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A pr v d r ease 2007103107: CIA-RDP02T06408R001100010060-2 PHOTOGRAPHIC INTERPRETATION REPORT CHRONOLOGY OF UFA AIRCRAFT ENGINE PLANTS 26A AND 26B USSR MARCH 1968 COPY 116 6 PAGES TOP SECRET DECLASS REVIEUV by NIIv1AID0D GROUP I EXCLUDED FROM AUTOMATIC DOWNGRADING AND DECLASSIFICATION Aroved For Release 2007103(07: CIA-RDP02T06408R001100010060-2 25X1 Approved For Release 2007103107: CIA-RDP02T06408R001100010060-2 Approved For Release 2007103(07: CIA-RDP02T06408R001100010060-2 RECORD COPY COPY NO. PUB. DATE LOCATION MASTER DATE RECEIVED LOCATION DIS SITION DATE(S) ST VV' M N MUM 1 MAXIMUM 10 CUT TO COPIES 0 DATE -74 CUT TO COPIES DATE COPIES DESTROYED CUT TO COPIES DATE CUT TO COPIES DATE CUT TO COPIES DATE MASTER DATE DATE NUMBER OF COPIES DATE RE NUMBER OF COPIES MO. DAY YR. RECEIVED OR ISSUED REC D ISS~D BAL MO. DAY YR. CEIVED OR ISSUED RECD ISS'D BAL 68 Di t Unit 106-11 10 10 TITLE NPIC March 1968 TS Approved For Release 2007/03/07: CIA-RDP02TO6408RO01100010060-2 Approved For Release 20 1 jf : I 1100010060-2 25X1 CHRONOLOGY OF UFA AIRCRAFT ENGINE PLANTS 26A AND 26B USSR INTRODUCTION This report is a study of the chronological development of Ufa Aircraft Engine Plants 26A and 26B respectively). The plants are located at 54-47-35N 056-07-28E and 54-47-58N 056-04-18E, 7.5 and 6.5 nautical miles nm respectively, northeast of the center of the city of Ufa, USSR (Figure 1). The plants are approximately 2 nm apart and are believed to be interrelated in their function of jet- and rocket-engine production. 1,2/ They are served by numerous all-weather roads and rail spurs of the Ufa-Chelyabinsk rail line and are connected by road to Ufa Airfield South I 18 nm south-southwest of the plants. Photography covering Plants 26A and 26B includes 1942 and 1943 World War II photography of good inter- pretability (Figures 2 and 3), film of fair- to-poor interpretability obtained between 1961 and 1966, and Plants 26A and 26B (Figure 4) have expanded to cover areas of 335 and 250 acres, respectively, since the first ________photography in 1942. Recent photography reveals that Plant 26A (Figure 5) encompasses approximately 2.9 million square feet of roof cover and Plant 26B (Figure 6) approximately 2.1 million square feet. Although Plant 26A has only a very small engine test facility and meager administration/engineering support, the plant includes a large amount of industrial production floorspace and will soon have an even greater capability when a new 840,000- square-foot fabrication/assembly building is completed. Plant 26B also includes a large amount of production floorspace and, in addition, 7 large and 6 smaller engine test cells. The test function at this plant will be increased when a new building containing 10 new probable horizontal engine test cells is completed, perhaps in 1968. An activity possibly related to Plants 26A and 26B is Ufa Static Test Facility Ufa Rocket Engine Test Facility), located approximately 10.5 nm north of Plants 26A and 26B. This facility contains 4 probable horizontal rocket engine test positions and has been de- termined to be generally similar to the Nizhnyaya Salda Static Test and Faustovo Rocket Engine Test Facilities N OF UFA AIRCRAFT ENGINE PLANTS 26A AND 26B. TOP SECRET respectively) and the Zelenogorsk Static Test Facility It is also possible that the Ufa Static Test Facility is associ- ated with rocket engine fuel and lubricants research and development conducted at the nearby Ufa Petroleum Refinery Novo Chernikovsk Historically, Plants 26A and 26B have been of consid- erable importance as major aircraft engine producers. Plant 26A was set up by the United States at the beginning of World War II. Plant 26B came into existence with the evacuation of equipment from Rybinsk, USSR, in 1941 and was expanded by the addition of machinery from the Junkers Dessau plant in in 1946. his reported that, during World War II, production at Plants 26A and 26B included both radial air-cooled aircraft engines and in-line water- cooled types. In the postwar period the plants produced primarily turbojet engines for the MIG-series aircraft. 2/ Detailed information on structures in the plants is provided in Tables 1 and 2 and Figures 5 and 6. HIGHLIGHTS OF CHRONOLOGY 1942 photography of Plants 26A and 26B revealed that they included approximately 1.3 million and 1.1 million square feet of roof cover, respectively. Plant 26A con- sisted primarily of 4 assembly buildings (items 18 and 24-26, Figure 5), 4 shops (items 30E, 31, 45, and 47), and an inspection/test building (item 16A). The test cells of the latter building had not been completed at the time of the photography. Plant 26B consisted primarily of 1 large and 1 smaller assembly building (items 21 and 33, Figure 6) and a forge/foundry (item 14B). No known engine test facilities were operational at either plant in this period; however, only simple test stands, which are not readily discernible, would have been required for tests of the radial air-cooled aircraft engines which were in production at that time. 25X1 25X1 Aroved For Release 2007/03/07: CIA-RDPO2TO64O8ROO1100010060-2 approximately Approved TOP StCKtI 00010060-2 FIGURE 2. UFA AIRCRAFT ENGINE PLANT 26A,I KREPRODUCED FROM ANNOTATED WORLD WAR II PHOTOGRAPHY WHICH HAS BEEN RETOUCHED). 