conditions of Asymptotic Stability of Functional Recovery Process (V. V. Pertsev) - Biochemieal Bases of Modeling Immunological Processes Basic Molecular Principles of Genetic Processes (D. G. Knorre) - Regulation of Biopolymer Biosynthesis (V. V. Vlasov), Page 5 17 32 Marchuk, 38 46 52 60 67 73 89 *"Mathematical Methods in Clinical Practice." Novosibirsk, "Nauka", 1978, 120 pages. . - 35 - FOR OFF[C[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY = Some Distinctions of Antineoplastic Immunity Relevant to the Construction of Mathematical Models (Ye. V. Gruntenko) 103 COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", 1979. 10,657 - CSO: 1840/999 36 . FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000500010003-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY PHYSIOI,OGY I . . UDC: 681.3:612.172.4 COMPUTERIZED ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY Moscow VYCHISLITEL'NAYA ELEKTR.OKARDIOGRAFIYA in Russian 1981 (signed to press 8 Jan - 81) pp 2-4, 165-167 [Annotation, foreword by Prof I. Sh. Pinsker, preface and table of contents from book "Computerized Electrocardiography", by Vsevolod Vladimirovich Shakin, Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", 2000 copies, 168 pages] [Text] This book is concerned with mathematical models and their numerical ex- _ pressions that are use3 for automated processing of data about the heartts electric field. There is discussion of inethods of computer simulation of the actions of an electrocardiologist in interpreting EKG's. Zhe means of upgrading EKG diagnostics are described, which ensue from computer interpretation of cardiograms with the - use of s.tatistical methods and biophysical data on the genesis of the EKG. Much attention is rievoted to problems of developing automated systems'of ERG diagnostics. An automated network system of remote cardiologieal diagnostics based on a small computer with many medical subscriber points (terminals) is described. This book is intended for specialists in biological and medical cybernetics, physician- , electrocardiologists, as well as undergraduate and graduate students in relevant fields. Illustrations 70; references 147. Foreword The first automatic systems for recording, analyzing and storing electrocardiograms _ appeared more than 15 years ago. In subsequent years, intensive research was con- . ducted and knowhow was gained in the use of such systems. However, ~there tiad not. - been a single monograph summarizing this research in this country until now. Let = us mention that many questions that arise in developing a system require the collaboration of.physicians,.biologists, physicists, engineers and mathemeticians to find the answers. This monograph is an attempt at finding a common language among different specialists in soJ.ving some of these problems. The material in = this book is presented at the so-called physical level of accuracy ["strictness"]. ' When scrutinizing the monograph for the first time, one can disregard the mathe- matical conclusions and concentrate on the final statements and comments to tHem. This book reflects the current status of problems that arise when processing electrocardiograms on modern computers--recording, transmittii.g, converting:[trans- la.ting], storing and interpreting electrocardiograms and other data about a patient. There is discussion of algorithms for preliminary processing of electrocardiographic. - signals (filtration, compression for more efficient transmission of 37. FOR. OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407102109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000500010003-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY electrocardiographic signals and to be economical with the memory of storage units), as well as parame terization of electrocardiograms, algorithm of syndrome diagnosti,cs from the EKG and clinical diagnostics on the basis of electrocardiograms and other data about the patient. � The algorithms are rendered in the form of a package o� applied programs in the system of special software for the automated SAS-1 systp.m, which was developed within the framework of collaboration between the USSR Academy of Sciences and Hungarian Academy of Sciences, on the basis of a small, third-generation computer included in the Unified Series of computers of socialist countries. The hardware . and software of this system is described, and.this is addressed p.rimarily to readers who plan to make creative use of.the SAS-1 and future similar equipment in their research, as well as developers of such systems. In addition to the .existing versions. of the system, which is applicable, for example, for mass screen- ing of the public to pick up cardiological patients, there is discussion of the - possibility of designing more sophisticated modifications of the system ' puterized interpr etation of electrocardiograms. . Traditional medical knowhow is being constantly enriched by the concepts of modern biophysics of the heart. Spe- cial statistical models and methods of processing electrocardiograms are being. developed. For this reason, there is every reason to believe that systems will. soon appear that are even more sophisticated than the SAS-l. This, book will be useful to developers and users of such systems. Preface - In view of the importance, considerable size and diversity of the bibliography, - - ~ - the author deemed it expedient to provide b~ibliogaphic no-tes about alr-~~ references, and they follow each major section of the boak. The mathematical expressions and formulas are numbered in order within each chapter, while the illustrations are numbered in order throughout the book. These numbers are used for references within chapters. When.a made in the - text of one chap ter to formulas given in another, the number of the latter is - also used. For example, (1.6) refers to formula 6,given in Chapter 1. It is the author's pleasant duty to thank the staff of the Institute of Problems of Information Transmission of the USSR Academy of Sciences in Moscow (IPPI) and Scientific Resear ch Institute of Communicationo of the Hungarian People's Republic (TKI) where.most of the original work described here was performed and this book r was written, as well as to express appreciation to all colleagues who stimulated - this sturiy with their comments. The author is very grateful to the scientific reviewers: V. D. Zhukovskiy, doctor - of inedical sciences, professor at the First Moscow Medical Institute, and V. S. Fayn, candidate of engineering sciences, senior scientist at IPPI. - The author wishe s to particularly thank Prof I. Sh. Pinsker (IPPI) who took on the job of scientific editing and wrote the foreword to this book, engineer Cs. Csapodi (TKI) wr.o prepared a significant part of the material on the SAS-1 system, - llr Istvan Preda (Institute far Adwanced Training of Physicians,' Hungariaa"People's " Republic) and engineer Gy Kozmann (Central Institute of Physical Research, ' 38 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 FnR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - Hungarian Academy of Sciences) who collaborated in the study of the heart's electro- mechanical field, as well as programmer Kataline Hajdu (TKI) and engineer N. Ye. Barinova (IPPI) for their great technical assistance. Contents Page , Foreword 3 . Preface 4 - Introduction: Directions of Automation i.n Processing Electrocardiographic Data 5 Bibliograph ic notes for Introduction 13 Chapter 1. Mathematical Models - 1.1. Mathematical models of electrocardiographic diagnostics and simulation of physician's diagnostics 15 - 1.2. Electric equivalent generators of the heart 17 1.2.1. Concept of equivalent generator of the heart 17 1.2.2. riacroscopic consideration 1$ 1.2.3. Linearity and quasistationary state 19 - 1.2.4. Local ccrrelations 19 1.2.5. Direct and inverse problems 21 1.2.6. Integral correlations 22 1.2.7. Description and problems 25 - 1.2.8. Choice of equivalent generator 26 _ 1.2.9. Multipole description of electrocardiogram 26 1.2.10. 0 and 1 order leads 29 1.2.11. Traditional system of leads 31 1.3. Examples of equivalent heart generators 34 1.3.1. Multipole equivalent generator 34 1.3.2. Potential informativeness of electrocardiogram 36 1.3.3. Informativeness of some leads 39 - 1.3.4. Equivalent mobile dipole 44 - 1.3.5. Locally stationary dipole 46 1.4. Diagnostics of equivalent generators 48 1.4.1. Two types of generators � 48 1.4.2. Evaluation of EKG changes 49 _ 1.4.3. Diagnostic classification of electrocardiograms 52 1.4.4. Continual model of the myocardium , 59 = 1.4.5. More about direct and inverse problems 60 1.4.6. Development of models 61 1.4.7. Epicardial potentials 64 1.5. Statistical models of electrocardiogram and noise 65 _ 1.5.1. Preliminary processing of electrocardiogram 65 1.5.2. Sources of r.oise 66 1.5.3. Model of signal and noise 67 1.5.4. Maiz components of electrocardiogram 69 - 1.5.5. Models of shape of electrocardiogram 70 - Bibliograph ic notes for Chapter 1., ' 72 _ Chapter 2. Numerical Methods - 2,1. Quasimedical algorithms of EKG interpretation. Algorithms for construction and correction of solying rule 75 - 2.2. Mettiods of evaluating parameters of electrical equivalent heart generators on electrocardiogram 76 39 FOR OFFICIAL USE OIVLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - 2.2.1. Inverse problems and accuracy thereof 76 2.2.2. Evaluation of parameters of locally stationary dipole 76 2.2.3. Evaluation of density of double layer 79 - 2.2.4. Evaluation of volumetric density of sources 82 ~ 2.2.5. Evaluation of multipole components 82 2.2.6. Evaluation of epicardial potentials 83 - 2.3. Filtration, compression and parametrization of electrocardiograms 83 2.3.1. Algorithm of adaptive compression of vector electrocard3ograms 83 2.3.2. Evaluation of main components after adaptive compressian of. vector electrocardiograms 85 2.3.3. Parametrization of vector electrocardiograms 88 ~ 2.3.4. Evaluation of isolines.and RR intervals 89 2.3.5. Choice of cycle 90 2.3.6. Balancing of data matrix 90� Bibliographic notes for Chapter 2 91 Chapter 3. Automated Systems , 3.1. General description of SAS-1 system' 92 . 3.1.1. Ideology of the system 92 3.1.2. System hardware ' 94 3.1.3. Systeffi operation 96 3.1.4. System software 97 3.2. Medical terminal 99 - 3.2.1. Eleme-lts [units] for servicing and monitoring medical terminal 99 3.2.2. Organization of communication with central equipment 100 _ 3.2.3. Input of electrocardiosignals in on-line mode ' 101 3.2.4. Detection and correction of mistakes in on-line mode 102 3.2.5. Transmission of electrocardiosignals recorded in bff-line mode 102 3.2.6, Monitoring communication between medical terminal and central unit 104 3.2.7. Manual control 104 3.3. Description of control system ' 105 3.3.1. the central terminal Work at 105 3.3.2. , Work of personnel servicing medical terminal 106 3.3.3. Actions for input of electrocardiograms 106. 3.3.4. Use of system command HELLO 107 3.3.5. Use of system command NEW 108 3.3.6e Use of system command BYE � 108 - 3.4. tlse of system command EGON 109. - 3.4.1. Choice of parameters 109 3.4.2. Input of electrocardiogram . 110 ~ 3.4.3. Input of ancillary data 111 3.4.4. Information about errors 114 3.5. App lied programs 115 3.5.1. Organization of work 115 3.5.2. FAST program ' 115 3.5.3. FEX1 and FEX2 programs 119 ~ 3.5.4. COMP program 122 3.5.5. SIX program 123 3.5.6. NOMURA program . 124 3.5.7. Special mode 126 3.6. Ref i.nement of diagnostic methods in automated systems 126 3.6.1. Experiments in SAS-1 system 126 3.6.2. Experiments on compression of vector data 127 40 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500410003-2 FOR OFFICIAL iJSE a1VLY 3.6.3. Mapping potentials on body surface 3.6.4. Refinement of ineasuring programs 3.6.5. Compression of mapping data 3.6.6. Main components 3.6.7. Multipole components 3.6.8. Epicardial potentials Bibliographic notes for Chapter 3 Conclusion Bib liography Subject Index COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", 1981 10,657 CSO: 1840/28 41 FOR OFF[CIAL USE OPiLY 129 135 135 138 139 145 152 153 155 163 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 ROR OFFICIAL USE 'ONLY . . , SIMPLE METHOD OF NUMERICAL,EVALUATION OF HUMAN EEG POTENTIALS Mascow BIOFIZIKA in Russian Vol 26, No'S, Sep-Oct 81 .(manuscript received 23 Sep 80) pp 894-896 ' � [Article by A. Shimolyunas,'Institute of Mathematics and Cybernetics, LiSSR . Academy of Sciences, Vilnius] . [Text] It is known that it'is important to take into consideration the spasmodic changes in conduction of the numerous tegmenta of the brain [1] in simulating the genesis of human EEG potentials with given intracranial sources. This, as well as.the virtually spherical shape of the human skull [2], is why different variants of the model of a multilayer spherical calile are used in digital construction of the EEG.. The sought solutions, within the framework of these models, are given in - the form of sum of Legendre polynomials taken with specific wetghts. For example EEG potential tTl fram a radial dipole is calculated.with the following formula [3, 4 ] : _ _ ~ _ _ . . _ _ - ui -~j a to pl.� . ~1) t where PZ is a Legendre polynomial of thi', Zth degree,:e(Z) are weight coefficients _ that depend on the means of modeling the tegmenta of the human brain. Evidently, it is possible to calculate EEG potentials using formulas of the (1) typE only on a digital computer,.and this makes it difficult for practical use of digital analysis of`the human EEG in electroencephalographic practi,ce. We previously de'monstrated [5] that the role of the tegmenta of the human brain in genesis of the EEG with given intracranial sources can be simulated with an unrealistically thick (N4 cm) layer of electrolyte over the surface of the cerebral cortex described by a sphere with radius rc = 8 cm, i.e., radius rg of the - isolated surface equals 12 cm. This simulat:ton of the cerebral tegmenta, which does not conform to the real physics of the problem of genesis of the human EEG, does,'however, offer the tempting possibility of using simple analytical versions of a model of a homogeneous isolated sphere [6] for digital evaluation of EEG potentials. For example, potential Ui on the isolated surface of radius rg from - the radial dipole situated on radius rd can be calculated in this model, when the - angle between these radii equals y, with the following formula: Ul (ry l rd, Y) (2) . (1-- fs - 2f cosy)l,` where f = rd/rg. ' . 42 k'OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 ; FOR OFFICiAL USE ONLY r� Human EEG potential calculated in a model of a multilayer spherical cable [1, 3] (curve 1) and with the simulation formula (3) (curve 2) TJi will describe the human EEG patential if rd48 cm and rg = 12 cm, i.e., f,A, (i= i, 2, 3,4), (2.3) where Ai is the average time required to process the requirements, then the distri- - bution function of the time the system is engaged will be determined mainly by the distribution function of the time the encoders are engaged. Moreover, in this case we caxi replace our system by an equivalent system having no feedback but having input flows corrected in the manner indicated above. Since we shall subsequently consider an equivalent system, then let us denote the paramEters of the input flows by Xi (i = 1, N). Let Ui(t) be the distribution function of the time required to service all i-re- quirements coming in during some moment of time nT. It is obvious that f2.4) i U, (t)eaP(-~,T) nl AG Fj (t)=P{Tf(T) t}, having oriented oneself to random values Si. However, far from all constants hi always exist even for centered values of Si. If the time of accumulation is high compared to the average time between the ar- rival of the requirements, then making use of the apparatus of renewal theory [2), one can find the asymptotic formula for calculating the probability under consideration. It is obvious that probability P{Tj(t) > t} does nat depend on the orde:: of ser� vicing the requirements and consequently when deriving the-estimate far this prob- ability one can consider a single requirement flow with intensity Pi�'Ll' . In - this case the distribution function of the time required to service a siigle re- quirement from this flow Ed> will be equal to VtM- 1 ~ ~sG( (t). P~ i.e! One can then 3etermine Tj(T) as a process of accumulation in the following manner [21 85 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY xr (Nr- i,B,...)o T~(T)= t_! ; . 