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AZTIMO1 E ND'i S AMERICIV Approved For Release 200-4/01JU6. 'Cl 1 DP80-0 STATINTL 7 a 'i x. TA ?L1:,,9 jorthn's Our Central Intelligence Agency reports an unrevealed assassination attempt on the life of King Hussein of Jordan. This is the eleventh at- tempt. And the CIA traces it to Palestinian Arab guerrillas objecting to Hussein's Decem- ber 1 statement that he is willing to reach a formal peace with Israel. Brave King Hussein has visited President Nixon at the White House repeatedly and is well and favorably known to Secretary of State William P. Rogers. To them he has always looked like the one frail hope for stability in this country which is of immense strategic im- portance to us. But by joining in the 1970 peace initiative put forward by Mr. Rogers, showing a 'semblance of moderation toward Israel and now unilaterally offering to negotiate a peace with Israel Premier Golda Meir,.Hussein put his head on the block. Although 150,000 additional Palestinian Ar- abs poured into King Hussein's country when the Israelis mopped up the west bank of the Jordan River during the 1967 Six-Day War they' are still a minority in Jordan. But two years ago Assistant Secretary of State for Near East- ern Affairs Joseph J. Sisco had to cancel a visit to King Hussein because the Arabs stoned the American Embassy in Amman and, at their de- mand, the King was forced to ask the recall of U.S. Ambassador Harrison M. Symmes. Similarly, the Palestinian Arab revolutionar- ies pressed the government of neighboring Leb- anon for the recall of American Ambassador Dwight J. Porter and all but collapsed Maj. Gen. Emile Bustani's Lebanese army and the Beirut government. And all this typifies the current chaos in the 13 countries of the Arab League; a chaos vitually complicating Presi- dent Nixon's peace efforts. ALONG WITH Jordan and Lebanon the Arab League consists of Algeria; Egypt, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia and Yemen. It embraces more, than 100 million people. But upheavals abound. Syria, for example, has had nine coups d'etat in 25 years. And Jordan has had to fight an in- termittent civil war with the Palestinian Arab revolutionists. Hussein has won the civil war militarily but not politically. And that revolution surfaces again and again throughout the Arab League. One offshoot well known to its is the Black September 'group responsible for the Munich Olympic Games horror and the many plane hi- jackings. It is led by Munzeer Salman Khali- fah, a Palestinian Arab formerly of Beirut. Khalifah named the Black September group in protest against King Hussein's military action against the Palestinian Arabs in Jordan in Sep- tember, 1.970. THE POLICY is a ghastly blend of terror and blackmail. But "Inshallah" (God willing) is the Palestinian Arab revolutionists' key word and philosophy. They designate their move- ment the "Sira'a" ('The Historic Struggle') and preach it as interminable, and they are ever- lastingly relentless in achieving what they call their "akhad tarot' - their revenge; witness the fact that the attempts to assassinate Hus- sein now total eleven. The Palestinian Arab revolutionists insist that war weariness will grow in Israel (as weariness of the Vietnam war grew here through the years), that Israel's econonr/ ()lot strong) will increasingly feel the strain, and that there will never be a' settlement with Israel except on their terms. Can the King control strategic Jorc rs against the further tests? In Mr. Sisco's opin- ion, expressed to the White (louse, the Palrn- tinian Arab revolutionists' success in destroy- ing the King's control will demonstrate their ? true. political strength or lack of strength-- and supply the crystal ball. Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000300150001-5 BALTIMORE N' EY/S AME IC .17 Approved For Release 2001/I4/9~4~: %-RDP80-016 if El'Lei`s.' J TAYLOR F.f34 Q2 Yasir Arafat a ARAFAT AND HIS FOLLOWERS call their Israel assaults the Sira's ("The Historic Struggle") and preach the war in terms of decades. He admitted to me that his followers "can be mobilized only 'around, the issue of fighting." But the move- ment is deeply at odds within itself. And this accounts for the Black September group in his Al Fatah which claims re- sponsibility for the Munich Olympic Games horror. it is led by Munzeer Salman Khalifah, 20, a Palestinian t~, Arab formeriy otT I3eirart. Khalifah himself calls Al Fatah fflC Bi.oOCkY itI L_ w grin., ~~ in SnnInmhnr 11170 hravn King Hussein, ordered his army to battle the guerrillas in Jordan. again headlined, begins with Palestinian lie wort the civil war militarily, but not politically. And Kha- b terr?orisnt A , ca guerrilla leader Yasir Arafat, alias Abu.'1'mmar, wham I once lifah named his Black September. group in protest against went to see at his hideout in Amman, Jordan, and have writ- King Hussein's action, ten about. In all the Arab world no man's hands are more In February It began striking European targets and our Arafat is a t)roaa-snouiaere^, l" .- from 150 to about 300 members, including members in western man with a grip that is a crasher--a mer erci Europe and Yugoslavia, with some 51 cells throughout West lessly cruel, evil character; ero Fahrenheit Germany alone. temperature. His tanned face is leatherly' The CIA has discovered members arrivin; at cast Berlin's his mt.lstac:he fierce and immense, his an- Schonfeld Airport and being smuggled into West Berlin. 'I-hey cestral nose hooked, like a scimitar, and his use false passports and each cell is a self-contained secret; daring brown eyes exchange glances as cell members do not. know the members of the other cells. sharp as swords in the air. And the CIA is convinced that it was this .group that received was holed up in a shabby room In ransom from the West German government last Ir illi $5 a on e m an old house built in the cliffside. He had winter for a hibhjacked Lufthansa jet, although Bonn has never. an automatic rifle. on the table and was stated to whom it was paid. heavily, guarded by camouflage-uniformed "militia." it was ARAFAT TOLD MI: that he and his followers must move the moment of the Moslem prayer before sundown: "'solar the destiny of ' Arab world negotiations out of the hands of li'asr." the Aral) governments and, by veto, into their own. The Arab ARAB ETIQUETTE demands that a host hid Iris guest world is unorganized, and probably unorganizable, and this "tit ahlan tvasah'lan"-a hundred times welcome. Substitut- militant veto power represents it force which even the best-ignore ing "alf"--a thousand-for "mit," a hundred-builds e)trav-01g nied Arin ugot Party Secretarycannot Leonid I or suppre s rec- agance Into the courtesy and makes. It ironic, as all Mid- The Conl east hands well know. lie hit me with "all" at once. ognizi g. the importance tance of this was ev et o sive rce, inthevited resArafat to , say- snow Arafat leads both Al Fatah, the largest Arab guerrilla the g only that " group and the all-encompassing United Commando Iscold."lie clearly got I recognition, or however, and ae power Command and. operates the powerful, insidious Voice of Assifa independent of the Arab governments. radio, the "Voice of Storm," and the Cairo-based Voice of superb blend of terror and blackmail-unspeak- the Palestine Revolution radio, which blanket the Arab world. It. is a sbl brutish and unspeakably terror tad the ma11 is a- are but the with of His followers are drawn from the Palestine evictees, whoaisynary. The Arabpakabl violcji now total about two and a half million. They have had They dividuals whose real loyalties are to dissident factions. Arafat political life. They are the moths; Arafat is the candle. They swoops down on the opportunity like a hawk, are the -victims of two wars and the cause of another. For yesterday's Arab refugees are today's guerrillas who, in a great oversimplification, feel that Israel deprives them of their birthright. ?"Inshallah" (God willing) is the key word and philosophy in the Arab world. And all Arabs are willing to pay high for what they call their "akhad taro"-their revenge. STATINTL Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000300150001-5 WASHINGTON POST Approved For Release 2001/0B104E:f'CWWRDP80-O1'601 STATINTL 0 r 7 ~ 'P',,,, , C.;1 ' 0-, 1 k 1! 