1962-1963 In the 20 years since the previous coverage, Plant 26A was expanded by only a few significant structures, but Plant 26B was expanded considerably. The 4-cell engine test facility (item 16B, Figure 5) at Plant 26A was completed, a major shop was expanded (items 30A and 30B), and a new assembly building (item 4) and numerous small utility/support and administration build- ings were completed. Plant 26B was provided with a new building containing 7 large U-type jet-engine test stands (item 15A, Figure 6) with diffusers of varying heights and 6 small U-type engine test cells (item 15B) with unique silenc- FIGURE 3. UFA AIRCRAFT ENGINE PLANT 26B, WORLD WAR II PHOTOGRAPHY WHICH HAS BEEN RETOUCHED), ers /deflectors. In addition, a large new assembly-type build- ing (item 22) was constructed, the shop space of the plant was more than doubled, and its utility and administration support facilities were enlarged. 1964-1965 Only very minor improvements were made at Plants 26A and 26B during this period. At Plant 26A a new small shop (item 3, Figure 5) and a small warehouse (item 10) were built; at Plant 26B only 1 medium-sized new shop/ assembly building (item 18, Figure 6) was completed. TOP SECRET Aroved For Release 2007103(07: CIA-RDP02T06408R001100010060-2 1966-1967 REPRODUCED FROM ANNOTATED In this period, at Plant 26A, 1 new medium-sized assembly building (item 22, Figure 5) was added, a major shop was expanded (items 30C and 30D), and, most im- portantly, a very large new fabrication/assembly building (item 1) was observed under construction. The roof cover of this building will be approximately 840,000 square feet. At Plant 26B no significant modifications or completion of new structures occurred during 1966-1967, but early work on a new probable 9- or 10-cell engine test building (item 6, Figure 6) was noted. 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2=P/6PJ2 &T 5X1 5X1 301 Approved For Release 2007/03/07: CIA-RDP02T06408RO01100010060-2 Approved For Release 2007/0 1100010060-2 Table 2. Data on Ufa Aircraft Engine Plant d6B (Item numbers are keyed to Figure 6) -.--f- Railroad Road Items first observed and completed in -w- Wall Items considered complete between Items considered complete between 0 Stack ? Tank Items u/ c in 1967 500 500 FEET APP RO XIMATE) FIGURE 6. LAYOUT OF PLANT 26B. Item No 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14A 14B 15A 16 17 18 19 20 21 Function Utility bldg Utility bldg Utility bldg Boilerhouse Utility bldg Prob engine test bldg Pump bldg Transshipment bldg Transshipment bldg Transshipment bldg Warehouse Warehouse Warehouse Shop Forge/foundry Engine test bldg Engine test bldg Admin bldg Utility bldg Shop/assembly bldg 3-cell water cooling tower Diesel powerplant Final assembly bldg Assembly-type bldg Utility bldg Utility bldg Utility bldg Utility bldg Utility bldg Utility bldg Utility bldg Utility bldg Switching bldg Warehouse Assembly bldg Utility bldg Pump bldg Dimensions (ft)* L W H Roof Cover (sq ft) o%. which *All measurements are accurate to ?5' or ever is grea ~f. **Items were complete when first observed unless otherwise noted. TOP SECRET Date First Observed* * Comments Bldg aprx 20% complete. Will prob house 10 horizontal test cells. Pipe sections in area are aprx Pipe_ sections diam Bldg contains 7 large U-type engine test cells. Shorter diffusers are aprxl_Ihigh Contains 6 small U-type engine test cells. The date of com- pletion of their silencers/ de- flectors cannot be established with certainty, but is prob 1963 Completed by D Bldg prob completed in 1942, but this cannot be estab ' due to interpretability o photography 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Aroved For Release 2007/03/07 : CIA-RDP02T06408R001100010060-2 Approved For Release 2007/03/07 TOP SECRET CIA-RDPO2TO64O8ROO1 1000 REFERENCES MAPS OR CHARTS SAC series, scale 1:200,000 DOCUMENTS 0060-2 1. NSA. Possible Association Between the Dnepropetrovsk Missile Development and Production Center and Ofa, 11 Jul 62 (TOP SECRET 2. GCHQ. 3/ARU-E/C3112, Further References to Aero-Engine Factory No. 26, Ufa, to Co-located Telegraphic Address "Disk" and Particulars of Telegraph Office 30, issued J25E/A/17/1/1961 (TOP SECRET REQUIREMENT CIA. C-D15-82,973 NPIC PROJECT 11212E K/66 TOP SECRET -6- 25X1 25X1 Aroved For Release 2007/03/07: CIA-RDP02T06408R001100010060-2 Approved For Release 200 103107: IA-RDP02T06408R001100010060-2 TOP SECRET Aroved For Release 2007103(07: CIA-RDP02T06408R001100010060-2