0 (Nr-O)i where NT is the number of declarations coming into the storage device during time T. If the mean values and standard deviation of g(j) can be* uj and dj, then M(Ti(T) I Nz=r)=r�i, D('ry(T) I Nr�r)' r4 (2.9) With a sufficiently large fixed value of r, the value of ti(T) is approximately normal to the mean value and standard deviation (2.9). Consequently its distribu- tion function of the moments is equal to eap (-r�fP+'l:rdtP'). (2.10) The unconditional distribution functian of the moments is equal to the uean value of expression (2.10) with respect to the distribution of random value Nt, which is itself approximately normal tio the mean value of Tpj and to the same standard devi- ation at a large value of T. Thus, the mean value with respect to the asymptotic distribution is equal to . eap {(-�fP+'/:dsP')Tpi-f-'/:(-�sP+'l=d)')=TP!}� . If this expression is transformed to the distribution function of the normalized � value Iz~(T) -�jPiTJ~I (TlPi+ �iZdjPj'T ) ~h~. then at T-* - we find exp (P2/2){1 + 0(1)}, i.e., the value of Tj(T) is asymptot- ically normal to the mean value and standard deviation equal to, respectively, M(te(T))=�jPjT,.--- (2.11) D (Tj(T ))�T (i/P)+Fy=djPj'), hence, one can easily find the necessary estimate. Using estimates (2.6) or normal distribution witti parameters (2.11) and by distrib- utinq the flows such that the mean times of zhe enaoders being engaged are identical _ if possible, one can construct the algorithm for, solving the problcm in the follow- ing manner. 1. Let us find K flows (K = 1 on the first step) in which the expression [7~1V1(r~) j/[7~,M(~~) ] assumps a minimum value and let us assign it to each encoder for - a single flow. (In this case we best ensure that condition (2.2)As fulfilled). 86 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007142/09: CIA-RDP82-40854R040500010003-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY - 2. That among the remaining flows is selected in which the maximum value of M(Si) is achieved. = 3. The number of the encoder with minimum average time to service the requirements of all the flows assigned to it is selected. 4. The flow selected in paragraph 2 is assigned to the encoder selected in para- _ graph 3. 5. If all the flows are distributed, let us qo on to paragraph 61 otherwise let us _ go to paragraph 2. ' . - - - 6. If at least one value of j(j = 1, K) t-S~ -Mtf(T)~0 , then let us add an additional encoder and go on to paragraph 1, otherwise let us go on to paragragh 7. 7. Let us check fulf~llment of condition 1. If the condition is not fulfilled, then the number of encoders must be increased by one and we transfer to paragraph 1, otherwise the problem is solved. When using formulas (2.6), the values of uj that yield the most accurate estimate should be found. A unit that determines these values of uj is provided,in the pro- gram realizing this algorithm. The algorithm is realized on the BESM-6'~omputer. The program is written in FORTRAN language. Example. Let the distribution Gi(t) be normal distribution with parameters mi and _ Qi. In this case there are no cQnstant values hj for any intErval [0, uj] since the right side of (2.8) approaches infinity at x, approaching zero. At trie same time if one considers the centered value ti, then lim (2,%jT (8i (x) -1) /x) =i:^=+2k,a1 = - i-Y and consequently for any finite segment [0, uj the right side of (2.8) is limited, _ i.e., there are constant values of hi that satisfy (2.8). Since P{Tj(T)+S,'>t}=P{i;(T)>t-S,'-�(Ti(T))}, then to find the estimates it is sufficient to substitute t for t-Sf -�(ti(T)). BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Petrov, V. V., "Summy nezavisimykh sluchaynykh velichin" [Sums of Independent Random Values], Moscow, Nauka, 1972. 2. Cox, D. and W>, Snith, "Teoriya vosstanovleniya" I'enewal Theory7, Moscow, - 5ovetskoye radio, 1967. ~ COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Nauka". "Izvestiya AN SSSR. Tekhnicheskaya kibernetika", 1980 6521 CSO: 8144/0236 - 87 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ; UDC: [007:57+007"573.6+615.47](07) BIOENGINEERING SYSTEMS: THEORY AND DESIGN. A TERTBOOK Leningrad fiIOTEKHNICHESKIYE SISTEMYcTEORIYA I PRUYEKTIROVANIYE. UCHEBNO'YL POSOBIYE in Russian 1981 (signed to press 15 Dec 80) pp 2-4 [Annotation and table of contents from book "Biotechnical Systems: Theory and , Design. A Textbook" by`:r. M. Akhutin, A. P. Nemirko, N. N. Pershin, A. V. Pozharov, Ye. P. Popechitelev and S. V. Romanov, reviewed by N.A. Mikhaylov, deputy chief designer,,Special Design Office for Biological and Medical Cybernetics at the Leningrad "Order of Lenin" Electric Engineering InEt_itute imeai"v. I. Ul'yanov - (Lenin), and K. Yu. Agranovskiy, doctor of engineering sciences (~Iorthwestern Polytechnical Institute, recommended by the :'-3ningrad "Order of Lenin" Electric Engi- - neering Institute imeni V. I. U1'yanov (Lenin), IzdatQl'stvo,;Leningrad University, 1734 copies, 220 pages, 42 figures,''s tables, 120'references] [Text] In spite of the promise he12~"in development of bioengineering systems and possibility of wide use thereof in practice, there have not been special monogrzphs and especially educational and methodological literature her~,, ,tofore dealing with - the description of theory of such systems and questions of practical use thereof in medicine, various types of engineering, as well as scientific research. This - textbook, while it does not presume to cover the topic completely, discusses comprehensively theoretical questions of systems analysis as it applies to bio- engineering systems, methods of modeling and synthesizing them, and classifying them. Bioengineering systems for different purposes--monitoring, therapy, clin3.ca1 laboratory use--are discussed on a sophisticated scientific and methodological level. This textbook is intended primari].y for seniar year students specializing in medical instrument making, and it will also be very Lseful to a wide range of specialists involved in development and operation of such systems. Contents Page Foreword 5 First Section: Biological and Bioengineering Systems As Researcli Objects 14 - Chapter 1. A System as the Object of Investigation. Main Concepts 14 ~ 1. The systp-ms approach to the study of objects, in living ~ and inanimate nature . 14 2. Classification of systems 18 3. Methods of describing systems 23 4. Systemic aspects of control 29 5. Main functional characteristics of complex systems 32 Chapter:2.*;Biological Systems ' 39 l. Consideration of the organism from the standpoint of systems analysis 39 2. Functional systems of the organism - 50 88 _ FOR OFFICiAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/49: CIA-RDP82-40850R040500014003-2 4 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Chapter 3. Piobl:eras af Analysis and Synthesis of Bioengineering Systems 60 1. Definition, general properties and principles of synthesis of bioengineering systems 60 2. Classification of bioengineering systems 66 - 3. Types and means of control , 82 Second Section: Medical Bioengineering Systems Chapter 1. Medical Monitoring Systems 91 1. Bioengineering aspects of monitoring systems 91 2.. Classification of monitoring systems 94 3. Instrumental monitoring systems 99 ~4. Computerized monitoring systems 103 5. Microprocessor monitoring systems 112 Chapte r 2. Monitoring Systems for Monitoring Arrhythmia on Electrocardiograms 116 1. Specifications for ideal monitoring system to monitor arrhytYfmj.a 116 2. Electrocardiogram processing in monitoring systems for - arrhythmia monitoring 119 3. . Reduction of data for immediate processing of electrocardiograms 123 4. Detection of QRS complex and determination of its typical points 127 5. Analysis of cardiac arrhythmias in real time scale 130 6. Structural distinctions of computer systems for n,unitoring arrhythmia 133 Chapter 3. Therapeutic Bioengineer;ng Systems 137 - l. TTSe of therapeutic agents in bioengineering systems 137 2. Systems for pulmonary ultrasonic inhalation 144 3. System for automated carrection of potassium homeostasis 147 4. Systems for electrostimulation of the heart 148 - Chapter 4. Bioe.igineering Systems for Laboratory Analysis 164 - l. Tasks of the medical laboratory service 164 2. Structure and functions of bioengineering systems for laboratory tests 166 3. Bioengineering aspects of systems of the laboratory type 171 4. Ways and means of laboratory analysis 178 5. Tendencies of development of bioengineering systems for laboratory tests 189 Appendix Bibliography COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo Leningradskogo universiteta, 1981 10,657 CSO: 1840/999 89 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY 198 215 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 FOR OFFiCIAi, lJSE ONLY SCIENTIFIC ORGANIZATION OF LABOR OF MARZTIME FLEET PERSONNEL Leningrad TRUDY TSNII MORSKOGO FLOTA, VYP 253: NAUCfINAYA ORGANIZATSIYA TRUDA PLAVSOSTAVA MORSKOGO FLOTA in Russian 1980 (signed to press 9 Jun 80) pp 82.-84 [Abstracts and table of contents from book" Works of Central 'Order of Red Banner of Labor' Scientific Research Institute of the Maritime Fleet, No.253: Scientific Organi- zation of Labor of Maritime Fleet Personnel", edited by Yu. I. Panin, Izdatel'stvo "Transport", 1405 copies, 84 pages] UDC: 656.612:658.387 USE OF STOCHASTIC METHODS IN TIiE STUDY OF WORK PERFORMED BY CREW MEMBER.S [Abstract of article by R. V. Shchelgachev] [Text] There is discussion of inethods for studying work processes, which are used in differEnt sectors of industry, and they are brief].y evaluated. Standard obser- - vation charts are recommended, with which one can determine the nomenclature and duration of work operations for the period of watch duty, as well as in the course of performing work pertaining to technical maintenance of a vessel and its equipment. Tables 3. UDC: /656.612:658.387/043.13 ' EVALUATION OF ECONOMIC EFFECTIVENESS OF STUDIES DEALING WITH IMPROVEMENT OF WQRKING CONDITIONS ABOARD VESSELS [Abstract of article by Ye. P. ZagorskayaJ _ [Text] The described method provides a scientific approach to evaluation of the economic effect of work pertaining to labor safety for ship crews. A method is described for determining the national economic and departmental effect. A set of = formulas is given, as well as criteria for sroring the work of seamen. Figures 1, tables S. yo FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC: 656.615.06 ORGANIZATION OF COMPLEX FLEET SERVICING DURING ANCHORAGE PERIODS [Abstract of article by R. V. Shchelgachev and A. B. VlasovaJ [Text] Organization of complex servicing of vessels and their crews, as well as directions of future research, are discussed. UDC: 656.612:658.387.015 EFFECT OF AUTOMATION OF VESSELS ON SEAMEN'S WORKING CONDITIONS [Abstract of article by Ye. P. Zagorskaya and A.. A. Tret'yukhin] - [Text] Analysis is made of the causes of traumatism among ship's crews when servicing ship equipment. Que:.ttions of lowering traumatism as a result of intro- ducing automation on modern vessels of the maritime fleet are explored. Problems related to automation of ship power plants to the extent of assigning to the vessels automation emblems in symbols of the�USSR Registry class A1 and A2. Tables 2. UDC: 656.612:658.387.015 - ORGANIZATION OF LABOR OF SHIP CREWS ABOARD AUTOMATED VESSELS [Abstract of article by N. T. Yeliseyev] [Text] Experience of operating vessels with the automation emblsm in the clas symbol of the USSR Registry is summed up. Tables 1. ' - UDC: 629.12.06:697.94 INERTIAL HEAT PROPERTIES OF r',NCrOSURES AND EQUIPMENT OF AIR-CONDITIONED PREMISES ~ [Abstract of article by V. I. ]:;ysav; [Text] The transfer function is given for enclosures and equipment as related to change in air temperature in air-conditioned premises. References 3. - UDC: 656.612:658.32 - METHODOLOGICAL BASES FOR CLASSIFYING VESSELS FOR PEJRPOSES OF WAGES AND SETTING UP PAY SCALES FOR SHIP CREWS - [Abstract of article by R. S. Rez and T. N. Lekintseva] [Text] There is discussion of questions of categorizing maritime �leet veQsels into groups according to wages of commanding officers and setting up'pay_sca:l2s. A basically new approach is offered to classification of vessels on the ba�:'*~- of a complex indicator, and the foniula for calculation thereof�is provided.''A.:, method is described for scorfng the difficulty of labor as the basis for setting up salary scales. Figures l, tables 3. 91 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC: 656.612:658.387.015 SCIENTIFIC ORGANIZATION OF LABOR REQUIREMENTS REFERABLE TO THE FORE BRIDCE OF A MARITIME VESSEL [Abstract of article by V. F. Palastrov] [Text] Requirements are listed for scientif ic organization of labor related to the fore bridge, with its equipment and installations. Figures 3, tables 2. UDC: 656.612:658.3 PSYCHOSOCIAL ADJUSTMENT TO THE START OF A VOYAGE [Abstract of article by V. N. Parokhin and R. S. Araslanova] [Text] Analysis is made of some of the distinctions of psychosocial adjustment - of sailors [or deck officers] to the first days of a voyage and its effect on sailing safety. Figures 2, tables 2; references 4. UDC: 656.3 CLASSIFICATION OF CGNDITIONS AND NATURE OF SEAMEN'S WORK ACCORDING TO DEGREE OF - HARMFULNESS AiND INTENSITY [Abstract of article by L. M. Matsevich] [Text] A system is offered for complex evaluation of working conditions of seamen according to degree of harmfulness and intensity [tension]. Tabies 2, references 4. UDC: 656.612:~158.3 RESULTS OF TESTING SOME PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAITS OF SAILORS ON A RADAR TRAINER _ [Abstract of article by V. N. Parokhin, R. S. Araslanova, A. Ye. Druzhinin and I. K. Shirokova] y _ [Text] Results are submitted that describe professional trailiing achievement of sailors on radar trainers as a function of individual psychological traits. Figures 1, tables 2, references 3. Contents Page UsE of Stochastic Methods in the Study of Work Performed by Crew Members - (R. V. Shchelgachev) 3 Evaluation of Economic Etfectiveness of Studies Dealing With Improvement - of Working Conditions Aboard Vessels (Ye. P. Zagorskaya) 15 Organization of Complex Fleet Servicing During Anchorage Periods (R. V. Shchelgachev, A. B. Vlasova) 27 Effect of Automation of Vessels on Seamen's Working Conditions (Ye. P. Zaborskaya, A. A. Tret'yukhin) 32 FOR OFFICfAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Organization of Labor of Ship Crews Aboard Automated Vessels (N. T. Yeliseyev) 35 Inertial Heat Properties of Enclosures and Equipment of Air-Conditioned Premises (V. 0. Lysev) 40 riethodological Bases for Classifying Vessels for Purposes of Wages and - Setting Up Pay Scales for Ship Cr.ews (R. S. Rez, T. N. Lekintseva) 43 Scientific Organization of Labor Requirements Referable to the Fore Bridge of a Maritime V essel (V. F. PaJ.astrov) 57 Psychosocial Adjustment to the Start of a Voyage (V. N. Parokhin, R. S. Araslanova) 64 Classification of Conditions and Nature of Seamen's Work According to Degree of Harmfulness and Intensity (L. M. Matsevich) 71 Results of Testing Some Psychological Traits o= Sailors on a Radar Trainer _ (V. N. Parokhin, R. S. Araslanova, A. Ye. Druzhinin, I. K. Shirokova) 78 - COPYRIGHT: Tsentral'nyy ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni _ nauchno-issleaovatel'skiy institut. morskogo flota (TsNIIMF), 1980 10,657 CSO: 1840/999 93 - FOR OFFICIAd. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400540010003-2 FOR OFFI(:IAL USE ONLY UDC: 519.81 DECISIONS: THEORY, INFORMATION AND MODELING Moscow RESHENIYA: TEORTYA, INFORMATSIYA, MODELIROVANIYE in Russian 1981 (signed to press 2 Apr 81) pp 2-3, 328 [Annotation, excerpt from foreword and tt;ble oi contents from book "Decisions: Theory, Information and Modeling", by Eduardas Yonovich Vilkas and Yefrem - Zalmanovich MayL..