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STATI NTL Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R00 21 December 1972 EMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Support SUBJECT: Historical Farm Traces on Campus I had a call from the National Capitol Park Service's Jim Putnam, telephone 557-8992. They have discovered a 1776 farm site adjacent to our campus. They propose to do something about it in a reconstruction or historical park sense. They think there may be some adiacent archeological remnants to this farm on our property. They ask if someone who might have access to old plats, early survey maps, etc., etc. prior to the development of the area get in touch with then. I told the man that unless he turned out to be the OR trying to dig a hole in our campus, I am sure we would be glad to get in touch with him and do for him whatever we could. I would appreciate it if somebody could get in touch with Ir. Putnam. I gather that some of our prople already are exchanging data with the National Capitol Park people on our property here. Mr. Putnam said he would be glad to keep us posted on any press releases they do on the matter. is/ Angus MacL2an Thuermer lingus MacLean Thuermer Assistant to the nirector cc: Director of Security Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 ,VJEK TIE Approved For Release 2001/03/lA.R.DP80-0 t ta4 14 CITY POLICEMEN GOT GIL TRAINING Learned How to Analyze and Handlo Information By DAVID BURNHAM . Fourteen New York Police- men--including First Deputy Police Commissioner William , H. T. Smith and the com- mander of the department's \i Intelligence Division?received training from the Central Intel- ligence Agency in September. ( A spokesman for the C.I.A., V Angus Thuermer, confirmed that the 14 New Yorkers had been Oven training but denied that the agency had regular in- struction programs for local police officials. Mr. Thuermer acknowledged, however, that "there have been a number of occasions when similar courtesies have been ?extended to , police officers from different cities around the country." Its response to an inquiry, Mr, Thuermer said he was not Able to determine how many police officials or how many departments had come to the Washington area to receive agency training. ' "I doubt very much that they keep that kind of information," he added. ? Mr. Thuermer scoffed when asked whether the agency's training of policemen?some of whom are responsible for col- lecting information about po- litical activists?violated the Congressional legislation that created the C.I.A. to correlate and evaluate intelligence relat- ing to national security, "pro- vided that the agency shall have no police, subpoena, law- ? enforcement powers or internal , security functions." Twelve of the New York policemen?one captain, three lieutenants, five sergeants and ? three detectives?received four days of training from the C.I.A. 1/in a facility in Arlington, Va., y'. beginning last Sept. 11, accord- ing to the Police Department. Commissioner Smith and Deputy Chief Hugo J. Masini, commander of the Intelligence ? Division, attended one day's . training, on Sept. 13. ? Commissioner Smith said dur- ing an interview that in con- neCtion with the reorganization .of the department's intelligence work, "we decided we needed some training in the analysis and handling of large amounts of4nfoymation."--- -? - ? ? -? -. I STATI NTL Mr. Smith said the depart- ment had decided that the C.I.A. would be the best place for such training. "They pretty much set this up for us," he explained. "The training was done gratis, only costing us about $2,500 in transportation and lodging." Both the International Asso- ciation ?of Chiefs of Police, a professional organization that does police efficiency studies and runs training seminars an a variety of law-enforcement subjects, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation said they were not equipped to pro- vide instruction on the storage, retrieval and analysis of intelli- gence ?information. One branch of the Police Department's Intelligence Divi- sion, the security investigation section, is the subject of a pending suit in Federal court here. The suit, filed by a group of political activists, charges that the. surveillance and infil- tration activities of the secur- ity section violate "the rights of privacy, free speech and as- sociation granted and guaran- teed" the plaintiffs "by the United States Constitution." The present reorganization of the security section?and the part of the Intelligence Division that collects information on organized crime?is being fi- nanced by a $166,630 grant from the Law Enforcement As- sistance Administration, a branch of the Justice Depart- ment. As of Oct. 13, a police roster indicated that there were 365 policemen assigned to the Intelligence Division. Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 NEW YORK, N.Y. Approved delease 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601 vEWS ? M _.,129,9O9 ? 2,948,786 DEC 10 1972 . iiidA JA,..7:UJ STATI NTL By-FRANI( VAN RIPER Of THE NEWS Washington Bureau -444.6.44,44.`f"4 S En LI t THE SIGN outside the entrance to " the heavily Ivooded compound in u tj-:if Srv 1,5 STATINTL .suburban Langley, Va., says, "Bu- the U-2 days, just befo .e the sateilites these guys is doing the 'same daMdthing, /Tan of Public Roads," but it's an open came into being, we were getting a good- secret that what goes on beyond those ly amount of solid intell gence from the and each individual budget has got a . gates has little to do with roads and even biggies?the Soviets and the Chinese? justification for it." . ,Ices to do with the public, enough that we could digest it properly, Several lawmakers, among. them Sen. ,?. Behind the electronically monitored enough that it received the kind of criti- Stuart Symington (D-Mo.), trinking :fences and constantly manned guard cal acclaim within the intelligence corn- Democrat on the Senate Armed Services ' shacks is the Central Intelligence Agen- "nullity that it deserved. ? - Committee, have been skeptical of U.S.' ? Cy. In recent months, the secrecy, size . "But today, for example, we have intelligence-gathering -especially in light . . and capabilities of the n.ation's chief of such glaring failures as the 10G8 . fail so many satellites pumping pictures back . any shop have been questioned by men Pueblo affair ? which McGarvey says . -wild . have been - there, former agents to US on a daily basis that- nobody pays was unnecessary and could have been ? theMselves, a damn bit of attention to them." avoided?the abortive Son Tay prison '-.., . One. of them, Patrick J. McGarvey, "Seventy to eighty per cent of the camp raid in November, 1070, when U.S. a:14-year -veteran of the CIA, the Na- money now spent on intelligence is spent forces wound up raiding an empty North tional Security AgencrtilTh?liefense in technical collection ,.satellites and such, . 'Vietnamese barracks in search of Amen IntelligenceAgency; contends that the.? and it's ridiculously - expensive ? and hid i- ' . can PWs and the 1969 shootdown of .amorphous "intelligence community" has crously redundant," MeGarvey said. "The ' a Navy EC-121 reconnaissance plane of ? grown so unwieldly, so redundant, in the Army overflies all of Latin America talc- the coast of North Korea. last 10 years that the U.S. is now get,.- Mg pictures, and doesn't show them to "One can ahnost predict," McGarvey ting an intelligence product that is ac- . the iir Force. The Army is interested said, an increasing number of intelli- tually inferior to what it goc a.,decade. ' in roads and ports and the whole schmier,? . gence failures on the scale of the Pueblo. will the Air A' r . - . on m creste incident?and perhaps another- war?be-.. 'ago with feWer men and fewer machines. . ? in radar sites, missile sites and an fields, - cause of the present dry rot that Micas . And all this with the benign neglect -,,,harbor,V. and ' that's. about it. Each., of ,?1 lour nationalintelligenee'Striieture.).! -? of Congress which, McGarvey says, has r.;---k------- A, 1.:+k-;', ?,, luta: :Avis-+,11....-4:1) a .t): Z,; t ?. ,!,,;,,i,. t , fj c il .%, .-,eet3 approved the CIA's big annual budget request behind closed doors, with little inclination or desire to question the spending estimates of the agency's lead- ers, including CIA Director Richard M. Helms. Helms' planned departure from i the CIA after six years, first revealed by THE NEWS last month, was seen In some quarters as an indication of White House concern over the size of - :. the intelligence bureaucracy. In an interview, McGarvey, a 37-year- old father of four who spends his spare time writing poetry and fiction and dreaming of one day owning an oyster . boat in Chesapeake-Bay, maintained that , in the. area of U.S.. intelligence, "we're ; being deluged with much more informa- . Lion than we actually need." ,`:;:? The author of the recently published . .;...booki- "CIA: The Myth and the Mad- - .4.n,etss,,...,.-MeGarvey,c,larefLthat "back in? .,_;,,,,;,..,A,,.....,,........... Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 .? --W LOS tNGT=S TMS , Approved For Release 2001/03/04C 0174-RDP80-01601R BY KATE HOLLIDAY- - . AGENCIES SHUT ON NVE. \ENDS.. ...._ . One recent Sunday, I became somewhat frantic trying to dis- .- .. Minding ' co.Yer the latest special 'delivery No One's the Store STATINTL 'Postrate. A call to the main Post Office downtown brought a Anyone.who wants help from a move? Too mute to signal assis- STATINTL 'man's voice on a lengthy record- federal, state, county or city tance? Just wants fast informa- ing, Its implication was that no bureau on Saturday or Sunday, tion- on a poison, say?) For the sane employe would touch even with few exceptions, is out of county, a woman responds on ? so much as a presidential invita- luck. Despite our nation's mas- 629-2451 with a cheery, "We're tion after noon on Saturday, and sive Civil Service contingent on herd!" that it was particularly unsecm- all levels, if you. have a medical The county has made a big ly of me to expect any assistance emergeney, a parole emergency, thing of its 24-hour-a-day ''Good on the Lord's Day. a dead animal in your back yard, Neighbor" program of providing limmmm: Then I thought to or merely want information, for- emergency foster homes for chil- try the Federal Information Cen- get it. Most of the government is ?dren. Although there are two ter, listed among the "most fre- off till Monday morning, listings for it in the phone book, quently ,called" of the govern- There are some exceptions? neither answered-at 3:45 on a ? ment agencies in the phone the FBI, most police and firC Sunday afternoon. book. Another recording, this outfits, as well as the Secret Ser- Speaking of children, when I -one advising me sternly that the called Griffith Park to aSk about vice. But, oddly, no one answers 1 . office was open from 8 to 4 on / the procedure in reporting one at the CIA or the state fire mar- k weekdays (the last two w shal's office. ords ' lost, a ranger said two secUrity officers were there after 5:30, stressed). Foiled again. The Federal Immigration and out they're rarely in the office- 'I read through the entire list of Naturalization Service has a line to man the phone." Dandy. federal offices, seeking a.. Om- , that takes police calls only, and mer, until I Met my match at the the woman who answers tells A woman in Long Beach near- . eri.d. The notice read, "If unable you that, .no matter how dire ly went. out of her mind a few to 'find the desired office listed z-, years ago When, during a holi- N,',our,, trouble, 'There's not a ay parade, a horse died and was above, call the Federal Informa- . i 1.1.3.,ine. you can do until Monday , dragged onto her lawn lest it iris- lion Center." 1 morning. The Earthquake. - Di- ? rupt traffic. She was told, as I What's going on here? Who's ! saster Service and the Veterans running the store? It's simple: Administration Clinic for Medi- was, that the animal picku.p ser- \ No one is?on weekends. cal Information don't even deign ice did not send anyone out af- '? to do that. . ter 2:30 pan., horse or no horse. . . They'd come the next day? . ? Kate Holliday is a Los Angeles- You're not ' much better off maybe. writer who has contributed to with the state health people. The If the military and protective such 7naqa.incs as R e a d e r' s Medical Information 11 s tin g forces can routinely assign duty -.Digest, True and McCall's. She doesn't answer, nor does the . officers over the weekend, why. . has cxperienced.,plenty of coder- Narcotic Outpatient Clinic. And, can't the state, counts', city and gencics in her time, particularly when I called the emergency federal agencies follow suit? while serving as a war corrcs- 'number of the Public Health Ad. They might not only save .a few - pondcnt in Korea. ministration, I got no reply at lives but keep hundreds of ordi- . all. So I. called it again, and a nary citizens like me from climb- man, who came on the line in- mg the walls. formed me he was the janitor. . Nevertheless, there is a glim,. "Do you take em erg en c y mer of light at the end of the calls?" I asked. tunnel. Last August, Gov: Rea- ' No," he said, kindly, 'but I gan signed a bill that will estab-. ' can write a note and leave it lish 911 as a statewide number to somewhere for you, so they'll get call in case of emergency any ? It tomorrow." day of the week?but not till I made further tests in a two- 1982. (The law stipulates that hour session at my phone, let- pay phones must be converted' ting .each call rine. at least seven for free access to police, firemen times. On the health scene, only and ambulance services.) the county emergency people This is a step in the right di- are on the job?if you need them rection, but I'm not exactly a on a weekend. (Yes, I know ? .spring chicken. and anything There are receiving hospitals in ' might happen during the next 10 ?.the area, but what if someone years.. doesn't have a- car? Is. too ill to. If it does, oh Lord, please let it. happen to me on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thurs.- - . day. Now that the four-day work. ?-week is coming up, I've even 'grown scared of Friday. : - Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 Available Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 Approved For Release 2001/03/0: CIAWBP8OT01601R0 - THE WILIMINGT ON , DEL. MO-EWE NG NEWS 23 Nov l4. al:12_ . O r:::''l 1.,?:. ._) r '....1 ..7ffN r,:e ?.,---,,?:, ,,- ? --.. ii a '.,..?-.=> ..1 417- ,,,V ij --...1 .,..i ? '? ' --' 0 tint. The Farm would be listed 11 y Jhn Selumulehe i n _Maryland tourist guide- Dv Acr 11nreatt Chief books. Ttc,se b,,en LuT if it exists, it's a S.21 piece o!'_ land nestled tt-ecl?.s, Dtare.J. rc?-_?a!!col. ).'oa i,?-ere 1,:gdership rr?;,: the Chodtank River (,-,;:e;:s of gruelili3 ?.,-f;_tt 15 miles southwest of Easton, ;:re o rules of fatr ' ? It's on a spit of land known r ! Form. Ercry ns Benoni Voint. A. red brick C ' boo: imnrision, a pier and a few cut- you tried ,staidings can be seen from the ur f cr,n) can- aIr. Nolliiv; but a mailbox e CCI;01.?. :10:1 V;1111 no name oil it and a "no , ?tor tic in- tie .:ptissin,c.." sign can be seen na:o could Ilse :a from the road. G:r?!'?c'c - The land lies along a dirt 1.1) 1r Wie road which IMS 11r Da:1h? and ti oar, is not inclti:ied On offitIal ? c,...,;,:',2ttort o Th,,!.. Maryland ht.ii7,1avay maps. ? It is from :spy thriller by -forks to the right off the road 12e,c ard s, A arons leading to the Belleva.,-Oxford ? :nen!: Madeleine." FerrY. ? ?-is .one Sam From the air, one can see ,TYm IEq.,- small bnats pul'i-ed Dion?: at i cction, of the tree-lewd shore. 'Dere are at 1.tt,..ilience Agen- trees all around the place; no- thing but trees till t:round the Farm, tiecordinl to place; nothing but trees can 'eri[s of: bucks be seen irorn ground level. ( is L.,,e01ccl !?onle- If Aarons is to lie believed ?1;.flore of and if K Section ("an agency It's 0 place where so seer : thtitt. en the 3 its hest agents. Cri,?Lit it") "TS fallinLI, l';.1.5 a ha m.1 in the tI C ii eaPea 1; (1, rupotiers to t'ne ri!lage 0: go.t the red-er.mt welcome. (ii-.?Ilions) iii a &,,nilicci I' Sl i MO. ho?sever. ?Ien ii 'a steel. If One. is en it mir,,,an loue 11n 7,in I driven over orii secret hideaway, one ? .; oro,:ja?,t, must he careful how one hart- w?ifil a dles oneself. ???? "I'm looking for a list of all ? n, land in TaFait Conn- Ayiens writty," one be;tins hy l'.10 Clerk in 1n0 OIl I C1 Irt- 11!1: l';`.1111 Z.&C, SlIppOSCql knee., ,,?,T.,,re ave r. "We con", Iro_ve too much," I y, ,,,??Lilts sihe stiys 0,W31 a drin v I ii s )?21 k.the- 2, ft. %Cm s r 'ir",!111UV,'.111 Oi . t!,-, - -" ' e- n),1-.1 to fr.I talason. Irtte -at the C1.11.!?(1. 12151 1,.c?:,-; a (Iast-v I.:at.) at , ?mi C the 1 ?L),` ? y said 11:' 2 One :APproVed?IF0046100c2q611004 : CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 r...4 - 11 mils a "11117,1 soands like what ?ve're looking for" with a quick wink. After a few more minutes of laying out a route-, the news- men are off. l4.T.t1VING do?.t-ri the r in road, one sees Janmers (agents in clls-ai,se?) olirting In fields, Thofte are stis Cv('r _c(')C1't dii tile area that SOY ''Na Trez.nassing. Survivors wit! be Kcaseented" -?.ng the h:J?Illy rea- st?ning powers a 1.-ept.:rtt-T must have, one figures o0t that the pl0ce with 110 .11 1t1t; on the niai;:).:,N and the Finr)le "no trutpassing" sign toast be the .i.:?;?ovecantent. - The laue into the place also has 11:0t well poltecd appear- ance charactaistic ? of rnilitry-type laud. r??,'?,?,-;t.-docr-neighher George Lewis Jr. (anotho,,,- ag'ont? on.c. -wpt,tiers) iS ple'as..--n-,t v.hen ashe:1 about the place. "I've- been over there," he says, Lot:rig that it-eh:tows the aher," "Iney've got some big dogs. over there," Ins wife says pointedly. P,FLIEViNG' the old saw abou! discretion IyUne the bet- ter 1=1. of V*1', Oi C (10C1deS it might be rater to t:et a look from the nir. (1\E feels that hi fie best in:er?sts of notional security, onie should refrain from men- tioning the name al.;o. ? 'Tin calling zib,J.11.: some kind in :Vim-yin:id ou. er, your a,. Sc', I guess, oris," At iMst they siiy they don't Inow anything about the kind but protnise to chmit. A v, bile later, a call frcm a ";:i;Cesirian" comes hack. It turns out the CIA does own the land. "It's aTed for matii ,gement seminars it's training, but on the manage- ment, side, the "spokesman" says. "It's not a spooky place at all," be says reassuringly. "It's not used for guerrilla win fare." Tnra how about a look at the Place'? The CIIA has a standing poli- cy of no tours thrcugh any of in-; establishments, the spoltes- man says cordially. ,?-you government molt?" the pilot asks, We fluidly confess that 'a''- re 1.-?:po1'ters. lie says everyone in the area assumes the place is a rest ciimp. Laps it phone call to the CIA 3 egiit ;As,A-cr s:nne ":251-11a" the 1./ zum,-tqs uir a con-,tir0tct ial voice nen tho 1110 num- ber listed oath a Cia Contral huchyaace. A,?,,etiny in the 111"0s1M.?.:_:ten, D.C., phc.ae hook, no one evei y mention.3 the STATI NTL Approved For Release 2001/0gteta:52080-01601R0001 Bratwurst at.C.I. A, Cafeteria Sample of New.Capital,Fare, STATI NTL Special to The Neer York nines - WASHINGTON, Nov. 20?If you could get security clear- ance, you could treat yourself to a German-style lunch of bratwurst with sauerkraut, or knackwurst with red kohl, at a little out-of-the-way spot called Die Wunder Deli Bar. Security clearance to get into a delicatessen? Absolutely, when it's in the cafeteria of the Central Intelligence Agency, tucked away in the woods of Langley, Va., just northwest of Washington. But ? say you're more the Meat-and-potatoes type. If you had business to do at the State Department, you might drop into the cafeteria: there to pick out a likely looking rib eye steak, have it charbroiled to order by an agile grillman who wears a black 10-gallon hat, and sit down to a hearty meal, with french fries and sliced tomatoes. All this is possible these days because of a move by the Gov- ernment to make more inviting the 145,000 lunches that it serves every day to Federal workers in the Washington area ?a task that compares to feed- ing the entire population of Paterson, N. J. A Mixed Reaction The remodeled State Depart- ment cafeteria, with its orange- paneled pillars and side walls the color of underripe bananas, is the most recently completed. Along with the grill, which also serves up barbecued spareribs and chicken platters, there is a seafood line that includes scal- lops and fish and a shrimp bas- ket with french fries and cole- slaw. The reaction of customers has been mixed, "Well, it's brighter, and they've put an some new equip- ment," an executive secretary - in the foreign aid area said over lunch one day. "But I was satisfied the way it was be- fore." On the other hand, a young foreign aid specialist who had just emerged from the grill area was happy about the whole thing. "I've been spending more money on lunch because I'm more attracted to the food," he said. "I used to spend about SO cents; now I average about S1.30, $1.60 a day." The improvement program was begun about three years ago, when the Government's housekeeping agency, the Gen- eral Services Administration, discovered that the 35 cafe- terias that ..are serviced under one contract in Government buildings here were losing cus- tomers and money. A Side Benefit The nonprofit corporation that has run the cafeterias for going on 50 years was told to bring in some new management talent and fresh ideas to im- prove the food and surround- ings. "We're trying to get away from the institutional- stereo- types ? the long lines, green- gray walls, the dull appearance of foods?and create as much atmosphere as we can, like the cook in the cowboy hat," ex- plained Frank Capps, the G.S.A. official in charge of Govern- ment buildings. The trick was to provide all this and still keep ? the meals reasonably priced by the stand- ards of Government workers who, according to cafeteria managers, seem to think ? of lunch as a side benefit of their employment. Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 IL, laris iicfiw STATINTL Approved For Release 2pg1182/,02: ciA-t-cDP80-01 ? Typr ical of the battles over land-\.'vas proposal to create a 230-acre park out of some wooded green hills along the Vir- ginia bank. of the Potomac ? River 'near ? Washington, D. C. The tract was owned by the Federal Highway Administration, which wanted . to retain the land for future expansion of :its research laboratory. Opposition to the? ? plan also was expressed by the Central Intelligence Agency next door, which. preferred to keep the public as far away as possible from its headquarters. Under the compromise finally reached, some of the land was transferred to the National Park Service for public recrea- tion, while other portions were divided between the Highway Administration _ and the CIA. , In. Virginia, woodlands adjacent to the Central Intelligefice Agency recently were turned into a public park. Surplus property in 39 States has been acquired for recreation areas. Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 BOSTON, MASS. Approvea Iteepige 2001/iO3/04 : CIA-RDP80-016 : 26363 7:976; 5 NEW FICTION SHELF -7 - By.' Robert A. McLean Globe Staff STATI NTL i-fad and COMPANY MAN, by 'Joe .Maggio. G. P. Pu/nom's ? 'Sons, 222 pp., $6.95. ? ? Fictionalized exposes of ? America's speret agencies', -like the Central Intern- gence Agency here, usuglly sing true in places and . ? smack of melodrama in others. ? ; But, spine will say, much of what the CIA reportedly " does sounds more like a Class B spy thriller in the first, place, so why not ? relax and enjoy yourself. Ex-CIA mercenary Mag- gio has some fine moments 'as he follows Company Man Nick Martin from his recruitment into the CIA's Special Operations Divi- - sign (SOD) through a dec.- acre of undercover assign- , ments in Cuba, Vietnam? ' and the: Congo ahd to. nis ultimate and abrupt sepa- ration from the agency. ' When you fall out of I favor in 'the Company, they don't fire you; they fire at you. Ex-Marine and : former Green Beret Martin is accustomed to the hard. life, but he decides to quit ? after he disobeys orders to ' rescue South Vietnamese ? partisans,- grid the Compa- ny him to an "expendable" role in the trigger-happy Congo. Maggio's detailed de- .! seription of the CIA's se- ; cret training academy in Virginia, where Martin learns his new trade, is ? perhaps the most-interest,. ? ? ing section' of the: novel. It. sounds like Maggio might' . : have been through the . ? AppkWed FdrRelease 2001/03/04:: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001.-2 The Martin adventures ? the Bay of Pigs, Tonkin" Gulf, and Cambodia. sound more like actual CIA operations; they are ; that slam-bang and wild. : And his defection to the Congolese mercenary forces again sounds as if it may have happened to somedne, perhaps with not as much blood, sweat and gore as Martin's retirement,but in some similar fashion, ; Maggio obviously has a deep gripe against the Company, and he happily expounds on it, as any dis- gruntled 'Company Man, at every opportunity. BUt the same time he dashes : -.off, some; fair-to-middling- adventure prose, with enough cutting and thrust- `Mg, bombing and blasting, to satisfy any devotee of. violence. ' ? ( a.ne STA-FIN ? rr.,ast, STATI,NITL Approved For Release 200111E3i0iSMAPRIBRUEM 601R 11-17 August 1972 ? f ? 1\ .1. t ik 1.1, ir Lj.LJ .Liu V1 TT I j .1 1. (11_1 .3? 1 I .1Pt. ri lie7:\ ,; ? ' ? " ? (1 f1 tl ../ , t W Lij 1 i ' . . i ; ' 1 - - "1. I 1 - i i 1 i 's ) 1 , 1 1 ! 1 . I 1 L_i! '. 1, I ??, i 1 I 4 1 ? . r14 1 i'll ,,,,,-,,, remkg% fe.? i:?.. i?-,,2 te? I , r?1 (....,7,.e,? ri tf 1. . W 1.:":?le,,Tr 14 !;-.3?3 ti N..; .,. ., ., .2 I, 1 i : 1, : 1 rci / .1,:' r,'.,1 ..1?-',.', .' ? r ' " ' '' '? ' ' ? : I ? t:.7i,;:. LI t.-J Icti?,/ Q-2) Li t.L.-.....1 k_, ,.:.3 ...s. L. ...-,..,i _ . , . ART K LINKIN .7., Less than two weeks before the opening, of the Republican National . Convention, a press conference-heId Ii . , a? woman speaker say that the five P i.! ! ?-,A -' ?, --., ? ' :?, i \ -a- i??:,'"!t.- ir:1'''.\- ' -', (.-: \?:-1.. \',, i :. ? 'c % ? ? , . al the Los Angeles Press Club he ,,, i i , ' Q.-?,!%,..el rne.n caught .wiretapping the .. ...__... ...,....... ? Democratic Party National Commit- According to Don Freed of CRIC , Also housed in the Watergate etee headquarters in Washington'sH (who was not at the press con- . otel complex are the officeS of the ? Watergate Hotel were not only in- Democratic National Committee. . ference but submitted . additional 4...volved in the Control -Intelligencematerial to the Free Press), within In the early morning hours of June 'Agency, the , Ray of Pigs invasion, 17, 1972, . five men were arrested six weeks of the first arrests it was President Kennedy's removing parts of the assassination but also with plans .the sixth floor 'panels'cei in the. ceiling from known thet at least 12 men and Democratic National Headquarters. $114,033 were involved, and that the ?' ; first revealed last year by Los invaders were discevered putting. These men possessed expensive? electronic equipment, cameras: forged documents of some kind into :Angeles Police informer Louis Teck- ? walkie-talkies. burglary tools, and files, not taking papers OCJi. They . -wpod to disrupt the Repubtican . ? other James Bond accesories. , . were not burglars, they were riot National Convention. (See the Los Two of the men a'rrested had in functioning tvith a "buoging" budget ? ? Angeles Free Press, October 22. ? .. 1971.) -or with the ? nurnbe.rs usually :' their poesession the' telephone num- associated with mere wiretapping. ? . ? : These 6harges were made by Mae Brussell, a well known private ber of Howard Hunt White Houset7 . (We must. caution, however, that ? in-.. consuit?ant who had previously work- . , 'veStigator into Ameriban political the Free PlpSS has no means at ed With the CIA for 21 years. ? e present of independently verifying :assassinations for. the past nine James McCord; Jr., employed as/ facts such as documents being .years. She was accompanied by ' Chief of Security for tvlitchell's Corn- ? planted instead of being removed, :Michael McCarthy 'of ihe Citizens mittee to Re-Elect Richard Nixon, :ResearCh Investigation Committee, and that Don Freed, evidently, bases i one of the CRC investigators who was one of the? five men arrested. . much of his information on a ? McCord was formerly employed by . ! iorigintlly. checked 'out Tackwood's collation from such sources as the the CIA for nineteen years, having ? charges, and Paul Krassner, editor Washington Post, which has ' !of The 'Realist The current issue of !At two years' previously at ap- .published carefully documented .ar- ? . proximately the same time as Hunt. rTlieFleakst (August, 1972) contains a tides on the 'raid. Freed has also McCorci'S position With the CIA was i20-page article by Ms. Brussels made investigative tripse to' thief of Security o?ver the entire Washington, 0.C.j. Which was distributed to the newsmen at the press conference as grounds of the immense CIA cotn- ' Following the raid, a million dollar . pound at Langley, Virginia. Accord- ; suit was filed by the Democrats ns. - :the basis for Ms. Brussels. asser- ing to Mae Brussel!, this Put McCord against the Committee for the Re- ?: According to Ms. :B , :Brussel! the in a very high, responsible position Election of the President for corn - - Watergate Hotel, - located in in relation to.CIA Director Helms V pensatory and punitive damages to who could not conceivably carry out the Democratic' headquarters. The Washington, D.C., was the time of any intelligence planning without, Nixon Committee then asked a U.S viretapping of the . !John and Martha Mitchell at the time any On. McCord to ensure that District Court to postpone the suit :of the- attempted t CIA plans? were kept secret. Until after 'the November 7th elea- Democratic 'Party National Commit- Nine persons (all registered with tion. To hear the suit before the lee. John Mitchell, former Attorney false names suspiciously similar to, - election; the Committee said, coulol .General of the United States, had names used in novels written !),Y deter campaign workers and con- shortly before resigned that 'Hovvard Hu.ni) stayed at the tributions, force disclosure of con- 'prestigious position to head the im- . Watergate. Hotel May 26 to 29, and . ficlential information and otherwise ? portant Committee to Re-Elect the again June 17 and 16. Five of.them, Cause " Presictent.? . the night of their arrest, were incalculable damage" to President Nixon's campaign. . ? ? ? discovered in the Democratic Party ? Approved For Releasee2001/06?04 tJteib4PROP80-01601R000100100001-2 ..... Wills noticed pieces of Scetch tape over the door locks. Wshington Define arrived and riLleiP thn arr,gtc - "i4-tiri+ i rill OA. d 13J'j:\ pin _ ? ' ? 0.) (-*C'3 C-",) r' r,v't 1"-7$ .STATINTL Approved For Release 20Rifilkeel?hURDP80-016 8 AUG 1972 77, ? (9*rti 9 k,3 By Sanford .1. tingar (r f; /CT e 71.4 - ? ' STATI NTL .. ? - ? r 11 ? WaShhazten PoM Staff Writer 'Lr /17.; In47-3-P2P. I q) ? io "J ? .?,vey,?../ ? LOS A.NGELES, Aug. 7 t The conviction record has 6 The Justice Department IN ill i, ,.1 been imPresive, with wiretap accept a long postponement mitapes and logs often providing - the Pent non ThIpel'S trial ?.e'vidence that the government or perhaps even drop the case found impossible to obtain -- rather thao disclose- the ?thcrwise? But in the past month, goy- ,contents of a "foreign intelli- ernment wiretapping was also gence" wiretap, that led to a responsible for the dimissal of 'Supreme Court stay of all pro- at least four federal "politi- tol last , who was cal" prosecutions. Over a Ion- ? '' charged ? ger perioa it has virtu-111%-H with perjury after her testi- spokesman . ? , sl) olaged giaind jui?Y inveso ' ?? , " ? ' rnon v before a federal grand ? A Justice - Department , - , - ? spokesman said today that the ,? , ?? ? , ' , , jury in Seattle.. Ltea,ions in. L . ? prosecutors in the controver- curity" area. h ai e nterna, .? se- jj 0 Lawrence Plamundon, a r member sial case will n of the White Panthe'rot seek to force if Ellsberg and Russo have .. J Party, who was indicted in De- Daniel Illlsberg and Anthony theft waN' with a Supreme ' troit in connection with the Court that has already out- bombiAT., of a Central I ntelli- Buss? to trial this week by re-.. Jawed so-called "national sem- , vealing v.,.hich of their IC attar- gence Agency office in Ann neys and consultants was over- 'UN", wiretaPs warrant, thewit bout tt- a ? Arbor. i seamen revel , ' heard in non-court-authorized electronic surveillance, of electronic surveillanc. 0 Bradford 'Mlle, of the With the case stalled until ' could kill a number of other People's Coalition for Peace the Supreme Court decides . ina:,lor cases. and Justice, who was also ' diff of charged with . assault during i this fall whether to hear a de- ''''' major ? - -? -erence , the Mayday demonstrations ? course, is that wiretaps which and was prosecuted in D.c. ' fensc appeal over the wiretap, 'disclosure of, its 'contents was other such cases are in Thuperior Court be a lawyer ' produce evidence .in narcotics ,,-. the last way the prosecutoi-s?.and from the Justice Department's '? covid have made the trial an variably based 011 a court Internal security Division. `-` -order. In political the sur- Since the Suprerne Court forward. . . ' But John W. Hushen, public - cases,a " , has declared such taps illegal, J . veillance. was j.s,ene.rally used information officer or for what the Justice Depart- disclosure of .their contents? 'Justice Department, said in. a' ment calls "intelligence?gath- in order to determine whether - telephone interview that there, pm-poses and was the evidence was 1 ainied-- was "no chance" such a move ening" would be necessary for any backed only I?i? the klmin;stia- ,,,,? ,,, .,,,,,,,,nd would be made. tion's claim of inherent execu: 'u,'-' case to ''''''''''s" l'he Supreme Court ? has ' Asked whether the govern- ? , tire authority rather than by a never ruled on the legality ef ment's insistence On the se- court mandate. crecy of the wiretap could "foreign intelliaence" wiretaps j j Civil libertarians warn, how- like the mie that has halted . lead to 'dropping the cons-pir- ever, that all wiretapping is of the Pentagon Paper's case, but . acy, espionage and theft in- dictment altogether ? if the Supreme Court should ?eyc'm Wally require disclosure -- Hushen said, "We hope not." The crisis in the Ellsberg- Russo trial comes as a dra- matic example of how a *fa- vored law 'enforcement tool of the Nixon administration, wire- ? Abbie Hoffman, the "Yip- pie" leader, charged with as- sault during last year's May- clay antiwar demonstrations in Washi ngion. 0 Leslie Bacon, the Califor- nia teenager originally ar- rested as a inaterial witness in the bombing of the U.S. Capi- C' Justice William 0. Douglas, in the same cloth and that the granting a stay, said that. such Fourth Amendment rights of distinctions may be a matter many. 'citizens (against 'mica- of "semantics." sonable search and seizure) have been' violated because of general 'public tolerance of government eavesdropping in organized crime cases. They point with some con- cern, for example, to the Jus- tapping,. w h ii e purportedly tire Department's recent deeir snecessfitl in some areas, has :sions to drop cases rather than backfired in another. J reveal to defendants what it According to Hushen, elecilms learned about theM tronic survcillence has beeNthrough bugging. "the single most cf?feetive. tool! These are .the prosecution to get at organized criminal j abandoned by federal authori activity" in the United States. Pointing to narcotics, brib- ery and other flideral convic- tions Republicans in Congress often boast of the adnumstra- ApprOvediFwsReleaste2001/03/04 : CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100 statutory authorit'y to Wirelap. that was allredlY ignored or , ,-Jor,-,,,r?ly neglected by the 'ties, when faced- with. a re-' quirement to disclose "na- tional security" wiretaps under the 'terms of last month's Supreme Court order: 001-2 STATI NTL Approved For Release 2001103/04 : CIA-RDP80-01601R 3 JUL 1972 J- ustice Drops White Panther Wiretap Case DETROIT (UPI)---The Jus- tice Department has dropped bomb conspiracy c har ges against Lawrence (Pun) Pla- mondon rather than disclose Its wire tap evidence. The 26-year-o1d co-founder of the radical but now defunct White Panther party had spent most of the 31/2 years since he was indicted either in hiding or in jail. He had been on the FBI's Ten Most Wanted list. Charges against two other former White Panther leaders, John Sinclair, 29, and jack W. Forrest, 22, were also dropped. The case was the third aban- doned by the government since the June 20 Supreme Court ruling that wire taps .against domestic subversive groups without court .authori- zation are illegal. . Plarnondonl SinClair and Forest were charged with con- spiracy in the bombing of a CIA office in Ann AI bor, in late 1968. Plamondon was also charged with the actual bombing. . ? Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 sAN FRATELsco cAT imam-pig For Reiedte 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01 E 204,749 EXAMINER tc, CHRONICLE S ? 640,004 -r4U 1372- courfs? q STATI NTL U AT ,7,-01.F. three secrecy oaths I signed by Victor L. Mar- chetti during the -course of his career as an agent for t h e Central intelligence Agency, had come back like 'persistent ghosts to haunt him. The problem last week for the 42-year-old ex-CIA executive - turned - author, though, was the locale the CIA "spooks" had chosen: the' courts. A U.S. District Court in Alexandria, Va. ? a suburb - of Washington ? had grant- ed the government unprece- dented "prior restraint" aft- er the CIA had filed suit against Marchetti to in Lizzie him on the subject of intelli- gence activities in the U.S. Marchetti, who had turned to. writing as a way of mak- ing a living since he quit (in good graces) his CIA job in I909, had published one spy novel and had had publish- ing offers for other work in a tnonfiction category. CIA Alarmed Given to statements sitch as, "This excessive secrecy, the sanctity of the cult of in- telligence, is just so much crap," and "In my opinion, the CIA is not qualified to decide what violates. nation- al security," Marchetti had roused the apprehension of .his former colleagues ? nonfiction work. Apparently alarmed, the CIA 'had then filed suit in Superior Court, without informing Marchetti of its intent to do so.' The result had been the temporary restraining or- der, and the little-noticed emergence of a test case that showed signs of major significance in the contest between freedom o f the press and 'government cen- sorship. The court had 'accepted government allegations of 35 breaches of sectjrity (pub lishing of classified materi- al) in Marchetti's writings I n magazines and ? other forms of publication. Mar- chetti had admitted only two of the alleged disclosures: the code name. of a down- state Virginia CIA training "farm," and the title of the Air Force satellite recon- naissance organization. However, on the strength of -arguments- that the gov- ernment could obtain ' no adequate monetary compen- sation for damage caused by release of classified materi- al, and that such disclosure constituted a violation of contract, District Court Judge Albert V. Bryan Jr. had ruled against Marchetti and had made the restrain- ing order permanent. - The White House reported- In attempting to comply ty had been following the with the oaths .of secrecy Marchetti case with intense which 'were a condition of interest. If tbe court deci- his employment, Marchetti sion were sustained in ap- - after leaving the organi- Peals ?courts and ultimately zation ? had allowed CIA in the U.S. Supreme Court,- Aigovo poetfootp 2001 /0310401161AIRDR80-01601 R000100100001 -2 ip big and insert secrecy claus- es into all government cut- ? ployment contracts. Scci? move ,wouhi prob- ably h: e iho effee) ie.htnit.- irg pr-,---ss contacts with v?iio would be more o;.7:ati to prosecution than be-- c).- In critri)lal cases soeh as that of. Daniel Ellsberg, for a "heavy bur- den" of proof is required to gain a conviction for breach of cOntract, and both the in- tent to harm the national in- terest, as well as actual harm, Must be proved. A civil ? court breach of con- tract ease is rylatively eas- ier to win. ? ment would seize on the, rul- 1JUJ RINUPAiLb 16 JUL 1972q-ra-rim Apprqyed F9LpMgasp,2Q0140,3/94 0 LL? ? '4. 4? ? t By ROBERT C. TOTH ? . Timet itef Wri4r ? ? WASHINGTON ? A little-notic.cd? government suit against an ox-CIA.man is under way and could have far, greater impact on government secrecy restrictions than the Penta- / gon Papers trial in Los Angeles. A U.S.-district court in Alexandria, Va., has enjoined -Victor L. Marchet- ti, 412, now a writer, from violating the pledge of secrecy in his CIA con- tract. It granted the government. un- precedented "prior restraint" via- ci- vil process on his writings On intel- ligence subjects. * If the government's view is upheld through appeal courts, authorities will have a. potent new weapon for curbing security leaks. The White House has followed the case closely and is considering in- serting- the same CIA secrecy provi- sion into all government employ- ment contracts ii the snit is upheld . in the ccufts, This would proba.bly inhibit press contacts with officials who would become more vulnerable to govern-. ment legal action. Much less proof is needed to show a breach of contract in civil court than the 'heavy bur- den" required of the government in criminal CRSOS,like Daniel Ellsberg's, where intent to harm the national interest, as well as actual harm to those interests, must be proved. ? On the other hand, if the courts uphold all of Marchetti's arguments,. as presented by the American Civil Liberties -Union, the CIA contract's secrecy agreement could be declared unenforceable and much more intel- ligence information would become :public from former CIA employes. This, aside from making a living, is Marchetti's declared aim. Tic wants to open the agency up to ? greater congressional and public scrutiny and to force the refoi'm of what he calls its "clandestine-orient- ? ed" attitudes and practices. "This excessive secrecy, the sanc- tity of the cult of intelligence, is just - so much crap," Marchetti said in an interview in his comfortable subur- ban home. He alleges there is enor- mous waste and inadequate congres- sional control over the CIA's S700 Million annual budget and the oper- ations of its 17,000 emplbyes. ? The CIA refuses to discuss the case. t4ve ? 