11 il- 14 f/. ~f~1 l 1 h, C'; Q1 01 I' E, By jack 'rreler?son. The Black September terror-1 ists, who were behind the Olympic massacre, have marked Jordan's King Hussein as their No, 1 assassination target. They hope to kill him on one of his trips abroad. They take their name from September, 1970, a black month on their calendar, when Kinr Hussein's forces crushed the Palestinian guerrillas alnd -drove them out of Jordan. They have sworn revenge. The ' Central Intelligence Agency, ihdced, has linked the Black September, terrorists to at Fatah; the main Palestinian guerrilla o'rganization, '.They reportedly belong to 'a secret assassination arm of Fatah's intelligence service, .Whether Fatah's leader, Yasser Arafat, controls the Black September group is dis- puted. Ile has disavowed any responsibility for the terror- ists. But the CIA has received "rellable". information that Black September is merely a cover for Fatah's assassination arrm. The CIA t;ot wind of the as- sassinati.on plot against King Hussein from inside Fatah's intelligence service, which goes by the name Jihaz al pected to visit Paris, the plot 'Nasfi Tat in Cairo last N-overn' Rasd. on his life became known, at her and, subsequently, mach Warns a secret CIA report: first, as the "Paris plan." The an unsuccessful attempt air.' "Fakhri al A rnari, who is chief trip, however, - never took the life of Jordan's ni assai of the special services section place, and the terrorists are dor to London, Laved Iiii ii. f of Ilasd, which is responsible still waiting for their opportu- Blacl. September to =rorist', for assassinations, kidnap- pity. also have claimed respons]bilP pings, sabotage and other acts Terrorists dressed as Mus- ity for sabotaging a 15'cst. (ier.' of terrorism, was still working urn or Christian priests also man plant that manufactured on his plan to to 'get' King are reported to be stalking parts for the Israeli All, Hussein of Jordan the next other Jordanian leaders, 1)e- Farce, blowing up the oil time the latter travels outside cares the CIA: complex at Trieste, Italy, and Jordan... ? "Fatah's assassination plans murdering five Jordanian . "Part of the plan involves are aimed solely at Jordanian who allegedly had been s pyingr one it Husayni,. who is a cap- ministers, army officers and on Palestinians in Europe. taro and a pilot for Royal. Jor- members of the Royal Hash- The Black Septembergroup' danian Airlines, who many emite family, it is planned to has also attempted to hijack times has piloted the King's execute these individuals several Jordanian airliners; plane when the King has tray- wherever they may be found once successfully. Last May, eled abroad. abroad in Arab countries; Eu- four Black September znem- "I.Iusayni's role Is to provide. rope or America. bers-two men and two girls Rasd with intelligence on the "For this purpose Fatale has -hijacked a Sabena airliner exact flight data when the accumulated a number of to Tel. Aviv. But Israeli seen- King next flies, including forged passports which will be rity men killed the and Amman take-off time and any used in. appropriate countries, captured the girls. planned stops enroute. This in- i.e., Syrian passports in Egypt, Jordanian authorities have formation is needed for a pos- Egyptian or Kuwait! passports linked Egyptian intelligence: Bible' backup cinergency at- in the. Sudan and Gulf pass- with the Black September, tempt, if Rasd discovers that ports in Saudi Arabia, movement. Five days before the primary plan has been "The plansinclude the adop- the assassination ofWasfi Tel, leaked. llusayni is also to pro. tiori of' Muslim or Christian a top Jordanian security offi- vide the King's estimated time priestly disguise to use when c]al told the CIA, classified of arrival at the destination appropriate or necessary." Black September docuinenty and is to tell Rasd in advance Some 200 trained terrorists, "were delivered to Egyptian' whether Husayni will be all Fatah members, are re- intelligence officer in Amman flying on that particular out- ported to belong to the Black Muhammad Abd al salain for of-country trip or not" September organization. They safekeeping." Because the King was ex- assassinated Jordan's Premier 1972, United FAattatlo fSSSdicstq Approved .For'Release 2001/03/0.4: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000300150001-5