~.nas, Izdatel'stvo "Radio i s�ryaz", 10,000; 328 pages, illustrated] [Text] Fundamentals of general tc:cory of decisions, analysis of their informational aspects and problems of modeling decision making problems are discussed. This book is intended for scientists and specialists dealing with decision theory, develop- ment and application of mathematical methods and models to the control of the aconomy, as well a5 development of automated control systems. _ Foreword As indicated by Jonathan Swift, in a conversation with Gulliver Aristorle observed - that new systems in nature change with each generation, like fashions, and that even philosophers who try to preve them by the mathematical method do not succeed - for long and go out of fashion at the time prescribed by fate. This warning hung over us, like the sword of Damocles, particularly since fashions change in our - times much faster than in the times of Aristotle or Swift. We are living in a rapidly changing world that is growing increasingly complex. Factors that must be taken into cansideration in making every dacision are becoming more and more numerous, diverse and interrelated. Its cansequences are increasingly spread in time and space, and often unexpected. For this reason, intuition and individual experience missfire more and more often, and intecest is gro*aing in scientific investigation of the decision making process. It is not surprising that this problem is drawing the attention of many specialists-- philosophers and economists, mathematicians and psychologists, sociologists and engineers. The scope and diversity of scientific work on decision making have beconie quite impressive. In general, two categories of studies and two methods of analyzing the problem have become rather distinctly evident in the existing litera- tiire. One group consists of relatively abstract research, in which the entire process of making any decision, some stage or special instance thereof, is discussed from a selected vantage point. The other group consists of concrete studies dealing with certain types of decisions in the engineering, economic, military or other 94 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY field. With rare exceptions, one can again distinguish two means of analysis and gresentation of material in both groups: in the former case, the authors construct their presentation on formalized models, which are studied by also formal, mainly mathEmatical methods; in the latter case, they base themselves primarily Contents Page 3 Foreword 9 Chapter 1. The Decision Making Process 9 1.1. lhe problem 28 - 1.1. Decision making pr.oblem 35 1.3. General scheme of decision making p.rocess 54 - Chapter 2. Information in Socioeconomic Problems 54 1 - 2 Informstional 'model' of the individual . . 2 2 Set of in�ormational factors and sets 76 . . 2 3 Goals and resources of socioeconomic problems: informational aspect 95 . . Chapter 3. Simple Decisions 128 128 3.1. Concept of simple decision and benefit 144 3.2. Stochastic alternatives and stochastic preference 155 3.3. riultidimensional alternatives 166 - 3.4. Demonstrated preference 173 Chapter 4. Complex Decisions 173 4.1. Model of multiaspect decision making 181 4.2. Optiinum results of games 187 4.3. Definition of game and its deci.sions 202 4.4. Multigoal optimization 214 4.5. Axiomatic conetruction of decisions 227 4.6. Comparability and aggregation of criteria 239 - Chapter 5. Typology of Socioeconomic Decisions 239 5.1. Theoretical problEms of modeling socioeconomic systems 266 5.2. Classificatian and types of socioeconomic problems 284 5.3. Classification and types of socioeconomic models 30 4 5 Mathematical methods of modeling and solving socioeconomic problems . . 6 Bibliog raphy 324 Subject index - COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Radio i svyaz"", 1581 10,657 CSO: 1840/999 95 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC: 629.735. AIRCRAFT, PILOTS AND FLIGHT SAFETY Moscow SAMOLET, LETCHIK I BEZOPASNOST' POLETA in Russian 1979 (signed to press 15 Nov 79) pp 3-5, 220-224 [Annotation, foreword and table of contezts from book "Aircraft, Pilots and Flight Safety", by Grifioriy Kalachev, Izdatel'stvo "Mashinostroyeniye", 6500 copies, 224 pages] [Text] This boak deals with the main qualities of an aircrafL: stability, controlla- bility and maneuverability. Analysis of these quaiities is made on tr.e basis of factual mater, ial and instrument records during tests and operation; practical recommendations are offered on aircraft piloting, methods of making test flights and choice of criteria of important design and aerodynamic para~.eters of an aircraft. This book is intended for design engineers, aerodynamic.speciali-sts, test pilots and other aviation specialists. � Foreword High efficiency of aircraft operation and flight safety depend an both the quali- ties of the aircraft and of the pilot controlling the flight. The qualities of an aircraft are characterized by its stability, controllability and manueverability, as well as reliability and dependability of constructior% of the aircraft and various equipment and units on it. Pilot qualities depend on his theoretical training, knowledge of the physical aspect of the aircraft.and instructions on operating it, ~.:gree of flight training of the pilot if the aircraft encounters unusual circumstances, pilot comprehension of the patterns of aircraft traffic [or movement] in various situations with due consideration of its aerodynamic features, stability and controllability features of aircraft in general and the type flown by the pilot at that time in particular. Stability, controllability, maneuverability and flight safety are the most important basic qualities of an airrraft, and they are closely interrelated. Problems of both theory and practice of prnviding good indicators of these aircraft qualities are among the rather complex ones. Investigation and comprehension of these problems are related to many various parameters, methods of calculating and Lestin,g parameters to rate an aircraft, and the constructive elements used. In view of the increased speed and altitude of flight, it has become necessary to take into con- sideration comprehensively the effect of compressibility of air on aerodynamics of the aircraft. The construction of aircraft has become appreciably more _ complicated; wide use is being made of various automatic devices aboard aircraft, = and some new and substantial distinctions have appeared in their stability and controllability characteristics. - 96 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONbY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Technically sophisticated design and operation of modern aircraft require that engineers, designers, operating engineers and pilots have a large volume of know- ledge. The intensive development of ivjstion science and practice has been re- flected in current textbooks and technical literature used in the training of engineering and flight personnel. However, this literature often contains much material and calculations referable to special questions of stability, controllabi- lity and maneuverability, but not enough data on the behavior and piloting of aircraft in typical f1igYit situations related to th e effect of compressibility of . air and deformation of construction on aircraft aerodynamics. This book discusses problems of the relationship between aircraft, pilot and flight - safety. The aircraft is discussed on the basis of its stability, controllability and maneuverability; the pilot, on the basis of his requirements as to the quali- - tative and quantitative expression of these characteristics, as well as the characteristics of his piloting under special (irregular) flight conditions, includ- - ing typical errors. Flight safety is defined, as we have already stated, by the combination of aircraft and pilot properties under different flying conditions. To demonstrate aircraft and pilot propQrties, typical examples of flight accidents - are used in this book, taken from the incidents that have occurred in the practice - of flight tests and aircraft operation. The author was directly involved in the investigation of many of these occurrences. In submitting the results of the investigations, the author tried to offer the general conclusions and concrete recommendations *_o improve flight safety. Of couYse, some of the theses and recommendations developed in this book reflect the author's personal opin'on.. In view of the wide range of expected readers, the author tried to make his presenta- ~ tion understandable to all and, at the same, rather strict. Chapter 1 deals with definition of the main concepts, mainly classical ones, and terms used in the - book. Analysis is made of the correlation between stability, controllability, - maneuverability and flight safety. Then, Chapter 1 also gives a brief history of _ development of theory and practice of providing for these aircraft qualities. In - conclusion, there is brief description of the methods and parameters used to assess = stability and controllability according to test results. ' Chapters 2 and 3 discuss the ef~ects of different important characteristics of sta- - bility and controllability on movement of the aircraft in air tnd control thereof _ by a pilot under various specific conditions. Most of the instances discussed in the book are related to uninten*_ional departure of the aircraft tieyond the range of restrictions stipulated in the instructions on operating and flying a given type of aircraft. Same of the special cases discussed are unique. Contents Page Foreword 3 Chapter 1. Main Concepts of Stability, Controllability and General - Information About Aircraft Movement 6 1.1. Systems of coord'inates. General information about aircraft = movement 6 1.2. Concept of aircraft stability and criteria thereof 13 97 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000500410003-2 FOR OFFICIAL l1SE ONLY , - 1.3. Dimensionless coefficients of aerodynasic forces and moments 24 - 1.4. Concept and parameters of aircraft controllability 35 1.5. Concept and parameters of aircraft maneuverability 41 _ 1.6. Correlation between stability, controllability, maneuverability and flight safety 50 1.7. From the history of development of nethods of assuring stability and controllability of aircraft 60 1.8. Evaluation of stability, controilability and maneuverability of an aircraft according to results of wind tunnel and flight tests 66 Chapter 2. Distinctive Features oi Stability and Controllability, and Exceeding Permissible Aixcraft Angles of Attack and Accelerations 83 2.1. Longitudinal instability of speed and stall 83 2.2. Aircraft 'bumps' in cumulus-thunder clouds 92 2.3. Effect of flying altitude on sharpaess of aircraft rolling in stalls 103 2.4. Piloting an aircraft with consideration of properties of second flying mode 107 2.5. 'Transonic pickup' of aircraft during deceleration � 119 2.6. Aircraft 'pickup' in maneuver with overload [acceleration] 132 2.7. Short-period longitudinal 'resonant rise' of aircraft 138 2.8. A.z instance of stalling and spinning of a passenger aircraft with T-empennage 141 2.9. An instance of repeated stalling and resonant rise of heavy aircraft 148 2.10. The problem of aircraft stalling and spinning 155 Chapter 3. Hazard of Unintentional Loss of Altitude and Excessive Speed 173 3.1. Pulling aircraft into a dive 174 3.2. Hazard of exceeding permissible uRnking angle 180 3.3. An instance of aircraft stall inturn-spiral 183 3.4. Aircra.ft hitting accompanying wake and other instances of occurrence of asymmetrical banking moments 187 - 3.5. Pitching, diving and banicing of aircraft when there is insufficient thrust of pitch control boosters 200 Bibliography 218 COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Mashinostroyeniye", 1979 - 10,657 CSO: 1840/999 98 - FaR OFFICIAI, USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000540010003-2 FOR OFF(CIAL USE ONLY UDC: 612.821.7"5" PROBLEMS OF TIME ORGANIZATION OF LI'JING ,SYSTIIMS Moscow PROBLEMY VREMENNOY ORGANIZATSII ZHIVYKH SISTE24 in Russian 1979 (signed to press 31 May 79) pp 2-7, 143-147 [Annotation, introduction, abstracts and table of contents from book "Problems of Organization of Living Systems" edited by A. M. Genin, doctor of biologicai - sciences, Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", 1450 copies, 147 pages] [Text] This collection deals with problems of biorhythmology (chzonodiology). It discusses questions of adaptogenesis in living systems in the aspect of their time organization and dynamics of their circadian rhythms. Data are siibmitted ^oncerning, development of mathematical analysis of`human biological rhythms. Re- sults are described of experiments characterizing the distinctions of biological rhythms when animals are exposed to changing illumination and hypokinesia. This collection is intended for specialists in the field of biorhythmology, physiologists, biologists, physicians and other specialists concerned witn the problem of tine ~ organization of living systems. Introduction Throughout the history of natural science, researchers were constantly concerned with questi.ons of time organization of living systems. As they pQeled off the layers of earth's crust, like the pages af an�enormous buok, people became con- vinced of the variability of the plant and animal kingdom when they were faced, in the f.os5ilized monuments of that kingdon, of generations of its precursors, many of which appeared to be the materialized creations of the exquisite imagination of unusual thinking beings. Half-erased records were preserved on the first pages of this book about the first �representatives of terrestrial life, the primit:Lveness of which seemed to be an echo of a remote time that acquired in these records its - own genuine, sensed reality. Who cou'd deny having had the physical sensation of un- rushed breathing of time in a museum of paleontology? Who is not captured and - carried by its powerful flow, its mysterious and secret river, fixed in expressly this iv,age in the monuments tu the creativity of ancient peoples? The living bearer of the continuous course of time--man--is exceptionally sensitive to the objective truth of real movement, which became for him one of the recognized coordi- nates af the worZd around him, the coordinate of time. Like paleontology, embryology revealed to man the facet of life that is organically - interwoven with the phenomenon of time, impartinb to it "tangible" reality. - One refers to philogenesis and ontogenesis as they apply to the actual process of inception of life in the aspect of its history and the asgect of its individual FOR OFF[CYAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 FOR Ur'H'1LlAL USE UIVLY development. And nothing emphasizes better than Haeckel's law the inseparable link between the process of develcpment in these two aspects: ontogenesis repeats - phylogenesis. Thus, in the aspect of both general and individual. history of an organism, natural - scientists constantly encounter factors indicative of time organization of - living systems., facts of their continual variability. However, the same natural scientists suddenly lost the "sense of time" as soon as they turned to analysis of the current state of such systems and, in spite of numerous facts, viewed life as some phenomenon like themselves that is independent of eime. This thesis in natural science constituted a uniquely validateC status in physiology and applied ' biology for several centuries, although there was sporadic publication of works, in which efforts were made to include the time phenomenon with biological para- meters. These works include, first of all, the studies of fluctuating, Feriodic. - processes in the organism, particularly those with a period of 24 h. Apparently, such biological rhythms were first recorded in plants. According to the literature, the French astronomer, deMeran (1729),* was among the first (if not the first) to - the circadian rhythms of movement of leaves under constant temperature and illumination conditions. Then the representatives of 3 number of natural _ sciences turned to the phenomenon of circadiar. rhythms. The data obtained from such studies were not questioned; however, they did not have an appreciable influence on the general situation in physiology and applied biology, where the - traditions of "static" natural science continued to prevail. Expressly they--these traditions--were among the serious reasons why researchers disregarded the time ~ aspect of organization of living systems. No doubt, purzly methodological difficul- ties of studying varioss forms of life played ar_ i.mportant role in this respect - also, with reference to their constant variability, spontaneous, never ceasing movement, and movement in an ascending line rather than in a circle, movement that always carried something new to the organism.. - There w2s a noticeable change in rrorld outlook of natural scientists, primarily with respect to phenomena in organic life, in the first half of this century, which was related to the major achievements in many branches of science and, specifically, the direction that was named chronobiolegy abroad and biorhythmology in the USSR. The increased interest in chronobiology (biorhythmology) was related primarily to the rapid progress in means of transportation, particularly airborne. Jet aircraft can overcome enormous distances in a short time (usually measured in hours rather than days). The practice of such flights very soon revealed that rapid crossing of several time zones was associated in a number of people with diverse disturbances of well-being, work capacity, sleep, appetite and often morbid symptoms resembling pro- dromal states, i.e., the symptom complex that Selye called the stress syndrome or general adaptation syndrome. Practitioners very soon realized the significance** *See Yu. Aschoff, "Exogenous and Endogenous Components of Circadian Rhythms," in "Biologicheskiye chasy" [Biological Clock], Moscow, Mir, 1964, pp 27-59. **"Crews," observes Fabbro (G. A. Fabbro, "I Voli di 'Lungo Raggio' ed i ritmi - circadiani," MINERVA MEDICA, Vo'L 61, No 74, 1970, pp 3922-3928), "are well aware of the difficulties that may be experienced with a change in time zones and they do all they can to overcome them." In this case, we are dealing with aircraft crews. Several special studies demonstrated that crews of transport aireraft tried to curb the morbid disorders occurring with a change to other time zones. In particular, older pilots tried to leave the airport or their final destination as quickly as possible in order to return as soon as possible to their customary place of residence. 