1-Au -11archetti.'s experience dates back to the early 1950s, when he served in Europe AS an Army intelli- gence officer. Ile later was graduated from Pennsyl- vania .State University in Soviet studies and was re- cruited by the CIA out of the classroom. He signed Iwo secrecy agreements t 11 ell. 0 n c. .pledged he would not dis- close the initial interview. The second was signed when he began work i'Ind was a condition for em- ployment. In it he fore- swore claim to any intel- ligence information Cor collection, handling and analysis of it) learned while in the agency and pledged "never" to reveal ? CA!..11C. vv ? 1-le first wrote a novel, "T ii e Hope Danr r which the. agency asked to read in its initial stages. 3d-archett.i promised to submit it only in finished form. When the manu- script was completed, a CIA man called and asked to take it to the agency to be copied and studied. Marchetti refused. allow- ing it to he read only in his house. No ohjections were made to, its content, be said. it was pnblished and enjoyed modest success; , an option Inc in ii guts was purchased, Then he turned to non- fiction, writing an article for the. Nation in April ("CI A: T h e President's Loyal Tool"). He also pre- . pared a piece for Esquire such. information unless, ("Twilight o f t Ii e authcirized in writing by/ Spooks"), and drew up the the CIA chief. ? on time for a nonfiction By all accounts. March- etti did well in the agency and left under no cloud. Ile first trained for clan- destine work but turned to analysis of Soviet military affairs. He rose to become executive assistant to the deput v director, .t h e n Adm. Rufus Taylor. A. year after -Taylor retired, Marchetti resigned h i s $25,000-a-year post. When be quit in 1989, be signed a third sec?recy agreement which in effect repeated his earlier pledge not to disclose without ad- vance authorization intel- ligence information ob- tained while employed. Writes Spy Novels To maintain the same standard of living for his wife and three children, March.etti turned to writ- ing spy novels and nonne_ ? tion on intelligence sub- jects. Ile believed he could bring a "certain realism" to these matters t h at would increase its market value. ? ? From his recitation of the facts. Marchetti wap, book. He submitted the. outline and the Esquire draft to sir hook publish- ers.; four-made offers, one of which lie accepted. But one publisher apparently told the CIA. Marelletti had not. cleared any of it. with the agency. He said he intend- ed to ...submit the 1:mm11-- fished nonfiction when it takes final shape, which means after his editors have seen it. He did not, however, submit the Na- tion article for clearance at any time because, he said, "there was,nothing in it to damage national se- curity. "That's mv judgment," he acknowledged. "In my opinion, the CIA. is not qualified to decide ,what violates national security." Some independent body like the. courts should make such, decisions, ? he said. .' Restraining Order The- agency -moved on April 18. a month after getting the unpublished material, to enjoin :March- etti from alleged further Approved For Release 20M14 ? gi rkOts_80-011604R0001001Ct0001 ? agreements. Without his ev over his literary at- : tempts, STATI NTL -2 continu2d /91%'.v"hit13104: esitjavenlease 2001/03/04 : CIA-RDP80-016 Front Edit Other Page Page Page BOSTON, MASS. , RECORD?AMERICAN M ? 438,372 ADVERTISER S ? 432,963 _3UL 91972 F 11.1 P:4 STATI NTL By SIflNEY EDWARDS (London Exprtn) LONDON ? When Visconti directed Hurt Lancaster in The Leopard. he described him like this: "The most perfectly mysterious man I've 'ever met." . There) was ' more than an element of mystery involved 'In meeting Mr. Lancaster this week. No one actually put on a blindfold but I had to meet at a rendezvous, a' hotel, about 500 yards away from the house In which. ? he is staying. Then escorted through . back streets. He is anxious to preserve the anonymity of his whereabouts (although If you are OM early in Hyde Park you might meet him jogging In. a blue track-sult). The setting is aristocratic: a black Rolls at the door, old paintings on . the rails of the beautifully furnished drawing room. One ashtray is crotd- ? ad with cigarette ends. "I stayed up ,Until 4 gen. trying to adjust to the 0 time eiringe from New York. I finally got to Meer) and I feel much better.", ? It was ?mid-morning and he had just got upAIAenvipoign26113 tkrgelfe ult and PMe, urinaven chi to match. A housekeeper brings tea and Frerli ti7.741 onto the carpet. The frame is large, the shoulders brad. The eyes are bright blue, which you .don't quite expect. He will be 60 next year: I say he looks pretty fit. "You mean for an old man?" he asks smilingly. I say, no, I didn't mean that. "I have to act my age. No more love scenes In films. I'd look rather 'silly making love to a 19-year-old girl. It's character parts from now on." ? He talks crisply in the deep voice. He is rather cool andl serious. - A character put hs brought him to London. -He plays an ageing CIA V agent in Michael Winner's film, Scorpio. Location shots were done in Washington !eat week but the scenes ostensibly inside the. CIA headquar- ters will be shot in an office block at Hemel Hempstead. His co-ster is ? Paul Scofield, who plays a Russian egent. They last worked together on the film_ The Train. Laneaster says he admires? Scofield very much. "I'm a movie star.. He's a great' actor. That's the difference." ? ase 20414/03/04ne1AuRDP810t-0.1 - in Vienna I nottee iFeltburp, , Festival prog I am tee oeee the aleer eiia GA - at Salzburg from Vienna and to the ? Olympics." Then he fixes you with the blue eyes, :the whole 6 ft. 2 in. fraine looks a shade overbearing and he eaks: "Do you haveany influence in this town,. Mr. Edwards?" I say no, then ? he says he wants a ticket to hear the Nilsson-Solti pet fonnance o Elektrie at Covent Garden, else Jon Vickers in Otello. He rays his one ambition in life had been to be an opera singer. "Ever since I sang in the church choir as a boy. Than the voice broke and I've spent the rest of my life searching for it." We talk for a while about his early days in New York. "I lived on ICtlith Street, a wide block--Central Park - was five minutes away to play in. I spent most of my time in the library ? on 110th Street. ' "My father worked in the post of- fice, Ho made 43 dollars a week, a fortune in thoee days. l wore hArdCd down clothes. It didn't matter. Those things are unimportant. "As a child I had a part in an 6 01R000 t MI 0 tribll "Three Pills in the Bottle. Three men came It . . . 11111n4 Approved For Release 2001/03/cik gidmigp80-01601R0 ? 5 JULY 1972 n 1111Htli 1,11) `i1/41j;.' ri E2 ti ' 1 fl F-113ep Li Li Li UIL ? r"7\11;71,74),F-6) rill if 1 LI Li STAT I NTL in the 1968 Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act which By George Conk disclaimed any congressional intention to "limit the constitutional ? The Nixon administration suffered an important setback last power of the President to protect the notion agziinst hostile foreign week in its ongoing efforts to curtail the dembcratie rights of the powers or any clear and present danger to the Strnelure or CX kl enCe American people.. of the government." . - . At issue was nothing less than the -4th Amendment to the 11.S. The Nixon administration seized upon his language as. ConStitution and the U.S. supreme- court, for reasons of its 'own, congressional approval of its claim ot broad Nur?eillance Dossers. rallied to its defense in an 8-0 decision outlawing government But the congressional debates, as the Powell opinion makes clear. wiretapping of "domestic subversives" without obtaining a warrant showed simply a desire to avoid a direct clash svith the exectitis beforehand. pushing the decision into the laps ol,the judiciary. . The Justice Department, under the leadership of Nixon's chief crony, former Attorney General John Mitch:II, first disclosed its Bold claims . wiretapping policy in the .1969 pre-trial hearings of the Chicago 8, The 'Justice Department was extraordinarily bold in its claims of under indicttnent for their role in the 1968 demonstrations at the wiretapping power. Its affidavit alleged no "clear and present Democratic national convention. danger," no use of force or unlawful means by those. being stir- . The. practice of wiretapping, however, started much earlier. It veilled, no links with "hostile foreign powers." no attempt to appears to have begun during the Roosevelt administration in the overthrow the government, no specific criminal ins estigations. 1 930s, bloomed under Truman's reign, run rampant in the It simply spoke of "gathering intelligence deemed necessary to Eisenhower-IvIcCarthy period and continued .right to the present. protect the nation from attempts df domestic organizations to The rebuke to Nixon's current policy stemmed from the case of attack and subvert the existing structure of pos et-omen'. . . ." A 'Tun" Plamondon and two other members of the White Panther request for carte-blanche surveillance of radicals, at the least. party, a "cultural revolutionary" youth group centered in Michigan. The prosecution based its claim on the -inherent power" of 111c The court. declared the warrantless wiretaps used by . the President. The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals found in the prosecution in the case unconstitutional and ordered the Justice government's legal argument no suggestion of limitations. on this Departm'ent to turn over its logs of Plamondon's conversations to power nor any recognition that the sovereign power of this nation is :his defense attorneys or to drop the charges. (The three activists distributed .among three branches of government." were Charged with dynamiting a CIA office in Ann Arbor, ? 1-1 k 1 Michigan.) . "__-ie _ey to this progressive decision--by a court ss Inch has been moving steadily to the right when dealing with other basic For its part, the government sought to avoid disclosure and to freedoms?perhaps lies here, The presidential claim of un establish the legality of the taps through an affidavit from Mitchell, trammeled power has procnpted a convergence of those forces ? The government admitted to the court that the taps were 'no an concerned about the waning power of Congress with the judiciary's attempt to gather evidence for specific criminal prosecutions," but desire to 'guard its "integrity." "an ongoing intelligence gathering" effort against "subversive The supremc court took offense at. 'the government's argument forces." .that internal security matters are too subtle and too complex for judicial evaluation." "Courts regularly deal with the most difficult Tapping will go on ? issues of our society," wrote Powell. According to government statistics, such taps can remain in use Douglas, noting the threats to popular political freedom posed by ' for months, many times longer than the usual duration of court- police informers, grand juries, the FM ..... and the military mould ban ordered taps. It would also be a mistake to believe that, with the virtually all 'wiretapping and bugging. He suggested that since it court decision, such taps will stop. They will not. It is only their use wiretap warrant could not "specifically name the cons?ersations to as evidence in court that mill be curtailed, be seized," any such authorization "would amount to a gencral In handing down the decision, Nixon appointee Justice Lewis F. warrant, the very abuse condemned by the 4th Amendment," Powell, Jr., joined by five others, developed further the Wa'rren court's extension of the 4th Amendment in the area of electronic Unanswered questions" The court left many questions open. It did not deal with whether surveillance. In 1967 the court held that taps and bugs were the procedures for obtaining a federal wiretapping warrant set forth "searches" and in 1968 required the disclosure of records of such surveillance to its victims. in the 1968 Act are adequate to the -11h Amendment. U.S. judge ?? Former Deputy Attorney General, Justice Byron White, in a Joseph Lord in Philadelphia has recently held them too lax. separate opinion, found the wiretapping in violation of the (968 It did not express any opinion "with respect to the acti? ities of Omnibus Crime Act and did not pass on the 4th Amendment issue. foreign powers or their agents." The message was not lost on the Justice William 0. Douglas, while joining the majority opinion, Justice Department, which has stated it will not disconnect its went significantly beyond it in a concurring opinion. Justice "foreign security" taps. ? William II Rehnquist, the right-wing former Deputy Attorney Not only are the congressional requirements quite loose. hut 111e General, took no part in the decision, presumably because of his "foreign agent" loophole could be a barn door, as history. both role in the planning and implementation of the now-rejected policy. recent and not so recent, has demonstrated. The rebuke to the exe.cutive- branch was clear. The ad- This was the most important victory since the supreme court ministration failed to garner a single vote on the court. Powells allowed the publication of the Pentagon Papers. but k is not an :trea position was a striking personal reversal. Before his nomination, he in which many more prog,ressive gains can be expected. The court FonnovrereirRordepreiveitoblitivyey ,6 hich it has not .- had enthApppowedpFor Relreaseu200 I iO3iO4 4relAIRDI which was reprinted widely?including in the FBI's "Law En- emonsYrrteg in %Mier areas, as 'in recent'restrietions on foreement Bulletin." ? - freedom to leaflet private shopping areas and the end of the courts A ...-...,:,-... ,,....,,:-., :., ,1,- ?,,,? ,?.,,? .t.,_,__:,,,,, ,,t? ,?,,,,,?, ?In?,? unanimity in school desegration have made clear. MIF:11INGTON STAR =A rirkt-ri- OL0 Approved For Release 20&140a01419321A2RDPK1601 WASHINGTON CLOSE-UP konage, to CIA DrEm - The American Medical Asso- ciation, which predictably of- fers few surprises at its an- nual meeting, achieved the un- expected this year. As one entered the conven- tion's exhibition hall in San Francisco's Civic Cent a r, -one's nostrils were assailed by an odor more appropriate to that city's Haight-Ashbury dis- trict ? an aroma strongly suggestive of the burning leaves and blossoms of the fe- male Cannabis sativa plant. The scent fired the curiosity of all in the hall who had ever sampled marijuana and drew from the wife of one physician attending the meeting the re- mark that she had smelled that odor many times in the back of the school bus she ? drives. That was only-the beginning of the surprise. Following one's nose, one soon came upon a booth housing an exhib- it on drug abuse which fea- tured a display about many drugs including pot, and a de- vice that generated a synthetic smoke that was close to, if not identical with the real thing. There was still more surpise to come in this display, which ? it turned out?had won the gold medal in the AMA's coveted Billings Prize compe- tition as one of the outstanding scientific exhibits of the meet- ing. The exhibitor was no mere doctor or pharmaceuti- cal firm, or even your aver- ? age, run-of-the-mill science- oriented government bureau. It was that most unlikely of contenders for an AMA award: The . Central Intelli- genee Agency. Dr. Donald Borcherding of the CIA was on hand to ex- plain the exhibit's origins. Like most agencies, he said, the CIA has . an occupational health division whose job it is to promote the well-being of Its personnel. When CIA offi- cials at the agency's Langley, By Mit 1-1 RANDAL - Va., headquarters bee a me worried about pot, LSD, speed, heroin and the like, Borcherd- ing and his colleagues assem- bled the display. According to the CIA medic, it was an immediate hit, not only at the Langley "Spook Farm" but also among groups in the community, such as Knights of Columbus lodges and parent-teacher associa- tions. The CIA is thinking about putting together "how- to-do-it" instructions so that other groups can build their own replicas. Gr an t e d, the crusade against drug abuse needs al the help it can get. But the trouble with the CIA exhibit is that it does not tell things strictly as they are. For exam- ple, i( implies that the use of marijuana sets the stage for later use of heroin. This issue is by no means settled and, as a matter of fact, there is a good deal of evidence to sug- gest that alcohol, rather than marijuana, is the first drug to be abused by most peaple who subsequently become . heroin addicts. In any case, many experts believe that if there is any connection whatever between pot and heroin, it is their ille- gal status and that if the for- mer were "decriminalized," its link with the latter would tend to disappear. More important to this dis- cussion than an argument about the casual relationship of the two drugs is the point that the CIA does not come into the campaign with com- pletely clean hands. Reporters have been hearing for more than a year that the agency has been supporting the heroin traffic in the Golden Triangle region of Laos, Thailand and Burma, and that this opium byproduct has been one of the more important cargoes car- ried by Air America, an air- line operating in Southeast nght ironic Asia whose charter business i almost exclusively with the CIA. The Golden Triangle re- gion, incidentally, is said to grow 70 percent of the world's illicit opium from which mor- phine base, morphine and eventually heroin are derived. For more details on the CIA's complicity in the heroin mess, one might consult an article entitled "Flowers of Evil" by historian Alfred W. McCoy, in the July issue of Harper's magazine. Part of a forthcoming book called "The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia," the article spells out in detail how Vag Pao, long the leader of a CIA secret army in Laos, has become even more deeply involved in the drug traffic and what role this traf- fic has played in the importa- tion of heorin into the United States and its use by our troops in South Vietnam. Writes McCoy of the situa- tion: "As a result of direct and indirect American involve- ment, opium production has steadily increased, high-grade heroin production is flourish- ing and the Golden Triangle's POPPY fields have become linked ? to markets in Europe and the U.S." The CIA went away from the San Francisco meeting with a gold medal and, no doubt, a good many doctors who saw the exhibit went away im- pressed. Some of them proba- bly learned for the first time what pot smells like. But for others there was a bitter incongruity in the gov- ernment's super-secret spy arm winning a medal for an exhibit on the horrors of drug abuse. To some it was a little /like the Mafia getting a top V award for a display of the evils of extortion, prostitution and gambling ? and a few of the more socially aware physi- cians present dM not hesitate to say so. STATINTL Approved For 'Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 STAT I NTLej111.111111111 H 6134 Approved For Re 94/1Q4 -c.46ap.P. tied over the next several months. No- body has mentioned how much we have wasted on research and development. The CHAIRMAN. The time of the gen- tleman from California has expired. ? (By unanimous consent, Mr. LEGGETT was allowed to proceed for an additional minutes.) Mr. LEGGETT. Mr. Chairman, no- body has mentioned how much we have wasted on the full 12 site deployment program, which is clearly banned by the SALT agreement.. I am sure there is nobody in this room who doubts that the SALT Treaty is go- ing to be approved, and also the law which has to be enacted by this House and by the other body respecting the limitation on offensive weapons. So far as the Safeguard system is con- cerned, our whole effort in building the progra.m around Malmstrom and Grand Forks was to guarantee that we would have a retaliatory force that would be Invulnerable to a first strike by the So- viet Union. So therein lies the reason why we were stampeding ahead to build at this billion dollar rate. We have to recogni,ze that as a result of the SALT agreements and our ability to monitoi? 'front very high altitude there will be no ability on behalf of the Soviet Union to effectively make a first strike. Therefore, we have no reason to protect the Minuteman missile sites. I believe we should go ahead and per- haps complete them, but why, I say, at this Scandalously high rate of accelera- tion, in view of the fact that we have probably wasted in excess of $2 billion making this a _bargaining chip? We can go ahead to proceed at the $403 million rate rather than the $700 million-plus rate and still complete Grand Forks, and study whether or not we need a Minute- man site at what we call the National Command Center, which now is Wash- ington. I always thought that, our National Command 'Center was in a rock hole at Colorado Springs, but now it is Wash- /Ili gton I know we have hard sited the Penta- gon and hard sited the CIA. I say that if the National Conunand Center in the White House, why, the President is only there about one-third of the time, and we ought to be spending at least two-thirds of this money at Key Biscayne or at San Clemente. do not mean 'to he facetious, but we are really stampeding ahead trying to meet the Soviet Union because they have the Golosh system around Moscow. I be- lieve the record shows that as the result of the deployment of the mechanical and rather obsolete Golosh system around Moscow, according to Some of our experts, including Secretary Laird, Moscow is less secure today than it was before the de- ployment of the Galosh system. Now, if we want to make Washington less secure, all we have to do is go ahead and stampede forward and put the 100 ABM sites around the city. That means, instead of just targeting two or three ICBM's for the Capital, we will be tar- geting about 102 or 103. My God! I hope that ABM system works, Otherwise we are really in worse shape, because if we have only a 75-per- cent effectiveness rate out of it, we have multiplied the missiles that will be knocking out the Capital by several thou- sand percent. So I think we can really slow down in this program. The: President has said as he signed the SALT agreements that we want to stop the arms race. Secretary Laird has said, let us stop the arms race, but we have to accelerate these other programs and be ready in 5 or 10 years when the 5-year agreement on offensive missiles expires. I do not think we ought to accelerate under the SALT umbrella. That is the fundamental question that has to be de- cided by this Congress. I will ask for a record vote on this amendment. I think we have to either take the President at his word that he wants to deescalate the arms race, or else we are going to be spending all our money for these quality accelerations under the terms of the agreement. I think we can well afford to cut out at least $350 million from this item without degrading our defense one Iota, but merely looking forward to not having quite so expensive bargaining chips as we have had in the past. Mr. ARENDS-. Mr. Chairman, I rise in opposition to the amendment. Mr. Chairman, I would like to have the attention of the gentleman who just preceded me, the gentleman from Cali- fornia. I thought you were doing pretty well until you mentioned Bob McNamara,. Then you lost me. Mr. Chairman, as a result of reduc- tions, made by SALT, the bill reduces the Safeguard ABM authorization $532 mil- lion below the original request. The amendment of the gentleman from California, would delete an additional $350 million from the Safeguard pro- gram.. The gentleman's amendment would re- sult in eventually raising the cost of the system. The components of the Safe- guard's complex system are procured over a period of years but the amend- ment would cut so deeply that it would interrupt the pipeline and force a reduc- tion in the production process. The site at Grand Forks, N. Da.k., is 90 percent completed. Dr. Kissinger has told us very clearly that this was one of the big incentives in getting the Russians to agree to sign an arms limitation agree- ment. To fail to complete the deployment new would be sheer folly. It would either mean that eventual completion of the system would be more expensive or it would mean failure to complete the sys- tem which would take away the incen- tive for the Russians to continue further arms negotiations. Some of the materials on order for Malmstrom, Whiteman, and Warren, the discontinued sites, can be used at the Washington, D.C., site. But the gentle- man' amendment would cut so deep that it would prevent continued orderly pro- curement of materials and probably eventually raise the cost of that site. I earnestly urge that the amendment be defeated. The CHAIRMAN. The question le en the amendment offered by the gentleman from California (Mr. LEGGETT) Mr. LEGGETT. Mr. Chairman, I rnr1. the point of order that a quorum is not present. The CHAIRMAN. The Chair will count. Mr. LEGGETT. Mr. Chairman, I with- draw my point of order. The CHAIRMAN. The gentleman from California withdraws his point of order. TELLER VOTE WITH CLERKS Mr. LEGGETT. Mr. Chairman, I de- mand tellers. Tellers were ordered. Mr. LEGGETT. Mr. Chairman, I de- mand tellers with clerks. Tellers with clerks were ordered; and the Chairman appointed as tellers: Messrs. LEGGETT, ARENDS, PIKE, and BRAY. The Committee divided, and the tellers reported that there were--ayes 116, noes 258, not voting 58, as follows: [Roll No. 231] [Recorded Teller Vote] AYES-116 Abzug Forsythe Adams Fraser Adclabbo Gaydos Ander:3on, Glaimo -Calif. Gibbons Ashley Green, Pa. Aspin Gude I3adillo Barrett 13egich Berglancl 131ester Bingham Boland Boning Brademas Burke, Mass. Burlison, Mo. Burton Carey, N.Y. Carney Celler Clay Collins, Conte Conyers Corm a n Curlin Dellums Dcnholm Diggs Dingell Dunolme Dow Drinan Mink Eckhardt Mitchell Edwards, Calif. Moorhead Eilberg Nedzi Evans, Colo. Nix Foley Obey O'Hara Pike Prrol:;r1l, Ark. Rangel Rena IIalpern Reid Hanna.. Reuss Hansen, Wash. Riegle Harrington , Robison, N.Y. Hathaway Rodima Hechler, W. Va. Roncalio Heinz Rooney, Pa. Helstoskl Rosenthal Hicks, Wash. Roush Hungate Roy Jacobs Kh Roybal art Ryan . Kastenmeler St Germain Koch Kyros Sarbanes Selherling Leggett San th, Iowa Link Stanton, Long, Md. j,In es V. Lujan Stokes McCloskey SN-mington McCormack Thompson, N.J. Udall 1.1adden Matsunaga Ullman Meeds Mazzoll Van Deerlin k Metcalfe Walchle Mikva n Wolff Yates Yatron Zwach Abbitt Anderson, Ill. Andrews, Ala. Andrews, N. Dak. - Annunzio Archer Arends Ash brook Aspi uall Baker 'Belcher Bell Bennett Betts Bevill Biaggi Blackburn Bow Brasco Bray Brooks Brotzxnan NOES-258 Brown. Mich. Brown, Ohio Broyhill, N.C. Broyhill, Va. Buchanan Burleson, Tex. Byrne, Pa. Byrnes, Wis. Byron Cabell Camp Carlson Carter Casey, 'rex. Cederberg Chamberlain Chappell Clanc-y Clausen, Don H. Clawson, Del Cleveland Collier Collins, Tex. Calmer Con able Conover Cotter Coughlin Crane Daniel, Va. Daniels, N.J. Danielson Davis. Wis. de la Garza Delaney nellenback Dennis Derwinski Devine Dorn Downing Dulski Duncan du Font Dwyer Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 .?ii'LS"t!.1.1.it;701.1 ...Y.0512 Approved For Release 20204/Cigb;i911A-RVAT:al,s-fi301R irj:19 - P CI e f. , -1. T , ,,, , ,7 c L) Frieyids Shocked by His By Ronald Kessler . / :Vashinton Post Staff Writer V ? James W. McCord Jr., the Republican security consult- ant arrested in the national _Democratic headquarters -hugging at Saturday, had been until two years :ago one of the highest-rank- . . big security officials at one of the most securit scions agencies in the world. McCord, 53, was described -this week by sonic of bis for- -mer associates at the Cen- tral Intelligence Ageney as 'having been 'several levels /above the chief of physical security . for the CIA's mas- sive, white stone headquar- ters in McLean, with author- ity at various times over a . number of the agency's se- :Curity functions here and .abroad. . McCord's salary level; :these associates said, was GS-15 or 10, or $24,000 to .$35,000 under the govern- ment's current salary. scales. ? Such a salary range is 'con- 'sidered high In the govern- ! ment security field. It therefore was not sur- ? prising that McCord was ?hired as chief, security man ?, for President Nixon's re- election campaign and as se- ' curity consultant for the Ile- ? publican convention. his credentials for the job, after 19 years as a security officer at the CIA and a ?previous .stint as a Federal Bureau of - Investigation agent, were impeccable. .But former coworkers, 'friends, and neighbors all :expressed shock that the slightly bald . man of me- dium height and build, ? signing ..,'?guartis; ebeekutg? his wife took out A $25,500 - whose aPpearance- is said to -eMployee. loYiilty and see6-, mortf,cage to help pay 'for it The CL -1, although limit be far handsomer than a re- ray Jo ii and policing safes and IZ'iter the same year oh- 41;r itself officially to a ? . Cent picture would inclii-eite, ;.,inid . IOCks. ?'.1.6 Installing tuned a , $5,000 second mort- stitement that he retired as ,had been involved in the bi- - closed-Cii7etlit i cleviMon siar??; gage loan from a credit a security officer and left in. ware bugging incident at i-eillance sysierns7. and. con.,?? union good standing, is known to Democratic headquarters. dtictirtg? sweeps.. for? bugs and Arrest ui. Bugging Case dertaking the dirty work ? 6nd? rnahirig the woods that is a prerequi.Sitc?16 around the domed CIA - -biiilding secure. planting them - without get. ting ?eaugb lIc ? . ,? .-...Despite the spooky nature . ?,.t - ? -? ? , DI. WO. wort:, much of Me- known by a number Of Pro- ..Coed's time was taken up at- fessional ?..:biu.,i,ging experts -.tending meetings, seeing interyiewed by a :reporter.- ..olitside firms selling new ? In addition, they said security devices' and admin. there.waSolothing in his per- istering the 30 to 100 cm- sonal life or career ?to inch- ployees under him, former cate he would ever hceotne cowort:0,-s? ?5,i??? ;.iss, involved in anything :clues. : James Walter McCord Jr: thereWith for hr suit in- dustry, it let institu-? tionable. '-',. ' ? a native of Texas, where he "USuallY You can spOt fele ? and his wife, Sarah R., were lows who .will haw. trouble graduated from Baylor UM- / in the futtire," said'a-forrner ' 'el?sitY, has a son, Michael, security Official who V,.orked' who attends the 'U.S. Air with McCord at CIA. "This Force - Academy, and a guy moved up the ranks to- daughter,. Carol Anne, who higher and higher response will be a sophomore next bility. Ile- had good. fitness year at -madison College in reports, he was not a whecl.-? I I arriso lib u rg, Va. er-dealer, he always made a- li nice appearance. People had ii ad di t on, the couple has a slightly retarded 14-year- a. lot of confidence' in him, and he ? was 'reed:. and ?re7: old daughter, and neighbors spected." ,? say McCord spends hours Friends ?and neighbors, as Playing, with her and help- well as coworkers, described Mg her to read and write. him as a sensible, rational Associates say he had talked ',-..and"calin indfvidual, con; at various times of develop- . ? ? ? 'genial and.' approachable, lug educational materials sensitive U.,. local neighbor- for retarded children. hood.: issues )11.;?.?Rockville, The family attends church and.: a " Man ,c?.1-10 devotesea every Sunday and ire- great deal' of time to his' quently travels out Of town ?clnicicen and to civic activi- . on weekends. Both McCord ' and Sarah McCord are de- ties, .:.,....??? ?,. McCord; a; Ito the scribed as conservative ,? 'alias'. Zdward ?.r.1-1,art in .y?hen?: dressers. arrested' Sithirday; had ' a McCord served as an FBI gerford Dr., Rockville. Ho. and his wife signed articles of incorPoratiOn for the. company in November, but the papers weren't tiled with the Montgomery County clerk's office until April 14. The papers said thc con; cern would engage in 'busi- ness services and make studies, analyses, surveys and reports in connection lions, local, state, federal and foreign governments . ? ". A director of the company v,,ith McCord and his wife is Dorothy N. Be:1.e,, of llous- ton, McCord's .sister-in-law. Late last night she described herself As -"heartsick" ever the affair. McCord was hired as secu-. city coordinator for ?the Nixon campaign Jan. 1 at a take-home salary' of.$1,209 a month. He recently traveled to Miami to cheek out secu- rity for the Republican con- vention, .and it was revealed in court yesterday that he rented two apartments in . Sources in the security business said McCord had traveled to New York in an attempt to drum up business for his firm. Ills contract with the Republican Party was considered a sure sell- broad baekg?round? in,the:se: radio operator, manning- ing point. "People he talked entity field- at the -CIA', iin- wireless and two-way radios, with say he was a hell of a ?cludirigthelnyc?stigatiVe??ana from 1042 through 1943 and nice guy who did a good ,1-;'esearch? areas, formere-isso- was an FBI special agent selling job," one security ex- eiaieS, say, . But. they say. his from 19-18 through 1951. Ile pert said.' Primarcorieern- had been joined Inc CIA in that year. ? ._ 11though McCord rarely ;protection of the :CIA 'head: Formerly a Springfield qiihrters1- 41 ,zingleY? resident, McCord moved in talked politics. one former CIA assochne described him . .Insuring the ?? security. of 1067 to Rockville and bought ? any:. .ionsitivci? ,buil ding en: his present house at 7 Win- as "slightl:,, right of center." He is a lieutenant colonel in , tzdis antic? ranging from as- der Ct. for S38,000. He and th , V ? For- .e. Reserve ..rormer associates said WirefaP,s?*:,?;;Y? t?V'''-'17-- 'r that 1\1cC?rd had some fa- :..A.I. the CIA 'Marked 'tC) the miliarity with bugging and' ' d outside world only by a en- debugging devices in lino hemistic road sign saying With his protective duties at p the CTA But, they said, he Fah?banhs Highway Research Station," these duties take had no technical knowledge. , f ? i ?e clandestine After retiring from the CIA in ,1970, McCord en- tered the security consulting business, and neighbors said his hours became irregular. In the spring of 1971, he rented four rooms as the of- fice for his firm. McCord be anxious to disassociate it, self from the controversy surrounding McCord. Arguing in court ? yester- day that -McCord's ? haiT, shouldn't be reduced, Assisk ant U.S. Attorney Earl J.. Silbert portrayed McCord as Wally btArFrOvedgFor-ffeHMA "ttallfUTAA ? tiAiTh51410foiiddidennecidian. imt to of or experience with it ,? insta )1.; them or un- face his friend, his neigh- bors, his church?" Silbert Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-016 BOSTON, MASS. RECORD?AMERICAN M ? 438,372 ADVERTISER S ? 432,963 JUN 2 2 I 72). STATI NTL ?? By LONDON EXPRESS Rumours are rampant in Washington that a Britieh. film unit has been allowed to wander inside the super- secret headquarters of the Central Intelligence Agency. It is the first .time in all its bizarre history that the agency has thrown open it's doors to cameras, and I gather the whole affair caused some angst at high . levels in the U.S. intelligence ,community. Michael Winner, the normally witty and talkative director who has been in Washington to shoot his new ' ? film, "Scorpio," a spy thriller starring Burt Lancaster, Paul Scofield and Alain Delon, is shrinkingly reticent on the subject. Ile refuses comment of any kind. ? Other sources say the film publicity will not mention the 'extent of the CIA's hospitality, and the full story of this extraordinary episode may not be known for years. . The .. CIA until now it has managed to preserve a monastic privacy by tight security and a press office _which seems to have taken Trappist vows. Not long ago the CIA wanted to talk Congress into buying them extra land in Langley, Va., so as to make the headquarters even harder for outsiders to approach. ; ? . Some agents climbed to the top of a nearby hill and took pictures of the director's seventh-floor office using'a telephoto lens. Then they enlarged the original photograph many tithes. In the final print the grainy and blurred head of the CIA .director could just be discerned, working at his desk. ? They showed it. to Congress which quickly agreed to buy the land. Now this fabulous Vatican of Western intelligence , ? has been breached by a young English film director. "Scorpio" is a taut. suspense drama in which Burt ? Lancaster plays an American agent suspected of selling out to the Russians and Alain Delon is a freelance assassin blackmailed by the CIA into trying to murder him. The script reeks of alienation as do many of Winner's films, but it makes no severe moral judgments about the sometimes ruthless methods of American es- ptonage. "We only show the CIA killing nasty agents," Win- ner said. leaning back in his director's chair and puffing at a $3 cigar. 'Young people in America think the CIA shbuld not exist, but that is naive." The abundantly talented Winner, who manages to look simultaneously debauched and cherubic, says he found. the CIA officials "terribly charming and cheerful and gentlemanly at all times." ? "Scorpio" has created the biggest movie sensation In Washington since Otto Pretninger ordered senators around during the shooting of "Advise and Consent" nearly 10 years ago. One congressman, James Wright of Texas, dressed up as a priest and collected $25 for a days work as an extra when Winner filmed a sequence at Washington airport. Huge mobs of onlookers assembled in Georae- ' town to watch Burt Lancaster shoot John Colicos with a gun wrapped in a brown- paper bag, At a' roller-Skating rink, all sounds drowned by the 'throb of a mighty Wurlitzer pipe organ, Winner ex- plained that he keeps away from studios wherever possible and takes his cameras athong real people in authentic surroundings. "Its like modern guerrilla warfare," *he said. "I go out into the streets and shoot. If I get into trouble in one place, I can move somewhere else. And it saves spending large sums of money on extras. If I neen another. 10 people I just pull them out of the crowd.. Yesterday I pulled out four, found they came from Hampstead and had.to put them back again," t 'The London Expos; Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 - STATINTL 2 0 JUN 1972 Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01.6 ?,; society to protect constitu- tional values?. By no means "r/D ("-`4 of least importance will be 1_4 the reassurance of% the uublic generally that .inriiseriminate wiretapping and bug';:int; of law-abiding citizem>. ' cannot occur." Powell said public linens'. ness was justified by the "dan- ger to political dksent" inher- ent in the vague concept of na- tional security. since "the. tar. gets of official surveillance may be those suspected of unorthodoxy in their politiOal beliefs." He added 'The price. of law- fu) public dissent must not be a dread uf su hjeetio.n to an un- checked surveillance power." The rcossuranee stems front the independent jud,..tment of a neutral arid detached magis, trate who determine.z. whether there is 't1 rea,lenable bat-hi for the electronic intrusimi noon privacy, Powell said. He indicated that Under ap- propriate guidelines for such warm nt s t he ov er inn ent 0 -01 0 fr-6 esm By John P. MacKenzie Washinton Post Staff Wr!ter ? ? A unanimous Supreme Court rejected yesterday the 'Nixon administration's claim that the Executive Branch may wiretap suspected "domestic". radicals without a court warrant. ,In a major rebuff to an important administration law enforcement policy, the court held that freedom for private dissent "cannot safely Emphasizing that the, for- be guaranteed if domestic eign agent problem was not security surveillances may be before the high court. Powell .eondueted solely __within the said that even the domestic discretion of the Executive is - ' might I ' . 1 'able1 ies pressed. by the depart-; . mein "merit. the most careful 1 ." 'a` e been to ? '- Branch." . Consideration" when urged c. .. in tam approval to eavesdrop on . Lawrence (Pun) Plamondon, a The blow was delivered by behalf of the President." one of President Nixon's own "\\ 1 . I ! leader of the radical White , . Panther Party accused of con- lightly," said Powell, "especial- ... appointees to the court, Lewis ' spiting to blow up a Central ly at a time of worldwide fer-: F. Powell jr., writing for him- - Intelligence 'Agency building ment and when civil disorders - . . self and five other justices. in this country are more prey- at Ann Arbor, Alien. Concurring separately were alent than in the less turbu- Lower courts ruled that wire- Chief Justice Warren E. tent periods of our history." tap records in the case must Burger and Justice Byron R. Powell then went on to re- be turned over for defense White. .ject every administration ar4. inspection to see whether the . Beginning in the 1969 prose- ument, including the conten; illegal taps produced part of cution of the "Chicago 8" con- tion that internal security' the prosecution's case. Yester- spiracy defendants, one of -- matters are "too subtle and, day's decision forces the goy- many cases vitally affected by complex" for judges. ? eminent to choose between yesterday's decision, the Jus-,. "There is no reason to be- disclosure to the defense and tice Department asserted that ,neve that federal judges will abandoning the prosecution in judicial supervision was not 'be insensitive to or uncompre- the Ann Arbor case, the Chi- required when the President 'lending of the issues involved cago case now on appeal, and and Attorney General deemed in domestic security cases," numerous others. . a specific wiretap necessary Powell said, adding: ?Powell offered a suggestion: for protection against subver-. "If the threat is too subtle sion from within. that Congress might enact spe- ! or complex for our senior law ?Cial standards for t h e war- But Powell, despite Past* enforcement officers to con- rants Public support for wiretapping vey its significance to a court, , perhaps allowing agents to install listening and a reputation for concern question whether ; devices for ., , 'over national security, . said there is probable cause for the Justice' Department had surveillance." failed to make out a case for Powell denied that there was "the time tested means" of ju- significant danger of coin- Ile totally rejected the gov- dicta] warrants for safeguard- , promising intelligence secrets ernment'sargument that Con- ing Fourth Amendment guar-1when government lawyers gress had immunized domestic antees against unreasonable must go secretly to a court for radical taps from the warrant searches and seizures. ..ants requirements. .. Presidents since Franklin D.! ? He noted that Congress,in Attorney General Richard passing Wiretapping legislation G. Kleindienst said last night Roosevelt have asserted the power to ? conduct electronic that he is terminating all do- surveillance against suspected in 1968, already had it-rmrtAnri foreign agents without permis- a , sensitive respo-ns-ibili-t'Y?o-n- mestie security wiretaps that i sion from a court but it was judges by authorizing wire- not until John N. Mitchell be- tapping and bugging warrants came Attorney General that in espionage, sabotage and the government claimed simi- treason investigations. lar authority concerning frAlthougl,. some ld?ded bAr- home-grown i longer periods than provided in the 1968 law for conven- tional crime investigations. ion. He said his staff would work wth Congress to ;;eek. new warrant standards in line; with the court's suggestion.1 Joining Powell were Jus- tices William 0. Douglas, Wil- liam J. Brennan Jr., Potter Stewart, Thurgood Marshall and Harr y A. Blackmun. Burger noted simply that be concurred "in the result" and White based his concurrence on language in the 1963 act, Justice William II. Rehnqu-1 ist, who helped shape the gov- ernment's arguments as a Jus- tice official last year, did not participate. STATI NTL ApprovedeForrReleaseialdli02/ 4 : CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 not accused of cting is for- attorney general, this incon- eign-supported spies or revolu- venienee is justified in a free tionaries. o MAY 1972. Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R STATI NTL Milton Berliner Michael Winner, who spent- "T h e r e aren't too many several weeks scouting loca . planes available during the t tions here for his latest film, d a y t i m e bu that's been . "Scorpio," pronounced Wash- worked out," Winner said. ? ington the "most beautiful city A few of the Washington in- in America." He dismissed tenors in "Scorpio" will ac- San Francisco, which usually Wally be . done in London, the gets the nod, with a wave.of . major one being the recrea- the hand. tion of the Central Intelligence ? "If you love trees, and I Agency headquarters in Lan- love trees, this is the place," gley, Va. he said, looking out of the plc- "We've taken an enormous ture window of his huge Wat- building in the Greenbelt area ergate Hotel suite at Virginia : shore greenery across the Po- just outside London,'" Winner said." It matches the CIA bet- totnac. ter than any building we found ' He said -that halt of "Scar- p i o ," an international n Washington. We will also be ? spy ishooting a:Washington scene movie, is set in Washington (a in a modern London apart- .- -14-du shooting schedule be-- ment house. I regret to say gan 'last Saturday) and the those buildings are the same . ,other half in London, Vienna? the world over." 'and Paris. Burt Lancaster, :Paul Scofield, Alain Delon are Winner, who will discuss his film "The joker" after a ...in it as well as John Colicos and Gayle Hunnicutt. All showing at the American Film cent Delon will be working ex- Institute Theater next Sunday evening, said he was a .little here. ?surprised at the excellent box "The film," he said,". will office response in this country show _ the- Washington that's to ."Chatow's Land" which he lived in, . not . just what.. the also directed. ' tourists see.- We'll be shooting ? here in 10 or 12 residential "We knew it would do well ahroad because -Charlie Bron- .. areas from rich to poor, a son is an enormous star Inendous skating rink, a ceme- -couple- of supermarkets, a tre- there," he said. "But in Wash- '. tery and at some monuments, ington where it opened first (at RKO Keith's) it did terrifi- thein. Also a gymnasium in a but I'm not concentrating on cally well. It says `A:Michael ;. Winner, film' but I know I'm _black area, Union Station, the- not a draw nor is co-star Jack . Greyhound bus station and 0- ' at in Georgetown. Jam :. amazed that the Georgetown area has not been used to any ektent in movies. It's quite Marvelous. We have a scene In which someone is killed there.". - .... Winner said that he has had , an office here for 16 weeks rounding up all the necessary permits. -? "I've been -very struck," he paid, "with how helpful not only the police have been but -all government authorities as well. ? s--- -"I spent yesterday (Thurs- day) seeing a l& of people. We expect to use 300 or 400 in -the film. One or two are kind ,:of semi-local actors who will have lines." -? . Only` Problem so far, he - said, was getting enough ? planeS for. VR scenes at Nantiupal ? and DulleAPPrOGehar ter after Transp '72). , . , Winner has another Bronson _ film coming out after Christ- mas ? "The Mechanic." It's about the Mafia as is a film Bronson has just Compjeted in Rome, "The Valachi Papers." -The Mafia seems to be in these. days," \V n_e r said. Michael 1Viimer "But I think 'The Mechanic' is different because you never ? see the whole family. It's. Ma- fia, all right, but it deals with only one employee who trains himself to a pitch to be the very best killer in the busi- - ness But as the film begins Palance so it must he Bron-,.. he has trained himself to such son. a point that he is beginning to "The funny thing here is crack up but continues to take . " that this was Charlie Bron- assignments. son's first picture all made in English, and he has only 10 lines in it. And all except sev- en words are in Apache. All he says in English is: 'Stand back, 'lawman' and 'The Mexi- can is good.' "In England and Europe Thatow' got an X rating, but here they wanted a PG so we took a hell of a lot out of it. For example, where Chatow's wife is raped we originally shot her naked and she was naked when tied to the stake. Of course, an X in England doesn't carry the pornograph- ic stigma it does here. An X film in England is frequently one of some intelligence but a bit strong. In England, you can be refused even an X, Re4easef2004/03104)s shown at all." IA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 : sTAn Approved For Release 2001/03/042:601AYRIVE80-01601 STATINTL 3 Marines Sentenced in CIA Entry ? )3y THOMAS LOVE Star Staff Writer ; Three Young Marines sta- tioned in Arlington will have to be a little more careful in the future what they do for excite- ment while they are drinking. If they aren't, they could end up in jail. The three were arrested ear- ly the morning of May 6 after they entered the super-secret Central Intelligence Agency complex in McLean by climb- ing over twei fences ? one 8 feet high and topped with harbed. wire. In court yesterday on 'charges of trespassing, Charles Stephen Huff, 24, told Fairfax County Court:Judge J. ? Mason Grove that he and his two companions meant no harm but were just "intrigued by the glamor" of breaking into, the CIA grounds; Larry Peter Kreps, 21, testi- fied that the three had been drinking and had "no destruc- .tive intent." Perry Wayne Weatherly, 22, said they left the house where they had been drinking while watching kbas- ketball game on television and drove down the George Wash-. ington Memorial Parkway. WHEN THEY SAW the fences surrounding the CIA grounds, they climbed over them in the name of "adven- ture," he said. He insisted that they had had no intent to de- stroy anything. ? Giove-took -a dim view.of the' :whole affair, telling the Ma- rines that their escapade was "not a Halloween prank" but "serious and in bad judge- ment." After telling them "this is what happens when you start drinking," he fined them $100 each and sentenced them to 10 days but suspended the jail term as long as they stayed on good behavior. The three were found on the CIA grounds between 2 and 3 a.m. near a large electric transformer which not only serves the spy installation but much of McLean as well, . SECURITY GUARDS had seen the Marine's car parked near- the installation and called on Fairfax County po- lice to help search the grounds. The Marines were ar- rested about 45 minutes later. In a letter to the chairman of the county supervisors, CiA Director Richard Helms thanked the police for their assistance and said "although the case is still under investi- gation, a review of the facts available to us does not rule calt the posSibility of sabo- tan." Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 Approved For Release 20011-03/04 : CIA-RDP80-01601 ?j" 2 1 MAY 1972 STATINTL WAS141.NGT01.1 sTAR san.n s rounds .o By MICHAEL SATCHELL Star Staff Writer Three Marine Corps corpo- rals have been charged with trespassing after breaking into the Central Intelligence Agency compound in Langley- and getting to within 500 feet of the power plant. Some authorities say they think the Marines entered the highly guarded spy headquar- ters on a dare. But Richard Helms, CIA director, said he did not rule out the possibility Of a sabotage attempt. The incident occurred be- tween 2 a.m. and 3 a.m. on May 6. Security guards spot- ted a car ? parked on George- town Pike near the CIA head- quarters and requested assist- ance from Fairfax County po- lice. After a search of approxi- mately 45 minutes, according to a police sergeant who par- ticipated, the Mkrines were found and arrested. .? ? ? FAIRFAX POLICE identi- ' ifed the three arrested as Lar- ? ry. Peter Kreps, 21, Charles . Stephen Huff, 24, and Terry Wayne :Weatherly, 22. In a letter to Dr. William S. ' ? ? ? erze Hoofiagle, chairman of the Fairfax Board of Supervisors, CIA boss Helms wrote in part.: "I have been informed of an incident which occurred early in the morning on 6 May 1972 a n d involved unauthorized physical penetration of this agency's headquarter com- pound. Although the case is still under investigation, a re- view of the facts available to us now does not rule out the possibility of sabotage." ? The letter goes on to thank Members of the Fairfax police department for their assist- ance. An officer who participated in the search said the Marines were carrying a flashlight and a pair of pliers. They had scaled a four-foot outer fence and then had 'climbed the main perimeter fence, which is eight feet high and tipped with barbed wire. They were climbing a third inner fence guarding the power plant when they were captured, the cfficer said. ? ASKED HOW three men would have penetrated far into the compound and re- mained undiscovered for near- ly an hour without being spot- ted by security guards, a CIA jspokesman said yesterday the intrusion was not regarded as a major breach of security. "The whole tring was mi- nor," said the spokesman. "Nothing happened." The Marines were taken by Fairfax police to the McLean substation and charged with trespassing on federal proper- ty, a state offense. They were released on $1,000 bond each, police said. The men were questioned at length by federal authorities but no federal charges have been filed. A Marine Corps public infor- mation officer said the men were members of A Company attached to battalion head- quarters at Henderson Hall in Arlington. "They have been returnedlo a normal work routine and they are under no restraint," the officer said. "It is a civil matter at this point and no Marine Corps action is antici- pated until after the civil ac- tion is completed." Weatherly ' was reached by telephone yesterday but re- fused to discuss the incident. Approved For Release 2001/03/04 : CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 -11 Approved For Release 2001/03104: CIA-FM-81601 LANSING, MICE!. JOURNALMAXI l7192 E ? 81,637 S ? 83,576 . rot. Predle- ? low to Nixon Theme ulin on Dy MIKE WAGONER ? . State Jeurnal Writer , The Nixon .Administration's :'.1aw and order theme will suf- `r fer a serious blow later this 6spring when the U.S. Snpreme ; Court rules that wiretapping ; without a warrant is illegal, !...predicts Dr. Harold J. Spaeth, Michigan Stale University pro- ? fessor of political science. Spaeth, who guesses the high court decisions with the help of a computer, Said justices will Ccite thr: 4th Amendment to the ?Constitution prohibiting unrea- sonable searches and seizures Ppredicted.5-to:3 opinion against' fr government wiretapping. H E MU professor has been predicting Supreme Court decisions for the past two years. His track record is nearly 92 per cent accurate. Spaeth says the "warrantless wiretapping' case will be one of the last major decisions be- fore the court's term ends in June. - ? Cases regarding school bus- ing and alleged racial discrimi- nation by private clubs will not be considered until this fall, Spaeth said. The wiretap - ease concerns three members of the White Panther Party who are ac- cnsed of conspiring to bomb a Central Intelligence Agency,re- ? "THE SPECIFIC issue is whether or not the Justic De- partment 'm a y electronically eavesdrop any domestic group or organization that it believes to be a danger to national se- curity," Spaeth said. Government officials argue . that electronic surveillance is a permissable -government tool in the area of counter-intelli- gence activities, he said. '? "Hence, the. President may authorize such surveillance . without a CO UT t-authorized warrant ", Spaeth said the government argues. E. ADMINISTRATION has much at stake, Law and order has been a major theme, and wiretapping is an integral ? part of these policies," he added. Spaeth said he expects Jus- tice S William J. Brennan, Wil- liam 0. Douglas and Thurgood Marshall to continue their pre- vious pattern of voting against wiretapping. On the other hand Chief Jus- tice Warren E. Burger and Justices Lewis F. Powell?and Harry A. Blackmun will vote for w-iretaping, he predicts. JUSTICE WILLIAM Rehn- quist, who helped prepare the governtment's case, has dis- qualified himself. "The outcome, then, will turn on the votes of Justices Potter Stewart and Byron R. White, Spaeth said.. Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 NATION Approved For Release 2001/031p341W14910kiMi-601R0 IZ Yreedoan Inalienable? If not, it will be alienated, and ultimately destroyed. That is the paramount issue of the Victor Marchetti censor- :ship case. [See Marchetti's "The CIA: The president's Loyal Tool"; The Nation, April 3.] Marchetti, now 42, graduated from Pennsylvania State University in 1955 with a degree in Russian studies and history. Ile was recruited for the CIA by a professor, who, .interestingly enough, was 'secretly on the agency's payroll as a talent scout. In time, Marchetti was promoted to the CIA executive staff .and served finally as executive assistant to Adm. Rufus L. Taylor, deputy director from 1966 to 1969. Marchetti was with the agency for fourteen years, resigning in the same year as did Admiral Taylor. Obviously, Marchetti knows a lot about the CIA?that is part of the trouble. Ile was well thought of by his colleagues. Richard Helms, CIA director, presented him with an autographed picture inscribed, "To Vic?With appreciation for his support." But the longer Marchetti served the CIA the less he 'appreciated it and .its work. Among his reasons for Ic.aVing he cites "the clandestine attitude, the amorality of ..it all, the cold-war mentality?these kinds of things made me feel that the agency was really out of step with the times." .And: "It's one of my strong beliefs that the CIA has to be more tightly pverviewed by 'Congress. As it is now, the agency operates almost exclusively under the authority of the President." Thus the CIA is one of the factors in the subordination of the legislative branch to the executive. For that matter, once it is let 'loose on a project, the agency is subordinate: to the exeCutive itself only in, a very loose sense. As everyone now knows, it is carrying 'on a war in Laos at a cost of roughly $500 mil- lion a year, using tribesmen as mercenaries and running its own airlines, etc. In the Kansas City area it maintains an arsenal, with a "huge inventory" of weapons, for its,/ foreign operations; it has bases for training. and 9ther purposes elsewhere in the United States. - The Marchetti case assumes constitutional importance because Mr. Marchetti, when he joined the CIA, signed the usual agreement not to write or talk about the agency's activities even after he left it. Marchetti came to the at- tention .of The Nation when he wrote. a spy novel, The Rope Dancer, which had apparent reference to the CIA. Since this was in.fictional form it does not appear to have agitated the CIA management; nor did The Nation article which, together with some interviews Marchetti gave to newspapers, was read 15y Admiral Taylor, who had some reservations about accuracy but concluded that there was nothing damaging in .any of the material. But when Mar- chetti contracted with Alfred A. Knopf to write a non- fiction book about the CIA, the government got into action. Although Marchetti is willing to have the CIA re- view the book for classified material, the government went before U.S. District Judge Albert V. Bryan., Jr. in Alex- andria, Va., and obtained a temporary restraining order prohibiting Marchetti from writing the book for Knopf? a book of which he has not yet set down a single line. The American Civil Liberties Union is trying to get the restraining ApprovedeEotoRaleaseu2001(13/04 : C IA-RDP80-01601 R000100100001 -2 The question raised by the action on behalf of the goy; ernment is whether a U.S. citizen can agree to waive. iiis freedom of 'conscience, of thought, of moral sentiment in the manner prescribed by the CIA. The case dramatizes the fact that the CIA is essentially an alien institution-- alien to American custom, alien to the Constitution, and incompatible with both the forms and the spirit 'Of democ- racy. In our view, Marchetti not only has the right but the moral obligation to write his book, just as it was his moral obligation to write the article .commissioned by The Nation. A ruling to that effect by the federal courts would not impose an unreasonable limitation on the proper and law- ful activities of the CIA, or any other agency. It can set up rules, office policies, and normal administrative means of enforcement, but it cannot compel a former employee to waive his freedom to?say or write what he sees fit, once his employment is terminated. If an agency of the govern- ment deems something that has been published to be in violation of law, it may proceed against the author and publisher, but pre-censorshi is repugnant to American institutions. STATINTL ? THE BOSTON HERALD TRAVELER 14 May 1972 0/000 tclegvB9 FRVAIRINCM/03/04 : CIA-ROI:1%1,41"i WIRR000 to re : By GORDON D. HALL (Gordon D. Hall, now in his 26th year of extremist watching, is a regular contributor to the Sunday .Herald Traveler) :? Starting tomorrow, the spring offensive of the 'revolutionary Left, thus. far a sputtering combina- tion of aimless rhetoric and sporadic violence, will turn to. anonymous telephone harassment of local " business firms, military installations, and agencies Of the federal government. " High on the list of targets are General Electric, Raytheon Company, Polaroid Corporation, and the ??Boston- offices of the Central. Intelligence Agency and ihe Air Force. ? The new catnpaign is known as "Dial for Teace," recently organized in secret by a coalii; ? :.tion of revolutionary and pacifist groups. Trial runs were made at a few plants this past 'Week to test the "practicability" of flooding com- pany switchboards with hostile calls, but the major effort will begin tomorrow. morning. ? General Electric's Defense Program Division In Lexington is the first big target. , It is hoped that 1000 revolutionaries and their ? sympathizers will make 10 calls each, the assump- tion 'being that 10,000 calls are more than enough to immobilize even the largest corporation. - Callers are being asked either to say "StOp, ,the war," before dialing again to repeat the message, or to ask to speak to plant exec- utives. Ultimately "bottling them up" in ex- tended verbal harassment over the presi- dent's escalation of the air war in Indochi? . On Tuesday, the missile systems divisions Of the. Raytheon Company's Bedford division will be the target. TO INSURE telephone saturation at the Bedford plant, the "Dial for Peace" organi-. zers have plucked its number from more than a dozen Raytheon telephone listings, and have circulated it in printed form throughout the greater Boston area. VWednesday's offensive will be directed at the Boston office of the Central Intelligence Agency. No explanation has been offered for list- ing the agency's Boston office number which Is buried midst hundreds of government list- ings in the telephone directory. A more accessible, though different CIA number can be found among the C's in the, same directory. On AppreyiedpfitarcEleteRS (MAO 1 at the headquarters offices of the U.S. Air' Force on Summer street, Boston. ? The telephone campaign will end Friday', following all 'day harassment of Polaroid's main switchboard in Cambridge. Because of possible legal ramifications, no one group is claiming credit for the or- ganization of "Dial for Peace." THE MAJOR revolutionary and pacifist groups in Boston and Cambridge readily ad- mit their "familiarity" with the week-long campaign, but are unwilling to say 'much beyond believing the idea to be a good one." At the Greater Boston Peace Action Co- alition's (GBPAC) Cambridge headquarters last Friday ,spokesmen disclaimed origina- tion of the idea to utilize telephone harass- ment as a feature of the continuing spring offensive, but thought the. idea "effective." GBPAC, a spearhead of this year's spring offensive alona with the revolutionary People's Coalition For Peace And Justice (PCPJ), believes the latter group to be the sponsor of the printed instructions outlining the ? telephone campaign. Those instructions were widely distribu- uted throughout Boston and Cambridge on Friday. Printed on van-colored letter size hand- bills, the ,instructions included by name and number, all five daily targets. Anonymous, the handbills specified that, "1,000 people" place 10 calls each, the "10,000" total adding up to a kind of "do-it- yourself" campaign certain "to stop busi-: ness for a day." THE HANDBILL'S final line read: "If they won't stop the war, we'll stop them." At PCPJ's Brookline street, Cambridge headquarters, however, denials 'were issued Friday that they had put the telephone in- structions in circulation. Like GBPAC, PCPJ spokesmen thought the telephone campaign to be worthwhile, but believed it probably originated at the Cambridge offices of the Quaker American Friends Service Committee (AFSC). The friends didn't seem to mind that PCPJ Was dropping a hot and possibly illegal potato in their laps, but a woman answer- ing to the name of "Rachel" neither denied nor confirmed that the printed instructions had been run off at their Inman street head- quarters offices. She said she knew all about the telephone Instructions and seemed to think that copies were available in AFSC's "peace section," /03/04 00001 -2 the weekend. elontinU6a Approved For Release 2001/03%11 l'elAWZDP80-0 Albany students I vote peace strike Special to the Daily World ALBANY, April 20?Students at State University at Albany will strike Friday in protest against the escalation .of the war and march through the city streets to demonstrate before the Fed- eral building here. The building houses the local offices of the FBI, CIA and draft boards. The decision to strike was made last night at an enthusias- tic meeting of 1,000 students at the campus ballroom. The rally was addressed by Ms. Florynce Kennedy, Black activist attorney. Last night's rally also stressed the link between the peace fight and political action. A busload of Albany students will go to Massachusetts this weekend to help Sen. George McGovern,: leading anti-war candidate, in the April 25 primary, it was an- nounced from the platform. A group of Quakers will dem- onstrate next Wednesday before the General Electric plant in Schenectady, a big war materiel producer, it was also announced. STATI NTL Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 CHICAGO TRIBUNE Approved For Release iclosiR3itt2: c*Riafft c_ Bill Anderson ne Thing About CIA-It's Free : WASHINGTON, April 13?In an effort to Cheer taxpayers just before the in- come tax filing deadline, I have made an exhaustive study of the 1,103 page efederal budget book searching for bar-. - gains. On page 860 there is a real winner. It is the Central Intelligence Agency. Ac- cording to the auditors, the CIA is not costing the taxpayers one red cent this year. In 1971, yes, it cost $2 million for a new building. But today, nothing. This is amazing, especially when one considers all of the accounts of how the CIA is running airlines in South Ameri- ca, financing armies in Cambodia, and diggihg all of those tunnels under the Berlin Wall. According to some accounts, the CIA is at least as large as the State Depart- ment, and over there in Foggy Bottom the administrative cost is roughly $250 million, depending upon how Sen. Wil- liam Fulbright [D., Ark.] feels at any given moment. , Of course, the CIA is located in the low rent district of Virginia in the hills and valleys near the Potomac River. Bit even so, nothing is not very much to pay for even that kind of land and all of the people walking around on it. And, there are a lot of people working in those buildings, according to my as- sociate, Hit Henderson, who slipped in there the other day with the cleaning women on a No. 56 bus. Henderson re- ported that he saw several hundred cars in the free parking lots accorded ' to the spies and assistant spies. In addition, several hundred other persons were coming to work on the second shift as the ' day-time crowd rushed home with their attache cases. ? Henderson slipped in under the guise of a nursery worker [trees, not babies] and .also reported back that the CIA's formal gardens were nicely landscaped, the furniture in the headquarters build- ing was new and modern, and there were deep-piled rugs on some of the executive wing floors. He mentioned that the sign-in sheet for visitors must have Cost at least $100, namely because it was on a swivel and made several copies. On the way out, Henderson noted that his stashed car, waiting in the visitors parking lot, was blocked by other visitors. Oh, yes, the murals on the walls were modern art, altho Henderson himself prefers the classics. He could not esti- mate a cost, if there was one. / In a further effort to'find out hoWs the CIA operated on a no-cost basis, I per- sonally got in touch [the method must remain secret] with Col. C. Gordon Furbish [ret.], one of the most knowl! edgeable persons in the metropolitan area of Washington. [Furbish is the creator of the saying, "Remember, no matter where you go, there you are."] "I am not at liberty to discuss the financial operations of the CIA," Fur- bish said for the record. "However, I can tell you on a not-for-attribution ba- sis that they snitch money out of the rest of the federal budget with special code designations." The colonel confided that the code word for the CIA in the rest of the budget was listed under "things." Sure enough, he was right. It's even on the White House budget, put down as "transportation for things?$1,000.". In the Department of Agriculture, "trans- portation of Olngs" was recorded at $63,000. In tie Rural Electrification Ad- ministration, "things" cost $38,000. Even the sub budgets listed "things." And there you are, another Anderson expose: The CIA's money comes from "things." And if readers think they are being bearded, the whole "thing," for CIA and everybody else, the entire fed- eral budget, adds up to roughly $256 billion this year. So, tonight, if you get indigestion while filling out income tax returns, take a couple of pills. You can tell your wife "I can't believe that I !paid for the whole thing:" Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 ?"/ STATI NTL NATION Approved For Release 200110141p407pA-RDP80-0160 CEA: Ti ZEE EDDIEL3MaNT"El vxcrort MAflCUETTI Mr. Marchetti was on the director's stag of the CIA when he resigned from the agency two years ago. Since then, his novel The Rope-Dancer has been published by Grosset & 'Dunlap; he is now working on a book-length critical analysis of the CIA. The Central Intelligence Agency's role in U.S. foreign af- fairs ? is, like the organization itself, clouded by secrecy and confused by misconceptions, many of them deliberately promoted by the CIA with the cooperation of the news media. Thus to understand the covert mission of this agency and to estimate its value to the political leadership, one must brush myths aside and penetrate to the sources and circumstances from which the agency draws its au- thority and support. The CIA is no accidental, romantic aberration; it is exactly what those who govern the country intend it to bd?the clandestine mechanism whereby the executive branch influences the internal affairs of other nations. In conducting. such operations, particularly' those that are inherently risky, the CIA acts at the direction and with the approval of the President or his Special Assistant for National Security Affairs. Before initiating action in the field, the agency almost invariably establishes that its oper- ational plans accord with the aims of the 'administration and, when possible, the sympathies of Congressional lead- ers. (Sometimes the endorsement or assistance of influen- tial individuals and institutions outside government is also sought.) CIA directors have been remarkably well aware of the dangers they court, both personally and for the agency, by not gaining specific official sanction for their covert operations. They are, accordingly, often more care- ful than are administrators in other areas of the bureau- cracy to inform the White House of their activities and to : seek Presidential blessing. To take the blame publicly for an occasional operational blunder is a small price to pay in return for the protection of the Chief Executive and the men who control the Congress. ? The U-2 incident of 1960 was viewed by many as an outrageous blunder by the CIA, wrecking the Eisenhower- Khrushchev summit conference in Paris and setting U.S.- ? Soviet relations back several years. Within the inner circles of the administration, however, the shoot-down was shrugged off as just one of those things that happen in the chancy business of intelligence. After attempts to deny responsibility for the action had failed, the President openly defended and even praised the work of the CIA, although for obvious political reasons he avoided noting that he had authorized the disastrous flight. The U-2 program against the USSR was canceled, but work on its follow-on system, the A-11 (now the SR-71,) was speeded up. Only the launching of the reconnaissance satellites put an end to espionage against the Soviet Union by manned aircraft. The A-11 development program was completed, neverthe- less, on the premise that it, as well as the U-2, might be useful elsewhere. After the ? Bay of feel the sting of Pre the agency had its because it failed in overthrow Castro. C the top of the agenc committee, which ti tration, the agency : tices. Throughout th. tine operations again the same time, and l? agency deeply invol% ing regimes in Laos When the Nationl the CIA in 1967, s exposed the agency' labor and cultural ( funding conduits, ne tried to restrict the Senator Fulbright's a trol over the CIA hi was simply told by P and get on with its bi formed to look into Secretary of State, th of the CIA. Some ( because they had be .longer thought worth continued under improveu cover. operations went .on under almost Radio Free Europe, Radio Liberty examples. And all the while, the $500 million-a-year private war in assassination programs in Vietnam A tew ol the larger open CIA sponsorship, and Air America being CIA was conducting a Laos and pacification/ The reorganization of the U.S. intelligence commu- nity late last year in no way altered the CIA's mission as the clandestine action arm of American foreign policy. Most of the few changes are intended to improve the finan- cial management of the community, especially in the mili- tary intelligence services where growth and the technical costs of collecting information are almost out of control. Other alterations are designed to improve the meshing of the cammunity's product with national security planning and to provide the White House with greater control over operations policy. However, none of that implies a reduction of the CIA's role in covert foreign policy action. In fact, the extensive rzview conducted by the White House staff in preparation for the reorganization drew heavily on advice provided by the CIA and that given by former agency officials through such go-betweens as the influential Council on Foreign Relations. Earlier in the Nixon Admin- istration, the Council had responded to a similar request by recommending that in the future the CIA should con- centrate its covert pressure tactics on Latin American, African and Asian targets, using more foreign nationals as agents and relying more on private U.S. corporations and other institutions as covers. Nothing was said about reduc- Approved For Release 2001/03/04 : CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 rt-Als't STATINTL Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 Approved For Release 20Cffkif:JCIA=RDP80-01601 ? -2 8 FEB 1972 U.S. Force on Taiwan Is Said to Number 8,000 STATI NTL Foohow.a/'t1eye re:,? ? By RICHARD HALI.ORAN , syufhw?oz, gpecial to The New York Times ,4/r1B4.55 WASHINGTON, Feb. 27 ? American forces on Taiwan, re- ported to number 8,000 to 9,000, are there to help defend the Chinese Nationalist refuge and they also support Ameri- can troops in Vietnam. About half the men are sta- tioned at the Ching Chuan Kang air ba ee. in the center of the island near the provincial capital of Taichung, where there are sizable repair facili- ties.Transports often stop there on the way to Vietnam from Okinawa. American defense responsi- bilities under a 1954 treaty are exercised by the Taiwan De- fense Command, headed by Vice Adm. Walter Baumberger. The command has only a few hundred men but could be en- larged if hostilities broke out. Air Force Headquarters The 13th Air Force has al forward headquarters on Tai- I wan that is a detachment fromi iits Main headquarters at Clark -1Air Force Base in the Pihilip- pines. It too has a small num- ber of men and only a few Phantom jet fighters. There have been reports that the United States has deployed nuclear weapons on Taiwan but they have been denied by authoritative sources here and in Asia. The. American military ad- visory group on Taiwan num- bers abut 300 men. They help train the Nationalist forces and supervise their supply of Amer- ican military equipment and CHINA ,To i pet CONGO/144 Mht,: AIREASE 42/7'2 , 771^',011-1 e'e.TA .- The New York Times/Feb. 23, 1972 operation. That presumably will continue to be true as the United States Withdraws from Vietnam but the bases may have some use in logistic sup- port ,of South Vietnamese forces. History of Defense When the Chinese Commu- nists came to power on the mainland in 1949, President Truman said that the United States would . not become in- volved in any conflict over the island, to which Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek and his fol- lowers had fled. But when the Chinese Com- munists entered the Korean war toward the end of 1950, Mr. Truman affirmed American sup- port for the nationalists and be- gan military assistance to Tai- wan. President Eisenhower in- creased military aid. The 1954 mutual defense treaty defined Nationalist Chi- nese territory as Taiwan and weapons. the Pescadore Islands i tile A n e A contingent of about 1,000 Formosa Strait. American ter- omen maintains equipment, runs post exchanges and performs administrative functions. The Central Intelligence ? Agency and Air America, a pri- vate airline whose only custom- er is the C.I.A., have installa- tions on Taiwan. United States dent a free hand in committing American forces to the defense of Taiwan. An effort in the Senate last year to repeal the resolution failed. The Seventh Fleet, which had gradually reduced its forces in the Formosa Strait, ceased pa- trolling that area ? about two -less 'necessary to support that years ago. ritory to be defended in any attack was defined as "the is- land territories in the West Pa- cific under its jurisdiction." In 1955, the Senate adopted the Formosa Resolution, which was intended to give the Presi- Government agencies also have . extensive radio facilities to ? txansmit to mainland China and to monitor broadcasts. As ,President Nixon has re- duced the number of American troops in Vietnam, American bases on Taiwan have become Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 0 P. In5-A IL? /Tr7r8 Approved For Release 2O1OA 197 THE ROAD ( TO PEKING - () She _hi affic -' Por example, Rand Corp.' Sinologist William- W. Whitson" ? STATI NTL, has come up with a theory fitting the known facts. It suggests that the power struggle was the culmination of a debate within ? the Chinese hierarchy over ailocation of resources to China's nuclear weapons program?and that Chou's victory over Lin will make China less of a threat to U.S. allies in Asia in the ? ,Immediate future than it has been considered in the past. Whitson, a military specialist, is one of those China ex- perts who does research for the government and also maintains ties with the academic community. His new book, "The Chinese High Command, 1927-1971?a History of Communist Military Politics," will be published this spring. According to Whitson, Lin Piao vigorously opposed last year's decision by Chou?with Mao's concurrence?to reduce tensions with the United States. . ?The reason was that TA n and his supporters in the Air Force and Navy needed the supposed American threat to justify development of bigger and bigger nuclear weapons and long-range missiles to deliver them. The cost of China's nuclear and missile programs are 2% .of the still underdeveloped country's total national product? ,so high that Whitson argues that "some people across the river (a euphemism in Washington for CIA headquarters in Langley, / .Va.) say that we ought to encourage them to keep at it, because it will make them go bankrupt." Challenge fo Lin Whitson's contention is that Chou En-lai, in contrast to Lin, irecognized that the real threat to China was from Russia? : which had massed one million troops on China's northern border and threatened a "surgical strike" against Chinese nuclear in- stallations?instead of from the United States, which the premier 'could see was in fact withdrawing from Southeast Asia. By STAN CARTER . NEWS Diplomatic Correspondent Fifth of a series ? fi ? ? ? - - ? . .. ? ktjl NE of the eight black-bound loose-leaf volumes that President Nixon studied in preparation for his journey to Peking contained a top secret analysis by the Central i Intelligence Agency of the strange and still only parti- ally explained events in China last fall?and the effect .that the internal power struggle they revealed may have on his summit talks, with the surviving Communist leaders. What went on in China in mid-September is still shrouded In mystery. Communist cadres in the provinces have been told that Defense Minister Lin Piao?until then the regime's no. 2 mall?was involved in a conspiracy to assassinate party Chair- man Mao Tse-tung and that when toe plot failed, Lin and his cohorts were killed in a plane crash in Mongolia while trying to flee to the Soviet Union. A British-built Trident jetliner, one of four purchased by China; from Pakistan and used exclusively by high-ranking Chinese officers, did indeed crash M Mongolia, 100 miles be- yond the Chinese border, on the night of Sept. 12. But American analysts doubt that Lin was among the seven men and two women whose bodies were recovered from the airplane, burned beyond recognition. . But it is clear that the power struggle has ended?at least for the time being?and that a moderate faction led by Premier Chou En-lai triumphed over a radical faction led by Lin Piao. 'Lin -and hundreds of his followers have beenn purged, but are though to be still alive. Whatever the reasons for the purge, the timing for it seems to have been sparked by Chou's invitation to Nixon to visit the People's Republic of China. Quarrel over ourcef \t- Despite 119gggf facirnliPleal3e's200.14431041-. elusions are probably similar to those of analysts from other To Cope with the Soviet threat, China needed tactical nuclear -weapons as well as more modern conventional armament?not necessarily long-range ICBMs. Therefore, it is Whitson's belief that Chou wanted to slow down the costly advanced weapors program and thus welcomed Nixon's overtures to_end the 23- . year-old confrontation between the United States and China. - But the invitation to Nixon presented a challenge to Lin and the generals associated with past strategic planning. Whitson ruts it this way: . ..-.:?,170 many of the senior officers of the second .kloyher- . , 7.4 . ? ation, probably including Lin Piao, Wu Fa-hsien, Li Tso-p'eng and Huang Yung-sherg, the historical image of the United States as the principal adversary most heavily armed with nu- clear weapons targeted against China must have been the cor- nerstone of their premises for strategic planning and weapons development. "President Nixon's visit to China could not have been a wel- come shift in the image that had presumably guided their strategic thinking for 20 years." Smaller bangs Since the mid-1960s, China has exploded 13 nuclear devices, including three hydrogen bombs with yields of three megatons each, in 1968, 1969 and 1970. But the last two tests, in November, 1971 and January of -this year, were of smaller devices with yields of 20 kilotons or less?the size of the Hiroshima A-bomb. According to the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, the latest two tests could either have been of triggers for larger thermonuclear weapons or of prototypes of comparatively small, tactical nuclear warheads. If they were the latter, it would tend to confirm Whitson's theory that-Chou, after defeating Lin, has shifted priorities to concentrate on medium and intennediate range missiles instead of a costly intercontinental missile - arsenal. "Such an emphasis would provide an immediate deterrent against the Soviet Union," Whitson says. "It would also promise the greatest intercontinental utility once an appropriate sub- ? marine or two had been built." ? If Whitson is right, this will be disconcerting to U.S. mil- itary planners, who have advocated construction of an anti- ballistic missile defense system for protection of the United States against Chinese ICBM's expected to be operational as -early as 1975, as much as against the nuclear-tipped Soviet intercontinental rockets already in their underground silos. Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird acknowledged to Congress diltimIttotpatO Dilittyikimencipoirr.gilliien as, tor ra how er that threat will evolve through the 1970s." But Laird said the ?t? ? government agencies and from experts outside ths_government.. - ? - ? Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 Available Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 ILLEGIB Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 Approved For Release 2001 STATINTL 0-016 . .. ,. ,,,,...,..?:.,., ...?,,......... . _ ..........-- ..........????????.-.i...."-A,????. r'''' .7;--..'.?..t....---....,,,.-7 -.-?:-,....,,,,????????? ? . r ,:v.....z.r..,,,...,...,:. ? . ., - ? .--;..... 4,, ...v.v.ri.xv,? ?7,..?-..7.:"...... , -,. ? ,... .,...?,..- . ? ?,...,....,..?...............---....._,.. .?.,, , ..,....,..4. _ .. ..... ,?? '' Isisillsnittlissimotints)-' ,?- ,:.-7:-.7! :1951/111111181111111111iIIIIIIIItilu11 '''..;t1t27.3-Pnr.-"---"t1741IIIIIII1211g1.1311' , -1)tilissiiiistilifIlidlit!!Ilinlilf: ? ii ,. N./?.... t, ..... )./1.1111941111111tItWF ?0- sl-r-e?