100 FOR OFRCIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000500410003-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE QNLY of such a stress syndrome, induced by a time "gradient." "BusineGs people" also encounter the same difficulties and, if they do not take this syn3rome into con- sideration, they could find themselves unable to use all their intellectual capaci- ties. Conseqaently, all those who make long-distance flights crassing the meri- dians must rest properly before they start to work. DisturbancES analogous to those that develap after transmeridional flights are al- . ways observed when the usual schedule is changed, which nccurs for example in the csse of work in three shifts. According to foreign and Soviet researchers. working in the evening and night shifts is associated with some decline of labor - productivity and increase in number of mistakes. G. Leman [1967),* a major special- - ist in the field of industrial physiology, believes that people who work at night, even for decades, for example nurses, retain the usual circadian rhythm of vi.tal functions, with a minimum at 0300 hours= censequently, in spite of their apparent adjustment to night work, their life proceeds against [despite] the biological rhythm. The situation oT working against [or despite] the biological rhythm also applies to submarine crews who participate in distant voyages, participants of geological ex- peditions, arctic and antarctic missions, cosmonauts in orbital and interplanetary flight, as well as athletes who petform in foreign countries. the stress syndrome, wnich occurs in all such situations, is related to changes in customary sleep-wakefulness rhythm, whicn are followed by changes in phasP of all - rhythms of the body that have a period of about 24 h. The mismatch of 24-h (or close to 24 h--circadian, which equal about 24 h) rhythms has been named desynch;'o- nosis. A closer scrutiny of the desynchronosis phenomenon revealed that it was � related to more than disruption of the usual sleep-wakefulness rhythm. An in- - creasing number of facts also indicated i.hat desynchronosis is not a specific = set of symptoms associated with this type of disturbances. Desynchronasis is the - constant "companion" of any disease, any impairment of health, any form of stress. Thus, the problem of this symptom complex advanced to the level of general medical, _ general biological problems. More attention started to be given to rhyihm 3isturban.ces, desynchronosis, in tre 1960's because of the space flights, particularly orbital ones, when the usual, - terrestriai succession of dark and light periods of the day (day and night) is dis- rupted. - Thus, ther.e was gradual development of conditions for wider extension of the chrono- = bi4logical (biorhythmological) approach to analysis of living systems. However, one should not think that such an appr6ach (genuinely dialectical) to problems of bio- - logy (and physiology, as well as a number of other analogous disciplines) was - accepted immediately and without a sturggle by all representatives of modern natural science. In a numher of cases, the requirement that time be considered as an effective factor in studies of the organism was not understood andr not infrequently, toLally disregarded. The inertia of this attitude has not been eradicated to this day. But, while in the past (even relatively recently) disregard for problems of chronobiology played a negative rale mainly in the theo�retical aspect, at the pre- sent time its reflection in practice is growing increasingly perceptible. For *Leman, G., "Practical Industrial Physiology," Moscow, Meditsina, 1967. 101 FOR OFFICIA'L USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000540010003-2 FOR OFFICIAL VSE ONLY expressly this reason, our science is presently faced with the task o'L expanding the front of biorhythmological research and making wide use of its findings in the national economy. Each step on this road is warranted. In this respect, one could hardly averestimate broad discussion of problems of binrhythmology. The first section of this collection submits works dealing with analysis of some theoretical issues of biorhythmology and results of.studying human biorhythms. The ~ second section is concerned with the results of studying animal bi.orhythms. The works submitted in this section have the same methodoZogical distinctions. In all _ of tnese-studies, male Wistar rats weighing 180-200 g were the object of research. The animals were kept in groups (of 5-6 per cage) with the use of artificial illumination mode: 12 h of light (150-200 lux) and 12 h of darkness (less than 0.1 lux). The light was turned on at 0400 h. Tne temperature was kept at 22�1� in the experimental room. The animals were given pellet feed at the end of the light period. Using physiological, morphological,histochemical, autoradiographic and biochemical methods, determination was made of circadian rhythms of rats, starting with general physio.logical parameters (spontaneous motor activity, body temperature, general exchange of gases), functional state of the hypothalamus--pituitary--adrenal system and ending with rhythms cf cell reproduction and morphological state of systems that are renewed rapidly and slowly, as well as activity of some elements of nucleic and fluid metabolism in the organism. Conditions to which rats were exposed with the use of different light modes Group No Duration of light (L) and dark (D) eriods h Illumination during li ht eriod (lux) Start:4nd.end af light eriod time 1 12L+12D 150-200 0400-1600 hours 2 6L+18D 150-200 0900-1500 hours 3 6L+18D 15-20 0900-1500 hours In addition, the obje'ctive of that study was to determine the patterns of change in the main features of circadian processes (level, amplitude, position of acrophases, shape of wave) in difcerent systems of the organism with reduction of the light .period, as well as of intensity of illumination. For this purpose, the animals - were submitted to different illumination modes. The arbitrary designation of rat groups and main faatures of illumination conditions are listed in the Table. The studies were conducted after 3-4-week adaptation of the rats to these condltions. The second and third groups of animals were examined on a reduced program. This section also submits the results of studies of circadian rhythms of cellular . reproducticn in rats submitted to hypoicinesia. The problem of hypokinesia is of interest to some branches of clinical medicine. The biorhythmological approach to this problem will help gain better understanding of the mechanisms of development of pathological states caused by hypokinesia and develop effective means of preventing them. 102 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00854R000540010003-2 FQ:3 OFFICIAL USE ONLY UDC:"616.092;616.008.63 ADAPTATiOh IN THE l:IGHT OF BIORHYTHMOLOGY [Abstract of article by B. S. AlyakrinskiyJ [Text] The least studied aspect of tlie complex phenomenon of adaptation at this - time is the set of changes in biological rhythms, particularly circadian ones. _ Analysis of this aspect of adaptatYOn is of great theoretical and practical im- portance. Such analysis reveals that adaptation to new living conditions Qccurs through a struggle between opposing elements (resistance and alarm [anxiety]). A stable state of resistance does not rule out the unity of these elements, their cor.;tant struggle and constant resolution thereof. An element of deadaptation is always present in a state of marked well-being, and expressly this element is a mandatory prerequisite for progress, development and vitality. Such an approach to the phenomenon of biorhythmological adaptation opens up wide opportunities, both with respect to diagnostics and prognostics, in a number of areas of man's _ practical endeavors. References 70. - UDC: 612.017.2"5" ACROPHASE WANDERING ZONE [Abstract of article by S. I. Stepanova] [Text] Analysis is made of the phenomenon of wandering of acrophases of circadian biological rhythms, which signifies the instability of daily position of these phases on a 24-h scale. The segment of the 24-h scale, within which the position - of the acrophase of some functional parameter varies from day to day over a period of many days is called its wandering zone. The width of the wandering zone is used to ca_lculate the so-called coefficient of stability of acrophase position on the time axis. The phenomenon of fluctuation of numerical values of a functional parametex at each considered point an the 24-h scale is discussed in relation to the wandering phenomenon, analysis is made of factors that form this fluctuation, in particular the changes in level of circadian rhythms that are governed by - weekly, monthly and seasonal periodicity. Literature is cited that confirms the seasonal changes in level, amplitude and position of acrophases of circadian biologi- cal rhythms of animals and man. The concept af "seasonal ph}�siological desynchro- nosis" is formulated, which is used to explain the seasonal periodicity of some diseases. Figures 6, tables 3; references 56. - UDC: 616.008.63 LINGUISTIC ANALYSIS OF HEART RYtYTHM [Abstract of article by A. D. Cherkay and Yu. A. VZasov] - [Text] A procedure is described for linguistic analysis of sequences of EKG R-R intervals, which is based on isolating recurrent (matri�i sequences of R-R inter- vals referable to the e-*_ube with specif ied C. There is di3cussion of questions of formation of matrix sequences and their roots. Specific examples are off ered of analysis of cardiac rhythm. Evaluation is made of the statistical signif icance of " condensation of recurrent R-R sequences around the isolated matrix seQuences. There 103 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400540010003-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY is discussion of Droblem& of modeling tr.e rhythm of cardiac contractions. Figures 1, - tables 3; references 8. UDC: 616.008.63 MECHANISMS OF ADAPTIVE CIiANGE IN CIRCADIAN RHYTHMS ~ [Abstract of article by V. I. Makarov] [Text] Changes in circadian rhythms of man due to various stress ageats are ana- _ lyzed on the basis of the author's experimerita3 results. It was demonstirated that adaptive changes can be manifested both in the for, f less accentuation of rhythm and excessive accentuation, exce3sive constavcy. Both variants of adaptive changes are deviations from the norm and ilv.licative of development of a stress state. RefPrences 3. UDC: 616.008.63 CIRCADIAN FLUCTUATIONS OF EKG INTERVALS IN MAN JN THE USUAL SLEEP AND WAKING = SCHEDULE [Abstract of article by A. A. Koreshkov] _ [Text] Studies wer,2 made of circadian fluctuations of duration of EKG intervals in two healthy mer, isolated from natural light, kept on the usual sleeping and waking schedule. In. both subjects, PQ, QRS and QRST intervals were shorter in t.tie daytime than a.t 0600 hours. The obtained results also revealed that a decline of pulse rate in the f irst half of the night may occur without change in rate of excitation of atria and ventricles, i.e., without inerease in duration of PQ and QRS intervals. Figures 3, tables 3; references 5. UDC: 616.008.63 CIRCP.DIAN .T?HYTHM OF ACTIVITY OF LARGE-CELL NUCLEI OF THE RAT HYPOTIiALAMUS AND ADRENtiL CORTEX [Abstract of article by Ye. I. Zubkova-Mikhaylova, Yu. P. Druzhinint, N. D. Polyakava and L. M. Ponomarenko] [Text] A study was made of circadian rhythm of activity uf di.fferent elements of _ the hypothalamus--pituitary--adrenal system of Wistar rats kept under ;?ifferent illumination conditions, usirig histochemical and morphometric methods. Neuro- secretory activity was characterized by varying cireadtan dynamics, depending on the length of the light period. Figures 7; references 25. UDC: 616.008.63 - EFFECT OF CHANGE IN PHQTOPERIOD AND ILLUMINATION ON CIRCADIAN RHYTHMS OF CELL REPRODUCTION IN THE RAT ESOPHAGEAL EPITHELIUM A [Abstract of article by Yu. A. Romanov, S. S. Filippovich and Yu. P. Druzhinint] - [Text] A study iaas made of cell reproduction in the esbphtgeal epj.thelium of Wistar rats kept in different modes of illumination using H-thymidine, every 3 h. 1'Deceased 104 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 FOR OFFiCIAL UtiE aNLY J Monophasic rhytnms werP demonstrated in number of DNA-synthesizing cells, dividing cells, dividing labeled cells and intensity of marking nuclei. Changes in ;:hoto- period and illumination lead to desynchronization of both intrasystemic mechanisms of mitotic rhythm (endogenous desynchronosis) and mechanisms that depend on lighting conditions (exogenous desynchronosis). Figures 1; refexences 26. - UDC: 612.014.577.3 CIRCADIAN RHYTHM OF ACTIVITY OF DNAases AND STRUCTURE OF DNA IN RAT TISSUES [Abstract of article by G. S. Komolova, V. F. Makeyeva, F. T. Guseyn,ov, Ye. V. Belikova, I. A. Yegorov, Yu. P. Druzhinint and G. N. Podluzhnaya] (Text) A study was made of activity o� acid and alkaline DNAases, as well as struc- ture of suprzmolecular DNA (SM-DNA) in rat tissues over a 24-h period. Circadian changes in these parameters were demonstrated. The circadian curves of enzyme activity in the liver presented one peak and those of lymprioid tissues had two. The degree of periodicity of enzyme activity was related to intensity of DIVA meta- bolism in tissue. The circadian rhythm of SM-DNA structure in lymphoid tiss:ies, like synthesis and quantitative DNA content, is described by a single-peak curve. However, the positions of the corresponding extremums on the curves are shifted in time. There is reason to believe that the circadian change in UNAase activity is related predominantly to catabolic metabolism of DNA, while the state of DNA is related to anabolic aspects thereof. Figures 3; references 33. - , UDC; 516.008.63 - CHANGES IN THE ORGANISM'S S'JPPLIES OF NUCLEGSIDES--THYMIDINE AN!) DEOXYURIDINE-- IN THE COURSE OF A 24-HOIIR PERIOn [Abstract of article by V. F. Mikhaylov,Yu. P. Druzhinin,'F Ye. Yu. Moskaleva and T. A. Fedorovai'] [Text] Studies were made af the course in time of excretion of free deoxynucleo- sides of the pyrimidine class-thyir_idine and deoxyuridine---in urine of rats kept under diff.erent illumination modes. Nucleoside excretion was higher during the dark pEriod than the light. A reduction of the light period did not reliably alter the output of these compounds per day; with 3ecrease in illumination there was a 2.5-fold increase in 24-h excretion of deoxyuridine. Restriction of rat mobility led to different changes in the stock of deoxyur.idine as a function of the base level in cantrol animals. Figures 2; references 11. UDC: 616.008.63 CHANGES IN MANGANESE CONCENTRATION IN RATS IN THE COU1tSE OF THE DAY [24 HOURS] AS A FUNCTION OF INTENSITY AND MODE OF ILLUMINATION - [Al7stract of article by V. N. Reushkin, N. P. Roslyakov and A. M. Samonov] [Text] Experiments on rats revealed that the circadian curves reflecting changes in manganese concentration in the course of a day in the liver and thytnus differed in accordance with illumination mode. During adaptation of animals to a change in FOR OFFICIA~ USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 FOR OFFI('lAL LTSE ONLY illumination conditions, the change in these periodic processes occurs at different rates. Tables 1; references 7. UDC: 616~008.63 STUDY OF CIRCADIAN RHYTHMS OF CELLULAR REPRODUCTION IN HYPJKINETIC RATS [Abstract ef article by Yu. A. Romanov, S. S. Filippovich, E. T. Ostroushko, L. I. Stepanova, Ye. A. Kovalenko and E. A. Kamenetskaya] [Text] Studies were made of circadian rhythms of number of DNA-synthesizing and dividing cells, intensity of DNA synthesis, duration of premitotic period of the mitotic cycle in parenchymal and stromal cells of the liver, in cells of the cryptal epithelium of the small intestineof rats submitted to experimental hypo- kinesia for 34 days. IL was demonstrated that, under s;:ch conditions, there is a - drastic decrease in number of DNA-synthesizing and dividing hepstocytes, and inhi- bition of rate of DNA synthesis in them. There was considerably less marked re- duction of stromal cell reproduction in the liver, and none was demonstrable in the cryptal of the small intestine. Consequently, the rapidly renewed " cellular system is more resistant to hypokinesia than one that is slowly renewed. At the same time, in none of the examined tissues did hypokinesia lead to appreci- able disturbances of phasic structuze of circadian rhythms of cellular reproduc- - tion. This indicates that there is no direct connection between periodicity of cell division and.rhythm of motor activity af animals, which is apparently not among the main time sensors for processes of cellular proliferation. Figures 5, ~ *ables l; references 54. ' UDC: 616.008.53 SOME PATTERNS OF CHANGE IN CIRCADIAN RHYTHMS WITH DIFFERENT LIGHTING MODES ~ [Abstract of article by Yu. P. Druzhinin,i' G. N. Podluzhnaya, G. P. Rodina and V. M. Seraya] [Text] Results are submitted from a study of the "phase map" of several physiolo- gical and morphological parameters, periodicity of activity of the hypothalamus-- p:iLlsitary--adrenal system, rhythms of cellular reproduction and nucleic metabolism in Wistar rats submitted t:a different modes of illumination. It was established that there is the se;ne reaci:ion to both a decrease in light period and in illumina- tion level. Figures 3; reierences 11. Content s Page Introduction (B. S. Alyakrinskiy) 3 Problems of Biorhythm Theory. Studies of Human Biorhythms Adaptation in the Light of Biorhythmology (B. S. Alyakrinskiy) 8 = Acrophase Wandering Zone (S. I. Stepanova) 37 Linguistic Analysis of Heart Rhythm (A. D. Cherkay, Yu. A. Vlasov) 62 Mechanisms of Adapti�ae Change in Circadian Rhythms (V. I. Makarov) 70 Circadian F1uctuatioris of EKG Intervals in Man on the Usual Sleep and Waking Schedule (A. A. Koreshkov) 74 - 106 FOR OFFIC7AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Studies of Animal Biorhythms Circadian Rhythm of Activity of Large-Cell Nuclei of the Rat Hypo thalamus and Adrenal Cortex (Ye. I. Zubkova-Mikhaylova, Yu. P. Druzhinint i N. D. Polyakova, L. M. Ponomarenko) 81 Effect of Changes in Photoperiod and Illumination on Circadian Rhythm of Cell Reproduction in the Rat Esophageal Epithelium (Yu. A. Romanov, S. S. Filippovich, Yu. P. 97 Circadian Rhythm of Activity of DNAases and Structure of DNA in Rat Tissues (G. S. Komolova, V. F. Makeyeva, F. T. Guseynov, Ye. V. Belikova, - I. A. Yegorov, Yu. P. Druzhininl', G. N. Podluzhnaya) 105 Changes in the Organism's Supplies of Nucleosides--Thymidina and Deoxy- uridine--in the Course of a 24-h Period (V. F. Mikhaylov, Yu. P. Druzhininf, Ye. Yu. Moskaleva, T. A. Fedorovat) 113 Change in Manganese Concentration in Rats in the Course of the Day [24-h] _ as a Function of Intensity and Mode of Illumination (V. N. Reushkin, N. P. Roslyakov, A. M. Samonov) 118 Study of Circadian Fhychms of Cellular Reproduction in Hypokinetic Rats (Yu. A. Romanov, S. S. Filippovich, E. T. Ostroushko, L. I. Stepanova, = Ye. A. Kovalenko, E. A. Kamenetskaya) 121 Some Patterns of Change in Circadian Rhythms With Different iighta.rig .Mades - (Yu. P. Druzhininf, G. N. Yodluzhnaya, G. P. Rodina, V. M. Seraya) 135 COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", 1979 10,657 CSO: 184Q/994 107 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY P,SYCHOLOGY THEORETICAL AND .APPLIED RESEARCH IN PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY OF SPORTS ACTIVITIES Kazan' TEORETICf1ESKIYE I PRIKLADNY'IE ISSLEDOVANIYA PSIKHOFIZ.IOLOGII SPORTIVNOY DEYATEL'NOSTI in Russian 1979 (signed to press 15 Oct 80 [sic]), pp 2,.... [Annotation and Cable of contents from book "Theoretical and Applied Research in Psychophysiology of Sports Activities" edited by Docents A. P. Kashin and V. M. Shadrin, published by decree of the Editorial and Publishing Council of Kazan' University, Izdatel'stvo Kazanskogo universiteta, 500 copies, 101+ pages] [Text] This publication sheds light on theoretical and applied aspects of complex studies of individual psychological differences in sports. There is discussion of some theses of general theory of sports activity. There is reflection of the psychophysiological distinctions of high-class athletes--fighters, tradk and field _ athlete-sprinters, sailboat sailerr and mountain climbers. This collection is intended for researchers in psychology, physiology and pedagogics, as well as specialists and trainers working with high-class combined teams. . Contents Page ~ Construction of General Theory of Sports Activity (V. V. Davydov) 3 Experimental Study of Prototype of Mental Traits Assuring Achievement in Purpose of Athlete's Performance in International Competition (L. M. Abolin, A. Ya. Chebykin) 10 Morphological and Psychophysiological Organization of High-Class Track and Field Athletes as Related to Qualitative Manifestations of _ Sprinting Performance (A. P. Kashin, Kh. M. Murtazin) 28 Dynamics of Psychophysiological Parameters (Yu. T. Varennikov) 87 Distinctive Psychological and Psychophysiological Features of Instructors in Mountain Climbing (A. V. Yevseyev) 101 COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo Kazanskogo universiteta, 1979 10,657 CSO: 1840/999 - 108 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 FOR OFFICIAL UtiE ONLY 1 - EMOTIONS AND RECREATION OF ATHLETES Moscow EMOTSII I OTDYKH SPORTSMENA in Russian 1980 (signed to press 8 Oct 80) - pp 2-3, 64 [Annotation, beginning of article and table of contents from book "Emotions and - Recreation of Athletes", by Roman Stepanovich Demeter.("News in Life, Science and Technology, 'Physical Culture and Sports' Series," No 11), Izdatel'stvo _ "Znaniye", 55,300 copies, 64 pages] - [Text] The author acquaints readers with original methods and procedures for independent control of emotional states of athletes to remove tension and fatigue. The pamphlet offers advice that can also be followed by individuals who are not engaged in sports in order to eliminate emotional tension that arises in the course of their work. Emotions of Athletes It is an important national task to strengthen and develop the physical and - spiritual potential of the Soviet people. The Soviet system of physical education offers vast opportunities for millions of people to engage in sports, develop physically and strengthen health. Sports bring joy, inculcate a sense of collectivism and are instrumental in harmonious development of the personality. This applies if we discuss sports in general. But what about high achievement sports, major sports? Do they always bring joy, can an athlete always show what he is capable of? On what does this depend? ' There are numerous outstanding athletes characterized by composure, ability to aim at victory and overcome psychological barriers. Emotional sCability is inherent in them. In a sports competition they display enormou s will power, inexhaustible _ spiritual and physical strength. For them, competition is a festive.occasion. V. Alekseyev, a veteran of heavy athletics and frequent world champion, is an example, first of all, of emotional stability of athletes who constantly show high atheltic achievement. The ability to collect his strength and aim at victory is inherent in him. Among the young weight-lifters, these traits are prominent in Yu. Vardanyan, who set a number of world records at the 7th National Games of the USSR and at the 22d Olympics. Heavy athlete D. Rigert broke records more than 60 times.... , : = 109 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Contents - Emotions of Athletes Factors of Emotianal Tension Science Dealing With Self-Control Brief Discussion of Sleep Function - Recreation [Rest] of Athletes Emotions 2nd Ethical Behavior Self-Regulation of Emotiona.l State and Sleep (SES Method) Formation of AthYete's Emotional Stability - Emotional E.xercises in the Educational and Training Process COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Znauiye", 1980 10,657 CSO: 1840/999 110 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY Page 3 16 26 33 36 42 45 57 59 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY SELF-REGULATION AND PREDICTION OF SOCIAL BEHAVIOR OF THE INDIVIDUAL Leningrad SAMOREGULYATSIYA I PROGNOZIROVANIYE SOTSIAL'NOGO POVEDENIYA LICHNOSTI in Russian 1979 (signed to press 14 Nov 79) pp 2-5, 263-264 [Annotation, foreword and table of contents fram book "Self-Regulation and Prediction of Social Behavior of the Individual" edited by V. A. Yadov, Institute of Socio- economic Problems, USSR Academy of Sciences, Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", 5100 copies, 264 pages] [Text] In this monograph, analysis is made of the results of a many-year study conducted by a team of Leningrad sociologists and social psychologists, which deals with motivation of the personality, the role thereof in self-regulation of = social behavior, oojective determination of motivation and its reflecti.on in con- sciousness. The study is based on the hypothesis of structure of value orienta- tions and social sets of the personality, which form the disposition system. There is discussion of the problem of correlation between conscious desires of the per- sonality and its real actions, as well as prognostic value of information about - a personality's dispositions for predicting certain forms of people's social behavior. Studies were pursued of the various distinctions of dispositional regulation of behavior of 1000 Leningrad engineers. This book contains a wealth of inethodological material and describes in detail the main investigative procedures that can be used to study the personality. The book is intended for specialists in the field of philosophy, sociology, psychology and pedagogics, as well as all those interested in problems of personality and human behavior. Foreword The offered work was initially conceived as a complex sociological and sociopsycho- - logical study of regulatory functions of value orientations of the personality.* However, as we developed the research program, we arrived at the conclusion that value arientations are an element of a more complex,, hierarchtcally organized structure of the personality's relations to its living and working conditions. There is an abundant literature dealing with regulatory functions of various states of personality readiness for a specific mode of action. They are given different names--vital position, orientation of interests, value orientation, social set, , subjective attitude, dominant motivation, subjective meaning imparted to actions, etc. All this is nothing other than disposition of the personality, fixed in its ' *See: "The rersonality and Its Value Orientations," Moscow, No 1, 1969 - (INFORMATSIONNYY BYULLETEN' IKSI AN SSSR, No 4, 19). 111 ~ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 FOR OFFICIAL UtiE 4NF.Y - social experience of predisposition to percei_ve and assess conditions of activity, - as we11 as to act in a specific manner under these conditions. It is reasonable to assume that personality dispositions are not chaotic, but that they form asystem. This study was based on expressly this idea.* Investigation _ of the distinctions cf disposition structure and its properties, objective and sub- jective conditions of its formation and, finally, its correlztions witih actual _ [real] social behavior of the personality constitute the main'theoretical content of this book. - From the standpoint of practical feasibility of predicting social behavior, the ~ authors' objective was to demonstrate the "prognostic value" of inFormation about ~ different states of a subject's predisposition for specific behavior under specified conditions. The latter is quite important also for the reason that subjective - evaluation data are used extensiveZy to gain information about the real behavior of people in the foreseeable future. Yet the extent to which such forecasts are well-grounded is still unclear, let alone the comparative value of diverse methods of obtaining such information. A sampling group of engineers numbering more than 1000 people, working in planning and design organizations of Leningrad, were submitted to examination. From the standpoint of the main objectives of the research plan, they did not emerge as a - social and professional group, but as a set of subjects whose activities were analyzed in different aspects. . At the same time, problems of organizing engineering work and the personality of the planning engineer, on whose active vital pDSition depends to a-significant extent the immediate integration of science and industry, is a subject that it is exceptionally important to give special consideration. The authors, who are well- aware of its importance, devoted s special bcok to the suibject.** ciere, however, we shall deal with such questions only to the extent that it ia necessary to discussion of the main subject--regulation and-self-reguXation of social behavior flf the personality [individual]. * ~ * Tha following participated actively in different stages of this study: V. A. - Yadov (head of research project), V. V. Vodzinskaya, I. S. Kon, A. t.. Kissel', G. I. Saganenko and A. P. Sopikov in elaborating the general program; V. A. Yadov *See: Yadov, V. A., 1) "Dispositional Regulation of Social Behavior of the Personality," in "Metodologicheskiye problemy sotsial'noy psikhologii" [Methodo- iogical Problems of Social Psychology], Moscow, 1975; 2) "The Personality as the Ubject and Subject of Social Relations," in "Sotsiologiya i Sovremennost "'[Socio- logy and Modern Times], Moscow, Vol 1, 1977; Yadov, V. A., and Vodzinskaya, V. V., "Internal Regulation of a Subject's Social Behavior," in "Yroblemy sotsial'noy poikhologii" [Problems of Social Psychology], Tbilisi, 1976. **See: "Sociopsychological Portraat of a.n Engineer. From Results of a Survey of Engineers in Planning and Designing Organizations of Laningrad," edited by V. A. Yadov, Moscow, 1977. 