-'-''.. . ,,,,-..,,--%--1-7..?-71---?-,,-7.?-.,-..- . , , . .. . . ?.. ? ' Itilit11:11111111 %MIMI a MI Ur .111111111?' '111111111111111X,' ' Itinlli)11/11M-0 )."' ? t,i;., ? r'-'?,''',?41*%S.!.' ,t Ill ; , r, ? ... " .. ... . .. . ? ?'.111M11 ... - ? ? 11........214?.;,,..114aira. " CIA Headquarters in Virginia ack yard CI The: Central Icitelligence Agen- cy always insists its men aren't in- - .volved in domestic police work.But in. Chicago CIA agents have been working with the FBI and:Tresury. men in an - effort to phi the bank bombings on . radical groups. Heretofore,clandestine CIA police. work within the US was centered around counter espionage efforts aimed at the Soviet KGB.CIA maintains secret bases in all major US cities.The agency also has training camps in Virginia and 1,1 the Carolinis.These are masked as reg- ular military bases.Spooks are .? , STATINI They met there with Helms, were police. Both personnel shifts are shown around, and taken to the secret cited by agency people to bolstering training camps. That was the beginnipg fronts in the US, thistime, moving of rumors within the agency that the into was given a new title recently, CIA had been given the go ahead to making him head of all intelligence move into domestic police operations. ?'and presumably providing him with a . While everyone denied it, the theory ? legitimate interest in internal police was that the.CIA was told to get the .operations. But such suggestions are radicals. ? -bitterly denied all around. ? Two recent personnel changes increased speculation. One involved resignation of Helm's special assis- tant, Robert Kiley. Kiley handled the student operations through National Student Association facades. He re- . cently turned up as associate director of the Police Foundation, a new group launched with a $30 million Ford Foundation grant. The money is meant to be used to improve local police. The second personnel shift involved Drexel Godfrey; who was head of ifie CIA's Office of Current Intelligence./ He quit this high ranking job, turned up in the narcotics bureau of the trained for duty at Williamsburg,Va. justice Commission at Harrisburg, Two years ago CJA-emolovees were surpristAppromeafatetedeasge 20;q MimagalVONTliglil R000100100001 police force received blue ribbon treatment at Langley, Va., headquarters AKRON, OHIO DEACON JOURNAL Approved For Release 2001/03/04 ? CIA-RDP80- E 17),468 .8 ?203,112 raN 2 8 19721- . Spies ,.m.m. '1.Or just -4 ata .Men? ' By WILLIAM KEZZIAII 3. What is the real Central In- telligence Agency (CIA)? Is it a super secret spy !,agency or a fact-gathering agency which daiiy gives the : President a briefing on the world situation of the past 24 ? hours? , LYMAN B. KIRKPATRICK, former CIA director-comp- troller, spoke of both roles ;?Thursday at Akron Universi- ty. However, Kirkpatrick re- 17-vealed little of what goes on behind the walls of CIA head- quarters in Langley, Va. : The CIA that Kirkpatrick portrayed has had its sue- cesses ind failures. ONE SUCCESS came dur- ing Presidential briefings aft- er the high flying U-2 plane photographed Cuban missile /placements and set in motion what Kirkpatrick called the high lisoint in the CIA. "The Cuban missile crisis proved what the CIA could do," he said. . The failure? That was the Bay of Pigs invasion which Kirkpatrick characterized as : mistaken and confused intelli- gence 'work. ? KIRKPATRICK believes the most difficult aspect for any intelligence agency is analyz- ing and projecting the wide- ranging material it getS. Getting material is easy. "Mos t raw. intelligence comes from sources open to ...the public?such as. newspa- pers and radio broadcasts. In fact, 80 pt. of the material,. gathered can be seen or ? heard by anyone and that includes thse in "c lose d" . countries," he said. STATI NTL Approved For Release 001 *2,11013104sesclAe-RDP80-01601R000100100001 -2 sam. but, ne ackleot, there are . no American spies in the' James Bond mold. _VAT! NTE ATINTSTATINTL sHE LoroN DAILY TTLRGRAPH MAGAZINE ANY of the bright young / men Allen Dulles had v ? recruited to CIA from 1- 1 j I aw offices and univer- . British sanction policy became, British sities had gained their consular offices and SIS men were spurs in London, where they were sent supposed to watch the steady flow of Rhodesian pig-irm, tobacco, and other products through the Portuguese ports of Lorene() Marques and Beira in East' Africa to Europe and the Far East. Merchants and shippers there had made fortunes out of the traffic which the Portuguese were bound, by United Nations resolutions and agreements with Britain, to regard as illegal. After the closure of British missions in Salisbury all information about Rhodesian exports dried up at source. At this juncture CIA stepped in to assist the British. It was not merely a labour of love. American tobacco syndicates in Virginia, Georgia, to glean some of the methods of the British Secret Intelligence Service. Dulles enjoyed making wisecracks about the Victorian and Indian Army traditions still surviving in the British secret -service, but he had a healthy respect for its unrivalled experience and great professionalism. He knew that CIA could learn a lot from the British about operations in the Middle 'East and Africa, where its stations were rapidly expanding. IAfter Archibald Roosevelt, one of CIA's foremost "Arabists", had re- Stored cordial relations with SIS when station head in London, a plan of co- pperation was devised for Africa, where most of the former British colonies had North and South Carolina, Ten- gained independence, and were be- nessee and Kentucky greatly in- coming subject to strong Soviet and creased their production and sales to Chinese pressure. Roosevelt was still Europe when Rhodesian tobacco in London when, in 1965, Rhodesia growers lost most of their trade made her momentous "Unilateral through sanctions. Traditionally, Declaration of Independence" (UDI), Rhodesian tobacco was used for cigar and cigarette manufacture in Belgium, which, led to the conflict with the Holland, Germany and Switzerland. Britigh Government. . When these supplies dried up, Euro- strengthening of CIA-SIS coThere is no better instance of the pean manufacturers turned to Ameri.; llabora- tion than the hitherto undisclosed can growers. But by and by Rhodesian ,/ story of the services CIA rendered exports began to flow again, by the use of false certificates of origin and v the British authorities in Rhodesia, smuggling through the Portuguese particularly since about 1968. ports and through Durban in South Indeed, in assisting the British SIS in its thankless task of implementing Africa, much' to the displeasure of the the policy of economic sanctions Americans. against the Smith regime, CIA put its Thus, obliging the British and help- relations with the Portuguese in ing American business, CIA ordered I. jeopardy. It has an enduring under- its agents to ferret out the secrets of the standing with the Portuguese Govern- sanction-busting schemes devised by ment and its NDE secret service Mr Ian Smith's regime. Soon the CIA on many aspects: NATO security, anti- station in Salisbury was bustling with communist operations, the use of radio activity. Since 1962 it had been headed stations in Portugal and her colonies, by Richard La Macchia, a senior CIA and of bases and Special Fos srikff.,1,44- official, who had joined it in 1952 from 2`fr rAirgelleineva0011/031tefdn eliefippP80- 01601R000100100001-2 - rbUii Xffeb a o icia o - bique and Macao. However thin the to Africa in the guise o the U.S. Development Aid Agency. : Other CL were Cal former A Francis is who had cloak-anc Cuba and Wigant, Congo dt and sevei the most Edward' Salisbury.-- 1957 from the State Department; from 1959 he headed the East and South African section and, at the time of his new. appointment, was Station lead in Pretoria. Among his various exploits he was reputed to have initiated the first contacts between the South African government and Dr ? Banda of Malawi. The CIA agent's were perpetually .journeying between Salisbury and the Mozambique ports, and Murray was temporarily posted to Lusaka to main- tain personal contact with British officials resident in Zambia. Mr Ian Smith and his cabinet colleague, Mr J. H. Howman, who looks after foreign affairs as well as security and the secret service of the Rhodesian regime, were not unaware of the unwelcome operations of the Americans. They suffered them for the sake of avoiding an open clash with Washington. Their patience, however, became frayed when it was discovered that secret documents had disappeared from the headquarters of the ruling Rhodesian National Front_ Party. Subsequently, STATI NTL continued THE LONDON rAmY =mum ANATasiLFor Release nOTrieNgre: CIA-RDP8 VD:Di R-20(1 As British influence in Africa declined, so did British secret serv , sending hundreds of agents to African capitals like Accra, Lag buttress "sensitive,, m states against communis and protect -01 to E. H. Cookridge continues his exclusive series on the CIA HE adventurous operations often bordering on the bizarre which the Central Intelligence Agency pursued in many parts of the world are usually ascribed to one man: Allen Dulles. They culminated in the abortive in- vasion of Cuba in 1961. When Dulles departed from the directorship of CIA after the Bay of Pigs debacle, he certainly left an indelible stamp of his influence as the architect of the mighty CIA edifice and its worldwide rami- fications. The policy of his successors has, however, been no less forceful. CIA activities under its present director, Richard McG arrah Helms, may appear less aggressive because they are ? being conducted with greater caution and less publicity, and because they have been adroitly adjusted to the changing climate in international poli- tics. In the past CIA gained notoriety by promoting revolutions in Latin American banana republics, and sup- porting anti-communist regimes in South-East Asia. Its operations in Africa were more skilfully camou- flaged. For many years they had been on a limited scale because the CIA had relied on the British secret service to provide intelligence from an area where the British had unsurpassed ex- perience and long-established sources of information. But with the emergence of the many African independent countries, the wave of "anti-colonial- ist" emotions, and the growing in- filtration of Africa by Soviet and Chinese "advisers", British influence declined. Washington forcefully stepped, through CIA, into the breach; with the avowed aim of containing communist expansion. . . . Financial investments in new in- dustrial and mining enterprises, and lavish economic aid to the emerging governments of the "underdeveloped" countries, paved the road for the influx of hundreds of CIA agents. Some com- bined their intelligence: assignments with genuine jobs as technical, agri- cultural and scientific advisers. The British Government ? parti- cularly after the Labour Party had come to power in 1964 ? withdrew most of their SIS and MI5 officials from African capitals, though some remained, at beitvcrndf FeldriRb ? vi their own new in- telligenee and security services. CIA rulers, to or 'Itt?tc, ? r ) ? A bloodless coup in Uganda in January last 3 and installed Major-General Idi Amin as mill a section of his troops). How far was the C protest in Santa Domingo. A pro-rebel poster attacks American intervennon ;;77177,zi C . PELEEN 311 'r ;r,f1 _ . irj(: :" "-"7- ? I men began hurriedly to establish their "stations" in Accra, Lagos, Nairobi Kampala, Dar-es-Salaam, Lusaka, the "sensitive areas' in danger of slipping under communist sway. By the mid-1960s several senior CIA officials, such as Thomas J. Gunning and Edward Foy, both former U.S. Army Intelligence officers, were firmly established at Accra. They were later joined by William B. Edmondson, who kOct,r2finC110101111PqRs, attractive, motherly woman, whom no one would have suspected of hay- r.tynt ng served for many years as a skilful FBI agent before joining CIA and being employed at Addis Ababa, Nairobi, and Dar-es-Salaam, acquir- ing fluency in Swahili. By 1965 the Accra CIA Station had two-score active operators, distributing largesse among President Nkrumah's secret adversaries. The Americans had every intention of helping Ghana's economy by build- log hydro-electric power for the . ? STATINTL STATINTL ApVcAal-Fbr ReleaneE2MIDUOLbAVA-INTRAgtfAIIIIIIIM 14 Jan 1972 a ek.d.M ?.? ? ? ? . . ? ? -Vir'ffs..r. Igtanf,.:.4 ? '? 1 i ?- '"-0?,???????.. aql-FaniTir 45QT.0-; L.,,,- ? t?.... . ,.., - 'i:!, , ' L a Ef::4 1-7 ''1" u. L U r p7 The Biggest Secret Service in the World. An analysis of the work of the Central Intelligence Agency begins on page 10. The compiler of this three-part report is E. H. Cookridge (left), who is the author of 16 books on espionage. Re- cruited into the British Secret Service on graduating from the University of Vienna in 1934, he has spent his time ever since in intelligence work, or writing about it. "1 am in the position of the dumb blonde in Holly- wood films. Once you are it you cannot stop. I am tired of writing about spies." But his network of contacts built up over the years is. unique; and ensures that he will be Tho Daily Telegraph 1972. Published by The Daily Telegraph l_imited.. 135 Fleet Street. London, ECaP 4E Long Lane, Liverpool L9 7613. ip a week, if dolivered. Not to be sold separately from The Daily Telegrapt The Daily Telegraoh nor its agents accepts. liability for loss or damage to colour transparencies or any 0th Approved For Release 2001103/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 FOREIGN Sts--c-. Approved For Release 2001M13/1112CIAARIMA1 .r." ? THE CIA AND DECISION-MAKING By Chester L. Cooper "The most fundamental method of work ... is to determine our working policies ac- cording to the actual conditions. When we study the causes of the mistakes we have made, we find that they all arose because we departed from the actual situation ? .. and were subjective in determining our working policies."--"The Thoughts of Mao Tse-tung." IN bucolic McLean, Virginia, screened by trees and sur- rounded by a high fence, squats a vast expanse of concrete and glass known familiarly as the "Pickle Factory," and more formally as "Headquarters, Central Intelligence Agency." Chiselled into the marble which is the only relieving feature of the building's sterile main entrance are the words, "The Truth Shall Make You Free." The quotation from St. John was personally chosen for the new building by Allen W. Dulles over the objection of several subordinates who felt that the Agency, then still reeling from the Bay of Pigs debacle, should adopt a .somewhat less lofty motto. (In those dark days of late 1961, some suggested that a more appropriate choice would be "Look Before You Leap.") But Dulles had a deeper sense of history than most. Although he was a casualty of the Bay of Pigs and never sat in the Director's office with its view over the Potomac, he / left a permanent mark not only on the Agency which he had fashioned but on its building which he had planned. , Allen Dulles was famous among many and notorious among some for his consummate skill as an intelligence operative ("spook" in current parlance), but one of his greatest contribu- tions in nurturing the frail arrangements he helped to create to provide intelligence support to 'Washington's top-level foreign- policy-makers. Harry Truman, whose Administration gave birth to both the National Security Council and the Central Intelligence Agency, recalls that, "Each time the National Security Council is about .to consider a certain policy?let us say a policy having to do with Southeast Asia?it immediately calls upon the CIA to present an estimate of the effects such a policy is likely to have. . . .1 President Truman painted a somewhat more cozy relationship between the NSC and the CIA than probably existed during, and certainly since, his Administration. None the less it is fair to say that the intelligence community, and espe- cially the CIA, played an important advisory role in high-level policy deliberations during the I9505 and early 196os. To provide the most informed intelligence judgments on the effects a contemplated policy might have on American na- tional security interests, a group especially tailored for the task was organized in 1950 within the CIA. While this step would probably have been taken sooner or later, the communist victory STATI NTL Approved For Release 2001103/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 ? Approved For Release 2014216411:EdAtObl5M616 30 pr:T 1971 The CHR's rIetv Cover The Rope Dancer by Victor Marchetti. Grosset & Dunlap, 361 Richard J. Barnet PP., $6.95 In late November the Central Intel- ligence Agency conducted a series of "senior seminars:: so that some of its Important bureaucrats could consider its public image. I was invited to attend one session and to give my views on the proper role of the Agency. I suggested that its legitimate activities were limited to studying newspapers and published statistics, ?listening to the radio, thinking about the world, interpreting data of recon- naissance satellites, and occasionally * publishing the names of foreign spies. I had been led by conversations with a number of CIA officials to believe that they were thinking along the same lines. One CIA man after' another eagerly joined the discussion to assure me that the days of the flamboyant covert operations :were over. The upper-class amateurs of the OSS who stayed to mastermind operations in \iGuatemala, Iran, the Congo, and else- where?Allen Dulles, Kermit Roosevelt, Richard Bissell, Tracy Barnes, Robert Amory, Desmond Fitzgerald?had died or departed. . In their place, I was assured, was a small army of professionals devoted to preparing intelligence "estimates" for the President and collecting informa- tion the clean, modern way, mostly with sensors, computers, and sophis- ticated reconnaissance devices. Even Gary Powers, the U-2 pilot, would now be as much a museum piece as Mata -Hari. (There are about 18,000 em- ployees in the CIA and 200,000 in the entire "intelligence community" itself. The cost of maintaining them is some- where between $5 billion and S6 billion annually. The employment figures do not include foreign agents or mercenaries, such as the CIA's 100,000- man hired army in Laos.) A week after my visit to the "senior ?inse inar" Newsweek ran a long story n "the new espionage" with a picture of CIA Director Richard Helms on the cover. The reporters clearly had spoken to some of the same people I had. As Newsweek said,:64f Th 6VedrFelittlelease 2001/03/04: C IA-RDP80-01601 Rogoi 901 (wool -2 ? _Elle -- Op adventurer has passed in the American spy business; the bureaucratic age of Richard C. Helms and his gray spe- cialists has settled in." I began to have an uneasy feeling that Newsweek's article was a cover story in more than one sense. It difficult has always been to fele analyze organizations that engage in A false advertising about themselves. Part of of the responsibility of the CIA is to Lam the ingt kno fina ingt vote An ceili spread confusion about its own work. the The world of Richard Helms and his beet "specialists" does indeed differ .from ized that of Allen Dulles. Intelligence organ- Hell izations, in spite of their predilection for what English judges used to call "frolics of their own," are servants of policy. When policy changes, they must eventually change too, although because of the atmosphere of secrecy and deception in Which they operate, such changes are exceptionally hard to control. To understand the "new espionage" one must see it as partof the Nixon Doctrine which, in.essence, rri is a global strategy for maintaining US lh power and influence without overtly reo: involving the nation in another ground He: war. nel But we cannot comprehend recent lige developments in the "intelligence Com- ner munity" without understanding what fur Mr. Helms and his employees actually Pr( do. In a speech before the National tij Press Club, the director discouraged/' w journalists from making the attempt. "You've just got to trust us. We are honorable men." The same speech is made each year to the small but growing number of senators who want a closer check on the CIA. In asking, on November 10, for a "Select Com- mittee on the Coordination of United States Activities Abroad to oversee activities of the Central Intelligence Agency," Senator Stuart Symington noted that "the .subcommittee having oversight of the Central Intelligence Agency has not met once this year." Symington, a former Secretary of the Air Force and veteran member of the Armed Services Committee, has' also said that "there is no federal agency in our government whose activ- ities receive less scrutiny and control than the CIA." Moreover, soon after , Symington spoke, Senator Allen J. ove: lige: Age Bur the cen vice Age imp (It P: STATI NTL Approved For Release 20010%RA0: 81A-RDP80-01601R Laotians Oeated II Plain Early Loss Seen Periling Key CIA Base Ey D. E. Ronk Special to The Washinaton Post VIENTIANE, Dec. 21? Communist forces have re- captured the Plain of Jars in northern Laos two months earlier than in the -last dry season, raising doubts here that govern- pent forces will be able to retain a toehold to retake the strategic area next year. Some CIA sources suggest that with the added time .gained from the early capture of the plain yesterday, the North Vietnamese and Pathet Lao forces may move south- west toward Long Cheng, headquarters of the CIA and Moo tribesmen, less than 30 miles from the plain's south- ern edge. ? [Wire services reported to- day that Long Cheng was at- tacked early today by 20 Com- munist commandos who dam- aged three aircraft and killed three Laotians.] All U.S. government sources here indicated that Gen. yang Pao, commander of progovern- ment irregular forces on the plain, had intended to main- tain control of the plain through the 1071-72 dry season to relieve pressure on Long Cheng. CIA-supported Meo and Thai' irregular forces abandoned the government's remaining fire support bases on the west- ern edge of the plain yester- day retreating under intense enemy artillery fire off the plain itself. The 30-square-mile Plain of Jars is about 100 miles north of Vientiane. This is the fourth time it has changed hands in the last 21,i years, with government forces gain. jug control in the wet season Approved For and relinquishing it in the dry season to the Communists. Two firebases covering the plain, Sting Ray to the west and Cobra to the south, are re- ported to be under heavy artil- lery attack with little chance they can be held, sources say. Laotian Defense Minster Sisouk Charnpassak put Com- munist losses during the first two days of fighting at 1,500 dead out of a reported 13,000 attacking. He said the govern- ment had from 6,000 to 7,000 troops on the plain during the attack. Government losses were described as heavy. Though Communist infan- trymen "paid the price of tak- ing the plain," they apparently consider the prize worth the 'price, U.S. sources said. The prize itself may only be the psychological effect on government and progovern- ment troops of suffering a major setback early and quickly, or this year it may be control of all the mountain re- gion, sources here believe, in- eluding Long Cheng itself, leaving the governrnent no- toehold to mount an offen- sive during the next wet sea- son. Air cover for retreating troops and remaining posi- tions in the west is minimal because of weather. Sources say bombing is impossible on the eastern half of the plain as Communist trucks ferry men and equipment southward under an umbrella of intense antiaircraft fire described as the heaviest ever in northern Laos. Yesterday Defense Minister Sisouk reported the loss of two Laotian bombers to enemy ground fire, including the loss of their pilots. Sisouk also noted the presence of North Vietnamese Mig fight- ers slightly north and north- east of the plain, a presence U.S. sources here confirm and say appears part of the Com- munist strategy of keeping U.S. air support minimal. About 20 U.S.-supplied how- itzers are believed to have been lost to enemy action on the plain with only the howitz- ers at Cobra and Sting Ray now remaining in action. Thai gunners are reported to have spiked their weapons with phosphorous grenades to make them inoperable when aban- doned. Communist introduction of 130-mm. field guns into the at- tack, the first reported use of the big guns with a range of STATI NTL ported by tne aetense minister as being decisive in the battle. There have been other reports of 27 tanks being seen and heard at various locales-on the plain. Gen. Vang Pao, who visited firebase over the weekend, according to Sisouk, called Communist artillery fire the heaviest ever in Laos and told Sisouk that during one 15-min- ute period 600 rounds landed within the position. Opening their attack Satur day morning from the north northeast and southeast, Corn munist gunners poured a with ering barrage into the ninc progovernment positions, IkeeEllig22601163/derCIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 DETROIT FREE PRESS Approved For Release 2001/03/841AqibP80-01601R00 Special to the Free Press ANN ARBOR ? John Len- non and his wife, Yoko Ono, plus a host of other political activists and rock stars will appear here Friday evening for a Free John Sinclair rally. The Rainbow People's Party and the Free John Sinclair Committee announced t h e rally Wednesday. It will be held at 7 p.m. in the Univer- sity of Michigan Crisler Arena, which seats 15,000 per- sons. THE LIST of political activ- ists and entertainers who are scheduled to attend the rally reads like a who's who of the counterculture. ? in addition to Lennon and ? Yoko, those scheduled to ap- pear include: Black Panther leader Bobby 'Seale Rennis Davis and Jerry Rubin, of the famed Chicago Seven; poet Allen Ginsberg, Father James Groppi and Robert Williams, founder of the Republic of New Africa. Jazz musicians Archie Shepp and Roswell Rudd, -Commander Cody and his Lost Planet Airmen, f o 1 k singer ' Phil Ochs, the Joy of Cooking, and David Peel and the Up. STATI NTL John Lennon. and Yoko Ono PROCEEDS FROM the rally will go to Sinclair's legal fund, according to the rally spon- sors. Sinclair was sentenced in 1969 to from 91/2 to 10 years in Jackson prison for possession of two marijuana cigarcts. It was his third conviction. The case is presently before the Michigan Supreme court on appeal. Sinclair is also facing charges along with two others _ During a press conference Wednesday to announce the rally, its sponsors played a tape of a phone conversation with ex-Beatle Lennon and Yoko Ono. "We w o n 't be bringin a band," Lennon said, "I'm only here as a tourist, but I'll prob- ably fetch me guitar, and I ) know we have a song we wrote for John (Sinclair) and that's that." LENNON RECENTLY pub- lished, but has not as yet re- corded a song about Sinclair in which he calls out, "Gotta, gotta set him free ... "It ain't fair, John Sinclair in the stir for breathing air," the song starts and then proceeds: "If he'd been a soldier man Shooting gooks in Vietnam If he'd was a flying man Dropping dope in old Siam He'd be free, they'd let him be Breathing air like you and me." Lennon is expected to sing the song at the rally Friday. "We're really thinking in terms of John Sinclair," Yoko Ono said in her taped phone conversation, . "a n d our friends, our brothers and sis- ters who are in pain, and we really feel the pain with them." The rally will be broadcast live in Detroit on FM radio station WABX. Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 C T:1; C MI1Te1 STATINTL Approved For Release 2001/03/043: 1111A-W080-01601RO. . STATI NTJ_ )1 3 ? --r-7.1176 1171?-7 a .r/r 01,Trita &AI/ taA,C ? if Ty;:sti I LL, j_ t".. Joarsne Leedom xad.....+,.zse-ceedeopotA.,...your....anweato C.) 1.7o _..... 9 ir-vm, iSTA,_TI. NT L \ I i..1)Y to) ILL_ T1 Ti .\7flyri.. ,???,? w VV -Lt.-, L., - agency was hard for roe to identify at first. Co:lee:en notieed. Staff writer of The Christian Scicr.ce Monitor I began first to criticize the waste. This is . ? . ' rculous, _ I thought. We could be doing the "In recent years as domestic unrest in- Boston job for $2 billion less. ? ? _ creased, I've noticed the CIA is concerned . . . . . "The second thing that was Most annoying about the FBI's apparent inability to handle . In the basement of his home in Qaltton, -: . _ .. to ' me was the military influence. This is subversion in this country. I -think there's ? Va., with dcr,s and children running havoc very 're.rvasive. When the Secretary of De-- . an effort to convince the nation that the ...,around him:Victor' 'Marchetti wrote a spy lense controls 35 Percent of the assets, he CIA should get into domestic intelligence." novel last year. Today Mr. Marchetti and [the CIA director] doesn't have the muscle . l'i-is new book "The Rope Dancer" are stir- "Ridiculous," snapped the former CIA ? ring, up 'havoc of another kind just a few to make changes. The military influence in administrator, and left this charge at that. - l miles from his home many ways is the greatest singe fa.ct , at Central Intelligence or ofTo reform the intelligence network, Mr. Agency . (CIA) headquarters whe re Mr. waste. They want to know more and more - Marchetti says there should be a reorgani- - Marchetti was an official just two years ago. and are responsible for .0'ollection overkill." zation to limit the Defense Department to To these two criticisms, the former CIA - .Today Mr. Marchetti is the spy "who the routine intelligence needs Of various de n officia who worke close tet , came in from the cold--into hot water, l h dl to he dircorpartments -- Army, Navy, etc. ,. pa quote one of his friends. Now an out- and who responded for The Christian cience S "Tnen I'd put the National Securit3 Monitor, partly 'ag,reecl. "There is unfor- -spoken. critic of the agency, Mr. Marchetti Agency under the control of the 'Presiden? tunately an awful lot of duplication," he ? has been traveling around the country pro?? sid but added "What is needed is tighter and Congress," elaborated Mr, 111archett a, ,. . ' moting his expose of the spy's wor ol over the military [not the CIA]. It's l con d and "Congress has very little knowledge aboul tr . crusading?for reform in the CIA. what goes on. The pentagon papers and thg not. a queStion of the CIA duplicating the .. Mr. Marchetti left the CIA after a 1,1- way the Snpreme Co 'acted strips away military, but of the military duplicating year career In protest over what he asserts what the CIA does ...The Presideht's reorga- the shield ? intelligence has always had. .V/g is its waste - and duplicity in intellictenceneed to let a little sunshine in: that's thc nization is a strong move in the right direc- - gathering, its increasin=, involvement with ' ton." best safeguard." . . r- Alia military, its amorality, and what he- Another one of Mr. Marchetti's corn- r ,.. ,,,,? ... 1- .,,. 1 - : pays now is its subtle shift's to "domestic plaints is diet the traditional intelligence L'a?'' ?"""1.;?'",' chet-+ ? spying." - ?work of gathering and assessing informa-. The former administrator insists, how Reform, he says, in the entire intelligence tic-1 n has been "contaminated" with para. ever, that there are already adequate con. ? netWork .should be three-pronged: (1) .re- military activity. ? t ols through special -congressional corn- organizing responEbilities, (2) reducing, size A prime example is Laos where the CI. . nittees which control appropriations ari --- ' dered by President Nixon. Placing CIA di- recruited. and armed thousands of natives, military affairs. "If you had the 1.vholc .rector Richard Helms as overall coordina- says kr. Marchetti, who worked in the CIA -Congress and. Senate debating these issue ' tor of national intelligence recently was in as tan intelligence analyst, as special assist- in executive session, you might as well ?dc -.part aimed at eliminating the wasteellii,ntenthcee nation's $3 billion/200,000-man intelligence budgets, the,, chiilef of plans, programs, and away with it [secret intelligence - opera? executive director, and lions]. Inevitably .there would be leaks." :Operation which spans a dozen govnrrnen- firelblY's, e'xoe,cttive assistant to the agency's , "Of course there would be leaks,". admit- :and funding, and (3) exposing the intelli- deputy'ag. director. - ted Mr. Marchetti'. "What I'm really saying gence community to more public control "[At the time] perhaps a handful of key is that in the final analysis if we made the :and scrutiny. - . -- ' .. -congressmen and senators might , have President walk through it [his decision tc .- . . Silence, lanai avininea - The CIA, in its turn, has remained custo- -.madly silent to the public attack. However, . one. former top CIA official, who asked to ? -remain anonymous, agreed with some of Marehetti's points but disputed his main -arguments. . Since Mr. Marchetti began speaking out .. several months ago, a major restructuring ? in the intelligence community has. been or- tal agencies. It was also aimed at tailoring intelligence output rriore closely to White ' --House needs. . This reform ahd Mr. lVfarchetti's own criti- cism come at a time when Congress, too, is demanding more knowledge --and -control over the intelligence networks. For the first time Congress has ordered public hearings ..._ on the CIA next year, and Mr. Marchetti ? Plans to testify. : known about this activity in Laos. ThE use covert forces in foreign countries], the ? public knew nothing," he declared. According to the former CIA adminis- trator, however, paramilitary activity is shifting, out of the OIA now and into the Army. "But. in any case," .he said, "the CIA doesn't decide on this activity; they are directed by the President and the Na- -tional Security Council." If there, is to be reform in the use of the CIA, he argues, it must come from the President's direction.- . ;While Mr. Marchetti is highly critical of the CIA's paramilitary and ,clandestine in- terVentions in other countries, he insists that the real threat of the CIA today is that it may "unleash" itself on this country. President would see it's all not worth it. Then if we deny ourselves these alterna- tives we'd have to act in a diplomatic fashion." ? . infAlmoroved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 In Boston Mr. Marchetti explained his own ? "defection": "My discontent with the FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL "CORDS com 4%)gase 2001/ONIFEWil5P80-01601R APIPorrrVeodia% Pacification has just begun, Still so many hearts and minds to be won." ?from "Songs to Alienate Hearts and Minds By" EARLY three million Americans have now served in Vietnam. Of these, about 600 have been Foreign Service officers. Thus, roughly .20 percent of the Foreign Service has been exposed to many of the stimuli which have turned "nice" kids from Middle America into peace freaks, hawks, junkies, and even assassins. For the FSOs, however, the ex- perience generally has not had the radicalizing effect that it has had on many of the military men. The FSOs tended to be older and less malleable than the American sol- diers in Vietnam, and their personal thought processes were more subtle and less striking than those of the GIs. Some FSOs were essentially untouched by the whole experience, reacting no differently than if they had been in Paris or Rome. But for most, and especially the young, Viet- nam meant change. It meant a violent breaking away from the tra- ditional diplomatic life and an ex- posure to the realities of war. About 350 FSOs have been as- signed to the Pacification program (CORDS). They functioned as ad- visors to the Vietnamese civilian and military administration in an effort to malArb.erveurFalt6ie Vietnam a vrabre. force in the coun- tryside.'Few, if any, had any back- Viiietrta Of the . Foreign JOHN CLAYMORE STATI NTL zato John Claymore is the pseudonym of a former FSO who served in Vietnam. The primary reason for his resignation from the State De- partment was disagreement with US policy on Southeast Asia. He is not using his real. name because of a limitation on publishing in his current job, but he would be glad . to correspond or meet with any- one interested in discussing his article. erviice ground for this assignment; yet most have acquitted themselves well, within the context of the programs they were working in. Nevertheless, FSOs have been affected by .the same pressures that have been widely reported in rela- tion to the military. Many served in proto-combat roles with command responsibility. While not participants, they re- ceived reports of war crimes and what often seemed like the unneces- sary loss of human life. Some were faced with the moral dilemma of how far they should go in exposing incidents which they knew to be wrong. a sigas in IffiarfsgrA Pir8 Olf documented atrocities including d? photographs. He has written exten- sive reports on these apparent war crimes he investigated in Vietnam. As far as he knows, no action has ever been taken to punish the guilty. Because he is a supporter of the President's Vietnam policy, and because he fears the effect on that policy of additional war crime con- troversy, he has not chosen to make his information public. He also is undoubtedly aware of the negative result disclosure would have on his career prospects. His example is extreme, but it points up the fundamental proposi- tion that serving in Vietnam is not like serving elsewhere. With respect to no other country could it be said that perhaps 20 percent of the FSOs had experi- mented with soft drugs, but that is the case in Vietnam. And in no other country do FSOs have their own personal automatic weapons and receive training in how to fire a grenade launcher before they go. Vietnam is different. VIETNAM has undoubtedly sharp- ened the generation gap between young and old FSOs. In some of the 16to oblebso lasadip.rod n-ittteelty nam. Almost all rettotronntwfinthunam pY1 ra::s Approved For Release 2001/03R4 :IWIA-RDP80-01601R 1 [i11 r.;; ? The Mall From Ann Arbol.... There is a laugh-provoking scene in the movie "Taking Off" in which a club of white middle-class parents Of run- away children take a lesson in pot smoking to help them "relate" to their children.' . . ? The question arises, though the lesson is in a good 'cause, about the 'penalty for such a mass smoke-in if there was an arrest. Their young teacher raises his eyebrows and replies, " A man in Michigan was sentenced to prison for 10 years for having two joints." No joke, the man is John Sinclair and getting him released has become a major cause for his wife, friends and others who believe his .sentence in 1969 represents a prime example of unjust laws. His wife, Leni, has been commuting between New York and 'her home in Ann Arbor, -Mich., working with some prominent but still unrevealed names to organize a.benefit concert for her husband in December. An appeal to reverse his conviction is currently Ptaf.ore the Michigan Supreme Court. While Sinclair may not have the pop prominence of Berry Gordy, he Carries his own special clout in the field of Detroit music. Through his - organization and management, the hard-driving rock quintet. called MC-5 came to national prominence. In a new Look, "Music and Politics," Sinclair speaks of the MC-5 and lggy and the Stooges, another group whose music has the subtlety of an auto shassis stamping machine, as examples'. of "high energy level music," the important function of which is to "reflect and shape the purest and highest stages of people's consciousness, i.e., revolutionary conscious- ' SIAIINIL TillnIC called Trans-Love Energies in an 1.8-room house in ;-.1111 near the Liniversity of Michigan campus, with its doors open to any- one and his preachment of "revolution" through music. .Pre-Sinclair_people say he has clone nothing except smoke grass and irritate the establishment through his life style.- The. situation brings to mind other notable examples of pot users who were caught. Stripper, Candy Barr got 15 years in Texas in 1.958 for possession of one joint and a quantity of loose grass stashed in her bra. She was released after three years.--Gene Krupa reri.cd three months in 1643 for sending his teenage valet to pick 'DP:ft pack of reefers from his hotel room. Krupa still is 1-)P4ing his 'dues by lecturing high school students on the dangers of drugs. In perspective, such -furor over smoking pot seems extravagant, but Robert Apablaza just beat a 50-year sentence for holding a matchbox full of marijuana by escaping from the .Louisiana jail where he was held and fleeing to New York. The governor of New York persuaded the governor of Louisiana to drop extradition pro- ., ceedings. The strain of Leni's efforts to :get her husband released shows in her face and .voice but she doesn't show: vindictiveness; 'even when telling how her husband was arrested by the tame under- cover agent who had an-ested him in 1960. "De used the name Louie," she said, "and he had a 'girl friend' who was an undercover a`gent too named Pat. Our doors were pretty much open. He had long hair after having hall short hair and we ,didn't recognize him. We had a communal dinner every Sunday afternoon and Louie and Pat -brought- Sonic fried chicken once and swept the -floor. They were really nice." - -; For weeks they begged John to get them some ,17aSS, She SOld, so finally one evening '1.e made two joints they said tfie-:?",vanted. to lake to a party. That did it. _ Anyone. interested in learning more.- about the Sinclairs' side can NV site the Committee -to Free John Si?clair, 715 E. Graul Detroit 48207. --ERNEST LEOGE,AND::: ;$. ---- 3cAln Sinclair smokes a straight before arrest; his wife Leni? ? klaireS ailent commentary on justice iii court corridor. nes." The book is a.collectio:i of articles of criticism Sinclair wrote for Jazz and Pop magazine while in prison.. His. attitudes are sum- marized in a book called "Guitar Army,",also written in prison and aeon to be published by Douglas Books. ? Those who say Sinclair is getting what Ile deserves present this evidence: two previous arrests and convictions for possession of an :ounce- or so of marijuana, .the first conviction in 191.11 bringing 8200 fine and two years probation, the second in 1900 tri?ging a aiN-roonth sentence; a charge, in a case which appeals have token to Supreme Court, that he. conspired with two other men to bomb a CIA office in. Ann Arbor in 1-968, a nighttime explosion that'shattered windows in the empty building nnfl broke a sidewalk; his 'work with Lernar, an organization for the legalization of mari- juana; his founding of it group called -the White Panthers, which ki-d, Yagq,ApprovettforRellettSe120'01103/04 icf31 -RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 wAsimicTor; ? Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R 1 DEG 1971. .H AVING lived in New York for seyeral decades one summer, I feel qualified to give sage advice of new residents of -Bugh- dad, I mean, Baghdad on the Hudson. I refer,e of course, to the Rd Chinese U.N. delegates.O.ne of the first things they'll have to learn is .