112 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONI.Y APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 FOR OFFICIAI. IISE ONL,Y - (labor), V. V. Vodzinskaya (recreation), A. A. Semenov (psychological tests), G. I. Saganenko (determination of general requirements as to validation and relia- bility of procedures) in the design of inethods for the main sections of the st;ldy, as well as V. N. Kayurova, A. A. Kissel', V. A. Losenkov, Ye. E. Smirnova and A. A. Sopikov, who developed some of the methods; V. V. Vodzinskaya, L. D. Doktorova, L. Ye. Kesel'man, V. S. Magun, V. P. Rukavishnikov, G. I. Saganenko, A. A. Semenov, Ya. Tamm and V. A. Yadov in development of inethods for analysis of data, design - of summary indicators [parameters] and typological procedures; L. N. Veksha and L. Ye. Kesel'man (supervisors of field studies), L. V. Bozrikova, G. F. Krasnonosenko, . G. A. Pozharskaya and S. P. Khrshanovskaya in gathering and primary analysis of data; Ye. I. Ignat'yeva, in preparing the text for publication. At the preliminary stage, the data were processed 3t the Computer Center of the ISI [Construction Engineering Institute] of the USSR Academy of Sciences using the _ programs of V. I. Molchanov and A. R. Tolstova, and at the Computer Cenrer of Tartu - University using the programs of E. Tiyt and M. Tooding. Final processing was per- rormed at the Computer Center of Estonian Radio and Television using the programs of L. Vykhandu, A. Laumets and A. Laumets with the participation of Ya. Tamm, as well as the Computer Center of ISEP [expansion unknown], USSR Academy of Sciences, _ by a team headed by I. V. Klokachev and V. T. Perekrest, consisting of 0. N. Dlyakonova, D. V. Igolkina, Zh. I. Panchuk, P. V. Suvorov, T. V. Khachaturova and Z. V. Shtennikova. * ~ * Different sections were written by the following authors: Chapter I, � 1, 3, 4-- V. A. Yadov, � 2--A. A. Semenov; Chapter II--G. V. Vodzinskaya, V. N. Kayurova, A. A. Kissel', G. I. Saganenko, A. A. Semenov, V. A. Yadov; Chapter III, � 1--L. V. Bozrikova, G. I. Saganenko, A. A. Semenov, V. A. Yadov, � 2--V. A. Yadov, � 3-- A. A. Semenov, V. A. Yadov, � 4--V. V. Vodzinskaya, V. A. Yadov; Chapter IV, � 1-- G. I. Saganenko, V. A. Yadov, F 2--L. V. Bozrikova, A. A. Kissel', � 3--V. N. Uzunova; Chapter V--V. S. Magun; Chapter VI, � 1, 3--V. A. Yadov, � 2--G. I. Saganenko, V. A. Yadov; Appendices: A) Description of Methods--V. V. Vodzinskaya, V. N. Kayurova, A. A. Kissel', V. A. Losenkov, G. I. Saganenko, A. A. Semenov, Ye. ~ A. Smirnova, V. A. Yadov; B) System of Main Procedures for Preparation and Analysis of Data in a Complex Multistep Study--L. D. Doktorova. L. D. Doktorova compiled the "Table [Index] of Main Parameters [signs, tags] Used in This Baok." The team o_* researchers expresses their profound gratitude to those who participated constructively in discussions of the program and investigative methods: G. M. Andreyeva, Yu. V. Vooglayd, 0. I. Genisaretskiy, M. Gomelauri, V. M. Kvachakhiya, V. V. Kobanovskiy, V. N. Kudryavtsev, Yu. N. Kulyutkin, M. Lauristin',.N. S. Mansurov, Sh. A. Nadirashvili, N. F.-Naumova, V. B. 01'shanskiy, G. V. Osipov, Ye. V. Osipova, I. M. Paley, F. Pataki, G. S. Sukhobskaya, Z. I. Faynburg, E. Khaan, 0. I. Shkaratan, G. P. Shchedrovitskiy and comrades who commented on the text of this buok--V. B. Golofast, A. A. Gorbat:ov, S. I. 'Volod; B. Z. Doctorov, Ye. S. Kuz'min, I. I. Leyman, K. Muzdybayev and B. D. Parygir.. Contents Page Foreword 3 Chapter I. Regulation and Self-Regulation of Social Behavior of the Personality: Formulation of the Problem 6 1. Subje.ct of research 6 113 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 FOR OF'FICIAL UtiF; ONLY 2. Value-standard and social-set approaches to the study of self- regulation of behavior 12 3. Hypothesis of hierarchic strueture of dispositions of the oersonality and its social determination . 19 4. Functioning of disposition system 26 Chapter II. Logic and Main rnvestigative Procedures 33 _ 1. Object of investigation, direction of analysis of data 33 2. Methods of obtaining base information 39 _ Chapter III. Dispositional Structure 47 1. Value orientations 47 2. Correlation between value orientations and social sets 62 3. Integrity of disposition structure ' 70 4. Role of general orientation of interests in dispositional hierarchy 81 Chapter IV. Stability and Variability of Disposition System 88 1. Value orientatior_s as a reflection of life-style conditions 88 2. Conditions of professional activity and social sets in relation to = job-related qualities 101 3. Dispositional changes in a stress situation 109 Chap ter V. Dispositions and Real Behavior of the Personality 120 1. Sources of disposition-behavioral discoordination 120 2. Group disposition-behavior conformity 126 ~ 3. Individual disposition-behavioral discoordination 132 4. Structure of disposition-behavior discoordination of the personality 140 5. Effect of indicators of personality maturity on coordination of dispositions aad real behavior 151 Chap ter VI. Dispositions and Real Behavior of the Persanality (2) 160 1. Disposition system as a whole [integral element] and structure of real behavior 160 , 2. The place of dispositions in practical iorecasting of behavior 176 . 3. Principal theoretical conclusions based on results of study 188 Appe ndices 196 A. Description of Methods 196 1. Planning cyc12 (by G. I. Saganenko) 197 2: Certificarion (V. N. Kayurova) 198 3. Evaluation of work (industrial] situation (G. I. Saganenko, V. A. Yadov) 200 4, Recreation (V. V. Vodzin:;kaya) 201 5. Value orientations (adapted variant of inethod of M. Rokich; adaptation by A. Goshtautas, A. A. Semenov, V. A. Yadov) 208 6. Basic interview (V. A. Yadov) 209 7. Projective situations (G. I. Saganenko, V. A. Yadov) 216 - 8. Logic-semantic differential (V. A. Losenkov) 220 - 9. Semantic differential (developed by Ye. E. Smirnova) 222 10. Situative set (A. A. Kissel') 223 - 11. Satisfaction with occupation and work (A. A. Kissel') 226 ~ 12. Intelligence (developed by Ye. E. Smirnova) 228 13. Rigidity (developed by A. A. Semenov, Ye. E. Smirnova) 229 14. Impulsiveness (V. A. Losenkov) 230 15. Behavioral activity (adapted variant ef inethod of C. Jenkins; adaptation by A. Goshtautas, A. A. Semenov, V. A. Yadov) 232 16. Behavior at work (G. I. Saganenko) 233 17. Routine recreation (V. V. Vodzinskaya) 236 114 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000500410003-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ~ B. System of Main Procedures fox Preparation and Analysis of Data _ in a Complex Multistep Study 237 - Table of Main Parameters Used in This Book 248 COPYRIGFlT: Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", 1979 _ 10,657 = CSO: 1840/999 , _ 115 - FOR OFFICIAL USE OIVLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 1 SOCIOPSYCHOLOGICAL CLIMATE IN A GROGP: THEORY AND INVESTIGATIVE METEiODS Moscow SOTSIAL'NO-PSIKHOLOGICHESKIY KLIMEiT KOLLEKTIVA: TEORIYA I METODY IZUCHENIYA in Russian 1979 (signed to press 28 Nov 79) pp 2-4, [Annotation, foreword and table of conrents from book "Sociopsychological Climate in a Group: Theory and Investigative Methods" edited by Pxof Ye. V. Shorokhov a, doctor of philosophical sciences, and O., I. Zotova, candidate of psychological sciences, Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", 5000 copies, 162+ pages] [Text] This work deals with theoretical and experimental investigation of the socio- - psychological climate in a group. It describes various approaches to determination of the sociopsychological climate, discusses the conditions under which it is formed and analyzes the status of this problem in Soviet social psychology and abroad. - Foreword The tasks put by the Party in the fields of economics, politics and communistic training require constant refinement of control of the entire national economy ~ and guidance of each work group. The practical implementation of these tasks would be impossible without theoretical.interpretation thereof, without following the theoretical recommendations in the practical building of communism. Aepresenta- tives of the social sciences must also make their contribution to this national cause. Comrade L. I. Brezhnev stated: "It is obvious that the tasks put to our social science can only be performed if it is very closely related to life. Scholastical theorizing could only slow down our progress. It is only the link with practice that can raise the effectiveness of science, and this is one of the focal problems of our times."* Worker groups are playing an increasing role in solving the main economic, socio- political and educational problems facing our people. They "participate in the discussion and solution of national and social affairs, in planning production and social development, in training and placement of personnel, in discussion and solution of problems of managemPnt of enterprises and institutions, improvement of working and living conditions, use of funds assigned for development of industry, as well as social and cultural measures and material incentives." *"Proceedings of the 25th CPSU Congress," Moscow, Politizdat, 1976, p 73. _ 116 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000500410003-2 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY "Worker groups develop socialist competition, they are ir..strumental in dissemiaating progressive work mettiods, strengtilening work discipline; they educate rheir members J in the spirit of communistic ethics; they are concerned about improving their political awareness, sophistication and professional qualifications."* This collective book deals with pressing problems of immediate practical relevance-- the study of the sociopsychological climate in worker groups. The participating authors are scientists on the staff of the Institute of Psychology, USSR Academy of Sciences, and other social psychology centers of the Soviet Union (Kostroma, Yaroslavl', Leningrad, Kursk), who have iried ta reflect the status of rese3rch on these problems at the current stage of development of sociopsychological science in the USSR and abroad. It offers a system of concepts of theory of sociopsychological climate, and explores the different factors thereof. There is a special section of the,collection that deals with descriptions of methods of investigating the sociopsychological climate. The lack of generalizing literature on problems of social and psychological climate, the complexity and insufficient development of these problems have resulted in a - diversity of approaches and points of view concerning the phenomena under dis- cussion, and this was reflected in this collection. - The team of authors expresses its hope that the book will be interesting and us eful to specialist psycho].ogists, philosophers, as well as supervisors of industrial groups, for whom formation of a beneficial sociopsycholo;ical climate is a pres sing task. Contents P age Foreword 3 Section l. Theoretical Problems of Sociopsychological Climate The Problem of sociopsychological climate in Soviet social psychology. (V. I. Antonyuk, 0. I. zotova, G. A. Mochenov, Ye. V. Shorokhova) 5 Development of a System of Concepts of Theory of Psychological Climate iri Soviet Psychology (K. K. Plgtonov, V. G. Kazakov) 25 Ideological Influence as a Factor Affecting the Sociopsychological Climate (Yu. A. Sherkovin) 41 Factors Regulating the Sociopsychological Climate in a Group (N. N. Obozov) 49 Sociopsychological Climate in Groups Differing in Ot-ganization (A. S. Chernyshev, Ye. I. Timoshuk) 59 Sociopsychological Climate in a Group and Socialist Competition (V. A. Kol'tsova) 68 Effect of Rating and Publicitv About Results of Socialist Competitions on Sociopsychological Climate in a Group (I. Kospv) 76 Effect of Organization of Socialist Competitions in Rural Areas on Formation of Beneficial Moral Psychological Climate (V. V. Novikov, - V. G. Povarov) 83 - 5tudies of Conflicts in U. S. Social Psychology as Related to - Psychological Climate (V. A. Sosni.n) 90 Studies of Sociopsychological Climate in the United States (S. K. Roshin) 103 ~ *"Constitution (Main Law) of the Union of Soviet Socialsit Republics," Moscow, Politizdat, 1977, pp 7-8, article 8. � 117 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R400540010003-2 FOR OFFIC1Al, USE ONLY Section 2. Methods of Studying the Sociopsychological Climate Study of Sociopsycholr,gical Climate in Primary Industrial Groups (A. A. Rusalinova) 117 Management Style for Control of Sociopsychological Climate in an - Industrial Group (A. L. Zhuravlev) 134 Study of Sociopsychological Climate in Scientific and Engineering Groups (V. I. Antonyuk, G. A. Mochenov) 146 Experimental Study of Psychological Climate in a Group (R. S. Nemov) 155 'Color Writing" [Coloring?j as a Procedure for Empirical Studies of Psychological Climate in a Group (A. N. LUTOSHKIN'h) 162 COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", 1980 10,657 CSO: 1840/999 F, 118 FOR OFF[C[AI. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000500410003-2 - FOR OFF'ICIAL USE ONLY = PSYCHOPHYSICS OF SENSORY SYSTEMS Moscow PSIKHOFIZIKA SENSORNYKH SISTEM in Russian 1979 (signed to press 17 Oct 79) Pp 2-8, 199 [Annotation, introduction by Yu. M. Zabrodin and table of contents from book "Psychophysics of Sensory Systems", edited by R. G. Lomov and Yu. M. ZabYodin, Institute of Psychology, USSR Academy of Sciences, Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", 3500 copies, 199 pages] [Text] This collection deals with problems of psychophysical studies of sensory processes. It discusses theoreticaJ aspects of auch research, offers an idea about the main scientific t�rends that have recently appeared in psychophysics, discusses some problems of experimental methods and procedures, and submits the results of research conducted in this field. The book is intended for specialists - concerned with experimental and applied psychology, physiologists, biophysicists, physicians, undergraduate and graduate students in the relevant specialties. Introduction A*_ the present time, psychophysics is one of the 3ranches of psychological science that is being developed the most intensively in the USSR. Its purpose is to investigate the main patterns of sensory mental reflection, primarily of the struc- ture, content and proper.ties of mental images as related to the objective proper- ties of ext.ernal objects and events that are the actual object of reflect:ion. In other words, psychophysics is concerned with *_he relationship af reflection to wrat is reflected, "it takes the subaective as a characteristic of mental reflec- tion by comparison thereof to the physical properties cf reflected objects" (B. F. Lomov, "The Systems Approach in Psychol:,gy," VOPROSY PSIKHOLOGII, No 2, 1975, p 43). However, the real relations between the subject and outside world shows us immedi- ately that any "linear" or "flat" approach to analysis of mental phPnomena, includ- ing graphic reflection, has limf.tations. Awareness of this circumstance suggests that it is necessary to turn from former linear atzd determiniatic conceptions to the principle of systemic determiriation of the mind, the need to disclose the real psychological mechanisms of cantrol of behavior and activity of subjects. It is extremely important from this vantage point to consider the real role and function of a mental image as the result of mental reflection or regulator of man'S behavior and activity. Unfortunately, there has not yet been proper development in worldwide or Soviet sciPnce of the very fruitf_ul ideas of the outstanding Soviet psychologist, B. G. Anan'yev (which he advanced as f ar back as the early 1960's) concerning the high significance of processes of sensory reflection in *_he overall 119 FOR OFFICIAL. USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000500410003-2 FOR OFIFICIAL USE ONLY - system of cognitive and regulatory mental processes. If psychophysics does not wish ta remain a self-contained specific branch of psychology, it will inexorably "proliferate" into allied branches of psychology, and not only psychology, but neurophysiology, physics and cybernetics, being enriched by their methods, ideas and findings and, in turn, enriching these allied branches of science. This tendency toward expanding strengthening correlations between psycho- - physics and other sciences in the: system of allied scientific disciplines, toward revising its own subject and internal range of problems on the basis of a stronger methodology and new paradigms, is a typical feature of modern Soviet and worldwide psychophysics. This is associated with the emergence of a number of new directions, theoretical and experimental, basic and applied branches thereof. The desire to consider the object of research in a systemic way, as well as to organize the internal categorial system, systematize the range of problems and develop new investigative methods, is outlining the route of future expansion of psychophysics and directions of its development in the immediate future. It is opportune to mention here sore new and latest directions which, in our opinion, determine the typical and outline of modern psychophysics. First of all, we refer to development and deepening of research in the area of general and special, concrete methodology of psychophysics, development of theory of inethods of investigation, analysis, interpretation snd application of accumulated knowledge (principles, conceptions, laws, patterns, facts, etc.). One of the reasons for this is the need, in view of the above-mentioned quantitative growth in areas of research, to preserve the qualitative. specificity of the object - studied and consolidate the depth and precision of analysis that are inherent in psychophysics as one of the oldest branches of psycholigy, which have armed ti:Qm- selves with the experimental method of investigation. Work in the area of theoretical analysis of research methods and procedures is closely linked with this direction. We refer to the development of general theory of psychological measurements, refinement of the formal anparatus that would be suitable for describing the ghenomena and processes studied, development of history and theory of experimental methods in psychology and psychophysics, l.ogical and - psychological validation of research strategies (combined dynamic procedures extending in time; adaptive controlled experiments, etc.). The main idea in this _ direction is, in our opinion, to develop the qualitative and quantitative system, expand and verify the system of models and mathematical descriptions of psycholo- gical mechanisms of the processes in question. . Another direction is characterized by advancement toward increasing use of data and mathods from psychophysiology of sensory systems and neurophysiology. There are two main groups of problems determining this direction. The first is related to the search for additional reliable indicators of inental activity; which would serve as a reliable enough support for the researcher in verifying psychophysical hypotheses and models, including such checks in the course of a.n actual experiment. The second group of problems referable to this direction is, as we see it, more theoretical: comparative analysis of psychophysical hypotheses and data, as - related to results of neurophy s io logical studies. And, as we have repeatedly mentioned, one must bear in mind the rather specific, nonlinear nature of rela- _ tions between nervous processes, mechanisms of function of systems of the brain and mental processes, psychological mechanisms of the phenomena under study. 