-that Nw Yorkt?s often refer .to the city by other names: Manha.ttan, Gotham, the aforesaid Bag,hdad on the IIudson use those other names is because if they ?really. called New York what they wanted to, I couldn't print it. The Chinese may misunderstand certain things, .suelt as gar- bage collection and street cleaninz,. As a.contribution to antipol- Aution efforst, the city fath-ers 'are, trying, to dump. as little Hose as poSsible In city clumps-. or out at sea. The best way to accomplish this is. to not piCI: up- garbage and trash in .the streets. Then there's no need to dump it at se, See? At som !point the Chinese' may think their phones are tapped, simply .bcause when dialing their quarters from the U.N. -Building they may ocea,Slonally Bet the NOVI York ofce 61 the CIA, :Other times they may get- 30's Pizza 811oP,i I advise the. .Chinese not to .worry Etboitt this. It simply means that N.Y.C.'s: telephone linch are a bit confused. (if it's say comfort to them, _ .even thc., CIA often gels 30e's Pizza, Shop.) Folks laugh at the Reds for buying everything with $100 bills And waiting politely for change, Well, they won't be silly for --very long; because with inflation the way it is and with the prices in New York anyway, pretty 'Soon $100 will BF change. , (Yeah, I know, that's an old joke. But thE.., Chinosse don't know that ? they just got here,. remember&)Oh, and a ?vord about strikes. Whenever there is a strike of some labor force in New York, the Red Chinese should ? beiing Communists and natur- ally sympathetic to workers ? simply not go to work. That way, I figure they can miss about.219 days per year. - here. is some- titivice about getting along with the' natives: To make friends with a New York cab driver, the Chinese ShoUld give hhn helpfid?hints on the, routes and warn him of.valions traffic regulations. BOS drivers are delighted to'. -belp'Yoti on ',and off the buses, but you must as them: In restatffants, never tip..Thls is an insult to the Working claSses. " New York policemen love to be. calledy"copperS" and a swell -.Way to make a hit with one. ust. now ?Is to sayiliey, how como youweren't on TV with the others?" (This is In reference to a .question-and-anFw-er show New York police lind recently.) Ey following, these suggestions, the Reds should realiy.find New .,..Yotlk to be Fun City! STATI NTL Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 414,114 41 V 11: 27 NOV 19/1 Approved For Release 2001/03/04: GIPARIDFRI0-01 rOvcpis3 [rA . Behind the scenes President Nixon's ? confidence in Central Intelligence By HENRY.). TAYLOR Agency Director Richard M. Helms STATINTL - has taken a new leap forwardaMr. Nixon ports directly to Under Secretary ot believes (correctly) that our nation's State John N. Irwin II, it is understand- self-protective vagueness and dangerous rivalries. He has made it clear that he ?intelligence setup is a sick elephant. ably jealous of its prerogatives, and wants its output brought closer to the :He has quietly assigned -Mr. Helms traditionally it plays its findings- very needs of the ? President's so-called 40 :to correct it. close to its vest. . Committee, (actually six ? men)? which A sick elephant is a formidable danger. Additional intelligence agencies?all serves the National Security Council And secrecy keeps our public from growing, all sprawling, all costly? and the President himself. . knowing even the size of this elephant, spread out into the world from the of- In amputating much of the sick ele- to say nothing of how sick it is. fice of the, secretary of defense, the p'nant, 'Mr. Helms directive is to cut Atomic Energy Commission, National Incredibly, we set -ciose to S6 ? Aeronautics and SpaCe AdMinistration down on-the surprises. And the President ...billion 2 year ff).7 Ete:11:42nce. Jost (NASA) and even the Department of could not have picked a more knowing? the CIA alcne is larger in S-Cir.:e. tl-aln Commerce. no-nonsense man to do it. . the State Department -and spe.aels - more than tw.le.e.as =oh money. In fact, there are so many additional ? hush-hush agencies that recently in West Legendary Gen. Valiam J. ("Wild and East Berlin alone there were at least .1.1.111") Donovan's Cf lice of Strategic 40 known U.S.. intelligence agencies ,Services conducted our entire World and their branches?most of them corn- .War Il espionage throughout four Year" peting with one another. and throughout the world for .a total ' of 5135 million. The budget of the CIA tvir. Helms himself &Imes intelli- (secret) is at least 51.5 billion a year. gence as -"all the things which should be knowrain advance of initiating a course ?. Next to the Pentagon with its 25 miles of action.- The acquisition of intelli- of corridors, the world's largest office gence is one thing; the interpretation building, the CIA's headquarters in of it is another; and the use of it is a ) ? suburban Langley, Va., is the largest third. The 1947 statute creating, the,/ .:building in the Washington area. The CIA limits it to the first two. It ?also CIA has jurisdiction only abroad, .not makes the CIA directly responsible in the United Slates. But the CIA main- to the President. But it is simply not true tains secret offices in most major U.S. that the CIA-is tne over-an responsible cities, totally unknown to the public.- agency, as is so widely beljeved. About 10,000 people work at Langley and another 5,000 are. scattered across the world, burrowing everywhere for intelligence. These include many, many unsung heroes who secretly risk their lives for our country in the dark and unknown battles of espionage and treach- ery. I could name many. And as a part of its "veil of secrecy the CIA has its own clanixst.:no communications system Washington and the world, ? The Pentagon spends 53 billion a year. on intelligence, twice. as much as the CIA. Like the CIA, its Army, Navy and Air Force intelligence arms operate worldwide, of course, and?largely .unknown?they also have an immense adjunct called the National Security Agency which rivals the _ CIA in size and cost. Then there exists the-- iMportant In- elligence Section of the State Depart- Te President_ confided that he is to- 'nent,worldwide Its r.hie.f re- tato,' fed up with the in'elligence. com- Approve-q For Keleaser20Q1103/04vAtelA-R 0446131R000100100001-2 C77 CI i1`-`1 - - UY tP ? ? ei J _ . ? ) 1- 1,? Q?7 Again and again, no one and everyone is responsible. _ CIA Director Riclicircl Helms h.-....r;rfs tip _ T1-?..e function of intelligence is to the 15,C00-1,an into1.7gence cperation prOtect us from surprises. It's not that is no V/ bOh73 S:TE.70ftliffied. wor%ing that way. The siclt eler.?.hani is threatening cur national security by saaprisaa surprise, surprise- ? ? Alarmed President Nixon has given Mr. Helms new and sweeping intelli- gence reorganization authority on an' over-all basis. He has given him the first authority ever given anyone to re- view, and thus affect, all our foreign intelligenCe agencies' budgets. The Pres- ident believes Mr. Flelrra, this .under- cover world's most experienced pro, can cut at least SI billion out -of the morass. IT/t.T Approved For Release 2001/03/04 : 6:11A-.021,1?9101601R .STATINTL . . ts'el agency and to assure u? ? friends of the democratic ideal. Now he is up to the same C-stnA:l. A :kuck, President Nixon has issued an e.xecutive order which antics again. This week he is the "cover boy" on News- invests Richard Helms, director of the CIA, with author- week, ,with the predictable feature telling of gallant CIA ity .to oversee all the intelligence agencies (the National capers, of a kind that could have been made known only SecuritY Agency, the Defense Intelligence Agency, etc.). by the agency that is so super-secret it feels compelled to and to Cut "bureaucratic fat" and professional overlapping conceal its activities from the Congress: wherever possible. There may be merit in this new or, but there is incontdtable merit in Sen. Stuart Symington's reaction to it. The Senator notes that the CIA was .brought into existence in 1947 by an act of Congress. Its nowers.and duties are defined by legislation adopted by the Congress. The director and deputy direcZot are sub- ject to confirmation by the Senate. Last year the Congress appropriated between $5 billion and $6 billion -for the intelligence establishment; no one knows the exact amount, since, part of the CIA's budget is artfully con- cealed. Yet the Senate was not consulted about the pro- posed. reorganization. Senator Symington serves on the ,CIA subcommittee of the Senate Armed Services Com- mittee. To his knowledge, the subcommittee was not, .cOnsulted about, nor did it approve, the reorganization ordered by the President. As a matter of fact the sub- coMmittee has nOt met once during.the current year. This is an amazing state of affairs. Surely the Congress has a right tO be consulted about the reorganization of an agency which owes its existence to an Act . of Congress and is sustained by annual appropriations voted by the Congress. The fact is that the-CIA enjoys an autonomy almost as complete as that enjoyed by the FBI. Whatever the orig- inal intention of the Congress, the. CIA functions today as . an adjunct of the White House. The intelligence it gathers is available to the President; it is not available to the Con- gress. Under the proposed reorganization, it will be even more directly respOnsible to the President, and by its over- sight control over the other. agencies will be- supplying him with a unified appraisal. An agency that gathers informa- tion for the President may be tempted to provide him with the estimates it thinks he wants (as the Pentagon Papers ,have shown, intelligence reports that do not coincide with White House opinion are apt to be ignOred), and as Joseph Kraft pointed out in a recent column, there is much to be said for diverging, even conflicting, _reports in the highly subjective area of intelligence evaluation. The CIA is closed off from scrutiny by the press, public and the Congress; like the FBI, it functions in splendid bureaucratic isolation. Mr. Helms is .such a gray eminence that a private elevator takes him to and from his office in the .CIA structure in Langley, Va. Like Mr. Hoover, he.. is usually not "available," except at budget time. Re- cently, however, he has been trying to give the agency a new, or at least a brighter image, since he is well aware of a growing restiveness in the ,Congress and of the need to slash budgets. ,A Nation. editorial of May 3 called at- tention to the way in which Mr. Helms was "breaking covet" to- talk about the brilliant achievements 'of the. Congress should not take any more of this guff from the agency or its director. It has authority to insist that its authority be respected and it has a clear responsibility to act in that spirit. In an editorial last August 2, we re- marked on a measure, introduced by Sen. John Sherman Cooper, which would recuire the CIA to make its intel- ligence reports available to the chairman of the germane committees of the .Congress (Armed Services and For- eign Relations) and also require the agency to 'prepare reports at the request of the Congress. There is precedent for suCh legislation in the instructions given the AEC. After all, the CIA often gives to foreign governments information-and reports 'which it will not make available to the Senate or. the House. This is selective secrecy carried to a grotesque extreme. Hearings will be held on Senator Cooper's bill- (S. 2224) during the first week of February. It is a wise and sensible proposal. We hope it is adopted. We hope. too that the CIA subcommittee will come alive and begin to exercise, a real degree of oversight over thc agency. Better still, the Senate should adopt the resolution offered by Sena- tor Symington (S. 192, November 13) to create a. select committee which would oversee the -CIA. But there is really only one way to deal with the problem of the CIA and that is to make it direaly responsible to the Congress. If it is engaged in activities of such a character that they cannot be reported to the Congress, then it should be told to abandon those activities. There is no place for a secret agency of the CIA type within the framework of a constitutional democracy, which is how Justice Stanley Reed once characterized our form of government. As long as the CIA can plead, secrecy,' Congress will be un.- able to exercise effective oversight. The time has come, to make both the FBI and the CIA subject to close and continuing Congressional supervision and control. STATI NTL Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 STATINTL Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 STATI NTL RAC/1piaroViidiRsaFRZ)161%20041113/04 : CIA-RDP80-01601R 4435 WISCONSIN AVE. N.W., WASHINGT FOR PUBLIC AFFAIRS STAFF PROGRAM The Ten O'Clock News STATION WTTG TV DATE November 21, 1971 10:00 PM CITY Washington, DC OPERATION GINO NEWSCASTER; Speaking of curtains, syndicated columnist Jack Anderson reports how the CIA's security curtain was breached by a group of little boys. JACK ANDERSON; The legendary security_of the Central Intelligence Agency has been penetrated by a secret spy mission called Operation Gino. Here is the hush-hush story. The CIA enclave is enclosed by cyclone fencing and protected by electronic detection devices. Guards swarm all over the place. The only way tp get inside is through the main gate which is care- fully watched by the security men. But four schoolboys, led by li-year old Stewart Andrews of McLean, Virginia found a series of manholes in an old federal road testing facility near the CIA. They got the covers off and ex- plored the underground tunnels. Their subterranean travels took them past the great security wall and up into secret CIA territory. They went back day after day, telling their parents mysteriously, they were engaged in Operation Gino. But the manhole covers were overgrown with greenery and the boys soon broke out in a familiar rash. The rash led to more probing questions from their parents. Thus was Operation Gino foiled by a case of poison ivy. The 'CIA deals in operations so secret that its waste paper is classified. Yet it receives more publicity than government agencies that ad- vertise. So, understandably, the CIA isn't saying anything about the school- boys who infiltrated their headquarters. But maybe the CIA security wasn't so bad after all. Perhaps the poison ivy was a CIA plant. This is Jack Anderson in Washington. Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP89-01601R000100100001-2 OFFICES IN: WASHINGTON. D. C. ? LOS ANGELES ? NEW YORK ? DETROIT ? NEW ENGLAND ? CHICAGO 13ATATI1ORE liEWS AMERICAll 17 NOV 1971 _STATINITL Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDrou-u1601R 'JUR' k . rTh? .1E1111 pi011-1671 Tr' 1 C?lais . it " Behind the scenes Presidant Nixon's confidence in Central Intelligence Agency Director Richard M. Helms has .taken a new leap forward. Mr. Nix- On believes (correctly) that our nation's in- telligence setup is a sick elephant. He has quietly assigned Mr. Helms to correct its ? . . A -sick sleplmat is a formidable danger. And secrecy keeps our public from knowing even the .size - of this elephant, to say nothing of how sick :it is? . . . , . . ? . - a ? . - Inceedibly, we spend close to $6 billion a year. for intelligence. Just the CIA alone is larger in scope than the State Department and spends more vthan twice as much money. Legendary Gen. William J. ("Wild. Bill") Donovan's Office of Strategic Services conducted obi* entire World War II espionage throughout four years and throughout the world for, a total $135 million. The budget of the CIA (secret) is at least .$1.5 billion a year. NEXT TO THE PENTAGON. with its 25 miles of corridors, the world's largest office building, the CIA's headquarters in suburban Langley, Va., ? " is the largest building in the Washington area. The CIA has jurisdiction only abrLd, not in the United ? / States. But the CIA maintains secret offices in / most major U.S. cities, totally unknown to the public. . ? About 10,000. .people work at Langley and another 5,000 are scattered across the world, bur- rowing everywhere for intelligence. These include many, many unsung heroes who secretly risk their lives for our country in the dark and unknown , battles of espionage and treachery. I could name many. And as a p'art of its veil of secrecy the CIA has its .own clandestine communications system with Washington and the world.. ? ?? The -Pentagon spends $3 billion a year on in- telligence, twice as much as the CIA. Like the CIA, its Army, Navy, and Air Force intelligence ; arms . operate worldwide, of course, ? and -- "largely unknown ? they also have an immense adjunct called the National Security Agency which I rivals the. CIA in size and cost. ' ? Then there -exists the 'important Intelligence' Section of the State Department, likewise world- wide. Its chid reports directly to Under Secretary of State John N. Irwin 2nd it is tuiderstandably very close to its vest. ADDITIONAL Intelligence agencies ? all; growing, all sprawling, all costly " spread out hi-- to the world from the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Atomic Energy Commission, National Aeronautics es Space .Administration (NASA) , and even the Department of Commerce. In fact, there are so many additional hush-hush agencies that recently in West and East Berlin alone there Were at least 40 known U.S. in- telligEnce agencies and their branches ? most of them competing with one another. - Mr. Helms himself defines intelligence as "all the things which should be known in- advance or initiating a course of action." The acquisition of intelligence is one thing; the interpretation of it is another; and the use of it is a third. The 19171 statute creating the CIA limits it to the first two. It also makes the CIA directly responsible to the President. But it is simply not true that the OA is the .over-all responsible agency, as is so widelY believed. ? " ? Again and again, no one and everyone is responsible, . . " THE FUNCTION of intelligence is to protect us from surprises. It's not working that way. The sick elephant is -threatening our national security by' surPrise, Surprise, surprise. ? - Alarmed President Nixon has given Mr. Helms . new ? and sweeping intelligence reorganization authority on an over-all"basis. He has given him the first authority ever given anyone to ra.aiew,'", and thus effect, all our foreign intelligence' agencies' budgets. The President believes Mr. Helms, this undercover world's most experienced pro, can cut at least SI. billion out of the morass: :'The President confided that he is totally fed tiP': With the intelligence community's duplications.; ? contradictions, self-protective vagueness and dangerous rivalries. He has made it clear that he - 'wants its output brount closer to the. needs of thd. President's so-called 40 Committee (actually six,. men), which serves the National Security Council, and the President hiinself. ? . . , In .amputating much of the sick elephant, Mr; Helms' directive is to cut down on the surprises. And the President could not have picked a more . knowing, no-nonsense man to do it. ? Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP89-01601R000100100001-2 ThE IIAGL-DAD OBSETNER STAT INT Approved For Release 2011RYS10111: CIA-RDP80-01601R0 ?, _ j ? -?? F\ b ? t".1 ? \ y (Put-.11-,;) n\qP ct):_-; ? ? STAT I NTL - ? ? 1 (4) ? even'..1 'N'ss pr.1 7 ? ti ? . , J 11 11 G- i worid . Lb - . . . -.. . , (PiERRE- i*,'ORD?an lifternationally known exert on espionage, &Seri-- . "*.bes subversive wA-.----: the ultimate Weapon -- in his book . .`L'intoxieratiOn" ? (Editions t'ayarci). It is a docfunent, a first-hand ineinoire.. ., In. it, he, ti abes . the development of the great cOntempbrary affairs and .eVolces. .little-knoivii? . f.? acets of the ? 1939-194.5 world conflict and the subversive, revolutionary, . icleoloqical cold. wai.- that has changed the face of the *Nvorld Since 1945 .,. z., ? ,I.Iere are passages frOin his chapter on the. United 'State's Central Intellige- nce Agency ? C.I.A.). . . e,,?_aluated in terms of iiumbers:-? . 1.,f,-,,,l c>.1.?eits. acccnint:;pts and - ?-' The -C.I.A.'s? heaclquarter.s is The results Of these space ;sherd f 11 lteero 1 the curious a .eyes,., ? tratislated into Jilin and .t_h 0 . . C.I.A.'s worikixo! poyee officers often know trio- .. re. than their -colleagues hi .125-acre park at Langley, -Vit.-. tapc.. recordins, g ranhs andFF. ? - ? - .?-:---- -? . - - - tinia, twchty Minutes by car - - - ? .. ._ ? ?c-1-1;riiiaries.. all Pie dire-at:3;s 20,000 permanent ' mot ' The C.I.A. decl'ares ?som'e t, - A very sect ?Company or so- ? the Subject's honieland. - to c'ount Soviet missiles stOck- from the \Vhite House.. InfOr: at Si ?lcsk, or to dc ,e-., - ,-.. .t.nr.nd spine .miriters have --n'ti?tYtelic'ek .citologists, economists, historia- :nation .has assumed that the ed allfi SUIlle 11i Ilui Ila VC vlit, we n., .geograp. 'her's, . financiers.? President of the united .S.tateS,,Inine.' 1-11:2 ac:vanccd state cf t?le. total at 60,000 -- divided mord political experts and - ernii;cre?s ricxt Chinese nuclear. 7.-iiins the secret Services. ? him- "Peri- .or less equally between the.. interPret an enoi?MOUS rnaSs- Of Se'll (!) and Ls as' close to the ment, or to hear ..Moscow's or .:blocks" Wh o 0i:crate under.,itiforrdaiion collected on . each 411er uz.,.e.r..of it's., servizes' rters the am .- ders:to it sarines cruising cover ano the "whiteAs" `whb- aritagbnistie, neutral or allied ii'ena,'cn on t ' ? ?'- . .adqUa ., . . , 3. t he 'along Florida's coast, or to el.rcek in at. ?Lang.ley and its state. / . . Of : the American General Staff follow the countdown of ? Soy uz. b.ranchzs -everv. day and cannot an the U d S. Department of rocket Nurn . - "bet- X "" at Baiko-.con2erii the ,,,,5elves. .._ _ . c? ., befence. ? . . .eulates thc length of the re- Meining lire-span Of foreiz,Yn ers_ ?nal Ries who interest the United States, Its doctors say' they do not bother with lead- ing American figures: that Is false on the faceof it because it is. the latter who determine eVarybody's future. As for the private lives and . financial affairs .of these per- sonalitie:T., the C.I.A.'s leadin . . . _ n o ur In the farthest reaches of -. -"Ill:ACK" agents .g-ct data ?... The C.f.:1 . director,- head . the ? Soviet Union ,s 1 ? er '1 .,sny as - it its source .bverSCa-s under )I American secret .war_are, they can eliei...k the nroqres, oP cover as toui.-Ist, jpurnalists; .i.spionage activity. and subver,. .1;:17:i: Ovi????,-1 .,-?ip.,?*-1.1a '1,11.:-.r.- y;'? 'busi'nesstilen or . diplomats. ;.ion' in ,foreign . Countries, is at Cape T-Zennedy All in,;tirt14 These . are the real "secret :s l:) A SECRET sist:--d by Aw. other men: the ' ? . . - agents. The "WIIITES" inclit efs IntellI?ience ? '4i 61. the Divi- i ' . . ".A.RMI..7" t and.,-,.i'lans Divislen; it is openly reported that de a t -ioncchnolica; tlii..,. .1f ,and . er :1, ?the American secret svice is ? rosearctleri;, scientists, elle- it 2.YU ' tiows what .com'oina(ion . . it,electr.onic braing and relies) `1.h `trijiY Of hitmlreds of Alion- .. mists, ractallurj-ists; inathe- , ,.LUXURY' ? , ? ,nnds of men. That ?is plainlY.. matielaus, biologists, .eleetri I.YING IN LUXURY- ,6. .,..i,;?;'.... OF.. ELF,CT.RoNic,- ??? -: a.n exagg,eration: kilt it would . 'clans, elutronics -- ,experts,' ---' p rah ile.C.I..!A. directors --I. sur- '.1Ye. less s? if the venal foreig,b _hotog,pers, doctors, fors :gun (Ice 'ay luxury. arid Cairn fn..: a..tOrits on the manthly payroll tors, .dicteticians and even keir Lar.gley. ccce, dressed o..i in and freelance soles were coun- -iii.ebicl.,,is.- " . - ?-? . ' -.. :And this is no joke... Going -.. P1 CS and 'slippers if 'ca? . . WI0 GAN i....,:ey-',Iike their ease ? .can 6( -1.. '. say how many.: even fart'ner : The A me ricanSI,'.'...... they.. like their eas' e -- can ex- are wOrk in Indochina 'alone? and the Soviets moreover havie?,?;.,........ ..-. . . ploit the labours of the 'Natio. ILWoula he well below . the been ?eiqicrinicriling in thoug,11L.:'.'_--. nal Aeronautics and .Space mark ir scientific and indusC transmission, and what has fil?I . Administration and its ?satelli-. rial workers who. conceive affel3J t-red through of the first re-,---- .,_ tes ea.rrying out -patrols':.. for build t'ne? espionage machinerV. -:jults could shake the most ra- - . . Ltional. Mihd...,.. ..., .- . ? _ . : . .them. in the. Str'atos.plierc.:?. at. were counted. 4-'0?COO miles an heilei tha- MI.:: Spyin.,g and cc,untercsiplarra?!ge' - -? . ' -. '! ? - ? .. . r-les II .detectinu missiles,. 7 the have become vital industries HOW CLOSE TO DEATII? . . Bcing the most ? cicoansively Samos series' and other .sys- and electronic values- are the - . 'But it rs ce.rtainly the meth- - paid iri the ?.vb.-rld, Alley appea: terns taking. photographs:: To- workhorse's of Wall Street, thel.cal ?serviee which is the Agen- ? ? i ? qualified enough to coil:2111(1e . ,. n'.C.:ro \?'., tlie erbitting .s.pac New. York Steck Echange- '? cYs avanti.garde. ' AIM:Mg its , ? . 'Here is V." rat this country A-11.. 1 : ? ? . _._... ?. . .... , stations will.)Approved For Releae20011031041*CilAIRDP8OLOSUCPIROtrol 001100001e4 circithIst a ile"es.". only cate.garyw.hich. can . b'e! . ? Richard_ IlalmeS -- the new boss. WASH I E GTO Approved For Release 2061/0W4'111A-RraTIPArtial1ia_01R 12> jr,frt,/,--7 , . , i'Li.1' 1,1,A . . By Charles Krause ?- c,reciRt to Tile was.hiagtoa?rost . PRINCETON,..N.J., Oct. 29 7?An "FBI Conference" opened here today with the 55 participants painting a grim picture of a, police state disre- garding constitutional liber- ties and repressing political dissent by use of informers, wiretaps, electronic surveil- lance and agents provocateurs, The FBI, charging . it was cast as the "defendant" and ,found guilty before the fact, has declined to participate. -. Legal scholars,' political sci- entists, journalists and former justice Department personnel, -FBI agents and informants spoke of increasingly uncon- trolled power of the FBI, espe- cially in its attempts to moni- tor. groups which seek social; . economic 'and political change. : While most of the partici- Opals did not question the FBI's ability to combat certain types of crime, many ex- pressed their dissatisfaction with the bureau's efforts to fight organized crime, protect civil rights workers, infiltrate protest groups and promote the .FBI's image as a vigilant and incorruptable investiga- tive agency, - William Turner, a former IFBI agent asked to resign in 3951, charged that be knew of several instances in which FBI 'agents had forged checks, sto- len property, been involved in drunken driving accidents and otherwise acted outside the law. Turner said that none of these agents was charged be- cause it it sureau policy to persuade local law enforce- ment officials to drop charges. Turner said that the MU '?,..,,as been so unsuccessful. in its ttempts to- uncover foreign. ,-, f;spionage agents working in the United States that the CIA. Illias been forced to set up its own bureaus around the cowl- try. ... Vrof, Thomas J. .Emerson of -Yale be W school, charged that the FBI regularly violates the First and Fourth amendments Tr e (4:-."..:t1)..1..iti.6 y4.17 .1,7.-,./0-?b; re of the constitution. Emerson' ended, or only that concerned said that wiretaps, bugging and the use of informers tend to lirnit freedom of speech and violate the Fourth Amend- ment's protection from illegal searches and seizures. Emerson said that the FM's "political warfare against dis- sident groups raises the spectre of a police state." The Yale law professor said the only remedy for current FBI practice is the creation of a public board of overseers and an ombudsman, to protect the public from arbitrary FBI practices, such as the inclu- sion of persons' names in practices, suchn s the inclu- sion of persons' names nip. FBI dossiers. Prof. Frank Donner, also of Yale law school, said political. with political, dissent, There was a strong- feeling, ox- pressed by John Boar, for- mer assistant attorney general for civil rights awing the Kennedy admiii)istrrltion, that the use of informants was necessary in protecting civil, rights workers and combatting. organized crime. ? The use of wiretaps and elec..' tronic surveillance was the sub- ject of an other paper, pre.: pared by Victor N;-ivalky, au- thor of . "Kennedy justice," and Nathan Lewin, f' -Washing- ' ton attorney. Navashy charged that there has been "a hiStory of deceit, ambivalence and confusion v,,ithin the government con- cerning bugs and taps." he said the. use of "suicide taps," illegal- wiretaps by FBI informers used by the FBI are agents to obtain informattion "intended as a restraint on free expression, as a curb on movements far change," "It can hardly be denied that the self censorship which it (surveillance by informers) stimulates is far more damag- ing than many c.xppressed sta- tutory or administrative re- straints." Former FBI agent robert Wall supported. Donner's charges. Wall said be resigned from the Washington bureau hi 1970 because he became, dis- gusted by the FBI's surveil- lance activities.. "Anyone who would say something against the Vietnam war had to be watched and watched closely:. The chilling effect was very real," he said. Donner concluded that "thoughful Arnerleans must begin to ask themselves whether 'national security' really requires that .we cor- rupt and bribe our youths, blacks, professors, students and others_ to betray friends and associates; whether there is no other way to defend ourselves. . . than to institu- tionalize the surveillance of non-violent protest activity." The participants in the con- ference questioned whether all surveillance should be without authorization from ei- ther the courts. or FBI Direc- tor j. Edgar Hoover, was wide spread.. The FBI Conference, Spon- sored by. Princeton's Woodrow Wilson School and the Corn- . mittee for Public Justice, Will end Saturday. Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 ? vall.,1llamliPOST SI/7\11NIL Approved For Release 2001/6311040:1d1Al-RDP80 C.) Arl) N? ?-n ikIvt-ii.roic-licit 1C; fil? 11?1. ail [I, - A Six-member jury in U.S. District Court here yesterday awarded the Airlie Foundation and its executive director, Dr. Murdock Head, $510,800 in libel damages against The Evening Star. ? The jury, 'which deliberated early yesterday afternoon, ? awarded .$100,000 in damages to Dr. Head and 8419,000 to the foundation, which oper- ates a large conference center called Airlie House in Warren- ton, Va. The case involved The Star's ;news coverage in September, 11967, of a news conference in which it was alleged that the foundation was secretly sup- ported by the Central Intelli'- gence Agency or other govern- Ment agencies. A few days later, The Star ,ran a ."Statement on Airlie" that said, in part, "The editors of The Star ,having examined the records of the Airlie Foun- dation, are persuaded that this institution is privately fi-? nanccd." . The judgement was one of the, largest libel verdicts ren- dered by a jury in recent Years, according to Washing- ton lawyers. . ? Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 WASIIIMITON STAR Approved For Release 2001-103t04 :061-Al-iibP80-01601 STATINTL P 0 11 ri Li I! 0 u.,-,,-_-.7 Ps. ? T.7".. e.",4 111,3 i I 0 ' CI - 11 ri- 1 1 (,-? o , .:. I . 1 t,-.) ,, : The Airlie Foundation and its director, Dr. Murdock Head, yesterday won $519,800 in libel ;damages against .The Wash- ington Star. The verdict by a six-member U.S. -District Court jury hero called for an award of com- pensatory damages of $160,000 for Head and $419,800 for the foundation which runs a con- ference center in Warrenton, Va. No punitive damages were awarded. U.S. District Court judge Oliv- er Gasch, wno presided over the six-day trial which ended Tues- day, gave The Star 10 days to file motions asking him to over- turn the jury verdict, a standard procedure in civil cases. Conference Center Mi-lie House, which is operat- ed by the Airlie Foundation, is a 1,200-acre conference center lo- cated just east of Warrenton in Fauquier County, Va. It has been the scone of hundreds of conferences sponsored by public and private groups. As developed in testimony at the trial, the case grew out of a Sept. 14, 1967, story in The Star reporting a charge by William Higgs that Airlie House was se- cretly supported by the Central Intelligence Agency, the State Department and the Pentagon. It Was ;testified that Higgs, a lawyer disbarred in Mississippi who has been a civil rights ac- tivist ?and a supporter of radical causes, made the charge at a press conference at which he is- sued a 1.6-page statement which he said supported the charge of covert ties between Mille House and the governmental agencies. Mille Opened Books The story on Riggs' press con- ference, which included a denial by Head, founder and director of the Mite Foundation, and by a r . 11,7", r..--.,;', ' f-- i , ,--- ti ii K.-.0 o (7) " (,,,..sl'`' ,,,, 'is 1. 1 1-.-7,) rd ') ' --' I , ? 1.71--'-- V,. Q-::::.:?1 I, government Source, appeared i the last edition of The Star on ? that day. A different version, stressina6 the denials, appeared in all but the last edition the neA day. Following the appearance of these stories, Airlie ? representa- tives opened their financial rec- ords to The Star to support their contention that the Higgs charge was without foundation. And on Sept. 18 and 19, The Star published a story reportinc,b that a study .of Airlie's books indicat- ed, that the institution was sup- ported solely by private sources. That story was accompa- nied by a statement that the editors of The. Star were per- suaded by the records that the foundation was privately fi- nanced and that "the foundation has demonstrated conclusively to them (the editors) that it is not, as charged last week, se- cretly supported by the Central intelligence Agency or ? other government agencies." in the trial, The Star contend- ed that it was performing its role as a newspaper in reporting the Higgs charges. -Evidence was presented to show the steps the story passed through?from reporter Robert Walters, who wrote it, through various edi- tors, including Editor Newbold Noyes?before the decision final- ly Was made to print it. The Airlie Foundation con- tended that The Star and its editors failed to show proper re- gard fOr whether the story was true or false and, in fact, printed it even though. they had reason to believe Higgs' charges were false. Witnesses for Mi-lie presented evidence that as a result of The Star's original stories, the insti- tution suffered financial losses resulting from the adverse Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 Approved For Release 200\1/63-104rj:'61i'\-1V3I8OPPT1L 13 OCT 1971 J dvsse . By C. L. SULZIIERCE11 MONTE CART,O, Monaco ? The Spindrift Of the cold war is the human ,spray blown .hither and thither by ideological gusts. This is typified by -dissidents who flee Communist lands in seal-eh of freedom, by draft dodgers seeking to escape the U.S. armed forges abroad, by American black rev- olutionists in foreign havens and by defectors from rival diplomatic or espionage cStablishments who for dif- ?ferent reasons abandon their native ;lands. ? One of the most puzzling of these instances is that of Jozel Szall, Hun- gary's senior career ambassador and most recently special adviser to his Foreign Minister. Szall fled Budapest last ,year, spent a considerable time ander interrogation by Italian secu- rity representatives in Rome, where he had long been envoy, and early this year was flown to the United States by the Central Intelligence Agency whose voluntary guest he remained for weeks. Szall, his wife and 12-year-old boy benefited from the hospitality of ? a C.I.A. safe house near Washington during which time the family acknowl- edges it was amiably treated. They visited Washington theaters and mu- seums but were isolated from direct contact with friends or non-C.I.A. of- ficials. , - However, although the C.I.A. offered to facilitate the Szalls' permanent ad- mission, the ambassador remained un- certain that hp wanted to ? make the final leap. He still felt Hungarian and a 'Socialist" if of a heretically liberal sort.? - . Switzerland was inhospitable; so he Therefore, with the intelligence . came to this little Principality. Although agency's help, they flew back. to .Eu-. Monaco is virtually a piece of France, rope, stopping first in Switzerland. it has its 'own flag and sovereign and The Swiss security police immediately .no relations with any Communist wanted a report on everything he had ' told Italian and American intelligence.. states. Szall, who now lives in a modest. ? When he refused they eased him out. apartment here, is in no sense a major, The Szalls then went to Vienna ;figure in the 'crisS -- crossing tide of Where they established telephone con.: .humanity set in motion by Europe's tact with various Hungarian officials ? East-West ideological cleavage. as well as Budapest's Embassy - in .Nevertheless he is the highest- Austria. Somehow, by wishful think- ranking Hungarian defector since the ing, they .hoped they might still be 'revolution that shook his country ex- forgiven and allowed to return home . actly fifteen years ago and perhaps to an esteemed position, the most distinguished political refugee Just why they should have cherished to seek sanctuary here. More singu- such a delusion is hard to fathom. larly, he is- one of the few cases of a re- While the Szalls were still refugees in redefector, by intent if not by athieve- ApprovelinFortRefehS0)24304103= :,ctAEKOP86-coiticirirWiiiooloo rfioRn CR A XIT'AIRS odysseY, they attended a prearranged meeting in St. Peter's, Vatican City, and were almost kidnapped by the Hungarian "diplomatic representa- tives" whom they met: Alert Italian . 'security agents apparently prevented ' their forcible removal. ?, Even before they "tranferred from an Italian safe house to an American safe house, Mrs. Szall's elderly parents in Budapest had been dispossessed of almost all their belongings and Contact between the ambassador and his friends had ceased. ? It was difficult te 'imagine that a' term as guest of the C.I.A. would improve Szall's chances of advance:, rant. Nevertheless, at first he was . received by the Hungarian ambassador in Vienna and, talked with offiicals by long distance telephone. to Budapest. ? Soon the freeze began, however, and Szall's curious dream of redefecting began to vanish. He demanded a safe conduct and a written amnesty. "What do you expect?" he was asked. "The ? red carpet treatment?", All ? doors closed.. . . ? - At this point Szall decided to return westward. He had no wish to go back to Italy where the security apparatus didn't feel especially chummy follow- ing 'his departure from the hospitality 'of Rome spooks for that of Wash- ington's. Nor did he aspire to .try so soon, -again to revisit the United, States, which wouldn't have been easy any- Wray. He wanted a neutral coiner; 001-2 Approved For Release 2601/04W. CIA-OR40.11-601R h4ICIZO/\IESIA / r'n c-rt.73 777 LPN -lc i'f) 1\ifvf(3 `Pr( ciA/L 1,-?/L .STATINTL ' . URIMM CYJM:13IiznY 12111`iNn f3M1:-3;cn Mr. : Connolly, formerly on the editorial stall of Journal of Contemporary Revolutions (San .Francisco State College), is now working with William Light bourne on a book to be called The Politics of U.S. Counterinsurgency. Mr. Shapiro is ?co-author of An End toSilenee (Dobbs-Merrill), history of the San Francisco State College strike. : "1, want 'every ?wave in the Pacific to be an: American wave," former Secretary of State Dean Rusk was once quoted as saying.' Rusk. might well have had Micronesia in. mind._ Spread out over an expanse of the western .Pacifie larger in area than. the continental United States, this group of tiny islands has, in the last 100 years, been occiipied by a succession of colonial powers Spain, Ger- many .and later Japan; after World War 11 another ex- panding empire, the United States, stepped into the void left by the defeated Japanese. All but oblivious. to the existence of Micronesia, many Americans will recognize the 'names of specific islands within the group. World War 1.1 veterans remember Saipan, Kwajalein and Peleliu; for the nuclear generation, Bikini and Eniwetok come immediately to mind. And Americans who have never -heard of the geographical entity to which these specks in the Pacific belong should g6 back to their school maps, for the Nixon Administration is turning the area into a military arsenal and training center for its Project AGILE Pacific Defense System, Micronesia became an American "protectorate" in 1947, under a unique arrangement of the United Nations Trusteeship Council which invested the United States with full responsibility for the islands' economic, social and political development, full -authority over their internal affairs, and permission to build military installations, con- duct nuclear explosions, and generally use them as a buffer ?against powers in the Far East which long ago ceased to be hostile. Technically, the arrangement was ? provisional, it 'being assumed that eventually the Micro- nesians would be "ready for self-government." Their murky political statys. as a U.S. -"trust"' was upde.ilined. when Washington, anxious to avoid a colonial blemish,' handed the job of administering the territory over to the Department of the Interior?which, for its part, followed a policy of "benign neglect" reminiscent of the behavior of its Bureau of Indian Affairs. Before 1964, the trustee- ship proceeded on. a shoestring budget that never exceeded .