120 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000500410003-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY While nervous processes conszitute a complexly organized dynamic system, mental processes should be viewed as a sort of "supersystem" [or suprasystem]. In other words, the relationship between :nental and nervous phenomena is a relationship between two complex systems that are not necessarily organized in a similar way.- It is our assumption that investigation of the nature of neurophysiological "res- trictions" could yield a beneficial result, if we compare them to borderline _ phenomena and mental characteristics. For this reason, we believe should . expect to discover new and interesting facts and patterns in the area of such com- parative analysis of expressly psychophysical phenomena and their neurophysiologi- cal basis. Tcie next direction, which is important in our opinion, refRrs to investigation of dynamic properties of psychophysical phenomena and processes, which have been little studied thus far. Paradoxically enough, while scientist-psychologists are well aware of the processual nature of inental phenomena, they are not concerned (with rare exceptions) with theoretical and experimental research on time, dynamic and changing characteristics of man's work in solving psychophysical prob- lems. The same applies, in particular, to setting up research procedures and methods of processing data. In recent years, two beneficial lines of work have emerged in this direction: inves- tigatiot. of the dynamics of sensory characteristics of the observer, dynamics of parametars of a sensory process--on different levels and scales and of different origin; psychophysical analysis of the distinctions of reflection and work with dynamic signals. 7c must be borne in mind that psychophysics has strived in its experimental procedures to deal essentially with so-called discrete problems: the alphabet of stimuli was limited to a set of discrete signals (individual tests, experiments), while the results of the work were assessed in a discrete set of responses. Of course, psychophysical investigation of continuous problems is incredibly more complex: strong theoretical arguments and ideas are tieeded, that would make it possible to separate in the analysis sensory, extrasensory and effector (regulatory) aspects of a process, in the manner that psychophysical theory makes it possible to do in studying the above-mentioned discrete problems. Finaliy, investigation of individual distinctions of man's work in solving psycho- physical problems constitutes another important direction. This direction is valuable to us not only because it discloses additional opportunities for differ- ential evaluation of the observer's capabilities, to define the.typology of indi- vidual reactions, although such work could also be quite productive if the latest advances of psychophysics are used. It is also of great scientific import- ance to study individual characteristics and strategies of solving psychophysical problems, which could define the range of the numerous individual variations and - specifics of movement (expression) oF the process in this range. The very nature of research acquires, so to speak, two levels: a search is made of what is common to individual variations and individual invariants as the specific characteristics of individual execution. Here we find that it is possible to "double" check'the - theoretical theses: there is verification of the results and conclusions of _ general theory on a multitude of data and a check of the corollaries of general theory by means of comparing the theoretical description of a process obtained by defining more concretely the general theory (or model) to the experimentally observed results. Such is the brief description of promising directions of development of psycho- physical research. Of course, the foregoing does not mean that traditional 121 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 FUR OFFICiAL USE ONLY psychophysical research will cease to develap. We find that there is also further deepening of work in these directions: research methods are becoming more refined and sophisticated, progress is continuing in the area of investigation of reflec- tion of complex signals, theoretical descriptions of processes of detection, dis- crimination and evaluation of signals are becoming more complex and gaining greater depth. This book is an attempt to shed light on some new directions in psychophysics of sensory systems in the immediate future. It was prepared by the Laboratory of Psychophysics of the Institute of Psychology, USSR Academy of Sciences; the authors are on the staff of this institute, and they also include our Soviet and foreign colleagues. The collecti.on consists of three sections: the first deals with primarily theoretical research; the second discusses problems of inethods of psychophysics; the third sub- mits data obtained from experimental research. The first section begins with an article by Yu. M. Zabro din,V. N. Nosulenko and A. P. Pakhomov, "Dynamic Aspects of the Detection Process," in which they sum up the results they obtained from studies of theoretical approaches and pheno- menology of the dynamics of sensory processes of man's discovery and discrimination of signals. The purpose of this article is to draw the attention of psychophysi- cists to this problem, point to the need to develop new approaches, new theoretical - conceptions and the need to develop adequate methods of experimental analysis of dynamic phenomena in psychophysics (including a search for suitable methuds of processing data). The article of Ye. Z. Frishman deals with theoretical validation and search for strong argumentation in favor of the hypothesis of effects of inechanisms and levels of activation on dynamics of psychophysical parameters. This idea can be _ viewed as one of the first steps on the road to analysis of individual typological _ distinctions of the observer. The article by D. M. Green et al. (United States), "Detection and Identification of Clear Tones in Noise," submits the results of verification of a theorem that relates data obtained from experiments dealing with detection of tonal signals ' against the background of noise to the parameters of man's identification of . acoustical signals of different frequencies. It was demonstrated that the conclusions of the theorem are valid in cases when it is valid to assume that input signals are orthogonal (in particular, when the difference between fre- quencies of identified signals is greater than the critical band for hearing). The article of H. G. Gaissler (GDR) deals with the main lines of research in modern worldwide psychophysics an3 some new advances in this field. It offers an exemplary classification of the main approaches and demonstrates the possibility of developing some of them in different branches of psychophysics. H. G. Gaissler demonstrates convincingly the fruitfulness of systems analysis of psychophysical phenomena. In the next two articles of the theoretical section, there is discussion of the possibie and neurophysiological mechanisms and bases of psycho- physical phenomena. A. N. Lebedev et al. undertake a fruitful attempt, in our 122 - FOk OFF[CIAL USE QNLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000500410003-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY opinion, to validate some of the laws of psychophysics on the basis of analysis of the properties of electrical activity of the brain. These findings are based on a model of electrical activity of neurons and neuronal nets, which they are developing, which considers residual (oscillatory) phenomena in the system of connected neurons. N. I. Chuprikova discusses the possible sources of the false-alarm reaction and mechanisms of realization of the observer's criterion; she describes three hypothe- tical mechanisms that provide for maximization of the probability of detection of a signal: guessing, mechanisms of pretriggering integration, second-signaling system conscious differentiation between sensations, with respect to quality and quantity. She demonstrates the specificity of the mechanism of the false-alarm reaction, the nature of which cannot, in her opinion, be related to simple, un- organized neuronal "noise." The second section on methods consists of two articles. The article by K. V. Bardin, "Instructions in Psychophysical Experiments," offers - some beneficial methodological instructions on planning and organizing psychophysical experiments. He explains how one can eliminate the undesirable influence of in- complete or inaccurate instructions on the end results of experiments. Yu. A. Indlin shows how one can use the energetic model he proposes of sigAal dis- crimination by man for qualitative evaluation of some parameters of observer work with the use of the method of constants. The third section of this collection contains the results of experimental research. Two articles, by G. S. Shlyakhtin and I. Mar�inova, and . L. Mitrani (People's Republic of Bulgaria), deal with evaluation af the time characteristics of - perceived and discriminated signals. In the first of these articles, there is = experimental verification of a model of discrimination of short periods, and it is shown that when working with different intervals there may be a change in discrimination mechanisms from evaluation of time of formation of a sensory image to analysis of amount of sensory information per unit time. In the second article, evaluation of signal duration as a function of its physical time and magnitude of standard was obtained; it was found to be an exponential function of physical time of the observed interval as related to the standard interval. The article by K. V. Bardin, Yu. M. Zabrodin, A. M. Ivanitskiy and L. V. Matveyeva submits the results of an experimental study of sensory and extrasensory factors of detection and discrimination of signals in the presence of some forms of inental disorders. It was demonstrated that certain disturbances of the sensory perceptive - process are present in schizophrenics and psychopathic personalities. There is also discussion of the distinctions involved in using methods of classical and modern psychophysics to study sensory processes in the presence of pathology. The last article in this section is by A. P. Chernyshev and V. G. Zazykin, who demonstrated experimentally the stochastic and nature of reflection of _ physical parameters of a signal in problems of the co.itinuous type: tracking random and harmonic signals. - Thus, the articles in this collection cover a wide range of trends in modern psycho- physics, and they may give the reader an idea about new problems and some of the 123 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000504010003-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY new findings made in recent years in psychophysics of sensory systems. The ideas and experimental data submitted in this collection may be of interest to special- ists in the field of psychophysics and psychophysiology of sensory systems and processes, as well as in experimental and engineering psychology. Contents Page Introduction 3 Dynamic Aspects of Detection Process (Yu. M. Zabrodin, V. N. Nosulenko, A. P. Pakhomov) 9 Variability of Detection Thresholds and Causes Thereof (Ye. Z. Frishman) 46 Detection and Identification of Clear Tones in Noise (D. Green, D. Weber, J. Duncan) 64 = Survey of Advances in Modern Psychophysics (H. G. Gaissler) 81 Physiological Prerequisites of Zaws of Psychophysics (A. N. Lebedev, B. G. Bovin, A. V. Pasynkova, V. A. Sadov, Yu. A. Shpatenko) 94 Instructions in Psychophysical Experiments (K. V. Bardin) 106 Possible Sources of False-Alarm Reactions and Psychophysiological Mechanisms of Optimi7ation of lletection (of Weak Signals) Processes (N. I. Chuprikova) 121 Qualitative Evaluation of a Subject's Work With Use of Method of Constants (Yu. A. Indlin) 129 Weber's Law and Discrimination of Short Intervals (G. S. Shlyakhtin) 139 Scaling Short Time Intervals Presented Visually (I. Marinova, L. Mitrani) 149 Distinctions of Regulation of Sensory Perceptive Processes in the �Presence of Some Forms of Mental Disorders (K. V. Bardin, Yu. M. Zabrodin, A. M. Ivanitskiy, L. V. Matveyeva) 153 Characteristics of Perception Accuracy in Tracking Continuous Signals (A. P. Chernyshev, V. G. Zazykin) 189 COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", 1979 10,657 CSO: 1840/999 124 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000540010003-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY SUMMARY OF CONFERr,'NCE ON PROBLEMS OF PSYCHOLOGISTS AT INDUSTRTAL ENTERPRISES - Moscow VESTNIK MOSKOVSKOGO UNIVERSITETA, SERIYA 14: PSIKHOLOGIYA in Russian No 3, Jul-Sep 81 (manuscrint received 3 Mar 81) pp 61-62 [Article by Vladimir Sergeyevich Ageyev, candidate of psychological sciences, junior scientist in Department of Social Psychology, Psychology Faculty of MGU (Moscow - State University), and Yekaterina Mikhaylovna Dubovskaya, senior laboratory techni- cian, Department of Social Psychology, Psychology Faculty, MGU] - [Text] A scientific and practical conference convened on 16 and 17 February in the Psychology Faculty of Moscow State University [MGU], which dealt with problems related to the work of a psychologist at an industrial enterprise . The conference was organized by the Department of Social.Psychology of this faculty and the Sociology Laboratory of the Tiraspol'skiy Garment Association imeni 40th Anniversary - of the Komsomol. Representatives of some industrial enterprises of Moscow, members of the departmezt of engineering psychology and industrial psychology, graduates _ from the faculty of psychology working in industry, as well as faculty students specializing in social psychology were also invited to participate in this con- ference. In his opening remarks, Prof A. A. Bodalev, dean of the Psychology Faculty, stressed the urgent need of increasing introduction of the results of psyctiolegical research into practice; he also outlined the main directions of applied studies in the light of the decisions of the 26th CPSU Congress. The paper of A. F. Pavlova, deputy director of the Tiraspol'skiy Garment Assaciation for management, social development and personnel, offered an exhaustive description of the achievements of this enterprise, both with regard to technical-economical indicators and social development of the personnel of the association. This association, which is headed lry V. S. Solov'yeva, Hero of Socialist Labor, has been in first�place for 110 successive quarters in the Al1-Union competition for this industrial sector. A. F. Pavlova also noted that the achievements of the enterprise were largely attributable to