$77 million, half of which went to pay the salaries of Interior Department personnel. The Defense Department's Micronesia budget for nuclear tests alone exceeded the combined State Department and Interior DepartMent budgets by more than $1 million; not surprisingly, the DOD wound up making most of the important administra- tive decisions?includinq the forced evacuation of resi- dents in the Marshall islands group to make way for a series of therm nuclear e..:14ions6v?iii&I)4g4ANcisinotyriA posed the islanP61YiElete!nif c, 1 - - laminated most of their food supply. "Social and economic development" iemained almost moribund as the territorial administration, fearful ,of "outside. influences" that might undermine U.Si.control, enforced a near-total quarantine on foreign trade. At least one Micronesian died and many others were .disabled by live bombs which the United States never bothered to remove after World War II. By 1964 this blatant mismanagement succeedied ? in provoking a Trusteeship Council investigation, the up- shot of which was a resolve by the investigators to come back again in three years to determine what changes, if 'an)', had been made. The prospect that the United States might be stripped of its trusteeship if conditions On the islands did not significantly improve could not be taken lightly, particularly because of secondary effects stemming from recent escalation of the war in Vietnam. The Japanese leftists had responded to that development by stepping up their attacks ? on the Japanese-American Mutual Security Pact, which in 1960 had been extended for ten years. Fearing that the pact might not survive beyond 1970, United States policy makers were even more apprehensive lest sizable U.S. investments inside Japan be threatened. by rising political instability there. To appease the Japanese, Washington began giving serious consideration to the idea of abandoning its base on Okinawa, itself the scene of growing anti-American dem- onstrations. What was needed was a site of comparable strategic value to which .the Okinawa operation could be transferred. Thailand and South Korea' were too close to enemy territory; the political situation in the Philippines was already too volatile Micronesia was another story. Not only was it out of reach of Chinese and Soviet. medi- um-range missiles; but if the United States could maintain the kind of control over the islands' internal affairs that it had Once enjoyed, the political results of operating a mili- tary outpost there ? could be held to a. minimum. -The impending U.N. investigation posed an immediate and irritating stumbling block to these designs. President Johnson and. his advisers were well aware of the need to engage in some housecleaning in Micronesia before the investigators arrived; at the same time, they knew that if the Micronesian people could be prevailed upon to . enter into a voluntary association with the United States, all U.N. authority in the matter would end. In 1966, without waiting for the customary invitation from the host nation,' Mr. Johnson dispatched a contingent of Peace Corps volunteers to .the islands, hoping simultaneously to mollify the U.N. and to persuade the natives that a permanent "free association" with the United States really was in their best interests. Most of the volunteers promptly busied themselves with land management, teaching (usually English or American history) and "community development." ? r. ? . : 'CIA-RDP80-01601 R0001001006.01 cOnt 5.nr?e- (7. fan Approved For Release -2001/D04 .tyrimpo-o ,cildiei7s in aht.no Spies: [-cot . OUTSIDE London's Marlborough Street magistrates' court one morn- ing last week, a throng of newsmen wait- eel impatiently. The object of their in- terest, an ostensibly minor Soviet trade official named Oleg Lyalin, 34, failed to show up to answer the charges against him--"driving . while unfit through.. drink." He was resting instead in ,a Com- fortable country house near London:. where, for the past several weeks, he.. had been giving British intelligence a complete rundown on local? Soviet es- pionage operations. His,, -.revelations prompted the British government two" weeks ago. to carry out the most 'dras- tic action ever undertaken in the West against Soviet spies: the expulsion of 105 diplomats and other officials?near- ly 20% of the 550 Russian officials based in Britain. The case generated waves from Mos- cow to Manhattan. As soon as Soviet Party Leader Leonid Brezhnev returned to the Soviet, capital from his three- day visit. to Yugoslavia, he took the ex- traordinary step of convening an emer- gency meeting of the 15-man Politburo right on the premises of Vniikovo Air- port. The, high-level conference, vLich forced a 24-hour delay of a state di- ner in honor o'l India's visiting Premier Indira Gandhi, might have dealt with the still-mysterious goings-on in China. ? But it might also have dealt with the dif- ficult problem of how the Kremlin should react to the unorecedented Brit- islt problem that Moscow, by week's end, had not yet solved. Pokite-Faced Fellows . ? in Manhattan, ' British Foreign Sec- retary Sir Alec Douglas-Home spent 80 minutes with Soviet . Foreign ;Min- ister Andrei Gromyko. "We have. taken .. our action," said Sir Alec, "and that's all there is to it." Nonetheless, he em- phasized that the British step was "de, signed to remove an obstacle to good relations." . Harrumphed G.romyko: "That's a fine way to improve rela- spy, particularly the. representatives of liberately misleading, planted by de- tions." EIC added that Moscow would the Komitet Gosudarstvennoi Bezopast partments of "disinformation." . :be forced to retaliate. But the British ap- no.s.ti (KGB), the Soviet Committee for. It is work that occupies tens of thou- parently knew of some spies among State Security, and the U.S. Central In- sands of mathematicians and cryptog- ? the remaining 445 Russians in Britain. telligence Agency. "KGB men? he raphers, clerks and military analysts, "Yes," said a Foreign Office man, "we sneers. "They're the potato-faced fellows often with the most trivial-seeming tasks. ? have retained second-strike capability." you see on trains in Eastern Europe Yet it is work that no major nation , _ The British case dramatized the .ex- wearing suits that aren't quite right and feels it can afford to halt. Says a for- panse and expense of espionage achy- smelling too much of can de cologne./ mer British ambassador: "We all spy, . ity round the world. It was also a re- The OA people all smell like .after-v of course, more or loss. But the Rus? minder that the old spy business, which shave. lotion. They always look as it. sians are rather busier at it than most. has received .little attention in the past they are. on their way to sonic boring They're more basic too: not so subtle - 'three or four years, is as intense?and sales conference for an unexciting prod- : as our chaps. I like to think that we 'dirty--as ever, despite the rise of a , uct?and in a way, they are." .. have a certain finesse in our methods new type of'. operative. .Since World In one respect, Ambler is unfair. ?that We don't go at the thing bull- War it espionage has undergone a meta- and behind the times. The contemporary headed.- But maybe our tasks are dif- morphosis. For a time, its stars were KGB man is generally far more pal- ferent from theirs, just because this coun- the famed Filmebvesil,PoraztV'eag6c2 tist .1* embassy operations rather as a skilled ar- mored thrust .compares with human- wave tactics in war." Moreover, the growing phalanxes of routine operatives are supported by spy-in-thesky satellites that can send back photographs show- ing the precise diameter of a newly dug missile silo. But even as the mod- ern army still needs the foot soldier, so does espionage stitl 'need the agent on the ground. "A photograph may show you what a new plane looks like," says a key intelligence expert,. "but it won't tell you what's inside those engines and how they operate. For that you still need someone to tell you." Eric Ambler, author of Spy mysteries, has little use for the new species of ? STATI NTL ; BBC FILM SHOWING SOVIET "DIPLOMAT" AT SECRET PICKUP POINT There was still a roar in the old lion. agents?Abe c nel Abe s, the on en compgr?Fgordigc ,,M3014161011014,001Qpooll2mains the Lonsdales, the Kim -Philbys. Says Brit- manners than his counterpart of a question, in Eric Ambler's words: "What ish Sovietoloitist Robert Conquest: ? few years ago. But Ambler is right in on earth has the KGB got to spy on in ? , . Tow) I-0.LTonT? sfoirrqyEd For Release 2001013MT. MA-RDP80-0160 . STATINTL STATINTL ' CCS\ k 11 ?--P C,1 \:\ 1 ,i i `Z`:_^:1,7 l A. ? n Ii 1A1111 STATINTL Is the CIA .taring to spy on Americans at home?turning talents and mo. against students, blacks, others? That is one of several key questions raised in a wide ranging criticism. A direct response starts on page 81. STATINTL ? The following was Nvritten by Edward K. DeLong of United Preis .International, hosed on an interview with a Centro! Intelligence Agency official who has re- signed. The dispatch was distributed by UPI for pub- lication oh October 3. ' ? Victor Marchetti embarked 16 years ago on a career that was all any aspiring young spy could ask. But two years ago, after reaching the highest levels of the Central Intelligence Agency, he became. disenchanted with what he perceived to . be amorality, overwhelming military influence, waste and duplicity in the spy business. IIe quit. ? -- Fearing today that the CIA may already have begun "go- ing against the enemy within" the United States as they may conceive it?that is, dissident student groups and civil- rights organizations?Marchetti has launched a campaign for thore.- presidential and congressional control over the entire U. S. intelligence community. ? -"I think we need to do this because we're getting into an awfully dangerous era when we have all this talent (for clandestine operations) in the CIA?and more being de- veloped in the military, which is getting into clandestine "ops" (operations)?and there just aren't that many places any more to display that talent," Marchetti says. "The cold war is fading. So is the war in Southeast Asia, . except for Laos. At the sanie time, we're getting a lot of domestic problems. And there are people in the CIA who? ,'if they .aren't right now actually already running domestic operations against student groups, black movements and the like?are certainly considering it. "This is going to *get to be ? very.. tempting," Marchetti said in a recent. interview at his comfortable riorne in Oak- ' - ton, [Val, a 'Washington suburb where many CIA men live. - "There'll be a great temptation for these people- to sug- gest operations. and for a President to approve them or to kind of look the other way. You have the danger of intelli- gence turning against the nation itself, going against the 'the enemy within.' Marertetti speaks of the CIA from an insi'cler's point of -View. At Pennsylvania State University he deliberately pre- pared himself fkrenan intelliLT4co Caj:cerg _gladUakoli t ab with a degree iMPEQMPitlier !Xi MPArpise _ _ . . . Through a professor secretly on the CIA payroll as a_ talent ?seout, Marchetti netted the prize all would-be spies dream of-1-an immediate job offer from the CIA. The offer came during a secret meeting in a hotel room, set up by a stranger who telephoned and identified himself only as "a friend of your brother." ? Marchetti spent one year as a CIA agent in the field and 10 more as an analyst of intelligence relating 'to the Soviet Union, rising through the ranks until he was helping pre- pare the national intelligence estimates for the White House. During this period, Mar- chetti says, "I was a hawk. I believed in what we were doing." Then he was promoted to the executive stab.' of the CIA, moving to an of: flee on the top floor of the . Agency's headquarters across the Potomac River J from Washington. For three years be worked as special assistant to the CIA .chief of plans, programs and budgeting, as special assistant to. the CIA's executive director, and as executive assistant to the Agency's deputy director, V. Adm. Rufus L. Taylor. "This put me in a very rare position within the Agency and within the intelligence community in general, in that I was in a place where it was being all pulled together," Marchetti said. "I could see how intelligence analysis was done and how it ? fitted into the scheme of clandestine operations. It also gave me an opportunity to. get a good view of the intelligence community, too: the National Security Agency, the DIA. (Defense in Agency), the national reconnaissance ? organization?the whole bit. And I started to see the politics within the community and time politics between the com- munity and the outside, This change of perspective during those three years. had a profound effect on me, because ? I begari to see things I didn't like." With inany of his lifelong views about the world shattered, Marchetti decided to abandon his chosen c-areer. One of the otAtiti.tricifind fhrittizwn?nlitiotircf_mith 22 Director IcifcT"1-16101's C;:i))ti nu ea WI,SIITTIC:TON STAR Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R00 8 OCT 1071 CLIA Closes E 11 0 u 11 e r ) n 111 C-t' PIMIONI PENH (UPI) ? The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency closed a secret school for train- ing Cambodian army guerrillas , in Laos When police arrested a high-ranking Cambodian officer - the scbool on heroin- smuggling charges, military sources said. ? The officer was a top aide of Col. ? Lon Non, brother of Primo Minister Lon Nol, the sources said. , Since his arrest in June, the aide has been released and; dressed in civilian clothes, has resumed duties in Phnom Penh at Lou Non's super-secret Spc-1 cial Coordination Committee,. The Cambodian army, in the meantline, has established new guerrilla training center in southern Laos, and the CIA is once again considering provid- ing American instructors and equipment, the officers said. . The Lon Nol aide was arrested in Pakse, Laos, by local police 'when he attempted to board a Phnom Pcith-bound Air America plane with 22 pounds of heroin in a soapflahe box, the' sources said. - The heroin would he worth al- most $12,000 on the Vietnam market. ?-American officials were in- formed, and concluded after in- vestigation that the heroin was ? botin.C1 for. U.S. troops in South Vietnam. - -_The secret CIA camp, at Na- l:on Sin in southern Laos, sub- sequently ordered out all Cam.: ,bodiall officers and trainees ? from Lon Non's 15th Infantry ?Jirigade, the officers reported. STATINTL Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 STATINTL Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 LOS AAGELE,`i Approved For Release 2oovg3R+ :g4114-RDS10,41101.1 ,ta /? 9 (-1 kin i'i) . .?) f 1,14 A r g c1-14 BY JACK FOISIE "Times Slat' Writer The depoSed Canibodian-monarch, Peking, has been a .standout 'performer in propaganda work for the Chinese Communists. :Had he died? II:ad the Chinese cut him off the air? *. te',;cepteil Own Broadcast It was later lear?ed--much to the 'znabarrassment of FBIS Americans .---that the bogus Sihanouk voice had really come from an American-1i nanced Cambodian government station. . With such goin,,s-on, it seems-sur- prising that the (ray FI31S summa- ry of 'significant" broadcasts is not a i;eetTt document. But, it is one of -the few- products of the CIA, Of which RBIS is a part, that is not ?-lamped secret. - "We are the. straight-forward out- fit in the agency," an FBIS em- ploye e xp 1 a ined. , While other CIA sections monitor certain types of .coded -enemy?and sometimes friendly--radio traffic; 1.013IS eavesdrops- On programs that peasants are hearing over a com- munal radio, and. , soldiers in bar- Tacks or in bivouac. are listening to 0; transitorized sets. That explains BANGKOK?In a strange house in an alley' off Sol 30 (30th St.) here, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency produces documents that quite often end .up in the hands of fishmongers as wrapping paper. The house, with faded green walls; red-tiled roof and surrounded by '-a corrugated tin fence of forbidding height, is conspicuous by its shabbi- ness iii an otherwise reasonably ma- nicured 'neighborhood. :t . First rtcports In thries of turmoil, .. - 'weakly powered clandes- tine stations often give the first reports as to whether a government has fallen, or a -secessionist move- ment is still viable. The East Pakistan 93 e n g 1 a Desh" m o v?e 111 e 0 t was more active on radio than in battle the first few To onths. The ?Ff31.S station on Okinawa, which devotes its main effort to monitor- ing the radios on the. Chi- ese mainland, has the a ci d C d responsibility -of "cruising.' Patient opera- tors "twirl the dial" on all possible- wave bands , and frequencies to detect new. stations, be they but; a gasoline-powered "one- lung" transmitter set- in the jungle. Diplona'atie feelers are Fp:meth-Lies first voiced, or replied to, on clandestine radios. For a year, the al- lied-backed Lao premier, it is ?,:tlso conspicuous by Inc aly- why the monitoring 18 not consid- Pri0cc., Souvanna Phouma, -normal number of antennas it erect a classified projeet, an.l. h i s half i tb c r Not that the bulky stapled ch if blue-ink summaries is available to S I r' leacici of tlie Communist iust anyone But eopie..s of the daily . s'prout s. ? It is -the regional office of an American go v e r nin e n t agency blandly identified as the Foreign Broadcast Information Service, .or FBI S. Under its roof, approximately 20 American-employed foreign natioct- aId outpouring of enemy -and friendly news and propaganda -broadcasts originating in eight Fouthea:-,:t Asia nations. ? ? ? Supervised by a handful Of Amen- comic, the the spew of wdrds is record?c-cl and translated into English. The process turns the clutter of 14 Jan- 14wiges and dialects gathered from the air waves into a digestible pro- duct to be read by ITIS clients. ? Detecting Poliiical Trends ? The clients are mostly ..issmericans ?Asian political specialists and mil- itary men assigned to intelligence 'duties.' They read the FBI'S reports to detect trcn ci s, . 'alterations in political positions, and the rise and .fall of leaders 'in Asian countries. For the monitors. working around the clock in three shifts, listening to the ? diatribes or oily persuasion broadcasts can be dea.deningly dull. Much of the propaganda is repeti- ttotts ine theme, and is meant to be. nig . about :the same ac- But there Caitalso he moments of tions. ? exhilaration for even the most jaded ? "Ily 'having both ver- monitor. Recez-itly: a 'Prince Silianz, ..4100,s, we're in a position ouk" broadcait came on tiaciair Lot ? to jo,c,.-f,c ? y hap- the M spe.QP,MSeirQtaReleipsed20131103104r: GIA-RDP8 immediately that the voice was fake. plained?. ? Pathet Lao, .have been repoit C811 be begged, bor- making. peace proposals. rowed or purloined. In Souphanouvong, often as Vientiane, the Lao capital not, has been voicing his where both sides in the ploys through a pair of Indochina war have dip- Lum-and-Abner -"uncles," lomats; -FBIS is "must" Hak and Sat, who 'hold a reading in every embFissy. 30-minute conversation Eventually the discard- over clandestine Radio Pathet Lao every Sunday cd ETAS copies end. up in the Tilark0, place, 'where morning. peddlers use them to wrap fish. - The 17'1711S distillation of Southeast Asia's war.' of words is prob-ably most ea- gerly read by military briefers, who must put pins on maps' and inform - their generals of - daily combat action. While ene- my radio broadcasts de- scribing "great victories" are :read with ?a jaundiced eye, their exaggerations are sometimes no greater, one officer admitted, than what, the' friendly govern- :m:1'11s of Laos, 'Cambodia and Thailand arc report- Folksy Chat STATI NTL " A ? folksy ? ?chat, or a slightly risque sing-song exchange, is standard en- tertainment in Laos. To assure an audience, the Pathet Lao make most of their propaganda points to the people in these- forms. Uncle Flak and Uncle Sat discussed SouVanna Phouma's latest peace- of- fer in a, broadcast recently. -Recorded and translated :by FM'S, the Mutt-and- 'Jeff dialog included this portion: Hak: Prince Souvanna Phouma's letter to Prince Souphanouvong this time is not different from the previous ones. That is, it. ? avoids coming to grips 011M6:1 ROM fiVi 00001 -2 STATI NTL Approved For Re1opsitkp9,14149,41A clApp80-01601R000 15 Sept 19y1 ,, ?-1:"^ --/-)",1 1 ?????.i-o f' 11,jJto - ? - If you wonder 'what has happened to cur chi- seas' privacy, listen to a summary I have just conipleted. Incredible? One would have thought so. Impossible? One. would have hoped so. Un- fortunately, it is. the squalid truth. Here are the ugly facts: ? More than 2,600 computers are now \ varking away ? clank, clank, clank -- in, Wa.F.?,11:ngion.. They have a -full-time potential of supplyiug a stack of records 2,000 miles high 'every year. About 2:50,000 -- yes, 220,000 government em- ployes are chiefly involved with filing the paper into cabinets. These cabinets cover 25 million cubic. feet of . floor space. That's more than 11 times the entire rentable floor space In the vast 102-story Empir?f State Building; -- only for the filing cabinets. The exectitive branch alone has two million. ? . Yet the government is now installing addi- tional data-processing eon-Tutus at the astound- ing rate of 000 .a year --- \:.51.11 an emphasis on piling up information about our citizens. "PRIVACY," SAID late, great Prof. Clinton. Rossiter, "is an ? unbreakable wall . of dignity against the entire world.". But start with your la- conic tax declaration ? probably the most pri- vate, intimately revealing thing demanded of citi- zens. Nearly SO million of us taxpaying peasants filed these with the Internal Revenue Service this year. The declarations started out to he inviolate. Today, largely unknown to the SO million, that essential privacy is a mere charade. Ifwenty4lirce federal agencies now have direct access to our citizens' income tax returns for an official total of 100 reasons. Do not hold the IRS responsible for this. It has -fought. intrusions tooth and nail. But outside agencies have contrived their intrusions to the IRS's utter dismay. . - ? - ? NYITH THE 109 lIEASONS available to the 23. agencies, what an outrageous opening for scat- tered bureaucratic insiders. And what an oppor- tunity for crooks, pressure boys, spite artists in ?%01.11: neighborhood, political oppeuents of men in public life; business rivals and. other.s who can quietly get your declaration by cozy relationships, bribery and other means ? . The last Census, which N still In the -data.; processing computers, was not a count of* our ? population, as the Constitution demands. It was, instead, a systematic penetration of -our privacy, CT.111)k11)7\AIrillri) 0 undoubtedly useful but expanded nevertheless in accord with the over-all invasion ? this worm in the American apple. The Civil Service Commission,, on Inquiry, re- plies that, yes, it now does compile "lead in- formation relating to possible que,stions" that might come up about countless pecple. So does the Post Office Department. So does the Depart- . ment of the Interior. Ridiculously, even the ole. pi:anti:lc Interstate Commerce Commission,. to our country's shame, gets into this intrusion on such a scale that maybe the ICC should give .up its true ? finiCtion entirely and just go into the business of building libraries for THE .P.ENI?AGON ADMITS it has dossiers'on 20. million Americans outside the armed forces. Its data bank also keeps files on 7,060 organiza- tions, II you can conceli,o of that many.. In fact, the Pentagon admits that it processes an average 1,200 requests a day for undisclosed information. The Justice Department lists 13,200 names.. of persons known to have. urged violence. And there are, of course, the vital files of its investigath?e .agency, the FBI. The Secret Service has compiled on its own a colossal file of what it tells me are "person's of interest." These include those whose only bid for Secret Service attention is their criticism of government policies. TILE Central Intelligence Agency's personal In- formation files are top secret ? and tremendous. The CIA has jurisdiction only abroad, not in the United States. Neverthele.ss, the CIA maintains secret offices in a score Of U. S. Cities totally unknown to our public. ? Big Brother's intrusion into our American fife is not new, nor is its incredible undercover, un're- vealed .expansion schemed and planned in the sense of a sinister design. Actually, it's a drift, like a spreading cancer is a ,drift. And, behiqc1 the scenes today's electronic technological ad- vances arc spreading the drift on a scale that should frighten our public out of its boots. 'These advances allow Big Brother to acquire; store and use tremendous files of information Big Brother collects on us with a correlation, and ? speed.which completely changes the potential for the invasion of privacy. And how Bag can this hidden pilcstitution of our intended government continue without wrecking every democratic coa- cept in one democratic system? Approved For Release 2001/Q3104 : CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 STATINTL Approved For. Release 2661tioWi. 8y)451-gREso-o A1OtA1D T11 V/0111.0 I.- A Ni_i1W NOV DI:341V r4u1) h .11 DP, [?_Pw ? FOR, THE. ? C-IVIZS-.Z.171:77,t,tri0,11,--,"2,17-.7-2:,-,r7-7.-ree,X111,:k.:.-1:?::5--27.417.3 ? ,fitp 0 7 11 iii.1 ' HAIIAN Angkor Sipmr- p "t ADS VIETNAM C AM B ODI A Is ? a comparatively ? ?'-'recent victim of American Imperial- ist aggression in Indo-China?U,S. forc- es Invaded it only last year. The polit- ical prologue, it tuay be said, was the. Guam doctrine?the new ourse In Asia proclaimed by President Nixon. two years ago at the U.S. air -force base in 'Guam. As put by Nixon himself, the Point of this doctrine Is that the United ?States -must play a substantial role In -Asia but would like the problem of war and the responsibility for it to be as, liumed in ever greater degree by the Asian countries themselves. In the Opinion of.. many Asian public leaders avd publications the veiled meaning of this is that Washington wants to "pit Asians against Asians," that IS, to have :its war in Asia fought by others in the elfish Interests of the U.S. ?ruling -element. The tempestuous'eVents of the last 91.0.1teon. months in the once tranquil- cofuitry of Cambodia offer a classic example of how this is worked in practice. ? ? ? . camouflaged by Its ,official representa- tives In the Cambodian capital. This surnmer,-for instance, quite a few groups of American servicemen were flown. Into. Pnorri Penh from Saigon, but in- -each case they were dresSed as civilians. Thus "camouflaged," the visitors were then. deposited in various ? Parts of the country by U.S. Embassy- helicoOters.- This. operation, directed, by the- Penta- gon and the CIA, Is kept secret from American and world public opinion. 'What in more, it Is conducted in defiance of the ban Imposed by the U.S, ? Congress on American land operations In Cambodia: But in Prim Penh itself, It Is widely known that the Pentagon's "special forces" units?the notorious Green Berets?systematically make raids deep into the interior of guerilla meas. Very often they ? disguise them- selves as insurgents. ?The Green Berets carry out sabotage and terrorist mis- sions In the guerilla areas_. and pick 'targets for U.S. bombers, ? American array planes can he seen daily in the Boom. Penh airport though their presence Is partly 'concealed: the Identification marks on some of the .planes have been painted over. Last January guerillas blew' up a few Amer- ican planes In the airport and since then the building has remained- half in ruins. The Surviving part is footless and Its windows are gaping holes. The wind blows through It freely and the floor is strewn with rubble and plaster. But out on the airfield American military trans- ports and sharp-nosed fighters. again come and go. The road from the airport to the capital Is blocked off every three hundred metres by empty petrol bar- rein, ? so that no car can speed past. Near these roadblocks are stationed groups of soldiers equipped with American quick-firing -rifles and field telephones, and wearing ? American 'green-:tropical?uniforms?:and helmets. YAllifCCSjhi P110PA ? Washington makes no secret mow of Its massive: bomb Strikes against vast ? areas of Cambodia, but ail/ its other - military operations against Cambodia's patriotic forces are painstakingly In the city there are coils of barbed wire everywhere. The barbed wire Is strung on poles right on the sidewalk Iii front of all government. buildings? . whether a post office or a ministry. The ? more Important the office, the more ? wire tlrere is in front of It. First place ? taken by the Defence Ministry: thr4r street it stands on is covered with rows ? of it, and at Its walls are piles of sand- .bags behind which soldiers stand, by -'.;ready to man machine-guns. There sire also machine-gun nests at the gates of nearly all government offices. From ? ,.- time to time people calling at them are ? carefully searched at guropoirit. At the . ?? ? press centre a representative of the . military command cautions journalists ? . that it is risky to take photographs in ?the streets?a nervous soldier may -?? open fire without warning. A state of ..? ef emergency has been declared In the ?sq capital, for guerilla units have sur- rounded it and by night approach its suburbs:. No one may enter the city ? after sunset; ..all roads. are blocked by . government soldiers who huddle fear,- fully around ? the American M.113 armoured cars placed at their disposal. Artillery batteries have been mount-, ? ed even in the centre of the city, on the Mekong embankment, their guns train- ed on the opposite bank from ? which guerillas sometimes open up fire with mortars and Mobile rocket launchers.. From Bine to time they even' blow up . a munitions dump right in the city or shower hand grenades on picked ter-' gets, such as the Saigon mission. After ?- one such attack the South Vietnam ambassador landed In hospital, A. ? guerilla attack on the arsenal in June ' caused sin explosion of such force that the flames rose 120 metres and the nut'- rounding streets were showered with shell and mine fragments mixed witi! . stone and rubble. ' From a white four-storey building oh the Corner of One of the Poem Penh boulevards and Avenue Mao Tse-tung, near the Mekong embankment, hangs the American flag. This is the American Embassy building and the Americans occupying it ? are jestingly called - "the Yankees from Mao Street." Recently, though, the street was. renamed?either at the request of the, American dip- lomats or because of the change in the political climate of the Cambodian capital, ?? -.The ? ?Arner lean Embassy ?Pnom rue Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOlf. Approved For Release 2001i9MG: 9A-RDP80-01601R0001 '11d 0 671! jt CA lose:q land for . McLean, Va, The Central Intelligence Agency lost its private baseball field as First Lady Pat NixOn officially turned over _230 acres of federal property nine miles from downtown Washington to the. National Park service for public recreational use. It was the first stop on a five-state, cross-country trip Mrs. ' Nixon is making to transfer some 4,200 acres of government land, worth $10.5 mil- lion, to public use, under a program called Parks to the People. STATI NTL Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 ME Approved For RdIrm29py.03/04 : GIA-RDP80-01601R00 T TI STAR?LEDGER M ? 238,123 S 419,877 4 127 ? Associok.c1 Pre5; Mrs.Richrd M.:Nixor --ticipatcs in National Park Service.Ccrrm.iy r j1c?V. ? ? i\lcLEAr Va. ,(A,"?) ?The Central . lost its privi-ite, baScball, field yesterclqi ?-4s? L'ady Pat Nixon officially t'rr.r4,1 over 2-3.) acte5 federal , , property ii i miIc i downtown W151): IL to tl3e Natlionai Servie'c :or1jubic rY:cre t?o It \Vas f a:firsts teo on a five.5)4. -91ry trip Mrs. tram..7r. atoot.tt 4200 acrcs ? of goverairent?tand, viol Uri :1-;0.5 tf,mh ic usc. ? . She i.ald it was ii inn 1. no?v that the near 111,. Mver, v.-.111 bavailabl.e, for rnetrt,poiiianW to enjoy the beauty of nature. Abrsut CA p i WI; for ih...,?eerirooriy: ..The CIA lias been theball di7.,,Liond a? its and ow brve to s',-ks.re it with the public. Approved For Release-2001/03/04: CIA---RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-0160 UNION CITY, N./. HUDSON DISPATCH -.505617 1971 ?fra, 1. The. Central inielligence,Agen-., cy 10-SriEs private baseball field 377citerday as First Lady Pat Nixon officially turned over 230 . acres of federal properly nine ; miles from downtown Washing- ton to the National Park Ser- vice for public recreational use. It was the first stop on a five- state, cross-country trip Mrs. Nixon is making to transfer some 4,200 acres of government land, worth $10.5 million, to Public use. Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 Poor, ? Approved For Release 2001/%3MIG:RIA-RDP80-01601 ' STATINTL Mrs,. Nixon's. 5-State i ot-t.r Mrs, Richard Nixon will officiate in the transfer of government property to ci- ties, counties and states under the 'Legacy of Parks" p.rogram next week. She will visit Virginia, Michigan, Minnesota, Oregon and Cali- fornia beginning in McLean on Monday and ending - .Wednesday in San Cle- mente, Calif. The program was ?eStab- lished to convert federal ? property to recreational and , park use, and Mrs. Nixon will view the lakes, trails .and camping sites which have been established. In McLean, 230 acres near the George ? Washington Memo- rial Parkway will be turned over to the National Park Service by the Department of Transportation, and used for sports, picnicking and bi- cycling. Monday afternoon, Mrs. Nixon will go to Michigan, where part of Fort Custer Military Reservation is being transferred. Tuesday, she will see Fort Snelling, Minn., where a golf course and polo field vill be part of the new pub- lic usage of the. military .rand. ? ? Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 ; DETROIT, MICH. Approved-WM1ga 59 2 616 S 827,08.6 AUG 8 By GEORGE HENTERA ? Hews Victhin,Jton ['wan, 47,;,,,,,,1 '17::_2 ! :13 1 119 crgaill-l-atic"''s ill-H:01'1d'z? t. u.) en ane:irepmeirt.;\.,!elft,re. volved are the Southern Clirisnas ch.),,:, t?) ti.,,,? c,,,,-;;.-,01 .c.,.s? poi._ 1-,,,tc.F.,?,.ds 1,, ,.,.,:s, t.,,7,1,0 (,,T,, routl?,i tial ..L"-`-'.:r.,..hip Cr"-'f....rf-11?':', ti.'"?.sihle and 1,.0....1.ti l-::.,ld e.`21;10I1-:p.,(,;:L, LI") bey,in a iserrWling Na.)-i?!!A V?Ii".:`'II:-.1?;??' (-)Hstrations there ani at the Su- v.,r?,T,:11;14!,),:t ....iay 1 for a "celc-I ganLf.ation, Vit'tnanl Veteransi?.e c.t. i 'brad()); of petr,:e. Against tile 'War anr.1 LIII int,ii.,,.., ! IS ma-rt),:cy grorc,) plans al or tiv..ar grouos, the l'eople'sj pa.edt,ts? to 1. t)is,?,,rtici , . ries I. Clentoml?Lcntions 13^.,i n-' Coalition for Peace and Justieej and tlle Is.iational l'eace Action! At one c.i. the der,..),).?,!!atiDil,',11:11g .:'''''IY. Or t11:1 l'IC':Ilill:!, of ' ? Coalitl:-.):. - It..ne veterans are to sraip of.'''''.1Y '5.., .1.,;1'.?.' 1..'.L...--2.kiilz, bf fivcl Ilia protest w?ill bagin Aprillt heir med.bs Eir,d d.).;:ca:af,ionslillalrr lugliv...--is ')vit'l? l...111n2n1 2 with demonstrations andjand deposit, them in a b....)?-tiv bate c?11.'.'.irls 0r Pr')''-'-'3'l--.2--3 t? s't.oP th0t rallies in several cities spon- of the type us.,c1 to et:c.'avaC.C..iOvern'.11"2:1's.- Is lull: of the plan.i The pr.o!.?,:-,ters plan to at.sam-! ble at tit:: C:. cot at 110C,11 to alt cm21 10 st.rrountl tha build.- They ha. -e called for de-- monstr1.:1...as ttt the ct.,trance of isuch Clce.eintrnt cif,?nleies as :the Deoarteme-nt of inetica 100 'the Pentai.c..., oil the succecliirg .da,,'. ? . The ort".:itizers. hope that the build-up of c:entaror;tra.tions. through Apiil and Z.:lay will lead to 1,7')2t, tlley c:-..ill a "no business as us..ial." national moratorium on 1,laty .5. This would, inch...a...le striltes at col- degas and i.,i::,h sellGols and demonstrations at .Go),-;,)rnment offices and at military bases. Approved For Release 2001/03/04 : CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 Rost is; ? ?-? ? STATINTL ? For Release 2001/03/Bei C1A-RDP80-01601 cl?Th ? / ?-? - have been a demonstration reach. an accommodation of strength for . the with the Pathet Lao forces' and sympaibly?as thebenefit.. During the :commando area, jlIA as those southeast raid, informed military of Luang Prabang have sources indicate, CIA per- clone. ; sonncl called in American aircraft to dostroy the CIA buildings rather than allow '.-tho enemy to t apturc sensi- tive equipment. During the bombardment 'more than a .score of Moo 'soldiers were '3:illecl. The attack incrnsed the siza of the exocins alre,?dy going on in the Lenz Cheng- Sam Thong area. Then, three weeks later, during the night of March cent; mandos struck at the Lan Son refugee logistics. center, 20 miles southwest of Long Cheng. I?itile damage was done to the base, acc'ording to government spol.esmen, but the raid on the highly vulnerable center that had replaced Sam Thong--which had been abandon-ad under pressure a year ago?sent thousands more fleeing. Ilarass;nent fire and ground probes against .cores of pro-government :posts NviLhin 1:11, 50-square-mile area are reported daily. Iku Na, north of Lona,, Cheng and called the "key" to cap- ture of the CIA base, is un- der virtual siege by artillery and rockets. 'Visitors to Lan Son, or "site 272" as U.S. spokes- -men call it, say the i?tneri- cans working there are -ready to abandon it "mo- mentarily" and have been issued carbines to carry. They return to Vientiane nightly. Araerican;,i working at Ban Son say that any fur- ther attacks would bring to- tal abandonment of ? the bases. Refugee' officers in .the field are not. optimistit of their chahces to ba of fur- tln,r service to the Meo. They ? note the northward drift of the tribe out of their area and acknowledge that., a large section of the moun- tains south of Luang P.sra- bang is 'occupied by :Moo who have shifted allegiance to the Pathet Lao. Edwin MeI;leithen, a U.S. AID refugee worker. sttys. ,14, when 'sappers blew up the Me? will eventually have mifiRciveg itarcN unu_sii*,,v.c to land Aleignsj.' Les__ wake houLL?s _ and elease v9, " By D. E. Honk ' ApccIal to 'rho Washiv7.ton Post ? VIENTIANE, March 24-- ?Pathet" Lau forces in north.; :an Leos are apparently moving to squeeze cp..Lt the 100,000 -Men tribesmen who have long served as a buffer for government forces in the area. At the same thee, the Pathet Lao drive seems de- signed to prevent the Moo from heading south to Vicn- ,tiane and out of the combat zone altogether. The Moo are believed to be moving be- hind Pathet Lao lines. The area in question --- about -miles north of VientIane---ce;ntains the CIA- supported base at Long Cheng, headquarters for l'?leo ..10,?dder Can. Vatig .Lao, and American reNgee centers-. The recent Pathet Lao seizures Of strings of govern- ment bases east and west of Long Cheng has had the ef- fect of driving barriers south- ward. These are now closing towilrd the center and block- ing the 1`.1-cO's route to Vien- tiane. ? Within the closing pincer Pathet commaAo and prop1'iganda units are' warn- lug the Moo to flee and mak- ing lightning commando raids against the most irn. portant ba;,,.e.i. Isolated ter- rorist acts have Leen relic. bly reported from the area chtt'ing'reeent weeks, includ- ing firing upon civilian taxis and buses carrying Meo out, Observers believe that such. acts are part: of the .over-all tactical plan to keep ? the 'Moo moving northward .and?behind Pathet Lao lines. Roadblocks by Meo who Are pro -government,. but anti-Van. Pao, are also re- liaWroported to have been established on Highway 12, the highway from the north to the capital, to keep Meo from fleeing to Vientiane. ' The l'athet Lao-North 'Vietnamese commando raid against Long Chong on Feb. Although American tau sources in ? Vientiane say Long Meng, Vang Paso's headquarters and the lzey base in Northern Laos,' is ,defensible 'if no One. goofs 1.)adly," the CIA is known to be building a lowland site for its operations, it has al- ready moved much of the sensitive equipment away from Long Cheng. "As families of MQ1.1 sol- "diers move away from Long Chong for safety the base is left without its buffer against attack--and doserlio:Is are climbing as soldiers leave to accompany families," a recent Western visitor to the aeon repocts. American officials in the area hz-Ne become frank in admiti:ing that th.e. He? ci- vilians serve. as buffers. Such use of the Meo is said to be the only real topic of discussion among the i?flinor-'Meo chiefs at present, as they realize how badly the tribe has been hurt in the past decade and search for alternctives. Since P,I0, when yang Pao allied.. a third of the MOO dans with the CIA, "at least 40-50 per cent of the men have b2en killed and 25 per cent of the women have fallen as casualties of the war," out of an estimated 400,000 Mee, according to last year's Kennedy subcom- mittee report Oil refugees. Lb??.ine W. Jensen, the act- ing area coordinator for U.S. AID at Han Son, has said, "I have a bunch of seared .people. When civil- ians start getting killed it has quite an effect on the.. population." STATI NTL , c. IGAAREIP80-01601R000100100001-2 pound, is believed nowto _do so they will have to irric 17.0S1 Approved For Release 2GPt/9/0t?FlA-RDP80-0 ,t; Kitinap Plot Denied, . ANN? ARBOR, Mich.-- Leaders of the . White Panther Party branded as "total 'fabrication" charges that the group considered kidnaping, Vice President Agnew and others to gain release of jailed radicals. Party leaders said the gov- ernment had concocted phony charges in an effort to keep two party cofoun- ders, John Sinclair and Lawrence Plamondon, in jail. The two have been in- dicted for allegedly conspir- ing to bomb a Central Intel- ligence Agency office in ?Ann Arbor in September, 1968. : The alleged kidnap plans are outlined in testimony re- leased Monday by the Sen- ate Internal Security sub- committee, . Michigan State Police Sgt. Clifford Murray told the panel that it was suggested that Michigan congressmen could be traded for John Sinclair and. tb;:t "... proriil- nCnt piAionat fitir+n such ,as, Seri. Robert Griffin and Rep. Gerald Ford might be good for trading for Black Panther Party leaders such a? Huey Newton and Bobby Seale." "The recommendation In- eluded the suggestion that ' with someone of the promin- ence of the Vice President, Spiro Agnew, one 'could write his own ticket.' " STATI NTL Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 . STATINTL NIUSI )7i) VT ...,)__-1 ),. , ? crc CDTME1 , Mr, Cohen.. teaches philosophy at the University of Afichlyan, . "fnn. Arbor. Ile is the author of Iwo books ?soon to be pub- /cd.- Democracy (University of Georgia Press) and Civil Disobedrence (Coltanbia University .Press). Secret, electronic- surveillance of private Oiezeni, by goy i- ?ternment agencies, is a serious nvasion -9L,privacy, and '...sfoes- irremediable damalge to the decency of our civic IVO-low can it be stopped? One legal weapon against it, *hich,".can have important effect, is the refusal of the ArOurts to use or to receive' evidence in this un- tavory-..v.,ay. Over the retention and strengthening of that --9;reapon legal battle now rages. _tome baagroUnd. first. The Fourth Amendment of the U.S.. Constitution IV's' it down that: . . Irhe right, of the people to be secure in their persons, tomes, papers,. and effects, against unreasonable searches -ari4 seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants ? AO issue:, fait upon. probable cause, supported .by Oath aflirmation, and particularly describing the place to be?searched, and the persons or things to be seized. ?-?? t _On this .basis it is along-standing principle of our courts that the government may not build its case against a .1fefendant in a criminal action upon evidence obtained .:by unconstitutional methods. Even where that evidence, Were:.it to be accepted, might clearly establish guilt, it Inust not be 'accepted, or even heard', because permitting any USC or, it is direct encouragement to law enforcers' to gather such evidence in future cases. In applying this Important exclusionary principle: to search by wire tap, 'the U.S. Supreme Court also held in. 1969 (Alderman v, lAited States) that, the govanment .must disclose to a defendant any record of conversations he participated in, or which occurred on his pr-emises, which the govern- merit 'acquired by means of any illegal electronic surveil- lance. (The practical importance of this ruling appears. In the current Plamondon case, cited below.) ? -ETA when electronic surveillance legal and when Th Omnibus Criro.e Control and Safe'Streeis Act -43f 194. far less restrictive in this regard than it ought to be, does lay down strict conditions within which elec- (ronic. surveillance may be carried out. Probable cause to believe that criminal activity is in progress must be sworn to before surveillance is undertaken, and a duly constituted court or magiStrate must .authori-ae specific. surveillance and issue ? a warrant therefor. Unauthorized electronic surveillance .by government officials is a serious crime. But the ? Act also provides, unhappily, for exceptions to itS own restrictions. By its own -words the Act does not limit the constitutional power of the President to take such measures as, he deems necessary to protect the Nation against actual or potential attack or other' hostile acts of a foreign power, or to obtain foreign intelligence information deemed essential to the security of the, STATI NTL United States, or to protect national security informa- tion against foreign intelligence activities. Nor shall . anything contained in this chapter be deemed to limit the constitutional power of the President to take such meas- ures as he *deems necessary to Protect the United States against the overthrow Of the Government by force or other unlawful me'ans, or against any 'other clear and present danger to the strUCture or existence of the . Government... .. ? ? . Through this hole in' thcfl(dike the Attorney General of the United States and his subordinates have surged, and the' federal courts now face the difficult, problem of restraining the zeal of law enforcers eager to tap the wires of anyone who might, by their lights, be. deemed a threat. to "national security." The threat, more deeply under- stood, is from the government--and the privacy of citizens is Its victim. ? The tub lies here. Who decides what is necessary for ."national. security"? The. President, acting through the Attorney General, is authorized to conduct electronic surveillance without judicial Warrant to pfotect the nation against the hostile acts cif foreign powers. That is itself worrisome: But is the exception to be enlarged? Is wire tapping to be permitted, and itS results received by the courts, in matter of alleged internal seculity? . ? 'The issue is not only. theoretical. A case now before the U.S. District Court, Eastern 'District of. presents thice' practical piohlem starkly. The defendants are charged' with conspiring to injure -government 'property,- arid one of theme Lawrence "Pun".Plamondon, is charged with the actual bombing of a CIA office building in Ann. Arbor. The trial is about to begin. Electronic surveillance of Mr. Plamondon's- conversalion, has, been conducted. by the government, undertaken '''Ornittedly without the' judicial authorization that the law requires. The sealed logs of these wire taps have been delivered to the court, and with them an affidavit froM the Attorney General. This affidavit 'does not assert that'-at' the time these wire -taps were installed, law-enforcement ,tgepts had' probable cause to believe- that criminal activity was actually being .plotted. If such probable cause could haVe 'been shown ?that, for example, the illegal overthrow of the govern-' ment by violence. was being planned?a .proper warrant Could surely have been .obtained:) The affidavit argiles, badly, that the Attorney General, as agent of the Presi- dent,.May by himself -authorize electrOnic surveillance of; "attempts of domestic organizations to attack and subvert the existing structure of the. government." Therefore, he. concludes, 'wire tapping in this case, although without judicial warrant or control, is. yet legal. ? ? ' It is to the enduring credit of the U.S. District Court,. in the petson of Judge Damon J. Keith, that this argument go'vernment has been flatly rejected. Keith's force- ? ful and distinguished opinion, handed down 'on January 25, affirms the constitutional right of citizens to be protect- ed. from' such unauthorized electronic searche's. Flo. makes Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP.80-01601R00010010000172 Approved F9 ? ? AU} 6:12 .(iEZT STATINTL vED ?1::)--7, ? STATIN se 21001/03/04 : pi -RDPf39-01601 Teparnig for. he ours is espec al y compli- W4cre Is He Nov.?? 'Comrade Still Is Fighting the Reds eated since Herb and Shirley believe they're in _ constant danger of as- sassination. They con- e:, sequently inellie trans- portation ?and.,.; hotel ar- rangements under- as- sumed .names. "Once' we made the mistake of making a reserva- tion under the name Phiihrick, ancl darned there .wasn't a bomb - threat,' Mr. .Philbrick Even with pseudo- nyTins; the 'Philbrieks Continue to -exert the utmost cautioh?includ- Ing never straying too .near open windows- or too close to the edges of crowded subwayplat- forms. Shirley Philbrick, however, says they ? "don't wdrry. about it too much. You just have to be intelligent and alert and keep these things in your mind." .They constantly are alert to food prepared by unknown hands. Once, in Louisiana, the Philbricks left their food untouched after noticing :.1.:hat seemed to be ground glass on their steaks. When a woman in the audience ' later fainted, Mr. Philbriek turned to his wife and whispered, "Maybe she got my steak." "Dropping Like Piles" ? ? ? , - Such, fears, Mr. Philbrick explains, are based on his contention that many people-in the U.S. who opposed the Communists have been' Mysteriously "liquidated" by poison or by un- explained falls from open windows. "For a while they were dropping like flies," he says. Tv/O of 'Philbriek's Three Lives Are. Over, but Ii Ilattles On; Aliases' and Fears of Murder ?-? - By BARRY KRAMER Stott Reporter of Tar; Wara, STiZEY,'T Jotst-NAr, BETHESDA, Md.- -Herbert A.7iPhilbrick is leading only one life these days, lant it's a busy One. , .Remember 'Mr. Philbrick? His multifaceted existence in the 1940s?"Citizen,? Communist, Counterspy"?was the basis of an autobiogra- phical book, Led Three Lives." in the early 1050s, these reminiscences were ifiade into a wildly popular- television series, wherein Mr. Philbrick (as portrayed by actor Richard Carl- son) spent the better part of a half-hour each week routing the Red tinchsruound in the U.S. As you may recall, Herb Philbrick (or, as ? many viewers came, to know him, "Comrade %Hort%) actually did lead three lives. From 1940 to 1949, he was. (1) a New England advertising e.61.itive Who (2) secretly v.'.orked his way into 'important positions. in the Communist Party in order to .(3) -pass on party directives and other information to the FBI. This triple life ended abruptly in 1940 when .-Nfr. Philbrick's testi- mony in federal court helped convict 11 top ex- . ecutives of the. U.S. Communist Party. Such "accidents" have been ?so frequent; Today Herb Philbrick ? is fighting commu- Mr. Philbrick says, that he and his wife have ? ntsm from headquarters in his modest, red* ,thought of writing a book on the subject. "You. brick house here. At 55 years old, he. is only :know," lie .confides, "the .Communists 'have slightly graying and still weighs in at the trim . come up with a whole line of exotic poisons.", 155 pounds he parried in 1940. His message has 'He says the list of such poisons includes radio-, remained constant, too: The -"international active substances, as well as tOxic material' criminal Communist conspiracy". is more ?(1'l.n- that can't be traced. ? . gerOns than ever before..., Most of Herb Philbrick's audiences are un-a- .: .Sonie things have changed. Mr. Philbrick ?Ware of what he goes through to reach them. has thrown of his cover with a vengeance and today speaks widely on anti-Communist sub- what he says invariably pleases them. His speechless which deal with such topics as 'Are You Sure Communism Hasn't Brainwashed You?" and ''Spies and Our National Defense," Sehwarz's Christian Anti-Communism Crusade, ;always meet with much applause. But the accompanies him on a cross-country lecture .fact that he has the sympathy; of his listeners circuit that last year took them to 49 states for . a total cif more. than 250 speeches--often at $30? to $730 an appearance. . 'Too Many Aniateurs" ? . "Lots of people accuse me of being a profes- sional anti-Communist," Mr. Philbrick says. "I just smile broadly and say, 'I hope I'm not an amateur.' We need more professional anti- Communists. There are too many amateurs." To hear the Philbricks telt it, professional- ism in their chosen field means living a life filled with fatigue and fraught with peril. "Oa brick himself, some are "sponsored" pieces ? ?a lecture tour we average five hours .sleep a written by?and usually.touting?variaus cons- night, and very often we don't get that," says mercial concerns, .trade groups and other orga- ShirleY Philbrick. "And just before a l,ecture nizations. The Philbricks? in turn receive a Fitt.00 tour we don't get any sleep at all." ? . ? ? check frem. the sponsor. This Is basically U.S.P.A.'s FOIO source of revenue; since the 1,- 200 subscribing newspapers don't pay any fee They just are interested in what he says., and pets. He has been divorced And remarried. His second -wife, Shirley, -a 28-year-old former model who once worked fen' Dr... Fred isn't cause for real rejoicing At the Philbricks. "Usually," he says, "the ones that need to be convinced about comMunism don't come." ? There are, however, other ways to .reach the uncencerned. For more than a- year, Mr. Phil- brick has owned and operated U.S. Press Asso- ciation, which sends politically rignt-of?center editorials to 1,200 newspapers, most of them small weeklies. - The six editorials sent out each week are predominantly anti-Comminlist or conservative in tone. While most are written by Mr. Phil- at alL Approved For Release 2001/03/04 : CIA-RDP80-01601R00010010-0001-2 Mr. Philbrick's own editorials have ranged is recent months from an attack on Sen. J. MI.-. liam Fulbright to an analysis of what he termed the "smear campaign" that killed the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Clement haynsworth. A not-atypical series of spon- sored editorials concerned what were called in- flationary union demands being made against General Electric Co. The sponsor was General Electric, and the corporate giant paid U.S.P.A. .$400 an editorial. ? A Lot oLAliases Lift:sal-the ,U.S.P.A., however, is i.nore than a heady round of editorial w?riting. Each week, the Post Offee delivers'some. 1,800 newspapers to the Phithilchs, who, vi1lr a few partstime helpers, scour each and every page for reprints of the assoielation's Material. Paying sponsors are then rriftiled any relevant editorials to show them what they got for their money. Further burdening the Bethesda postal sys- tem, the .11.'ailbricks also' receive regular mail- ings of propaganda from Communist countries, as well as copies of the Daily World, the organ of the U:S.: Communist Party. All mail from .the enemy Comes addressed to assorted aliases assumed by Mr. Philbriek. A recent letter from Radio Havana, for example, arrived at-the Philbrick readeRe addressed to one "H. A. Arthur." Communist mail received by the Phil. bricks has one destination. "We turn it over to the FBI," Philbrick says, The Philbricks' relationship with the Pm is close. Mr. Philbrick says some Communist Party members still provide him with informa- tion, which he then passes on to the bureau. And every December, he adds, a Christmas card arrives extending greetings of the season from J. Edgar Hoover. The bureau also serves as a handy watch- dogs. '!Once there :vas a threat and an FBI agent showed up mysteriously .and stayed with us the whole time," Shirley Philbrick says. The federal government's watchfulness is made easier by the fact that the?Philbricks' house is just a few minutes drive from CIA hcadquar- Ls. ters and is Idcatedl'on a street filled with homes. belonging to C1h FBI and other goveenment employes. ? ? A Busy Life Time spent by the Philbrielts in Bethesda can hardly be called restful.- Besides running the U.S.P.A., Mr. Philbrick teaches seminars for the Christian Anti-ConsmunisM Crusade, makes radio .and televHion appearances, and is active in several anti-Communist and con- servative organizations. He's atho involved in rewriting "I Led Three Lives" as a textbook on communism.. Mr. Philbrick's writing- has periodically ap- peared over the .past 20 years in a variety of anti-Communist publications. A typical -Phil- brick article appeared in a book titled "Your Church?Their Target" and took on folksingers in general and Pete Seeger in particular for.al- leged Communist connections. -- herb Philbrick says his Anti-Communism dates from 1940, when he discove?red that an Os- tensibly independent group called the Massa- chusetts Youth Council was controlled by the Communist Party. He quickly informed the FBI, which advised him to participate in the council's activities and in turri to -keep the bu- reau informed. ? _ ontinuo ? CINCINNATI, OHIO Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R0001141O11001-2 FEB894256 1971 - 1, S 302,445 ant: OVeri .' In a case against. a White Panther Party member, the U. S. '"Department of Justice came to a ', federal court in Cincinnati Friday ;?? Seeking an order against a U. S. Diarict? Court . judge In Detroit, Mich. . i- The issue revolves around the k question of whether it is lawful for the- attorney general of the United i, States to authorize and conduct .certain electronic surveillance. ..It arose over ,the case of Lawr- ence Robert (Pun) Plarnondon, a IWhite Panther member lacing trial . in Detroit on a: charge of bombing the :Cola' Intelligence_ Ag_ery of- :lice.' in Ann Arbor, Wefc." ; Against the opposition of Attor- ney ? General John N. Mitchell, U. S. :District Court Judge Damon J. 'Keith, Detroit, ordered the govern,- . ment to diSclose to Plainondon ....logs of government electronic sur- ".v, eillanc es of conversations in ;which he participated. , , The Justice Department asked the Cincinnati-based U. S. Court of . . - thitrai-urat - "- Appeals for the Si:WI Circuit to order Judge Keith to vacate his . disclosure order. The request was in the form of what is known as a petition for a writ of mandamus. In commanding the disclosure, the petition says, Judge Keith 11m- ited the Justice Department to only two courses of action, "either ? of which," it said, "would result in grave and irreparable harm to le- gitirnate governmental interests." .The first course of. action, the petition says, would be the clisclo- sure of sealed information that . "would prejudice the national secu- rity." The second course would be to 'refuse to comply with the order, "in order to protect the natibnal ' security," which would result in a ? disrnissal of the indictment against Plamondon. The logs of the surveillances, according to the petition, were giv- en to the District Court judge in Detroit in the form of a sealed exhibit for Judge Keith's inspec- tion only. Records show that when Plamondon's attorneys claimed the surveillance was illega 1, Judge Keith granted their motion to dis- close the information. . Notified by the Justice Depart- ment that an appeal would be made to the Sixth Circuit, which , reviews lower federal courts in *Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky and Ten- nessee, Judge Keith postponed the opening of Plamondon's bombing :trial until Tuesdi_a;,... In asking the mandamus writ, the Justice Department Claims that the power of the attorney general,- ficting for the President of the United States, to authorize and conduct certain electronic surveil- lance is legal. The Sixth Circuit Is now in one of its three-week sessions that ' started last Monday. How soon the Appellate judges will act on the Justice Department petition cannot be determined. - THE ISSUE brought up in this case ha A been decided by four i. S. District Courts, two .upholding the power, two denying. the Power. 'It has not as yet been resolved by a ? tederal court of appeals. ? ? TATINTL Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 STATINTL ? ? Approved For Release 2091/6/b[e: biA-RDP80:- S . ? oi_ ? . V/i reicip Associated I'mos The Justice Department has 'appealed a district court ruling that it is unconstitutional to eavesdros on phones of domestic groups without .a warrant.. - The ruling, the department aaid yesterday, "could result in grave and irreparable harm to. legitimate government inter- bsrige' depa 'rtMe 'fit asked the 6th Circuit I Count of Appeals to order Judge Damon J. Keith of Detroit to . vacate . a decision favoring Lawrence 11.- Plumondon, . a White Panther being tried on charges of bombing a Central Intelligence Agency office in Ann Arbor; Mich. - Keith has ruled that electronic eavesdropping on Plumondon by ..the government was unconstitu- tional and ordered logs of the surveillance turned over to his attorney. Etc gave the govern-' ? rnent until Tuesday to comply with the order. The judge drew a distinction between the Plumon- don case 00d the government's right to eavesdrop against for- eign subversives even without prior judicial approval. - ? - ?? Approved For Release?2001/03/04 : CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 7Aktroved-For-Release-2001/03/04 : CIA-RDP80-016 ? AtLANTA , GA. JOU RN AL E 257 , 863 JOURNAL?CONSTITUTION S?? 536 , 497 FW 9J STATINTL . ANOMR CIA FRONT By CHARLES LONGS !J EVERY REGULAR bus rider " has seen the car card ad- vertisernents of Radio Free Europe; The H.latest is a 4:-. young boy Vhose f o r e- ' head is wrapped in -heavy. chains. ?"He needs a' 'mind of his own,'! the , card pro- claims. "He need S the facts, . news, Wor1,1 opinion." ?Now, everyone agrees that Eastern Europe needs facts. ? and opinion to help counter- balance the continuing niagra of government propaganda to .which its people arc exposed. ? It is equally true that Amer-- ." Cans need the ? facts about ,? Radio' Free Europe: Hop- fully, that truth is now unfold- ing. ?V. * * * SINCE the first frost of the :11Cold War", we have been told that Radio 1):ee Europe is a privately supported, nongov- enunental activity, whose ex- ; Sistence depends upon individ- !-.ual -contributions. The Adver- tising Council, which sponsors 1 the car cards, provides an es- ' thnatcd $15 million annually in media space whleb is used to :solicit ?funds. And Piadio :Free Eruope; v,,Ith executive offices in New York, traraarnit- ters in Munich, and Several :thousand employe s, keeps ? beaming "the facts' news, ?-.World opinion" into. Eastern .Europe. 1.11aT111-;!1:!-- , Unfortunately, Radio Free. Europe has never disclosed the facts to Americans. For it . is not free at all. Instead, it costs the American taxpayers $30 million dollars a year--all funnelled through the labyrin- thine channels of the Central,/ -Intelligence Agency. Private contributions?upon WhIC`11 it supposedly depends?snake up about 3 per cent of its budget. * * * THESE disclosures came in Senate Appropriations hear- ings.- They are shocking be- cause of the blatant hoodwink- lug which has gone on now for more than 20 years, but they are not really surprising.. Four years ago it was dis- covered that CIA funds had been routed into the National Student Association through a series of fake "foundations." The hue and cry of that disclo- sure resulted in adoption of a policy that "no federal agency. - shall provide covert support, ' direct 'ef indirect, to any of the nation's educational or volun- tary organisations." - Radio Free Europe, theoret- ically both educational and 1 voluntary, has consumed pos- sibly $100 million in CIA money since President John- son .approved that policy four years ago. ?* :* ? NSA and RFE .are only two CIA covers which have been blown. What is de3ply disturb-.1 ? ing. is the unknown mass- . which is yet below the ? sat.? face. - - What other organizations are CIA fronts? And wh'at un- - known deeds are performed in the name of and at the ex- - pease-of the Amerlcan people? ? Lord Acton said that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts 'absolutely. Secret ? power?unchecked,. unknown, ? andunaccountedfor?is surely the most corrupting force in any society. 0 0 * .?WHOEVER can penetrate the marble fastness of CIA headquarters at Langley, Va. (mislabeled "Purcell of Public Roads") see carved in the lintels of the lobby, "You shall know the truth. and the truth will make you free." ? Mt, the day come when that script is heeded by the Central Intelligence Agency. The United States is come of age. It is time We put aside "childish things. Approved For Release 2001/03/04:. CIA-RDP.80-01601R000100100001-2 ? ? X., : "c' w SIATINT ? t?., l; Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-Ruv8u-u1 By LYLE DENNISTON ? ? star ". vor, in a case involving illegal - firearms possession: 'I ? lion, on -Jan. 11, licereral , Judge Warren J. Ferguson of Los Angeles became the ILA to 1 rule that the attorney gceraal's theory was unconstitsitioaaT. lIe gave the Justice DepartmEnt 30 ? days to appeal, but so LT 310 Staff WritfLT ? action has been taken in that ' Atty. Gen, John N. 'Mitchell will ask for a federal appeals case. ? court this week to rule that he alone may decide when to eaves- drop secretely on "domestic subversives." ? - Mat authority, which would put a growinr7, use of hidden lis- tening devices beyond any court review, has growing .ruled invalid twice and upheld twice by lower federal courts. Mitchell is the first attorney general to claim that, in eases involving "violent disorders" in. this country, he need not possess a court order before authorizing wiretapping or eavesdropping. His decision to take that ques- tion to the 6th U.S. Court of Appeals in Cincinnati follows a ruling against bins on Tuesday by U.S. District Jildge Damon Keith in Detroit. Keith's' decision, followed al- most exactly the reasoning that a federal jildcoe Arnaelcs the issue of homefront eavea- dropping to the Supreme Court for an ultimate ruling. One of the lower court deci- sions which upheld Mitchell's authority is already before the 7th U.S. Court of Appeals in Chi- cago, but that is in the famous Chicago Seven conspiracy case --? an appeal that probably will not be decided for many months. The Chicago case was the first one in which Mitchell had claimed that the "inherent pow- .1.iscol Jan: 11 in the first ruling ers" of the President; to protect rejecting the attorney gculerars the country could be delegated position. , ? to Mitchell as the sole authority needed to justify eavesdropping - Secret Logs At Stake on individuals or groups in- if Mitchel had not Planned an valved in 'domestic subver- appeal from Keith's decision, he sion." either would have had to dis_ Mitchell and his aides worked close today the secret logs of out that constitutional theory overheard 'conversations or a man charged with a bombing ?conspiracy or drop the charges'. ? . After Judge Keith was notified that an appeal would be. filed, he postponed the scheduled op-ping of the bombing trial until -Feb. 9. In addition, he said he would "assist. the government, in ob- taining . . . reivew" of his deci- sion by the Appeals Court be- cause it involved "an impoelant issue of first impression." He did not explain what he would do to help, it now seems likely that this test case will be the first to take Ferguson's decision cur:7e in a ease involving ? Melvin Carl Smith, a Black Panther Party figure who was convicted is 1.9a39 OD an illegal firearms offeafte. While his case was baleg ap- pealed,' the government resealed it had eavesdropped on hi; tele- phone conversations five times, This disclosure led to Jorlo: Fer- guson's ruling that the ''bug- ging," was illegal because it had been carried on ? - walnut a court-approved warrant.. , Second Reversal The Detroit case -vhich brought the second decision against the attorney general's authority involves Lavatenee (Pun) Plamondon, one of three mmbers of the militant White Panther Party facing trial on charges of a 1963 conspirrey to hod) a Central Intellirronc Agency office in. Ann Arbor, Mich. Using almost peony the some after being in office about five words as Judge.ireiguson lad in months' and they asked U.S. the Los Angeles decisionaTudge District Judge Julius J. Hoffman Keith in the Detroit ca: Ta- to uphold it in June 1969. marked: - No Appeal Filed "An idea which seemsb per- On Feb. 21, after the conspira- cy trial was over, Hoffman agreed with Mitchell's argument and ruled that avesdron logs on some of those accused in the conspiracy case need not be turned over to them. On Sept. 1, U.S. District Judge Arthur j. Stanley of Kansas City similarly ruled in Mitchell's faa Then, he' disclosed that lie be- lieved "national scantily" cases should be understood to include those -involving "domestic orga- nizations which seek to attack and, subvert the governs:mitt by unlawful means." Fall .Legaliz at ion If the courts ultimately hold that .Mitchell, may decide on his own to approve surveillance on "d omestic 'subversives," it would not only mean that he would have much more flexibili- ty in using that method of inves- tigation. It also would mean that any eavesdropping would be consid- ered completely legal. That would insulate the records or tapes of (Tic eavesdropping from any possiblee disclosure to indi- viduals whose cortvers ions had been piclaed up. Under a Supreme Court deci- sion on March 10, 1969, in the. so-called "Alderman ease," any records of illegal eavesdropping must be turned over to defense, lawyers in criminal cases to see if' the "bugging" had produced' /evidence for the prooecution.- / Evidence acquired by unlawful ' means may not be used. ?? Exemption- Asked If .the government did not want to disclose the rerults of its eavesdropping' the court do- dared, it would simply have to drop the criminal case. In trying to -I;et the Supreme Court to reconsidei that ruling, mette much of t govern- ?? he ? mcnt's argument is th , at a dissi-? "re as, lee B:Tartim-fit asked it . dent domestic organization is creE,ta an exemptical Rae akin to an unfriendly a'_.n-crign tional security" cases involving "roreig,n intelligence." Since the power and Must be dealt x;ith in attorney general has constitu- the same fashion. ? ? tional authority to carry on such re 'There is gat clans,cor in an bugging, the department-argued, argument of this nature for it. it is always legal and thus not strikes at the very oonstation-' ? al privileges . and immsmities .su ibijoeNevteNtool,isteileos - justices le ft that are inherent in U.S. tilizen- . Ostia. open. Since that time, of ship.!'.:course, Mitchell has expanded ? k- Every president snce Fran -his constitutional argnment to include domestic subversion as a "national security" matter. While the Justice Department has lost twice and won twice in lower court rulings on the do- mestic subversion issue, it has won every time when a lower court has analyzed Mitchell's authority to approve eavesdrop- ping for "foreign intelligence" purposes. . _ _ . . , lin D. Roosevelt has contended thatelectronic' -surveillance could be executed without court order in eases ?involving "Latioa- al security." However, :that has beentnader- stood gencrallY to apply Taly to cases in which the government was looking for "foreign Ennelli- gence" data.-- that is, es::-deuce about espionage ,from "exter- ? nar!.sources. ? Mitchell, in his early reontns In office, limited his claim to sole power 05Cr cave:air:wing ,to "foreign intelligence" situa- i tions. For all others, heppar- en'ty was willin to oltain Approyed For Release .2001/03/04 : GIA4RDPe0a0g1/601 ROO 100100001-2 - ' STATINtL Approved For Release 2001/08/b4W661iRDP80-01601 . p MAT; , MT .21 fi BIPIAllik0 '.(1) 11" .11i) . . . Lai ri,>? Could Limit PoWer ? to Prosecute Radicals : By AGIS SALPUII:AS . ,ip.:ciel to Th rt' Nov Yot T;Inti t. .DETROIT, Jan.25e--...A., Federal IPistrict Court judge here, in the Lseeond such decision in a Pionth,: reaffirmed today_that the. All:Olney General does .not have the right to order wire- raps Without a court warrant .1) domestic cases on the 'ground iof protecting the national security. } IJudge Dannon J. Keith of the ...t.:':ern Michigan District held i?.........??r. xley that the wiretaps obtained op LaWtenee R. (Pun) Phi- nohdon. One of three members of the. White Panther party on ,./.-trial on charges of c'onspiracy V in the bombing of a Central In- .. tellignnc.e Agency office in Ann -.Arbor, were unconstitutional: , '..I.Inlilce the ruling Of Jan. p, jv. Judge Warren J. Ferguson in Los Angeles, in which the Gov- iernm6lt. was. given 30 days. to. ? 'ppeal, : judge Keith's decision tOday said that the wiretap i'.Vidence. must be turned over immediately to the defense at- `torne.ys. -- , . 48 lIours to Deelh ,.. But Judge Keith did give the 'Government 48 hours to decide n What to do after Ralph 13. `Guy Jr., the United States At- Itorney for the Eastern District, :told the court that only Attar- hiey. General John N. Mitchell could make. the decision be- freause matters of national secur- ity were involved. Mr. Guy said that hc. was unable to reach the .Attorney General this after- Itbon. , According .to Mr. Guy, the oVernment- can decide to drop the case, it can make the wire- 'taps available to the defense or lit' can appeal the judge's deci- sion to the Supreme' Court. , Mr. Guy said in an interview 'that, If the decision stood, it `..could make it impossible for the (Government to gather wiretap (0,ridence on domestic groups `Avithout a court order. Attorney Veneral Mitchell has maintained Ithat this power was granted, in 'the Omnibus Crime Control and S-afe Streets Act of 1968. 'Complications Seen : if the wiretaps are held. il- legal, Mr. _Guy said, anyone whose Onversations arc tapped Could not be prosecuted by the Government even if it turned up other evidence later. In his decision Judge Keith Said: "An idea which seems to permeate Much of the Govern- ment's argument is that a dis- sident domestic organization is akin to an unfriendly foreign powe.r that must be dealt with in the same fashion. '"There is a great clanger hi an argument of this nature, for it Strikes at the very constitu- tional privileges and immuni? - ties that are inherent in, United States citizenship." .The judge held that the:. CiOvernment was in error when it contended that "attempts of domestic organizations to at- tack and subVert the existing structUre of government" were a crime. -Judge .Keith denied a SCCOliti Motion in Which the defense asked that young people be.. tween 18 and 21 s'lipuld be Ale tO serve on juries. The defense contended that radicals such-as the three defendants could not get a fair trial from juries made up of people over 30 be- cause the jurors \you'd take out their hatred of the youth culture on the defenrInnt. -The Supreme Court ruled re- cently that 18-yeati-olds have the right to 'vote in Fed-le,.1 elections, but the lists. from which. jut ors are chosen arc based on voter res;'istration rolls of' 1963, which does 'not include the 18-year-olds. The judge postponed until. Thursday the trial of Mr. monclon, Who is charged with bombing the 'C.I.A. building; - John A. Sinclair, who is serving a 10-year sentence for posses- sion of marijuana and is charged with conspiracy, and John W. Forrest, also-charged with con- spiracy. . 'Their defense attorneys are . William M. Kunstler and Leon- ard I. Weinglass, who helped de- fend the Chicago 7 last year; .and Hugh M. Davis: Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 'Approved For Release.2001/031654`il&liiiiiDP80- U.S. -AI5TP11, IN LAOS ? '1 r ;0 ii 1 fz. L 1/-?111N I L . 'air strips south of here,-num- : bers 33, 166 and 172. Twenty-nine guerrillas Nvere , killed and 65 serion'Sly wound- ed here in December. This, combined with the high total . f,1Q) b p t:"7,-- ))11 ij? throug plteau and ? t?T-4 n ? hout the of guerrilla deaths ain actions ? .4 ,e71. Continued enemy rocket at- tacks, has drive the guerrillas away, the Lao say. -? ? Now about 1,000 Lao regular troops are ;Jigging in here un- der sporadic rocket attack. Rolls of barbed wire are being strung around the air strip, foxholes are being con- structed, .claymore mines are being laid and machireguas set up while armored cars are flown in to provide additional firepower. Col. Khampen, the govern- ment commander here says his instructions are to defend PS 2.2 because the Lacrgovern- went is determined to retain this last foothold on the east-. ? edge L. Bolovens pla- teau. His troops are not in- volved in operations on the Observation Lost Site 3, a tiny air strip 1,000 feet higher - on the hill above the plateau in a stand of pine trees is seen by the colonel as his key defense position here. Th9 site provides a resting place for American forward air controllers dodging anti- aircraft fire along the Selheng 13y TAMMY ARBUCKLE; Special to The Star PS 22, Laos American ? ground operations against the Ho Chi Minh trail have been "s ever el y disrupted" by ?North Vietnamese assaults ?-against this heavily guarded airstrip, sources reported. PS 22 and its sattelite strips, ? PS 3 and PS 4, are on the east edge of the Bolovens plateau .in southern Laos, 5 miles from ,the network of Communist reinforcement and supply routes to Cambodia and South Vietnam known as the Ho Chi Minh Trail. ? Pinpoint 1352 Targets .For years, PS 22 has been the home of men of the First Special Guerrilla Unit the 10th Guerrilla Battalion: and their A in cric an commanders, a handful of military men work- ing for the Central Intelligence Agency. 2 ? These units mostly com- posed of Lao Inlimen- with- a few Thais, total about On men. They have been responsi- ble for harassment raids and pinpointing targets for U.S. Air Force. 1352 strikes on the south half of the Ho Chi Minh Trail designated by the CIA as guerrilla zone number one. Now the guerrillas and their - U.S. commanders have had to be replaced by Lao regular troops. The guerrillas are "demor- alized and disorganized," said a Lao military official. Sent to Mountains The guerrillas have been sent to ie ? Mountain .the Bolovens town of Pal: Song for reorganization, including strengthening by Thai special forces and some Cambodians newly -sent to Laos and .re- training by Thai advisers.. ; Few guerrilla teams are still ' active instead of prowling the ? Ho Chl Minh Trail complex ; and seeking North Vietnamese ; concentrations heading for Cambodia, they are scouring the Bolevens for large North Vietnamese units v,diose tar- gets are this air strip and Pak Song. Hanoi's troops already have knocked out the American-run ? - - The collapse of the guerril- las hero at Site 22 is undoubt- edly hay nigdire conseven- ces for Americans, Cambo- dians and Lao alike. American intelligence has been deprived of its eyes on this part of the trail. The _North Vietnamese can now move supplies and rein- forcements into Cambodia al- most at will. The Lao government, ac- cording to the Lao military, has been forced to commit its last reserves to a fixed de- fense'of the Bolovens.. The fall of PS 22, which is presently extremely likely, would see this reserve .force cut off a long way from help and possibly lead to the fall of the Dolorous town of Pak Song resulting in the North Viet- .n am c s e completely taking ? over the, Bolovens for a new sanctuary against Cambodian and South Vietnam. Such a move would severely hnider any South Vietnamese drive into south Laos to smash the trail area. This results from the failure of the Central Intelligence Agency operation, a failure for which the Americans them- selves must take the blame. American commanders on the Bolovens failed to follow one of the first principles of guerrilla warfare ? to hide your base and to be ready to move elsewhere quickly if dis- covered. Instead they based on large net' strips that were easy for the North V,ie4mese to find ? and attack. Instead of making air drops to supply guerrillas in the jun- gle, bases such as PS 22 wpre Used to stockpile- munitions rtindsupplies. Now the North Vietnamese have, overrun most of the iras- CS and the guerrilla operatron .has been smashed. . ? Approved For Release 2001/03/04: cIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 t-K ? THE I AEH, U. J.? EV-J-isTEIC IfEr..73 ? Approved For Release 200iliO3/941: CIA-RDP80-016 STATINTL 1171-f.c-3(71 Cile(r2,1"A-,11 77_v 77 i. L f (J I /- )1"v7 'Pr1 , , .? ? . - On page 1749 of the Manhattan tele- phone directory, there is this listing: ".`CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY - ? NY FIELD GEC 755-0027" There is no address given for the New ?York branch of the Washington espionage .company. :I discovered this strange, but -?not surprising, listing almost throe years ? ago. I had a powerful urge to call the 'number, but I W.as afraid.. 'Sounds ridieu- ;Ions, I know, but, nevertheless, I was 'afraid to call. But my curiosity would give me no ;Yest. Every time I used the phone book, I Was reminded that the CIA was listed on ?::page. 174,9. -Last week, I did it. I picked up my phone and dialed the number. A ,woman answered. /I 77) 7(1) - ? A few days later, I mailed my letler to the nameless assistant director. "Dear ?Sir: I write a human-interest column for ?The Evening News of Newark, N.J. I am interested in writing a piece about the CIA operation in the New York metropolitan area. ? This is not. a put-on. I fully realize that the nature of my work is inimical to your work. But I suspect that Dere is some in- formation about the CIA's aclivities out of ? the New York office that cambe published without harm to national security. There may, in fact, be some information that, if printed, weuld be helpful to you. I do not know what facts are available to me, and this is why I am writing to you. Please advise me on: this matter.". "755-0027," she said, :without identify- After I mailed the letter, I convinced .Ing the telephone as the CIA's, myself that my missive would be filed, ":. "Hello, is this the Central Intelligence . microfilmed, and cross-indexed. If the CIA :Agency?" I asked, thinking the woman hears my name again, I thought, they will nug,ht be an operator for an answering retrieve this letter and know for sure that .service.I am dangerous and must be watched. . . ,?::' Who is this calling, please?' she in- Yesterday, there was a liirge brown en- terrogated. . velope in my mailbox. Enclosed were two reprints of articles done about the CIA. name is.Fred Cicetti. F am a re-- Both were extreffely unrevealing and, no ? porter for The Evening News in Newark doubt, this quality earned them- the CIA- and I'm interested in writing a piece about imprimatur. There also was a brochure tthe CIA office in New York. Can you help entitled, "Intelligence Professions," that is :me ?"? ' probably used by the CIA's college recruit- She responded skeptically and told me ers. And there was a blue pamphlet, to hold on. About a half-minute later, a which contained the CIA's statutory au- . 1111:01 conic on De line, lIe didn't identify thorization and some generous compli- himself; I didn't ask for his name. I re- 'milts from our President, Tinted my pitch to him. -He performed a Letter From-Director's Aide ?near-perfect, bureEmeratic buch-poss. He WFiS i)ealitill.d. ?? With the enclosures was a letter from ?-.. "Pm sorry, I can't help you," he said, Joseph C. Goodwin, Die previously anon cheerfully. "That is a policy matter be- rnous assistant to the director. yOnd my purview. You'll have to write ? to "Dear Mr. Cicetti: ,Washing,ton about that." . - ? I am enclosing some material which, ? hopefully, will give you a clearer picture He- se me this" address: "AS6iStant to the background., history, fin ctions and ?.:the Director for Public Affairs, Central In- responsibilities. of the Central Intelligence Jelligence Agency, Washington, D.C." I Agency. As to your specific request tor in- ased him if -he was permitted to give out formation, I can only refer you to the para- ?"The name of the assistant to the director, - graph on "Policy on Public Disclosures" on ? bur he sidestepped me. Ile y.?as good. page 5 of the blue pamphlet w ." --..'? "I don't kno who will handle your lot- 6This is the paragrap'm . ter," he said. "I prefer not to use a "Because of the nature .of its (ladies, "? name." ? requiyed by. law and by considerations of ' ' - ?.: -. Securit). Check Likely? ' ? _ natio id security, the Central intelligence ''? ' ..II asked him--with a nervous laugh?if Agency does not confirm or deny pub- ? a; security chock would be done on me. lished reports, whether true or false, fa- "I won't have to look over my shoulder *vorable or unfavorable to the agency or . ? for -someone tailing me, will I?' is what I its personnel. CIA does not publicly dis- ? said.. cuss its organization, its budget, or its per. ,? . ."Oh, nonno," he assured roe. "We have sonnel. Nor does it discuss its methods of : ..some peonle who, by necessity, are ex- operation or its sources of information." i App i 310 rpove,d)FOr Reileaisr290-11141D: C 1811441ipt Rgq0117p/06001-2 ::Wasnngton and they' 1 -Ian( e 1-. -.;?1 us newspaper wil no. se -E. ?still .E. Approved For Release)211031/133/13*:CIARDP80-0160.1 17 Jan 1971 ? STAtl NTL , . ,ks Year-olldio ]Panther u,r\ BY LEE WINFREY Free Press Staff Writer , A poet, a teacher and a state representative testified Friday in support of a mo- tion to allow 18-year-olds to he potential federal jurors in Detroit's White Panther bomb- ing conspiracy trial. Three. Panthers ?7 John A. Sinclair; Lawrence R. (Pun) 'Plarnondon and , John W. (Jack) Forrest?are accused ?of conspiring to bomb the / , Ann Arbor office of the Cen- tt'al Intelligence Agency in 1968. Plamundon is also ac- cused of doing .the actual bombing. - . . ? ) DEFENSE atiorneys a re arguing that the field of poten- tialjurors, presently drawn from persons registered to vote in the 1968 presidential election, should be broadened to include younger persons down to the age of 18. ? Poet Allen Ginsberg of New York argued that the opinions .of people under the age of 29 differed significantly from 'those of older Americans be- cause young people have "the .? realization that for the first time thete is a whole genera- ; tion trapped on an earth that may be doomed." Ginsberg said th e belief that "no roan alive under the Bond Vaughn ? the right to vote in future fed- eral elections. The court ac- tion led to the White Panther defense motion currently be- ing argued here before U.S. District Judge Damon J. Keith. Keith accepted Ginsberg and Vaughn as expert wit- nesses about young people though strenuous objections were filed by Assistant U.S. Attorney John H. Hausner, head of the prosecution team. ? HAUSNER called the Opinions of the 44-ye a r-o I d Ginsberg "the fantasties of a middle-aged man who can't admit that his youth is gone." Hausner said Ginsberg,'s testimony did not prove a gen- eration gap exists, but only indicated there is "a Ginsberg gap, the gap between those who agree with him and those who don't." The pre-trial hearing on the ?:age of y can expect a nea,ce- defense motions will resume at ful world to live in beyond 9:30 a.m. Saturday with Gear- the , year 2000" has forced younger people to search for new an- swers to the problems of war, - pollution and overpopulation. Dr. Gerald Kline, a journal- ;Ism professor of the Universi- ty of Michigan, introduced fig- tires designed to show that people in their 20s vote pro- portionately less than older people, making a jury list drawn only from registered : voters discriminatory. State Rep.. Jackie Vaughn ATI of Detroit said "young people who had long hair or funny dress got a negative re- ) action from (older) voters" - last fall when they cam- paigned unsuccessfully to low-, : er the Michigan voting 'age to IS. deTciha nS.14141C',11(41 ?for Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 ? ? month that 18-year-olds have gia State Rep. Julian Bond scheduled to testify in behalf of the 18-year-old juror motion. The trial is scheduled to be- 'gin Jan. 26. The three defend- ants face maximum penalties of five years each on the con- spiracy charge. Plamondon is threatened with an additional 10 years if he is convicted. of the bombing Approved For Release 2001/03/04 :-CIA-RDP80-01601 THE DETROIT NEWS 17-Jan. 1971 I H I IN I L s?,.511r e?ir f- ? k,.. Cf6 ekns 't't C 61- e' ) f 14.e clanier *tux? NJ{ ? 