applied investigations and practical recommendations prepared by the staff of the enterprise's sociology laboratory, whicli is manned by four psychologists (three of whom are graduates from our faculty). V. V. Chichilimov, head of the association's sociology laboratory, outlined the main direction of work by the laboratory staff and the main tasks to further upgrade the performance of the sociopsychological service at industrial enterprises. He a:quainted the audience with a method of actively involving young people in industrial management by means of temporary appointment (for 1 day per month) to responsible positions, up to shop supervisors. The speaker demonstrated con- vincingly the enormous educiitional potential of such "business games." In con- clusion, V. V. Chichilimov appealed to the scientific psychological community for 125 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2047/02109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000504010003-2 - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY continued coorc:ination in defining the place and functions of a psychologist at an industrial enterprise, and he also praised the professional training of graduates of the Department of Social Psychology, Psychology Faculty of MGU. The next speeches by the staff of the sociology laboratory (V. M. Kashina, I. R. Rudkovskaya, A. G. Dumitrashko) defined some of the special "targeted programs": rpsearch on adaptation of young workers to a modern enterprise, the problem of creating "sociopsychological comfort," some aspects of work on problems of inter- personal perception, particularly in the system of management and subordination. After the speeches of guests from Tiraspol', the floor was given to the staff of the faculty. In their speeches, I. G. Kokurina, K. Ye. Danilin and 0. N. Chernysheva touched upon a number of ex.tremely important problems confronting clinical psychologists in a modern industrial enterprise: sociopsychological study of motivational structure of the personality, determination of functions of thp clinical psychologist, formulation of tasks for the sociopsychological services, interaction between social psychologists and industrial psychologists in solving - complex problems. In summing up the outcome of the first day of the conference, Prof G. M. Andreyeva, head of the Department of Social Psychology, discussed in detail pressing problems of training psychologist students for work at an industrial enterprise. In his - paper, several specific steps were proposed to improve the quality of training of future clinical psychologists: transfer of industrial practice to the fourth year, preliminary vocational guidance of students, participation of prominent clinical psychologists in working out and conducting different specialized practical classes, etc. The second day of the conference was organized in the form of "round table dis- - cussions." There were two focal issues: the first, discussion of the collective monograph by the staff of the sociological laboratory at the Tiraspalt Associat=on* and elaboration of a plan and prospects of future collaboration of the Department of Social Psychology with the sociological laboratflry of the Tiraspol' Association. The staff of the department praised the monograph of the Tiraspol' group. It was noted that this book was a good example of the genre of a scientific and practical monograph seldom encountered in psychologic3l literature (A. I. Dontsov, L. A. Petrovskaya); it was stressed that the book is very important to dissemination of the progressive knowhow of the sociological service at the Tiraspol'skiy Garment Association (I. G. Kokurina, A. U. Kharash). At the same time, several construc- tive comments were made, in particulai, about the need for stricter definition of the concepts used and separation of soci.opsychological, sociological and general psychological aspects in the study of specific practical problems (G. M. Andreyeva); it was also indicated that it is imperative to improve the validity of research results (K. Ye. Danilin, Yu. M. Zhukov, N. N. Bogomolova). Wishes were also ex- pressed concerning new directions of scientific applied research in the laboratory (T. Yu. Bazarov, V. S. Ageyev). *Solov'yeva, V. S., Kashina, V. M. and Chichilimov, V. V., "All About Us and Our Group," Kishinev, 1980. . 126 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY In the course of the discussion, there was definition of the main directions of future collaboration of Che two groups: regular exchange of information about research in progress, periodic meetings of representatives of both groups to discuss pressing theoretical and practical problems, scientific-methodological and consultant assistance on the part of the Department of Social Psychology. COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvc Moskovskogo universiteta. "Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta", 1981 10,657 CSO: 1840/31 y 127 FOR OFF[CIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000500410003-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY PSYCHIATRY PSYCHOPHARMACOTHERAPY: CONCISE HANDBOOK FOR PRACTICING PHYSICIANS Yerevan PSIKHOFARMAKOTERAPIYA: KRATKOYE RUKOVODSTVO DLYA PRAKTICHESKIKH VRACHEY in Russian 1980 (signed to press 1 Feb 80) pp 2-9 [Annotations, foreword by Prof G. Ya. Avrutskiy, head of the Department of Psycho- pharmacology, Moscow Scientific Research Institute of Psychiatry, RSFSR Ministry of Health, and table of contents from book "Psychopharmacotherapy--A Concise Handbook for Practicing Physicians", by Georgiy Avetisovich Burnazyan, edited by Prof E. S. Gabrielyan, doctor of inedical sciences, corresponding member of the Armenian Academy of Sciences, IzdatFl'stvo "Ayastan", 3000 copies, 344 pages] [Text] This book lists in a systematized form the most popular psychotropic agents, drugs to treat parkinsonism and other products that correct the side- effects and complications that occur from psychopharmacotherapy. Much attention is devoted to the distinctions of clinical efficacy of different products, their place and importance 3.n emergency psychiatric ca�re, combined therapy, pediatric practice and general medicine. The general section deals with current conceptions of the mechanisms of action of psychotropic agents and factors directly involved in their effects. It is intended for psychiatrists, neuropathologists and other specialists in clinical medicine. Figures 12, tables 4; references 840. This book was published at the recommendation of the Pharmacological Committee of the USSR Ministry of Health, Scientific Medical Cou,ncil of the Armenian Ministry of Health and on the basis of reviews by the following individuals: Prof M. D. Mashkovskiy, active member of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, head of the - Pharmacology Laboratory of the All-Union Scientific Research Chemical and Phar- maceutical Institute imeni S. Ordzhonikidze; Prof A. A. Megrabyan, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences; Prof G. Ya. Avrutskiy, head of the Psychopharmacology Department of Moscow Scientific Research Institute of Psychiatry, RSFSR Ministry of Health, and Prof G. S. Khachatryan, head of the Laboratory of Biosynthetic Brain Reactions, Yerevan State Medical Institute. T,ie book was written in the department of psychiatry, Yerevan State Medical Inatitute (headed by Prof A. A. Megrabyan). Foreword The wide use of a new class of drugs--psychotropic: agents---opened up new roads for treatment of inental illness. Unlike former mzthods of treating mental patients (insulin and electroconvulsive therapy), psychopharmacotherapy is char- acterized by relative safety and availability, not only in hospitals, bur under 128 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02109: CIA-RDP82-00854R000540010003-2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY extramural conditions, and mainly by the fact that it has high and selective thera- peutic efficacy in most cases. Moreover, it makes it possible to implement simul- taneously a combination of drug, sociovocational and psychotherapeutic treatment of psychopathological disorders. However, in spite of the broad introduction into psychiatric practice of psycho- tropic agents that are diverse in efficacy, full advantage is still not being taken of their qualities as drugs for treatment of psychosis. The main point is that there is not always a differentiated approach used to dispensation thexeof. For this reason, the method of "trial and errcr" c^ntinues to be used, on the basis of "what could help." The task at this stage of development of clinical psychopharmacology is to work out and define validated indications and contraindications for various psychotropic agents, optimum methods of altering dosage, changing drugs, combinations thereof in accordance with the dynamics of the patient's clinical status and nosological essence of disease. It must be stressed that psychopharmacotherapy, as a part of pharmacotherapy, is governed by the principles of strict dosing and purposeful orientation toward - specific symptoms, syndromes and states. For this reason, the chief prerequisite for achieving psychopharmacotherapeutic success is a differentiated clinically validated approach to administration of psychotropic agents. On tihis basis, the choice of a drug, with due consideration of the range of its clinical action and method of administration, must be made not only on the basis of correct identifi- cation of the chief syndrome, but thorough determination of the clinical distinc- tions of the patient's condition before and during treatment, dynamics and rate of development of psychosis, its stage and stage within the range of nosological forms that present certain consistent patterns of development. Of course,wise use of psychotropic drugs involves not only proper clinical assess- ment of the patient's condition, but to an equal extent it is determined by know- ledge of general and individual distinctions of clinical and psychopharmacological effects of each drug, i.e., the intensity and quality of its spect1�um of psycho- tropic activity (antipsychotic, sedative, thymoanaleptic, stimulant, psychotonic, antidepressant or depressant) and other psychotropic properties, depending on - the prescribed dosage, as well as its ability to elicit possible somatic, neurolo- gical side-effects and complications. From the same point of view, it is also important to be informed on some theoretical questions related to the great comp-- 1?xity and insufficient investigation of inechanisms of psychotropic action of zhe main representatives of current psychopharmacological agents. Consequently, the success of psychopharmacotherapy depends, first of all, on proper clinical evaluation of a patient's condition, careful individual selection of an adequate psychotropic drug with due consideration of its psychotropic activity, proposed method of treatment and dynamic change therein during therapy, rather than on the question of whether a"good" or "bad," "potent" or "mild" drug was used, since there is no clinical validation of such assessments. However, no matter how great the role of psychopharmacotherapy among other methods of treating psychosis, exaggeration thereof could lead to mistakes. Combined treatment of disease is a mandatory prerequisite for achieving a stable therapeutic 129 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 FOR OFFICIAL 1!SE ONLY response, where an important place must be reserved for sociovocational readapta- tion and psychotherapy, the way toward which is opened, to a significant extent, by psychopharmacotherapy. The latter should not be set against insuline-comatose and electroconvulsive therapy, since they could be more effective than psycho- pharmacotherapy under certain conditions. - As shown by experience in treatment with psychotropic agents in our country, treat- - ment of psychoses under hopspital conditions is only the first stage of psycho- pharmacotherapy. After eliminating acute signs and determining the method for using a drug, prolonged therapy of ten continues under extramural conditions where, along with social and vocational rehabilitation, the patients continue with psycho- pharmacotherapy for a number of years. Stabilization of the therapeutic effect is achieved expressly under these working and social conditions, which are custottiary to patients. In this reg?rd, the role of the dispensary is increasing significantly, where treatment begun at the hospital is continued under extramural conditions, rather than functioning solely to provide "maintenance" therapy. All these and other rather essential aspects of p sychopharmaco therapy are covered to a considerable extent in this handbook, which touches upon a number of important theoretical and practical questions. Knowledge thereof will help psychiatrists anci physicians in other specialties in their everyday work. - Contents Page - Foreword 7 Introduction 15 Brief Survey on Transmission of Neural Impulses in Synaptic Structures of the Nervous System 18 - Mechanisms of Action of Ysychotropic� Agents 43 Classification and General Description of Psychotropic Agents; , Pharmacological Terminology 60 Classification of Psychotropic Agents 66 1. Psycholeptic Agents 75 A. Neuroleptics 75 1. Phenothiazine derivatives 76 a) Aliphatic phenothiazine dcrivatives 78 Aminazin [Chlorpromazine) 78 Propazin [Promazine] 90 Tisercin 93 b) Piperazine phenothiazine derivatives 98 Triftazin [Stelazine] 98 Ethaperazine 106 Frenolon [Methophenazine] 109 Meterazine [Compazine] 115 Fluphenazine 118 Maj eptil 121 2. Butyrophenone derivatives 129 Haloperidol 131 Trisedyl 140 3. Rauwolfia alkaloids 143 Reserpine 145 4. Thioxanthene derivatives 150 Truxal [Chlorprothixene] 151 Sordinol 152 130 FOR OFF[C[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2407/42/09: CIA-RDP82-40850R000500410003-2 Fok OFN�ic'lAl. UtiE ONI.v Combined Therapy Using Various Psychotropic and Other Drugs 154 Role of Analeptics and Sedatives in Combined Psychopharmacotherapy 160 Side-Effects end Complications of Neuroleptics 163 Extrapyramidal Side-Effects and Complications of Neuroleptic Therapy 164 Prevention and Treatment of Extrapyramidal Side-Effects and Complications of Neuroleptic Therapy 172 cycloaol 174 Ridinol 175 Akineton 176 Dimedrol 176 Mebedrol [Disipal] 177 Amizil [Benactyzine] 178 Tropacin [Tropazine] 179 Arpenal 179 Dinezin [Diethazine] . 180 Parsidol [Ethopropazine, Isothazine] 180 Diprazin (Phenergan, PromethazineJ 181 Thioxanthene derivatives 181 Glutaric acid derivatives 182 - Central relaxants 182 Somatic, Allergic and Other Side-Effects of Neuroleptics; Pr2vention and Treatment Thereof 184 B. Tranquilizers 185 l. Propanedaol derivatives 189 Meprobamate 189 2. Benzodiazepin derivatives 191 Elenium [Librium] . 191 - Seduxen 194 3. Diphenylmethane derivatives 197 - Amizil 197 Metamysil . 199 4. Trimethoxybenzoic acid d.erivatives 200 ' Trioxazine 200 5. Other tranquilizers 202 - Oxylidin 202 Some Distinctions of Therapeutic and Side-Effects of Tranquilizers 203 2. Psychoanaleptic Agents 210 A. Antidepressants 210 a. Tricyclic antidepressants 222 1. Iminodibenzyl derivatives 222 Melipramine 222 2. Dibenzocycloheptadiene derivatives 226 - Triptizol 227 3. Phenothiazine derivatives 230 Chlorazicin 230 b. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (IMAO) 232 - 1. Hydrazine derivatives 232 Iprazid 232 Nuredal 235 2. Nonhydrazine derivaeives 237 Transamine 238 Indopan 240 131 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007102109: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2 n FOR OFFICIAI, UtiE ONLY B. Psychostimulants 242 1, Amphetamine derivatives 243 Phenamine 243 Pervitin [MethamphEtamine] 246 Phenatine 246 2. Diphenylmet,hane derivatives 247 Piridrol 247 Meridil [Methyl Phenidate] 249 3. Other psychostimulants 250 Azoxodon 256 Acephen 251 Side-Effects of Antidepressants and Role of Incompatible Combinations in Occurrence Thereof 252 3. Psychodysleptics 256 Brief Information About Some Relatively New Psychotropic Agents 259 Neurolep.tics 259 Long-Acting neuroleptics (NPD) 265 Tranquilizers 269 Antidepressants � 271 Psychostimulants 276 First Aid for Intoxication and Poisoning by Psychotropic Agents 280 Bibliography 289 Subject Index 324 COPYRIGHT: Izdatel'stvo "Ayastan", Yerevan, 1980 10,657 CSO: 1840/999 END 132 FOR OFFIC[AL USE ONLY APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2007/02/09: CIA-RDP82-00850R000500010003-2