13y STEPHEN DOBYNS News Staff Writer j Federal Judge Damon J. ' Keith is expected to decide . this week if three White ? ,Panther members can go to without having to throw out the entire list of prospec- tive jurors. ? White Panther def ense :attorneys argued their clients could not be tried iv a jury of -.their peers because a certain .sdgment of the population had been arbitrarily excluded , from th:e list of jtirors. r or s presently 'ere lected .from the 1969 voter reg- istration list. ,. , " The 'White Panther,s, Law- rence R. (Pun) Plamondon, ?. ?\i/ . W25; John Sinclair, 28, and John , Forrest, 21, are accused of ..- conspiring to bomb CIA of- fices in Ann Arbor. Plamon- don is charged with the actual bombing, onSept: 29, 1964. SICLAIR is serving a 10 year prison term for pos- ? :session of marijuana, his third offence. Forrest, arrested with Pla- mondon in St. Ignace July 23, pleaded guilty earlier to har- -- boring a fugitive, Plamondon. Plamondon has been held without bond since his arrest. The I96S list, the defense ;argued, excludes those per- ,.sons under the age of 23 years 'and nine months ? who were too ybung to register to vote in 1968 down to 18-year-olds, who should be included because a December ruling by the U.S. ;Supreme Court that 1S-year- olds will have the vote in fu- ture federal elections. ? The defense argued that be- cause a person did not regis-, . ter to vote is no reason to ex- .clude him from jury duty and . that such an exclusion is dis,- Critn.inatOry. . Assistant H.S. Attorney J. ' Kenneth Lowrie said, "Jury service is a duty not a right.. The defendents are, askirr, for preferential treatment, asbking ? .for a jury which is more apt to , their peer group. acquit thern.' - "No juro r, if he's corn- fl? TIIE.LAST-ViTTNESS called by the defense was Georgia State Rep. Julian Bond who said the three defendants should be tried ..by ?a jury which includes members of He -said the 1,988 voter regis- ti'ation lists were still valid for jury selection and questioned 1,Veincdass's interpretation of the congressional mandate. Keith also will decide this week, after hearing final argu- ments by the defense, whether or not federal wiretaps made on Plamondon's telephone are admissible as evidence. DEFENSE ATTORNEY Leonard Weinglass said that in the court's district there are about. 450,003 persons be- tween 21 and 29. Of these only 630 are on the 1968 jury list and all but 74 were excluded as prospective jurors because they were students, service- men, or mothers with young children. Veitiglass said the Congress had. stipulated that if a jury list does not reflect an accur- ate cross-section of the com- munity it should be su,)ple- merited With the names of'pro- spective jurors taken from other lists, such as census roils. Calling the present list un- constitutional and against the congressional rnandate, Weinglass said, "This court has the power . . . to expand this jury list so we have a true cross-section of the commun- ity." - If Keith throws out supple- ments the present list it would mean a postponement of the trial which is scheduled to statr Jan. 26. pletely honest with himself, comes in entirely without bias," he said. Although lawyers attempt to weed out biased jurors, Bond .said this can't be done com- pletely. What is hoped for; he ? said is that all attitudes should :be represented on the jury -so I there can be an "averaging lout of bias." Approved For Release 2001/03/04 : CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 ??? ?i- 16, .Approved For Release 200103/41. A-RDP80- . worp-l'irrly D y, i\Tri :,,,, y ci Mr. Ginsberg saki he was con- IM)., ilA.,111 11.110),,i3LM) -vinccd that a :separate youth " 'l -culture, had developed in. the . ii(ik, (111 1-.1,1-.,,1,./0-1 INT AT, ',,,,,...st if cw years that f7 pm c. I : . 1A.0.4 ,4,?rui,.!.W u,),,)?,,i -or the older Leneration could I:understand. ? ?.- "There is generally a mocker:), Defens,,.: Ch allengeS Jury ..of the idealism and fear of ?young people," he sa "'th id. eir .. System allei. N\ifircilialVitig '_ apocalyptic sense of the near- . .ing of. the cud of our planet is ' Dy AGE4 SALIVII'll`..,..) treated as a joke." John. II. llausner, the govern- . satctit to Tht N217 1-cc?k. al ro.-3 ? l'ilent'S chief prosecutor, brought .--PETIZOIT, Jan. l.0---The.,. only .out through Mr. Ginsberg's tes- disruptions at the pretrial heal:- -timony that he had not spoken Inc this:: week for three nwn'a- to young wounded veterans in bers of the Whit,-, Panther Party hospitals, Pay Scout troops, or Ini:rged in the boniblag of a -S. "llid?d.'l Shool c-l.'silles aIid- s'l-iicl ii/.at seemect to lurn there was , Central hitelligenco Agency of- more of a "Ciit-ishef:g gap than flee have been caused by a baby . generation : hap."-; . end small children. a . tap 3.ssue They occa..sionally squeal, or Wire. crawl on the Courtroom floor, William M. Iamstler, a de- or dash up to the defendants to Jense; attorney in the Chicago show drawings or to get 1111.73. ;conspiracy trial who is, free on They belong to the small group .bond. on a four-year sentence of radicals- attendin,;?L the hear- -Tor contempt of court, argued jugs at the United States Dis- the motion on wiretap evidence. trict Court and their antics have : Attorney General John N. Mit- been accepted with good nature lchell, in an affidavit filed with by the judge, prosecution and the court, said that the wiretaps defense. -. made without a court order Although this case,- has lied should be kept secret since they none of the bitterness and 171,1er .were 'being employed to gather ruPtioil of the trial or the Cal- intelligence information deemed cago.7, the. intent of the defense .ne?cessary to protect the.. na- lawyers IS to turn the case hero ...1 Into a challenge, of the Amen-- --' C1\111.:: lamstler said the Atter: tan judicial process similar to ,ney General was asking for : that made in the Chicago trial. ;"carte blanche to violate the..l. i 1 Defense Motions Yourth Amendment." : The White Panther party, I 'founded by Sinclair, has 'its and iTugl fjavisil ?headqtri-Lcirs in a commune, of the Chicago 7, have made two motions for 'the : lI'll'ut 20 Te?Pli:' in Ann Arh?r. H e ,s2h..- stv1:.!3 revolutionary defense that Liu . said incy ,group pnrports to have about would carry to the Supreme 30 chapters around the country Court if Judge Damon J. Keith ruled m-,ainst thein. . - but even party officials say they.do not know how big the ? The defendants are John Sin- STATINTL ?? Leonard Weinglass, who was part of the team that defended clair, a 28-year-old poet con-. victed last July of possession of Marijuana, who i:; charged with. conspiracy in the bombing; Jol:n W. Forrest, 21, also charged with conspiracy; and Lawrence It. (Pun) Piamondon, 25, who Is charged with actually per- forming the bombing on Sept; 29, I968, at the C.I.A. office hi ilearby Ann Arbor, Mich. One motion argued that pieta- ole under 40 were underrepre- sented on the voter registration list front which juries are se- lected and that people over 40 who niche up the majority of juries 'could not -make a fair ludgnient in -the. case. . The second motion argued ;that the defense was entitled to . ? ?examme the logs of wiretap ievidenee gathered against Mr. ePlaniondon.? %- Allen Ginsberg, the 44-year- )0icl poet -laureate or the heat ;generation, flew .here from his zfarm in Cherry Valley, N. Y., to .testify on the firsb motion. mem )el.,,nip Mr. lainstler and Mr. Gins- berg are helping to raise Money for the defense. At the campus of Western Michigan University in Kalinna- zoo, about 3,000 students paid Si each On Thursday night to. hear Mr. Ginsberg recite poetry ? and urge them to participate in nonviolent demonstrations around the White House next , ? spring. ? Greg Green, a junior major- ing in English, listened to Mr. ? Ginsberg recite a 20-minute poem about what the poet had ? obselved on his communal farm last September. At the end, the student shook his head and said: "He's re- i-itaitiod too detached from a, .culture that he's proclaimed toi ?lead." Approved For Release 2001/03/04 : C1A-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 V STATINTL Approved For Release i0011/03/0-4 : CIA-RD ? By 3.),,o GER, n AP OP Olta . Spec to no ? DAVISON, Mich. -- Elsie Sin-a clair chain smokes at the lcitch- ' on table while pork chops fry in the electeie skillet. She is a -th.a ii d s one c, nervous women, buoyed by the visit of her . daughter-Maw Loot, .fa-at two grandchildren. . ,Four-year-old Sonny plays Lot- to with his grandfather, Jack Sinclair, while Leial nurses her infant, Celia. 13oth Lciii and Son- ? ny wear purple buttons that say - "Free john Sinclair." John Sin- cloir is the eldest SCA of Jack and Elsie, husband to Leni and father of the two little girls. . John Sinclair, the 26-year-old -Chairman of the White Panther 'party t is serving a nine- -and-one-half to 10-year sentence . in .Southern Michigan Prison at ? .Jackson because he gave two marijuana cigarettes to an Un- dercover policeman. ' And on Jan. 28 Sinclair and two of his fellow Panthers co on trial in Detroit for allegedly blowinrg, up the CIA's Amn Arbor storefront recruiting office in the fall of 4 NI ? They Nas;r0 indicted hi October 1930, about two mouths after 5 i n'c 1 a 1 it began serving his marijuana . sentence. The Panth- ers werct implicated by David ? Varier, a -youth who eonfessed involvement in the bombing but - accused flinclair and his radical . friends of masterminding the plot. here in Davison, a town or 's,700 about 70 miles nortlitaest of Detroit, Elsie Sinelair says she plans to take time off from her job as a school teacher to attend John's upcoming trial -Sinclair says he's innocent: didn't even know the Cif A had an office in Ann Arbor until I reed in the paper that somebody had blown it up. The eilly crime Mt over admit to is the cnly one I ever committed, the assassina- tion of President McKinley in 1901." Of course Elsie believesi in her son's innocence and she has abandoned her plan to retire from school teaching so there will be enough money to pay for John's lawyers: "Site,. seven years ago, when Jahn first start- ed Li,rovana? long hair, living with But after I began to see the way the police harassed and perse- cuted him I began to read and think a little more about what he was saying and it made sense." Sinclair's family and friends believe he is apolitical prisoaer, but his rebellion has not been strictly political. As his wife Leni explains: "After John finished cam and moved to Detroit in la91 lie decided against simply joining the local Committee to End the War in Vietnam. It was too easy to be just one more middle-class radical commuting in from the suburbs to protest the war. Pro- test seemed like a sideline, he wanted to set up an alternate life-style." Sinclair's. idea was to find a for his friends to support themselves 'through their own creativity. Be founded the De- troit Artists' Workshop, ar- ranged club jobs for musicians, sold poetry feral staged success- ful photographic exhibitions. Every Sunday afternoon there were poetry readings, concerts and shows at the Artists' Work- shop storefront near Detroit's John Lodge Freeway. Sinclair also rented sbe- old homes near the Workshop foi? $50 a month each and turned them into com- munal accommodations for 50 workshop members. The police, however, saw the Artists' Workshop as the base of Detroit's spreading drug culture. Undercover agents soon began infiltrating the group, searching for marijuana. One agent gave himself away by showing up asking: "Is this the place where I can get some dope and hippie broods?" But en Jan, 21, 1937, the police stiored. Agents arrested 56 per- SCMS, includiug Sinclair. The ba- sis for the sweeping raid was Sinclair's gift of two marijuana cigarettes to narcotics agent Va- han Kapegian nearly a month earlier. Kapegian had posed as a Ii ippie candlemaker named ?Louita He was not without soul, Shortly before the Jan. 24 bust, Kapegian contributed a bag full of fried chicken to a workshop communal dinner. Charges against most of the 59 Negroes, smoking marijuana, persons arrested were SUbSC- and talking all this radicaPstuff quently thoppech Sinclair's in- ? I was fthockedAIZIPMedif#01ellikeigaStec12001 /*NOW:, ? s n ? ?, 1 11 V LI. Ili H 11 II. about it after being released on bail. Ile kept busy expanding the Workshop commune into a psy- chedelic conglomerate 'called Trans-hove Energies. Soon five rock musicians from suburban Livonia joined up and gave Trans-Love a national rep- utation. The musicians called themselves the MC-5 and an al- lied Trans-Love light company brought psychedelic perform- PneOS to appreciative young au- diences. ? By late :J.9$7 Sinclair's hair bit- lowed past his shoulders and he was articulsting the Trans-Love philosophy: rock and roll, dope and love-making in the streets. Sinclair rejoiced over the ability of the MC-5 arid similar groups to capture the minds of the young and destroy the old order: "You don't need to get rid of all the bookies, you Just rob them of their replacements, let . them breed, atrophy and die out, with the heirs cheering triumphantly all around." But as the MC-5 soard to the top of the charts with "Kick Out the Jams," Trans-Bove begari having problems with the com- munity. Menorahs were tossed at the commund and building inspectors found code violatons. In June 1932, after the -band was charged with several noisc violations, the commune decided to migrate 40 miles west to An Arbor. Two big - communal homes were rented in the middle of the UnivCasity of Michigan'a fraternity row. The White. Panther party was formed to provide a practical political organization for young white rebels. Modeled along the lines of the Black Panther- paaty, this orga- niaation now elairria about 3,900 members in various chapter across the country. The printery goal of the party is liberation of the youth culture. Specific aims include aboittion of money, dis- solution of all political bounda- ries, legalization or marijuana, release of all political prisoners, free 'education and an end to the draft. , Panther literature began going out to high school ancients, par- ticularly in the Midwest, and an- gry parent's asked postal offi- cials to ban it. ? Clyde Smith of the Pontiac, GIALREVP80001601R000 "It's strictly the filthiest stuff I've ever seen. Ten, 11 and 12-year-olds are receiving it. I'm bewildered with some of it and it frightens -me." Two Panthers were charged with distributing obscene materials to minors and several cbseenity ? cases were brought against recoil store clerks who sold the MC-5'a. ' "Kick Out the ? jams.." One national magazine wrote that the record album was ''run- old with rotten revolutinary rhetoric, and the 111.1731C there's no music, juai sound: ugly crashes airci bLogs zaal, whizzes and wings and dings ... manic, vulgar sound." ? Sinclair ignored the criticism and worked hard to redece ten- sions between Ann 1?a-ber youth and police. He encoaraged youths "to attend city comicil meetings and make therns,?lves heard instead of sitting around bitching about: cotalitirtaa,? ? The Panthers negotiated with the city fathers to obtain per- mits for Sunday afternoon con- certs in local parks. They VIEUIL.- cd youths to stay away from dangerous drugs litre harola, morphine and barbitreatos. ? By the summer of 1.080 Sin- clair was 'so busy working on these problems that he had near- ly forgotten about the 1.937 marijuana offense. But when he was notified of a July trial date. he didn't panic; he organized au' elaborate deferee challenging t Ii e constitutionality of marijuanitprohibition. In court medical ex-parts told a three-judge .panel that marijuana was not addictive arid that it was safer than cigarettes. But the panel threw out the chal- lenge and on July 25, 1989, he was convicted.. He was son; teaced. July 28, 1.1!30 by the De- troit Recorder's Court Judge, Robert J. Colombo: "John Sinclair has been out to show that the law means nothing to him and to his ilk. Well, the time has . come. Tie day has come. And you may laugh, Mr. Sinclair, but you have a long time to laugh about it. Because it is the judgment of this Court that you, John Sinclair, stand committed to the State Prison for a minimum term of net less than nine and one-half ma more than 10 years." For two inarijnona cigarettes. 10011100ert-2""r ? Approved For. Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-0160.1R0 STATINTL - -DETROIT, MICH. NEVIS CiAN .1 6 1973.: E 592,616 S ? 827,086 By JEFERY IIADDEN ;,,iews st..p.t! Writcr .. Federal Judge Damon Keith : has been asked to choose be- tween two conflicting court 1, rulings in deciding whether to .4 permit wiretap evidence at .'; the trial of three White Panth- .? ers charged in the bombing of Ann Arbor's CIA office. At issuze.? jaaata.,..aat.stion of a whether the U.S. attorney gen- eral must obtain a Federal i Court warrant to tap the tele- phone of a person suspected of . iplottiag against the govern- ment. ? _ .. . ., The defendants are Law- rence R. (Pun) Plamondon, 25,, charged with the actual ! bombing, which occurred Sept. 29, 1968, and John Sin- t- -: daft, 28, a.nd John W. Forrest, ?2I, both accused of conspir- i' acy. ? ? U.S. Atty. Gen. John N. t Mitchell has admitted in an affadavit that federal agents had tapped Plamondon's tele- phone without a warrant from a federal judge. FEDERAL LAW permits '? wiretaps without court war- 'rants in cases involving sus- pected foreign subversives, but bars them in domestic im- inal Cases'. The law is unclear ondomestic subversion eases,. . observers say. Defense attorney William KunstIcr told Keith he knows of only one previous case in which a federal judge had ruled on precisely the same issue. Ile cited a deci- sion earlier this v.-eek by a California judge who said that warrants are required. Assistant U.S. Attorney John 11. Hamner, however, said a . federal judge in Kan.:as- had ruled last September that such wiHtaps were legal in cases designated b3.7 the at torn ey general as involving threats by domestic insur gen t against national security. THE CONFLICT grots out of a pretrial motion in which Kunstler has asked Keith to .bar the wiretap evidence against his clients. Keith gave no in (Ilea ti on on when he a would annottace a decision. The defense is. also 'asking that IS-year-olds be authorized to sit on the Panthers' jury. It cited the recent U.S. Su- preme Court ruling granting IS-year-olds the right to vote 'in future federal elections. Presently, jury rolls arc taken from voter ',registration lists which still do not reflect the 38-year-old vote decision. Several defense witnesses have testified that. the federal 'court system, in its jury selec- tion procedures, is weighted against persons under 29. Dr. Gerald Kline, an assist- ant journalism Pi ?lessor at the University of Michigan, teatified yesterday that youths ; are suspicious of the tradi- tional Political process.. BECAUSE OF 'I IIIS, Kline said, many refuse to'regiSter. to vote and hence would not bc summoned to jury duty. The defense concluded yes- 'terday's session with the testi- ; mony of ; State Rep. Jackie Vaughn 11T, Detroit Democrat. Vaughn said "many young people regard the traditional politic al system as "hope-. ; lessly lost." Campaigning for the state IS-year-old vote amendment . last year revealed a large amount ? of prejudice against ; youths, Vaughn said.. ? ? ? Approved For Release 2001103/04 : CIA-RDF'80431601R000100100001-2 ? Approved For Rthqa?At.ink1/14.3/194,1kig- IA-FR-FRT 16 Jan 1971 , Y LEE', WIN.FREY Fro Press SWF Willa:* A. federal Prosecutor con-- ?:t en ded Saturday that three 'members of the White Panther :Party accused in a bombing ? case are seeking "preferential treatment" in trying to get IS- year-olds on their jury. , ? "They are saying that they are somehow better (than all ?'other defendents), and entitled .to a jury that is more likely to . acquit them," said Assistant -U.S. District Attorney J. Ken- neth Lowrie in a. hearing be- re U.S. District Judge Damon J. Keith. , ?? Hugh ? M. (Buck) Davis, one of three defense attorneys for White Panthers John A. Sin- ..?'elair, Lawrence R. (Pun) Pia- mondon and John IV. (Jack) ?P or res t, denied Lowrie'S charge. ? "Whatever we gain (in new jury procedures) will he auto- matically extended to all crim- inal defendants," Davis said. The defense lawyers contend ? that the Panthers cannot re- ceive a fair trial unless their panel includes younger jurors mo re sympathetic to the Panthers' long hair, beards end blue jeans. ? Piamondon a n d ??? FOrrest are accused of con- ? " 7rn t'r r"? if-1)17 ri-ic .1.4_ tv / t.../ 7 ? spiring to bomb an office of viquest, saying that the taps the Central Intelligence were legal because they were ? Agency in Ann Arbor on Sept. ordered by U. S. Attorney 29, 1968. Plamonclon is addi- General John Mitchell, and tionally charged with the ac- that no material gained from .tual bombing. ? them will be .used in Plamon tionsiproscoution: , FEDERAL juries here are now selected from per s ons registefecl to vote in the 1968 presidential election. The de- fense offered Georgia state Rep. Julian Bond Saturday to suppor t its contention that . such a selection system dis- criminates against !younger - people. Bond, a 31-year-old Atlanta Negr o, testified that young blacks in particular register to - vote .- in proportionately smaller numbers than older blacks. . , "Young blacks," said Bond, "harbor a great deal of suspi- cion toward polit ic s. They don't believe that there are :any rewards for them (in the standard political system), ei- ther singly or as a group." - Under cross-examination by Assistant U. S. District Attorz ney. John II. Eausner, Bond conceded that a 21-year-old black juror might be so hostile toward the government that he might be biased against fed- eral prosecutors. udge Keith took the jury question under advisement. Me ? J is expected to rule before Jan. . 26, the date set for the opening bf the trial. , 'Keith also took under ad- visement a defense request to see the logs of wiretaps which the govermnent has conceded ? were placed on Piamondon. Hasner ? opposed the re-? 11111(9." 1 .1 711/ Tr4 ci CIV ? In an affidavit to Keith last inonth, Mitchell said he op-. posed the defense- request be- cause making the taps public "wouldl prejudice the national Interest." Approved For Releasd 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R0001001 00001-2 Approved For RelingeDMI/03/fat: CI -RDP8T0- TATIN 16 Jan 1911 ?' V ''r? o j 1?"4 r ] q pl G?4 6. .1 n 61 1J Li i v11 . ? ??? 11 ? ,1 , L., ti JEFERY DADDEN ? 24cw5 Start Writer Federal. Judge Damon Keith has been asked to choose be- tween two conflicting court rulings in deciding whether to permit ? wiretap ' evidence at the trial of three White Panth- ers charged in the bombing of'l Ann Arbor's CIA office. At issue is the question of ? whether the U.S. attorney gen- eral mist obtain a Federal - Court lvarrant to tap the tele- - phorie of a person suspected of plotting against the govern- ment. ? ? The defendants are Law- rence. R; (Pun) Plamondon, 25, charged with the actual bombing, which oc curr Sept. 29, 1988, and john Sin- clair, 28, and John W. Forrest, 0 r, ,ji\511 J 4:ry\ (74 n ? J Q-s1 d , ? peeled foreign subversives, but bars them in domestic crim- inal cases. The law is Unclear on domestic subversion eases, observers say. _ Defense attorney William M. Kunstler ..told Keith he Rnows of only one previous case in which a federal judge had ruled on precisely the same issue. Ile cited a deci- sion earlier this week by a California judge who said that warrants are required. , ? Assistant U.5. Attorney john 31. Ilausner, however, said a federal judge in Kansas had ruled last September that such wiretaps were legal in cases designated by the at tor n4ey general as involving threats by domestic insur gen t s against national security. ? THE CONFLICT grows out 21, both accused of conspir- of a pretrial motion in which .Kurfstler has asked Keith to U.S. Atty. Gen.. john N. bar the '?riretap ev id enc - Mitchell has admitted in an affadavit that federal agents against his clients. Keith gave ? had tapped_ Plamondon's tele- no in dicati on on when he phone without a warrant from a federal judge. ?.,. - FEDERAL LAW' -permits ? Wiretaps without court Nva- rants in eases involving sus- It cited the recent U.S. Su, acy. would announce a decision. ? . ., The defense is also asking that 18-year-olds be authorized ? to sit on the Panthers' jury. preme Court ruling granting 18-year-o1ds the right to vote in future federal elections. .Presently. jury rolls are taken from voter registration lists 'which do not reflect the 18-year-old vote decision. Several defense witnesses have testified that the federal court system, in its jury selec- tion procedures, is weighted against persons under 29. ? Dr. Gerald Kline, an assist- - ant journalism . professor at. the University or Michigan, testified yesterday that youths are suspicious of the tradi- tional political process. BECAUSE OF THIS, Kline said, many refuse to register to vote and hence would not be ? summoned to jury duty. The defense concluded yes- terday's session with the testi- mony of State Rep. Jackie Vaughn III, Detroit Democrat. Vaughn said "many young people regard the traditional pm 1 itic al system as "hope- lessly lost." Campaigning for the state 18-year-old ,vote amendment last year revealed a large amount of prejudice against youths, Vaughn said. Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 ? Approved For Release 2001/03/04 :' CIA-RDP80-01601 THE DEiTOIT NEWS 15 Jan 1971 ? e v r-, cA ' t.4 -,"???? ?=.:.V vv.), I n vnunrj STATINTL BY JEFFERY IIADDEN Nt T75 Statilgriter Allen Ginsberg, poet laure- ate of- the Lcat Generation, -world traveler and self-styled ;guru, tbstified in court yester- ? 'clay that the Federal Court ? ;systerh is out of touch with the feelings and desires of the , nation's young people. . ? . He was- called to the stand .11 . . ? . r" J?.:7-:.i!.. :...... ,..i.ir e".; ?_.....71 r: ? ? . .. ? ? ITV hL.------iriectSidclz. "rIlelease 2001/03/04.: CIA-RDP lb. ' From Hit ' 0:her Pary.) rciu.,:: Pori!) , EALAMAZOO, MICH. GAZETTE JAN : 1 5 17i E 58,086 - 60,100 r 1 I JL1j,',k, - ,!d (--,? L STATINTL !Jo . If: [LO- Te' )1,0 fie ;fir 7L7137,.. ? Ar(77171- _L. (LI '-By ARTHUR SILLS Gazette Staff Writer - Clairninab the nation is in a - ? Nazi-like nightmare, William M. Kunstier Thursday urged `'unity against repress' :n before it's too late." ; The. country's courts are being used to crush dissent, the !'; defense attdrney. told an audi- nce of some 2000, at Western .Michigan University. is, he said, "the utilization ? 4Df legal pro6.esses to crush ? social moveinc.NritS', 'to . keep 7,decaying systems alive a little, % longer and to stagnate a n ci frustrate the power 01 the ? peo- ple.". . . - ? The trial itself "is t h e .obscenity...that wilt do the 'legalized murderin g," he said., 'The strange- thing in this, country is that we take the courts seriously" when they are used to destroy, good men ,and !good women, "? Kunstier said. ?. general repression." ? His' field house a'cldre'ss was broken by applause. several ?times, along with shouts of "Right On!" from the au-11- ence, mostly college-age. Trim in a black and wh'te checked suit, Kunstier has an ' angled face (Esquire said he looks like "Lincoln on pot") ? framed by, bushy 'gray side-. , burns azil topped by A scoop of curling silver-flecked black hair.' His WIVIU address, was a.. rov- ing, rambling talk strung with warnings about rolling repres: sions and urgings to work for a "freer, more decent, more lov- ing -society." He compared the new bomb plot charges to the Nazi arson of the Reichstag that was , blained on scapegoat ? commu- nists to spur Hitler's seizute of German power. ? ^ Demonstrations 'of the use of , "seemingly legal procedures" ! to crush dissent are all through A THANK-YOU KISS ? Poet Allen Ginsberg expresses his thanks in Detroit to attorney William Kunsticr for bringing him to the prelimin'sr;,, hearings of three white panthers accused of bombing a C,I,Lbuilding in Ann Arbor. Later Thursday Kuristler and Gin.Zerg t?Lvele'd to Kalamazoo where they spoke at WMT.I's Read Field house. "We . tolerate them' when weireoms for a client l"-2t th?-it,'Irern the virus of subverSto-n?,tory, including the yial. of ' !rshould destfoy the instituflonl reads Iii;:e a roster of di5S2ii . . ? . esu, said Kunstler. ? 1. l . tolcl the. applauding achlier:ce. aticoird x and the Freedorn aii.i-.:ice:.is upon . dissenters as the ,KlInstler catalogued ..the piv- 'Read Fki:id House. Many of the e,r are oh it. So ace-Adayti..-,nmy, authorities will take the Its of protest: -My Lai, Kent . . youthful listeners sat on the dayton Powell, Jack Ruhy and.iceuritry's force to "intimidate, State, Jackson State,. the "mur- :floor. . ,,,. , Jerry Rubin. litc:rorize all of us," be . said. der of (Black Panther) Fred He was named this .week as ; . . - - Hampton in his bed in Chi- , L? 'Kunstler . shared the p. a' i d e f en e, attorney for six. per- ! -At a press conference., Kuns-,:ago," the t ri Ls Is of .Bobby with poet (illen Ginslyarg at the sons, including the Rev. Phili';:' tler claimed theJederal kidis Seale Angela Davi and John :Thursday night program spo::-, Berrigan, accused in . a con- bomb charges' are part of a ,,?.,_?, s sored by t1-;e vimu .Associn;d. spiracy -? to - kidnap ;and-bomb political ! timotable . tied to th'e.Sinclair. ' . 'Student . Government and. the pmt. Vietnam war: ? . things and call ourselves risen ? "How can we live with these . . newly-formed Serving the Peoe The federal indictments,indi- ,-, ? ? i, has to be settled one way or land women?" he asked. D5' August, 19/2, the war pie .(ST1?). , ' ? . 'cate, said Kunstler,. that court . The attorney threaded his 45- .fo. force is -cc is now aimed at the another" he said. . minute address With warnings, that the ? anti-war movement is American middle. ' With the Paris peace talkS ...., marked for destruction and. Contrasting the six -vr,th tilt': apparently ..stalemated, he said. Oust unite against it. ?extreme? of yippie leach: military power -would be used ."Otherwise," he _said, "they !Rubin, he ' said they weed to end the war. that can baso perverted," heio Dr. Martin Luther King? Using . this ? tactic of fear to 1,7.111 divide, and Colic Lin III of ? Approvea i-or 51-year-old Kunstier has lant-:ear-ed n rintrr_ wed lease a0,01 "beidiitiacii at The anit-war risov94aW4.ti:i 95.111.7tut6 people." If the six are convicted, h the timetable calls for the nuclear 1,varlievAls, he said, so "If it isn't you that moves...- your generation . . we will stand forever . . .and more good men and women arb .going to go down in the 'thist.of our system." "Power to the People has a opoolo sntlr.,,ov`i'elin means " e 6 , !Tr-4 _ 2001/04/04J/CIAADP80-01601 ? ? . ? ?1.1 0 - t ,r1) 0 if t u 1r, By a sto5 ccrrespri;ui.2nt of The,Clirait:Sci-2iice Monitor , ? VtlasIlington A greatly intensified effort to protect pub- lic se' \rants from politically motivated harm has been undertaken by the Secret Service, /the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Central Intelligence Agency. The chief members of the government here, as well as the personnel of foreign em- bassies in Washington and American em- bassies abroad, are being given a rapidly expanded .guard. Meanwhile, programs to train 'specialized police and intelligence agents for this pur- pose are proceeding under forced draft. Very little is being said in public about ? this effort, lest ideas for blackmailing gov- ernm.ents and their ofilCials be planted in militant .or unstable minds. The results of , the inteleisitled 'protection. are visible as 'well as known to Washington news correspon- dents, however. . . The issue is pointed up by the Berrigan affair which iic.)w is being ,given widd pub- licity because 'it is unavoidable-, in view of a public grand jury indictment, and because it ? shows what Is .represented by the indictment -as successful police work by the ? KidDap plot clilar3-0(1 ? 'Charged with conspiracy, the accused. have to be considered innocent unless -their forthcoming. court trial results in a guilty 'e'dict for any of seven indictments, which presume the possibility of conspiracy to blow up the heating pipes for some federal build- - ings here, and thereafter to kidnap Presi- dential Assistant for National Security Af- fairs Henry A, Kissinger., It is assumed by the FBI that an anti-? war group -calling itself the East Coast Con- spiracy to Save Lives including . a 'number ? of Roman Catholic priests like the Rev. Philip F. Berrigan, a former priest, and nun who were. included in the indictment, is not paCifIst as claimed, but willing to corn- Omit crimes to try to stop the fighting in Vietnam.,. This is denied by those of the defendants ? who have spoken 'publicly, and by other members of the so-called East Coast Con- spiracy. Without -drawing any -conclusions from ? this 'case, which is yet to be tried, it shows the greatly enlarged bffort of the FBI to deal with the clangers of a period in which both norMal and abnormal persons have' been increasingly involved with violence be- cause of the violence of the Vltetnansi war. 0/,. . ? . been declared against governments and their hitherto vulnerable top men. It is conducted by persons and groups who are willing to use illegal violence to protest what the gov- comment considdrs to be a legal form of violence in the Vietnam war. Without attempting a judgment on the political and social questions involved, or the legal questions, the result has been a wave of efforts to blackmail governments .on the part of frustrated citizens. Americans are highly conscious of. the . three assassinations of- two Kennedys and Dr. Martin Luther King, and -of the hijack- ing of airplanes in the recent Jordanian crisis. They have heard of the kidnappings of American, British, Canadian, and Latin- American diplomats and public figures. They have been told that security agents now are flying on American international plane routes. . ? . - catt5es' What they have not seen is the guards ac- companying many more officials than Mr. Kissinger, Or standing outside embassies here. In his most recent issue of Uniform Crime Reports, FBI Director J. Edgar 2 , Hoover makes a discreet reference to the "social causes"- along with other causes of the sharp increas.e in crime in the past year. He refers to controversial legislation passed by, Congress and state legislatures, which he calls "positive action" to meet, among other things, "civil disorder crises." He does not mention the shaui.'increase in agents of his and other. protection agencies, which appear only ein legislative appropriations. STATI NTL The ,,citiestions which arise of protecting innocent persons from a wave of new security measures and from public pres- sures to solve crimes of this sort are yet unanswered and only began to be discussed by the expiring .Congress in any detail. But the known and unavcr.ved incidents of the new kinds of guerrilla war are press- ing on the police and they are responding under counterpressure. A new era embracing new levels and techniques of law enforcement, along with its attendant problems of personal liberty and defense of the- innocent, seems to be opened. Whether it 'will abate with the -winding down of the Vietnam war, assum- ing that takes place as hoped,- remains to be seen. ? viPle"ce Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 There are many cases, some disclosed, . others kept quiet, and still more before the r,?111 Iror 1-Inc ? : ? a. 1 ??? ' ? ? V t " ? ? ? . ? ? , , ? ? (?7, ? ; , a 'Ir.. ? r ? ? ? ? , I ? ? . ? I ? 1.4. ? ? j???? ? ? *a. 64,? M.". ? ? r.r.- ? .? ; ?? ??????---? ? ," ? ,!..f..1,?'? ? i? ? ?!' s ? tn. ? :,tr%"fil ? ? ?.. H HI ? 1 CiLl i i ''- . :ifl B 93 % .... 4 . . , ...... . ..... iss? '. 11.... II I I .... ,..?t.? lib 46.... ' ilw ? . wrommummacomp. 1,1 tq.. .7 . ....... .......,0. S;19..75 r ic ..............,. , , .? .......... .4, ,,,.?? .......? Om.* ""i- dr* . . 6......_ .......c. . ...); . ....... 0 Nuoil tfltIota.tuvi [3ttl4) --1, .:irc,v.: ,,:?!:,.,:' ,. a part o1 the Masave A4i-War Spring Offensive beginning. in the D.C. Metro Area on At)ril 2Gth, in the form or non-vidlent. civil disobedience at key Ovornmental institutions and at ' key arterio of traffic leafling to these institutions, we of - Northern Virginia arc calling for a NON-VIOLENT gathering, to protest the U.S. governmcntlp involvement in South East Asia, ..? and to build support for a a0INT TREATY OV PEACE betwcen tho .., ' . . people of Porth and South Vietnam. It will take place on Aoril - ? %ry ' 2Gtho wed? with people ra4lying at .the Quaker Meeting House, ''S 7-110Zrpike(Rt.193),-xti; 2:00 p.m. There -will be :,' passions in non-violent cvil disobedience from 2:00 to 3-00 at 0. . . the church along with an i4formation.tablo; speakers, and small . workshops. At 3:30 people will' march down At. 193 to tho entrance, . 'of CIA. This march will bo lof a non-violont nature. We havo chonen the Man a targotibecaune of their role in training. -',..,) .. :: militia fore s to.provohe iiienocidal war in g.B. Asia. t, This call in onn of much iipsortance so nlease show your numbes ' '...-- ?PEACE I3 COPUNG,... nrcAuss TnE PIMPLE ARM MARTNG TUE,PE1:kCF.... '' 321.'7790 or coma by 5312 0 eonsberryAve,.Springficld, Va.. ,: yor mom info call tho Nor horn Va. May Day iiieti. Center at .i. 1 I . 0 ? ? I I a I i I. I I I . . Apprewdd For Release 20 1/03/04 : GIA-10p8p-01601R0001.00100001-2 / I , I t. I?M IA Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDOia:bli\01 SAIGON, Jan. 4 (AP)--The: saga of the Green Berets in .Vietnam came to an end today with the transfer of the laL ' two Special Forces camps to the South Vietnamese. ? The move reflected the Vietnamization of the war and .-the downgrading of the Green Berets, currently out of favor .with U.S. Army regulars though their exploits won 'them fame in song and story, 'and even a movie. At their peak, the Green Be- . ?rets operated 80 camps in time in a month. Vietnam, mostly near the bor- ? In Vientiane today, in- ?ders of Laos and Cambodia. . formed sources said a smet At the camps, small teams. !military operation innorthern of Green Berets recruited and . Laos has failed to destro:, commanded civilian irregular North Vietnamese supplies mercenaries, largely mountain pouring into the Plain of Jars. tribesmen called Montagnards. But the informants said the The canips had been oper- operation has succeeded par- ated by the U.S. Special tially in taking pressure off ... Forces since 1964, although the -U.S. Central Intelligence. ; some Green Berets were sent Agency's Long Cheng nerve ? 1 to Vietnam as early as 1961 on center southwest of the plain. temporary assignment s. Laotian military spokesmen. Sources said. Green. Berets have refused to disclose de- ., Would continue to lead clan- tails of the month-long opera- destine -operations in Laos. In- tion centered on Ban Ban, east' formants said the Green Beret of the Plain of Jars, and news-. ? unit is likely to return to Ft. men are forbidden to travel to; Bragg, N.C. the area. The last camp transfers were carried out as the U.S. Cominand announced further cuts in American troop strength and amid unofficial predictions that the American - :withdrawal from Vietnam would be speeded. The U.S. Command an- nounced a drop in troop strength of 2,100 men, lower- ing the total of American serv- icemen in Vietnam as of Dec. 31 to 335,800. The figure was the lowest in four years and-8,200 below the 344,000 men President Nixon had, set as the goal for the end of last year. On the battlefields no major action was reported, but. U.S. B-52 bombers attacked North Vietnamese positions int South Vietnam for the first; Approved For Release 2001/03/04 : CIA-RDP89-01601R000100100001-2 STATINTL Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 OMITITRATIV: - INTERNAL USE ONLY DD/S 66-6750 Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 MEMORANDUM FOR: Mr. Joseph C. Goodwin Assistant to the Director SUBJECT : Aerial Photos of CIA Buildings REFERENCE : Memo dtd 29 Nov 66 to DD/S ft Mr. Goodwin same subj. Mr. Bannerman will appreciate your ordering prints of the excellent aerial photos in the quantities we have indicated in the attached list. We will then make further distribution to com- ponents within the Support Services. STATI NTL Executive Officer to the Deputy Director for Support Att Aproved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 - INTERNAL USE ONLY ADMINISTRLTIVE INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 AERIAL PHOTOS Number Total DD/S Number Total DD/S N-3 1 W-4 2 4 3 5 4 5 1 6 ') J 6 2 11 2 7 2 12 1 12 4 14 3 14 1 16 1 17 2 21 1 19 3 22 1 20 2 27 2 21 1 30 1 22 1 32 1 23 2 33 3 24 3 34 3 25 1 35 2 26 2 36 1 27 1 37 2 28 3 38 1 30 3 41 2 Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 "TNISTRI.TIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Appr FREMIRtivOcaliP 1. Attached are the photographs you requested. 2. It was a pleasure to obtain them for you. ;Joseph C. Goodwin Assistant to the Director 18 January 1967 .(DATE) FORM NO. 101 REPLACES FORM 10.101 I AUG 54 WHICH MAY BE USED. (47) Approved For Release 2001/03/04.: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2 e A- I) fii DA., si TRANSMITTAL IP TO: Mr. Joseph C. Goodwin BUILDING 1F04 Hqs . ROOM NO. REMARKS: /-? t 6 To iMr= STATINTL FROM: Executive Officer to the DD/S ROOM NO. BUILDING 7D18 Hqs. EXTENSION 6535 FORM REPLACES FORM 36-8 I FEB NA.241 WHICH MAY BE USED. (41) Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100100001-2